Does an adult need a nap? Why can't you sleep during the day? Daytime sleep in children: value and norms by age

The daytime sleep of an adult, unlike a child, is not so common. Many, even having the opportunity to have a siesta, are in a hurry to redo more things, surf the Internet or do something else, but not sleep during the day.

Moreover, it is believed that the one who allows himself daily rest of the day is a lazy person. But numerous modern studies and tests have proven that, in most cases, the noon siesta has a positive effect on the psychological and physical indicators of the state of the body. So what does nap actually do - good or bad?

Among the useful properties of daytime sleep, experts note the following:

  • strengthening the nervous system and immunity;
  • restoration of working capacity;
  • the return of vigor and energy even after numerous activities in the morning;
  • sharpening the work of all senses, improving cognitive and mental capabilities;
  • increased endurance and stress resistance;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and the removal of toxins;
  • normalization of the work of all organs and systems, including the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine;
  • the emergence of inspiration and new ideas in creativity.

In addition, siesta serves as a good prevention of mental and physical fatigue, helps to level the emotional background and eliminate depression.

Experts are sure that a person who allows himself to regularly have a short rest during the day becomes more productive and enduring, feels better. The reason is not only the ability to switch and put thoughts in order, but also in the beneficial effect of sleep on hormonal levels. So, during a siesta, the level of stress and anxiety hormones significantly decreases in the blood, and the synthesis of endorphins - hormones of joy and happiness - increases.

How much can you sleep

How much to sleep during the day or at night depends on many factors: age, nature of work and activity during the day, health status and other individual characteristics. It is better to calculate the duration of rest separately in each case, but there are general recommendations of specialists in this regard.

Doctors advise taking into account not only the individual characteristics of a person, but also the cyclicity of sleep phases. There are 4 phases in total, where REM and NREM sleep have 2 phases.

REM sleep phases do not last long - only 20 minutes. Awakening during this period, if you can catch it, will be simple. But the rise during the slow phase is fraught with difficulties. If you interrupt the slow phase, then everything that is useful for a daytime sleep will not be relevant, and rest will only bring harm. Until the night, a person will feel tired and weak, may face a headache and a temporary loss of working capacity.

For your information. Whether it is good to sleep during the day, scientists from the University of California have found out. They studied a group of people who had practiced daytime sleep for a long time and compared their performance to a group of people who only slept at night. The results are impressive: the group that sleeps during the day had significantly higher concentration and memory in the afternoon than the others.

These studies have shown that with the correct duration and time of daytime sleep, siesta does not break biorhythms, does not lead to insomnia, and significantly improves well-being and performance.

Who and why shouldn't sleep during the day

But siesta is not always useful for a person. Sleeping during the day is harmful if done incorrectly. Experts note the following problems that you may encounter due to daytime sleep:

  1. Those who sleep for a long time at lunchtime can disrupt their body's biorhythms, which will lead to insomnia and difficulty waking up in the morning.
  2. Sleeping during the day can worsen depression. Therefore, it is better for those suffering from it to reconsider their daily routine. It is advisable to consult with a psychologist and try to avoid long daytime sleep.
  3. In diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as in acute conditions, for example, in pre-stroke, daytime sleep is contraindicated. During and immediately after such a rest, a jump in blood pressure may occur, which is fraught with stroke, heart attack and other problems.
  4. Many people wonder whether it is harmful to sleep during the day for those who suffer from diabetes. Experts unanimously answer that such a vacation will not benefit diabetics. Siesta can lead to a sharp increase in sugar after it, which is dangerous to health and life.

Also, siesta can cause lethargy, drowsiness, laziness in the afternoon. Sometimes, instead of rest, it gives a feeling of weakness and fatigue, leads to the inability to concentrate and distraction. But these symptoms are most often associated with an incorrectly selected sleep time and its duration.

Important! Constant sleepiness and the desire to sleep more than an hour and a half at lunchtime with a good night's rest can be a symptom of the disease. Such problems can arise due to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, cardiovascular diseases, hormonal imbalances. Psychological factors can also be the cause: stress, depression, apathy, an unfavorable environment at home or at work, fear.

What does a lack of melatonin lead to?

Scientists have proven that during sleep, the human body releases a substance that is very important for health and well-being - melatonin. It is a hormone of sleep, youth, longevity, beauty, which is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. The main condition under which melatonin is synthesized is the absence of light. Therefore, it is produced at night, and in a smaller amount during the day.

Numerous studies have shown that melatonin inhibits growth and serves as a good prevention of the development of cancerous tumors, prevents premature aging and triggers tissue regeneration.

Lack of sleep, disturbances in biological rhythms, lack of melatonin can lead to such negative consequences:

  • decreased immunity;
  • deterioration of potency and libido in men;
  • decreased performance, endurance, stress resistance;
  • the appearance of apathy, increased anxiety, depression, insomnia;
  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • fast set or, conversely, weight loss;
  • frequent headaches and muscle pains;
  • decreased memory and inability to concentrate.

Take care of your health - disruptions in biological rhythms are very difficult to recover, even with professional help. It can take not only months, but also years to normalize the condition.

How to properly learn to sleep during the day

Studies of daytime sleep have led scientists studying this phenomenon to unequivocal conclusions. To make it useful, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. It is best to rest at lunchtime for only 10-30 minutes.
  2. If you are very tired, then it is worth extending the sleep to 90 minutes, as this time is needed to complete the full sleep cycle.
  3. Half an hour or an hour of rest can make you feel even more tired afterwards than before the siesta. This is due to the fact that the cyclicity was not observed and the body was forced to work in an extreme mode.
  4. The best time for a siesta is from one to three in the afternoon.
  5. Cover yourself with a blanket for comfort while sleeping. Try to ventilate the room where you decide to rest the night before. Shade the windows with blackout curtains or wear a blindfold over your eyes. Make sure your clothes are comfortable.
  6. It is better to get used to the noon siesta gradually. In the early days, it is advisable to use an alarm clock so as not to oversleep the right time and take into account the phases of sleep. After a week of training, you will sleep for 20-30 minutes during the day, and the "internal clock" will wake you up on time.
  7. After rest, be sure to stretch, do a light warm-up for the muscles of the whole body. This will help you get back to business faster and feel better.

Many people prefer to siesta on the couch or couch rather than in bed. This avoids the temptation to extend your vacation for a while.

As you can see, naps, if properly planned, are beneficial for most people. If you follow the recommendations of specialists and a regularly held siesta, you can avoid the negative consequences of such a dream, increase your productivity and stress resistance, get a boost of vigor and positiveness for the rest of the day.

But if you find it difficult to fall asleep or suffer from insomnia or the diseases listed above, then give up siesta and try to sleep only at night.

Sleep is important, necessary, necessary, and daytime sleep is useful. There are people who have experienced this in their own experience and will not hesitate to take a nap during lunch, despite the fact that others may perceive sleep during the day as a whim or the result of laziness. Meanwhile, one of the most hard-working people in the world, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, made sure to take time for an afternoon nap every day and said:

“Sleeping in the daytime doesn’t make you have less time — fools without imagination think so. You will have time even more, because you will have two days in one ... "

At the national level, daytime sleep is maintained in many southern countries. Siesta is the hottest afternoon, during which no one works, and everyone indulges in rest. Siesta is the official holiday time in Italy, Spain, Portugal and some Latin American countries. In China and Japan, employers believe that after half a day's work, the worker's brain needs a break and gives time for midday naps, after which the worker begins to work more efficiently. And if in Japan lunchtime sleep occurs culturally, in specially designated recreation rooms, then in China you can often meet people sleeping right on the asphalt on spread cardboard at lunchtime.

Sleep is good for you - it's been researched and proven. Experts from the University of California conducted a survey of hundreds of people who regularly practice 20-minute naps and received an answer to the question of whether naps are beneficial: they all unanimously answered that the benefits of naps in the afternoon are that concentration and concentration improve by 30-50%. Moreover, the state after a day's sleep improves, the mood improves, fresh forces appear to solve production problems, in a word, the brain feels rested.

Other medical studies, which were conducted to study the problem of whether it is possible to sleep during the day, have shown that short sleep improves nerve conduction and motor reactions by 16%. And getting regular afternoon naps reduces your risk of heart disease.

Of course, this all applies to those people who want to sleep during the day, their eyes close by lunchtime and they need sleep to recuperate. If you do not want to sleep during the day, then an afternoon nap is not needed. Someone, for example, wants to do a physical workout to cheer up.

How much sleep can you sleep during the day?

The question naturally arises - how much do you need to sleep during the day. The time how much you need to sleep for health can be calculated based on the sleep cycle. It is known that sleep is divided into cycles of one and a half hours each, and the cycle is divided into 4 phases, 2 of which are REM sleep, and 2 are slow sleep. REM sleep lasts 20 minutes and awakening during this period will be easy. If you force yourself to wake up during the slow phase, then you might even think about the dangers of daytime sleep. Until the evening, a person will be accompanied by poor health: drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue and even a headache. If you really want to sleep, how much sleep do you need?

  1. 10-20 minutes is ideal for a short break.
  2. 90 minutes is a complete sleep cycle, after which you will definitely feel rested.
  3. After sleeping for 30 or 60 minutes, you will feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable for a while.

The best time for daytime sleep is from 1 pm to 4 pm.

Who and why shouldn't sleep during the day

However, not everything is so simple, there are people for whom it is harmful to sleep during the day, and the first reason for this is age. When a person turns forty, he may develop some health problems, usually high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. In this case, if you wake up abruptly, a pressure surge may occur.

In addition, at the age of over 40, a person may begin to develop various diseases, one of the symptoms of which is constant drowsiness and a desire to sleep all the time. To find the reasons for this, it is necessary to be examined by doctors - maybe this is an endocrine disease. Therefore, you need to carefully understand why you want to sleep: because of lack of sleep the day before or because of the pathology lurking in the body.

Going to one daytime nap

There are some circumstances, mostly work-related, when the peak of work is at night. These are not just periodic night shifts, when a person does not sleep for a day, and then falls asleep during the day. For example, this is a journalist or photographer who writes a column about the city's nightlife, a night bartender, a person who prefers a nightlife due to the fact that there are fewer external stimuli at night. Such people do not think about whether it is harmful to sleep during the day, but in vain. The transition to one daytime sleep is not good for the body.

Sleeping at night is an age-old habit of humanity. The work of the hormonal system is adjusted for a night's sleep. The human body reacts painfully to the violation of biological rhythms, protesting the growing risk of cancer. It is the circadian genes that regulate the growth of normal and malignant cells in the body.

What does a lack of melatonin lead to?

Melatonin plays an important role in the biological clock in the human body. It transmits information about rhythms to tissues and organs. Melatonin is synthesized only at night from seratonin, while seratonin is only produced by exposure to sunlight during the day. That is, normally, a person must necessarily walk during the day for half an hour and sleep at night: then his body will be reliably protected by hormonal protection. Scientists have shown that the immune system peaks at night, which melatonin has a direct effect on, stimulating the release of opioid peptides. During the daytime, melatonin is not produced.

Studies have shown that melatonin inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and inhibits cell division in many cancers such as breast cancer, rectal cancer, or malignant melanoma. In addition, a lack of melatonin is a cause of premature aging.

How to properly learn to sleep during the day

Information about the intensity of light enters the brain through the retina. The process occurs even when the eyes are closed, because through the closed eyelids, the retina calmly distinguishes between darkness and light. Nerves go from the retina to the pineal gland, where information about the light intensity is processed around the clock. What to do to close this all-seeing eye of the body?

A thick sleep mask or a wide bandage is an excellent way to stop the flow of light pulses and allow the pineal gland to calmly produce the required amount of melatonin. Especially the sleep mask justifies its purpose during daytime sleep or sleep in megacities, where at night the light of bright lights, billboards, lanterns, rushing cars breaks through the curtains.

If you also need to go to 1 day's sleep for a long time, it will not hurt to take melatonin drugs, which are sold in regular pharmacies. You shouldn't take melatonin all the time, but you can give your body this kind of support for one week a month.


A nap in the afternoon during lunchtime is good for most. An adult does not need to struggle with sleep during the day, but in order to fall asleep during the day in a crowded office where there is no equipped space, it is enough to purchase the same sleep mask. And with a skillful approach, you can bypass the harm of daytime sleep in the absence of nighttime sleep.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.

A person rests when he sleeps. A full rest is impossible without a night's sleep, but sometimes you need to take a nap during daylight hours for better health and restoration of working capacity. Although scientists-somnologists admit: daytime sleep is an exclusively individual matter.

When Being Determines Sleep

The need for daytime sleep depends on many factors:

  • biorhythms;
  • physiological conditions;
  • professional responsibilities;
  • the degree of satisfaction of the need for night sleep, etc.

People are divided into "owls" and "larks". Lark people get up early and sleep during the day is normal for them. Most owls do not like to sleep during the day: they really wake up closer to noon.

The physiological characteristics of a person are such that the weakened, the sick sleep more, it is useful for them to sleep during the day. Pregnant women love to take a nap in the middle of the day. Physical fatigue and mental fatigue contribute to daytime sleep. This also applies to certain types of professions that require a lot of stress during the day.

Not everyone and not always can get as much sleep at night as needed. It's common to get up very early to arrive at work far from home. In this case, the hours that were not received at night must be compensated for in the daytime.

Age is also an important factor: the older a person is, the less their total need for rest. The habit of sleeping during the day or doing without it is formed in childhood.

Take care of sleep from a young age

The fact that an afternoon nap is necessary is taught in deep childhood. So, in kindergarten, children must be put to bed at noon, and an hour and a half are given to rest. Quiet hours are an integral part of children's recreation camps and other school and preschool institutions. Even then, it is clear that not everyone is equally as simple as falling asleep during the day. Some fall asleep quickly and easily, and wake up just as easily, while others spin for a long time, look at the ceiling, and when they finally fall asleep, it's time to go up for lunch.

There are several reasons for this: active living children with a sanguine temperament have time to play enough and run up to quiet time, and therefore they sleep without hind legs. Phlegmatic children, who perceive the world philosophically, calmly lie down and calmly fall asleep. Worse daytime sleep comes to melancholic and choleric people. By the way, this applies not only to children - adults who have retained the type of temperament carry through the years the attitude to the embrace of Morpheus.

Another reason may be the lack of a daily routine as such in the child at home. It is not for nothing that mothers who are going to take their child to kindergarten for the first time are advised by pediatricians to try in advance to put the baby on the rails of an orderly daily routine: eating by the hour, getting up early, going to bed early and obligatory afternoon nap.

The older the child becomes, the more time he spends on being awake. But if daytime sleep has become a habit, it must remain. You just need to adjust the time allotted for this.

Don't think down the minute

Growing up, people often recall with nostalgia about the sweet kindergarten past, when at work at lunchtime, and tends to sleep. To be fair, in some places Russia has already begun to adopt the useful habit of Western employers to provide employees with the opportunity to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Such "sleepy breaks" have long been a common thing in Europe, especially in southern countries. A traditional siesta gives a person the opportunity to survive the midday heat with minimal loss of vitality, especially since the employee at this time feels a breakdown, and, consequently, performance decreases.

I also fell asleep during the day in Japan and Southeast Asia, where people work for wear and tear and the rhythm of the working day is very stressful. Even the office sleep industry has emerged: to get a good night's sleep at the workplace, special pillows, earplugs and other accessories are produced.

Sleep breaks can be calculated not only in minutes, but even in seconds. The main thing is to skillfully use them and know what benefits they can bring. Depending on how much time you sleep, the following differ:

  • microsleep;
  • minison;
  • good dream;
  • lazy sleep.

The duration of microsleep is up to five minutes. It is effective if you feel overwhelmed by drowsiness. Minison lasts longer, up to 20 minutes. This time is enough for after awakening to increase the ability to concentrate, to increase the productivity of physical labor.

The most beneficial naps are up to forty minutes. helps to relieve muscle fatigue during physical labor and get rid of unnecessary information for office intellectuals. In common parlance, this process is called "throwing all the bad things out of your head." The result is increased endurance, good long-term memory, and an accelerated reaction.

If you sleep during the day, like in kindergarten, from forty minutes to one and a half hours, then you will wake up refreshed and refreshed. The secret to improving well-being lies in the fact that during lazy sleep, bone and muscle tissue is regenerated. True, it takes a little longer to switch to the working day after such a day's rest.

There is also the so-called sediment, which lasts less than a minute. It is difficult to call it a planned event, the term "pass out" is more suitable for such a dream. It occurs spontaneously when a person can no longer fight fatigue and lack of sleep. If such a sediment has comprehended you, then it is time to change something in the work schedule and daily routine.

A normal, not overworked adult is unlikely to be able to sleep more than an hour and a half during the day. And how useful it is for an adult to sleep during the day is everyone decides for himself.

To whom and when to sleep well during the day

Physiologists and somnologists no longer break lances in discussions about what a daytime sleep is, benefit or harm, because there are many nuances in each specific case. So, for people aged 25 to 55 years, noon nap reduces the likelihood that they will have heart disease. And the same sleep in older people increases the possibility of stroke.

The benefits of a nap is that the body can recover its strength in a short period of time:

  • efficiency increases;
  • consciousness becomes clear;
  • mood improves;
  • the tone is restored.

It is useful to sleep during the off-season, in autumn and spring, when the human body is weakened due to hypovitaminosis and chronic lack of sunlight: if at this time of the year you do not get enough sleep during the day, the body's immune forces weaken.

Women need not only to provide themselves at least 20 minutes of daytime sleep, but also to "furnish" it with maximum comfort. Those of the fairer sex who honor siesta always have a much better complexion than those who only have lunch at lunchtime. Those who stock up on comfortable means of office sleep are spared unnecessary wrinkles, bruises, and circles under the eyes. Their skin radiates freshness.

By the way, you need to listen to your body. If you think that it is good to sleep during the day, but sleep does not come to you, it means that you do not really need to fall asleep. Better to read a book. But if the body needs a midday rest and it hints at it with all his might, it is better not to resist, but to do everything to make the short sleep comfortable:

  • take a pose in which the muscles are relaxed;
  • protect yourself as much as possible from noise and bright light.

Interestingly, for a productive rest and a guaranteed awakening in 20-25 minutes, it is enough to drink a cup of warm strong tea or coffee before closing your eyelids. At first, a warm drink will induce drowsiness and help you fall asleep quickly. And after 20 minutes, the tonic effect will turn on.

Who is siesta bad for?

Under some circumstances, it can be harmful to sleep during the day. Most often this applies to those cases when a person suffers from a violation of the normal sleep schedule. For insomnia, trying to compensate for disturbed sleep at night with daytime is a bad decision. It's like eating a cake before dinner if you break your appetite. Better still hold out for the day, and go to bed early in the evening. If you try, you can learn to fall asleep safely in the evening, and sleep until the morning.

It is undesirable to sleep in the afternoon immediately after a meal, especially if the food is dense: although a person is tempted to lie down, such a dream will be difficult. In addition, it is harmful because the consumed calories will immediately be deposited where you least want to see - the area of ​​the buttocks, stomach, sides. It is better to sit for an hour after dinner, and if after that it is unbearable, then sleep.

It can harm diabetics' daytime sleep: during such sleep, blood sugar levels increase, since changes in biorhythms lead to metabolic disorders.

With hypertension, it is also better not to sleep during the day. The harm in this case lies in the fact that blood pressure can rise sharply, and pressure surges are also observed.

You can't sleep at sunset. A nap after 4 pm grossly disrupts any biorhythms, causing a headache after waking up. A person will not feel rested, but, on the contrary, tired, irritated, lethargic. It is highly likely that after such a sunset sleep, the night's sleep will be disrupted. This is bad for performance.

The head will hurt after waking up and when a person suffers from increased intracranial and intraocular pressure.

A person who wants to get rid of excess weight simply must learn to sleep competently during the day.

The most "difficult" type of fatty deposits is subcutaneous. The accumulation of this fat occurs when the level of a hormone called cortisol rises. The value of daytime sleep is that it lowers cortisol levels, but the effect can be neutralized if you lie down on the sofa immediately after a heavy meal. The best daytime rest for those wishing to lose weight is 20 minutes of maximum relaxation, as far as the situation allows, after which you wake up and have a light snack with a grain loaf with tea and a spoonful of honey.

At home, you can sleep a little longer, up to 40 minutes, and the menu does not have to be so ascetic: you can afford rice with vegetables, steamed fish with a slice of rye bread and fresh herbs. If you don't feel like eating right after waking up, then postpone lunch until the time when you get hungry. But it's best to eat at the same time.

What else to pay attention to

If you don't sleep well at night and rest during the day does not bring relief, you should see your doctor. This could be a symptom of overwork or an early symptom of a mental or neurological illness. This state is typical for stress.

In case of chronic disturbance of night sleep, you need to try to return yourself to a normal physiological channel, refraining from daytime nap. Attempts to compensate for the lack of sleep during the day will lead to the final chronicization of insomnia.

If you really want to sleep during the day, but you are not sure of waking up at the right time, do not be afraid to set an alarm at your workplace.

Daytime sleep is the most affordable form of adequate rest for adults in the middle of the working day. If you sleep at lunchtime, the body will be able to recover its strength. The same applies to children, they need an afternoon rest.

For preschool children, daytime sleep is a time when they can rest and gain strength. After it, the kids feel vigorous, ready to explore the world around them again.

But with age, the habit of resting during the day disappears. Many adults who are going to take a nap at lunchtime are considered lazy and slovenly. Is it correct?

The benefits of sleeping in the middle of the day

Is naps good for you? Scientists who have conducted various studies at the state level assure that naping during the working day is very beneficial.

In some countries, for example, in Spain, Italy, Japan, China, daytime sleep is officially allowed. What are its advantages:

  • The person completely relaxes, gains new strength.
  • After rest, you feel cheerful, able to work productively, put forward new "fresh" ideas.
  • The nervous system is strengthened, people feel less irritable.
  • Resistance to various stressful situations increases. That is why, in Spain and China, important negotiations are scheduled for the afternoon, when the workers have already taken a nap.
  • The experiments carried out prove that after a nap, a person's senses become aggravated. This is especially important for perfumers, tasters, confectioners, people whose profession is related to the sense of smell and touch.
  • The metabolism is activated. Thanks to this, digestion is normalized.
  • Immunity is strengthened. It has been scientifically proven that people who rest during the day are less likely to get sick, they do not have chronic ailments.
  • The emotional background is leveled.
  • Signs of overwork disappear.

How long should you sleep during the day? The optimal time is 20-30 minutes. If the night's rest was short, you can increase the time to an hour.

No more naps during the day. Otherwise, the person will feel overwhelmed, headaches will appear.

It is best to doze during the day, and not fall into deep sleep. Experts compare this state with hypnosis or meditation. At the same time, it is important that the person is comfortable and comfortable. For example, in China, workers during their daytime sleep prefer to rest directly on the asphalt, placing a piece of cardboard under their heads.

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Such a state will not contribute to relaxation, on the contrary, the person will feel "overwhelmed" and tired.

The harm of rest during the day

In some cases, sleeping during the daytime can seriously harm a person. Let's consider several reasons:

  1. Prolonged nap. You can hear from many people that after a day's sleep they feel unwell and often experience headaches. With what it can be connected? Most likely, the person simply miscalculated the time. Do not doze for more than 30 minutes during the day. Otherwise, the body does not understand why early awakening occurs. A person experiences weakness, loss of strength, nausea, dizziness.
  2. Replacing night sleep with daytime sleep. If a person is accustomed to working at night, then he tries to replenish the lost strength during the day. At first, the body may react to this normally, but over time, you will definitely feel unwell and tired. Experts say with confidence that nighttime and daytime sleep has different phases, so you should not replace one with another.
  3. Diabetes. Daytime nap contributes to a sharp jump in hormonal levels. If you have an increased amount of glucose in your blood, it can lead to a diabetic coma.
  4. Hypertension. If a man suffers from high blood pressure, then daytime sleep is not always good for him. This is due to the fact that the pressure can change dramatically, there is a cerebral hemorrhage, causing a heart attack or stroke.

  1. Insomnia. Are you suffering from a similar ailment? Then it's better to forget about taking a nap during the day.

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How to have a rest during the day correctly

To feel good after a day's sleep, you need to know how to properly indulge in naps. These guidelines will help you feel refreshed:

  1. Try to keep your sleep short. The optimal duration is 20-25 minutes. Why exactly these numbers? It's all about the phases of sleep. In 20 minutes, the body can relax, the brain centers rest, the body is filled with strength. After 30 minutes, the deep sleep phase begins, which lasts at least an hour. If you wake up at this time, then the person will definitely feel "overwhelmed" and tired. In this case, it is better to sleep for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Also, do not forget about the right environment. Eliminate sources of music and glare. It is ideal to wear a special bandage over your eyes that does not let the sun go through, and insert earplugs into your ears.
  3. The sleeping area should be conducive to relaxation. The bed can be successfully replaced by a comfortable taffeta, an armchair, a sofa, even a folded seat in the car.
  4. Try to nap between 1 and 3 p.m. Otherwise, you may face the problem of nocturnal insomnia.
  5. If you cannot sleep for a long time, consider these features of the body. Start planning your naps well in advance.

After taking a nap, have a strong cup of tea or coffee. Be sure to do a little exercise. This will help your body to tone up quickly.

Cases when you need to give up daytime sleep

There are adults who cannot sleep during the day. Thus, the body makes it clear that they simply do not need it.

Consider situations when it is better to refuse from daytime rest:

  1. There is no need for it. If there is no desire to doze, it is better not to try. Otherwise, this may really indicate that the person is lazy.
  2. It is difficult to fall asleep at night. As much as you want to doze during the day, you will have to forget about this habit. A cup of strong coffee, intense physical activity, a walk in the fresh air, a contrast shower will help to cope with the feeling of fatigue and the desire to sleep. Also, make sure that it is not too hot in the room, otherwise you will simply be "worn out", you cannot avoid a nap. The optimum air temperature in the room is 22 degrees, humidity is 70-80%.
  3. There is no sense of proportion. What does a person feel when they overeat? Heaviness in the abdomen, pain. The same goes for sleep. Sleeping is even worse than not getting enough sleep. Lie down for 10 minutes and get up in a couple of hours? You need to look for a way out of the situation. First of all, check your health. Such a craving for drowsiness may indicate a serious illness.

Is naps good or bad? Even in kindergarten we were forced to sleep. In the afternoon, when we wanted to play, jump, paint, in one word fool around, we were put to bed for two hours.

But even there we managed not to give in to instructions and whispered with our bedmates. And when the teacher went out, they generally jumped from one bed to another or threw pillows. Then we were voluntarily given time to rest during the day, but we refused.

When we grew up, the opposite happened. Sometimes you want to take an hour's nap after lunch, but no one allocates time for a quiet hour at school, university, and even more so at work.

And it would be necessary to work on this, because daytime sleep brings quite a lot of benefits to our body.

In many countries around the world there is a dedicated hour and a lounge during working hours. This habit came from the times when workers in hot countries were allowed to take a nap at the peak of the high temperature. Thus, everyone won great.

Firstly, in the heat, the working capacity evenly falls, and secondly, the working day of these people was in the morning, and then, when the heat subsides, until late at night.

In Spain, many companies and firms have a special time to sleep in the afternoon. It is called siesta... This tradition was borrowed from them and other countries - the USA, Japan, China, Germany.

Even a separate room is provided for employees, calculated for daytime sleep. There they can regain their strength. In addition, special capsules sleep... A person immerses himself in them, isolating himself from the bustle of the outside world.

In our country, such innovations would be treated with derision. A Russian employer will never allow you to sleep during working hours.

If you need money, then be kind - earn it, and do not relax during working hours. It is a pity, because a day's sleep brings many benefits, both for a person and for all his activities.

Doctors even recommend, if possible, be sure to take a nap during the day.... After all, the human body is designed in such a way that from midnight to 7 in the morning, as well as from one to three in the afternoon, its performance drops significantly.

At this time, the body temperature decreases, one feels a certain lethargy, fatigue, unwillingness to work both physically and mentally. In this case, the benefits of work will be much less.

Sleeping during the day has a very good effect on the body's performance. It restores physical strength, replenishes energy reserves in the body, relieves stress and fatigue.

Night sleep is also endowed with these qualities, but for a normal night's sleep you need at least 6 hours, ideally - 8 hours completely help the body to restore strength and meet the new day with vigor and energy. Then when daytime sleep is enough and about hours to feel a fresh burst of energy.

People who work hard physically or solve the most difficult tasks with the expenditure of a large amount of mental energy are advised to take daily sleep breaks.

This will help you continue to work with more productive results. Benefit ratio from their labor will be much higher.

Sleeping during the day is also highly recommended for those who work in the evening or at night. At night, they spend a lot of energy, because the body must sleep at this time, but here you have to work, so a day's sleep will help restore the spent energy.

Many studies have shown that even taking a 20 minute nap during the day can relieve fatigue and tension. An hour and a half is considered the most acceptable for a daytime sleep.

You can't sleep more than two hours during the day. After all, the effect will then be exactly the opposite. You will be like boiled, you will have a headache, aggression.

The benefits of naps don't end there. He also increases the attentiveness of a person and the productivity of his work. It also cheers you up. Therefore, if we really do not have the opportunity, like the residents of Spain or Japan, to sleep after lunch, then everything exactly needs to be allocated at least half an hour for rest.

You don't have to sleep, you can take a nap or sit with your eyes closed. The main thing is to make yourself comfortable and think only about pleasant things.

You will see that after such a relaxing five-minute work it will become easier, and you can easily wait until the end of the working day without overworking yourself.

A variety of clinical studies have shown that daytime sleep can strengthen your cardiovascular system... People who find time to sleep during the day are less likely to suffer from these diseases.

Another argument in favor of sleeping during the day is its practicality. Taking only an hour of time, you can replenish your strength akin to an eight-hour night's sleep.

The harm of daytime sleep

In addition to the benefits for the human body, daytime sleep can also bring harm. First of all, you need to remember the rule of correct daytime sleep - do not go to bed after 4 pm.

After all, after that you will have a headache, feel tired, apathy and irritation, unwillingness to work.

People who often experience insomnia should not go to bed during the day. They may not always fall asleep at night, and daytime sleep will further disrupt the regime.

In addition, daytime sleep knocks down the biorhythms of the human body. Thus, the work of all organs can be disrupted.

People who complain about blood pressure surges are also not advised to go to bed during the day. This sleep raises blood pressure and, to some extent, makes you feel less comfortable.

Also daytime sleep is contraindicated for diabetics... After all, daytime sleep contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus.

However, if you have no contraindications, then be sure to sleep during the day. After that, your mood will improve and your efficiency will increase.

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