The miraculous beneficial properties of hazelnuts (hazelnuts) for men and women - which are especially valuable for hazelnuts. Interesting hobbies portal

Hazelnut (cultivated hazel) is no less valuable than its forest counterpart. In the old days, he was credited with numerous magical properties... People believed that he would protect from the evil eye and damage, protect from lightning strikes, drive rodents out of the house, and prevent the snake from crawling into the dwelling.

Also, people appreciated him. nutritional properties and actively used nuts to heal the body.

Modern scientists have proven the benefits of hazelnuts for the body. Of course, its magical properties have not been studied, but its composition is well known, which includes a large number of nutrients... And, thanks to which hazelnuts are recommended to be included in the diet for people who follow own health.

We will talk with you today about why hazelnuts are useful for the human body, why it needs to be included in your diet. And also find out what contraindications are available for its use.

What are hazelnuts useful for?

Immediately, we note that this nut is very high in calories. In terms of calorie content, it is comparable to white bread, wheat bread, whole fat milk or chocolate. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with it if you follow your figure. It is enough to eat 10-15 nuts per day to benefit from this wonderful nut and not harm your figure.

If you are wondering, what are the benefits of hazelnuts for human health? Let's say right away that the benefits of it are significant. Hazelnuts contain valuable oil, organic acids. There are vitamins E, group B. There are also minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. And most importantly, hazelnuts are rich in easily digestible protein necessary for normal work human body.

Healing properties hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are extremely beneficial for cordially- vascular system... Potassium and calcium included in its composition help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the heart muscle, while maintaining its elasticity. This nut is very useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, if present trophic ulcers ah shins, as well as with problems with capillaries.

It is recommended to use it for people suffering from blood diseases, anemia. It is recommended to use it to cleanse the body, as it eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. Especially effective with the help of a nut is the cleansing of the liver.

You can include it in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus as it contains a minimum of carbohydrates. High content vitamin E, together with protein, helps to improve the condition and growth of muscle tissue. In addition, it has been established that cultivated hazel is excellent prophylactic against cancer.

Women's health benefits of nuts

For the fair sex, hazelnuts are simply irreplaceable. Regular use of these nuts helps to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin and hair. This is facilitated by vitamins, fatty acid, which are part of the nucleoli.

Doctors recommend including hazelnuts in the diet of pregnant women. It is very useful for nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that its nucleoli contain folic acid, which prevents the development of congenital abnormalities... In addition, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium contained in the nucleoli reduce to a minimum the risk of miscarriage, helps to strengthen, correct formation bone tissue in children. At the same time, hazelnuts are much less likely to cause allergies in pregnant women than other varieties of nuts.

Male health benefits

According to proctologists, every man should eat a small amount of nuts per day (40-50 g). Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive function, prevents the development of infertility. In addition, cultivated hazel reduces the risk of developing inflammatory process prostate, enhances potency.

Contraindications to taking hazelnuts

Like any other very useful product, if consumed excessively, hazelnuts can be harmful to health. Therefore, there is no need to abuse it. For the daily intake, 30-50 g of nuts are enough. If you eat more, headaches may begin, since a large amount of this product can provoke a spasm of the cerebral vessels.

You also need to remember that it should not be given to children with diabetes, and also to those who have serious illnesses liver.

And one more very important note: never buy nuts that have already been shelled. Remember that as soon as the shells are removed from the nuts, the destruction of the nutrients contained in them immediately begins, and the nucleoli lose their healing properties... Therefore, buy whole nuts, and after peeling them from the shell, eat them immediately.

And don't store the nuts for long. About six months after purchase, they dry out and lose most of their useful properties. Eat freshly picked nuts, do not overeat, consider contraindications and be healthy!

Hazelnut(otherwise hazelnut) - the fruit of woody shrubs called hazel. It is most common in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor, but it is not the only places its growth. Hazelnuts are also grown in Germany, North America, Italy, the Balkans, etc.

The popularity of hazelnuts is growing every year. In cooking, it can be used in almost any dish and preparation. Despite the fact that hazelnuts are very high in calories and rich in vegetable fats, you do not need to be afraid to add it to your diet. The fats it contains are healthy, and if you do not overuse this product, then the number of calories will not be so high.

1. Fights heart disease.
Hazelnuts help fight heart disease. In addition to being a rich source of fiber, it also contains enough monounsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce levels bad cholesterol and increase the level of what is useful.

Research by the American Food Society found that diets high in hazelnuts reduced bad cholesterol, decreased inflammation, and improved blood lipids. Hazelnuts also contain significant amounts of magnesium, which helps regulate the balance of calcium and potassium, thereby leveling blood pressure surges.

One cup of these nuts corresponds to 50% of the magnesium required per day. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating calcium levels. Excess calcium is known to be harmful to heart health. Magnesium protects the heart by preventing overstrain.

2. Helps in the treatment of diabetes.
Hazelnuts are a rich source of healthy vegetable fats. In a 2015 study published in an American journal clinical nutrition, the reaction of patients with diabetes mellitus to the addition of daily diet hazelnuts. As with other studies, it was concluded that patients experienced a decrease in cholesterol levels. However, surprising was the fact that the level of lipid lowering in the blood was higher in diabetics than in those who did not suffer from the disease.

Diabetics with high cholesterol levels should consider adding hazelnuts to their daily diet. The high levels of manganese in hazelnuts are also beneficial in the fight against diabetes as they affect blood glucose levels and insulin production. In addition, hazelnuts are a good source of magnesium, which has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes.

3. Rich in antioxidants.
Hazelnuts contain many vitamins and minerals that are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals and help prevent serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E, which helps fight aging and disease by reducing inflammation in the body.

Hazelnuts have the highest content of proanthocyanidins, a class of polyphenols with powerful antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that proanthocyanidins have significantly more high level antioxidant activity compared to vitamins C and E. They also help in the fight against premature aging.

4. Improves brain function.
Hazelnuts are a powerful source of energy. It is full of elements that improve the brain and cognitive function and help prevent degenerative diseases that develop with age. Due to the high levels of vitamin E, manganese, thiamine, folic acid and fatty acids, a diet supplemented with hazelnuts helps preserve brain function.

High levels of vitamin E levels reduce cognitive decline and play an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia and Parkinson's disease. Manganese has been shown to increase brain activity related to cognitive function.

Thiamin is commonly referred to as the "nerve vitamin" and plays a role in maintaining function nervous system and has a tremendous effect on human cognitive function, improves concentration and memory. This is why a thiamine deficiency can lead to brain damage. High levels of fatty acids and protein help both the nervous system and fight depression.

5. Helps prevent cancer.
Due to their high amount of antioxidants, hazelnuts are very important for fighting cancer. Vitamin E is a useful supplement in cancer prevention. It has been found to help in reducing the risk of prostate and breast, colon and lung cancers. Vitamin E also prevents the growth of mutations and tumors.

Through other studies, manganese has been found to have potential anti-tumor activity. For example, research conducted by the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Jiangsu University in China and published in the journal Inorganic Biochemistry has shown that manganese may be a potential anticancer compound.

From the leaves of hazelnuts, a substance is extracted from which drugs are made for cancer.

6. Fights obesity.
Nuts are an excellent stimulator of a healthy metabolism in the body. People who consume large amounts of nuts show higher rates of weight loss due to their increased metabolic rate. Thiamine plays an important role in maintaining a healthy metabolism. It helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is a source of energy. Thiamine also helps in the production of new red blood cells, which are needed to maintain energy.

The proteins, dietary fiber, and high-carbon composition of hazelnuts provide longer lasting satiety, which prevents overeating. As we have already found out, hazelnuts are a source of healthy fats, which puts them in a number of foods that can fight obesity.

7. Good for muscles.
Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining calcium levels in the cells of the body, which helps in muscle contraction, preventing overstraining, relieves muscle tension and pain, prevents muscle fatigue, spasms and cramps. Research shows that a good dose of magnesium can actually help strengthen muscles.

8. Eliminates constipation.
Since hazelnuts are a rich source of fiber, they can be safely included in the diet to support intestinal motility. It normalizes stool and thus prevents constipation.

9. Good for bones and joints.
Magnesium, along with calcium, is essential for bone and joint health. Accumulated in bone tissue, it comes to the rescue when there is a sudden deficiency of this mineral. In addition, hazelnuts contain manganese, a mineral that is beneficial for bone growth and strength. It is especially beneficial for menopausal and postmenopausal women to avoid osteoporosis.

10. Improves the health of the nervous system.
Vitamin B6 is considered essential for the absorption of amino acids. They, in turn, are responsible for the health of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 deficiency is known to interfere with the synthesis of myelin (the neural insulating sheath responsible for the efficiency and speed of electrical impulses), which is essential for optimal nervous system function. Vitamin B6 is also required for the proper production of various neurotransmitters, including adrenaline, melatonin, and serotonin.

11. Normalizes work digestive system.
Manganese (activating and catalyzing enzyme) is a mineral that plays an important role in the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids. This mineral is also the main carbohydrate and protein metabolic agent. The higher the level of manganese in the body's system, the better the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates. This, in turn, improves the health of the digestive system. 100 g of hazelnuts contains 210% of the required daily norm manganese. Alimentary fiber, present in these nuts, ensure proper absorption of nutrients, ensuring the utilization of toxins and toxins from the body through the feces.

12. Strengthens the immune system.
Nuts are rich in variety nutrients including various minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese and magnesium. They are all essential for proper blood circulation. When blood enters every cell of the body, it saturates it with all the nutrients. This makes the body stronger and stronger, the strength of the immune system increases, which, in turn, prevents various undesirable conditions.

13. Eliminates stress and depression.
Hazelnuts contain a good dose of alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These elements, together with B vitamins, play significant role in the prevention and mitigation of various psychological states including anxiety, stress, depression, and even schizophrenia.

14. Good source vitamin K.
Vitamin K is a blood vitamin. It plays a significant role in preventing excessive blood loss by inducing platelet synthesis, thus protecting you from situations, life-threatening... This vitamin is also required for proper absorption of calcium, which reduces the risk of fractures associated with calcium deficiency.

15. Helps to gain weight.
Hazelnuts are rich in fat and calories, so they can help you gain weight healthy and in a healthy way... However, before taking this step, consult your doctor in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

16. Useful for varicose veins.
Even in ancient times with the help hazelnut fought varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. This, again, is possible thanks to the iron contained in hazelnuts.

Benefits for women

17. Useful when planning pregnancy.
Folic acid found in hazelnuts is essential female body at the stage of pregnancy planning. However, check with your doctor before consuming hazelnuts as a source of folate.

18. Useful for pregnant women.
Proper nutrition is important during pregnancy to maintain the health of the mother and baby. Hazelnuts are a rich source of various nutrients needed for the right course pregnancy. You should eat these nuts in moderate amounts and combine them with balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables. And also consume enough water to avoid constipation.

19. Useful for the bearing fetus.
Hazelnut contributes to the formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system, forms it bone tissue and the nervous system.

20. Useful for lactation.
Hazelnut stimulates the production of breast milk, improves its fat content and quality. Thanks to nuts, it will be as nutritious as possible and provide the child with the necessary useful elements.

Benefits for the skin

21. Prevents premature aging.
Hazelnuts contain vitamins A, E and C, which are antioxidants. The synergistic effect of these vitamins prevents the appearance of wrinkles, thereby eliminating initial signs aging.

22. Moisturizes the skin.
Hazelnut's moisturizing and conditioning properties make it an ideal natural moisturizer for sensitive and dry skin.

23. Saves from ultraviolet rays.
Hazelnut oil can be applied to the skin. It will act as a natural sunscreen. To do this, you need to mix a few drops of sesame oil, avocado, walnut and hazelnuts and apply this mixture to the skin before going out in the sun.

24. Promotes healthy skin.
Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage your skin. They also protect the skin from cancer caused by ultraviolet rays... Flavanoids together with antioxidants stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. This allows you to remove dead and damaged cells making the skin healthier, smoother and more youthful.

Benefits for hair

25. Dyes the hair.
Nuts are used as a natural ingredient in a variety of colorants. Along with giving your hair a delicious brown hue, hazelnuts also ensure that the color lasts for a long time. In addition, it provides additional protection by maintaining the health of the hair ends by protecting them from chemical damage.

26. Strengthens hair.
Hazelnut oil can be used to strengthen hair. It must be rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. Without rinsing off the oil, wrap your head in a towel and go to bed. The next morning, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Benefits for men

27. Prevents prostate diseases.
The hazelnut contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and strengthen the walls blood vessels... It is these properties that provide healing effect... For men with prostate problems, it is recommended to consume about 50 g of hazelnuts daily.

28. Improves male strength.
Due to its rich composition, hazelnuts contribute to the natural production of testosterone. Thus, the duration of sexual intercourse increases, premature ejaculation and the quality of sperm is improved.

Harm and contraindications

1. Allergic reactions.
Hazelnuts can cause serious, sometimes life-threatening, allergic reactions. People who are allergic to tree nuts, such as macadamia and others, are prone to hazelnut allergies.

2. Dangerous combination with existing health problems.
Do not eat hazelnuts for people with bowel disease, liver dysfunction, severe diabetes. If you have other serious medical conditions, check with your doctor if you can use hazelnuts in your diet.

3. Not desirable for children.
In children preschool age hazelnuts can cause stomach cramps and constipation.

4. Use during pregnancy.
Although we talked about the fact that hazelnuts are useful during pregnancy, in no case should they be abused, as they can pose a threat to the baby, the flesh before miscarriage.

5. Cautious use for the elderly.
People over 50 should be more careful about the use of this nut. The fact is that at this age the gastrointestinal tract cannot always cope with its work. Hazelnuts are a dense and solid product that may seem too difficult to handle in a tired gastrointestinal tract.

6. May cause headaches.
Another of side effects hazelnut can be a sharp and unbearable headache. This is due to spasms of the vessels of the head. At the slightest discomfort, it is better to stop using this product and consult a specialist.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of hazelnuts (100 g) and percentage of daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace elements
  • Fatty acid
  • calories 651 kcal - 46%;
  • proteins 15 g - 18%;
  • fats 61.5 g - 95%;
  • carbohydrates 9.4 g - 7.34%;
  • dietary fiber - 6 g - 30%;
  • water - 5 g - 0.2%.
  • And 2 μg - 0.2%;
  • With 1.4 mg - 1.6%;
  • To 14.3 μg - 12%;
  • E 20.5 mg - 136%;
  • B1 0.3 mg - 20%;
  • B2 0.1 mg - 5.6%;
  • B4 45.6 mg - 9%;
  • B5 1.15 mg - 23%;
  • B6 0.7 mg - 35%;
  • B9 68 μg - 17%;
  • PP 5.2 mg - 26%.
  • potassium 717 mg - 28.7%;
  • calcium 170 mg - 17%;
  • magnesium 172 mg - 43%;
  • sodium 3 mg - 0.2%;
  • sulfur 190 mg - 19%;
  • chlorine 22 mg - 1%;
  • phosphorus 299 mg - 37.4%.
  • iron 3 mg - 16.7%;
  • cobalt 12.3 - 123%;
  • copper 1120 mcg - 112%;
  • manganese 4.2 mg - 210%;
  • fluorine 17 μg - 0.4%;
  • zinc 2.44 mg - 20.3%;
  • selenium 2.4 mcg - 4.4%.
  • omega-3 0.09 g - 1.5%;
  • omega-6 6.8 g - 100%;
  • palmitic 3.5 g - 18.7%;
  • oleic 53 g - 108.6%;
  • linoleic acid 6.8 g - 60.7%.


Hazelnuts are an incredible product with many beneficial properties. It can relieve symptoms and even cure some diseases.

Beneficial features

  • Fights heart disease.
  • Helps in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Helps prevent cancer.
  • Fights obesity.
  • Good for muscles.
  • Eliminates constipation.
  • Good for bones and joints.
  • Improves the health of the nervous system.
  • Normalizes the digestive system.
  • Improves immunity.
  • Eliminates stress and depression.
  • Good source of vitamin K.
  • Helps you gain weight.
  • Useful for varicose veins.
  • Good for skin and hair.
  • Good for both men and women.

Harmful properties

It is very easy to get carried away with nuts and quietly eat 2-3 daily norms. In no case should this be allowed, as this can lead to serious complications, especially if you already have any medical conditions:
  • May cause allergic reactions.
  • Possible danger with existing health problems.
  • It is undesirable to give to children.
  • Use with caution during pregnancy.
  • Use with caution in elderly people.
  • May cause headaches.

Any side effects can be avoided by correct dosage product. Be healthy!

Sources of Research

The main studies on the benefits and dangers of hazelnuts were carried out by foreign doctors. Below you can find the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:


Additional useful information about hazelnuts

How to use

1. In cooking.
Hazelnut will perfectly complement any dish. It can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Toast and use as a snack in between meals.
  • Chop and sprinkle over breakfast.
  • Grind, add to chocolate and spread on bread.
  • Mix with berries and add to muffins or cake.
  • Use with potatoes.
  • As a side dish for fish or chicken dishes.
  • Add to pasta sauce.
  • Chop and add to the pancake batter.
  • For decorating desserts, etc.

The variety of dishes using hazelnut is great.

2. Cooking churchkhela.

Churchkhela is a hazelnut strung on a string, dipped in concentrated grape juice with flour and dried. To prepare churchkhela, you need high-quality grape juice, 1/4 cup flour and 1 cup sugar. The mixture must be boiled, cooled, it should be thick. A thread with hazelnuts is lowered into it. The grape mass envelops the thread. Before you once again immerse the hazelnuts in the grape juice, you must wait until it dries completely.

3. In cosmetology.
Hazelnut kernels are used to obtain oil. It can be taken orally as medicine and can be used topically to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is effective in treating burns and improving general condition hair. Helps get rid of acne and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Hazelnut leaves are used to restore weakened hair. A special decoction is made from the leaves and used at regular intervals. With the help of a potion from the twigs, you can quickly eliminate puffiness and redness of the skin.

How to choose

  • The size of a high-quality hazelnut kernel should be 2 cm.
  • Hazelnuts should be bought in its shell, without it, it begins to quickly lose its useful qualities.
  • Molds can form on peeled nuts.
  • If you do buy uncoated hazelnuts, try to find varieties with dense and intact skin.
  • If you buy roasted hazelnuts, remember that they contain fewer phytonutrients.
  • When found on nuts dark spots, traces of mold, cracks and dents refuse to buy.
  • The nuts should not smell of dampness and mold.
  • It is better to buy nuts not in the markets, but in large supermarkets.
  • The packaging should be dense and opaque.
  • The date of manufacture should not be easily erased from the bag.
  • Nuts with a shelf life of 1 year or more are fake.

How to store

  • Hazelnuts, even for a short time stored without a peel, lose most its medicinal properties.
  • After six months, the hazelnut, even in its shell, begins to lose its properties.
  • Hazelnuts love temperatures close to zero, so it is best to store them in the refrigerator.
  • If this product is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life may increase up to 4 years.
  • It can be stored at room temperature, away from sunlight and moisture. However, in this case, the shelf life will not exceed 1 year.
  • It is better to use a canvas bag or paper bag for storage.
  • To check if the nuts have rotted, you need to shake the bag or package - if the nuts make a rumbling sound, then they are perfectly preserved. If there is no characteristic sound, then some of the kernels have deteriorated.
  • It is categorically not recommended to store hazelnuts in polyethylene, it will deteriorate very quickly due to infection with fungi.

History of origin

Hazelnut has been known to man for a very long time. There is a version that about 10 thousand years ago, it was with this fruit that our ancestors were saved from hunger. Hazelnuts have been known as an industrial crop for over 600 years. Archaeological finds indicate that hazelnuts were widespread in Northern Europe and used for food there. The peoples of the Caucasus have been cultivating this nut for more than 6 thousand years, and the Circassians bred this culture back in the 4th-3rd centuries BC.

In our country, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin began to promote the cultivation of this crop in the northern regions. He experimentally crossed different types hazel and different varieties of hazelnuts. Thus, frost-resistant hybrid varieties of hazelnuts with good yields were obtained for middle lane Russia.

How and where is it grown

Hazelnuts are yellow-brown, almost spherical, kernels weighing from 1.5-2.5 g. In gardens, it is grown for decorative purposes (a beautiful hedge is obtained from hazel bushes), as well as for the use of its fruits in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

60% of the world's hazelnuts are produced in Turkey. This plant is unpretentious and makes a good profit (about 2 thousand dollars per year per hectare). The Turks plant it on the mountain slopes. The aisles are lined with turf. Plants are not watered, they have enough natural moisture. Nuts are harvested from the second decade of August slightly unripe, they are piled up and covered with foil. When ripe, the kernel acquires a specific taste, and the shell becomes brown and shiny.

In Russia, hazelnuts are mainly grown in Krasnodar Territory... In its world production, Russia occupies less than 0.2%.

  • The daily intake of hazelnuts is 30-50 grams. Going beyond this range can lead to digestive problems and other negative effects.
  • The energy value of hazelnuts is several times higher than the energy value of milk and bread.
  • Hazelnut - more nutritious product than meat and fish.
  • When nuts are roasted, more than 50% of vitamin E breaks down.
  • The benefits of fried hazelnuts are 2 times less.
  • Hazelnuts should be consumed in the first half of the day so that the product is completely digested and absorbed by the evening.
  • At a high dosage, the allergen can build up in the body and cause a reaction, even if there was no initial allergy to nuts.
  • In ancient times, hazelnuts were popular as a flavoring agent in liquor and coffee.
  • The name of this plant (hazel) is due to the fact that the leaves of the plant resemble the trunk of a bream fish.
  • Hazel is mentioned in the writings of the Roman poet Virgil.
  • In Spain, hazelnuts are used as a cure for urinary incontinence (enuresis). The patient should eat twelve nuts before bedtime.
  • In 1989, hazelnuts officially became a nut. American state Oregon.
  • Walnut trees can bear fruit for 80 years.

Hazelnuts or hazelnuts - nuts, whose benefits and harms are discussed in this material, are popular due to their rich taste and relatively low price (30-40% cheaper than almonds). The nut is actively used in cooking and baking, as well as as an independent product.


To answer the question of whether hazelnuts are useful, you can study its vitamin and mineral composition. The following vitamins are present in the hazelnut kernel:

  1. choline (45.6 mg) is involved in the breakdown of fats and converting them into energy expended for breathing and physical activity;
  2. E (20.4) - an antioxidant in hazel, which prevents free radicals from entering cells and accumulating there, increasing the likelihood of cancer;
  3. PP (5,2) is part of the enzyme that provides oxygen saturation of cells;
  4. C (1,4) increases immunity and body resistance to viruses and infections;
  5. В5 (1,1) in the composition of hazelnut promotes cell regeneration and fast healing injuries;
  6. B6 (0.7) participates in the formation in the liver of an enzyme responsible for the processing of carbohydrates and fats into energy;
  7. B1 (0.3) is also involved in the processing of nutrients into energy, stimulates the brain;
  8. B2 (0.1) protects the nervous system from negative impact stress, therefore it is shown to men and women whose work is associated with stress ( daily rate 5 mg);
  9. beta-carotene (0.01), like vitamin E, has an antioxidant effect on the body.

Also, the composition contains a minimum amount of vitamin A (2 μg), B9 (68 μg), K (14, 2 μg). Fried nuts are healthier than fresh. When heated above 160 degrees, which occurs during the frying process, more than 50% of vitamin E breaks down. Therefore, the health benefits of fried hazelnuts are slightly lower.


The beneficial properties of hazelnuts are also explained by the minerals contained in nuts, their shells and oil from them. The nuclei contain the following amount of these substances:

A small amount contains fluorine (17 μg), cobalt (12.3 μg), selenium (2.4 μg) and iodine (2 μg). The benefits and harms of hazelnuts almost do not depend on these minerals, since their content is very low. The calorie content of fresh nuts is 651 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 g of dried or roasted nuts is higher due to their loss of water.


Hazelnuts, the benefits and harms of which are considered in the material, like any other nuts, are heavy food for the stomach. It is difficult to digest in the stomach because it is rich in fiber and plant fiber (5.9 g). Therefore, it must be consumed in the morning so that the product is completely digested and absorbed until the evening.

To avoid weight gain, allergies and stomach pain, it is recommended to consume no more than 30 g of nuts daily for women and 40-50 g for men. If this dosage is exceeded, the stomach develops enzyme deficiency and food stops being digested, resulting in pain. In addition, at a high dosage, the allergen can build up in the body and cause a reaction, even if there was no initial allergy to nuts.

Some are interested in whether hazelnuts are good for children. Until the age of 14 years, the product should not be consumed. Fragile digestive and immune systems can be affected by the use of such a "heavy" product.


Hazelnuts, oils from them and other derivatives are included in the group of products of increased allergy. Their proteins are often rejected by the immune system and cause it to trigger a defense reaction - the production of allergic antibodies - histamines. Allergic reaction on hazel nuts and oil from them in men and women most often manifests itself on the skin.

For this reason, hazel nuts should not be consumed by allergy sufferers, as well as by pregnant women. The immunity of pregnant women works in an "enhanced mode", so the likelihood of allergies is higher. You can not eat them during lactation. Proteins accumulate in breast milk and can cause allergies in the child.

Important! The calorie content of nuts is high - 651 kcal. Such calorie content makes the use of nuts and oils from them undesirable for men and women who monitor their weight.

Hazelnuts, the useful properties and contraindications of which are discussed in the material, are popular as a delicacy, an independent dish. However, you should not abuse it and eat more than 30 g per day. The calorie content of such a portion is low (about 230 kcal) and it will not lead to the accumulation of substances in the body that could cause allergies over time.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • excessive sweating;
  • weakening of the immune system, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • the cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of the ailments, you need to cleanse your body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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Hazelnuts are the fruits of large hazel, or Lombard nut. The fruit (nut) is surrounded by a long plyus. The kernel makes up 25-63% of the walnut mass. Hazelnuts are used for food, confectionery and oil production. The main producers of hazelnuts are Mediterranean countries.

Plant up to 10 m tall with gray branches, densely glandular-pubescent annual shoots. Leaves are rounded or broadly oval, 12 x 10 cm, with a cordate base, with a sharp, short apex, pubescent along the veins below, twice toothed along the edge, with soft pubescent petioles, lanceolate stipules. Crowded fruits.

Nut wrapper, 2 times its length, tubular, pubescent, with wide teeth at the end. The yellow-brown nuts are almost spherical, 15-25 mm long and 12-20 mm wide.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are rich in nutrients, in terms of calorie content (about 700 kilocalories), it surpasses bread 2-3 times, milk 8 times, as well as chocolate. It contains up to 60% oil, consisting of glycerides of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids, which prevent the growth of cholesterol in the blood, protect against vascular diseases, and are also essential for a growing body. Hazelnut is also characterized by a high protein content (20%), the presence of vitamins B1, B2,,, minerals: potassium, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, cyamine, niacin, protein.

Most important feature vitamin E is its ability to prevent the formation of carcinogenic factors in the body: it is a powerful prophylactic agent against cancer, as well as diseases of the heart and muscular system. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, iron is needed for blood, zinc - for the production of sex hormones, potassium - for nervous and muscular system.

As a product diet food used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia, enlargement of the prostate gland, with varicose veins veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers of the glute and capillary hemorrhages. It can also be used by people with diabetes, and thanks to low content carbohydrates it can be eaten with a very strict diet without the risk of gaining weight. It contains substances that promote the introduction of toxins from the body (especially from the liver). Eating hazelnuts prevents putrefactive processes, cleanses the body and strengthens immune system.

Hazelnuts are a source of energy for humans - 100 g of hazelnuts contain 639 kcal, as well as a high percentage of protein, from 16 to 19%. Hazelnut kernels contain 60 + 5% oil, consisting of glycerides of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids, which prevent the growth of cholesterol in the blood, protect against vascular diseases, and are essential for a growing body. Therefore, hazelnuts should be an integral part of the nutrition of children, young people, and especially the elderly.

Hazelnuts contain substances that remove toxins from the body (especially from the liver). It prevents putrefactive processes, contributes to the detoxification of the body and strengthens the human immune system.

Dangerous properties of hazelnuts

It is not recommended to give hazelnuts to children with chronic severe liver diseases and severe forms of diabetes. A contraindication to the consumption of these nuts can also be diseases of the pancreas, intestines, liver. Another of the reasons why it is worth giving up hazelnuts is individual intolerance. Also, these nuts can not be for people suffering from allergies.

It is worth knowing that the norm daily consumption hazelnuts - 30-50 gr. If you overdo it with the amount eaten, you can get real headache... The thing is that a large amount of hazelnuts causes a spasm in the vessels of the brain, especially in the front of the head.

Hazelnuts are very popular with traditional healers thanks to the extraordinary medicinal qualities... In addition, hazel is known for its foliage and bark, which make excellent remedies... Today, hazelnuts, the beneficial properties of which are described by many scientists, are also becoming the basis for the creation of oil.

In this article, you will learn:

General useful properties of hazelnuts (hazelnuts, hazelnuts)

Due to its mineral and vitamin complex, hazelnuts are able to strengthen the most different systems organs and save a person from many ailments.

  • Nuts lower cholesterol levels and increase the volume of hemoglobin in the blood, therefore they are useful for prevention cardiovascular disease, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and even anemia. The minimal content of carbohydrates and sugars also makes hazelnuts suitable for people with diabetes.
  • Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties act only with constant use, have a positive effect on the nervous system. Eating a handful of nuts every day relieves a person from insomnia and excessive irritability. Hazelnuts can also help combat so-called chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Doctors often advise eating nuts when the body is recovering after serious illnesses... This is due to the fact that hazelnuts significantly improve the activity of the brain and activate the defenses.
  • If we talk about the usefulness of hazelnuts, one cannot fail to note its ability to fight free radicals. This product is very effective in the prevention of cancer due to such an important component like paclitaxel.
  • For the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases in chronic stage traditional doctors advise to grind nuts with milk. Also, periodic use of hazelnuts will help reduce pressure and reduce gas formation in gastrointestinal tract... The product is also useful for fighting stones in the urinary tract.

Effectiveness of hazelnuts for men

Another unique point that hazelnuts are known for is their beneficial properties for men. Various clinical researches have shown that vitamin E and trace elements in the nut provide multifaceted support for the health of the stronger sex.

  • The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process of the body and strengthens the immune system.
  • Calcium helps you withstand daily physical stress, improving skeletal system... The high protein content of nuts helps build muscle.
  • The presence of potassium ensures the normalization of the work of the heart muscle.
  • Thanks to zinc, hazelnuts accelerate the production of sex hormones in the body.

It is believed that by eating 50 g of nuts per day, men can relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. In addition, only 10-15 hazelnuts are enough to maintain good potency.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women

Hazelnuts are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. This product also has useful properties for women, because it can be safely used in the process of losing weight.

Many doctors also allow nuts to be consumed during special diets. But the effectiveness of hazelnuts for girls does not end there.

  • Hazelnut fiber allows for short time cleanse the body by removing dangerous toxins and toxins from it.
  • A varied vitamin set and the presence of minerals make hazelnuts useful for work reproductive system... Therefore, it is advised to eat nuts during pregnancy planning.
  • During breastfeeding, hazelnut helps to improve milk quality and significantly increases lactation.
  • There is an opinion that hazelnuts are necessary for the prevention of breast cancer and female genital organs.
  • Regular intake of nuts improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

How hazel leaves, shells and oil are used

Today, not only hazel fruits are gaining more and more popularity. From the young foliage of the tree, its bark and hazelnut peel, you can make many folk remedies which are used in cosmetology and medicine.

  • Hazelnut kernels.
It is also obtained from the kernels of nuts by pressing, which is very popular in cooking. Oil can be either in liquid form or in the form of a butter.

However, the beneficial properties of hazelnut oil also make it possible to ingest it. It is not only useful food additive, but effective drug against burns and hair loss. The external use of walnut pomace is mainly related to the area, since with the help of hazel fruits, you can remove acne and get rid of cellulite.

  • Hazel leaves.

Hazel leaves are most often used to make tea. This drink has excellent diuretic properties and also strengthens the liver and facilitates activity. gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial properties of hazelnut leaves have also found their application in hair cosmetology. So, a wonderful broth comes out of fresh greens, with which they rinse the head in case of hair problems. And if you combine leaves with young twigs in a decoction, you get a remedy that removes swelling and redness on the skin.

Infusion on walnut leaves helps with hypertrophied prostate gland, epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system. This same drink is used by men to treat prostate adenoma.

  • Hazelnut shell.

Hazelnut shells are considered no less effective. For men, it is necessary as part of the treatment of prostatitis. So, a decoction of the peel of nuts is consumed before eating, 2 tablespoons. Traditional doctors also advise using this drink to relieve colitis, hypotension, dizziness.

Nut shells are added to medicinal baths and ointments, because tannins in its composition help to get rid of problems with joints, trophic ulcers, dysentery.

Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties are also effective for women, can be immediately peeled from the skin to make a powder out of it. This remedy, in combination with water, helps with uterine fibroids. And if you use crushed shells in a dry form, you can cure hemorrhoids and chronic diarrhea.

Limitations and contraindications

Knowing how useful hazelnuts are, do not ignore the existing contraindications. So, it is not advised to use the fruits in childhood in the presence of serious diabetes and severe liver disease. If you overeat nuts, having consumed more than 50 g per day, you can feel strong attack migraines due to spasms of the head vessels.

Also remember that maximum benefit bring nuts stored in the shell, because otherwise minerals and vitamins are gradually decayed.

Try natural hazelnuts and be healthy!

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