Conspiracy for a successful outcome of the operation. What prayer for mom, dad or child will be a talisman before the operation? are allowed to have a cross on the neck, then it is easily woven into the hair

Or a comrade's operation? How to support him in difficult times? Only prayerfully, how could it be otherwise.

Who should we pray to? And how? Is there a prayer for a patient during surgery? There is no specific one to indicate that it is being read during the operation. But there are prayers that are read for the sick in any situation. We will talk about them in detail.

Life story

What if a loved one is about to be operated on? Run to the temple and put candles to the icons?

You can do that. But what is the point of buying the most expensive candles and "stuffing" them around all the temple candlesticks, while not asking for help from God, the Theotokos and the saints?

You know, in the book "Unholy Saints" there was an excellent story on this topic. It was in the USSR. The country of the Soviets was famous for its intransigence towards the Christian religion. Somehow it happened that the authorities allowed to bring the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" to one of the monasteries in Moscow. It was a miraculous icon.

Naturally, it was not without the accompanying high militia officials. And when they were asked to venerate the image, no one dared, except for one general. He risked his epaulettes, for there were chiefs near him much higher in rank than himself. But there was no other way out.

The general's older sister had an accident. Crushed both legs. There was an operation. But the sister was very old, and the doctors honestly warned that the heart could not stand it. It was then that the general asked the Mother of God for help.

A miracle happened. No operation was required. At night, my sister somehow successfully turned around, and the bones stood up as they should have been. The doctors only had to apply a plaster cast, and that was all.

That's what faith means. Let it be out of despair, without any candles and prayers, but the general turned from the bottom of his heart to the Mother of God. Not fearing for his position, that is, "laid down his life for his neighbors."

What is it for? To the fact that you can deduct a dozen akathists, but soullessly. Or, like this general, you can ask from the bottom of your heart for help without any prayers. This does not mean that you should not pray. Prayer for a patient during an operation is a necessary thing if it comes from the heart.

Who should we pray to?

This is the main question. Who should I contact? To the Lord God, first of all. To the Mother of God - our Intercessor. To the holy saints: the healer Panteleimon, Luke of Crimea, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, John of Kronstadt, Job of Pochaev. Let's talk in more detail about prayer during the operation for the patient (to each saint).

How to Prepare?

Let's touch on this topic. It is impossible to keep silent about the preparation of the patient for the operation. Just don't be afraid of her, of preparing this. Many people think: aha, since we are talking about confession and communion, then death awaits me. It's a lie. If all those who go to church died after communion, then there would be no believers left.

How to prepare:

  • First, be sure to wear a cross. And go for neck surgery with him, if the doctor does not forbid.
  • Secondly, to confess and receive communion. And also ask the priest for a blessing for the operation.
  • Thirdly, read akathists to the Lord, the Mother of God and the guardian angel. There are such in any prayer book. As a rule, they are located after the three canons and, accordingly, before the succession to the sacrament.

Order a prayer service and a magpie for health in the church. If you have the opportunity, read the akathist to Luke Krymsky.

Prayer to the Lord, compiled by Luke of Crimea

Relatives can read a prayer for the patient during the operation from Luke Krymsky. This saint was a surgeon during his lifetime. He also had to do the most complex operations. For example, on the skull. And yet Saint Luke was a very religious person.

Master Almighty, holy King, punish and not mortify, affirm those who fall and erect the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow correct, we pray to You, our God, your servant (name), who is weak, visit with Your mercy. Forgive him every sin, voluntary or involuntary.

To her, Lord, sent down your medical power from heaven, hedgehog the minds and the hand of your servant, the healer (name), and create the necessary surgery safely, as if the bodily ailment of your servant (name) will be completely healed, and any hostile invasion will be driven far away from him ... Raise him from the sick bed, and grant him health in soul and body, pleasing and doing Thy will.

Yours is, to be merciful and save us, our God, and we glorify You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Is there a prayer for the patient before the operation to Luka Krymsky? It is better to read an akathist to him, it will be much more useful for helping a sick person.

Prayer to Job the Long-Suffering

This saint suffered a lot during his lifetime. The Lord tested him. And Saint Job endured everything with dignity, without murmuring. Who better than him to know what pain and suffering are?

Prayer for the patient during the operation to Job the Long-suffering:

Troparion, voice 2: The memory of Thy righteous Job, O Lord, celebrates, so we pray to Thee: deliver us from the slander and snares of the evil devil and save our souls, like a Man-lover.

Kontakion, voice 8: Yako is true and righteous, Godly and blameless, sanctified, all-glorious, God's true servant, you enlightened the world in your patience, the most patient and valiant. All the same, God-wise, we glorify your memory.

Stichera, voice 6: Thou art given us an image of patience and courage, O All-good Lord, Thy saint, Job, in all the misery that happened to him, having sinned in no way before Thee, below his mouth, and did not give madness to Thee, our God. By prayers and us, create the overcomers of many different temptations and save our souls, like a Human Lover.

Prayer: Holy God and rest in the saints, with a trisacular voice in heaven from an angel glorified, on earth from a man in his saints praised, given by your Holy Spirit some grace as the gift of Christ, and that set forth to the Church of Your Holy One ova apostles, ova prophets, ova but the evangelists, ovy shepherds and teachers, with their same word of preaching, to You Himself who acts, all in all, many are holy in every generation and generation, by various benefactors pleasing You, and to You, we have left the image of our good deeds, having left in joy, passed away, prepare, in nemzhe you yourself were tempted, and help us who are attacked. Remembering these saints of all and holy righteous Job, remembering their God-pleasing praise of life, I praise You Samago, acting in them, and one of Your goodness of gift of being believing, I earnestly pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant me the sinner to follow their teaching, faith, life, , longsuffering, and their prayerful help, even more so with Thy all-effective grace, to be honored with heavenly glory, praising Thy Holy Name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to Job of Pochaevsky

This saint is a long-liver. Lived a little over a hundred years. At ten he went to a monastery, and took monasticism at eleven. At the age of just over thirty, he was tonsured into the schema. He was the governor of the Pochaev monastery for almost fifty years. That is, the life of this saint was saturated with God.

What prayer should be read for the patient during the operation? This one:

Troparion, voice 4: Lay on this yoke of Christ from youth, venerable Father Job, for many years you asceticised in the field of piety in the monastery of Ugornitskaya and on the island of Dubenstem, and came to Mount Pochaev, marked with the stone-bearing foot of the Most Holy Theotokos, in Thou art for the sake of God and prayer was repeatedly concluded, and, by the grace of God, strengthening yourself, courageously labored for the benefit of your monastery, and also against the enemies of Orthodoxy and Christian piety. And having instructed the monastic militia of the monks, you presented the victors of those to your Lord and God. Pray that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, voice 8: Ascending from the desolation of the earthly treasure incorruptible of your relics, the servitor of God, as if having lived piously in the faith of Christ our God, you have attained the virtues of perfection, and, leaving the sweetness of the life of the transitory, in the cave of Pochaevskaya mountain in fasting, prayers and You have fought sacredly, and with those you have withered your body. Now, having come to God in serene and eternal rest, pray for everyone who comes running to you with faith. Rejoice, Job, glorious servant of God and decoration of the monastery of Pochaev.

Prayer: O, all-holy and glorious servant of God, reverend our father Job, a prayer-book for us and a warm representative for our souls, we are flowing to you with all emotion, and remembering your deeds and miracles, you have also done and done on earth, please and we pray for your goodness: as if you have firmly and invariably labored in the faith of Christ our God, and this to the end in yourself and in all yours, whole and unharmed from all enemy attacks and pernicious heresies, strengthen us in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness by your prayers, every darkness of unbelief and unbelief from our hearts and thoughts; Serving the Lord and your God with good deeds and ineffable self-denial in labor, vigils and fasting, guide us on the path of all virtue and benevolence, delivering us from temptations and sins that remove us from God and plunge our whole life into the abyss of evil; sometimes appearing with the Most Pure Virgin Mary on the top of the Pochaev Mountain to save your monastery from the invasion and imposition of the Agarian, and now hasten to help all our Orthodox and God-loving powers against all our external and internal enemies, establishing peace and silence in our land, and by your prayers and by intercession, let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity; and to all who come to you, and who fall to the race of your honest and multifunctional relics and your help and intercession, who require endless mercy, don’t envy, do not leave us, orphans and helpless, who pray to you, delivering from all sorrow, anger and need, from gladness , destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of a foreigner and civil strife. To her, the saint of God, look mercifully from the Throne of the King of glory, to Him you now stand with the archangels and angels and with all the saints, to this Pochaev monastery, you also wisely ruled it anciently, calling it your all-honorable and wondrous life, and preserve it with prayers yours, and every city, and country, and everyone from everywhere, to sea and land, in deserts and in misadventures, who call you many different things, from all evils visible and invisible, yes, so by your help and intercession we save, in all this and after the end let us be vouchsafed to glorify and chant the All-Honorable Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to John of Kronstadt

One of the most revered saints in St. Petersburg. And not only there, throughout Russia. How to pray to him? In the following way:

Troparion, voice 1: The champion of the Orthodox faith, the land of Russia is sad, the rule of the pastor and the faithful image, the preacher of repentance and life in Christ, the reverent minister of Divine Mysteries and the bold man of prayer, the righteous Father John, the healer and the most wonderful miracle worker, the city of Kronstad and our church adornment, pray to the All-blessed God to pacify the world and save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3: Today the Shepherd of Kronstadt stands before the Throne of God and fervently prays for the faithful of Christ the Chief Shepherd, the promise given: "I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

Prayer: Oh, great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick helper and merciful representative! Praising the Triune God, you cried out in prayer: “Your name is Love: do not reject me as a deluded person; Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling; Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions; Your name is Peace: calm my restless soul. Your name is Grace: do not cease to have mercy on me. " Today, the all-Russian flock, grateful for your intercession, prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servitor of God! Illuminate us with your love, sinners and the weak, grant us worthy fruits of repentance and uncondemned communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. and the primates of the Altar of Christ for the holy deeds of pastoral deeds, grant to babies education, teach youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy dwellings of illumination; die, miraculous and visionary, the most beautiful, the peoples of our country, by grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine warfare, wasteful gather, prejudiced convert and congregations of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church; Observe by the grace of your marriage in peace and like-mindedness, grant prosperity and blessing to monastics in good deeds, faint-hearted consolations, those suffering from the spirits of unclean freedom, have mercy on the needs and conditions of existence, and guide us all on the path of salvation. Living in Christ, our Father John! Lead us to the non-evening light of eternal life, so that we may be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

During the operation, it is necessary to pray for the patient. Feel free to seek help from Saint Spyridon. His relics have recently visited Russia, the saint of God is famous for his miracles and worn-out shoes. There is a belief among Christians that a saint walks the earth and helps people. Therefore, his shoes are worn down.

The first cathedral appeared as a champion and miracle worker, God-bearing Spiridon, our Father. You shouted the same dead in the grave, and you transformed the serpent into gold, and always prayed to you holy prayers, the angels of your companionship were you, most sacred. Glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the One who crowned thee, glory to the One who acts by you for healing.

Kontakion, voice 2: I was hurt by the Love of Christ, most sacred, my mind perceiving the dawn of the Spirit, you have found your deed with a detailed vision, God-favorable, the Divine altar was, asking everyone for Divine radiance.

Prayer: Oh, great and wonderful saint of Christ and miraculous Spiridon, Kerkyra's praise, the whole universe is a bright, warm prayer book to God and all who come running to you and pray with faith, swift intercession! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Council of Nicaeas among the fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you have shamed the heretics to the end. Hear, to the Holy Hierarch of Christ, us sinners praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil of the situation: from gladness, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. For in your temporary life, you have delivered your people from all these calamities: you have saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarian and from gladness, you have delivered the king from an incurable disease, and you have brought many sinners to repentance, for the holiness of your life the angels are invisible in the church singing and you have had a companion. Sice ubo glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you understand all the secret human deeds given to you and denounce those who live unrighteously. You assiduously helped many who live in poverty and lack, you have nourished the poor people abundantly during the gladness, and you have created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not leave us, to the saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty, and pray the Lord, may he give many of our sins forgiveness, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, the deaths of a life that are not shameful and peaceful and eternal blessings in the future. vouchsafe us, that we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the healer Panteleimon

Finally, we got to the prayers to Panteleimon for the patient during the operation. This saint was a healer during his lifetime. He accepted a martyr's death, but posthumously did not stop helping people. You just need to pray to get this help.

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, a merciful God imitator! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners, who pray fervently before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, come to Him from the Angels in heaven, forgiveness of our sins and sins: heal the mental and physical diseases of God's servants, now remembered, here coming and all Orthodox Christians who come to your intercession: Behold, we, by our sin fiercely, we are possessed by many ailments and not imams of help and consolation: we are resorting to you, as if we have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every illness; grant to all of us with your holy prayers the health and well-being of soul and body, the perfection of faith and piety, and everything necessary for temporary living and for salvation, as if, having been honored by you with great and rich mercies, let us glorify thee and the Giver of all blessings, wondrous in the saints, God our Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and many-merciful doctor, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from my oppressive illness. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man more than all men, visit me with a graceful visit, do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint your mercy with oil and heal me; Yes, healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing to God and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God, that through your intercession he grant me health to the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayers to the Lord

O Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not put to death, affirm those who fall down and build up low, bodily men, quick to correct thee, I treat all things that do not pay to him, and do not care for him. Yea, O Lord, medical thy power from heaven nizposli Touch Teles, Ugas ognevitsu, tame passion and sickness lurking, wake the doctor of your servant (name), raise it from the bed of boleznennago and from the bed anger intact and all-perfect, give his Church Your blagougozhdayuscha and doing thy will. Yours is, he is also sweet and salvation, our God, and we glorify thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

And one more prayer to the Lord, read for the sick:

O Lord to the Almighty, Physician of our soul and body, humble and lift up, punish and heal the packs! Thy servant (name) who is weak, visit and heal him, raising him from sleep and weakness. Forbid the spirit of weakness, keep away from it every plague, every sickness, and there is also sin or iniquity in it, weaken, leave, forgive Thy for the sake of philanthropy. Her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with Him I am blessed, and with the Most Holy, and Glorious, and Thy Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Let's not forget about the Mother of God

But what about the Mother of God? This is who our diligent Assistant and Intercessor is! Need to read a prayer for a sick child before surgery? We fall to the Mother of God. She is the Mother, she will understand the asking parents.

Prayer before the icon "Healer":

Accept, O, All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Sovereign Mother of God Devo, shining prayers, with tears I now offer you from us unworthy of Thy servants, who send Thy prayers to thee. According to every petition, the fulfillment of the work, make a sorrow, make it easier for the weak, grant health to the weak, heal the weak and unpleasant, drive away the madness; And yet, Madame Lady the Mother of God, you are free from bonds and dungeons, and you heal all many different passions: all of this is possible by your progress to your Son, Christ our God. Oh, All-Holy Mother, Most Holy Mother of God! Do not stop praying for us unworthy Thy servants, who glorify Thee and honor Thee, and worship Thy most most beautiful image with tenderness, and hope that they have an unrepentant and never-to-be-come-ever-ever-before-ever-ever-imaginable Amen.

Prayer before the "Tsaritsa" icon. You can read the first or the second. Or you can - both at once:

Oh, all-good, venerable Mother of God Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! I am worthy, that you may come under my roof, but as a merciful God, a lovable Mother, I have a word, that my soul may be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi has an invincible holding power, and every voice with you will not wear down, O Tsarina! You beg for me, You pray for me, that I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2

Oh, Most Pure Bogomati, All Tsaritse! Hearing our long-suffering sighing before the miraculous icon of Thy, from the lot of Athos to Russia that was brought to Russia, behold thy children, who are suffering from unhealthy ailments, who come to the holy mind! As the krilom bird covers its chicks, so you are now, ever alive, cover us with your multipurpose omophorion. There, where hope disappears, the hopeless Hope will be. There, where the fierce grievances prevail, I appear with patience and weakness. Tamo, where the darkness of despair has entered into the souls, may the indescribable light of the Divine shine forth! Faint-hearted comforts, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless us the mind and hands of those who heal, that they serve as the instrument of the All-Mighty Physician Christ our Spa. As you live Ti, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, about the Sovereign! Extend your hand, fulfilled with healing and physicians, with the joy of those who mourn, consolation in sorrow, and soon received miraculous help, glorifying the Life-giving and Imperfect Trinity of God, the Father of the Father. Amen.

Prayer to the holy doctors

How can you talk about praying for a patient during an operation and not remember about the holy healers? Contact them, ask for help and intercession:

Oh, the greatness of Christ's pleasures and miracle workers Panteleimone, Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Hermolae, Diomida, Photius and Anikito! Hear us praying to you (names). You hear our sorrows and ailments, hear the sighing of many people who come to you. For now, welcome to you, as a quick helper and a warm prayer-book to our call: do not leave us with your help from God. We are always mistaken from the path of salvation, lead us, the merciful mistress. We are powerless in faith, confirm us, the Orthodoxy of the teacher. We are afraid to do good deeds, enrich us, the treasure of the treasure. We always whine the weeds from the enemies of the visible and invisible, and we become embittered, help us, the helpless prisoners. Righteous anger, moved against us for our iniquity, turn away from us by your journey at the throne of the Judge of God, to Him you stand in Heaven, holy and righteous. Hear us, the glories of Christ's delight, you who call upon you with faith, and ask your prayers from the Heavenly Father for all of us for the ease of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are a helper, a student and a prayer girl, and about you we give glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Operation was successfully completed

Are there any prayers after surgery for the patient's recovery (it would be more correct to say for recovery). We bring to your attention a prayer composed by St. John of Kronstadt:

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the beginningless Father, Alone heal every ailment and every ulcer in people, as you have mercy on me as a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the power to firmly do Thy will for the salvation of my accursed soul and for Thy glory with Thy originless Father and Thy consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Who else to thank

There is no such possibility, because the patient does not get up yet? Then the path reads the prayer "Our Father", "Virgin Mary, rejoice" or simply thanks the Lord, the Mother of God and the holy saints in his own words. After all, mentally pronouncing the phrase "thank you, Lord" is not at all difficult.

What should relatives do?

We found out who to contact at the time of the operation. And the texts of the prayers are given in the article. Only to pray where is not clear. In the temple or at home?

Prayer at home

Why is home prayer for a patient good during surgery? With your concentration. Relatives pray fervently, there are no extraneous noises and irritants. You can pray aloud, on your knees, with tears - as your soul asks, so do.

    Light a candle or an icon lamp in front of the icons.

    Women tie headscarves, men don’t cover their heads.

    Clothes must be decent. No mini bikinis or slit dresses.

    Read the prayer text thoughtfully. Do not hurry. Our goal is not to develop reading speed, but to help a relative who is currently undergoing surgery.

    Do you feel like crying while praying? Do not hesitate, cry. Tearful, sincere prayer reaches the Lord very quickly.

    It would be better for all the household to gather for the prayer rule. Remember the words of the Savior: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

  • After you know about the completion of the operation, thank the Lord for its outcome.

Prayer in the temple

What is the difference between a temple prayer for a patient during an operation and a home prayer:

    The soul becomes calmer in the temple. At home, one feels nervousness, and the worshiper himself is agitated and looks like a bundle of nerves. In the church, this tension noticeably decreases.

    You can order a prayer service for the patient's health, submit notes to the altar, and light candles. Prayer and notes are served if you come to the service. If you just dropped in to pray, you will have to limit yourself to candles and a mental request.

    Here, at the service, there is a common prayer. Not two or three people are praying. One may say so or not, but the Lord is among those praying at this moment.

    Is it okay to cry in the temple? Yes, you can. Naturally, without lamentations and howls. Older ladies are very fond of this.

How to pray in the hospital?

Often, relatives remain in the hospital to wait for the outcome of the operation. Can you pray in this case?

Many hospitals have temples. In order not to shake behind the doors of the operating room, losing all thoughts, go there. It will be much calmer, believe me.

If the sick person wants to receive communion

It also happens in life: before the operation, a person did not have time to receive Holy Communion. And the closer it is, the stronger the need for it arises. How can I help him?

Call the priest to the hospital. If she has a church, then invite the priest from there. If not, then there is probably a priest on duty in a nearby temple. Call the temples of the city and invite.

Only first coordinate this issue with your doctor.

How can you help a sick person prepare for confession and the sacrament? If he is able to read, give him a hint book. A very good book by Father John Krestyankin "Experience of Building Confession". Sold in church shops, costs about 100 rubles. Can't buy? Then get the simplest brochure with a list of the most common sins. Can't buy this too? Give the sick person a paper and a pen, let him write what he wants to repent of.

It is advisable to fast for three days before the sacrament. But for the sick, an exception is made, to the best of their ability. It is better to clarify this question with the priest. Suddenly the situation is urgent, the operation is scheduled for the very next day.

On the part of loved ones, prayer preparation for the sacrament will be of great help. Read canons and followings next to the patient's bed. Just do not be indignant that this is impossible in the hospital. You can read in a whisper, without attracting the attention of other patients.

Patient actions after surgery

After a person left the hospital on his own feet, it would be necessary to thank all those to whom he himself turned for help. This means the Lord, the Mother of God and the holy saints of God.

This is done simply. You go to the temple, order a thanksgiving service to the Lord. Put candles near the icons of the Mother of God and the saints who were asked for help. And give thanks in your own words, from the bottom of your heart.

Why is it impossible to order thanksgiving prayers to the Mother of God and the saints? Healing is given by the Lord through prayer. You can order a regular prayer service.


The power of prayer is great. When a mother prays for her child, or a child for his parents, there is nothing higher than such a prayer. But this does not mean that the appeals of other relatives are not heard.

God hears everything and everyone. There is no need to be afraid to turn to Him for help. And do not be afraid to ask His Most Pure Mother for help. Call upon the holy saints, read the prayer to Panteleimon for the patient during the operation. Ask, believe what you have received and what will be given to you.

Prayer for the successful outcome of the operation of the Mother of God All Healer, Saint Luke.

(Read 40 times)

Saint Nile of Sinai said that in illness, first of all, you need to turn to GOD with prayer.
--- After your prayer, when you said to the Lord:

"Thy will be done ", the doctor's decision must be taken as

Divine Providence for you and your health, and, first of all

turn, about the salvation of your soul.

Before the operation.

It is necessary from the beginning to prepare for confession (the sacrament of repentance),

take communion Holy Mysteries of Christ, take from the priest

blessing for the upcoming treatment, ask for it

pray for a safe recovery.

---It would be very nice if you or your loved ones ordered

magpie about health and submitted for remembrance, for the psalter,

it is possible for the relatives themselves to read a prayer at home

agreement (about the sick and suffering), it is in all prayer books.

Saint Theophan Recluse This is evidenced as follows:

"God listens to prayer when a sick soul prays. - Other

business when you yourself at a prayer service, or in church at a liturgy

pray during the service. Then your prayer is faster

ascends to the throne of God ...

If you are in the hospital.

Preparing yourself for a hospital stay other than

personal hygiene items should be taken with

by myself prayer book, folding or icon with the image

Savior or Mother of God and your heavenly

patron saint. According to the erroneous opinion, many, lying in

hospital, take off their pectoral cross. Do not do this

follows, since the Cross of Christ protects us and protects us from all

troubles, misfortunes and demonic temptations. A short prayer "Save and

save ", inscribed on the reverse side of the cross, reminds

to each person, how and to Whom he should turn to on

hospital bed.
--- Icons (regardless of size) brought to the hospital,

it is not good to hide in bedside tables, under pillows, as they do

some. It befits holy images to stand openly,

the head of the bed, or on the windowsill. It is your right.


Upon admission to the hospital, you should find out if there are

Orthodox home church, are there prayers

and requirements. In hospital churches, as a rule,

special prayer chants for the sick and, participating in them and

by submitting a memorial note for health, you are promoting

your recovery.
---Some find it difficult to do the morning and

evening prayer rules. To avoid embarrassment

you need to find out where the icons are located in the hospital, and pray there.

You can also pray in the ward. And you shouldn't be embarrassed by the neighborhood

unbeliever sick or sick from among belonging

other religious denominations (non-Orthodox). Standing up at

your bed in front of the Holy Icon, the rule can be read

to myself, and if your reading does not bother the roommates, then

it is better out loud so that they too, hearing the words addressed to the Lord and

to our Merciful Intercessor, mentally prayed with you.

--- Unfortunately, many hospital admissions

people formally baptized and being already mature in

grown older, they do not know a single prayer. Therefore, you need to have

a prayer book, which lists the most important prayers, and

prayer appeal to the holy great martyr and Healer

Panteleimon, who is over one and a half thousand years old

is the patron saint of doctors of all specialties and

patron and healer of all sick people.
--- The Lord does not demand from a sick person that prayer

rules as if he were healthy. The complaint of the sick believers,

that they pray badly and do not keep the feat allowed by the saint

T ikhon Zadonsky , saying: "What prayer is there for a sick person? B

thanksgiving and sighing. ”This replaces every heroic deed.

--- Saint Theophan the Recluseteaches: "To pray about

recovery is not a sin ... But you need to add "if you will

Lord! "(Ie, if you want, Lord).

Before surgery.

--- The greatest suffering to the soul is brought by the news of the inevitability

surgical intervention. But everything from the hand of God is needed

accept with humility and thanksgiving. After all, without will

Even a hair from a human head cannot fall from God, so

says the Lord Himself. And then the whole operation. How to be?
--- First you need to pray to the Lord to bless

operation, if it pleases Him. There is Saint Luke in Orthodoxy!

They pray to him in a favorable outcome of the operation.

There is a little-known special prayer in the Serbian missal;

about surgical intervention (read by the priest).

If you do not want to take away or transfer to the good time, then

there is a time when the operation will serve for the good, for healing,

and not for evil, not for complication or destruction. --- Having prayed like this,

further everything must be accepted without complaint, for there is no prayer,

Not heard by the Lord. And if the outcome of the operation is not so good,

or is not what you and the doctors expected, then God pleases to give

and further carry you the cross of illness for further cleansing

your soul.

--- On the evening before the operation (if it is planned),

pray for all doctors who will take part in the operation

(surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and others) that the Lord

made them with my own hands, healing your body, read

evening prayer rule and go to bed.
--- Read the morning rule in the morning. From the moment when

you will be brought a gurney to take you to the operating room,

unceasing prayer is required. Praying should be short

prayers: "Lord, have mercy! Lord, bless!" When you

will be brought to the operating room, do not hesitate to impose on yourself

sign of the cross and cross the operating table.
---What about a pectoral cross?

Many anesthesiologists (doctors providing anesthesia),

make you remove the cross. This is explained by several


The first is if the anesthesiologist is not a believer, the second is according to

purely medical reasons, in the event of an unforeseen

situation and the need for resuscitation, the cross on the chain is not

cut off and not cut with scissors, which creates practical

inconvenience for the implementation of medical measures; third -

an expensive cross on a gold chain is a temptation for

dishonest people, and you will have to answer for his loss

a simple cross on an ordinary simple thread. If not

are allowed to have a cross on the neck, then it is easily woven into the hair

or tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand.

There are cases when patients, for lack of another opportunity, drew a cross on their chest with a ballpoint pen or asked the anesthesiologists to leave the cross on the anesthesia machine until the end of the operation.
--- The most important thing is to "go into anesthesia" (fall asleep) with the prayer "Lord, have mercy!" or with the Jesus prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner," and with a prayer intercession to your guardian angel. There are known cases when persons who "fell asleep" without prayers, even priestly rank, in an anesthetic "sleep" were attacked by evil spirits. Only preliminary prayer and the sign of the cross protect from such and other of the same kind.
--- What are the first words or thoughts that a person who regained consciousness from anesthesia should have? Praise be to God and thanksgiving to Him for saving life and for the operation. "Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!"
--- It is very good if you ask the ministers of the home hospital church to light a candle at the approximate time of your operation. And having recovered from the operation and having strengthened physically, thank God and the Mother of God yourself by lighting candles.

- You are all sick and sick, but the outcome is not visible, one bodily sorrow pulled another. Is it really an accident ?! The Lord, Mother of God, saints are near you, do they really not see your suffering, and seeing - why make you languish? If they are love and truth, why allow it? Saint Theophan answers: "Take for yourself what happens between the pie fried in the oven and between the hostess. Give the cake a feeling, thought, language ... What would he say to the hostess?!:" Mother! You put me in here and I'm frying ... I didn't have a single grain left that is not frying, everything burns, to the point of intolerance ... And the trouble is that I don't see an outcome, and there is no end to tea. I will turn to the right, I will turn to the left, forward or backward or upward, locked from everywhere, and with heat it carries to intolerance. What have I done to you? "Let the hostess understand the speech of the pie. What would she answer to him?" Be patient a little ... and you will see what a handsome man you will come out with ... And what scent from you will go all over the house ?! ... Be patient a little more and you will see joy. "
--- Now apply this discourse to yourself and to the Lord. The Lord only cares so that through the tightness and heat of the disease to prepare your soul to understand His will, to fulfill the Gospel commandments, that is, to qualitatively change its state so that a pie comes out of the dough, and not until your death you remain unsuitable chaff for any use , dough. Put yourself in the hands of God and wait. Everything is in the hands of God, and you are all fussing, toiling, trying to outwit yourself. Stop doing this and lie still, complacently enduring what happened. "
--- So you too: have already run over to the doctors and consulted in full, wasted money and time. Now the most reasonable thing is, indeed, to lie down and endure, thanking God for everything. Another thing is to calmly think about strengthening your patience. How to do it?
--- In your case, it is appropriate to invite a priest (from the hospital church, and if her

Before the operation, patients are worried, many scenarios are running through their head as to how the surgery will end. Sometimes they are so worried that they cannot sleep at night, which leads to a deterioration in their general condition. Prayer comes to the rescue before the operation.

The meaning and power of prayers during operations

The great and almighty God, who holds the Earth in his hands, controls every situation in our life. No matter how difficult the operation is, and no matter how high the professional qualification of the surgeon, the Almighty rules over his hand. God wants us to trust Him and seek His help and protection in any situation.

Prayer before the operation gives comfort, hope comes. You can often hear from doctors such words: "We are not omnipotent, pray." Many of them do the same before picking up the scalpel. The human body is so complex that any accident can put a person on the brink between life and death.

Before the operation, relatives worry about the person who should be operated on, and his attitude is of great importance for the outcome of the surgery. The heart of a sick person should be full of faith and trust in God. Even the simplest operations throw a person into confusion. Anyone who lies down on the operating table does not rule out the thought that the situation may get out of control. Therefore, people turn to the Lord for help.

In the Russian Krasnodar, a case was recorded when doctors did not dare to do an operation for a long time to one person in old age, since, due to the state of the body, he could not undergo surgery. This man saw in a dream a saint who brought him medicine in a spoon and said that everything would be fine. An inspired old man, full of faith, the next day boldly went to the operation, which was successful.

A few days later he saw the icon of Panteleimon the Healer and recognized the night guest. This saint at one time was a doctor, and before taking any action, he turned for help to the almighty and all-knowing God, who gave him the gift of healing and resurrection from the dead.

Before the operation, you should contact the Savior. It often happens that after a person repents and chooses the path of following the Lord, the disease leaves him.

You can pray to all the saints, but if it is just a mechanical conversion, then there will be no result. Turning your heart in prayer to the Lord, you should understand that the answer from Him will come by His grace and mercy, and a person who turns to the Lord must have a heart full of faith. Which prayer to read, everyone decides for themselves.

You need to ask the Lord to bless the operation if it is necessary at the moment and will be beneficial, if not, then let the Lord intervene and make His correction. After uttering the prayer, trust firmly in the Lord, for He heard, and you are under His protection - "Evil will not happen to you and the plague will not come near your dwelling" (Psalm 90).

On the eve of the operation, pray to God and ask for wisdom for doctors to guide their hand. May He instruct them and heal you with their hands.

Pray incessantly on the way to the operating room, and when you arrive, do not hesitate to bless the hands of the doctors and the operating table. It is important to reach out to Jesus before the anesthesia starts to work.

After a successful outcome, thank the Lord, go to the temple and thank Him with all your heart.

Video "Prayer on the day of surgery"

In this video, the priest will talk about the miraculous power of prayer before and after the operation.

To whom to pray

Great Martyr Barbara

Holy glorious and all-praiseworthy Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathering today in your Divine temple are people, a race of your relics who worship and kiss love, your sufferings are martyrs, and in them is the very Passionate Christ, who gave you not just a hedgehog to believe in Him, but also according to Him to suffer, with praises gratifying, we pray thee, the well-known desires of our intercessor: pray with us and for us who begs God from His benevolence, may he mercifully hear us asking for His mercy, and will not leave us all the petitions necessary for salvation and living, and grant Christian death to our belly - painless, not shameful, peacefully, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body, always stay healthy, we glorify the wondrous God in His saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Healer Panteleimon

Oh, the great servitor of Christ, the most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and physician! Have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from a cruel oppressive ailment me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May it be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God to grant me through your intercession the health of the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

To the Almighty after the operation

O Lord, our Creator, I ask for Your help, grant complete recovery to God's servant (name), wash the blood with her rays. Only with Your help will healing come to her. With miraculous power, touch her and bless all her roads to the long-awaited salvation, healing, recovery.
Give her body health, her soul - blessed lightness, her heart - Your divine balm. The pain will forever recede and the strength will return to it, the wounds will all heal and Your holy help will come. Your rays from the blue Heavens will reach her, give her strong protection, bless her for deliverance from her illnesses, strengthen her faith. May the Lord hear these words. Glory to You. Amen.

The onset of the disease. Clinic doctors' consultation. Hospitalization decision.

When you contact the doctors of the polyclinic for an explanation about the ailment that has arisen from you it takes a prayer to God with a request that the Lord wisdom them to correctly diagnose... Indeed, the success of treatment depends entirely on the correct diagnosis. Any doctor is a person more or less experienced in the art of medicine. But there are many factors that can lead to difficulties in diagnostics: the resolution of the equipment, the reliability and accuracy of the technique, the doctor's qualifications, his experience and level of proficiency in diagnostic and treatment methods, his attentiveness and even mood, condition. And, of course, complete confidence in the doctor on the part of the patient himself.

It is clear and natural that no one is immune from mistakes. Therefore, surrendering oneself into the hands of a doctor, one must first surrender into the hands of God. After the prayer, when you said to the Lord: "Thy will be done," the doctor's decision must be taken as Divine Providence about you and your health, and, first of all, about the salvation of your soul. If after that you are offered hospitalization, treatment or surgery, your next step is to the temple of God.

On the eve of hospitalization

An Orthodox Christian must prepare himself for subsequent treatment in the hospital: he confesses (the sacrament of repentance), partakes of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, takes a blessing from the priest for the upcoming treatment, asks his prayers for himself. It is very charitable if (if possible) a magpie is ordered for health, if relatives, by agreement, pray for the sick and suffering (prayer by agreement).

However, relatives should remember that church prayer for the sick is valid if it is accompanied by the prayer of those who ordered the service. Saint Theophan testifies to this in the following way: "If no one sighs from the heart, then the prayer service will crackle (it will be in vain.) The same proskomidia ... But do you yourself attend prayer services? If not, then your faith is silent ... but, having given money so that others could pray, they themselves dropped all worries from their shoulders ... It's another matter when you yourself at a prayer service, or in church at a liturgy, pray during a service ... Then your illness is taken by the prayer of the Church and quickly ascends to the Throne of God. ... and the very prayer of the Church makes it sick, although the servants do not get sick ... see, what is the strength? The commemoration at the Liturgy, especially at the Proskomedia and at the Augmented Litany, expresses our strongest faith and hope that the Lord will not leave the patient with His help.

Prayer by agreement

“Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Thy Most Pure lips You said to us:“ If two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be to you from My Heavenly Father. ” With deep faith in the immutability of Thy words and Thy immeasurable mercy, we ask You - to hear Thy servants (name the names of those who ask), who have agreed to humbly ask You for your distressed (sick, lost, and the like) Thy servant (name) - yes, give him. state the request). However, not as we want, but as You, Lord; Thy holy will be done for everything. Amen."

This prayer is practiced on the basis of this instruction in the Holy Scriptures: “Truly also I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be from My Father in Heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them "(Matthew 18, 19-20), when in any difficult situation: illness, misfortune, calamity, etc., two or more Christians agree to pray together earnestly for the deliverance of someone from the misfortune that befell him. It is recommended to read it four times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), which to yourself and to those persons with whom you agreed to pray until, by the grace of the Lord, the fulfillment of the requested prayer comes.

If only the prayer would come from loving hearts and with firm faith that the Lord hears it and, according to His wisdom, will do what is best for that person or for those for whom they are praying. Depending on the diligence of those praying and the state of the person for whom they are praying, the frequency of the prayer during the day is also determined.

Hospitalization. Hospital stay

When preparing yourself for a stay in a medical institution, in addition to personal hygiene items, it is advisable to take with you a prayer book, a folding bag or an icon depicting the Savior or the Mother of God and your namesake saint (your heavenly patron). If you feel the prayerful help of a saint (for example, St. Matrona), you can take this icon too to feel more confident. Take holy oil and holy water in small vials. According to the erroneous opinion, many, going to the hospital, take off their pectoral cross. This should not be done (!), since the Cross of Christ protects us and protects us from all troubles, misfortunes and demonic temptations. Icons (regardless of size) brought to the hospital are not good to hide in bedside tables, under pillows, as some do. It is fitting for holy images to stand openly, at the head of the bed or on the windowsill. It is your right.

Prayer in the hospital

There is no specific prayer rule for a hospital. If a person has the opportunity to read morning and evening prayers in the ward or in the department, then he must read them. If the state of health does not allow, then the person, due to his weakness, depending on his condition, the postoperative course of the disease, reads as many prayers as he can. There are many wonderful prayers for the sick person on behalf of the sick person and for the sick person, and you can also read the canon about the sick person. There are also no special prayers read for doctors. Turn to God in your own words, the main thing is with faith that the prayer is heard.

Some find it difficult to follow the morning and evening prayer rules. It is better to get up, but in order not to irritate other patients, sit by your bed in front of the Holy Image. You can read the rule to yourself. In the end, you can go out into the corridor, or to any other place in the department: there are a lot of secluded corners, and you can calmly read the prayer rule.

Unfortunately, many people who come to the hospital, being formally baptized and already in adulthood, do not know a single prayer. That's why you should try to convince the patient to have and read the most important prayers, including a prayer appeal to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, who for over one and a half thousand years has been the patron saint of doctors of all specialties and the patron and healer of all sick people. The Lord does not require from a sick person that prayer rule, as if he were healthy. Saint Tikhon says: "To the sick one, what prayer? Thanksgiving and sighing. This replaces every heroic deed." (i.e. if you want, Lord). Complete obedience to the Lord, with a submissive acceptance of what is sent as a good from the Good Lord, and gives peace to the soul ... and propitiates the Lord ... And He will either heal or fulfill the consolation, in spite of the grievous situation. "

On the eve of the operation

The greatest suffering for souls comes from the news of the inevitability of surgical intervention. But everything from the hand of God must be accepted with humility and thanksgiving. Indeed, without the will of God, even a hair from a human head cannot fall, so says the Lord Himself. And then the whole operation. How to be? First you need to pray to the Lord that He would bless the operation, if He pleases; if you do not want to take away or transfer to the good time, that is, for the time when the operation will serve for the good, for healing, and not for evil, not for complication or destruction. Having prayed in this way, then everything should be accepted without complaint, for there is no prayer that the Lord has not heard. And if the outcome of the operation is not so good, or not what you and the doctors expected, then God is pleased to let you continue to bear the cross of illness for further purification of your soul. In the evening, on the eve of the operation (if it is planned), you should pray for all the doctors who will take part in the operation(surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and others) so that the Lord will make them with His own hands, healing your body; read the evening rule and go to bed.

Read the morning rule in the morning. From the moment a gurney arrives for you to take you to the operating room, unceasing prayer is required. One should pray with short prayers: "Lord, have mercy! Lord, bless!" When you are brought to the operating room, do not hesitate to impose the sign of the cross on yourself and cross the operating table. What about a pectoral cross? Many anesthesiologists (doctors who provide anesthesia) force the cross to be removed. There are several reasons for this. The first is if the anesthesiologist is not a believer; the second - for purely medical reasons: in case of an unforeseen situation and the need for resuscitation, the cross on the chain cannot be cut off and you cannot cut it with scissors, which creates practical inconveniences for the implementation of medical measures; the third - an expensive cross on a gold chain - is a temptation for dishonest people, and the attending physician will have to answer for its loss. That's why, it is recommended to go to the operation with a simple cross on an ordinary simple thread. If they are not allowed to have a cross on the neck, then it is easily woven into the hair or tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand.

There are cases when patients, for lack of another opportunity, drew a cross on their chest with a ballpoint pen (or iodine) or asked anesthesiologists to leave the cross on the anesthesia machine until the end of the operation. The most important thing is to "go into anesthesia" (fall asleep) with the prayer "Lord, have mercy!" or with the Jesus prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner," and with prayer intercession to your guardian angel (Holy angel of God, my holy guardian, pray to God for me, a sinner). There are known cases when persons who "fell asleep" without prayers, even priestly rank, in an anesthetic "sleep" were attacked by evil spirits. There is some evidence of spelling, "coding" of patients during anesthetic sleep by some doctors with occult knowledge prohibited by the Orthodox Church. Only preliminary prayer and the sign of the cross protect from such and other of the same kind. What are the first words or thoughts that a person who regained consciousness from anesthesia should have? Praise God and thank Him for saving life and for the operation: "Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!" It is very good if you ask someone in the church to light a candle at the approximate time of your operation. And having recovered from the operation and having strengthened physically, thank God and the Mother of God yourself by lighting candles.

Prayer before surgery

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not mortify, affirm those who fall, and erect the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, correct them, we pray to You, our God, Your servant (name), who is weak, visit with Your mercy, forgive him (her, me all) involuntary.

To her, Lord, Your medical power from Heaven was sent down by the hedgehog to control the mind and hand of Your servant the doctor (the name of the doctor) so that he will safely perform the necessary surgery, as if the bodily ailment of Your sick servant (name) will be completely healed, and any invasion hostile far from him will be driven away from him.

Raise him from a sick bed and grant him health in soul and body to Thy Church, pleasing. Thou art a merciful God and to Thee we give glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

A complication developed. The time spent in the hospital was delayed.

You are all sick and sick, but the outcome is not visible, one body one sorrow pulled another. Is it really an accident ?! The Lord, Mother of God, saints are near you, do they really not see your sufferings, and seeing why they make you languish. If they are love and truth, why allow it?

Put yourself in the hands of God and wait. Everything is in the hands of God, and you are all fussing, restless, trying to outwit yourself. Stop doing this and lie still, complacently enduring what happened, thanking God for everything. Another thing is to calmly think about strengthening your patience. How to do it? In your case, it is appropriate to invite a priest in order to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. If a repeated serious operation (especially an abdominal or neurosurgical one) is to be done, one should collect and receive Holy Communion before the operation. Meanwhile, the attitude towards this undoubtedly great and gracious support of the patient is for some reason completely connected with the superstitious opinion that the one who has been bled with oil must surely die soon. Meanwhile, the sacrament of blessing of oil is one of the most beneficial sacraments of the Holy Church, which is performed over the sick for their recovery: bodily, mental and spiritual.

After the operation, the daily consumption of prosphora and holy water, anointing oneself with holy oil from the relics of the saints of God or from the Miraculous icons contribute to a speedy recovery.

Prayer before useprosphora and holy water

O Lord my God, let Thy holy gift be: Thy holy prosphora and Thy holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and infirmities according to the limitless Thy mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen.

Unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer

If suddenly you find yourself after being discharged from the oncologist, do not lose heart and grumble. Regardless of whether the alleged diagnosis is confirmed or not, try to perceive this situation correctly, in a Christian way: as a kind of God's mercy, when the Lord gives you time and a reason to think about Eternity, into which sooner or later from the earthly, "temporary" life the immortal soul of each of us is leaving. In what eternity it will go - in eternal bliss, or in eternal suffering - it depends on ourselves. From how they believed, from how they filled their faith with righteous deeds and repentance. The Lord's mercy is so boundless that even at the end of our sinful earthly life, he is ready to give us Salvation: there would be warm and strong prayers, there would be deep and sincere repentance, love for our neighbor would be seen in practice. And, most importantly, there would be only time left for all this! The bigger, the better. That is why even such a situation should be perceived with thanksgiving to God, as his saving, early answer to your prayer requests for "an unashamed Christian death." So that sudden weakness, which can lead to the death of the body, does not catch the soul by surprise. In any case - no matter how many years, months and days the Lord has given you now - this is undoubtedly. God's call to recognize the time of intensified and more frequent prayers, good deeds and deepened repentance, combined with more frequent Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ (in agreement with the confessor).

About fasting in a hospital setting

Often this issue is a stumbling block for Christians, a source of temptation for medical staff, and a subject of disobedience to confessors. The cross of sickness is intended, first of all, for the purification of the soul, so that it is enriched with the spirit of meekness, the spirit of gentleness, mercy, love and the spirit of other Christian virtues. The meaning of any fast is hunger and compassion for Christ and for Christ, and not blind oppression of oneself only in food. Disease replaces fasting, and if it is transferred with thanksgiving to God, then it is accepted by him as equivalent to fasting, and often even higher. He who endures it with patience, thanks to God, through patience receives the fruit of his salvation. Instead of weakening the strength of the body by fasting, it is already weakened by illness. Thus, the most reasonable thing for the sick person is not to create his own will, but to fulfill the commandments of the Holy Fathers, and there is everything that is given in the hospital cafeteria and that relatives bring, in agreement with the attending physician.

Health and disease

St. Theophan the Recluse says: "God sends another as punishment, like an epitimy, another to reason, so that a person will come to his senses; another, to get rid of the trouble that a person would have got into if he was healthy; otherwise, so that a person would show patience and deserve the more. reward; otherwise, to cleanse from any passion, and for many other reasons ... There are diseases, the healing of which the Lord imposes a prohibition on when he sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health. ... If you feel and see that you yourself are guilty, then start with repentance and regret before God that you did not preserve the gift of health. He was given to you. And then, nevertheless, reduce to the fact that there is a disease from the Lord, and nothing happens by accident. And after that again thank the Lord. Disease humbles, softens the soul and relieves its usual burden from many worries ... The Lord takes away strength in order to at least settle a person with this. ".

A person recovering from an illness, especially after a serious and dangerous one, should feel and say: "From Above, a reprieve has been granted to me, may I repent and correct my life according to the commandments of Christ." Amen.

Thanksgiving prayerafter healing from illness (St. John of Kronstadt)

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the beginningless Father, Alone heal every ailment and every ulcer in people, as you have mercy on me as a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me for my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the power to firmly do Thy will for the salvation of my accursed soul and for Thy glory with Thy originless Father and Thy consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Medicine has developed so much today that surgery has become commonplace. Nevertheless, the upcoming test worries the patient, makes him experience different scenarios for the development of events. Sometimes excitement deprives you of sleep, appetite and makes a person even more sick.

Regardless of the complexity of the operation, God rules the hand of the surgeon. And God wants a person in any trial to learn not to hope for a chance, but to resort to His help and to the intercession of the saints.

Why prayer is needed before surgery

Prayer before the operation, addressed to God, fills the soul with calmness and hope, works miracles.

“We are not omnipotent, pray,” the doctors say. This is correct: the human body is so complex that any accident can put on the brink of life and death.

Often the patient turns to God for the first time, fearing the unknown outcome of the medical procedure, and general anesthesia is perceived as a temporary death.

The saints do not help a person by their own strength, but by prayers to God, Who gives what is requested for the sake of their holiness.

Holy prayer books for health

How and to whom to pray, what prayer before the operation reaches God faster? Will God help an unbeliever or a sinner? The answers are contained in the history of the Orthodox Church, which knows many cases of healings by

Important articles:

St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

In 2010, in the Krasnodar City Hospital No. 1, a wonderful case occurred with an elderly person. He had an operation on a broken collarbone. General anesthesia was dangerous, the doctors doubted whether such a patient could be operated on.

On the night before the operation, in a dream, a young man appeared to him "in strange clothes," as the patient himself later said. Leaning over the bed, he handed the man a spoonful of medicine and said: "Do not be afraid, everything will be fine."

The operation was successful, the doctors were surprised how easily the patient underwent anesthesia and how quickly the recovery began. Before being discharged, the man accidentally saw the icon of the Healer Panteleimon and exclaimed: "Yes, it was him!"

The help of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon in diseases has been known for a long time. In earthly life (early 4th century) St. Panteleimon was a doctor. Before healing, he prayed to a Christian God, which was dangerous: Christians were persecuted by pagans. Seeing the determination of the young doctor, God gave him the power to heal the sick and raise the dead.

Instead of worries and worries before the operation, it is better to read the akathist to the Healer Panteleimon and then pray in your own words: "Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, help the servant of God so-and-so undergo the operation and recover in order to praise God."

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon

Oh, the great servitor of Christ, the most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and physician! Have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from a cruel oppressive ailment me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May it be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God to grant me through your intercession the health of the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

In the offices of surgeons, you can often see the icon of St. Luke Voino-Yasenetsky. This saint was glorified by the Church in 1996.

In earthly life, he was a famous surgeon, healed many patients, wrote works on surgery that are used in medical practice today. In adulthood, Luke became a bishop, not leaving the medical business. God glorified the saint for his confession of faith during the difficult times of the revolution and the Civil War.

After death, healings continued to flow from the relics of St. Luke. Through the prayers of the saint, the patients preparing for the operation were suddenly healed and no surgical intervention was required.

Prayer to Luke Krymsky

O all-blessed confessor, our saint our father Luko, the great servitor of Christ!

With tenderness, bow the knee of our hearts and falling to the race of your honest and multifunctional relics, like the child of your father, we all earnestly pray to you: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the All-Merciful and Human-loving God.

We believe that you love us with the same love you loved all of your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God, that he may establish in His holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety; let her shepherd give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers to observe, to strengthen those who are weak and weak in faith, to instruct those who are ignorant, to reprove them.

Give to all of us a gift that is somehow useful, and everything, even for a temporary life and for eternal salvation: our city's affirmation, the land of fruiting, deliverance from gladness and destruction, consolation to grieving, healing ailing, lost on the path of truth, a blessing parent, a child in education and teaching of the Lord, help and intercession to the poor and the poor.

Give us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that by you we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Grant us God please to pass the field of temporal life, guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to the almighty God for us, but in eternal life with you we ceaselessly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, All glory and honor deserve to Him. and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara

The Orthodox Church is aware of cases of St. Barbara's assistance in critical cases during surgical operations.

The holy martyr is depicted on icons with the Chalice for communion. This is not accidental: Christians are afraid to die suddenly, without confessing and not having received the Holy Mysteries.

St. Barbara is asked to get rid of sudden death during anesthesia.

Prayer of the nc. Barbara

Holy glorious and all-praiseworthy Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathering today in your Divine temple are people, a race of your relics who worship and kiss love, your sufferings are martyrs, and in them is the very Passionate Christ, who gave you not just a hedgehog to believe in Him, but also according to Him to suffer, with praises gratifying, we pray thee, the well-known desires of our intercessor: pray with us and for us who begs God from His benevolence, may he mercifully hear us asking for His mercy, and will not leave us all the petitions necessary for salvation and living, and grant Christian death to our belly - painless, not shameful, peacefully, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body, always stay healthy, we glorify the wondrous God in His saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer assistance of Guardian Angels

An 80-year-old woman was admitted to the Krasnodar regional hospital with a diagnosis of volvulus. The only salvation was abdominal surgery, which the patient could not tolerate, she had a bad heart. Relatives were warned of a possible death, everyone prayed, since there was nothing more to hope for.

Before the operation, the woman dozed off and saw a glowing face in front of her. She asked the first thing that came to mind: "Guardian Angel?" The vision immediately disappeared, and the soul of the patient was filled with calmness and joy.

"Your grandmother is great!" - the doctors were surprised, discharging the patient, surprisingly easily recovered from the anesthesia and soon rose to her feet. The woman told her happy relatives about the angel's vision at home.

They are located next to every baptized person. If you do not forget them in prayers, then they will not slow down with help.

Praying before the operation, they read the Canon to the Guardian Angel, then say a short prayer "Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, pray to God for me!" as often as possible.

Sometimes they advise short petitions of the "folk" composition, for example, "My angel, follow me, you are in front, I am behind you." This is permissible, but there is no stronger prayer consecrated by the Orthodox Church, they must be said first.

Canon to the Guardian Angel

Irmos: Let's drink to the Lord, who led the people through His Red Sea, as one gloriously glorified.

Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me.
Sing and praise the song, Savior, worthy of Thy servant, incorporeal Angel, my mentor and guardian.

I am alone in folly and in laziness now I lie, my mentor and guardian, do not leave me, perishing.

Direct my mind with your prayer, do God's commands, so that I will receive from God the surrender of sins, and hate the wicked, instruct me, pray to you.

Pray, Maiden, for me, Thy servant, to the Benefactor, with my guardian Angel, and instruct me to do the commandments of Thy Son and my Creator.

Irmos: Thou art the confirmation of those flowing to Thee, O Lord, Thou art the light of the darkened, and my spirit sings Thee.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

All my thoughts and my soul I have laid upon you, my keeper; Deliver me from all the misfortunes of the enemy.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

The enemy tramples on me, and embitters me, and teaches me to always do my own desires; but you, my mentor, do not leave me perishing.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Petit the song with thanksgiving and zeal to the Creator and God, give me, and to you, my good angel, my guardian: my deliverer, rescue me from the enemies of those who embitter me.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Heal, Blessed One, my many unpleasant scabs, even in souls, burn enemies, who are always fighting with me.

Sedalen, voice 2nd

From the love of my soul, cry out to you, the guardian of my soul, my all-holy Angel: cover me and keep me from evil catching always, and teach heavenly life, enlightening and enlightening and strengthening me.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Most Pure, Even without a seed, having given birth to all the Lord, the One with my guardian angel, pray, rid us of all bewilderment, and give tenderness and light of my soul and purification of sin, Even one who will soon intercede.

Irmos: Hearing, O Lord, Thy Sacrament, understanding Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Pray to the Man-lover of God you, my guardian, and do not leave me, but always observe my life in the world and grant me invincible salvation.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

As a protector and guardian of my stomach, I receive thee from God, Angela, I pray thee, saint, free from all my troubles.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Cleanse my filthiness with your sanctity, my guardian, and may I be excommunicated by your prayers from a part of the shuia, and I will appear a partaker of glory.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Perplexity lies before me from the evils that have eaten me, Most Pure One, but deliver me from them soon: there is more to Thee.

Irmos: A reassuring cry of Ty: Lord, save us; Thou art our God, don’t we believe otherwise.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

As if having boldness to God, my holy keeper, pray to deliver this from the evils offending me.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Light light, light enlighten my soul, my mentor and guardian, from God given to my Angel.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sleeping me with an evil burden of sin, as if keeping vigilant, Angel of God, and raise me up to praise with your prayer.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Mary, the Lady of the Mother of God, the bride-to-be, the hope of the faithful, overthrow the exaltation of the enemy, the singers of Thee are rejoiced.

Irmos: Give my robe a light, dress like a garment with light, Christ our God is much-merciful.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Free me from all misfortunes, and save me from sorrows, I pray to you, holy Angel, given to me from God, my kind keeper.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Illuminate my mind, better, and enlighten me, pray to you, holy Angele, and always instruct me with useful thoughts.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lead my heart out of the real rebellion, and vigilantly strengthen me in the good, my guardian, and guide me wonderfully to the silence of animals.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Word of God dwelt in Thee, the Theotokos, and by the Man of Thee, showing the heavenly ladder; By you, the Most High has come down to us to eat.

Kontakion, voice 4th

Appear to me, merciful, holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, and do not separate from me, the filthy one, but enlighten me with inviolable light and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

My soul is humbled by many temptations, you, saint to the representative, vouch for the ineffable glory of heaven, and a singer from the face of the incorporeal powers of God, have mercy on me and preserve, and enlighten my soul with good thoughts, so that with your glory, my Angel, I will be enriched, and put down the enemies who think evil to me. , and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Irmos: From Judea, youths came down, in Babylon sometimes, by faith in the Trinity, the cave begging the flame of the cave, singing: Fathers God, blessed art.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Wake me mercifully, and pray to God, Lord Angela, I have an intercessor in my whole belly, a mentor and guardian, given by God for ever.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Do not leave on the way the marching soul of my accursed murder by a robber, holy Angele, even from God I was betrayed to be blameless; but instruct you on the path of repentance.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bring my whole disgraced soul from my evil thoughts and deeds: but beforehand, my mentor, and give me good thoughts with healing, always deviate to the right paths.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Fill all the wisdom and the Divine fortress, the Hypostatic Wisdom of the Most High, the Mother of God, crying by faith: our father, God, blessed be you.

Irmos: The Heavenly King, the warriors of the angels sing him, praise and exalt for all eternity.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Sent from God, strengthen my belly, your servant, blessed Angela, and do not leave me forever.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

The angel is good for you, my soul is a mentor and guardian, most blessed, I sing for ever.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Be the cover and take away all people on the day of testing, good and evil deeds are tempted by fire.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Be my helper and silence, the Mother of God Ever-ever, Thy servant, and do not leave me deprived of the existence of Thy dominion.

Irmos: Truly we confess Theotokos, Thy salvation, Virgin, pure, with incorporeal faces of Thy magnificant.

To Jesus: Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me.

Have mercy on me, my only Savior, for you are merciful and merciful, and make me a partaker of righteous faces.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

With my thoughts, always do and do, Lord Angela, grant good and useful, as the manifestation is strong in weakness and blameless.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As if having boldness to the Heavenly King, pray to Him, with the rest of the incorporeal, have mercy on me, cursed.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Have a lot of boldness, Virgin, to the One incarnate from You, offer me from bonds and give me permission and salvation through Your prayers.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

To the holy angel of Christ, I pray to you, my holy guardian, given to me for the observance of my sinful soul and body from holy baptism, but with my laziness and my evil custom, I anger your most pure grace and drive you away from me with all the cold deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, brotherly hatred, and malice, avarice, adultery, rage, avarice, overeating without satiety and drunkenness, polyphony, evil thoughts and crafty, proud custom and lustful self-indulgence for all him. Oh, my evil will, he and cattle do not do wordlessness! But how can you gaze at me, or approach me, like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, angel of Christ, look at me, wrapped in evil in vile deeds? But how can I ask for absolution by my bitter and wicked and crafty deed? But I pray to you, falling down, my saint guardian, have mercy on me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be my helper and intercessor for the evil of my resistance, with your holy prayers, and create the Kingdom of God for the partaker of me with all the saints, always, and now and forever and ever. Amen.

Many people fear general anesthesia as a temporary death. In this case, you can remember the saints in whose life there were similar states, and pray to them.

  1. Seven youths of Ephesus. Christian youths, hiding in the 3rd century from pagan persecution, by the will of God fell asleep in a cave and woke up 150 years later, when their country was already ruled by a Christian king.
  2. Holy righteous Lazarus, one of the followers of Christ. Struck by illness, Lazarus died in his home and was buried. After 4 days, Christ resurrected him, all the inhabitants of Bethany who had gathered were witnesses of the miracle.
  3. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself stayed in a state of death for 3 days, until His Resurrection.
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