Symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Heart Diseases - List

Heart disease is among the most common in the adult population, with the profession and age of the patient recent times are not as important as they used to be. To prevent development possible complications in the form of a heart attack and sudden stop heart, you should listen to your body and monitor the symptoms of cardiac pathologies.

The main pathologies that can affect the heart muscle include the following.

  1. Cardiac ischemia, it arises from the strong oxygen starvation when the coronary arteries simply do not cope with their task. Usually, violations are provoked by the formed atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels, which narrow the lumen of the vessel.

  2. Arterial hypertension and hypotension... These disorders can be triggered by many reasons, ranging from alcohol consumption to vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Myocardial diseases... They are also caused for various reasons, including infection and insufficient oxygen supply to the muscle. In most cases, myocarditis is asymptomatic and ends complete recovery... If there are clinical manifestations, the prognosis is worse: recovery occurs only in half of the cases, the rest develop dilated cardiomyopathy. Myocarditis is also a dangerous rhythm disturbance that can lead to sudden death.
  4. Endocardial diseases... In most cases, endocarditis is not an independent disease, but is a private manifestation of other diseases. Subacute bacterial endocarditis, often caused by streptococcus, is of independent importance. In this case, inflammation is localized on the inner lining of the heart muscle.
  5. Pericarditis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of the serous membrane of the heart. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pericardial region, as well as the formation of fibrous strictures, which leads to difficulty in the functioning of the organ.

  6. Heart muscle defects... They arise due to dysfunction of the valves, when the heart cannot retain blood and makes a back emission. The defect can be of a congenital type, as well as an acquired one. Heavy physical exercise, inflammatory processes and a number of other reasons.
  7. Heart failure... This is a syndrome in which the heart cannot meet the metabolic needs of the body due to a violation of its pumping function, or it does so by increasing the work of the ventricles.

In addition to problems with blood pressure, overweight, addiction to alcohol and smoking, a tumor can also become a factor in the development of heart disease. Oncology can be localized in any part of the heart muscle, which can cause the development of several pathologies at once.

The causes of heart disease

The listed factors can become a source of development of heart disease; you can also familiarize yourself with the frequency of their manifestation.

Development riskFrequency of manifestation
Rheumatic manifestations due to viruses and bacteriaOften
Penetration into the body of streptococci and gonococciOften
Damage to the body with hepatitisRarely
Syphilitic lesionsRarely
Smoking and alcoholOften
Oncological diseasesRarely
Long-term infection of the bodyOften
Constant stress and depressionOften
Digestive problemsRarely
Large amount of cholesterol in the bloodOften
Use a large number fatty foodsRarely
Congenital problemsOften
Low physical activityOften
Family history of cardiovascular disease.Often

Attention! Several factors can provoke development at once, which can significantly complicate its diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

You can suspect you have heart problems by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath and lack of oxygen even with the application of little physical effort;
  • constant feeling of weakness and low endurance;
  • the appearance of a dry cough without any reason in the form of respiratory diseases;
  • systematic acceleration or deceleration of the heart rate and respiration;
  • a feeling of suffocation and strong constriction in the chest during exercise, usually ischemia manifests itself in this way;
  • the presence of dull aching pain in the chest and liver;
  • swelling lower limbs, especially in the evening;
  • an unconscious desire to raise the upper body in a horizontal position to facilitate breathing;
  • persistent sleep problems, including insomnia;
  • back pain, even in a calm state.

Attention! Symptoms are not always present in full and may first show up from time to time. But due to the deterioration of the condition and further development heart disease symptoms can become permanent.

Heart Disease Treatment

At initial examination the doctor collects anamnesis, listens to all complaints, measures pressure, pulse, pays attention to the intensity of breathing. If during the on-site examination there are suspicions of possible problems with a heart, the patient is assigned examinations. It is necessary to pass blood and urine tests. An ECG is mandatory, if necessary with physical activity. It is carried out using an exercise bike. Also performed daily monitoring, echocardiography, chest x-ray. In case of problems with blood vessels and arterial conduction, the doctor will prescribe coronary angiography.

After the examination and an accurate diagnosis, it is imperative to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending doctor, adhere to a diet and take appropriate medications.

Attention! If drug treatment does not lead to the desired result or there is a pathology that cannot be treated with conservative methods, the patient may need an operation. For example, if there is a congenital heart valve defect or a rhythm disorder that does not respond drug therapy, then the valve can be replaced with an artificial one, and an implanted pacemaker can maintain a normal rhythm.

Medication for heart disease


They are prescribed in situations where viruses and infections have caused complications in the heart. The course of therapy in this case is approximately 7-10 days, in severe cases an increase in the duration of treatment is allowed up to two weeks. Along with antibiotics, drugs are taken to reduce intoxication and irritation of the gastric tract.

Medications for high or low blood pressure

They must quickly stabilize blood pressure to avoid complications such as stroke, heart attack and cardiac arrest. Are used long time in combination with other drugs. For these purposes, great fit ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics and calcium channel blockers.

Anti-atherosclerotic drugs

Their effect is aimed at lowering blood cholesterol, as well as dissolving atherosclerotic plaques. Can be used for a long and short time, it all depends on the current condition of the patient and his response to treatment. It is advisable to use these medicines in combination therapy, and you should also adhere to a diet with a minimum fat content.


For this, diuretics are used, or, simply put, diuretics. The drug is used exclusively for the intended purpose for a strictly defined time. This is due to the ability to quickly flush out vitamins and useful mineral complexes from the body. Along with diuretics, it is worth taking B vitamins, which will significantly strengthen the heart muscle.

Zinc, magnesium and iron preparations

These include vitamin complexes that can be prescribed to patients as a combined therapeutic complex or used for preventive measures... Vitamin complexes should be taken in courses so as not to cause hypervitaminization and hypermineralization of organs.

Attention! Everything medications should be appointed by a cardiologist only after receiving all analyzes and examination results. This is the only way to prescribe the most accurate dosages and stop the disease.

Examples of drug treatment


Can be used for ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, pressure problems. The patient is prescribed in the first weeks of treatment no more than 5 mg of the substance, so as not to provoke side effects and bradycardia. The dose is gradually increased to 20 mg. If the patient has already been diagnosed with some degree of heart failure, he is prescribed 2.5 mg of the drug. The duration of therapy is strictly individual.


The drug belongs to the class of diuretics. Depending on the patient's condition, he may be prescribed from one to four tablets. In this case, the duration of therapy is completely individual. If the patient is prescribed Chlothiazide as a long-term treatment, it should be taken no more than three times a week, observing the same interval between doses.


The medication belongs to the class of antibiotics, it is used for inflammatory processes in the heart - for diseases of the endocardium and pericardium. To get real therapeutic effect the patient should take 0.6 g of the drug twice a day. In this case, the treatment lasts no more than four weeks and no less than two. Linezolid can be used as monotherapy or in combination treatment.


It is necessary to use the drug for arterial hypertension and for problems with the conductivity of the arteries and blood vessels. The initial dosage of the medication is 40 mg. active substance, with arterial hypertension - 80 mg. Gradually, the amount of Nadolol increases to 240 mg, with arterial hypertension up to 180 mg. The duration of therapy can be long and is determined taking into account the patient's condition.


A medicine for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart and establishing its blood supply. To obtain a real therapeutic result, the patient should receive treatment in the amount of 1-2 tablets three times a day. Therapy with Ascorutin should last from 21 to 30 days, after which it will need to be canceled or another drug prescribed. You can take the remedy regardless of food intake.


The drug is prescribed to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques and lower cholesterol levels. First, you need to take Cholestide, five grams, after two months, double the dosage. This should be done every two months until the amount of active substance reaches 30 g. After that, the use of Cholestide ends. Sometimes the doctor may increase the dose of the drug every month.

Treating heart disease is a laborious process that includes diet, medication, and adequate physical activity. But this condition is easier to prevent by observing basic preventive measures. Quitting smoking, alcohol, taking vitamin complexes and eating healthy is what can help you stay healthy for years.

Video - Dangerous Symptoms of Heart Disease

The modern world daily pleases with new technologies and innovative discoveries, simplifying and making human life easier. In fact, the new time brings us, along with the "objects of dreams", the corresponding diseases. Pathologies affecting the cardiovascular system occupy a leading position in this list, however, like oncological diseases, being reverse side progress.

Causes of Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

Diseases cordially- vascular system, especially in last years, began to gain momentum and have already firmly entered the medical practice... Why is this happening? First, the main and the main reason the prevalence of health problems in this area is the presence of numerous provoking factors, which, however, speak for themselves:

  • Doing not healthy way life - smoking, alcohol abuse. Only according to the latest statistics, it was noted that the risk of morbidity in smokers is twice as high as in nonsmokers.
  • The most relevant provoking factor of the diseases under consideration is an imbalance in the psycho-emotional background. It's daily stressful situations and experiences that negatively affect the heart and disrupt its performance, and, unfortunately, do not pass without a trace for the whole organism as a whole.
  • Overweight, as a result of inactivity, or physical inactivity. It is the absence of a certain portion motor activity causes all-round damage to the body, where the heart suffers in the first place.
  • Improper diet also increases the risk of morbidity, and the reason for this is elevated level cholesterol in the blood.

Here are the most common triggers for the development of diseases in the area under consideration. Note that the simultaneous influence of several factors at once creates a particularly "favorable" environment for the development of cardiovascular disease.

Types of Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

Diseases of the area under consideration can be roughly divided into:

  • Heart disease
  • Diseases of veins and arteries ( atherosclerosis)
  • Common diseases systems in general or hypertension

Also, diseases can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • Congenital diseases and congenital heart defects are defects that directly bring about changes in the structure of the heart and other large vessels. As a rule, such pathologies are recognized in patients even in infancy. For example, this includes arrhythmia, which has recently had high incidence rates.
  • Diseases of an inflammatory nature and cases of bacterial infection - when on the inner membranes of the heart valves or on its outer membranes, there is a multiplication of bacteria that cause purulent inflammation.
  • Diseases due to injuries.
  • Diseases that develop against the background of a violation of the mechanisms that regulate the performance of the heart or blood vessels. Such diseases lead to pathological changes in metabolic processes.

To date, experts distinguish a specific list major diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • ischemic heart disease (CHD)
  • arrhythmia
  • heart disease
  • myocardial diseases
  • pericarditis
  • cardiosclerosis
  • hypertonic disease
  • pulmonary heart
  • circulatory failure other

Arrhythmia... With this definition, a pathological condition is noted, which is caused by a violation of the heart rhythm. Characterized arrhythmia with the following markers:

  • changes in the frequency and frequency of the formation of excitation pulses;
  • violation of the sequence of the process of excitability of the ventricles and atria (extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial or ventricular fibrillation);
  • violation of the work of the heart muscles (as a complication of many other diseases of the heart and blood vessels).

Arrhythmias of the heart quite diverse in their symptomatic manifestations and clinical course. The highest risk of developing this pathology of the heart with organic changes in the myocardium, localized in the region of the conduction system and sinus node. There may also be a congenital anomaly, when arrhythmia is diagnosed in a newborn.

Group of hypertensive diseases... This system is mainly composed of such common diseases as cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, Ischemic heart disease (ischemic heart disease), hypertonic disease, inflammatory heart diseases, as well as heart and vascular defects, where atherosclerosis, Ischemic heart disease and hypertonic disease are the leaders of the highest morbidity and mortality, being quite "young" diseases.

Cardiosclerosis is a condition characterized by the development of connective scar tissue in the heart muscle. As a rule, cardiosclerosis is observed when myocarditis, atherosclerosis or after myocardial infarction.

Cardiosclerosis is subdivided into two forms:

  • atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis
  • myocarditis cardiosclerosis

In the development of the first form, compensatory phenomena that directly occur in the heart muscle play a huge role. The clinical picture of this pathological condition is represented by the following macros:

  • disturbance of rhythm and conduction
  • violation of blood flow to the muscles of the heart
  • cardiovascular insufficiency
  • development of inflammatory processes
  • dysfunction of the contractile ability of the heart

Myocardial infarction... This disease is characterized by impaired cardiac activity, which is caused by the development of one or more foci of necrosis in the heart muscle. These lesions are called necrosis.

Major myocardial infarction- already a more severe form of the disease, in which the site of necrosis has enough large area lesions of the heart muscle. If necrosis covers the entire myocardium, then they talk about extensive transmural myocardial infarction.

Extensive infarction has the following clinical forms:

  • Angious form
  • Gastralgic form
  • Asthmatic form
  • Cerebral form
  • Painless form
  • Edematous form

Every fifth heart attack is fatal, and most of deaths occur in the first hours after suffering a heart attack.

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Any disease of the cardiovascular system is marked by a group of characteristic symptoms that require appointment individual treatment... However, there is a specific set of preventive measures applicable to all cardiovascular diseases in order to avoid possible complications.

All pathologies of the cardiovascular system must be treated after a thorough diagnosis under the guidance of a doctor, using both therapeutic and surgical techniques... In order to navigate the variety of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as to understand when you need to immediately call the ambulance team, and when you can get by with a visit to the local doctor, you should know the main symptoms of these pathologies.

List of heart diseases and their symptoms

Cardiovascular diseases are classified into the following categories:

    Arrhythmia - changes in the rhythmic and sequential contraction of the atria and ventricles;

    Ischemic heart disease - disorders of blood supply and the formation of scar tissue;

    Myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis - inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle;

    Heart disease - congenital and acquired lesions of the ventricular valve apparatus;

    Cardiovascular failure is a group of diseases based on the failure of cardiac activity in terms of ensuring normal blood circulation.

    Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a violation of vascular tone.

    Hypertension is a systematic increase in blood pressure.

All these diseases of the heart and blood vessels have various reasons for their development, symptoms, methods of treatment and prognosis of recovery.


Normally, the heart rhythmically and consistently contracts its atria and ventricles. This activity is closely related to the functioning of the conducting system, which directs impulses to the heart muscle.

The causes of arrhythmia:

    Structural changes in the conducting system;

    Electrolyte metabolism disorders;

    Vegetative changes in the central nervous system;

    Endocrine diseases;

    Side effects of medications;

    Complications caused by ischemic disease.

Diagnosis of arrhythmia is carried out using a cardiogram, the treatment of this pathology is quite complex, it is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

Types of arrhythmias:

    Ventricular asystole - manifested by flickering and fluttering of the ventricles, arises as a complication of heart disease, due to electric shock, overdose of glycosides, adrenaline, hindine (in the treatment of malaria).

    Prognosis - possible sudden clinical death due to termination or sharp fall cardiac output... To stop the cessation of blood circulation, you must immediately begin resuscitation with external heart massage and artificial respiration. It is necessary to call an ambulance cardiology team.

    Atrial fibrillation - manifested by atrial fibrillation and flutter (250-300 cancer per minute), chaotic and irregular ventricular contraction. It occurs as a symptom of mitral heart disease, thyrotoxicosis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, due to an overdose of glycosides, alcohol poisoning.

    The patient may not feel arrhythmia, mistaking it for heart palpitations. The prognosis is the occurrence of thromboembolism.

    Paroxysmal tachycardia - manifests itself as a sudden onset and suddenly ending heartbeat attack, heartbeats - 160-220 beats per minute. Additionally felt profuse sweating, increased intestinal motility, slight hyperthermia, accelerated intestinal motility.

    If the attack lasts for several days, angina pectoris, weakness, fainting, and an increase in heart failure join these symptoms. Help with paroxysmal tachycardia - massage of the area carotid artery activating the vagus nerve by pressing on the eyes and area solar plexus, as well as holding the breath, a strong turn of the head. If these techniques are ineffective, then there is ventricular tachycardia or myocardial infarction - immediate medical attention is required.

    Sinus tachycardia - manifested by a frequency of sinus rhythm of more than 90 beats per minute, occurs with a sharp decrease in blood pressure, a significant increase in temperature, myocarditis, anemia, myocarditis. The patient experiences palpitations.

    Help - holding your breath, massage of the solar plexus, carotid arteries, pressure on the eyeballs.

    Sinus bradycardia - manifested by a decrease in heart rate with a sinus rhythm of less than 60 beats per minute. It occurs with myocardial infarction, as a consequence of some infectious diseases, side effects of drugs.

    The patient feels palpitations, his limbs become cold, fainting may appear, an attack of angina pectoris may occur.

    Extrasystole - manifested premature contractions hearts, which the patient feels, as a sinking heart or its intensified beat. After that, a reflexive desire arises to take a deep breath.

    Treatment requires frequent systoles, as they lead to atrial and ventricular fibrillation.

    Heart blockages are manifested by a slowdown or complete cessation of the conduction of an electrical impulse through the conducting system of the heart. The patient's heart rate slows down, he faints, due to the fact that the brain is insufficiently supplied with blood, convulsions occur, heart failure is diagnosed. Prognosis - with intraventricular (complete transverse) blockade, sudden death is possible.

With this severe heart disease, which is based on a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and cardiosclerosis occur.

    Myocardial infarction is an acute violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle, as a result of which focal necrosis of myocardial areas occurs. Due to the death of a part of the heart muscle, the contractile ability of the heart is impaired. A heart attack occurs due to thrombosis of the arteries supplying the heart with blood, blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques.

    The acute period of a heart attack is characterized by very severe chest pain, the intensity of which is not stopped by nitroglycerin. Additionally, there is pain in the pit of the stomach, an attack of suffocation, hyperthermia, increased blood pressure, frequent pulse. Prognosis - the patient may die from cardiogenic shock or heart failure. Emergency help before the arrival of an ambulance - taking painkillers and large doses of nitroglycerin.

    Angina pectoris ("angina pectoris") - manifests itself as sudden pain behind the breastbone due to insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. The main cause of angina pectoris is atherosclerosis coronary arteries... Pain in angina pectoris is paroxysmal, has clear boundaries of appearance and remission, almost immediately stopped by Nitroglycerin. The triggering factor for the attack is stress or physical stress... Compressive and oppressive pain arises behind the sternum, radiates to the neck, to the lower jaw, to left hand and scapula may look like heartburn.

    Additionally, an increase in blood pressure is felt, perspiration appears, the skin becomes pale. If resting angina is diagnosed, suffocation, a feeling of acute shortness of breath, is added to these symptoms. An attack of angina pectoris lasting more than 30 minutes is a suspicion of myocardial infarction. First aid - Nitroglycerin under the tongue twice with a difference of 2-3 minutes, followed by taking Corvalol or Validol to suppress the headache, then a cardiological ambulance should be called.

    Cardiosclerosis - damage to the myocardium and heart valves by scar tissue resulting from atherosclerosis, rheumatism, myocarditis. Symptoms are arrhythmia and conduction disturbances. The prognosis is the formation of an aneurysm, the formation of chronic heart failure, heart defects.

Myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis

This group of diseases is characterized by inflammatory processes in myocardial tissues caused by pathogenic microorganisms... Complement them Negative influence allergic reactions and autoimmune processes of the formation of antibodies to the tissues of their own body.

Views inflammatory diseases hearts:

    Infectious-allergic form of myocarditis - occurs after infectious disease or during it. Symptoms: general malaise, violations heart rate, pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, joint pain, a slight increase in temperature. After a few days, the phenomena of myocarditis increase and increase. Heart failure is formed: cyanosis skin, swelling of the legs and abdomen, severe shortness of breath, enlarged liver.

    Rheumatic, autoimmune, radiation myocarditis - distinguish between acute and chronic forms, manifested by the following symptoms of intoxication: fast fatiguability, hyperthermia, skin rash, nausea and vomiting. In case of an untimely visit to the doctor, deformation of the fingers appears in the form of drumsticks, as well as deformation of the nails in the form of convex watch glasses.

    Endocarditis is an inflammation of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart) that covers the valve apparatus.

    Pericarditis is an inflammation of the membrane covering the heart (sac).

Such manifestations require immediate medical attention, compliance bed rest... The cardiologist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone), diuretics and antiarrhythmic drugs. The prognosis for the development of carditis is a complete cure with timely treatment started.

These diseases include lesions of the valve apparatus: stenosis (inability to fully open the valves), insufficiency (inability to fully close the valves), a combination of stenosis and insufficiency (combined heart disease). If the heart defect is not congenital, it occurs as a result of rheumatism, atherosclerosis, syphilis, septic endocarditis, heart trauma.

Types of heart defects:

    Defeat mitral valve(stenosis and insufficiency) - are determined by listening to the heart by a cardiologist, characterized by the appearance in patients of a bright blush and a bright shade of the lips. In addition, shortness of breath, palpitations, edema of the extremities, enlarged liver are diagnosed.

    Defeat aortic valve(stenosis and insufficiency) - at the 1st and 2nd stages of the defect there are no complaints, at the 3rd stage angina pectoris, dizziness and impaired vision are diagnosed. At the 4th stage, even the smallest load leads to disorders of the cerebral and cardiac circulation: arrhythmia, shortness of breath, cardiac asthma.

    Insufficiency of the aortic valve - at the 1st and 2nd stages there are no complaints, at the 3rd stage of the defect angina pectoris is diagnosed, pulsation of the arteries of the head, carotid artery, abdominal aorta, which is visible with the naked eye. At the 4th stage, pronounced heart failure, arrhythmia are manifested. At the 5th stage, the symptoms of the disease intensify even more.

    Tricuspid valve defect - can be diagnosed by pulsation of the cervical veins and liver, its enlargement, swelling of the arms and legs. There is a direct relationship - the stronger the pulsation of the veins, the more pronounced the valve insufficiency. Valve stenosis does not give pronounced pulsation.

Cardiovascular insufficiency

This general name refers to diseases that have caused the heart to be unable to handle the normal pumping of blood. Cardiovascular failure is acute and chronic.

Types of acute heart failure:

    Cardiac asthma is a consequence of cardiosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, aortic heart disease. The basis of the pathology is stagnation of blood in the lungs, since the left ventricle cannot provide normal blood flow in the pulmonary circulation.

    In the vessels of the lungs, blood accumulates, stagnates, its liquid fraction sweats into the lung tissue. As a result, the walls of the bronchioles thicken, their vessels narrow, the air penetrates worse into the lungs. Vivid symptoms of cardiac asthma: cough called "heart", wheezing, shortness of breath, fear of death, blue lips and skin. Heart palpitations and high blood pressure complete the picture.

    First aid - to give the patient a semi-sitting position, put Nitroglycerin with Corvalol under the tongue, provide hot foot baths. Before the arrival of an ambulance, to facilitate the work of the heart, you can put rubber bands on your thighs for 15-20 minutes, trying to press them not arteries, but veins. Prognosis - in the absence of effect from resuscitation procedures, pulmonary edema occurs.

    Pulmonary edema - failure to provide the necessary assistance in time for cardiac asthma leads to the fact that the liquid fraction of blood sweats not only into the bronchi, but also into the alveoli and accumulates in them. Air, which nevertheless penetrates in a small amount into the lungs overflowing with fluid, whips this fluid in the pulmonary vesicles into a foam. Symptoms of pulmonary edema: excruciating suffocation, pink foam protruding from the mouth and nose, bubbling breathing, rapid heart rate. The agitated patient has a fear of death, it becomes covered with cold, sticky sweat. High blood pressure drops sharply as the situation develops.

    First aid should be provided promptly - the patient is placed reclining, they give him a hot foot bath, tourniquets are applied to his legs, 1-2 tablets of Nitroglycerin are placed under the tongue. Intravenously or orally, 2-4 ml of Lasix or Furosemide are injected into the body. The patient needs Fresh air Tight clothes are lightened to the maximum, the windows are opened. Before the relief of an attack of pulmonary edema, transportation to the hospital of such a patient is impossible.

    Right ventricular failure - occurs during incorrect transfusion of blood and its substitutes, lung diseases (asthma, pneumonia, pneumothorax), as well as due to thromboembolism pulmonary artery... There is an overload of the right heart, there is a spasm of the pulmonary circulation. The resulting stagnation of blood weakens the functioning of the right ventricle. Symptoms: shortness of breath, drop in blood pressure, blueness of the lips and facial skin, severe swelling of the veins in the neck.

    Thromboembolism - severe pain behind the breastbone, coughing up blood after coughing is added to the above symptoms. It occurs due to the ingress of a blood clot into the vessels of the pulmonary artery. The prognosis is that a blood clot gets into a large artery is fatal.

    In this condition, urgent thrombo-resorption therapy is needed, the introduction of thrombolytics (Euphyllin, Lazix, Strofantin) before the arrival of an ambulance. The patient at this time should be in a half-sitting - half-lying position.

    Collapse - a condition occurs with a sharp expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. The causes of the collapse: an overdose of nitroglycerin, drugs that lower blood pressure, poisoning, the effects of individual infections, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Symptoms are sudden weakness and dizziness, shortness of breath, a sharp decline blood pressure, desolation of veins, thirst and chills. The patient's skin becomes pale and cold to the touch, and loss of consciousness may occur.

Help before the arrival of the "emergency" - to raise your legs above your head to provide the brain with blood, cover the body, give a drink of hot strong coffee for a speedy rise in blood pressure.

The true cause of the appearance of hypertension is not fully understood. Its appearance is provoked mental trauma, obesity, addiction to salty foods, hereditary predisposition.

Hypertension stages:

    At the first stage, the pressure rises to values ​​of 160-180 mm Hg. Art. at 95-105 mm Hg. Art. An increase in pressure is characteristic of a change in climate, physical or emotional stress, a change in weather, the inclusion of spicy foods in the diet. Additional symptoms: headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness. At this stage, there are no changes in the heart, impaired renal function.

    At the second stage, the pressure indicators increase to 200 by 115 mm Hg. Art. During rest, it does not drop to normal, remaining somewhat elevated. There are changes in the left ventricle (hypertrophy), decreased renal blood flow, changes in the vessels of the brain.

    At the third stage, the pressure rises to values ​​of 280-300 mm Hg. Art. by 120-130 mm Hg. Art. During this period, strokes, attacks of angina pectoris are not excluded, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema, retinal lesions.

If in the first stage hypertension it is enough to revise the lifestyle and diet so that the pressure indicators return to normal, then the second and third stages should be treated with pharmaceuticals as prescribed by a doctor.

Diagnosis of heart disease

According to medical statistics, about 60% of premature deaths occur in the heart. vascular diseases... A diagnostic study of the state of the heart muscle and its functioning will help to make the correct diagnosis in time and start treatment.

Common diagnostic methods:

    Electrocardiogram (ECG) - fixation of electrical impulses emanating from the subject's body. It is carried out using an electrocardiograph that records impulses. Only a specialist is able to evaluate the ECG results. He will be able to detect arrhythmia, absence or decrease in conduction, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction.

    Ultrasound of the heart - informative research, allowing to evaluate the complex of the cardiovascular system, to identify signs of atherosclerosis, to see blood clots, to assess blood flow.

    Echocardiogram - the study is indicated for patients who have had a heart attack. It will help to detect heart defects, aneurysm of the aorta and ventricles, blood clots, oncological processes, to assess the characteristics of blood flow, the thickness of the walls of the heart muscle and pericardium, to assess the activity of the heart valves.

    Magnetic resonance imaging - helps to determine the source of heart murmur, area of ​​myocardial necrosis, vascular dysfunction.

    Cardiac muscle scintography - performed using contrast agent, which, after entering the bloodstream, helps to assess the characteristics of the blood flow.

    Holter cardiac monitoring is the observation of daily changes in the work of the heart and blood vessels using a mobile device attached to the patient's belt. It registers the cause of the irregular heart rhythm, chest pain.

You can undergo such studies on your own initiative, but only a specialist cardiologist can interpret their results.

Prevention of heart disease

The main factors provoking the occurrence of cardiac pathologies:

    High cholesterol;

    Sedentary lifestyle;

    Smoking and alcohol abuse;

    High blood sugar;

    An excess of refractory animal fats, salt in the diet;

    Long-term psycho-emotional overstrain;

    High blood pressure;


To eliminate the risk of heart and vascular diseases, cardiologists suggest adhering to simple rules in everyday life:

    Comply with the principles healthy eating, reduce the amount of fat in the diet and increase the amount of fiber;

    Quit smoking, do not abuse alcohol;

    Limit the time spent without movement, often exercise in the fresh air;

    Get enough sleep, avoid stress, treat difficult situations with humor;

    Use a minimum of salt;

    Replenish the reserves of potassium and magnesium in the body by taking a complex of trace elements;

    Know the optimal numbers for blood sugar, blood pressure, body mass index and strive for such indicators.

If there are prerequisites for the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, they should be treated immediately, avoiding complications.

Which doctor treats heart disease?

When shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling and frequent heartbeat appear, a significant and frequent increase in blood pressure, the condition of the heart and blood vessels should be checked. For examination and possible treatment you should consult a cardiologist. This doctor treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, and conducts subsequent rehabilitation.

If it is necessary to carry out catheterization or angioplasty of the vessels of the heart, the help of a vascular surgeon may be required. Arrhythmias are treated under the guidance of an electrophysiologist. He will be able to comprehensively investigate the causes of heart rhythm disturbances, introduce a defibrillator, and perform arrhythmia ablation. Operation on open heart is carried out by a doctor of narrow specialization - a cardiac surgeon.

What kind of heart diseases cause disability?

The approach to prescribing disability in the presence of cardiopathology has recently changed.

Now it is given in the presence of a complex of symptoms:

    Significant persistent disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, which occurs due to heart disease and its consequences.

    Violation of the ability to work, carry out self-service and non-professional activities (the ability to communicate, study, move, navigate in space);

    The need for social protection measures.

For the appointment of disability, a combination of these signs is required, a significant limitation of working capacity. Once every 1-2 years, a re-examination is carried out, since the state of health of heart patients may change for the better.

Basically, patients with the following diseases can apply for disability:

    Condition after myocardial infarction;

    3 degree of arterial hypertension with organ damage;

    Heart defects;

    Severe heart failure.

Could the ECG not show heart disease?

Such a common method as an electrocardiogram is able to show the activity of heart tissues and conduct a study of its rhythm.

ECG cannot informatively determine

    Heart defects

    Assess the blood flow in its valves,

    Determine excessive or insufficient activity of the heart muscle (a sign of myocardial infarction);

    Determine if there is an accumulation of fluid in the pericardium (heart bag);

    Find signs of atherosclerosis in the aorta.

Can alcohol be consumed with heart disease?

No, with heart pathologies, the use of even small doses of alcohol leads to the following consequences:

    Increased blood pressure;

    Reducing the effect of drugs that relieve hypertension;

    Increased risk of heart attack in patients with cardiac ischemia;

    Increased likelihood of vascular collapse;

    Accelerated development of atherosclerosis due to the ability of alcohol to resist the liver in the production of beneficial lipids and loss useful properties inner surface vessels to resist the attachment of plaques;

    Development of fatty ("alcoholic") cardiomyopathy, leading to myocardial dystrophy, thinning of the walls of the heart chambers and their loss of elasticity.

An attentive attitude to one's health, timely examination, following the doctor's recommendations will help to avoid serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system and their fatal complications. In order to avoid risk factors, you should adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, be attentive to yourself and your loved ones.

Cardiac surgeon

Higher education:

Cardiac surgeon

Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova, medical faculty(KBSU)

Education level - Specialist

Additional education:

Certification cycle for the program "Clinical Cardiology"

Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

Many cardiologists are convinced that the spread of cardiovascular diseases is becoming an epidemic. This is the price to pay for evolution, civilization and progress. Treatment of the heart is the most important part of the fight against the problem. But this measure will be effective only with appropriate prevention of the disease and its early diagnosis.

Systematics of heart disease

Depending on the characteristics of the appearance and course of heart disease, they are classified into several main types:

  • congenital (anatomical damage to the heart, its valves or blood vessels are laid during intrauterine development);
  • rheumatic (heart disease is formed due to inflammation connective tissue after pharyngitis or tonsillitis provoked by one of the types of streptococci);
  • functional (disturbances in the work of the heart muscle do not lead to organic changes);
  • atherosclerotic (chronic changes in the coronary arteries), which include diseases caused by high blood pressure;
  • syphilitic (damage to the heart muscle with syphilis).

Important! One of the maincauses of diseases of the cardiovascular system - its chronic "underload".

Causes of heart disease

The causes of cardiovascular disease are varied, each type has specific factors risk. But there are a number of factors common to all violations of the activity of the heart muscle. The condition of the heart is influenced by:

  1. Infections and viruses. Sometimes microorganisms that provoke inflammation gain access to the heart. Untreated viral and bacterial diseases can lead to irreversible heart disease;
  2. Spine diseases. The spinal column includes many nerve endings, damage to which can provoke vascular diseases and affect the work of the heart;
  3. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle leads to a loss of elasticity of blood vessels and their atrophy;
  4. Unbalanced diet. Too fatty, salty, spicy food provokes the formation of cholesterol in the blood, and protein deficiency leads to atrophy of the heart muscles;
  5. Obesity. Overweight is usually accompanied by metabolic disorders. To supply the body enough oxygen, the heart is working at its limit;
  6. Alcohol abuse. Alcohol provokes the development of hypertension and the formation of blood clots;
  7. Tobacco smoking. Leads to vasospasm, deposition of cholesterol on their walls and oxygen starvation;
  8. Psycho-emotional overload. Stress, depression, emotional outbursts activate the nervous system. The adrenaline rush increases the heart rate and metabolism. As a result, the pressure rises, the vessels are deformed;
  9. Heredity. Genetic factors influence the response specific organism on this or that external influence.

The main symptoms of heart disease

Cardiovascular ailments are accompanied by manifestations similar to those of other diseases. Consulting a cardiologist is the best thing to do in such a situation. Alarming symptoms, possibly accompanying cardiovascular diseases:

  • cough. If it is dry and does not recede when the patient is in a supine position;
  • pale skin. Appears with vasospasm, an inflammatory process in the heart;
  • fast fatiguability. If accompanied bad sleep, loss of concentration, sometimes - tremor of the extremities, signals a neurosis of the heart;
  • high body temperature. Accompanies inflammation in the heart muscle, sometimes causing fever;
  • high blood pressure. Capable of causing cerebral hemorrhage;
  • rare or rapid pulse. Companion of processes that cause damage to cardiac activity;
  • swelling. Caused by kidney problems caused by heart failure;
  • frequent dizziness. Signs of high blood pressure;
  • labored breathing. It is noted with angina pectoris and heart failure;
  • nausea and vomiting. Due to the proximity of the lower part of the heart and stomach;
  • "Osteochondrosis" pain. Registered in the region of the spinal column, in the left hand;
  • chest pain. The pain is obvious or not so, aching or manifested in spasms - the first sign of heart disease.

Signs of cardiovascular disease are a pretext for an immediate visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to assess the symptoms of heart disease.

Important! Swelling in heart disease is not the only manifestation of the disease. Even before the swelling occurs, other signs of heart failure may be noticed.

Features of common heart defects

Pain in the sternum is characteristic of many diseases, and not only of the heart. Injuries, neurological damage, diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, disorders in the musculoskeletal system have a similar symptom.

Put accurate diagnosis only the attending physician can, but there are also characteristic signs:

  • cardiac ischemia. The pain radiates to the arms, neck, throat, back. In the formation of the prerequisites for development, psychosomatics plays an important role;
  • myocardial infarction. The attack lasts about half an hour, and taking medications does not help. The pain grows, but sometimes it is not at all (with diabetes mellitus);
  • arrhythmia. There is a feeling of a "jumping out" of the heart. In some patients, signs of the disease appear sporadically or do not appear at all;
  • damage to the heart valves. There is a feeling of heaviness in the sternum when the cool air is inhaled. Symptoms of valve lesions do not reflect the course of the defect - they may not be present in the patient. And vice versa - enough serious signs diseases can darken the life of an almost healthy person;
  • heart failure. Frequent irregular heart movements. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by all the symptoms, but the heart is working properly. But it happens the other way around - there are almost no signs of ailment, and the heart is worn out;
  • congenital heart defects. There may be no signs of the disease, it is discovered unexpectedly only during a medical examination.

Important! The taxonomy and pharmacology of medicines used to treat the heart is given in " Rational pharmacotherapy cardiovascular diseases ". As a guide for specialists,« Rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases "facilitates a specific approach to selection medical product and therapy regimens.

Sick heart: "male" and "female symptoms

It was noted that the gender of the patients influences the picture of the course of heart disease: the symptoms and treatment are somewhat different. Men get sick more often - usually after 40 years. Women are at risk after age 55 when estrogen levels decline. Symptoms of heart disease in men appear like in a textbook.

In women, the disease has a number of differences:

  • pains appear slightly;
  • heartburn, nausea, colic prevail;
  • pain is usually localized in the back, in the arms, between the shoulder blades;
  • coughing often occurs;
  • there is a clear relationship between emotional outbursts and the occurrence of a heart attack.

Wherein surgical operations on the heart in men are more effective than in women; drugs are more effective to use.

If an electrocardiogram is done as soon as the first symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system appear, the chance of a correct diagnosis will increase significantly.

Heart problems and "interesting position"

Using modern drugs women with heart disease can carry a strong toddler. But there are certain nuances. During pregnancy, a patient with heart failure becomes more and more tired, even if she does not exert herself and eats properly. Special medical supervision occurs at 28-34 weeks of pregnancy, heart future mother works for wear.

The lesions caused by the narrowing of the lumen of the heart valves increase during pregnancy. In addition, the damaged valve has an increased load due to the increased heart rate.

For a woman with rheumatic heart changes before an expected pregnancy, mitral valve surgery is indicated. It can be done during pregnancy, but open-heart manipulation will increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Important! In psychosomatics, the heart lends itself well to beneficial effects when it comes to yoga and active meditation.

Major heart disease syndromes

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, signs of diseases are often grouped into syndromes. These are similar complexes linked by the unity of pathogenesis:

  1. Acute coronary insufficiency syndrome. There is a failure of the blood supply to the heart, which leads to myocardial ischemia and the accumulation of lactic acid. It is manifested by irritation of the nerve endings, which patients perceive as pain;
  2. Arterial hypertension syndrome. Blood pressure rises (140/90 mm Hg and above). Primary hypertension occurs without organic causes, secondary - with lesions of the kidneys and the endocrine system;
  3. Arrhythmia syndrome. It occurs after inflammatory changes in the myocardium and disturbances in its nutrition or after damage to the system of regulation of cardiac activity;
  4. Cardiomegaly syndrome. The heart is significantly enlarged, heart failure and arrhythmia are manifested;
  5. Syndrome of hypertension of the pulmonary circulation. The pressure in the vessels of the lungs increases;
  6. Chronic cor pulmonale... The right ventricle of the heart is enlarged. Occurs after lung disease or improper respiratory gas exchange;
  7. Circulatory insufficiency syndrome. Failure can be cardiac and vascular.

Important! Against the background of disorders in the vegetative nervous system cardiac may develop vegetative dystonia, which is manifested by cardiac disorders.

Emergency Heart Attack

Heart disease is unpredictable. First aid for heart disease, provided on time, can save the patient's life. If you have symptoms of a heart attack, you need to:

  • call a doctor;
  • freeing the chest and neck of a person, lay him down;
  • ensure the intake of the necessary drugs (nitroglycerin, validol);
  • if the patient is unconscious, give artificial respiration and indirect massage hearts;
  • rub the limbs.

If one of the family members is sick, the rest of the household should know the basic rules of first aid for cardiovascular diseases. Great value nursing also plays a role in the treatment of acute heart disease.

Important! Nursing process facilitates the patient's external reaction to the announced diagnosis.

Heart disease treatment

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sometimes it is combined with a diet and a special exercise program that is carried out under the supervision of a physician. For some forms of cardiovascular ailments, massage is used. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, massage improves blood circulation, raises the tone of the heart.

It will take a long time to treat heart diseases, sometimes until the end of life. We need regular medical consultations and treatment adjustments. With acute or severe course diseases can be shown surgery- valve replacement, pacemaker implantation or coronary artery bypass grafting.

The doctor may recommend the patient to consult a psychologist, because psychological rehabilitation with diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is sometimes vital. Recommendations will definitely be given on the prophylactic and, if necessary, on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in sanatoriums.

"Heart" plants

At home, phytotherapy is used to treat and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • soothing plants (zyuznik, verbena);
  • plants with anti-sclerotic, vasodilating effect (anise, hops, hawthorn, parsnip, fennel, periwinkle);
  • plants that prevent blood clots and thrombus formation (acacia, white cinquefoil, chestnut).

Indoor lemon, poplar, eucalyptus lilac, laurel aromas have a beneficial effect on sick people. Phytoncides of these plants improve well-being, stimulate performance.

Important! Many pharmaceuticals, aimed at the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, developed on the basis of medicinal plants.

The psychosomatics of cardiovascular disease is simple and complex at the same time. The heart identifies love, and the blood identifies joy. If there is neither one nor the other in life, the heart shrinks and becomes icy. The blood slows down. Anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks approach. The patient's life twists and turns are rolled into a ball. And this tangle is so large that it does not allow him to see the joy that lives around.

Cardiovascular diseases are among the most dangerous pathologies, from which tens of thousands of people die every year around the world. Despite the wide variety of heart diseases, many of their symptoms are similar to each other, which is why it often becomes quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis when the patient first visits a therapist or cardiologist.

In recent years, CVS pathologies are increasingly affecting young people, for which there are reasons. In order to timely identify a deviation, it is necessary to know about the risk factors for the development of heart disease, and be able to recognize their symptoms.

The reasons for the development of cardiovascular diseases can be associated with both pathologies occurring in the human body and with the influence of certain factors. So, such diseases are most susceptible to patients who:

  • suffer from hypercholesterolemia;
  • have a genetic predisposition to CVD diseases;
  • abuse alcohol;
  • suffer from CFS.

In addition, the risk group includes:

  • diabetics;
  • obese patients;
  • people leading sedentary image life;
  • persons with a burdened family history.

For development cardiovascular pathologies have a direct impact on stress, overwork. People who smoke are also prone to malfunctions of the CCC.

Types of diseases

Among all existing heart diseases, the leading ones are:

  1. Ischemic heart disease, accompanied by coronary insufficiency... Often it develops against the background of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, their spasm or thrombosis.
  2. Inflammatory pathologies.
  3. Non-inflammatory diseases.
  4. Congenital and acquired heart defects.
  5. Cardiac arrhythmias.

The list of the most common CVD diseases includes:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • myocardiostrophy;
  • myocarditis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • strokes;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • arteritis;
  • cerebral vascular embolism;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • endocarditis;
  • aneurysm;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypotension.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels often occur against the background of each other. This combination of pathologies significantly aggravates the patient's condition, reducing his quality of life.

Important! CVS diseases must be treated without fail. With absence the right help the risk of damage to target organs increases, which is fraught with serious complications, up to disability and even death!

Heart damage in renal diseases

CVS and kidney pathologies have the same risk factors that contribute to their development. Obesity, diabetes, genetics - all this may well cause disruption of the work of these organs.

CVD can result from kidney disease, and vice versa. That is, there is a so-called "feedback" between them. This means that in "heart" the risk of kidney damage is significantly increased. This combination of pathological processes leads to extremely grave consequences, up to the death of the patient.

In addition, when the functioning of the CVS and kidneys is impaired, unconventional renal factors come into force.

These include:

  • hyperhydration;
  • anemia;
  • failure in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • systemic inflammatory diseases;
  • hypercoagulation.

According to numerous studies, even minor violations functioning of the paired organ can cause damage to the CVS. This condition is called cardiorenal syndrome and can have serious consequences.

In many cases, patients who have been diagnosed with chronic renal failure... This is a disease that is accompanied by a violation of the filtration function of the renal glomeruli.

In most cases, this disease leads to the development of secondary arterial hypertension. It, in turn, causes damage to target organs, and, first of all, the heart suffers.

Important! Heart attack and stroke are the most common consequences of this pathological process. The progression of CKD leads to a rapid transition of arterial hypertension to next stage development with all the complications accompanying this pathological process.

Symptoms of CVD

Dysfunction of the heart muscle or blood vessels causes the development of circulatory failure. This deviation is accompanied by both heart and vascular insufficiency (HF).

Chronic manifestations of HF are accompanied by:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • constant weakness;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • cephalgia of varying intensity;
  • chest pain;
  • pre-syncope.

Heart pathologies accompanied by such symptoms are less pronounced than vascular diseases. So, acute vascular insufficiency leads to the development of:

  • collapse;
  • shock state;
  • syncope.

The above-described pathological conditions are transferred by patients extremely hard. Therefore, do not underestimate the danger of CVD, and when the first signs of their development appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

In fact, the symptoms of CVD are quite diverse, so it is extremely problematic to consider it comprehensively. However, there are a number of symptoms that are most common in pathological lesions of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

To nonspecific clinical manifestations cardiovascular pathologies include:

Important! If such pains made themselves felt even when a person is at rest, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a deviation may be evidence of an impending heart attack!

In addition to the above symptoms, many CVDs are characterized by the occurrence of:

  • heart palpitations;
  • shortness of breath, which can sometimes develop into venom - attacks of suffocation;
  • stitching pains in the heart;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • light-headedness in a stuffy room or in hot weather.

Many of the symptoms described above are characteristic of overwork - mental or physical. Based on this, most patients decide to "wait it out" and do not seek help from a doctor. But in this case, time is not the best medicine, since postponing a visit to a specialist threatens not only the health, but also the patient's life!

CVD in children and adolescents

Damage to the heart and blood vessels is not an exclusively "adult" problem. Often such diseases are diagnosed in children, and there are:

  1. Congenital. This group of CVS pathologies includes malformations of large blood vessels and heart muscle. As a rule, such pathologies are diagnosed even during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, or during the first few months of a newborn's life. Often, these diseases are cured only by surgery.
  2. Purchased. Such diseases can develop at any time in a child's life. Children can provoke their occurrence infectious diseases, or pathology, carried by the woman during pregnancy.

The most common diseases of the cardiovascular system occurring in young children and school age, include arrhythmia, heart disease and blood vessels.

Adolescents require special attention from parents, since they, due to changes hormonal background, the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases is especially high.

So, most often children in puberty suffer from mitral valve prolapse and neurocirculatory dystonia (VVD). Each of these pathological conditions requires compulsory treatment for medical help.

Often such deviations are not certain pathologies, but indicate the development in the body of other, more serious and dangerous diseases. In this case, the period of puberty, which already exposes the body of adolescents to severe stress, can cause the development of severe cardiovascular ailments.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common groups of pathological processes, accompanied by a high percentage of mortality in the population. Prevent them dangerous consequences it is possible only with a careful attitude of a person to his health.

People with a genetic predisposition to CVD or at risk should be extremely careful. The best option for them is to undergo preventive examinations with a cardiologist and a therapist every 6-12 months with all the necessary diagnostic procedures(ECG, Holter blood pressure, Holter CG, etc.).

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