Eucalyptus oil. Medicinal properties and rules for using eucalyptus oil for health and beauty. Treatment of wounds of various origins

Essential oil eucalyptus has the appearance of a transparent or yellowish liquid with a characteristic resinous-tart aroma reminiscent of the smell of pine needles, although the plant itself belongs to the myrtle family, not conifers. Eucalyptus oil has a lot of therapeutic properties that are effectively used in folk and official medicine, in the cosmetology field and in the production of household chemicals.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant native to Tasmania and Australia. Local natives call it the “tree of life” and “diamond of the forests”, its healing properties are still used today in the treatment of infectious diseases, to accelerate the healing of wounds, to relieve fatigue and pain relief, and also as a seasoning for culinary masterpieces.

Today, eucalyptus grows in many subtropical and tropical countries. Especially for the production of essential oil, eucalyptus is grown in California, Spain, and Portugal.

Application of eucalyptus oil.
The properties of eucalyptus essential oil have been widely used in the treatment of coughs and colds. It is an integral component in the production of cough drops and other products intended for the treatment and prevention of viral and catarrhal diseases, as well as to alleviate conditions. The complex antiviral and bactericidal effect of the oil helps to cleanse the mucous membranes and normalize secretion, as well as fight the further reproduction and spread of viruses. It is especially good to use eucalyptus oil as a rub, it improves breathing, reduces cough, fights hoarseness and high temperature, removes phlegm, relieves conditions with fever.

Eucalyptus oil also strengthens the immune system, fights headaches and other types of pain (sprains, arthritis, etc.), and reduces swelling.

In the field of gynecology, its properties have also found application, the oil has an anti-erosive effect, eliminates inflammation in chronic and acute forms, normalizes acid balance, stops the development of thrush and herpes. It is also used in the treatment of endometritis and inflammation in the uterus and appendages, as well as in cystitis and urethritis. good effect oil gives in the treatment of prostatitis.

In industry, essential eucalyptus oil is used in the production of men's deodorants, household chemicals. The aroma of the oil serves excellent remedy against various insects. By spraying it in the air, you can not only get rid of insects, but also improve the atmosphere in the room, relieve tension and smooth out conflict situations improve your own emotional state.

Eucalyptus oil is used as an integral component of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-burn and wound healing agents. In combination with other undiluted essential oils, eucalyptus oil neutralizes their effect, which is very convenient when trying oils you do not know. To prevent accidental burns, add two drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the oil blend you want to experience.

Due to the ability to lower blood sugar levels, eucalyptus oil is important to use when diabetes. Also, the oil effectively helps to relieve inflammation from insect bites, relieve pain from radiculitis, neuralgia, bruises, and is a prevention of pediculosis.

Eucalyptus renders pernicious effect for streptococcal and staphylococcal infection, dysentery bacillus and typhoid fever, inhibits the growth of anaerobic and purulent pathogens, Trichomonas.

Treatment with eucalyptus essential oil, recipes.
In the treatment of various diseases and in order to prevent their development, eucalyptus essential oil is used in the form of rubbing, inhalation, baths, massage, spraying (in a room, office and other premises), and sometimes inside when prescribed by a doctor.

Baths with eucalyptus oil will help alleviate the condition and reduce the manifestation of cold symptoms, for which you need to add seven drops of oil to the bath with warm water and sit for ten minutes.

For the prevention of influenza, SARS and other diseases associated with colds, it is recommended to spray eucalyptus essential oil using an aroma lamp. You can also just add four drops of oil to a glass of hot water and put on a radiator to speed up the evaporation process. Inhalation of the aroma of eucalyptus stimulates the respiration and nutrition of cells.

Inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil will help get rid of a runny nose, cough and sore throat: add four drops of oil to 200 ml of hot water, cover with a towel on top, inhale the steam for eight to ten minutes.

For diseases oral cavity, inflammation of the gums, toothache and sore throat, rinsing with a solution of eucalyptus oil helps well (four drops of oil in a glass of warm water).

With a toothache, it is good to apply a cotton swab soaked in eucalyptus oil to the affected area for ten minutes.

From muscle and joint pain, massage and rubbing with eucalyptus oil on the affected area help. For this purpose, a mixture should be prepared: 50 ml of any vegetable oil(almond, olive, sesame) enrich with five drops of essential oil. This mixture is also suitable for this: for 50 ml of vegetable oil, take a drop of thyme, two drops of cloves, three drops of eucalyptus and four drops of juniper.

A bath with eucalyptus oil will also relieve back pain, muscle pain after physical activity, convulsions: fill the bath with water at a temperature of 40-42 ° C, pour in 30 ml of oil and sit for ten minutes. You do not need to wipe yourself after the procedure, you need to rub the skin with your hands, making a light self-massage of the affected area. After that, you need to lie down under a warm blanket for half an hour.

Baths and compresses with eucalyptus oil perfectly heal wounds, treat burns and frostbite.

Rubbing chest when coughing: enrich two tablespoons of sunflower oil with four drops of eucalyptus oil, two drops tea tree and a dash of cloves. After rubbing, you should lie down for twenty minutes, well wrapped in a warm blanket.

A mixture for the prevention of varicose veins: combine four drops of eucalyptus and lemon balm oils, wash your feet, then make a roller and, sitting comfortably, put it under your feet (the higher, the better). Rub the resulting mixture with gentle circular, non-pressing movements in the direction from the bottom up.

Compresses for burns: add 30 ml of eucalyptus oil to half a glass of boiling water and let cool. Moisten gauze in a warm mixture and apply to the affected area. Do the procedure as often as possible.

With bleeding ulcers: 30 g of young nettle leaves (you can take pharmaceutical grass) brew a glass of boiling water and insist for twenty minutes. Strain the finished infusion and mix with 10 ml of eucalyptus oil. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting mixture and apply to the affected area.

For the same purpose, you can use another recipe: make an infusion oak bark and combine it with a mixture of oils of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn and lavender, taken in 15 ml, and egg yolk. The mixture is insisted for a day, after which it can be used in the form of lotions. Prepare an infusion of oak bark as follows: brew 30 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes and strain.

For healing festering wounds: melt 10 g lard and mix with 15 ml of eucalyptus oil. Use the composition chilled.

The use of eucalyptus essential oil in cosmetology, for skin, hands, nails and hair.
In the dermatological and cosmetological field, eucalyptus essential oil is also widely used, in particular for its deodorizing, regenerating, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. Has a good whitening effect (lightens freckles and dark spots), is used in the treatment of herpes, acne and furunculosis, serves as an excellent remedy for dandruff and hair loss.

Eucalyptus oil is mainly used for the care of oily and problematic skin prone to inflammation. It is recommended to enrich ready-made care products with eucalyptus essential oil: seven drops of the essential component are enough for 5 ml of your cream.

You can add it not only to creams, but also to cleansers and tonics. Oil is an excellent means of preventing and treating fungal infections of the nails. To do this, it is good to add it to hand baths.

The oil strengthens hair follicles, prevents loss, treats dandruff, so it is recommended to add it to the shampoo every time you wash (five to seven drops are enough for a single use). And you can combine it with vegetable oil (almond, burdock, etc.) and rub it into the scalp half an hour before washing (take seven drops of essential oil for 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil).

To heal microtraumas on the skin of the hands, rub a mixture of ordinary hand cream with three drops of oil.

In cosmetology, it is recommended to use eucalyptus oil for acne as part of a tonic. If the skin is prone to inflammation and has a greasy structure, add 7-10 drops of eucalyptus oil to 5 ml of face cream, and lubricate the face before going to bed for two weeks. Eucalyptus essential oil is indispensable for strengthening hair, as well as against dandruff, for this, 5 drops of oil are added to 10 ml of shampoo and applied to the scalp with rubbing movements.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil.

  • Individual intolerance to oil.
  • Simultaneous reception with homeopathic preparations.
  • Mucosal atrophy respiratory tract.
  • Children's age (up to two years, due to the threat of developing bronchospasm).
  • Availability bronchial asthma, whooping cough.
  • Pregnancy (up to 4 months).
When applying essential oil to the skin, sometimes there is a slight burning sensation, tingling, slight redness, which quickly disappears. This reaction is natural. With frequent and prolonged inhalations, dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system may occur.

Eucalyptus oil extracted from its leaves, which contain both essential oil , and organic acids, flavonoids , bitter and tannins substances, resins, wax. Medicinal properties eucalyptus essential oil appear precisely due to the combined effects of its constituent ingredients.

In addition to its main action (antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory), the drug has a rather impressive set of additional positive effects. In particular, it is used for air disinfection, for the purpose of preventive respiratory viral infections, antispasmodic, antipyretic , diuretic, painkiller and wound healing funds.

Also, the effect of the drug covers the urogenital area (, cervix), the musculoskeletal system (,), the respiratory system ( cough , cold ), cosmetology (strengthening, hair nutrition ). There is evidence of a positive effect of oil on cancer cells .

Known for its ability to influence emotional sphere person, by improving mood, activating the reserves of the body, eliminating, strengthening concentration .

Indications for the use of eucalyptus oil

The use of essential eucalyptus oils shown at:

  • bruises;
  • arthralgia ;
  • a cold;
  • myalgia;
  • infectious and inflammatory painful conditions of the ENT organs;
  • infected wounds;
  • prevention;
  • damage (fresh) skin;
  • gynecological diseases of inflammatory etiology.


  • manifestations allergic reactions to the eucalyptus family;
  • hypersensitivity.

For inhalation:

  • airway atrophy and mucous membranes;
  • age up to 2 years.

Side effects

  • burning sensation or dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia ;
  • local irritation;
  • bronchospasm ;
  • reactions.

Instructions for use

For inhalations, washes and rinses

At respiratory and colds diseases, as well as coughing 10-15 drops of oil should be dissolved in 200 ml of water. Inhalations with eucalyptus oil carried out once or twice a day for 5-10 minutes.

With and others inflammatory diseases throats are used in the same dilution in the form of rinses, 3-4 times in 24 hours.

Eucalyptus oil from runny nose used in combination with other ingredients. It is recommended to dissolve 2 tsp in 200 ml of warm water (alcohol), 1h/l sea ​​salt or decoction chamomile and add 2 drops of oil eucalyptus . At runny nose apply this solution to wash the sinuses, 3 times in 24 hours for 7 days.

For outdoor use

Use decoction and infusion eucalyptus for washing festering ulcers and run , and also at , ulcers cervix, purulent , phlegmon . At the same time, 1 tsp of a decoction or tincture is dissolved in 200 ml of water. eucalyptus .

For internal use

Assign 2-5 drops (for internal use) previously dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. Reception is carried out after meals, 2-3 times in 24 hours.

For baths

At cold , muscle fatigue, urinary infections practicing bathing with eucalyptus . To do this, add 4-5 drops of the drug to a full bath of water.

For aromatherapy

2-3 drops of oil are shown using an aroma lamp, in order to enhance mental activity and increase concentration attention .

For massage

At , muscle pain, sciatica use 10 drops of oil mixed with 10 ml of base (neutral cream, ointment).

Eucalyptus hair oil

Essential eucalyptus oil for hair is used as a rinse, masks and mixtures. To do this, you can add 5 drops to the shampoo, put a couple of drops on the comb or prepare solutions.

2 drops eucalyptus with 4 drops thyme and rosemary as well as tinctures Hypericum and oak bark (for oily hair).

4-7 drops eucalyptus with 100 ml almond or burdock oils (strengthening mask).

3 drops rosemary and oils bay , 2 drops lemon and eucalyptus and also oil sasanquas or jojoba as a base (against hair loss).

2 h/l lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with 3 drops eucalyptus (for hair shine and against split ends).

Using eucalyptus oil for mosquitoes

In this case, the use of an aroma lamp is suitable (cleaning the premises); application of self-prepared spray (10 drops eucalyptus , 100 ml water, 10 ml alcohol ), for the purpose of processing clothing and premises; oils (5-6 drops eucalyptus with neutral cream), for lubrication of unprotected areas of the body.

Eucalyptus oil is drug preparation vegetable type. From the point of view of pharmacology, it is characterized by bactericidal, antifungal, mucolytic, antiprotosic, expectorant properties. When taken systematically, the oil causes antipruritic, anesthetic effects. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect to a small extent, positively affects the nerve endings. Eucalyptus oil is actively used for the symptoms of influenza, radiculitis, rheumatism. It also helps to remove pain with bruises, damage to the epidermis.

1. Pharmacological action

Drug group:
Essential little natural origin.

Healing effects:

  • Destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Destruction of viruses;
  • Destruction of pathogenic protozoa;
  • Destruction of pathogenic fungi;
  • Promoting expectoration of exudate;
  • Prevention of the development of oxygen starvation;
  • liquefaction of sputum;
  • analgesic action;
  • distracting action;
  • Development of local irritation;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Calming the nervous system.
Pharmacokinetics: no data.

Plasma protein binding: no data available.

Withdrawal: no data.

2. indications for use

  • radiculitis;
  • bruises;
  • rheumatism;
  • colds;
  • muscle pain;
  • pain with inflammation of the nerves;
  • various infectious diseases in otolaryngological practice;
  • various inflammatory diseases ENT organs;
  • prevention of lice;
  • infected wounds;
  • elimination fresh damage skin;
  • elimination of itching associated with the bites of various insects;
  • migraine;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

3. How to use

Recommended Dosage of Eucalyptus Oil for:
  • preparation of a solution for internal use: up to five drops of the drug per 100 ml of drinking water;
  • preparation of a solution for inhalation: up to 15 drops of the drug per 200 ml of drinking water;
  • preparation of a solution for rinsing: up to 15 drops of the drug per 200 ml of drinking water;
  • preparation of a solution for the preparation of lotions in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs: up to 15 drops of the drug per 200 ml of drinking water;
  • the recommended frequency of use of the drug as a means for oral administration: up to four times a day;
  • recommended frequency of use of Eucalyptus oil as an inhalation agent: up to four times a day.
Application Features:
Treatment should begin after allergic test: Apply some diluted eucalyptus oil to the crook of the arm.

4. Side effects

  • Respiratory system: bronchial spasm, burning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • Skin: redness of the skin at the site of application, burning at the site of application;
  • Irritation at the site of application;
  • Various hypersensitivity reactions to eucalyptus oil.

5. Contraindications

6. During pregnancy and lactation

During the course of pregnancy, Eucalyptus oil can be used as a topical medicine.

The internal use of oil during pregnancy, as well as its use as a means for inhalation, is possible only after the appointment of the attending physician.

During breastfeeding, Eucalyptus oil can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use of Eucalyptus oil with Cow oil, Lavender oil, rosemary oil or Lemongrass oil leads to an increase in their action.

8. Overdose

  • Central nervous system: headaches, nausea;
  • Cardiovascular system: heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Digestive system: functional disorders liver activity, digestive disorders;
  • Urinary system: toxic damage to the kidneys;
  • Various reactions hypersensitivity to eucalyptus oil.
Specific antidote: unknown.

Treatment of overdose: symptomatic.

Hemodialysis: do not apply.

9. Release form

Essential oil in bottles local application- 25 ml fl.

10. Storage conditions

Eucalyptus oil should be stored in a dark place.

11. Composition

1 bottle of oil:

  • eucalyptus oil - 25 mg.

12. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is released without a prescription.

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*Instruction for medical use to the drug Eucalyptus oil is published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, IT IS NECESSARY TO CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

O healing properties even children know eucalyptus. This plant (Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus) from the myrtle family is not only a leader in providing natural raw materials for the production of medicines, but also one of the tallest trees on earth! With dimensions that can exceed 100 meters, eucalyptus is a powerful plant in every possible way. It is also surprising that there are a lot of varieties of eucalyptus, more than half a thousand, and each has its own shade of aroma. Australian Aborigines were the first to notice the healing properties of eucalyptus and began to apply its leaves to wounds, ulcers, chew them for colds and fevers. Today, eucalyptus is called a wonderful tree, a tree of life, a forest diamond - all this emphasizes its incredible value.

An essential oil is extracted from this tree, which is widely used in therapeutic purposes, it is added to various medicines. For the production of eucalyptus essential oil, juicy young leaves and shoots of a tree are used, in which the concentration useful substances the highest.

Application of eucalyptus oil

The scope of eucalyptus oil is very wide, it helps remarkably with absolutely various diseases. It has a pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, as well as expectorant, antipyretic, healing and mild analgesic.

Essential eucalyptus oil is very effective against colds.. It heals and provides decent prevention. If the disease has not bypassed, then you need to start doing inhalations with oil - just add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and breathe for 5-7 minutes, it is also useful to lubricate them under the nose, add drop by drop to the solution for gargling. For headaches and fever, you need to drop oils into the cream and rub it into the temples and neck.

For prevention, eucalyptus oil is applied to the wings of the nose, children drip it into a special pendant that is worn around the neck - so active substances Eucalyptus oils fight viruses and bacteria that try to enter the body and infect. You can add eucalyptus oil to water when washing floors, to a dusting cloth - this is an excellent home disinfection. And if you drop oil on bed linen and towels, you can protect yourself from infection from an unhealthy family member.

The smell of eucalyptus oil helps to cope with nausea and motion sickness in transport. Put a handkerchief soaked in oil in your purse and sniff at the first sign of discomfort. The same method is effective for raising efficiency, getting rid of drowsiness, irritability, nervousness.

Thanks to eucalyptus oil, you can solve skin problems- pimples, boils, acne, comedones. Several times a week, the face is steamed over a steam bath with the addition of eucalyptus oil, after which it is cleaned cosmetics, finish the procedure with lotion or micellar water with the addition of oil. On separate inflamed areas, eucalyptus oil mixed with tea tree oil can be topically applied at night.

For joint pain, arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, rubbing with eucalyptus oil is used.. It is added to fat cream or remedy and rub into painful areas. With muscle pain after sports, bruises, sprains, massage with eucalyptus oil is used. It can also be added to the finished massage oil, fat cream. It is not recommended to use eucalyptus oil in its pure form, it has too strong action and can lead to burns, hyperemia, irritation.

Eucalyptus oil is used for the treatment of diseases genitourinary system . For this in warm water add 10-15 drops of oil and take a bath for 15 minutes. It also helps to relax after a hard time. labor day relieve stress, replenish strength and gain healthy vigor.

In this article, we are talking about the benefits of eucalyptus oil, as well as its use in the fight against various ailments.

As soon as we are overcome by a cold, cough, runny nose, we immediately strive to the pharmacy for huge amount medicines. However, in nature there is a miracle cure that will help to cope with these ailments - eucalyptus oil.

How does eucalyptus oil work? Benefits of natural eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil, which has a strong, insistent, fresh, cool and tart smell, is famous for its miraculous properties to fight various diseases.

Eucalyptus essential oil is obtained from:

  • Leaves of the tree of the same name
  • Young shoots of eucalyptus

This oil has the following properties:

Eucalyptus oil can:

  • Accelerate skin regeneration after frost damage, burns
  • Improve brain activity
  • cheer up
  • Eliminate fatigue
  • Overcome drowsiness
  • Deal with depression
  • Whiten the skin
  • Fight acne
  • Get rid of dandruff
  • Increase sexual energy

Eucalyptus oil, when used correctly, will help to cope with the following diseases:

  • Acute toothache
  • back pain
  • colds
  • angina
  • influenza
  • sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • cough
  • Arthritis
  • Myositis
  • neuralgia
  • Rheumatism
  • Radiculitis
  • herpes
  • Skin problems
  • Furunculosis
  • Mucosal lesions, erosions and ulcers

Studies show that eucalyptus tree oil can lower blood sugar in diabetics.

Having the ability to disinfect, when used for aromatherapy, essential eucalyptus oil plays an important role in preventing infection. infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

How to use eucalyptus oil for medicinal purposes?

Possessing a huge list of positive properties, oil can become an assistant in the fight against various ailments.

In treatment, depending on the disease, essential oil can be used both in pure and diluted form. For treatment, it is possible to use this oil in a mixture with other essential oils.

Eucalyptus oil can be used for:

  • Bathing
  • Massage
  • Rubbing / rubbing
  • rinses
  • douching
  • Compresses
  • Inhalations
  • Internal applications
  • Spraying with a spray gun
  • Aromatherapy

Benefits of eucalyptus oil for cough

The essential oil of the eucalyptus tree can fight viruses and bacteria. It has expectorant properties. Oil can eliminate inflammatory process, reduce pain, reduce spasm in the bronchi. In this regard, eucalyptus oil will help to easily cope with a cough in both an adult and a child.

When coughing will efficient use eucalyptus tree oils for:

  • Inhalations
  • Rubbing

For inhalation in the fight against cough, it is necessary:

  • Three to five drops of essential oil
  • One liter of hot water. Do not use too hot water - you can get a thermal burn
  • mix well
  • Pour into an inhaler
  • In the absence of an inhaler, it is permissible to use an ordinary pan and a bath towel. You should bend over a container with a solution for inhaling vapors, while covering your head with a towel

The duration of steam inhalation should be from five to twenty minutes.

For grinding you need:

  • We take the base oil, for example, vegetable or melted petroleum jelly
  • Add three drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Mix thoroughly
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the chest area.

To combat a cough, you can use a mixture of oils, in addition to eucalyptus, for example, chamomile, lavender, fir, tea tree, etc. oils are added.

The same manipulations must be used to combat a cough in a child. However, it is necessary to reduce the dose of oil to one or two drops.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

In the fight against colds, eucalyptus oil is one of the best natural remedies during treatment.

  • Eucalyptus inhalations
  • Essential oil baths
  • aromatherapy
  • Rubbing / rubbing and massage with the addition of eucalyptus oil

We discussed how to conduct steam inhalations in the previous section.

For eucalyptus baths, you should:

  • Fill the tub with water. The temperature of the water should be around 37 ° C
  • Combine five to fifteen drops of eucalyptus oil with an emulsifier. For example, with sea ​​salt, milk.
  • Add the resulting mass to the prepared bath
  • Take a bath for about 15 minutes
  • After an aromatic bath, it is worth blotting the water with a towel, wearing woolen socks, and wrapping yourself in a blanket. It will be nice to sweat
  • We collect the required amount of water in the aromatherapy lamp
  • Add ten drops of essential oil
  • We light a candle
  • Leave for thirty minutes

In the absence of an aroma lamp during the heating season, you can do this:

  • Drop up to ten drops of eucalyptus oil on a cotton pad, put the disk on a heating device, for example, a battery
  • Drop up to ten drops of oil into a glass of water, put a container of water on a heating device, for example, a heater

For rubbing, aromatic massage, you should:

  • Take ten milliliters of baby cream or base oil
  • Add three to five drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Rub the resulting mixture with massaging movements into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sternum and back. AT without fail you should rub your feet and immediately use woolen socks for their intended purpose and go to bed under a warm blanket

Eucalyptus oil for colds

Few drugs purchased at a pharmacy can cope with a runny nose better than natural essential oils.

Essential oil for a cold should be used:

  • In the preparation of solutions for nasal irrigation
  • In steam inhalation
  • In aromatic baths
  • For rubbing

The solution for washing the nose should be prepared as follows:

  • We take warm water, about a glass
  • Drip two drops of essential oil into a teaspoon of sea salt.
  • Salt and oil dissolve in prepared water
  • We wash the sinuses at least three times a day

We discussed the procedure for using eucalyptus oil for baths and inhalations in the sections above. Let's take a closer look at how to carry out rubbing to combat the common cold.

Rubbing with a cold should be carried out as follows:

  • Apply a couple of drops of oil to the tips with your finger
  • Massage the oil around the nasal openings, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose

IMPORTANT: When rubbing / rubbing, essential oils in their pure form should be used only on intact skin areas.

Using pure essential oil

Eucalyptus oil for sinusitis

To combat this disease, eucalyptus oil is widely used in the form of:

  • An oil composition for washing the nose, as in the common cold. How this is done, we described above
  • Liquids for steam inhalation as with cough, runny nose, cold
  • Drops milking the nose

An oil-based nasal instillation solution is prepared as follows:

  • Take one teaspoon of strong black tea
  • Put a teaspoon of natural honey
  • We drip ten drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Mix everything thoroughly
  • We instill three to four times a day in each nostril, three drops

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil, benefits

Steam inhalations with eucalyptus oil are useful precisely because this procedure makes it much easier naturally get rid of inflammation, viruses and infections in the nasopharynx.

Without making any special efforts, the patient, only by inhaling pleasant vapors, can accelerate his recovery.

In addition to hot inhalations, which were discussed in the sections above, cold inhalations are also possible. To do this, we do this:

  • We take a handkerchief, cotton pad or napkin
  • Drip three drops of essential oil
  • We bring to the face
  • We inhale the vapors of the essential oil for three to five minutes.

For cold inhalation, you can prepare a medallion.

Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy

Essential oils act on the body more carefully than any medicines. The use of eucalyptus oil by pregnant women is possible, but you should be extremely careful when using it.

It is advisable to exclude the use of miracle oil in the first four months of pregnancy. In the remaining months of pregnancy, it is acceptable to use this oil in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, but only after agreement with the doctor.

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women should not take eucalyptus oil internally. It can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

Eucalyptus inhalations, both hot and cold, are widely used by pregnant women. Rubbing, massage, rinsing of the sinuses, instillation of the nose, spraying a solution using oil in the room to disinfect it, as well as aromatherapy are used.

I would like to separately note the benefits of aromatherapy for pregnant women. By inhaling the vapors of this oil, a pregnant woman is able to avoid colds.

Using eucalyptus oil for aroma lamps, a pregnant woman will significantly improve her emotional background, calm down. Inhalation of pleasant vapors will have a beneficial effect on sleep future mother at night, and during the day without fail will cheer you up.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil

No matter how broad the properties of eucalyptus tree oil, there are still contraindications for its use. Do not neglect this information.

Contraindications for the use of miraculous oil are as follows:

  • With individual intolerance to essential oils
  • Childhood. Do not use this oil to treat diseases in children under two years of age to avoid bronchial spasm.
  • People suffering from bronchial asthma
  • Whooping Cough Lovers
  • Pregnant women up to four months
  • People with atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and nasal cavity
  • If you are allergic to plants of the eucalyptus family

The use of eucalyptus oil is mostly famous for its positive feedback. However, you can find the following tips:

  • Pregnant women need to be especially vigilant to listen to the advice of others and it is better to consult an aromatherapist and gynecologist before using eucalyptus oil.
  • Eucalyptus is highly toxic in large quantities. It should be avoided that it enters the body in such quantities.
  • Eucalyptus baths have proven themselves very well at the first sign of a cold.
  • Allergy to this oil can manifest itself in the form of an increase in the symptoms of the disease for which this oil was used. For example, coughing may increase, nasal congestion will appear
  • If in childhood there was an allergy to eucalyptus, then in adulthood its oils should be used with extreme caution.
  • Eucalyptus oil should be used with extreme caution in people with high blood pressure who suffer from epilepsy
  • Eucalyptus is able to neutralize the effect of some homeopathic preparations. Before using it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Take special care of your health, love yourself. Let the essential little eucalyptus be your protector against health troubles. Let eucalyptus oil become a true friend for your family.

VIDEO: Eucalyptus essential oil - useful properties and application features
