Passage of resident evil 6 for hell. Fall from the elevator

We are participating in a hostage rescue operation in China. We jump from the helicopter, go down several floors, collecting cartridges from the boxes. We have a pistol, machine gun, grenades with us. But playing Chris, it is more useful to use hand-to-hand combat, he can kill with a couple of blows.

Reporters meet us on the street. The rest of the soldiers lead the civilians away. There is an explosion on the road ahead, we turn into the alley on the left. We enter the store, go up to the top floor.

We pass through two more doors, jump into the alley through the breach. We return to the street, here we meet the first enemy - the regenerating zombie Javo. We go to the next alley.

1 - 2. Lane

We enter the store with meat, into the alley, into another building. After that, on a narrow street, many enemies with a machete will stand in our way.

We enter the next building, here we meet the mutated Javo with a big hand. It is useless to shoot at the hand itself, we aim at the head or legs, and then we finish it hand-to-hand. We go along the alley, we meet several more similar mutants. We enter the warehouse with racks.

In the building we rise to the floor above, go to the next house. Mutants with two strong arms appear. We go another floor above, so we get to the roofs.

1 - 3. Roofs
Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough for Chris

Achievement " A silent killer».

On the stairs, the first Javo stands with his back to us. This is a great place to get the achievement. We silently approach him from behind (holding Ctrl), we kill with one blow. (Requires 5 kills to achieve, can die and repeat this action).

Secret. Climbing to the top platform, look back. In the distance there is an unfinished building, covered with blue film, on its top is the emblem of a snake (3).

There are many living Javos on the rooftops, firing machine guns at us. We hide behind shelters, gradually get closer to the enemies and kill them. We jump over to the next roof, we rise to the next building.

On one of the roofs, zombies will crawl along the walls, shoot back. We climb up the hill, there is a cable car. We go down the inclined rope, but at this moment we are shot down by a shot, we fall down.

Separation of paths

Playing as Chris, we crawl along the lower rope. At this time, you need to cover an ally with a pier, shooting enemies that appear on the balconies.

Chris climb the stairs, go to the upper platforms. Pierce's path goes a little lower. Having passed several roofs, we unite again.


We pass a couple more stairs and roofs, we come to the desired building. Here we need to wait for reinforcements, standing on the site, and at this time zombies will constantly attack. There are a lot of explosive barrels around, we blow up only when there are more than three enemies nearby. In a couple of minutes, special forces will land and help finish off the enemies.

1 - 4. Residential building
Resident Evil 6. Chris and Pierce

8th floor. On the landing we enter the upper floor, knock out the doors. We find ourselves in a deserted Chinese market, where there are many stalls, with narrow passages between them, so you can easily get confused. Here we are attacked by Javo spiders, their upper part remained human, and they can shoot from machine guns, and the lower part of the insect allows them to run along the walls and ceiling. We clean the floor, collect all the broken boxes, go down below.

7th floor. Here the corridors are not so confusing, but there are more zombie spiders. There are two hostages on the floor, we find them in the back room. Both hostages are held by spiders, the first will run around this floor, the second will run upstairs, you will have to return for him. We shoot the Javo-spiders in the paws so as not to hurt the hostages, and then we finish them off in hand-to-hand combat.

6th floor. There are still a bunch of enemies, but we can just run past them to the elevator.

Fall from the elevator

Our elevator stops. We plant Pierce in the hatch on the roof of the elevator. We both get out of it in time. The elevator is blown up with a rocket launcher.

3rd floor. Once in the elevator shaft, first of all we look up, we kill zombies with a bazooka, otherwise he will finish us off. After that, together we open the doors to the floor, shoot all the enemies, jump inside.

2nd floor. We go down the stairs, we clean another floor. We are looking for a breach in the floor, through it we jump down.

1st floor. We shoot at the Javo zombie holding the hostage. When we kill the nearest enemies, a few more will attack. In slow motion, you need to shoot the nearest enemy in time before he kills the hostage. We bring all the hostages to the street.


The exit fills up, we do not have time to get out. And the building is about to be blown up by our fighters. You need to quickly return to the 3rd floor and jump off the balcony.

We run to the stairs, we rise to the 2nd floor. We run to another corner to the interfloor platform, we rise to the 3rd floor. Here the floor is already beginning to collapse, we run to the right of the fault. At the end, we get out of a small failure, jump out into the street.

Campaign for Chris Redfield. Chapter 2

2 - 1. City in Eastern Europe
Walkthrough Resident Evil 6

We recall an old special operation in Eastern Europe in the fictional country of Edonia (judging by the local names - in Serbia). We drive in jeeps through the ancient city, our column is blown up.

We land and shoot enemies, primarily grenade launchers and snipers. On the left you can enter the building. On the second floor on the bridge, we are trying to open the doors, but at this time a huge monster comes out and pushes us down.

Boss: OgroMan (Ogroman)

The monster is big, but clumsy. We can hide from him in the side buildings, or run right under his feet. The weak point of the monster is a red growth behind the head, we shoot only at it.

We return to the bridge over the street from which we were pushed, we find on it assault shotgun(Assault Shotgun).

We attack the boss or just wait a while, and soon an armored personnel carrier will come to our aid, and a huge monster will hide behind the houses.

Escort armored personnel carrier

Yard with wagons

We approach the lattice fence, the newcomer Finn will blow up the gate and open the way. We jump into the yard. At the bottom, the path is blocked, Finn sets up explosives for a long time to remove the car from the path, and at this time we need to shoot back. There are grenade launchers on top of the wagons, we kill them as quickly as possible.

Javos with bone shields also appear here, they will have to go around, or aim at the legs. After waiting for Finn, we approach the place of shelter, an explosion occurs, we automatically exit from here.

2 - 2. Bridge
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Chris

Ahead is the bridge, which was occupied by the mutants, they are covered by the T-42 tank. We need to save the BSAA fighter lying in the center behind the cars.

First, we approach the building on the left, we throw Pierce across the abyss, he will cover us from the side tower as an experienced sniper.

Chris himself goes to storm the bridge. From afar, the tank cannot be destroyed, so we come closer, hiding from the volleys behind the cars. Along the way, we destroy a dozen java. Now they can mutate their legs, after that they run faster and can jump on us. We run to the tank, there is a fuel tank behind it, Pierce will shoot at it, and the armored vehicles will end.

Upper level of the bridge

We rise to the second floor of the bridge. Chris we pass a little higher, and then we lower the stairs to Pierce. Together we push the box that prevents us from passing.

At the railway level of the bridge, the enemies are rolling out an old large-caliber gun on a trolley against us. We fight for some time with ordinary enemies. Finn will start to mine the cannon, cover it. Enemies will start landing even from the air, we can shoot at their parachutes so that they do not reach the bridge.

When the countdown starts, we retreat back behind the barricade, we watch the explosion. The bridge under the gun will fail, and it will fall into the river.

2 - 3. In front of the town hall
RE6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 2

We pass to the central part of the city. Sherry and Jake join us here. Bio-terrorists control three anti-aircraft machine guns, they do not allow BSAA helicopters to fly up. Our task is to blow up anti-aircraft guns.

On the upper floors there are enemy snipers and grenade launchers. But the main thing is that OgraMan walks the streets, and now we can not hide from him, but immediately kill him. We climb to the second floor, shoot the monster in the red hump when it falls to its knee, jump onto the monster's head, attack it with its own spike. Then we repeat this finishing move a second time, and the boss will die. For this we get a figure for 4000 experience.

1 gun

We go to the side building, go up to the second floor, through the room we pass to another balcony. we clean the site from enemies, Finn will start mining anti-aircraft guns. We defend it for a couple of minutes, we retreat, and the anti-aircraft gun will be blown up.

2 gun

You need to get to the roof of the central building. The entrance is an inconspicuous gray door, to the left of the door in the lattice fence. We stand on the roof, cover Finn from the constantly appearing javos.

3 gun

After the second explosion, we see that the bioterrorists threw the second OgraMan onto the square. The boss cannot be killed yet, because his weak point is hidden. (If you did not have time to kill the first OgreMan, then now there will be two of them).

Inside the central building on the first floor, we jump into the basement. We run through the underground catacombs, but look up, on the ceiling in several places there are round bars through which OgraMan can attack us. We pass into the far right tunnel, rise to the surface, find ourselves on the road behind the fence. Here we undermine the last anti-aircraft gun.

Boss: OgroMan

Helicopters still can't fly up, you need to eliminate huge monsters. If we did not kill the first boss, now they will kill him with an airstrike. The second boss is not taking damage yet, we need to pull his red growth out of his head so that he becomes vulnerable.

There are power lines in two places on the square, OgraMan is so big that it reaches them in height. We lure him into one of these traps, quickly climb to the second floor and jump onto his head. We tear out the red growth from the head, and jump back, the monster will be finished off with an airstrike.

Sherry and Jake leave in helicopters, we continue to clear.

2 - 4. City Hall
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 2

In the hall we see a lot of cocoons with living people. We go up the main stairs to the second floor. Upstairs, a lone javo will attack us, around the corner we notice a runaway girl. We enter the side room, we find assault shotgun if you haven't taken it before.

We leave into the hall with the destroyed roof. Here, three attacks (Napad) hatch from cocoons - armored monsters that quickly overheat. We shoot down their shell, without it their meat begins to overheat in bright sunlight, so we lure them into bright places, here they are killed much faster. Also, these monsters have a vulnerable point at the back under the armor, which is difficult to reach, but can be killed with one shot.

We pass along the corridor, we fight with Javo. There is red grass in the right side room. We knock out the door, behind it we find a girl.

Evacuation of Ada

The girl introduces herself as Ada Wong, she pretends to be a hostage, talks about the K-Virus and Neo-Umbrella. We decide to save her and take her out of the building.

We return to the hall, here all the cocoons begin to hatch. We call the whole squad behind us to the second floor. In the next hall, three strelats (Strelat) emerge from cocoons - these are lizards attacking from afar with a volley of needles. Lizards constantly run away from us, but from time to time they stand on their hind legs, inhale the air and release their needles. If the monster got up, you need to shoot him with a shotgun in time so that he does not have time to make his attack.

We arrive at the warehouse, here we fight immediately with both those and other monsters. First of all, it is better to eliminate the lizards, since it is difficult to hide from their attacks.

We get to the last corridor. The girl was not who she claimed to be. (The real Ada prefers red outfits, but this one wears a blue dress. She is one of the Ada clones that we saw the creation of on videotape in Leon's walkthrough). The girl traps the entire squad and infects with the virus, only Chris and Pierce manage to survive. In the fight against the mutant Finn, Chris lost his memory.

Campaign for Chris Redfield. Chapter 3

3 - 1. Residential building - entrance to Poysavan
Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough for Chris. Chapter 3

The wreckage of a high-rise building

All memories returned to Chris, now he wants to take revenge on Ada. Our flamethrowers are cleaning the high-rise building from cocoons. We keep searching. We pass through the yard with a playground, here we can ride a panda swing or slide down a hill.

The outside

A huge chameleon snake attacks and kills one of our squad, we follow it on a bloody trail. Along the way, we exchange fire with javo, among which a new mutation of the head appears, as a result of which the enemies begin to spit cobwebs. The web does not cause damage, but immobilizes us, you need to quickly get out of it by pressing various buttons.

3 - 2. Poisavan courtyard

Boss: Helicopter

In the next courtyard, we see Jake and Sherry being chased by a helicopter and unusual javos. Shooting at the helicopter is useless so far, we walk along the upper balconies, shoot at the javo-grasshoppers, which have grown large curved legs for themselves, and now they can easily jump on us. After killing all the grasshoppers, we can go to the roof.

Rise, find grenade launcher and shells for it. We go out onto the roof, fire at the helicopter, it will explode only after a dozen hits from a grenade launcher. At the same time, you need to dodge the machine-gun bursts of the helicopter and the attacks of the Javo-grasshoppers. Having won, we see how Jake and Sherry are hiding from us.

3 - 3. Inner zone of Poysavan
Resident Evil 6 how to pass. Chris. Chapter 3

We enter a multi-storey residential building, where a chameleon snake has taken refuge. Another soldier dies at the entrance.

We go further through the rooms and corridors, there are no other enemies, only snakes, but in the end it kills almost our entire squad. The four of us go down the ropes to the ground, the snake kills another one, and scatters the survivors on different floors. Chris is on the ground, Pierce is on the 3rd floor. We all gather on the 2nd floor, we enter the room with pig carcasses.

Boss: Illusion

We are in a small dark room. The boss can appear from any side, from the walls, from the ceiling. From afar, the snake is almost invisible, but we don’t have to notice it, the game camera itself turns towards the monster. Seeing the silhouette of a snake, we are preparing for an attack. When the snake opens its mouth, it will be clearly visible, shoot directly at it. It is better to shoot with a shotgun, it interrupts the attack. If we shoot with a pistol or machine gun, we need to dodge the cobra's throw in time.

Having lost some of its health, the snake crawls into the next room. We crawl after her through the ventilation, once we shoot back from her on the way. We get into the bakery, here in the same way we reduce the health of the boss by another third.

We pass into the room with the electrical installation. The snake took off its disguise, but strengthened its armor, now it cannot be penetrated by bullets. We climb up, press the lever, this will pass electricity through the puddles below. Private Marco will connect the installation from the other side, but he will be hit and stunned by current. We are waiting for the snake to crawl down through the central corridor, turn on the lever again, and the boss will die in an electric trap.


We approach the other side, Marco lifts us up. We go into the next room, here Ada infects Marco with a virus and hides. Our former fighter turns into a swarm of hornets. We do not come close to the monster, and we dodge small hornets, we shoot at the big swarm queen.

After the victory, we select Marco's explosives, knock out the door. Now Chris and Pierce were left alone, the entire squad was destroyed again. After a small conflict, we continue the pursuit of Ada in Blue.

3 - 4. Houses on stilts
Resident IVL 6. Chris. Chapter 3

Intelligence leads us to a pier full of small merchant boats. We hide from javo-snipers, we gradually come closer, jumping on the boats. We get to Ada, but at this moment we are attacked by her helicopter.

Boat run

We do not waste time on shootings and strikes. We constantly run forward along an ornate route along boats and wooden piers. The helicopter attacks with missiles and blows up all the boats behind us. If we delay a little, we will fall under the explosion and drown along with the wreckage.

Boss: Helicopter 2

We run to a large ship-restaurant, we rise to the second floor. We select shells for a grenade launcher, go out onto the balcony, fire at the helicopter. During his machine-gun bursts, we hide inside the ship.

We shoot down the helicopter, but this will also set the ship on fire. Under us, he will not sink, but as soon as we jump over, he will go under water.

3 - 5. Medical Research Center
Resident evil 6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 3

Ada is hiding in a large complex (here we have already been in the campaign for Leon). On the first floor, we also have to go through laser barriers. On the 2nd floor, we fight off floor mobile mines by hacking the access panel.

In a large hangar, we pinch Ada in a corner, but Leon and Helena come to her aid. We agree with Leon that we will not kill Ada, but take her alive, as a witness against Simmons. But Ada, taking advantage of the opportunity, is hiding. We continue to chase after her.

3 - 6. Main road
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 3

Chris behind the machine gun

We sit in a military jeep, Pris at the wheel, Chris at the machine gun. We are chasing Ada's red sports car. On the way, jeeps with java shooters will appear, we shoot at them, since it is useless to fire at Ada's car. Toward the end of the path, there will be barricades on the road, we shoot at them first of all, in a collision they do more damage than enemy machine guns.


Ada pulls into a dark multi-storey car park and hides by turning off her car. We go around the entire floor, illuminating the dark areas with headlights. In one place we will find a Javo ambush of five cars. First of all, we shoot at enemies with bazookas that are sitting in front of the cars.

Chris driving

Ada's car pulls out of the parking lot. We change places, now Chris will be driving, and Pierce will be behind the machine gun. We jump from the top floor and continue the chase.

Constantly press the gas (left mouse button), on sharp turns occasionally press the brake (right mouse button). When the left strip accumulates in the lower right corner, we can use the nitro acceleration (“1” key). We use nitro mainly on straight sections of the road. If we lag behind Ada by more than 500 meters, we will lose.

We arrive at the port. Ada flies to the deck of an aircraft carrier. Before entering the springboard, use nitro, jump after the girl.

Campaign for Chris Redfield. Chapter 4

4 - 1. Aircraft carrier - aft hangar
How to pass Resident Evil 6. Chris. Chapter 4

On the deck, we are met by Neo-Umbrella Javos in special suits, their mutations are still the same, but they have more health than ordinary Javos. Ahead is a hangar with military equipment, and even further on the balconies are snipers.

We run along the left wall, enter the room, on the table from the suitcase we take semi-automatic rifle. We rise to the upper bridge, aim and shoot at the snipers. It is very difficult to find the snipers themselves, so we just shoot at the red barrels on the far upper balconies.

Let's move on up the deck. Javo-kamikaze appear among the enemies, their torso mutates into a white cocoon, if they approach us, they will explode. Another type of mutation is the transformation of the head and torso into the mouth of a crocodile, such enemies capture us with their jaws and lift us above them. They have red areas on the body, we shoot at them.

Ada runs higher, she raises the sloping stairs behind her. Now you need to look for a way to get upstairs.

side deck

On the main deck we go to the right wall, we go aboard the ship. We go up the side stairs. From a nearby boat, they shine a searchlight on us and begin to fire at us.

At the top we climb into the control room, press the lever, this will lower the stairs. But Ada will immediately close the doors with steel partitions. We go down to the deck on the fire escape.


To destroy the partition, we get to the launcher with a rocket. We climb onto the side bridges under the ceiling, but they disperse in different directions, the heroes act separately.

Chris is crawling along the pipe, Pierce at this time is shooting at the interfering javo snipers. Pierce runs to the rocket from his side. Chris turns the flywheel to send the rocket to the bulkhead. Pierce hacks the rocket itself to launch it. The missile breaks through the defense.


We jump into the hangar. But even now we are not allowed to pass, a fighter aircraft descends here from the upper deck, and without taking off, begins to fire at us from a machine gun.

The plane is not destroyed. We run along the left wall, hiding from machine-gun fire behind tanks, barrels and boxes. Behind the plane we run over to the right side of the hangar. In the far right corner we enter the door.

Upstairs, we listen to how the pseudo-Ada writes down a message to Simmons.

4 - 2. Aircraft carrier - bridge
Resident Evil 6 text walkthrough

Climbing the stairs, we see the real Ada in red clothes, but she quickly eludes us. We pass through various cabins, fight with javo, here almost all of them are armed with machine guns, some mutate into javo-cockroaches.

We pass into the room with washing machines. then we linger in one room, the door will not open until we kill everyone.

Captain's bridge

We enter a large control cabin, there are many enemies here, they continue to arrive, jumping through the windows and through the upper hatches. We destroy a couple of javo-hives. In the far corner we turn the valve, this will lower the stairs in the center of the wall. We rise above.

On the highest platform, pseudo-Ada has nowhere to run. She tells her plan: a rocket with a virus will soon be launched from an aircraft carrier, and it will infect the whole metropolis, and in the future, the whole world. But they don’t let her finish, Simmons sent his helicopter here to kill Ada’s clone, who got out of control. The girl dies and falls from the platform to the deck.

From pseudo-Ada there was a suitcase, we examine it, there are three places for syringes with enhanced K-virus in it. But there was only one syringe left, the second one was spent on the Simmons mutation, where the third one was used is still a mystery. We leave for the neutralization of the rocket.

4 - 3. Aircraft carrier - bow hangar
RE6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 4

1 password

The path is blocked by a massive door with three electronic passwords. Let's go looking for them. We find the first item nearby, around the corner near the corpse.

2 password

We go down to the floor below, we see how the regenerate monster turns a person into its copy, and there are two of them. We shoot at the monsters so that they disintegrate, we run past. To the left and right, the corridors are blocked by streams of hot steam, so we go through the door in the center in the side wall.

There is a fire in the kitchen, the fire alarm goes off, and the doors are locked. We need to survive in a small room, constantly running from two invulnerable monsters until the fire is completely extinguished. Monster hands can be destroyed by throwing them into the microwave.

We pass through the dining room, turn left. In the side room we pass into the compartment behind the glass, but in such a way that one hero is inside, and the second is outside, and each has an invulnerable monster. Here, Chris quickly finds the 2nd password, we approach the door and wait for Pierce to open them from his side.

3 password

We examine all the other side cabins. There is a toilet in one of the cabins, where we can destroy the hands of the monsters by washing them into the water.

We pass along the right corridor, in the penultimate room, where a Javo corpse with a machine gun hangs on the ceiling, we find the 3rd password.

Monster Destruction

Through the dining room and kitchen we return to the locked door, we apply all three found passwords. We pass into the room with the boiler below, the monsters catch up and throw us onto the pipes, we shoot back from all the flying parts of the body. The regenerates will die in liquid metal, but we manage to survive and get to the fighter plane.

4 - 4. The sky above the aircraft carrier
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Chris. Chapter 4

Deck cleaning

We take off on a fighter, we begin to circle over an aircraft carrier. We shoot down anti-aircraft guns on the edges of the ship, and helicopters in the sky. Chris fires, Pierce controls the semi-automatic targeting. From enemy missiles we evade reception "barrel" (key "1"). The main thing is not to crash into helicopters and into the very deck of the ship, but to gain altitude again in time.

The path to the rocket

The rocket is preparing to launch, we have only 4 minutes to deactivate. We in the role of Chris will remain in the fighter, and Pierce is landed on the ship. The partner will blow up the red containers on his way, setting the explosives. At this time, we need to shoot the monsters that appear.

Launch Cancel

When the path to the rocket is clear, Ogroman will appear from the cargo hold to the left. We do not let the monster approach Pierce, we constantly shoot in his face, since his weak point is inaccessible.

Pierce will disable the rocket. We fly up to the crane boom on the right, wait and continue to fire at the boss. The pier will climb back into the fighter through the crane.

Suddenly, the rocket goes into emergency mode and starts launching within 40 seconds. It is not possible to shoot the rocket, Ogroman covers it with his body. The rocket takes off, flies towards Lanxian and sprays the virus. We contact Leon, find out that he is alive, we get the task from him to save Jake and Sherry from the underwater laboratory. Jake is the son of Albert Wesker, his blood is needed to get the antidote for the K-Virus.

Campaign for Chris Redfield. Chapter 5

5 - 1. Underwater complex

We go down the elevator to the deep-sea laboratory. Ahead machine gunners and grenade launcher. We split up with Pierce, throw him over the pit, go down to the ventilation shaft as Chris. From above, Pierce needs to hide from the machine gunners and press the levers, below this the fans will turn off so that Chris can pass.

We go down below with Chris, take the elevator, and destroy the enemies from the rear, unite with Pierce.


We go down the elevator, we find ourselves in a room with various javos. We pass two floors, consisting of small rooms with monsters.

3rd floor

We enter a large two-story hall. We approach the gateway, turn it on, it will open for a long time: 2 minutes to drain the water, and 1.5 to equalize the pressure. All this time we need to defend ourselves from constantly appearing monsters. Snipers jump out from above, cocoons arrive along conveyors from below. One conveyor lever will be pressed in any case, the second can be constantly protected so that there are fewer monsters. If this fails, it is better to defend on the 2nd floor in order to quickly neutralize the snipers.

5 - 2. Underwater complex - bottom
Resident Evil 6 Wiki

We enter a huge round room with a giant cocoon at the top. Here we meet the released Jake and Sherry. Jake finds out that Chris killed his father Albert Wesker and wants to get revenge on him, but then changes his mind.

Inside the cocoon is a unique mutant - Chaos. On the panel next to it, we look at the forecast that Chaos will be able to infect the entire Earth in a short time if it gets to the surface. It needs to be prevented.

Lifting on platforms

There are two platform elevators on the sides, we choose which of the partners we will go up with. If Chris and Jake go together, we listen to the continuation of their dialogue. As we climb onto the platform, melee javos jump in. There are snipers and grenade launchers on the recesses in the walls, we kill them with a rifle.

Escape from Chaos

We climb up, and at this time Chaos crawls out of the cocoon. He falls down, but is hooked by numerous paws, and now crawls towards us. We send Jake and Sherry to the surface, we ourselves remain to destroy the monster. Chaos gets to us and starts to cut off the platforms right under our feet. We constantly run forward so as not to fall.

Climbing stairs. We run, we roll under the beam (if we crawl, we will not have time and die). We plant Pierce, climb Chris (it is necessary to stand in the center behind Pierce).

5 - 3. Underwater complex - top
Resident Evil 6 Wiki

Boss: Chaos

We go out to the upper arena with a large hole in the center, from where Chaos is selected. We run around him, collect cartridges from boxes. The boss can only hit with tentacles, they are easy to dodge without stopping in place.

5 - 4. Emergency exit route
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough for Chris

Run down the hallway

The site will begin to flood, we run away through the glass corridor. Chaos floats out of the complex, and begins tearing off segments of the corridor outside. We constantly run forward, slip through the closing doors. When Chaos sticks his hand inside, shoot at it with a shotgun or grenade launcher and run past. At the end of the path, Pierce will fail and will slowly crawl up to the exit. Playing as Chris, hold the door until Pierce crawls in.

Chaos will break into the corridor, we continue to run from it. We get to the next building.

A huge monster grabs Pierce, throws him against the wall, causing the hero to lose his arm. Further, the monster also grabs Chris and begins to squeeze him in a death grip. Pierce decides to inject himself with the last copy of the improved K-virus. As a result, he immediately grows a new electric arm. Let's start the final fight.

Boss: Chaos

Pierce can no longer run, shoot, use items, but constantly regenerates and can shoot electricity from his hand. But a shot from the hand takes away health, after each shot you need to recover.

The boss attacks us with tentacles, spits acid, creates organic bombs on the walls and ceiling, then the acid splashes down. You can't just kill a monster like that. After taking damage, it becomes cocooned, and then emerges from it with fully restored health.

To kill the boss, you need to make it turn into a cocoon form not on a hill, but below on our level. With shots we beat off his left and right kidney so that he creates a cocoon. The armor of the cocoon can only be penetrated by Pierce with his enhanced electric volley. After the destruction of the cocoon, we approach Chris, hit with a knife and thereby destroy one of the three hearts of the boss. We repeat these steps three times.

During the third run, Chaos will push Chris away. Pierce must hold Chaos in place, Chris at this time needs to crawl up to the monster and stab the last heart with a knife.


After destroying the super monster, we run to the rescue capsules along the suspension bridge. On the way, there will be attacks from cocoons, but there is no time to fight, the floor collapses under our feet, we run without stopping. The pier needs to break through organic barriers on the way.


At the escape pod, Chris tried to take the mutated Pierce with him, but he pushed Chris alone, and he himself was left to die at the underwater station. At the end, Chaos tried to swim away from the station, but Pierce's electrical discharge caught up with him and finally killed him. Chris successfully surfaced. Later we see that he decided to continue his service in the ranks of the BSAA.

General information

Achievement difficulty level: 5 / 10
Offline Achievements: 50
Online Achievements: 0
Estimated pick up time: 35+ hours
Minimum number of passes: 1 (2 recommended)
Glitchy Achievements: No
The number of achievements that are easy to miss: 0 (chapter select)
Additional devices: not required

Things to Remember:
- there is a big difference between a Save Point and a Checkpoint. If you see a Checkpoint in the corner of the screen, this means that the character will respawn after death, however, if you exit the game, the game will not be loaded from the last Checkpoint, but from the last Save. Be careful!

- during QTE scenes (if you need to turn the stick) turn both sticks - reach the goal faster
- in a difficult situation (pinched, retreating) do not forget to press LT+RT simultaneously. The character will make a quick shot at the nearest enemy, ready to pounce on you
- hold the button A to recover faster after a fall
- keep LT and press A to dodge in any direction. When on the floor, double tap left or right to dodge in the appropriate direction
- if you crossed the Checkpoint with low health, don't be afraid to die - you respawn with full health.

Stage 1. Passage
Start playing on any difficulty. Unlike the previous parts, the Pro is available from the very beginning, but it is advisable to complete the game at least once on normal or easy - upgrade skills, complete individual achievements, collect Serpent Emblems. Play for fun!

Stage 2. Walkthrough on the Pro
The difficulty level of the Pro is much easier than it used to be in the RE series, and for connoisseurs of the series, it may seem indecently easy. In any case, even here you can experience inconvenience. For a comfortable passage, you will need to upgrade the Defense and Small Arms skills to level 3. Leave the third skill slot for weapons. It would be optimal to buy infinite Magnum ammo first (Leon and Jake's campaigns are used), and then infinite Shotgun Ammo (Chris and Ada's campaign). Despite the various options, it is the Magnum / Shotgun layout that is the optimal solution. To be sure, make two calculations (Magnum / Defense / Shooting and Shotgun / Defense / Shooting) - in the game and you can switch on the fly.

Stage 3. Finish the rest, "Incredible workmanship"
After getting the Pro achievement, you can safely finish the achievements that you haven't done yet: collect the remaining Serpent Emblems, individual achievements of the campaign chapters, etc. Do not forget to reach the Save Point every time so as not to lose valuable experience. Experience is needed to unlock the "Incredible Mastery" achievement, and is best saved for last. The easiest way to score points - see below.

Story Achievements

The longest night
Get trained.

descended into hell
Complete Chapter 1 in Leon's Campaign.

Buried Secrets
Complete Chapter 2 in Leon's Campaign.

Get on the plane
Complete Chapter 3 in Leon's Campaign.

Big trouble in China
Complete Chapter 4 in Leon's Campaign.

Trouble with women
Complete Chapter 5 in Leon's Campaign.

hostage rescue
Complete Chapter 1 in Chris' Campaign.

Tragedy in Europe
Complete Chapter 2 in Chris' Campaign.

For her!
Complete Chapter 3 in Chris' Campaign.

hope dies last
Complete Chapter 4 in Chris' Campaign.

Call of Duty
Complete Chapter 5 in Chris' Campaign.

A matter of money
Complete Chapter 1 in Jake's Campaign.

Disgusting result
Complete Chapter 2 in Jake's Campaign.

Let's get out!
Complete Chapter 3 in Jake's Campaign.

Still on the run
Complete Chapter 4 in Jake's Campaign.

See you
Complete Chapter 5 in Jake's Campaign.

I see (secret)
Complete Chapter 1 in Ada's Campaign.

Counterintelligence (Secret)
Complete Chapter 2 in Ada's Campaign.

Step Back (Secret)
Complete Chapter 3 in Ada's Campaign.

Death of Ada (Secret)
Complete Chapter 4 in Ada's Campaign.

Difficulty Achievements

Physical achievements

A silent killer
Use a stealth attack to kill five enemies.
Approach the enemy from behind and press RT (shown at the bottom of the screen) before he has time to notice you. In this way, you can kill any humanoid enemy - a zombie or j "avo.

Finish what you started
Use a finishing blow on 10 enemies.
When a partner is grabbed by a zombie, you need to help him by holding the button B. The blow must kill the enemy (reception Coup De Grâce). Repeat 10 times and the achievement will unlock.

Dodges and squats
Reflect an enemy attack 3 times in a row.
When the enemy swings at the character, you need to have time to press RT (an alert will appear at the bottom of the screen). The character will counterattack. It is important that the counter-attack is made on three different enemies, and that there is no other hit / shot between counter-attacks and the character himself does not receive damage - otherwise the counter is reset. The easiest way to do it is in the "Mercenaries" mode on the "Chaos in the City" map - at the very beginning there are two zombies. Repel their attacks and find the third one. If something went wrong - you can always quickly restart the level.

Fell but didn't give up
Defeat an enemy while dying and then recover without help from anyone else.
Let the enemy knock out the hero, and kill him from a prone position. Wait until the red bar fills up by itself and do not call for help (button B). The achievement will unlock once the character gets back on their feet.

life saving
Help a partner or save him ten times.
When a partner is dying or captured by an enemy, press to save them.

A little push
Drop 10 enemies from above
Find a high place from where you can drop the enemy. Wait for the zombies to come up and push them down from the edge by pressing RT when you are behind. You can also push zombies that are on the edge - quietly approach them and press RT.

High voltage
Defeat ten enemies using a charged stunner.
Made in chapter 1 of Jake's campaign. Choose Sherry as your character, set the difficulty to Beginner. To charge the Paralyzer, hold down LT, then strike ( RT) and keep LT+RT without letting go. The stunner charges for a second or two (you will hear the characteristic hiss of electricity). To strike with a charged Paralyzer, simply release RT near the enemy. Kill 10 enemies this way. Keep in mind that Sherry can move while remaining in the stance - you can approach the enemy and strike for sure.

Zombie Extermination
Defeat 500 zombies.
Kill 500 zombies. Most likely get before the end of Leon's campaign.

J'avoh genocide
Defeat 500 J "avo.
Kill 500 J "avos. First seen in Chris's campaign.

B.O.O. - freaks
Kill 100 B.O.O.
These are enemies that hatch from cocoons (crystallized dead bodies). First encountered in the 2nd chapter of Chris's campaign. See the "Incredible Mastery" achievement.

Hard choise
A helicopter is great, but there is nothing better than getting into close combat with an enemy.
Done in Chapter 4 of Jake's Campaign when Sherry and Jake decide to help Chris' squad take down the helicopter. Play as Jake. Periodically, the helicopter will land j "avos. You need to catch the moment when the j" avos land and climb the very rope along which they descend from the helicopter. Once on the helicopter, kill the pilot.

Stealth Intelligence (Secret)
Sneak through the aircraft carrier's bridge without being seen.
The achievement is done in the 4th chapter of the Ada campaign. The achievement begins to count from the moment when Chris and Pierce exit the elevator, and Ada herself hides from them behind the door. Make sure you have at least 4-6 normal arrows (not explosive) with your crossbow, as you will have to kill two sentries and two cockroaches. The achievement is unlocked after Ada talks to Carla.

Other achievements (titles, medals, trophies, weapons, etc.)

Check out my tokens
Set up a personal token.
Can be done immediately after completing the prologue. Exit to the main menu, select the "Personal Tokens" option and make any change. The achievement will unlock after saving the token.

Title achievement
Get 10 different titles.
Titles the player gets for various actions in the game: killing monsters, dodging, running, headshots, etc. After completing the first chapter, exit to the main menu and go to the "Personal Tokens" section to view the received titles and unlock the achievement.

One is better than none
Buy one skill.
From the main menu, select the menu "Play" > "Campaign" > "Skill Settings" and buy any skill from the list. You can also buy skills in between chapters.

Incredible craftsmanship
Develop all skills that can be leveled up to the maximum.
To get an achievement, you do not need to pump all the skills - only those that have a level. Namely:
- Firearms (1-3)
- Melee (1-3)
- Protection (1-3)
- Faithful Hand (1-2)
- Resolute (1-2)
- Critical hit (1-3)
- Penetration (1-3)
- Killer J "avo (1-2)
- Zombie Hunter (1-2)
- Strengthening the scale of combat (1-2)
- Recovery (1-2)
- Field doctor (1-2)
All it takes is about a million points. Points are given in Campaign, Mercenary and Hunt modes. But I would suggest the following method: Load Chapter 5 in Chris' Campaign on Beginner difficulty. Run quickly to the round room where the timer will start. Try to avoid enemies as much as possible. If the enemies do not have time to release B.O.O., do it yourself - go to the lever with a green indicator and press A. There are a total of 10 large enemies in the room. When the timer runs out, make sure to finish off all the B.O.O. and run to the doors, go in and wait for the video. It is necessary that "SAVE" pass, otherwise all progress will be lost. On average, this procedure takes 8-10 minutes and brings about 20,000 points per pass.

Weapon master
Use every weapon in the game and kill at least ten enemies with each weapon.
Some weapons are "exclusive" to a certain character, so you will have to play for it at least a little. Progress can be viewed in the "Records" menu. List of all weapons and which of the characters uses:
Pistol 909 - Chris / Jake
Picador - Helena
Winged Death - Leon
Shotgun - Leon / Helena / Jake / Chris
Assault Shotgun - Chris / Pierce / Ada
Hydra - Helena
Thunderhawk - Leon / Helena
Elephant Man - Jake / Sherry
Sniper Rifle - Jake / Sherry / Ada
Semi-automatic sniper - Leon / Helena / Chris / Pierce
Large Caliber Rifle - Pierce
AB-50 - Ada
Three-barreled - Sherry
MP-AF - Piers
SWAT Machine - Chris
Machine Gun "Bear" - Jake / Sherri / Ada
Automatic RN - Leon / Helena
Grenade Launcher - Chris / Pierce
Hand Grenade - all characters
Incendiary Grenade - all characters
Crossbow - Ada
Utility knife - Leon
Combat Knife - Chris
Paralyzer - Sherry
Gun Turret - all characters

We rise
Get a Tier 4 Title
In the "Titles" subsection of the "Personal Tokens" section, under each individual title there are stars indicating the level. There you can also see what other parameters are left to complete to reach the next level (kill enemies 251/300, etc.) of the title. Complete the conditions, get four stars under the title and the achievement will be unlocked.

Collectible figurines
Collect three figurines
The figurines are unlocked using Serpent Emblems, which the player collects during the game. To see the figurines, you need to go from the main menu to "Special features"\u003e "Collections". In order to unlock the figurines, you need to collect all four emblems in a certain chapter.

Defeat 20 enemies using the Hydra Rapid Shot.
The achievement can be obtained by playing the Mercenaries mode or Leon's campaign by selecting Helena. Click LT+RT for a hip shot. Thus, you need to kill 20 opponents.

More fire
Kill an enemy with a headshot from 50 meters away using the infrared scope.
Done in the 2nd chapter of Chris's campaign. You must select the character "Pierce". With a large-caliber rifle, switch to the infrared sight mode (button Y) and shoot at the head of J "Avo in the distance.

I prefer living
Rescue the two survivors of the cathedral.
The achievement is done in Leon's campaign. When you get to the cathedral and open the secret passage, a monster will come out of it, spraying gas with a virus. Kill the monster before it reaches the two women hiding at the altar.

Ace pilot
Show off your pilot skills.
Done in the 4th chapter of Chris's campaign. When flying a fighter, you need to be very careful not to get hit by a rocket. The game itself will tell you when to do the "Barrel" - press in time R.B. and maneuver.

Get 150 different medals.
The achievement is cumulative and includes various medals that are unlocked while playing the campaign, as well as the modes "Hunting" and "Mercenaries". There are much more than 150 medals in the game, and most of them open on their own in the process. Special medals that you can not get "for good luck":
- complete a chapter without using reload
- complete the chapter without using the treatment
- complete the chapter without using grenades
- complete the chapter without picking up ammo and items for treatment

family inheritance
Collect all snake emblems.
There are a total of 80 emblems in the game - 4 for each chapter.

Campaign for Leon

Campaign for Chris

Campaign for Jake

Ada campaign

Resident Evil 6 is the continuation of the cult series and the ninth game in the main series of the franchise.

year 2013. Five years have passed since the events of Resident Evil 5. Adam Benford, President of the United States, decided to tell the whole truth about the events that took place in Raccoon City 15 years ago. A friend and, concurrently, one of those who managed to survive in Raccoon City, secret service agent Leon Kennedy comes to the president, but he turns into a zombie as a result of a biological attack by terrorists. Leon has to make the most important decision of his life.

At the same time, Chris Redfield and his B.S.A.A. (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) arrive in China to suppress the biological attack of terrorists. Six months earlier, Chris had survived the massacre of his own squad and was psychologically traumatized.

In addition to the classic characters, the mercenary Jake Muller, the son of Albert Wesker, who is unaware of his origin, has been added to the story.

Here you will find complete Walkthrough Resident Evil 6 and you will be able to survive all the twists of fate along with the characters of the game.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Campaign for Leon Kennedy (Leon Kennedy's campaign)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, University

The game starts with Leon and Elena. We act according to the instructions displayed on the screen, drag Elena away. Alas, the door is closed, and it will not be too easy to open it - we hold down the button and wait until the spinning marker hits the very center of the selected circle. We continue to move around the room and get to the car. We search it twice and find green grass. In your inventory, mix it with the already existing grass. We get good pills that Elena needs. But first you have to fight the zombies and, of course, win. Now you can give the medicine to Elena.

We pass through the doors at the end of the corridor, go up the stairs. Let's shoot the zombies outside. We quickly descend and get to the helicopter. Here we follow the prompts that appear and press a few buttons. We approach the door and jump over the railing.

The right door will lead us to the office. Let's go and take a look. We pass through the corridor to the lobby, after which we go into the left door to find ourselves in the dining room. There is no need to shoot anyone here. But we will see movement. We follow the trail to the back kitchen and the red door - we open it and watch the video.

After watching the video, we go around the table with the computer and look into the storage room. It was not possible to enter this room, but you can get the first blue emblem.

Let's go to the kitchen and find some rats here. You can shoot them, but it's better to save ammo. We go through the dimly lit dining room and go in the door near the stairs. In the next room we will meet a man who can open the door. We pass through the door and follow along with the man.

We hear barking from the street, but so far the dogs are not afraid of us. We follow the guide and find ourselves in the room where his daughter, Liza, is located. Alas, she's been bitten. She and her father would have to take the elevator together, although being in the same room with the infected is quite dangerous. And the fruits of such short-sightedness were not long in coming - Lisa rushed to her father and now she has to save him, and at the same time not to fall into her tenacious hands. Soon the fight will end and you can safely go to the garage.

There are quite a lot of zombies here, so it's better to kill them in close combat - for one and the cartridges will be safer. Let's look around and see a man who fell nearby near the car. He is already dead, so it is quite possible to take his gun. Now you can run to the monitor, which is located at the far right end of the parking lot.

Before climbing, we will pick up the cartridges for the pistol, lying in some boxes. Climb and you can go through the hall, which is quite safe.

Let's go right and then go down. Alas, there are a couple of zombies here. They can be killed both in close combat and by shooting. True, in the latter case, it is worth aiming precisely at the head. In general, if there are few enemies around, it will be most reasonable to kill them manually, saving ammo. After the descent, we will stumble upon another zombie - this time it is a professor. We rise along the left stairs (we will grab green grass along the way) and go into the room on the right.

In the room we will see a double door and get ready - immediately after opening it, a zombie woman will rush at us. Let's finish it off, move on and find green grass and ammo. We save green grass until we find red grass, which will allow us to prepare more effective mixtures.

We go through the entire hall, ignoring harmless bodies. We reach the lecture hall and go down. There is only one zombie here, which will be easy to kill. But you should be more careful - a calmly lying zombie can jump up at any moment and cause unnecessary trouble. When we finish both of them, we will get cartridges and green grass.

Let's go down to the next hall and enter the left classroom. Here we will find red grass, pistol cartridges and even two incendiary grenades lying on the table. We go forward and we will see two lying zombies. Let's finish them off quickly, although we can just run past if we are not afraid of the threat of an attack from behind. In some places, fire extinguishers hang on the walls - shooting at them gives a good effect.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, University Garden

We open double doors and find ourselves in a garden where several zombies roam. Actually, we need to get to the gate, but Hannigan says he has some important business left here. While waiting for him, you can wander around and find something interesting. We will kill all the enemies, and then we will find two sets of pistol cartridges near the vending machines.

We go further and find a few more enemies - one in the center, two on the red carpet and one next to the kitchen. They are not particularly dangerous, so they can be finished off in close combat. Here we will find green and red grass to the left of the gate, on the table.

Go through the double door on the left side of the garden and get the keys to the gate. We pass through the double doors and find ourselves in a small hall. We find pistol cartridges and green grass here, and only after that we open the door.

Of course, a whole crowd of zombies will immediately rush here. You need to fight them off for a minute and a half, while using the melee attack as often as possible in order to save more ammo. To do this, you should immediately run away from the doors and shoot fire extinguishers when zombies stand near them. If you don't mind, you can also throw an incendiary grenade into a crowd of zombies - the effect is magnificent. When single zombies approach you, we destroy them in close combat. When 90 seconds are up, Elena and Leon will open the door and rush forward. We shoot the interfering zombies and move on.

We will examine the table to the left of the doors and find the cartridges. Now you can go further and again find the cartridges on the table on the left.

A powerful blow will fall on the door. We have to quickly find the keys, not forgetting that at any moment enemies may appear in the room. For example, in the next room, the corpse of a girl sitting in an armchair can suddenly come to life. Luckily, sitting zombies are fairly easy to kill. A couple of zombies will also come to life in the hall.

When we enter the garden, we will meet several zombies - it will not be difficult to finish them off in close combat. In general, rather feeble zombies walk around in the garden. We open the gate with the key card and move forward through the metal detector. Let's destroy three zombies, which we notice through the doors.

We leave campus and go straight ahead. We run to the car we saw, trying to ignore the zombies running towards us, destroying only those that stood right in the way. Of course, you can kill all the enemies, but you have to spend a lot of time and ammo.

We are relatively safe in the car. Let's go ahead a little. Alas, now, no matter how unpleasant it is, you will have to visit the sewers. So, forward, to fragrant gurgling underground waters!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, Sewers and Underground

We follow the sewers down until we find two wooden boxes. Certainly a strange place to store them. We pass through the door, turn into the left subway tunnel - electric wires that have fallen into a puddle of water do not allow us to go into the right one.

Let's continue the path and meet some zombies. Let's finish them off. We go further and meet three zombie dogs. But these are really dangerous creatures. When attacking, we dodge, passing them past, and immediately attack. After the victory, we go forward, we meet several groups of zombies and destroy them. This can be done both manually and with a gun.

Let's go through the door to our left and start climbing the dark stairs. On the second staircase in the corner we find a wooden box. We reach the next corner and find two boxes. We break them to get to the contents, and enter the next door.

Once in the next subway tunnel, immediately look to the right. The coat of arms with a snake is on the lower right.

We continue the path and meet a group of zombies. There will be both ordinary zombies and jumpers. The latter rush forward, so that they will be easy to finish off in hand-to-hand combat. The rest can be shot or, saving ammo, finish off manually. By the way, if you manage to lure enemies onto the rails, the train may well ride on them.

We go down the tunnel and find ourselves near the subway train. Before entering the platform, let's look around, as there may be enemies there. We go back to the end of the train, and seat Elena, helping to open the door from the inside.

Let's go through the first and second cars. When we approach the third one, we will be attacked from the back by enemies who are better to destroy quickly.

When we walk along the train and see zombies standing with their backs to us, it's worth quickly approaching and hitting the head to save ammo.

Let's go up to the platform and look around - there are three wooden boxes here that should be broken. We reach the shutter button and press it. Wow! What a horde of creatures rushing at us. If you have incendiary grenades, now is the time to use them. We don’t come close to enemies - some of them may well be sprayed with acid.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, City

We rise and kill zombies, then we break a couple of wooden boxes and collect trophies. We open the gate and go up. We kill firemen, shooting tanks from afar. We kill other attacking zombies in hand-to-hand combat. On the street near the container we find one barrel, and in the area of ​​​​garbage storage - the second. Let's help the man who got stuck under the car and continue on our way. Let's turn left and finish off the zombies here.

We pass along the corridor, climb the stairs. Zombies located below, you can not even kill. We jump through the gap and kill the zombies in front. We break down the door and go forward. There are various zombies here, including very dangerous ones - armored ones. One of them stands with his back to us, so that he can be quietly finished off by approaching from behind. Those zombies that do not prevent us from passing can be ignored. And you can kill by gaining experience.

We continue to travel down the alley. We kill zombies around the corner - he also stands with his back to us. Here we will see a zombie with a flashlight, which we will also finish off. Nearby, near the fence, there are two wooden barrels that should be broken to get trophies. We destroy the zombies on our way and run to the bus. Now you can enter the doors of the pub.

Near the counter is a wooden barrel. We go into the courtyard, open the doors and finish off the zombie that lies on the ground. Near the fence is another wooden barrel. We enter the door near the barrel. We pass through the living room, where the TV is turned on. Let's hear what's on the news. There is a closed door in the next room. The key for it can be found in the living room, on one of the corpses. Of course, they start to come to life. Let's calm them down.

We open the door in the corridor and a zombie rushes at us. Shot and he's dead. Outside, we will search the corpses of soldiers and find a magnificent shotgun. Let's break a couple of barrels near the fence. We destroy the zombies and enter the door. Let's watch the video.

Now we meet a new enemy - the screamer. He is running away from us. Well, we are not trying to catch up with him. Zombies start crawling over the fence. We shoot at the fire extinguisher when the enemies are nearby. There are quite a lot of enemies, and with them a screamer. It should be destroyed with a shot or a grenade, without letting it get too close. For killing him, we get a whole 1000 points.

Having cleared our way, we will reach the doors at the end of the path. There are locked gates here. Let's look around and give Elena a lift so that she climbs over the gate. Of course, we are immediately attacked by zombies. Let's blow up a barrel of fuel to reduce their number. Then we get the rest. Elena at this time will be able to open the gate and launch us. Let's go through the doors and find ourselves in a bar. Behind the counter is a wooden barrel.

We go around the bar counter on the left - we see the emblem of the snake.

We go outside and meet with several survivors. There are quite a few enemies on the square, including screamers. It's best to finish them off first. We shoot other zombies or kill them manually. When a gas leak occurs, we immediately begin to shoot from a decent distance in order to enjoy the spectacle of the explosion. In the alley we will find a couple of wooden barrels. Then we go through the gate.

We go further and reach the weapons store. There are many survivors here. We search this place and find a couple of sets of cartridges, three incendiary grenades and medicine. Now we help the survivors defend the shelter. Let's watch the video. There are more and more enemies. New monsters will appear here - bloodshot. We shoot them with a shotgun, not allowing them to approach. When the area is cleared, the shop owner will invite us upstairs.

Look around and find red grass, pistol and shotgun cartridges - they are on the table. This is where the second attack begins. Let's kill everyone and rush into the next room - here we find two sets of shotgun cartridges and green grass. The giant zombie, along with the standard zombies, breaks into the room. Plant a bomb near the doors and retreat to the next room. BOOM! There are no more zombies. However, you can throw grenades at them or shoot them.

When the enemies are killed, let's go to the next room and turn left. Here we will find two incendiary grenades. We rise and take away the bomb with a remote control. To the left is a door leading to the street. Let's go there and watch the video. There are a lot of zombies - in addition to the usual ones, there are bloodshot and giants. We shoot at the canisters that some zombies are dragging on their backs. You can also use bombs. Having cleared the road, we jump down and climb into the bus. Inside we take out a shotgun and shoot the reptiles that climb after. After killing the giant, we look through the play. Level completed.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2

There are quite a lot of zombies here, and many climb out of the ground. There are also bloodshot enemies that we destroy from afar. We mow down the zombies and move forward. In some places there are holes in the ground - enemies can crawl out of them at any moment, so you can't relax even for a second.

We go down the road, sticking to the left side, and we will see a lantern near a small obelisk - the emblem behind it. Nearby is the road leading up.

We follow the road and soon zombie dogs will rush at us. The gate ahead is closed, so it's worth entering the cottage nearby. We search the closet near the bed and find incendiary grenades. Then we open the next door and pick up the cartridges for the pistol. Now you can finish off the dogs. Finding them is quite easy if you navigate the map - the dogs are marked with a special icon. After killing the dogs, search the corpses. Find the key to the cemetery. We return to the closed gate.

When the gate is open, Leon and Elena go their separate ways.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Playing as Leon

We destroy zombies nearby. We go straight and turn right. Here we will meet a screamer with the support of several ordinary zombies. First of all, let's shoot the screamer, and then the rest that prevent us from passing.

Let's go forward and find green grass in the corner. Let's study the door and understand that they are closed. We go down the road to the crossroads. On the way, we will destroy several zombies, including the screamer. Let's go a little more and meet Elena. Then we go together.

Together with a partner, we return to the gate and open it. We will find ourselves on a large square near the cathedral. We will search everything around and find a couple of wooden boxes, and at the same time two incendiary grenades - one in the left corner, the other near the tree. Let's look at the doors.

The people inside don't want us to come in. We'll have to first kill the crowd of enemies. Let's run around. For the zombies to gather in a crowd and follow us. Throw a grenade into the crowd. When the bell rings on the tower, there will be even more enemies, including bloodshot zombies here. We destroy them first of all to get points. Soon the church door will open and we can enter.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Cathedral

We search the benches in the cathedral and find green grass on the right, and a first aid spray in the middle. We find two wooden barrels in the far left corner, and two more on the right side, in the pantry.

We go to the altar along the stairs and turn around. The emblem is completed behind a round window near the entrance to the cathedral.

Let's examine the altar and climb to the key point - the happy Madonna. We help Elena climb the broken stairs. She will be able to lower the stairs to us, and we will be on the second floor. Here we will find a wooden barrel in the corner and a pantry with a chest of another key item - the Merciful Madonna. We go to the other side and find green grass and a wooden barrel in the corner. We go to the far end of the passage to check the pedestal. Elena go on the opposite side. Now you can go to the next room.

Here we see two levers. First you need to break the statues, and only then open the doors by pulling the levers. Now we can use the target reticle on the laser designators. There are also several levers in the next room.

We go further and find a pair of wooden barrels. We reach the mirror, in which we shine with a laser. The partner does the same with another mirror, which allows you to open the doors. We find the Sad Madonna and go through the doors above.

Now we have a body. Near which lies a good sniper rifle. Let's search a couple of wooden barrels in the corner. Read the note here and take note.

We go outside and see five bells - three large and two small. They are attached to the top of the tower. The perfect place to use your new rifle. To make five shots will have to run from place to place. We make one shot for each bell, and they start ringing.

When this is done, you can go to the bar and find the Grieving Madonna there. Now the door below, which connects the second floor and the main hall, has swung open. Before we put the Madonnas in their places, we will search two wooden barrels. When the Madonnas are put in place, Zombodel appears in the main hall - he releases a gas that turns people into zombies. A very dangerous enemy. And he is also accompanied by smaller enemies, but well armed - some have incendiary grenades and even remote-controlled bombs. Well, we'll have to arrange a whole massacre here. When Zombodel is defeated, you can get the key to the dungeon from him. This will allow you to get to the stairs under the altar.

Here we find a chest, and behind the door are two wooden barrels. We open the double doors and continue on our way.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Laboratory Dungeon.

We go further, along the cabinets. Many of them have something interesting to offer. In order not to risk your life once again, but also not to miss anything useful, you should be guided by the list - the offices are numbered, so it will not be difficult to navigate:

012: two zombies;

102: screamer;

210: From here you can open the main gate.

Let's go to another room:

102: screamer;

120: three zombies;

012: three zombies, and one of them has a tank of nitrogen, which allows him to freeze us on hit. There is also access to the next room.

201: green herb, experience chest, first aid spray and two blue lockers

021: opens the main gate.

We run across the hall, bypassing the lying zombies, which may well come to life. In the next room, where the laboratory is located, we will search the blue cabinet. We continue on our way and turn the corner. In the left room we find three blue cabinets, but two of them hide zombies.

In the room on the left we will find a sink on which the emblem is applied.

To the right is a toilet where you can find red herb. After draining the sink, a screamer will appear, which we kill to get 1000 experience.

We go through the door at the end of the square and find ourselves in the laboratory. Let's finish off the zombies that lie on the operating tables and get to the two blue cabinets in the corner. Let's go through the door, open the next blow to be in the room we need. We watch the video and head to room 201, where there is a security system that allows you to open the desired door.

Now we go along the path until we reach the lever. This will open the gate in the first room. We retreat, not forgetting that several zombies may rise behind. Find the blue cabinet in the opened area and press the lever that closes the shutter. However, when activated, several zombies wake up. We go down to the area below (through a hole in the floor near the lever) and make our way to the stairs - on the road we will meet a couple of enemies.

We go up the stairs to where we were originally. Now there are much more zombies here. Fortunately, you can get to the generator lever and start it. A powerful electric shock will deal a serious blow to all nearby zombies. If necessary, we will shock several times.

Let's go to the platform and lower another lever, including the platform we need. Of course, after that, another crowd of zombies will rise. Well, no one has yet canceled the use of a proven generator. The main thing is to move away.

We help Elena get up and protect her while she works. A crowd of enemies is rushing right at us, so there is no time to doze off. Among the enemies there will be bloodshot ones - we immediately shoot them from a sniper rifle, not letting them get too close. Once Elena is done with the job, the platform will come down and get ready to take out a few enemies. If you can't use the generator, let's use a shotgun.

When the path is cleared, you can lower the levers near the doors and, together with Elena, go through the hall and run to the large hangar. There are only a few enemies along the way, so you can run around them. Let's search the blue cabinets at the end of the path. Several screamers will appear here. There are a lot of enemies here, so let's quickly run to the hatch, open it and hide from the enemies.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Underground Cave

We break a small vase and continue the descent until we reach the flooded area. We crawl under two pipes and break a large vase.

Another snake emblem is hard to miss - we will crawl under a pair of arches and see it on the left, in the water.

We go further until we reach an open area with a vase and a large vase. We jump over the overpass and search the vase and vase near the entrance to the next tunnel. Here we will find a lone zombie, which we will immediately finish off. We go further until we reach the gate, through which we immediately pass to view the cutscene.

We find Deborah and go down until we find green grass and a large vase. We carefully walk along the rope bridge, throwing the enemies into the abyss. To the right, the house is filled with zombies, and a large vase can also be found there. To the left, with its back to us, is a zombie that can be quickly killed. We go to the next rope bridge, near which we break a large vase. A zombie is crawling out of the hole and two more are walking across the bridge, so let's finish them off right away.

We cross the bridge and look around. We find two large vases that stand at a decent distance from each other. Let's kill all the enemies we meet here so that they don't attack Elena or Deborah. Let's find another large vase and go to the next room, where we'll kill a few more zombies. Let's go further and find a couple more vases. In general, there are many vases scattered around the hall, but several zombies may appear here, so do not relax. Then we go down and watch the video.

Elena has left us, but Ada is with us. We pass down, breaking a couple of vases. With the help of a partner, we jump off on the other side of the square. We reach a dead end, where Elena pulls the lever, allowing you to go further. And here we are waiting for the scene and a very serious enemy.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Boss Fight. Deborah the mutant (Mutated Deborah)

Yes, now we have to fight Deborah the mutant. The fight is difficult, so it is worth remembering certain tactics.

First, shoot her a few times and watch the cutscene. There are a couple of barrels of fuel in the hall, which we blow up only when Deborah is near them. From time to time, ordinary zombies also appear, which it is desirable to kill as soon as possible. If during the fight with Deborah we choose a shotgun, then it is better to let her closer. If a sniper rifle, then we save ammo and try to hit the orange areas - these are the most vulnerable places.

We are watching the video .. Let's break three vases. Breaking down is quite difficult - here we are attacked by quite a lot of zombies. We go down to the very bottom and reach the lower platform, where we find two more vases.

We jump to the other side of the square and finish off two zombies. Find two vases and press the lever to go down.

We go down and wait until Deborah attacks us again. Immediately shoot it with a shotgun. We go further, removing debris from the paths with shots, otherwise the game may be lost. If necessary, we sit down so as not to get hit. Deborah climbs to us again. We blow up the barrels when we drive past them and the enemy will be as close as possible to them. It is best to shoot without getting up, so as not to get damaged. We look at the trigger.

We quickly raise Ada, pick up the cartridges for the pistol and break a couple of vases - after that we pay attention to Deborah and shoot her again. Now you can watch the video - chapter two is completed.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Catacombs

We go into the round chamber forward. In the chamber, look to the left and see the emblem of the snake, which is attached to the top of the wall.

We pull two levers with the help of a partner. In the corridor we will look around two vases and one vase. Open the coffin on the left and get experience. The coffin on the right is fraught with an unpleasant surprise - a snake. Immediately after we open the coffin, the snake will attack us. Dodge attacks and strike.

We go straight and find the coffin on the left - open it and find an assault rifle there. We go carefully - rotating blades sharply come out of the walls, which can chop us. It is best to crawl under them quietly. A couple of standard zombies and a bloodshot one will appear out of nowhere - we will shoot them without even getting up.

Now we play for Elena. We climb into the hole and fall down on the other side. Now just turn the tap and put out the fire.

We break the vase and the vase in the corner near the lever. Let's examine the doors and get ready for the zombie attack. We pull the lever and part of the zombie dies. But a part appears right next to us - they need to be killed as soon as possible. If it is possible to sweep away the third wave of zombies with a lever, we immediately pull it. You should be careful, as some zombies spit acid. In addition, there will be bloodshot and armored zombies. We shoot everyone with a shotgun, trying to hit only in the head. When the door opens, immediately run there.

We pass through the water, past the waterfall and go along the path to the passage to the right. We find a large vase and a vase, as well as a coffin. We open it and find the emblem of the snake there. We go further, along the path to the right.

Playing as Leon

Nearby we see a gate highlighted in red. We help Elena climb up. We guard it and find a couple of invisible zombies that are trying to gnaw our legs. When Elena opens the gate, we hold the attack of the zombies - there will be simple and bloodshot ones. A couple of shotgun blasts will help solve the problem.

When the next gate opens, we will finish off the zombies and pick up the cartridges for the machine gun. We crawl under the rotating blades. Finish off the zombies on the left side of the bridge.

For some reason, the next gate does not have a lever, so we retreat. We destroy all opponents, including the bloodshot one. Now a lever will fall out of the corpse. Elena will help us by shooting at the enemy from a distance. We take the lever and open the gate for the girl. While she opens the gate to us, we hold back the enemy.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Playing as Elena

We climb into the hole and shoot the zombies. We turn the lever, letting Leon into the gate. Let's finish off the zombies and the bloodshot, after which we turn the lever again, opening the next gate. Let's wait for him and open the coffin on the left - we get experience. One of the coffins on the right hides a snake.

Let's go ahead. We climb onto the box and help Leon of the lights from afar. Now we make our way to the gate ahead and turn the handle. Let's kill the zombies next to us and launch Leon further.

We turn the two levers together with the satellite and watch the video. Then we continue our way to the next platform. Several zombies will appear here. We destroy them and reach the lower platform. Zombie, armed with a lantern, run towards us. Let's finish him off. We jump to another platform and destroy another zombie. We lower the bridge with the lever, breaking the vase along the way. We go further and prepare for the attack of the zombies and the screamer. When the screamer is killed, move on.

We run through several platforms before another screamer appears in front of us. We use a shotgun. The passage begins to collapse, so we quickly run away from here. Let's finish off the enemy from afar. We use a rifle to finish off the screamer from afar - you should not get close to him.

Enemies armed with dynamite appear more and more often. They should be blown up from afar. We go along the path and come across a zombie giant. We run back and jump to the previous platform. The giant cannot jump after him, so we fight off standard zombies.

We advance to the rope bridge and look around. Find three vases. On the bridge we will meet a zombie, which is not a problem. But the problem is another giant at the far end of the bridge. He is distinguished by endurance, so we use both a rifle and a pistol against him, and, if available, a remote-controlled bomb. When we defeat him, we jump down, and they will help us to climb to a new platform.

Playing as Leon

We kill three zombies that attack Elena. We destroy the screamer from afar. Here we go on the attack giant with the support of ordinary zombies. We hold the onslaught of the undead until Elena can lower the bridge, through which we immediately run across.

Playing as Elena

We crawl under the fallen column, and then we go through the platform. We break the vase and almost immediately we are attacked by a crowd of zombies, including several bloodshot ones and a giant. It is useless to fight back, it is better to just run away from the enemy.

We go through the platforms until we manage to get to the platform with the rope bridge. Before crossing it, turn around and find the sign of the snake.

Push the big boulder aside and move on. Several enemies, including a bloodshot one, appear in front of us. So, either kill them or just run away. Several more bloodshot opponents appear around. Alas, it is quite difficult to escape from them, so we will try to just kill them. We go through the passage, we break the vase near the burning torch.

We reach the far end of the corridor, where together with an ally we press the levers. You should be careful here - a lot of zombies will appear, some of them splashing with acid. When the bridge goes down, watch the video.

Now you have to run forward, choosing a route almost at random - the path collapses under your feet. We try to avoid blows from enemies. At the end of the path, press the lever and watch another video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Flooded Cave

We swim forward and look for holes in the ceiling of the cave to catch our breath. We dive down and swim straight again until the ceiling collapses above us. We move to the left and continue the path until we find ourselves in a chamber with corpses. We move on, passing by plants. Let's get out of the water to breathe. We swim to the right, trying not to touch the corpses. Turn left and run into the grate. We will study it and open it with the help of an ally. We look through the scene, if necessary, we press a few buttons, which will be discussed in the video.

Playing as Leon

We watch the scene and swim to the end of the area, to the very gate. Elena picks them up, but we swim as quickly as possible, while our partner shoots a shark swimming nearby. We go up the stairs. We cross two bridges and find the cartridges on the box. We go through another bridge and through a large hall.

Looking into an old bucket near the wall, you can find a snake emblem there.

We hit the door with Elena and watch the video. Immediately prepare to attack the shark, trying to shoot at the weak spots highlighted in orange. When he swims past the barrel, we shoot it. We try to dodge attacks by shooting the enemy.

We watch the video and understand that we will have to fight the Zombodel, a very dangerous enemy. We collect cartridges for Magnum from dead pilots and from all caches around. We shoot Zombodel from a very powerful Magnum, trying not to miss. It is best to run around the enemy from the back in order to be able to better aim. When we defeat the enemy, we will go down.

We go straight and turn right - behind the suitcases, in the lower right corner, we will find the emblem of the snake.

We move around the cabin and find green grass. We pass into the office and find green grass on the table in the corner. We go down and open the metal suitcase - we get experience.

We go down, we break the cabinet on the right and we see an emblem with a snake inside.

We open another door - for this we turn the valve. In the tail of the plane we pick up the first aid spray near the canisters. We turn the lever on the right side and the good old Zombodel comes out to us. You shouldn't waste ammo on him - he's simply invincible. While the partner shoots him, we break the red box on the wall and pull the lever - the problem with the enemy is solved.

We go upstairs - you have to fight zombies, which people have turned into by inhaling gas. After stripping, you can go to the cockpit.

Look up and press the dictated button twice. Now to the right and pull the lever. Press the button indicated several times. We watch the video and get ready for a fight with a really dangerous enemy - the Risen. In order to make the fight easier, it is worth remembering a few tips.

When the Insurgent walks near the barrels - we shoot them, this will cause good damage to the enemy. We move as much as possible so as not to get hit by the enemy. When the Risen is properly damaged, he retreats. Now Elena and Jack attack him, and Leon and Sherry have to ram the gate with the bus. We open the panel at the back of the bus and press the desired buttons five times. Sherry drives the bus and does the rest.

Now the Risen will use grenades, so you will have to run even more. When the Risen is almost destroyed, he will make a melee attack, trying to hit us with his claws. We shoot his paw, and he will remain almost defenseless - now he can be finished off.

When the enemy is defeated, the squad will split up again.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4 Simmons Exploration

Now we understand that we will have to clash with Lepotitsa. Well, a serious test. We quickly collect cartridges for weapons - on the walls and from a dead pilot. We shoot cartridges from the Magnum at Lepotitsa, trying not to miss even once - we appreciate the cartridges. The main thing is not to get too close to the enemy so that he can grab us. When the enemy is defeated, we go down. Here we will find a metal suitcase with experience.

Open the next door and go there. We turn the valve. We enter the tail section of the plane and pick up the first aid spray near the barrels.

Let's turn the valve on the right and see Lepotitsa again. This time we don’t even try to fight against the monster - it still won’t work to win. The partner will distract him while we break the red box on the wall and find the lever that allows you to open the plane. We pull for it and the stern part swings open. Everything that is inside the aircraft is sucked out. We also need to hold on by pressing the buttons indicated on the screen.
We go upstairs and prepare for a massacre with enemies - recently they were people, but they inhaled caustic gas. Of course, even if Leon and Elena inhale this gas, nothing terrible will happen - they are the main characters!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Boss Fight. Ustanak

The fight will be very difficult - the enemy can attack us with his hands, feet, throw grenades and try to destroy us in other ways. But the more damage dealt to him, the weaker attacks he will take. First he loses his grenade launcher, then his sharp claws. In the end, he can only beat us with his bare hands.

Before the battle, it is not advisable to blow up canisters and barrels placed everywhere. This should be done only in those moments when Ustanak is as close as possible to them. Each such explosion does much more damage to him than a magazine of spent cartridges. Therefore, we maneuver, circle around the enemy and try not to approach him. We do not stop for a second, especially while he has a grenade launcher.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Market

We go straight and turn the corner. We go down the street and enter the building on the right, where we examine the body. In the room on the right, on a wooden table, lies the emblem of the snake. Remember that there is a closed door near the corpse. We go down the street and soon we will find ourselves near a closed door with three locks. And it is at this moment that the installers attack us - perhaps the most vile creatures in the entire game. The main feature of these zombies is the terrible regeneration. They can easily regrow a severed leg or arm. Even an explosion that blows them to pieces cannot completely kill them. You can only temporarily get rid of them. We just have to blow them up - this will allow us to win almost two minutes, the zombies need to recover.

Now we just have to run away from these creatures. So, we run forward, collecting trophies along the way and breaking wooden boxes. Soon we will see a body that has fallen near the stairs. We open the door and find the key to warehouse B on the body. Alas, after that another Installer will appear. Therefore, we quickly shoot him and climb the stairs, already there, seating Elena upstairs.

We return to the market, turn left and wait until Elena opens the door. If enemies attack, shoot back or just run away. By the way, while we are waiting for Elena, you can look into the fish store on the corner - here we will find a suitcase with experience and red grass.

Go through the open door and turn right. We go up the stairs and go to the far left corner of the roof - there is a small metal suitcase with experience. Nearby you can find green grass. We will see a door highlighted in red. We open it and look for the key to warehouse B. When it is found, another Fitter will come to us.

We jump out of the doors opened by Elena and return to the fish store. We pull the lever and blow open the door, where we find the keys. In the room with fish we also find a wooden box and cartridges for a pistol.

Now we have to find some keys to open all three locks. Let's call the locks A, B and C.

A) We go to the left, past the fish store and we will see an electric door. The lever is in a small room next to it. We pull it and enter the room - we take the key from the body.

B) We go straight, turn the corner and go to the end of the corridor. Leave the stairs to the left and find a corpse with a key.

C) We go straight, turn the corner and reach the end of the corridor. We climb the stairs, seat Elena and turn right - now we are near the doors with three locks. We go past the fish store and wait until Elena opens the door for us. We enter it, beat on the door and find the right key in a small room.

When the keys are collected, you can go to the closed door. It will take some time to open it. Now we kick on it together with a comrade-in-arms. There is a Fitter in the next room, so you have to run away from him. We head to the market through the double door. Let's watch the video.

In the server room we go down and go through the door to the room with lasers. We go to the elevator, trying not to fall under the beams of lasers popping up from all sides.

We go upstairs and find five wooden boxes. Now it's worth going straight, trying to avoid small mines - they do a lot of damage. If you wish, you can try to blow them up with shots.

When the door opens, you can go into the room with the monitor and break the grate, and then crawl through the hole. Now follow to the end, until the cutscene starts. After viewing it, we go to the room on the right, where we will find a first aid spray. We go down, break the boxes and open the door to the back room. Now we pass to the gate and watch the next scene.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Train

Let's go through a couple of booths and in the third we will find cartridges and red grass. We rise, collect more cartridges and return to the salon. Now you have to fight the mutated Simmons. We shoot him with a pistol until he falls to his knees. By the way, it is best to shoot when he turns into a man. When he fell to his knees, you need to run up to him and beat him in hand-to-hand combat.

Alas, he managed to escape and escapes - first upstairs, and then onto the roof of the train. We run after him and shoot. If necessary, you can replenish the stocks of cartridges - they are scattered everywhere.

When Simmons is on the roof of the train, we give a signal to Elena, and we ourselves will shoot the enemy. Now let's watch the video - Simmons begins to mutate into a huge creature.

We run to the back of the second train and jump into the first. Simmons is throwing everything at us, so let's take cover and shoot back. You should not approach him - he can cause serious damage with his claws. We damage him, and he lags behind the train. But he runs at us again, so we quickly shoot him with a shotgun - otherwise he will crash into the train and it will derail. If everything is done as it should, watch the video. Now we go up the stairs and watch the last scene in the chapter.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5

We follow the BSAA soldier and quickly turn the corner. The gaseous virus turns everyone into zombies. It also affects us, so we should stay away from it. We go upstairs and knock out the door. Turn right, run up the stairs. Alas, the gas is spreading here as well. We run forward, looking for a room in which we find cartridges for a pistol and a shotgun, as well as wooden boxes. Here we will find the emblem of the snake, which we pluck as soon as possible and run further.

We run upstairs through one flight of stairs. We wait until the doors open. Here you will have to fight with several zombies, but there will be no problems. We run further through the opened door. Now a lot of zombies are after us. We run through the double door and rush to the car as fast as we can.

After a short drive we climb to the other side. Thanks to the support of the helicopter, it will be much easier to cope with the horde of zombies. We run into the corridor and move around the building. On the way, we kill a couple of zombies in the form of BSAA. We aim at the head or switch to hand-to-hand combat. The snake emblem is easy to find - just look into the van standing nearby.

We pass through the door and go down. Zombies are approaching us, so we put a remote-controlled bomb on the stairs and retreat, preparing to detonate it at the most opportune moment. If there is no bomb, you will have to throw grenades at the crowd of enemies.

We go in the door at the end. We shoot zombies below, on the road. Now we jump to the street and finish off a few zombies. When it is cleared, we will again look at the scene that we have already seen once. Run to the helicopter! We watch the video and go to the doors. Near the doors, examine the cabinet on the right, behind the counter. There we find the emblem of the snake.

We enter the door and jump down. It is here that we will have to fight the next boss - Simmons in the form of a T-rex.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Boss Fight. Simmons (Simmons)

There are a lot of useful things scattered around and several dozen wooden boxes in which our trophies lie.

Some tips for survival and victory:

The high speed of the enemy forces us to stay away from him and constantly move. We do not hide behind small cars - the enemy throws them at us. Barrels are placed around, which can be blown up when the enemy is nearby. We shoot Simmons so that he turns into a man again. To do this, it is worth aiming at the eyes - the most vulnerable spot of the enemy. If there is a remote-controlled bomb, we will use it against the enemy without hesitation. Having won one more victory over the enemy, we calmly leave.

Before going upstairs, we go behind the fence on the left - in the far left corner we will find a coat of arms with a snake.

We climb onto the roof, go forward and go down. We knock out the door and break the wooden boxes. We rise to the platform and help Elena go upstairs.

Alas, Simmons is waiting for us again, who has already turned into a giant fly - his last incarnation.

We break boxes to replenish stocks of cartridges. We try to shoot at the orange places on the back of the enemy - here is the weakest defense. We destroy the arriving zombies so that Simmons does not use them to restore health. If it is possible to shoot from a short distance, we smash the enemy’s skull with shots from a powerful Magnum or shotgun.

That's all. The storyline for the duet Elena and Leon is completed.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Campaign for Chris Redfield (Chris Redfield's campaign)

Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough: Chapter 1 More Trouble in Little China

We jump from a helicopter. We break the wooden box, extracting cartridges. We go through the only door. We go to the left and up, breaking all the wooden boxes along the way and collecting trophies. Let's finish off the first zombie that comes across. We turn the corner and see a helicopter. Collecting trophies.

We go to the door, we pass along the corridor. Let's finish off another enemy. You can even not waste ammo, but practice in close combat - Chris fights well. There is one zombie hiding behind the next door. When we go outside, we can see another enemy hiding behind the boxes. But his head is clearly visible - you can finish him off with one shot.

We go down the street, crushing zombies. We reach the door and enter the building. Let's watch the scene. Now we will see the first zombie mutant - his ossified hands are almost immune to damage. So, we try to immediately hit in the head. Climb up and jump down. On the street, several opponents will stick to us. We hide behind the boxes, and when they approach, we will shoot.

We turn left and find the door. We enter. We go up the stairs and at the top we meet several zombies. The mutant zombie will finish off the soldier, so it's worth avenging the poor guy. Let's go ahead. The corridor is literally teeming with enemies. Well, at least they come across one by one, so you can almost not waste cartridges, destroying them in close combat. When we get to the roof, the zombies will be there too. It is better not to shoot at them, but to let them get closer in order to finish them off with accurate headshots.

We jump over to the neighboring roof. We rise to the neighboring building. Here we will find three wooden boxes with supplies.

On the roof, several zombies immediately attack us - they come from different directions. Therefore, we do not stand still and shoot only in the head. We go to the far end of the roof. There are pillars here that can be used as a cable car to get across to the goal. Alas, the poles do not withstand. We'll have to quickly run to a safe place.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1: Playing as Pierce

We cover Chris, who rises. Immediately finish off the three zombies that appeared on the balcony. When Chris is already near the building, two more enemies will appear.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1: Playing as Chris

After reaching the building, we destroy the encountered zombies and climb the long stairs. Let's turn left. Let's jump off the platform, destroying the enemies. Climb the stairs to the next platform and jump down to the left. We kill the enemy and go to the next roof - it is highlighted in red. We reach the next ladder, go up and go down the other side.

Let's find a couple of wooden boxes and we will immediately be attacked by enemies. There are even more zombies ahead, so we run to the far end of the roof - it will be more convenient to shoot them from here. We go along the path and destroy the remaining enemies. We jump down from the roof and reunite with Pierce.

Now we reach the red door and, together with a partner, take it out with a blow. We go to the stairs and climb up. We go along the path until the explosion will throw us onto another roof. Let's shoot two enemies, not letting them get too close to ourselves. We go to the next roof and climb the stairs. We go further along the path and jump down. Break open the red door again.

We go along the next roof, and then down the stairs. Now we have to hold out against the crowd of zombies until a detachment of allies arrives to help us. Rounds and barrels are scattered around, which are worth blowing up to destroy enemies. When the allies arrive, it will be possible to finish off the enemies and enter the green door.

We enter the building and break out the next door. We walk carefully along the corridor. There are quite a few different zombies in the building, from which you can either hide or destroy. We go to the far left corner, open the door and go down. We go through the rooms until we find ourselves in a large hall. Here, too, there are zombies and a lot of boxes.

We open the door in the corner and immediately throw grenades there - three zombie spiders are sitting here - very dangerous enemies. We search a few more rooms and find some zombie spiders. We follow them. If possible, we throw a fragmentation or light grenade at them and finish them off.

Near the hole from the building we turn 180 degrees and go to the center of the square. Here we will find two boxes and a snake emblem near the freezer.

We go back and check the double doors - the elevator will take you to the first floor. We plant Pierce, and then he will help us. Let's watch the video. We kill enemies and examine all the doors. Hide and finish off three more zombies. Various zombies appear around, so we don’t leave the shelters, if possible, destroying enemies manually. We jump off, go to the Chinese store, where we find a suitcase with experience. We jump to the lower area and go straight, destroying the enemies. When the game suddenly slows down, we immediately shoot the zombie that encroaches on the woman. Then we finish off everyone and go through the door. Watch the video and go to the back of the area. We go up the stairs. Let's run through the square and go upstairs. We go around the gap on the right and go to the exit. The first chapter is completed.

Part two

Watch the cutscene and go right. We will meet a couple of zombies and immediately finish them off before they cause unnecessary problems. We go to the left and we will see several pillars, near which there will be zombies that have already begun to mutate. We finish them and rise - a zombie will appear on the left, and then three more.

Ahead we will see a rise and an easel machine gun. We turn left and run into the room - here you have to fight the zombies hand-to-hand. We go outside, destroying zombies on the road. Here you need to get to the passage and climb the stairs on the left. But for sure there will be a lot of enemies, against the crowds of which it is best to use grenades.

Up the stairs and see the red grass. We go further through the rooms. We collect trophies and especially does not linger. We pass through the checkpoint and see ... a huge man - a terrible creature, which will not be easy to finish off. He is strong and inflicts terrible blows, and if desired, he can even throw cars. We try to get into the most vulnerable places of the monster. Escape will not work - after the throw of the car, part of the corridor collapsed. We'll have to honestly shoot the enemy from all trunks.

The battle tactics are relatively simple. You can climb the stairs higher and shoot the enemy, trying to hit the neck - the enemy's weakest point. At close range, you can aim at the mouth - this is also a good place to shoot. All the time, ordinary zombies will arrive on the battlefield, which are a great distraction from the battle. However, you can save ammo and not shoot at the huge man at all, just running away from him for about five minutes. Then reinforcements would arrive to finish him off.

After the battle, we move forward through the gate. On the narrow path we are attacked from all sides. We make our way to the square, if necessary, killing enemies in hand-to-hand combat. We go to the left, and then up. Now enemies from the ground will not be able to attack us. We go further and find ourselves at the checkpoint. At the turn, we are again attacked by a detachment of enemies.

The task is complicated by human opponents, among which there are snipers. Therefore, we run along the left side of the road and climb the stairs. Now you can easily finish off the snipers.

We jump into the courtyard and make our way through the ranks of enemies. It is worth warning that now some of them are armed with serious weapons, including grenade launchers.

We rise along the stairs to the left - here is a great position for a sniper. Having a good rifle in your hands, you can put a lot of opponents. We go to the right and make our way to the enemies. Hiding behind the car, we shoot them.

After killing all the zombies, we go forward to the car with barred windows. Let's look to the right side and find the emblem of the snake.

Playing as Chris

We cross the bridge, and when it collapses, we follow Finn. Let's hide behind the truck. We follow the tower on the right - there are enemies. If you fail to destroy the sniper, you should quickly break the distance, get closer and finish him off in close combat. We go up the bridge, where we lower the stairs to Pierce. We go down, collect trophies.

We go back and cross the bridge. Let's push a large container on the road. After that, a bunch of enemies will appear on the bridge. We cover Finn until he reaches us, and then sets the explosives.

We watch the video - Jake and Sherry have joined us. We go into the building on the right and go upstairs. We go to the next room. You can see the giant from here. It must be at least distracted, and if possible, finished off. To do this is quite simple - while in the building we shoot the enemy, darting in the neck, eyes and mouth. Soon he will stagger and you can jump on his back and finish him off manually. For such heroism, you can get 4000 experience. Finn will plant the explosives, and all we have to do is get out of here. But if you don't want to waste ammo, you can just run away from the huge man. We walk down the street and turn the corner. We go to the doors of the building in the center of the area, which Finn will open for us. We go up. Here we cover Finn until he installs a portion of explosives. Now we move away from here and go down. On the first floor, we jump into the pit and go through the passage. We collect trophies and destroy enemies. Soon a hole will appear in the wall, into which we immediately climb. We go deep into the tunnel and destroy the gunner in the tower. Here we will be politely asked to finish off the huge man in order to get the rod from his spine. Yes, the task is very strange, but it is not difficult to complete it. Now let's watch the video.

We move to the city hall and immediately find the emblem of the snake on the wall behind the stairs. We go upstairs, enter the door and go through the hall. We kill one zombie and collect trophies in the room from which he left. We go further, we go down into the next room. Here we find three attacks that hatch from the crusalid. This is very bad - they are very strong and can easily withstand bullets. Let's try to blow them up with grenades. You can try shooting with a shotgun. We go into the next room, turn and find ourselves in another room. Here we will meet more zombies. Let's kill them. We move on and, finally, we will meet Ada. Let's go through the door and move to the second floor, ignoring the attacks we saw. Soon, archers will appear on the way. They hit with needles for a long distance, but you can finish them off with a few shots by hiding in cover.

We go up the stairs. We'll have to finish off the attack and two archers. Cross the square and enter the door on the right. Let's go back and go down. Watch the video and the chapter is over.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2 Drama in Edonia

After watching the video, we start the game. Immediately we have to fight with a company of zombies and mutated zombies. We remember the good old rule of the zombie apocalypse - we hit it in the head!

Ahead, the road rises and to the right is a building that looks like a tower. You can find a lot of useful things here.

Move on. The enemies here are quite numerous and varied. On the left in the upper window, for example, sat down a sniper. The easiest way would be to remove it from the rocket launcher if you have cartridges for it. And when we get closer, a few more zombies will jump out into the square.

We go down the street, mowing zombies. We reach the passage with stairs on the left. There are three zombies waiting for us here. Let's break it down and move on. We will meet several people at the checkpoint. And after that we will meet a new boss - Ogroman. A VERY serious opponent indeed. In addition to his huge size, he also has wild strength. For example, he can easily be thrown by cars. So, you will have to constantly run back from them - remember the tactics of dealing with major opponents: we never stand still. The weak point of Ogroman is the neck. Therefore, we focus the fire on it.

Since the abandoned car collapsed the passage, we simply cannot escape. You have to take the fight.
Fight with Ogroman.

The enemy is serious. He can simply beat us, try to trample, crush us with huge paws. We move as quickly as possible and, if possible, try to stay away from the enemy.
Immediately it is worth remembering the most vulnerable places - the neck, mouth and, oddly enough, the crotch. Yes, these places are hard to come by. But if you shoot at other areas, it will not do any good at all.
When, after another hit, the enemy bends over in pain, leaning on the scaffolding, we simply run over his body and hit point-blank.

Now Ogroman is defeated and you can continue on your way. Immediately after the turn, when we are on a narrow street, several opponents will rush at us - we are preparing for this in advance. We quickly destroy the first few with headshots, but then we try to use the knife in close combat - it is very effective if there is at least some skill in working with it. Having interrupted the enemy, we go through the gate. After the next turn, the situation repeats itself, but now there will be even more enemy. But we already know how to kill crowds of zombies.

But then there will be a more serious enemy - on the street on the right there is a building in which two snipers have settled. It's more dangerous. You'll have to use cover to get to the stairs. The enemy will shoot, so the path will not be easy. But if you still manage to break into the building, then everything will be easy - in close combat, snipers are not so dangerous. In addition to the sniper, there will also be one zombie.

Being in the position of snipers, you can look around. It seems to be all right. But then a car with opponents appears on the street. If there is a grenade, then you can simply blow up the enemy.

We jump into the courtyard, where Finn is waiting for us. He needs a few minutes to do his job. But the zombies will not let him calmly do this - you will have to shoot, cut and beat them. And the fight will be very difficult! Some of them are armed, not only with light weapons, but also with grenade launchers.

On the left there is a very convenient position if you want to work as a sniper. We slowly shoot the enemies, trying first of all to hit the grenade launchers, the most dangerous for us.

Playing as Chris

We cross the bridge, and when it collapses, we get to Finn, waiting in the distance, on the left. Having reached it, we will hide behind the truck. We look at the tower, located on the right - an enemy will appear here. Let's shoot him.

A sniper will appear ahead. If there is an opportunity to finish him off from a distance, we do it. If not, then you will have to run to the stairs at the end of the bridge and climb up. At close range, finishing off a sniper will be easy. At the same time we will collect some trophies. We rise along the bridge and lower the stairs to Pierce.

We go into the building. There are two bunkers here - in the first there are three enemies, and in the second - two. If there are grenades, then the problem can be solved in a matter of seconds. Climb up and find yourself in a great position for shooting. It is best to take a sniper rifle and prepare for battle. A tank is coming towards us and its only weak point is the tank in the back. We shoot it to blow up the enemy.

After victory, the way forward will be opened to us. We go up the stairs, destroying enemies. We are on the bridge. We reach the area painted in striped white and red color and jump down. Let's finish the zombies and wait until Chris lowers the ladder for us.

Let's go back and find ourselves on the other side of the bridge. Now we have to fight off the crowds of zombies that jump right onto the bridge. We shoot them, covering Finn, who hastily sets the explosives. We watch a spectacular scene.

Now we will unite in Sherry and Jake, though not for long. We go into the building on the right and go upstairs - here we will find a pistol and several wooden boxes of ammunition. Here you have to confront Ogroman. Finishing him will be much easier than it might seem. We try to shoot at the growths on the neck, as well as in the mouth. When he starts to stagger, jump on his back and finish him off. For this we get a nice bonus of 4000 experience. Finn is setting up explosives, and when he's done, you'll need to quickly jump out and run away from the tower.

We go down the street, and when a few zombies pop up, we shoot them. We cover Finn again, giving him time to plant explosive charges. Now we retreat and go down - another tower is blown up.
We find ourselves in a pit, on the first floor of the building. We go through the passage. We destroy the zombies and move on, breaking wooden boxes. Finally he comes to a hole in the wall. We climb into it and move along the corridor. You should be careful here - from time to time Ogroman puts his paw into the holes on the ceiling, trying to get us. Stay away from his paws.

We go to the end of the tunnel, ignoring all the stairs. Having reached the tower, we immediately shoot the gunner. Now shoot Ogroman to get his attention and give Finn enough time to plant the bomb.

Then you have to finish off this monster. We rise to the building. While the enemy is on his knees - it can be seen that he is in a lot of pain - we jump on his back and finish him off. Let's watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Town Hall

We find ourselves in the city hall. Climb up the stairs and go through the hall. Alternately we find either wooden boxes or jumped out enemies.

We go down in the next room and see three Attackers hatching from cocoons. This is very bad. It is more than problematic to finish them off, and they are not at all offended by force. It is advisable to blow them up with grenades - ordinary pistol bullets do not take them.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Streets of China

We go through the destroyed buildings, then down the street, past the playground. At the end, you will have to go through a large gate. Near the red gate, near the yellow zebra, go left and find the snake emblem near the boxes. We go to the building in front, climb the stairs and break down the door in the corridor. We kill two zombies and go up the two stairs. Let's finish off two mutated zombies. Climb up the stairs again and go through the door. Here we will find a new kind of zombie. They spit webs, so they can be called spitters. We pass into another room, where there are also spitters. We enter the door, go further and watch the video.

Help Sherry and Jake downstairs. We go to the left, we go down and we will see new zombies - they jump like grasshoppers. We destroy the emerging zombies, and in the end we will watch the video. We pass to the double doors and go upstairs. We climb the stairs to the roof. We jump to the next building and kick the door. Let's get out of here before the dangerous helicopter returns. Ahead we can capture a grenade launcher, and at the same time a first-aid kit and shells for a grenade launcher.

We climb the stairs and reach the platform from which it is convenient to fire at the helicopter. Shooting back from the zombies, we will shoot at the helicopter. After its destruction, we watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Square

We go along the corridor to the apartment. Here we go to the bedroom and find the emblem of the snake on the bed. We pass into the lower hall. We beat the door and view the scene. We follow the bloody trail to the end of the corridor. Let's examine the BSAA fighters and go down. We knock out the door, go through the next room, then another door, go down the rope. We remove garbage from the road and watch the scene. Now we're splitting up.

Playing as Chris

We go along the corridor, turn left and find a fighter of our team - Reed. We go up the stairs and soon we will meet Pierce.

We knock out the door, jump through the hole into the next room. Let's open the double door and fight the enemy. It's not as dangerous as it might seem. True, he is dangerous in that he can sometimes hit right through cabinets, but it will be quite easy to shoot a mutant with a laser pointer. The battle will take place in several rooms - we inflict damage on the enemy, and he retreats to another room. In one of the rooms you can find a suitcase with 10,000 experiments - we will definitely find it. We go up the stairs and reach the switch. We turn it on and a live wire falls into the pool. The enemy just naively approaches the pool and immediately receives a powerful electric shock.

Now Marco is helping us up. We go along the corridor and enter the door, causing a scene.

Here is a very dangerous enemy - a nest. This is a queen and a swarm of bees. Shoot the swarm several times before the queen appears. A few shotgun blasts will destroy it. A swarm is more convenient to blow up with grenades. Then we watch the video and go down.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Harbor

We go down. We go to the boat and jump to the other side. Let's hide behind the railing - the enemy sniper is trying to shoot us. If there is a sniper rifle, we will finish him off easily and quickly. Let's go further and find several jumping zombies, which we quickly destroy by letting them get closer. Let's destroy also other appeared zombies. When we see an attack, we will immediately bombard him with grenades so as not to waste ammo.

We reach the next boat and again we will see the attack - it can be killed either with a grenade launcher or by throwing grenades. We pass through the boats, collecting trophies and knocking out doors with our feet.

We watch the scene and quickly rush on the boat, not paying attention to the enemies. We get to the ship-restaurant and go up to the first floor - it is convenient to blow up the helicopter from here. At the same time, we dodge his shooting. When the helicopter crashes into the ship, we immediately jump off. Again, a bunch of zombies will appear, from which it is worth shooting back or escaping. We enter the hangar, opening the suitcase with experience on the way.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Hangar

Let's go through the door and go to the other side of the hall. We evade laser beams - already quite familiar. We get to the elevator. We rise. Hack the panel, and Pierce will study the electronics. Mines are placed around, which would be better to shoot. Suitcases with experience are scattered in the surrounding rooms - let's find them. Now we have to race cars. Pierce turns the steering wheel, and Chris fires back at the enemies. When we drive up to the garage, you should be especially careful - the enemies have grenade launchers. Now Chris starts to turn the steering wheel.

The chase usually goes on - we follow the road and do not forget to step on the gas so as not to lag behind Ada. When the chase ends, the chapter will be completed.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4

At the very beginning of the chapter, Chris is shot in the head by a new monster from the Umbrella Corporation. We run to the nearest room and grab a sniper rifle to finish off the creature. We go up the stairs, and then into the control room. On the way, several snipers are waiting for us, so we stand near the railing and destroy three snipers at the opposite end of the site. We go down the stairs and find ourselves on the ground. More enemies will appear here. There are quite a few mutants here, so you should not approach them. Moreover, here you can meet new species.

In the helicopter we find the emblem of the snake. When we go further, we will stumble upon a whole crowd of enemies. We go back and shoot them. But first of all we destroy enemy snipers. We rise along the left stairs, and then along the second one, at the end of the passage, and we will find ourselves at the top of the podium. We go to the middle and kill the enemies. Now we can pick up Pierce and split up.

There are many enemies against us, including attacks. Pierce helps from afar, but first of all the attack is directed at us. We throw grenades into the crowd, and we shoot the attack from a grenade launcher. We make our way and run to the other side. From here we will shoot the enemy with rockets, first of all, rushing to the attack.

We go down the stairs. Let's destroy the enemies and go down to the ground. We will make our way to the gate and see a new mutant bird - we immediately shoot it down with a rocket. Let's go through the double door, break down the small door to the left of the entrance. In the control room we meet the attack. Nothing, the rocket will easily blow it apart. We go forward and find ourselves on the square. Let's go through the double door.

We rise, jump down and go to the other side. We go upstairs and go up the stairs. We go straight to the end of the path, open the door and pull the lever. We go down the stairs and jump down, finding ourselves where we already were. Of course, there will be a lot of enemies here again. One of them even got on the plane to shoot at us. In order not to waste too much time, we will smash it with a grenade launcher.

We reach the control room, knocking out the door and finishing off the attack. Let's clear our way with grenades, enter the destroyed gate and watch the cutscene. Now we can go further.

Call the elevator and go up. We go through the door and meet a new mutant, of which there are quite a few in the next room. Throw them a couple of grenades. If there are no grenades, you can use a shotgun and a machine gun.

We go into the next room and look into the shower, where we will kill the mutant. In the next room we will pick up cartridges for a pistol and shells for a grenade launcher.

We go upstairs and kill three more mutants. We go through the door, open the suitcase and get experience. There are quite a few fast enemies in the next room. They can spit acid from afar, which is very unpleasant. We mow everyone out of the shotgun. We go upstairs and, through the wooden doors, to the next platform. Here we are attacked by three spiders. Let's throw a grenade and put everyone to rest. Let's get the rest. In the control room we find a swarm, which we immediately destroy with a grenade and shotgun fire. We climb into the window and go upstairs. We go through the double door. There will be a couple of enemies on the left. Soon there will be spiders, which we immediately destroy.

We go up and see near the stairs, behind the boxes, the emblem of the snake. We go up through the stairs and the door. Let's watch the scene. We go to the crossroads and turn left. Let's examine the panel in front and understand - we need three passwords. We go to the wooden boxes and find the password near the dead mutant.

Behind the next door are two very dangerous octopus-like mutants - they stretch and can reach the hero. Let's shoot them with a grenade launcher. Alas, they will recover, but we will get a few minutes of head start.

We do not pay attention to the passage on the right. We go through the door and find ourselves on the other side. Another octopus will appear near the doors. Let's shoot a couple of times with a grenade launcher and temporarily calm him down. Let's kick the closed door, let's go into the room. We ignore the door on the right, but we will enter the left. We go straight and to the left. We pass through the hall, and then we go straight, having collected trophies.

Turn right at the crossroads and go past the vending machines. Go around the corner and open the door. We go down and check the rooms. In the second on the right we find the second password. It is not easy to find it - in the flooded passage we go back and turn left. Use the map to make it easier to find him. At the exit, an octopus will appear again, which we quickly explode. While it will be restored, we will quickly find the password we need.

Password B will not be easy to find. We go back through the flooded passage and turn left. We go into the room on the left and go through it to the second chamber. Here we will meet the enemy - digging. So Chris and Pierce will split up. The ally will shoot at the enemy, diverting his attention. We also need to quickly search the room where the wooden boxes are. Here we will find the password.

We go to the locked doors and meet a couple more raskapanya. We go into the left door below and near the toilet we find boxes. In them we will find cartridges, a hand grenade and 5000 experience.
When all passwords and useful things are collected. We go further. The scene begins.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Playing as Chris

After watching the video, we have to destroy anti-aircraft guns. You won't have to search for them for a long time - automatic aiming will do it for us. Three helicopters will be great to prevent us from completing the task, so the task will not be easy. But still, you will have to go to fulfill it, constantly dodging missiles aimed at us.

Several new zombies will appear at the most unfortunate moment. They will immediately attack Pierce, so you will have to save your partner by destroying the undead. Ogroman will join soon. Well, we'll have to shoot him, just as a distraction, so that Pierce can complete the task.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Playing as Pierce

Now we are in the missile control room. It is not difficult to deal with the controls - there is only a zoom and fire function. We aim at anti-aircraft guns and give out a powerful volley. When the guns are destroyed, move on. Alas, the path is blocked here. You need to get to the container and press the button. You will have to jump a little on the containers to get to the goal.

After that, our task is to destroy the second barricade. When this mission is completed, we can watch a cutscene. Well, now we have to stop the rocket. We pass forward and as a result we find ourselves under a pipe. We jump on the tractor. Quickly press all four buttons here to stop the rocket.

We reach the crane, go upstairs and quickly run to the end to be on the plane. We take off and calmly take Ogroman at gunpoint - a few rockets allow you to quickly get rid of him. Another video and the chapter is over.

When all the passwords are with us, and the trophies are collected, you can safely go to the closed doors and enter the room. Here, another octopus will just appear - you can either shoot it or run past it. We enter the double door. At this moment, another octopus jumps out of the ventilation system. Time slows down, and we can safely shoot the enemy. We go into the next room and leave the area. We watch the video and get the task - to destroy all enemy anti-aircraft guns. On the map, they will be shown as green squares. In this we are prevented by a helicopter, several new mutants and huge. We'll have to shoot from all trunks, including a grenade launcher. But now the fourth chapter is completed.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Underwater World

We go to the nearest door and watch the video. We crawl over the gate and find ourselves in the next area. We help Pierce - we plant him. Now the blades will stop rotating and you can go straight ahead. When we crawl past the large fan blades, look up and find the snake emblem.

We pass to the other side of the square and wait for Pierce to turn off another fan. We crawl along the ventilation shaft and go down. We quietly get to the first guard and remove it silently. We pull the lever and call the elevator.

We pass through the door at the end of the passage and shoot a bunch of mutants. Grenades can greatly simplify this carnage and save ammo. Let's collect trophies in the room. There is also a mutant armed with a grenade launcher. We go to the next elevator. There are quite a few enemies on the upper level, including attackers and snipers. We rise above to finish off the snipers. Then you can clear the area.
Soon it will be possible to go through the doors. We connect with a partner and watch the scene.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Chaos

After watching the scene, we quickly run away from here. We get to the stairs and go up. We get to a suitable position and cover Pierce with fire from above. We pass to the platform and rise to the next position.

We have to clash with Chaos - a very dangerous creature. It attacks us and it is best to escape to the platform, and then hide in the elevator. Now we are safe. At least as long as it's safe. After all, Chaos is back, and it will have to be seriously fought. Fortunately, if the tactics of dealing with him are known, then this will not take much time and effort.

First of all, don't get too close to him. The optimal distance will be 30 meters - follow the indicator. It is worth being prepared that he can attack with his bare hands at a really long distance. It is worth starting a massacre with a machine gun. We cut off short bursts so that as many bullets as possible find the target. If the cartridges for the machine gun are over, we take a gun. Of course, it is best to try to hit the head - it takes the most health. In general, any weapon is suitable here, except for a shotgun - it is designed for combat at short distances, and, as mentioned above, you should not approach the enemy.

When the victory is close, we go to the door and pick up the cartridges. We again move around the hall, and the enemy attacks us again. We crawl under the door and accelerate. We slip under the second door. So we get to the last gate. We quickly go upstairs, and Pierce helps us hide from the enemy. Well, most of the work is done. Further it will be much easier. We go to the first gate and watch a few videos - we don't even have to do anything. We will search all the boxes and press the switch - the final fight with the boss has begun.

Fortunately, this part of the fight will be even easier than the previous one. On the back of Chaos, you can see a couple of orange growths - they are easy to spot, but very difficult to hit. Alas, their defeat is the only way to defeat the enemy. Shooting elsewhere is simply useless. But there is one trick here - we throw a light grenade at the enemy, and he will become practically helpless for a few seconds. It is during this time that you need to have time to put several bullets or buckshot charges into the weak points of the enemy. When he has little life left, he will simply close in a cocoon to recover. We need to destroy the cocoon as soon as possible. It is advisable to use a machine gun for this. Now the enemy is almost defeated - he is prostrate before us. Therefore, you can quickly get to the weak spots on your back and shoot them. Chaos crawls away again and turns into a cocoon. You will have to repeat the procedure several times before it can be finished off.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Campaign for Jake and Sherry (Jake and Sherry's campaign)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1

Now we play as Jake and Sherry, who have to escape from Ustanak - the fastest and most dangerous type of biological weapon.
We go upstairs and go up the stairs. We run across to the far end of the hall and go down the road, after which we turn the corner.

Before entering the house, look above the door - there is a snake emblem. We ignore the zombies on the opposite side and go through the second building. We run straight, if necessary, destroying enemies in our path. We go into the house, go up the stairs and turn right. We jump down and knock out the door.

We watch the video and go outside. Here we quietly destroy the enemy, standing with his back to us. The second one will be shot in the head.

There are quite a lot of zombies ahead, which have different mutated body parts. There will even be flying zombies. We go into the building and destroy the enemies inside. We go to the corner and go through the broken stairs. We go down and see that there is no way back. We go up the stairs. Let's look to the right - there is a snake emblem on the metal beam.

We go down the stairs and go along the path. We knock down the door and turn around. Several enemies are hiding here, which we quickly destroy.

We plant Sherry near the broken stairs so that she helps us overcome the obstacle. We quickly walk down the path. We meet Sherry and go upstairs. Let's knock out the door in front and go to the left. We reach the far end of the site and go to the gate.
Watch the video and run from here. Sherry jumps down and we'll have to cover her.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, Introducing Ustanak

We go into the building, ignoring the ustanak, which we cannot attack yet. We go down the hall and go into the toilet on the left. There are enemies here that we quickly kill. Jake lifts Sherry up and she will fit through the hole in the ceiling.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, Playing Sherry

We find wooden boxes, red grass and a chest with experience. There is a snake emblem in the corner of the room.
We go along the corridor and turn right. We open the red door and go down the stairs to the storage room. Let's kill the enemy and return to the hall to open the door with the help of our partner. Now we are in a large room. We reach the end of the passage and jump down. We collect trophies (do not forget grenades and flashlights). We knock out the door and find ourselves in a large area. Several enemies will fall on us right from above. Ahead we will see barrels of fuel - in no case do we blow them up!

We go into the green double door and wait until it opens. Climb up the stairs and jump over several gaps. We go down. In the closet you can find the Magnum elephant - a great toy. Soon, three zombies will fall from above at once. We go further, jumping over dips. We reach the end of the path, go down the stairs and fall down. We go to the right. When all the trophies in the area are collected, open the green door.

Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough: Chapter 1 Boss Fight - Ustanak

Ustanak is very strong. Therefore, it will not work to destroy him as an ordinary enemy - you will have to run a lot and be cunning.

Six barrels of fuel are placed on the square, and five more on the upper path - they will help us destroy the enemy. That is why it is undesirable to blow them up ahead of time. The main thing is to lure the enemy closer to these barrels. When shooting at the enemy, we aim for the head. You can also use remote controlled bombs if available. Sometimes ordinary zombies appear - we destroy them without being distracted from our main enemy.

After the video, we go to the next room, then along the corridor. Near the stairs we will find a suitcase with experience. We go upstairs and find ourselves on the street. Directly in front of us is a ruined building - above the door in the middle you can see the emblem of the snake. Let's destroy a couple of enemies and enter the gate.

Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough: Chapter 1 Ogroman Trouble

Meet with Pierce and Chris for a while. We go into the building on the right and go upstairs and find a gun on the turret. Soon a huge huge man will appear, which you need to finish off. This is not so easy to do. We shoot several times in his face, as well as in the orange zones on his back. He will start to stagger, after which you can finish him in close combat by jumping on his back. We get experience. Finn will plant explosives, after which it will be possible to move away from the tower and go further away.

Walk down the street and turn the corner. Now let's enter the door of the building in the center of the area to our left. Finn will open it especially for us using a grenade. We go upstairs and cover Finn while he prepares explosives for enemies. Now you can safely go down.

On the first floor of the building, we jump into the pit and go through the passage. We destroy the encountered enemies. We go forward until we find a breach in the wall. Here we will almost be grabbed by a huge man who will break the bars on the ceiling. We climb into the hole and destroy the enemies that come across to us. We go through the linear tunnels to the end, ignoring the stairs. When we get to the tower, calmly shoot the gunner and go down the corner stairs. Finn will install explosives on the guns, but we have to deal with the huge man. We go to the hole near the third anti-aircraft gun. We go upstairs - from here it is more convenient to shoot the huge man. When he weakens and falls to his knees, we jump on his back and finish him off. Let's watch another video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1 Chinook

We reach the Chinook helicopter, we collect the cartridges and the first-aid kit scattered around. Now the ustanak will break through the wall and try to get to us. We retreat and shoot back from him. You can use several grenades to sweep it away. Soon the helicopter will catch fire and we will have to leave it. Let's look at the intro. We sit down in the second helicopter and destroy enemy helicopters. We will also shoot the tank of the helicopter, into which the ustanak climbs. Also, do not forget to grab a parachute - it will come in handy.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Blizzard

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Invite Only

The enemies are trying to get to us. You can shoot them, and it will be better to kill singles in hand-to-hand combat - we will save cartridges. Don't forget to use your signature kick - smash their heads with kicks. After killing several zombies, we watch the scene.

There are too many enemies - we jump onto the snowmobile and quickly get out of here. Soon an avalanche will fall on us, so let's take it to the right so as not to fall under it. We rush at maximum speed, trying not to crash into trees. Having reached the cave, we enter it.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, In the Mine

We go forward, if necessary fighting off bats. We reach the door at the end of the tunnel. Let's look at the intro. Let's finish off a bunch of enemies that rushed at us. We go to the left, from time to time repulsing the attacks of the enemy, rushing both in front and behind. Soon we will find ourselves at the very bottom of the mine.
We continue the path and watch the scene. We dig in garbage containers - there may be something useful. There is a map of the mine hanging on the wall - it will be useful to remember the direction of movement. We go to the stairs and go down it. We destroy five patrolmen and collect bugs from them. We return to the locked door. Enemies will attack us in droves, so it is best to use remote-controlled bombs - they will scatter the enemy best. We go in the opened doors, run along the corridor and finally find ourselves on the surface!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, The Great Escape

Let's watch the video. At the very beginning, we will have to fight a couple of zombies without weapons. Well, let's finish them off with our bare hands! We pass along the corridor, breaking the heads of the enemy. We need to get to the air duct. To do this, you need to push the cart under it and jump from it to the air duct. Having made our way through the ventilation shaft, we find ourselves in a room with cameras. We control the third camera, enlarge the image of the door in order to be able to read the code on it - OMEGA, ATOM, DUAL. Now we enter these data and the door opens. We go along a long and straight path (no branches) until the cutscene starts.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Hunting for medals

Now we have again all the equipment and weapons that were taken away before. We go down the corridor until we reach the stairs on the right. Enemies will rush from here. Let's kill them. We climb the stairs, repulsing the attacks of the enemy. We go along the corridor until we see the sign "Library" on the left. Let's go here. Let's destroy three enemies. Let's collect the trophies and go out into the corridor. From the enemies killed here, you can take good weapons, including a sniper rifle. We go towards the living room. Plant a bomb here and blow it up. We get the right medal.

We return to the corridor. Here we will kill a wave of zombies and reach the door with a bust of a man. We enter the door and find ourselves in the bedroom. Let's search the table and boldly move towards the goal. On the way, we break the banks (in them, like in wooden banks, useful things lie). If everything is done correctly, then we have eight medals in our hands. We reach the Buddha statue and stack the medals, thereby opening the doors in the east. We enter it and reach the game room. This is a small room, but there are a lot of enemies. We will collect trophies from the corpses. Activate the piano and get a medal.

Let's go back to the corridor and go to the room opposite the game room. Let's kill the enemies. We go past the glass door, to the left fountain, where we find another medal. From time to time we are attacked by zombies, some of them have medals. We find another one by simply pushing the cart. Now we already have thirteen medals. We stack everything near the Buddha. A door opens where you can collect trophies. We go to the western door and watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, I get paid too little for this…

We go back to the big room. Below we see zombies. Climb up the stairs, fighting off the enemies. Let's run into the door, then along the corridor and go down. We are near a small pond. Alas, it will not work to stay here - we are being fired from above. We go to the right and see a tank that broke through the wall and was not far from us. We go up the stairs. We find a motorcycle and activate it. Let's watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Find out the truth

Of course, it's unusual to run away from a tank on a motorcycle. But what to do - we don’t want to be hit from the main caliber. So, let's hurry up. The task is complicated by a helicopter that hangs overhead and tries to knock out a rocket.

We try not to slow down, but also not to crash into turns. On the way, we are often attacked by opponents, trying to throw Molotov cocktails. Fortunately, Sherry soon steps in - she just shoots a helicopter with a grenade launcher. So, we just have to watch the video in which the helicopter explodes beautifully.

We rise up the stairs. We interrupt the few enemies that rush at us. When a large group immediately tramples, we go up to the roof and slowly shoot everyone in the head. On the left we will see the door - here lies a lot of usefulness. Climb up the stairs again and jump down. Here we meet quite a lot of enemies - the most it is to try out a new shotgun.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5 Save the World

Watch the screensaver and collect trophies. On the street we will finish off several enemies, including mutants, for example, archers. It is best to do this from the elephant. There will be quite a lot of enemies ahead - on the one hand, armed zombies, and on the other, an archer.

Climb up the stairs and jump into the gap. From here you can easily kill all the enemies. When this is done, calmly jump into the alley and open the door, letting Sherry in.

We go forward, fighting off archers and other zombies. Turn into the alley and open the double door. The next area is quite small, but there is a whole bunch of boxes and corpses. Some of them will immediately rise up to give us unnecessary trouble. You can go on a frontal attack, or you can just climb the stairs to the left and kill the enemies from above. Then calmly enter the door and get to the double doors. We crack them and go up the stairs. Here you can find several boxes, as well as a container with experience - a very useful thing.

I'm going upstairs. Here we will find a new shotgun - an excellent weapon against a crowd of enemies. We go outside.

There are quite a lot of enemies here, and everyone wants to get to us. It's time to try out a new weapon in action.
When the first wave of enemies is killed, we go to where we went down. There is a taxi standing here, and to the right of the taxi is a snake emblem.

We go down the street to the stairs. Here Jake lifts Sherry up and she goes upstairs.

Passage of Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Playing as Sherry.

We are in a very convenient position for shooting - enemies can be seen from afar. After completing the mission, go to the right side and jump down there. From here, you can safely open the door for Jake to join us.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Playing as Jake

On the street you will have to fight with several enemies, among which there are a couple of archers. We kill everyone, and sherry will begin to unblock the path ahead. The archer waits until the door is opened and starts attacking. Let's finish him off by covering his partner. We go along the road, and near the stairs we look ahead - in the gap between the fence and the box there is a snake emblem.

Climb up the stairs and go to the other side. We go down and open the second door. Let's watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Introducing Ustanak

Ustanak is a new enemy, quite dangerous, capable of killing us with one blow of a chainsaw hand, then very noticeably bringing us closer to death.
We go upstairs to escape from Ustanak. This is easy to do - he walks rather slowly. We try to shoot exactly at the chainsaw hand in order to inflict maximum damage. When the enemy is killed, we will get 4000 experience, collect trophies and prepare for the boss fight.

The battle with the ustanak will be very difficult, despite the fact that now there will be four of us. Of course, we habitually shoot the barrels when the ustanak wanders around them. Upon receiving damage, the ustanak will retreat. The squad is divided and we play as Leon. We go to the bus and press the necessary buttons to start the engine. The ustanak returns, now armed with a grenade launcher. When we shoot the enemy, he will change the grenade launcher for long and dangerous claws - we will focus fire on the paw. Now you can just shoot him.

After the battle, we go to the marked goal. Let's jump down into the hole. Let's open the left door and go further. Door on the left. Let's go through the double door. We watch the video and are engaged in piloting the barge. We use the prompts on the screen and soon we will find ourselves near a sunken building. We go to the roof and watch the scene.

Passage of Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Killer can not be stopped!

The killer reappears. He follows the same tactics as usual, but his health has increased. While we are fighting with him, ordinary zombies will continuously arrive from above. We use grenades and bombs with remote control. When the killer is defeated, watch the video.
We go further, to the new boat. Let's start the engine and sail where we need to go. We'll get to the next video shortly.

We destroy enemies along the way and reach the double door.

Alas, we have no weapons left. We go along the wall until we find all our weapons. Now we help Sherry to climb into the air duct. A new enemy will appear

After the splash screen you will again be free. Of course, you are arms-less again. Gah. Be sure to look around the corners of this room and you will see the Serpent Emblem. We can't get her without our weapons, but keep that in mind for the future.

Check the walls until you find your weapon on the bench (you'll need to press the button for Jake to spot them). This will in turn show you the gate to your cell. Have Sherry head right there waiting for her to climb through the air duct and fall to the other side. Now we are pursued by a new enemy that cannot be killed - it regenerates again even after complete destruction. He's chasing us all over the level, using the sewers.
When we pick up the weapon, we will go back and pick up the emblem of the snake. We go to the double door.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Charging

Move on. You need to run a spare battery. Let's press the lever together with Sherry. The door will open and there will be that same unkillable enemy. We run around the room and press the levers. We go into the corridor and pick up the emblem of the snake in the laboratory, near the battery.
We go down to the engine room. Here we fight off enemies and press another lever.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Playing as Jake

With the help of the lift we get to the door D. We take a suitcase with experience and go back. Now let's climb up. We are waiting for Sherry to open the door I.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Playing Sherry

We jump down when the car reaches door I. We fight off tenacious creatures and go right along the corridor. Find another lever and press it.
We fight off a lot of enemies, some of which are armed with RPGs, and get to the door G.
Soon we will have to face the ustanak again.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Boss Ustanak

First, we shoot the enemy with a sniper rifle, not forgetting to pick up the found emblem of the snake. Then we approach the enemy and shoot from the magnum. Then we impose close combat and finish off the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.
Now watch the video and enjoy it.
We go along the corridor until we find another snake emblem. This is the last emblem in Jake's company. We go to the left, through the door. We press the levers and watch the videos.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Campaign for Ada Wong (Ada Wong's campaign)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 1, Submarine Secrets

We enter the door and go to the far end of the path. Finish off the guard at the back and head towards the corner. There is a second guard, which we remove also quietly. We go along the corridor to the room with the force field. From there comes the guard. We sneak up and eliminate it. We are waiting for the next guard, and then go to the next room. We climb into the ventilation shaft and follow through the bars. We remove the guard by shooting him with an arrow through the bars. We leave the mine and go down the stairs. There goes a guard - we also eliminate him. We sneak to the corner and see three guards in the room with canisters at once. We wait and shoot them all one by one. We kill one and hide around the corner so that the rest do not notice and raise the alarm.

Now you can go to the doors. Alas, they are closed. We solve the puzzle with different colors in the picture. The door opens and we go forward. Around the corner, we will finish off another enemy with an arrow. Let's watch the video. Someone did raise the alarm.

Let's run away. On the way, we will kill three enemies, turn right and kill three more. We go up the boxes to the ventilation shaft. Let's go down. We activate a couple of cameras (round buttons on the floor) so that they cover our retreat. We go down to the next room. We pick up the shotgun and go down the road. Finish off the three guards and go up the stairs. When enemies pop up next, shoot the red barrel, eliminating them.

In the control room, we quietly cut off the guard with a knife. Turn right, go through the door, platforms and pipes to the next area. We go straight until we reach the elevator. We rise, crawl to the stairs and rise again. We jump over the abyss and climb another ladder. We jump down and turn the valve on the right.

We go along the corridor, climb the two stairs and jump down. Before us is a palm print that needs to be activated in order to restore power. Let's jump down to the lower level and go forward. There will be several enemies here. We go to the west and dive into the water. We swim to the north and activate the lever. We return back, take a breath and swim to the east. Here we also pull the lever. We return to the original room.

Now we will be asked a series of questions that will have to be answered. And so that there is no time to be bored, we will be constantly attacked by opponents. Grenades are ideal here - the enemies of the rod are an endless stream, making it difficult to give answers through the control panel. If everything is done correctly, the lock will be lifted, and we will be able to escape, finally enjoying the cutscene.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 2, Game for two

We are located near the Cathedral. We move forward, we look at the scene. Having found a suitable place, we jump down. We go forward and meet three zombies. We destroy them. We go to the green doors. Let's go up the stairs, remove the blockage. At the end of the room we find a sniper rifle.

We leave the room. We find an iron chair and click on the metal plate. We do the same on the second chair. This will open the desired door. We go up the stairs, climb into a small hole on the left. Let's break the trophy boxes. We pull the lever and open the door. Let's kill three zombies.
We go up the stairs, go through a beautiful carpet and find ourselves in a tunnel. We jump down.

Let's finish the zombies. We go down and crawl under the rotating blade. An ambush is ahead of us. If you have grenades, you can throw enemies. Otherwise, it is better to use a shotgun. After killing everyone, the door will open. Let's go there. There are a lot of zombies in the room that you need to kill. Another door opens. We add trophies (teeth and eyes) to the skull and open the door. We leave the room and watch the scene. Meet Deborah, one of the bosses.

It will be easier to kill her if you use fuel barrels - shoot at them when she approaches. Constantly moving - Deborah jumps well and can easily deal a lot of jump damage. It is best to shoot at the areas of the body highlighted in orange. A shotgun is fine, but you have to get close to a dangerous distance to do it. When she is hit (the orange parts will stop highlighting), you need to run up to her and, by pressing the appropriate buttons, take the claw.

We go down and help Leon. He joins us. We go down again and watch the scene.
Now we are in a cave. Let's collect the trophies and prepare for the attack. Various types of zombies attack, so you should be prepared for anything. When the enemies are killed, we go to the neighboring side and close there. Let's kill the attackers again. Now you can relax and watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 3, Chinese Connections

Now fate has taken us to China. We go along the path, go around the playground and stumble upon the enemy. Silently kill him. On the street we meet two more mutated zombies. We try to do everything quietly so as not to attract too much attention. We go to the doors, on the way we pick up the gun, from the table on the left. Open the door, kill three enemies. We go to the right door and go outside. We reach the van and collect trophies. We pass to the barricades and run away. Let's watch the scene. We go to the right, fight off enemies and run away, overcoming all obstacles.

We go up and forward. There are eight zombies here. If there is a grenade, we will scatter the enemies with it. We search the area and find the key. Open the door and watch the video. Now we need to fight the enemy armed with a chainsaw. A very dangerous opponent. In addition to it, ordinary zombies appear from time to time. We constantly move and shoot the enemy. When he finally falls behind, we finish off the rest of the zombies and take the key. I'm going upstairs. We move to the end and watch the video.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 4, Exposure at Sea

After watching the video, we are looking for a ship. We find zombies and immediately destroy it. We go to the right door. Quietly kill two guards. We find the door, to open which you need to have three passwords. Searching the area. We find the first password at the killed guard. We continue to search. Let's take a look at the suites. Soon we will stumble upon a monster rasclapaniye. Let's finish it and get the second password. During the battle, you should be careful - other monsters can attack us. We go to the northern part, where we kill six enemies. We search all the rooms, on the way we kill the guard and get the third password.

When we have all the passwords, we go back to the locked doors. Let's enter the room by opening the door, and we'll come face to face with another popping. Let's finish him off. We go forward and go up the elevator. There will be soldiers on the left, but it is better not to attract their attention, otherwise we may well be fired upon by guards with grenade launchers. We run to the right, go to the end of the path and go upstairs. We make our way to the ventilation system. We climb there and head to the left room. There is an enemy standing there that you can silently kill and crawl out into the room. The Nest monster moves around so you can avoid contact with it.

Spotlights illuminate the space around - it is better to avoid their light. We crawl or hide from them in the shade. We go down and watch the scene.

We go up the elevator. We pass to the hatch and see that hordes of mutants are being loaded onto the submarine. Badly. We go down the stairs, go through the door. We see clones of Ada. We'll have to finish them too. We leave into the corridor, we go into the door on the right. Here are two more clones. Soon there will be more of them, so we just try to escape. Run, jump over the barricades. Now we will meet a clone of Karl. It will be quite easy to finish him off - just shoot from everything that is. It is weaker than it seems at first glance. After that, you can take the elevator and the chapter will end.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 6: Chapter 5, Clear Your Name.

After the cutscene, we fly in a helicopter helping Elena and Leon downstairs survive the zombie attacks. We shoot the enemy from the entire arsenal until we secure the allies below. Now you can head down the street. Alas, we will not fly alone for long. More helicopters will be coming soon. They will have to fiercely shoot back, while dodging their fire. We use rockets to bring down the enemy.

Let's watch the scene. Now we have to fight Derek. The enemy is serious - he can attack us with his tail or just throw cars. His most vulnerable spot is his back. We shoot there from a machine gun. It's not as difficult as it might seem. When he is defeated, watch another video. We have to help another group of survivors.

We go up the elevator. We have to fight with Simmons for the last time. We use homemade bombs - they are very effective. We dodge enemy attacks. Suddenly, the ceiling will collapse, and it will be especially difficult for us. A few more regular zombies will be added. We make our way to the aisle. Now we are waiting for Simmons to take on a human form, and we shoot him. We watch the scene and go into the room. We work with the console and view the scene. We go into the room to watch the final video. That's all! Game over!

Resident Evil 6 Emblems - Location of all emblems

The game genre theme of survival horror is perfectly embodied in stories about the zombie apocalypse and the struggle for the survival of mankind. In the shooter Resident evil 6, the passage is built entirely on the exciting dynamics of the fight scenes with the bloodthirsty dead mutants.

Passage of Resident Evil 6: storylines, characters, training

The storylines of the action are stretched by time points: December 2012 - July 2013. The player chooses one of four campaigns involving various combinations of characters. The action takes place in many parts of the world, and the heroes have to deal with the danger of contracting the newly emerged K-virus.

A complete list of heroes of the 6th part of the resident evil game world, characters:

  1. 1. Secret agent Leon Scott Kennedy;
  2. 2. Employee of the closed corporation Ada Wong;
  3. 3. Mercenary soldier Jake Muller;
  4. 4. Government Delegate Helena Harper;
  5. 5. B.S.A.A fighter Pierce Nivens;
  6. 6. Warrior squad to combat bioterrorism Chris Redfield;
  7. 7. Secret Service employee Sherry Birkin.

Helena Harper and Leon Scott prove their innocence in the assassination of the president. Piers Nivens and Chris Redfield rid the world of the latest bio-organic weapon, the Chaos Monster. Sherri Birkin saves Jake Mueller from the public hunt for his prized immunity. Ada directs all her strength to destroy the memory of her own evil double, to help other heroes.

Learning the specifics of the game takes place within a fairly rich training mission. It was created from the final segments of the Scout Leon company. Acquaintance with the sixth Resident Evil begins with:

  • studying the details of management;
  • getting used to QTE-scenes and security cameras Crash the bandicoot;
  • acclimatization in a world of explosions, endless attacks and the need to run away.

After a detailed acquaintance with the fate of the characters and the intricacies of personal combat, the passage of Resident Evil 6 will go much more fun.

Resident evil 6 walkthrough: campaign selection

Leon and Hellena rise from unconsciousness in the middle of a broken, engulfed in flames street. Very noisy: explosions are heard. Dark human figures scurry around. A helicopter pilot of alarming appearance enters the field of view. Leon grabs his partner and starts searching for a safe place. They walk very slowly, along extremely narrow and oppressive city passages. Harper keeps asking Scott to leave her and continue safely on his own. It is now that the characteristic actions of the characters in the dynamics of Quick time events are being mastered, brought to automatism.

The room where the B.S.A.A team car is hidden is a relatively safe hideout. Here Harper will be thoroughly treated with herbs from the jeep's first aid kit. To do this, Scott will have to fight the zombie driver of the vehicle: plunge the tip of the stocked knife into the ear area of ​​​​the monster's head.

After that, the partners will already be able to fully run and shoot. However, the first real relief comes from even more serious tests at the exit of the garage: the street filled with cars and garbage is simply teeming with zombies. Here, players come off to the fullest, using the entire arsenal of weapons available.

Little by little, moving forward, the heroes run a script: explosions of cars located somewhere behind are heard. From the overtaking wave, Hellen and Leon run away, escaping in a helicopter falling apart on the move. Very soon, he quietly crashes into the skyscraper needed by both participants in the action.

The flight ends with a quick move to the hall, completely decorated with red and white trim elements. In its center is an obelisk. Bodies of BSAA fighters lie around. A screensaver appears on the screen with a large mutilated limb and depressing memories of a former agent. It is quickly replaced by the RE6 logo. The choice of the desired Resident evil 6 campaign is carried out after a few seconds in the unfolding panel of game stories.

The final concept of the game: Resident evil 6 passage for Ada

The sixth part of the outstanding zombie horror about the Umbrella Corporation and its terrible brainchild is adapted for 2 types of game consoles and PC. Resident evil 6 passage for Ada on consoles is possible only with a positive outcome of all available paired campaigns. Fans of PC toys are not subject to this restriction.

Ada finds herself on a submarine full of Javo mutants, where she learns of the existence of her own replica. The evil twin turns out to be the head of a serious bioterrorist organization that is trying to further undermine stability in the world. After the death of the artificial copy of Carla Radames, Ada will destroy all traces of her existence. To see the situation through the eyes of Wong - this is the whole final concept of the 6th part of Resident evil.

Similar About the game

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In bold the location of the plot items necessary for the passage is highlighted.

dark blue the text about the location of new types of weapons is highlighted.

blue green the text about the location of secret items - snake emblems is highlighted. In the game, they look like blue-green disks, they must be shot down to open new items in the bonus menu. There are 80 of them in total, and an achievement is provided for collecting all the emblems.

The frame highlights the location of the secrets for which you get achievements in the game. Performing the actions highlighted by the frame is not necessary for the story passage of the game.

We play for Leon Kennedy (Leon Kennedy) with a companion Helena Harper (Helena Harper). The game starts quickly and without further explanation. We are in the city during a zombie apocalypse, an enemy helicopter is circling above us. We grab Elena by the arm and carry her away from the shelling. In Together in the alley we get to the boarded up door, open it with a crowbar (for this you need to press the left mouse button several times in time when the rotating marker points to the highlighted sector of the circle).

We pass through the room, get to the car. We search the back seat, we find green grass. We enter the inventory menu (key "E"), mix two herbs to enhance the effect. At this point, zombies will attack. Aim (right mouse button) and shoot him in the head (left mouse button). This does not help, we enter into hand-to-hand combat (in any order, quickly press the "W, A, S, D" keys, and then press again in time when the arrow points to the highlighted sector of the circle). After the victory, we approach Elena and give her the medicine.

Now both heroes go on their own. We leave to the balcony, jump down. We go along the freeway filled with broken cars. We kill zombies on our way, while it is better not to waste cartridges on them, they are easily killed hand-to-hand.

From the fallen plane, all the cars around begin to explode. We run forward (to the camera) (we hold down the “space” and “S”, and when the camera turns to normal, we hold down the “space” and “W”). The rescue team is coming for us. We jump into the helicopter, fight off the zombies. We sit down at the helm and drive the helicopter further (press the keys that appear on the screen).

From the helicopter we get on the glass roof of the building. We pass inside, jump down to a strange obelisk, around which the logo of the Neo-Umbrella corporation is drawn.

Campaign for Leon. Chapter 1

1 - 1. Campus - visitors' room

Leon and Elena are members of the president's personal bodyguard, and at the very beginning they have to kill the president of the country, because he turned into a zombie.

We're on the university campus where the President's speech was to take place. We leave the office, go down to the large banquet hall. In the distance we see a man running away. In the hall we run between the tables, we run through the kitchen, then into the utility rooms. We find a man, he asks to find his daughter Lisa.

Exit from the hall

After the video, we find ourselves in a dark room with a computer.

We follow the man in search of his daughter. We return to the large hall, we pass into the next room.

Before us are double closed doors. From here we go up the stairs to the balcony, in the far corner next to the corpse we find a healing spray. At this time, the professor below will already open the doors, we pass on. We find the professor's daughter, return to the elevator, go down in it.

In the elevator, the infected daughter turns into a zombie and kills her father. We fight off her melee, and then we kill her. The elevator brings us to the underground garage.


There are quite a few zombies in the garage. All of them can be killed up close without losing ammo. To the right of the running car lies a man with pistol cartridges hidden under him. After killing the zombies, we reach the security room with tracking monitors. Can't escape.

1 - 2. Campus
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Leon. Chapter 1


After the video, we take cartridges for the pistol on the lower floor, we rise to the very top. We pass an empty corridor, we get into the classroom. Here we kill three zombies. On the littered stairs below we find green grass.

We go further along the corridor. The path will be littered, so we enter the side door into the classroom, and immediately fight off the zombies. In the classroom in the back row on the left are pistol cartridges, in the far right corner is green grass. We leave through other doors, we continue to go along the corridor, we go down the stairs.

On the lower floor of the landing we take pistol cartridges and green grass. We go further, along the way we go into an empty classroom, we find red grass there in the corner and cartridges for a pistol on the teacher's table. We go outside.

University courtyard

In the courtyard to the left of the exit we see a corner table, go there, jump over the tables, find two boxes of pistol cartridges. We go to the clock in the center, from there we go out onto the red carpet. The door ahead is closed. We need to find the key. We go to another door, along the way we search two wide tables, we find green grass and red grass.

We enter a narrow corridor with glass on both sides. We select here two boxes of cartridges for a pistol and a healing herb. When the next door is opened, an alarm is triggered, all the zombies around come running to the noise and jump into the corridor through the windows. We shoot all the zombies, you can shoot the fire extinguisher to blow it up. After holding out for a while, we get into the next room.

We examine the table with the computer, in the drawer of the table we find cartridges for the pistol. We pass into a small library, then into another office room.

In the very last room we find the key card.

We return to the courtyard, scatter the newly appeared zombies with our fists, use the key card to open the door. We pass through a pair of metal detectors, exit from the other side of the building.

It is useless to fight off zombies on the street, they appear again and again, we immediately run to the police car. On the machine, you will have to perform plot actions by pressing the keys. Zombies don't let you go far. At the end of the path, we jump into the sewer manhole.

1 - 3. Subway
Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough for Leon

First tunnel

We pass an empty sewer, at the end in wooden boxes we select two packs of cartridges for a pistol and experience points. We come to the underground tunnel with the railroad, we go to the left. Here zombies walk in complete darkness, kill them, move on. There will be light ahead on the tracks, quickly dodge (spacebar + "R" keys) so as not to fall under the train.

Then we meet mutant dogs, we shoot them from afar, it is very dangerous to fight them near. We see fighting zombies ahead, we approach and deal with them. At this moment, the second train will pass, we dodge in the same way (“space” + “R”). We enter the side door.

Second tunnel

We go down, in wooden boxes we find cartridges for a pistol and experience points. We exit into another subway tunnel, there are two-way tracks here.

We go forward, we see a large group of zombies. We lure them all to the right side, as soon a train will pass along the right railroad. We ourselves at the last moment run across to the left path, and all the zombies are under the wheels of the train.

Railway station

We climb onto the platform. In wooden boxes near the wall we find two remote bombs and pistol cartridges. We release a living woman from the train, and she releases zombies from the pedestrian stairs. These zombies spit acid, you need to dodge with the "X", "C" keys.

We can switch weapons to bombs (key "F"), set a bomb in front of a crowd of zombies (hold down the right button, press the left), move away and activate the explosives (we also hold the right button, press the left). On the stairs we leave the subway to the city.

1 - 4. City
How to pass Resident IVL 6 for Leon

The outside

We leave the underground. At the exit, we are met by a zombie fireman, his head is protected by a helmet, he cannot be defeated by headshots, but for that he has an oxygen tank behind him that can be blown up with an accurate shot.

A car crashes in front of us, we kill zombies clinging to it. Then we break the wooden barrel on the right - we find the healing herb, and on the right - experience points. Ahead we help the person who got under the car, we pass further.


On the way you will meet a special forces zombie shooting from a machine gun. We run away from him into the alley on the left. On scaffolding we move to another lane. We quickly run across the burning street to the other side. Behind the stairs are two wooden barrels with experience points inside.

We climb the stairs up, push the cargo, climb onto the balcony, and then onto the roof of the bus. We jump down to a clean part of the street, enter the pub building.

Inside buildings

We go behind the bar, in the barrel we find cartridges for the pistol, we go out into the backyard, in the barrel we find experience points. We enter the house where the TV is turned on, we take the key from the dead owners, we go outside. We pick up a new weapon from a dead commando - a shotgun.

We pass into the next building, a new enemy appears before us - a screamer. He runs inside the wine cellar building, while we fight off zombies climbing over the fence. We enter the building, from afar we kill the screamer (near his cry attracts other zombies, and also stuns and immobilizes for a while). We leave the wine cellar.

We climb to the second floor, seat Elena, she opens the door for us. We kill the emerging zombies, go forward, get into the bar.

Gas station

We go outside, we see survivors near the gas station, shooting back from zombies. We help them, and then stay close so that they cover us from the arriving enemies. First of all, we shoot screamers. In this location, there are barrels in the corners, inside there are experience points. We wait until the ambulance arrives and crashes, after that we blow up the gas station.

1 - 5. Gun shop
Resident Evil 6. As Leon and Helena

1st floor

We follow the survivors, we enter the weapons store. Here on the counter we find a medical spray, on the shelves we take two incendiary grenades and boxes with cartridges for a pistol. Zombies begin to break into the store from all sides through the windows. We help the survivors defend their fortress. New enemies appear - bloody zombies (they pounce from a long distance, they have a lot of health, but they can be dealt increased damage by getting into the emerging heart).

2nd floor

When we shoot the first wave of enemies, the owner will let us through to the second floor. Here we take red grass on the table, in the table drawer we find shotgun cartridges, in the next room there are two boxes of pistol cartridges and green grass. We shoot ordinary enemies, then a new enemy appears - a fat zombie. His weak point is his legs, we shoot at them, and when he kneels, we approach and hit. To quickly deal with the fat man, we install explosives next to him, two explosions should be enough to destroy him. In the next room we select two incendiary grenades and explosives.


We go out to the open area on the roof. Here we shoot back from a crowd of ordinary enemies, a bloody zombie and a fat zombie. After the victory, a bus arrives for us, we jump down and leave from here.

Campaign for Leon Kennedy. Chapter 2

2 - 1. Bus

The bus crashes, zombies crawl inside, shoot back from them.

2 - 2. Forest cemetery
How to pass Resident Evil 6. As Leon Kennedy

We get off the bus, go to the cemetery. Here we are attacked not by fresh zombies, but by dilapidated skeletons, they appear right from the ground. Be careful, there are two pits with water in the cemetery, which you can accidentally fall into if you stand nearby. We go forward along the road.

We go to the right, we rise along the road upward. Ahead we see a bridge, and behind it is a closed lattice door. In search of the key to the door, we go into the house on the left. There are incendiary grenades in the closet next to the bed. Inside we open the door to the bathroom, a dog jumps out with a key. In the bathroom we find cartridges for the pistol.

Finding a key

We run back to the cemetery for the dog. Three more dogs will meet along the way, there may not be enough cartridges for everyone, so to kill them we use evasion (Z, X, or C keys) from their attack, and then we kick them melee. We pick up the key from the last dog, go across the bridge and open the gate. Outside the gate, the zombie throws us down to the floor below - into the crypt, and Elena remains upstairs.

We go between tombs and crypts, we kill zombies. The road leads straight to a completely empty dead end, so we immediately turn right. We meet the screamer, kill him, move on. Turning to the right, we go to the end - we find green grass and a locked door. We go to another alley, we meet another screamer, we quickly deal with him. We go upstairs, we meet Elena.

Let's take a little walk through the second half of the crypt. We shift the movable cover of the tombstone, inside we find red grass. There is nothing else here. We go up the stairs to the cathedral.

in front of the cathedral

Before entering the cathedral on two benches we find two incendiary grenades, in the corners in the boxes we find pistol cartridges and experience. We knock on the doors of the cathedral, they don’t open it for us, but for that all the zombies in the area come running here. We fight off screamers, ordinary and bloody zombies. We need to hold out for a while, the doors will be opened for us, we immediately go inside.

2 - 3. Cathedral
Resident Evil 6. Leon. Chapter 2

Inside we meet with the surviving parishioners. We examine the room: on the right we go into a separate room, we find green grass; on one of the benches we find a healing spray; in the far left corner in the boxes we find cartridges for the pistol and experience. We go to the altar, we need to find a way to open the secret door. To the right of the altar we take figurine "Happy Madonna". On the left, we get up under the destroyed stairs, we seat Elena, then we climb up the lowered fire escape.

We examine the second floor: in the left corner we find green grass and an incendiary grenade, on the right - cartridges for a pistol; on the right in a separate room in the chest we find figurine "Merciful Madonna". We pass forward to one of the pedestals on the second floor, simultaneously with Elena we install both figurines, from this a secret door opens on the first floor, we jump and go in there.

Trap rooms

We enter the secret room, simultaneously press two levers, Elena is on the other side of this room. We pass further, press a couple more levers, after which statues will appear from the walls, firing from crossbows with a laser sight. To neutralize the statues, we run up to them and press the button on their foundation (spacebar). In the next room, we also press the levers, but now the statue will appear much larger, you need to use dodge so as not to get shot. In the last room we see a couple of boxes with cartridges for a pistol and a shotgun, and one laser beam. We aim at the golden disk hanging on the wall, the laser sight heats up the disk, and this opens the doors to the outside.

We go up the stairs, look for another disc from the bottom side, aim at it to open the door. We pass into a narrow corridor, aim at the disk from above from Elena's side. In the next room we kill a lone zombie, we aim at the disk through the mirror on the ceiling.

Bell tower

We unite with Elena, we take figurine "Sad Madonna"(Madonna of Sorrow). We go up, near the dead man we take a new weapon - sniper rifle (Semi Auto Sniper Rifle). In the barrels we take two boxes of cartridges for the rifle. We read the inscription on the wall, we get the task: to make five bells ring.

We go out to the balconies, shoot from a rifle at the bells. Three large bells are inside the towers, two small bells are mounted on weathervanes. After that, the grate will open, take figurine "Sorrowful Madonna"(Madonna of Grief).

3rd floor

We return down, we pass through the opened door, we get to the third floor of the main hall of the Cathedral. We collect cartridges lying in barrels.

We install 2 more figurines, after that the altar moves around below, and a secret passage appears. The boss comes out of the aisle.

Boss: Lepotitsa

This monster is all covered with sores, from which blue gas comes out, turning people into zombies. This boss cannot be shot in the body, gas will come out of this, you need to shoot only in the head, preferably with a sniper rifle. While the boss is on the second floor, we shoot him with a sniper rifle. From below we shoot at him from a shotgun, if we manage to stun him, then we finish them off manually. After defeating the boss, we get the key card from the dungeon.

We pass under the altar, in the chest we take a large figure that gives 4000 experience, we collect cartridges in barrels. Use the key card to open the dungeon and go inside.

2 - 4. Underground laboratory
Resident Evil 6 as Leon

1 hall

We enter the laboratory. On a small hill to the left in a blue box, we take 4000 experience points. Nearby is a panel for entering the code. We enter three numbers, and the door with the corresponding number will open. The fact that some numbers are erased on some doors is not a problem, there are still not so many combinations.

Chamber 012. Inside are two zombie scientists.

Chamber 102. Inside is a screamer that can summon a lot of zombies.

Chamber 201. Inside are two zombies and two blue ammo crates.

Grille 210. Opens access to the next section of the laboratory. Having opened it, we pass forward.

2 hall

The next chambers are opened from another control panel on the opposite hill.

Chamber 012. Inside are two zombie scientists. Also inside this chamber there is a separate room 201, inside of which there is a green herb, a healing spray and several experience figures.

Chamber 102. Inside is a screamer and green grass.

Camera 120. There's a bloody zombie inside.

Equipment rooms

We pass the torture chamber, then we get into the corridor of the laboratory, littered with papers.

If you go into the toilet on the right, you can find red grass, but a screamer will jump out and summon a crowd of zombies. We reach the room with operating tables, in the corner in the blue boxes we find cartridges for a pistol and a shotgun.

We go further, we see the closed door "201" in front of us. To open it, we enter the side room with large flasks of water. Here we watch a video, we learn that Ada Wong received a virus injection, turned into a monster, and then was reborn.

After we look at the left wall behind two large flasks, we find the control panel, enter the code "201" into it, this will open the doors.

descending bridges

We reach the room with the map on the wall. We press the lever, we return a little back, where the steel partition opened, and many zombies came to life. We pass into the opened area, there we press another lever, but we find ourselves locked behind a partition. To return, we jump down through the hatch, we go through the water between the capsules with water.

We return to the room with the map, in it we continue to press the levers to lower all the new bridges in this room. One bridge will not go down to the end, we approach it, we put Elena on the roof. We cover the girl until she gets to the lever. Sparking Transformers can be shot from afar to shock nearby zombies. At the end, we press two levers at the same time and exit from here.


We fall into a large hangar with bars in the center. We run on the second floor. There are many dead scientists lying here. We quickly run forward along a narrow path until the zombies begin to come to life. On the way in the blue boxes we find experience points. At the end we meet the screamer, we kill him until he made a fuss. On the side wall, together with Elena, open the metal hatch, jump into it.

2 - 5. Entrance to the primitive altar

We fall into the half-flooded tunnels of the mine. At the very beginning, we take shotgun shells from the clay pot. We go forward, crawl under two bridges.

We break the vase, take the cartridges for the gun. We move further along the tunnel, in vases we collect experience and cartridges, we pass along the bridge from above. We reach the round arena, where we find a lying girl named Deborah.

Descent down

Then Elena carries her sister Deborah on her back, and we cover them. We go down the suspension bridges. On the lower floors, you will have to move massive boxes to go further. At the very bottom, Deborah turns into a monster. Following this, Ada Wong appears and tries to kill the monster. Everything around is collapsing, falling down.

2 - 6. Primitive altar
Resident Evil 6. Leon's campaign. Chapter 2

Boss: Mutated Deborah

We continue to descend down the wooden buildings. We jump down to the platform below. After the mutation, three claws constantly appear from Deborah's back. When they appear, you need to hit their weak spots - glowing orange spots. Shooting anywhere else is useless. Naked Deborah quickly jumps around the arena itself, from time to time sits on the eaves of the second floor. When Deborah is down, you can blow up a barrel of fuel next to her to deal more damage. If you run out of ammo, you can always replenish them by hand-to-hand killing the constantly appearing ordinary zombies. After the victory, the wooden floor below us breaks, we fall further down.

We go down the spiral wooden bridge, jump to the stone floor. We jump into the crevice on the floor, jump over the abyss. At the end of the path, we turn the winch to move the miner's trolley closer to us. We sit down in the trolley and go through the tunnels.

2 - 7. Corridor to the altar
Resident Evil 6. Leon's campaign. Chapter 2

Deborah catches up with us here too. We shoot orange spots on her tentacles to throw her off the trolley. Then we carefully monitor the railway tracks ahead: we dodge obstacles (the "space" + "R" keys), switch to a rifle and blow up all the barrels of explosives in advance, shoot zombies.

Having fallen from the trolley, we quickly help the hanging Ada Wong. Then we stand on the left edge of the platform, we shoot the orange spot on the last living tentacle of Deborah. The mutated girl falls down. Mission completed.

Campaign for Leon Kennedy. Chapter 3

3 - 1. Corridor to the altar
Walkthrough Resident Evil 6. Leon. Altar Corridor

We leave the mine, we get into a round room.

We press the lever, we enter the door. In a narrow corridor we break vases, in them we find cartridges for a pistol and experience. We open the sarcophagus on the left, we find the figurine "2000 experience". It is better not to open the right sarcophagus, a dangerous snake is hidden there.

We go forward along the semicircular path. In the middle of the path, when the road starts to turn left, we open the coffin at the wall on the left, inside we find a new weapon - an assault rifle Automatic RN (Assault Rifle RN).

Blade trap

Further ahead on the floor, we accidentally press the movable plate, rotating sharp blades appear from the walls. We crawl through this place (we press the "space" + "forward" + "right button" for a slide, and then, without releasing the "right button", we crawl forward). Ahead we kill a couple of ordinary and one bleeding zombies.

Trap with fire

After passing a little, we kill the zombies in front of the fire. We plant Elena at the wall on the right near the broken stairs. After a while, she turns off the fire. We pass forward, at a dead end on the right we take a healing plant and experience. We open the doors with the symbol of four snakes, for this Ada gave us a special signet. The door opens extremely slowly, and at this time zombies constantly appear. We approach the lever, twist it to turn on the fire again and burn the zombies. But part of the zombies will jump to us from above, we kill them with weapons, and then turn the lever again.

Semi-flooded tunnel

We pass through the opened doors, we see a flooded room with a waterfall in the center. We go around the waterfall on the left, go further along the corridor to the right.

We leave the water to the hill on the right, in the first vase we find cartridges, in the second - healing grass.

We approach the grate with a red crystal. We plant Elena on the top floor, wait for her to open the doors. Be careful, zombies crawl under water, you need to shoot back from them.

Two separate paths

We enter the first gate, approach the right side, shoot the zombies to save Elena. We are waiting for her to open the second grate with a blue crystal. We turn the lever.

We go forward, crawl under the blades. Ahead we see a mechanism without a lever. We go back, we see zombies crawling under the blades, we kill them, we find a lever at one of them. Use the lever to open the grate on Elena's side. We are waiting for her to open the grate to us, at this time we shoot zombies on her side.

We are together again. Now you can walk along the path of Elena. There we will find a couple of coffins: in the first - a snake, in the second - a figurine of "5000 experience". Together we open the double door, fall down.

3 - 2. Catacombs
Resident Evil 6 guide. Leon

At the very beginning, we take the Automatic RNif we did not find it earlier. On the islands of the earth we jump lower and lower. Enemies with lamps appear here, we can shoot them at the legs or arm so that they drop the lamp and catch fire.

We turn the lever to lower the wooden bridge.

Even lower, one bridge breaks under our feet, but Elena saves us in time. We jump down to the big island below.

Two separate paths

Ahead, behind the bridge, there is a fat zombie, if such a zombie enters the bridge, it will begin to sway and drop us off our feet, so we are waiting on the other side. Another fat man on the bridge that leads down.

We reach a dead end, we split up. Helena jumps down, crawls along the column, Leon needs to kill the zombies crawling after her. Elena will take a detour, we help her from afar, killing screamers and fat people.


Unite. Let's push the stone together. Lowering the wooden bridge. We fall even lower. The ground under your feet begins to shake. We quickly run forward, jumping on the islets, ignoring the zombies. At the end of the path together we move the stone.

3 - 3. Cave

We swim through the flooded tunnel. The dead can cling to us, swim around them. There is a hole in the ceiling in the middle of the path where you need to restore oxygen. A shark monster will attack us and create a blockage on the way, we swim into the tunnel on the left. We swim to the round lattice on the ceiling.

The shark grabs us and takes us underwater. Getting ready to press the buttons to attack the shark with a harpoon.

3 - 4. Underground channel
Resident Evil 6. Text walkthrough for Leon


Helena is on the surface, and Leon is further floating on the water. The girl from above runs over the bridges and shoots the shark. We as Leon need to break away from the catching shark from time to time. We get to the shore, we go together.

Together we knock out the lattice door, at this time the shark attacks again.

Boss: Shark

We swim along the drain, shoot back from the shark, which rolls down next. We shoot at the orange tentacle in the mouth. At the end, we shoot at a flying barrel to finally destroy the monster.

We float to the surface. In the distance we see an atomic explosion, it was blown up in a laboratory to hide traces. On the radio, we learn that the head of security, Simmons, who deliberately spread the virus, has now flown to China. We'll take him on the next flight.

Campaign for Leon Kennedy. Chapter 4

4 - 1. On board
Resident Evil 6 Hints and Tips

Already before the arrival on the plane, something happens. We enter the cockpit. This is where the Pilot Hatter monster hatches. But in this place we find a new weapon - a revolver Thunderhawk, with its help we easily fight off the monster. He will run away from us through the roof.

Way through the plane

The plane has depressurized, you need to fix the problem. We run to the tail section. There are many passengers on board.

There is green grass in the central room with the computer. There's another herb in the next office. We go down the stairs, take 5000 experience from the suitcase.

Turn the valve on the door. We enter the tail.

tail compartment

In the tail of the plane near the canisters we take the first aid spray. Turn the valve on the wall to shut off the balloon.

A loafer jumps from the ceiling. It is useless to fight the monster here, we eliminate it in another way. While one hero is distracting the monster, we approach the red cabinet on the wall, open it, press the lever. This will open the rear hatch, the monster will fly out, we need to climb the hatch back into the plane.

Return trip

We return to the top. On the way back, all people turned into zombies from gas lepotites, we fight them off. We enter the cabin. Helena continues to fight off enemies, and Leon sits at the helm.

We look at the upper dashboard, press the "R" button twice in time. Pull the lever on the right. We look in front of us, we pull the steering wheel towards ourselves. This levels the plane, but we are still waiting for a hard landing on the city street.

4 - 2. Plane crash site
Resident Evil 6 Walkthrough for Leon

Boss: Ustanak

On the ground we meet with two other heroes - Sherry and Jake, who obey Simmons. Here they fight with an almost unkillable monster, we help them.

The huge mutant attacks with its mechanical arm. Oddly enough, his weak point is not living flesh, but a removable arm, we shoot at it. There are several explosive barrels on the location, we shoot at them only when the boss is nearby, it does a lot of damage.

Having beaten off the first attack, we are forced to split up: Elena and Jack remain with the monster, and Leon and Sherry fly over the wall. Here we need to bypass the bus, open the panel and repair the engine. After that, we get on the bus, ram both the fence and the monster.

Ustnanak will start throwing grenades, getting ready to jump back in time. At first, he has a grenade launcher mounted on his arm, but when we shoot him down, he will install claws, and then he will generally hit with his bare hands. After that we can finish it. The monster will hide, Sherry and Jake will go after him, we continue on our way.

4 - 3. Market
Resident Evil 6. Leon, Chapter 4

Market inspection

We pass along a safe lane. Outside the door we go to the market. Around the corner we see a single monster in the distance. On the right, you can enter a side room.

Secret. Behind the first side room there is an alley, through it we enter the back room, there are a couple of boxes of ammo and a snake emblem (15).

Secret. Leaving the back room with the first emblem, we look at the opposite side at the level of the 2nd floor, where the snake emblem hangs between the roofs (16).

We approach the door with three bolts. Nearby, a new regenerate monster appears, consisting of pieces, and not killed by conventional weapons. We run around the market in search of three keys, fighting off invulnerable monsters. The more we go around the nooks and crannies, the more monsters will start chasing us.

Search for keys

1 key. We go to the right along the wall, at the corpse in the corner we find first key. We climb the stairs. At the top, we throw Helena onto another roof, she will open the door below for us.

2 key. We enter a closed area. Check out the side shops. We see the second staircase, there is a closed door in front of it, together we knock out the door, inside we find second key. We can climb up to the roof here too. We go up the stairs and go to the far left corner of the roof - there is a small metal suitcase with experience. Nearby you can find green grass.

3 key. We go to the door with three bolts, we go to the left of it, through the carcasses of pigs. We go to the fish department. Here on the right there is a room, inside there is red grass and a suitcase with experience. Outside we see a door around which there is electricity. To turn off the current, we go behind the counter on the left, there we press the knife switch. We open the door, we take it third key.


We return to the door, we use all three keys. We enter the building, we escape from the pursuers. Inside, near the meat grinder, another regenerate monster attacks us. We fight off his attack by pressing "left-right", and then shoot at him. As a result, the monster will die in a meat grinder.

4 - 4. Medical Research Center
The plot of Resident Evil 6

Basement with lasers

We get to the laboratory building. A mysterious girl Ada Wong runs in front of us. We do not have time for her, we go to the lower door.

We go through the server room. A wall of lasers is approaching us - Resident Evil's signature trap. We roll where there are fewer laser beams from below. On the door we break two glass devices.


We enter the storage room, there are 5 wooden boxes against the wall. We pass into the room where moving robots-mines come out from under the wall. While Elena hacks the device on the wall, we shoot at the mines, from this they will go in the opposite direction, it is not necessary to destroy them.


We enter the room with the monitor, knock out the grate, climb into the ventilation hatch. In a large room we meet with the military Chris and his partner, they caught Ada and now they want to kill. We save Ada from death, she quickly hides from us along with her suitcase.

Meeting with Simmons

We go down, break the boxes, go out the door. Outside we come to a meeting with Simmons. Another couple arrives here - Sherry and Jake. Together we fall under fire from the chief's bodyguards. But Simmons still gets what he deserves, Ada injects him with a virus with a dart. The mutated Simmons is trying to escape on the train, we are chasing him.

4 - 5. Train
RE6. How to pass as Leon

Boss: Mutant Simmons

We pass through empty cars, collect grass and cartridges. We fight with Simmons, but he will run away to the roof. We get out up, we reach the locomotive. Simmons mutates into a giant dog.

We shoot in the mouth of the monster. From time to time, he returns to the human state, in this form he takes more damage.

The boss throws us onto the second parallel train. We immediately run to the tail of the train, on the way we shoot at the monster to help Elena. Jump from the tail to the main train.

Simmons starts throwing train debris at us. We hide inside the car, only sometimes we leave the shelter and shoot.

When we deal enough damage, the boss will fall off the train. But he will immediately run, overtake us and decide to ram us. We shoot at him so that the train stays on track. On the move, Simmons will turn back into a human and die under the train.

Campaign for Leon Kennedy. Chapter 5

5 - 1. Port

The city of Langshian is attacked by a missile with a virus, a dangerous blue gas is sprayed around, most of the inhabitants turn into zombies. A BSAA soldier is trying to evacuate us, we follow him. We turn into the alley on the right, knock out the gate, enter the open building on the right.

Inside the building, the gas gradually rises from the bottom up, so we run to the upper floors, collecting experience, ammo and other secrets along the way. On the 3rd floor, the gas does not reach, but here the side shutters open, and dozens of zombies attack us. Having killed most of the enemies, we go out through the double doors, outside we quickly get into a military jeep.

There is a blockage on the road, we get out of the car. Behind the motionless gas, enemies constantly come out of it. We can immediately go to the blockage and climb the overturned bus together.

5 - 2. High-rise buildings
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Leon

Repetition of the prologue

On the road there is an explosion of a fuel truck, deafening us and throwing us to the ground. At this time, Ada in a helicopter protects us from zombies. The events shown in the prologue are repeated, but now Elena can move on her own. We go into the alley and into the building. On the other side we go out into the courtyard, there is a jeep and two zombies in the form of BSAA.

We go to the underpass, there is a whole crowd of ordinary zombies. We put a bomb on the stairs, wait for the enemies and blow it up. We pass through the building, from the balcony we jump out into the street, littered with broken cars. We run away from the explosion, get into the helicopter.

5 - 3. Tower Quad - entrance
Resident Evil 6 walkthrough. Leon

We land on the glass floor. We go to the office of "Neo-umbrella".

We jump to a large platform with an obelisk. Here we have to fight with the surviving Simmons.

Boss: Mutant Simmons (Phase 2)

Now Simmons looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. In this form, he quickly runs around the site, trying to eat us, throwing cars at us. You have to constantly run away. Ada helps us in a helicopter, but her machine gun bursts on the boss's armor are useless. Simmons' vulnerable point is an eye in his mouth, but it becomes visible only when he tries to eat us. To get into the eye, you must first provoke the boss, get closer to him, and then run back in time. But there is an easier way: explosive barrels are placed on the square, we lure the boss to them, and then blow them up. We can also use our bombs with a remote fuse.

When Simmons turns back into a man, we run up to him and beat him in close combat. After the first beating of the boss, the military in a jeep comes to our aid, we sit down at the machine guns in the back. We shoot the dinosaur from machine guns, but in the end it will overturn our car.

It remains 3 more times to turn the boss into a man and finish him off hand-to-hand. After that, Ada flies upstairs, follow her on the elevator.

5 - 4. Tower Quad

Boss: Mutant Simmons (Phase 1)

Our elevator is blown up, then we crawl along its cable. Simmons turned into his previous form - a four-legged dog that fires a bone machine gun (apparently, the dinosaur form is clearly not suitable for climbing onto the roof). We quickly crawl along the cable until the monster catches up with us.

We jump to the roof of a wide corridor between skyscrapers. Here we help Ada defeat Simmons. There is little space, but enough to dodge the machine gun and ramming attacks of the boss. We shoot the monster at a vulnerable point - in his thin long neck.

5 - 5. Tower Quad - roof
Resident Evil 6. Walkthrough for Leon. ending

After the second victory, Ada will leave us, telling us that a surprise awaits us upstairs. We rise, we see the left helicopter on the far roof, it remains to get to it.

But at this moment, the undying Simmons catches up with us again. He stands on a nearby roof in the form of a man, but with one claw behind his back. We do not come close to him, we shoot from afar, collecting cartridges from constantly appearing zombies. Soon the boss will retreat. We enter the door.

We go out to the next roof, fight off the usual zombies. Before the crane we plant Elena upstairs. Then Leon sits in the cradle and is fired upon from Simmons who has flown in, and Elena needs to turn the handle to make the cradle move. We unite and enter into battle with a new monster.

Boss: Mutant Simmons (Phase 3)

Simmons turns into a huge insect with a fly's head and many tentacles. The boss attacks with pincers, it is easy to dodge them by pressing a combination of keys. Ordinary zombies constantly appear around, Simmons uses them to restore. We shoot the boss at the yellow thickenings, from this his tentacles will fall off. With a thin trunk, the boss will attract a random zombie and eat it, this will restore its tentacle.

Our task is to raise the electric spire, pierce any zombie with it, and kill all nearby zombies so that the boss grabs this particular zombie with the spire. The spire will pierce the boss and deal serious damage. We repeat this several times, as a result, the spire will pierce the eye of the monster, at this moment lightning will strike it, and the monster will fall down.

We get to the helicopter, take a rocket launcher from it, shoot the boss for the last time. Simmons transforms into a human and falls from the skyscraper directly onto the tip of the obelisk.

Inside the helicopter we find a powder box from Ada, a flash drive with evidence of Simmons' guilt is hidden in it. We fly away from a dangerous place. The heroes are cleared of all charges in the assassination of the president.

The Leon and Elena storyline is complete!
