Fast and impetuous labor. How to avoid accelerating labor? How to give birth quickly

” №4/2011 04.08.11

Of course, every woman's dream is a quick, uncomplicated birth. But rapid childbirth has a second, less brilliant side.

Surely you have heard from friends, acquaintances, and even doctors that some give birth so quickly that they do not have time to understand what is happening. Do not rush to envy and wish yourself this. quick release from the "burden of pregnancy". In fact, fast delivery are a complication that can lead to serious injuries mothers and even a threat to the life of the baby.

Signs of rapid labor

Often recognize fast rapid labor you can already from the beginning generic activity which starts suddenly and very violently. In this state, the woman in labor is highly active, her pulse becomes much faster and her blood pressure rises.

But a variant is possible when initially there was a weakness of the labor forces, and then (often after drug stimulation) strong contractions, following one after another, begin abruptly, which contribute to a very rapid and full disclosure of the cervix. As a result of excessively strong and frequent uterine contractions, which significantly exceed in strength the natural resistance of the tissues of the birth canal, the fetus is quickly pushed out of the mother's body with force, not having time to adapt to the conditions environment.

Labor is considered fast, which lasts 5-7 hours in primiparous and 3-5 hours in multiparous.

Causes of rapid childbirth

There are several reasons for rapid labor:

1.Genetic predisposition. That is, if your grandmother, mother and other maternal relatives had a quick birth, then there is a high probability that your body will decide to “break the family record for the fastest birth”.

2. Various gynecological diseases. Any inflammation, even not causing concern, must be treated!

3. The course of the previous childbirth. Frequent repetitive labor, as well as the rapid course of previous labor, can contribute to the repetition of rapid labor.

4. Hormonal disorders. Diseases of the endocrine glands that occurred before pregnancy (for example, increased production of adrenal hormones and thyroid gland) put you at risk.

5. Pathology of pregnancy. Late and severe gestosis, kidney disease, etc.

6. State nervous system: psychoses, neuroses, hysteria, and just anxiety Women in labor can be another reason for rapid labor.

7. The age of the woman in labor often plays a critical role during labor. So the age before 18 and after 30 years often determines the rapid course of labor. There is no mystery in this. It's simple: before the age of 18, the nervous system is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, and after 30 years, a woman, as a rule, has more than one previous inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs, some chronic diseases and violations in the work of internal organs.

8. Excessive stimulation of labor by the medical staff. Very often, after initially weak labor activity, as a result of excessive drug stimulation, labor activity from the category of "weak" abruptly moves into the category of "rapid labor".

Dangers of rapid childbirth for mom

For a woman, the danger of a quick birth, first of all, consists in the danger of damage to the soft birth canal (rupture of the perineum, cervix, vagina), as well as in the danger of rupture of the uterus - a complication in which it is already a question of the woman's life.

Premature placental abruption is also a very frequent companion of rapid labor. In this case, the issue of an emergency caesarean section is resolved.

The divergence of the pelvic bones in the pubic symphysis is accompanied by severe pain and requires a prolonged immobile position (1-2 months) for a complete cure.

Complications in the last and postpartum periods of childbirth appear in the form incomplete withdrawal placenta and bleeding in the first 2 hours after delivery.

The consequences of rapid childbirth for the baby

Often, babies born as a result of rapid labor suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This condition is very dangerous for the baby and requires immediate resuscitation measures.

Also, a dangerous complication in a child is injuries of the spine, collarbone, humerus since the baby does not have time to roll over after the birth of the head and is born in an oblique size.

Violations cerebral circulation and even the death of brain cells (strokes, increased intracranial pressure) cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, and in severe cases life-threatening and disabling.

What to do with rapid childbirth?

It is possible and necessary to slow down labor activity. If the hospital staff suspects that the woman in labor is too violent, labor is carried out on her side, with the introduction of special drugs that relax smooth muscles and slow down labor.

CTG (cardiotocography) is used to monitor the baby's condition. This allows you to control the baby's heartbeat, the strength and frequency of uterine contractions.

In some cases, for example, with premature placental abruption, the issue of performing a caesarean section is decided.

After childbirth, a thorough examination of the birth canal for ruptures is carried out to quickly and completely eliminate possible complications.

How to prevent rapid labor?

To prevent rapid labor, it is important to determine if the pregnant woman is at risk. Special attention given to women with previous pathological childbirth. If there is a likelihood of violent labor, a woman is recommended to go to the hospital in advance.

Also, to establish a favorable psychoemotional mood for childbirth, pregnant women at risk are recommended to undergo psychological training with a psychologist.

From drug methods to prevent rapid labor, such drugs are widely used as: no-shpa, courantil, etc. Prevention with these drugs is carried out until the very birth.

Do not be upset if suddenly you are at risk of rapid childbirth. The modern level of medicine, nursing staff and your positive attitude in any case will help the miracle of birth to happen healthy baby... Easy labor for you!

Our expert, Shestopalova Nadezhda Borisovna, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Interdistrict Perinatal Center Togliatti

Rapid labor is associated with a violation of the contractile activity of the uterus during childbirth. The duration of labor in primiparous is 4-6 hours, in multiparous 2-4 hours. Rapid labor is characterized by a "stormy onset". In this case, the very first contractions are painful, prolonged and too frequent. In the case when contractions are called immediately high degree discomfort at intervals of 10 minutes or less, you should go to the nearest hospital immediately!

Rapid labor is often accompanied by complications from both the mother (rupture of the birth canal, premature placental abruption, bleeding in the succession and postpartum period) and fetus (hypoxia, cephalohematomas, brain and spinal cord injuries).

The period of adaptation (recovery) of the fetus after rapid and rapid labor can increase up to 5-7 days, which affects the possibility of attachment to the breast, the timing of vaccination and discharge. To normalize labor, doctors use drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus and slow down labor.

When we hear about how some "friend of the acquaintance" gave birth only 4-5 hours - of course, we are wildly jealous! Still, they give birth for some days, but here everything is so fast and colorful. But you shouldn't be so happy ... the fact is that a quick birth often affects the health of both the mother and the baby. After all, childbirth is a physiological process, conceived by nature, and everything should go exactly according to her scenario. And during fast (5-7 hours for primiparous and 3-4 hours for repetitive women) or rapid (less than 5 hours for primiparous and less than 3 hours for repeated) childbirth, all the necessary physiological processes do not have time to go as they should. And, of course, this does not always go unnoticed.

Causes of rapid labor

Who is at risk? There are several known reasons for rapid labor:

Frequent re-birth;

Previous experience of rapid delivery;

Heredity (there is a version that rapid childbirth can occur in a woman whose grandmother, mother or aunt also gave birth quickly);

Increased excitability of the nervous system in a woman in labor (including neuroses, psychosis, etc.);

The threat of termination in the second half of pregnancy;

Complication of pregnancy with various hormonal, infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, etc.;

Severe late toxicosis;

A state of narcotic or drunkenness at the beginning of labor;

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a condition when the cervix and isthmus cannot cope with the load and open prematurely).

Rapid labor options

What are the types of rapid childbirth? There are only 4 main types: rapid labor, spontaneous rapid labor, spastic labor and rapid labor. What is the difference between them? First of all, in time, with which all other features will be associated.
Rapid labor lasts less than 5 hours in nulliparous and less than 3 hours in re-laboring. This rate of labor is the result of increased contraction of all muscles of the uterus, which are significantly at odds with the natural contractions of the birth canal. Therefore, the baby is actually pushed out by the uterus in a matter of minutes! Of course, this cannot but have a negative effect both on the baby (the difference in pressure inside the uterus, in the vagina and at the exit differs by tens, or even hundreds of times!), And on the mother (the likelihood of injury to the birth canal is increased).

Spontaneous rapid labor lasts 4-5 hours, their feature is the acceleration of each stage of labor. For example, the increase in contractions from 1 to 2-3 occurs in 5 minutes! More often this happens in women with elastic muscles of the birth canal - for example, in women who have given birth to many or women with an overabundance female hormones... Another reason for such childbirth may be isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Such childbirth is very dangerous for a child, especially if he is premature, rather large or has any pathology.

Spastic labor activity, which lasts less than 3 hours, can be recognized by the nature of contractions from the very beginning: they are very frequent, the woman in labor has practically no opportunity to rest. Literally from the first minutes, about 5 fights take place in 10 minutes! After some time, the interval between contractions disappears altogether, they are superimposed on one another, the woman in labor may have a rise in temperature and pressure, nausea may begin, and the heartbeat may increase. Usually, during such childbirth, an early outpouring of water occurs (even before the onset of labor). As a result of such labor activity, ruptures of the cervix, vagina, and sometimes the uterus itself often occur. The child is usually born in 1-2 attempts, immediately after the opening of the cervix.

Such births are very life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. A newborn may be born with birth trauma, subcutaneous hemorrhage and cerebral hemorrhage.

Rapid labor is different from previous types of labor. The fact is that with a quick birth, which lasts 5-7 hours, the first two periods in their duration are almost the same as the periods during normal childbirth. It is the expulsion of the fetus that occurs prematurely and in an “accelerated mode” (in a few minutes). This most often occurs with a low weight of the fetus with its normal size, with large sizes bone pelvis women in labor or in case of unreasonable medical stimulation.

As a result of such births, the mother may experience significant perineal tears, and the fetus - spinal cord and brain injuries.

The consequences of a rapid birth

So what's the bottom line? What can be the consequences of a quick birth?

Injury to the birth canal, and sometimes rupture of the uterus in the mother - in this case, begins profuse bleeding and the operation is carried out immediately;

Divergence of the pelvic bones in the area of ​​the pubic articulation - in this case, complete rest is prescribed for 1-1.5 months;

Premature placental abruption - which is very dangerous for the mother and fetus and is a direct indication for a planned caesarean section;

Violation of blood circulation in the placenta - which can lead to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the baby;

Violation of the placenta separation in the final stage of labor - in this case, under anesthesia, the remnants of the placenta are manually removed;

Hypotonic bleeding from the uterus caused by overload - in this case, the mother is given a blood transfusion and the necessary drugs are administered;

Soft tissue injuries in a baby;

Injuries to the clavicle, humerus and spine in a baby;

Hemorrhage under the periosteum of the skull bones in a child;

Hemorrhage in the internal organs of the newborn;

Violation of cerebral circulation and spasm of cerebral vessels in a baby;

Hypoxia or fetal asphyxia - in this case, the newborn is given resuscitation measures.

How to avoid accelerating labor?

In general, there is only one advice for avoiding rapid childbirth - to be observed with early dates at the gynecologist in antenatal clinic and monitor your health. And if you have risk factors, you need to consult with your doctor and decide how to reduce this risk. Often the doctor prescribes special medications to prevent rapid labor.

In general, the main thing is to trust your doctor and follow all his recommendations. And everything will be fine with you!

- labor lasting less than 6 hours in nulliparous and less than 4 hours in multiparous. They arise with increased excitability of the nervous system, metabolic disorders, some somatic and endocrine diseases, multiple births, diseases reproductive system and the complicated course of pregnancy. Rapid labor is manifested accelerated disclosure neck, increased frequency and intensification of contractions and a reduction in the intervals between contractions. May pose a threat to the health of the mother and baby. Diagnosed on the basis of anamnesis, obstetric examination data and cardiotocography results. Treatment - pharmacotherapy aimed at reducing the activity of the uterus.

General information

Rapid labor is an accelerated course of labor, the duration of which in primiparas is less than 6 hours, in multiparous ones - less than 4 hours. A variation of this pathology is rapid labor lasting less than 4 hours in primiparous and less than 2 hours in multiparous. According to various sources, rapid and rapid childbirth is 0.4-2.1% of the total childbirth. Such childbirth is considered in obstetrics and gynecology as pathological due to the high risk of complications for the mother and child. They can be accompanied by ruptures of the genitals, bleeding, discrepancy of the pubic bones, premature placental abruption, birth trauma and fetal asphyxia. The likelihood of developing complications during rapid delivery directly depends on the degree of acceleration of labor.

Causes of rapid labor

Some genetic characteristics, increased excitability of the nervous system, a complicated course of pregnancy, an unfavorable obstetric and gynecological history, multiple births, abrupt changes hormonal background, some somatic and endocrine diseases... In some women, rapid labor is detected over several generations. This is explained by genetically determined characteristics of the body - increased excitability of the myometrium (uterine cells react too strongly to normal stimuli) or functional isthmic-cervical insufficiency (violation of the ratio between connective and muscle tissue or increased sensitivity muscle tissue to changes in hormonal levels).

Rapid labor is often observed in patients with increased excitability of the nervous system (with anxiety disorders, neuroses, hysteria), as well as in patients suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anemia and infectious diseases... Experts believe that in all of these cases, the cause of rapid labor is a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system - acceleration or inadequate processing of afferent impulses entering the brain from uterine receptors, and subsequent disorders nervous regulation generic activity. Another factor that increases the likelihood of rapid delivery may be thyrotoxicosis, accompanied by an acceleration of metabolic processes.

The list of causes of rapid labor associated with the pathology of the reproductive system includes abnormalities in the development of the uterus, inflammatory and non inflammatory diseases, surgical interventions, previous abortion and rapid labor, menstrual irregularities and miscarriage. Among the risk factors for rapid delivery that occur during pregnancy are late gestosis, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, a large fetus, a violation of the location of the placenta, post-term pregnancy, incompatibility in blood group and Rh factor. Sometimes rapid labor is provoked abrupt change hormonal levels due to prolonged squeezing the cervix with the head of the fetus or the simultaneous discharge of amniotic fluid with polyhydramnios.

Periods of childbirth

There are three periods of labor: the first (dilatation of the cervix), the second (expulsion of the fetus or straining) and the third (sequential). The first period is the longest, its duration is 2/3 of the total duration of labor. The frequency of contractions during normal labor varies from one contraction within half an hour at the beginning of the period to one within 5 minutes in the middle of the period. At the end of the period, the intensity of labor decreases. Gradually intensifying and frequent contractions cause a smooth opening of the obstetric pharynx. The walls of the uterus and cervix are not injured, the pressure on the baby's head remains moderate. After the opening of the pharynx, the first period ends.

In the second period, the fetus begins to move along the birth canal. Advancement is also carried out smoothly and gradually, which avoids fetal injuries, damage to the cervix and the mother's vagina. The second period ends after the birth of the child. In the third period, the afterbirth is born - the placenta and the remnants of the fetal bladder. This period is the easiest and the shortest. Average duration normal delivery in primiparous it is 11-12 hours. The first period takes about 9 hours, the second about 2 hours, the third about 30 minutes.

Rapid labor

There are several options for the course of rapid labor. Spontaneous rapid labor is usually observed in women with a history of multiple births, as well as in patients with isthmic-cervical insufficiency and hyperestrogenism. The reason for the rapid delivery is a decrease in the resistance of the tissues of the birth canal to rapidly growing intense contractions. In the first period, contractions quickly increase to 2-3 within 5 minutes. Spontaneous rapid labor lasts no more than 4-5 hours and is usually not accompanied by serious damage to the cervix and vagina. The risk of developing complications in the fetus increases with large fruit, prematurity, congenital malformations and intrauterine hypoxia.

Spastic labor - rapid labor, manifested by a sharp increase in the frequency of contractions (up to 1 every 2 minutes from the very beginning of labor). The contractions are painful, prolonged, almost not separated by periods of rest. The patient is restless. Hyperthermia, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting are often observed. Premature outpouring of water is characteristic. With such a quick birth, there is a high likelihood of complications from the mother and baby. Possible premature placental abruption, bleeding, hypoxia and traumatic injury fetus. The duration of labor is about 3 hours, the fetus is born in just 1-2 attempts immediately after the opening of the obstetric pharynx.

Rapid birth - rapid labor, a feature of which is a violation of the ratio between the duration of the first and second stages of labor. The duration of the first period practically does not change or is slightly reduced in comparison with normal childbirth, the duration of the second period decreases to several minutes. Such a rapid delivery usually occurs with fetal malnutrition, a wide bone pelvis of the patient, or unreasonable prescription drugs... There is a high likelihood of injury to the mother's birth canal, spinal cord injury, and intracranial fetal injury.

The consequences of a rapid birth

Among the possible negative consequences of a quick birth for the mother is damage to the perineum, vagina and cervix. Especially severe complication is a rupture of the body of the uterus, life-threatening patients and requiring emergency surgery. With rapid delivery, hypotonic bleeding develops more often, due to overwork of the uterus in the process of violent labor. There is a possibility of divergence of the pubic articulation. Premature placental abruption may occur, posing a threat to both mother and baby. There may be a delay in the placenta. In the postpartum period, some patients experience mastitis and lactation problems.

Rapid labor increases the risk of fetal complications. Frequent, violent contractions can interfere with normal placental blood flow and provoke hypoxia. In severe cases, a violation of the blood supply to the placenta and the rapid advancement of the fetus through the birth canal causes asphyxia. In list possible damage fetus during rapid delivery - subcutaneous hematomas, cephalohematomas, hemorrhages in internal organs, spinal injuries, fractures of the humerus or clavicle. Hemorrhages in the brain and increased intracranial pressure are possible, fraught with subsequent disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Rapid labor diagnostics

With a quick birth, the patient often ends up in a specialized medical institution with a delay, which worsens the prognosis and increases the likelihood of complications. Therefore, one of the tasks of obstetricians-gynecologists is the early identification of factors indicating a high probability of acceleration of labor. Pregnant with high risk the development of rapid labor is hospitalized in advance and placed under observation.

In case of emergency hospitalization, the diagnosis of "rapid labor" is made taking into account the nature, duration, strength and frequency of contractions, the speed of cervical opening and the movement of the fetus along the birth canal. The specialist performs a general and gynecological examination, measures the duration of the contraction and the rest period between contractions using a stopwatch, and at the same time evaluates the change in the tone of the uterus by placing his hand on the patient's stomach. To clarify the nature of labor and the state of the fetus, cardiotocography is used.

Rapid labor management

The patient is hospitalized, measures are taken to normalize labor. Do not do an enema. The woman is immediately placed on a gurney, transported to the department and laid on the bed on the side opposite to the position of the fetus. They are forbidden to get up. To reduce the contractile activity of the myometrium and improve the placental-uterine blood supply, drugs from the tocolytic group are injected intravenously.

If there are contraindications to the use of tocolytics (hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease) use calcium antagonists. If necessary, perform an epidural anesthesia for labor. Rapid labor is taken in a lateral position, after the end of the third stage of labor, the birth canal is examined for ruptures and a manual examination of the uterus is performed to identify possible remnants of the placenta. After delivery, the patient is prescribed oxytocin and methylergometrine.

The threat of uterine rupture and premature placental abruption during rapid delivery are indications for cesarean section. With a discrepancy of the pubic articulation, appoint bed rest using a shield (to create a hard surface) for a period of 1-1.5 months. If the placenta or its remnants are delayed, manual separation is performed. In case of bleeding, drugs are administered that enhance the contractility of the uterus, blood and blood substitutes are transfused. With hypoxia and asphyxia of the fetus as a result of rapid delivery, resuscitation measures are carried out.

Many of us have heard more than once about childbirth, which took place in just a few hours. In the circle of expectant mothers, such a story about childbirth is perceived with enthusiasm. However, do not rush to envy: such a quickly passed birth most often negatively affects the condition of the young mother and the health of the newborn.

Rapid and rapid labor is a complication that develops as a result of a violation of the normal regulation of labor. The result of such a "rush" can be severe ruptures of the birth canal, uterine bleeding and even complications for the baby.

To understand the reason for the development of "high-speed" labor, one should remember what stages labor activity consists of and what systems of the mother's body are responsible for the regulation of this most important process.

Labor is a contraction - rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, repeated at regular intervals and lasting a few seconds. Normally, contractions are regular, that is, they occur after the same period of time, have the same duration and intensity of contraction. As labor develops, contractions gradually intensify: their duration and strength increase, and the pause between contractions decreases. During all births, the interval between contractions remains a period of rest: the uterus relaxes, and the mother's body accumulates strength for the next contraction.

Periods of childbirth

Generic activity is divided into three main stages - periods.

The first stage of labor begins immediately with the onset of regular labor, that is, from the moment the contractions appear. This stage of labor is called the "cervical dilatation period". Indeed, the result of contractions in this period is a gradual increase in the opening in the lower segment of the uterus - the cervix, or obstetric pharynx. The end of the first stage of labor is the complete dilatation of the cervix, that is, the formation of such an opening that can pass the largest part of the fetus - the head.

The first period is about 2/3 of the entire duration of labor. The gradual, smooth stretching of the obstetric pharynx under the influence of increasing contractions allows you to maintain the integrity of the birth canal and the uterine wall, as well as relieve the baby's head from excessive pressure.

The second stage of labor begins from the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated and ends with the birth of the baby. This stage of labor is called the "expulsion period of the fetus." After the cervix is ​​fully opened, each contraction of the uterine wall propels the fetus along the birth canal towards the "exit". Due to the stretching of the soft tissues of the pelvis and the displacement of the rectum located next to the vagina during the contraction, the woman in labor feels a desire to push. Hence the second name of this period - pulling.

The second period is much shorter than the first. During the persistent period, the baby gently, millimeter by millimeter, pushes the tissues of the mother's birth canal. The gradual, smooth advancement of the fetus ensures the integrity of the tissues of the vagina and perineum, allows the child to adapt to significant pressure from the walls of the birth canal, and reduces the risk of developing intracranial hemorrhages of the fetus.

The third stage of labor is called "successive". Indeed, at this stage, the birth of everything that remains in the uterus after the fetus occurs - the afterbirth. The concept of the placenta includes a child's place (placenta), the remnants of the membranes (walls of the fetal bladder) and the umbilical cord. The third stage of labor begins after the birth of the baby and ends with the release of the placenta outside. The third period is the shortest and most imperceptible for a woman in labor; it usually lasts several minutes and is accompanied by one contraction. The first labor, which proceeds without complications and medical stimulation, lasts on average about 11-12 hours. Of this time, about 9 hours is spent on the opening of the cervix, no more than 2 hours - for the period of expulsion of the fetus and no more than 30 minutes - for the birth of the placenta.

The regulation of labor is carried out through the interaction of the two most important systems of the mother's body - the nervous and hormonal. Female sex hormones - estrogens, prostaglandins - are cooked birth canal and the nervous system of the mother and fetus at the onset of labor, cause contractions. The cerebral cortex, in which a generic dominant is formed at the time of the timely onset of labor (an accumulation of nerve cells that regulate the development of labor), controls the dynamics of the birth process.

If the interaction of the hormonal and nervous systems of the woman in labor is disturbed, various complications labor activity, including fast and impetuous labor.

Pathology options

Rapid labor is a labor that lasts from 5 to 7 hours in a woman giving birth for the first time, or from 3 to 5 hours in a woman giving birth again. Rapid labor in primiparous lasts less than 5 hours, with less than 3 hours. Such a high rate of the birth process is provided by excessively strong and frequent contractions of the uterus, significantly exceeding the natural resistance of the tissues of the birth canal. As a result of this "birth pressure", the fetus is literally pushed out of the mother's body, not having time to adapt to the abruptly changing environmental conditions (the pressure in the uterus, in the vagina and at the exit from the birth canal is significantly different), leaving trauma in the mother's birth canal.

Risk factors for rapid rapid labor

  • frequent repeated childbirth (multiparous women);
  • fast and rapid course of previous labor;
  • hereditary factor (data on fast and in close relatives of a woman in labor - mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters);
  • the threat of termination in the second half of pregnancy;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (incomplete closure of the uterine pharynx during pregnancy, insufficient to hold the ovum);
  • heavy course late toxicosis (gestosis) of pregnant women (complications, often characterized by an increase blood pressure, the appearance of edema, protein in the urine): high blood pressure figures that cannot be treated, a significant deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, other organs and systems of the pregnant woman, significant fetal suffering;
  • diseases of the mother, accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • diseases of the mother, accompanied by a violation of hormonal metabolism (increased function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland); - -sharp infectious diseases mothers accompanied by damage to the central nervous system;
  • mental illness and borderline neuropsychic states of the mother (acute psychosis, hysteria, neuroses);
  • other diseases and conditions that disrupt the neuro-hormonal regulation of labor or normal ratio birth forces and resistance of the birth canal.

There are several options for the accelerated course of labor.

The development of most complications of rapid childbirth, which are quite formidable for both mother and baby, can be avoided.

Spontaneous rapid labor is characterized by a uniform acceleration of the entire labor process, starting with the dilatation of the cervix. The accelerated course of the first and second stages of labor in this case is associated with the increased extensibility of the tissues of the birth canal - the cervix, the walls of the vagina and the tissues of the perineum. The main reason for the rapid course of labor is the low resistance of the tissues of the birth canal relative to the increasing force of contractions. This option of rapid and rapid childbirth is found in multiparous women, in expectant mothers with hyperestrogenism (an excess of female hormones responsible for tissue elasticity), as well as in isthmic-cervical insufficiency - incomplete closure of the cervical canal during pregnancy. The development of spontaneous rapid labor is characterized by an inadequately rapid increase in the strength and duration of contractions: within the first hour from the onset of labor, contractions become more frequent to 2-3 in 5 minutes. Childbirth in this scenario lasts 4-5 hours, usually without significant damage to the birth canal. Such a course of labor is more dangerous for the baby, especially in case of prematurity, large size or the presence of any pathology (oxygen deficiency of the fetus during pregnancy, fetal growth retardation syndrome, low adaptive capabilities, congenital defects development). Such fetal pathologies are detected when ultrasound examination, performed at least three times during pregnancy, according to the results of a Doppler examination - the study of blood circulation in the vessels of the fetus, according to the results of monitoring the heartbeat of the fetus - a cardiotographic study.

Spastic labor during the rapid and rapid course of labor is characterized by the simultaneous development of inadequately frequent, prolonged and painful contractions, practically devoid of rest intervals. Childbirth begins immediately with violent and prolonged contractions, occurring up to 5 or more times in 10 minutes. With such a development of labor forces, a woman in labor from the very beginning of labor experiences significant discomfort, behaves restlessly, complains of severe pain in the contractions and the absence of periods of rest. Usually, such childbirth is accompanied by premature outpouring of water (water is poured out before the onset of labor), nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, tachycardia (palpitations). In this case, the rate of labor is associated with spastic (sharp, inadequately strong and very frequent) contractions of the uterine muscle, accompanied by significant ruptures of the cervix, vaginal walls, perineum, and sometimes the uterus itself. During labor, such dangerous complications as premature, impaired placental blood flow and uterine bleeding... In the fetus, as a result of spastic labor pains, injuries, subcutaneous hemorrhages (hemorrhages under the periosteum - the cover of the skull bones) and brain hemorrhages are formed. Most of these complications are extremely dangerous, many threaten the life of the mother and fetus. In this case, childbirth lasts no more than 3 hours, the birth of a baby takes place in 1-2 attempts, immediately following the formation of a full disclosure of the cervix.

Rapid labor, characterized by a predominantly rapid birth of the fetus, differs from the two previous types of acceleration of the process. The main difference lies in the disturbed ratio of the duration of the first and second stages of labor. With this variant of the course of labor, the period of opening in time may not differ significantly from normal labor or it may be slightly accelerated, and the process of expulsion of the fetus occurs in just a few minutes. Such a rapid birth of a baby after the previous normal period of disclosure is more common with premature birth, malnutrition (low weight with normal length) of the fetus, large sizes of the bony pelvis of a woman in labor, as well as with unreasonable drug rhodostimulation. With this course of the persistent period, the mother develops severe defects in the soft tissues of the vagina and perineum (significant ruptures, hematomas). For the fetus, a rapid birth is dangerous by the development of spinal cord and brain injuries.

The consequences of a rapid birth

Unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the accelerated course of labor provokes the development of severe, sometimes life-threatening complications in the mother and fetus.

For a mother, a rapid labor process is dangerous by the development of the following complications:

  • Injuries to the soft tissues of the birth canal (tears of the cervix, walls and arches of the vagina, perineum), rupture of the body of the uterus - a complication in which the life of a woman in labor is in danger due to massive bleeding: in this case, childbirth always ends with an operation.
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones in the pubic articulation: the complication is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Treatment consists of maintaining a fixed supine position on a firm surface until symptoms disappear (usually 1-1.5 months).
  • Premature placental abruption is a complication that is extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus; in this case, in order to save the lives of the mother and the fetus, emergency operation caesarean section.
  • Violation of placental blood flow due to overactive uterus is a condition that provokes oxygen starvation fetus (acute hypoxia).
  • Violation of the separation of the placenta in the third stage of labor, retention of the placenta lobule, membranes in the uterine cavity. In this case, under intravenous anesthesia produce manual separation of the placenta or its remnants.
  • Hypotonic (caused by low contractility of the "overworked" uterus during labor) bleeding in the first 2 hours after the birth of the child. With the development of such a complication, emergency measures are taken to stop bleeding: the introduction of drugs that increase the contractility of the uterus (pituitrin, methylergometrin), replacement transfusion of blood and blood substitutes. If necessary, a manual examination of the uterus is performed, which contributes to the contraction of its muscles. The most common complications for a baby during a fast and rapid delivery: Injuries to soft tissues (hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue).
  • Injuries to the clavicle, humerus: the baby does not have time to complete the turn after the birth of the head, and the shoulders are born in an oblique size.
  • Cephalohematomas (hemorrhages under the periosteum of the skull bones).
  • Intraorgan hemorrhages (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands).
  • Violation of cerebral circulation and death of brain cells due to spasm of cerebral vessels or hemorrhage (strokes, microstrokes), increased intracranial pressure, subsequently causing disturbances from the central nervous system, in the worst case - life-threatening or causing disability.
  • Spine injury.
  • Acute hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus during childbirth is a condition that is dangerous for the life of the baby. Often, with impetuous attempts, the baby is born in a state of asphyxiation, i.e. with impaired respiratory function. In this case, the newborn is given resuscitation measures.

Slightly slower ...

The development of most complications of rapid childbirth, which are quite formidable for both mother and baby, can be avoided. To do this, it is necessary in time (in advance, during the observation period in the antenatal clinic) to identify predisposing factors in the history of the expectant mother, indicating a high probability of developing "speeding" in childbirth. If a high degree of risk is identified (increased, fetal growth retardation syndrome, impaired placental blood flow and other problems that could not be dealt with in the antenatal clinic), the expectant mother is prescribed planned prenatal hospitalization in the pregnancy pathology department maternity hospital... In this case, at the very beginning of the development of labor, doctors will be able to take all measures to "slow down" the speed of labor, bringing the course of labor closer to normal time and preventing the development of complications.

The joint stay of mom and baby in the postpartum ward helps to eliminate labor stress.

It is possible to suspect the threat of too rapid development of labor activity in the case when, in the very first 20-30 minutes, the frequency of contractions obviously increases. For example, with normal dynamics of labor activity, the first contractions last about 10 seconds, interspersed with an interval of usually at least 20 minutes, and the pause will decrease to 15 minutes after 1-1.5 hours. With the "accelerated version", within half an hour from the moment of the first contraction, the interval will be reduced to 4-5 minutes, while the intensity of the contractions themselves will noticeably increase. In this case, you must go to the nearest maternity hospital: the earlier future mom and the baby will be under the supervision of doctors, the more likely it is to correct labor and avoid complications.

Rapid labor is characterized by a “stormy onset”. In this case, the very first contractions are painful, prolonged and too frequent. In the case when the contractions immediately cause a high degree of discomfort and are separated from each other by a pause of 10 minutes or less, you should go to the nearest maternity hospital immediately.

In the case of the development of rapid and impetuous labor curative measures are aimed at reducing the intensity of labor, that is, to reduce and shorten the contractions. V admission department the expectant mother is put on a gurney; getting up and walking is forbidden. A cleansing enema is not performed when diagnosing rapid labor, since this procedure has a rhodostimulating effect. The woman in labor on a gurney is delivered to maternity ward and put it on the bed, placing it on the side opposite to the position of the baby's back. This position of the woman in labor lengthens the time of childbirth as much as possible.

Medical correction of the rapid development of labor activity consists in administering medications to the expectant mother that reduce the contractile activity of the uterus. For this purpose, drugs are used ginipral, partusisgen. bricanil, nifedipine, verapamil, etc. To reduce pain syndrome, to stabilize blood pressure and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, appoint magnesium, atenolol. If necessary, both the first and second stages of labor are performed under epidural anesthesia (anesthesia, the input of which the anesthetic drug is injected into the area above the spinal cord at the level of the lumbar vertebrae, the lower body is anesthetized). To prevent the development of impaired placental blood flow and acute fetal hypoxia during childbirth, drugs are prescribed that improve the baby's blood supply - pentoxifylline, etc.

Childbirth is also taken in the position of the woman in labor, lying on the side opposite to the location of the back of the fetus. Immediately after the separation of the placenta, a thorough examination of the tissues of the birth canal is performed, if there is a suspicion of a retained placenta lobule, membranes or rupture of the uterine wall, a manual examination of the uterine cavity is performed.

In the early postpartum period, a young mother is prescribed drugs that improve the involution of the uterus (its return to normal sizes), - methylergometrine, oxytocin.

The period of adaptation (recovery) of the fetus after rapid and rapid labor can increase up to 5-7 days, which affects the possibility of attachment to the breast, the timing of vaccination and discharge.

In the absence of complications in the mother and baby, it is recommended that they stay together in the postpartum ward. This mode helps to eliminate labor stress, rapid involution of the uterus and the timely onset of lactation due to the possibility of frequent attachment of the baby to the breast.

Elizaveta Novoselova, obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow


Today is exactly one month since I entered the Maternity Hospital 4 in Moscow. And tomorrow, exactly one month, our son Sasha died due to the negligence of the doctors of this maternity hospital. I cry every day, my husband turned to the Investigative Committee, a check is underway. The son was born, full-term, 3300 gr. Weight, without any pathologies - the expert said in the morgue. His words - all organs are like in a textbook. This article gave me answers about the causes of death. I did not know anything about the consequences of such a rapid or rapid birth and paid dearly for it.
They brought me to the hospital from the residential complex, because I complained about a decrease in the frequency of the baby's movements. Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, my sons began to move and I calmed down. I thought I’ll lie down under observation. The due date of delivery remained 7 days. I didn't even have any signs of the onset of labor. Unfortunately for me, it was Friday evening. Everyone was in a hurry. I did an ultrasound and CTG. Things are good. The gynecologist Kiriya told me. You have given birth before, now you will give birth quickly, we will make you a puncture of the amniotic fluid - an amniotomy for stimulation. I refused at first, called my husband. He said to listen to the doctors and under persuasion I agreed. You cannot do this if the uterus has not opened at all. In the future, I started having contractions. A man, a doctor, a Georgian Georgy Davidovich, came up with his hand, stimulated something, the contractions became even stronger. They didn’t do anything to me, they didn’t inject any inhibitory drugs. The midwife and doctors paid no attention. At first I had a CTG apparatus, but it was removed in the delivery room. Now I understand that the child was experiencing acute hepoxia - he was choking. No action was taken. I gave birth after 3 hours for 2 attempts. This doctor went somewhere and appeared when the head had already appeared. The child did not breathe, they ran, began to scream, pump it out of the lungs, then I hear screaming: Cardiac arrest, adrenaline. They were taken to the intensive care unit. I stood next to him for 24 hours, they were allowed to hold the handle, in the mouth of the tube, they made ventilation of the lungs. The husband arrived, they let him in, said the child leaving. We stood with him holding our son by the handle and we both sobbed. Sonny once opened his eyes and looked. They said they even tried to breathe on their own. They immediately gave me an injection of sleeping pills, they say, you can't strain yourself. After 2 hours, he died. The husband pulled the prepared crib out into the street, because I couldn't see her. The eldest daughter (6 years old) saw, I had to tell her. She was looking forward to her little brother. Sobbed so. Everyone is engaged in diapers, cots, and my husband and I are buying ritual accessories. I drove to the cemetery with a small coffin in the car next to it in the back seat, and so we drove. He is so handsome - a dense man, a copy of dad. My husband worries more than me. How could this have happened, why with us. Not a single deviation in the entire pregnancy. The autopsy diagnosis was asphyxia, although the heart was beating to the last. If the CTG had not been removed, perhaps they would have noticed a decrease in the heart rate and urgently cared for it, but they didn't care. The article gave me the opportunity to understand the reasons. Such a horror. How can you treat people like that, to the happiness of the whole family, which they took away so carelessly, plunged into grief. Go around this maternity hospital 4 side, while this is happening there.
Sorry for the negative. Let no one of those who read this touch. I wrote it for this very purpose, so that they would know, it also happens.

I gave birth to my first child in 8 hours. I was also given oxytocin in addition. After my baby girl was born, she was very restless. She cried a lot. She could cry for 6-7 hours without interruption. We went to a neuropathologist and said that the fontanel was small. I give only noofen, I also gave samazin. Very moody child. I don't even know what to do ((

10/17/2018 21:06:50, Jahan

What a blessing that I did NOT know this before !!! I gave birth to my baby in less than 7 hours (8 points for Apgar) without wild discomfort, all kinds of misfortunes for me and the baby. True, there were some problems with pelvic bones, but everything went through 2 weeks, for the sake of such childbirth it can be survived. I did not have a single symptom to the premises. Oxytocin was administered during the strenuous period. I am glad that I had such childbirth and I was not worried about anything in the process of them, the Creator provided for everything !!! And it is true. Thank God for everything!

13.02.2009 14:08:18, OLENA

The article is a solid positiff))) we can aggravate and thicken the colors ... of course, everything is individual, but this article is so similar to many (note not all) gynecologists. I gave birth to two twins in less than 5 hours, the term was 36 weeks old and everything went well, we were not even transferred to the intensive care unit and the nursery later, we lay down as it should be and go home. There was one rupture during childbirth, but I consider this completely to be the fault of the obstetrician ... she told me when I myself felt that broke ... now the kids are already five years old, everything is buzzing))) and developed at one time better than some full-term and those born with a normal course of childbirth, went at 10-11 months and started talking at 2 years old. not worth reading.

17.12.2008 20:04:59, deikiri


07.12.2008 11:48:02, SVETIK

My second birth also lasted less than 4 hours, my daughter was born 4500, 9-10 APGAR, without any problems, I also had no problems associated with "rapid" births. I read the article with a shudder and some disgust - it can really spoil the mood of a pregnant woman.

12/05/2008 19:57:43, Tatiana

She gave birth to her first child (a 6-year-old boy) in 3 hours 20 minutes. I'm waiting for the second one by the end of December. In fact, the article may scare, but the physiology of women is individual, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and heredity. In my opinion, the description of rapid childbirth is correct, but the frightening thing is that you actually depend on the midwife you get to, on her professionalism. And if you compare with long childbirth for 10-15 hours, it is better to manage in 3 hours, the main thing is to have time to get to the hospital.

12/05/2008 09:47:06, Anna

I gave birth to my second child (girl) in 2 hours. The eldest son was 1 year and 7 months old. Just now I read about all these horrors - and we had no problems. My daughter is now 2.5 months old. She was born on 9-10 Apgar, sleeps all night, calm, gaining weight well. And I walked from Rodzala myself to the ward .... Still, nature is wiser than us at times. I live in Lithuania, and they didn’t slow down anything there, I went straight to the birth site, they helped me, they didn’t give me any medicine, I gave birth on my back, not on my side, as they say here. In general, I envy myself :))

12/04/2008 14:39:43, julija

And this is what worries me: I had a suspicion that the doctor "manually" opened my neck. This suspicion crept in because when I arrived at the hospital on the day of birth with weak contractions, he hurt me very, very much during examination, and almost immediately after that, strong contractions began. I’m wondering if I’m just unlucky with the doctor, or do they really have the right to do this without informing the patient?

Russian fairy tale about the frog princess,
The prince wished to speed up the process, and then "ten iron boots" had to wear out in order to "correct" the situation. And I would wait 3 days, as the frog asked - I would sit at home all this time, have fun with my beloved wife. It seems that in this fairy tale a hint of childbirth is better closer to the origin, and not to science - I mean all kinds of stimulants ...

03.12.2008 20:56:03, PahTU

The first birth lasted 11 hours, the second 5.5, and the third 3 hours. If you believe the information in the article, then the second and third children should be weak, painful, and the reality is that just the first child in early childhood I was ill a lot, although the childbirth was "like a book."

She gave birth to the first one in 7 hours, the second and the third - about 5. That is, according to the author: "In the overwhelming majority of cases, the accelerated course of labor provokes the development of severe, sometimes life-threatening complications" - we now have a family of solid disabled people. It's good that I didn't know this before! Otherwise, I would never have sent my children to a physics and mathematics school, and would not have enrolled them in sport sections(where, by the way, they also receive medals).
It seems that the article was written in order to justify in advance the inept actions of doctors, as a result of which complications occur. In theory, the next article should scare you with stories about the horrors of prolonged labor - and then inept obstetricians-gynecologists are covered from all sides!
And what do you want - you gave birth to something wrong, too fast (or too slow)!

03.12.2008 15:03:52, Maria

Rapid and rapid labor is associated with a violation of the contractile function of the uterus during childbirth. Such childbirth can initially be protracted: the processes of cervical dilatation are slowed down, the presenting part of the fetus (the head in the cephalic presentation and the buttocks in the pelvic presentation) for a long time remains pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, and then it moves rapidly through the birth canal. The total duration of labor may correspond to normal performance(10-12 hours), but the period of expulsion (immediate birth of a child) is sharply shortened. Another option is also possible: all periods of childbirth are sharply shortened. In this case, rapid labor occurs in primiparous less than 6 hours, in multiparous - less than 4 hours; rapid labor - less than 4 and less than 2 hours, respectively.


1. Genetic (congenital) pathology muscle cells(myocytes), in which their excitability is sharply increased, that is, to excite the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, less potential is needed than usual. Since, as already mentioned, this cause is genetic, it can be inherited. Therefore, if the mother or the next of kin on the maternal side (aunts, sisters) had a quick or rapid birth, we can assume their repetition.
2. Increased excitability of the nervous system. Absence psychological readiness to childbirth can affect the occurrence of excessively strong labor.
3. Metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine glands that a woman had before pregnancy, for example, increased production of thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones.
4. The so-called burdened obstetric and gynecological history, that is, the presence of gynecological diseases in women, such as inflammatory, or previous pathological childbirth, especially if the first birth was quick, traumatic for mom and baby.
5. One of the predisposing factors of excessively strong labor is the age of primiparous up to 18 or over 30 years. This is due to the fact that up to 18-20 years old, there is immaturity, unpreparedness of the structures of the nervous system for pregnancy and childbirth. Women over the age of 30, as a rule, suffer any inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs by this age, have chronic diseases, diseases of the endocrine glands ..
6. Pathologies of pregnancy: severe gestosis (toxicosis), kidney disease, etc.
7. Situations created medical staff, in particular unreasonable or overuse rhodostimulating drugs.


Labor activity during rapid or impetuous labor usually begins suddenly and violently - either after the weakness of the birth forces has taken place, or initially. In this case, very strong contractions follow one after the other through short pauses and quickly lead to the full disclosure of the cervix. When childbirth begins suddenly and violently, proceeding with intense and almost continuous contractions, the woman in labor comes into a state of excitement, expressed in increased motor activity, increased heart rate and respiration, rise in blood pressure.
Attempts are also violent, impetuous, within 1-2 attempts the fetus is born, followed by the last one.
It should be mentioned that strong contractions may indicate not only excessively strong, but also discoordinated labor activity, in which, despite the intensity of contractions, the cervix remains closed in one area or another.
Rapid labor in multiparous women can end in even a few minutes. They often find a woman in an unsuitable environment, for example, in transport or in another public place, hence the high probability of infection and other consequences of not provided during medical care.


Rapid childbirth can pass without consequences, however, complications for both the fetus and the mother are not excluded.
Excessive labor activity threatens the mother with the danger of placental abruption before the baby is born. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are almost constantly in a state of contraction, the uteroplacental vessels are pinched, the blood circulation between the uterus and the placenta is impaired. If you do not provide a woman in time medical assistance(and in in this case counts for seconds), then bleeding can lead to serious consequences... If, at the same time, blood accumulates between the exfoliated part of the placenta and the uterus, the uterus fills with blood constantly coming from the area of ​​the detachment, the muscles of the uterus are “saturated” with this blood and lose their ability to contract, as a result of which the bleeding cannot be stopped. Such situations are fraught with the removal of the uterus. For a baby, a premature placental abruption can be threatened by acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen).
With a rapid advance through the birth canal, the fetal head does not have time to configure - to decrease due to the fact that the bones of the skull in the area of ​​the seams and fontanelles (soft joints) find one another, like shingles. Normally, the baby's sutures and fontanelles are closed. connective tissue, which allows the baby's head to adapt to pass through the mother's pelvic bones. During rapid or rapid labor, the fetal head is subjected to rapid and strong compression, which can lead to its injury and intracranial hemorrhage, and this, in turn, can cause various Negative consequences: from reversible paresis and paralysis to fetal death.
The rapid progress of the child through the birth canal often causes quite serious injuries of the birth canal: deep ruptures of the cervix, vagina, perineum.
Rapid emptying of the uterus can cause its muscles to contract poorly after childbirth, which can cause postpartum hemorrhage.


In the case when, when a pregnant woman entered the maternity hospital, the cervical dilatation was small (2-3 cm), labor activity developed very rapidly and within 2-3 hours the cervix was fully dilated, childbirth is carried out in a lying position on its side. In this case, drugs and agents are used that relax the muscles of the uterus and slow down labor. In cases where rapid labor is caused by the administration of drugs that stimulate labor, the administration of these drugs is immediately stopped.
With excessively strong labor, constant cardiac monitoring is carried out over the condition of the baby (with the help of a special apparatus, the fetal heartbeat is recorded). To do this, a sensor is attached to the stomach of the woman in labor, and the every second changing number of fetal heartbeats is reflected on the screen of the device. Some of these devices allow you to control not only the cardiac activity of the fetus, but also the strength of the uterine contractions. Cardiotocography is used as an additional diagnostic method along with ultrasound and Doppler examination in the third trimester of pregnancy. After childbirth, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out to diagnose traumatic lesions and their timely correction. In the presence of deep and extensive ruptures, the operation of examination and restoration of the birth canal is carried out against the background of general anesthesia, intravenous anesthesia is often used.
Given the possibility of complications for the mother and the fetus, the question arises about the rationality of the delivery through the natural birth canal. But even in the presence of certain predisposing factors listed above, it is impossible to say with certainty whether childbirth will proceed with excessively strong labor. Absolute indications for operative delivery are premature detachment of the normally located placenta and bleeding caused by this condition, as well as acute fetal hypoxia (the presence of this complication is determined by a change in the number of fetal heartbeats).


For the prevention of rapid childbirth, an important role is played by early detection predisposing factors. If the pregnant woman has any risk factors, especially if the second birth is coming, and the first was fast, it is better to go to the hospital before the due date of the expected birth. Women at risk for the development of abnormalities of labor, in particular excessively strong labor, should carry out psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth using auto-training techniques, training in muscle relaxation techniques, and control over the tone of the uterine muscles. It is important that a pregnant woman is in a state of psycho-emotional comfort, is convinced of successful outcome childbirth. A rational daily regimen and diet play an important role. During pregnancy, it is advisable to attend a school for pregnant women, where the expectant mother will be introduced to physiology generic act, will teach you how to behave correctly during childbirth in order to rationally use your physical potential for a successful delivery. If future parents have any concerns about the upcoming birth (for example, caused by past experience), they can see a psychologist at the pregnancy school. All this together will create a positive psycho-emotional background, and the expectant mother will feel more confident.
From medications for the prevention of excessively strong labor during pregnancy, antispasmodic (relaxing the muscles of the uterus) drugs are used, such as no-shpa, as well as drugs that improve uteroplacental blood circulation (trental, curantil). Drug prophylaxis is carried out until childbirth only for those women who are at risk of developing pathology of the contractile activity of the uterus.

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