Why is weak generic activity. Weak generic activity: what to do if weak contractions. What does the doctor do with the weakness of labor activity

- Insufficient, duration and periodicity, the contractile activity of the uterus caused by its hypotonic dysfunction. Weakness generic activity It is manifested by rare, short and ineffective fights, slowing down the cervix and fetus moving. Pathology is diagnosed with observation, cardiotockography, vaginal research. In the treatment of weakness of labor activity is applied relaxation; According to the testimony is carried out cesarean section.


Weakness of labor activity is one of the forms of violation contractile function The uterus characterized by a low-tone of myometrium, a rare frequency of contractions, a weak amplitude of abbreviations. There is a predominance of diastole kits (relaxation period) over the systole (reduction period), which slows down the opening of the cervix and advance fetus by the generic channel.

Weakness of labor activity can be due to late or young age of primary; gestosis; premature childbirth either by pregnancy; extracting the uterus with multipleness, large fruit, multi-way; disproportion between the size of the fetus and the pelvic pelvis (narrow pelvis); Early expectation of water. The development of the weakness of labor activity can lead the presence of placenta, the flow of pregnancy under conditions of chronic fetoplacentage insufficiency, the pathology of the fetus (hypoxia, anencephalia, etc.).

In addition, the weakness of labor activity can be aggravated by the asthenization of women (overwork, excessive mental and exercise, unsatisfactory nutrition, insufficient sleep); Fear of fever, uncomfortable environment, inattentive or coarse service. The weakness of labor activity is often a direct continuation of the pathological principle of childbirth.

Types of weakness of labor

By the time of occurrence, the primary weakness of the generic activity and secondary are distinguished. The initial weakness consider the situation at which from the very beginning of labor, there are not enough active (weak valid, neurotic, short-term) contractions. The secondary weakness is said if the fights at the end of the 1st or beginning of the 2nd birth period occurs after the initially normal or rapid nature of the generic activity.

Weight activities include segmental and convulsive contractions. Facial scaffolds are characterized by protracted (more than 2 minutes) cuts in the uterus. With segmental fights there is a reduction in the entire uterus, and its individual segments. Therefore, despite the continuity of segmental contractions, the effect of them is extremely small. Definition clinical form Weakness of labor activities makes it possible to elect differentiated tactics in relation to the treatment of violations.

Symptoms of weakness of labor activity

The clinical manifestations of the primary weakness of labor activities are: the reduction of excitability and tone of the uterus; Frequency Fights - 1-2 for 10 minutes; duration of bouts no more than 15-20 seconds; The amplitude (power) of the contractions of myometrium is 20-25 mm Hg. Art. The cut period of the uterus is short, the relaxation period is 1.5-2 times. The increase in intensity, amplitude, frequency of bouts over time does not occur.

The fights for the primary weakness of labor activity can be regular or irregular, painless or low-skinned. Flow structural changes The cervix (shortening, smoothing and disclosure of the cervical canal and the uterine zoom) slowed down. The weakness of the contractile activity of the uterus often accompanies and the period of expulsion, as well as the last and early postpartum period, which leads to hypotonic bleeding. The primary weakness of generic activity leads to tightening the duration of the birth, the fatigue of the female in labor, the late influence of the accumulating waters, the elongation of anhydrous interval.

In the case of secondary weakness of the generic activity, initially effective fights are weakening, become shorter and less often, up to complete termination. This is accompanied by a decrease in the tone and excitability of the uterus. The disclosure of the uterine seva can reach 5-6 cm without further progression; Promotion of the fetus by the generic channel stops. The danger of weak labor activity is to increase the risk of upstream infection, the development of asphyxia of the fetus or its intrauterine death. With long-term standing of the fetal head in the generic channel, generic injuries of the mother (hematoma, vaginal fistula) can develop.

Diagnostics of weakness of generic activity

To determine the nature of the generic activity clinical appraisal Efficiency bouts, tone of the uterus, childbirth dynamics. In the process of childbirth, monitor monitoring of the cuts of the uterus (cocoometry, cardiotocography) is carried out; Analysis of frequency, duration, tape force and their comparison with the norm is performed. So, in the active phase of the 1st period weakness is considered to be a duration of less than 30 seconds. and intervals over 5 minutes; For the 2nd period - shorter 40 seconds.

With the weakness of the generic activity, the opening of the cervix occurs less than 1 cm per hour. Degree and disclosure rate are estimated during the process. vaginal research, as well as indirectly - in the height of the contract ring and the promotion of the head. The weakness of generic activity is said if the 1st period of birth continues at the primary over 12 hours, and in repeatedly more than 10 hours. The weakness of the generic forces should be differentiated with discoordinated generic activity, since their treatment will be different.

Treatment of weakness of labor

The choice of treatment scheme is based on the reasons, the degree of weakness of labor activity, the period of childbirth, the assessment of the state of the fetus and the mother. Sometimes to stimulate the intensity of the battle, it suffices to produce the catheterization of the bladder. If the weakness of the generic activity is due

In the process of maintaining pregnancy from the obstetrician-gynecologist, an assessment of risk factors for the development of the weakness of generic activity is necessary, and in identifying such factors - carrying out preventive medication and psychophysical training. Weakness of labor activity almost always leads to a deterioration in the state of the fetus (hypoxia, acidosis, brain edema), therefore, simultaneously with the prevention of the prevention of the fetus asphyxia.

St. Petersburg

Birth begin with fights. First tolerant, with an interval of 10-15 minutes, then more often, stronger. The frequency of the battle reaches 1-2 minutes, and the force is usually noticeable.

Unfortunately, there are cases in which the contractions do not grow according to strength and frequency, but weaken, or are completely irregular. There may be the fact that the fighting training (then you can not yet give birth), and maybe a weak generic activity. What it is, the reasons for the emergence of this anomaly, and also that a woman can make for his part, and let's talk.

What is it talking about?

Weak generic activity is two types.

Primary weakness of labor

The main features are weak and short contrast, smoothing and disclosure of the uterus are reduced or stopped. Over time, the duration and frequency of the bumps do not grow at all or grow slightly.

Depending on the health testimony of the feminine and the fetus, the doctors hold the following activities:

  • amniotomy (water deposit enhances the fight);
  • medical sleep, for recreation Women, after the introduction of narcotic analgesics and stimulation of uterotonic (oxytocin and prostaglandins). As a rule, the sleep of two hours lasts;
  • the use of drugs that increase the intensity of bruises;
  • spasmolytics;
  • prevention of hypoxia of the fetus.

Secondary weakness of labor

It is less common than primary. Fights are weakening, the duration decreases. At the same time, previous phases of generic activity could flow at a normal pace. Slowly slows down or even stops the disclosure of the uterus and the progressive movements of the fetus by the generic channel.

As indicated in the book on obstetrics (obstetrics. National Guide - Aylamazyan E.K., Kulakov V.I. et al. - 2009 - 1200), the main behavior of doctors in secondary weak generic activity is the introduction of prostaglandins. In the absence or insufficient effect of the drug stimulation, as well as when identifying the hypoxia of the fetus, the tactics of conducting labor changes. Other ways of delivery are selected, it can be: caesarean section, the use of band-haired obstetric tongs (at this moment I am ready to faint), perineum dissection (perineotomy).

Weakness of generic activity is observed in 8-10% of all feminines. Moreover, in the first birth, the probability is an order of magnitude higher than second. This pathology threatens tightening the process, the fatigue of the man in labor (the forces on the sweat becomes less), the hypoxia of the fetus, infection of the generic paths and inflammatory complications, bleeding in childbirth and postpartum period. Doctors are forced to carry out a medical stimulation of childbirth, which leads to greater pain of the process, since the body does not have time to prepare and develop natural painkillers.

The reasons

To begin with, it is worth understanding why this is a violation of the generic process, and then, how to avoid it.

  • nervous stress pregnant, stress;
  • infantilism of the genital organs (uterine hypoplasia), the rigidity of the genital feet (reduced elasticity);
  • violation of endocrine and exchange mechanisms in the body of a woman (deficiency of the functions of the thyroid gland, obesity, diabetes);
  • uterine damage (as a result of cesarean section in past birth, endometriosis, uterine myoma);
  • everting the uterus (multiplot, large fruit, multi-way);
  • anatomically narrow pelvis in the guinea;
  • age of pregnant (up to 18 years or older than 30);
  • major and sluggish, flat fruit bubble (as it prevents the child's lowering);

In addition to the foregoing, with the secondary weakness of the generic activity, the causes may be:

  • farming fatigue;
  • mismatch of the sizes of the head of the baby and the pelvis of a woman;
  • malposition;
  • the presence in a small tumor pelvic.

What to do?

As for health issues and physiology, being already pregnant, it is difficult for them to somehow prepare. Here to help the competent doctor you trust. We will consider only what we can influence. And we can influence different stagesAs in the preparation for childbirth and directly in the process.

Preparation before childbirth

Vitamins and trace elements

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, doctors are prescribed for prevention of vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B9 ( folic acid), FROM ( ascorbic acid).

For me personally, it was news when I found out that in fact there are products containing a considerable number of these trace elements. And you can get required vitaminswithout interfering in the work of the body chemical preparations. Therefore, I offer you a list of products containing maximum amount These three vitamins:

  • B6 (Porodoxine) can be found in walnuts (0.80 mg / 100g), beef liver (0.70 mg / 100g), hazelnuts (0.70 mg / 100g), tomato paste (0.63 mg / 100g), garlic (0.60 mg / 100g);
  • B9 (folic acid) is contained in large quantities in green asparagus (262mkg / 100g), peanuts (240mkg / 100g), beef liver and chicken (240mkg / 100g), lentil (117mkg / 100g), parsley (117mm / 100g);
  • C (ascorbic acid) There is in dry rosehip (1200 mg / 100g), fresh rose hips (470 mg / 100g), red sweet pepper (250 mg / 100g), sea buckthorn and black currant (200 mg / 100g), sweet green pepper and Petrushka (150 mg / 100g). By the way, in the impact of centuries recommended oranges and lemon vitamin C contains only 60 and 40 mg / 100 g, respectively!

To make a solution to the replacement of vitamins, I recommend to explore more about the question and discuss it with my doctor who trust.

Raisher rest!

In the last periods of pregnancy, do not forget to relax, and sleep well (and then suddenly tomorrow the war (read, childbirth), and the horse is Bogatyrsky (read, pregnant), did not get enough sleep!

Solving psychological issues

With the psychological component of fear of childbirth, you can work even during pregnancy. Read more about it.

I happened to talk to the midwife from the city of Berdsk ( Novosibirsk region), she told that residents of the villages give birth easier than urban. It was positioned from the point of view that residents of large cities are very afraid of pain. Through the prism of my experience, I suspect that the case is also that village girls are not looking for so much information about childbirth. Do not read the experience of childbirth other women. "Everyone gives birth. it normal process. And I face. "

About exercise

I want to warn you about something important. Everything physical exercises During pregnancy, there must be soft and familiar. That is, you do not need to start doing those species physical activitywhich you have never been involved before.

Surely, did you hear about the need to perform the exercises of Kegel to prepare for childbirth? In fact, these exercises are created to restore urinary control in women (what's the preparation for childbirth in general ???). Pregnant two types of exercises are offered. IN the first is coming "Singing", in fact, the woman pushes the fruit that rests on the pelvic bottom, because it is no secret.

As in your opinion, are such extruding kid useful? In the second exercise, a spontaneous stop and continuation of urination is proposed. Similar exercise is done in class intimate gymnastics, and only under the control of a specialist, otherwise you can be touched before incontinence.

Intimate gymnastics in general is a very useful thing, just to start it before pregnancy or after delivery (no earlier than three, but better after 7 months). Do not create additional stress to the pregnant body, he is and so there is something to work.

Do you have many newborn care issues? It's good, because proper understanding These topics will sorrify good service Health I.

well-being of your child. Pay attention to the excellent courses of the doctor Irina Zagareva, who will help you navigate at the beginning

your motherhood:

"Preparation for pregnancy and childbirth"

"Natural parenthood: myths and reefs"

"Secrets of happy motherhood"

Shortly before the maternity hall

Michel Oden, the famous obstetrician gynecologist perfectly tells in his interviews and books about the influence of stress on the process of childbirth. The fact is that the adrenaline is distinguished during stress, which prevents muscle relaxation. The body is preparing for protection, wrestling and stops the generic process. Blocked hormone oxytocin. All this can lead to weakness of labor activity. Therefore, it would be nice:

Choose the right time

If you plan to give birth in the usual maternity hospital, then it is important to go on time there. Fights are divided into latent (hidden, the uterus is revealed to 4 cm) phase and active. So, during the period of the latent phase, when the fights are weak enough, you continue to engage in your business at home; Drink tea, take a shower, etc. Once the interval between the fights is 5 minutes. Everything. It's time in the maternity hospital. There is already a war, even a flood, the process of childbirth will not stop. By the way, this option helps to exclude trips to the hospital during training fights.

Reservation. If your mom had rapid childbirthFrom the category, they would have risen in two hours, then you should be ready for the fact that you may receive the same bonus, inherited. This happens extremely rarely. But it happens.

Create comfortable conditions

If possible, create a maximum favorable situation during childbirth: muted light, no enema, the absence of a crowned people (few people will help a large number of People around when fights), solitude, silence, warmth. It would be nice to shift the task of filling the papers on the assistant. These moments are usually discussed with a doctor at the conclusion of the contract.

Use methods for relaxation

During the bouts, a warm bath or shower is anesthetically. However, the adoption of the bathroom can weaken the process, so the souls are more versatile. Clinic water contributes to relaxation, and this is the main assistant in childbirth.

If you are in the maternity hospital, and the fight still weak

The mood of the guinea is one of the most important factors. But if something went wrong, you can try the following methods:

  • It is necessary to calm down, ask the doctor or accompanying in childbirth to make a massage, help take a convenient pose;
  • If there is an opportunity, do not learn - it is better to walk;
  • If you have to lie down (KTG make, they put a dropper), then you can lie on that side, where the baby's back is located (ask the doctor what side). The back of the baby presses on the uterus, which causes its abbreviations;
  • The emptying of the bladder, it helps to increase the contractions.

I wish you not to be afraid to give birth. Yes, it is an exciting and difficult process, not terrible. One an experienced mother She told me during pregnancy "it's not hurting, it is difficult to give birth." And there is one more important momentthat childbirth is not the end of the way, it is the beginning of a new way. You have a meeting with your baby, it's great! Love your child, this is the most important thing.

In this article we are talking about urgent, or timely childbirth, under the term of pregnancy 38 - 41 weeks, the causes of their offensive and signs of approaching childbirth.

Information At the end of pregnancy in the body of a woman there are changes that prepare her body to the upcoming birth. According to modern scientific ideas, childbirth begin and safely occur in the preformive generic dominant.

It is a complex that combines the highest regulation centers (central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal regulation) I. executive bodies (uterus, placenta, fruit shells). That is, this means that with any even minor deviations in this complex system There may be various native anomalies.

It is proved that women who have been trained in special courses for pregnant women, it is easier to give birth and evolves less complications During childbirth and in the early postpartum period than not prepared by the feminine. Therefore, it is better to expect the upcoming birth as they say "in complete combat readiness", without fear, looking to the bright future with his baby.

The first period of childbirth. Frequency and intensity of bouts. Self-proliferation methods during bouts

The moment when the contractions become regular and gradually enhanced, is considered to be the beginning of the first period of childbirth. At this stage, the cervix takes place. From the primordin, it lasts 10 - 12, but can reach 16 hours, the process of repeatedly goes faster and takes an average of 6 to 8 hours.

At first, the fights are short for 10 - 20 seconds, and breaks between them are long - 15 - 20 minutes. If you are at home, you can already slowly gather in the maternity hospital. Gradually, the uterine contractions will be intensified, and the gaps are reduced. Try to move more or stand near the support, in this position the pain is not so felt, and the disclosure goes faster.

Important During the battles, the most important thing is to relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, because, shrinking, the muscles move the vessels by which blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

And if the kid will be in such a responsible moment in a state of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), it will be more difficult for him to adapt to new living conditions. Calm helps not only relax the whole body and fill each cell with oxygen, but also allows you to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you feel that the fight begins, take a convenient position and start calmly inhaling the air through the nose, you can put your hand on the stomach and edge to feel how the stomach rises, the diaphragm and the air fills the lungs. And then make a calm long exhalation through your mouth.

Also pain relief fights together with diaphragmal breathing You can apply self-massage techniques:

  • Stroke the bottom of the abdomen from midline To the edge of two hands;
  • Massage with finger pads the base of the sacrum;
  • Acupressure internal surface Rowing of the iliac bone.

Also distracts from pain nice talking in a cozy atmosphere. Well, if during childbirth will be with you close person: husband, girlfriend, sister or mom. It is very important that they were prepared for childbirth and during the bouts did not panic, but supported you.

Usually, when the cervix disclosure is 5-6 cm, the fruit bubble is rupture and the oral water is poured. After that, the doctor necessarily inspects the fever on the chair to make sure that the baby's head was established correctly and did not fall out of the puff loops of the handle or legs (with a pelvic presence). The volume of the uterus has decreased, and the fight after a small break becomes even stronger and more often.

Sometimes the fruit bubble is opened artificially when the uterine duty opening is 2 - 3 cm, this procedure is called amniotomy. It is used in the weakness of generic activity and to activate the bouts.

During the first period of childbirth, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bladder and go to the toilet every 2 hours. Crowded bladder It prevents the normal disclosure of the cervix and the direct passage of the fetus by the generic channel.

When the cervix disclosure is 10 - 12 cm, the fetal head presses on the sacrilate's plexus and the desire arises to surprise. But this can not be done until the doctor does not examine you, because if you start to sleep with an incomplete opening of the cervix, you can simply break it. With the beginning, childbirth is transferred in the second period - the period of expulsion.

Anomalies of generic activity in the first period of birth

Primary generic weakness -a condition in which the power, frequency and duration of the bouts are insufficient for disclosing the cervix from the very beginning of childbirth. Secondary generic weakness - Reducing the intensity of kits after their normal flow. To restore contractual activity, uterus use intravenous administration The solution of foremeaddine or oxytocin. These substances are produced in the body and cause contraction of the muscles. If the first period of childbirth was delayed, the woman was tired, can prescribe a medical sleep-rest, but only if the state of the fetus is stable and there is no indication for emergency delivery. During the stimulation of labor activities, spasmodics and analgesics are prescribed and are constantly monitoring the palpitations of the fetus and cuts in the uterus.

Excessively strong generic activityit may occur in hypersensitive, nerve fencers. They are characterized by very strong frequent contractions and sweat. Birth, even at first-night, end in 1 - 2 hours. Due to the fact that all processes are significantly accelerated by the mother and child's body can not adapt and therefore the breaks of sex tract and injuries have a newborn. To reduce the activity of the bouts, the woman is placed on the side the opposite back of the fetus and introduces drugs relaxing muscles of the uterus.

Another violation is discorded generic activity - In the uterus, the direction of the spread of the wave of kits is changed, that is, the reduction force decreases from top to bottom, but vice versa. The fights are very painful, but the cutting of the cervix does not occur, the myometrium is not relaxing and the uterus is in constant excitation - the Tetanus of the uterus. Bloodstock is disturbed and the fruit is in heavy hypoxia.

The second period of childbirth is the appearance of a child. Potumes

From the moment of the total disclosure of the cervix begins, perhaps the most responsible stage of the birth - the period of expulsion. Usually the second period last 1 - 2 hours.

The passage of the child on the generic channel depends entirely on how much and efficiently you will be in trouble. At the command of a doctor or midwife, you need to calmly breathe deeply and delay your breathing as long as possible, while the air needs to be kept in the cheeks, but to direct it down, as if pushing it with myself with the child.

On average, fasting lasts 1.5 - 2 minutes and during this time it is necessary to stay so much, holding up breathing 4 - 5 times, then, during the rest, breathe deeply and calmly, restoring your strength. Knees with hands need to press to yourself, straining muscles abdominal press. When you are transferred to the roar (usually it happens when the baby's head has already appeared from the sex harness), there, on a special generic bed, the legs are widely divorced on the stands, and the hands will need to hold onto the handles and pull them on the time during the contraction.

With every fertilous kid, slowly moves to the exit, the bones of its skull enter each other to match the size of the generic channel. If you do not breathe correctly, small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes, and the baby's head will stand for a long time in one place and squeeze, which can lead to various damage. When the head was already born, to properly withdraw the obstetrician, asks you to breathe often to be superficially to suppress the coup.

As a rule, after that it takes no more than 1 - 2 minutes and the whole kid appears. This is the most joyful moment of your life - the first meeting with the baby. The child first cry straightens their lungs and makes the first breath. If everything is fine, the baby will put on the mother's tummy for dating activation of breast milk.

With a bodily contact of the microflora muming, the baby will switch to the skin, and will guard it from harmful microbes. Then the desire to reach again - this means that the placenta separated, and the third period of childbirth came - the birth of the penis. And the child in the meantime will take the midwife to weigh, measure and process upholstery residue, and the pediatrician will examine him and appreciate the apart scale.

Sometimes it happens that the forces are simply not there - this condition is called the weakness of the fence. It occurs in the overwriting of the feminine, as well as with the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal press. In this case, oxytocin is introduced if it is necessary to speed up the birth of a child, cut the crotch fabrics (the operation is called episseotomy). But if the fetal head is clamped between the bones of the pelvis and the state of the baby worsens, in the absence of effective fence on the head of the fetus, there are screws or a vacuum extractor and pull the baby. But before that, it is better not to bring, but to collect all your strength and reassure yourself.

The third period - the birth of the last (placenta, fruit shells and umbilical cord)

During the last swelling from the uterus, it appears last - this is the umbilical cord, placenta and fruit shells. Special attention The doctor pays inspection of the placenta, it is necessary that all her slices are in place, and nothing remains in the uterus. If everything is fine, the obstever inspects the generic paths, if necessary, sews trancheled tissue.

A bubble with ice is put on the stomach to force the uterus to reduce and prevent atonic bleeding. If a piece of placenta remained in the uterus, or for some other reason, the uterus is not reduced and continues to go blood - perform manual control and. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia.

Two hours after childbirth, you and the baby will have to spend more in the genital block, after this time the doctor will evaluate the state of the uterus, the pulse and pressure will measure and then translates you to the postpartum separation. There you will get used to each other, and the baby also towards new living conditions. It is very important to attach crumb to the chest as early as possible and feed it for each requirement, and not by the hour. Enjoy every moment of a new life, because now there has been a new meaning.

The article discusses weak generic activities. We tell about the reasons, symptoms and the consequences of such a state. You will learn what to do in such a situation and is it possible to strengthen the fight.

Weak generic activity is the condition of the body characterized by the insufficient force of contractile uterine activity, frequency and duration. As a result, the fights rarely and briefly occur, while they are ineffective. All this leads to the slow disclosure of the neck and the passage of the fetus generic ways.

Weak generic activity can lead to negative consequences.

This state refers to the anomalies of the generic forces. It is observed in 10% of cases of all adverse occupational labor. As a rule, pathology is diagnosed in the first birth, less often is observed at second or third.


The pathology is classified depending on the time of its appearance, two types are distinguished: primary and secondary. Primary form It is characterized by short inefficient fights from the beginning of the generic process, while the uterus relaxes for a long time. The secondary form is diagnosed with a weakening and shortening of kits after some time of their sufficient intensity and duration.

The primary form occurs more often, its frequency is 8-10 percent. Usually secondary form Reveal at the end of the disclosure period or during the expulsion of the fetus, it is found only in 2.5% of cases of all kinds.

Also, experts note the weakness of the fence, observed in the middle of the agent or in women with obesity and segmental and convulsive fights. The convulsive uterine contraction is characterized by a protracted cutting of the uterus (more than 2 minutes), segmental - the uterus is reduced not all, but only by separate segments.

Who enters the risk group

The risk of treatment of pathology increases in the following cases:

  • too young age (up to 18 years) and women in labor over 35 years;
  • a large number of abortion with scrolling in history;
  • multipleness;
  • a large number of births in history;
  • failure hormonal background and impaired menstrual function;
  • excess body weight;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • the presence of uterine extracts caused by multiplodesity, multi-way or large fruit.

The reasons

Why is there a weak generic activity? Here are the main factors causing such a state:

  • multi-way;
  • largeness;
  • transferred pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • fear before the first kinds;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • metabolic disease;
  • problems with endocrine system;
  • physiological features, for example, a narrow pellery pelvis, a flat bubble;
  • pathological processes that occur in the uterus;
  • overwork;
  • difficult.
  • any transferred stress.

Many pregnant women are wondering if there is a weak generic activity at the first birth, then what to expect from the second? Not a single specialist will not be able to answer this question, since every new birth may differ from the previous ones. Even if you give birth to the fourth or fifth time, then the whole process may differ from your previous experience.

The right attitude to the childbirth is necessary for each woman


The clinical picture of weak generic activity is manifested as follows:

  1. Primary weakness - the fights immediately have a small duration and low efficiency, almost painless. Relaxation periods are quite long, almost do not cause the disclosure of the uterine zois. Most often, these signs occur after the pathological principle. Usually, future mothers complain about the extension of the waters and weak contractions, which means premature or early pouring of the octal water.
  2. Secondary weakness - this feature is less common, his distinctive feature It is a weakening of kits after the interval of effective generic activity and cervical disclosure. As a rule, it occurs at the completion of the active phase when the uterine duty is disclosed to 5-6 cm or during the dyg. Initially, the fights pass intensely and often, but we gradually lose strength and become shorter, the movement of the presets of the fetus is slowed down.
  3. The weakness of the fence is such a state is usually typical of women who are many and often gave birth, suffer from obesity or discrepancy of the abdominal muscles. Also, this symptom can provoke physical or nervous exhaustion. They manifest themselves as inefficient and weak contractions and fence, as a result of which the fetus is difficult to move along the generic paths, which causes hypoxia.


To make a diagnosis of "weak generic activities", doctors take into account:

  • the nature of the uterine contractions is their strength, the duration of the battles and the time of relaxation between them;
  • how the neck is revealed - there is a slowdown in this process;
  • promotion of the pre-port part is the absence of translational movements, the head is a long time in each plane of a small pelvic.

An important role in the diagnosis of weak birth riding forces is played by the management of the parties of childbirth, thanks to which the process of opening the cervix and its speed is clearly shown. At the original in the latent phase in the 1st period of the uterine, the uterus is approximately revealed by 0.4-0.5 cm per hour, in repeated - 0,6-08, see per hour. As a result, the latent phase in women who give birth to for the first time, lasts about 7 hours, in repeatedly - up to 5 hours. Weakness is diagnosed in the case when the delay in the neck disclosure is about 1-1.2 cm per hour.

Additionally evaluate the contractions. In the case when in 1 period, their duration is less half a minute, and the gaps between them exceed 5 minutes, which means primary weakness. The secondary weakness say when the fights lasts less than 40 seconds at the end of the first period and in the process of expulsion of the child. It is also important to monitor the state of the fetus, since the protracted labor lead to hypoxia.

What to do

How do childbirth begin? If the pregnancy is transferred, but at the same time the woman's body is ready for a delivery, then at first a specialist performs amniotomy. This procedure is performed only if the cervix revealed 2 cm or more.

As a rule, after opening the fruit bubble, generic activities increase. After the procedure for the feminine, they look for several hours, after which, if the amniotomy did not give any result, use medicinal stimulation.

The main method of medication stimulation of uterine reductions includes the use of uterotonic: oxytocin and prostaglandins, which are injected drip intravenously. Along with this, the state of the fetus is controlled using KTG.

In some cases, a medical sleep can be applied, which is aimed at restoring the forging forbates, its duration is about 2 hours. Conduct it with the help of analgesics and only after consulting with anesthesiologist. This technique is used quite rarely and only when the benefits exceed the causal of possible harm.

If all the measures taken do not give positive result, Assistant Caesarean section is appointed.

To minimize possible negative consequences Weak tribal activity is important to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and clearly follow them.

How to strengthen the fight

Sometimes the following actions will help to enhance the fights:

  • Calm down, breathe correctly, take certain poses during the battles, if possible, make self-massage.
  • If possible, move more or jump on the phytball.
  • If you need to be in a horizontal position, then lie on that side where the back of the fetus is located - this will increase the cutting of the uterus.
  • Watch out for the condition of the bladder, every 2 hours empty it.
  • An empty bladder enhances the fight. If you can not independently go to the toilet, then use the catheter.


Conservative therapy is prohibited in the following cases:

  • the presence of a scar on the uterus, for example, after cesarean section;
  • narrow pelvis pelvis;
  • largeness;
  • true transferred pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance of uterotonic means;
  • the child is in pelvic, and not a head preview;
  • intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus;
  • if the woman in labor is more than 30 years old and this is its first birth;
  • burdened gynecological history;
  • haded obstetric history.

In such cases, childbirth is carried out with the help of emergency cesarean sections.

House cleaning on recent weeks Pregnancy will help bring the beginning of the birth


Is it possible to make the births without complications? Directly you can not affect the process of the delivery, but you can prepare to it. For this:

  1. From the last month of pregnancy, start taking vitamins B6 and B9 (), as well as Vitamin C.
  2. Start mentally tune yourself on promotional outcome childbirth.
  3. If possible, visit courses for future mothers.
  4. Remember, during childbirth, the difficulties are experiencing not only you, but also a child.

If, among your relatives, someone had a prolonged generic activity, then follow the following recommendations (but only after the permission of the doctor):

  1. From 34-36 weeks of pregnancy, do what it was forbidden during pregnancy: actively clean up, wash the floors in the slope, raise your weighty items, take a hot bath.
  2. Drink tea based on raspberry leaves for 2-3 cups per day.


The weakness of the generic forces can lead to various unpleasant consequences, among which the disability of the child, as well as the death of the fetus or mother. But this happens quite rarely, usually a timely cesarean section saves both mother, and a child.

Remember, the correct attitude towards childbirth and adherence to all the recommendations of the obstetric will allow to give birth to a healthy and strong baby!

Video: Weak generic activity

And pregnant women and doctors want everyone to pass without complications. But despite this, complications still happen, and one of them is the weakness of labor. It is characterized by weakening and shortening the fights, slowdown in the opening of the uterus and advance the head of the fetus by the generic paths. At primordin women, the weakness of labor activity is twice as often as in repeated.

Classification of weakness

The weakness of labor can occur both in the first and in the second period of childbirth, and in connection with this allocate:

  • primary weakness of labor;
  • secondary weakness of labor activities;
  • weakness.

Causes of weakness of labor

The causes of the weakness of labor activity can be divided into three groups: from the mother, from the fetus and complications of pregnancy.

From the mother:

  • uterus diseases (uterine mioma, endometriosis, chronic endometritis);
  • extgazenital diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, obesity);
  • infantilism of genital organs (uterine hypoplasia);
  • anatomically narrow pelvis;
  • nervous overstrain of a woman, lack of psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth;
  • operations in the uterus (cesarean section, momectomy);
  • age of feminine (older than 30 years and under 18);
  • rigidity (reduced elasticity) of sex tract.

From the fetus:

  • large size of the fetus;
  • multipleness;
  • misconception or insertion of the fetus head;
  • mind of the size of the fetus head and pelvis.

Complications of pregnancy:

  • multi-way (fraction of the uterus and reduced its contractile ability);
  • major and sluggish fruit bubble (flat); Gestosis, pregnant anemia.

Primary weakness of the generic forces

The primary weakness of the generic activity arises with the beginning of childbirth and is characterized by weak, low-escaled fights, the frequency of them is not more than 1-2 in 10 minutes, and the duration of no more than 15-20 seconds. The opening of the uterine zea is very slow or not occurs at all. At primordin, the opening of the cervix takes up to 2-3 cm from the beginning of the battle is more than 6 hours, and in repeatedly more than 3 hours.

Such ineffective generic activity leads to the fatigue of the woman in labor, exhaustion energy reserves Uterus and intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. The head of the fetus is not moving, the fruit bubble does not function, weak. Birth threatens to be protracted and lead to the death of a child.

Secondary Weakness of the Generic Force

The secondary weakness of labor activity usually occurs at the end of the first or at the beginning of the second period of childbirth and is characterized by the weakening of the generic activity after a sufficiently intensive start and flow. Fights slow down and can stop at all. The opening of the cervix and the promotion of the fetus head is suspended, the signs of the intrauterine suffering of the child are joined, the long standing of the fetal head in one plane of the small pelvis can lead to the cervix edema and the occurrence of urinary or straightforward fistulas.

Weakness Potug

The weakness of the fence is usually found in the most encamuable women (weakening of the abdominal press muscles), in the fever with the discrepancy of the muscles of the front abdominal wall (hernia of a white belly line), in women with obesity. It is characterized by the weakness of the fence ineffective and short attempts (sweating are carried out due to the muscles of the abdominal press), physical and nervous exhaustion Gentlemen, the appearance of signs of hypoxia of the fetus and stopping his movement by the generic canal.

Treatment of weakness of labor

Treatment of weakness of the generic force should be carried out in each case individually, taking into account the history of the woman in labor and clinical picture. Well helps medical sleep-leisure, especially with the pronounced fatigue of the feminine.

For this use antispasmodics, painkillers and snow pills. Sleep on average lasts no more than 2 hours, after which the generic activity is usually restored and becomes intense.

In the case of a flat fret bubble, a multi-way or long-term flow of the fertile bubble is revealed (amniotomy). Also, the feminine is advised to lie on the side where the back of the fruit (additional stimulation of the uterus) is pretended.

With the ineffectiveness of all activities, intravenous administration of uterotonics begin (means that enhance the cutting of the uterus). They drip them very slowly, with the mandatory control of the palpitations of the fetus. Oxytocin and prostaglandinov preparations include oxytocin and preparations (they, unlike oxytocin, contribute to the opening of the cervix).

It is impossible to stop the infusion of reduction, even when established good generic activities. Additionally, the prevention of fetus hypoxia (sigetin, actovegin, glucose, cocarboxylase) is carried out. In the absence of an effect from treatment, an emergency caesarean section is shown.

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