What is the color of Hitler's hair. How to determine eye color? What does eye color mean? Photo and video. What does brown and black eye color mean?

December 5, 2013 in the ninety-sixth year passed away the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. And literally on the same day, Internet search engines received millions of requests about whether this information was false. A huge number of people were convinced that the outstanding African died in the sixties and seventies of the last century in prison.

As you know, Nelson Mandela led the armed struggle against the apartheid regime and was arrested in 1962, after which he actually spent twenty-seven years in prison. It was in the dungeons that this fighter for human rights gained worldwide fame. However, in 1989 he was released with honors, and in May 1994 he became president of South Africa and led the country for five whole years. Why did so many people in different parts of the world have no idea about this and believed that Mandela died without ever being released?

This phenomenon has attracted the attention of participants in the American multi-genre convention "Dragon Con", held annually in Atlanta. They carefully studied this issue and came to the conclusion that there was no rational explanation for what happened. Moreover, it turned out that there are a number of other facts that have been deformed in the memory of many people. It was then that enthusiasts introduced the term "Mandela effect". Fiona Broome, a congress participant, began to popularize it and collect information about other events that for some reason are incorrectly stored in human memory.

Thus, the Mandela effect is a phenomenon, which means the emergence in a large group of people of memories that contradict the real state of affairs. It is noteworthy that false memories do not relate to any difficult to verify, but to well-known events: historical, astronomical, geographical, and so on.

In other words, checking such information is as easy as shelling pears, especially now, when everyone has the Internet at their disposal. However, faced with this phenomenon, people become somewhat confused and confused. How so? They remember very well that Mandela died behind bars! This was reported in "Novosti", wrote in numerous newspapers, and on TV they even showed the funeral of an African revolutionary! ..

But no, in fact, no one wrote anything, did not report anything, and did not show it anywhere. Would journalists around the world decide to concoct such a "duck" at the same time? The question is, why? Enthusiasts have long and persistently searched for newspaper articles and television reports about the event, even if done by some provincial reporters who suddenly wanted to have some fun like this. However, there have never been such publications, therefore, people could not get this information from the media.

Unexplained Details of Fake Memories

Another strange feature of the Mandela effect is that such memories are not just false information recorded in a person's memory, but a whole system of sequential memories. Here's an interesting example.

What color were Adolf Hitler's eyes? Most people swear they are brown. Moreover, many of them will confidently tell you that they know this fact very well since school days. Like, the history teacher specifically emphasized that the Fuhrer was brown-eyed and, at the same time, advocated the Aryan racial purity, according to which the “superman's” eyes must certainly be blue.

Obviously, this could not be. All contemporaries of Hitler claimed that he had blue eyes, and liked to emphasize this fact, speaking about the chosenness of the leader of the Third Reich. Below is a fragment of a rare color photograph of the Fuhrer, which clearly shows that his eyes are blue. Why is it that so many people remember not only his brown eyes, but even ridicule on this occasion over Hitler? ..

Carriers of false memories often associate the incident itself with events in their personal life, for example, “my son was born on the same day,” or “this was my last school year”. That is, a false memory firmly sits in the memory of an individual and is associated with many other events, creating the illusion that in fact it was so. It is not surprising that someone can foaming at the mouth to prove to you that the Americans landed on the moon only three times, but it is worth showing him an article from Wikipedia, which clearly states that there were six landings, and the person is seriously lost ... He remembers very well how the news said that NASA made its last, third, flight to the Earth satellite. And there are a lot of such people.

Notable examples of the Mandela effect

There are many examples of false memories. It is possible that you yourself will now suddenly realize that for a long time you were mistaken in something.

Many believe that the fortieth President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, died after the end of his reign, although in fact he died in 2004 at the age of ninety-three from pneumonia due to Alzheimer's disease.

Mother Teresa was canonized only in September of this year, although many are convinced that the canonization of the legendary Catholic nun took place much earlier.

There are exactly fifty states in America, and remembering this, it would seem, is easier than ever: exactly half a hundred. However, quite a few people mistakenly believe that there are fifty-one or fifty-two.

Below are the logos of three famous car brands in two versions. Many people swear that the logos on the right are wrong. Allegedly, "Ford" never had this squiggle at the letter "F", "Volvo" - arrows at the top, and "Volkswagen" - the division between the letters "V" and "W". Even the owners of such cars make a similar mistake. Despite this, the original logos are depicted on the right, and on the left are their modified versions, which for some reason many of us believe are correct.

The writer Agatha Christie disappeared briefly in December 1926. The disappearance of the famous author of detective stories caused a loud public outcry, and the police immediately began to search for the woman. Eleven days later, alive and well, Christie was found in a remote English spa hotel. She returned home and continued to write her wonderful books. Nevertheless, a significant number of people “remember” that the writer disappeared without a trace forever.

If you think that there is an Arctic continent in the Arctic Ocean, then you, like many others, are wrong. There is only abundant ice cover.

Non-existent books, films and various works of art are generally a separate conversation. For example, thousands of Russians “remember” how, in the mid-eighties, a very dark film adaptation of the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” was shown on television. It was very different from other adaptations of the same tale in 1953, 1970 and 1978. In fact, such a movie never existed, and not a single copy of it has ever been found.

Among the numerous portraits of the English king Henry VIII, there is not a single one where the monarch would hold a roast turkey leg in his hands. However, a huge number of residents of Foggy Albion claim to have seen such a picture with their own eyes in museums, at exhibitions and on the World Wide Web.

Probably everyone knows the American song "Only You". Many people are shocked when they learn that it was not the "king of rock and roll" Elvis Presley who sang it in the fifties, but the black quintet "The Platters". But many clearly "remember" how Presley performed "Only You" at his concerts, how this song was included in his official records. Needless to say that such records have never been found, despite Elvis's frenzied popularity? ..

Russian examples of the Mandela effect

In Russia and the former Soviet Union, there are also such examples.

Many of our compatriots from school "remember" that Catherine the Great sold Alaska to the Americans, although in reality this happened during the reign of Alexander II. Therefore, the Russian empress is wrongly accused of this oversight.

Everyone probably remembers the common phrase from the movie: "Boy, get away from the car." However, the majority for some reason is convinced that this remark sounded in the film "Beware of the car". In fact, it was uttered in the film "In Secret to the Whole World", which many people hardly believe.

Do you remember how Yeltsin, before leaving the presidency, said: “I'm tired, I'm leaving”? This dictum also became winged, but in reality Boris Nikolayevich only said then: "I am leaving." Why many of us "remember" the words about his fatigue is a real mystery.

In the former USSR, everyone knows a poem that begins with the words "I sit behind bars in a damp dungeon." But many for some reason are convinced that its creator is Mikhail Lermontov. Nevertheless, the real author of this work is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Possible explanations for the Mandela effect

So, there are several of them, and one is more fantastic than the other:

  1. First, many researchers of the Mandela effect believe that this phenomenon is a consequence of the movement of people from one parallel world to another - the so-called quantum immortality, when a person, unnoticed by himself, moves from one reality to another, neighboring. In the past reality, the world could be somewhat different. For example, there Lermontov appropriated Pushkin's poem, Agatha Christie really disappeared with the ends (perhaps she also moved somewhere), and America grabbed a piece of Canada or Mexico, having acquired one or two new states. A person, however, retains certain memories of the reality where he lived before;
  2. Secondly, it is quite possible that someone created a time machine and went to the past, where something was accidentally or deliberately changed. That is, an unknown inventor could trigger the butterfly effect, when even minor changes in the past (like killing an insect) generate a chain of changes that significantly affect the future. Thus, some of us still have memories from that version of reality, where the events of the past and, as a result, the present were not changed;
  3. Thirdly, there is also such an opinion that we all live in a matrix - a simulation of reality created by intelligent machines, people of the future or representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. This simulation occasionally crashes, certain problems occur. For example, on the same day you can meet the same stranger in different parts of your city. Or notice a car on the road that simply disappears, disappearing into thin air. Similar failures can occur in our memory, which is entirely formed by the matrix, since the real world has never been available to us, and we do not even know what it is.

The Mandela effect has also been studied in conventional science. So, in this regard, confabulation is often mentioned - a psychopathological phenomenon of false memory, when a person is fully convinced that some fictional events actually took place. Nevertheless, scientists are unable to explain why such a false memory can sometimes be observed in tens of millions of earthlings living in different parts of the world ...

Video: The Mandela Effect, or Memories from Parallel Reality

It is unlikely that any psychiatrist will ever be able to accurately diagnose all of Hitler's mental illnesses and combine them into a sufficiently succinct and comprehensive formulation.

There were so many deviations in the psyche of the German dictator that they simply do not fit into the standard diagnosis for ordinary patients.

The future dictator was mercilessly beaten by his father

The roots of mental illness are usually found in the childhood of the sick. Therefore, of course, psychiatrists did not ignore Hitler's childhood.

His sister Paula told them how his father severely punished little Adolf, which led to the opinion that Hitler's aggressiveness was the result of Oedipal hatred of his father.

The dictator's father, Alois Schicklgruber (at 40, changed his last name to Hitler), was known as an insatiable voluptuary. His many connections on the side were sometimes not enough to fully satisfy his lust. Once he savagely raped his wife who had refused him intimacy in front of the young Adolf. Perhaps this incident left its mark on the entire sex life of the future dictator.

Mother Clara pathologically loved her boy (before him she lost three sons), and he answered her in kind. Of the six children of Alois and Klara, only two survived - Adolf and the weak-minded Paula. Hitler called himself mama's boy all his life. Pathological love for the mother and hatred for the father became the cause of many negative features of his psyche.

Blinded by fear

If you believe Hitler, then in the First World War he was a brave soldier and honestly earned his reward - the iron cross. Only the British gas attack in 1918, due to which he temporarily lost his sight, interrupted his military career.

However, recently, the British historian Thomas Weber, on the basis of archival documents, letters and diaries of Hitler's fellow soldiers, managed to dispel this legend about the heroism of the gallant corporal in the trenches of the First World War.

The historian discovered the correspondence of the famous German neurosurgeon Otfried Förster with his American colleagues. In one of the letters, he mentioned that in the 1920s Hitler's medical card accidentally fell into his hands and he read the diagnosis that the doctors gave him.

It turned out that Hitler temporarily lost his sight not because of the gas attack, but because of hysterical amblyopia. This rare disease occurs during mental stress, for example, due to a strong fear of military action.

The brain, as it were, refuses to perceive the terrible pictures of reality and stops receiving signals from the optic nerves, while the vision itself remains in order.

Such a disease simply could not have happened to a brave soldier, but Hitler was not. He served as a signalman at the headquarters and was far from the front line, his fellow soldiers even nicknamed him "the rear pig." However, Hitler knew how to please his superiors, for which, according to Weber, he received the iron cross.

Hitler's blindness was treated with hypnosis sessions. Healing hypnosis at the hospital was carried out by the professor of neurology Edmund Forster from the University of Greifswald. It was to him that the blinded corporal Hitler fell.

For about two months Forster tried to find the key to the subconscious of this man, who had lost faith in his future. Finally, the professor found out that his patient had an extremely painful vanity, and understood how, thanks to this, he would be able to influence the patient's psyche during a hypnosis session.

In a completely dark room, Forster put Hitler into a hypnotic trance and told him: “You are really blind, but once every 1000 years a great man is born on Earth, who awaits a great destiny. Perhaps you are destined to lead Germany forward. If so, then God will return your sight right now. "

After these words, Forster struck a match and lit a candle, Hitler saw the flame ... Adolf was simply shocked, because he had long since said goodbye with the hope of someday to see the light. It did not even occur to the doctor that Hitler would take his words about his great destiny too seriously.

According to psychiatrist and historian David Lewis, who wrote the book "The Man Who Created Hitler", it was thanks to Forster that the thought of his great destiny arose in Hitler's head. Subsequently, Forster himself realized this. When Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, the professor, at the risk of his life, forwarded his medical history to Paris, hoping that it would be published.

Unfortunately, the publishers did not dare to publicize this case history: Germany was too close, and Hitler already had long arms at the time. This is evidenced at least by the fact that this demarche of Forster did not remain a secret for the leader of the Nazis. Two weeks after the attempt to publish the history of Hitler's illness, the professor died ...

As Weber found out, everyone who knew about Hitler's true illness was destroyed, and his medical records disappeared without a trace.

Nightmare lover

With his speeches, Hitler brought women literally to ecstasy. He had many fans, but as soon as some of them achieve their cherished goal - intimacy with the Fuhrer, their life turned into a real hell.

Susie Liptower hanged herself after spending only one night with him. Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told her friend: "Hitler is a monster ... you will never believe what he makes me do." Until now, Geli's death is shrouded in mystery. It is known that she died from a bullet. At one time there were rumors that Hitler shot Geli during a quarrel, while the official version of the Nazis said that she committed suicide.

German film star Renata Müller achieved an intimacy with the Fuhrer, which she immediately regretted. Hitler began to crawl at her feet and ask for a kick ... He shouted: “I am vile and unclean! Hit me! Hit! " Renata was shocked, she begged him to get up, but he crawled around her and groaned.

The actress had to kick and spank him all the same ... The kicks of the movie stars made the Fuhrer extremely excited ... Soon after this "intimacy" Renata committed suicide by jumping out of the hotel window.

Eva Braun, who lasted the longest next to Hitler, twice tried to commit suicide, ultimately she had to do it a third time, already as the wife of a dictator ... Many psychologists and sexologists doubt that Hitler was capable of normal intercourse.

Feral sense of danger

According to various estimates, from 42 to five dozen serious attempts were made on Hitler's life. Professional bodyguards and aces of the special services absolutely cannot explain how the German dictator managed not only to save his life, but also not to receive a single serious injury.

In their opinion, this is no longer just luck, but real mysticism. Usually 2-3 well-prepared assassination attempts (and most often one!) Are enough to at least, if not kill, then seriously injure a person and take him out of the game for a long time.

The most interesting thing is that Hitler often managed to save his life at the expense of a literal animal sense of danger. For example, in 1939, during the assassination attempt of Elser, who organized an explosion in a Munich beer hall, Hitler unexpectedly left the meeting place of party veterans early, and this saved him from death. Subsequently, he said to one of his confidants: "I was seized by a strange feeling that I should immediately leave ..."

Once Hitler said: "I escaped death several times, but by no means by chance, an inner voice warned me, and I immediately took action." Hitler believed in this inner voice for the rest of his life.
The rearmament of the German army, the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland, the annexation of Austria, the occupation of the Czech Republic and Moravia, the invasion of Poland - any of these actions between 1933 and 1939 should have led to a war with France and Great Britain, a war in which Germany did not have no chance of winning.

However, Hitler seemed to know that the Allies would be inactive, and boldly gave orders, from which the generals of the Wehrmacht were covered with sticky sweat. It was then that a mystical belief in the Fuhrer's prophetic gift arose among Hitler's entourage.

Did Hitler really open the picture of the future? J. Brennan, author of The Occult Reich, believes that the Fuhrer, like shamans, entered a special ecstatic state that allowed him to see the future. In a fit of rage, Hitler often became almost insane.

In a person in this state, as shown by biochemical analysis, the content of adrenaline and carbon dioxide in the blood increases sharply. This can lead to changes in the work of the brain and access to new levels of consciousness.

“Intoxication of this kind brought Hitler to the point,” writes J. Brennan, “that he could throw himself on the floor and start chewing on the edge of the carpet - this behavior was observed among Haitians who surrendered to the power of spirits when performing magical rituals. This led to the fact that he was given the nickname "Carpet-eater."

Germany under hypnosis

Hitler's school teacher remembered for the rest of his life the strange look of the teenager Adolf, which thrilled the teacher. Many of the Fuhrer's entourage spoke of his extraordinary hypnotic abilities.

Whether they were congenital or whether Hitler took hypnosis lessons from someone is unknown. The ability to subjugate people greatly helped Hitler on his way to the heights of power. In the end, virtually all of Germany was hypnotized by the former corporal.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told her friend: "Hitler is a monster ... you will never believe what he makes me do."

Here is what General Blomberg wrote about Hitler's hypnotic gift: “... I was constantly influenced by a certain force that emanated from him. She resolved all doubts and completely excluded the possibility of objecting to the Fuehrer, ensuring my complete loyalty ... "

Professor H. R. Trevor-Roper, a former intelligence officer, wrote: "Hitler had a hypnotic gaze that suppresses the mind and senses of all who fall under his spell."

J. Brennan in the book "The Occult Reich" describes a striking case. One Englishman, a true patriot of Britain, who does not know German, while listening to the Fuehrer's speeches, involuntarily began to stretch his hand in a Nazi greeting and shout "Heil Hitler!" along with the electrified crowd ...

"Infernal cocktail"

There were so many mental abnormalities mixed in Hitler that any, even an experienced psychiatrist would have been in obvious confusion trying to figure out the composition of the "hellish cocktail" that was seething in the head of this ordinary-looking man, a madman who at one time intended to conquer the whole world.

Obvious sexual deviations, the ability to have a hypnotic effect on people, as well as an animal instinct for danger, which makes it possible to speak of certain abilities for clairvoyance - this is not all that Hitler differed from other people.

Erich Fromm, for example, noted that he had a clear tendency to necrophilia. As confirmation, he quoted the following quotation from Speer's memoirs:

“As far as I remember, when meat broth was served on the table, he called it 'corpse tea'; He commented on the appearance of boiled crayfish with a story about a deceased old woman, whom her close relatives threw into a stream as bait to catch these creatures; if they ate eels, he remembered to mention that these fish adore dead cats and are best caught with this bait. "

In addition, Fromm draws attention to a strange mine on the Fuehrer's face, which is visible in many photographs, it seems that the Fuehrer constantly smells some disgusting smell ...

Hitler had an amazing memory, he had the ability to preserve in it a photographically accurate representation of reality. It is believed that such a memory at an early age is inherent in only 4% of children, but as they grow up, they lose it.

Both minor architectural elements of buildings and large chunks of text were perfectly imprinted in Hitler's memory. The dictator amazed the highest generals of the Reich, recalling numerous figures concerning the armament of both the German army and its opponents.

The Fuhrer was an excellent imitator. As Eugen Hanfstaengl recalls: "He could imitate the hissing of geese and quacking of ducks, mooing of cows, neighing of horses, bleating of goats ..."

The dictator's acting abilities were also at their best, he even knew how to influence his autonomic nervous system with the help of self-hypnosis, for example, he made himself cry without any problems, which is given to few professional actors. The tears from the Fuhrer's eyes magically affected the audience, enhancing the effect of his performances. Knowing about such a gift from Hitler, Goering at the very beginning of the Nazi movement in critical situations literally demanded: "Hitler must come here and cry a little!"

Admiral Doenitz believed that some kind of "radiation" emanated from Hitler. It had such a strong influence on the admiral that after each visit to the Fuhrer, Doenitz took several days to recover and return to the real world. Goebbels also noted the clear impact of his patron, he said that after communicating with Hitler, he "feels like a recharged battery."

In many ways, Hitler's actions were determined by a very deep factor - the inferiority complex described by Alfred Adler. The dictator constantly compared himself with the great conquerors of the past and tried to surpass them. According to Alan Bullock, "a huge role in all of Hitler's policy was played by his inherent strong sense of envy, he wanted to crush his opponents."

There is no doubt that Hitler developed Parkinson's disease, which is caused by organic damage to the brain. True, the dictator managed to die before this disease had a serious impact on his health and psyche. In 1942, Hitler's left hand began to tremble, and in 1945, a disorder of facial expressions began.

In the last months of his life, Hitler, according to the recollections of others, resembled a ruin and moved with great difficulty. It is known that Parkinson's disease disrupts logical thinking and the sick person tends to have a more emotional perception of reality. Since 1941, Hitler has been increasingly let down by his unique memory.

So, Hitler was such a strange and abnormal person that the existence of such a "mental abnormality" is even difficult to assume. Therefore, the dictator practically did not fit into the close diagnostic schemes of various psychological and psychiatric schools, and it was not possible for him to make a comprehensive diagnosis, although such attempts were still made.

A secret psychological portrait of Hitler, compiled back in 1943 by psychiatrist Henry Murray of Harvard University, was discovered among documents in one of the law libraries a few years ago. It was ordered by Murray from the leadership of the US Strategic Services Administration (predecessor of the CIA). The American military and intelligence officers wanted to know more about Hitler's character in order to be able to predict his actions in a given military-political situation.

Staff at Cornell University have published this 250-page analysis of Hitler's psyche, which is essentially one of the first attempts to investigate the personality of a dictator. “Despite the fact that psychology has made great strides forward, the document provides an opportunity to see some of Hitler’s personality traits,” said Thomas Mills, a research fellow at the university's library.

This curious document has the following title: "Analysis of the personality of Adolf Hitler with predictions about his future behavior and recommendations on how to deal with him now and after the surrender of Germany."

It is clear that Murray did not have the opportunity to personally examine such a dangerous "patient", so he was forced to conduct psychoanalytic studies of the dictator in absentia. All the information that could be obtained was used - the Fuhrer's pedigree, information about his school years and military service, the dictator's compositions, his public speeches, as well as testimonies of people who communicated with Hitler.

What portrait did an experienced psychiatrist manage to draw? Hitler, according to Murray, was an evil, vindictive man who did not tolerate any criticism and despised other people. He lacked a sense of humor, but more than enough stubbornness and self-confidence.

In the Fuhrer, the psychiatrist believed, the female component was quite pronounced, he never went in for sports, physical labor, had weak muscles. From a sexual point of view, he describes him as a passive masochist, suggesting the presence of repressed homosexuality.

Adolf Hitler is probably one of the most significant people in the history of the 20th century. He was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria, in the city of Braunau am Inn, at Salzburger Vorstadt 15. His father, Alois, was a shoemaker, then became a customs officer. Alois has been married three times. With his last wife, Klara, he had 6 children (according to other sources, there were 5 children), of which Adolf and his younger sister Paula lived for a long time Hitler's eye color. Clara's grandfather was the father of Alois. At the age of 16, Adolf graduated from school in Linz. Professor Petsch influenced his nationalist views in many ways. After the death of his father, he tried to enter the Vienna Academy, but failed. The boy had a good sense of humor, was fond of music, painting. After the death of his mother, he went to live in Vienna. He lived there very badly. Lived in homeless shelters. He earned his living by physical labor, ate poorly. On the eve of the war, he moved to Munich. Here he continued to live as before. In the first years of the war, he volunteered in the German army, where he showed himself from a very good side, for which he was awarded the Iron Crosses of the I and II degrees. He was wounded twice.

Adolf Hitler took defeat in the war very to his heart. Then Adolf was admitted to the German Workers 'Party, where he quickly became its leader, and renamed the party to the "German National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany" (NSDAP). The party began to grow. It was decided to overthrow the government of the Weimar Republic. On November 9, Hitler and other party leaders led the Nazis into the city center. The police blocked the road and a shootout began. As a result, Operation Beer Hall Putsch failed.

Hitler was convicted of high treason. From the dock, Hitler accused the government of the republic of treason, and swore an oath that he would punish his accusers. He was released from prison in less than 1 year, although he was sentenced to five years. In 1924 Hitler went to Obersalzberg, where he lived for several years, and in 1928 rented a villa, which he later acquired and named "Berghof". He disbanded the party and began to attract the electorate. Adolf Hitler called for revenge for the Versailles Treaty, to kill all Jews and communists, to revive the great country. He received support from major industrialists. He was also greatly helped by the Land Union. Hitler conspired with F. von Papen, as a result of which he became chancellor.

In 1934, Hitler faced opposition from E. Rem, who demanded more perfect social services. reforms, called for a new revolution. Hitler, who needed the support of the army, opposed his former associates. Rem was accused of plotting to assassinate Hitler, and was killed in the massacre (the so-called "night of the long knives"), as well as several hundred SA leaders. Having received powers from the Reichstag, Hitler began to prepare for war. In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, which gave Hitler the opportunity to join forces to conquer Europe.

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland - this was the beginning of the Second World War. Hitler took over command of the armed forces. He drew up his plan for the conquest of Europe. Hitler's Eye Color After capturing Denmark, Holland, Norway, Belgium and France, Hitler decided to invade Great Britain. His plans also included the conquest of the USSR. July 20, 1944 was the last attempt to assassinate Hitler. It was near Rastenburg. A time bomb was detonated there, but somehow the Fuhrer miraculously survived. British, American and Soviet troops took Berlin in the ring. At this time, Hitler was hiding in a bunker, underground. On April 30, 1945, having written a will, in which he asked the future leaders of the country to fight "the poisoners of all nations - international Jewry" - he shot himself.

In order for the upbringing of children to be successful, it is necessary that the educating people, without ceasing, educate themselves.

In Nazi Germany, as, indeed, in the Soviet Union, there were unspoken "canons" of depicting the leaders. And in many nuances they coincided. In most paintings, posters and postcards, Hitler, like Stalin, is traditionally dressed in a military uniform, in which his figure did not seem so baggy. Like the secretary general, the Fuhrer almost never smiles in his portraits, more often he is serious and tense. And just like a former student of the Tiflis Theological Seminary, the failed Austrian artist was rarely portrayed in the company of any of his party comrades. As an exception, only three characters could appear next to the Fuhrer - a little girl, his beloved shepherd dog and the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In his ceremonial portraits, Hitler almost always stands, frozen in a picture pose, and is silent. Such an image, obviously, was supposed to form the impression of the leader as of a celestial dweller, to whom earthly pursuits are alien. However, today we will not consider the canonical images of the bloodiest tyrant of the 20th century, but we will try to find out what he really was.

The society has long been firmly convinced that the outwardly most terrible and cruel dictator of the past century looked ridiculous, if not comical. Judge for yourself: this funny hairstyle, monstrous mustache, narrow shoulders, wide hips ... In the end, this nose is a duck, which called into question Schicklgruber's "pure Aryan origin". However, contrary to popular belief, Hitler never bore the name Schicklgruber - it was officially changed by his father in 1877. Even the canonical portraits and photographs of the Fuhrer, commissioned by his court artists and photographers, are not able to convince the viewer that they are the leader of an entire nation. Therefore, we consider it necessary to cite the memoirs of some of Hitler's contemporaries who knew him personally. These descriptions will be in many respects contradictory, they read a personal relationship to the Fuhrer. However, these essays will help us get a reliable idea of ​​what Hitler really looked like.

Max von Gruber(one of the founders of eugenics - the science of racial hygiene of the Third Reich) :

“Hitler is a half-breed. The face and head of a lower type, a low sloping forehead, an ugly nose, wide cheekbones, small eyes. The expression on his face betrays a person who is poorly self-controlled, possessed. "

Leon Degrel(Belgian far-right politician):

“Hitler was not tall - no higher than Napoleon or Alexander the Great. He had dark blue eyes, which many found bewitching. I did not feel the electric current that his hands are said to have generated. I shook them several times, and never once did I get struck by lightning. His face expressed some kind of emotion or indifference, depending on whether he was at the moment in apathy or in the grip of passions. From time to time he was paralyzed, not speaking, while his jaw moved, as if grinding some obstacle into dust. Or he would suddenly become energetic and deliver a speech that was addressed only to you, but as if he were addressing a crowd of hundreds of thousands on an airfield near Berlin. Then he seemed to be transformed. Even his face, usually pale, lit up as he delivered speeches. And at such moments, to be sure, Hitler was strangely attractive, as if he possessed magical powers. "

Alexander Yakovlev(Soviet aircraft designer):

“Hitler was wearing a brown jacket, black tie and black trousers - the traditional costume of a member of the fascist party. The figure is baggy, expressionless outward. The notorious forelock on the forehead, gray, watery eyes, an unhealthy, grayish-yellow complexion, an unnerving shake of a damp, fleshy hand made an unpleasant impression. Raising his pewter eyes at the handshake, he immediately transferred it to another. In his numerous speeches at military parades, before gatherings of fascist thugs, he took all measures to convince everyone of the greatness of his person with his appearance, his gait, his gestures and hysterical speeches.

Hermann Rauschning(opponent of National Socialism):

“Undoubtedly, Hitler’s appearance does not enhance his ability to seduce. Sloping ugly forehead. A lock of hair that always falls over the eyes. Small stature, disproportionate build, clumsiness, flat and too large feet, an ugly nose, expressionless mouth and mustache above the lip give him a rather repulsive appearance. There is nothing attractive in him, except, perhaps, his hands - beautiful and expressive. And this man with a scowled, wrinkled and asymmetrical face pretends to be a dictator? He clearly lacks the harmony that is obligatory for a leader. But mostly he lacks masculinity. "

The first thing anyone who saw Hitler noticed was his ridiculous mustache. Almost the same was worn at that time by the British actor Charlie Chaplin, but they were in complete harmony with his comical image. But such funny facial hair, combined with a black forelock, did not in any way correspond to the image of a dictator. They say that the Fuhrer was constantly advised to shave off his mustache, but he refused every time: people were already accustomed to this image of the leader, the mustache made him recognizable, became his visiting card. However, it would be a mistake to attribute the small antennae exclusively to Hitler's bad taste. This ridiculous form was not chosen by him at all. According to the writer Alexander Moritz Fry, who served in the same regiment with the future dictator in the First World War, Hitler originally wore a "Kaiser's" mustache, twisting upwards - like those that Emperor Wilhelm II had grown.

However, Hitler had to shave them off on the orders of his superior - the fact is that the lush vegetation prevented him from properly putting on the gas mask. As a result, the "English" version of the mustache remained under the Fuhrer's nose - a characteristic "shoe brush", which made his appearance not only recognizable, but also extremely vulnerable to cartoonists. By the way, some photographs of a young corporal with a gorgeous mustache have come down to us, although they also did not add much attractiveness to him.

As for the forelock, which in certain angles gave the image of Hitler additional severity, it was the standard hairstyle adopted in the German army: the hair was shaved off at the back of the head and above the ears, long on top, combed to the side through the parting or "slicked" back. Another thing is that the Fuhrer's hairstyle rarely looked fresh - due to his hotness and imbalance, he was sweating a lot. Hitler's not the most photogenic appearance added a "headache" to the artists: it was not easy to depict Hitler's mustache and haircut neat and attractive.

It is reliably known that an army of specialists worked on the image of the Reich Chancellor. True, it appeared only in the second half of the 1920s, until that time the future Fuhrer had independently built his image, and not always successfully. By the beginning of the 30s, the time for experiments is behind, from now on, only specially trained people sew costumes for Hitler, rehearse speeches, set a gait, and practice gestures. His final style took shape by 1932. Gray is the favorite color for clothing. The only red accent in his look is the swastika armband. The only white one is shirt collar. The paramilitary uniform, as we have already noted, cleverly disguised figure flaws. The uniform, by the way, was really a paramilitary - there are no insignia on it (Hitler only rose to the rank of corporal and, of course, it would be inappropriate to advertise his low rank), on the chest - a tie, there is no indication of the type of troops. However, the imitation of a military uniform sets the militaristic style of the entire appearance of the Fuhrer, due to which the impression of a fit and strong person is created - a real hero. So, lapels, breast pockets, a tie, shining buttons, a belt over his shoulder visually emphasize his will and power, a bandage on his arm - strength and endurance. The hem of the uniform and wide riding breeches are perceived as a base, above which, like the top of a mountain, rise the arms and head in a high cap. This, undoubtedly, should have suggested the idea of ​​invincibility.

However, no uniforms and breeches could hide the obvious: Hitler was in no way like that “true Aryan” whom the German Empire wanted to see as its chancellor. The leader of the Greater German Reich, by definition, should be tall, well-built, blond and blue-eyed, with regular facial features. Smallish, loose, brown-eyed and dark-haired, Adolf managed to masterfully distract the audience's attention from this "screaming" discrepancy. Small, close-set eyes were compensated by moving and bright eyebrows - the eye area immediately became noticeable and dynamic. Smoothly combed hair, "stuck" to the head, makes the forehead higher, and, therefore, betrays a thinking, wise person in the Fuhrer. The famous antennae emphasize the nose and expressive nostrils - read, flair, intuition, foresight. The chin is not mimically marked in any way, but it constantly moves forward and upward, demonstrating pride, as well as a willingness to reunite one's own will with the will of heaven. The lips are compressed, their corners are habitually lowered down, forming a narrow bracket - a sign of absolute determination, iron will. Well, the violent manipulative facial expressions combined with motionless, frozen eyes simply fascinated many. Very soon, Goebbels' propaganda machine convinced the German nation that Hitler's unconventional face reflected a boundless faith in the divine will that was driving him. Germany easily believed that every feature on the Fuhrer's brow testifies to his powerful intuition and complete dedication to a great cause. Of course, no logic can counter the arguments of faith - the Germans were simply fascinated by this ridiculous image.

The deification of the Fuhrer in the perception of the people was completed by his rich gestures. In just a few minutes, Hitler managed to apply a wide variety of non-verbal accents. Most of them "connect" him to "heaven." The Reich Chancellor's hands are constantly thrown up, as if raising something to the sky. Then they return to the chest, trying to infuse something important, exclusive, received from above. This simple manipulation was to be postponed in the collective creation of the crowd by the complete identification of the Fuhrer as a conductor of divine power. By frantically wringing his hands, he makes it clear that he became a leader not because he is somehow unique, but because something more, inhuman, mystical, acts through him. Thus, the frenzied gesticulation of Hitler's speeches symbolizes a magnificent dialogue with the people on behalf of God and with God on behalf of the people. In Russia, such states were called obsession. Probably, it is no coincidence that the expression "demoniac Fuhrer" has taken root in the Russian language.

(in view of the fact that Mein Kampf's book was recently banned by the decision of the Kirovsky District Court of Ufa and was declared extremist and it was forbidden to read it, I rename my post, which had nothing to do with the book at all, but knowing our wicked laws, out of harm's way; soon in our country, in order to go to the toilet, permission will need to ask and hire a lawyer)

Reading the post of Seryozha-Mormon75, I wondered what color Adolf Hitler's eyes were. I remembered that he was an Austrian and his appearance was by no means Aryan, and on postcards and posters his eyes were deliberately tinted blue so that the people did not doubt who was ruling him.

In the book, Dr. and prof. Dietrich Bronder, general secretary of the association of all non-religious Jewish communities in Germany "Hitler - the founder of Israel" says that Hitler himself and his entire elite and all his entourage were Jews themselves, either with "living" (this is not my term), or married on Jewish women.

His book was banned in Germany. Another German writer, Henecke Kardel, wrote another book based on this book. But it was not only banned. but by a court decision, 10,000 copies were drowned in the Hamburg harbor.

And in this book - revealing details of the German history of the time of the coming to power of Adolf Hitler.

It says that he was not only a quarter Jewish, but had various mental disorders.

First, he was impotent and received sexual satisfaction in a masochistic way, when a woman defecated on him. Rene Müller, who spent one night with him, committed suicide shortly thereafter. His eternal fiancée, Eva Braun, tried twice to commit suicide and eventually committed suicide along with Hitler. And the only woman whom Hitler was believed to love was his own niece Geli Ruabal, with whom they lived and who also committed suicide.

Moreover, psychoanalysts and contemporaries and eyewitnesses believe that Hitler was homosexual. His right-hand man, Rudolph Hess, who was also a half-Jew (like Eva Braun), was his lover. Hitler's closest associate, Baldur von Schirach, was also homosexual, as was Admiral Canaris, the chief of military intelligence. And both of the latter were also of Jewish blood, with a wait, as the author writes. So for some mystical circumstances, Gitles gathered all the half-Jewish Jews side by side and spread rot on all the other Jews.

He was also a completely vegetarian, and gave up animal food after his niece Geli Ruabal committed suicide. Probably only a psycho like Adolf Hitler could hunger for an incestuous relationship.

In addition, the book contains the opinions of psychoanalytic doctors who considered Hitler a hysterical. And he also had epilepsy.

So, Hitler was a quarter Jewish (his parents, by the way, were cousins ​​of the 2nd degree, his father raised his future mother, and then married her), hysterical, epileptic, vegetarian, pervert masochist, homosexual, impotent, and along the line the mother is possibly a hereditary syphilitic.

And here is a list of his "Politburo" and his entourage, who had Jewish roots:

1.Jewish Prince - Hitler's godfather

2.Dr Bloch - family physician of the Hitler family

3. Hanish - a Jewish boy, the only close friend in his youth

4. Himmler - chief of the Gestapo, half-Jew

5. Heydrich - 3/4 Jewish, who invented Poan on the "final solution of the Jewish question"

6. Adolf Eichmann - a specialist in the "final solution of the Jewish question", driving the Jews into the gas chambers, a purebred Jew - baptized

7. Frank - Governor-General of Poland, half-Jew

8. Rosenberg - the head of all occupied Soviet regions. He was half-Jew.

9. Wagner - Hitler's favorite composer, half-Jew

10. Nietzsche - a philosopher whose work was praised by the Jewish philosopher Kogan; his theory of the superman, the theory of "Ubermensch" - a blond beast, the will to power, "pushing the falling" formed the basis of fascist ideology.

11. Baron von Lanz - purebred Jew, wild anti-Semite

12. Trebic - Lincoln - one of Hitler's financiers, Jew - anti-Semite

13. Julius Streicher - present name Abram Goldberg - Hitler's Jew-eater

14. Joseph Goebbels - Minister of Propaganda, a quarter Jewish. He married a Jewess. When he surrendered, he poisoned the children and committed suicide with his wife

15. Jordan - quarter-Jew, Gauleiter

16. Rudolf Hess - according to some ist. - Gilera's lover, half-Jewish by mother
(a Jew according to rabbinical z-us), was related through his mother to W. Churchill

17. Lei - Minister of Labor, 1/4 Jew

18. Goering - Marshal, German, married to a Jew

19.Eva Braun - 1/4 - Jewish

20. Hoffman - officer. Hitler's photographer, introduced him to Eva Braun, also 1/4 Jewish

21. Canaris - Admiral, Chief of Military Intelligence, Greek Jew

22. Morel - Hitler's personal doctor, with a plan. At the same time, he quietly teased Hitler

23. gene. Franco - baptized Jew, purebred by father and mother

24. gen. Bach - Zelevsky - with anticipation

25. gene. Odilo Globocnik - with anticipation

What is most interesting, in the Leninist Politburo, as well as in the Stalinist Politburo, if he is not a Jew or half-Jew himself, then his wife must be Jewish.

Nr, at M.I. Kalinin's wife was Jewish, Klim Voroshilov's wife was also Jewish. Moreover, Lenin himself was a half-Jew, just like Stalin was a Caucasian half-Jew. And what is most interesting, Churchill was a Jew by his mother, and Roosevelt was also a prodigal.

That's it. So maybe it was the war of the Jewish International. But still I will finish with other words from the same book:

Revolutionaries are, as a rule, all sorts of psychopaths, psychotics and neurotics who are driven by dark Freudian complexes, where the main driving force is the power complex.

P.S. my dad loves history so much and rummaged through it so much, it's a pity that I can't get his competent opinion on whether or not the fact that the entire Hitlerite leadership, including Hitler himself, was right or wrong?

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