Eggs - harm or benefit? How many eggs per day can an adult eat so as not to harm his own health

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the ground.

Just imagine ... a whole egg contains nutrients required for the development of a whole chick from just one cage.

However, eggs have a bad reputation as the yolks are very different. high level cholesterol. Eggs should be eaten, but how many eggs can you eat per day?

In fact, one egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is 62% of the RDA.

You can eat as many eggs as you like per day, as long as the daily protein intake does not exceed 2 grams per kilogram of your body. Otherwise, it is an excellent source of complete protein, which is often so lacking. modern man... If you still have doubts, read on and find out why eating eggs is not harmful, but useful, even in large quantities with yolks.

People believe that the more cholesterol you eat, the higher your blood cholesterol levels and the higher your risk of heart disease.

It's actually not that simple. The more cholesterol you consume, the less your body produces.

Let's take a look at how it works.

How our body regulates cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is often taken as a negative word.

When we hear someone talk about cholesterol, medications, heart disease and early death come to mind.

However, the truth is that cholesterol is very important for our body. It is a structural molecule that is an integral part of every cell membrane.

In addition, cholesterol is used to form hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol.

Without cholesterol, you and I would not exist.

Given the importance of cholesterol, our bodies use different ways so that we always have the necessary supply of this substance.

Since it is not always possible to get cholesterol from food, our liver itself produces it.

However, when we start eating foods rich in cholesterol, the liver starts producing less cholesterol.

Thus, the total cholesterol level in the body changes by a very small percentage (if at all). The body simply gets it from food, and does not produce it itself.

Output: The liver produces large amounts of cholesterol. When we eat a lot of cholesterol-rich eggs, our liver begins to produce less of it.

What happens when we eat several eggs a day?

For many years, people have been advised to limit their intake of eggs or at least egg yolks (proteins contain almost no cholesterol).

It is usually advised to eat 2 to 6 yolks per week. However, there is no scientific evidence for this claim.

Fortunately, there are some excellent studies out there that can help us sleep soundly.

In the course of these studies, people were divided into two groups. One group had to eat several eggs a day, the other group had to eat something else (for example, an egg substitute). The researchers then observed the people for several weeks or months.

Research has shown that:

  • In almost all cases, the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol rose.
  • The total and LDL cholesterol levels sometimes did not change at all, and sometimes increased slightly.
  • Eating eggs with omega-3 content lowers blood triglyceride levels, which is also important factor risk.
  • Blood antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin have increased significantly.

It seems that everything is purely individual.

In 70% of cases, eating eggs does not play any role in the total cholesterol level in the body. Nevertheless, in 30% of cases (for the so-called "hyper reagents") the values ​​increase slightly.

In fact, this is not a big problem. Research shows that eggs change small, dense LDL particles to larger ones.

People who predominantly have large LDL particles have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So even if eggs cause a small increase in total cholesterol levels, there is no need to worry.

It is clear that 1-3 eggs a day is absolutely safe for our health.

Output: Eggs raise HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. In 70% of cases, an increase in total cholesterol level is not observed at all. Small changes are possible in only a small number of people.

Eggs and heart disease

A large number of studies have been carried out to study this issue.

These are all so-called "observational studies". In these studies, groups of people are observed for years.

Scientists then use statistical methods to find out whether certain habits (such as diet, smoking, or exercise) are associated with a decrease or increase in the risk of certain diseases.

Research data, some of which have recruited hundreds of thousands of people, shows that people who consistently eat eggs are equally at risk of developing heart disease. Some of the studies even show a reduced risk of stroke.

However, it is worth noting that most of these studies noted increased risk the development of heart disease in diabetics.

Whether this is actually so remains to be seen. The research data is relative and it is possible that diabetics who eat eggs are simply less health conscious than those who do not eat eggs.

It may also well depend on the rest of the diet. With a low-carb diet (today it is best diet for diabetics) eggs can indeed lead to increased risk factors for heart disease.

Output: Most studies show that those who eat eggs generally do not have an increased risk of heart disease. However, some studies show an increased risk of developing these conditions in people with diabetes.

How eggs are good for health

Let's not forget that eggs contain more than just cholesterol. They are many nutrients and good for your health. Here are some of the benefits:

Among other things, eggs are easy to prepare and very tasty.

So even if eggs could adversely affect blood cholesterol levels (in reality, they are not), there are still more benefits from eating them.

Output: Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. They contain nutrients and powerful antioxidants that can protect the eyes from a variety of diseases.

How many eggs are there already?

Unfortunately, there have been no studies where people ate more than three eggs a day.

It is possible (though unlikely) that eating more than three eggs a day could be detrimental to your health.

However, there is one interesting research, in which only one person participated. It was an 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs a day.

He had absolutely normal level cholesterol and he felt great.

Of course, one single study doesn't prove anything, but it's still worth considering.

It should also be understood that not all eggs are the same. Most of the eggs we buy in supermarkets are from factory-grown and grain-fed hens.

The healthiest eggs are those fortified with Omega-3 fats or eggs from pasture-raised hens. The omega-3 content of these eggs is much higher.

In general, eating eggs is absolutely harmless to health. Even if you eat three eggs a day.

Even if you eat 3-6 eggs a day, nothing will happen to you.

Considering great amount nutrients, eggs may well be considered one of the healthiest foods on earth.

Information source:

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. Imagine ... a whole egg contains the nutrients needed to develop a whole chicken from just one cell. However, eggs have a bad reputation as the yolks are very high in cholesterol. You need to eat eggs, but how many eggs can you eat per day? ...

Eggs and Cholesterol: How Many Eggs Can You Eat Without Harmful to Your Health?

Eggs and Cholesterol: How Many Eggs Can You Eat Without Harm to Health?

Irina Mishina

Eggs are present in the diet of every person; many cannot even imagine breakfast without scrambled eggs or a boiled egg. This product provides the body with many essential vitamins, and also contains an easily digestible protein, which is a good substitute for meat. Do not forget about amino acids, which are also abundant in eggs. It would seem that from all of the above, a very simple conclusion follows that you should not be afraid of eggs and you can eat them as much as you like. Unfortunately, eggs, while healthy, also contain cholesterol. The cholesterol present in eggs is safe for those who do not have metabolic disorders. If they are present, then the good cholesterol obtained by the body from eggs is reborn into bad cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. In order to figure out how many eggs should be consumed per week, you need to familiarize yourself with their useful and harmful effects on the human body.

Why eggs are useful and harmful

Since many substances necessary for health are present in the composition of eggs, give them up completely, without having to do it medical indications, it is forbidden.

  • Complete protein is a substance that eggs can provide (not to be confused with protein - part of eggs), can supply the body with all the necessary amino acids and at the same time will not provoke an increase in body weight. However, if this product is significantly abused, then you can get a protein overdose, which will lead to disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Special care should be taken when eating eggs for people suffering from liver and kidney disease, since in this case even a slight excess of protein can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Leucine is one of the most important amino acids for the human body. With a deficiency of leucine, muscle structures are disrupted, since their construction requires a protein that, in the absence of this amino acid, ceases to be fully cleaved. As a result, the muscles do not receive essential substances... An overdose of leucine does not lead to negative impact on the body.
  • Minerals and vitamins. Without them, the normal construction of all body tissues is impossible and the correct functioning of organs and systems is disrupted.
  • Cholesterol is a substance that comes into the body in two forms: good and bad. Bad cholesterol provokes the development of atherosclerosis and oncological diseases, and a good one allows you to improve the functioning of the brain and blood vessels. Cholesterol contained in eggs is interesting in that it can go from good to bad form if a person has a metabolic disorder. Considering this, it should be remembered that when eating eggs in large quantities, the liver is overloaded with protein, due to which the metabolism is disturbed and the body begins to be saturated with bad cholesterol.

Speaking about the properties of eggs, one should not ignore the fact that they are very well absorbed. About 98% of the incoming egg volume is completely processed by the body.

What diseases can eggs protect against when used correctly?

In the event that eggs are eaten in a reasonable amount, without overloading their body with them, they are able to provide a pronounced preventive action against the following diseases:

  • Heart disease. Vitamin E, which is very abundant in the yolk, supports this muscle and allows you to increase the elasticity of its fibers, which is important for proper functioning.
  • Oncological diseases. Lutein in combination with vitamin E produces a powerful antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Insufficient bone strength. Vitamin D, combined with calcium in eggs, significantly strengthens the bones of the skeleton and teeth, preventing their fractures and complete destruction.
  • Diseases of vision. Substances in egg yolk nourish optic nerve and prevent senile drop in visual acuity.

In the event that a person eats too many eggs, instead of being beneficial, they begin to bring serious harm and can cause many serious diseases.

How many eggs can you eat per day

All eggs consist, in fact, of two parts - protein and yolk, which contain various substances and therefore can be used in different amounts... In order to receive from the product maximum benefit, it is important to know how many yolks and whites there are. A person can consume 1 yolk and 3 proteins per day without any harm to health. This volume of eggs is equally suitable for children and adults. If this dosage is exceeded, the development of negative consequences for the body. If eggs are not consumed daily, they can be eaten several times a day, but not exceeding the general weekly rate.

Why eggs are dangerous for men

Separately, it should be said about the danger of overeating eggs for men. For them, exceeding the norm of eggs is extremely undesirable, since it can cause the development of prostate cancer. This is due to the fact that cholesterol coming from eggs in male body at a high dosage, first of all, it strikes prostate... As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation in the gland and congestion develops, which provoke the disease. Ideally, the stronger sex should limit the number of eggs consumed per week to 5 pieces. In this case, you do not have to worry about your health.

Eggs are essential for human health and, if used wisely, will save you from many diseases.

Probably you have heard more than once that you cannot eat a lot of eggs, since they have a lot of cholesterol, which is very harmful to our health, or vice versa - that you need to eat a lot of eggs - because there is a lot of protein, which is so necessary for our body. So let's figure out how many eggs you can per day and in what form it is better to use eggs.
So, let's start with the protein. Eggs - ideal source squirrel. According to experts in healthy and athletic lifestyles, if you really want to lose weight excess weight, build relief muscles and become stronger, then it is the eggs that should become your best friends. They contain less protein than meat, but it is the protein from eggs that helps us achieve all these noble goals. So how many eggs should you eat per day? Are the raw eggs? And also, after all, there were quite a few stories in which people ate two dozen eggs a day - and all for the benefit of the muscles. Is it okay? After all, we all know that too much of something is always harmful. So how much is "too much"?

Eggs are an ideal source of protein

It is obvious that eggs are good for health, although they are one of the most controversial foods in terms of their usefulness-uselessness. This happens because egg whites have a high concentration of cholesterol. A medium-sized egg (about 50 grams) contains 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, 185 milligrams of cholesterol, and 0 carbohydrates. Eggs also contain vitamins A, D, B6, B12, D, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc. But it is the protein contained in eggs that has the greatest nutritional value... It doesn't matter what you want - pump up, lose weight, or just keep your body in good shape - best friend than eggs you will not find!

Although, in spite of everything, recent studies, with their results, make one think about the benefits of egg yolks and refute rumors about their harmfulness. Eating eggs every day does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol levels. That is, the risks of developing stroke and cardiovascular disease have nothing to do with eating eggs regularly. One or two eggs a day is not harmful to your health. How about five? Ten? Fifteen? If you suffer from a lack of carbohydrates and plan to increase muscle mass, then more than five pieces a day will only benefit you.

So, eggs have cholesterol - this is not a very pleasant fact. BUT! This in no way means that eating eggs provokes serious cardiovascular diseases... Much more serious impact on your health and physique have saturated fat... Numerous studies confirm that cholesterol obtained from dietary products can in no way affect its content in our blood. In addition, eggs contain omega-3 fortified fats. They reduce the concentration of triglycerides (monobasic fatty acids) in blood.

Diet cholesterol and cholesterol in our blood are not interrelated in any way

Now a little interesting information... The average Japanese eats about 328 eggs per year. With all this, the Japanese have a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. In addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood of the Japanese is much lower than, for example, of the Americans. After all, the bulk of Americans fried eggs along with bacon, salami and smoked cheese. In this combination, the level of cholesterol in the blood leads to obesity, strokes, problems with the heart, blood vessels and even diabetes.

Eggs have only a minimal effect on blood cholesterol levels. This insignificant effect cannot in any way compare with the degree of usefulness of this product.

So, eat the whole egg - after all, it is a universal source of protein, minerals and vitamins. Eggs work as a small powerhouse that supplies our body with the energy it needs in the form of beneficial antioxidants, amino acids, folic acid, choline, lutein, zeaxanthin and many others. The low calorie content makes eggs ideal allies for weight loss.

Are raw eggs safe?

So what about raw eggs? Are they good for protein and milkshakes? Before you eat a raw egg - think twice. It may contain salmonella(bacteria responsible for serious eating disorders) - of course, not in every egg, but there is always a small risk.

But besides salmonella, there is one more thing. Human body is able to process only 50% of the protein contained in a raw egg. Cooked eggs are completely digested (98% of the protein is completely digested). That is, eating five medium raw eggs per day, you absorb 30 grams of protein, of which only 15 are absorbed.

Eating raw eggs also leads to a deficiency biotinwater-soluble vitamin group B.

Video about the benefits and dangers of eggs for athletes

The risks of eating raw eggs are certainly not fatal, but they do exist. This is only half the assimilation of protein and a deficiency of biotin in the body. After all, there are so many delicious ways to cook eggs - why eat them raw and experience even such, albeit small, difficulties?

Chicken eggs can be found in every supermarket and small grocery store.

This food is present in the daily diet of most people, but why are athletes so fond of them?

There are three characteristics that make the egg such a popular product among people with active lifestyles:

  1. In medical terminology, the essence could be conveyed as follows: "The biological value of an egg is one hundred units." This means that the egg contains the entire set of amino acids necessary for the assimilation of protein. After you eat it, the body will safely assimilate the incoming nutrients.
  1. An egg is not only made of protein, it is mass necessary for a person vitamins, micro and macro elements:
  • vitamins A, H, D, PP, B5 and choline,
  • trace elements: iron, zinc, copper, fluorine and iodine,
  • macronutrients: phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.
  1. It has already been mentioned that an egg contains protein, this substance is necessary for every person to normal life... Athletes need much more of it. The point is that protein enables muscle growth and repair.

At the micro level, during heavy physical activity, for example, lifting a lot of weight, muscle joints are injured - small tears.

After training, the body seeks to restore the required density and integrity of the muscle mass, therefore, new cells are formed in the places of these breaks.

For this, the body uses protein. The equation is simple: the more physical activity, the more you need building material- squirrel.

How to Drink Eggs Properly - Before Workout or After

Use egg white you need depending on the load that you want to give your muscles.
Basically, strength training requires you to stick to a schedule like this:

  1. An hour and a half before training, you need to eat protein and complex carbohydrates that will give the body energy for a long time;
  2. After training, half an hour later, while the protein-carbohydrate window is open, during which all substances are absorbed by the body at a record speed, you need to eat a certain ratio of protein and fast carbohydrates:
  • If you are gaining mass, then there should be more carbohydrates;
  • If you stick to your weight, then the protein is a little more;
  • If you want to lose excess, then one protein.

You can also consume protein shakes just like that, during the day, the main thing is not to exceed the permissible rate.

It will help to saturate the body. useful substances, rebuild muscles, get full quickly. If you want to gain muscle mass, then eggs in your diet will also be useful.

How many raw eggs can you drink per day

For serious physical activity a person, be it a man or a woman, can consume two to three times more eggs than in a passive lifestyle. It's all about protein consumption, the more you strain, the more you need it.

So, the number of eggs that can be consumed:

  • For women - up to three;
  • Men - up to six.

You may be surprised by such quantities, since there has long been a "legend" that eggs have an excess of cholesterol, and when they are massively consumed, the walls of blood vessels are clogged, all work is out of rhythm. of cardio-vascular system.

Drink raw eggs in the morning or in the evening, you can absolutely not worry about this fable. It is in eggs that little cholesterol is found. The specified amount is not able to in any way affect the body negatively, but if you fry eggs in oil, eat them with bacon and drink them with broth, then, of course, cholesterol will go off scale.

However, you should not drink more than the specified norm, since an excess of even useful elements can cause allergies and heaviness in the stomach.

In addition, eggs are high in calories, which can lead to a set of extra fat mass, but only if you exceed the total amount of fat consumed in the diet.

Food is best absorbed when a person is in the mood to eat it and is in a good mood.

Then the body digests food with concentration and receives from it the largest number useful substances.

In order for this to happen, it is worth drinking raw eggs during delicious cocktails... This is much more enjoyable than just picking up the shell and drinking the contents.

In addition, these cocktails are made with fruits and vegetables, which makes them not only flavorful and enjoyable, but also filled with additional vitamins.


Several recipes for great cocktails for tasty and healthy sports nutrition:

A more complex, however, and vitamin cocktail will consist of:

  • from three eggs,
  • tablespoons of peeled and pre-chopped walnuts,
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • glasses of kefir.
  1. All this, again, must be whipped with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.
  2. If you have not been able to grind the nuts into dust, it is better to drink carefully by the sip and not to do it in one gulp.

The simplest, basic egg shake should consist of ingredients such as:

The most complex and nutritious of our recipes is this one:

  • you will need 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese,
  • about five eggs (see by their size),
  • two or three tablespoons of flower honey,
  • a spoonful of sour cream.
  1. Grind everything with a blender into a homogeneous, airy mass.

Chicken eggs are useful product, which should be consumed by every athlete in order to successfully improve their body and skills.

Eggs are part of the daily diet of almost everyone involved in sports. This is quite logical, because this is a source of protein, which is so important for building muscle, the value of which lies in the ability to be absorbed almost 100%. In addition, egg white is rich in leucine, threonine and other amino acids. One egg a day is 5% daily dose iron, 4% zinc and 3% calcium. It would seem that in this situation, you can not limit yourself to this product. However, there are some nuances here. Together with nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya BeautyHack understands how many eggs you can eat per day and why.

Caution: cholesterol!

Eggs were considered absolutely harmless food until scientists started talking about the dangers of cholesterol they contain. Lovers of omelettes immediately hit the ball, claiming that this cholesterol is light, because it is neutralized by the amino acid leucine contained in the protein. Who is right?

WHO experts have established a safe rate of cholesterol per day: no more than 300 mg. One egg yolk contains about 200 mg. If we are guided by this principle, it turns out that the norm is 1.5 eggs per day?

For many years, domestic nutritionists have urged everyone to reduce the rate to two eggs every three days. However, the author of the book "Encyclopedia of Delusions" S. A. Mazurkevich declares that there is absolutely no point in this. Healthy, active person can easily afford 1-2 eggs a day. Another thing is that the menu should be varied and balanced.

The American Heart Association is of the same opinion (although it does not relieve cholesterol from responsibility for cardiovascular disease). Not so long ago, she published the results of research that lasted 14 years! During this time, experts have studied the gastronomic addictions of 120 thousand people. It turned out that the number of cases of disruption of the cardiovascular system among those who ate up to 14 eggs per week is about the same as among those who reduced their consumption to two. The verdict of American cardiologists: 6-7 eggs a week!

Nutritionist Olga Shumskaya says that the cholesterol in eggs is really harmless for a healthy, adult person, but fat can cause serious damage to both health and figure: “ One yolk contains about 7 g of fat. Accordingly, an omelet of three eggs is 21 g. Daily rate lipids ranges from 18 to 25 g. Therefore, it is logical that after such a breakfast you should limit yourself in the consumption of fats during the day. And this is not entirely correct. Our diet should contain not only animal, but also vegetable fats.».

There is a known case when a resident of Great Britain for 15 years ate up to 25 eggs daily and at the same time blood vessels were in perfect condition, without a single atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, it is impossible to resolve the dispute without taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism of each person.

« Permissible content of eggs in daily diet depends not only on general condition health, but also on weight, -

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