Relief from the bloating after laparoscopy operation. How to restore the abdominal press after a strip operation

Girls! Do not panic and wise all garbage !!! I myself after extensive operation (Removed the cyst on the right ovary and appendicitis) seam horizontal 15 cm! Here is my recovery plan:
1st month (active recovery) more than 2 kg can not be lifted and strained too! But you need to move! Go a lot to avoid safety process And be sure to take the direction of the doctor on the physotherapy, as well as Supke !!! I think everyone knows what the spikes are after a long-term operation and what they lead to ...
2nd month Include Cardio Training in the morning at Skushk 40 min (exercise bike, elipzoid, swimming pool) + exercise "Vacuum of the abdomen" in the morning at the Tusk immediately after Cardio! What is this exercise, you can read on the Internet, there is full of information! This exercises must be done by the girls above the unsubscribing, the stomach sticks out because the inner walls of the belly are weak! Do not hold organs! And to strengthen them, make a vacuum!
The 3rd month will begin to train with its own weight (without jacks in the form of a bar and dumbbell). For example, lunges without weight, squats. On the back, chest and hands, you can take a little weight!
From the 4th month, I will begin to gradually increase the weight in the exercises and strengthen the muscles of the bark (the press, spinner of the back) as I plan to plan a pregnancy after half a year! And the strong loin and the press in this matter oh how necessary !!! And besides, it contributes eastern recovery after childbirth! Belly will quickly leave, there will be no stretch marks, etc.
But the most key girl on what you advise you to pay attention, so it's on your food !!! 80% of the result depends on the correct balanced nutrition!!! "Press is done in the kitchen!"
Here are the basic rules:
1) Drink a lot of water! Not tea, not coffee, namely water !!! 1.5-2 liters minimum per day! Due to water, all slags and toxins from the body are output, cellulite goes, etc. Yes, what to talk, we will be 80% of the water!
2) Fit often in small portions (250 gr) 5-6 times a day! And so that the break between meals did not exceed 3 hours! This nutrition is needed in order to ensure sharp scaches Insulin in blood, which provokes the deposition of fat stocks! It is necessary that insulin in the blood arrived evenly! Then fat will not be postponed in your problem places!
3) eaten slow carbohydrates (Unculpted rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, macaroni whole grain, loaf, etc.) to 16.00! After 16.00, the metabolism is slowed down and these carbohydrates will be postponed into fats! Therefore, after 16.00 we eat vegetables! Prefers Give green! Fast carbohydrates (fruits and all that sweet) eat up to 12 days! When the fastest metabolism! In the evening there is no fruit! From the same name they are called fast carbohydratesbecause they are immediately postponed into fats! Exception in the evening at the green apple (Gryn, Semexina) and Grapefruit!
4) There are no fats! But preference to give out to be accomplished! 70% rosy and 30% animals! Fats are responsible for healthy elastic skin and hair and also for menstrual cycle! So be sure to drink omega 3 fats, add a little in olive, pumpkin or sesame oil salads, eat 20 grams Avocado a day, in the morning you can 5 gr butter!
5) Self protein in each meal! Be sure! Protein is the builder of all tissues in the human body!
6) Well, of course, we exclude sugar from the diet (replace the stevia), flour (you can the furnace from whole grain flour Without yeast and starch), fried on the oil (better bake, stew and cook), drinks, canned food, sausages, etc.
7) Also be sure to drink vitamins !!!
That's how your day diet should look like:
Oatmeal + 1 tbsp Honey + 20 grams nut + 1 whole egg + glass of milk
Cottage cheese + classic yogurt 1 tbsp + 1 fruits
Buckwheat +. chicken breast + Salad.
Eggs with tomatoes
Fish for a couple or baked with broccoli!
During the day you must approximately eat:
Proteins 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of weight
Fats 1 gr per 1 kg of weight
Carbohydrates 2-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.
Products are considered in raw or dry form!
That's all! Nothing to wise! I have painted everything on the shelves. You can trust me, since I am a certified bodybuilding coach and fitness!

Clearing operation is often vital. Fears of patients are no longer dangerous surgical intervention, and with the fact of the appearance of the ugly scar on the stomach. Restore forms after surgery can only be used using a number of events.

What happens with the stomach after a weighty operation

Extensive operation is a surgical intervention for the treatment of organic pathologies. gOOD SYSTEM and digestive tract. Size is made abdominal wall cavities and muscle tissue hiding internal organs. Depending on the purpose of treatment, the incision can be vertical or horizontal.

After overlaying the stomach stomach can be saved, write down or hang around. Such changes are associated with the fact that the inner wall of the peritoneum is quite thick and it is necessary to separate it in layers.

Ways to restore the former shape

Restoration physical form After extensive operations - a long and time-consuming process. Most patients fail to get rid of the disgusting belly using the exercise alone.

The solution to solve the problem must be complex. A woman needs to make adjustments to the diet, make a massage and cosmetic procedureswearing a bandage. In particularly difficult cases, plastic surgeons will be helped to return the former forms.

Proper nutrition

Food - important element Adjusting the shape. After a long-term operation, a woman needs to completely reconsider its diet, following the recommendations of doctors.

In the first day after surgery, the patient is prohibited from eating food, you can only drink clean non-carbonated water. Gradually introduced cereals and vegetable soups. Starting from 5 days after the operation, the woman's nutrition should be full and balanced.

Basic principles are correctly used in use:

  1. Much fiber. Products C. high content fiber contribute to the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract and intestinal peristals. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and kash will save a woman from the likelihood of problems with defecation.
  2. Complex carbohydrates. They satisfy the body and provide it with the necessary energy for the whole day. Grass, legumes and wholegrain bread are preferable for breakfast.
  3. Squirrel. A weakened organism as ever needs an element that participates in all metabolic processes.
  4. Vitamins. In the absence of ability to diversify your nutrition, you can use pharmacy vitamin complexes. Their use should be agreed with the attending physician.

During the period of rehabilitation, it is important to monitor the compliance with the drinking mode. On the day you need to drink at least two liters of water. However, the amount of fluid is dependent on the weight and age of the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

Physical exercise

Absence physical activity After the weighting operation, it will inevitably lead to the formation of ugly folds on the stomach and excess weight. Light loads are a mandatory step of successful recovery after surgery, the method of preventing the prevention, muscle atrophy and the formation of adhesions on the internal pelvis organs.

In the absence of contraindications to the fulfillment of simple physical exercises, it is necessary to start over the next day after the operation. Complex of gymnastics, the number of approaches and the duration of classes should be discussed with the attending physician.

In the first 2-3 days after surgery cesarean section Or removal of the uterus patient can make bending-extension, breeding of legs, turning torso. All movements are performed lying on the bed.

A week after surgery, the intensity of physical exertion can be slightly increased. Allowed to pull the belly as much as possible, tilt to the legs bent in the knees, lift top The housing, lingering in this position for a few seconds.

You can start 3-4 months after surgery to full-fledged physical exertion. Sometimes, on the recommendation of the doctor, sports should be postponed to six months. After this period, the woman can be touched, squat, swing the press, make a bar and other complex exercises.


In addition to the proper nutrition and exercise, remove the belly after the extensive operation on gynecology can help cosmetic procedures. The use of such funds is allowed only after the full healing of the outer scar, in the absence of crusts and the selection of sucrovitsy.

Effective ways to combat subcutaneous fat layers and leather flabbiness:

  • massage of problem areas - massage manipulations help to normalize blood circulation, strengthen the muscles, bring elasticity to them, get rid of fat deposits;
  • wrappings and creams - a warming effect that render creams and mixtures for procedures, stimulate blood flow to the problem area and contribute to the splitting of subcutaneous fat;
  • contrast shower - daily use of the procedure helps strengthen the skin, make it more elastic and effectively fights excess weight;
  • peeling - removal of burned particles by purchased or independently cooked scrubs allows you to return the skin elasticity and elasticity.

The effectiveness of the procedures directly depends on the regularity of their application. The first results can be seen already after 1.5-2 months of use. The effectiveness of cosmetics increases, if applying them in the complex with exercise and proper nutrition.


The use of tightening devices after a strip operation will help support the abdomen and reduce painful feelings In the area of \u200b\u200bthe seam, not allowing him to disperse. You can start wearing a bandage a week after surgery when the seam will slightly delay and get strengthened.

The duration of the use of a bandage is about two months. It is impossible to tighten the belts of fixtures to avoid squeezing internal organsWhat will lead to violations in their work. You need to shoot a bandage for the night and during the day every 3-4 hours.

Plastic surgery

Abdominoplasty is a cardinal method of combating overweight and imperfections of the figure. Most often K. plastic Surgeons Apply in the case when the abdomen sticks out after a bandage operation, and other ways to combat the problem do not bring the expected results.

There are several options for carrying out surgery:

  • endoscopic - is carried out to remove a small adhesive layer if the skin of the patient did not lose its elasticity and elasticity, does not require suspenders;
  • standard - in the process of surgical intervention, the subcutaneous fatty fiber is carried out and the correction of muscle tissue;
  • mini Operation - Minor Surgical Intervention, during which removed fat deposits from the bottom of the abdomen.

Resort to help plastic surgery It is possible not earlier than six months after the cost operation.

Duration of recovery

How long will the body be restored after conducting a long-term operation, depends on the volume of surgical intervention, the age of the patient, the physique, the emotional attitude and availability concomitant diseases. On average, seam heals for one and a half months.

Extensive operations - difficult processAfter which the patients face the problems of the appearance of scars and disgusting belly. Implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician proper nutrition, physical exercise and cosmetics Will help restore former forms without harm to health.

No one is insured against the appearance of hernia. It happens, a person is enough to raise a bag with potatoes or work out in the gym, as hernia appears. Also she can develop because strong cough (for example, in chronic lung disease), difficult urination or long constipation. Is it possible to do without surgery? How to operate herriation full man? Why is repeated hernia arise? On these and other issues of our readers during the straight line "Facts" answered the head of the Department of Surgery and Proctology National medical Academy Postgraduate education named after P. L. Schuckik Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor medical Sciences Professor Yaroslav Felshtinsky.

* - Hello, Yaroslav Petrovich! Calls Andrei from Khmelnitsky. My mom (she was 54) a month ago, they made a third surgery about the hernia of the belly, although during the previous intervention surgeon put the grid. Why did the disease be reused?

- Unfortunately, such cases are no exception. For example, the other day a patient came from Transcarpathia, which had a relapse eight (!). The first appeared after removing the umbilical hernia, then the postoperative hernial protrusion was formed, which all the time increased, although the last two operations were carried out using a grid that strengthen the abdominal wall.

And another 52-year-old patient from Kropyvnytsky, we are already preparing for discharge. After open gynecological operation The woman in the place of the scar was formed hernia, which demanded seven operations, the last two - with the grid. As a result, in the hernial bag found most of bladderAnd the woman suffered from urinary incontinence. We managed to help her, eliminating hernia protrusion and urinary incontinence.

It is important to know that hernia is congenital and acquired. In the first case, a child still has a defect - improper development of the abdominal wall. And the acquired hernia appears due to the weakness of the muscles and the aponeurosis (the supporting tissue of the abdominal wall).

Why are hernias repeated? Recurney often arises from the one who does not observe the mode after the operation and too early begins to actively move, lift gravity. The second point is associated with the technology of execution of the operation. Sometimes the installed mesh that strengthens the abdominal wall does not overlap the "with the reserve" edge of the hernial defect. To prevent the displacement of the grid and repeated appearance Hernia, the overlap of these edges should be at least five-seven centimeters. And if the hernia is long, muscles and aponeurosis are weakened, you need to make even greater supply - 10--12 centimeters.

There are also a single case when a person has progressive tissue atrophy. Then, despite the fact that the surgeon perfectly fulfilled the operation, the patient observed the regime, still repeated hernia may occur.

* - Straight line? You are worried about Sergey from Nezhin Chernihiv region. After the operation to remove the kidney in place of the seam appeared hernia. She slowly grows and is now well noticeable, although it does not bother me. What to do?

- scar left after surgery - weakness The abdominal wall, which "chose" hernia. You need an operation using a special grid, with which the abdominal wall is strengthened. More specifically, the surgeon will determine the amount of operation and will talk about the features of it after it examines and examines you. You can contact our center specialists. surgical treatment Hernia belly. He is located in the Kiev city clinical hospital No. 5 (its address is Kiev, Recreation Street, 11). Pre-call the phone (098) 076−99−05 To clarify the time consultation.

* - "FACTS"? Vladimir Ivanovich calls from the raspberry of the Zhytomyr region. I am 62 years old, I have been doing sports and physical education all my life. Almost 20 years ago I had an operation about pahnova grozhi, and this year she arose again. What is the reason?

- During your first operation, the grid to strengthen the abdominal wall has not yet been used. The surgeon did outoplasty using patient fabrics. But over time, they weaken at the place of tension, atrophy. Therefore, approximately 70 percent of such patients with hernia are repeated.

- And then repeated operation Can I do charging? Without movement, I can not.

- First time you have to work together: do not lift gravity, do not swing the press. In order for the grid to strengthen and well sprout with its own fabrics, quite a half or two months, and then you can run, swim, lift small, up to five kilograms, weight. But the press for six months still can not, otherwise the hernia can be reused.

* - This is Eugene from the city of Lubny Poltava region. I read in the announcement that you make gentle operations without cuts. How often?

- In our clinic, laparoscopic operations on the hernia are often carried out, and in Ukraine as a whole, they constitute no more than five percent. Although the benefits of such gentle intervention are obvious: the fabric is minimally traumatized, and a person in a day or two after surgery can leave home. For comparison: in Western countries, laparoscopic operations on organs abdominal cavity They are carried out in 80-85 percent of patients, but eliminate hernia - in half cases.

- What prevents the laparoscopic method in Ukraine?

- Unfortunately, not all surgeons have sufficient qualifications, although it is constantly raised by passing training. But main reason - Material: These cost operations are far from always affordable patient. Tools - Lock, Stapler - Yes, and the grid itself is a lot. However, the results are very good. For example, a composite mesh with a special coating is used for operation on postoperative hernia. In her inner layer There is a collagen film that prevents the splicing of the intestines or other internal organs with the grid. This grid, the doctor in the form of a tube introduces through the puncture of the abdominal wall, straightens and fixed the stair of the abdomen.

Disadvantaged hernia Can I operate with a laparoscopic method?

- Why not? But only if no more than six hours have passed since its infringement. Otherwise, the intestinal sacrifice arises, the peritonitis is developing, it is developing peritonitis, so open access operation is required.

* - Hello! Can I contact the doctor? My name is Nina. After a long-term operation, which I still had a schoolgirl, I had spikes. A year ago, a bunch of hernia appeared. Can I remove it without a big cut?

- I can not refress you: the laparoscopic operation is not used with pronounced spikes in the abdominal cavity. When the intestines hinges are tightly fascinated with the abdominal wall or among themselves, it is practically impossible to divide them - a huge risk arises to damage the intestines. Laparoscopic method is also limited if the patient has heart disease, lungs.

* - Ring Oksana from Nikolaev. My older sister, which is 37 years old, very complete - about 130 kilograms. After the gynecological operation, she had a long seam for a long time, and then hernia was formed, and the sister is forced to wear a bandage. Can she somehow help?

- I think yes. But you need to look at the body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide the weight in kilograms for growth in meters, erected into a square. If the value exceeds 35, then first we recommend the patient to lose a little bit. But it often happens that a person fails to cope with overweight independently - then you need to decide on the operation (it is called bariatric) to reduce the stomach. When the patient comes to us, we can simultaneously perform two operations - remove the hernia and disgusting belly. A week ago I had to operate a woman from Zhytomyr, who had postoperative hernia, as well as a huge fat "Apron", weighing 17 kilograms and preventing movement. After the operation, the patient said that it was born on the light.

I also remember a very complete patient from Cherkasy, whose body mass index exceeded 40. Because of the giant 30-kilogram "Apron", the bubble hernia was joined. The man categorically did not want to make a bariatric surgery, but we still managed to help him, having rid of hernia and disgusting belly.

- Is removing not harmful large number Fat?

- On the contrary, it is useful. The patient immediately becomes easier to breathe, move. Normalizes arterial pressure, breathing stabilizes, the work of the heart. Due to the fact that man is freed from the cargo, he no longer need assistance, It can easily independently, for example, fasten the boots.

* - This is Vasily from Pavlograd Dnepropetrovsk region, 44 years. I decided to like B. gymTo pump up the press, but in the second lesson there was an incomprehensible burning in the abdomen. I went to the surgeon, and the doctor suspected hernia. It happens?

- Yes. It is believed that the exercises for the belly should strengthen muscles and aponeurosis. But the fact that a person who swings the abdominal press appears or increases hernia, proves: No special exercises Do not warn its development. And people who have a weakness of the aponeurosis, a slight expansion of the umbilical or inguinal rings, wide white line Belly, exercises for the press can not be done at all, so as not to provoke the appearance of hernia.

* Is it a straight line? Lydia Egorovna calls from Chernigov. My husband has two inguinal and one postoperative hernia that bothers him. Local surgeons were denied for operations: her husband is 81 years old, he suffered two stroke, he has weak heart. What do you say?

- Apparently, two strokes and a weak heart of your husband Local surgeons rated as a serious risk. Therefore, it is better for him to constantly wear a bandage, do not lift gravity, try not to allow constipation.

We also have similar cases when we refuse to surgery with severe heartfall, pulmonary pathology Or central diseases nervous system (for example, man suffered heavy stroke). We also postpone the patient's intervention, whose chronic illnessFor example, diabetes, poorly amenable to correction - it fails to normalize blood sugar levels. Then we recommend first to achieve improvement, and then return to the question of the operation.

- What are you doing, if a patient with severe hernia is damaged?

- In such cases, the surgeon eliminates the infringement without plastic defect to save the patient's life. Usually, this intervention is carried out in the case of gigantic hernia to avoid increasing intra-abdominal pressure. If it rises, the work of the heart, lungs worsens.

* - Facts newspaper? My name is Svetlana, 52 years old, call from the Kirovograd region. In 2009, I was removed umbilical herniaBy installing two grids. Now I have greatly recovered. I'm not bothering me, but I am afraid that hernia can repeat.

- It is not excluded. The shelf's elimination operation itself does not lead to weight gain. But when a person is very correct, the muscles weaken, the aponeurosis - simply speaking, the muscular tissue overgrown with fat. It sometimes leads to re-hernia. You need to go through a special abdominal wall and abdomen, and then decide what to do next.

If the hernia appeared, you can get rid of it only with the help of the operation. It is dangerous to wait, because hernia will increase, rejoice. And the infringement is a formidable complication that threatens life.

* - Antonin from the city of Kostopol Rivne region. I read in the announcement that the feeling of burning and gravity in the stomach, which intensify in the evening, can talk about hernia. Is it allowed with such symptoms to apply hot heater to the stomach?

- categorically impossible! Also prohibited hot bathAny physiotherapeutic procedures associated with thermal impact. It happens that a person without a survey rides a sanatorium and there takes mud appliqués. It is dangerous: dirt increases the local temperature, the vessels are expanding, and complication may arise - inflammation of hernia.

Chronic inflammatory process Sometimes develops with a long-unprecedented hernia. The hernia bag, in which there are intestinal loops or strand of the large gland, gradually thinned, the blood circulation is disturbed, hernia is injured - and inflammation develops. Its symptoms are similar to the infringement, but to distinguish these two violations, additional research is required.

Signs of infringement of the hernia

  • Increase and seal hernia protrusion.
  • The hernia independently does not go into the abdominal cavity.
  • Acute pain, gradually embracing all the stomach.
  • Vomiting, delay in gases and stool.

Photo Sergey Tushinsky, "Facts"

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Girls! Do not panic and wise all garbage !!! I myself after a weighty operation (removed the cyst on the right ovary and appendicitis) of the seam horizontal 15 cm! Here is my recovery plan:
1st month (active recovery) more than 2 kg can not be lifted and strained too! But you need to move! We walk a lot to avoid the adhesion process and be sure to take the direction of the doctor on the physotherapy, as well as the sacks !!! I think everyone knows what the spikes are after a long-term operation and what they lead to ...
2nd month Include Cardio Training in the morning at Skushk 40 min (exercise bike, elipzoid, swimming pool) + exercise "Vacuum of the abdomen" in the morning at the Tusk immediately after Cardio! What is this exercise, you can read on the Internet, there is full of information! This exercises must be done by the girls above the unsubscribing, the stomach sticks out because the inner walls of the belly are weak! Do not hold organs! And to strengthen them, make a vacuum!
The 3rd month will begin to train with its own weight (without jacks in the form of a bar and dumbbell). For example, lunges without weight, squats. On the back, chest and hands, you can take a little weight!
From the 4th month, I will begin to gradually increase the weight in the exercises and strengthen the muscles of the bark (the press, spinner of the back) as I plan to plan a pregnancy after half a year! And the strong loin and the press in this matter oh how necessary !!! And besides, it contributes to the speedy restoration after childbirth! Belly will quickly leave, there will be no stretch marks, etc.
But the most key girl on what you advise you to pay attention, so it's on your food !!! 80% of the result depends on the proper balanced nutrition !!! "Press is done in the kitchen!"
Here are the basic rules:
1) Drink a lot of water! Not tea, not coffee, namely water !!! 1.5-2 liters minimum per day! Due to water, all slags and toxins from the body are output, cellulite goes, etc. Yes, what to talk, we will be 80% of the water!
2) Fit often in small portions (250 gr) 5-6 times a day! And so that the break between meals did not exceed 3 hours! Such food is needed in order to have no sharp insulin jumps in the blood, which provokes the deposition of fat stocks! It is necessary that insulin in the blood arrived evenly! Then fat will not be postponed in your problem places!
3) Eat the slow carbohydrates (unlightened rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, macaroni whole grain, loaf, etc.) to 16.00! After 16.00, the metabolism is slowed down and these carbohydrates will be postponed into fats! Therefore, after 16.00 we eat vegetables! Prefers Give green! Fast carbohydrates (fruits and all that sweet) eat up to 12 days! When the fastest metabolism! In the evening there is no fruit! Since they are called fast carbohydrates, because they are immediately postponed into fats! Exception in the evening at the green apple (Gryn, Semexina) and Grapefruit!
4) There are no fats! But preference to give out to be accomplished! 70% rosy and 30% animals! Fats are responsible for healthy elastic skin and hair and just for the menstrual cycle! So be sure to drink omega 3 fats, add a little in olive, pumpkin or sesame oil salads, eat 20 grams Avocado a day, in the morning you can 5 grams of butter in porridge!
5) Self protein in each meal! Be sure! Protein is the builder of all tissues in the human body!
6) Well, of course, we exclude sugar from the diet (replace the stevia), flour (you can the furnace from wholegrain flour without yeast and starch), fried on the oil (better bake, stew and cook), drinks, canned food, sausages, etc. .
7) Also be sure to drink vitamins !!!
That's how your day diet should look like:
Oatmeal + 1 tbsp Honey + 20 grams nut + 1 whole egg + glass of milk
Cottage cheese + classic yogurt 1 tbsp + 1 fruits
Buckwheat + chicken breast + salad
Eggs with tomatoes
Fish for a couple or baked with broccoli!
During the day you must approximately eat:
Proteins 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of weight
Fats 1 gr per 1 kg of weight
Carbohydrates 2-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.
Products are considered in raw or dry form!
That's all! Nothing to wise! I have painted everything on the shelves. You can trust me, since I am a certified bodybuilding coach and fitness!

What kind of woman who transferred a hiking operation associated with childbirth does not ask, each wants that with her child, everything is in order, and also faster recover and enjoy life. Looking at her body, Mommy notes that the front was formed in front of the form. Experts argue that if it takes measures on time, after Cesarean's belly can be quickly removed, and no need to resort to cardinal measures.

Why does the fold fold appear?

With such a phenomenon, as accusing belly faces 80% of women who gave birth to artificially. To solve this problem, you need to deal with its causes, the nature of which is very different.

First, it may be associated with the displacement of the center of gravity. This is inevitably encountered all during the baby tool. In fact, not so easy to drop from the past gait, posture. Remember how you went, being pregnant, it is a suton shoulders, a spin in a semi-born condition, a relaxed press and a tilt back during walking. If nothing has changed in you, it is not surprising that the stomach will write a little ahead.

Secondly, for 9 months, a woman is gaining weight, which is the norm, because all this is necessary for the normal formation and nutrition of the new organism. It often happens that there are too many closed kg and after holding a weight transaction, the waist is sprawling, and fat deposits are concentrated not only on the sides, but also on the stomach.

Thirdly, there is nothing surprising in that skin Covers And the abdominal muscles are stretched, because the abdomen increases several times. Of course, sagging fold appears on the loss of tone, and it is not always formed out of fat, it often just stretched skin. In the people, it is called "Apron".

If we start studying the question "How to remove the belly after the cesarean section", then we should know that the tactics of impact are interconnected with the causes of education cosmetic Defect. If you think that it is impossible to get rid of it, then they are very mistaken.

Features of proper nutrition

If you are dealing with fatty sediments on the sides, stomach, while organizing proper nutrition, you can get rid of them for several months. It is worth noting that it is not about dropping weight due to diets, as you know during the period breastfeeding This, to put it mildly, is not recommended. The goal is as follows - to eat only healthy foods, completely excluding harmful. Thematic information is now quite easy to find, and the whole it is in free access. Below are easy rules. They need to stick to those who do not know how to lose weight after Cesarean and remove the stomach.

  1. After surgery, the first three days solid food is contraindicated, all necessary for female organism nutrients "Delivered" to the body with a dropper. The only thing that can be mineral unsweetened water without gas.
  2. Do not everyone know that the restoration of the tone of the muscles contributes to the consumption of food rich in iron. We are talking about meat, legumes, leafy green vegetables. Be extremely careful with eating legumes, as you know, they stimulate meteorism, and the intume can be not only in mom, but also in infants.
  3. Calcium promotes fast healing seams, also its content in the body in sufficient quantity Promotes the normalization of metabolism. Due to this, the fats will actively be derived from their places big cluster. To ensure this effect, eat cheeses, yogurts.
  4. Additives in the form of vitamins developed taking into account the characteristics of the body of a woman after childbirth will also not be superfluous. Them regular use contributes to the maintenance of biochemical processes in the body natural origin. This provides assistance in restoring the appeal of the figure.
  5. As for food meals, they should not be very frequent, but about 7 times a day. Try to drink more fluid, but drinks containing caffeine, fast food, fat, roasted, salted dishes are not carried away.
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