Poultry meat benefits and harm. Production of chicken. Hurting from the use of chicken meat in food. How to divide the whole chicken right

Chicken meat is a dietary product rich in proteins and vitamins. The benefits of chicken meat in its composition and exposure to organs and human systems.

Chicken is tasty, nutly, useful and accessible. The minimum amount of cholesterol allows you to eat chicken meat plenty. The chicken meat contains a lot of protein, but is easily absorbed and considered dietary. How much protein is contained in a chicken? The chicken contains the perfect amount of nutrients. Balanced composition has chicken meat. Proteins and amino acids represent most of the chicken content - about 92%, fats - 4.1%, there are no carbohydrates. The protein is the main component for the proper formation of muscles and bones and the stimulant of the active development of the brain. The nutritional value of chicken meat is an average of 190 kcal per 100 grams. Perhaps the oscillation of calories depending on the part of the chicken carcass.

Chicken meat vitamins

What vitamins can be found in chicken meat? The complex of vitamins B is represented by Vitamins B2, B6, B7 (biotin or vitamin H), B9, B12. White meat is rich in vitamins A, RR, antiholesterol vitamin F. Also, the chicken contains: magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, potassium and zinc. The content of each mineral component provides this or that effect on systems and human organs. Vitamins B9 and B12 are considered predominantly "female". They provide the correct development of the fetus and the stable psycho-emotional state of the mother during the period of to wear. Beautiful shiny hair, clean smooth skin, strong nails - all this is possible thanks to the presence of macro and trace elements in a chicken. The stable state of the nervous system also lies as part of chicken meat.

The benefits of chicken meat

Chicken can restore forces. Chicken broth is the first tool for maintaining forces during the disease and in the postoperative period. In case of injury and lesions of soft tissues, such as burns and fractures, it is necessary to regularly use chicken broth. The fact is that the chicken broth is able to support heart rhythm in good condition and not affect blood pressure. Chicken benefits for any metabolic processes in the body.

Chicter increases the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blood. It is extremely important for diabetic patients. These acids are easily absorbed, so chicken meat is rightly considered prophylactic nutrition against atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

The operation of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out correctly and without failures if the diet has a chicken dishes. Therefore, the chicken is actively used in the menu of children and the elderly.

Due to the variety of vitamins, the human nervous system is not subject to loads and shakements. Insomnia and depression are not frequent guests in people who regularly use chicken breasts. It will be appropriate to the question that causing lovers of this diet product: what part of the chicken is the most useful? Boiled chicken breast - the most dietary part of the chicken. The caloric content of the breast is only 110 kcal per 100 grams. White meat contains a much smaller amount of cholesterol than chicken ham. Also, the breast is almost spilled from fats and substances that are digested difficult and long. This minimizes the intestinal inflammation. The chicken breast can be called perfect food for people striving for the construction of muscle mass of the body. The meat of a young chicken is considered the most useful.

Chicken meat harm

Naturally, the same product besides benefit may also bring harm. Excessive use and method of cooking chicken meat is a small toliary of harm, which can come from this product. Smoked chicken - a delicious dish, only the benefits and harm from use are incommensurable. Modern smoking technologies are carried out using toxic substances, which is dangerous for the body. In addition, the chicken intended for smoking is grown by special technology. Antibiotics, hormones and bone flour are added to the bird feed. Antibiotics do not allow to multiply infections, birds do not hurt, and farmers are not losses. Frequent use of such chicken can significantly reduce human immunity and stimulate the emergence of allergies. Female sex hormone - estrogen regularly used by chickens, leads to a quick weight gain. Excess estrogen in women is fraught with hormonal failures, in particular impaired menstrual cycle, and an increase in body weight. The harm for such chicken meat for men consists in disturbing potency and infertility. Chicken meat is a healthy and useful food, if the bird is grown at home. Industrial production does not guarantee the safety of this product. And the quality of chicken meat depends on the set of factors to which the consumer cannot affect.

Despite the popularity of vegetarian diets, nutrition specialists are not recommended to exclude meat products from the diet. Any kind of meat is a supplier of a full-fledged protein and vitamins of a group B, missing in vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, the excessive passion for severe fatty food becomes an unbearable load for the body, which leads to the occurrence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, problems with heart and vessels, and is also one of the reasons for a set of excess weight. It is believed that the meat of chicken, the benefits and the dangers of which are written quite a few popular articles and scientific treatments, can be used in much more than pork, lamb or beef without risk to damage to their health.

The use of chicken meat - 10 beneficial properties for the body

  1. Powerful antidepressant

    In muscle fibers of animals and birds contains tryptophan. This amino acid is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin - hormones, contributing to the improvement of mood and removing the nervous voltage. It is no coincidence that in moments of emotional bursts we want to taste a piece of roasted chicken or grilled chicken. Do not deny yourself in this pleasure. Light dinner with the inclusion of a small amount of chicken meat is useful to avoid insomnia, will help to cope with depressive thoughts, will give the joy of life.

  2. The benefits of chicken for thyroid gland

    In meat of this poultry there is selenium, thanks to which the balance of iodine in the body is optimized, which positively affects the state of the thyroid gland. It is very important to follow the health of this body to avoid diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders and hormonal failures.

  3. Chicken, the beneficial properties of which are caused by a light digestibility and a small amount of fat, is a supplier of vitamin B12 necessary for the formation of red blood tauros. A significant part of micro and macroelements is contained in chicken liver. According to the calculations of nutritionists, consumption of 100 grams of this product not only satisfies the daily need for beneficial substances, but also exceeds the norm trip. Thus, the introduction of chicken meat and liver in the menu is prevention of anemia, improves the composition of the blood, increases the energy balance, allows you to restore after disease.

  4. Support for the immune system

    Speaking about the benefits of chicken meat, it is necessary to mention that it has such an important trace element as iron and vitamin RR, which contribute to the strengthening of immunity, prevent certain types of oncology and other diseases. The deficiency of this vitamin known as nicotinic acid or niacin leads to the occurrence of Pellagra - severe illness, manifested by intestinal disorders, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, the focus of brain activity, which in critical cases ends with a fatal outcome.

  5. Boiled chicken - unchanged constituent diet for weight loss

    High-quality animal protein needs our body to strengthen bones and fabrics, and also helps in the fight against overweight. Obesity has become a dangerous trend of modern society. The presence in the diet of lean chicken meat can play an important role in the acquisition of a slim figure, as it causes a long sense of saturation and protects against random snacks.

  6. Improving reproductive functions

    In chicken meat and liver, birds contain folic acid, increasing the ability of the body to conceive and tooling a healthy offspring. The use of meat chicken will benefit during pregnancy, warning the development of defects of the nervous tube of the fetus. The presence in the diet of the future mother dishes made of steamed or baked chicken will make it possible to neutralize the damage caused by the nervous system with stressful situations that often pursues a woman throughout the 9 months of tooling the baby. In addition, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which stimulates the activity of men's spermatozoides and improving the qualitative indicators of female eggs is found in chicken meat.

  7. Optimization of brain work

    Nicotine acid contained in chicken meat has a positive effect on the functions of the brain and the nervous system, warns damage to DNA cells in a developing fetus and serves as the prevention of the extinction of cognitive abilities in old age. Moderate intake of chicken meat will avoid memory disorders and even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Providing eye health

    Synthesis in the body of vitamin A is impossible without the presence of retinol, lycopene, alpha and beta-carotes. All these trace elements can we get, eating chicken meat. Useful properties of vitamin A help to maintain excellent eyesight, have a positive effect on the state of the eyes, serve for the prevention of cataracts, prevent the damage to the lens.

  9. Solving skin problems

    Due to the presence in meat chicken vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the useful properties of this product provide health and mucous membranes. If you celebrate the soreness of the language, cracking lips, skin rashes, you need to diversify your menu with chicken dishes in combination with vegetables or croups.

  10. Strengthening bones and muscles

    Being an excellent source of animal protein and phosphorus, chicken meat in your diet will help increase the strength of muscles and bones, prevent age-related changes in the skeleton and muscles. Diets with inclusion of low-fat chicken support teeth and gums, warn hair loss and nail fragility.

Many are chicken fans, but not everyone knows the benefits of chicken meat, and, of course, about His harm. In the modern world, the chicken meat is erected into a peculiar cult as cheap, low-calorie and easily digestible. Is it so? It is worth understanding.

What is useful chicken meat?

First of all, in the advantages of chicken meat should be written its low calorie. So, 100 grams of chicken contains only 190 kcal, and after cooking there are only 137 kcal, and in the case of frying, the caloric content of the final product will increase to 210 kcal. As we see from these simple numbers, the chicken is preferable to boiled. By the way, it is also more useful, and cholesterol is less.

Chicken meat is a solid protein, and its regular use in combination with certain physical exertion leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Finally, the chicken meat is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6, and due to the high power of nutrients perfectly relieves fatigue, restores the strength and quench the hunger.

Chicken meat harm

It is worth noting that all the benefits of chicken meat manifests itself exclusively in homemade chiches. If we talk about curies purchased in stores or supermarkets, then, most likely, the benefit of such meat is not enough. It is better not to use the children and the people of old age, as it contains a large number of antibiotics, accumulating the most in the trees, bones and skin.

Chicken meat harm for men

Speaking about chicken meat harm for men, we should mention popular meat baking methods in male companies. Long-term marination, long frying chicken on coals or grilled, not only multiplies the number of carcinogenic substances in the dish, but also significantly complicates digestibility, reducing it to zero. It is best to prepare a chicken with vegetables and in the boiled form.

Also, you should not forget that the meat produced by the industrial way often has an oversupply of hormones, which is negatively affecting the body and men, and women affecting DNA and reducing health and immunity.

Source http://womanAdvice.ru/kurinoe-Myaso-polza-i-vred.

Scientists have long established that such a product as meat is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. Meat contains a large amount of protein. This product must necessarily include the diet. A special benefit has chicken meat. It is important to know how to properly prepare it so that the maximum positive impact was observed. Any meat can harm. Chicken is no exception. Therefore, these issues should be understood before actively use it in cooking.

Useful composition of chicken meat

The meat of chicken in cooking has a fairly pleasant specific aroma. Such an effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition of essential oils, glutamic acid, nitrogen-containing substances. Among the vitamins can be noted as follows: group vitamins B, A, E, C, RR. Ornate chicken meat such microelements:

It is worth noting that the chicken meat protein is contained in the greatest quantity, compared with other types of meat. The product is low-calorie. But carbohydrates are practically absent. Thanks to this, the chicken has a dietary value. The maximum number of useful components is in chicken breast.

The benefits of meat chicken

First of all, the chicken is particularly useful for people suffering from overweight. The minimum amount of calories and carbohydrate allows you to include the product in the diet with a diet. It is important to use boiled meat, the benefits of chicken breast at the same time the highest. Chicken broth is useful in the period of colds. The fact is that the warm broth contributes to the restoration of the immune system, the enrichment of the organism proteins.

Further, the protein is the main building material for the body. Broth based on this type of meat advise to use people whose activities are associated with high physical exertion. Squirrel athletes are extremely necessary. Therefore, the boiled chicken breast should be included in the daily diet. Broth suits the body for a long time, makes it more hardy. Specialists in the field of traditional and traditional medicine advise to use it during periods of recovery after surgical interventions.

A huge amount of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system. Nervous cells come to normal. Regular use of the product helps to get rid of stress, insomnia, depression. Vitamin E eliminates the body from the effects of free radicals, prevents the active process of aging. It has been established that such dietary food (boiled chicken, broth) helps fight the following ailments:

  • Gout;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Panish diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is for diabetics that the chicken is the main dish in the menu. The thing is that meat takes part in the assimilation of blood polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolism, and the work of the pancreas. The product includes such a component as glutamine. It helps in a short time to increase muscle mass. Chicken-based broth is prescribed by doctors for the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke. Normalizes blood pressure. Meat contributes to the elimination of harmful cholesterol from the body, after which the work of all organism systems is being established.

Vitamins of group in make the product useful for beauty. With regular use of boiled chicken, the condition of the face of the face is improved, hair is strengthened. Over time, the skin of the face acquires natural shine, gets rid of irregularities. Hair becomes more elastic and obedient. It is important when cooking to shoot an eye with meat, because all the harm is collected in it.

Chicken meat harm

Any product with incorrect use is harmful. Chicken meat is not an exception. Maximum harm is in chicken skirt. This is a genuine adipose fabric, which is very harmful when diet for weight loss. Fat has a negative impact on the work of the stomach and pancreas. The only safe skar is on the wing of chicken.

More often there is harm from chicken from the store, rather than from home. When breeding birds, unscrupulous farmers can use various antibiotics for rapid growth. Nutrition birds are also not the highest quality. Such components may have a detrimental effect on the human body from poisoning, to allergies. Allergic reactions are manifested in the form:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Vomiting;
  • Urticaria;
  • Swelling of quinque.

With insufficient heat treatment of meat, harm will manifest itself in the form of breeding pathogenic bacteria in the intestine. This is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis, poisoning, helminths. A large amount of harmful cholesterol is contained in smoked and fried chicken. It is not necessary to abuse them. The most useful option will be boiled fillet and breast.

Source http://healfoods.ru/produkty/Myaso/kurinoe-Myaso.html.

Chicken meat Love and regularly prepare many of us. It becomes the basis of the mass of different dishes, and the useful addition of the daily menu. The benefits and harm of chicken mainly depends on how the meat was cooked, and how the bird was grown about it in more detail and talk.

The benefits of chicken

  • Chicken meat includes a lot of protein and amino acids. And its calorie content is in order than the calorie content of other types of meat (approximately 190 kcal, depending on which part of the carcass are we talking about). Therefore, chicken is actively involved in the dietary dishes and in the proper power menu.
  • Animal protein - basic use in chicken meat. As we know, it is the main building material of the human body. Also in meat chicken a lot of potassium and phosphorus. It can be considered dietary and due to the low content of fats.
  • Chicken is useful for our immunity. The presence of a number of valuable trace elements in it allows you to create a kind of protective barrier for the body. Those who regularly use boiled meat chicken, much less often suffer from colds than those who love, for example, pork and beef.

Find out: How and how much how to make chicken meat correctly, so that it keeps all useful properties.

  • Very useful product - chicken broth. It is rather nutritious, and at the same time can quickly give strength. In view of this, it is the most popular product for patients during the recovery period.
  • The chicken has a beneficial effect on our nervous system. A set of useful vitamins and trace elements ensures the normal functioning of nerve cells. The chicken is especially useful for those who suffer from insomnia, stress, depression. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, chicken meat contains a lot of other mineral components and vitamins. These are vitamins A and E, vitamins of group B, iron, magnesium. Curyatin has practically no carbohydrates, which is also its advantage.
  • Experts argue that high-quality chicken meat can be used as a way to combat many diseases, such as gout and polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic disease. Especially you need to use chicken meat diabetics, since it contributes to an increase in polyunsaturated acids in the blood, perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  • Another reason for the benefit of chicken meat is the presence of glutamine in it. This is an amino acid that helps build up muscle mass. Therefore, bodybuilders are like chicken meat.
  • Chicken provides prevention of strokes and atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure. It is useful to elderly people and children.
  • Chicken meat normalizes metabolism, maintains the level of sugar and blood pressure in the normal state. It also lowers the level of poor cholesterol, and activates the work of the kidneys. Chicken meat is useful for people and with reduced acidity, and high.

    Find out: how and where to properly store chicken meat so that it keeps all useful properties and did not harm the body.

  • Chicken meat harm

    • The main drawback is the skin. It has a lot of fatty tissue. Before drinking meat, it is better to remove the skin, which will help to eliminate its harm. Exception - Schucker on the wings, gentle and low-fat.
    • Considerable benefits of chicken meat concerns only homemade chicken. As for the bird purchased in the store, it may be more harm in it than good. Many companies are struck broiler chickens with antibiotics and hormones, in which, of course, a little use. Also in chicken feed add anabolic hormones in order to quickly grow birds and increase their mass.
    • If the meat of the chicken was not processed, it can cause active reproduction of bacteria in the intestine, and poisoning the entire body as a result. Therefore, the chicken must be cooked well before use.
    • It is also not necessary to abuse smoked and fried chicken, as these dishes are sources of harmful cholesterol. The most useful is a boiled chicken fillet, often included in the diet of athletes and just people who want to keep the figure and health in order.

    Learn: how to choose the right chicken meat, so as not to harm the body.

    As we see, the benefits and harm of the chicken is a very controversial question. With the right, moderate consumption of homemade meat, this product will become a worthy component of your diet.

    Source http://foodinformer.ru/products/Myaso/polza-i-vred-kuricy

    It will look like this:

    Copy the text below:

    Chicken is the most common view of poultry. The chickens are bred for meat, eggs, feather and fluff. Popular use in everyday life is considered to prepare meat. It is very valuable for the vital activity of the body.

    The composition of the chicken includes such vitamins as a, pp, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, beta carotene, C and E, as well as minerals such as fluorine, copper, chrome, cologit, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese and iron.

    Curious! In boiled chicken calorieness is higher than in crude chicken.

    The benefits and harm of homemade chicken

    Natural rustic chicken meat contains a large amount of amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body. In Churyatin, there are few fats, so little cholesterol. It is useful for immunity, use protects our body from negative environmental impact.

    Doctors recommend to use chicken broth, as it helps to restore the strength of a weakened organism. Vitamins contained in the composition of chicken improve the blood formation process, normalize metabolic processes in the body. When using chicken with vegetables and greens, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Restore the beauty of hair, nails and skin contained vitamins of group V.

    The greatest benefit with the use of chicken is obtained by our bones and muscles, as it contains a large amount of protein, which is an excellent building material. Also protein has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain.

    A large amount of vitamin and mineral composition affects the normalization of the nervous system, so if a person suffers from insomnia, depression and other "nervous" states, then the use of chicken meat is simply necessary. Also chicken should be used for prevention from heart attacks, strokes and ischemia.

    You should not use the skin and dark pieces of chicken. Skin, during his life, digging harmful substances that can adversely affect the body. It is better to remove it before starting cooking.

    You should also not use chicken meat and smoked and fried. If the chicken was initially poorly processed, most likely the harmful bacteria began to multiply in the colon, and putrefactive processes began to multiply. Due to the use of such meat, the poisoning of the body can be caused.

    Benefit and harm to shop chicken

    If it is impossible to buy a homely rustic chicken, many people acquire them in stores. It can be sold as chilled or frozen. It is difficult to judge the benefits of meat such a chicken, as everyone knows that artificially grown chicken grow on antibiotics, hormones and other components.

    These procedures are made in order for the weight of the chicken to raise rapidly and in order to prevent a number of diseases. The use of such meat can provoke a hormonal failure in the body and other diseases. Also, the quality depends on what conditions a chicken was contained than it was fed and what water saw, as was transported and how was stored in the store.

    In cooking

    Separate parts of the chicken can be used in the preparation of culinary dishes: with the fillet, the thigh and the shin are perfectly suitable for the preparation of the kitlet, salads, chops, pings and stew. The dorsal and loss will serve as an excellent option for making broths and soups.

    Tip! Shop chicken should be carefully subjected to thermal processing, while removing in advance the skin.

    Restriction to use

    1. Smoked and fried chicken have a large amount of harmful cholesterol.
    2. Do not use people who have allergies to chicken protein.
    • It is possible to store the chicken in the cellophane package, in a glass container, in vacuum packaging and container.
    • 24 hours can be stored a chicken at a temperature of 7-10 ° C;
    • 48 hours at a temperature of 4-7 ° C;
    • 72 h at a temperature of 0-4 ° C;
    • 96 h at a temperature -2-0 ° C;
    • Up to 3 months can be stored at temperatures -8 ... -5 ° C;
    • Up to 6 months. at temperatures -14 ... -8 ° C;
    • Up to 9 months. at temperatures -18 ... -14 ° C;
    • Until the year at a temperature of -24 ... -18 ° C;

    Calorie 238kkal

    Proteins: 18.2g. (72.8 kcal)

    Fat: 18.4g. (165,6 kcal)

    Carbohydrates: 0g. (0 kcal)

    Energy ratio (b | f | y): 30% | 69% | 0%

    In a healthy diet, it has been preferred by dietary meat chicken in comparison with beef or pork. Kuryatin dishes are included in the diet of people of different ages, different countries, different times.

    It is not by chance, only on approximate estimates, there are over 700 different poultry breeds. Unpretentiousness is valued, simplicity of breeding chickens, and the huge use of meat for the full work of the human body.

    About chicken composition

    The smell of chicken in the cooking process is easy to find out. A pleasant fragrance appears due to characteristic essential oils.

    The unique composition of the low-calorie product is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, RR, various trace elements. Provides needs in the required components:

    • iron;
    • phosphorus;
    • zinc;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • gray;
    • sodium;
    • silver;
    • animal protein

    In terms of 100 grams of chicken meat: protein content - 23.2 gr., Fat - 1.65 gr., Calorie is 110-210 kcal. Depending on the selected part of the carcass and the cooking method.

    The least calories in the raw meat. Clawed chicken, smoked, stewed and roasting more calorie. The lowest indicator corresponds to chicken in kebabs.

    About the benefits of meat chicken

    Nutritionists dismiss chicken meat one of the first places in the rating of useful and nutritious products.

    The enrichment of the body with the necessary protein contributes to rapid restoration during the period of fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion.

    Sports loads, stress, intensive work take strength. Strengthen the work of the nervous system, avoid insomnia, depression will help regular use of chicken meat dishes. Ensure endurance and immune defense of the body.

    Low calorie chicken Allows you to include a product in diet for weight normalization. It is important to use the most useful boiled breast recommended for daily diet.

    The chicken meat, rich in vitamin E, protects against premature leather fading, strengthens the nails, hair, prevents the total aging of the body by establishing the fat metabolism and the sugar level.

    The product is perfectly absorbed due to the small number of connective tissue. Therefore, it is so important seeking to be beautiful and young to eat right, do not forget what kind of chicken meat is useful.

    Doctors note the composition of amino acids in chicken meat, affecting the proper nutrition and development of children, the formation of their bone and muscular system.

    It is important for future mothers to know that the dietary chicken meat has a beneficial effect on pregnancy. Vitamins B9, B12 are needed by reproductive organs of the female organism.

    • traditionally recommend warm chicken broth during flu disease, ARVI, other colds for the restoration of the immune system;
    • the healing composition of the product with the presence of glutamine helps during recovery after operations for muscle buildup;
    • diabetics have white chicken meat - the main dish of the daily menu. Thanks to it, the metabolism and the operation of the pancreas are normalized;
    • for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important for the presence of polyunsaturated acids in the composition of meat, contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis, the withdrawal of unnecessary cholesterol, a prevention of stroke, hypertension;
    • "Cores" need chicken broth to restore normal heart rhythm;
    • during the period of ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with chronic gastritis, chicken meat becomes a medicine for the patient;
    • boiled chicken dishes facilitate the condition of patients with gout and polyarthritis;
    • treatment of anemia and improved blood circulation is carried out with the addition of homemade chicken meat.

    Connoisseurs of the chicken meat, the benefits and the harm of which depend on the method of preparation, are recommended to give preference to cooking, extinguishing, but not roasting and smoking.

    White and red meat

    Often there is a question about the differences in white and red chicken meat. Definite answer, which is better, can not.

    In white meat, more magnesium, slightly less calories, but the difference is so worn, that it matters only in cases of very hard diets.

    Red meat gets color due to the presence of iron and various minerals. All components are vital to a person. In the red part of the carcass, more zinc, riboflavin, vitamins of different groups.

    In this way, the combination of white and red chicken meat equally strengthens the body, gives energy and strength. Features of the physical condition and preference will be prompted which meat to choose: white or red.


    It should be noted that the rooster meat is tougher than chicken. When choosing, you need to be guided by the definition of the age of the bird. The young meat of the rooster is suitable and useful, and the old threatens the indentation of the stomach. The most tender and low-calorie - chicken meat.

    Modern technologies allow to obtain dehydrated chicken meat, that is, dried, freed from the liquid. This product is designed to prepare animal feed.

    About the dangers of chicken meat

    Harm inflicts improper preparation or use of the product. Most of all fats and accumulation of bacteria occurs in chicken skin. The use of genuine adipose tissue is unsafe for the stomach, pancreas.

    The skin on the wings of the bird differs from the skins on other parts of the carcass. It is safe, especially in domestic birds, which were finished without adding antibiotics to grow.

    Careful thermal processing of meat is important to ensure the safety of the product, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, not to avoid poisoning, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of helminths.

    There is a danger of allergies on chicken protein. It is important to observe the measure and not to overeat the product so as not to provoke the manifestations of the disease.

    How many calories in chicken and chicken offal

    There is a significant difference in caloric content of dishes from different parts of the chicken carcass. These factors are important taking into account the method of preparation.


    1. Advantage in low calorie content in chicken breastJust 115 kcal per 100 grams of product.
    2. White meat contains less fat.
    3. The legs, hips, cervix differ in the calorie content slightly and occupy the second position.
    4. Wings and backs - leaders in calories, there are almost twice as much as the breast.


    Chicken sub-products are also varying among themselves.

    1. Baskets and ventricles per 100 grams of weight contain 110-130 kcal.
    2. Liver - 140-145 kcal.
    3. Hearts and leather are the most calories, 165-205 kcal.
    4. Chicken lobs from the liver, hearts and stomachs on average are 130-140 kcal per 100 grams.


    The constant advantage of chicken meat is its availability for the population. It is checker inexpensive.

    Even in the "black" time for our economy, the dietary product did not disappear from the shelves. The product price in different regions depends on the supply, domestic or imported, quality of raw materials, product sales conditions.

    The market dictates price fluctuations, sets upper and lower boundaries. 1 kg of meat can cost in a rural area much cheaper than in the metropolitan supermarket.

    In the private sector, many are independently divorced and contain chickens in their farm.

    Cost expenses, the creation of conditions for the content of chickens pays off and bring "income" in the form of fresh chicken meat and eggs.


    In search of healthy foods, people often forget about what is familiar and available at all times. It is necessary to enjoy the knowledge and recommendations of nutritionists, choose chicken or chicken meat, prepare with regard to household preferences.

    Recipes with chicken in dishes a huge amount. Listen to your body and find your decision of the dietary task.

    Chicken meat enjoys well-deserved popularity due to its taste, useful properties and low calories.


    Chicken is chicken meat, chicken carcass and all its components. It is impossible to say exactly when they began to tame chickens. According to one source, the first homemade chickens appeared about 2000 years before our era in India. Other sources say that homemade chicken has already existed 6000-8000 years before our era in the countries of Southeast Asia, and especially in China. And at present, wild chickens are populated by the territory of China, Indochina, Indonesia, Philippines and India. It is believed that Bankivsky chickens are believed to be the generics of home chickens.

    Today, chicken is the most common poultry. It is grown in almost all countries of the world. The largest producer of chicken is considered to be Brazil and the United States.

    To get chicken, the bird must be raised in domestic or factory conditions. Those birds that have achieved mature age are subject to caution, scalding and plugging. Fully peeled chicken carcass ready for culinary processing and subsequent use.

    The average hen carcass weight ranges from 1.5 to 5 kg (depending on the breed). For example, carbon black rocks can weigh 0.5 kg. Fresh carcass has a slightly yellowish or white skin, well-shaped muscles, pale pink meat and rounded breast. The young chicken has a delicate white skin, and its legs are covered with small scales. The old chicken has yellow skin, and on the legs there are large thighs and large scales.

    In cooking, chicken is used to prepare hot and cold snacks, first and second dishes. Preferably use meat breeds of chickens (there are also common user, meat and egg breeds).

    For the preparation of broths and soups, it is better to use a carcass of the old chicken, then the broth will be fragrant and the boolean. And for frying the kitlet and bobs, the meat of young birds is suitable, as it is gentle and soft, wellpowed.

    The fillet part of the carcass, legs and hips is used to make meatballs, kitlet, chops, salads, stew, pies, fuse, pill, chill, soufflies and all sorts of semi-finished products. The luxury (liver, heart, stomach) and a chicken back are used to prepare bridal ties, soyankok, boors, soups and broths. Chicken skin is used to baked minced (pasta, potato, mushroom, chicken), and fat, which is cut off with the abdomen, is used for frying and add to pate. The popular dish is also a whole carcass of chicken, baked with spices, as well as hot chicken or cold smoking.

    Composition and calorieness chicken

    In 100 g of meat, crude chicken contains 74.86 g of water, 23.2 g of proteins, 0.98 g of ashes, 1.65 g of fats; Vitamins: retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, tocopherol, choline, philloxinone; Macroelements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium; Microelements: selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese.

    The chicken calorie is 108 kcal per 100 g.

    Useful properties of chicken

    Due to the low caloric content, the chicken has excellent dietary properties, therefore it is perfect for people who are seeking to reduce body weight, as well as for patients with peptic disease, diabetes mellitus. Due to the high content of vitamin B6, glutamine and chicken protein is useful for the heart, strengthens the body and stimulates the central nervous system.

    The useful properties of the chicken are also in the prevention of the atherosclerosis of the vessels and the obstacle to the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks and hypertension. From colds, a wonderful healing agent is chicken broth.

    Contraindications to eat chicken meat

    It should be borne in mind that chicken meat, subjected to poor-quality heat treatment, can be a place for the reproduction of Salmonella, and in humans to cause a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract - salmonellosis.

    In addition, it is not necessary to abuse smoked chicken, as it contributes to the growth of malignant tumors. It is determined by the fact that in the process of smoking the amino acids are subjected to modification and radioactive isotopes accumulate in meat. In addition, in modern conditions, it often happens that when smoking meat, substances are used, harmful to the human body: acetone, formaldehyde, phenol.

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