What to do if the snot does not go away for a long time. A runny nose in a child or an adult does not go away - methods of medication and alternative treatment

For adults, a persistent runny nose causes a lot of trouble. The voice changes, the eyes are watery. Nostrils swell from frequent rubbing. Rhinitis can cause serious illness. An ever-stuffy nose interferes with proper breathing. When a runny nose does not go away for months, it decreases physical activity, efficiency. Fatigue increases. The quality of life is deteriorating markedly.

If a runny nose during treatment does not disappear within two weeks, it is considered protracted. The causes of such rhinitis are different: they can be caused by viruses, allergens, medications. How to properly treat a runny nose, the otolaryngologist will answer. You need to contact him.

By the nature of the occurrence, experts distinguish several types of the disease.


A runny nose occurs as a consequence of ARVI, manifests itself as an inflammatory process of microbial or viral nature... It is characterized by the constant secretion of liquid nasal mucus, strong congestion nose, accompanied by lacrimation. Often occurs with an increase in temperature. Treatment consists in eliminating pathological factors. With the wrong selection of drugs, it goes into chronic form, sneezing and itching do not go away for a long time. In this case, complications are possible.


A common type of rhinitis, it can be very prolonged. It is manifested by a violation of the activity of the mucous membrane. It is characterized by a violation of tissue structure and a decrease in vascular conductivity. They swell, provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane. The discharge with such rhinitis is not very abundant, but constant. They cause coughing, pain in the larynx. Flowing down the back wall, the mucus stagnates and becomes fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogenic flora.


It appears structural changes tissues of the nasal cavity. It occurs for a number of reasons:

  • from regular hypothermia;
  • from persistent allergens present;
  • from the presence of infections or fungal spores in the body.

Rhinitis destroys tissue gradually. First, against the background of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane and the lower turbinate... Then the process becomes deep, extends to the middle turbinates. Vascular walls change, blood flow and lymph flow decrease, congestion and edema occur. If such a runny nose begins to heal, even bone tissue is affected. In this case, abnormal tissue fragments are removed surgically.


It is characterized by focal seals of the mucous membrane of all parts of the nose. It is manifested by dryness in the nose, the formation of thick crusts, the release of thick yellowish mucus. It develops as a reaction to a stimulus. A runny nose in an adult does not go away for a long time when bacteria are present in the sinuses. Such rhinitis is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the nose, and the patient does not feel it.

Atrophic rhinitis of a non-bacterial nature occurs against the background of:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • oppression of the protective functions of the body;
  • hormonal changes;
  • damage bone tissue nose;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders in the body.


A persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult occurs after long-term treatment vasoconstrictor drugs. This type of medication rhinitis is called ricochet. Drops and sprays that relieve the symptoms of puffiness should not be used for more than five days.

Long runny nose cause other drugs, for example, antiviral or stimulant. Nasal mucus with medicated rhinitis it stands out sporadically, resembles water in structure. Characteristic symptom- nasal congestion. It disappears only sporadically, more often at night. Discharge from the nose appears again in the morning. From medications, a runny nose does not go away for a long time in hypertensive patients, patients suffering from cardiac pathologies.

Rhinitis during pregnancy

A special type of rhinitis is distinguished, characteristic of the period of formation and growth of the fetus. A lingering runny nose occurs due to changes in the level of hormones in the blood. Zonal mucus does not cause particular concern to women. Rhinitis during pregnancy is treated only in extreme cases, when discomfort appears from abundant discharge. Reception drugs can harm the fetus, so they resort to folk methods treatment.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

When snot bothers for a long period, this is the first sign that the runny nose has become chronic. It is characterized by episodic improvements in well-being, when nasal discharge disappears, but dryness of the mucous membrane appears, and crusts form inside the passages. With congestion in the mucous membrane, lingering rhinitis is sometimes accompanied by expectoration of yellowish mucus - nasal discharge flows into the trachea along the back wall.

Why else does a persistent runny nose occur? Due to natural changes, working conditions, regular cleaning of the house.

The main causes of the chronic form:

  • operation of the heating system in winter (too dry air leads to drying of the mucous membrane, which begins to actively produce mucous secretions);
  • household dust (dust mites often cause allergic reactions, including a runny nose);
  • production factors: hazardous emissions, chemical reagents, dust suspension;
  • congenital pathologies of the ciliary valve of the nose, leading to a curvature of the septum (the regulatory function is disturbed, mucus is produced in large quantities);
  • natural allergens: animal hair, pollen;
  • autoimmune diseases: psoriasis, Wegener's granulomatosis.

Symptoms of a long runny nose

Bacterial or viral inflammation of the mucous membrane is accompanied by:

  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • constantly emitted nasal mucus of different thicknesses;
  • decreased activity;
  • poor appetite;
  • loss of smell.

For allergic rhinitis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning of the nasal mucosa;
  • sneezing;
  • periodic liquid discharge.

Vasomotor rhinitis arising from vascular disorders, they are characterized by:

  • congestive manifestations in the nasal cavity;
  • changes in the color of nasal mucus from white to yellow-green;
  • increased secretion during stress, nervous tension;
  • unreasonable irritability;
  • feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • unilateral nasal congestion.

A runny nose of any kind is accompanied by frequent nighttime snoring, ear pain, and sleep disturbances.

Possible complications

If it does not pass for a long time chronic rhinitis, the probability is high serious complications... They have a lot to do with breathing changes. In winter, this leads to sore throat, upper respiratory tract, edema of the ear canals. Often there are:

  • laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx);
  • pharyngitis ( inflammatory lesion lymphoid tissues of the throat);
  • otitis media (ear inflammation);
  • sinusitis (inflammation spreads to the paranasal axillary region);
  • tracheitis, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia (inflammation of the airways);
  • sinusitis (inflammation maxillary sinuses located in upper divisions jaw);
  • adenoids (nasopharyngeal tonsils).

The inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa spreads to the eyes, causing dacryocystitis (inflammation of the tear ducts and lacrimal sacs).

The transformation of tissue structure with prolonged runny nose leads to the formation of polyps ( benign neoplasms blocking the nasal passages). Hyposmia develops (partial loss olfactory functions). Night snoring provokes cardiovascular disorders.

The most severe forms complications of chronic rhinitis - atrophic and hypertrophic damage to the tissues of the nose. In the first case, the tissues gradually die off, in the second, they grow pathologically.


The appearance of rhinitis helps to establish diagnostic research... Rhinoscopy of the nose and its cavities will reveal changes in the mucous membrane. If an adult suffers from a runny nose for more than two weeks, he is referred for a detailed blood test. In the inflammatory process, there will be an excess of the norm of leukocytes.

The presence of viruses is determined by the cells of the nasal mucosa by the method of fluorescent markers. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses reveals congestion, the formation of pus.

Biochemical and general analysis blood, urine analysis is prescribed for rhinitis occurring with an increase in temperature. Intradermal tests can help identify the allergen causing a lingering rhinitis. Bacteriological examination nasal mucus helps to determine the type of pathogen and its tolerance to antibiotics.

Methods for the treatment of persistent rhinitis

After comprehensive research, finding out the cause of a prolonged runny nose, making a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist prescribes a course of drug treatment.

As an effective means for the preventive treatment of the nasal mucosa, sprays based on sea ​​salt: Aqua-Maris, Dolphin, Quicks, Salin.

Rhinitis of a viral and bacterial nature responds quickly to treatment. They begin to treat it in a complex manner. It is recommended to take the first three days vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, they relieve the patient's condition. Throughout the course, apply medicines with essential phytocomponents. Vitaktiv, Kameton, Pinovit and Pinosol eliminate nasal swelling, soothe mucous membranes, and reduce the secretion of mucous secretions. Essential oils are antiseptic. Improvement is accelerated by inhalations, physiotherapy.

Allergic rhinitis is cured by eliminating the reaction to an irritant. For this, histamine blockers are used in tablet form (Loratadin, Suprastin, Cetirizin,) or in sprays (Avamis, Des Rhinit, Nasonex, Fliksonase). Complex drops (Vibrocil) help to relieve inflammatory manifestations.

Perpetual vasomotor rhinitis does not go away immediately, the minimum course of treatment is 30 days. In addition to regular washing with salt water, corticosteroids are used, drugs that restore the structure of the affected and necrotic tissues. Often, antiallergic drugs are included in the therapeutic complex.

Chronic rhinitis, complicated by polyps, adenoids, mucosal overgrowth, can be cured with surgical techniques... Pathological tissues are excised from the nasal passages, breathing is restored.


Physiotherapy procedures help to completely get rid of rhinitis. They complement drug treatment, restore protective functions organism.

Ultrasound (USK) stimulates metabolic reactions, increases the permeability of capillaries, "starts" the process of cell regeneration.

UHF has a similar effect. Electromagnetic fields accelerate the movement of blood and lymph, the protective properties of the body increase.

Treatment of the nasal cavity with ultraviolet light (OCUF) leads to the death of pathogenic flora:

  • microbes;
  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi.

Light microwaves dry out the mucous membrane, after which nasal discharge decreases.

Under the influence of pulsed electric currents (electrophoresis), the penetrating ability of the drug is enhanced. The drug penetrates into tissues to a greater depth, is better absorbed into the bloodstream, and begins its action faster.


Doing wet warming is possible only when normal temperature... After them, during the hour, you should not be hypothermic. The vapor is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. How prophylactic agent for inhalation, the usual saline... On the recommendation of a doctor, Interferon and antiseptics are added to it.

Strained herbal infusions are poured into old-style inhalers. Alcohol extract from the plant components Rotokan relieves puffiness, makes breathing easier. In the absence of inhalers, use an ordinary saucepan with warm broths. The liquid temperature should not exceed + 50 ° С. To keep warm longer, the patient is covered with a thick terry towel or a thin blanket.

Modern nebulizers are easy to use, transparent solutions are poured into them. For patients with chronic rhinitis, such a household item makes life easier. 5-15 minute inhalation procedures performed before bedtime reduce snoring and have a calming effect. Dry crusts soften from steam, stagnant thick sputum leaves better.

Rinsing the nose

Flushing of pathogenic flora and excess mucus from the nose cannot be carried out with curvature of the nasal septum, severe edema, polyps, adenoids, tissue hypertrophy, closely spaced blood vessels. In all other cases, washing helps to get rid of rhinitis. They are carried out using a watering can with a thin nozzle, a teapot, and a rubber bulb. When using it, the water is not pumped much, it is poured gradually so that the liquid does not get into the ear canals.

There are two ways to rinse your nose with warm salt or herbs. When water is directed from nostril to nostril, the head is tilted as far back as possible towards the shoulder. The nostrils are flushed alternately.

Water flow from nose to mouth provides nasal rinsing and rinsing back wall larynx.

Herbal medicine and folk remedies for protracted rhinitis

For the treatment of rhinitis, infusions and decoctions of calendula, chamomile, yarrow are used. These herbs are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Celandine is effective for purulent rhinitis. Oak bark contains components that eliminate the looseness of mucous membranes. Pine buds and eucalyptus - sources essential oils... Oregano and linden soot itching and burning.

For decoctions of herbs, proven raw materials are used; it is better to purchase it at a pharmacy. For inhalation, it is convenient to use filter bags, they eliminate filtering.

Aloe is a good home doctor. Tampons moistened with the juice of this plant are placed in the nose. Kalanchoe has a similar stimulating cell regeneration effect.

If you are faced with such a problem as a prolonged runny nose that does not go away for a week or even more than a month, then perhaps this is not an ordinary cold, but a disease that requires complex treatment... In situations like this, there is something to worry about.

Probable causes

When an adult does not have a runny nose for a long time, this condition cannot be ignored, moreover, there are certain reasons for this. The most common situation when a person develops transparent snot, which can subsequently be supplemented by a cough, is ingestion viral infection or hypothermia. If you have been walking in rainy and cold weather, or have interacted with people who are sick, you are most likely to get sick because of this. Moreover, snot and cough may well be complemented by a headache and an increase in body temperature. How much the patient will be in this condition depends on his immunity and the measures taken.

This condition is called coryza. It is not very dangerous in itself, but rather unpleasant. V in this case, the main thing is to start treatment on time, because if you do nothing, transparent snot can change its consistency and color, which will indicate the appearance of sinusitis. With active therapy, the cold will go away safely within a week.

We note separately that if a child or an adult falls ill with weak immunity, then during the first week of the disease, its symptoms may not disappear. But with proper treatment, recovery, albeit a little later, still comes.

To answer the question, why, after all, snot can torment not a single month, it does not hurt to understand the varieties of the common cold. Depending on the circumstances in which a runny nose arose, the following types are distinguished:

  • vasomotor;
  • allergic;
  • infectious;
  • medicinal;
  • traumatic;
  • meteotropic;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic.

When should you sound the alarm?

As mentioned above, if a runny nose does not go away within 3-6 days, then this is not scary. It will be enough during this period to continue treatment and follow the doctor's recommendations. But! If within a month you observe that the transparent snot has become yellow or green, thickened strongly and it is difficult to blow your nose, then this is a reason to think about your health more seriously.

However, do not panic, it is possible that the reason why a runny nose has lasted for more than two weeks is precisely the nature of its origin or the transition of the disease into a chronic form. The first thing to do is see a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. To prevent the appearance of a cough, which can further aggravate the situation, it is necessary to pass the tests prescribed by the doctor in time, on the basis of which he will understand why this is happening and how to continue to be treated.

Symptoms of different types of rhinitis

It is difficult to say exactly how long a runny nose can last, because a lot depends on individual characteristics. human body and immunity. Quite often, transparent snot torments for a long time those who at one time overdid it in the application vasoconstrictor drops... The fact is that if a person instills drops of the Naphthyzin type in large quantities, then a reverse reaction occurs in his body, i.e. acute rhinitis becomes chronic, no matter how much you dig in your nose. This condition is also called neurovascular rhinitis, because the disease is based on an increased reaction blood vessels nasal mucosa.

The presence of a runny nose for more than a certain period of time is not the only symptom vasomotor type, this also includes:

  • transparent snot, involuntarily allocated when moving from a warm room to a cold, and vice versa;
  • congestion in the throat;
  • stuffy nose during experiences;
  • headaches and poor sleep.

Vasomotor rhinitis is also characterized by the fact that the nostrils can be blocked alternately, which is especially noticeable when a person lies.

Prolonged runny nose can be observed not only in conditions of drug dependence, but also in a number of other situations, for example:

  • the presence of irritating factors in the form of dust, unpleasant odors, smoke;
  • with meteorological dependence, which manifests itself in the fact that with sudden changes in the weather, the mucous membrane swells and clogs up the nose;
  • emotional stress;
  • nutritional factors - if a person eats too hot or spicy food, as well as abuses alcohol;
  • hormonal changes, no matter how strange it may seem, but sometimes the duration of the disease, accompanied by transparent snot, can be affected by the menstrual cycle;
  • menopause, pregnancy, use of contraceptives, or an enlarged thyroid gland.

At any stage of the disease, you can get rid of clear nasal discharge and cough, even if they do not go away for several months. The main thing is to be persistent, to listen to what the doctor says and recommends.

In any case, you need to do something, because otherwise inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis in a chronic form or polyps in the nasal passages may develop.

Allergic rhinitis - how long can it last, when it occurs, what is it accompanied by and what to do?

This type of disease is diagnosed by taking a blood test. In conditions increased level immunoglobulin, there is a need for testing for an allergen. The cause of prolonged rhinitis can be simple substances that act as allergens:

  • animal hair and house dust;
  • some food items;
  • household chemicals;
  • poplar fluff, pollen;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • the smell of cosmetics, etc.

Symptoms of seasonal fever, which have nothing to do with cough, are:

  • unpleasant nasal congestion;
  • intense tearing, redness of the eyes;
  • constant discharge of watery mucus;
  • sneeze.

We note separately that no matter how long the above symptoms appear, if they are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, because given state may have serious consequences, for example, angioedema or bronchial asthma. Only a qualified specialist knows what to do in such a situation.

How to deal with a cold?

A prolonged cough, as well as a runny nose, is due to the intense formation and difficulty in removing pathogenic mucus from the body. If the accumulation of thickened secretions in the nasopharynx can lead to the development of sinusitis or sinusitis, then a prolonged cough is dangerous with inflammation. essential organs breathing. And in fact, and in another case, something needs to be done.

Treatment for rhinitis and cough is to prevent the inflammation from going deeper. To do this, you need to try to prevent swelling of the mucous membranes, and most importantly, stagnation of nasal discharge, and, of course, fight bacteria. How much you get sick depends on how you approach the treatment correctly.

In this situation, it is necessary:

  • rinse your nose regularly saline, especially when thick mucus accumulates in it;
  • use vasoconstrictors to a minimum;
  • use bactericidal substances based on essential oils local impact... They do not dry out the mucous membrane, and at the same time are active against pathogenic bacteria.

It can be concluded that, to a greater extent, how much you will get sick depends on yourself.

A prolonged runny nose in an adult is a rather unpleasant and common occurrence. Almost everyone faces this problem in the cold season, and only a person with strong immunity can remain healthy. A runny nose is the first sign of a cold, and it can also run on its own without other cold symptoms. It is customary to call rhinitis long-term, which does not go away within 2 weeks.

Causes of a protracted rhinitis in an adult

In an adult, a runny nose does not go away for a long time for certain reasons:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the state of the environment. If the work is associated with harmful substances, a person is forced to stay in a dusty room for a long time, there is a possibility of developing chronic allergic rhinitis.
  2. Runny nose long time can disturb a person and at home , this occurs in the case of the development of allergic reactions to household dust, as well as a dust mite.

There are other reasons for a prolonged runny nose in an adult, including: excessively dry indoor air.

Usually there is a lingering dry air during the heating season.

You can solve the problem of dryness of the nasal mucosa by increasing the humidity of the air, for this you need to use a humidifier.

Otolaryngologists sometimes talk about congenital causes old rhinitis. According to them, many congenital diseases and anomalies violate normal functioning nasopharynx, as a result of which an excessive amount of mucus is constantly secreted from the nose. These anomalies include violations in the structure of the facial skeleton - curvature of the nasal septum, enlargement and deformation of the turbinates and other pathological processes.

In rare cases, a runny nose does not go away for a long time due to the development of systemic hereditary diseases, among which Kartagener's syndrome is most often observed. With the development of this ailment in the whole human body, the functioning of the ciliated epithelium is disrupted, which ensures the removal of mucus from the mucous membranes. As a result of such disorders, mucus begins to stagnate and accumulate in the nasopharynx and bronchi. Rhinitis manifests itself and, at the same time, a secret of yellow or yellow-green color can be released from the respiratory tract.

Among the causes of prolonged rhinitis in adults, experts also name some autoimmune diseases. This could be:
Wegener's granulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, systemic scleroderma, in which prolonged rhinitis often occurs.

Medicinal rhinitis for a long time

In otolaryngology, such a concept is also known as medicinal rhinitis, which is also characterized by a long course. The disease is caused by improper use of vasoconstrictor drugs, in some cases it occurs in the form side effects when using some medicines. Medicinal, or drug-induced rhinitis is manifested profuse transparent secretions from the nasal cavity, resembling allergic reaction organism. Also, this form of a prolonged rhinitis can be manifested by the congestion of one or two nasal passages at once.

Medicinal rhinitis caused by long-term intake vasoconstrictor drugs, called "rebound" rhinitis. It develops when the course and dosage of taking vasoconstrictor drops or sprays is exceeded.

How to cure a prolonged rhinitis in an adult: drugs for the treatment of a prolonged rhinitis

Most people do not know what to do if a runny nose in an adult or child does not go away for a long time. First of all, you should definitely visit a specialist's office in order to examine the nasal cavity. The otolaryngologist, based on the condition of the nasal mucosa and the patient's complaints, will diagnose and prescribe correct treatment diseases.

Treatment of a prolonged rhinitis should be immediate, comprehensive and systematic. At the same time, one should not forget about its effectiveness and safety for the patient. To get rid of the inflammatory process, you need to take medical supplies and carrying out some physiotherapy.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult, a specialist must say.

Typically, patients expect an appointment really effective means since lingering rhinitis is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, copious secretions mucus, headaches, impaired sense of smell, general weakness and discomfort.

Treatment of a prolonged rhinitis in an adult is not complete without the use of medications aimed at strengthening the vascular walls of the nasal mucosa. As a result of such therapy, blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the body improves, and all previously impaired functions of the nasopharynx are restored. These drugs usually have no side effects, but can be addictive to the body.

Taking these drugs is contraindicated in patients who have been diagnosed with drug rhinitis, because it was the vasoconstrictor drugs that provoked the development of the disease.

How to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult: pills, drops and spray

Some experts, when asking patients how to treat a prolonged runny nose in adults, prescribe medication in tablets and Fliksonase for washing the nasal passages. This therapy relieves the swelling of the mucous membrane and promotes more rapid removal of mucus from the nasal passages.

Often with prolonged rhinitis, the mucous membrane is damaged, it becomes inflamed, and crusts form on it. To get rid of this will help the children's cream-balm Healer, which can also be used by adults. They need to be lubricated nasal cavity 5 times a day, until the intensity of the manifestation of rhinitis decreases, then it is enough to put the balm in the nose just before bedtime.

Another option for how to treat a long runny nose is alternation and Nasobek.

How to treat a long runny nose with irrigation?

Do not forget about such a procedure as irrigation, which is washing the nasal cavity in order to cleanse it of pathological contents - mucus and pathogens. For irrigation, the following solutions are most often used:

  • saline solution - ½ tbsp. warm boiled water is used 0.5 tbsp. l. sea ​​or common salt;
  • chamomile solution - 1 tbsp l. salt in a glass of chamomile infusion;
  • eucalyptus solution - 1 tsp. eucalyptus oil in a glass of boiled water.

The procedure is effective for allergic, viral and bacterial rhinitis. After its implementation, it improves nasal breathing and the amount of mucus secreted decreases. For irrigation, you can also use sprays based on sea ​​water or a special Dolphin device.

Knowing how to cure a long runny nose, you can avoid the development of many complications.

Against the background of prolonged rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases often occur.

If you have any questions for your doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

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9 comments on ““ Prolonged rhinitis in adults: causes and treatment ”"

    Well, I don’t like all these washings at all. Maybe, of course, I did something wrong, but the fact remains, I somehow washed my nose to otitis media. That is, everything went into the ear ((Then I was treated for another month. So now I treat a runny nose exclusively with Evamenol ointment. It is completely safe in composition and helps just fine. And it does not cause any side effects.

    Inna, sprays only irrigate the nasal mucosa, they wash out the bare minimum. The nose must be rinsed according to all the rules. special means... Dolphin, for example. I have been using it for a couple of years for colds - it always helps, after the first rinsing the nose breathes easier, plus all the mucus, dust, microbes and so on are washed out. A few days - and no runny nose.

    • Do not know. I personally use morenazal spray, and it is great for cleansing and moisturizing the nose. Our domestic spray at a low price, that's why I use it ...

      • Yes Yes. I also use morenazal. The spray really effectively fights the common cold. I also like that it is dosed and nothing is poured out, and the plastic bottle is also very convenient, you can safely carry it with you.

        I just want to add, I also used to save myself with a decoction of chamomile, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect is excellent. Now again there was a runny nose to green snot, bacterial and Morenazal spray with chamomile appeared, no need to torment brewing, you can carry it with you. The composition is all natural and made in Russia. I advise! children and pregnant women can, which is important.

A lingering runny nose indicates that the body is developing inflammatory process... Symptoms such as discomfort in the bridge of the nose and headaches may indicate sinusitis. If the runny nose disappears and then recurs, the likelihood of allergic rhinitis is high. The main principle in treating a symptom is complex therapy combined with home treatments and folk remedies.

Prolonged rhinitis

Eating a runny nose in an adult does not go away for more than 2 weeks, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

It may be necessary to determine the cause of the symptom. X-ray nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.


In an adult, a prolonged runny nose can appear as a result of a viral infection. Unpleasant signs are aggravated by hypothermia, during walks in windy and frosty weather. A persistent runny nose in medicine is called chronic rhinitis.

A similar situation develops with allergic reactions. The patient has a headache, congestion and discomfort in the sinuses, discharge, sneezing, sore throat. Constant interaction with an allergen can lead to problems with other organs, bronchial asthma and even to anaphylactic shock. General state health deteriorates significantly, the body is under stress.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, unpleasant sensations sinuses, green or white nasal discharge and headache, the doctor diagnoses sinusitis. The reason for this disease most often lies in insufficient curative therapy with a recent cold. Sinusitis is chronic and develops with constant hypothermia. The risk group includes people who ignore the wearing of hats during periods of autumn-winter cold weather.

A runny nose does not count for a week dangerous pathology if accompanied by other symptoms of a cold. With weakened immunity, the infection negatively affects not only the nasal cavity, but also the ears, throat, and bronchi.

A lingering rhinitis develops for other reasons:

  • with periodic irritation of the nasal mucosa due to dust, chemicals and adverse environmental influences;
  • as a result of a sharp change in the climatic zone;
  • in stressful situations;
  • because of hormonal disruptions, especially during pregnancy or during treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • due to the constant consumption of spicy and spicy foods that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • how side effect from medications;
  • at chronic diseases nasopharynx.

A weakened human body during a period of prolonged rhinitis can rarely recover on its own. To finally get rid of the symptom, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the immune system.


Treatment prescribes ENT doctor after examination and examination of the patient.

Therapy for the common cold is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. 1. Identification of the root cause of nasal discharge and its elimination.
  2. 2. Complex therapy with the use of drugs.
  3. 3. Strengthening the immune system.


The doctor, on the basis of diagnostics, prescribes anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drugs. Eliminate swelling and block inflammation will help antibacterial drugs... Antibiotics are needed when there is severe damage to the nasal mucous membranes. For quick relief of breathing, the use of vasoconstrictor drops is indicated. Antihistamine treatment necessary to protect the nasopharynx from the influence external influences... At allergic rhinitis sometimes it is enough to eliminate the irritating factor and follow all the doctor's recommendations. With sinusitis, the use of warming up, medicinal drops is shown.

If the exact cause of the common cold has not been established, it is necessary A complex approach... Medical drops and tablets for oral administration should perform antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor functions.

Rinsing the nose

Symptoms of sinusitis, such as nasal congestion and white snot, are effectively treated with a rinsing procedure, even if they have lasted for more than a month. With a protracted illness, this contributes to the elimination of pathogenic microflora. For the procedure, you will need a special watering can, but you can also use a teapot. Flushing should be carried out from one nostril to the other or from the nose to the mouth. In the first method, you need to tilt your head to the side. The healing solution is poured into one nostril and poured out through the other. Then a similar procedure must be carried out with the second. At the end of rinsing, be sure to blow your nose.

The course of therapy lasts until complete recovery, procedures are carried out twice a day. Most suitable flushing formulations:

  • saline solution;
  • mineral water;
  • herbal decoctions.

Chamomile, oak bark, celandine, calendula have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is not recommended to make the formulations too concentrated in order to avoid burns of the mucous membrane. Treatment by washing with curvature of the nasal septum, various neoplasms and a tendency to frequent bleeding... Such treatment is prohibited for otitis media and severe swelling of the sinuses.


With allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, prolonged rhinitis as a result of a cold, treatment with inhalation is indicated. At home, procedures with a nebulizer are allowed for both adults and children. This method affects the body very gently, but effectively. The patient's condition improves after the first course of therapy.

Medicinal substances in solutions used for inhalation begin to instantly block the inflammatory process. The foci of the spread of infection are quickly eliminated, breathing is normalized in several procedures. Liquefaction and withdrawal of purulent masses from the nasal cavity occur. Steam during inhalation moisturizes the mucous membranes.

There are certain rules for home procedures:

  • the optimal time for inhalation is one hour before or after a meal;
  • forbidden similar treatment at high temperature body;
  • after inhalation, it is not recommended to go outside, take a shower;
  • the duration of the procedure should be about 15-20 minutes;
  • heating the solution above +50 degrees Celsius is dangerous to health;
  • the vapor is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth.

Solutions for inhalation at home to eliminate the symptoms of a lingering rhinitis are shown to be used based on essential oils, baking soda or herbs. The attending physician, based on the characteristics of the body, prescribes funds that will most effectively and without side effects help eliminate all manifestations of the disease.

Menthol nasal drops have useful characteristics. Freshly squeezed beet or onion juice helps. The product is applied to each nostril 5 drops several times a day. An effective home remedy made from onion juice and sunflower oil... The product is prepared in equal proportions. You can warm the bridge of the nose during exacerbations colds slightly cooled boiled egg.

Complex therapy in the fight against persistent rhinitis will give good results if all methods are agreed with the doctor.

If a runny nose does not go away in an adult for more than two weeks, then it is imperative to find out the reason. Prolonged nasal congestion indicates a violation of the outflow of mucus and vascular tone in the nasal cavity. This often leads to more serious illnesses nasopharynx. A long runny nose can be accompanied by inflammation, infection, or allergies. Complications occur if rhinitis is not treated for a week or longer. It is important to understand why a runny nose does not go away for a long time! This will help you find the right treatment.

Prolonged rhinitis in an adult quickly develops into a chronic one. The reasons for its appearance are quite extensive, for example, the doctor's recommendations were not followed or the therapy was carried out incorrectly. Congestion does not go away for 2 weeks in an adult, often for reasons such as constant hypothermia, frequent presence in a smoky or dusty room, and damage to the nose.

A more rare factor, when snot does not pass for a long time, is heredity, diseases endocrine system... For example, a runny nose lasts a long time in an adult due to Kartagener's Syndrome. This hereditary disease... The patient has impaired functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which is responsible for the removal of fluid from the mucous membranes. As a result, sputum stagnation occurs. It accumulates in the nasopharynx and bronchi. The runny nose becomes lingering, yellow-green, with wet cough and last from 1 to 3 weeks.

In an adult, congestion does not go away for a long time, sometimes due to the curvature of the nasal septum, uneven air flow. Chronic rhinitis can be delayed for weeks or months, which often leads to an even greater deformation of the nasal septum.

Constant flow of snot, can be caused by hormonal changes in an adult with overweight and in pregnant women. Old rhinitis and its untimely treatment- the main causes of nasal congestion. This condition does not go away in an adult for weeks. To determine the causes of a lingering rhinitis, the following examinations are carried out:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • x-ray of the nose and tomography;
  • tests to identify an allergen;
  • analysis of mucus on the sowing tank.

At what duration of a cold should you be wary

How many days should an adult's nasal congestion go away? It depends on the duration of the rhinitis:

What diseases is chronic rhinitis associated with?

When an adult is afflicted with an infection or a virus, lingering nasal congestion will be the main symptom. With an advanced disease, a person develops a persistent runny nose, which, from a duration of 5 days to a week, flows into months. The disease has serious consequences. The snot does not go away for a long time also during allergies. A prolonged runny nose in an adult can develop into the following diseases:

If the snot does not go away in an adult, because vasoconstrictor drugs are used for more than a week, then this is rhinitis drug. Also called ricochet rhinitis. It is characterized by clear nasal discharge and resembles an allergic reaction. Such rhinitis lasts 2-3 weeks, but it may not pass even a month. In this case, it is necessary to exclude vasoconstrictor drops from the application, rinse the nose with saline solutions.

If a runny nose lasts 2-3 weeks, it means that it has become chronic. Therefore, it is required serious treatment antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and physiotherapy.

Prolonged runny nose and possible complications

When nasal congestion becomes chronic, it can cause severe headaches, impair sleep, and snoring. During this period, an adult becomes irritable, gets tired quickly. After all lingering runny nose contributes to insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. From which the above symptoms appear.

A prolonged runny nose can lead to the following complications:

  • otitis. The result of the spread of infection in auditory tubes (Ear ache, stuffy nose for weeks, impaired hearing, fever). When slime moves along lacrimal canals conjunctivitis may also develop and lacrimation may increase;
  • frontal. Amazes frontal sinuses(pain in the bridge of the nose, fever, severe snot from the nose);
  • polyps. It manifests itself as a neoplasm from tissue to mucosa and sinuses(very stuffy nose, headache);
  • atrophic rhinitis. Postponed heavy infectious diseases and injuries lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa, against which snot with blood appears, and the sense of smell decreases. Nasal congestion in an adult does not go away for about a month;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis. It is accompanied by constant shortness of breath, nasal mucopurulent discharge and conjunctivitis.

If a lingering rhinitis in an adult does not go away for a long time, then it can lead to bronchitis and bronchopneumonia. Then the nasal congestion will be 2 weeks or 2 months, and the snot becomes thick and difficult to remove.

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