Purulent allergic conjunctivitis treatment. How to treat allergic conjunctivitis. However, other symptoms and indicators may differ slightly.

According to the logic of the name, it affects those people who have hypersensitivity to any allergen. Allergy in itself is a rather unpredictable problem that can "come out" in the most different places organism. Since the conjunctiva of the eye comes into contact with the outside world in the forefront, it is primarily attacked by allergens.

Most often, the conjunctiva perceives plant pollen as an allergen. For this reason, this type of conjunctivitis can be perceived as a seasonal illness. However, in addition to pollen, allergy sufferers have a reaction to pet hair, dust, and medicines... And this is not the whole list.

The effect of allergens on the conjunctiva of the eye can be guessed almost immediately by the onset of severe itching - and it pulls to rub your eyes. In some cases, itching is accompanied by painful sensations and slight swelling of the eyelids. And this problem can become chronic.

For reference. Allergic conjunctivitis Is the appearance inflammatory response the mucous membrane of the eye in response to exposure to allergens. For the development of allergic conjunctivitis, an increased, genetically determined sensitivity to this allergen is required.

The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are the appearance of lacrimation, itching of the eyelids and conjunctiva, redness of the mucous membranes, swelling of the eyelids, the occurrence of inflammatory formations (papillae and follicles) on the conjunctiva. At severe course Allergic conjunctivitis may damage the cornea (allergic keratoconjunctivitis), accompanied by visual impairment.

Attention. According to statistics, ophthalmic allergies (allergic conjunctivitis, allergic keratoconjunctivitis, etc.) of varying severity are observed in about twenty percent of the population.

In structure allergic lesions conjunctivitis eyes occupy about ninety percent of all ophthalmic allergies.

Due to the presence genetic predisposition, allergic conjunctivitis is often combined with other diseases of an allergic nature ( bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, atopic dermatitis etc.).

The disease code for allergic conjunctivitis according to ICD10 is H10.1 (acute atopic conjunctivitis).

Reasons for the development of allergic conjunctivitis

The main cause of allergic conjunctivitis is pollen. In this regard, most patients have a pronounced seasonality of the disease (spring, late summer or early autumn), due to the flowering of ragweed, poplar, plantain, wormwood, quinoa, etc.

Also, the cause of the development of allergic conjunctivitis can be:

  • dust;
  • animal hair;
  • cockroaches;
  • cosmetic products (mascara, eye shadow, makeup remover milk, etc.);
  • contact lenses and solutions for their storage;
  • medicines (eye drops, ophthalmic ointments, gels), etc.

Classification of allergic conjunctivitis

The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms.

According to clinical form and the causative agent of the inflammatory process, allergic conjunctivitis is divided into:

  • pollinous seasonal allergic conjunctivitis;
  • spring conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis;
  • large papillary allergic conjunctivitis;
  • drug conjunctivitis;
  • chronic allergic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis.

For reference. Depending on the pathogen, allergic conjunctivitis can be permanent (due to exposure to dust or other factors that the patient encounters on a regular basis) or seasonal.

Seasonal hay fever allergic conjunctivitis (also called hay fever or pollen allergy) is classified into three types, according to the type of pollen causing the allergy.

The first type of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation caused by flowering trees and exposure to their pollen. The second type includes allergies caused by pollen of meadow grasses. To the third type, allergic conjunctivitis caused by pollen weeds.

Allergic conjunctivitis - symptoms

The main common manifestations of all allergic conjunctivitis is:

  • pronounced hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • severe redness of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eye;
  • complaints of itching, burning, pain in the eyes;
  • itchy eyelids;
  • the appearance of profuse lacrimation;
  • lack of purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • the appearance on the mucous membrane of the eyes of inflammatory formations (pathological papillae and follicles).

In most cases, allergic conjunctivitis is combined with allergic symptoms:

  • rhinitis (complaints of persistent nasal congestion, nasal voice, constant itching in the nose, discharge from the nose of abundant mucous discharge, sneezing, characteristic redness of the tip of the nose, etc.);
  • pharyngitis (sore throat, cough, dry throat, hoarseness, choking, etc.).

Attention. Allergic conjunctivitis in children is the same as in adults. There are no fundamental differences in symptoms. However, in young children, allergic conjunctivitis is often complicated by the addition bacterial infection... This is due to the fact that, due to severe itching, they constantly rub their eyes and often bring them onto the mucous membrane pathogenic microorganisms.

It should be noted that the clinical picture of allergic conjunctivitis is similar to viral, therefore, in order to avoid mistakes in diagnosis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and the appointment of treatment should be handled exclusively by an ophthalmologist and an allergist.

As well as viral conjunctivitis, allergic can be combined with symptoms of rhinitis and pharyngitis, but with allergies there is no temperature, fever, pain in muscles and joints, swollen lymph nodes.

Allergic conjunctivitis - how to treat

Treatment for allergic conjunctivitis should be prescribed by ophthalmologists and allergists. According to indications, they can use:

  • specific hyposensitization by allergens;
  • antihistamine eye drops;
  • vasoconstrictor drops for eyes;
  • tear substitutes;
  • eye drops with interferons;
  • eye drops and ointments with glucocorticosteroids;
  • drops with stabilizers mast cells.

Allergic conjunctivitis - eye drops with antihistamines

The most commonly used remedies are drops:

  • Okumetil (combined eye drops with diphenhydramine, naphazoline and zinc sulfate). They have antihistamine, vasoconstrictor, anti-edema, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Opatanol (antihistamine drops with olopatadin);
  • Cromohexal (antihistamine drops with mast cell membrane stabilizer - cromoglycic acid);
  • Lekrolin (antiallergic eye drops with sodium cromoglycate (mast cell stabilizer));
  • Allergodil (antiallergic drops with azelastine).

Allergic conjunctivitis - eye drops with vasoconstrictor effect

To narrow blood vessels and reduce the severity of edema, vasoconstrictor eye drops are used:

  • with tetrizoline (Tizin, Vizin, Montevizin, Octylia, etc.);
  • combined drops with naphazoline and feniramine (Opcon-A);
  • combined drops with antazoline and naphazoline (Alergophthal);
  • comb. drops with antazoline and tetrizoline (Spersallerg).

If necessary, vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Naphthyzin) are additionally prescribed.

Allergic conjunctivitis - eye drops with glucocorticosteroids

In most cases, hormonal drops are used:

  • Betasone (drops with betamethasone);
  • Dexon, Dexoftan, Dexamethasonlong (drops with dexamethasone).

Pollinous seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

Pollinous allergic conjunctivitis is called seasonal ophthalmic allergies that develop due to exposure to the mucous membrane of pollen allergens during the flowering of trees, flowers, herbs, cereals, etc. This type allergic conjunctivitis is one of the most common.

Diagnosis of pollinous conjunctivitis, as a rule, is not difficult, since the appearance of symptoms of the disease has a clear connection with the effect of an allergen on the body. To clarify the diagnosis, apply:

  • intradermal test with an allergen;
  • cytological examination of scrapings from the conjunctiva of the eyes.

A significant role in the diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis is played by the collection of an anamnesis of the disease (the patient has a hereditary allergic burden of history, concomitant atopic conditions, the seasonality of the onset of symptoms, etc.).

For reference. In most cases, in patients with pollinous allergic conjunctivitis, concomitant allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, dermatitis, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma are detected.

Pollinous conjunctivitis begins acutely, with damage to both eyes at once. Patients complain about the appearance of:

  • unbearable burning and itching of the eyelids;
  • strong and constant lacrimation;
  • burning and itching under the eyelids;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva.

The swelling of the conjunctiva can be so severe that it seems that the cornea is "drowning" in it.

Due to severe swelling of the eyelids, patients may experience difficulty opening their eyes and constantly squint. The appearance of marginal pathological infiltrates in the cornea is also often noted. In the future, superficial pathological papillae and follicles can be ulcerated, leading to the formation of ulcers and corneal erosion.

For reference. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process, there is a constant moderate itching of the eyelids and conjunctiva, scanty mucous discharge from the eyes and a constant pinkish tint of the eyelids and conjunctiva. The occurrence of moderate persistent pathological mucosal infiltration is also characteristic.

Diagnostics of the hay fever allergic conjunctivitis

To diagnose the disease and clarify the type of allergen that caused allergic conjunctivitis, ophthalmic skin tests with allergens:

  • scarification;
  • scarification and application;
  • electrophoresis;
  • drip;
  • application;
  • prick test (used most often), etc.

In isolated cases, strictly according to indications, a provocative test can be used:

  • conjunctival;
  • nasal;
  • sublingual.

For reference. The most important role in the diagnosis of the disease in the acute period is played by specific laboratory allergy diagnostics (the most indicative is the identification of eosinophilic cells in scrapings from the conjunctiva).

Pollinous allergic conjunctivitis - treatment

The main and most effective method treatment is a specific hyposensitization with the help of pollen allergens. but this method treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in adults and children can only be used outside of periods of exacerbation of the disease.

During the exacerbation phase, allergic conjunctivitis of the eye is treated by taking systemic antihistamines (Suprastin, Loratadin, Zodak, Diazolin, Cetirizin, Zitrek, Tavegil, etc.). Antihistamine eye drops and vasoconstrictor drops are also used.

Attention. Strictly according to indications, drops and ointments with glucocorticoids and mast cell stabilizers (cromoglycic acid) can be prescribed.

With the development of dry eye syndrome, it is advisable to use tear substitutes and eye drops with interferons (Oftalmoferon).

If necessary, the use of drugs begins two weeks before contact with allergens.

Spring allergic conjunctivitis in adults and children

Spring keratoconjunctivitis is called seasonal inflammatory lesions conjunctiva and cornea. The beginning of an exacerbation occurs in late spring, with a peak in mid-summer. In autumn, the inflammatory process subsides. In isolated cases, a chronic year-round course of the disease is possible.

To diagnose the disease, a study of conjunctival scrapings for eosinophilic cells is used.

Attention! The disease is characterized by complete regression of symptoms during puberty. In this regard, in addition to allergic factor the occurrence of inflammation, the endocrine factor is also considered.

The hallmarks of spring allergic conjunctivitis are:

  • seasonality of the disease;
  • children's age of patients (usually up to ten years);
  • acute onset and damage to both eyes;
  • the appearance of severe itching of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation and photophobia;
  • overgrowth on the conjunctiva of cartilage upper eyelids pale pinkish papillae;
  • discharge from the eyes of a viscous filamentous discharge;
  • redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes;
  • inflammatory lesion of the cornea.

Spring allergic conjunctivitis in children treatment

For the treatment of spring allergic conjunctivitis, glucocorticosteroid preparations are used ( eye ointments and drops). Additionally, the use of mast cell membrane stabilizers and systemic antihistamines is shown.

Large papillary allergic conjunctivitis

Large papillary allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucosa, accompanied by the appearance of large pathological papillae on it as a result of prolonged contact of the mucosa with a foreign body (lenses, sutures on the cornea, prosthesis, etc.)

The main symptoms of large papillary conjunctivitis are:

  • specific papillae,
  • itching
  • mucous discharge,
  • pain in the eyes
  • sometimes ptosis (drooping of the eyelid).

Large-papillary allergic conjunctivitis: treatment in adults and children

The mainstay of treatment is removal foreign body causing an allergic inflammatory reaction. In the future, it is recommended to prescribe drops with stabilizers of mast cell membranes, drops with interferons and tear substitutes.

Medicinal conjunctivitis of the eye

Allergic inflammation of the eye mucosa caused by individual intolerance to the drug used is called drug contact conjunctivitis.

The development of allergies can be acute (within an hour after using the drug), subacute (within a day) and chronic (with prolonged use of the drug).

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • severe pain and burning in the eyes;
  • swelling and redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • lacrimation;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory infiltration of the mucosa and cornea, etc.

For reference. To diagnose the disease in the acute period, specific laboratory allergy diagnostics are used. After graduation acute period diseases, provocative tests and ophthalmic skin tests (drip, application, prick tests, etc.) can be used.

Medicinal allergic conjunctivitis of the eye - treatment

For reference. The basis of treatment is the immediate withdrawal of the drug that caused the allergic reaction. Additionally, systemic and local antihistamines, drops and ointments with glucocorticoids, vasoconstrictor drops are used.

With a severe allergic reaction, systemic use of glucocorticosteroids may be required.

Allergic conjunctivitis means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is of an allergic nature, that is, it develops as a result of an inadequate reaction immune system.

The conjunctiva is the thin, transparent membrane lining inner part eyelids and covering the sclera of the eyeballs. The pathology is also called "red eye disease" because swollen and reddened eyelids are one of the characteristic clinical manifestations.

According to medical statistics, about 15% of the population is susceptible to allergic conjunctivitis. In some countries with poor environmental conditions allergic symptoms periodically noted in 40% of people. Young patients are more susceptible to pathology.

Causes of occurrence

The following exogenous factors can provoke the disease:

  1. Plant pollen;
  2. Down, feathers or animal hair;
  3. Cosmetical tools;
  4. House dust.

Medicines (most often allergic reactions are caused by antibacterial drugs);

  1. Contact lenses;
  2. Dry food for aquarium fish;
  3. Perfumery products;
  4. Household chemicals;
  5. Food products.

And this is far from complete list substances that can cause allergic reactions. A sick person does not pose a threat to others, since the disease is not contagious.


Depending on the reason that caused such a reaction of the body, they distinguish the following types allergic conjunctivitis:

  1. Hyperpapillary (large papillary) - occurs when the mucous membrane is affected by foreign bodies (lenses, prostheses, postoperative sutures);
  2. Infectious-allergic - heightened susceptibility of the body to toxins that are secreted by pathogenic bacteria or viruses, fungi. In this case, the allergen in the patient's eye is not detected;
  3. Pollinous (hay fever) - occurs during the flowering period different plants, cereals, trees. It is seasonal and slow. It starts off sharply. In children, it is often accompanied by a headache;
  4. Tuberculosis-allergic - characterized by the fact that the cornea and the conjunctival membrane covering the eyeball are simultaneously affected. It appears as a result of a reaction to the waste products of mycobacteria, which are carried with the blood throughout the body;
  5. Spring - manifests itself only in the warm season with a large amount sunlight... More often observed in boys from 5 to 12 years old. This type of disease is limbal, mixed, or conjunctivial. May lead to weakening of vision and corneal pathology; medicinal - develops with frequent use eye drops... An ophthalmologist may notice erosion on the mucous membranes of the eye, opacity of the vitreous body;
  6. Atopic - often occurs with urticaria.


Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by bilateral eye damage. A complete picture of symptoms may appear immediately after contact with an allergen or after a few days (so-called immediate and delayed reactions).

People with all forms of allergic conjunctivitis experience severe itching and burning in both eyes. Although symptoms usually appear in both eyes, in some cases one eye may be more affected than the other. The conjunctiva turns red and sometimes swells, giving eyeball swollen look.

With seasonal and year-round conjunctivitis appears a large number of liquid, watery discharge, which can sometimes become stringy. Occasionally, vision may deteriorate. Most people suffering from this disease also note the presence of a runny nose. In spring conjunctivitis, the discharge from the eyes is thick, like mucus. It, unlike other types of allergic conjunctivitis, often damages the cornea and leads to painful ulcers. The latter cause severe pain in the eye when looking at bright light and sometimes lead to a permanent decrease in vision.

What does allergic conjunctivitis look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.


With the above symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist. In most cases, further diagnosis and treatment is carried out in conjunction with an allergist. Often clinical picture no doubt about the diagnosis. But in order to establish the cause of the development of the inflammatory process and prescribe the correct treatment, diagnostic procedures should be carried out.

During the examination, the doctor should find out the personal and family history of the patient. After that, the specialist can prescribe the following laboratory and instrumental analyzes:

  • microscopic examination of the conjunctival scraping;
  • exposure and elimination test;
  • prick test;
  • other allergic skin tests.

Such research methods allow not only to accurately establish the diagnosis, but also to identify the alleged allergen. If there is a suspicion of the development of an infection, then bacteriological examination conjunctival scraping smear. Only on the basis of the obtained analyzes can the correct treatment of the patient be prescribed.

Allergic conjunctivitis treatment

The key to the success of the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in adults is to timely identify the allergen and prevent contact with it. However, as shows practical experience, this measure is often not feasible.

Medicines used in the treatment of the disease:

  • "Ketotifen", "Kromohexal" - drops that stabilize the eye membrane;
  • "Allegra", "Klargotin", "Lorizan", "Claritin" - antihistamine drugs for oral administration;
  • Blockers histamine receptors intended for persons over twelve years of age - "Gistimet" and "Opatanol";
  • If the cornea becomes inflamed, then drops with vitamin complex"Hilo - chest of drawers";
  • Eye drops "Hi-Krom" (children over four years old), "Alomid" (over two years old), "Lekrolin", "Ledoxamide" and "Krom-Allerg" are used to stabilize mast cells, helping to prevent the production of histamine;
  • For dry eyes, drugs are prescribed that replace the tear fluid: Oksial, Alcon Pharmaceuticals, Sistein Gel, Sistein Balance, Oftogel, Vidisik, Optiv;

In severe pathology, the doctor usually prescribes drugs containing dexamethasone, kidrocortisone, or diclofenac.

Treatment of seasonal conjunctivitis - pollinosis

It is unrealistic to avoid the flowering of weeds, cereal plants, almost all trees, therefore, in both children and adults, hayy conjunctivitis most often begins acutely with burning sensation, photophobia, itching and lacrimation. What to do, how to treat allergic conjunctivitis?

The therapy is as follows:

  1. Instillation of eye drops Allergodil and Spersallerg. Already after 15 minutes, relief of symptoms occurs, especially in Spersallerg, since it also contains a vasoconstrictor drug.
  2. At the beginning of the allergy, drip 3-4 r / day, then 2 r / day. If the allergy is very severe, oral administration is possible. antihistamines in tablets.
  3. With such conjunctivitis, subacute or chronic course also, the doctor prescribes drops for allergic conjunctivitis, such as Kromohexal and Alomid 3-4 r / day.
  4. Vasoconstrictor drops - Vizin allerzhdi.

Folk remedies

Allergic conjunctivitis refers to diseases before which ethnoscience powerless. Various lotions, washing the eyes with decoctions of herbs and other "grandmother's methods" will not help relieve symptoms and, moreover, affect the cause. The only thing that can be achieved with such self-medication is to provoke an exacerbation and cause infectious complications.

Forecast and prevention

In most cases, with the establishment and elimination of the allergen, the prognosis of allergic conjunctivitis is favorable. In the absence of treatment, it is possible to join an infection with the development of secondary herpetic or bacterial keratitis, a decrease in visual acuity.

In order to prevent allergic conjunctivitis, contact with known allergens should be avoided if possible. With seasonal forms of allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to carry out preventive courses of desensitizing therapy. Patients with allergic conjunctivitis should be seen by an ophthalmologist and allergist.

Allergic conjunctivitis is a problem that everyone faces more people. Various shapes allergies are diagnosed every day all over the world, and the eyes are often involved in this process, delivering a lot of unpleasant sensations... Fortunately, there is modern methods treatments to help cope with the disease.

Conjunctivitis is called inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eyes, but they cause it various factors... It depends on this whether conjunctivitis is contagious or not: infectious - yes, but allergic or contact - no.

It is understandable that the patient is primarily interested in whether the disease is transmitted to other people. If the nature of the inflammation is allergic, then there is no need to fear for the health of others, they are not in danger.

To be sure that the disease is not contagious, you need to correctly diagnose. That is why, for any manifestations of conjunctivitis, consult a doctor. An allergist knows how to distinguish allergic conjunctivitis from or, which are contagious.

Disease types

Allergic conjunctivitis is divided into different kinds based on the reason that provoked him. Reactions can be caused by various groups allergens. Doctors distinguish:

  1. Pollinous conjunctivitis. Pollinosis is a type of allergy that is a reaction to pollen from plants. Pollinosis conjunctivitis is a seasonal disease: symptoms begin when a particular plant begins to release pollen into the air, and go away at the end of flowering. it different periods from April to September. Seasonal conjunctivitis lasts 2-3 months a year.
  2. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis begins if daily contact with the causative allergen continues long time... This happens when the allergy is domestic: to animals in the house, dust, houseplants or a person is exposed to an allergen while working. The process becomes chronic and progresses over time.
  3. Spring allergic keratoconjunctivitis. It stands out as a separate diagnosis, since the exact cause of inflammation in this case is unclear: the allergen cannot be identified, but symptoms occur every year. Spring conjunctivitis is so called because its exacerbation always occurs in the spring and summer, and symptoms do not appear in the fall and winter. Often seen in children, especially boys, before adolescence.
  4. Allergic blepharoconjunctivitis - this diagnosis is made when inflammation affects not only the conjunctiva, but also the eyelids. Can be triggered by allergens or internal factors.
  5. Tuberculous-allergic conjunctivitis (scrofulous) is of a mixed nature: it is manifested by an allergic reaction of the eyes against the background common disease tuberculosis.
  6. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis - develops after 40 years without obvious external causes due to endogenous (internal) factors of the body.

The main forms of conjunctivitis, which are isolated depending on the course of the disease:

  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

Treatment is selected based on the type and form of the disease.

The causes of inflammation

The main causes of allergic conjunctivitis are the body's overreaction to certain substances (allergens).

The mechanism of the development of allergies is still not fully understood. For some unknown reason, the immune system recognizes certain substances as dangerous and begins to attack them, resulting in allergic symptoms, including eye reaction - conjunctivitis. Getting on the mucous membrane, the allergen triggers a reaction, causing discomfort in the eyes.

Doctors have found that heredity plays a significant role in the development of allergies. If one or both parents have allergies, their child is more likely to suffer from some form of allergy.

How to identify allergic conjunctivitis

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis differ from infectious forms of the disease. First of all, this is severe itching, which is most often absent in the viral and bacterial form.

Here are the main signs of allergic conjunctivitis in adults:

  • itchy eyes;
  • severe redness, blood vessels in the eyes are dilated;
  • tissues surrounding the eye;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • transparent discharge, liquid or mucous;
  • painful reaction to bright light.

Knowing these symptoms, it is easy to understand what the patient looks like. It is worth noting that the difference from the bacterial form is the absence of pus. Also, the disease rarely manifests itself in isolation, only in the eyes: it is usually accompanied by allergic rhinitis (runny nose), sneezing.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own: even if all the symptoms indicate an allergic nature, a specialist can determine not only infectious forms, but also pseudo-allergic reactions or contact form of the disease.

How to treat allergic conjunctivitis

Treatment of any allergy comes down to relieving symptoms. Specific therapy for many forms allergic diseases still does not exist, therefore the main direction in the case of allergic eye inflammation is to relieve symptoms and return a high quality of life to the patient.

Treatment for allergic conjunctivitis includes:

  1. Determination of the allergen and, if possible, its elimination (exclusion of contact with it).
  2. Application local preparations to relieve inflammation.
  3. Taking antihistamines.

Drug treatment

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in adults is always complex. To identify the causative allergen, tests and skin tests are prescribed, after which it is determined whether elimination (removal) of the allergen from the patient's environment is possible. For example, if an allergy is caused by pets, you will have to give up keeping pets, and if a person encounters an allergen every day at work, think about changing jobs.

To treat symptoms, medications are prescribed:

  • antihistamine tablets by mouth;
  • local remedies (drops,).

V severe cases, especially when combined with more serious diseases of an allergic nature (such as bronchial asthma), systemic glucocorticosteroids ("Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone") may be prescribed.

Taking 3rd-4th generation antihistamines does not cause side effects such as the drowsiness and dryness of the mucous membranes caused by outdated allergy medications. Modern antihistamines("Zirtek", "Erius", "Telfast", "Ksizal" and others) are well tolerated and have very few contraindications, they can be taken in long courses without fear of consequences.

Local treatment begins with sodium cromoglycate derivatives - in particular, Cromohexal eye drops are prescribed. Drops relieve inflammation by suppressing the very mechanism of an allergic reaction in the tissues. In more severe cases, a corticosteroid ointment (such as hydrocortisone ointment) is used.

To eliminate dryness, drops with a moisturizing and softening effect are prescribed: Sistain, Oftagel.

Watch the video, where antiallergenic drugs are explained in a clear, accessible language:


Treatment of the disease folk remedies cannot replace traditional treatment and rarely has a meaningful effect. The fact is that folk methods usually based on using medicinal plants, and plant materials in themselves have an allergenic potential. Therefore, any herbs for allergies must be used very carefully so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

The traditional home remedy for eye discomfort has long been tea brewing. Cotton pads dipped in cooled tea without sugar are applied to the eyes for 15–20 minutes.

Complications and prognosis

The inflammatory process without treatment can lead to complications. This state is uncomfortable in itself, and besides allergic rhinitis, often accompanying conjunctivitis, aggravates the condition. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be joined by:

  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid).

Then the diagnosis sounds like keratoconjunctivitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.

Eyesight with conjunctivitis of the eye can also suffer: the patient does not tolerate bright light, squints, the perception of surrounding objects is difficult due to profuse lacrimation.

Separately, it must be said about expectant mothers: during pregnancy, exacerbations of allergic reactions are possible, in which you must definitely consult a doctor. Allergy treatment during pregnancy is not contraindicated, it is important for the health of the unborn baby. If the reactions are not stopped, the general toxic background in the body of the expectant mother can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

In order to prevent the development of complications and the transition of the process to a chronic form, immediately contact medical help, do not self-medicate. If, despite following the recommendations of the attending physician, the disease does not go away, it is necessary to consult the doctor again to correct the therapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention of allergic conjunctivitis consists in identifying an allergen that causes an overreaction of the body, and excluding contact with it.

For any allergy or hereditary predisposition to it, doctors recommend organizing a hypoallergenic life:

  • give up carpets, fluffy upholstered furniture, an abundance of soft toys;
  • carry out wet cleaning more often;
  • maintain optimal air humidity in the house or at work;
  • after contact with an allergen, rinse the eyes and nose;
  • if possible, leave the area where they bloom allergic plants for the flowering period.

Conjunctivitis of an allergic nature cannot be completely cured with medication, but it can be eliminated unpleasant symptoms and try not to be exposed to the allergens that cause it. This allows you to forget about allergies and live full life without unpleasant symptoms.

Additionally, we invite you to watch the video where the ophthalmologist talks in detail about allergic form disease, its classification, causes and methods of treatment.

Share your experience in the comments, repost in social networks, your friends with allergies will find this information useful. All the best.

Regardless of the type of allergen that provoked allergic conjunctivitis, the treatment of this disease is carried out using local and general antiallergic agents.

Also, the patient is prescribed immunostimulating therapy. But the most important condition successful treatment conjunctivitis - to limit, and it is better to completely exclude contact with the allergen.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Pediatric Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: over 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the emergence of the majority fatal diseases... And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, in some cases, suffocation.

Allergies cause 7 million deaths every year , and the extent of the lesion is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on this or that drug. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

What is allergic conjunctivitis and when does it occur?

Allergies are common. The number of patients is increasing every year. In some people, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely and are not very pronounced, others suffer from several types of this disease, are forced to constantly monitor their lifestyle and carry drugs for emergency relief of the reaction.

An allergy is caused by a malfunction in the immune system, when it perceives an ordinary substance as potentially dangerous, and reacts with the release of histamine. There are several types of allergic reactions: skin, respiratory, food.

One of the forms of the disease is allergic conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eye caused by an allergic reaction. Unlike infectious conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious, caused by pathogen activity, and does not require antibiotic treatment. But in some cases, a bacterial infection can join the existing inflammation.

Conjunctivitis can occur as an independent disease, but more often develops simultaneously with rhinitis or hay fever.

As a separate disease, it occurs as a result of direct contact (eye contact irritant, allergy to some local medicines or cosmetics).

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in adults and children. Babies are less in control of themselves, often comb their eyes, which is why the allergic is complicated by infectious conjunctivitis.

Causes of the disease

The main factor that influences the occurrence of conjunctivitis is a special reaction of the immune system. An allergen, an irritant substance, provokes the development of the disease. There are no universal allergens: for each person, different substances act as a provocateur of the disease.

Most often, conjunctivitis is caused by:

  • dust;
  • wool, saliva, feathers, or commercial pet food;
  • plant pollen (often causes seasonal conjunctivitis);
  • contact lenses or solution for them;
  • for women - cosmetics for the eyes (decorative - mascara, eyeliner, shadows, as well as care - anti-wrinkle creams and serums);
  • medicines - drops that are used to treat ophthalmic diseases;
  • activity of viruses and bacteria in the upper respiratory tract toxins produced by them (the main cause of redness of the eyes and lacrimation with ARVI and flu).

It is difficult to independently establish the cause of conjunctivitis in adults and children; a doctor should do this.

Only he will distinguish infectious inflammation from allergic, will be able to determine the type of allergen as accurately as possible and prescribe effective treatment.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis: how does the disease manifest itself?

Signs of the disease can appear immediately after contact with an allergen, or after a time - from a couple of hours to 2 days. Unlike infectious conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis occurs in both eyes at once (occasionally - on one, but this is an atypical form of the disease).

It is characterized by:

  • profuse lacrimation;
  • itching, burning;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • visual impairment - clouding of the picture before the eyes;
  • discharge from the eyes, which thickens over time;
  • photophobia (occurs in severe forms);
  • dry eye;
  • visual fatigue;
  • the appearance of a rash and papillae on the mucous membrane;
  • runny nose (accompanies conjunctivitis in about 85% of cases).

The patient may not have all symptoms, some may be less severe. In milder forms, the disease may be limited to slight redness and itching.

In especially severe cases, temporary serious violations vision. Symptoms are the same in an adult and a child.

Types of allergic conjunctivitis

In the time of onset and duration of the course, the disease is:

  1. Permanent- develops if the patient is in regular contact with the allergen. This is an immune response to house dust, animals.
  2. Seasonal- occurs during the flowering period of allergenic plants, usually in late spring and summer. In the cold season, the disease does not manifest itself.
  3. Contact- occurs through direct contact with an allergen, the rest of the time the person is absolutely healthy.

The types of the disease, depending on the time of occurrence and the type of allergen, are presented in the table.

Type of diseaseWhen arisesThe main symptoms
Pollinous allergic conjunctivitisOccurs during the flowering period of allergenic plantsSevere itching, lacrimation, thick discharge, runny nose.
Spring keratoconjunctivitisOccurs in spring and summer, associated with flowering plantsItching, burning, discharge from the eye, lacrimation is not always the case.
DrugOccurs at any time of the year while taking medicationThis type accounts for approximately 30% of all allergic conjunctivitis. There is lacrimation, burning and itching, redness. The inflammatory process involves the mucous membrane, the cornea and even the optic nerve.
AtopicThis form occurs at any time of the year, usually in people over 40.It is accompanied by itching and inflammation of the tissues of the eye, lacrimation does not always occur.

Forms of the course of the disease

Allergic conjunctivitis is:

  1. Spicy- primary or one-time allergic reaction, which occurs with a single or rare contact with an allergen. The disease occurs quickly, and when correct treatment- passes quickly. Signs of conjunctivitis are pronounced, present severe inflammation and puffiness. In this form, drug and contact conjunctivitis often occur, as well as infectious (against the background of ARVI).
  2. Chronic occurs when the patient is in contact with the allergen for a long time or constantly. Symptoms are less pronounced than with acute form but complete sensitization does not occur. Inflammation of the eyes is often accompanied by skin symptoms(eczema) and bronchial asthma. In this form, allergies to house dust and other household allergens occur.

If you solve the main problem that caused the atypical immune response, the allergy itself in most cases goes away.

How is conjunctivitis treated?

Treatment of this disease is a complex and lengthy process. Even if it is possible to completely stop the symptoms, this is not a guarantee that allergic conjunctivitis will never occur again.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and identify the allergen. Often, the results of allergic tests contradict the obvious allergens, when a person's seasonal form does not appear exactly during the flowering period of the allergen plant.

In this case, they talk about cross-allergens - substances of different origins, which contain common component, which causes such a reaction in the patient.

General principles of treatment

Therapy regimen for allergic conjunctivitis includes:

  1. Local remedies - antihistamines and anti-inflammatory (eye drops).
  2. Prescribing antihistamines.
  3. Immunotherapy.
  4. Complete limitation of contact with the allergen.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Local remedies give the fastest possible effect, help to quickly relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis, improve vision and general well-being.

Antiallergic eye drops are especially effective in the contact form of the disease. For other forms, you should not be limited only to local treatment.

Eye drops that are used to treat allergic conjunctivitis:

  1. Mast cell stabilizers ( active substance- cromoglycic acid). Helps relieve the main symptoms, reduce redness and swelling. The main drugs in this group are Cromohexal, Crom-Allerg, Alomid. These remedies work well for adults, but there are some limitations for children.
  2. Histamine receptor blockers (Gistimed, Opatanol, Azelastine, Vizin Allergy) are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
  3. With dry eye syndrome, especially for elderly patients, drops are prescribed to moisturize the mucous membrane (Vizin, Vidisik, Oftogel).
  4. To restore the cornea, drops with vitamins are prescribed (Taufon, Khrustalin, Quinax).

If the allergic reaction is very severe and does not respond to classical treatment, the doctor prescribes eye drops and ointments containing corticosteroids (based on hydrocortisone and dexamethasone). Treatment is carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Sometimes, to relieve inflammation, eye drops are prescribed based on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance - diclofenac.

Oral antihistamines (tablets and syrups):

To cure conjunctivitis, apply antihistamines general action... These drugs are necessary if eye inflammation is accompanied by a runny nose, cutaneous or respiratory manifestations. The main drugs are Loratadin, Telfast, Tsetrin, etc.

At chronic form additionally, immunotherapy is carried out, the drugs in this case are selected individually.

For treatment dosage form diseases, the same drugs are used, but they are chosen with extreme caution and careful adherence to the dosage. The drug that caused the allergy must be canceled. In case of urgent need, replace with a product with a similar effect, but on the basis of a different active ingredient.


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