The newborn eats little and falls asleep immediately. A newborn sleeps a lot: is it worth waking up, sleep and wakefulness norms for a baby, reasons for long sleep, advice and recommendations from pediatricians. How much should a baby eat

In the first weeks of life, the newborn sleeps almost all day. Long sleep with breaks for food is considered normal, but if the baby sleeps very soundly and for a long time, does not ask for food, this can be an alarming sign. How much should newborn babies sleep normally and how to determine that prolonged sleep is a symptom of pathology?

Features of a newborn's sleep

The first weeks of a newborn's life are full of impressions. At birth, a child finds himself in a completely new world for him, filled with unfamiliar stimuli: visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and tactile. An overabundance of stimuli quickly tires the baby, his nervous system is not yet adapted to such an effect, it continues to form even after birth.

During sleep, analysis, memorization and assimilation of information received during wakefulness occurs. Since there is a lot of such information, the baby quickly gets tired, and it takes him a long time to form neural connections for its analysis. That is why the first months of life, the child sleeps for a very long time.

The sleep of an infant is different from that of an adult. In adults, the slow phase prevails, deep sleep, it takes 75-80%. During this period, the energy spent during the day is restored. In infants, on the contrary, superficial, REM sleep prevails. There is no need to worry if the baby in a dream twitches hands, smiles or frowns - all these are manifestations REM sleep.

It is during the surface phase that information is processed. Electrical activity the brain is similar to the period of wakefulness. The kid dreams of vivid, colorful dreams - the result of new impressions from the world around him.

The deep phase is also present, but its duration is shorter. At first, it takes up only a small percentage of the total sleep duration, but it lengthens over time. During this period, the baby's sleep is very strong, the newborn restores the strength spent during the day.

Sleep rates for an infant

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Why Small child sleeps a lot (more in the article :)? Infant sleep rates differ from those acceptable for an adult. It is not necessary to accustom the baby from the cradle to an unsuitable daily routine for him, which his parents adhere to. In the first weeks after birth, the number of hours of daytime and nighttime sleep in infants is the same. The baby does not care what time of day it is outside the window, he will sleep as much as he is supposed to.

Despite the fact that the child sleeps almost around the clock, he wakes up when he is hungry. A good sleep and enough food is what is needed for development.

Table of sleep norms in children under one year old:

AgeSleep characteristicsDaytime sleep rateSleep rateDaily rateWakefulness rate
1-3 weeksThe child sleeps according to his needs and does not obey the daily routine. When he wakes up, he eats.8-9 hours10-12 hours, during which time he wakes up 3-4 times to eat18-20 hoursAbout 4 hours
1-2 monthsThe concept of night sleep is beginning to take shape. The kid gets used to the daily regimen. Sleep at night becomes longer, the child wakes up less.Twice for 2-3 hours, and 2 times for 30-45 minutes. In total, the baby sleeps for about 8 hours.10 hours, 2 times a night he wakes up to eat.18 hours4 hours
3-4 monthsThe child is able to sleep through the night without waking up for food.2 deep sleep for 2-3 hours, 2 shallow sleep for 30-40 minutes. In total, the baby sleeps for about 7 hours.10 hours17-18 hours7 o'clock
5-6 monthsThe amount of daytime sleep decreases.At 5 months, the baby rests an average of 6 hours during the day - twice for two hours and one short sleep of 1-1.5 hours. At six months, the child sleeps only twice for 2.5 hours.10 hours15-16 hours8-9 hours
7-9 monthsIn the afternoon infant sleeps 2 times less than at night (see also:). The period of wakefulness is equal to a night's sleep.Twice for 2.5 hours.10-11 hours15 hours9-10 hours
10 months - 1 yearDespite the fact that the baby still sleeps for a very long time, the duration of wakefulness doubles.Twice for 2 hours10 hours14 hours10 hours

Why does a newborn baby sleep all the time?

The duration of sleep increases if the child is sick or stressed. The kid becomes lethargic, sleepy, does not ask for food. Reasons why the baby sleeps more than usual:

  • Difficult childbirth. If the delivery has passed with complications, was prolonged or, on the contrary, rapid, the position of the child during the passage birth canal was wrong, the stress was experienced not only by the mother, but also by the baby himself. After such childbirth, recovery is necessary for both, so the newborn sleeps a lot, eats practically nothing (we recommend reading :). The sucking reflex appears later in him than in other children. Sleep patterns can also be affected by drugs used to stimulate generic activity or pain relief.
  • Starvation. When the baby is not getting enough nutrients, he becomes lethargic and drowsy. The reason for the baby's malnutrition may be a lack of milk in the mother or its low fat content, difficulty in capturing the nipple if it is flat or inverted. The baby refuses to breast if milk has bad taste- for example, mom smokes, drinks alcohol, takes antibiotics.

  • Teething. At 4-6 months, the baby's first teeth begin to cut. This is a painful and tedious process. The child gets tired and sleeps constantly.
  • Past illnesses. During and after illness, the child needs to recover, so he sleeps a lot. If a child has a fever above 38 ° C, he falls into a semi-oblivion, and when the temperature drops, he falls asleep deeply.
  • Complications after vaccinations. In the first year of life, children are vaccinated according to the plan. The reaction to this can be different, some children have a fever, they become weaker, they constantly sleep.
  • External stimuli. The child needs to get enough sleep. If there are too many irritants around, then the baby will constantly want to sleep. Normal sleep bright lighting, TV noise, screaming and quarrels interfere. Despite his infancy, the child feels well the atmosphere in the family. When the relationship between parents is tense, he gets sick, becomes too excitable or, conversely, drowsy.

Should you wake up?

Parents should evaluate the circumstances and condition of the baby in order to decide whether to wake him or not. If the child had a busy, hectic day, for example, he was taken to the clinic, then it is worth giving him a rest (we recommend reading :). Skipping or delaying one meal will not do any harm.

A sudden awakening from deep sleep can scare an infant. It is worth waking up only during the period of superficial sleep. It is not difficult to recognize this phase - the baby's eyelids twitch, he twists his arms and legs, he can babble something in his sleep.

The baby should be woken up carefully, without loud sounds and sudden movements. Several ways to wake up a baby:

  • bring a bottle of milk or breast to your face, the smell will wake up the sleeping person;
  • get your face or body wet with a damp cloth;
  • massage the baby's legs;
  • turn to the child in a whisper or quietly hum a song;
  • if the diaper is dirty, start changing it gently, the baby will wake up in the process.

When do you need a doctor's help?

Can prolonged sleep be a sign of illness? In pediatrics, there is such a thing as prolonged sleep, when the deep sleep phase lasts longer than normal... It is important for young mothers, especially those who have given birth to their first child, to know how to distinguish healthy sleep from dangerous. Unknowingly, parents can compare the features of children's recreation with an adult. However, what is normal for adults is considered a pathology for infants.

Unhealthy sleep symptoms:

  • Deep, deep sleep lasts more than 3 hours in a row. All this time, the baby is in one position, his facial expressions do not change, he does not move his arms or legs.
  • Painful condition skin... They become gray or bluish in color. When pressed with a finger, the skin does not immediately return to normal. Mucous membranes also acquire a bluish tint.
  • Dry diapers within 6 hours. Normally, parents have to change diapers more than 5 times a day. Rarely urination can be a sign of a dangerous illness.
  • The child rises heat... When you touch the body, you feel heat, the skin is covered with sweat.
  • Sleep is accompanied by quiet crying, whimpering. The child is sick in his sleep.
  • Parents notice that the baby's fontanel is fused. The main reason for the falling fontanelle is dehydration. It may occur due to infectious diseases, diarrhea or vomiting, overheating.

What to do if a long sleep is accompanied warning signs? The health of newborns and children under 1 year old is very fragile, any disease can proceed very quickly, so you need to respond immediately. If parents notice symptoms of pathology, they should call ambulance.

Newborn baby for correct development you need regular food and sound long sleep. In the first weeks of life, the child sleeps most of the day, waking up briefly in order to eat. It is important to pay close attention to how much the baby sleeps and how often he eats, since excessive sleep and lack of food indicate health problems.

How much should a baby eat

The volume of the stomach of a newborn is very small - immediately after birth it contains about 7 ml, but it stretches rather quickly, adjusting to the increasing need of the body for food. A two-month-old baby can eat up to 150 g of breast milk or artificial formula in one feeding.

Pediatricians believe that in favorable conditions (the child is correctly applied to the breast, and he is completely healthy), the baby eats exactly as much food as he needs for proper development, and the mother's body adjusts and produces the required volume of milk.

A healthy baby wakes up about 10 times a day and requires food - breast milk digests quickly and needs a new portion. An active child cannot sleep on an empty stomach.

The speed of digestion is influenced not only by the volume of milk eaten, but also by its chemical composition, fat content. To understand whether a newborn eats the amount of food that is required for his body, it is enough to count the number of urinations per day - there should be about 12 wet diapers.

If the child eats little and spends almost all the time in a dream, it is convenient for his parents, who normally get enough sleep at night and have time to cope with all matters during the day. But one should not rejoice at the calmness of the baby, since insufficient nutrition is the cause and effect of certain disorders.

A newborn who, for some reason, eats little, loses strength, his body goes into an "energy-saving mode" - this is what explains constant sleepiness... The weaker the child, the more difficult it is for him to wake up, even when he is hungry. It turns out vicious circle, which can lead to sad consequences.

A child who rarely and little eats, not only receives less nutrients, but also the liquid itself. This threatens dehydration, which is very dangerous for the baby. In the most extreme cases only doctors can save from dehydration and its consequences.

Insufficient feeding: consequences

A deviation from the norm is considered if the newborn requires breast less often than every 3 hours and the number of wet diapers per day is less than 10. Such a nutritional schedule indicates that the child does not have enough strength. Related problems include:

  • Low immunity. If a newborn does not receive enough colostrum and early breast milk, which contain a maximum of substances necessary to develop its own immunity, his body will remain susceptible to infections.
  • Difficulty sucking. It is important for a child to take the breast correctly in the first days, otherwise he will not only receive less nutrients, but also will not be able to fully suck out milk in the future - this turns into malnutrition and weakening of the body. Usually, such problems arise if the mother's breast.
  • Heavy current jaundice. To remove bilirubin from the child's body, which stains tissues in yellowish color, he needs to consume more fluids. If the baby eats little, the jaundice takes longer and more difficult for him.

  • Delayed arrival of milk. Active breastfeeding by newborns in the first few days of life promotes the flow of high-grade milk. Insufficient stimulation of the nipples by a poorly sucking baby delays the process, and the baby does not receive nutrients.
  • ... If the baby does not eat well, he does not suck out the inflowed milk, which threatens with stagnation and inflammation in the breast.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage. Frequent and intense stimulation of the nipples during feedings causes the uterus to contract actively. If the newborn does not eat well, it increases the risk of PPH.

A lack of nutrition increases the infant's risk of hypoglycemia.

It is important to know the symptoms of low blood glucose in an infant:

  • increased drowsiness - it is difficult to wake up the baby, he is relaxed and spends almost all the time in a dream;
  • lethargy - the child has no interest in the world around him;
  • heavy sweating - undershirts and diapers quickly become wet;
  • flinching in a dream;
  • rapid shallow breathing;
  • blanching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • refusal to eat or sluggish sucking.

If you notice any symptoms from the above list, you must urgently consult a doctor.

Why a newborn can sleep too much

There are a number of reasons why a newborn sleeps a lot.

1. Pharmacology during childbirth. In the case of complicated, protracted childbirth, during which the mother was injected with any drugs, the child receives a dose of drugs through the general bloodstream that affect its activity in the first hours and days after birth. In this case, the baby sleeps a lot and skips feedings.

2. Wrong organized process feeding. A baby who breastfeeds incorrectly due to the shape of the nipple or an uncomfortable position of the body spends too much energy trying to get food and falls asleep from fatigue, being hungry. If the child does not gain weight well and is inactive, it is imperative to consult a specialist in breastfeeding to eliminate this problem.

Problems can also arise when the milk flow is strong and the breast becomes firm. In this case, it is enough to express some of the milk so that the nipple and the area around it become elastic.

3. Environment. Contrary to the belief that newborns require silence and lack of bright light to fall asleep, it is easier for babies to fall asleep in a noisy environment - this works defense mechanism protecting nervous system from overloads.

This means that in a house where TV or music is playing all the time, people are talking, noisy household appliances are regularly turned on, the baby will constantly want to sleep. At the same time, his sleep is restless, the body does not fully rest, which negatively affects health.

Wake up and feed

A newborn should be fed on demand, but what if the baby does not require food, but continues to sleep for 5-6 hours in a row and even more? Pediatricians believe that the maximum allowable interval between feedings of a child in the first months of life is 5 hours.

Some children ask for food every hour, others do not show anxiety at a feeding interval of 2-4 hours - it depends on the baby's body and nutritional properties breast milk. But if you see that the child has not woken up for more than 4 hours, wake him up to feed him. This will give the baby strength, and, having got stronger, he will wake up on his own.

It is advisable to wake up the child in the REM sleep phase, because deep organism comes out reluctantly, and this is reflected in the state of health.

To determine the stage of sleep, take your baby by the handle:

  • if the hand remains sluggish, a deep sleep;
  • if the muscles are tense, the sleep is superficial.

Shallow sleep is also indicated by facial expressions on the face of a sleeping baby, movements eyeballs under the eyelids, twitching of arms and legs. It is not necessary to completely wake the baby up - just give him the breast and his sucking reflex will work.

Before feeding the baby, remove the excess diapers from him - the baby should not be hot, this reduces the appetite. Make sure that there is no bright light in the room. Change the diaper and diapers after a meal, as breastfeeding after prolonged

Long-awaited happiness: baby and mother at home, the first month after the hospital. Parents think they are expected sleepless nights, distribute who will get up to the baby at night. But a newborn does not always bother his parents and neighbors at night. And mom and dad can't believe their happiness. A newborn baby sleeps a lot during the day and does not wake up often at night. But the mother is certainly concerned about the question of whether it is normal for the child to sleep for a long time and whether it is dangerous for his health. Usually worry is in vain.

Features of infant sleep

The main part of a baby's life is spent in a dream. At this time, the baby grows, his systems develop internal organs... Since the child is still too young, the daily routine has not yet been established. The kid falls asleep by himself when he is tired. In the period up to three months, the baby gets tired very quickly, since he sees everything that surrounds him for the first time, every minute of his life is full of new impressions. The biological clock and the time of day while the child is not affected. The kid does not distinguish whether it is day or night, he only knows whether he is tired or not.

Some children may sleep well through the night, waking up only to eat. IN daytime days the baby can wake up several times, study the world and fall asleep again. Moreover, the fact that a newborn sleeps a lot during the day is not a deviation. All children are different, their needs are also different, respectively, and the sleep time is different.

Baby sleep phases

Any person has two stages of sleep: deep and superficial. An adult, depending on the degree of fatigue, can very quickly (within a few seconds) fall into a deep sleep and stay in it until the end of the night. In an infant, in the first months of life, superficial sleep predominates, this phase also prevails during daytime sleep. When going to sleep at night, the surface phase lasts an average of twenty minutes. This is followed by a deep sleep phase, which continues until the first night feed.

Superficial sleep is very beneficial. During this period, the brain assimilates all the information received during the waking period. The assimilation of emotions and new sensations takes place, the baby may have a vivid dream.

Deep sleep in infants is very strong. When the baby is in this phase, it is very difficult to wake him up. The child does not respond to external stimuli, his sleep is stronger than that of an adult. In this phase, the baby's body "reboots", recovers strength, renews the work of internal organs, replenishes the energy supply.

Sleep rates

While the child is in infancy, his daily routine has not been formed. Do not force the child to sleep if he does not want to. And, accordingly, there is no need to wake him up if the newborn sleeps a lot. The kid himself knows how much to sleep. Average sleep rates in children under one and a half years are presented in the table.

Age 1-2 months 3-4 months 5-6 months 6-12 months 12-18 months
Sleep a day 18 hours 17-18 hours 14-16 hours 13-14 hours 10-13 hours

The smallest have daytime and night sleep approximately the same in duration. The older the child gets, the more stable the night's sleep becomes. The long day is replaced by one or two less long ones. Concern may be caused by a deviation of the data presented in this table by 4-5 hours plus. Then we can assume that the newborn sleeps a lot, and there is a reason to consult a neurologist.

Why does a newborn sleep a lot

Per a short time after birth, the baby needs to learn to roll over, crawl, sit, walk. This requires a lot of effort. Therefore for little child it is the norm to sleep a lot. But there are exceptions when the baby's sleep really lasts longer than it should be by age.

Signs of improper development:

  1. If before that the baby slept within acceptable standards, but suddenly, abruptly, his sleep became very prolonged.
  2. Prolonged sleep is accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  3. During wakefulness, and sometimes in a dream, there is a quiet weak cry.
  4. General state weak, lethargic during wakefulness.
  5. In a dream, the child cannot breathe for a long time.
  6. There is dehydration, the baby's skin is not elastic.
  7. There is a smell of acetone from the mouth, pallor or redness of the skin, a change in the structure of feces.
  8. Lack of appetite, refusal to eat.

If any of the above signs coincide, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The main reason why a newborn child sleeps a lot and eats little is the normalization of the functioning of internal organs. For the first time after giving birth, the baby receives milk or formula, the stomach begins to work. The child's liver is still poorly developed, so bilirubin rises in the blood, which causes drowsiness.

Baby food

Parents may be concerned about the fact that the newborn eats little. The frequency of food intake is different for formula-fed babies and breastfed babies. The amount of food in one meal is almost the same.

The amount of complementary foods can be changed individually for each baby. Most the right way to check whether the newborn eats little is to monitor the increase in height and weight of the child.

How much should a baby gain in weight:

  • 1 month - 600 grams;
  • 2-3 months - 800 grams;
  • 4-12 months - minus 50 grams from the norm (i.e. 4th - 750 grams, 5th - 700, etc.)

By the year, weight gain per month averages 350 grams.

Growth gain:

  • 1-2 months - 3 centimeters;
  • 3-4 months - 2.5 cm;
  • 6-8 months - 2 cm;
  • 9-12 months - 1.5 cm.

Experts recommend: supervise your child. If the baby's health does not cause anxiety, he is cheerful, emotionally developed (according to his age), then the fears are in vain. He has enough food, even if you don't think so. If you are worried that the newborn eats a lot and sleeps a lot, then nursing mothers can be calm - the child will not eat more than necessary. On the artificial feeding it is recommended to use the WHO standards so as not to overfeed the child.

Why a newborn can eat little

There are many reasons for this behavior of a child, for clarity, we will consider all of them:

  • Colic. During breastfeeding, your baby may not pick up the nipple correctly. In this regard, in the process of absorbing food, air enters the stomach along with milk. From this, the child can conclude that when he eats, his stomach hurts, so he stops eating well.
  • Disease. Diseases can affect the amount of food a baby eats. It could be a birth injury congenital disease or purchased. The child becomes lethargic, does not feel well and physically cannot eat normally. This also happens in premature babies.
  • Headache. Often, babies react to the weather, become whiny and eat little. It will pass over time.
  • Breastfeeding is not well established. Almost every young mother has difficulties at the initial stage of breastfeeding. In the maternity hospital, the mother, as a rule, is not told what needs to be done. And you have to act on a whim. In such a delicate matter, every nuance is important: the posture of the newborn, and the posture of the mother, and the shape of the nipple. The first days of feeding are the most important. A breast that has never fed a child before should get used to the process. At first, cracks are possible and very painful sensations... For the mother, the main thing is not to give up and endure. The inconvenience is temporary, soon the breasts will get used to it, and the baby will receive enough food. The main thing is not to quit breastfeeding, it is invaluable for the immunity of the child.
  • Excessive curiosity. The kid is too keen on looking around, not having time to eat in time. Therefore, it is so important to feed the child alone and calmly, without talking around and unnecessary noise.
  • Teething. This is a long period when the baby not only eats poorly, but can also be nervous, be whiny, possibly fever and sleep disturbance. Periodically, after the eruption of the next tooth, temporary relief comes, and you can relax a little, during this period the feeding is getting better.
  • Maloyezhka. There are some children who by nature eat little. Most likely, it will be so in the future. Do not worry, children are all different, most importantly, do not force the child to eat. This can turn into aversion to food and psychological deviations in the future.
  • Not in the mood. The child already has his own character, despite his young age. Perhaps he cried for a long time or struck. The nipple will help to calm the baby or you can hold it in your hands, shake it. The appetite will come back later.

How to help your baby with breastfeeding

In cases where there are no developmental abnormalities, no diseases have been identified, but the newborn baby still sleeps a lot and eats little, then, perhaps, there are reasons associated with breastfeeding errors. For example:

  • Physiological irregular shape of the nipple. The baby becomes uncomfortable, he suffers a lot of air instead of milk. The pads on the chest, which are sold in chain children's stores and pharmacies, will help. They also help to shoot pain at the beginning of feeding.
  • Mom is not dieting. In this case, the milk may not be very tasty, and the baby begins to eat less or completely abandon the breast. A young mother should not neglect her diet. Avoid fast food, less fatty and sweet. You also need to be careful with fruits, exclude all red fruits, do not eat a lot of apples. Give up bad habits... Alcohol and cigarettes are excluded.
  • Too much milk causes the breasts to become stiff. In the case when the mother is "dairy" and the baby cannot cope with the quantity, it is necessary to express. Thus, you will lighten the breast, and the baby will receive a lot of healthy milk, since the first, more watery and empty, will go away.
  • Incorrect feeding posture. In this case, the child is simply uncomfortable, so he eats quickly so that the mother changes her position. From fatigue in an uncomfortable position, the baby quickly falls asleep and does not gorge itself.
  • Too strong smell from mom. Perhaps perfume was used or Mom ate something with strong smell- all this can disrupt the appetite of the newborn.
  • Stress. The child feels the mood of the mother. If something prevents her from staying calm and balanced, then you need to eliminate the cause.
  • When a new pregnancy occurs, the quality of milk deteriorates. It will probably disappear completely over time.

Daily regime

In order for the child to feel good and stay in good mood, it is necessary to establish a daily routine. In the first two to three months after birth, it is almost impossible to do this, so you have to adapt to the child. Starting from four months, it becomes possible to organize the day. Every child is different. Like adults, babies can be larks and owls, babies and those who eat a lot for a long time.

The first thing that will help to cope with the establishment of a daily routine is a sleep diary. Start a special notebook and record what time the child went to bed, what time he got up. And so every day. After three to four days, it will become approximately clear what time it is convenient for the baby to go to bed. This is called a "window to sleep". It is at this time that it is better to lay it in the future and plan feedings and procedures in the interval between rest.

When it comes to feeding, child psychologists recommend feeding the baby on demand. So you do not overfeed him and he will not remain hungry. Over time, each mother begins to distinguish the timbre of her baby's crying, it becomes clear to her whether he wants to eat, or his tummy hurts, or he just misses.

The daily routine will make it clear whether the newborn really sleeps a lot and eats little or eats a lot and sleeps little. Thus, the life of young parents will return to normal, there will be some free time to devote to themselves or to each other. After all, it has become so small.

Pediatricians recommend that if a newborn sleeps a lot, remember that sleep is closely related to all components of a child's life: food intake, hygiene, ambient temperature, clothing, etc. Basic rules that must be followed:

  • Parents need good rest... Be sure to get enough sleep. For example, you can do this when the child is sleeping during the day.
  • Observe the daily routine, try not to deviate from it. Create a bedtime ritual (bathing, singing, reading a book, etc.). Children love everything permanent, try to perform the ritual regardless of location.
  • Separate a place for the baby to sleep in such a way that it is convenient for everyone: both parents and the child himself.
  • If a newborn sleeps a lot during the day and a little at night, then do not be afraid to wake him up.
  • An active day promotes a sound night's sleep.
  • The air in the bedroom should be fresh.
  • Prolonged bathing before bed, massage and clean, warm clothing will promote a healthy night's sleep for your baby.


Most often, the worries of parents about the fact that the newborn does not eat well and sleeps a lot are in vain. If there are any deviations from the norm, then they are accompanied by additional symptoms described above. The main thing that is required of young parents is to remain calm. Mom needs to watch the baby, especially at first. Compliance with the daily regimen and compliance with the rules of breastfeeding will allow you to notice the appearance of deviations in time, which should be paid attention to by the pediatrician. Be attentive to the baby, his life is just beginning, and how it starts depends entirely on the parents.

Each child is different when it appears next baby everything will have to go through again. Most importantly, remember that it is normal to worry about your child's health, do not be afraid to ask questions to specialists even if you have the slightest suspicion. You will save your nerves and, possibly, the health of the baby by contacting a doctor in a timely manner.

A calm toddler who sleeps for a long time and does not bother his parents is perceived by many moms and dads as a gift of fate. However, in reality, this may be completely different: if the baby sleeps for a long time, it means that he eats little, and this leads to serious pathologies development of the little man. So, why can a baby sleep for a long time and not wake up, what to do to correct the situation - these issues need to be understood in detail.

How to determine your sleep rate?

The number of hours of sleep for a newborn is on average 18–20 hours. At the same time, the baby should eat every hour and a half, since he eats very little in one feeding, besides, breast milk is very quickly and well digested. So sleep without waking up for 4, 5, 6 or more hours should alert parents.

It is interesting. The volume of a newborn's stomach is about 7 ml.

If a child skips a meal (and it doesn't matter: it is breast milk or formula with artificial feeding), then he does not receive the elements necessary for development, which means that he weakens and sleeps even more. It turns out a vicious circle. From 1–1.5 months, the toddlers begin to sleep a little less during the day, the breaks between feedings at night increase to 5–6 hours. Gradually, the night's sleep becomes more "whole", that is, the child sleeps longer without interruption. So the deviation from the norm is easier to observe by the duration of daytime sleep.

Table of sleep norms in children under one year old

The number of daytime sleep by normsDaily sleep rate of a child in hoursNorms of wakefulness in a child in hoursChild's sleep rate in hoursDaily sleep rate of a child in hours
Age 1-3 weeks
The kid does not sleep according to a strict schedule and may wake up earlier or later than the prescribed time.8-9 hoursAbout 4 hours10-12 hours, wakes up 3-4 times to eat18–20 hours
Age 1-2 months
4 daytime sleep and 1 nightAbout 8 hours (2 times for 2-3 hours and 2 times for 30-45 minutes)4 hours10 hours with 2 breaks18 hours
Age 3-4 months
4 daytime sleep and 1 nighttime sleep6-7 hours (2 times for 2-3 hours and 2 shallow sleep for 30-45 minutes)7 o'clock10 hours17-18 hours
Age 5-6 months
3-4 days' sleepAt 5 months - 6 hours (2 times for 2 hours and 1 time for 1-1.5 hours), at 6 months - 5 hours (2 times for 2.5 hours)8-9 hours10 hours15-16 hours
Age 7-9 months
2 day sleep2 times for 2.5 hours9-10 hours10-11 hours15 hours
Age 10-12 months
2 day sleep2 times for 2 hours10 hours10 hours

True, sleep rates for newborns and babies are approximate. Let's dwell on the factors that can affect the duration of sleep.

When not to worry?

You do not have to worry about small deviations in the baby's sleep mode if the child sleeps 1-1.5 hours longer than the norm, but at the same time he

  • gains weight well;
  • grows and develops in accordance with the norms of its age;
  • in between sleep it is cheerful, cheerful, actively moves and requires attention to itself;
  • phlegmatic by the type of temperament (this can also be determined by the fact that the toddler falls asleep in his mother's arms himself, without motion sickness and lullabies).

Reasons why a child sleeps a lot

If your baby does not fall under the characteristics described above, that is, he is gaining weight poorly, sluggish, etc., then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The fact is that such hibernation can be the reason serious problems with health.


This is the most common reason long sleep baby. The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that there is no point in talking about a "sleep mode" without a "eating regimen".

Refusal to eat can be caused by a number of factors:

  • the child did not receive colostrum in the first hours of life (due to the laxative effect of colostrum, meconium is excreted from the newborn's body, which prevents the absorption of bilirubin and protects against the development of jaundice);
  • incorrect structure of the nipples - too flat or too elongated (breastfeeding experts recommend, firstly, expressing the first portion of milk before feeding, and secondly, correctly applying the baby to the breast);
  • the taste of milk (if a young mother does not adhere to a diet or takes some medications, the milk acquires an unpleasant taste, which can push the baby away from the breast, and when taking antibiotics in the mouth of the crumbs, candidiasis can begin, which provokes pain when sucking);
  • excess or lack of milk (in the first case, the child chokes, and in the second he puts too much effort and gets tired quickly);
  • pathology of the palate in an infant (as a rule, violations are found in the maternity hospital, but, for example, cleft palate in the depth of the mouth in such early age difficult to determine);
  • runny nose and otitis media also complicate the sucking process.

To solve these problems, you need to consult a pediatrician and, possibly, switch to a mixed diet. If the toddler is an artificial, then it makes sense to switch to other mixtures, but only after it has been agreed with the doctor.

Difficult childbirth

The first days after childbirth, due to the stress experienced at birth, the baby sleeps a lot, interrupting feeding. Violations of this regime can become the consequences of taking drugs during childbirth (including pain relievers), as well as stimulants. Some of them pharmacological substances can cause the baby to have a sucking reflex or reflex swallowing and breathing during feeding. Conclusion: if you had a difficult birth, your child sleeps a lot and eats little, you need to consult a specialist (pediatrician). He will carefully study the history and make a plan for further action. The same is the sequence of actions if the baby was born prematurely.


Sleep disturbance usually occurs during teething (5–6 months). Usually babies feel pain especially strongly at night, from this they cry. And it is not surprising that they sleep longer than they should during the day - this is how the body reacts to fatigue. This period must be experienced, and the mother's breast will help to do this. After all, mother's milk perfectly restores strength and strengthens the immunity weakened by pain.


In the first year of life, children undergo several very serious vaccinations, the reaction to which may be a rise in temperature. Usually doctors are advised to give antipyretics as a preventive measure, which have a soporific effect. In this case, long sleep is the norm.


If your child has suffered some kind of illness (ARVI, flu or rotavirus), then naturally, the crumbs' body needs strength to recover, so he sleeps long and soundly. And if such a dream is not accompanied by a disturbance in the rhythm of breathing (the child does not wheeze), an increase in temperature (above 37 degrees), changes in complexion (no redness), then there is no reason for panic. But even so good sleep it is simply necessary to attach the baby to the breast - the healing process will go faster. It is especially important to do this if the baby is diagnosed with the jaundice of a newborn. The fact is that liquid helps to remove excess bilirubin from the blood, and in its absence, the concentration of this substance does not decrease, which means that recovery does not occur.

It is interesting. If a child sleeps a lot, while he has diarrhea, vomiting, then this may be a manifestation of poisoning. With these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. Remember that it is better to disturb the doctor in vain than to risk the health of the baby.

External factors

These include

  • family quarrels;
  • working TV;
  • too bright lighting.

These factors determine a long sleep as the inclusion of the body's defense against nervous overload.

It is interesting. Scientists have identified an interesting pattern: if the house is noisy, children sleep better. However, such a dream is not complete and useful for their development.

When is a long sleep a reason to call an ambulance?

The child needs an urgent health care, if

  • he sleeps for more than 3 hours in one position;
  • cries quietly;
  • fuse fontanelle;
  • the temperature rises;
  • mucous membranes are bluish and dry;
  • less than 5 diapers are consumed per day, that is, rare urination is observed;
  • sweating increases.

Do I need to wake up how to do it right?

If the toddler misses one feeding, it's not scary. But for the next one it is better to wake him up.

It is interesting. The task of the mother is to find out the most suitable awakening options for her baby by trial and error.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the child can only be awakened in the phase of REM sleep. It is not difficult to determine it: his eyelids begin to twitch, pupils move under them, limbs move, and grimaces appear on his face. The following actions can be like this:

  • we apply the crumb to the breast (the smell of milk will wake him up), if there is no reaction, then we drip milk onto the lips;
  • raise the blanket, gently undress the baby (only if the room is warm!);
  • change the diaper (if necessary);
  • gently massage the back, legs;
  • wipe your face with a soft warm damp cloth;
  • we raise the baby to an upright position;
  • if the baby is more than 6 months old, you can plant him;
  • we begin to talk quietly with sleepyhead, singing songs to him.

Please note that the light in the room at the time of awakening should be muted so that when the little ones open their eyes, the little one does not close them instinctively from sharp irritation.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion: to wake up or not to wake up?

Doctor Komarovsky claims that when normal development the baby himself is able to determine how much to sleep. And the violent interruption of sleep, just because the parents are convinced that the time has come for the little one to eat or do other things, is nothing more than actions against nature. At the same time, the doctor focuses on the fact that the baby sleeps for a long time, but at the same time he has no health problems. Otherwise, mom does not need to come up with a way to wake up the baby, but consult a doctor for advice.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: when to wake the baby

From the experience of parents

Some parents have learned from their own experience that sleepiness is not a cause for panic.

A long sleep is a reason for parents to monitor their baby's health even more closely.

My amazing "spit" was Also initially advised to wake up for feeding, but this option did not work. Up to 2 years old, I slept 2 times a day, and for an hour and a half or two.

Making plans

My daughter was born at 35 weeks, weight 2980 and height 49cm. In the maternity hospital I slept all the time, in the hospital the doctors were also surprised that Reb. constantly sleeps and does not wake up for food. There was a problem with feeding, just horror. Because of this, they did not even want to write out. But in fact, this is just a feature. But now, as if in one place.


There are also quite unequivocal opinions as to whether it is worth waking up the baby for feeding.

A good neonatologist and VMA told me that sometimes babies sleep a lot from weakness.

In the first month of a newborn's life, you should carefully monitor his sleep, nutrition and reaction to the processes taking place in his body. Sleep and nutrition are fundamental factors for the correct and safe development of a baby in the very first days of his life.

The important role of nutrition and sleep in a baby's life

Adequate food and sleep are essential to the proper development of your baby. When the baby has a good appetite and there is no anxiety, it seems that everything is normal. However, if a newborn sleeps a lot and eats little, then the following should be remembered:

  • this condition occurs before the age of 6 weeks, but not more than 20 hours a day;
  • the child should wake up every 2-3 hours to receive food.

Despite the fact that the stomach of the crumbs is small, even the mother's milk, saturated useful vitamins, is digested quickly. Therefore, the need for food should arise at least every two hours.

The relationship between sleep and nutrition

For any baby, sleep and nutrition are the main postulates for proper development, since the relationship between these two components is obvious:

  • a lack of nutrients that enter the body of the crumbs through breast milk leads to a slowdown in development, drowsiness, lethargy and deterioration of well-being;
  • the infant should eat often, but also sleep.

Without food, the crumb will not stand it and if the sleep lasts more than 6 hours, then it is worth turning to him Special attention and consult a doctor.

How much should a baby eat?

The norms of food intake for newborns are very important, because any mother is worried when her newborn sleeps a lot and eats little.

Auxiliary table:

Baby age (month)Milk / breast formula consumption rate (g)Weight gain (g)Increase in height (+ cm)
1 700/800 600 3
2-4 800/900 800 2,5
5 700/100 + 50 2
6 400/400 + 50 2
7 300/450 + 50 2
8 350/750 + 50 2
10-12 200/1100 + 50 1,5

The child should wake up and eat at least ten times a day. Only in this case, he will receive a sufficient amount of food, will sleep soundly, without feeling hungry and at the same time not dehydrate his body.

Tracking the rates of gain in height and weight, as well as observing the baby's disorder, you can confidently determine whether he is eating enough.

Consequences of insufficient feeding

Not received breast milk or formula can in no way have a positive effect on the well-being of the child. First of all, you should understand the possible reasons.

  1. Incorrect latching to the breast has the consequence of malnutrition. The baby falls asleep hungry, which leads to a weakening of the body, a decrease in energy and increased drowsiness.
  2. The ingress of an abundant volume of milk - the baby chokes and is frightened. This can lead to complete rejection baby from food.

As a result of all this, the newborn is undernourished, and this leads to the following consequences:

  • decreased immunity;
  • slow weight gain;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, irritability;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • inadequate ingestion nutrients and trace elements;
  • long and difficult course of jaundice;
  • emergence inflammatory processes in the mother's breast due to insufficient stimulation of the nipples and suction of milk;
  • the risk of hypoglycemia in infants.

You should pay attention to the test results, namely the rate of glucose in the child's blood. The doctor should monitor this indicator, which directly indicates that the baby is receiving food.

Why doesn't the child ask for food?

The generic process for a child is stress, as is the subsequent adaptation to the new world. In view of this, at first, a situation is created when the newborn is constantly asleep and does not ask for food. He simply does not have the strength to ask for it often.

For the first time in life, the child should eat every two hours. Regular latching on to the breast helps to feed your baby and avoid health problems for the mother herself. At the same time, it is not recommended to expect hungry crying if a diet has already been developed.

Sleep rates in children

Knowing the standards for resting infants, one can understand why a newborn sleeps little and immediately falls asleep. In this case, the child can wake up at night. As he ages, his needs for sleep and food change.

Sleep rates:

  • 1.5 - 2 months - up to 6 hours and up to 19 hours per day;
  • after two months - 4-5 and no more than 16-18 hours per day;
  • 5 - 6 months - up to 4 pm;
  • 7 - 9 months - up to 3 pm;
  • reaching one year of life - 13-15 hours.

From the very first days of life, it is important for the baby joint sleep with Mother. He can feel her warmth, the beating of her heart, the smell - everything that is so familiar to him. In such an environment, he will be able to sleep peacefully and regain his strength.

The amplitude of the deviation is permissible, but it should not be large. At the same time, the child should not be too lethargic or, conversely, restless and irritable. Only in this case, deviations from sleep patterns are not dangerous.

The consequences of prolonged sleep

During lactation, you need to apply the baby to the breast every 2-3 hours. For this, the baby does not have to wake up. However, if the newborn does not eat and sleeps, then this can lead to the following problems:

  • decreased milk production;
  • lack of fluids by the body leads to dehydration;
  • the formation of a lack of nutrition, which leads to a slowdown in growth, development of the baby and a weakening of the immune system.

Sleep time should be in accordance with generally accepted standards, developed specifically by pediatricians. The correct diet should be established early.

Reasons for long rest in infants

Healthy and deep sleep- the guarantee of health. If a child sleeps, then he grows. The reasons why the baby often wants to sleep a lot:

  • the use of painkillers or stimulants during childbirth affects the baby's body in the first days of his life, but then this condition should return to normal;
  • a loud sound or bright light has a pacifying effect on the baby, but in such conditions their sleep is not strong and the process of falling asleep continues repeatedly;
  • feeling angry from malnutrition;
  • overwork during the day, and the night is an opportunity to sleep and rest.

To avoid possible problems and to ensure the baby has regular nutrition and sleep, you should see a breastfeeding specialist.

First of all, do not panic, but immediately determine the exact amount of baby sleep and the frequency of feedings. This process should be carefully monitored by the mother in the first days of the baby's life.

If the baby sleeps constantly, but does not ask for food, then it is better once again consult a doctor, telling him exact time sleep and the number of feedings per day.

Wake up and feed

It all depends on the particular child and the situation. You can wake up a child and feed it in certain cases:

  • If a child was born prematurely, then he may not always wake up and ask for food on his own due to a lack of strength, so he needs help in this and ensure a regular diet.
  • The child does not ask for food for more than 4-6 hours.
  • When sleeping together with matter, the baby can eat and not wake up.

If physical state the child is normal, then he will always be able to independently give a signal to the mother that it is time to feed him. It is better to wake up the child in the REM sleep phase, when facial expressions appear, i.e. twitching of the eyelids, movement of the limbs.

If a baby sleeps for more than six hours, this does not mean that he is not hungry. It is imperative to attach it to the breast, the sucking reflex will work. You can touch the baby and if he begins to show with all kind that he wants mother's breast, then this is the best moment for feeding.

The effectiveness of waiting for self-awakening

If the baby sleeps all night, then there is no need to wait until an independent awakening occurs. The child needs food.

The diet rests entirely with the mother. To do this, you can wake up or gently apply to the chest. Experts recommend changing the diaper and diaper on time - this allows the baby to fall asleep immediately, while remaining full.

This will avoid such unpleasant symptoms like dehydration, irritability, lethargy and appearance low level blood glucose.

Time to see a pediatrician

Of course, there are times when the help of a specialist is needed. If any of the listed symptoms appear, a doctor should be called immediately:

  • the duration of sleep is more than five hours without movement or change of position;
  • the child does not respond to attempts to wake him up;
  • the appearance of a bluish color on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • heavy, uneven breathing.

A specialist called in time will allow you to quickly solve the problem, take necessary measures and avoid the sad consequences.

Normalization of diet and sleep patterns

In the absence of any pathologies and diseases, all measures must be taken to normalize the infant's diet and sleep. Possible reasons the occurrence of the problem and the ways to solve them.

Incorrect positioning of the baby when feedingChange of position so that the baby sucks without getting tired.
Inconvenient shape of the nipple for the babyPurchase of special attachments.
Breast full of milkExpress before feeding to relieve pressure and milk flow.
The presence of prohibited foods in the mother's dietEliminate spicy and salty foods, alcohol, cigarettes.
Bright smellsExclusion of all kinds of cosmetic fragrances.
StressControl your emotional state.

All these problems can arise when a small person eats badly and constantly wants to sleep. However, solving them is quite simple and within the power of any mother.

E. Malysheva's opinion

First of all, the doctor pays attention sleeping together a child with a mother, adhering to the following rules:

  • choosing a sleeping position lying on his stomach or side, the child runs the risk of suffocation during sleep;
  • it is better if the baby sleeps in a crib, where there should be no toys or pillows;
  • the correct sleeping position is lying on your back and in your bed, which should be placed next to the mother.

The advice is worth every mother to take note of.

E. Komarovsky's opinion

Doctor Komarovsky, who knows a lot about the health of children, advises parents to adhere to specific rules.

Pediatrician's advice:

  • It is necessary to initially build correct mode sleep.
  • In general, 2-3 "quiet hours" a day are enough for a baby, gradually decreasing the duration to one hour at the age of three.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the baby needs to eat every 2.5-3.5 hours. You also need to carefully monitor the sleep norms, which gradually change in each period of growing up of the crumbs.

Sleep lasting more than five hours is considered normal if the baby is gaining weight and height correctly, is awake during the day and shows interest in the world around him.

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