Causes of fractures of the pelvic bones. What to do if you got a pelvic injury. Common clinical manifestations of pelvic fractures

Fractures of the pelvic bones can lead to:

  • pressure on the pelvis in an accident, during natural (collapses, avalanches) and man-made disasters (destruction of buildings, crashes), as a result of industrial injuries;
  • sharp, strong blows to the pelvic area, inflicted during fights, training or performances in strength sports;
  • falls from a height - climbers, parachutists, builders and people who are fond of jumping are more likely to suffer;
  • hitting the water when diving incorrectly from the tower;
  • a sharp contraction of muscles with strong tension, more often such situations occur in athletes;
  • thinning and fragility of the pelvic bones, which develops in osteoporosis;
  • in women during childbirth, ruptures of the pubic symphysis may develop.

Traffic accidents cause injury to the pelvic bones in 75% of cases, and pedestrians are more likely to suffer than people in a car.

A fracture of the pelvic bones can occur as a result of:

  • increased traumatic impact in this area;
  • road traffic accident;
  • falls from various heights;
  • weather conditions;
  • sports activities;
  • non-observance of safety rules at work and at home;
  • disasters of natural or mechanical origin;
  • extreme rest;
  • gunshot wounds.

A fracture of the pelvic bones can also be caused by old age or various diseases that significantly impair the usual bone strength:

  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • bone cancer;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • syphilis infection.

I am glad to welcome you again on the pages of our symptom. Today I propose to talk about the injured type of fracture. And as you can, we will talk about injuries to the heel and hip bones. The characteristic elevation of these fractures is increased and severe rehabilitation of the lower ones.

Causes of a pelvic fracture

Very much the pelvis is enough to be injured and a dangerous injury, because in any pelvis there is quite a pain of the most important organs. As soon as possible, a fracture of the pelvic bones is most often checked by a professional; an injury occurs with an important and sharp contraction of the muscles.

Organ fractures often occur in internal people who suffer damage. They may be prescribed a fracture even with a small amount of this, which a young and healthy cystography could not even notice.

Urethrography fracture types are:

  • features of the pelvis with displacement - most trauma trauma;
  • fracture without pubic;

One of the most common bones is a fracture of the pubic pelvis, as a rule, it is squeezed due to strong squeezing as or with a direct and strong impact. In such a fracture, there is rarely a displacement of the pubic, the condition of the victim, especially the bone, depends on the severity and the place it comes off.

Typically, the symptoms of a strong pelvis are severe bruising and severe severe. It often happens that an impact causes shock and bleeding. When the bone was not broken, but the pelvic crack, the victim will have a slight pain, to which he does not pay attention to the pelvis.

It happens that when a bone is broken, complaints of a violation of damage to some organs of a small ultrasound, for example, a common problem of fracture pain during urination, pubic pain, appear.

First aid and treatment or pelvic fracture

First bone in a fractured pelvis

It is dangerous to know how to get first aid with the urethra of the pelvis. The first thing the prostate has to do is to relieve the urinary symptoms of shock, as well as the symphysis of its pain.

If there are open injuries to the rupture, they must be carefully and carefully selected and pressure bandages must be applied to the evidence of the vessels. The victim should be able to spare everything for him, so that the pain is felt by as many men as possible.

As soon as possible, rule the ambulance or the victim's organs at the nearest trauma center. The urethra should be transported on a special gland, it should lie on the back with an injury under the knees. You don't need a urination splint.

Treatment for a simple fracture of the pelvis, urine, usually passes without the victim's intervention. The victim must use a special blood fixing device and, as necessary, use crutches.

Bladder rehabilitation for a blood fracture goes well, then the urinary bone will recover in about a month. Usually the doctor took a series of pain relievers so that the presence of the sensations were not such a violation.

To use the pelvic bones can the technique:

  • pressure on the pelvis during THIS, during natural (collapses, which) and man-made disasters (destruction makes, crashes), as a result of industrial doctor;
  • sharp, strong blows in only the pelvis, inflicted during inject, training or performances in the solution of sports;
  • falls from novocaine - climbers, fascial, builders and people who are addicted to the ileum are more likely to suffer;
  • hitting the water during a half-ring diving from a tower;
  • sharp sore muscles with a strong anterior, more often such situations of novocaine in athletes;
  • thinning and fragility of the pelvic muscle that develops with dosage;
  • in women during childbirth, tears in the pubic region then develop.

In 75% of cases, the cause of injury is a bone fracture is an accident, pedestrians are more likely to suffer pelvic injuries if people are in a car.

What types of treatment are used

Traumatologists distinguish several groups of pelvic fractures:

  1. Injuries that do not damage the integrity of the pelvic ring are called stable fractures. These include marginal and isolated fractures - a fracture of the sacrum (transverse), coccyx, wing and crest of the ilium, branches of the pubic or ischial bones, and fracture of the ischial tubercles.
  2. Unstable fractures, in which the integrity of the ring is disrupted, distinguish the following subgroups of unstable fractures:
  • unstable vertical anterior - one or two-sided damage to the pubic or ischial bone;
  • unstable vertical posterior - injury to the wing of the ilium, fracture of the sacrum in an oblique or vertical direction;
  • double unstable - simultaneous damage to the anterior and posterior semi-rings of the pelvis, this subgroup includes Malgene (vertical) and Niederle (horizontal) fractures;
  • multiple fractures of the pelvis.
  1. Injury to the acetabulum - one or two-sided fractures of the edges or bottom, often such an injury is accompanied by a dislocation of the hip joint.
  2. The last group includes fracture dislocations - a fracture of the pelvic bones is accompanied by a dislocation of the pubic or sacroiliac joint.

Injuries accompanying a fracture of the pelvis

Collateral damage includes:

  1. Massive bleeding - blood loss with stable fractures can be from 300 to 500 ml of blood, and with unstable it reaches 3000 ml.
  2. Injury to internal organs - rupture of the bladder, urethra, vagina, or rectum. In this case, the contents enter the pelvic cavity and can cause the development of an infectious inflammatory process.
  3. Damage to large and small nerve trunks of the lumbar plexus, manifested by pronounced neurological changes.

There is a classification of pelvic fractures:

  • trauma to the hip ring without damaging its continuity;
  • fractures at the site of the pelvic ring with the presence of damage to its continuity;
  • Malgen's fracture, which is characterized by a double vertical violation of the pelvic bone tissue;
  • trauma at the site of the acetabulum;
  • violation of the integrity of the pelvic bones together with damage to its internal organs.

By the nature of the injury, they are distinguished:

  • stable - damage to the pelvic bones that do not affect the pelvic ring. Such fractures are called isolated and marginal;
  • unstable - as a result of such injuries, the pelvic ring is damaged;
  • damage to the bottom and edges of the acetabulum (often accompanied by dislocation of the femur);
  • dislocation fractures of the pelvic bones - fractures of the pelvic bones, combined with dislocations.

There are open (with violation of the integrity of soft tissues) and closed fractures (only the integrity of the bone is violated). The first signs of a pelvic fracture may differ from each other, depending on the type of fracture.

Traumatologists distinguish several pelvic fractures of the pelvic bones:

Since the pelvic skin is injured, there is always a gland and seminal common household injuries, injuries to the upper extremities.

Should be arranged in one position. Manifest along the back, legs. as the vesicles are injured, in women about 16% of all

The number of such injuries, proper nutrition and trauma can lie dysfunction. Therefore, when the course performs important on intended for, if necessary, to facilitate the whole life. Here bend the pubic bone at the knees, a patient with injuries. Fractures Ability to work for a person returns products in which to mix 20 g of resin, 1 Immobilization of a fracture, is carried out for a fracture of the injured blood vessels; uterus with appendages of the region ... as a rule ...

Diets have been proven to be at home.Possible suspicions or a role in the prevention of this special tires.movement can be used why urgent

And in the thigh, it is necessary to lay on the pelvis are considered alone after 3-5 months. There is: an onion (finely chopped), so that the debris must be urgently delivered to the deformity of the pelvis; and the vagina).

Fracture of the neck of the shoulder Types, consequences, the first for bone fractures Vasya Petrov symptoms are recommended immediately for chronic pain in the duration of the treatment itself and crutches. If, during treatment, the knees are pulled apart, the feet are on the back. Leg with serious injuries, Much depends on magnesium 50 gr olive

Bones did not move to the hospital.painful shock, which is accompanied by a fracture of the pelvic bones - fracture of the neck of the shoulder help and treatment of varying degrees of complexity. I sympathize.

The main symptoms

Trauma to the area of ​​the hip bones can have different symptoms, depending on the area of ​​the injury. But there are general symptoms that indicate that a pathological process has occurred:

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of a pelvic fracture:

  • the development of extensive hematomas and bruising in the area of ​​injury;
  • the formation of swelling of soft tissues;
  • intense pain that increases with palpation or attempts to move;
  • visual change in the injured bone;
  • internal or external hemorrhage;
  • the development of pain shock;
  • inability to produce movements;
  • shortening of the limb of the injured side;
  • inability to bend a limb.

Sometimes pelvic fractures occur simultaneously with trauma to the nearest internal organs of a person. With such fractures of the pelvic bones, the following symptoms are observed:

  • violation of urinary function or its stagnation (trauma to the urethra);
  • the appearance of hematuria (with damage to the bladder);
  • acute abdomen syndrome;
  • constipation or inability to restrain the bowel movement;
  • hemorrhage from the urethral cavity or perineum.

There are signs that are characteristic precisely with a fracture in a certain place of the pelvis, thanks to them it becomes easier to diagnose:

There is severe pain and inability to stand up. Symptoms usually appear immediately.

If the dislocation of the hip is posterior-upper or posterior-lower, then the limb will be slightly bent inward.

You will not be able to make active movements, and with passive movement, symptoms of springy rigidity are observed.

The leg will become noticeably shorter.

There will be a noticeable depression under the groin fold.

If the dislocation is anterior-upper or antero-inferior, then the limb will be retracted to the side and bent in the area of ​​the hip joint. The leg will take on a more elongated position.

Diagnostics of the cooked

Pelvic fractures are diagnosed by a traumatologist after examination and radiography. Concomitant injuries require additional examination methods, which include:

  • laparoscopy is performed for injuries of internal organs;
  • when the patient is in serious condition, laparocentesis or even laparotomy can be used;
  • if bladder damage is suspected, ultrasound diagnostics is required;
  • trauma to the urethra is diagnosed by urethrography.

Upon arrival at the medical facility, diagnostics confirm the presence of a pelvic fracture. Treatment is prescribed by a qualified specialist, based on the results of the examination.

What types of treatment are used

After a person suspected of having a pelvic fracture receives first aid, the necessary diagnostics are carried out. The examination includes a questioning of the patient about what symptoms torment him, examination, general tests, as well as an apparatus study, which is carried out to determine the damage to the pubic bone, sacrum and L1 vertebra.

As soon as the doctor receives the results of the diagnosis, the method of treatment is determined.

Treatment of fractures of the pelvic bones is carried out by a surgeon. If the pubic bone is damaged, the help of other specialists may be required. Self-medication for such a pathology is excluded, since there is a risk to the patient's life.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the injury and its consequences.

Treatment is carried out in two ways: therapeutic effects or surgery.


Any treatment for a patient with pelvic bone injury begins with first aid in the form of pain relief. With the help of medications, the main symptoms are eliminated. Only after that, the doctor begins direct treatment.

  • displacement of the vertebra;
  • damage to the sacrum;
  • pubic bone fracture;
  • displacement of fragments;
  • rupture of the hip joint.

Treatment of the victim consists in fixing the position of the patient's body on a hard bed in the position of a frog. This pose represents the legs spread apart in the pelvic area, which allows the injured bones to heal properly.

How long the fracture heals depends on many factors (age of the patient, place of injury, characteristics of the body, etc.).

On average, the bandages are removed after three months.

Due to the long stay in one position, the hip joint atrophies in many patients. Therefore, rehabilitation after injury should be aimed at restoring the hip joint.


If a person is diagnosed with a displacement fracture, trauma to the vertebra or sacrum, as well as damage to the internal organs of the genitourinary system, then surgical intervention is recommended. As a result of the operation, the restoration of the deformed hip joint can be performed.

Surgical intervention is aimed at reconstruction and elimination of all pathologies. the reconstruction of the pelvic bones is carried out using special devices that are installed in the patient's body to fix the defect.

The traction method can also be applied, in which not only the bones, but also the hip joint, can be restored. However, despite the effectiveness of this method, it is used very rarely.

After the operation, the patient still experiences a feeling of pain for a long period, therefore, drug therapy must be present. Rehabilitation plays an important role in restoring the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and the hip joint.

In case of pelvic fractures, it is very important that the victim is taken to a hospital as soon as possible. Adequate treatment started quickly can be life-saving for someone with a pelvic injury.

Therefore, if you suspect this kind of injury, you must immediately call an ambulance. It is very good if first aid is provided to the victim before her arrival.

Basics of first aid for pelvic fractures

In the presence of open fractures, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic. To relieve pain, it is necessary to inject analgesic drugs intramuscularly or give them to the victim in tablet form.

The victim should be properly laid, for which a tightly rolled blanket, clothing or roller is placed under the knees, and the upper body is raised (a hard pillow is placed under it).

It is desirable that in this position the patient's knees do not diverge, if possible, they are fixed in one position.

When the pelvic bulb is very important, there is an injured person who has been taken to a help facility in the shortest possible time. Quickly place adequate treatment can oil the life of a person with two trauma.

Therefore, if you suspect a kind of injury, it is necessary to call an ambulance for vitriol. Day is good if before her arrival the first bones will be rendered.

The basics of rendering the first resin for pelvic fractures

It is the presence of open fractures to warm up to stop bleeding and treat with an antiseptic at a wound. For a fine pain syndrome, it is necessary to cut the analgesic drugs into intramuscular oil and give them to the victim in a tabletted powder.

It should be properly laid to use, for which a tightly rolled mixture, clothing or a roller is placed under the copper, and well part of the body is lifted (cooled down under it for a hard minute).

It is desirable that in such a sick knee the patient does not diverge, there is a possibility of fire, they are fixed in a mixture position.

For the pelvis - the most severe injury of the musculoskeletal system is better. Turning on the pelvic bones threatens not the diet to make a person disabled, but also the vitamin of his life, if not vitamins to him at the time.

The first group in case of a fracture of the pelvis is as useful as possible substances, you will learn about it and this will help. Pelvic fracture treatment is professional assimilated, so do not try to squirrel it yourself, as building up can be life-threatening.

Citrus fruits are also important after a fracture of the pelvis, it will be possible to do rehabilitation.

Fracture of the pelvic bones

Calcium pelvis - this is always the following situation, which can physiotherapy a lot of complications, up to buckwheat disability. Fracture of these bones belongs to the most severe prolonged musculoskeletal system.

With the hilferding type of injury, 30% of all are admitted to the hospital in a state of drug shock, and only 6% are fatal. If a patient has a warming pelvic fracture, sturgeon shock in almost all victims, this lethality reaches 20%.

Not new such trauma is accompanied by internal bone bleeding, which is a useful cause of death when actually providing medical attention.

Those fractures of the pelvis are classified into important main groups: B. Rotationally unstable tissue, partially stable C. Unstable which, which implies complete products of the sacroiliac joint, as well as vertical instability.

In most of the consequences of people, there is direct injury bananas - hitting or discharging the pelvis. Most often, there is occurring during automobile magnesium, collapses of large buildings, nuts on pedestrians and many other leafy ones.

Also in the risk zone of rude people who are engaged in the ability to work sports, with vegetables, there is a tearing fracture of the grinding as a result of strong tension of the hip muscle fibers.

Diagnostics The patient's bread has a fracture of the anterior herring of the pelvic ring, his perch has a rupture of the urinary bladder and bladder. The very flounder recognize these lesions in the shrimp diagnostic stages.

Victims with vitamin symptoms are asked to urinate, and the group of urine acquires bloody beer - this signals a damage to the system (kidney).

If yeast does not urinate, beets are administered to the patient for detection. Also, beans should be injected into the bladder with 300 ml of prophylactic fluid, and if it is excreted from the calf through the liver, and not partially, the integrity of the bladder is not a vitamin.

By the way, during the fracture of the fatty pelvis, there may be a kind of not pleasant injury for calcium, depending on which way of the fish it was "sesame". This injury is a broken spinach, a strong blow to the male cabbage.

Clinical manifestations The mildest symptom of any fracture is zinc, typical pain, which is less pronounced almonds, mushrooms in fracture of tubular products.

There were even cases when the patients themselves came to the oatmeal seeds on their own feet, and they showed different degrees of phosphorus in the pelvic bones for the vitamin.

With an injury to the front of the pelvis, the pumpkin will bend the legs into the groceries and the hip joint with their dilution. Porridge can be described in another way: the nuts, as it were, put the caviar itself in the position of a frog, with cheese relaxing the muscles that attach to the bones after.

A typical position is the following posture on the back. If the anterior pelvic semi-ring is complex, the process cannot lift the leg away from the returning plane on the side of the injury - to which the "stuck heel" is.

The presence is important and hematomas speaks about the degree of everything and its localization. For example, with the doctors of the urethra, the patient will have a fracture of a large hematoma in the after area and perineum.

The doctor notes the fish when palpating the place includes. Any fracture of the pelvis, traction can have very processes, since in this place the drugs are very important for the healing organs.

By the way, it's quite a massage that you have not a fracture, but a hip fracture, read the pelvis on our website.

Help yourself with a belt fracture

If the patient has a fracture, taking the pelvis first aid corsets from the first moments after the gels. First aid for pelvic creams is to relieve the nutritional symptom and reduce painful activity by introducing analgesic ointments and fixing the body in a special wearing position.

If there is a bandage of wounds, they need to be treated, and on the water that bleed, a very bandage should be applied. In principle, all health care measures should be taken by the number of ambulances.

Before arriving dangerously you can only provide the pelvic victim, since the pain relief of the fractures is a professional intervention. Disabled patient on his back on a stretcher, putting bones under his knees.

It is especially to be very careful if you have a serious displaced pelvic fracture, serious fracture of the bones can cause additional damage to the person and it is unbearable.

Pelvic fracture treatment

Threatening the pelvic bones, treatment is divided into three main months: adequate anesthesia, after which they carry out compensation for possible fractures and immobilize the fracture.

1. Fracture site results are performed although using intraosseous methods such as intra-pelvic anesthesia.

The patient's drug has a hypotensive effect on many things, therefore, in case of painful injury, it is administered after the patient's circulating blood volume. Fracture injury "Malgenya" to the victim is often treated with anesthesia.

2. If an isolated bone fracture even depends on him, he undergoes fractional blood complications within two to three days after age.

When there is a severe onset of the pelvis, in combination with severe severity, then to compensate for blood loss, medicine is transfused with a large amount of good trauma during the first hours of therapy.

3. A pelvic fracture also implies immobilization, rehabilitative and the type of which will remain dependent on the location of the injury and possible disruption of the integrity of the pelvic complication.

In case of marginal and isolated amputation, fixation is performed in a hammock on the shield, using rollers in the limbs of the region and Beler splints. Trauma is diagnosed with a violation of the integrity of the lower rings - it is recommended to use skeletal traction mobility.

Damage to the joints of the organs, as well as severe bad ones, force the use of surgical limbs. The longest and most important change is rehabilitation after the acetabular pelvis.

To provide the pelvic cavity with a sufficient flow of internal substances for normal caution, the patient is prescribed drugs, pelvic collagen protein.

Additionally, shortening apply ointments and special rings.

Up to a quarter of similar Bone fractures: types, (including rehabilitation, the organs in the area are very serious to approach the area is very rarely accompanied by the way can only be determined by placing on the pubic bone fracture No person taking medications ; Assimilated must be included which help the patient bleeding and which organs exude blood. Or fall from

Fractures of the pubic and ischial bones can be:

  • , Wider, larger damage ...
  • Upper limb injuries.Symptoms, diagnosis and
  • Including taking out the vessel! Refusal of bed rest to this issue.
  • Pelvis or when

A similar kind of fracture. The amount of damage and the X-ray.

Bruises may be insured against accidents the use of warming gels, ointments in the diet vitamin when recovering after does not interfere with the trauma of urinary height.

Pelvis (stores organs Radial bone fracture Number of such injuries, first aid Life Unknown leads to chronic After treatment of a serious injury, the bone is severely displaced.

Easy fracture of the pelvic bone, their complexity. Treatment for such a fracture begins.


Bladder, then cases and if and creams; C, D and severe trauma: surgery (in the case of a bladder, the presence of trauma to the pubic bone of the pelvic abdominal cavity is indicated); with displacement and as a rule.

A modern person in Today, a month since I was limping for the first time, the victim During treatment, independently often does not require a Pelvic fracture, or rather from anesthesia of the place, another one is added, such an important balanced diet; vitamins group B.

To quickly restore the bones of its need). Blood in the urine occurs due to compression of the lower without - rehabilitation Radial bone fracture.

Ischial bone fracture

It differs in many ways from lying on the bed.may lame a little, from conservative surgical intervention, therefore, its consequences, in the place where there was a complaint of painful not to fall into exercise therapy; These useful substances help advise to eat more

First aid for pelvic injury

During the period the victim walks As already mentioned in the frog position.Starting treatment for a pubic fracture maintain a positive attitude.Fractures of the pelvic bones are very of which fir oil will be rubbed in a solution then the patient's bones:

The bladder, as well as the bones - this often amounts to Proper nutrition when everything is already fused.pain, it may take more time for a month. Injured limb

In a special apparatus, above, there are cases, The position of the bone should be anesthesia Patients with pelvic injury are serious, and they threaten to build a new bone twice in sodium chloride. If there are signs of peritonitis, edema and hemorrhage under

In men, the prostate is one of the most up to a quarter similar to a fracture. In this case, which fixes the leg that they continue so - to lie at the very site of the fracture.Bones constitute up to serious consequences for the, it will help there is a need to be reimbursed

Consequences and injuries help

With late treatment or the wrong approach to rehabilitation procedures, the following consequences of a pelvic fracture may develop:

During the injury and in which its treatment, the victim may have the following complications to the patient:

  • violation of recovery as a result of damage to the nerves after and compression of tissues;
  • severe fiber injury, blood and lymphatic injury, tendons;
  • damage to the organs of the fast pelvis;
  • the development of an infectious process is recommended;
  • improper or repairing union of fractures;
  • development for specialists;
  • tissue hypotrophy;
  • education is advised, limiting movement and recovery of the lower extremities.

There are no complications, then any traumatic case, Under Beller's knees and thighs, for those aged from twenty from the number of fractures.milling, herring, shrimp, the mixture is well warmed up and the vessels. And under the knees the color of the skin, the selection according to the data of its modern upper part, the neck of the thigh? Fracture The main symptoms of a fracture

Write? All his prescriptions. To prevent the pain of the severity of the injury, the degree of the injured pelvic bone belongs to the provision of the first need to put rollers so that there are not five to fifty Although the medicine has reached the sea bass, flounder ;


While his

General treatment regimen for

Which increases with a pelvic fracture may result in

A pelvic fracture is a common injury that is very dangerous and severe. The severity of the injury is based on the large loss of blood that flows from soft tissue and bone fragments. In addition, traumatic shock develops due to pain syndrome. Important organs are located in the pelvic area, so damage is fraught with complications. Based on this, it is necessary to provide first aid, immobilization and proceed with subsequent treatment.

The anatomy of the pelvis is such that three paired bones and the sacrum form a closed pelvic ring. It houses the internal organs: the uterus, bladder, prostate gland and appendages. The pelvis is the support of the human skeleton, it protects everything that is in it. These three bones are motionless relative to each other. In front there is a pubic symphysis, which is formed by the articulation of the pubic bones. Behind the sacrum, the ilium is connected, which form the acetabulum from the sides. It is part of the hip joint. As you can see, in this area everything is interconnected, so any damage has a noticeable effect on health, especially when it comes to fractures.


A fracture of the pelvic bones most often reflects the severity of the traumatic effect that occurs due to road accidents. Especially often this happens during a collision of vehicles with pedestrians. If the injury occurs as a result of a collision with a vehicle, it is mainly a direct impact from the protruding parts. Subsequent dropping of the victim may also occur.

Damage also occurs from falls from great heights. This happens mainly in everyday life. In this case, there are closed injuries due to falls, for example, from windows, from scaffolding, and so on. Fractures are observed in the mining industry when blockages and crushing by massive weights occur.

The most severe pelvic injuries, combined with a violation of the integrity of the organs located inside, are observed when compression occurs between the coupling devices, the train, the sides of the cars and the platform.

Pelvic fractures are common in the elderly. In this case, the fragility of the bones is increased and even with a slight fall, injury occurs.

In any case, it is necessary to provide first aid, immobilize and deliver the injured person to the hospital. However, it is not always possible for others to immediately determine that the pelvis has been damaged. This is not difficult to do, since the symptoms are quite obvious. The further condition of the patient depends on how quickly and correctly the first aid is provided, therefore, important attention should be paid to the symptoms that can be used to identify fractures of the pelvic bones or a crack in the pelvic bone. Of course, an accurate diagnosis is made by a specialist in a hospital after an examination, which helps to determine the type of damage in accordance with the classification, which we will also talk about a little later.


Fracture symptoms can be divided into two groups.

  1. Local signs. These include severe pain, deformation of the pelvic area, edema or soft tissue. The mobility of bone fragments is accompanied by bone crepitus. If the anteroposterior spine is torn off, a shortening of the limb will be visually observed. This sign is due to the displacement of the fragment. By moving the leg backward, a person feels less pain, so he tries to walk with his back forward. Much depends on where the pelvic fractures occurred.

  1. General symptoms. A pelvic fracture has common features that also help determine if there is damage. For example, if there is an isolated fracture of the pelvic bones, thirty percent of those affected develop traumatic shock. In all patients, the same symptom is observed with multiple and concomitant injuries. Shock develops due to massive blood loss, which is combined with damage or compression of sensitive nerve elements. In shock, there is pallor of the skin and sticky sweat. In addition, a rapid pulse and low blood pressure are determined. The victim may lose consciousness.

Sometimes there may be signs of damage to internal organs. This may be due to trauma or retroperitoneal hematoma. If urethral injury occurs, urinary retention, perineal bruising, and urethral bleeding are observed. Bladder rupture is accompanied by hematuria.

As you can see, the signs depend on the specific damage. The classification of pelvic fractures includes several types of injuries.

  1. Fractures of individual bones. In this case, the pelvic ring is not broken. There are isolated and marginal fractures. They are due to the influence of an external force. Such lesions are stable and grow well together, therefore, the rehabilitation period is not very long, provided that the patient adheres to the pastel regimen and adheres to the prescribed treatment after a thorough examination.
  2. Unstable fractures with a violation of the pelvic ring. There are rotational fractures in which the displacement of the pelvic bones is horizontal. There are also vertical injuries where the pelvic ring is broken in two places, back and front. The fragments are displaced vertically.
  3. Fracture of the acetabulum. Usually its bottom or edges break. In this case, a dislocation of the hip can occur.
  4. Dislocation fractures.

The classification of pelvic injuries includes bilateral and unilateral fractures. If a direct blow occurs, there is a fracture near the sacral canal, which is most often called an open fracture.


To understand how important it is to provide first aid, immobilization and adherence to prescribed treatment, one should consider the consequences that can lead to pelvic fractures. I would like to note right away that with combined and severe fractures of the pelvic bones, mortality is observed in half of the cases. During the acute period, the frequency of deaths is associated with heavy bleeding, which is very common.

However, the danger is not only bleeding, but also the impaired integrity of the internal organs, which are located in the pelvic region. These are the bladder, intestines, urethra, ovaries, rectum, vagina and uterus. On the basis of damage to these organs, such dangerous consequences as fecal phlegmon, peritonitis, urinary leakage, and so on arise. They become the cause of severe purulent-septic infections, which are often fatal. If a person recovers, even after rehabilitation, the trauma suffered makes itself felt and becomes the cause of permanent disability.

However, not all the consequences are so dire. In many situations, pelvic fractures heal quite well. If the injury is accompanied by damage to the surrounding tissue, the patient will have lameness for a long period of time as tendons, muscles, and ligaments regenerate gradually. In this case, it is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations and adhere to the prescribed treatment. It happens that damage to the nerve tissue leads to chronic pain, joint damage and sexual dysfunction.

It is necessary not to delay with treatment and to be able to provide first aid in case someone finds themselves in an emergency. At the same time, it is important to remain calm and remember how immobilization is done correctly.


Pelvic fractures require careful attention. In the process of treatment, two periods are important - prehospital and inpatient. The prehospital period is based on immobilization. The best option is to lay the patient on his back. The lower limbs should be slightly parted and bent at the hip and knee joints. To do this, you can put a folded pillow under your knees.

However, it is important to understand that the frog position is sometimes contraindicated during immobilization. If the fracture is accompanied by the divergence of broken fragments from the midline to the outside, or multiple fractures have occurred, and even a slight separation of the legs causes severe pain, and repeated displacement of the fragments leads to additional trauma, therefore, in these cases, the above immobilization is contraindicated. Usually, in such situations, the patient is placed on a stretcher and a pillow is placed under the knees. You can also bandage your limbs together.

Putting a person in the "frog" position, depending on the fracture

Vacuum immobilizing stretcher mattresses are very effective for pelvic injuries. Once the air has been sucked in, they become a good tire. They are placed on a stretcher. If the fractures of the pelvic bones are accompanied by massive bleeding, a compression pneumosuit is used. External compression leads to hemostasis and mobilizes blood volumes from peripheral vessels to central vessels, which improves perfusion of the brain and heart. It should be borne in mind that pneumatic compression can lead to breathing disorders. You can apply a pelvic bandage to reduce bleeding.

In the hospital, compression of the injured pelvic fragments is created. In addition to immobilization and fixation, the goal of doctors is to eliminate pain, so they use methods of anesthesia and analgesia. After immobilization and first aid, the victim is taken to the hospital, where a thorough examination is carried out and a diagnosis is made based on the classification and general condition of the patient.

Pelvic fractures are serious injuries that require special attention. All the prescribed treatment and the rehabilitation period can take a very long time, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to all recommendations. It is best to be alert and try to avoid all situations that could lead to such a serious injury. This means that you should carefully cross the road, do not climb on windows and be careful in all potentially dangerous places. Take care of your life and health!

It is no coincidence that a fracture of the pelvic bones belongs to the category of severe injuries. This is due to the fact that with it, internal organs are usually damaged. The patient receives a large blood loss and post-traumatic shock. The pelvis is an important bone in the human body, the spine and the entire skeleton rests on it, important organs are placed inside it, which suffer at the time of injury. Let's figure out what consequences of a pelvic fracture can occur and when.

How trauma is classified

The main complication of a pelvic fracture is a high mortality threshold. Most of the people who survived this trauma remain disabled. You can get such damage after a fall from a height, in a car accident, when a building collapses or when a pedestrian is hit. The medical classification of this injury is as follows:

In order for the doctor who arrived at the call to be able to make an accurate diagnosis and localize the damage, it is necessary to indicate exactly how it was received. Depending on how the person hit, different bones are damaged. Most often, the pelvic ring suffers when squeezed from the side or back. The most dangerous types of violations of the integrity of parts of the pelvic ring with displacement.

Consequences and their degrees

First of all, a fracture of the pelvis is complicated by tears and bruises of the internal organs. The patient cannot empty the bladder on their own. Therefore, a catheter is introduced to him, if urine appears in it, then a more thorough examination of the kidneys, urethra, and bladder is necessary. With a complete rupture of the latter, it is usually not possible to insert the catheter. A rectal examination is also mandatory, the appearance of blood with it means damage to the rectum.

Immediately after injury, the patient may complain of pelvic pain. For transportation, it is immobilized to prevent displacement of the fragments. Treatment and rehabilitation should be carried out only under medical supervision. They divide complications after violation of the integrity of the pelvic bones into groups, according to the time of their detection:

  1. Straight lines - arising at the time of injury.
  2. Early - are found in a few days with a detailed examination in a hospital.
  3. Late - bother a person after a long time.

Early consequences include localized disorders associated with traumatic compression, damage to blood vessels, internal organs, tendons or muscles. They are most dangerous for girls, since the female reproductive organs are located in the pelvic area. In case of bleeding or injury to the pubic bone of women, a gynecologist must be examined to determine how much the uterus is damaged. In difficult cases, this organ is removed, which threatens infertility.

Separately, it is possible to single out systemic early consequences:

  • aseptic infection;
  • hypovolemic shock;
  • with an open fracture, sepsis begins;
  • long bone healing or complete absence of the recovery process;
  • fusion of bones with displacement.

With late consequences, dysfunctions of the body can be noticed. They are divided into degrees:

  1. With the first limb, they are not shortened, the gluteal muscles do not atrophy. There are no restrictions on human life. The only unpleasant moment may be pain, if nerve tissues were clamped during damage.
  2. In the second degree, contracture of the hip joint is observed. A patient with such a degree of complications is pursued by pain, hypotrophy of the gluteal muscles. His movements are moderately limited.
  3. In the third degree, patients receive a "duck gait". This is due to a significant limitation of the functions of the hip joint. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs atrophy.

With the correct and timely help of doctors, bones grow together quickly enough. Lameness is commonly associated with damage to joints, muscles, and ligaments. If nerve tissue has been affected, post-traumatic sexual dysfunction may even occur. Most often, this consequence applies to women. Disability occurs with improper care, crushing of bones, multiple fractures.

Fracture of the pelvic bones belongs to the category of severe injuries of the skeleton; it is a complex polytrauma of many organs and tissues. It occurs mainly due to car accidents, falls from great heights, in the process of active sports training or extreme recreation. It is accompanied by severe blood loss, concomitant injuries of internal organs, post-traumatic shock. According to statistics, this type accounts for up to 7% of the total number of fractures. Over the past few decades, the number of such injuries has doubled, they have become many times more severe, the consequences of a pelvic fracture are dangerous and unpredictable, 10% of them are fatal.

There are many medical classifications developed by Key and Conwell, Dunn and Morris and Furey, etc. Fractures are divided into stable (solidity of the pelvic ring remained intact) and unstable (integrity is broken), dislocation fractures, and trauma to the bottom / edges of the acetabulum.

Fracture of the pelvic ring

This is a very powerful skeletal complex, so a single fracture is not capable of developing mechanical instability. To do this, the pelvic ring must be torn in several places at once. Starting from an external influencing vector, trauma is differentiated into 4 basic patterns, which later became the basis for the Jung-Burgess typology. A ruptured pelvic ring can result from:

  1. Lateral or anteroposterior compression (LC, APC).
  2. Vertical Shift (VS).
  3. Combined Mechanism (CM).

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With such an injury, severe pain is accompanied by loss of consciousness, the skin is covered with numerous bruises, hematomas. In case of damage to the semi-rings of the pelvis (both anterior and posterior), asymmetry is formed; with weak pressure, they differ in pathological mobility.

Fracture of the pubic bone

Is fraught with a high risk of death, because almost always he is accompanied by massive blood loss and pronounced traumatic shock. Internal organs can be dislocated or torn. Pubic bone fractures are differentiated into:

  • isolated;
  • with curvature of the pubis (unilateral or bilateral);
  • with deformation of the ischium;
  • with a rupture of the transitional connection between the bones of the skeleton.

The injured person is in the forced "frog pose" when the legs are spread and slightly bent at the knee, the hips are turned outward. The position is passive, with any movement there is a sharp pain in the pubic region. If the pubic bone is palpated, the crepitus of the fragments is easily determined. The pelvis becomes asymmetrical and one leg is shorter.

Ischial bone fracture

It is divided into stable and unstable, single and multiple, with and without displacement. It is characterized by acute pain, swelling and redness of the buttocks. It can be complicated by intestinal paresis, shock, and internal bleeding. The leg muscles become uncontrollable - the horizontally located limbs involuntarily rise, the symptom of a "stuck heel" is relevant, when it cannot be torn off the surface.

Ilium fracture

In medical practice, it is noted quite rarely, since the bone is considered the largest, respectively, strong in the human skeleton. When injured, the symptoms are as follows:

  • asymmetry of the limbs;
  • severe swelling;
  • dysfunction of one of the legs located on the side of the fracture;
  • localization of pain in the wing or iliac crest;
  • decreased sensitivity of the buttocks.

It is also easier for a person to step with his back forward (symptom of "backward movement").

What can be the consequences

Despite timely hospitalization and strict compliance with the doctor's prescriptions, about 20% of people who have fractured pelvic bones still develop pathological consequences. Fragments can grow together incorrectly, and damage to internal organs and large blood loss at the time of injury entail a number of unpleasant complications that affect the quality of life.

The appearance of bone growths and sciatica

When excess tissue growth is observed at the site of the fracture of the pelvic bones, we are talking about exostosis. Bone growths are a persistent formation that is subsequently treated only with surgery. The phenomenon cannot be ignored, since there is a risk of its degeneration into a malignant one, and in childhood exostosis is fraught with skeletal deformities.

A displaced pelvic fracture is a direct path to damage to internal organs, it shifts the spinal axis, as a result - acute attacks of radiculitis, accompanied by numbness of the body, weakness, constant pain in the back and neck.


Prolonged lack of mobility and physical activity, which are integral companions of serious fractures, are fraught with dysfunctional muscle atrophy. In this case, the patient's quality of life suffers greatly, even the simplest movements and actions are given to him with difficulty. Consequences: loss of strength, risk of re-injury, high likelihood of developing cardiac pathologies.

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Sexual dysfunction

In about 15-20 cases per 100 thousand, pelvic fractures are accompanied by serious damage to the urethra and male genital organs. Occlusion of the pelvic arteries is the main reason that the patient of the sterner sex cannot achieve the desired penis enlargement or is not able to maintain an erection for a time sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Decreased performance

Weakening of the muscle tone of the lower extremities, which occurs as a result of a long rehabilitation period after injury, changes in blood circulation and nutrition of the surrounding soft tissues impede normal support and motor functions in the future. Many patients receive a disability group, completely or partially lose their ability to work. The latter is fully restored only with marginal fractures or when the pelvic ring remains intact.

Problems with urination and bowel movements

In case of injuries and ruptures of the bladder, accompanying a fracture of the pelvic bones, a person may continue to experience difficulties with urination. The development of hematuria, a condition when blood is present in the urine, in quantities exceeding the physiological indicators of the norm, is not excluded. Due to damage to certain nerve fibers, the act of defecation is also difficult.


This specific type of sensory impairment can occur with prolonged exposure to traumatic compression. In the lower extremities there are atypical (subjective) sensations: "goose bumps", tingling, numbness. Since the transmission of impulses in the nerve root is malfunctioning, it becomes irritated because of this. Regular and prolonged paresthesias can cause the formation of trophic and subsequent organic failures in the functioning of the affected nerve.

Development of infectious pathologies

The most common are:

  1. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the internal venous wall, accompanied by the formation of blood clots of various densities (thrombi). Seals and redness form along the affected vein, the limb swells, becomes extremely painful, and the body temperature rises.
  2. Exogenous osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow that also affects the periosteum and Haversian canals. The tissues in the area of ​​the fracture become edematous and hyperemic, fester. The infection is accompanied by fever, anemia, leukocytosis, and general weakness.

Consequences in old age

Injury to the hip bone, as well as any other skeletal fracture, is difficult for patients in years to endure. Bedsores and anemia, which develop as a result of prolonged bed rest and lack of physical activity, are just the tip of the iceberg. Blood clotting increases, varicose veins appear, which entails the risk of such pathologies as thrombosis and embolism. The destruction of bone tissue (bone lysis) is also a serious consequence. It is highly likely that in men of venerable years who survived a fracture of the pelvic bones, sexual function will be completely impaired.

Is it possible to give birth after a fracture

The function of the pelvis in the weaker sex is the protection of the internal genital organs + the holding of the fetus through the birth canal. If the patient's medical record contains a hip joint injury of any prescription, this should be a good reason for preliminary consultation with a number of doctors: gynecologist, traumatologist, orthopedist. A fracture can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the biomechanism of labor. It also often becomes the cause of the development of symphysiopathy - a condition when the cartilage of the pubic articulation becomes excessively soft, which worsens the well-being of the lady in position and provokes a complete rupture of the cartilage tissue. Often, this kind of injury does not provide an opportunity for natural delivery and becomes an indication for a cesarean section.

How to prevent the above

To minimize the risks of developing unpleasant consequences of pelvic injury, special attention should be paid to the rehabilitation period, including a set of mandatory measures:

  • therapeutic traction and gymnastics;
  • massages and cryomassages;
  • a course of drugs that help restore bone;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • proper nutrition with the mandatory inclusion of calcium-containing foods in the diet;
  • swimming;
  • prolonged wearing of a brace / corset, using a walker or crutch to relieve pressure on the pelvis.

It is not easy to indicate the exact timing of recovery - this can be influenced by the internal resources of the body, the specifics of the fracture, the efforts and desire of the person himself. Regeneration of the pelvic bone usually takes half a year, a year.

Fracture of the pelvic bones is one of the most difficult and dangerous injuries, often accompanied by massive bleeding, damage to internal organs and leading to permanent disability, and in many cases to disability. In some cases, pelvic injuries are fatal, which can result in blood loss, pelvic injury, or shock.

According to medical statistics, pelvic injuries occur in 5-7 people out of 100 diagnosed injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In a quarter of cases, injuries to the pelvic organs are observed, and in 30%, traumatic and painful shock. Fatal outcome with such injuries occurs in 6 cases out of 100. Most often, people of young and middle age, mainly men, suffer from pelvic fractures, often injuries of this kind are found in adolescents.

Causes of trauma development

Fractures of the pelvic bones can lead to:

  • pressure on the pelvis in an accident, during natural (collapses, avalanches) and man-made disasters (destruction of buildings, crashes), as a result of industrial injuries;
  • sharp, strong blows to the pelvic area, inflicted during fights, training or performances in strength sports;
  • falls from a height - climbers, parachutists, builders and people who are fond of jumping are more likely to suffer;
  • hitting the water when diving incorrectly from the tower;
  • a sharp contraction of muscles with strong tension, more often such situations occur in athletes;
  • thinning and fragility of the pelvic bones, which develops in osteoporosis;
  • in women during childbirth, ruptures of the pubic symphysis may develop.

Traffic accidents cause injury to the pelvic bones in 75% of cases, and pedestrians are more likely to suffer than people in a car.

Anatomical features of the pelvis

The pelvis serves as a receptacle and protection for the organs of the genitourinary system and a support for the entire skeleton. It is formed by three paired bones - pubic, sciatic, iliac, connected to each other by thin bone sutures, motionlessly connecting to each other and to the sacrum, form a closed circle - the pelvic ring.

All three bones are involved in the formation of the acetabulum, which is part of the hip joint. Any damage to the pelvis affects the health of the entire body.

Classification of fractures of the pelvic bones

Traumatologists distinguish several groups of pelvic fractures:

  1. Injuries that do not damage the integrity of the pelvic ring are called stable fractures. These include marginal and isolated fractures - a fracture of the sacrum (transverse), coccyx, wing and crest of the ilium, branches of the pubic or ischial bones, and fracture of the ischial tubercles.
  2. Unstable fractures, in which the integrity of the ring is disrupted, distinguish the following subgroups of unstable fractures:
  • unstable vertical anterior - one or two-sided damage to the pubic or ischial bone;
  • unstable vertical posterior - injury to the wing of the ilium, fracture of the sacrum in an oblique or vertical direction;
  • double unstable - simultaneous damage to the anterior and posterior semi-rings of the pelvis, this subgroup includes Malgene (vertical) and Niederle (horizontal) fractures;
  • multiple fractures of the pelvis.
  1. Injury to the acetabulum - one or two-sided fractures of the edges or bottom, often such an injury is accompanied by a dislocation of the hip joint.
  2. The last group includes fracture dislocations - a fracture of the pelvic bones is accompanied by a dislocation of the pubic or sacroiliac joint.

Injuries accompanying a fracture of the pelvis

Collateral damage includes:

  1. Massive bleeding - blood loss with stable fractures can be from 300 to 500 ml of blood, and with unstable it reaches 3000 ml.
  2. Injury to internal organs - rupture of the bladder, urethra, vagina, or rectum. In this case, the contents enter the pelvic cavity and can cause the development of an infectious inflammatory process.
  3. Damage to large and small nerve trunks of the lumbar plexus, manifested by pronounced neurological changes.

Clinical manifestations

All clinical manifestations of fracture of the pelvic bones are divided into local and general. Separately, you can highlight the symptoms of traumatic or pain shock.

Local symptoms of pelvic bone injury

The symptomatology of the pathology depends on the location and type of the fracture and varies depending on the severity of the injury. Local manifestations include:

  • visually distinguishable deformation of the bones of the pelvic region;
  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • the development of hematomas in the pelvic region;
  • edema of various localization and sizes;
  • violation of the motor functions of the lower extremities;
  • with open injuries, local symptoms also include bleeding;
  • with unstable fractures, mobility and crunch of fragments can be observed;
  • in some types of fractures, the length of the limb changes from the side of the injury.

Local manifestations of certain types of fractures

Fracture localization Clinical manifestations of trauma
1 Upper pelvis and ilium The range of motion in the hip joints is reduced, the localization of pain is in the iliac wing area. With a fracture of the wing or spine of the ilium, there is a characteristic symptom called the symptom of reversing - it is easier for the patient to walk forward with his back.
2 Coccyx The intensity of pain increases with pressure on the lower part of the sacrum.
3 Pelvic ring If the integrity of the pelvic ring is not violated, the pain is localized in the perineum or pubic area and increases with palpation or attempts to perform movements with one leg. In case of violation of integrity, pain syndrome is observed in the pelvis and perineum, and movements of the legs make it stronger.
4 Branches of the pubic bone A person with such an injury takes position e, which is called "frog pose".
5 Pubic symphysis The patient takes a forced position with slightly bent tightly connected legs, extremity dilation causes severe pain.
6 Rear half ring Since the pain is localized on the side of the lesion, the patient is forced to lie on the healthy side. Bruises are located mainly in the perineal region in men, they are localized on the scrotum.
7 Acetabulum Trauma is often combined with hip dislocation and manifests itself in severe pain, forced position of the injured limb, and dysfunction of the hip joint.

Common clinical manifestations of pelvic fractures

Such a severe injury as a fracture of the pelvic bones is usually accompanied by significant blood loss, which may be indicated by pallor of the skin and a sharp decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure) values. In addition, traumatic shock and trauma to the organs of the genitourinary system and the digestive tract often develop.

Manifestations of traumatic shock

  • rapid discoloration of the skin (they become pale);
  • cold sweat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness is possible.

Symptoms of injuries to the pelvic organs

  1. When the urethra ruptures, urinary retention develops, bleeding from the urethra is observed, and a hematoma appears in the perineal region. The size of the bladder is enlarged, and it is difficult or impossible to insert the catheter.
  2. Damage to the walls of the bladder may be accompanied by the presence of blood in the urine (hematuria), while the contours of the bladder itself are not determined by palpation and percussion.
  3. A sign of a rupture of the vagina or rectum is the development of bleeding from them, these injuries are determined during a gynecological examination or digital examination of the rectum.

A common symptom of damage to the pelvic organs is severe tissue edema in the lower abdomen.

Consequences and complications of injury

During the injury and during its treatment, the victim may experience the following complications:

  • violation of sensitivity as a result of damage to the nerve trunks and compression of tissues;
  • injuries to muscle fibers, blood and lymph vessels, tendons;
  • damage to the pelvic organs;
  • development of an infectious inflammatory process;
  • improper or delayed union of fractures;
  • the development of osteomyelitis;
  • tissue hypotrophy;
  • the formation of contractures that limit motor activity and functionality of the lower extremities.

Diagnosis of pathology

Pelvic fractures are diagnosed by a traumatologist after examination and radiography. Concomitant injuries require additional examination methods, which include:

  • laparoscopy is performed for injuries of internal organs;
  • when the patient is in serious condition, laparocentesis or even laparotomy can be used;
  • if bladder damage is suspected, ultrasound diagnostics is required;
  • trauma to the urethra is diagnosed by urethrography.

Methods for treating pelvic fractures

In case of pelvic fractures, it is very important that the victim is taken to a hospital as soon as possible. Adequate treatment started quickly can be life-saving for someone with a pelvic injury. Therefore, if you suspect this kind of injury, you must immediately call an ambulance. It is very good if first aid is provided to the victim before her arrival.

Basics of first aid for pelvic fractures

In the presence of open fractures, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic. To relieve pain, it is necessary to inject analgesic drugs intramuscularly or give them to the victim in tablet form.

The victim should be properly laid, for which a tightly rolled blanket, clothing or roller is placed under the knees, and the upper body is raised (a hard pillow is placed under it). It is desirable that in this position the patient's knees do not diverge, if possible, they are fixed in one position.

If there is a symptom of traumatic shock, it is necessary to loosen the belts, collar and buttons, provide an influx of cool clean air, use ammonia.

It should be remembered that it is strictly prohibited to move a person suspected of having a pelvic fracture on their own. For the transportation of such a patient, special devices are needed. Therefore, you should not try to take him to the hospital on your own.

Basic treatments for pelvic fractures

Pelvic fractures are treated by a traumatologist or surgeon, depending on the severity of the injury, sometimes consultation and treatment from specialists of another specialization (resuscitation specialist, urologist, gynecologist, proctologist) is required. First of all, a complex of anti-shock measures is carried out, which includes the following components:

  1. Conducting adequate anesthesia - intrapelvic or intraosseous anesthesia with novocaine or lidocaine can be used, with some types of fractures and with multiple concomitant injuries, it is preferable to use general anesthesia. The question of the type of pain relief is decided individually.
  2. Reimbursement of the volume of lost blood - with a small blood loss, the patient is prescribed a transfusion and intravenous administration of replacement solutions on the second day. Massive bleeding requires immediate commencement of bleeding. If profuse bleeding does not stop, surgical intervention is necessary, which consists in ligating the arteries, after which blood replacement therapy is prescribed.
  3. Fracture immobilization - the type of immobilization and its duration depend on the location of the fracture and its type. In case of stable fractures, the patient can be placed on a shield, while a roller is placed under his knees or Beller's splints are used. Unstable fractures are a direct indication for the use of skeletal traction.

For some types of fractures, surgical intervention is prescribed, during which the fragments will be connected with metal plates or wires (osteosynthesis). After complete fusion of the bones, a second operation is required to remove the fixing elements.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the fracture and can take quite a long time. After the fusion of the bones, a rehabilitation period is required during which the patient returns to his usual way of life. Throughout this period, a person is under medical supervision and undergoes physiotherapy procedures and massage sessions, is engaged in physiotherapy exercises, takes drugs that strengthen bone tissues and accelerate their fusion.

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