Educational games for children 7 years old learning to read. Learning to read by syllables in a playful way

It is recommended to proceed to the lessons on learning to read words after classes in our Primer and on the tasks of the subsections "Games with letters", "Lessons in reading syllables". The ability to read words correctly for a child is not enough. He must understand the meaning of what he read. In the previous exercises of the "Teaching to Read" section, much attention was paid to the sound analysis of words and syllables, the development of phonemic hearing. The purpose of this subsection is to teach the child to understand the meaning of the words read. The tasks of the subsection "Learning to read words" are built on six types different methods: linking a word to a visual image; linking a visual image to a word; correlation of individual words with groups of visual images, united together in meaning; study of the concepts of part and whole; search for hidden words in the table of letters; replacing a letter in a word to change the meaning of the word.

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Our parents still remember the time when it was considered normal that a first grader, coming to school, could not read and write. All these skills were carefully practiced by teachers with seven-year-olds during almost the entire first year of schooling. Today program elementary school requires that a student come to the first grade already reading, able to count and write a little, otherwise he immediately falls into the laggards. "Learning to read fast!" This is the requirement of today's school.

Not surprisingly, responsible parents start thinking about teaching reading quite early. Today, there is more than one technique that helps to teach kids to read from scratch, developed various exercises, helping to remember letters, you can find more than one cartoon or video on this topic on the Web. It is even difficult to choose which method is better when it is worth starting training - in a year, three or five.

Even though it's popular these days early development, and more than one such methodology and program for kids is offered, most experts believe that there is no need to rush to start learning letters and especially reading. The principle of "learning to read and speak" is not good for the baby. Your child is ready to start learning if they:

  • He has mastered speech well, that is, he can coherently talk about something, easily composes sentences.
  • There are no speech problems.
  • Easily hears and recognizes sounds, regardless of whether they are at the beginning, end or middle of a word.
  • Clearly represents and names the position of objects in space.

Your child meets these requirements, so you can start learning to read at home.

So that you can confidently say “we learn to read easily”, you have to prepare yourself by choosing the appropriate technique and choosing necessary materials: pictures for kids, exercises, videos, examples, cartoons. And most importantly, without which you can not do - it's a primer. We learn to read only with him.

When, then for children 5-6 years old, the alphabet of E. Bakhtina will be one of the suitable options.

Only when you are ready yourself, you can proceed to classes. Whichever method you choose, remember a few rules on how to properly organize training:

  • Classes should be held regularly, but do not last long. Start with five to seven minutes and gradually increase to half an hour.
  • When the classes pass the 10-minute mark, then it is necessary to diversify the forms in it: alternate the game with singing, drawing letters and folding cubes, watching a video or cartoon.
  • You can learn to read from scratch only by playing. Everything monotonous kills the interest of the child.
  • Do not rush. Move on to a new stage only if the previous one is firmly mastered.
  • Going to the next stage, be sure to repeat the previous one.
  • Search for examples of what has been covered in real life. For example, read syllables or familiar letters on signs and advertisements.

We read syllables according to the Zaitsev method

One of the interesting ways to teach a child to read by syllables while playing is the technique of Nikolai Zaitsev. It is based on the use of special developing material, warehouses. The child learns to read with the help of games, songs and sing-alongs.

A warehouse is a consonant-vowel pair that differ in color. They can be found in the form of cards, but it is better to use cubes with warehouses designed by a scientist. The 52 cubes included in the set vary in size, weight, content and color according to the syllables on it. It helps children learn to read from scratch using all the senses.

Learning vowels and consonants

Before learning to read syllables, you need to master the letters. Here it is very important to read them correctly by memorizing. No "be", "ve", as they learn letters, studying the alphabet. It is necessary to learn the sound corresponding to this letter. Only "B", "M", etc., otherwise it is difficult for a child to understand how they add up when moving to reading by syllables.

Some experts say that it is necessary to learn to read syllables only after the entire alphabet has been firmly learned. But other methods suggest starting this already when at least a few vowels and consonants are well mastered. You need to learn letters not in random order, but in the following:

  1. The first will be vowels - A, O, U, E, S.
  2. Having learned open hard vowels, we move on to hard voiced consonants. This is M and L.
  3. Only having mastered these fairly simple sounds and letters well, you can move on to deaf, hissing consonants and complex soft vowels: Zh, Sh, Shch, Ya, I, Yu, etc.

How to put letters into syllables

It happens that even having mastered the entire alphabet, it is difficult for a child to move on to composing letters into syllables. There are several ways that can help here:

  • Let's learn to read together. We help the child understand what the syllable consists of, clearly articulating sounds.
  • We sing a syllable, prolonging the sound of the letters: m-m-m-a-a-a, so that they merge together.

To master this first stage, videos and cartoons can help. In order not to create additional difficulties, we first read simple syllables.

Simple syllables

Simple, uncomplicated syllables include those that consist of two sounds: BA, MA, LO, etc., where one sound is a solid voiced consonant, and the second is an open vowel. Having mastered them, the baby with understanding will be able to master the combination of vowels with deaf and hissing consonants.

Complex syllables

Complex ones do not include those consisting of three letters (they reach this later), but syllables with a vowel at the beginning. Only having mastered the reading of AB, OM, etc., it is worth moving on to the further development of reading and writing. When learning new things, do not forget to do exercises and examples on what has already been covered.

Let's move on to reading words and sentences

Only by mastering simple and complex syllables, you can learn to read words. To do this, choose either words of 3 letters, or consisting of two identical two-letter syllables.

3-letter words should start out looking like a simple syllable with a consonant attached. For example, KO with the letter T becomes CAT. To three-letter words like PLI, THREE, you need to move on a little later.

You should not take words where several consonants stand side by side, even the word SISTER is difficult for a novice literate.

If you learned syllables by singing them, then turning to words, be sure to teach your child to pause between words.

Learning to read with an educational game

In order to confidently say that we learn to read with pleasure, it is advisable to master various educational games. You can purchase or make puzzles learning to read by syllables, where the pictures contain letters and syllables. With the correct addition of the puzzle, we get the word. Such a syllable puzzle will play the role of an exercise to consolidate the past.

You can download cartoons or educational videos to help you study. Many of these have been created.

Good material for educational games will be cards, cubes, magnetic alphabet. You can play with them:

  1. Pick up the word. The host puts any two letters, and the players deliver letters or syllables to make a word.
  2. Guess. The first two letters are put, and the kid must guess the word and complete it. Pictures are used as clues.
  3. Find what you need. The host voices the syllable, and the child finds it among the laid out cards (cubes).

Such and similar games- this is good exercise reinforcing children's knowledge of letters and the ability to read.

Texts to read by syllables

In order for the proposed text to become readable, it must meet several requirements. To do this, it is better to choose books that have large print and a lot of pictures. These early books often have only a few words per page. They are short and simple. The meaning of the reading is explained by the picture. Learning to read, the baby at first cannot grasp the meaning of what is read only from words. Such books with a minimum of text, where the main plot is revealed in pictures, will be affordable.

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Today I would like to talk about the very first games for learning to read. They are suitable, first of all, for children who still do not know how to read at all ( you can play now from 1.5-2 years ), but, of course, they will also be useful to those who have already learned a little continuous reading.

I want to say right away that there will be no games like coloring and modeling from plasticine all the letters of the alphabet in turn. In mine, I already wrote that a child who has memorized individual letters from the alphabet or in any other way subsequently experiences many difficulties with merging them into syllables. Therefore, I want to invite you to play not with letters, but immediately with warehouses (MI, NO, TU ...) and short words. With this approach the child constantly sees ready-made letter combinations before his eyes, plays with them, shifts, and, as a result, quickly remembers . At first - only visually, then - he tries to reproduce himself. As a result of problems with the merging of letters, the child does not experience in principle, he immediately reads the warehouse. But, interestingly, in the process of such games, the child remembers all the letters.

What do you need for games?

So we will play:

  1. with warehouses (not to be confused with syllables)

The concept of a warehouse was introduced by Nikolai Zaitsev (the creator of the well-known Zaitsev cubes). Unlike a syllable, which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters, the warehouse is considered the minimum pronounceable unit. The warehouse can be:

  • consonant-vowel fusion (YES, MI, BE…);
  • single vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- YU-TA);
  • a separate consonant closed syllable(KO- W-KA; MA-I- To);
  • consonant with a soft or hard sign (МЬ, ДЪ, СЬ…).

In the game, you can use both Zaitsev's cubes and cards with warehouses written on them. I will not at all persuade you now to buy expensive Zaitsev cubes. Yes, this is an interesting and useful guide, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase them, do not be discouraged, you can do it at home. great amount benefits, with only cardboard and felt-tip pens.

  1. with words written according to the warehouse principle.

You can either write words by hand with a felt-tip pen or print them out on a printer. So that the child sees not only the whole word, but also learns to analyze its composition, we will single out warehouses in it. It is undesirable to separate warehouses using additional signs (separate them with dashes, circle them), it is best to highlight them different colors. In this case, you do not need to use all the colors of the rainbow, take two colors that are close in hue, for example, blue and cyan or dark green and light green. You will also need black. We write the first warehouse in one color, the second in another, the next one again in the first, etc. But! The shock warehouse is always highlighted in black, since it is heard “brighter”.

What words to write on the cards?

The main essence of this approach to teaching reading is to show the child that letters and words are not meaningless squiggles, they denote very specific objects, and you can play with them just like with familiar toys.

Basic principles of games

There is one very the right way to discourage a child's desire to read is to constantly arrange checks for him: “Tell me, what letter is this?”, “Read what is written here!”. Having shown the child a letter a couple of times, we expect that on the third time he will already call it, and even better, read the word with its participation. If you really want to get your child interested in reading, then put aside trying to test the child for at least a while and just read along with him!

It is natural that a child who is just beginning to join the world of letters cannot read a word. Therefore, when showing the child words, do not require him to read, but at first read it for yourself! At the same time, you can hold the baby's finger letter by letter. After some time, the child will definitely begin to recognize warehouses and words and will repeat them after you.

Sometimes the word needs to be read slowly, highlighting each warehouse in it, sometimes it is necessary to name the whole word so that the baby learns to perceive the words as a whole.

While reading, you can also name individual letters (for example, if you don’t like the warehouse approach), but in this case it is advisable not to pronounce the name of the letter (“el”, “ka”), but the sound that corresponds to this letter (“l”, "to").

Reading games

1. Opening windows

Perhaps there is no such child who would not like books with opening doors. Children love surprises, they love to open and find something, so they are happy to return to this game again and again.

The manual for the game is easy to make at home. To do this, you need two sheets, on one of them draw or stick pictures, on the other (preferably cardboard), cut windows in the appropriate places and sign the words. Glue the sheets. Here you can DOWNLOAD our template with pictures.

For the first benefit, it is enough to write the most simple words like BE-BE and MU-MU, but later you can make a manual with words more difficult.

How to play? First, together with the baby, we read the inscription, then the baby looks under the sash and, looking at the picture, makes sure that he read the word correctly.

2. "Big wash"

First you need to prepare a “clothes line”, fixing it, for example, between the legs of two chairs, as well as a small box or basket for “dirty laundry”.

When everything is ready, we inform the baby that Mishka / Cheburashka / Bunny decided to wash the words. Now you need to help him dry them by fixing the words on the rope with clothespins. After that, we begin to get the words one by one from our “dirty laundry basket”, read them together, running our fingers through the warehouses, and fix the words on the rope.

Carried away by clothespins and the process of drying clothes, the baby will imperceptibly get acquainted with letters and warehouses. Tasha has this game for a long time was among the favorites.

3. Who says what?

Surely you have already accumulated a lot of soft and non-soft toys at home, among which there will definitely be one representative of the fauna. They are needed for this game.

Write on the cards "KRYA", "MU" and other onomatopoeic words that correspond to the animals you have. Then invite your child to read the words on the cards together and give them to the animals so they can sing their song. Each of our toys, receiving its card, cheerfully sang something like “Oink-Oink-Oink, I live in the village”

Another option: you can offer the baby a choice of 2-3 cards and ask him to show where, for example, the word "GAV" is written. Usually, after some time of regular practice, children quickly begin to recognize word cards.

4. Postmen

Imagine yourself as postmen, the words can be delivered in a basket, in a box, in a purse or delivered by car. Give your words-letters to toys that live in different corners of the room: “To you, bear,“ HOUSE ”, and to you, Masha,“ YULA ”. And, of course, before handing out letters to recipients, do not forget to carefully read them with your baby.

5. Zaitsev's chants

Chants can be sung according to Zaitsev's tables or by rotating the cube like this:

Before you sing a chant with your baby, it's best to practice with the rotation of this ingenious cube in advance. After all, you need to twist it quickly and, moreover, in a certain direction: WELL-NO-NA-NE-NY-N or DYU-DYO-DYA-DE-DI-D (vowels always go in that order).

The secret of the chants is that they are all similar to each other both in appearance and in hearing. If a child recognizes at least one consonant on a cube or at least one warehouse, he can quickly restore the entire tune from memory, and, accordingly, sing the entire cube.

As an alternative to Zaitsev's manuals, you can use a video of singing from Mizyaki Dizyaki. The sequence of warehouses in their singing is somewhat different than that of Zaitsev, but I think this does not fundamentally affect the result.

6. Different games with warehouses

FROM Zaitsev's cubes or with handwritten warehouses, you can also come up with a lot of games. For example:

  • We settle animals in cubes-houses, while paying attention to the name of the house. “The bear will live with us in the SO house” ... etc. After resettlement, you can arrange a small role-playing game with trips to visit each other.

  • The same game, only in a flat version, without Zaitsev's cubes:

  • We hide a cube or a card with a warehouse under the blanket / under the table / around the corner and are sincerely curious “Who will come to us now?”, “The CO cube has come to us!”
  • We shift the cubes / cards from one container to another, while calling the written warehouse. The game is suitable for the little ones.

  • We write warehouses in large letters and lay them out around the room. Then we give tasks such as “And now we run to the house DO!”, “Who will find the KA faster, Tasya or the bear?”

7. Tickles

We add Zaitsev's cubes or write on a card some simple two-syllable word - MOTHER, GOAT, GRANDFATHER - and, saying "Someone here came to tickle you, it seems to be a GOAT!" tickle the baby. Before the baby is tickled, try to make sure that he still sees the word.

If you and your baby like to glue, you can try to make a homemade alphabet with him from an ordinary notebook. It is not necessary to include all the letters of the alphabet in such an alphabet, you can make only the most used letters, or vice versa, those that the baby cannot remember in any way. It is good if a separate spread is assigned for each letter, but this is not important.

In our alphabet, next to each letter, we pasted 3-4 pictures, which we necessarily signed. Naturally, it is better to make such an alphabet when the child already recognizes warehouses. Then, before sticking a warehouse, he will be able to choose the right one from several proposed ones. I must say that Tasya learned to recognize the necessary warehouses very soon after the start of classes, but to read them on her own much later.

9. Words in a bag

We write a few words on the cards and put them in an opaque bag (you can also use a pillowcase, a hat or even a kitchen mitt). Then, together with the baby, we take out one word at a time, and, running a finger over it, we read it. Then, also one at a time, put the words back together. The child, as a rule, is very interested in seeing what is in the bag, so he is happy to start searching for new words.

10. Words in boxes

Similarly to the previous game, you can play with boxes. In front of the baby, we put the word in the box, close it, shake it, knock on it, saying “Knock knock! Who is there?”, and then open the box and read the word. Words can also be hidden under a pillow, bucket, scarf. It is very interesting to hide the words together with the baby, for example, from a bear, who will then watch with interest what is there.

We sit in a circle, inviting a couple of toys or family members with us. We distribute one word to everyone, we read who got what. “I have a“ CAT ”, and you have?” and, if the baby still does not know how to read, we ourselves are responsible for him: “And Tasia has “porridge”. Make sure that the child sees all the words. Then we offer to exchange cards “Here you are, Mishka,“ CAT ”! And you give me the word "MAMA".

Thus, only a few words will participate in your game, they will constantly be in front of the child’s eyes, and he will quickly learn to recognize them.

12. Playing with photo holders

An interesting variant of the game can be invented with photo holders made in the form of animals or other interesting figurines. At the back or top of these coasters there are small clothespins in which it is convenient to place words.

A figurine-holder (whether it be a teddy bear or a frog) can carry words, showing it to his toy friends, and if you have several such holders, then it is very interesting to arrange an exchange of words between them. We often arranged something like a dinner: we attached cards with “edible” words to our holders, they “read” them, and then, changing, treated a friend of a friend, including Tasya.

Well, this is only a small part of the games that can help the baby to start reading. Later I will try to continue the topic and publish other reading games, including those for older children. Do not miss: In contact with, Facebook, Instagram, Email.

Play with pleasure!

If earlier children were taught to read at school, today the parents of future first-graders are required to be able to read before entering the first grade, and the issue of self-learning is becoming very relevant. And although they now go to school more often from the age of six, and not from the age of seven, the requirements for future first graders have become higher: the kid must know the entire alphabet, while other schools require full reading ability. Therefore, we, parents, ourselves teach children to read by syllables. How to teach a child to read - read in the article.

Can you go to easy way and send the baby to a special school preparation center or hire a tutor, but the parents themselves are quite capable of getting involved in educational process and teach your child to read by syllables.

The benefits of homework will be double - after all, the baby will not only master the letters and be able to read books on their own, but will also receive additional communication with mom or dad.

Teaching reading can be started from the age of three, but if the child still cannot concentrate or does not want to study, it is better not to put pressure, but to postpone classes a little, casually checking his readiness, introducing him to letters while reading fairy tales, or walking, reading signs.

What you need to teach your child to read:

  1. First of all, buy a good primer. A good one is a primer that teaches you to read not letters, but syllables. If two verified publications, the authors Tkachenko A. N. and Zhukova N. S., they have proven themselves well.
  2. Getting started right away try to learn not letters, but sounds.
  3. Tell the child that vowel sounds can be pulled, sung. Singing vowel sounds is also a good speech therapy training.
  4. Don't push classes let learning be in the form of a game. Therefore, prepare the appropriate materials and manuals: alphabet on magnets, cubes with letters written on them, a wall poster with letters, coloring books with letters, lotto, a talking interactive alphabet.
  5. Children remember well through touch., so each letter can be molded from plasticine or dough, laid out from sticks, sewn and stuffed with padding polyester.
  6. Games give a good effect, in which children determine which letter the word begins with. If a child already knows how to identify a letter by ear, the process of breaking a word into syllables will be easier.
  7. Start learning syllables that contain the letter "a". When the child remembers it, substitute consonants in turn for it and learn the whole syllables at once. Alternately change the reading: "a" - consonant, and then consonant - "a": PA, AP, RA, AP, MA, AM, etc. Let the child understand how the permutation of letters affects reading.
  8. To explain to the baby how to make a syllable, the first consonant draw to a vowel. It is convenient to start this training with hissing (“sh-sh-sh-sh-ah”), and when the child understands the essence, then proceed to other letters.
  9. When the child learns to read some syllables, start making simple words: “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, etc., and then consisting of several syllables - “za-ba-va”.
  10. Then it will be possible to teach the reading of words, consisting of one syllable and a single letter:
    "ma-k", "ba-k", "ba-r-zh".
  11. To increase the child's interest represent each new letter in a playful way. Make up a lot of words for this letter, draw it, sculpt it, etc. You can come up with a lunch menu consisting of food for this letter, stick magnetic letters with words on the refrigerator, etc.
  12. When the reading of syllables with the letter "a" is mastered, you can introduce the baby to another vowel - “o” or “e”. And then, in the same order as with the letter "a", fix: from simple syllables to complex ones.
  13. Then you can try make simple sentences from the learned letters.
  14. In the end introduce the child to soft and hard signs, the letter "Y".
  15. Fix what you've done adding syllables and words from letters-magnets.
  16. Let there be a game moment in your classes. For example, a school game is useful. Let the child try on in turn the role of the student, then the teacher. In the role of a student, deliberately make mistakes in words, and let the "teacher" correct them. This is within the power of a 4-5-year-old baby.
  17. If learning is difficult, or the baby has no desire to study, postpone classes for a more convenient time.
  18. If you do not feel at all in yourself pedagogical abilities, give the baby into the hands of specialists, where they will teach you how to read correctly, and at home you will only consolidate this knowledge by doing homework and playing games.
  19. Believe in your baby, and your success will be just around the corner!

Texts for reading by syllables in Ukrainian.

Texts for reading by syllables in Russian.

Watch the video - "Learning to read by syllables in Ukrainian"

Watch the video - "Learning to read by syllables in Russian"
