Different color (heterochromia) eyes in humans: photos, species, reasons. What is the name of the disease when people have different eyes

The eyes of a man - the mirror of his soul. The color of the eye can determine the character and person. However, there are people, whose eyes are different. Different eyes are a phenomenon marked with 1% of the world's population. This phenomenon in medicine is called heterochromia. It manifests itself in the fact that one eye is partially either completely different from the other in color. This phenomenon is caused by a smaller content in it, compared with another eye, the pigment of melanin. Melain and paints a man. If a person has different eyes, in the iris lighter, the content of melanin pigment is significantly reduced. As a result, it becomes brighter compared to the other.

Why is there such a phenomenon as different eyes? What is the reason that the eyes of a person become different?

If a person has different eyes, this feature is often congenital. However, heterochromia can occur in a person during life. In this case, you should refer to the doctor, because it may be a consequence of various diseases. First, the reason that a person has different eyes is a lack of either an excess of melanin pigment. This may talk about the presence of the following diseases: glaucoma, inflammatory processes of the iris, caused by rheumatism, influenza or tuberculosis, as well as development in the human body benign tumor. In addition, different eyes can appear both as a person's reaction for medicines and medicines.

Another cause of heterochromia is the late removal of iron or copper fragment during eye injury. In this case, the rainbow shell can change its color.

It can become green and rusty brown. These are the main reasons for which there are different rainbow shells can recover if heterochromia is acquired. For example, if you remove a foreign body during eye injuries or cure inflammatory processes.

Heterochromia has two varieties. It can be complete and partial. Partial heterochromia is manifested in the fact that the person's eye is immediately painted in two colors, that is, one part of the iris will have one shade, and the other will be painted in a completely different color. Full of man - These are two eyes of different, different from each other, colors.

Many people think that heterochromia is different eyes in a person - can influence his health or perception of the surrounding world. However, this is a delusion, since, fortunately, in most cases, people with such a phenomenon, as different eyes, do not feel any inconvenience and do not have health problems. However, there are exceptions when people with a bright painted iris can develop a chronic inflammatory process. Such a process can negatively affect human vision. Therefore, people even with congenital, and not acquired heterochromia, it is necessary to attend periodically the Cabinet of the ophthalmologist. Perceived the same as usual. More such phenomenon, like heterochromia, are subject to women than men.

Eyes different color They are considered quite rare phenomenon, which is often hereditary. Some other reasons for the medality of the eyes of people enter the eye injury from hitting the blunt object and elevated intraocular pressurearising from such diseases as glaucoma.Usually both eyes of a person have the same color. However, this is not so in case of people with heterochromia, violation, in which the human eye color varies.

Parents who had a child with different color eye,
It is recommended to check the baby for genetic diseases.

Also known as the emission of the eyes, this violation is characterized by various colors of the iris (disk surrounding eye pupils). Thus, in a man with heterochromia, one eye can be Karim, while the other is green. As a rule, a rainbow shell of one eye is darker or lighter than the iris.

Heterochromia (Multi-Eye) is a rare phenomenon among people, it is more common in cats, dogs and horses.

As you know, the color of the eye is determined by melanin, the pigment produced by the cells of the iris. The more melanin is present in the rainbow sheath, the darker the color of the eyes. No melanin is often associated with blue color eye. When heterochromia, the amount of melanin in the iridescent sheaths of the eye is unequal. This is the cause of the variety of eyes. Depending on how the melanin is distributed, it is possible a full color difference between eye iris, or an uneven painting of the iris, for example, the presence of a green iris with a brown rim around the pupil.

Genetic causes of multicolored eyes

In most cases, the different color of the eyes is present since birth. In other words, heterochromia is often due to genetic factors. Usually, this violation has a significant hereditary component, but in some cases it may appear in a child, even despite the lack of his parents.

Wardenburg syndrome. This is rare genetic disease, usually manifested by congenital deafness and abnormal changes in skin and eyes. In addition to congenital deafness, people with this syndrome have specific physical characteristics, such as the hunger of the lip and wolf fall. This is a hereditary disease, i.e. Anomalous gene is transferred to a child from parents.

Neurofibromatosis.Neurofibromatosis arising due to genetic mutation causes an abnormal growth of cells in nervous tissues. This leads to the formation of tumors along the nerves in the skin. When tumors hit the eyes, heterochromia can develop. Some of the common symptoms of neurofibromatosis are flat, light brown spots, and soft bulbs on the skin or under it.

Acquired reasons

Heterochromia- This is a genetic problem, but it is capable of developing during life. This is possible for several reasons.

Eye injury. The cause of heterochromia may become an eye injury, for example from hitting. This probability exists because the injury of this kind is caused internal bleeding, leading to a cluster or significant decrease in the number of melanin in the affected eye. Thus, the affected eye may seem darker or lighter than the second eye. Such a change in the color of the eye can be temporary or constant, depending on the severity of the injury.

Glaucoma- This is a common name for a number of eye disease, which cause an excessive increase in intraocular pressure, as a result, leading to a progressive, irreversible damage spectator nerve. Increased intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma can also affect the uniform distribution of melanin in the rainbow shell, in the end, becoming the cause of heterochromia.

Chronic inflammation Rainbow shell. The famous American actress Mila Cunis has suffered from inflammation of the iris. This led to the fact that her eyes became green, while the other remained brown. Chronic inflammation of the rainbow shell may arise due to eye infection or autoimmune diseasesfor which the immune system Attacks your own body fabric.

Fit in the eye of the foreign body. Lead to damage to the iris, in which melanin is produced, may fall into the eye of the foreign body. Small dust particles that are stuck in the gases usually cause redness of the white part of the eyes, but do not change the color of the iris. However, items that penetrate the rainbow shell can damage the producing melanin cells, which leads to a change in the color of the affected eye.

People born with anomalous pigmentation of the eyes are recommended to contact the doctor and check whether this phenomenon is a symptom of any rare disease from among those mentioned above. Usually, congenital heterochromia is light, and the difference in eye color is often almost imperceptible. Moreover, the probability of its connection with a rare disease is quite low. If the uniformity of the eyes is not innate and suddenly occurs, consultation is needed from an ophthalmologist to establish the reason underlying this violation.

Warning: The information provided in this article can only be used for educational purposes and should not serve as a replacement for the recommendations of a specialist in the field of medicine.


So, what our GLAs have a pretty color, knowing. But it does not know, so it is so. Delo is that a pigment melanin holds a pigment, which is used in the eye, which is contained in a glaza. Than most of the email in October, the same darkering. So eats

So, what our GLAs have a pretty color, knowing. But it does not know, so it is so. Delo is that a pigment melanin holds a pigment, which is used in the eye, which is contained in a glaza. Than most of the email in October, the same darkering. There is, if the person has a black "black" chicken, he knows him with him melt, and if it is small or green - Malo.It happens that the person has a silent color. This phenomenon is heterochromia. The riser in color is due to the limit (excess) of melin. There is also a phenomenon at the people and the living (in cats). Heterochrocamia is two visible: in addition and partial. Continuous heterochromia is awarded in those concerns, the color of the reachable, the color of the "iris" color of the other chimney is covered by the color of the "iris". Castic heterochromia is encouraged by a rareho, approximately 4 people from 1 million, one part of the "renunciation" differs from its remaining part, i.e. Odine eye will match two color in itself.
It is similar to the color of the eyes in many ways is true of heredity. It is known that on Earth the most dark-headed people, the majority of Melnin's majority of the Melnin is a good sign, and knows, often beyond. So that, if one of the growthors of Karie Glaza, and at VTOP, which is thyough or green, is likely that the child will be light-head, minimal.
Interesting is also the fact that the eye color is changing during life. All children are born with blue eyes - there is still no melanin in their body. After when the pigment accumulates, they become the right color. To the old age in some people's eyes can become bright due to the fact that the mesodermal layer becomes less transparent.

Different color of the iris eye is called heterochromia .

This is a very rare phenomenon. Statistics show that only 1% of our planet's population has been observed this phenomenon.

The color of melanin's depth is responsible for color. When birth, its content in the shell is minimal, in connection with this, all the children's eyes are bright. Heterochromia is the rarest case in which one of the eyes contains more than this pigment than in the other.

Heterochromia: photo

In animals, this feature is much more common. Quite often occurs in cats white Color and dogs of the Siberian Husky breed.

In the current society, the phenomenon of heterochromia refers as to "Daru of God." This phenomenon has much popularity among fashion models.

Model Sarah McDeniel

Girls, and sometimes guys, often try to change the color of one of the eyes with different methods. For example:

  1. (When complying with instructions for their use, this is the most optimal option).
  2. . Changes occur after a couple of months, the color becomes dark. However, the drug is designed exclusively for medical applicationAnd with long use, the eagle apple is disrupted.
  3. Laser correction (change occurs only with karelo color iris on blue). It costs to note that the operation is expensive, and it is no longer possible to return your natural shade. In addition, the intervention of such a plan can lead to a split in the eyes and lights.
  4. Implant implantation. This method Deals enormous damage to health, with an irreversible. Possible glaucoma, blindness, inflammation, cataract and detachment. In addition to everything, the implant will cost in the 8,000 USD area.

Code of the ICD-10

What is the ICD-10? This is the 10th revision international Classification Diseases.

Heterochromia here is classified as "VII. H57.0. Anomalies of the pupil function, "or" Q13.2. Congenital anomalies of the front segment of the eye ", and is considered pathology. Of course, the phenomenon is unusual, but it does not always mean that there are some deviations.

That is, specifically in the ICD it does not say that heterochromia is necessarily the condition of sick eyes, however, it is still worth discussing this with a doctor, in order to be completely confident that they are healthy.


  • full (if you look in general - iris different colors, however, if we consider separately, they are correct, without aberration);
  • partial or sector (Rainbow shell of one eye painted in several colors);
  • the central (tint near the pupil is diverged by rings).

Complete heterochromia occurs more often than partial.

If it arises due to the defeat of the eyeball, distinguish such forms as:

  • simple;
  • complicated;
  • scrap (shell changes foci, most often, salad or rust-green shade).

Causes of occurrence

Why do people have different eyes? Central heterochromia eye can be like unusual featureAnd a serious problem.

Causes of the appearance of heterochromia:

  1. Heredity. This is perhaps the most harmless cause of pathology. If at least one of the parents has such a feature, there are 50% of the likelihood that it is transferred to the child.
  2. Since birth, weak cervical sympathetic nerve ( simple form). Most often accompanied by the oculosympootic syndrome of Bernard-Gunner. It is also described:
  • skin cover of different shade;
  • the eye gap and / or the pupil is narrowed;
  • eyeball In orbit, slightly shifted;
  • there is no sweating by the defeat.
  1. Fuchs syndrome (complicated form). Namely - inflammation of the vessels. It is accompanied by clouding of the view, the desperative atrophy of the iris, cortical cataract (the crust of the lens becomes muddy), after which it worsens and over time the vision completely disappears.
  2. Neurofibromatosis. S. characteristic changesTransferred by inheritance.
  3. (metal heterochromia). Eye hit foreign objects, such as graphite or metal chips. They penetrate B. upper layer iris, after which the pigment oxidation occurs inside it.
  4. Actions medicinal preparationswhich contains a hormone prostaglandin F2A or its analogues.
  5. Various neoplasms such as:
  • (a variety of skin cancer, which can very rarely flipped into the eyes);
  • hemosiderosis (the collapse of erythrocytes, disturbed by the exchange of iron-containing pigments);
  • duin syndrome (type);
  • juvenile Xantogranulham (CameOnsecite -Cite -Cite -Cite -Conal OPCs).


  1. If the reason is the fux syndrome, vitrektomy is carried out - removal of scars, blood or pathologically modified tissues from fiscame body eyes that are replaced by balanced saline and silicone oil / gases.
  2. If the metal is removed - the foreign body is removed. When inflammation, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are shown. It should be noted that, even if you eliminate stimuli, the color of the iris can not recover.
  3. In people with congenital heterochromia, this anomaly will remain in any case. It will also help medical intervention, namely - laser correction Either implant implantation. In the event that this acquired phenomenon, from time to time you can get rid of, however, not in all situations.
  4. If heterochromia began to appear as a result of using drugs with a hormone prostaglandin, the solution to the problem is simple and logical - consult a doctor so that he helps to choose others medical preparations for eyes.


Heterochromia (from Greek. Heteros - "Other", chromos - "color") - this is the difference in the color of the left and right eye or the inhomogeneity of the color distribution in one eye. This is due to insufficiency or excess of melanin content in the iris one eye compared to another. With that such an anomaly occurs in just 2% of the world's population.

The hint of the iris is formed immediately after the birth of a child during the first half of the year is the process of saturation of the eye iris melanin, after a year to two years there is a stable eye color. At the same time than more hormone In the iris, the color will be richer and darker. But melanin can distribute unevenly in the eyes, which will cause the appearance of heterochromia.

The reasons

In the absolute majority of cases, the occurrence of the heterochromy of the eye is caused by heredity, but there are cases of occurrence after mechanical damage and diseases.

To basic reasons include:

  • Vaardenburg syndrome is the uneven distribution of melanin in the upper layer of iris.
  • Neurofibromatosis - relief distribution of melanin.
  • Inflammation of non-critical nature is only in one eye.
  • Traumatic lesions of the iris.
  • Treatment of glaucoma or its stay in the shell.
  • Finding in the eye of foreign elements.
  • Genetic or hereditary.
  • Hemorrhage in the eyeball or scler.

Who may have

Statistical examination of the issue made it possible to determine that the absolute number of heterochromic manifestations was found in women. But the scientific substantiation of the fact that sexual sign is the cause of the phenomenon - there is no.

But it is in men heterochromy eyes wears the most interesting nature. There are atypical varieties, which will be written below.


In addition to the most typical species - simple, allocated other, characterizing more developed forms and abnormal manifestations of heterochromia.


The most frequent phenomenon case. Heterochromy arises from birth and is not related to other possible diseases Eye or view. It is expressed by the fact that one eye can be green (blue, gray), and the second must Karim in different shades. In addition to the genetic nature of the prerequisites, it can also be caused by the weakness of the neck beam of nerves. This condition is characterized by a horner syndrome. Patients have astigmatism and or a small peripheral squint with a more "light" eye.


The main premise of such a phenomenon - Fuchs Syndrome, which is characterized by the strongest inflammatory process In the upper layers of the shell of the iris and sclera. An eyeness is exposed to one eye, and it is associated with a sharp drop in vision and "clarification" of color due to saturation of the eye lymphatic compounds. Diagnose the disease is difficult, it is practically not amenable to treatment. The core etymology symptoms include:

  • Scrolling reduction of vision. That is, the vision is reduced by jerks for different periods time.
  • Crystalik is undergoing tinning
  • Rainbow shell undergo anemia.
  • In the iris appear muddy formations, as if the iris becomes "in Krapinka."
  • Gradual eye blindness.


Inflammation, tumors, swelling or traumatic lesions May lead to the development of this type of anomaly. Abuse chemical preparations and pharmacological means Similarly, can harm the iris by changing its color to brighter shades from the burn.

Forms of heterochromia

It was found that heterochromia can be purchased or attended from birth. Over the shape of the color and the location of the "color spots" phenomenon can be divided into various forms.


The easiest case is complete heterochromia. A person has eyes of different colors, but anatomically and aesthetically, each eye separately is right and without aberration. The most common brown and blue eyes paired with.

Partial heterochromia

Due to staining of one eye in different colors. The so-called sector heterochromia eyes. The iris can be separated by flowers in half, on quarters or to have wavy boundaries, which is extremely rare. This is due to the uneven distribution of melanin even during the formation of chroma in the first six months of life. At the same time, the iris may have a color not to water range, but be, for example, brown-gray or green brown.

Partial heterochromia can be observed in the period from six months to two years, and then the state of the melanin distribution is normalized.

Central heterochromia

This form has the greatest distribution in people with the phenomenon of the chromaticity of the eyes. It is usually characterized by changing the color of the iris one eye. The most acceptable aesthetic appearance. It also happens that the color in the eyes is distributed by rings around the pupil. It resembles the effect of the rainbow, when in one eye two rings of different colors, and the second eye is painted monotonously. All over the world there are no more than a dozen.

Metal cloth

The most unique view caused by mechanical damage. It often occurs in cases of lesions of the eyes of copper or bronze abalina, but can be called and hit iron sawdust. Thin sawdust falls into the top layer of iris or sclera. The scler is not sensitive, and if there is no discomfort, then the scale of several microns remains in the iris. With a long-term room of the scale on the iris medium, which is a wet environment, it occurs its oxidation and formation of pigment. This pigment leads the iris to change the color to the foci. Usually the eye acquires a rust-green or lightweight shade. When the scale is removed, the anomaly does not stop. Pigment does not disappear from the eye.

Heterochromia in animals

The phenomenon is most common in animals, with what is observed species diversity. Almost all the fauna, except for birds and reptiles, can be exposed to distracted eyes.

  • In cats, the case is detected with a completely black, white or smoky color without color enclosures. This is explained by a genetic error in the formation of color of wool. Since the color of the wool and eye of the cat is formed by the presence of melanin.
  • Dogs meet only at the polar breeds of dogs, for example, husky or Malamutes.

The only difference from a person is that animals in animals are strict full of sectors or sectors.

Cause for concern?

The phenomenon itself is considered anomalous and atypical for the structure. human Eyes.But at the same time, if it is not caused by diseases or damage, then in itself is not the cause for concern. In order to eliminate all possible concomitant complications, in priority medical examination. It will be carried out in order to detect hereditary diseases and anomalies in the development of the body. In hereditary reasons, often different color of the eyes is adjacent to the gray strand of the hair on the top or forehead. A similar condition is observed with a uniform coating of human skin with a coffee-milk stain or focal coating. Scler and eye iris are also covered.

Also, it is also necessary to apply an appeal to the clinic with minimal damage to the eye with sorinks, skills or as a result strong blows on the head and eyeballs. Brain concussion is the most common indication for examining the eyeball.

Diagnosis and treatment

It should be noted that the phenomenon itself cannot be characterized as a disease. But in order to identify the consequence and reasons that can wear an outpatient nature, it is necessary to spend a thorough study from the ophthalmologist.

Types of ophthalmological studies

  • Biomicroscopy - a slit lamp is used to carry out this method. The object of the study is the shallow primary layer of iris. With the help of highlighting, the structure of the iris may be investigated. foreign languagesenclosures, clots or damage. Primary method of detection of heterochromia backgrounds.
  • - Study aimed at studying the system of capillaries and retina. The procedure does not contact with the eye, a remote lens is used. Absolute accuracy allows the identification of cropped vessels and capillaries.
  • Electrophysiological study (EFI) - allows you to effectively appreciate the state of the pupil, lens and identify external signs Chemical balance of a vitreous body and iris. Initially, a judgment may be delivered to the number of melanin in the eye. The eye is exposed to point electrical effects in a thousandth percentage of power. In this case, the color is condensed or the identification of inclusions. When removing the conversion of the bunch is absorbed within a few minutes.
  • Campimimetry is determining the reaction of the eye to various levels of light and chroma. Research is made using a special screen. white color. Color markers appear on the screen in chaotic order, the brightness of which is enhanced and weakens. At that moment goes active study Reactions of iris and pupil with lenses. The fact is that the eyes with different colors of the iris can perceive the color of the surrounding world by different way. What is Dalton Syndrome. The method with absolute success allows diagnosing glaucoma.
  • Ultrasound examination of the eyeball () - if on face mechanical damage eyes, then ultrasound procedure. The method allows you to explore the eyeball from the inside and also thin outdoor layers.


All research methodology can be used both separately and in the aggregate. Often spend comprehensive research In order to more accurately determine the premises and consequences of heterochromia.

Depending on the reason, which led to heterochronis, adequate therapeutic or surgery. Congenital pathology Correction cannot be subjected to medical correction, only colored contact lenses apply.

Human's eyes are the mirror of his soul. Someone has blue and good, green with chickrink, burning and black, melancholic and gray, and someone has heterochromed and multicolored. All people are individual in their appearance, but only "Healthy heterochromia" is an image of an individual donated by nature itself. The main thing is to know that the anomaly of multicolored eyes is not a reason for complexes and dissatisfaction with themselves.

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