What is heterochromia? Name of the phenomenon of different color of the eyes in humans

One of the features of the appearance that distinguishes the person from others is the color of the eyes, or rather their iris. The most common is the brown eye color, the most rare - green. But there is another rarity - these are people with different color eye. This phenomenon is called heterochromia, but it is found not only in humans, but also in animals. Heterochromia - What is it? What are the causes of her occurrence? All of this you will learn from this article.

What is heterochromia?

Heterochromia - What is it? With such a phenomenon, a person can observe different eye pigmentation. It is no secret that the painting of the iris is determined by the presence and distribution of pigment over it, which is called melanin. If this substance is in excess or disadvantage, it can provoke different eye color. Heterochromia can only be observed in 1% of the population.

The reasons

Heterochromia - what it is, you already understood, now we will understand with the reasons this phenomenon. In most cases, it is hereditary, it can also provoke diseases, injuries or syndromes. Eye color can sometimes change after some injuries or diseases.

So consider possible reasons Eye Color Changes:

  • Neurofibromatosis.
  • Soft inflammation that affects only one eye.
  • Injury.
  • Glaucoma or medicines that are used in its treatment.
  • An extraneous subject in the eye.
  • Hereditary (family) heterochromia.
  • Hemorrhage (bleeding).

Who happens?

Heterochromia - what it is, a disease or rare feature organism? On the quality of vision, this phenomenon does not have any impact, as a person can also perceive and see various forms And colors, like people with the same eye color.

Statistics showed that the different color of the rainbow shell is mostly characteristic of women than for men. Unfortunately, scientific confirmation indicating the relationship of gender and heterochromia is missing.

The most common is central when the change in the color of the iris occurs to the center.

In rare cases, heterochromy appears as a result of development pathological processes in human organism. In this case, this feature is considered as a symptom and treatment is carried out by the cause of its occurrence, of course, after careful diagnosis.


Depending on the causes of the occurrence of heterochromy, it is divided into three main types: simple, complicated and mechanical. Consider them in more detail.


This is the most simple variety of this phenomenon. At the same time, a person does not have other eye or system problems. IN this case Different painting of the iris is observed in a person since his birth, and this is in no way reflected on his health. However, this phenomenon is quite rare. It can provoke the weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve. In some patients, additional changes were recorded - offset eyeball, change the color of the skin, the narrowing of the pupil, as well as the ptosis of the eyelids. Sometimes the weakness of the sympathetic nerve can lead to a decrease or even cessation on one side of the sweating, which indicates the development of the symptom of the city.


Such a kind is the consequence of this pathological state manifests itself by the development of chronic lesion vascular shell eye. This ailment can develop in young people, in most cases only one eye is affected. This disease is practically not amenable to diagnosis. As a rule, Fuchs syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Reducing vision.
  • Cataract.
  • Rainbow shell dystrophy.
  • Small floating white formation.
  • A gradual decline in vision.


This form It may be provoked by eye injuries, mechanical damage, tumor formations, inflammatory lesions. Also, such heterochromia in humans (photo below) can develop as defined by the use of certain drugs.

Heterochromia Eye - Forms

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be both hereditary and acquired. Focusing on this information, in the degree of coloring, three main forms can be distinguished - complete, sectoral and central heterochromy in humans.


In this case, the iris, both eyes are painted into completely different colors, in other words, a person is endowed with the eyes of absolutely different colors, and the color of the iris has different shades. The most famous is complete heterochromia, at which one eye blue color, Other - Karego.

Partial heterochromia

With this form, one eye is painted with two completely different colors. This type still has the name sector heterochromia. In the field of the iris, you can also count several shades at the same time. For example, on the background of karai iris eye smears the spot of gray or blue. It is this stain that when a child has started to form and finally set the color of the eyes, the body of melanin did not have enough in the body, and as a result of the iris, it was simply colored not completely.

Partial heterochromia in children is explained by the fact that all the kids at birth with gray-blue eyes, which, in the future, as a rule, change their shade. The formation of kargo or the darker color of the eye occurs later, besides, it is possible only on one eye.

Central heterochromia

It can be said with confidence that this is the most common form of this phenomenon. In most cases, people do not even suspect that they have heterochromia, and they are simply proud of an unusual eye color.

It is also worth noting that the central heterochromy looks quite exquisite. And if you say that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, people with this species say many talk. This form of heterochromia does not cause discomfort, but still you should visit an ophthalmologist.

If you have noticed or your child's change in color one or two eyes at once, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. To make sure these changes are not a symptom of a serious illness or any medical problemIt will take careful eye examination.

Some syndromes and conditions associated with heterochromia, for example, pigment glaucoma can only be discovered as a result of a thorough inspection.

Full survey will help exclude many causes of heterochromia. In the absence of a large disorder, further checks may not be required. However, when detecting accompanying ailments The patient, depending on the diagnosis, is assigned therapy.

It may be laser surgical intervention, Treatment with steroids, when clouding, the crystal is assigned the operation of the Vitratectomy. The choice of the method is directly related to the causes of the disease.

It should also be paid to the attention that the color of the iris in both eyes with congenital heterochromia will never be the same. If this phenomenon is acquired in nature, then the recovery of the color of the iris is quite real. This is especially swinging

The incredible manifestation of an excess or disadvantage of melanin - a pigment of a dark shade, which is contained in the human body, is reflected in the unequal color of the eyes from one person and is quite rare.

Different color of the eyes in humans as a phenomenon is perceived positively or neutral. But not everyone knows that in some cases this deviation may indicate the disease.

Disease manifestation

Heterochromia, or cat's eyes, most often manifests itself by several combinations - brown and blue, brown and gray, but there are more rare combinations.

Depending on the psychological featuresThe holder of heterochromic eyes can be proud of its individuality or to be ashamed, trying to hide the deviation from standard with colored lenses or glasses. Women with this disease is problematic to choose makeup, therefore you have to be limited to neutral colors.

In ancient times, people having a different color of the eyes, considered almost dissection of hell, sorcerers, witches, unclean. In the modern eyelid century, any individuality is neutrally welcomed, even independent of the desire of the owner.

Fact: judging by statistics, heterochromia in women arises more often than in men. But the reasons for this feature were not discovered.

Since the birth of a person, the color of the eyes is completely determined by dispersing or concentration of melanin in the iris. So, the newborn baby may have grey eyeswho over time will darken to Karich or vice versa. The uneven distribution of the dye on both iris and is expressed as heterochromia.

What is heterochromia

This feature of heterochromia is called translated from Greek - ἕἕερς (other, different) χρῶμα (color), which completely characterizes the concept of the disease.

There are only three main pigment colors, of which it turns out the shade of the iris:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • brown.

Ideally, the eye color should be the same, but never identical. If you look closely, even people with the same color have a small difference.

For example, a blue-eyed man has a yellow "sun" around the pupil, and his "races" will be different in shape and size. Thus, a peculiar heterochromy is manifested, which is often transmitted by inheritance.

During the staining of the iris, dyes are always mixed in different quantitiesAnd therefore absolutely identical eye does not exist.

Fact: heterochromia is manifested in newborns in 10 cases out of 1,000.

In itself, the deviation does not carry any harm, but especially defects. The color of the iris does not affect the visibility of visibility. But it happens that such an ophthalmologic deviation is a symptom of another disease.

Varieties of heterochromia

Deviation in the stable distribution of pigment on the iristers of both eyes in people who create their individual color, have variations:

  1. Complete - color in the eyes is completely different, with a pronounced difference.
  2. Sector - share or partial heterochromia, which are expressed in color deficiency. For example, one carial, and the second blue with Karim stain.
  3. Central - on the second eye with a brighter iris there are stain or stains on the dominant color, creating a ring around the pupil.

The most common form of manifestation of deviation is complete heterochromia.

Depending on the cause of the occurrence, two types differ:

  • congenital
  • acquired.

The reasons for the formation of the acquired form of the disease can be different, but congenital heterochromy is only transmitted by inheritance. Perhaps even through the generation.

Why heterochromia appears

Causes acquired or congenital deviation Have a different character, but are divided into several types:

  1. Simple - anomalous phenomenon that manifests itself without system or eye diseasecapable of provoking pathology. Quite rare view ophthalmologic deviation.

More often, heterochromia occurs due to the weakness of the sympathetic cervical nerve. This disease has other symptoms expressed in ophthalmic pathologies: Ptosis, uneven pigmentation skin Pokrov, a narrow pupil, a shifted eyeball, reduced or missing sweating with affected body side disease. All this is the horner syndrome.

Congenital heterochromy may be a consequence of the presence of Vaardenburg syndrome, pigment dispersion syndrome and many other hereditary diseases.

  1. Complicated - formed due to fuce syndrome. Typically, only one organ of vision is damaged and often such a deviation is so slightly pronounced that only an ophthalmologist notes. Accompanied by additional signs of syndrome: clouding lens, slow impairment, floating microscopic whims, which are not always visible.
  2. Acquired - appears due to mechanical injury Eye apple and iris in particular. May be the consequence of tumors, inflammation or incorrect treatment Ophthalmic diseases. In case of sideriosis or chalcose, the shell of the damaged eye can be green-blue or rusty-brown (depending on the type of metal that has fallen into the eyeball from the outside during injury).

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify the cause of the disease, observational diagnosis is applied.

The main role in the treatment method plays the receipt of heterochromia - acquired, formed gradually or congenital.

If, after examining a violation in the work of the organs of vision, treatment of conservative or operational therapy Not appointed. In any case, the manifestation of the disease will not disappear after it is treated as a symptom. Eyes will remain different colorEven if you get rid of the cause.

In the case of identifying the underlying disease, which affected the color of the eyes, appropriate treatment is assigned to it, and not the heterochromy itself.

Heterochromia is when a person has a different color eye. The difference in the color of the eyes in a person is caused by an excess or disadvantage of pigment - melanin. Such a rare phenomenon is found not only in humans, but also in animals, for example, cats. A long time ago, people with different color of the eyes considered the children of the devil, witches, that is, people associated with witchcraft or black magic. They caused fear of ordinary peopleBut now it is known that the different color of the eyes is not the tricks of supernatural power.

There are two types of heterochromia: the first is complete heterochromia, and the second appearance is partial heterochromia. With complete heterochromy, the color of one iris completely differs from the color of another iris. With partial heterochromia, a person has one part of the iris (eyes) differs from the remaining part of the iris, that is, one eye has two colors. Most often there is a complete heterochromia in humans, less often partial, approximately 4 people from 1 million. .

Heterochromia is a mutation that occurs after the fertilization of the egg. But he fear heterochromia is not worth it. She does not affect the health of a person who has a different color eye. A man with heterochromia sees and perceives colors as well as an ordinary person, but only he has its own individual wint. By the way, heterochromia is more common in women than among representatives of strong sex. It happens that heterochromia becomes acquired. Due to injury or disease (Girshprung disease, Vaardenburg Syndrome), a person acquires a unique phenomenon.

Have you met with multicolored eyes? One look at such a person makes it take away from it, causing tremendous interest. The combination of Karego I. blue Eyes It is impossible not to notice. Nature awarded such people with special charm, however, in the world they are just one percent. Why does the eye iris are multicolored with one person? We will try to explain it to you.

In science, such a phenomenon is called heterochromia. It is explained either by the presence of excess, or on the contrary, the lack of pigment, which is called Melanin. The most important thing is that you need to know, the different eye color is not a disease, but just a gift of nature.

Also distinguish between two states of heterochromia. If eye irises have different colorsThis is complete heterochromia. Partial heterochromia is caused by a two-color iris one of the human eye. However, partial heterochromy is extremely rare. In addition, multicolored eyes in humans can be a purchased phenomenon, due to the preparation of the head injury or after healing from severe disease.

Currently, science explains this phenomenon, and people with multicolored eyes live calmly. In the old days it caused fear. It was believed that multicolored eyes are a sign of dark forces and such people awaited.
Today, a man with multicolored eyes is always in the center of all attention. Psychologists even made a special psychological portrait for people with such a phenomenon. As a rule, these are spiritual, courageous and sometimes unpredictable people. Since childhood, feeling others, they are always in the spotlight and surround themselves only with a small circle of friends. Maximets by nature, they always and in all seek to be the first.

"Mosaic people", that is what they call them, often use colored lenses to hide their phenomenon from strangers. Curious attention sometimes happens tedious, perhaps, so they hide their individuality. An ordinary person on the contrary, envies mosaic. After all, not look like others is a reason for pride.

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One of the unique mysteries of nature and unusual phenomena is considered to be a different color of the eyes in humans. It is called a similar phenomenon of heterochromy or pancaldism of the eyes, which is translated into Russian with Greek as "other color" or "different color".

At the same time, a person's phenomenon has a different pigmentation of the iris. Such a phenomenon is characteristic not only for people, but also for some species of animals (cats, dogs, cows, horses, etc.).

This phenomenon is not dangerous in itself, but can indirectly indicate some diseases inherent in man.

People with heterochromy eye should regularly pass medical examinations to notice possible changes in the change.

If no pathological processes in the body arises, this phenomenon is perceived by both the person themselves, and all others others as something unique and special.

After all, a person with different color eyes always stands out from the crowd. Although many eye holders of different color feel uncomfortable, try to hide eyes in the dark glasses, and women often can't pick up the right make-up under their own characteristics.

Frequently of such people were considered black magicians, sorcerers, witches, owners of certain devilish knowledge. Now these stereotypes are destroyed, the witches are not burned for a long time at the fires, and heterochromia is perceived exclusively as rather interesting, but still deviation from the norm.

Description of heterochromia

The eye color is always determined by the presence, distribution and concentration of melanin pigment. If an excess is observed or, on the contrary, the lack of melanin in the iridescent eye sheaths, they may have different color. In total, three colors of pigments are isolated, which in different proportions make up the main color of the iris.

This is blue, yellow and brown pigments. As a rule, the color of both eyes in humans is the same. But in 10 cases out of 1000 for various reasons, a different color of the iris may appear, which is called heterochromia.

It is not worth afraid of this feature, because by itself it does not affect vision: a person sees and perceives the color and forms, absolutely the same as a man without heterochromia. Sometimes it acts as a symptom of a certain disease. But heterochromia itself does not pose a threat and danger to life or human health.

According to statistics, heterochromy occurs in women than in men, however, no scientific substantiation of the relationship between the floor and this phenomenon was found.

Types of heterochromia

By type or in form, three different cases or a heterochromy variant are separated:

  • full heterochromia: option when a person has two eyes of different colors (for example, one - the carial, the other - blue),
  • sectoral (partial) heterochromia: The case when two colors are presented in one iris (on the iris one color is represented by the blurred stain of another color),
  • central heterochromia: The iris of one eye has more than one shade (one dominant color is presented, and several other colors form circles or rings around the pupil).

Full heterochromia is more common. It occurs more often than sector or central.

For reasons of the occurrence of heterochromy, it is distinguished on congenital (genetic, hereditary) and acquired. Factors and reasons that can provoke its appearance, consider further.

Causes of appearance

As far as the appearance of the anomaly, it is conventionally distinguished by a simple, complicated or mechanical heterochromium.

  1. Simple heterochromia - Anomaly, consisting in a special staining of the shell of the eye without other eye or systemic problems. A person is already born with different eyes, but no health problems are experiencing. This is a rather rare phenomenon. More often the same phenomenon is observed with the weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve. At the same time, additional changes can be observed: Ptosis of the eyelid, a change in the skin color, the narrowing of the pupil, the displacement of the eyeball, a decrease or cessation of sweating from the affected side, which characterize the horner syndrome. Also, congenital heterochromia can lead to a pigment dispersion syndrome, Vaardenburg Syndrome and other hereditary diseases.
  2. Complicated heterochromia May develop with fuchs syndrome. Most often, with such a chronic, fly away in young people suffers from one eye, and heterochromia may not be observed or it is difficult to determine. With this disease arise the following symptoms: clouding in a lens, a gradual decline in vision, small floating white formations - precipitates, a rideward shell dystrophy, etc.
  3. Acquired heterochromia may develop due to mechanical damage Eyes, injuries, inflammation, tumors or improper use of some eye medications. When a metallic fragment in the eye, sedresions may develop (if iron fragment) or chalcosis (if Copper fragment). In this case, the shell of the damaged eye is overly painted in green-blue or rust-brown colors.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of this phenomenon is set by observation. Changes are visible or manifested at the birth of anomalies immediately. Then the complete is detected clinical picture Diseases to diagnose and plan treatment.

Ophthalmologist appoints comprehensive examination and laboratory techniques, and special methods precisely to identify violations in the work of the visual apparatus.

If heterochromia is not accompanied by other symptoms, except for different color of the eyes, then medication or surgery It is not assigned, because it does not need it, because the color of the eyes by treatment cannot be changed anyway.

If some are revealed accompanying illnesseswhich provoke heterochromy, then treatment is assigned in accordance with the prescribed diagnosis.

This may be the treatment of steroids, and the operation of vitrectomy during irrigation of the lens, with which steroids, and laser surgical intervention are not cope. The choice of the method is carried out by a specialist depending on the disease.

It is worth noting that with congenital heterochromia, the color of the iris will never be the same in both eyes. If heterochromia is acquired, the recovery of the color of the iris is possible. This is especially true of hitting some metal fragments. For successful treatment The color of the iris will be the same after removing all foreign languages.

Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases. | Chief Editor Site.

Engaged in emergency, outpatient and planned ophthalmology. Conducts diagnostics I. conservative treatment Farcasticness, allergic diseases century, myopia. Performs sensing, removal of foreign bodies, inspection of the eyebed with a three-merical lens, washing the rose-free channels.

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