Red and very dry eyes. Red iris of the eye. The choroid itself

Eye redness - nonspecific symptom, it does not point to specific disease, and may be the result of many pathologies of various nature. These include both vision problems and impaired functioning of other organs of the body. General rule- regardless primary causes, the redness itself has general arrangements development.

Why do eyes turn red

The color of the eyes changes due to the strong expansion of the veins and capillaries that provide blood to the eyeball. Due to the increase in the lumen, the vessels become significantly thinner and become transparent - red blood becomes visible. Taking into account the extent to which and in what particular place the blood vessels have expanded, redness affects the entire sclera or only its corners, go to the eyelid or is localized only on eyeball.

The problem arises due to abrupt change physiological movement of blood in the direction of increasing intensity. There are several reasons for this state of the body, they are both external and internal.

Environmental factors

The eyes can be severely irritated by various chemical compounds. Increased blood flow tries to quickly remove toxic substances from the surface of the eyeball, the body's reaction is instinctive and is not subject to external adjustment. Another big group external factors- mechanical damage to the shell of the eyeball. These can be both small solid particles that create shallow scratches on the surface, and strong shock loads that lead to mechanical destruction of some vessels. After the elimination of the irritating factor of external causes, redness disappears without the need for treatment. But this does not apply to heavy chemical burns or mechanical damage organs of vision. Separate group physiological causes - eye fatigue after prolonged work with a computer. Redness occurs in electric welders due to irradiation of the eyeball with hard ultraviolet rays. Listed external causes may cause redness different intensity. Many of them disappear after a few hours, for others it will take several days and special medications.

Important. In the case when the redness of the eyes does not go away after the disappearance of the factors provoking it, you need to go to an ophthalmologist. This situation can be caused by complex eye damage and cause partial loss of vision.

Especially carefully you need to monitor the behavior of the eyes after strong mechanical injuries. They violate the integrity of the conjunctiva and cornea, the eyes swell, and the risks of penetration through damaged tissues into the eyeball of various pathogenic microorganisms increase.

Physiological causes

Inadequate reactions of the body to various allergens, increased blood pressure, deviations from normal indicators blood clotting, etc. Redness is the result of prolonged muscle overstrain. Most of these reddenings do not require treatment, the elimination of physiological causes automatically eliminates the signs.

What to do if the eyes turn red without injury and there are no inflammatory processes? You should contact medical institution for a consultation. An experienced ophthalmologist after examination should send the patient to a doctor of the appropriate specialty, and not deal with the treatment of redness.

Important. It must be understood that to physiological reasons also applies to overwork, mental stress, irritation. In children, redness appears after prolonged crying.

What diseases cause red eyes?

  1. Poor blood clotting or hypertension. Both factors cause minor bleeding, blood enters the space of the eyeball and changes its color.
  2. Arthritis, spondyloarthritis, relapsing polychondritis. On the early stages redness does not appear, problems are noticeable when chronic course diseases.
  3. Granuleatosis, Sjögren's syndrome. Redness occurs not only in the eyes, change color and other parts of the skin and mucous membranes.

Diabetes, overdose medicines, including eye, can be another cause of redness.

Eye changes

Individual cases requiring surgical treatment- redness in glaucoma, dacryocystitis, inflammation of the membrane, etc. If the cause of red eyes is a visual disease - redness is treated simultaneously with the underlying disease, very rarely disappears on its own. All pathologies reddening are divided into two large groups.

What pathologies do not cause inflammation?

  1. Keratopathy. specific disease cornea resulting from unbalanced diet, circulatory disorders. It happens filamentous, point, bullous. Redness of the eyes appear necessarily in all cases.

  2. pterygium. A fold forms on the mucous membrane, over time it increases in size and can cover the entire cornea of ​​​​the eye. The color of the ptyrygium is red, respectively, and the eye becomes the same. A similar symptomatology has a disease of the pinguecula of the eye. This is benign tumor red color, constantly increasing in size.

  3. Local hemorrhages in tissues. Provoked by internal and external factors.
  4. Incorrect position of the eyelid- it is turned outward and constantly injures the shell of the eyeball.

  5. Trichiasis. Eyelashes are wrapped up to the eyes, irritate them and provoke redness.

What pathologies cause inflammation?

  1. chicken pox. Due to active smallpox, the cornea becomes inflamed, after which viruses can enter the eye chambers.
  2. Dacryocystitis, chronic dacryadenitis or acute canaliculitis. The sac, gland or lacrimal canal becomes inflamed.
  3. , eyelid inflammation, creatitis, chorioretinal inflammation.
  4. abscesses on the bones and soft tissues orbits.

This is a list of the most common diseases that cause red eyes. There are others, but they are rare. Due to the fact that redness indicates complex eye diseases, needed medical assistance. Especially if nausea is observed, there is headache, visual acuity decreases or liquid of any kind is released from the eyes. The sooner the treatment is carried out, the less the risk of consequences.

Eye redness due to inflammation of the cornea

The most common reason for untimely treatment can lead to permanent visual impairment. Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) is caused by mechanical and chemical damage, infections by viruses and bacteria.

You can not stop after the disappearance of the first signs of the disease and redness of the eyes - a relapse is sure to follow. The process of eye treatment can take several months, and you need to be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist.

Problems in children

As a rule, the eyes turn red suddenly. Often due to physical and chemical factors or physiological reasons. Even with a small amount of dust, a cold or a cough, the eyes turn red. This is explained by the very low resistance of the conjunctiva to stimuli. Another reason - viral diseases, the infection enters the eye through the nasolacrimal canal and causes inflammation. A common cause of redness in children is the habit of rubbing their eyes for any reason. As for infants, in most cases, redness is the result of a serious illness and requires treatment. pediatrician. Self-medication can lead to very sad results, aggravate pathological process, prolong and complicate the disease . The doctor prescribes an effective, but sparing therapy, local inflammations are treated separately.

Redness treatment

As mentioned above, drops can only be used in cases where redness is not a concomitant sign of serious illness. If the cause is mechanical or minor chemical irritants, then it is recommended to use drops.

Table. Drops for redness of the eyes.

Name of dropsIndications for use and pharmacological action

The active substance terizolin hydrochloride contains linden and chamomile water, sodium chloride, polysorbate and other components to increase efficiency. When applied, drops narrow the lumen of the vessels that feed the eyeball. Used during the treatment of diseases accompanied by redness of the eyes. The drug is prescribed as a symptomatic agent or in the presence of eye diseases as an addition to complex therapy.

The active substances are represented by a blocker of H1-histamine receptors. Remove existing edema, relieve allergic reactions. Due to the vasoconstrictive action, they effectively relieve eye hyperemia, eliminate edema, and localize inflammation. The drug is instilled one drop two or three times a day. If within three days positive effect absent, then the use of drops should be stopped. Side effects: hyperemia, dilated pupil, dizziness, local burning.

Indicated for non-infectious allergic conjunctivitis, spring keratitis, immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. The effect occurs after several days of treatment, after instillation it is recommended to close the eyes tightly, this reduces the likelihood of the drug entering the nasolacrimal ducts. As a side effect, headache may occur.

The active substance plastoqbromide, drops are considered a keratoprotective and antioxidant agent. Indicated for dry eye syndrome initial stages age-related cataracts, relieve redness, reduce itching. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. how adverse reaction there may be a short-term sensation of pain and burning in the eyes immediately after instillation.

It is prescribed to relieve redness resulting from allergic reactions, physical damage and chemical reagents. Children under six years of age should take the drug only under the supervision of a physician. It is forbidden to use drops for corneal dystrophy, angle-closure glaucoma and hypersensitivity to active ingredients.

Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to seek help from ophthalmologists. Redness of the eyes is often a concomitant phenomenon, the underlying disease needs to be treated. Delay in taking action can cause very serious complications.

Video - Conjunctivitis. What causes red eyes

Date: 02/23/2016

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  • Red eyes: main groups of possible causes
  • Treatment of eye diseases
  • Glaucoma - dangerous disease eye
  • Conjunctival disease
  • Xerophthalmia: Highlights

Many of us have experienced eye problems in our lives. For example, in red eyes, the causes of this condition may be as follows:

  • allergies to medicines, cosmetics, animal hair, etc.;
  • diseases such as colds, conjunctivitis, etc.;
  • ingress of foreign objects (cilia, motes, etc.);
  • very long work at the computer, insomnia, dust, unsuitable lenses;
  • arterial hypertension caused by vascular diseases.

Why do the eyes turn red? The cause of eye strain is a long work at the computer or reading a book. Then you need to do simple exercises every 30 minutes:

  1. In elementary grades, such exercises are carried out with schoolchildren. Close eyelids, rub hand in hand and lean them against closed eyes.
  2. You can look at the window, into the distance.
  3. Apply a compress on the eyelids (moisten a cotton pad with a decoction of herbs, strong tea).
  4. With the help of drops or tears, you can moisten the eyelid if it is blown by the wind.
  5. Causes of redness of the eyeball may result from improper wearing lenses. In this case, special lubricating drops are effective.

Red eyes: main groups of possible causes

Pink sclera of the eyes, accompanied by soreness, burning and intolerable itching, causeless lacrimation, “flies” or a veil before the eyes - why do these symptoms appear? A very common pathology that has affected almost every person on Earth. To prevent illness serious consequences, do not ignore its first symptoms. It does not matter if this phenomenon is temporary or the symptoms are present periodically.

The causes of reddening of the whites of the eyes are divided into two main groups.

The first group arises as a result of exposure to the eye of any factor (wind, sun, water, the influence of chemicals), during crying, as a result of contact with foreign bodies; with chronic overwork associated with intense visual stress (watching TV for many hours, long-term driving, accompanied by poor lighting and eye focus for a short distance).

The second group appears due to various diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • elevated intraocular pressure(glaucoma);
  • obstructed venous outflow from the head and increased intracranial pressure;
  • arterial hypertension with damaged blood vessels;
  • improper selection and use of contact lenses that can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • patients with visual impairment due to intense visual load;
  • xerophthalmia - inflammation hair follicle- barley, blepharitis, corneal ulcer.

If the causes of redness of the eyes belong to the first group, then a person suffering from this ailment can alleviate and eliminate this symptom on his own:

  • minimize the climate chemical exposure and ingress of foreign bodies using protective equipment(specials),
  • reduce eye strain by performing eye exercises recommended by ophthalmologists,
  • reduce the intensity of exercise
  • organize a full eight-hour sleep
  • improve workplace lighting.

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Treatment of eye diseases

It often helps in such cases. ethnoscience. The use of cold and contrast compresses from ordinary water or a decoction of chamomile / oak herbs, the use of tea lotions, potato and cucumber eye masks for 20 minutes will eliminate the causes of red eyes and return them to a healthy look. You can also apply a cotton pad soaked in tea to reddened eyes, while pre-chilled.

A potato mask is made from raw or boiled potatoes, rubbed and wrapped in a bandage.

Mashed potatoes are wrapped warm in gauze and applied to the eyelid. Helps to quickly relieve redness of the eyes. The cucumber mask is also wrapped in a bandage or gauze and applied to the eyes.

For all of the above diseases, treatment is likely to be medication using drops that can constrict blood vessels; vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein; antibiotic eye ointment.

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Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease

Why are the eyes red? This question is asked, looking in the mirror in the morning, some people. By contacting an ophthalmologist, the doctor can determine serious pathology. Many do not know that blood vessels on proteins can turn red from normal overwork, but this may be the first sign of glaucoma. If you have such a cause of red eyes, then you should not self-medicate in any case. The fact is that the described disease can manifest itself with a defect in the connective tissues, therefore self-treatment can cause significant harm to your health.

Glaucoma appears as redness and pain in the eyes due to increased eye pressure. Acute attacks glaucoma must be treated correctly and immediately, as this disease can lead to necrosis optic nerve and subsequently to blindness.

Since the eye symptoms in this disease are not very pronounced, it is sometimes difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Glaucoma is characterized by symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, which is characteristic and intestinal infection, and hypertensive crisis. Therefore, in order to establish or refute the diagnosis of glaucoma, it is necessary thorough examination eyeballs. The above symptoms will tell you about the presence of glaucoma: a hard eyeball, the appearance of red spots on the proteins.

Many people experience reddening of the whites or eye fatigue from time to time. Most often, these symptoms are associated with eye strain, as well as the influence of external factors, for example, strong wind, dust. However, the reasons why the eyes get tired and redden may be more serious. These manifestations may indicate an inflammatory process, allergies or vascular pathology. Often, eye diseases are accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • burning sensation in the eye;
  • pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • photophobia;

Eyes turn red in the sun

Impact of factors environment- most common causes white redness. In this case, the eyes may water or hurt, blurred vision may occur. If the eyes turn red in the sun, most likely there is nothing to worry about. However, if you observe this constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Among the external factors that cause redness of the eyes are called dry air, insufficient lighting. In this case, the symptom disappears within a short time on its own. Sometimes redness can be the result allergic reaction on plant dust or pollen.

Causes of redness of the eyes and the appearance of a feeling of fatigue

Redness of the eyes and a feeling of fatigue in the eyes may indicate the development of the most various diseases. This symptom can appear both in the morning and in the evening. Environmental conditions, observance of personal hygiene rules and the presence of other diseases also have a significant impact.

It's unpleasant to wake up and see red eyes after long sleep. After all, after a good night's rest, a person should be full of strength and health. If the whites of your eyes turn red, think about what could be the cause of the disease.

The main reason due to which the eye may turn red after sleep is ordinary fatigue. If you regularly refuse a good night's rest or suffer from insomnia, then your organs of vision simply do not have time to get rid of the tension. In an inflamed state, they will stay around the clock.

Consider this and other popular reasons in more detail:

  • Loss of sleep and regular sleep deprivation. By closing your eyelids, you moisten your eyes. Dry eyes lead to redness. Accordingly, after long wakefulness you will see that your eyes have become red and even after sleep the situation may remain the same.
  • Diseases of the eyelids. If the disease bothers you in the morning, and at the same time your sleep is full and strong, you may have blepharitis. This disease causes inflammatory process at the edges of the eyes. The red eye will be accompanied by itching and/or painful sensations.
  • In the list of common diseases that cause redness of the eyes in the morning, it is also worth highlighting barley and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva). The conjunctiva is a transparent mucous membrane that lines the outer part of the sclera and inner part century. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common condition, especially among schoolchildren. The disease is not difficult to treat, but requires mandatory and timely medical intervention. Only a doctor can determine the specific type of conjunctivitis and select the appropriate treatment methods.
  • Ignoring basic hygiene rules. Especially characteristic cause ailments in girls. Not all women go to bed with their make-up completely washed off. The remaining makeup causes irritation on the mucous membrane, as a result, redness appears.
  • Tobacco smoke and alcoholic drinks. At overuse alcohol and exposure to tobacco smoke in the evening, be prepared to wake up with red eyes. Alcohol increases intracranial pressure, and cigarette smoke is an irritant to the mucosa.

Other reasons

Other, not so common reasons, but also possible, include:

  • external irritants: ingress of insects, cilia;
  • if before going to bed a strong wind blew in your eyes or dust got on the mucous membranes, in the morning you can also get up with reddened eyes;
  • prolonged hard work in front of a computer and prolonged reading during the day in poor light;
  • applying cream or other cosmetics wrong when cosmetics get into the eyes;
  • wearing contact lenses (even if you put on lenses only in the morning and afternoon, and always take them off at night, they can cause redness if you do not follow the rules for wearing and caring for products);
  • prolonged crying at bedtime.

Possible consequences

If you ignore the morning redness of the eyes for a long time, inflammation will certainly occur. Even if the disease initially arose due to banal fatigue and overwork, in the future, serious eye diseases. If the eyes at first turned red in the morning due to an allergy or illness, then the consequences can be the most sad, up to and including loss of vision.

Features of diagnostics

If you are not sure that the pathology is not caused by any disease, contact for professional help to an ophthalmologist. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • inspection;
  • microbiological examination of the eyes (using a microscope);
  • in some cases (optionally), the ophthalmologist directs the patient to a dentist and other specialists, prescribes tests (they examine: tear fluid and other eye secretions, blood, fluorography is performed).

When is a diagnosis needed?

If you have been crying for a long time before going to bed or the redness has appeared for other "short-term" reasons, it is not necessary to visit a doctor. Diagnostics is necessary if redness in the morning is accompanied by significant pain, severe headache and / or visual impairment. As well as vomiting and nausea, vision around the light sources of the "light ring".

IMPORTANT! If you lead a balanced lifestyle, but redness in the morning occurs regularly and does not disappear for a long time, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist.


An ophthalmologist should prescribe treatment after examination. If the cause is “household”, for example, poor hygiene or lack of sleep, then the doctor will recommend eliminating it. He can also prescribe eye drops, such as Oksial, Inoksa, Likontin.

In addition, preparations of the “artificial tears” series are excellent for discomfort in the eyes. Their main task is in high-quality hydration of the mucosa. By normalizing eye hydration, you can get rid of redness even if you do not sleep well at night. These funds are not curative, they will not help in the fight against eye diseases. write out medical preparations a must for an ophthalmology professional! At household reasons ailment, in addition to "tears", vitamin A is often prescribed, for example, "Ascorutin".

You can also apply ice cubes to your eyelids for a few minutes or rub them around your eye area. Ice can be made with pure water and medicinal herbs Let's say daisies. You can also use compresses from herbal infusions or tea bags. Apply them to the eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes. Ice cubes and compresses can only be used if the redness is not due to eye disease.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don't know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

vision or visual perception- one of the main abilities of a person, therefore, in the event of a disease, the appearance of the slightest problems, such as clouding, redness of the eyes, the causes and treatment of these symptoms should be dealt with as soon as possible. How to treat the disease and how to distinguish serious diagnosis from normal fatigue, read on.


Any redness of the eyes is an inflammation provoked by both the ingress of dust and the development of various diseases, and not only ophthalmic ones. The main thing is to determine the nature of your problem in time and deal with it. professional treatment to avoid deterioration, redness or complete loss of vision. What are the causes of red eyes of non-painful origin:

  • weather conditions - too bright sunlight, too strong wind, dry air can cause redness;
  • long contact with a TV or computer;
  • allergy: to cosmetics, household chemicals, smoke;
  • alcoholism;
  • violations of the regime of the day, overvoltage cause redness;
  • unsuitable lenses or glasses cause redness.

Correctly selected contact lenses do not contribute to the development of myopia, but can affect the change in the tissues of the eye surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution helps - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops.

Cationorm is an innovative tear substitute based on a nanoemulsion that quickly spreads over the surface of the eye, restoring all three layers of the tear film, quickly and permanently eliminating pronounced, intense redness and eye fatigue that appear in the morning.

Oftagel - eye gel with carbomer, which ensures the restoration of the tear film and does not require frequent applications to the surface of the eye, in addition, it can be used at night as a means of additional moistening of the cornea to prevent fatigue and redness of the eyes.

After sleep

The first cause of red eyes after sleep is an evening spent at the computer, working late or lack of sleep. Due to a computer, a book, or hard work, they are overworked and do not get rest during sleep. Another reason is exposure to bright light before bed or the use of night lenses to correct vision. All diseases that cause inflammation or redness can also appear after sleep: these are colds, conjunctivitis, astigmatism, glaucoma and others.

What diseases are symptoms

An ophthalmologist or an ophthalmologist will help to explain the redness of the eyes - the causes and treatment, to diagnose the disease. They can blush with a variety of disorders in the body, mechanical damage and injuries, chronic fatigue and insomnia. If the eyes turn red periodically, in short attacks, you should pay attention to the lifestyle and daily routine, but if the problem does not go away and interferes with vision, you need to urgently start treatment. Red eyes are a symptom of what diseases:

  • Ophthalmic diseases: scleritis, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, astigmatism, keratitis, xerophthalmia, uveitis, iritis.
  • Asthenia, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • A corneal ulcer is characterized by redness.
  • Diseases associated with the disorder intracranial pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Arterial hypertension. At high blood pressure blood vessels often burst.
  • colds, allergies, mental illness, stress cause redness.

The child has

The cause of reddening of the eyes in a child is an allergy or ingress of dust, eyelashes, sand. Allergy develops to pet hair, plant pollen, chemical household products, sprayers. A common problem for children is air conditioning: it can blow out a child and provoke a cold, runny nose, inflammation of the eyeball.

Redness indicates the development of vision problems, its deterioration. If a child wears contact lenses or glasses, the cause may be incorrectly selected optics, violation of the rules for storing and using lenses. Each parent needs to monitor how much time the child spends at the computer: its long-term influence has an extremely negative effect.

Causes of Red Protein

Any disorders, diseases are manifested in proteins: they may turn red or turn yellow, depending on the problem. A change in the color of the proteins indicates an unhealthy condition that must be treated on your own or with the help of a doctor. The causes of protein redness are often vascular overstrain after crying, intoxication, and a long stay in the wind. Red proteins appear after impacts, mechanical damage, after contact with salt water, bleach, and other chemicals.

In men

For men who are employed specific kind activity, reddening of proteins is often observed. When welding, working in production, with small parts, chemicals, long work at the computer, they can get tired and irritated. Another cause of red eyes in men is alcoholism, smoking, allergies to caustic tobacco smoke, excess dust in the absence of cleaning and ventilation of the room.

From alcohol

Why your eyes are red after drinking: alcohol dilates blood vessels, which are visible in human proteins. They can burst, proteins can become cloudy, remaining red even the next morning after drinking alcohol. Red eyes after alcohol can be easily eliminated with a tonic compress from apples, potatoes or cucumbers, they will help vasoconstrictor drops Vizin, Sofradex or chilled tea leaves, chamomile decoction.

one eye

The causes of redness in one eye can be all the same factors that provoke irritation of two eyes at the same time. An infection, an external irritant, a virus - all this can be localized only in one eyeball without affecting the other. It is possible to exclude such causes as overwork, tension after the monitor, lack of sleep, since they always appear in both eyes, local diseases and inflammations are more likely. If the eye is reddened, there are other signs: lacrimation, swelling, pain - you should immediately contact a specialist to treat the problem.

Why does the eyelid itch

Eyelids may swell and itch when infected, a large number dust, if hygiene rules are not observed (if you climb with dirty hands or do not wash off cosmetics). The cause of itching is often an allergy to poplar fluff, wool pet, mascara or eye shadow. Swollen, reddened - do not scratch and rub if the infection is to blame, with such signs you need to drip moisturizing drops and consult a doctor if the symptoms do not go away on their own.

How to get rid

You can get rid of redness of the eyes at home if the cause is everyday overstrain, stress or contact with water. Everyone should have eye drops in their first aid kit and know a few ways to help soothe inflamed, reddened eyes, relieve swelling from the upper and lower eyelids. In the presence of a disease medicines the doctor prescribes, based on the specifics of the problem, in this case, self-medication may be ineffective and even harmful.


good remedy from redness of the eyes - prevention. It is imperative to observe hygiene, regulate the time spent at the TV and computer, do eye exercises, use natural cosmetics. Eye drops help prevent the problem. They are different types: antibiotics, vasoconstrictor, antibacterial, antiallergic. An ophthalmologist should prescribe the correct course of treatment.

If there are no drops on hand, you can try simple home remedies to eliminate redness. Help relieve discomfort cold: in the form of ice compresses, washing cold water. To relieve swelling, you can freeze a decoction of chamomile in ice molds and wipe it with sick, reddened areas: lower and upper eyelids. Artificial tears have an effective effect - a kind of analogue of drops, it can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. Tears moisturize and soothe the mucosa, can be used to reduce the load on blood vessels. There are no contraindications.


Abuse eye drops is also harmful: they can be addictive, permanent turbidity and a feeling of discomfort. Drops from red blood vessels in the eyes are mainly vasoconstrictor drugs. They can quickly reduce intraocular pressure, return blood vessels to normal condition and remove redness. If the problem is serious, the drops may not help, or their effect will be short-lived and all signs will return. Popular drugs such as Vizin, Sofradex, Murin; at poor eyesight you can use special drops while wearing lenses or glasses.


Irritation of the eyelids is a consequence of an allergic reaction. It is important to note that redness, allergies appear not only through direct contact with the pathogen: the allergen can act as side effect, after hitting it in circulatory system. These include food allergies, medical preparations, chemical substances.

Direct contact with extraneous irritating factors in the eye can cause an instant reaction, redness. To treat irritation on the eyelids, you can use antiallergic, antihistamine drops, hormonal ointments for external use, rinse with special solutions. The method of treatment depends on the type of allergy, so you need to consult a doctor for an analysis.

Folk remedies

bad dream, seasonal disruptions in the body due to lack of vitamins, overwork, stress - all this can cause changes in vision and affect its sharpness. Edema, conjunctivitis, infectious inflammation- traditional medicine knows how to treat any ailments. At serious illnesses, such as glaucoma, blepharitis, scleritis, it may not have enough effect, but as an auxiliary procedure, some recipes are designed to relieve puffiness and alleviate general state.

The main thing is not to suffer from the disease and not to run it, so as not to resort to surgical intervention, laser correction and others radical methods. Main folk remedies:

  1. Tea. To relieve puffiness, redness, put brewed and chilled tea bags or cotton pads soaked in strong black or green tea on your eyelids.
  2. Ice cubes. Helps with redness after sleep. Wipe the skin around the eyes with ice or apply completely, wrapped in a handkerchief.
  3. Apples or potatoes. Apply fresh fruit slices to reddened eyelids for 15 minutes.
  4. Aloe juice. Should only be buried fresh natural juice, 2 drops.
  5. Antiviral liquid with honey. On a glass of boiled water - an incomplete teaspoon of honey, drip with redness.
  6. With conjunctivitis, from redness: cucumber, apple, potato, egg white. Wash all fruits, peel, grate, squeeze lightly, mix with whipped protein and apply as a compress for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a day for a quick effect.
  7. Oat mass. Gradually dilute oatmeal with whey, you need the consistency of a thick dough. Apply the mixture on the eyelids to relieve itching, redness.

