With pneumonia, severe swelling of the larynx in a child. The most effective ways to relieve throat swelling. Does Erius help with laryngeal edema

Swelling of the throat in a child is a characteristic symptom of serious diseases that require urgent treatment. There is a swelling of the mucous membrane, the lumen of the larynx narrows, breathing is difficult. Throat swelling is common with laryngitis and allergic reactions. Timely treatment started can prevent an extreme condition that requires emergency therapy. Self-medication in this case is not worth it. You should immediately consult a doctor.


The main reason lies in the structural features of the respiratory organs in children.

  • narrowness of the lumen, a tendency to edema;
  • loose connective tissue is located under the mucous membrane;
  • a feature of the structure of the nerve endings in the throat;
  • the respiratory muscles are not developed.
  • tendency to allergies;
  • laryngeal injury.

Edema is often caused by food allergies. Allergies can be to honey, spices. Watch your diet! Fish often causes allergies in children.

Also, swelling can be caused by an infection: virus, bacteria. The cause may be sore throat, diphtheria, any purulent rash. Timely treatment can prevent the complication and prevent swelling of the throat.

Not every sore throat is associated with swelling. However, in order to prevent complications, carefully monitor the condition of the baby, do not miss the initial stage. Do not panic under any circumstances. Parental excitement is passed on to children, which can make the situation worse.


Symptoms are pronounced, throat swelling begins suddenly, more often at night, characterized by a dry, "barking" cough, there is a noise when exhaling. The temperature rises, the skin around the lips turns blue. Swelling in children is more commonly referred to as croup. The croup may be false, it may be true. Their symptoms are very similar, but true croup occurs only with diphtheria.


There are four degrees of edema:

  1. Shortness of breath and breathing noise during physical exertion. Also with emotional stress. This symptom should alert parents. Early treatment can stop the progression of the disease.
  2. Noisy breathing and shortness of breath are present at rest. The appearance of dry wheezing. Signs of hypoxia.
  3. The sternum is drawn in during inhalation. Breathing becomes irregular. The child is agitated.
  4. The condition is serious. Breathing is shallow, arrhythmic. Convulsions are possible. However, it may seem that the child is feeling better: the temperature goes down, irritability "goes away". But this impression is deceiving.

The diagnosis is established by the doctor, conducting laryngoscopic examinations. The cause of the edema is identified, which will dictate further treatment.


Home treatment is only permissible in the first degree. In other cases, immediate medical attention is required. The first thing that is required of mom (or dad) is to call an ambulance.

First aid

Before the arrival of the doctor, the child must be seated and provided with fresh air, try to calm him down. Make a hot footbath, give a warm drink. These actions can improve the condition, and can stop the incipient edema. But hospitalization is not ruled out. The acute condition may return. The doctor performs intensive care, which is usually followed by hospitalization.

Further treatment should be chosen depending on what caused the swelling. In case of allergies - elimination of the effects of the allergen and its consequences. In case of an infectious or viral disease, the treatment of the disease itself. In all cases, sedative therapy is indicated. Suprastin is used from drugs.


Antibiotic treatment is used when their use cannot be avoided. The doctor will help you choose the antibiotic individually. In the absence of allergies, it is permissible to use natural antibiotics: propolis (water-based) and calendula flowers. They are used both as a drink and as a gargle. In combination, the result will be better.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies has always been a good help. Inhalation is effective, relieves inflammation and swelling, warms the throat, moisturizes. But you need to act very carefully. Strong-smelling products can make the condition worse. It is better to do inhalations with special solutions: saline or ordinary Borjomi.

Gargles, ointments

For rinsing, anti-inflammatory herbs are suitable: chamomile, sage. During this period, drink should be plentiful. Tea, jelly, rice and oatmeal broth. It is very good to drink milk. You need to drink a lot of milk and preferably with soda, this mixture softens the throat.

You should not experiment with ointments, the condition may worsen. When treating children, it is not recommended to use asterisk balm. This balm is suitable for adults only. To warm the throat, it is enough to use dry heat on the throat.


The role of diet is significant. The presence of a large amount of vitamins, especially vitamin "C", is imperative. The food is light, dietary. Eliminate fatty, sweet, spicy, too sour or salty. Temporarily remove all allergenic products from the menu: honey, chocolate, citrus fruits.


To prevent swelling of the throat from provoking serious complications, prevention is needed. The child's body is not yet formed., Help him develop correctly. Do not overheat! Do not keep the baby in the "incubator". Sterilization of dishes, simple care products will lead to its vulnerability, inability to cope with a virus, infection.

  • See also: laryngotracheitis in a child

There is a concept like "gypsy training". Treat your child reasonably: while protecting, do not go too far. Train him to endurance. Temper and strengthen your throat! There are many methods.

Eating should also be simple, but healthy and complete. Sour milk products, fruits should always be in the diet. Daily walks are necessary in any weather. At the onset of any, especially a viral disease, immediately begin a reasonable treatment. Take advice carefully. Only listen to people you fully trust.

Puffiness in the throat area occurs with various pathologies. Therefore, edema of the larynx in a child is treated in such a way as to eliminate the very cause of its appearance. The severity of the process largely depends on the state of the mucous membrane, the child's immunity, his reaction to the disease and medications.

How do the symptoms of throat swelling appear?

The larynx is located in the front of the neck, just behind the hyoid bone. Through this inlet from the side of the nasopharynx, air from the environment passes into the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The larynx is formed by a skeleton of cartilage, the largest of them - the epiglottis - like a petal closes the lumen of the trachea during swallowing food and drink. Other parts of the larynx are ligaments, muscles, and the vocal apparatus.

In the event of inflammation or injury of the epiglottis, the entrance to the trachea is narrowed or completely blocked, and acute respiratory failure develops.

Symptoms of laryngeal edema in children:

  • fast, shallow, intermittent, labored breathing;
  • hoarseness (if the vocal cords are affected);
  • neck muscle tension;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • pain in the neck.

The narrowness of the airways in children aged 1 to 7 years is one of the reasons for the more frequent laryngeal edema at this age. The mucous membrane is more prone than in adults to allergic reactions and edema. The lumen of the larynx is halved when the mucosa is thickened by only 1 mm.

Signs indicating the possible development of throat edema in a child:

  1. increased heart rate and irregular heartbeat, decreased blood pressure;
  2. urticaria, itching, redness of the skin of the face, neck;
  3. conjunctivitis and rhinitis (watery coryza);
  4. excessive sweating ("hail sweat");
  5. wheezing, chest tightness, cough;
  6. swelling of the skin around the mouth, nose, and eyes;
  7. metallic taste in the mouth;
  8. swelling of the lips and tongue;
  9. dizziness;
  10. fainting.

Due to the swelling of the throat, children may experience neuropsychiatric symptoms. The child becomes agitated, restless. Suddenly the head begins to spin, speech becomes slurred, convulsions appear. With unfavorable development - confusion, fainting.

Why does throat swelling occur?

The most common causes of laryngeal edema are allergic and inflammatory processes. As a result, breathing disorders may appear. Obstruction or obstruction of the upper airways often accompanies Quincke's edema in the oral cavity and larynx.

Children react to various natural factors, irritants in food, medicines, and inhaled air. Sometimes there is a strong rush of blood to the tissues and swelling of one organ (eyelids, lips, cheeks, palms). Such an increase in any part of the body as a result of an unusually strong reaction to habitual stimuli is called "Quincke's edema."

Other causes of edema in the larynx (other than allergic reactions):

  • inflammation of the epiglottis involving surrounding tissues (epiglottitis);
  • reaction to examination of the throat with an endoscope;
  • burns of the pharyngeal mucosa (chemical, thermal);
  • acute tonsillo-laryngitis;
  • laryngospasm;
  • neck injuries;
  • croup.

With various infectious and inflammatory diseases, as well as throat injuries, the development of acute respiratory failure is a great danger to life.

The doctor also examines the child's throat using a laryngoscope to determine the degree of swelling in various areas. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells, turns red with the development of the inflammatory process; a rash appears (not always). In the region of the larynx, the glottis narrows, the epiglottis thickens and the arytenoid cartilage increases.

Causes of seals in the neck

The most common cause of swelling in the front of the neck is tonsillitis. Inflamed tonsils become enlarged, felt like a lump in the throat. Swelling under the jaw, closer to the ears, can be caused by infection and inflammation of the salivary glands.

The lipoma can easily move under the skin if you press lightly with your finger. It is painless, does not pose a danger in terms of oncology. Atheroma is a dense, elastic, painful swelling of a sebaceous gland in or below the neck. More common in adolescents who have entered puberty. Education has clear contours and is flexible. With suppuration of the tumor, the soreness increases, the body temperature rises.

When the lymph nodes swell, there is also a soreness and a lump in the throat. Causes of swollen lymph nodes - tonsillitis, dental diseases, abscesses, mononucleosis. Swollen lymph nodes or lymphadenitis caused by a bacterial infection can lead to serious complications - abscess, phlegmon of the neck.

Seals, swellings in the throat appear with diseases of the thyroid gland It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the neck, to be tested for thyroid hormones.

Some lumps under the skin remain the same size, while others increase in volume. Some tumors in the neck can be cancerous. Lymphoma is characterized by the spread of the malignant process to healthy lymph nodes. A differential diagnosis in the clinic helps to identify the original cause of the swelling in the throat.

What does the larynx look like with epiglottitis?

Inflammation of the epiglottis, as well as of the surrounding tissues, can cause airway obstruction. Acute epiglottitis develops more often in children aged 2 to 4 years. The disease in a child under 3 years old is usually manifested by irritability, fever, loss of voice, hearing impairment. The baby takes a characteristic posture: he sits, leaning forward, saliva flows out of his mouth. Symptoms in adolescents are increased sore throat, salivation, blueness of the lips, and shortness of breath.
Causative agents of epiglottitis:

  1. Pneumococcus;
  2. streptococci A, B and C;
  3. the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae;
  4. yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida;
  5. varicella zoster virus (the causative agent of chickenpox).

With the edematous form of epiglottitis, severe sore throat appears when swallowing, and intoxication develops. The temperature rises, the epiglottis increases in size, the mucous membrane becomes bright red. If epiglottitis is not treated, acute obstruction of the airways occurs. Death in this case occurs within a few hours.

A child with symptoms of epiglottitis should not be given drugs with a sedative effect - valerian, motherwort tincture, antihistamine drops or tablets.

Acute epiglottitis is treated in the intensive care unit, where it is possible to provide the patient with free breathing. The patient is given antibiotics, an intravenous infusion of saline and nutrient fluids is given. The child is in the hospital for a week, then he is transferred to outpatient treatment.

What should parents do with a child's laryngeal edema?

The larynx is anatomically and functionally connected with the oral cavity, oropharynx, and laryngeal part of the pharynx. The appearance of edema in each of these departments threatens the life of the child. Dangerous narrowing or obstruction of the laryngeal opening, squeezing by swollen tissues of the carotid artery. Parents are interested in how to relieve swelling in children, but it is much more important to first determine the root cause of this condition. Only a doctor will determine exactly what the child is sick with and prescribe adequate therapy.

Laryngeal edema with acute respiratory failure is a condition that requires immediate medical attention.

In acute tonsillitis, laryngitis, colds, the temperature rises sharply. Difficulty breathing, the voice becomes muffled, wheezing and coughing appear. In case of problems with breathing, the child is not given food and drink, they call an ambulance.

Allergic laryngeal edema is treated with antihistamines, in severe cases, glucocorticoid drugs. Against the background of the use of these groups of funds, the child's condition quickly improves.

Edema of the larynx occurs with such a "forgotten" disease like croup - inflammation in the throat of an infectious nature. There are three main symptoms - stridor or noisy breathing, hoarseness, barking cough. Most often, children aged 1–6 years get sick with croup.

With croup, the child is given a tincture of valerian, they call an ambulance. Treatment of laryngeal edema in a hospital is to restore patency of the laryngeal opening. A small patient is prescribed interferon preparations, antipyretic and antihistamines, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, inhalation with mucolytic solutions.

Swelling of the throat in a child is a sign of serious illness. Due to the swollen mucous membrane and narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, the baby's breathing becomes difficult. The problem is common with laryngitis. The main cause of edema in children is the structural features of the respiratory system:

  • loose connective tissue lying under the mucous membrane;
  • underdevelopment of the respiratory muscles;
  • a naturally narrow lumen, prone to edema.

Also, a swollen throat can be observed against the background of oral injuries and a tendency to allergies. Allergic edema is usually associated with ingestion of food irritants. Spices, honey, fish are dangerous for the neck of children.

The infectious nature of edema is explained by viral and bacterial damage to the body of children. The predisposing factors in this case are purulent rashes on the body, tonsillitis, diphtheria. Timely treatment of these diseases quickly brings relief and prevents complications, including swelling of the throat, dangerous asphyxiation.

Symptoms accompanying laryngeal edema

Clinical symptoms associated with throat edema include hoarseness, heavy breathing, blueness of the skin, and a debilitating barking cough. Often such a picture is observed at night, since breathing and laryngeal circulation change in the sleeping body of the child. In the airways, the laryngeal lumen narrows, the frequency and depth of inhalation and exhalation vary.

Regardless of the cause of the development of laryngeal edema, otolaryngologists divide into stages.

  1. The stage of compensation due to the non-interference of edema in the respiratory function does not pose a threat to life. The problem does not require specific treatment.
  2. Incomplete compensation stage. Parents notice that the child has pronounced breathing problems, shortness of breath, and a strong cough. The kid becomes restless, every breath is hard for him. On exhalation, it is easy to track a strong retraction of the abdomen and shifts in the chest. Stage 2 throat edema requires urgent medical attention.
  3. Decompensation stage. Its characteristic symptoms are dilated pupils, rapid pulse and rapid heartbeat. Toddlers prefer a half-sitting position with their heads thrown back. Oxygen deficiency affects the condition of children with drowsiness, indifference and a bluish skin tone.
  4. Asphyxia. This is the most dangerous stage in which the child's face turns pale, breathing becomes shallow or stops. If untreated, death is possible.

When parents bring a baby with a swollen throat, the doctor's task is to study the features of the pathological process.

According to the symptoms, the otolaryngologist determines whether the edema is acute or chronic. In the first case, the disease develops suddenly and rapidly (more often on the basis of anaphylaxis or an instant allergic reaction). Chronic damage is recorded due to internal diseases of the body, trauma and infection.

Methods for diagnosing a swollen larynx

Diagnosing laryngeal problems is easy. The doctor is convinced of the presence of edema during the laryngoscopic examination of children. In special cases, the otolaryngologist gives the little patient directions for bronchoscopic and X-ray examination.

As for the reasons, it can be difficult to identify them. Neoplasms and foreign bodies can be hidden behind the swollen larynx. If an infectious process is the culprit for the puffiness, the doctor determines its nature and indicates the form of the disease.

The specialist speaks about the edematous form with a viral infection of the respiratory tract. He assigns a fibrinous-necrotic and infiltrative form to a bacterial infection. In the 2nd and 3rd cases, the narrowed lumen in children is not only swollen, but also filled with purulent mucous secretions.

Most often, preschoolers become patients of a pediatric otolaryngologist, since the lumen of their larynx is not yet sufficiently expanded.

Swollen throat: how to treat a child

How to remove swelling at home? When the throat swells in children, parents should provide first aid before the doctor arrives. It is as follows:

  • Increasing the flow of oxygen through open vents.
  • Providing the baby with moist air (he is taken to the bathroom and a hot water tap is turned on). It is easier to breathe in warm conditions.
  • Removal of irritation from the red larynx with a warm drink (tea with mint or milk with a pinch of soda).
  • To dissolve the puffiness, you can do hot foot baths or pour mustard into your socks.

If the parents know for sure that the edema has developed as a result of a chemical burn of the oropharynx, they must vomit so that the reagent is released from the stomach. As the masses emerge, the children are given a little vegetable oil or egg white.

Upon arrival at the patient's home, an ambulance technician will place the child in a sitting position and administer a diuretic. According to the indications, the treatment is supplemented with tranquilizers, sedatives and antihistamines. Some babies are prescribed antihypoxants, antioxidants, and medications to treat the underlying condition.

Antibiotics for swollen oropharynx are prescribed to remove microbes. If the baby does not suffer from allergies, he is prescribed water-based propolis and calendula. They are used for internal intake and rinsing. Alternating treatments will give the best results.

If edema is a symptom of an allergy, antihistamines and hormonal glucocorticosteroids are prescribed for treatment - Erius, Loratadin, Kestin. In a clinic, specialists do inhalations with means for expanding the bronchi (Eufillin, Salbutamol, Terbutalin) and put on oxygen masks. Inhalation of Epinephrine and Adrenaline helps to suspend the development of acute edema.

The baby's red neck can be rinsed with warm infusion, the components of which are:

  1. eucalyptus leaf - 20 g;
  2. sage leaf and calendula flowers - 15 g each;
  3. licorice and elecampane roots, linden blossom, wild rosemary herb and Roman chamomile - 10 g each.

A tablespoon of dry collection is placed in a bowl and poured over with boiling water (180 ml). After 20 minutes of infusion, the product is ready for rinsing. The frequency of the procedures depends on how much the swelling in the mouth is (minimum - 3 times a day, maximum - every hour and a half until night sleep).

If conservative treatment does not work, the dosage of drugs for the child is increased. For quick relief, Prednisolone is given intravenously. A tracheotomy is performed for a small patient if the previous measures did not bring positive dynamics. The operation is the excision of the throat with the formation of an orifice, into which a special breathing tube is inserted.

Swelling of the throat in a child can provoke serious illnesses. Because of such a dangerous symptom, babies have difficulty breathing and suffocation is manifested. If you do not take action, everything can end in death.

In order to prevent the most terrible outcome, you need to know why such a symptom develops, how to recognize it in time and provide first aid.

Symptoms not to be missed

Edema occurs on the mucous membranes of the larynx to the esophagus, since this area has pain receptors, as well as a rich blood supply. Swelling can also occur in the upper airways. Sometimes there is swelling of the neck, which threatens not only the health, but also the life of the child.

Symptoms of swelling in a child from the inside of the throat:

  • hoarseness;
  • barking cough;
  • asthma attacks;
  • squeezing of the pharynx;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • soreness in swallowing.

Symptoms are more pronounced at night, when the body is in a calm state. This is due to the frequency as well as the depth of breaths and changes in blood circulation. To a large extent, breathing is disturbed.

When turning the head, the child may complain of neck pain, severe headaches. The general condition of the patient worsens, fever occurs.

There may be swelling of the face, knees and neck. The child feels a foreign object in the larynx region, he wants to get it and free the passage.

Symptoms indicate not only inflammation in the body, but also allergic reactions, pathological processes. To determine the causes of the ailment, you must immediately visit a qualified doctor.

The most common reasons

There are many causes and factors for swelling inside the throat:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • exacerbation of chronic infections;
  • measles, scarlet fever, viral diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system;
  • burns due to the use of very hot liquids;
  • , external irritants, food;
  • trauma to the larynx and its mechanical damage due to ingestion of foreign objects.

The causes of breathing disorders and subsequent attacks of suffocation can be.

Various diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus, contribute to a violation of water metabolism, as a result of which edema occurs.

Diseases of the oral cavity can descend into the larynx, damaging it with purulent lesions, and also cause edema. These include: suppuration of the tongue, laryngitis, abscess in the epiglottis region.

We remember the danger and provide first aid

A swollen throat gives the child not only discomfort, but also a feeling of severe pain. In this case, general malaise and difficulty in breathing are observed. With further development and improper treatment, confusion and even fainting may develop.

A great danger arises when there is insufficient airway passage: the child can suffocate due to the narrow air passage.

Every parent should know how to relieve laryngeal edema in a child. When the first signs appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

It is important to take the child out of a stuffy room into fresh air. If the attacks began at night when the child is asleep, then he should be immediately awakened and the horizontal position of the body should not be allowed. Warm humid air also helps to breathe better. To do this, it is recommended to take the baby to the bathroom and turn on hot water.

Cold foods, such as ice cream and even plain ice, can help relieve swelling for a while.

It is strictly forbidden to warm the body with compresses.

If a foreign body enters the pharynx, it must be removed. It is advised to clasp the stomach and push the object out with a sharp push. This is achieved by changing the intra-abdominal pressure.

If the edema is caused by a chemical burn, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity, try to induce vomiting in order to reduce the amount of the reagent in the children's stomach. Before the arrival of doctors, the child can be given a small amount of vegetable oil.

We treat a baby as prescribed by a doctor


Treatment for a swollen throat is aimed at addressing the main causes of the ailment. If the edema was caused by infectious viruses, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs may be prescribed to eliminate it.

For allergies, you need to start taking, for example, Loratadine,.

Sometimes it is necessary to inhale the bronchi with the help of means that contribute to their expansion, for example, Euphyllin, Terbutaline. In rare cases, in a severe stage of the disease, inhalation with Epinephrine is prescribed. The correct treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist with experience in such situations.

Antibiotics remove various microbes and harmful substances from the child's body. If the baby has never had allergic reactions, then the doctor may recommend taking a calendula drug for gargling.

To remove phlegm from the pathways, it is possible to use expectorants. You can relieve spasm with vasoconstrictor drugs, which include Nazivin, Naphtizin, Vibrocil.

Folk methods

Folk recipes are used after establishing the reason and agreeing with the doctor. These include various herbal teas that need to gargle a swollen throat. Plants used for this include: eucalyptus, sage, licorice, chamomile.

The frequency of the procedures depends on the severity of the edema. In the acute form, the procedure can be carried out every hour.

The child should drink plenty of fluids. It is necessary to ensure that the mucous membranes do not dry out.

Meals should be light, dietary during the period of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to give food to fried foods, pickles and preservatives. You should also avoid getting various sauces and seasonings down your throat. It is necessary to temporarily remove all products that can cause allergies in the body.

Potato juice removes excess fluid from the body, speeds up the healing process and relieves severe pain.

Remembering what not to do

It is important to know what not to do if a child has a swollen throat.

If a foreign object gets into the throat, do not try to reach it with your hands. Inappropriate actions can lower the foreign body lower, which causes an increase in the attack.

If the swelling is caused by an allergy or a foreign object entering the respiratory tract, you cannot forcefully induce vomiting, as the baby may simply choke.

Important preventive measures

To prevent a swollen throat in a child, you do not need to overheat him. It is best to work on hardening it, while increasing the body's endurance.

Before giving a new specific product to a young child, it is best to consult with a qualified professional. Nutrition should be simple, but include all the trace elements and vitamins required by age for a small child.

Constant ventilation of the room where the child lives, as well as wet cleaning, will help prevent the onset of symptoms of the disease.

When an attack occurs, the main thing for the baby's parents is not to panic. Qualified help from specialized doctors should be provided on time.

When calling an ambulance, doctors have strong symptoms of the disease, and further actions at home should be carried out only after visiting a doctor.

Throat swelling can occur at any age and for many reasons. This condition not only causes discomfort and difficulty breathing, but can also lead to death.

This article describes the etiology, symptoms and main therapeutic methods for relieving throat swelling at home and in the hospital.


There are many factors that provoke swelling of the throat, but among them the main ones are:

Important! Determining the exact cause of the development of throat edema will allow you to choose the correct treatment for this pathological process.


The symptomatology of swelling of the respiratory system depends on the etiology of this pathological process. The initial stage is accompanied by the manifestation of an uncomfortable sensation, pain syndrome when swallowing and shortness of breath.

The main signs of laryngeal edema are manifested in:

Important! The lack of timely therapy contributes to the rapid spread of edema, discoloration of the skin, the appearance of shortness of breath and tachycardia. At the same time, anxiety appears, and sometimes panic in front of the fear of death.

How to relieve throat swelling?

Depending on the etiology of the swelling of the throat, there are various methods for relieving the condition. The insidiousness of this condition lies in the need for emergency assistance to save life.

There are a lot of medicines and improvised means, from the use of which swelling and inflammation decreases:

Pathology Fundamentals of therapy
SARS, colds The use of infusions of sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort for gargling. Use of ingallipt, kameton, orasept in the form of a spray for irrigation of the mouth.
Angina Strict bed rest. Gargle with baking soda and table salt, herbal infusions, carrot or beetroot juices. Spraying the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution of chlorophyllipt and using it in an oily form for rinsing. Taking absorbable pills.
Allergy Relief of edema with antihistamines. With an insect bite, a tourniquet is applied above the bite and pills or injections of diphenhydramine, or suprastin, or prednisolone are used. Epinephrine hydrochloride is used to irrigate the throat. In parallel, cold wet compresses should be applied to the throat. In extreme cases, mechanical ventilation may be necessary.
Laryngitis A characteristic feature of this pathology is the rapid development of edema of the mucous throat, requiring immediate first aid before the arrival of an ambulance. For this, the patient is seated, the buttons on the clothes are unbuttoned, and they are given warm milk or Borjomi to drink. The limbs are dipped into a container of hot water, and to relieve puffiness, it is recommended to inhale, preferably with baking soda. In the room where the patient is, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air.
Pharyngitis First of all, factors irritating the mucous membrane of the throat are excluded. The throat is gargled with baking soda or furacilin solutions. Chlorophyllipt or inhalipt is used to irrigate the throat. Inhalations are carried out with anti-inflammatory and decongestant herbal teas or with alkaline mineral water. It is recommended to take absorbable antimicrobial pills, and if indicated, antihistamines.
Injury You should try to get rid of the foreign body in the throat as quickly as possible, provoking its damage. To do this, you need to stand behind the victim. Grasping his torso with your hands on both sides, you should firmly press your fists into the area slightly above the navel.
GERD Taking antacids or flying pump inhibitors (pantoprazole, lamprazole), and you also need to drink hot milk with soda. Sea buckthorn and rosehip oils will help reduce symptoms.

Important! Untimely assistance for throat swelling significantly increases the risk of complications, and in the worst case, asphyxia.

Drugs that relieve swelling of the throat

The use of drugs for laryngeal edema provides a rapid removal of puffiness, restoration of breathing and a decrease in the symptoms of the pathological process.

All medical care, taking into account the etiology of laryngeal edema, is based on taking the following groups of drugs:

  • Fast acting diuretics.
  • Psychotropic.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antacids.
  • Antihistamines.

Often the following medications can be used while helping adults:

  1. Prednisone- has an anti-allergic, anti-shock, inflammation-relieving effect, while having an anti-toxic effect. Pharmacological form of release - tableted and ampouled.
  2. Diphenhydramine- provides blocking of histamine endings, removes spasm of smooth muscles, relieves puffiness.
  3. Furosemide- an emergency diuretic, the use of which is mandatory for the elimination of edema.
  4. Suprastin, Claritin or Loratadin- anti-allergic drugs. By suspending the functional activity of histamine receptors, it removes the swelling of the throat, which leads to a decrease in the permeability of the walls of small vessels and eliminates muscle spasm in the throat.
  5. Fenistil- an antihistamine that has antiserotonin and anti-bradykinin effects. Helps reduce capillary permeability, which prevents the development of allergies. It has a mild sedative effect.
  6. No-shpa- is one of the most effective antispasmodics, the reception of which ensures the removal of spasms of smooth muscles. In combination with other drugs, it relieves pain and prevents choking.

Important! Prescription of medications is carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the pathogenesis of swelling of the throat.

What to rinse with?

Gargling is used and can be effective only with an integrated approach to treating swelling of the throat. In the case when the pathology takes on an acute or chronic form, such manipulations can relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition.

Among the means of traditional medicine, solutions and decoctions are used:

The most popular of the herbal infusions are those for gargling:

  • Calamus root and chamomile.
  • Oak bark, sage and cinquefoil.
  • Nettle with calendula.

If you use vegetable juices, then fresh potatoes and beets have a high therapeutic effect. A solution of apple cider vinegar or turmeric provides emergency relief from edema.

Medication for rinsing:

  • Chlorphyllipt.
  • Furacilin.
  • Dioxidine.

Important! When choosing a pharmacological agent for gargling, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Inhalation than breathing?

During inhalation, medicinal components quickly enter the respiratory tract and have a high symptomatic effect.

One of the effective manipulations in relieving laryngeal swelling is considered to be inhalations.

They stop disease processes and restore the natural functions of the systemic organs of the human body.

During such procedures, medicinal components quickly enter the respiratory tract and have a high symptomatic effect.

How to breathe? The following funds are prescribed:

  • Fir oil or juniper oil.
  • Herbal teas from pharmacy chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and calendula.
  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
  • Sea salt.
  • Iodinol.
  • Borjomi mineral water.

From pharmacological agents it is necessary to single out:

  • Lazolvan.
  • Berodual.
  • Dexamethasone.
  • Dioxidine.
  • Fluimucil.
  • Rotokan.
  • Malavit.
  • Furacilin.

Important! A high therapeutic effect from inhalations is achieved subject to strict adherence to the rules for performing procedures.

Swelling of the throat in a child

Swelling of the throat in a child develops with inflammation of the ENT organs and allergies. The severity of the disease is determined by the state of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, the immune forces of the child's body, its response to pathology and drugs.

With the development of swelling of the throat in children, there is:

Also, in babies, the laryngeal mucosa is more prone to allergies and edema, in which the laryngeal lumen becomes twice smaller in size.

In pediatrics, a number of factors are distinguished that directly indicate the development of swelling of the throat in a small child:

  • Rapid pulse and irregular heartbeat.
  • Discoloration of the skin on the face and neck.
  • The presence of watery rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
  • Increased perspiration.
  • Listening to wheezing and coughing.
  • Swelling of the nose, eyes, lips, tongue, and area around the mouth.
  • The taste of metal in the mouth.
  • Dizziness and fainting.
  • Psycho-neurological signs: slurred speech, convulsions, increased excitability.

Important! If the slightest signs of throat swelling appear in a child, an ambulance should be called immediately. This is due to the fact that this pathological process poses a great threat to life and contributes to the rapid development of acute respiratory failure.

Traditional methods at home

Laryngeal edema must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists, since this condition develops rapidly and can be fatal. Home treatment is especially dangerous for children.

Folk remedies can be used as an additional therapy to the main treatment and only in agreement with the attending physician.

The greatest therapeutic effect is possessed by:

Important! The use of traditional medicine is allowed until the moment an ambulance is called and when the first signs of swelling of the throat appear.

Inpatient therapy

Therapy in a hospital is carried out using conservative methods and in severe cases of operative.

Conservative treatment is based on a medication course and a complex of procedures that relieve inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane and restore breathing.

When removing puffiness, depending on the etiology of edema, the following types of drugs are used:

Among physiotherapeutic procedures, it is worth highlighting inhalations with adrenaline and hydrocortisone. Also, depending on the condition of the patient, masks can be used.

If the methods of conservative therapy were ineffective, and the swelling of the throat does not decrease, or intubation or tracheotomy progresses.

How does puffiness from the uvula in the throat stop?

Removal of puffiness of the uvula in the throat is carried out by taking medications:

Important! In the fight against swelling of the uvula in the throat, traditional medicine can be used exclusively as an auxiliary therapy. Among them, the most effective are aloe infusion or sage infusion, which are used for rinsing.

Throat edema refers to pathological conditions, the development of which contributes to the appearance of asphyxia. Incorrectly or untimely assistance leads to oxygen starvation of the internal organs with a further lethal outcome.

Therefore, with the manifestation of primary symptoms, you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately call an ambulance.

Acute obstruction of the upper respiratory tract or laryngeal edema in children is a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx caused by various pathological conditions, manifested by respiratory disorders and the development of acute respiratory failure.

In this article, you will learn the main causes and symptoms of laryngeal edema in a child, and how to treat laryngeal edema in a child.

Acute upper airway obstruction in children

Acute obstruction of the upper respiratory tract is an emergency that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment of edema even at the prehospital stage.

The main causes of laryngeal edema

This condition most often occurs in children of early and preschool age due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory system: the narrowness of the lumen of the respiratory tract, the tendency of their mucous membrane and the loose fibrous connective tissue located under it to develop edema, features of the innervation of the larynx, which contribute to the occurrence of laryngospasm, and relative weakness of the respiratory muscles. Edema of the mucous membrane with an increase in its thickness by 1 mm reduces the lumen of the larynx by half.

There are infectious and non-infectious causes of acute upper airway obstruction.

  • Viral infections caused by influenza and parainfluenza type I viruses (75% of cases), RSV, adenoviruses.
  • Bacterial infections: epiglottitis, retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abscesses, diphtheria.

Non-infectious causes: aspiration of foreign bodies, trauma to the larynx, allergic edema, laryngospasm, etc.

Forms of acute upper airway obstruction

Three factors play a role in the genesis of airway obstruction: laryngeal edema in children, reflex spasm of the laryngeal muscles and mechanical blockage of its lumen with inflammatory secretions (mucus) or foreign bodies (food, vomit). Depending on the etiology, the significance of these components can be different.

By the nature of the inflammatory changes in the larynx, edematous, or catarrhal, infiltrative and fibrinous-necrotic forms of stenosis are distinguished.

The edematous form most often occurs with a viral or infectious-allergic etiology; with appropriate treatment, a rapid positive trend is observed.

Infiltrative and fibrinous-necrotic changes in the larynx are associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. With them, a significant narrowing of the lumen of the larynx is associated not only with a powerful inflammatory edema of the tissues, but also with the accumulation in the lumen of the larynx of thick sticky mucus, purulent and hemorrhagic crusts, fibrinous or necrotic overlays.

The causes of acute upper airway obstruction are manifold. In practical work, in order to carry out adequate treatment of laryngeal edema and provide effective assistance to the child, it is important to quickly differentiate them.

Croup is the cause of laryngeal edema in a child

The most common cause of laryngeal edema in young children is inflammatory changes in the larynx of viral, bacterial and mixed bacterial-viral etiology - croup (from scotch croup - croak), manifested by a triad of symptoms: stridor, "barking" cough, hoarseness.

Causes of cereals in children

The leading cause of the development of croup is an inflammatory process in the subglottic space and vocal cords (acute stenosing laryngotracheitis). Respiratory disorders due to narrowing of the lumen of the larynx most often occur at night, during sleep, due to changes in the conditions of lymph and blood circulation in the larynx, a decrease in the activity of the drainage mechanisms of the respiratory tract, the frequency and depth of respiratory movements. Croup with ARVI develops in children of the first 5-6 years of life, most often children of 1-2 years old are ill (34%).

Symptoms of croup in children

The clinical picture of acute stenosis of the upper respiratory tract is determined by the degree of narrowing of the larynx, associated disorders of respiratory mechanics and the development of acute respiratory failure.

With incomplete obstruction of the larynx, noisy breathing occurs - stridor, which is caused by the intense turbulent passage of air through the narrowed airways. Inspiratory stridor usually occurs with narrowing (stenosis) of the larynx in or above the vocal cords and is characterized by a noisy inhalation with retraction of the compliant regions of the chest. Stenoses below the level of the true vocal cords are characterized by an expiratory stridor with the participation of auxiliary and reserve respiratory muscles in breathing. Stenosis of the larynx in the subglottic space is usually manifested by mixed, both inspiratory and expiratory, stridor. The absence of voice changes indicates the localization of the pathological process above or below the vocal cords. The involvement of the latter in the process is accompanied by hoarseness or aphonia. A hoarse "barking" cough is typical of lining laryngitis.

Other signs and symptoms of laryngeal edema in children are nonspecific: anxiety, tachycardia, tachypnea, cyanosis, neuro-vegetative disorders, etc.

Severity of laryngeal stenosis in children

According to the severity of narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, four degrees of stenosis are distinguished, which have significant differences in the clinical picture.

I degree laryngeal stenosis (compensated). The presence of clinical symptoms of laryngitis ("barking" cough, hoarseness of the voice) against the background of ARVI is characteristic of laryngeal edema. With physical exertion, signs of stridor appear (slight retraction of the jugular cavity and epigastric region). There are no symptoms of respiratory failure. At rest, breathing is completely free.

Grade II laryngeal stenosis (subcompensated). Signs and symptoms of respiratory failure appear - pallor, perioral cyanosis, tachycardia. The child is agitated, restless. The cough is "barking", the voice is hoarse, breathing is stridorious with the retraction of the compliant places of the chest, the participation of the auxiliary muscles and swelling of the wings of the nose. Stridor shrinks significantly during sleep. The lumen of the larynx below the glottis is 1/2 already normal.

III degree laryngeal stenosis (decompensated). Symptoms of respiratory failure (cyanosis of the lips, acrocyanosis, pallor, sweating) are expressed. Noisy breathing with retraction of the compliant places of the chest and the participation of the auxiliary muscles. Auscultatory breathing is weakened, both inhalation and exhalation are difficult. Tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, deaf heart sounds, pulse deficit. The laryngeal lining space is narrowed by 2/3 of the norm.

IV degree laryngeal stenosis (terminal condition, asphyxia). A state of extreme severity due to respiratory failure and severe hypoxia. Breathing is shallow, arrhythmic. Symptoms of stridor and rough cough disappear, bradycardia increases. There may be impaired consciousness and seizures. Bradycardia, lowering blood pressure. The diameter of the larynx lumen is reduced by more than 2/3 of the norm.

Severe and prolonged hypoxia can lead to irreversible changes in the central nervous system and internal organs. In the blood, р а С0 2 sharply increases (up to 100 mm Hg and more), р а 0 2 decreases to 40 mm Hg. and below. Death comes from asphyxiation.

Diagnostics of the croup in children

The diagnosis of croup syndrome or acute stenosing laryngotracheitis is made on the basis of the appearance of a triad of symptoms against the background of acute respiratory viral infections: a rough "barking" cough, hoarseness and stridor breathing with retraction of the compliant places of the chest and the participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing. In some cases, direct diagnostic laryngoscopy has to be used for diagnosis.

Treatment of cereals in children

Treatment of laryngeal edema as a result of croup should be aimed at restoring the patency of the larynx: reducing or eliminating spasm and edema of the mucous membrane of the pathological process above or below the vocal cords. The involvement of the latter in the process is accompanied by hoarseness or aphonia. A hoarse "barking" cough is typical of lining laryngitis.

Patients are subject to hospitalization in a specialized or infectious diseases hospital if there is an intensive care and intensive care unit in it, however, treatment should be started already at the prehospital stage.

The child should not be left alone, it is necessary to calm him down, take him in his arms, since forced breathing with anxiety, screaming intensifies the phenomena of stenosis and a feeling of fear. You can prescribe a 5% solution of sodium bromide, tincture of valerian and motherwort.

Treatment for laryngeal edema in children

Along with etiotropic (interferon, anti-influenza gammaglobulin) and symptomatic (antipyretic drugs, etc.) treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with stenosis of the first degree in order to reduce edema of the laryngeal mucosa and more efficient removal of pathological secretions from its lumen, hot compresses are shown on the laryngeal region, hot baths for hands and feet. In the absence of high fever and hemodynamic disturbances, a general hot bath with a water temperature of 39-40 ° C is indicated for treatment. Ozokerite "boots" can be used as a distraction.

Effective coughing up of sputum is also facilitated by the creation in the room where the child is located, an atmosphere of high humidity (the effect of "tropical atmosphere"), steam and soda or alkaline oil inhalations. Warm drink is shown (hot milk with soda or Borjomi). Expectorant and mucolytic drugs administered by mouth or by inhalation [for example, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine ​​(mucopropt), etc.] contribute to the thinning and removal of sputum from the respiratory tract. You can strengthen the cough reflex by pressing with a spatula on the root of the tongue.

Considering the significant participation of the infectious-allergic component in the development of croup, it is advisable to include antihistamines in the complex of therapeutic measures [for example, chloropyramine (suprastin), clemastine, etc.].

In order to reduce edema of the mucous membrane and relieve spasm, local vasoconstrictor drugs are used [naphazoline (naphthyzine), oxymetazoline (nasivin), xylometazoline, vibrocil, etc.] and antispasmodics [aminophylline (aminophylline), solutane, Vadrenomimetics]. The use of iprotropium bromide, berodual is also recommended for these purposes.

In case of II degree laryngeal stenosis, glucocorticoids in the form of inhalation should be added to the complex of measures: hydrocortisone, budesonide through a nebulizer, fluticasone (flixotide), etc. If indicated, parenteral administration of prednisolone is possible.

With stenosis of the III degree, treatment of laryngeal edema is recommended to be carried out in the intensive care unit using a steam-oxygen tent, where antispasmodic, mucolytic and other drugs should be received. With a sharp excitement of the child, sodium oxybutyrate and droperidol are used. It is imperative to prescribe antibacterial drugs. Sputum is aspirated from the respiratory tract using an electric suction device.

With significant respiratory impairments, insufficient effectiveness of the therapy (12 hours for grade II stenosis and 6 hours for grade III stenosis), nasotracheal intubation is indicated after preliminary sanitation of direct laryngoscopy.

Grade IV stenosis requires resuscitation measures, intensive post-syndrome therapy and is an absolute indication for prolonged nasotracheal intubation or, if impossible, tracheotomy.

Laryngeal diphtheria in a child

Symptoms of diphtheria of the larynx are most often combined with manifestations of this infection of another localization (diphtheria of the pharynx or nose), which often facilitates the diagnosis. The main differences between diphtheria of the larynx and laryngeal edema (croup), which developed against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, are the gradual onset and stability of the course with an increase in symptoms. The voice with diphtheria of the larynx is persistently hoarse with the gradual development of aphonia.

In the treatment of diphtheria of the larynx, along with measures aimed at restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to urgently administer to the child anti-diphtheria serum according to the Frequently method at a dose of 40-80 thousand IU per course of treatment, depending on the form of the disease.

Allergic laryngeal edema in children

Allergic edema of the larynx is not always possible to distinguish from croup of an infectious nature only by clinical signs. Symptoms of allergic laryngeal edema develop under the influence of any Ag of inhalation, food or other origin (anaphylactic reaction). There are no specific indications for ARVI. Fever and toxicity are uncommon. In the history of these children, as a rule, there is information about certain allergic manifestations: atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema, urticaria, etc. Against the background of treatment of laryngeal edema with antihistamines, and in severe cases with glucocorticoids, there is a rapid positive dynamics of stenosis.

Laryngospasm is the cause of laryngeal edema in children

Laryngospasm occurs mainly in children of the first 2 years of life against the background of increased neuromuscular excitability, with manifestations of current rickets with a tendency to tetany. Clinically, a spasm of the larynx is manifested by the sudden onset of difficulty breathing with a characteristic sound in the form of a "cock crow", accompanied by fear, anxiety, and cyanosis.

Treatment of laryngeal edema: mild attacks of laryngospasm are relieved by spraying the child's face and body with cold water. It is necessary to try to induce a gag reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spatula or spoon, or provoke sneezing by irritating the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with cotton wool. If there is no effect, diazepam should be injected intramuscularly, and a 10% solution of calcium gluconate or chloride should be administered intravenously.

Epiglottitis is the cause of laryngeal edema in children

Epiglottitis is an inflammation of the epiglottis and surrounding areas of the larynx and pharynx, most commonly caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. The clinical picture is characterized by high fever, sore throat, dysphagia, muffled voice, stridor and respiratory failure of varying severity. Palpation of the larynx is painful. On examination, the pharynx reveals a dark cherry color of the root of the tongue, its infiltration, edema of the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilage that closes the entrance to the larynx. The disease progresses rapidly and can lead to complete closure of the lumen of the larynx.

At the prehospital stage, it is optimal to give an injection of ampicillin or the antibiotic cephalosporin as early as possible. The transportation of the child to the hospital for the treatment of edema is carried out only in a sitting position. Sedatives should be avoided. Be prepared for tracheal intubation or tracheotomy.

Retropharyngeal abscess in children

Most often, a retropharyngeal abscess occurs in children under three years of age. It usually develops against the background or after the transferred ARVI. The clinical picture is dominated by symptoms of intoxication, severe fever, sore throat, dysphagia, stridor, salivation. There is no barking rough cough and hoarseness of the voice. Coughing up is difficult because of a sharp sore throat. The child often takes a forced position with an unbent neck. Examination of the pharynx presents significant difficulties due to the child's sharp anxiety and the inability to open his mouth. For examination, sedative therapy is used.

Treatment at the prehospital stage is not carried out. Urgent hospitalization in the surgical department is required. In the hospital, an abscess is opened and drained against the background of antibiotic therapy.

Foreign bodies of the larynx and trachea in children

Foreign bodies of the larynx and trachea are the most common cause of asphyxia in children. Unlike croup, aspiration occurs unexpectedly against the background of visible health, usually while the child is eating or playing. An attack of coughing appears, accompanied by suffocation. The clinical picture of laryngeal edema depends on the level of airway obstruction. The closer the foreign body is to the larynx, the more likely it is to develop symptoms of asphyxia. Such an arrangement of a foreign body is usually accompanied by the appearance of laryngospasm. The child is scared, restless. On auscultation, a popping sound can sometimes be heard, indicating a foreign body ballot.

How to remove a foreign body from the throat?

After examining the oral cavity and the entrance to the larynx, attempts are made to remove the foreign body by mechanically "knocking out" it.

A child under 1 year old is laid face down with the head end lowered by 60 °. With the edge of the palm, short blows are delivered between the shoulder blades.

In children over one year old, sharp pressure with the hand on the abdomen from the midline inward and upward (at an angle of 45 °) can be effective.

In older children, blows on the back alternate with sharp squeezing of the abdomen, clasping the child with his arms from behind (Heimlich's technique).

If attempts to remove a foreign body using mechanical techniques are ineffective, the issue of urgent intubation or tracheotomy should be resolved.

Swelling of the throat in a child is a characteristic symptom of serious diseases that require urgent treatment. There is a swelling of the mucous membrane, the lumen of the larynx narrows, breathing is difficult. Timely treatment started can prevent an extreme condition that requires emergency therapy. Self-medication in this case is not worth it. You should immediately consult a doctor.

The main reason lies in the structural features of the respiratory organs in children.

  • narrowness of the lumen, a tendency to edema;
  • loose connective tissue is located under the mucous membrane;
  • a feature of the structure of the nerve endings in the throat;
  • the respiratory muscles are not developed.
  • tendency to allergies;
  • laryngeal injury.

Edema is often caused by food allergies. Allergies can be to honey, spices. Watch your diet! Fish often causes allergies in children.

Also, swelling can be caused by an infection: virus, bacteria. The reason may be any purulent rash. Timely treatment can prevent the complication and prevent swelling of the throat.

Not every sore throat is associated with swelling. However, in order to prevent complications, carefully monitor the condition of the baby, do not miss the initial stage. Do not panic under any circumstances. Parental excitement is passed on to children, which can make the situation worse.


Symptoms are pronounced, throat swelling begins suddenly, more often at night, characterized by a dry, "barking" cough, there is a noise when exhaling. The temperature rises, the skin around the lips turns blue. Swelling in children is more commonly referred to as croup. may be true. Their symptoms are very similar, but true croup occurs only with diphtheria.


There are four degrees of edema:

  1. Shortness of breath and breathing noise during physical exertion. Also with emotional stress. This symptom should alert parents. Early treatment can stop the progression of the disease.
  2. Noisy breathing and shortness of breath are present at rest. The appearance of dry wheezing. Signs of hypoxia.
  3. The sternum is drawn in during inhalation. Breathing becomes irregular. The child is agitated.
  4. The condition is serious. Breathing is shallow, arrhythmic. Convulsions are possible. However, it may seem that the child is feeling better: the temperature goes down, irritability "goes away". But this impression is deceiving.

The diagnosis is established by the doctor, conducting laryngoscopic examinations. The cause of the edema is identified, which will dictate further treatment.


Home treatment is only permissible in the first degree. In other cases, immediate medical attention is required. The first thing that is required of mom (or dad) is to call an ambulance.

First aid

Before the arrival of the doctor, the child must be seated and provided with fresh air, try to calm him down. Make a hot footbath, give a warm drink. These actions can improve the condition, and can stop the incipient edema. But hospitalization is not ruled out. The acute condition may return. The doctor performs intensive care, which is usually followed by hospitalization.

Further treatment should be chosen depending on what caused the swelling. In case of allergies - elimination of the effects of the allergen and its consequences. In case of an infectious or viral disease, the treatment of the disease itself. In all cases, sedative therapy is indicated. It is used from medicinal products.


Antibiotic treatment is used when their use cannot be avoided. The doctor will help you choose the antibiotic individually. In the absence of allergies, it is permissible to use natural antibiotics: propolis (water-based) and calendula flowers. They are used both as a drink and as a gargle. In combination, the result will be better.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies has always been a good help. Inhalation is effective, relieves inflammation and swelling, warms the throat, moisturizes. But you need to act very carefully. Strong-smelling products can make the condition worse. It is better to do inhalations with special solutions: saline or ordinary Borjomi.

Gargles, ointments

For rinsing, anti-inflammatory herbs are suitable: chamomile, sage. During this period, drink should be plentiful. Tea, jelly, rice and oatmeal broth. It is very good to drink milk. You need to drink a lot of milk and preferably with soda, this mixture softens the throat.

You should not experiment with ointments, the condition may worsen. When treating children, it is not recommended to use asterisk balm. This balm is suitable for adults only. To warm the throat, it is enough to use dry heat on the throat.


The role of diet is significant. The presence of a large amount of vitamins, especially vitamin "C", is imperative. The food is light, dietary. Eliminate fatty, sweet, spicy, too sour or salty. Temporarily remove all allergenic products from the menu: honey, chocolate, citrus fruits.


To prevent swelling of the throat from provoking serious complications, prevention is needed. The child's body is not yet formed., Help him develop correctly. Do not overheat! Do not keep the baby in the "incubator". Sterilization of dishes, simple care products will lead to its vulnerability, inability to cope with a virus, infection.

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