Wet baby cough medicine. List of dry and wet cough medicines for children. Cough medicine for children from one year old. Expectorants for children

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract very often patients complain of dry or wet cough.

Ways to eliminate this symptom depend precisely on the nature of the cough: for the treatment of dry and wet means various medications are used.

Cold cough - causes and types

A dry cough, which usually occurs at the initial stage of the disease, is also called unproductive. This symptom is especially painful, often paroxysmal.

At the same time, the mucous membrane becomes very irritated and inflamed, but the phlegm cannot go away. With a dry cough, as a rule, the patient's sleep is disturbed - attacks occur during a night's sleep.

A wet cough delivers much less pain to the patient, the mucous membrane is not so injured. This symptom is an indicator that the treatment of ARVI, bronchitis, tonsillitis or pneumonia is carried out correctly and medications have a positive effect. If they are trying to get rid of a dry cough as soon as possible, then a wet cough does not need to be suppressed.

With this symptom, mucus, containing pathogens - pathogens, leaves the bronchi, lungs. The inflammatory process stops, and recovery occurs faster. Therefore, with a wet cough, the main actions are aimed at stimulating the production and increasing the discharge of phlegm.

By nature and intensity wet cough you can determine the diagnosis - this is indicated by the time of the attacks, their number per day and duration, as well as the color and viscosity of the sputum that leaves.

For the treatment of dry or wet cough most often various syrups are used. The features of their action and application are below.

Wet cough syrups

If the cough is wet (it usually converts from dry on the 2-3 day of the disease), expectorant syrups are prescribed to stimulate sputum discharge. Such a syrup can contain both natural, plant components and synthetic and chemical substances... In addition, you can use an expectorant cough suppressant at home.

Preparations with similar action can also be purchased in the form of drops, potions, tablets, or lozenges. But traditionally syrup is popular among doctors and patients - it acts almost instantly, has an enveloping and soothing effect on the irritated larynx.

Some medicinal plants have an expectorant effect - they can be used to prepare an antitussive syrup on your own.

Instructions for the use of drugs Pertussin and Gerbion

Syrups and dry cough tablets act primarily on the nerve receptors responsible for the cough reflex. Syrups that are prescribed for wet coughs have a completely different mechanism of action. They are usually taken before bedtime, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and after a short time give a tangible healing effect.

The most popular drugs are:

  1. Syrup Pertussin is a traditional and affordable preparation, the main components of which are thyme or thyme extract and potassium bromide. The agent activates the production of mucus, liquefies it and stimulates expectoration, and also has a calming effect. The drug has some contraindications, although it is dispensed without a prescription, so you first need to consult a doctor.
  2. Herbion in the form of a syrup is a mucolytic preparation containing primrose extract, thyme and menthol. It has an additional antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. To obtain maximum effect, the medicine is taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid.
  3. Prospan - this syrup is made on the basis of ivy extract. It acts on the bronchial glands, stimulating their work, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, dilutes the mucus accumulated in the bronchi and facilitates its passage.
  4. Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Haliksol, Ambrohexal are very strong drugs mucolytic action, the active substance of which is ambroxol hydrochloride. The remedies can be used for productive wet cough, when a large amount of viscous mucus accumulates in the bronchi, and for the treatment of dry, unproductive cough. At cost, Ambroxol is the most affordable, all others are several times more expensive.
  5. Fluditec is an expectorant and mucolytic drug produced in different concentrations. The main active ingredient of the drug is carbocisteine.

Before starting treatment with any of the listed remedies, you should consult your doctor or at least read the instructions carefully - some remedies can negatively affect the stomach and intestines.

In no case should you take dry and wet cough syrups at the same time. Such actions often lead to sharp deterioration the patient's condition and hospitalization.

Alternative drugs for wet cough

Cough is effectively treated not only with syrups - various potions are often used. A medicine is a liquid, solution or suspension based on water or alcohol, which contains an active medicinal substance.

In pharmacies, you can buy dry mixture, which is good for wet coughs with phlegm. It is a powder that must be diluted with water and then taken in the indicated dosage. The finished medicinal product is stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

We also offer dry mixture in sachets, the contents of which are designed for one dose. Dilute it in a tablespoon of water and drink it immediately. The composition of such mixtures includes an extract of marshmallow or thermopsis, licorice root, anise oil, sodium bicarbonate. Due to this composition, the drug has a combined effect and well eliminates cough of any nature.

Often in the treatment of cough, drugs containing Bromhexine are used - this substance increases the production of secretions in the bronchi, makes thick mucus more liquid and stimulates its discharge. Preparations that contain bromhexine hydrochloride, an inexpensive and effective cough syrup, have a complex effect - mucolytic and expectorant. But their treatment must be supervised by a doctor.

So that a cough with a cold does not turn into a chronic one, you should choose the right medicines for it from the very first day of illness. An expectorant will not have a beneficial effect on dry, unproductive coughs, and may even lead to complications such as bronchial spasm.

But if the cough has already turned into a wet one, you need to change the drug and switch to expectorant syrups and medicines. They thin the phlegm in the bronchi and make it easier for them to pass. There are drugs integrated action... But they must be taken with caution under medical supervision.

And here's how exactly cough syrup works - in the video in this article.


Wet cough in a child: causes and methods of treatment

Every person experiences a symptom such as coughing. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period of time, because a cough most often indicates an infection of the respiratory tract with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. This protective function respiratory system, which helps to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, mucus, sputum, microbes. Depending on the productivity of the cough, there are:

  • dry cough (without sputum discharge);
  • moist cough (with phlegm).

The treatment of these two types of cough must be approached seriously, taking into account individual characteristics, since these can be symptoms of various diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, allergies, tuberculosis, and oncological neoplasms. Successful and quick recovery directly depends on a thorough diagnosis and on time prescribed adequate treatment... Let's focus on the methods of diagnosis and treatment of a disease such as a wet cough in a child.

Causes of wet cough

Most common reason the occurrence of a wet cough in a child may be:

  • acute respiratory viral infections of the respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, obstructive bronchitis);
  • an allergic reaction characterized by a lack of temperature (bronchial asthma);
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal passages, accompanied by abundant discharge mucus;
  • as a complication of gastroesophageal reflux;
  • congenital pathology (cystic fibrosis, Kartagener's syndrome).

In infants, a wet cough is often caused by insufficient muscle development.

In infants and children of the first year of life, a wet cough can be associated with insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach, as well as with the eruption of the first teeth. In these cases, do not panic and go to extremes, all these problems will disappear with the growing up of the child. By itself, a wet cough in a child is not dangerous, but the symptoms accompanying the cough should alert parents:

  • long and sudden;
  • high temperature that lasts longer than 3 days;
  • wheezing;
  • chest pain;
  • lack of appetite in the baby;
  • an admixture of pus and blood in the sputum.

The mechanism of wet cough

The mucous membrane of the airways is lined with glandular cells that are capable of producing mucus. By its structure, mucus can be serous, purulent, bloody. In inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs, the amount of mucus secreted increases significantly, it acts as an irritant, causing the body to respond in the form of a cough.

Sputum cough treatment

Medication, consists in the use of pharmaceuticals

  1. Contributing to the discharge and excretion of sputum in a child (mucolytics and expectorants), synthetic and vegetable origin:
  • syrups "Doctor Mom", "Alteika", "Prospan", "Pektusin", "Bronchikum" - herbal preparations
  • , "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan" - synthetic drugs
  1. Thinning phlegm:
  • carbocisteine
  • acetylcysteine
  • preparations containing soda, dry cough mixture
  1. Relieving spasm, increasing the lumen of the bronchi:
  • salbutamol
  • bronchocin
  • papaverine

Physiotherapy treatment

Folk remedies

  • Plentiful warm drink in the form of compotes, teas, rosehip infusion, fruit drinks;
  • Warm alkaline drink (mineral water type "Borjomi" or "Polyana Kvasova");
  • Drinking warm diluted alkaline milk mineral water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • Drink decoctions instead of tea medicinal herbs(coltsfoot, elderberry and linden, sage, chamomile);
  • Homemade cough syrup: Chop 1 white onion finely, mix with 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, let it brew overnight and drink the resulting juice over the next day;
  • An equally effective remedy for treating cough will be a syrup made from viburnum berries with sugar. Such a delicious and varied treatment will satisfy any child.

It is forbidden to give children antitussive drugs if there are moist rales with sputum in the bronchi and lungs. Because instead of benefit, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. The fact is that with a long retention of mucus in the respiratory tract, it becomes a breeding ground for many bacteria and can have complications in the form of pneumonia, lung abscess, and respiratory failure.

To prevent coughing up phlegm from annoying you and your child, you need to adhere to some preventive measures:

  • Correctly organized daily routine;
  • Walking on fresh air in any weather;
  • Hardening;
  • Personal hygiene of the child;
  • In the season of colds, enhanced personal hygiene, rinsing the nasal passages with water and sea salt;
  • The use of vitamin therapy and antiviral drugs as needed;
  • Organize daily wet cleaning with ventilation in the room.

If the child has a cough, dry or with phlegm, it is necessary to see a doctor, take blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, do a phlegm culture for bacteria and antibiotic sensitivity in order to receive adequate treatment.

Remember! fast recovery depends on correct diagnosis and on time for the prescribed treatment.


How to cure a wet cough in a 2.5 year old child?



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can appear with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and others lung diseases... First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, you can ease its course by using cough suppressants.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500g. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400g. granulated sugar and cook over low heat in 1 liter. water for 3 hours. Then refrigerate and drain. Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) It is useful for coughs to eat onions fried in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix the peeled hazelnuts and honey in equal parts. Take 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a 1: 3 ratio. Take in small portions throughout the day with tea. Drink 2-3 glasses of this infusion for the whole day.
5) Rub ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a saucepan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas in 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut the black radish into small cubes and put it in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before bedtime.
7) When treating cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1 liter. water. Cook until the water is half as much. Drink such a decoction 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughs. A decoction of cabbage with honey also works well.
9) For prolonged coughing, mix 300g. honey and 1kg. chopped aloe leaves, pour the mixture with 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Refrigerate. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Mix the juice from the aloe leaves in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals for severe coughing.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of crushed birch buds with 100g. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, discard the kidneys. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times daily before meals.
12) Finely chop fresh nettle roots and boil in sugar syrup... Take 1 tablespoon daily for severe coughs.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle herb 0.5l. boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and drain. Drink as tea for expectoration and thinning of phlegm.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped plantain leaf with 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and drain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day for severe coughs.
15) A decoction of thyme or a liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing, it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ glass of milk per 50g. oils.


Do not self-medicate - go to the pediatrician!


try to give black radish syrup, make it soften. put honey or sugar inside, and when syrup (juice) is formed, give it to the child.


depending on what kind of cough, if the phlegm leaves, you can put a raw crumb of rubbed and wrap the child, you can even wrap up the whole night (it is better to take something old because the potatoes do not lag behind)


Ambrobene and warm milk with honey and butter. You can buy "cough pills" at the pharmacy, they cost 1 ruble a pack, it contains only thermopsis herb, soda and starch, allowed from 1 year old. The main thing! Drink these pills with warm milk, only then will good effect! , for your age, 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. In such a cheap and easy way, if necessary, I treat both children, it helps very quickly. You can also smear the breast and back with badger fat at night (avoiding the heart area). Grow big and don't get sick !!!


Radish alone cannot be cured, you need to go to the hospital, the Badger ointment helps, rub the breast, back, heels


Yulia Borisovna

you must read carefully:
A cough is a reflex response of the airways to mechanical, chemical, or inflammatory irritation. The cough is used by the child's body as physiological function to clear the respiratory tract of what should not normally be there.
In some pathological conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.), a very large amount, often of viscous sputum, is formed in the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the child's body clears the airways, so suppressing the cough, especially in such situations, can lead to a pronounced deterioration in the child's condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require medication and goes away on its own within a fairly short time. The main treatment for this cough is drinking plenty of fluids and humidifying the inhaled air.
The cough reflex in children is congenital, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is designed so that most of mucous discharge with a runny nose flows down back wall throats and falls on vocal cords irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens during teething, when salivation increases (to make it clearer for you - you yourself experience about the same sensation when you "choke" on saliva).
Thus, the appointment of a small child with coughing and sputum-thinning drugs is not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicines is that there are still no real scientific studies that determine the efficacy and safety of most cough medicines. Doses given to children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, that is, the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe, associated with taking drugs "for cough", have been repeatedly described in the special literature.
Cough with ARVI is a self-passing condition that is treated with plenty of drinking and humidification of the air.
So is it necessary, dear parents, to give the child medications, putting his health at risk where parental love, patience and abundant drinking are quite enough?


all the tips that you have been given are very good! you can only add what is needed Plentiful drink during illness, frequent ventilation and humid air
but with hardening, I think it is worthwhile to wait and start hardening after recovery! but when you start, don't NEVER take breaks

Treatment for a wet cough is to make it easier for mucus to escape. Due to its viscous composition, it cannot leave quickly, so it is necessary to take medications to liquefy it. Otherwise, the accumulation of sputum will provoke the development of a new focus of infection.

What is a wet cough and why does it occur?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, which ensures the cleansing of the tracheobronchial tree from irritants. A dry cough caused by an irritant becomes moist (productive) when the bronchi are unable to cope with the excretion of phlegm. Gradually accumulating and acting on cough receptors, it provokes a cough. Thus, a wet cough can be called an independent attempt of the bronchi to get rid of phlegm and pathogenic bacteria.

Any attempts to eliminate it will be useless without knowing the exact cause of the occurrence. As a symptom, a productive cough can indicate pathologies such as:

Allergic reactions caused by exposure to foreign bodies, gases, dust, odors on the respiratory tract;

Acute respiratory infections or colds, developed as a result of respiratory tract damage by viruses and bacteria;

Chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system;

A disorder in the nervous system that causes a neurogenic cough.

Medication for Wet Cough

Often times, people make the mistake of simply trying to fix the annoying symptom. This approach inhibits the healing process, since sputum does not come out, but remains in the bronchi and accumulates, provoking the development of serious diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, the treatment of wet cough should be carried out using medicines that can remove phlegm and improve the condition of the respiratory tract. It happens that after recovery, the cough continues to bother, but the phlegm is no longer released. In this case, you can take medications that only eliminate the cough reflex.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors prescribe Bromhexin, Ambroxol, ACC and syrups. And to make the accumulated phlegm easier to cough up, treatment is supplemented with the use of Bronholitin or Mukaltin. Inhalations using chamomile, mint, sage, marshmallow, and warm drinks will be helpful during the period of treatment for a wet cough.

Treatment of wet cough with folk remedies

Black radish is a component of many folk recipes associated with the elimination of wet cough. It can be used in different ways. For example, in a clean, dry radish, a depression is cut out and filled with honey. To prevent the accumulating natural syrup from spreading, put the radish in a deep plate. Such tasty medicine can be taken by both adults and children.

A homemade black radish mixture is prepared by mixing 1 part of its juice with 2 parts of warm milk. In the resulting product dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably lime). The healing composition should be taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

For inhalation, several tablespoons of dry raw thyme or coltsfoot are poured with hot water, after which 2 teaspoons of soda and a few drops are added eucalyptus oil... Leaning over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing vapors for 10-15 minutes. This procedure dilutes phlegm well.


All cough expectorants for bronchitis

In case of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis with a wet cough with poorly separated sputum, it is recommended to use drugs that either dilute sputum - mucolytic drugs, or facilitate its separation - expectorants for coughs. These include both herbal products and synthetic drugs.

Many of us choose to limit our intake of non-natural medicines. natural remedies, however, it should always be remembered that any medicinal plant, no matter how positive properties it possesses, as well as synthetic products has side effects, and has a number of contraindications.

Since the composition of all medicinal plants very complex and rich, in addition to useful and medicinal, herbs and fees include a lot of other, sometimes toxic, harmful substances. Moreover, these days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe, can cause an inadequate reaction of the body.

Classification of remedies that relieve cough and promote quick recovery

All cough relievers are classified as antitussives, expectorants, and mucolytics.

  • Antitussives, as well as combination drugs - are indicated for dry, unproductive cough that disrupts sleep and appetite (see article Antitussives for dry cough).
  • Expectorants - indicated for productive cough, when the sputum is not thick, not viscous.
  • Mucolytic agents - indicated for productive cough, but with thick, difficult to separate, viscous sputum.

Any cough medicine should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Antitussives cannot be used for treatment simultaneously with mucolytic drugs, however, there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

Expectorants - means that stimulate expectorant, are also subdivided into:

  • Reflex action - these agents have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and this, in turn, excites the vomiting center, but vomiting does not occur, but the production of mucus in the respiratory tract increases. Also, the peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes sputum from small bronchioles to large bronchioles and into the trachea, increase. The result of such irritation is the relief of expectoration of mucus and the removal of phlegm from the bronchi. These are mainly herbal preparations - thermopsis, wild rosemary, mother and stepmother, marshmallow, plantain, thyme, etc.
  • Direct resorptive action - after the absorption of these expectorants for cough in the gastrointestinal tract, they cause irritation of the bronchial mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

Mucolytic drugs - drugs that thin phlegm:

  • Mucolytic agents affecting the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ACC, etc.)
  • Mucolytic agents that accelerate the excretion of sputum (bromhexine, ambroxol)
  • Mucolytic drugs that reduce mucus production (Libexin Muko, M-anticholinergics, glucocorticoids).

Expectorants for cough reflex action

The use of infusions from the thermopsis herb should be treated very carefully. In children, at the slightest overdose, vomiting may occur. Moreover, in its composition cytisine (alkaloid) in large doses can cause short-term stimulation of respiration in children, which is then replaced by respiratory depression.

Althea preparations

Indications: Chronic and acute diseases respiratory organs - bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema. In which difficult-to-separate phlegm is formed, of increased viscosity.
Pharmacological action: When using expectorants from the herb marshmallow, the effect is achieved by stimulating the motility of the bronchioles, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes bronchial secretions.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to this drug, stomach and duodenal ulcers. For drugs in syrup, use with caution in diabetes mellitus and fructose intolerance. Children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy only according to indications.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, rarely nausea, vomiting

Mukaltin, tabl (20 rubles).

Method of application: For children, take mukaltin as an expectorant for cough, dissolving 1 tablet in 1/3 of a glass of water, adults are recommended 50-100 mg 3/4 r / day before meals, the course of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

(60 rubles) crushed raw materials
Dosage: Is taken orally in the form of an infusion, which is prepared as follows - a tablespoon per glass cold water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, squeeze, bring to 200 ml. Reception is carried out 3-4 r / day after meals, shake before taking. Children 3-5 years old - 1 dessert each. spoon, 6-14 years old, 1-2 tablespoon, adults 1/2 cup for 1 reception. The course of treatment is 12-21 days.
Alteyka syrup(90 rubles) Altea syrup (30-130 rubles)
Application: Inside after eating, children under 12 years old - 4 r / day, 1 tsp, diluted in a quarter of a glass of water, adults 1 tbsp. l. syrup, diluted in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, according to indications, the duration of therapy can be continued.

Thermopsis preparations

Cough tablets (30-50 rubles)

The herb thermopsis has a pronounced expectorant property, this herbal preparation contains many alkaloids (cytisine, thermopsin, methylcytisine, anagirin, pachikarpin, thermopsidin), which have an exciting effect on respiratory center, and at high doses to the vomiting center. Sodium bicarbonate, which is part of the Termopsol tablets, also reduces the viscosity of sputum, stimulating the secretion of the bronchial glands.
Indications: Termopsol cough tablets are indicated for coughing with difficult sputum, for bronchitis and tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Stomach ulcer and 12-ring. intestines, hypersensitivity
Usage: 1 table. 3 r / day for a course of 3-5 days.

Codelac Broncho(120-170 rub) without codeine contains (thermopsis extract, ambroxol, sodium bicarbonate and glycyrrhizinate)
Codelac Broncho with thyme 100 ml elixir (150 rubles) without codeine, in the composition (thyme extract, ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate) These are combined expectorant drugs that have a pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effect, in addition, they have a moderate anti-inflammatory activity. Included in Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of sputum, and Sodium glycyrrhizinate has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Indications: Codelac Broncho is used in case of difficulty in sputum discharge during pneumonia, COPD, acute and chronic bronchitis, with bronchiectasis.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 12 years old, during lactation, with hypersensitivity to the components of Codelac Broncho. With caution when bronchial asthma, ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, persons with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
Dosage: During meals, 1 tab. 3 r / day, can not be used for more than 4-5 days.
Side effects: Headache, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, with high doses and prolonged use - nausea, vomiting. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions, dysuria, exanthema.

Breast fees No. 1, 2, 3, 4

Which contain medicinal herbs:

  • Breast Picking 1 - Mother and Stepmom Oregano
  • Breast fee 2 - plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice (Fitopektol 40-50 rubles)
  • Breast collection 3 - marshmallow, pine buds, anise, sage
  • Breast collection 4 - rosemary, licorice, chamomile, calendula, violet

You can read in more detail about these collections of medicinal herbs for cough in our article - Chest collection 1,2,3,4 for coughing - instructions for use.

- Ledum, chamomile, elecampane rhizomes, mother and stepmother, calendula, peppermint, licorice, plantain.
Application: take the infusion 4 r / day before meals, 1/4 cup or 50 ml, a course of 10-14 days. The infusion is prepared as follows - 1 tbsp. l. collection is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water, then cooled, brought to 200 ml.
Side effects: Diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, allergic manifestations.
(elixir, producer Ukraine) composition: Ledum, plantain, anise, violet, licorice, sage, thyme.

Plantain leaf, mother and stepmother, wild rosemary and other herbal preparations

Plantain leaf(30 rubles a pack)

Plantain contains many useful biologically active substances, mucus, vitamins, essential oil, oleic acid, bitter and tannins, resins, saponins, sterols, emulsions, alkaloids, chlorophyll, mannitol, sorbitol, phytoncides, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. It has a bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, expectorant, mild laxative effect. It also has a mucolytic effect, restoring the work of the ciliated epithelium.
Indications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, atherosclerosis (treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain), cystitis, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, at atopic dermatitis, with whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia as a strong expectorant remedy.
Contraindications: hyperacid gastritis, ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to herbal preparations.
Application: infusion half an hour before meals, 2 tbsp. spoons. 3 r / day for a course of 1-2 weeks.
Side effects: Heartburn (see pills for heartburn), allergic reactions

Herbion with plantain(180-230 rubles) For more information on using Herbion for dry cough and Herbion for wet coughs, read our article.

Marsh rosemary herb(RUB 35) is part of the expectorant collection, Breast collection No. 4 and in Bronchophyte. Expectorant herbal remedy, essential oil components provide topically irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the bronchi, wild rosemary has both antimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory effects, has an exciting effect on the myometrium and the central nervous system.
Dosage: Infusion 3 r / day for 1/2 cup, for infusion requires 2 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water.
Side effects: Increased bronchospasm, increased irritability, irritability, dizziness.
Coltsfoot(RUB 40)
Application: due to the biologically active substances included in the composition, it has antimicrobial, expectorant, diaphoretic, choleretic, wound healing and antispasmodic properties.
Dosage: as an infusion, use every 3 hours for 15 ml of infusion or 2-3 tablespoons 3 r / day one hour before meals. Prepare the infusion as follows - 2 tbsp. spoons are poured with a glass of water and within 15 minutes. boil in a water bath, then cool, filter, bring the volume to 200 ml.
Plantain syrup and mother and stepmother (200 rub)
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, gastric ulcer.
Usage: syrup is taken for children 6-10 years old to 15 years old for 2 tsp, for adults 1-2 tbsp. spoons 4 r / day with a course of 14-21 days. The change in the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.
Side effects: allergic reactions (see all allergy tablets)

Stopussin phyto syrup(130 rub) composition: plantain, thyme, thyme. It is a herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
Contraindicated: during pregnancy and lactation, children under 1 year of age. Patients with epilepsy (causes), kidney and liver diseases, brain injuries should be taken with caution.
Application: after eating 1-5 years, 1 tsp 3 r / day, 5-10 years, 1-2 tsp. 10-15 years old, 2-3 tsp, adults 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 rubles / day. Usually, the course of treatment is no more than 1 week, it is possible to continue therapy according to indications.
Coldrex broncho (syrup 110-250 rubles)
Coldrex broncho syrup has the smell of anise and licorice, guaifenesin is used in the main substance, and also includes dextrose, macrogol, sodium cyclamate and benzoate, red pepper tincture, star anise seed oil, racemic camphor, levomenthol.
Contraindicated in: children under 3 years of age, with peptic ulcer stomach, hypersensitivity.
Application: children from 3-12 years old are shown in a single dose of 5 ml every 3 hours, for adults 10 ml every 3 hours.
Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, rash.

Thyme (thyme extract)

Thyme herb(40 rubles) Thyme essential oil (90 rubles)

It is also an expectorant for coughs of plant origin, has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
Contraindications and side effects are similar to those of the plantain leaf.
Usage: 1 tbsp. pour a spoon or 15 sachets with a glass of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, bring to 200 ml. Take after meals 1 tbsp. l. 3 r / day with a course of 14-21 days.

These are liquid extracts of thyme, which are mucolytic and expectorant coughs for bronchitis, pneumonia, for diseases with paroxysmal cough, with sputum difficult to separate.

  • Bronchicum C syrup and lozenges

After eating, children 6-12 months old - 0.5 tsp 2 r / day, 2-6 years old - 1 tsp. 2 r / day, 6-12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 r / day, adults 2 tsp. 3 r / day. Lozenges should be sucked, children 6-12 years old - 1 paste. 3 r / day, adults 1-2 pastes. 3 r / day.

  • Bronchicum TP (primrose with thyme)

Children 1-4 years old - 0.5 tsp each. 3 r / day, 5-12 years old - 1 tsp. 4 r / day, adults 1 tsp. 6 rubles / day. Bronchicum should be taken throughout the day at regular intervals.

  • Pertussin (thyme + potassium bromide)

After eating, children 3-6 years old, 0.5 teaspoon each, 6-12 years old, 1-2 tsp, over 12 years old with a dessert spoon, adults with a tablespoon 3 r / day, a course of 10-14 days.

  • Tussamag drops and syrup (thyme extract)

Children 1-5 years old take 2-3 r / day, 10-25 drops, which can be taken both diluted and undiluted. Children over 5 years old take 20-50 drops, adults 40-60 drops 4 r / day. The syrup should be taken after meals for children 1-5 years old 3 rubles / day for 1 teaspoon, over 5 years old 1-2 tsp, adults 2-3 tsp. 4 r / day.

Gelomirtol (170-250 rubles)

It is an expectorant for coughs in chronic and acute bronchitis, vegetable origin.
Dosage: Children under 10 years old, 120mg 5r / day at acute inflammation, 3 r / day for a chronic process. Adults half an hour before meals for acute bronchitis, 300 mg 4 r / day, for chronic 2 r / day for chronic. At chronic bronchitis before going to bed, to improve the morning expectoration of sputum, an additional 300 mg is taken.
Side effects: dyspepsia, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, increased mobility of stones in gallbladder and kidneys.

Direct resorptive cough expectorants

Such active ingredients as ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium and sodium iodides, increase the secretion of liquid sputum, the same effect is possessed by essential oils of anise fruits, medicinal herbs - wild rosemary, oregano, etc.

Mucolytic cough remedies for bronchitis

Mucolytic agents help to liquefy viscous phlegm, improving the process of its removal, eliminating nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.


Mucolytic agent, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis. It is indicated for laryngitis (treatment in a child), otitis media, obstructive, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.
Contraindicated: during pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, with pulmonary hemorrhage, with caution in bronchial asthma (may increase bronchospasm), renal and liver failure, diseases of the adrenal glands.
Application: The duration of therapy for acute colds should not exceed 7 days, with chronic bronchitis it is possible more long-term intake... Acetylcysteine ​​preparations are best taken after meals, it should be borne in mind that always additional reception liquids increases the expectorant effect.
Children 2-5 years old, 100 mg 2-3 r / day, from 6-14 years old 3 r / day, 100 mg, adults 200 mg 3 r / day or 600 mg once a day.
Side effects: tinnitus, headache, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, bronchospasm, development of pulmonary hemorrhage, urticaria, skin rash.

Mucolytic agent, has an expectorant and weak antitussive action. The effect occurs within 2-5 days after the start of therapy.
Contraindicated for: children under 6 years of age for tablets, with hypersensitivity, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.
Application: children from 6 years old 8 mg 3 r / day, from 2-6 years (in syrup, mixture) 2 mg 3 r / day, adults 8-16 mg 4 r / day. Treatment can be carried out in the form of inhalations for bronchitis, laryngitis is carried out 2 r / day, the solution is diluted with saline or distilled water 1/1, heated to body temperature, the dosage for children 2-10 years old is -2 mg, over 10 years old - 4, for adults - 8 mg.
Side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions, headache, dizziness.

Combined drugs Jocet, Ascoril, Kashnol

They are used only for strict indications.
As prescribed by a doctor in the presence of obstructive syndrome.

  • Jocet syrup price 150-180 rubles.
  • Kashnol syrup 130 rubles
  • Ascoril tab. 300 rubles, syrup 250 rubles

Ingredients: Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol.
Indicated for: bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: children under 3 years of age, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation, tachyarrhythmia, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, diabetes, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hepatic and renal failure, aortic stenosis. Cannot be taken in conjunction with non-selective beta-adrenergic blockers, antitussives, MAO inhibitors.
Dosage: children, strictly according to the doctor's prescription, 3-6 years old, 5 ml 3 r / day, from 6-12 years old 5-10 ml. 3 r / day, over 12 years old and adults 10 ml each. 3 r / day.
Side effects: increased nervous irritability, headache, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, tremors, sleep disturbances (see how to fall asleep quickly), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, decreased pressure, tachycardia, pink urine, rash , urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm.
Special instructions: Do not drink with alkaline drink.


analogs - Lazolvan (table syrup, bottles 200-360), Ambrobene (table ampoules, capsules, syrup 120-200 rubles), Ambrohexal (table syrup 70-100 rubles), Ambroxol (table syrup 20-40 rubles), Ambrosan (table. 100 rubles), Flavamed (table. Bottle. 150-200 rubles), Halixol (table. 100 rubles).

This mucolytic, expectorant drug, Lazolvan, is currently considered one of the most effective mucolytic drugs.
Indications: for COPD, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, brnchial asthma, and other diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum.
Contraindicated: in 1 trim-re of pregnancy, in 2 and 3 trim-re with caution, in patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases.
Application: Take 30 mg tablets after meals. 3 r / day for adults. Children are shown taking in the form of syrup up to 2 years old, 0.5 tsp. 2 r / day, 2-6 years - 0.5 tsp. 3 r / day, 6-12 years old 1 tsp each 3 r / day, adults 2 tsp. 3 r / day, the course of therapy is usually no more than 5 days. The syrup should be taken with meals with plenty of liquid.
Side effects: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, skin rash.


expectorant mucolytic agent, increases the viscosity of sputum, improves the elasticity of bronchial secretions.
Contraindications: pregnancy, up to 2 years old (for children's forms), children under 15 years old (for adult forms - Libeksin Muko, Bronchobos capsules, Fluifort tablets), stomach ulcer, chronic glomeruphritis, cystitis.
Application: 15 ml or 1 measuring cup 3 r / day, separately from meals. The course of treatment cannot be carried out for more than 8 days.
Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, itchy skin, weakness, dizziness.

Wet cough syrup for children should be safe and effective.

Before purchasing the medicine,

A wet cough is a common complaint of parents when visiting pediatricians during the peak period. viral diseases... But it is not always a sign of infectious diseases. There are other pathologies in which coughing is troubling.

Causes of wet (wet) cough in children

The cough itself is a defense reaction of the body to the ingress of foreign substances and microbes into the larynx and tracheobronchial tree. And if it is wet, then we can safely say

This is, first of all, evidenced by the production of mucus, with which the pathological contents of the respiratory tract are evacuated. That is why a wet cough is called productive in a professional environment.

In infants, a cough can be provoked by the ingress of milk into the respiratory tract when regurgitating, flowing mucus from the nasopharynx with profuse salivation (during teething).

Medicinal properties and benefits of syrups


  • Convenient dosage form. The ready-to-use solution can be given to the child at any time by measuring only the required dose.
  • The child will like the aromatic taste, and the treatment will turn into pleasure.
  • In the pharmacy assortment there is a wide selection of medicines that differ in active substance. This allows you to choose a remedy for certain diseases.
  • Rich price range for different segments of the population.
  • The medicine in liquid form is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract.
  • Does not irritate the stomach, unlike tablets.

The healing properties are primarily associated with the ability to thin viscous mucus and help the body remove it from the body.

Syrups can be of plant origin and contain chemicals. Depending on the composition, they have a different spectrum of action.

Some of them are capable of removing Others have an antiseptic effect. There are also combined drugs that have several medicinal properties at once.

Types of mixtures and their principle of action. Classification

To know which syrup to give a child with a wet cough from the pharmacy assortment, you must have general idea about their types and mechanism of action.

Syrups, according to their purpose, are divided into three types: antitussive, expectorant and mucolytic. Which is the best one to purchase, you must first check with a specialist.
Source: site With an increase in the number of allergic diseases, including the respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing, solutions with an antihistamine effect can reasonably be added to this group.

Antitussive drugs- suppress the cough center medulla oblongata... They can only be used to soften a dry cough, since sputum is not formed in this case, and the cough is irritating.

The most popular of them are Sinekod, Codeine. They have the best antitussive effect in whooping cough, dry pleurisy, and oncological pathology.

because they block the passage of mucus and can lead to the development of complications.

It is for this reason that cough syrups are prescribed only by a doctor strictly according to indications and are dispensed in a pharmacy with a prescription. Many of them have a narcotic effect and are contraindicated for persons driving a vehicle.

Expectorants are the most common group of drugs in the population. The active ingredients thin the secretion, reduce the viscosity and make it easier to cough up. Effective for mucus discharge.

Most of the expectorants are herbal. Despite this, they are not used in children. younger age, with pathology of the central nervous system, an increased gag reflex, since under these conditions with its abundant production. As a result, such therapy in this category of persons may be complicated by pneumonia.

When dry, expectorants will not be effective, so their use is not indicated.

Mucolytic drugs- the most optimal group of drugs for a wet cough, since they are able to dilute the secretion without increasing the volume of fluid produced. Therefore, mucolytics are preferred for the treatment of children in the first three years of life.

Antihistamines- effective for coughing allergic origin... The doctor should prescribe them. The mechanism of action is based on blocking histamine receptors.

This suppresses the activity of histamine, which is produced mast cells when an allergen enters the body. As a result, the manifestation of an allergic reaction is minimized.

Wet cough syrups for children

A syrup for a wet cough in a child is prescribed by a doctor according to indications, since with an incorrectly selected therapy, the course of the disease can become complicated.

In most cases, a cough caused by a viral infection goes away without treatment. For this, it is only necessary to create favorable conditions. environment: ventilate the room well, humidify the air, ensure an adequate drinking regime.

Only in severe cases treatment is indicated. This is usually justified in diseases of the lower respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis.

For children under one year old

It must be remembered that baby cough syrups should be used with caution. It is important to understand that in the first 2 years of life in children, strength is poorly developed. cough push compared to adults. The fact is that agents that thin phlegm increase the secret in volume, and the child cannot successfully cough up it.

This leads to congestion in the lungs. In the best case, the cough will intensify even more, in the worst case, pneumonia may develop. Therefore, any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor.

The most common remedies:

Ambroxol - sputum syrup for children, which can be used from the first day of life. Possesses secretomotor and secretolytic properties. The therapeutic course is 4-5 days.

Lazolvan is the most famous remedy for phlegm removal. It is better to drink the medicine with water to improve absorption. Recommended not earlier than 6 months.

A solution for the fight against phlegm, is of plant origin. The herb of thyme in its composition is also effective against dry coughs. Appointed from 6 months of age. The course of treatment is recommended for no more than two weeks.

Prospan is a herbal preparation, good for removing phlegm. Ivy leaves help to deal with stubborn secretions in the lungs. Can be used from birth.

From year

Ambrobene. Active substance represented by ambroxol hydrochloride. Stimulates secretion production. Mucolytic properties increase with consumption enough liquids. Take half a measuring cup twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Travisil is a multicomponent herbal preparation. It has a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for bronchitis, tracheitis.

Dr. Theis. As active substance plantain extract acts, additional components represented by peppermint and sugar beet juice. Recommended for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

Children from three years old

Solution based herbal collection... Promotes liquefaction and secretion discharge. Effective with inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, chronic respiratory diseases.

A synthetic drug with anti-inflammatory action. It is used for bronchial asthma, allergic cough, bronchitis, tracheitis.

Althea syrup for sputum discharge for children. It is indicated for respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema.

For older children

List of medicines for children school age, adolescents are expanding due to a decrease in the number of contraindications.

In addition to the above tools, you can also use:

Herbion- syrup for sputum discharge, consists of primrose roots and thyme herb. Single dose for children under 8 years old 5 ml, 8-14 years old - 10 ml. Consume three times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Ascoril - combination drug with mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effect. It is indicated for bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract, whooping cough. Children over 12 years old are prescribed 10 ml three times a day.

Herbal preparation based on ivy leaves. It has an expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic effect. It is used for infectious respiratory diseases... Adults and children over 10 years old, take a teaspoon up to three times a day. The duration of the course is 1 week.

Eucabal is a herbal medicine made from plantain and thyme leaves. They are used to cough up sputum and relieve soft tissue inflammation. Adults and children of school age, a single dose of one tablespoon twice a day.

Wet cough syrup for adults

In adults, phlegm in the throat will help get rid of:

Gederin- phytopreparation for the treatment of wet cough. Reduces tissue inflammation locally, and strengthens the immune system in general.

An agent for thinning sputum is used for pneumonia, all types of bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Children can be used literally from the 10th day of life.

Bromhexine- a drug with an expectorant and mucolytic effect... Effective in chronic pulmonary pathology.

Homeopathic remedy for symptomatic therapy cough of any etiology.

Dry and wet cough syrup at the same time

Pertussin. Thyme extract in the composition helps to cough up a viscous secret when productive. Potassium bromide, suppressing the reflex, soothes dry cough. It is used for various types of bronchitis and whooping cough.

An effective medicine for any type of cough of an infectious and allergenic origin. Relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

It is prescribed for chronic inflammatory and allergic respiratory diseases. Not recommended for use earlier than 3 years of age.

Stopussin - synthetic drug, will help to cope with dry and wet coughs. Allowed to use from six months of age.

Still inexpensive, but effective

Cheap, but at the same time effective drug. It removes stubborn secretions and reduces inflammation in the bronchi and trachea. It also improves immunity, relieves spasms in the bronchi. It is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiectasis.

Linkas - affordable medicine on a herbal basis. Reduces the intensity of cough, and improves the discharge of mucous discharge. This remedy can be used from an early age.

Flavamed. Ambroxol hydrochloride in the composition will reduce the viscosity of the secretion and help remove it from the body. Can be given to children from the first days of life.

When does it make no sense to use syrups?

Medicines will not help if:

Smokers' cough does not lend itself to the action of medications, if the person has not got rid of the bad habit.

Treating a wet cough primarily requires treating the disease that caused this symptom... It is known that a wet cough is much easier to treat than a dry one. With a wet cough, the bronchi and lungs are well cleaned, pathogens come out with sputum. A wet cough with an illness is a good sign, but it still needs to be treated, since any type of cough gives the child a lot of discomfort.

It is important to know how to treat a cough, especially in one year old baby... In some cases, you can not use medicines, but treat with folk remedies. The method of treatment depends on the cause of the phlegm, which the body is trying to get rid of through coughing.

  • Gedelix;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril;
  • Althea syrup;
  • Prospan (admission is allowed in the first year of life);
  • Herbion.


- a drug that thinns phlegm, has an expectorant effect. Ascoril is actively used in children's practice, but strictly according to the doctor's prescription. For children in the first year of life, the drug Ascoril is not prescribed. Ascoril also has other properties: it eliminates spasms in the bronchi, increases lung capacity, significantly reduces airway resistance, and facilitates the removal of phlegm.

In order for Ascoril to have the correct effect, you need to know exactly the causes of the cough. The drug does not help in every case. The medicine Ascoril is taken for dry cough, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and tracheobronchitis.


Herbion syrup is a mucolytic drug. Herbion syrup facilitates the discharge of viscous phlegm. Herbion contains extracts of primrose and thyme herb, menthol. Herbion syrup has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Herbion is contraindicated in children infancy. Herbion is taken after a meal, washed down with plenty of liquid.


Expectorants are indicated for diseases that are accompanied by the release of viscous thick sputum, wet cough. Expectorant drugs help thin the mucus, after which the phlegm is removed from the bronchi. Expectorant drugs are divided into two groups: herbal and synthetic.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of wet cough in children are very popular. Especially such as:

  • Dr. Mom;
  • Alteyka;
  • Prospan;
  • Mukaltin.


Mukaltin is used to relieve ailments of the lower respiratory tract. Mukaltin is recommended for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by difficult to separate phlegm.

- an expectorant drug, additionally has anti-inflammatory properties. Mukaltin stimulates the functioning of the bronchial glands, as a result of which additional production of mucous membranes occurs, sticky and viscous sputum liquefies.

Mukaltin has practically no contraindications due to its plant origin. Mukaltin should not be taken by infants; it is allowed to take from the age of 12. It is also contraindicated to use Mukaltin in children with ulcerative diseases... Mukaltin can cause an allergic reaction, the side effects are very mild.

  • Read also:

Many parents choose herbal preparations. This decision is not always correct, as herbal preparations can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Also their effectiveness in the treatment of wet cough in clinical research has not been proven. Therefore, infants are not recommended to be treated with herbal preparations.

The most famous expectorant drugs of synthetic origin:

  • Ambroxol;

Treatment with synthetic expectorant drugs brings more positive result... Help relieve seizures and provide effective result at night lingering cough in children. But, do not forget that any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Inhalation will significantly improve the condition of children, help relieve coughs, thin phlegm, and moisturize the respiratory tract. , lingering cough in children - the choice of inhalation. It is important to remember that inhalation is recommended for children over 4 years old. In a one-year-old baby, inhalations can cause, there is also a danger of mucosal burns.

Good for children's health steam inhalation With essential oil eucalyptus or pine. Effective remedy in the fight against wet cough, are fine inhalations that can be carried out at home using a nebulizer inhaler. After these procedures, the little one will sleep well at night.

Can be carried out with medications such as:

  • ACC solution;
  • Mineral water "Borjomi";
  • Decoctions of herbs.


Paraffin or ozokerite applications on the area chest, immediately greatly improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. If the child is not observed, you can make applications with mustard plaster or potato cake at home. Compresses and applications provide good action at night and will help to quickly cure a cough with phlegm in children.

Thermal procedures perfectly help in the treatment of colds, do not give an opportunity to develop diseases.


A productive cough can be reinforced with a massage, after the procedure your baby will sleep well at night. Massage is good for fighting coughs. The procedure can be performed for children at home. The most simple methods massage:

  • Invite your child to inflate a few balloons;
  • Play with a glass of water and a straw - blow into the straw to make the water boil;
  • To make a massage in a simple way "Rails - rails, sleepers - sleepers" is a well-known game for all mothers.

Folk remedies

Popular remedies are popular, which help well to cure a cough with phlegm. It is very difficult for children of one year to find the right one, because drug treatment not always allowed for children under one year old.

To treat a long night wet cough will help "grandmother's remedies", you can make delicious syrups:

  • From viburnum berries and sugar;
  • Onion: Finely chop 1 onion, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, insist overnight, and give the child the juice that came out of this mixture to drink;

These simple and tasty syrups will help cure a wet, severe cough, even in a nursing baby.


Decoctions of medicinal herbs - the "signature dish" of lovers folk treatment... The child can be given herbal decoctions to drink. (coltsfoot, linden and elderberry, sage, chamomile)... Herbal teas are also effective in treating severe, lingering coughs in children that occur at night.

  • Be sure to read:


Rub children at night if the body temperature is not elevated. For the procedure, use goat,. Lingering coughs at night will not bother children after rubbing. Everything can be used for one year old children. Allergic reactions to fat are extremely rare.

If a productive cough at night is exhausting your child, you should give him warm milk and honey. Honey will help soothe a nocturnal cough.

Cough is a protective reflex mechanism, due to which the respiratory tract is cleared of various irritating substances. In some cases, such a contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system may indicate the development of child's body different types respiratory diseases.

Today in the pharmacy you can buy various medications from a wet cough for children, however, it is necessary to start treatment after the obligatory consultation with a specialist.

The mechanism of development of wet cough

Features of the development of wet cough in children

Often in the autumn-winter period, children develop a cough, which can be a signal for the development of various diseases in the body. The cough is unpleasant sensation however, in some cases it is the body's defensive reaction.

Thanks to this contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract, the child's body manages to get rid of the accumulated mucus, microbes and phlegm.

Experts call a wet cough productive, since when it develops, mucus is released from the bronchi to the outside.

Most often, this type of cough is next stage after dry and we can say that the child is already on the mend.

Despite this, the child's body still needs to be helped and this can be done with the help of various drugs from coughs, which increase the discharge of sputum.


Possible causes of wet cough in children and babies

Many parents start treating their child with just a few coughs a day. This is not worth doing, because healthy person normally it can cough 10-15 times a day. This is due to the fact that coughing is a natural defense reaction of the body, thanks to which the respiratory system is cleared.

To prescribe the correct and effective treatment, it is important to find out the reasons that led to the appearance of a wet cough in the child.

Most often, this pathology occurs for the following reasons:

  • progression inflammatory processes in the lungs of the child's body
  • development of bronchial asthma
  • an allergic reaction as a result of exposure to the child's body of various allergens
  • diagnosing pathologies of a congenital nature
  • the development of infectious diseases, the localization of which is the upper respiratory tract
  • complication after an acute viral infection

Cough often occurs in newborns due to insufficient development of the muscles of the stomach and esophagus. Coughing up phlegm is one of the symptoms of teething, so it can periodically bother a child for up to a year. In addition, such a contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract can occur if tears, snot or milk get in the wrong place in infants.

The causes of wet cough are varied and the choice of a particular treatment depends on them.

In this regard, self-medication should be abandoned, since this can provoke the development various complications and additional pathologies.

Signs of pathology

Wet cough symptoms that require a doctor's consultation

In the event that a child has a cough 10-15 times a day, then this should not cause any concern to the parents.

It is necessary to show the child to a specialist when the following symptoms appear:

  • a wet cough that comes on suddenly and lasts for a long time
  • the child develops shortness of breath
  • cough is accompanied by a rise in body temperature, which does not decrease for three days
  • the child's appetite decreases and he refuses food
  • coughing causes pain in the chest area
  • there are blotches of blood in the secreted sputum
  • the secreted mucus is colored green
  • cough is combined with wheezing, which can be heard even from a distance
  • cough occurs against the background of ARVI and lasts for several weeks
  • the cough is persistent, that is, it bothers the child for several weeks or even months

When such signs appear, it is necessary to show the child pediatrician, who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of cough at night, since it may indicate the development of various diseases in the child's body. It is necessary to start treatment only after identifying the cause that caused the development of such pathological condition.

Drug treatment

Effective treatment of wet cough with medication

A feature of childhood is the fact that sputum discharge is difficult. This is due to the fact that in children the sputum has a more viscous consistency, and the muscles of the respiratory organs are not yet sufficiently developed.

In the event that mucus stagnates in the child's bronchi, this can cause active reproduction of bacteria and cause the development of various complications. The main task in eliminating wet cough is to facilitate the process of sputum discharge and this can be achieved with the help of various drugs.

Drug therapy is carried out using:

  • mucolytic drugs that contribute to the formation of the required amount of sputum
  • expectorants - help to thin the viscous phlegm

Useful video - Cough in children and its treatment.

For the treatment of wet coughs, expectorants of herbal and synthetic origin are used. When treating a child with herbal preparations, you should be careful, since taking them can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Medical practice shows that the use of synthetic cough medicines is considered more effective because they can reduce the viscosity of even too thick phlegm.

You should stop using antitussive drugs when eliminating wet cough.

This is due to the fact that they have a suppressive effect on cough and this can cause an even greater complication of the disease, since such drugs cause the accumulated mucus to settle.

In children under one year old, sputum discharge can be enhanced by a special massage, which is accompanied by rubbing of the back and chest. At an older age, drug therapy in children can be carried out using steam inhalation based on herbal infusions soda and essential oils. Medications and procedures should be taken until the child begins to cough independently and productively.

Cough medicines

Syrups for children from wet cough: types, description and application

For the treatment of wet cough in childhood, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are prescribed.

The main form of release of such medicines are:

  • syrups
  • tablets
  • powders
  • drops
  • lozenges

You can also get rid of such a pathological state of the body with the help of decoctions and infusions based on herbs that have an expectorant effect.

In childhood, drugs are most often prescribed in the form of syrups.

This is due to the fact that they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and give a positive result. Before you start taking the drug, it is imperative to study the attached instructions and be sure to observe the indicated dosage.

The most effective drugs in the treatment of wet cough are:

  • Ambroxol is a powerful drug that helps thin phlegm and improves expectoration. Such a medicine can be used both for eliminating a wet cough and an unproductive dry one. There is a pediatric form of release of such a drug that can be used in the treatment of infants.
  • Prospan is a herbal preparation based on ivy leaves. Taking such a drug has a stimulating effect on the secretion of the bronchial glands, promotes quick withdrawal sputum and reduces its viscosity. In addition, Prospan has an antitussive effect and helps to relax the muscles of the bronchi. Most often, such a remedy is prescribed for pronounced wet cough with sputum of a viscous consistency. Treatment with such a drug can be carried out both in adults and in children after a year.
  • Herbion is a mucolytic drug that makes sputum easier to pass. In addition to the expectorant effect, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the body. Herbion is prescribed from 2 years old, and it should be taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid.
  • Pertussin is considered one of the most affordable medicines. The ingredients of the drug are thyme and thyme extract, which have a secreting effect on mucus and help to thin phlegm. It is allowed to treat cough with such a drug for children after three years.
  • Fluditec is produced in the form of a syrup based on carbocisteine, which has mucolytic and expectorant effects. Such a drug is produced in different forms for children and adults, and can also be used in the treatment of pathology in newborns.

Effective tablets for children with wet coughs

The following wet cough medicines are available in tablet form:

  • Mukaltin is an expectorant drug based on the extract of marshmallow and sodium bicarbonate. It is possible to prescribe such a remedy in the form of tablets to children from 1 year old, and before taking the medicine, it must be dissolved in water.
  • GeloMyrtol is available in the form of enteric capsules. Taking such a remedy dilutes phlegm, and also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It is allowed to take such a drug from the age of 6 30 minutes before a meal.

In the event that the cause of a cough in a child is mechanical damage throat or a viral disease, antibiotics may be useless. Before prescribing such treatment, it is important to identify the cause of the cough and it is best to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

Taking antibacterial drugs is prescribed:

  • with pneumonia
  • with tuberculosis
  • with tracheitis
  • with pleurisy
  • with acute and chronic bronchitis

Taking antibacterial drugs is prescribed only by a specialist and you should turn out to be from any self-medication. A wet cough can signal development in a child's body dangerous diseases but at the same time it is normal. It is for this reason that it is necessary to learn to distinguish a pathological cough from a normal one, and only then proceed with the necessary therapy.

Share with your friends! Be healthy!

Coughing doesn't always have to be a health concern in children. Normally, a child should cough 2-3 times a day, the amount will decrease with age. Mild cough can be explained anatomical features our respiratory system. The mucous membranes are by no means as smooth as the photographs show. There are many cilia-villi on them, which perform the functions of cleansing the mucous membrane from any falling particles.

Features of children's wet cough

Parents should be alerted by a wet cough or a prolonged, persistent dry cough. This is the reason for a visit to the doctor.

As soon as the pushing process begins foreign body, the child starts coughing. This is a simple reaction of the body to stimuli. Such irritants can be:

  • dust, sand;
  • dry throat;
  • small and dry food;
  • ingress of microparticles from different types of sprayers;
  • ingress of wool, fluff.

Children jump, run, so do not panic right away if the baby coughs several times a day. A wet cough or a prolonged, persistent dry cough should alert you. Then this is a reason for justified excitement.

Newborns and children up to six months can occasionally cough and this common occurrence... More often this happens against the background of the ingress of mother's milk into the respiratory tract. Older children can actively cough in the morning. This is how the body clears the airways from the accumulated night mucus and pushes it out. At the same time, the baby himself feels great, does not cry or complain. As you get older, this cough will either subside or be minimized.

This is due to the development of the baby's muscles. The smaller it is, the harder it is for it to push the contents out of the larynx or bronchi. Therefore, the child has to strain harder, increasing the cough in order to clear his breathing.

After 5 years, the situation usually changes and coughing attacks stop being so noticeable.

Causes of a wet cough

The appearance of a cough with sputum production indicates the presence of a serious illness. Such a cough can be without a fever and with a temperature of 38 and above. Most of these diseases are deadly for young children due to the fragile immune system... The most common causes are:

A runny nose can also cause profuse phlegm. If the latter strongly provokes the separation of mucus in the nasal sinuses, then it enters the throat when inhaled. This provokes a cough, because a small child cannot blow his nose.

To prevent the air in the room from drying out, use a humidifier or a bowl of water

First of all, the room should always be humid, dust should be wiped off regularly, regardless of the cause of the cough. The air must circulate, it must be ventilated even in cold weather. If there is a heater in the room, place a basin of water next to it. This will help keep the air from drying out excessively. The baby should breathe clean, moist air so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.

For the duration of the illness, it is necessary to remove all animals, without exception, from the sick child's room, even if the cough is not the result of an allergy. Mom should understand that wool easily gets into the baby's nose and mouth.

How to quickly remove a wet cough from a child and by what means, you can learn from the article.

What is the treatment for cough during pregnancy 2 trimester, indicated in the article.

What to do when the cough after eating with phlegm does not stop for a long time is indicated in the article here:

It is forbidden to use any freshener or other flavoring agent. For the duration of the treatment, mom should give up deodorants, perfumes, and cosmetics. All microparticles from this will be in the air that the child breathes.

After creating such conditions, you need to monitor the child and his condition. Perhaps the mother will be able to establish the cause of the wet cough even before contacting her pediatrician.

For very young children, pill treatment is unacceptable. Until one year old, a baby can only be treated with special children's syrups (for example, Alteyka syrup for children or Gerbion primrose syrup). Mom must remember: everything must be tasted. It is believed that all children love IOM. This generalizing “everything” may not apply to your baby. Perhaps your baby simply does not like such sweet things and will be capricious. Try diluting the sweetness with water. But before that, make sure that the baby is not allergic.

It is also useful for young patients to give infusions of thyme and licorice. Up to one year old, the baby is extremely sensitive, so even the use of such a safe infusion as licorice root must be approved by a pediatrician, like other cough recipes at home.

Important: it is forbidden to give a baby under one year old antitussive drugs and decoctions! You have to understand: this is the only ally in this war, the only way the body can get rid of phlegm. After all, the child is still too young to be able to clear his throat.

All treatment baby cough from one to three years should be aimed at increasing the separation of sputum, its dilution and facilitation of this process. Here, too, it is important not to bend, otherwise the baby will cough and suffocate from a large amount of mucus. All treatment of such children should be supervised by a doctor!

Only older children can be treated with less fear. When the baby is able to speak, cough and blow his nose on his own, then some forms of cough can be treated at home.

Wet cough treatment

Medication treatment

Herbal syrups are actively used in the treatment of cough in children.

Medicines should be selected not just carefully, but taking into account the characteristics of the baby's body reaction. If mom noticed strange rashes or the baby began to itch, you need to stop treatment and immediately call your pediatrician. Many parents believe that drugs with plant base harmless and harmless.

Indeed, herbal group preparations are actively used to treat wet cough in children. Such drugs as:

  1. cough syrup, doctor IOM;
  2. breast collection;
  3. pectusin.

But the use of such drugs should be carried out only with the guarantee of the absence of allergic reactions. The second group, which is also well suited for such treatment, is synthetic:

Both groups are aimed at increasing and thinning the child's phlegm. The greatest effectiveness is still assigned to synthetics, which are able to cope even with a powerful cough.

It is important to understand that any drug should be used before the baby begins to recover. Further treatment must be taken away by the organism itself. Small children can have a small back and chest massage. This will slightly speed up the removal of mucus from the bronchi. It should be reminded that children should not be cough-suppressed or given medications without advice.

Older children are shown inhalations from eucalyptus, mint or lemon balm. Well, you can use a nebulizer with any solution.

Folk remedies

Steam inhalation is a classic folk remedy for cough in children

One of the best remedies for coughing is badger fat. It must be gently rubbed into the baby's body at night. The procedure is carried out for several days, usually on the third day it becomes easier.

Steam inhalation well dilutes phlegm when coughing in children according to the old method. Since the baby is small, mom takes him in her arms and sits down with him to breathe the steam. At the same time, she covers herself with a warm blanket. The steam effect will make it easier for the mucus to pass. It will also be interesting to know how dry cough is treated with folk remedies in an adult.

Mix a decoction of viburnum berries with a small part of honey and give the child a spoon. It is useful to combine viburnum with sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn lubricates the mucous membrane, protecting it from drying out.

In this video, you will learn about the causes of cough and its treatment:

It is important to treat a wet cough right away, it will not go away on its own. Only timely and competent treatment will help protect the baby from formidable diseases. Follow the link to see a cure for dry cough in children.

Treating a wet cough primarily requires treating the underlying condition. It is known that a wet cough is much easier to treat than a dry one. With a wet cough, the bronchi and lungs are well cleaned, pathogens come out with sputum. A wet cough with an illness is a good sign, but it still needs to be treated, since any type of cough gives the child a lot of discomfort.

It is important to know how to treat a cough, especially in a one-year-old toddler. In some cases, you can not use medicines, but treat with folk remedies. The method of treatment depends on the cause of the phlegm, which the body is trying to get rid of through coughing.

How to treat?

If you have a productive cough, do not take medicine that suppresses the cough reflex. There are many remedies for treating a symptom, but the most important is the selection of the remedy according to the type of action. The form of the medicine is not a decisive factor - children's cough tablets, syrups, and medicine will help equally effectively. To do right choice in the treatment of wet cough, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

The child needs to be helped to cope with the disease more easily: ventilate the room more often, humidify the air, and also eliminate all unnecessary odors that can irritate the mucous membranes, causing a lingering cough.

Difficulty in the selection of drugs arises in the case of cough in children in the first year of life, since a large number of drugs for the infant are contraindicated. In such cases, folk remedies are used, many of them are no worse than medicines.

With drug treatment, it is necessary to know the causes of a wet cough in order to choose the right drugs that can cure this symptom. It is important to observe how often coughing attacks occur at night, it is possible that the child has an allergic reaction to some substance.


For children of one year of age, the preferred dosage form is syrups. There are many types of syrups that can help cure a child's wet cough.

Most popular syrups:

  • Gedelix;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril;
  • Althea syrup;
  • Prospan (admission is allowed in the first year of life);
  • Herbion.


Ascoril is a sputum-thinning drug that has an expectorant effect. Ascoril is actively used in children's practice, but strictly according to the doctor's prescription. For children in the first year of life, the drug Ascoril is not prescribed. Ascoril also has other properties: it eliminates spasms in the bronchi, increases lung capacity, significantly reduces airway resistance, and facilitates the removal of phlegm.

In order for Ascoril to have the correct effect, you need to know exactly the causes of the cough. The drug does not help in every case. The medicine Ascoril is taken for dry cough, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and tracheobronchitis.


Herbion syrup is a mucolytic drug. Herbion syrup facilitates the discharge of viscous phlegm. Herbion contains extracts of primrose and thyme herb, menthol. Herbion syrup has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Herbion is contraindicated in infants. Herbion is taken after a meal, washed down with plenty of liquid.


Expectorants are indicated for diseases that are accompanied by the release of viscous thick sputum, wet cough. Expectorant drugs help thin the mucus, after which the phlegm is removed from the bronchi. Expectorant drugs are divided into two groups: herbal and synthetic.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of wet cough in children are very popular. Especially such as:

  • Dr. Mom;
  • Alteyka;
  • Prospan;
  • Mukaltin.


Mukaltin is used to relieve persistent coughs in lower respiratory tract infections. Mukaltin is recommended for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by difficult to separate phlegm.

Mukaltin is an expectorant drug that additionally has anti-inflammatory properties. Mukaltin stimulates the functioning of the bronchial glands, as a result of which additional production of mucous membranes occurs, sticky and viscous sputum liquefies.

Mukaltin has practically no contraindications due to its plant origin. Mukaltin should not be taken by infants; it is allowed to take from the age of 12. It is also contraindicated to use Mukaltin in children with peptic ulcer diseases. Mukaltin can cause an allergic reaction, the side effects are very mild.

  • See also: wet cough in a child

Many parents choose herbal preparations. This decision is not always correct, as herbal preparations can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Also, their effectiveness in treating wet cough has not been proven in clinical trials. Therefore, infants are not recommended to be treated with herbal preparations.

The most famous expectorant drugs of synthetic origin:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;

Treatment with synthetic expectorant drugs brings more positive results. They help relieve seizures and have an effective result on a lingering night cough in children. But, do not forget that any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Inhalation will significantly improve the condition of children, help relieve coughs, thin phlegm, and moisturize the respiratory tract. Attacks of nocturnal cough, lingering cough in children - the choice of inhalation. It is important to remember that inhalation is recommended for children over 4 years old. In a one-year-old baby, inhalations can cause bronchospasm, and there is also a danger of mucosal burns.

Good for children's health steam inhalation with eucalyptus or pine essential oil. An effective remedy in the fight against wet coughs are fine inhalations, which can be carried out at home using a nebulizer inhaler. After these procedures, the little one will sleep well at night.

Inhalation can be carried out with medications such as:

  • ACC solution;
  • Mineral water "Borjomi";
  • Decoctions of herbs.


Paraffin or ozokerite applications on the chest area immediately greatly improve blood circulation in this area, relieve inflammation. If the child does not have elevated temperature, you can make appliques with a mustard plaster or a potato cake at home. Compresses and applications have a good effect at night and will help to quickly cure a cough with phlegm in children.

Thermal procedures perfectly help in the treatment of colds, do not give an opportunity to develop diseases.


Treatment of a productive cough can be supported by massage, after the procedure your little one will sleep well at night. Massage is good for fighting coughs. The procedure can be performed for children at home. The simplest massage methods:

  • Invite your child to inflate a few balloons;
  • Play with a glass of water and a straw - blow into the straw to make the water boil;
  • To make a massage in a simple way "Rails - rails, sleepers - sleepers" is a well-known game for all mothers.

Folk remedies

Popular remedies are popular, which help well to cure a cough with phlegm. It is very difficult for children of one year old to pick up correct remedy for the treatment of wet cough, since drug treatment is not always allowed for children under one year old.

To treat a long night wet cough will help "grandmother's remedies", you can make delicious syrups:

  • From viburnum berries and sugar;
  • Onion: Finely chop 1 onion, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice, insist overnight, and give the child the juice that came out of this mixture to drink;

These simple and tasty syrups will help cure a wet, severe cough, even in a nursing baby.


Decoctions of medicinal herbs are a "signature dish" for lovers of folk treatment. The child can be given herbal decoctions to drink. (coltsfoot, linden and elderberry, sage, chamomile)... Herbal teas are also effective in treating severe, lingering coughs in children that occur at night.

  • Be sure to read: cough herb for kids


Rub children at night if the body temperature is not elevated. For the procedure, use goat, badger fat. Lingering coughs at night will not bother children after rubbing. All rubbing agents can be used for one-year-old children. Allergic reactions to fat are extremely rare.

If a productive cough at night is exhausting your child, you should give him warm milk and honey. Honey will help soothe a nocturnal cough.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, which ensures the cleansing of the tracheobronchial tree from irritants. A dry cough caused by an irritant becomes moist (productive) when the bronchi are unable to cope with the excretion of phlegm. Gradually accumulating and acting on cough receptors, it provokes a cough. Thus, it can be called an independent attempt of the bronchi to get rid of phlegm and pathogenic bacteria.

Any attempt to eliminate it will be useless without knowing the exact origin. As a symptom, a productive cough can indicate pathologies such as:
- allergic reactions caused by exposure to foreign bodies, dust, odors on the respiratory tract;
- acute respiratory infections or colds, developed as a result of damage to the respiratory tract by viruses and bacteria;
- chronic diseases broncho-pulmonary system;
- a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, causing a neurogenic cough.

Medication for Wet Cough

Often times, people make the mistake of simply trying to fix the annoying symptom. This approach inhibits the healing process, since sputum does not come out, but remains in the bronchi and accumulates, provoking the development of serious diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with drugs that can sputum and improve the condition of the respiratory tract. It happens that after recovery, the cough continues to bother, but the phlegm is no longer released. In this case, you can take medications that only eliminate the cough reflex.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors prescribe Bromhexin, Ambroxol, ACC and syrups. And to make the accumulated phlegm easier to cough up, treatment is supplemented with the use of Bronholitin or Mukaltin. During the treatment period, inhalations carried out using chamomile, mint, sage, marshmallow, and warm drink will be useful.

Treatment of wet cough with folk remedies

Black radish is a component of many folk recipes related to the elimination of wet coughs. It can be used in different ways. For example, in a clean, dry radish, a depression is cut out and filled with honey. So that the accumulating natural does not spread, put it in a deep plate. Both adults and children can take such delicious food.

A homemade black radish mixture is prepared by mixing 1 part of its juice with 2 parts of warm milk. In the resulting product dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably lime). The healing composition should be taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

For inhalation, several tablespoons of dry raw thyme or coltsfoot are poured with hot water, after which 2 teaspoons of soda and a few drops of eucalyptus oil are added. Leaning over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing vapors for 10-15 minutes. This procedure dilutes phlegm well.

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