Lentils are a valuable nutritious food for a nursing mother. Is it possible for a nursing mother to lentils

Lentils at breastfeeding is considered a rich source of protein, which is essential for normal development baby. Due to the large amount of nutrients, leguminous culture allows a young mother to quickly restore strength and energy after childbirth.

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of strength, prevention of apathy;
  • preventing breast cancer;
  • elimination of toxins and toxins;
  • lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • prevention of the development of pathologies of the cardiac system.

The inclusion of lentils in the diet allows you to saturate and enrich the body nutrients... Due to the low calorie content of legumes, weight gain does not occur with the use of such a product. Dietitians classify lentils as a dietary product and advise including it in the menu for people who control body weight.

The body of a woman during lactation is often deficient in vitamins, and the use of lentils due to great content folic acid helps to improve the condition of nails and hair. The risk of developing an allergic reaction to the product is minimized, which is important during breastfeeding.

What are the contraindications?

Whether lentils can be breastfed depends on how much time has passed after childbirth, and whether there are individual contraindications. Experts say that it is possible to include legumes in the diet only 3 months after the birth of a baby. Like any new product, lentils need to be started with caution, controlling the baby's reaction to the innovation.

A contraindication to use is considered:

  • the baby's tendency to flatulence, the presence of dysbiosis;
  • digestive tract diseases and digestive problems;
  • a woman's predisposition to the formation of stones in gallbladder or kidneys;
  • chronic joint diseases.

For a nursing mother, certain norms have been established, adhering to which you can get maximum benefit and not harm the baby. Violation of the rules of use is fraught with the appearance of increased gas formation and flatulence not only in a woman, but also in a child. Abuse and violation of recommendations for the use of lentils can lead to digestive and stool disorders in infants.

How to properly introduce the product into the diet?

The period of the milk diet for the mother imposes a number of restrictions and requires consistent introduction of new products into the daily diet. The first step is to prepare a dish based on lentil broth. In this case, the grains are not used, but only a few spoons of the broth are used. After applying the liquid, the baby's reaction is observed within 2 days.

In the absence of digestive problems and allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching skin, legumes can be included on the menu.

Any specialist will answer whether it is possible to eat lentils for a nursing mother, that a measure is needed in everything. For the first time, no more than 10 lentils can be consumed per day. When signs of a negative reaction of the baby to a new product appear, the grains are excluded from the diet for 4 weeks, after which the attempt is repeated again. If no problems arise within a week, then the number of grains can be increased to 25. It is necessary to consume lentils after a well-spent heat treatment... Before using in mandatory selection of quality grains and their washing is necessary.

Manufacturers today present 4 varieties of lentils:

  • beluga or black - considered rare species, has a soft skin and rich taste, is recommended for salads, stews, soups, has good compatibility with cereals;
  • Egyptian or red - it takes 10 minutes to cook, the absence of a shell allows the grains to boil quickly, well suited for making mashed potatoes, cereals, combined with different kinds meat and fish;
  • brown - the most common type, it requires soaking before cooking for 12 hours, the lentil mixture is boiled for 40 minutes;
  • green - is an unripe type of brown lentil, cooked for 30 minutes and retains its shape well, suitable for cooking casseroles, main courses, goes well with vegetables.

Regardless of the selected variety, when buying, you need to pay attention to the quality of the grains. Lentils should be whole, dry, smooth and odorless. It is necessary to store the product in an airtight container and prevent moisture from getting on the grains, as they quickly soak and lose their useful qualities.

What to cook with lentils?

There are a lot of recipes for dishes with lentils for HS. All types of lentils go well with meat, so this product is often added as an ingredient in pilaf. The red variety is recommended for purees and liquid soups. The brown variety gives soups a unique nutty flavor. Green and black varieties do not boil soft, so they are most often used as a side dish.

Light airy salad

The presented salad recipe contains dried fruits, the inclusion of which is necessary for breastfeeding. These foods are safe for babies and contain a large number of useful microelements and vitamins. Recipe:

  • lentil grains - 100 grams;
  • peeled apple - 1 pc .;
  • dried apricots - 4 pcs.;
  • light feta cheese - 100 grams;
  • raisins - 50 grams.

The salad is salted and dressed with vegetable oil. If you wish, you can add a little dill, which will give the dish a special taste and aroma.

Chicken and Lentil Soup

During the period of breastfeeding, the soup broth is cooked in a special way. After 3 minutes from the beginning of the boil, the chicken pot is drained and added with new water. To prepare a vegetable dish you will need:

  • chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • fresh zucchini - 250 grams;
  • red lentils - 150 grams;
  • celery - 1 pc;
  • carrot - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.

After the chicken fillet is cooked into the broth, diced potatoes, carrots, vegetables are added in succession and boiled for 10 minutes. Grains and zucchini are added last and the pan is kept on fire for another 15 minutes. The soup is salted to taste. To add flavor to ready meal add greens in the form of parsley and dill.

Rules for the preparation of lentil fruits

After sorting and removing defective grains, rinse them under running water. For soaking, water is used in the proportion of 2.5 cups for each glass of the product. The grains are added to the boiling water and the boiling time is determined depending on the bean variety.

Salt is added to the container only for last stages 15 minutes before turning off the fire. From time to time it is necessary to control the water level, it should not fall below the grains. If you add salt at the beginning of cooking, the cooking time of the product is almost doubled. Spices are added to the dish at the same time as salt. It goes well with legumes:

  • Red pepper;
  • curry;
  • caraway;
  • garlic;
  • cilantro.

The readiness of cooking can be checked with a fork, which should easily fit into the grains. If lentils stored for a long time are taken for cooking, then the cooking time increases compared to the norm. Mixing old and new grains should not be allowed, otherwise they will cook unevenly and the taste of the dish will be spoiled.

Lentils belong to the legume family and are high in protein. Protein is essential for the full development and growth of the baby. In addition, it strengthens the body and restores strength, which is so necessary for a nursing mother after childbirth. Lentils perform a row essential functions in the body of a woman and a nursing baby.

Beneficial features

  • Isoflavones are a part of lentils. These substances serve effective prevention breast cancer;
  • Prevents the development of anemia;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Restores strength, gives vigor and energy;
  • Removes toxins and toxins, cleanses the body;
  • Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels, prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • It is a nutritious and low-calorie food that quickly saturates the body without promoting weight gain. Lentils can be included in dietary menu for weight loss;
  • Stimulates material metabolism and normalizes bowel function;
  • The high content of folic acid in comparison with other legumes ensures the formation of new cells, hair and nails growth.

Rules for the use of lentils while breastfeeding

A nursing mother can eat lentils, but in limited quantities and subject to recommendations for breastfeeding. Is not allergenic product which rarely causes itching or rashes. However, any type of legume, including beans and lentils, can cause flatulence, bloating, and when overused. increased gassing... Legumes can disrupt the work of digestion, lead to poisoning, and worsen the stool of babies. To avoid such problems, adhere to the rules for using the product while breastfeeding:

  • A nursing mother can introduce grains into the diet three months after the baby is born. During this time, the child's body gets used to new conditions and is ready to accept more complex foods;
  • Try lentil-based broth the first time, not grain-based broth. Eat a few spoons and watch the baby's reaction for two days. If there are no allergies and stomach problems, you can taste the grains;
  • The first portion of grains should contain no more than 10 pieces.
  • If the baby's health has worsened, exclude the product from the diet for at least four weeks. Then you can try again;
  • In the absence of a negative reaction, the dosage can be increased to 25 grains;
  • Eat lentils only after being thoroughly cooked. Soups, cereals and stews with lentils will become tasty and healthy. It goes well with meat. What kind of meat can a nursing mother have, read here;
  • Select and rinse the beans carefully before cooking. Observe the rules for storing the product.

For more information on the rules of nutrition for breastfeeding, see the link /. Lentils are not recommended for people with joint diseases, gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract.

How to choose and store lentils

Lentils come in four varieties

Variety Characteristic Dishes
Beluga or black A rare variety and in appearance resembles small black eggs, retains its shape during cooking, has a bright taste and soft skin Soups and stews, salads and even desserts, combined with cereals and spices
Egyptian (red) Grains without shell, boil quickly, cooking takes only 10 minutes Puree, puree soups and porridge, combined with spices, meat and fish
Brown A common variety, requires pre-soaking for about 12 hours, boiling takes 40 minutes Soups, stews and cereals, combined with rice, spices and meat
Green An unripe brown variety, which is harvested a little earlier, cooks faster - about half an hour, does not boil over and retains its shape, has a soft skin and a delicate aroma Casseroles and main courses, salads and soups. Goes well with vegetables, meat and fish

Regardless of the variety, select only dry, whole grains with a smooth surface without foreign smell... Rinse food thoroughly before cooking. Be sure to pre-soak green and brown varieties for at least 10-12 hours.

Store the grains in a cloth bag, glass or iron boxes. It is important that no water gets into the container, as lentils quickly attract moisture, soak and lose beneficial features... In addition, bags and boxes must be tightly closed to prevent air from entering.

Lentil Recipes for Nursing

  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr;
  • Zucchini - 250 gr;
  • Red lentils - 150 gr;
  • Celery -1 pc .;
  • Carrots - 1 medium fruit.;
  • Potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • Salt and herbs (parsley or dill)

Place the boiled chicken. When breastfeeding, it is recommended to drain the broth 3-4 minutes after cooking, fill the meat with fresh water and put it on the fire again. When the broth boils, skim off the foam and add the diced potatoes. Chop the onion, celery and carrots and add to the soup 10 minutes after the potatoes. Cook for 15 minutes, then add lentils and chopped zucchini. Season with salt and cook for another 7-10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished soup with chopped herbs.

  • Light salad

  • Lentils - 100 gr;
  • Apple without peel - 1 pc.;
  • Dried apricots - 5 pcs.;
  • Feta cheese - 100 gr;
  • Raisins - 50 gr;
  • Parsley to taste
  • For refueling - salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.

Pre-soak the lentils, then cook for 20-40 minutes, depending on the variety. Cut the apples and lightly fry in olive oil... Mix apple pieces with dried apricots and raisins, add lemon juice and leave for 5-6 minutes. Separately chop the parsley and add the feta cheese. Then add dried fruits and cooked lentils. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. By the way, dried fruits are very useful for breastfeeding. They are safe for babies and contain more useful elements and vitamins than fresh fruits.

  • Rice - 2 cups;
  • Lentils - ½ cup;
  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - half a head;
  • Water - 2 liters (4 glasses);
  • Salt and herbs to taste.

Cook the lentils separately for 10 minutes. Put the chopped fillets in a frying pan with heated oil. Then chop the carrots and onions and add to the chicken. Season with salt and fry until the carrots are tender. Then pour in the water. Add washed rice and lightly cooked strained lentils to the boiling mass. Season with salt, stir and leave to simmer under the lid until the water has completely evaporated. If the rice is not boiled, add more water. Add chopped herbs to the finished dish; you can use sour cream for dressing.

Alternatively, you can make lentil cutlets. Boil 250 grams of grains and drain the broth. Mash the lentils until the consistency of a thick puree. When the mass has cooled, add 50 grams of flour and stir. Blind the cutlets and fry on vegetable oil... You can find even more recipes for nursing at the link /.

A caring mom is always careful when choosing the foods for her daily diet... In this case, the menu should not only be hypoallergenic, but also saturated with vitamins and essential minerals. In this regard, a woman should pay attention to such a healthy and nutritious product as lentils - a source of vegetable protein... And although it belongs to the family of legumes that can cause flatulence, most babies tolerate this food quite calmly.

Useful properties of lentils

For the first time, lentils, which belong to the legume family, began to be cultivated in Ancient egypt... The plant was also popular in Ancient Greece, Rome, Babylon. This product was in great demand in Russia before the spread of potatoes (that is, 150 years ago).

Lentils were used to make cakes, stews, and a variety of cereals, and ground them into flour for baking bread. From the middle of the 19th century royal Russia has become the world leader in the export of this versatile product.

And it is rather strange that today some people perceive this food as a kind of exotic.

This member of the legume family has an impressive list of useful properties.

  1. It is a source of valuable vegetable protein. And it is extremely necessary for mom and baby, who must constantly grow and get stronger. At the same time, the product does not provoke weight gain, which is important for the female postpartum figure.
  2. The plant is unique in that it does not accumulate pesticides and other harmful substances that are used to fertilize the soil. Therefore, it is a completely pure product.
  3. Lentils are very rich in iron (when compared to other edible plants). And this is the prevention of anemia in a nursing woman. Also in cereals there is a lot of potassium, which strengthens blood vessels and nervous system.
  4. Folic acid, which is abundant in all legumes, is especially abundant in lentils. This substance is necessary for the child for its full development (promotes the growth of new cells). Also, cereals are rich in vitamins A and P.
  5. Isoflavones have been found in the grains of the plant, which have an active antitumor effect. In particular, for the mother, this is the prevention of breast cancer.
  6. The carbohydrates in lentils are a source of energy for a nursing woman, and the amino acid lysine additionally gives strength and vigor.
  7. Vegetable fiber helps to cleanse the body, free it from toxins and toxins, has a beneficial effect on the intestines, and stimulates metabolic processes.
  8. Regular consumption of lentils lowers blood sugar (which is extremely important in diabetes), and also prevents the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol.
  9. Like all legumes, lentils retain most of their nutrients when cooked.
Unique plant does not accumulate pesticides in itself, but contains a large amount useful components

Video: the beneficial effects of lentils on the body

Contraindications to eating lentils

Despite the many advantages of lentils, it has certain contraindications.

  1. If the baby or mother is prone to flatulence or dysbiosis, then the use of any product of the legume family is undesirable. If such a reaction is observed only in the baby, then, perhaps, after some time (a couple of months) his digestive tract will get stronger.
  2. Lentils are capable of provoking stone deposits in biliary tract and kidneys (if a woman is prone to urolithiasis).
  3. This product should not be introduced into the menu for mothers with chronic diseases joints.

Can lentils be eaten during lactation?

Of course, a nursing mother should include such useful product like lentils. However, this should be done with caution (as always when introducing new food). Although this cereal does not belong to allergens (it rarely causes rash or itching in infants), misuse of it can provoke problems with children's digestion: increased gas production, changes in stool, colic.

The nuances of eating lentils for a nursing mother

Since lentils are a non-allergenic product, you can try it already from the second or third month of a baby's life. At the initial stage, it is better for mom to eat a small portion of bean soup, while the woman does not eat cereals, but only fat. Tasting is best done during breakfast, then the baby's reaction is closely monitored for two days. If his condition is stable (no digestive problems), next time mom can try to eat grains directly: starting with two tablespoons as a hearty side dish.

It is best to start the introduction of lentils into the diet with soup, while mom eats only fat, no grains

Subsequently healthy meals lentils should be included in the menu two to three times a week. Each serving of cereals should not exceed –25 grams in dry form.

A nursing mother should eat lentils only after mandatory heat treatment.

How to choose and store lentils correctly

During lactation, a woman should be especially responsible when choosing products in the store - they should be of the highest quality.

  1. It is advisable to choose a product in transparent packaging: this is how you can evaluate appearance grains. They should be neat and even, without any plaque (it is quite possible that this is mold).
  2. High-quality cereals do not have any foreign smell, especially unpleasant.
  3. Preference should be given to products from a trusted manufacturer, made in accordance with GOST.
Lentil grains should be even, without the slightest bloom

Store lentils preferably in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dry and dark place. When water gets in, the grains quickly become soaked, losing their properties.

Video: how to choose green lentils (TV program "Test purchase")

Features of the preparation of different varieties of lentils

Lentils are eaten only after heat treatment: boiling, stewing or baking. Legumes are added to soups, cooked as a side dish, casseroles, porridge with vegetables and meat, and are included in salads.

In nature, there are several varieties of this leguminous plant. They have different colour, characteristic properties and perceive heat treatment differently.

Tables: characteristics of different varieties of lentils

Variety Characteristics Most suitable dishes
BrownThe most common variety with a characteristic nutty flavor. The grains must be soaked for at least 12 hours, cooking takes quite long time- about 40 minutes (during this time the cereal is well boiled).Soups, stews, porridge, goes well with rice and meat
Green (or French)It is an unripe brown lentil. It is soaked before use. It is brewed for about 30 minutes, but it is not completely boiled down (the grains retain their shape).Soups and main courses, casseroles and salads. It goes well with meat, fish, vegetables.
Red (or Egyptian)The grains boil very quickly (already in 10 minutes), including their shell. The finished product has a golden color.The variety is ideal for making puree, porridge or puree soup. It goes well with meat and fish.
Black (or Beluga)A rather rare variety. Outwardly, the grains look like small black eggs. Soak them for several hours before cooking. During the cooking process, they retain their shape, have a soft skin.Soups, stews with vegetables, salads, pilaf in combination with other cereals

Different varieties of lentils have their own cooking characteristics.

Before using, grains of any kind should be sorted out and rinsed well. Most varieties require pre-soaking.

If the baby does not react very well to the use of lentil grains, and at the same time the mother does not want to give up healthy food, then you can try another option - sprouted lentils (purchased ready-made, but better grown at home). It is more useful than the usual cereals, since it contains more valuable substances and causes gas formation to a lesser extent. Sprouts that taste like green pea, can be added to soup.

Lentil sprouts contain more useful substances and are less likely to provoke gas formation

Simple Lentil Recipes for Nursing Moms

Cooking many delicious dishes with lentils will not take a nursing mother much time.

Red lentil soup


  • one chicken breast(or fillets of the same weight);
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 g lentils (about ¾ cup);
  • 200 g zucchini;
  • salt and herbs to taste.


  • boil chicken;
  • add washed lentils, finely chopped potatoes and zucchini;
  • after 10 minutes, add carrots and onions;
  • salt the soup to taste, boil for another 10-15 minutes;
  • add greens at the very end.

Green Lentil Salad


  • 100 g lentils;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g dried apricots;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 100 g of low-fat cheese;
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower);
  • juice of half a lemon.


  • boil pre-soaked lentils for at least 20 minutes.
  • cut the apple into small wedges, and the cheese into cubes;
  • moisten raisins and dried apricots with lemon juice;
  • Mix all components and fill with vegetable oil.

Pilaf with chicken and lentils


  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 cups lentils (brown or black)
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • ½ onion;
  • salt and herbs to taste;


  • boil the pre-soaked lentils for 10 minutes;
  • put finely chopped chicken fillet, carrots and onions in a preheated frying pan, lightly fry so that the vegetables soften;
  • pour water into the pan;
  • pour washed rice and not completely boiled lentils into the boiling mass (strain it before that);
  • add salt to taste and simmer until the water evaporates.
  • at the end of cooking, sprinkle pilaf with herbs;
  • sour cream can be used as a dressing.

Red lentil cutlets


  • 250 g lentils;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 1 egg.


  • boil lentils and drain the water;
  • knead it to the consistency of a thick puree;
  • add flour to the cooled mass and mix thoroughly;
  • form cutlets, roll them in flour and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Photo Gallery: Lentil Food Ideas for Nursing Mom

To prepare a casserole or a pie, you can choose a green or red variety of lentils.It is better not to fry cutlets for a nursing mother, but to bake them in the oven. green or black lentils work well Red lentils are ideal for making a puree soup

Video: a simple recipe for making lentils with carrots and onions in a slow cooker

During breastfeeding, women often discover healthy food even if they haven't used it before. An example of this is lentils, which will improve the health of mothers and babies. You can easily prepare a variety of delicious dishes from it. The main thing is to choose only a high-quality product and carefully introduce it into the diet.

During the period of breastfeeding, a woman's nutrition should be varied, correctly selected, and most importantly, contain only useful and natural products, because the health and well-being of the baby depends on it.

Besides, lactation period is a great opportunity to reconsider your eating habits and learn the basics proper nutrition, which will undoubtedly affect the appearance and vital energy the woman herself. What can you eat while breastfeeding?

This question is often asked by women in the hospital, and often receive a very limited list of permitted products, but this does not mean that it does not expand over time. So many women, fearing to harm their baby, continue to eat according to the menu compiled in the hospital, and after a while they are surprised that hair begins to fall out, the skin loses its elasticity, and more and more often there is a feeling of fatigue. So what should be the diet for breastfeeding? Consider all the intricacies of proper nutrition for moms.

The principle of nutrition during breastfeeding

Many women during the period of breastfeeding mistakenly believe that the diet should be limited. In fact, this is not at all the case, because milk has a constant composition, and if any important element is absent, it comes from the reserves of the woman's body, therefore, first of all, the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding should be varied. At the same time, you should not abuse any specific products, no matter how useful they are. The deficiency of trace elements and vitamins, as well as their excess, negatively affects the state of the body of the mother and child. To prevent this from happening, you can develop a special menu for the week, in which the same dish should not be repeated more than two times. Let's say such healthy buckwheat when breastfeeding, it can be present in the weekly menu in various variations, with milk, with vegetables, and these will already be two dishes that are completely different in biochemical composition and calorie content.

The daily diet of a nursing mother should be balanced in terms of the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is in this descending order that they should be placed on a plate:

  1. 40% slow carbohydrates(cereals, bread, cereals, pasta)
  2. 30% fiber (vegetables, fruits)
  3. 25% proteins (cottage cheese, meat, fish)
  4. and only 5% fat, considering that almost all foods contain fats.

The calorie intake of a woman who feeds a baby should exceed 500 - 700kkl daily rate appropriate for the weight category and age, since the process of milk production is very energy-intensive, in addition, caring for a child also requires a lot of effort from the mother.

The opinion that women gain weight when breastfeeding is completely mistaken, on the contrary, with a well-chosen diet, all the kilograms gained during the period of bearing a baby gradually melt away without a trace, since their purpose is to provide a newborn baby with nutrition. Naturally, this rule does not apply to those who eat pancakes while breastfeeding for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Fractional nutrition implies the consumption of food in small portions - 150-200 ml, with equal intervals between them. The frequency of meals depends on the woman's desire, but it is preferable to eat 4 - 5 times a day. If desired, light snacks in the form of a cup of tea with biscuit biscuits or an apple are permissible, which will speed up the metabolism and allow the woman to stay in a good mood.

Also, do not forget about the drinking regimen, you can drink liquid between meals or just before feeding. Mint, lemon balm and chamomile are useful for breastfeeding, in addition to a calming effect, they increase lactation. Very helpful chamomile tea when breastfeeding, as well as a decoction from dill seeds to relieve bloating in an infant. Care should be taken when breastfeeding cocoa, as it is one of the strongest allergens.

Based on the above, you can make sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. A serving of oatmeal - 120g. One egg, boiled in a bag, a glass of milk or tea.
  • Lunch. Vegetable salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, a slice of bran bread with hard cheese, dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner. Chicken noodle soup, curd casserole.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt homemade sugar-free, fruits, dry biscuits.
  • Dinner. Lean fish steamed with vegetables. Slice of bread. Herbal tea.

The calorie content of such a diet is approximately 2700kl with the condition that portions are observed. Breastfeeding recipes can be found in specialist literature or on the Internet. You can also cook simple dishes, adjusted for what you can eat when breastfeeding only boiled, baked and steamed foods.

Diet for nursing mothers in the first month after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of a baby, the diet of a nursing mother is very limited, this is due to the fact that milk has an unsettled composition, and a newborn baby reacts sharply to any changes in its components. Pediatricians recommend eating in the first two weeks only dietary non-fat foods that do not contain potential allergens and have only natural origin. Gradually, the diet can be expanded by introducing new dishes and products into it, but not more than one per day. You also need to be careful about the amount of food, so safe biscuit biscuits, if consumed excessively, can cause a rash in the newborn, and too much dairy products rich in protein will lead to intoxication and constipation in the baby.

Breastfeeding vegetables, as well as fruits in the first month, should be chosen only seasonal, avoiding red shades. So apples and bell pepper it is better to pick up green or yellow color, they have fewer allergens, and carrot and pumpkin juice when breastfeeding, it is better to leave until the baby is 3 months old.

List of permitted foods for breastfeeding in the first 3 to 4 weeks:

  • Boiled porridge in water - rice, buckwheat. In the second week, you can oatmeal, semolina should be abandoned, there are no nutrients in it, only empty calories.
  • Dairy products. Low-fat cottage cheese - 5 - 9% fat, milk added to cereals or tea. Sour cream 15% fat in the form of salad dressings. Recipes for breastfeeding through one have dairy products in the dish, but you should not get carried away with them, since the baby may develop an allergy to lactose.
  • Boiled fillet veal, chicken, can be in the form of steamed cutlets, meatballs. Broths should be discarded, they contain a substance that strongly affects the kidneys of the newborn.
  • Chicken and beef liver when breastfeeding is extremely useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins B and PP, which prevent anemia.
  • Small amounts of bread, gray, bran. You should refrain from baking and fresh white bread as they can cause constipation.
  • Fruit by season, except for berries (watermelons, strawberries, grapes, cherries, raspberries, cherries), exotic fruits, pears and plums. Dried fruits are useful for breastfeeding, since they are free of allergens and a lot of fiber that prevents constipation.

Gradually, you can add hard cheeses to the menu, except for fermented ones - feta cheese, feta, Adyghe, soups in the second broth, confectionery(marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallow) in a small amount. Also, towards the end of the first month, you can expand the range of cereals by adding wheat, corn and millet porridge, which is most useful for breastfeeding.

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to breastfeed borscht? The answer to this question will be ambiguous, since borscht is a multicomponent dish, and for any product from its composition, the baby may have allergic reaction... Therefore, such dishes as borscht, vinaigrette, must be introduced into the diet when all vegetables are already present in the daily menu separately and you are sure that the child will react positively to them.

The main thing to remember is what you can eat while feeding. infant practically everything, except for specific products, but at the same time expand your diet gradually, as in the case of complementary foods for a child - each new dish or product is introduced in pure form, in the morning, in order to observe the child's reaction to it. And, of course, there should be a sense of proportion in everything.

Healthy foods for breastfeeding

As discussed earlier, variety is beneficial when breastfeeding, but there are foods that have specific properties to increase lactation, slightly increase the fat content of milk, if necessary, replenish the loss of reserves of trace elements in female body... But in order to really benefit from them, you must also observe the measure of consumption.

Do not think that if you have breakfast with cottage cheese, then the baby will immediately receive more calcium when feeding, this is an erroneous opinion, since the composition of milk will not change from increased consumption of any product, everything useful material enter milk from the woman's reserves in an already processed and easily digestible form. This means that any deficiency is reflected at first on the female body, which is a donor, and only after a long time can it affect the well-being and development of the baby. But this, as a rule, does not reach, since any changes in the appearance, well-being and mood of a nursing mother are a signal to revise their diet.

Conversely, excess of the same calcium or omega 3 during breastfeeding can affect digestive system toddler and become a trigger for food allergies in infants.

Products that increase lactation and improve the properties of milk:

  • Halva when breastfeeding, it can increase lactation and give milk a fat content, however, this is a very high-calorie product, which, moreover, can cause allergies if it contains peanuts. Halva can be consumed only when necessary, when milk, for some reason, has become less nutritious or its amount has decreased. Overuse of foods such as nuts while breastfeeding can lead to increased milk viscosity and blockage of the breast ducts.
  • Sesame when breastfeeding is an extremely important and useful product. These small seeds contain a whole treasure of vitamins, micro and macro elements, especially calcium, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, sesame seeds promote recovery physical activity, lowering blood cholesterol, have a mild laxative effect.
  • Lentils when breastfeeding increases immunity, warns a woman against breast diseases, supplies the body enough folic acid and iron are necessary for both mother and child.
  • Almond when breastfeeding, it also has the right to be in the diet, since it contains a lot of calcium and fluoride, so necessary for women during lactation. In addition, almonds can be used not in their pure form, but ground into flour, to prepare wonderful tasty and healthy sweets from them - marzipan.
  • Avocado when breastfeeding, you can add to a woman's diet no earlier than a month after giving birth, this is due to the fact that the body is wary of all fruits that do not grow in our climate. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of avocado for the body, it contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It has a good effect on the nervous system and the development of vision in the baby.
  • Dairy products fresh are an integral part of the diet of a nursing mother, since they contain prebiotics that prevent constipation, both in women and in infants, as well as the necessary protein, calcium and fluoride. These low-fat foods are easy to digest and create a feeling of fullness with a low calorie content.

Foods that are undesirable for nursing mothers

At the very beginning of the period of feeding a baby, a woman is faced with all sorts of prohibitions, it is easier to say what you can eat when you are breastfeeding than to announce the weight of a list of foods that are prohibited. But over time, the list of permitted products expands, and only those that can cause allergies, bloating, or are harmful not only for lactating women, since they contain nothing but calories and cholesterol, remain in the stop list.

Causing products food allergies should be excluded from the menu in the first months of feeding and introduced with great care, provided that there are no allergy sufferers in the family. These can be red berries and fruits, citrus fruits, peanuts, red fish, seafood, eggs, whole cow's milk, breastfeeding chocolate. There is no talk of a categorical ban on this group of products, but they fall into the risk category.

Foods that cause digestive upset in a child, bloating, colic. This category includes all types of legumes, pearl barley, pears, cherries, plums, as well as white and cauliflower... Broccoli during breastfeeding can and should be consumed in small quantities, since this type of cabbage is very useful for a child, it is not for nothing that it is introduced already in the first month of complementary feeding.

Very tasty, but absolutely useless and even harmful products, such as smoked meats, sausages, biscuit cakes with butter cream, mayonnaise, ketchup and everything that contains flavor enhancers, unnatural stabilizers and dyes.

Foods and spices with a specific taste that can change the taste of milk. For example, breastfeeding ginger imparts bitterness to milk. The same effect has a radish when breastfeeding, which is often used for colds... You should also refrain from excessive consumption of parsley, garlic, celery, radish and spices, which have a bright, rich taste. Also, do not eat sushi while breastfeeding, as noria algae will also give milk an unusual flavor.

Also should not be taken on purpose. fish fat when breastfeeding, an excess of vitamin A can lead to hypervitaminosis in the baby.

Breastfeeding seaweed is a controversial product, on the one hand, its biochemical composition is incredibly useful for a growing body, but an excess of iodine can lead to serious illnesses, therefore, if you consume seaweed, then in small quantities even after the baby is six months old.

The most common breastfeeding questions are:

  1. Is soy sauce good for breastfeeding? Soy sauce has a rejuvenating and firming effect on the body, but subject to its naturalness. Manufacturers often add hydrochloric acid, dyes or extraneous additives, such a sauce is not useful to anyone, and sometimes even dangerous.
  2. Can you eat mushrooms while breastfeeding? Mushrooms can be eaten with great care and only those of the origin of which you are sure, for example, store-bought champignons. Canned mushrooms or collected in an unknown place, are dangerous to the life and health of the mother and child.
  3. Can you eat herring while breastfeeding? The first time should not be consumed fatty varieties fish, especially salted, but if you really want to, then nothing terrible will happen from a slice of herring.
  4. Can I drink valerian while breastfeeding? Valerian, like motherwort during breastfeeding, can be taken as a sedative, sedative only not in the form of alcoholic tinctures.

When choosing products Special attention you should pay attention to the naturalness of their origin, as well as safety, which is ensured by checking the sources of their supply. Under no circumstances should you buy such seemingly healthy homemade eggs or dairy products from your hands, unless you are convinced of their quality, due to the method of preparation, storage and transportation. It is also worth treating with extreme caution chicken meat, in which you can often find antibiotics and growth hormones, which are strictly prohibited when feeding a baby.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Lentils are very nutritious and delicious. Let's see if a nursing mother can use lentils.

Lentils are a herbaceous plant with a one-year cycle of the legume family. Lentils have been used as food for a long time. Even in ancient chronicles, there is such a dish as lentil stew.

Lentil properties

A very important property of a plant like lentil is its ecological purity. Lentils do not tend to accumulate in themselves any harmful products... It cannot concentrate any toxins, nitrates, radionucleides, or any other harmful substances. Therefore, it is very useful as a food and an ingredient in dishes.

Lentils are also very beneficial for nursing mothers in that they help to cope with nervousness and frustration due to their sedative components. Also, lentils contain a lot of potassium, which improves blood composition by participating in the process of hematopoiesis. So, to the question whether a nursing mother can use lentils, it is worth answering a loud "Yes!", Since lentils are also involved in prevention oncological diseases, including breast cancer in women. This is due to the fact that lentils contain isoflavone - an element that will not disappear even with the most rigorous processing of the product.

Such a useful product

Eating lentil dishes will help strengthen the immune system and fill the body with health, which will be passed on to the baby with breast milk mother. The vitality will be at its best when using such dishes. If you use sprouted lentil seeds, then the body will receive a large amount of vitamins, in particular vitamin C. This is very important for normal functioning organisms of mom and baby.

Lentils are also very important source folic acid and iron. It can provide over ninety percent of the norm that a person needs per day. Also, lentils contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins and starch.

In general, the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have lentils is covered in sufficient detail. Lentils are a healthy product, and they are not prohibited during lactation. The only drawback is the possibility of increasing gassing.

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