Abundant, odorless, yellowish discharge. Why are there yellow discharge in women

Yellow vaginal discharge is often a cause for concern. Their presence does not always indicate a violation. Let us consider the main reasons for their appearance, list the pathologies in which such symptoms are noted, methods for diagnosing diseases of the reproductive system in women.

Yellow discharge in women - causes

Yellow discharge, observed at different periods of the menstrual cycle, is often the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. At the same time, doctors note that normally the discharge should be colorless or have a slightly whitish tint. They are called leucorrhoea. A change in color, consistency and volume indicates the presence of a disorder in the woman's reproductive system. Common reasons for their appearance include:

  1. Violation hormonal background. A change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood may be accompanied by an increase in the production of secretions, changes in their color. In this case, additional signs appear, in the form of a failure in the frequency, duration of menstruation, and their volume.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs. Long-term use of oral contraceptives can lead to changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. In such cases, there is an increase in discharge, a change in their color.
  3. Overvoltage, stress. Against the background of experiences, there is an increase in the production of adrenaline, which suppresses the synthesis of sex hormones. As a result, their concentration decreases, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
  4. Sexual infections. Even at the onset of the disease, the first sign of an infectious process or inflammation in the uterus is pathological discharge. The causative agent, multiplying, suppresses the growth of normal vaginal microflora, changing the pH value, creating favorable conditions for its further development and vital activity. In this case, the woman notes the occurrence of accompanying signs, including:
  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling of the vulva.

Odorless yellow discharge in women

In the absence of additional symptoms, in the form of structural changes in the structure of organs, burning, redness, itching, odorless yellow discharge can be considered as a normal, temporary phenomenon. When their duration exceeds 2-4 days, additional symptoms named above appear - it is worth contacting a doctor. You can not ignore the yellow discharge in women without odor, the reasons for which are as follows:

  1. Adnexitis. An inflammatory process localized in the uterine appendages, provoking yellow discharge in women. Often accompanied by profuse discharge, which takes on a pus-like appearance. When the process turns into a chronic stage, the ladies, on the contrary, fix a daub - a small volume of discharge from the vaginal cavity. Over time, additional symptoms appear, in the form of pain in the back and lower back. Sexual intercourse is often accompanied by painful sensations in the groin. Frequent urge to urinate appears.
  2. Bacterial vaginitis. The disease can provoke yellow discharge in women, odorless. With this violation, the vaginal walls are damaged by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the nature of the discharge changes. All this is accompanied by aching, painful phenomena in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the vagina.
  3. Salpingitis. With such a violation, the defeat of the fallopian tubes is recorded. In the acute stage, there are yellow discharge in women, pain in the side, from the side of inflammation.
  4. Allergic reaction. Doctors have found that a change in the nature of vaginal discharge may be associated with the consequences of the use of synthetic underwear, the use of a certain type of hygiene products.

Yellow odorless discharge in women

A phenomenon such as yellow odorless discharge may indicate the presence of an infectious process in the reproductive system. They are accompanied by severe itching, burning, and swelling of the pubic region. Among the common diseases, it is necessary to name:

  1. . A clear symptom of the disorder is a frothy discharge of a green or yellow tint. A characteristic feature is the presence of the smell of spoiled fish. At the same time, hyperemia of the labia minora occurs, which causes itching. During sexual intercourse, the lady experiences severe pain.
  2. Chlamydia. Genital infection caused by chlamydia. Yellow discharge in women during this period, as the disease progresses, becomes purulent. A burning sensation also appears during urination, due to the fact that the process can pass to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

It must be said that such diseases are very similar in symptoms. Differential diagnosis is based on carrying out:

  • smear on microflora;
  • bacteriological inoculation of the material.

Yellow-green discharge

Yellow-green discharge in women appears with the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Pus gives them a green tint. Among diseases with similar symptoms are:

  1. . There is an increase in the secretion of secretions, which become thick. In some cases, blood impurities can be recorded.
  2. . Disease affecting the female reproductive glands. As a result, the synthesis of hormones is disrupted, which leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle: delay, lengthening of menstruation, decrease or increase in the volume of secretions.

Light yellow discharge

It is worth noting that short-term, white-yellow discharge in women can be considered as a variant of the norm. At the same time, the lady additionally does not bother with anything, there is no discomfort and pain. In the presence of impurities of pus, mucus, burning and itching, pain in the genital area, frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain, doctors make an assumption about the development of gonorrhea. To make a diagnosis, a swab is taken from the urethra and vagina.

Yellow-brown discharge

Yellow discharge noted in women often turns brown, indicating the presence of blood in them. Yellow vaginal discharge, with blood impurities, is fixed with such a violation as cervical erosion. The disease itself is characterized by the appearance of foci of lesions of the mucous membrane, with the formation of ulcers that bleed. The discharge itself indicates the addition of an infectious process, which requires appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Yellow discharge and itching

Yellow discharge and itching in women can be fixed with a disorder such as candidiasis. It is caused by a fungus. As the disease develops, the woman fixes the appearance of a cheesy discharge, which is accompanied by severe itching. Yellow discharge with a sour odor is a classic symptom of fungal infection in the vagina. Treatment is reduced to normalizing the vaginal environment, by prescribing antifungal ointments that are used topically.

Yellow discharge before menstruation

According to the physiological characteristics of the female body, during the ovulatory process, the intensity of leucorrhoea increases. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. Under its influence, girls can fix yellow discharge. At the same time, they are short-lived, disappear on their own after 2-3 days, and do not cause additional symptoms.

Yellow discharge after menstruation

Abundant yellow discharge after the past menstrual period is a sign of irregularities. Among those:

  1. . Inflammation of the vaginal cavity. This process can be provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, fungi.
  2. . Inflammation of the uterine cervix, which is accompanied by profuse purulent discharge.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

During gestation, a woman does not notice menstruation. At the same time, small, colorless discharge, similar to daily, is recorded. Odorless yellow-green discharge in women in position may indicate a complication such as an infected abortion. As a result, the death of the baby occurs, the pregnant woman records the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • signs of inflammation in the blood test.

In the absence of these symptoms, the normal state of health of the pregnant woman, doctors may assume that odorless yellow discharge during pregnancy is caused by a change in hormonal levels. With the onset of gestation, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. Because of this, at short periods, pregnant women can record a change in the volume, color and consistency of discharge. At the same time, the expectant mother is not worried about anything.

Odorless yellow discharge can be both the norm and the pathology. You should know the signs and symptoms of various diseases in order to see a doctor in time.

Normal discharge

The vagina is the genital organ, which is the connecting bridge between the external environment and the internal reproductive organs.

The acid-base balance of the vagina is shifted towards the acid reaction, which prevents the penetration of infections and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. This acidic environment is created by bacteria that live on the mucous membrane. The cells of a healthy vagina produce secretions or secretions for cleansing and self-regulation, much like saliva cleans and regulates the oral environment. Such discharge is considered the norm. Any intervention in the delicate balance of vaginal secretions creates conditions conducive to the development of infection.

Discharge quality

All women have vaginal discharge. Normal discharge is white, slimy, clear, light white, yellowish and yellow. They can also contain white specks and sometimes be thin and stringy. Changes in their quantity, quality and consistency occur for many reasons, including during the menstrual cycle, during emotional stress, the use of drugs, including birth control pills... They also depend on nutritional status, pregnancy progression, and increase with sexual arousal. A yellow, odorless discharge can be the norm, and sometimes a sign of pathology.

Hormonal influence

The menstrual cycle affects the vaginal environment. You may notice an increase in moisture and clear secretions around the 10-14th day of your cycle. The acid-base balance of the vagina fluctuates during the cycle and is least acidic just before and during menstruation.

This creates a favorable environment for various bacteria, therefore, at this time there is a risk of contracting genital and viral infections. Before and after menstruation, some women experience odorless yellow discharge, sometimes streaked with blood. Every woman knows her discharge during all days of the menstrual cycle.


Odorless yellow discharge during pregnancy is considered normal, provided that no infection is detected during the examination and the pregnancy does not proceed with the threat of termination. All this is diagnosed when contacting a gynecologist after a full examination. In pregnant women without any pathology, the amount of leucorrhoea increases. This is a physiological phenomenon associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Odorless yellow discharge during pregnancy can appear if blood discharge from the cervix is ​​added to the leucorrhoea. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor after an additional examination.

Pathological discharge

Signs of abnormal discharge are changes in color or quantity. This indicates an infection. These conditions are common, and most women can develop various forms of vaginal infection during their lifetime. These symptoms force a woman to visit a gynecologist:

  • discharge is accompanied by itching, rash, or soreness;
  • discharge persistent, with an increase in the amount;
  • burning sensation during urination;
  • white massive leucorrhoea (like cottage cheese);
  • gray-white or yellow-green discharge.

Common causes of abnormal leucorrhoea

Abnormal yellow vaginal discharge occurs for many reasons, but it is usually a sign of infection and more. In case of unfavorable factors, the natural balance of bacteria or yeast in the vagina is disturbed, which are necessary to maintain a clean vagina and ensure reproductive function.

Various diseases of the internal genital organs, such as adnexitis, metroendometritis, can cause a woman to have yellow vaginal discharge. Such leucorrhoea is odorless, but accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and sometimes symptoms of intoxication.

With untreated diseases of internal female organs or with an untimely visit to the doctor, there are abundant odorless yellow discharge in women. Such symptoms are characteristic in most cases of a tubovarian abscess (pus in the fallopian tube) when it is emptied.

Leucorrhoea in girls and in postmenopausal women

For young girls and girls, yellow vaginal discharge is a pathology. If this occurs, vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva) caused by a streptococcal infection is a common cause.

If a woman in menopause notes that she has a yellow odorless discharge, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. Possible reasons include:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • polyps of the cervix - benign growths in the uterus or cervix;
  • prolonged wearing of an intrauterine device.

When examining, it is important to exclude oncological processes of the uterus and cervix.

Infectious factors

The most common reasons are:

  • thrush, or candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes.

To establish the correct diagnosis, treatment can only be prescribed by a gynecologist after an additional examination. For this, analyzes of secretions for flora, cytology, bacterial culture of secretions, analysis of the contents of the vagina for examination by PCR, ultrasound of the pelvic organs are used.

Bacterial vaginosis

Many factors influence the development of this disease. Like the appearance of thrush, there is an overgrowth of bacteria, which are normally produced in small quantities by the vaginal mucosa. At the same time, the delicate balance of the vaginal environment is upset.

Bacterial vaginosis can appear as a single inflammatory process, but it can accompany other infections. Women who have multiple partners and do not wear personal protective equipment are at increased risk of contracting bacterial vaginosis.

Signs and symptoms:

  • increased discharge;
  • gray-white, sometimes yellow discharge;
  • watery leucorrhoea, sometimes with a fishy odor;
  • change in the smell of discharge immediately after intercourse.

Nearly half of women with bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms.


This infection is caused by the invasion of unicellular protozoa. Trichomoniasis is most commonly sexually transmitted. However, these pathogens can survive for twenty-four hours in a humid environment, making wet towels or bathing suits possible transmission vehicles.

Most men and some women do not feel any symptoms, but most often the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • odorless yellow discharge, sometimes with a greenish tinge;
  • frothy leucorrhoea;
  • inflammation of the vulva and vagina;
  • increased frequency of urination;


In the absence of an infectious agent in the vagina, there is a small amount of yeast (candida) present in the vagina. Thrush occurs when there is an excess of yeast, often caused by a change in pH balance.

Some factors that can increase yeast cell production:

  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • the use of antibiotics (the protective bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, allowing the fungal infection to grow).

Signs and symptoms:

  • increased amount of discharge;
  • white color and consistency of cottage cheese;
  • redness, itching, burning of the vagina and vulva.

Yellow vaginal discharge with such a lesion is caused by inflammation and thinning of the mucous membrane and the addition of a blood secretion to the discharge.

Prevention and principles of treatment of vaginal infections

Do not self-medicate. Only your gynecologist will be able to choose the right treatment regimen for you in accordance with your general condition and pathological process in the vagina or other reproductive organs. And preventive measures are as follows:

  1. Using condoms during intercourse with promiscuous sex.
  2. Eat well, get enough sleep, and drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Compliance with the hygiene of the vaginal area.
  4. Wearing cotton underwear.
  5. Wiping the genitals from front to back after urinating or defecating.
  6. Avoid using deodorized pads or tampons.
  7. Do not use petroleum jelly or other oils for lubrication.
  8. Use medication as directed or as directed by your doctor.
  9. Avoid sexual intercourse until the end of the course of treatment.
  10. Do not scratch or scratch infected or inflamed areas; this may cause further irritation.
  11. If the use of the drug inside the vagina is prescribed, do not use it on the days of menstruation.
  12. Use pads rather than tampons if you have an infection during critical days.
  13. Avoid vulvovaginal irritants, including perfumed deodorants or shower gels.

If symptoms persist after completion of treatment, a re-examination is scheduled. For the accuracy of the results, it is not recommended to douche and insert suppositories or tablets into the vagina within 48 hours before visiting the gynecologist.

We all know that vaginal discharge is a process that lasts throughout a woman's life. At the same time, the amount and consistency depends on the organism itself, health and many other factors. However, very often the fairer sex has to deal with "abnormal" discharge. So, for example, many women complain of yellow discharge. So, let's see what this is connected with and what kind of discharge should be considered "normal".

Description of the problem

Experts say that women's discharge should be either white or transparent. They are called whites. Sometimes such discharge can turn yellow, but not always due to inflammation, as many believe. The reason may be changes in hormonal levels, taking birth control pills, or severe stress. Therefore, if the yellow discharge does not cause you discomfort, itching, burning, anxiety and pain, and also does not have a smell, it is most likely normal discharge, the so-called "leucorrhoea". If you are experiencing the above symptoms, this may indicate that you are faced with infections that are sexually transmitted or inflammatory.

Experts say that in 96% of women, the amount of discharge increases during ovulation, pregnancy or before menstruation. But keep in mind that during pregnancy, you should be careful about changes of this kind, since during this period the body of the expectant mother is most susceptible to infection.

Color differentiation

In a healthy woman, discharge is permissible, but it should not leave bright marks on the underwear. In addition, no other symptoms should be present. In other words, cream or light yellow discharge is normal.

The appearance of clear yellowish mucus may indicate the middle of the cycle, that is, about ovulation. A similar situation is observed at the beginning of the use of oral contraceptives.

A more saturated color indicates pathology. Bright yellow or even orange discharge is noted in tumor-like processes. This is accompanied by a pronounced odor and pulling pain.

Another disease accompanied by yellow discharge is diabetes mellitus. At the same time, there is a smell of acetone and severe itching of the genitals. In infectious pathologies, the discharge always has a rich color and concomitant symptoms.


Any discharge always requires the consultation of a gynecologist. First of all, a smear is taken for the degree of purity. Further, based on existing complaints, blood tests may be required, including for hormones, urine, ultrasound and other examination methods are prescribed to determine the cause of the discharge.

Associated circumstances

Yellow discharge with genital infections

As a rule, sexually transmitted infections are caused by microorganisms. They provoke inflammation, discomfort and burning sensation. However, they are most common in trichomoniasis.

This disease provokes the appearance of yellow-green foamy discharge. Plus, during this period, the woman feels severe itching, burning and irritation of the genitals. In this case, the very nature of the leucorrhoea depends on what kind of infection trichomoniasis is combined with. Indeed, very often this disease occurs with gonorrhea, chlamydia or viral diseases of the genitals.

But with gonorrhea, purulent discharge appears from the vagina, which have unpleasant odors and a greenish tint. Very often, this disease causes severe pain when urinating. Such discharge very often provokes inflammation of the external organs.

With diseases

Every woman has bacteria in her vagina. It is thanks to them that normal microflora and acidity are formed, which protects the body from infections. But keep in mind that a person cannot feel bad microflora in any way, since it does not cause any symptoms. In this case, very often the number of bacteria changes due to improper care or when bacterial vaginitis appears. During this period, a woman feels pain during intercourse, discomfort and burning.

Sometimes a yellow discharge appears with erosion of the cervix. The thing is that in 98% of cases, during erosive processes, inflammation is observed, which appears due to bacteria. Very often, after intercourse, the discharge comes with blood.

Also, very often with inflammation of the internal organs, the nature of the leucorrhoea may change. As a rule, they are provoked by inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Such diseases require immediate treatment, as they very often lead to surgical complications and infertility.

With menopause

Allocations can occur abruptly, with the onset of menopause. In this case, it should immediately be noted that light yellow discharge without pain is the norm. They are explained by hormonal changes in a woman's body. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and do not require treatment.

If the discharge becomes denser, itching appears, and vaginosis is possible. In this case, you need to see a doctor and choose a treatment.

With thrush

It is characterized by white discharge of a cheesy character. But if the pathology is not treated, then they become more saturated and acquire a yellow tint. This is accompanied by a pungent odor and severe itching.

Is it possible to get rid of

When yellow discharge appears that does not bother a woman, you should be more careful about hygiene. The toilet of organs should be carried out several times a day, choosing the right hygiene products. Try to avoid using flavored gels or barrier contraceptives, as these can also cause an allergic reaction in the form of secretions. It will be useful to pay attention to nutrition. Allergenic foods, spicy and fatty should be excluded.

If the performed measures are not enough and the discharge continues, you need to see a doctor. If initially they were accompanied by itching, pain and other discomfort, you cannot postpone the visit to the doctor.


Preventing the appearance of discharge is easy. It is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • Compliance with hygiene - daily shower, linen change.
  • Protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Treatment of chronic pathologies, including distant organs.
  • Regular examination by doctors for the timely detection of hidden diseases.

In combination, this will help to avoid not only the appearance of yellow discharge, but also other deviations.

The ecosystem of the vagina is a very complex system that can be easily disrupted due to improper treatment, as a result of which it will take a very long time to treat it and restore the microflora. And this, as a rule, sometimes takes years. It is because of this that in no case should you self-medicate.

After all, only a gynecologist can establish what caused a malfunction in your body, what caused the yellow discharge and what modern drugs should be taken.

Experts say that women should only have white discharge. Highlights of a transparent color are also considered acceptable. They are called leucorrhoea. It happens that such discharge becomes yellow, but inflammation is not always to blame, as many believe. Perhaps the reason lies in a change in hormonal levels, taking birth control pills, or severe stress is to blame. If the yellow discharge does not cause you itching, anxiety, burning, discomfort, pain and does not smell, then it can be considered normal discharge, that is, "leucorrhoea". If you still experience the symptoms that were listed above, yellow discharge may indicate that you have some kind of infection in your body.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

Many experts believe that in ninety-six percent of women, the amount of vaginal discharge increases precisely during ovulation, their pregnancy or before the onset of menstruation. However, keep in mind that during pregnancy it is necessary to be attentive to all changes of this form, because it is during this period that the female body is most susceptible to various infections.

As a rule, all genital infections that are transmitted only sexually are provoked by microorganisms. They cause severe discharge, inflammation, burning and discomfort. They are most common in the presence of trichomoniasis. This disease leads to the appearance of foamy discharge, which is characterized by a yellow-green color. In addition, a woman during this period feels a very strong itching, painful burning sensation and severe irritation of all genitals. The nature of the leucorrhoea, in this case, depends on the type of infection with which trichomoniasis is combined. Not infrequently, this disease is observed with gonorrhea, viral diseases of the female genital organs, chlamydia.

With gonorrhea, vaginal discharge appears, which has a very unpleasant odor, purulent character and a greenish tint. This disease often causes severe pain when urinating. Such discharge mainly provokes inflammation and external organs.

Every woman has bacteria in her vagina. It is only thanks to beneficial bacteria that normal microflora and acidity are formed, which protects the female body from various infections. However, it should be borne in mind that a woman cannot feel a bad microflora in any way, because she is not capable of causing any symptoms. The number of bacteria begins to change due to improper care or due to the appearance of bacterial vaginitis. During this period, a woman feels pain during sexual intercourse, burning and discomfort.

Yellow discharge sometimes appears when there is cervical erosion. Ninety-eight percent of cases are characterized by erosive inflammation. Inflammation of this kind also appears due to the fault of bacteria. Not infrequently, after sexual intercourse, the discharge comes with an admixture of blood.

With inflammation of the female internal organs, the nature of the leucorrhoea can also very often change. Often, it provokes their inflammation, which forms in the fallopian tubes. These diseases require immediate treatment, because they very often lead to infertility and surgical complications.

If you notice that you have "abnormal" discharge, and they are tinged with yellow, but there are no negative symptoms, do not start to worry. In this case, you should do the following:

  • use linen exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • use only high-quality, good products for personal hygiene;
  • carefully monitor your personal hygiene;
  • always observe the utmost care during sexual intercourse, protect themselves.

If the discharge is complemented by itching, pain, foul odor and difficulty urinating, you should immediately seek help from a highly qualified female doctor. Only through a thorough examination and reliable analyzes can the true cause of the disease be determined.

Every woman needs to know that the vaginal ecosystem is considered a complex system that can be disrupted easily, but strongly, due to improper treatment. This can lead to long-term treatment in the future and problematic restoration of microflora. This, quite often, takes years. That is why in no case do you need to self-medicate.

Mucus is constantly produced in the female vagina. It promotes lubrication and cleansing and is released naturally as a discharge. The presence of small secretions - mucous or white - is the norm for the female body. But if the vaginal discharge turns yellow, you need to pay attention to this.

Causes of yellow vaginal discharge

If leucorrhoea has acquired a yellowish tint, this does not always mean the presence of a disease. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the smell, the consistency of the secretions. A yellowish vaginal discharge that is not accompanied by itching, burning, or other unpleasant symptoms may be normal. Moreover, they should be of normal consistency and without a suspicious odor, perhaps a little more abundant than the usual leucorrhoea. The reason for such changes in shade can be hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, ovulation, premenstrual period.

In some women, menstruation begins with a change in the color of the discharge: for several days, mucus with yellowish or creamy inclusions - particles of menstrual blood - leaves the vagina.

Another reason for yellow leucorrhoea from the vagina is the presence of an inflammatory process both in the vagina and in other organs of the woman's genitourinary system. If, with the appearance of unusual discharge, there is discomfort in the vagina and other alarming symptoms, an urgent need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Yellow discharge can be a sign of very serious infections.

Yellow vaginal discharge as a sign of illness

If you look at the nature of the yellow discharge, you can suspect the presence of this or that disease.

  1. Strong purulent discharge with a yellow tinge, accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination, discomfort during sex and menstruation, may indicate acute adnexitis. Similar phenomena plus bloating and loss of appetite are observed with salpingitis - inflammation of the appendages.
  2. Itching, swelling of the labia, and yellow discharge are likely signs of colpitis. Concomitant symptoms are expressed in pain in the lower abdomen and during intercourse. Bacterial vaginitis also manifests itself - and its colonization with nonspecific microbes.
  3. With erosion of the cervix, there are scanty yellowish discharge. You should pay attention to this fact, especially if it occurs after intercourse.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections almost always have manifestations in the form of pathological yellow secretions: foamy, with a terrible fishy smell - a sign of Trichomonas, purulent yellow ones are caused by chlamydia, and gonococci give vaginal secretions a greenish tint and a fetid odor.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the appearance of unusual yellow discharge, coupled with other unpleasant symptoms, is a reason to visit your gynecologist.

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