Food allergies in babies will go away with age. We determine the culprit of food allergies in infants and select an individual treatment. For the treatment of food allergies, babies are prescribed

Today, food allergies in children, especially infants, are not uncommon. The main symptom of hypersensitivity is a skin rash. An irritant enters children's body through mother's milk or through other products. If you let the disease take its course and delay a visit to the pediatrician, you can seriously harm the baby.

Parents monitor the diet of young children very carefully. Then where does it come from food allergies in babies ? Due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the baby's stomach is very delicate, literally any product can become an irritant. This issue is especially relevant if the mother is breastfeeding the baby. In this case, hypersensitivity is a consequence of her malnutrition. Products, allergic in breasts:

  • cow's milk;
  • cocoa, coffee, chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • seafood;
  • citrus;
  • egg yolk;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked products;
  • fat meat.

Other reasons that provoke food allergies in infants

  1. Smoking and alcohol abuse during gestation;
  2. hereditary factor. Allergy genetic disease. If at least one of the parents suffers from it, the probability that the child will have it is 40%.
  3. Taking antibiotics or other medications during pregnancy;
  4. If a pregnant woman has had any infectious diseases The child may become allergic.
  5. Too early withdrawal can provoke an allergy. breastfeeding and switching to infant formula.
  6. The constant stress experienced by a pregnant woman affects the child.

Any new food the child's stomach digests with great difficulty. In addition, the baby does not have antibodies and protective enzymes. Such features of the child's body and provoke intolerance to many products.

Products - allergens for an infant

Today, food allergies in infants are becoming more common. Therefore, it is useful for parents to know about foods that provoke symptoms:

  1. Cow's milk. In children under 2 years old, the enzyme that is responsible for the digestion of milk protein is completely absent. After the stomach begins to function normally, the allergy will go away on its own.
  2. Fish . You can give this product to children only after 8 months and in very small portions.
  3. Eggs. A baby's acquaintance with eggs should begin from the yolk, which is less allergic to protein. It is believed that quail eggs are not only useful, but also less likely to cause a negative reaction. Unfortunately, this information has not been confirmed by anything. Quail eggs contain the same protein, which is a strong allergen.
  4. Meat. Start feeding a child should be from lean meats - rabbit or turkey. It is not advisable to give chicken and pork. Pediatricians advise feeding a child with broths only from 1.5 years.

A few tips for use allergenic products:

  • chocolate is given no earlier than 3 years;
  • honey - after 3 years and only in minimal doses, at the slightest reaction, the product is excluded from the diet;
  • children can eat mushrooms no earlier than 5-7 years;
  • citrus fruits - after 4 years;
  • small children first better to give zucchini, cabbage, juice from green apples;
  • non-allergic sweets - marmalade and marshmallow;

The list of allergenic foods for babies is quite large. Of course, giving children small portions of nuts, chocolate or chicken is allowed. But doses are best kept to a minimum. After the child reaches the age of 3, the stomach begins to function better and the diet expands.

Signs and symptoms of allergies

The body of the baby reacts to the intake of new products in different ways. The time of onset of symptoms also varies. Mostly, the reaction affects the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

How does a food allergy manifest itself in an infant? skin:

  • the main zone of the rash on the skin is the face, but sometimes it affects the whole body;
  • diaper rash begins, which is difficult to remove;
  • the skin flakes and turns red;
  • the child is naughty due to severe itching;
  • scales appear on the scalp;
  • sweating increases.

Parents should learn to distinguish between an allergy rash and a simple skin irritation from diapers or uncomfortable clothing.

Symptoms food allergies in the baby from the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • discharge from the nose appears - rhinitis begins;
  • the child suffers from a dry allergic cough;
  • wheezing is heard;
  • It is difficult for the baby to breathe.

Anaphylaxis in children infancy is rare. The main symptoms are pallor of the skin, and the inability to breathe and swallow. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required.

The child's stomach reacts very sharply to the irritant.

Main clinical signs:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • stool disorders (it becomes more abundant and frequent);
  • vomit;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation.

Abdominal colic and bloating are also observed. Quincke's edema is very dangerous for children. If the edema passes to the larynx and trachea, suffocation may occur. Therefore, when the slightest swelling appears, it is better to consult a doctor. In rare cases, a child with allergies does not have a rash and redness, but weight loss is observed. Only laboratory tests will help identify the allergen.

Treatment Methods

Since allergies in infants are quite common, many parents consider this a non-serious disease. But the treatment of the disease requires a thorough approach. The first step is to eliminate the allergen from your diet. Often used for diagnosis, apart from laboratory research, food diary. There they record all the products that the child consumed, the volume of the portion, the time of admission and the reaction of the body. If the baby is still breastfeeding, then such a diary should be kept by the mother. But sometimes diet alone is not enough. Treating food allergies in babies must be prescribed by a pediatrician. If the baby has an allergy severe symptoms Then medications are prescribed. Among them:

  1. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Fenistil, Diazolin, Zirtek. III generation drugs are allowed to be taken by children only after 6 years.
  2. Local remedies for cupping skin rashes: Skin Cap, Elidel, Desitin, Bepanten.
  3. Sorbents. Enterosgel will help to remove toxins from the child's body.

Use hormonal preparations in the treatment of babies is allowed only in very severe cases. The prescription must be written by a doctor, taking into account all possible side effects.

In addition to diet and medication, good auxiliary means become folk medicine. Some helpful recipes:

  1. Tea and baths from a series. How to prepare tea? The plant is crushed and dried. 20 grams pour 250 ml warm water(not boiling water) and put on water bath. After 20 minutes, remove from heat, wrap the vessel in a warm cloth and leave for an hour. Add water to the resulting broth to make one glass. Take three times a day for a tablespoon. The resulting broth can be added to the bath.
  2. Dissolve 1 gram of mummy in a liter of purified water. The dose for children under 3 years is 50 ml. Take the mummy for allergies should be in the morning before meals. It is recommended to drink milk.
  3. A glass of rose hips and five bay leaves should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left for two days in a dark and not humid place. Store the resulting broth in the refrigerator and give the baby a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

After consuming an allergenic product, the baby begins to have stomach problems - the microflora is disturbed. Even with timely treatment symptoms disappear only after a few weeks. To restore it, the pediatrician prescribes probiotics and kefir or yogurt. The skin rash disappears within a day after contact with the allergen is eliminated. When does a food allergy go away in babies? ? Parents will be able to forget about the disease only after the baby reaches 2 years.

Allergy lactation diet

If a food allergy occurs in a breastfed baby, the mother should not immediately switch to mixtures. It's better to just switch to a hypoallergenic diet.

What foods should be completely eliminated from the diet:

  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • whole milk;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee ;
  • strawberry ;
  • radish;
  • tropical fruits;
  • grape;
  • sauerkraut;
  • garlic;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaises, ketchups, sauces;
  • fast food;
  • smoked products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • raspberry.

Products that are allowed to be consumed only in limited quantities:

  • semolina;
  • citrus;
  • cherry and sweet cherry;
  • currant;
  • bread and pasta from flour of the first grade;
  • sweets ;
  • sugar ;
  • salt.

Despite the restrictions, the mother's diet should include everything useful vitamins and micronutrients. Can be supplemented with food special additives and vitamin complexes.

What to use for women during lactation:

  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits and vegetables green and white color(apples, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes);
  • vegetarian soups with allowed vegetables;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • sunflower oil ;
  • dry biscuits, rye bread;
  • weak tea, berry compotes and fruit drinks without sugar.

A nutritionist should develop a hypoallergenic diet, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the mother's body.

Breast care

How to care for a small patient with hypersensitivity? Today, most products in their composition have various additives that cause allergies. The same will happen if complementary foods are started too early. These rules will help in caring for a sick baby:

  • introduce complementary foods only after reaching 6 months of age;
  • parents should pay attention to any changes in the work of the child's gastrointestinal tract, if any pathologies appear, it is better to go to the hospital;
  • it is impossible to use medicines in the treatment of babies, which include various chemical additives;
  • cosmetics for children - only hypoallergenic;
  • before bathing, the bath water must be filtered or allowed to stand for several hours;
  • it is better not to swim with small children in pools;
  • dress the child in clothes made from natural materials, without uncomfortable fasteners and buttons;
  • bed linen is better to choose from synthetic materials;
  • do not wrap the baby in several layers of clothing in the summer heat and vice versa - it is easy to dress in cold weather;
  • for washing children's clothes, you need to choose special powders, the same applies to soap and shower gel;
  • toys must be made from natural materials;
  • wipe the baby after bathing by blotting his skin with a towel, without sudden movements;
  • you need to monitor the cleanliness and humidity in the house, observe the temperature regime.

Treatment of food allergies in infants is a whole range of activities that includes not only medication, but also proper care for the baby.


Is it possible to avoid food allergies? No method will give a 100% result, but it is possible to significantly reduce the chance of developing the disease. A few rules:

  1. In the first month of lactation, it is better for mom to stick to a diet. If there is a heredity factor, it is better to increase the duration of the diet to 3 months.
  2. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, one at a time.
  3. Monitor the condition of the baby after using a new product should be within a few days. If the slightest reaction occurs, the irritant should be excluded for a month. Then you can try to give the baby this food again.
  4. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding a child for at least 1.5 years. Mom's milk contains many useful elements that are suitable for the baby, strengthens the immune system, and contributes to the full development.
  5. With artificial feeding, you should choose a quality mixture. It is desirable to give preference to hypoallergenic, without cow protein. If negative symptoms appear, the mixture must be replaced.
  6. The best choice for the first feeding is zucchini or broccoli puree, kefir and cottage cheese.
  7. Women, during breastfeeding, are recommended to eat porridge cooked only in water, cow's milk should be excluded from the diet for six months. Baby semolina can be given only after a year.

Frequent walks and gymnastics will also help strengthen the baby's immunity. AT recent times swimming with a baby is very popular. This procedure strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the respiratory system and prevents the development of allergies.

Allergies can appear at any age, so do not be surprised by allergic reactions in your baby. Be attentive to the symptoms of the disease in order to properly treat.

Do not neglect the advice of a doctor, and the article will introduce general concepts and principles of treatment.


Weak immune system

The body of a child in the first years of life has a weak immune system that cannot cope with others harmful factors adequate as an adult.

Many foreign substances that enter the child's body provoke an immune response, so allergic reactions most often occur in the first year of life.

The intestinal tract has local immune protection, but children of the first year of life have not yet had time to form all the components of antibodies, so many food products, entering the intestines and circulatory system are perceived as foreign agents.


Children whose parents suffer from allergic pathologies have high risk that the immune system will not work properly. These children are genetically predisposed to allergies.


  1. Air pollution.
  2. Addition of preservatives to food.
  3. Not environmentally friendly Construction Materials, wallpapers, paints in houses and premises.


  1. Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy.
  2. The use of highly allergenic foods by the mother when carrying a child.
  3. Bad habits in a pregnant woman.

food allergens

Any food can become an allergen for babies, it all depends on individual intolerance.

There are a number of products that contain a large number of allergens, it is on these products that an allergic reaction most often occurs:

  1. Chicken eggs.
  2. Cow's milk and dairy products.
  3. Chocolate.
  4. Nuts, especially peanuts.
  5. Fish, caviar, seafood.
  6. Citrus.
  7. Bright colored fruits.
  8. Mustard.
  9. Spices.
  10. Beef.

Protein is the main allergen, and listed products are protein, that is, strong allergens.

The immune system reacts to the ingestion of a foreign protein; if you are allergic to one of the products, the reaction will occur when eating dishes from others.

How does a food allergy manifest in a baby?

Allergens enter the intestines, from where through a weak barrier immune protection can penetrate into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, hence the characteristic symptoms.

On general condition

Symptoms of irritation appear in children whenever there is an indisposition and a deterioration in health:

  1. The child begins to act up.
  2. Cry.
  3. Restless sleep - often wakes up.
  4. The kid may refuse to play and communicate.
  5. Appetite is disturbed.

On the skin

The allergen enters the bloodstream, where antibodies react to it by releasing inflammation and allergy mediators.

The characteristic symptoms of allergies will be due precisely to the action of mediators:

  • The permeability of the vascular wall increases, therefore, fluid comes out of the vessels, interstitial edema is formed, which manifests itself in the form of an urticarial rash - dense, cavityless formations on the skin.
  • With further exit of the liquid, the cavities can be filled, blisters form.
  • There may be swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Scales on the scalp.
  • Due to the expansion of the lumen of the vessels, koi hyperemia appears - redness. Hyperemia can be local in the form of redness or occupy large areas.
  • Formations on the skin can be characterized by the release of fluid - weeping.

On the gastrointestinal tract

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomit.
  • Regurgitation.
  • Colic.
  • Flatulence.
  • Decreased appetite.

On mucous membranes

  • Allergy can be reflected through the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, then transparent mucous secretions appear.
  • Can appear inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis.
  • Damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will lead to sputum and wheezing.

What to do to the mother of a child under 6 months

Mothers who are breastfeeding breast milk, no need to switch to artificial feeding and introduce complementary foods during allergy symptoms.

It is necessary to adjust the menu of a nursing woman so that it does not contain allergens. A nursing woman needs to avoid contact with allergens, not only food, but also in the environment.

What foods will the diet include?

  • Rye bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice porridge on the water;
  • corn;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey fillet;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • green apple;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • butter;
  • olive oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • low-fat varieties of dairy products;
  • dried fruits;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • still water;
  • weak teas.

How to cook?

  1. Don't fry.
  2. Do not add spices.
  3. Steam for a couple.
  4. Do not cook strong broths.
  5. Use only fresh products.
  6. Do not use canned products.
  7. Make a varied menu every day.
  8. Do not eat more than one apple a day.



  • rice porridge on the water;
  • rye bread and butter;
  • weak tea.


  • vegetable soup on a weak broth;
  • fish steam cutlet;
  • puree;
  • Rye bread;
  • dried fruits compote.

Afternoon snack:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • bun.


  • braised cabbage;
  • rabbit fillet;
  • tea is not strong.

Before going to bed, you can kefir.

What to do in case of reaction to complementary foods

The introduction of complementary foods should begin no earlier than the child is six months old. By this time, his immune system had strengthened. Although complementary foods should start with hypoallergenic foods, it is possible for a baby to become allergic.


  • Redness.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Discharge from the nose.

The first symptoms are localized on the face, and then spread throughout the body.

A consultation with a pediatrician is required:

  1. If a reaction occurs, stop this product for a week to completely resolve the rash.
  2. Do not introduce new foods for a week.
  3. After a week, try to give the child the same complementary foods.

To get rid of allergies, give your child antihistamines:

  1. "Diazolin" at a dose of 50-100 mg.
  2. "Suprastin" is allowed for children from a month in the form intramuscular injection or tablets.

The drug for relieving symptoms is best checked with a pediatrician.

Video: Why does it appear

How to cure this disease

To cure a food allergy in a baby, you need to make an effort, because the treatment will not be limited to taking medications.

diet therapy

All symptoms will go away as soon as the diet of the child and his mother is corrected, because allergens that provoke the immune system will not come in.


  1. Systemic antihistamines are prescribed to reduce the production of inflammatory mediators and allergies.
  • "Suprastin" has an additional antiemetic effect and acts as an antispasmodic, these properties must be taken into account if the child has these symptoms, so as not to overload him with drugs.

It is a first-generation drug, therefore, it has side effects characteristic of them:

  • causes drowsiness;
  • leads to dry mucous membranes;
  • causes an increase in heart rate;
  • leads to urinary retention;
  • headache;
  • shiver;
  • "Diazolin" - the drug of the first generation antihistamines, so it renders sedation for a child;
  • "Dimedrol" has pronounced antihistamine properties, so it is prescribed in severe cases, when there is a threat to life due to allergic reaction, in large doses is a hypnotic;
  • "Zirtek" is a second-generation drug, it does not have pronounced hypnotic and sedative properties, it is allowed for children in the form of drops from six months.
  1. Use of local antihistamines in the form of ointments and gels to reduce redness and itching on the baby's skin:
  • "Fenistil-gel" is not recommended for children under one month old;
  • "Psilo-balm" has a local anesthetic effect, reduces vascular permeability, so redness and swelling decrease after its application, but contact of sunlight with this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should not be allowed.
  1. Enterosorbents are prescribed to cleanse the intestines from allergens. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the time of taking medications, enterosorbents should be taken 1-2 hours before taking medications or after them.
  • Activated charcoal, based on the weight of the child, one tablet per 10 kg;
  • "Enterosgel" half a tablespoon three times a day for children under five;
  • "Polysorb MP" is prescribed depending on the body weight of the child.
  1. Enemas should also be given after ingestion of the allergen to clear the intestinal tract.

Diagnostic methods

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact an allergist, he will conduct a series of tests that will determine the allergen or group of allergens.

At home, you can suspect an allergy by the symptoms that appear after eating highly allergenic food.

skin test

A scarification test consists in applying several strokes to the skin with a sharp object, then a solution with an allergen is dripped into this place and the skin reaction is observed.

The appearance of redness or swelling indicates an allergic response of the body.

Blood test

If an allergy is suspected, an analysis is prescribed, where the level of immunoglobulin E is looked at. If it is higher than normal, then an allergy can be suspected. Blood tests are also carried out to determine the antibodies in the blood to various allergens.

Preventive measures

  1. To prevent allergies in a child, complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than six months to a breast-fed baby, not earlier than four months to a bottle-fed baby.
  2. On the first day of complementary foods, give no more than one teaspoon of complementary foods.
  3. During the introduction of a new complementary food every day, increase the serving by half a teaspoon.
  4. Introduce new foods within two weeks.
  5. Do not give cow's milk to children under two years of age.
  6. Exclude sweets from the child's diet, especially chocolate and honey.
  7. Give meat to children after eight months.
  8. The first complementary foods should be from hypoallergenic products prepared by the parents themselves in order to exclude preservatives in mashed potatoes from the store and pharmacy.
  9. Use only fresh and natural products for cooking.
  10. During pregnancy, a woman should watch her diet and avoid eating dangerous foods.
  11. During breastfeeding, the mother's diet should be very strict, excluding all allergens.
  1. Better for small children medications in the form of suppositories or suspensions.
  2. Do not give syrups to children, they are allergic.
  3. Be careful with folk medicine because herbs are allergens.
  4. Walk more with your child in clean and fresh air.
  5. If you have an allergy, do not panic, but immediately consult a doctor for help.
  6. Do not self-medicate!
  7. Always pay attention to the child's stool, the appearance of diarrhea can be a signal of an allergy.
  8. Introduce complementary foods in the morning, so you can notice allergies in time and immediately consult a doctor!
  9. Less stress is one of the most common triggers for allergies.
  10. If you follow a diet for a long time and exclude provoking factors, then you will be able to defeat food allergies!
  11. Some allergic reactions do not appear immediately, but only after accumulation enough antibodies in the body. Then the child will be allergic to those products that he previously consumed. Be attentive to all dishes!
  12. Keep a food diary that records all meals. This makes it easier to identify an allergy if it occurs hours or days after ingestion of the allergen.

In newborns, life begins with clean slate. Immune and digestive system newborn is just being formed. Allergy is an erroneous reaction immune system leading to tissue damage.

Manifestations of the disease

The most common manifestations of allergies in infants:

  1. Runny nose
  2. sneezing
  3. tearing
  4. Edema
  5. Skin rash
  6. Itchy eyes

Signs of a delayed allergic reaction:

  1. Constipation
  2. regurgitation
  3. Colic
  4. Eczema
  5. Diarrhea

Allergy symptoms requiring emergency medical attention:

  1. Difficulty breathing (especially dangerous in newborns)
  2. Progressive swelling in the face and neck
  3. Anaphylactic shock
  4. Causes of Allergy

Common causes of allergies in infants:

  1. food
  2. respiratory
  3. contact

If mom or dad is allergic, the baby's chances of being allergic increase. In addition, the predisposition to the disease increases the pathology of the development of pregnancy: mother's anemia, toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage, hypoxia of the newborn, and others.
In newborns allergic diseases develop in connection with bowel diseases ( intestinal infection, dysbacteriosis), with lesions of the central nervous system(perinatal encephalopathy), antibiotic treatment, early artificial feeding.
Later, the main causes of the disease are malnutrition and living conditions of the child, infections, drugs and vaccinations.
Residents consider food allergies the most common. In fact, food is the culprit in only 14% of cases in adults. By comparison, molds are the cause in 30% of cases. The frequency of food allergies in children under one year, according to various sources, ranges from 15 to 40%.
Allergy is a disease of the civilized world. Life in the metropolis great amount chemical substances in everyday life, environmental pollution - how many factors that provoke the development of an increase in cases of the disease are created by human hands!
Treatment of allergies in infants should begin with confirmation of the diagnosis by a specialist! It is difficult to determine what caused the rashes, runny nose. A rash in newborns is a reason to contact a pediatrician. It can only be treated with medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Food allergies in children of the first year of life

In 20% of infants, the doctor diagnoses a food (nutritive) allergy. In comparison, only 4% of adolescents have the same diagnosis. This is due to two factors:

  1. Intestinal walls still have increased permeability
  2. There are not enough enzymes needed to break down proteins.

A food allergy usually manifests itself shortly after consumption of the allergen (from a few minutes to 4 hours). It passes in a period of several minutes to several days.
Food allergy manifests itself most often with skin rashes and digestive disorders.
Skin signs of the nutritive form of the disease:

  1. Localized redness around the mouth and/or around the anus
  2. Various skin rashes
  3. peeling skin
  4. Crusts on the head of newborns
  5. Intertrigo that doesn't go away
  6. Prickly heat

If the baby is worried about itching and he constantly injures the place that disturbs him, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the symptom. Constant scratching produces autoantibodies. As a result, own damaged cells the body perceives as foreign. Even when the wound heals, damage to the body is done and it can develop into a long-term problem. Itching in children must be eliminated, since it is impossible to forbid them to comb. Drying ointments, antihistamines, hormonal, herbal preparations- it is necessary to choose a treatment with a remedy local action, eliminate itching.
Manifestations from the side gastrointestinal tract:

  1. repeated vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Constipation (less common)
  4. Excessive regurgitation of the baby
  5. Plaque on the tongue
  6. Bloating
  7. Rectal bleeding (very rare)

In infants, allergies are less common than in artificial children. In extremely rare cases, rejection of mother's milk occurs. Allergy to mixtures is much more common.

Treatment of food allergies in babies up to a year

The only solution to the issue is to change the nutrition of the child and / or the nursing mother. The rest applies symptomatic treatment. In life-threatening cases, the use of antihistamines.
The chances of an allergic reaction are higher, the more a nursing mother or baby has eaten a product that can cause allergies. An adequate approach to the nutrition of a nursing mother is the diversity of the table and the absence of "assault attacks" on any one product. You should not resort to extremes and limit yourself in everything. How many reproaches a nursing mother listens to from relatives! As a result, she transfers herself to a buckwheat mono-diet, for example. The benefits of this have not been proven, and the harm to the mother's psyche is unconditional.
You need to give up foods that dad is allergic to, and foods with artificial colors and flavors.
For artificial people, a mixture change is recommended. Most often, but not necessarily, cow's milk becomes an allergen. Therefore, mixtures on goat's milk or dairy-free are chosen. These types of mixtures are much more expensive. Allergy to cow's milk (milk protein casein) is expressed by symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. If the baby has mainly skin signs of the disease, it is most likely a reaction to some other component of the mixture. If the baby has lactose intolerance, it is pointless to replace cow's milk with any other animal source. Switching to plant-based milk will help here.
A common mistake that leads to food form diseases in children up to a year on complementary foods, the mother’s desire to diversify the child’s menu becomes. Babies have no need for exotics and pickles.

The presented video will help you better understand how to determine the cause of an allergy in a child. Don't forget to read the article to the end.

Respiratory Allergy

The most common symptoms of this disease are:

  1. Rhinitis
  2. Edema of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis
  4. sneezing

The care of parents will help to identify the cause of the allergy. Allergens in the room can be dust mites, pets (including parrots and fish), fungus spores, houseplants. On the street - plant pollen, chemical reagents.
If the baby is prone to manifestations of respiratory allergies, try to eliminate the cause. If this is not possible, clean the air in the room - today there are a number of technical devices for this. Apply wet cleaning. Minimize the use of household chemicals. Remove plush toys, carpets, and other “accumulators” of dust from the apartment.
Often the appearance of a small allergic person forces the family to make a choice: endless treatment of the baby or a pet. If the baby has changes in the lungs due to allergies, the issue should be decided unambiguously in favor of parting with the pet.
Treatment of this disease is reduced to maximum efforts to identify and eliminate the cause. If this is not possible, the use of drugs prescribed by an allergist is necessary. This type of allergy is dangerous for its manifestations from the respiratory tract, it is possible to suffocate, so sometimes emergency medication is necessary. It is imperative to treat nasal congestion in infants.

contact allergy

An overview of the most popular vitamin supplements for children from Garden of Life

  1. Washing powder. For children's underwear, a special hypoallergenic type is used. They should also handle mom and dad's home clothes
  2. Cosmetics of parents
  3. Dyes used in clothing can cause a reaction
  4. Diapers
  5. Wet wipes
  6. Poor quality toys

Newborns are recommended to bathe without any additives in water, soap.
Treatment of the contact type of the disease consists in eliminating the cause and symptomatic relief of manifestations. The contact form of the disease passes quite quickly.


For the prevention of allergies in infants, it is important:

  1. Follow the diet
  2. Avoid constipation
  3. Choose natural, light-colored fabrics for baby clothes, especially for newborns
  4. bathe children daily
  5. Reduce the use of chemicals in the home
  6. Avoid sweating children
  7. Do regular wet cleaning
  8. Antibiotic treatment should be accompanied by measures to stabilize the intestinal bifidoflora

Remember: it is easier to prevent a disease in a newborn than to cure it.

Allergic reactions in children are becoming more common. This is due to the abundance of allergenic products, and to poor ecology, and to the hereditary factor. Previously, this disease was less common, and there is a logical explanation for this: the majority of the population lived in countryside where the food was exclusively natural.

Now there are many drugs to relieve allergy symptoms, nutrition is adjusted special diet. These methods improve the quality of life of allergic children and adults and effectively cope with attacks of the disease.

This is what a rash looks like with a food allergy in a baby

Causes of food allergies in children

An allergy is a response of the human immune system to certain substances. They are not dangerous, but for some reason the body perceives them as alien and actively fights them. Allergies in children occur for various reasons:

  • The state of the immune system. The child's body is affected by many external factors some of them elicit an immune response.
  • Heredity. If parents suffer from allergic reactions, the likelihood that they will appear in children is very high.
  • Bad environmental situation. It's no secret that the state of the environment, especially in cities, leaves much to be desired. This cannot but be reflected in children's health. By the way, there are much fewer allergic children growing up in villages and villages than in the city. This fact is explained by the fact that rural children with early age have contact with a huge number of potential allergens (animal hair, bird fluff, plant pollen), to which the body responds adequately.
  • intrauterine factors. Hypoxia during pregnancy, an abundance of strong allergenic substances in food, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs (we recommend reading:). All these factors have an extremely negative effect on the fetus and provoke various disorders.

What causes allergies in children:

  • Any food can provoke such reactions. The most allergenic are considered chicken eggs, cow's milk, chocolate, nuts, soy, fish, seafood, citrus fruits, pineapples, honey, mustard, red fruits and vegetables, beef, coffee, etc. The immune system reacts negatively to a foreign protein contained in foods.
  • Medicines. Theoretically, any drug can cause an allergy, but the most dangerous are those that contain sweet syrup or herbal ingredients. Often there is such a reaction to antibiotics and vitamins. That is why many medicines for babies are available in the form of candles.
  • Contact allergies are caused by contact of the baby's skin with certain substances. Usually it is children's cosmetics, synthetic materials, creams and soaps.
  • household allergies. It is caused by dust, pet hair and saliva, home or dish cleaning chemicals, laundry detergent, etc.
  • Seasonal allergies. Occurs on pollen, poplar fluff. Insect bites can also provoke such reactions. Bees and wasps are especially dangerous, their stings cause severe swelling. As a rule, such an allergy is combined with intolerance to honey. There is an allergic reaction to the sun and cold.

In infants, an allergic reaction can develop even to the cold.

How does a food allergy manifest in an infant?

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Together with food, allergens enter the intestines, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause characteristic symptoms. Allergy makes itself felt from different organs and systems. The reaction appears 1-2 hours after contact with the substance or accumulates gradually with prolonged exposure and will manifest itself after a few days. With contact allergies, the reaction is noticeable immediately.

How to understand that a newborn baby has an allergic reaction, because he still cannot talk about what worries him? What signs should parents look out for, including in older children? The symptoms of an allergic reaction are the same for everyone:

  • the child often cries, is naughty, does not sleep well;
  • he has a poor appetite;
  • rashes appear on the body, which can itch or get wet;
  • rash on the face, mainly around the mouth and on the cheeks;

  • mucous membranes swell - appears allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough;
  • the skin is flaky;
  • yellowish scales form on the head;
  • redness on different areas body;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, excessive gas formation, frequent regurgitation;
  • angioedema, anaphylactic shock with a strong reaction of the body to an allergen.

An allergic reaction in infants up to a year old can manifest itself in diapers, synthetic clothing or a mixture. This must be taken into account when determining the allergen.

Let's try to identify the allergen

The allergist will need to install accurate diagnosis. The doctor must make sure that the child is really suffering from an allergy, and not another disease with similar symptoms (for example, helminth infection or gastrointestinal disorders). What methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • Examination and questioning of parents - when signs appeared, what they are expressed in, whether their appearance is dependent on the use of any products or contact with substances.
  • A skin test will determine which substance the baby's body is reacting to. On the skin sharp medical instrument various allergens are applied and in case of allergy, after a certain time, swelling or redness appears in this place. How allergic tests are carried out can be seen in the photo.
  • A blood test shows the level of immunoglobulin and the presence of antibodies.

A skin test is done for children from 5 years of age. However, she will not always give an answer, what exactly caused the reaction of the child's immune system. The analysis reveals the most common allergens (eggs, milk, fungi, bacteria, fish, bee and wasp venom, etc.), and theoretically, an allergy can appear on anything. In such a situation, it is better for parents to rely on their own observations of the condition of the baby and carefully consider the preparation of the diet.

Skin testing for allergens is quite expensive.

Treatment of food allergies in children

To cure a food allergy, the first step is to eliminate contact with the allergen that caused the reaction. This applies not only food products but chemicals, drugs, cosmetics. If a food allergy manifests itself in a baby up to a year old, all suspicious foods should be removed from the mother's diet (for more details, see the article:). During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is forbidden to introduce new food as complementary foods.

A pediatric allergist will prescribe medications to eliminate the signs of allergies and to remove pathogenic substances from the body as soon as possible. Compliance with the requirements of a specialist will save the baby from the manifestations of the disease. Some allergic reactions are temporary and disappear as the immune system strengthens and the enzymatic system matures.

Emergency help

When going with children on a trip or on a picnic, be sure to put antihistamines in the first-aid kit - Fenistil, Zodak, Zirtek or others. They will help both in case of mild allergies and as first aid for Quincke's edema before the ambulance arrives.

This is pathological condition rarely occurs in children who have never suffered from allergies. As a rule, edema develops when there have already been reactions to various substances, and is expressed by severe swelling of the mouth, larynx, and genitals. Ears, lips, eyelids and tongue increase in size, the temperature rises. Sometimes vomiting, paralysis, seizures are possible.

The mortal danger is that the child may suffocate. Similar symptoms accompany anaphylactic shock. Foam from the mouth, cyanosis of the lips, numbness of the face are added to them. It is important in the very first minutes of the onset of symptoms to give the child any allergy remedies at hand and call an ambulance. Fortunately, such conditions rarely occur, but parents of allergy sufferers need to know how to provide first aid to a child in such situations.

Pharmacy preparations

The choice of antihistamines in the pharmacy is very large. The attending physician will determine which drug is right for your child, and select the appropriate dosage:

  • Suprastin. In addition to the main action, it also has antiemetic properties and relieves spasms. This tool has been developed for a long time and has a number of side effects- causes drowsiness, palpitations, dry mucous membranes, headache. Allowed for children up to a year.
  • Diazolin. Also a first generation drug. Has a sedative effect. Designed for children from one year old.
  • Zyrtec (we recommend reading:). New generation drug. Available in drops. It does not have a sedative effect and is approved for use from 6 months.
  • Fenistil. Available in drops and in the form of a gel. At topical application well relieves itching and eliminates redness. It can be used for children from 1 month.
  • Psilo balm. Reduces redness and puffiness. Used in children from 2 years.
  • Dimedrol. This is very strong remedy Therefore, it is used for children (including newborns) only in critical situations, as directed by a doctor.

In addition to antihistamines, the doctor will prescribe enterosorbents, with the help of which allergenic substances are removed from the body.

In case of food allergies, doctors must prescribe enterosorbent Enterosgel as a course to remove allergens. The preparation is a gel saturated with water. It gently envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, collects allergens from them and removes them from the body. An important advantage of Enterosgel is that allergens are firmly bound to the gel and are not released in the intestinal calves located below. Enterosgel as a porous sponge absorbs mainly harmful substances, without interacting with beneficial microflora and trace elements, so it can be taken for more than 2 weeks.

Sometimes a cleansing enema is needed. For nasal congestion, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops(Vibrocil, Nazivin).

Folk remedies

Treat the child with alternative medicine without a doctor's prescription is not worth it, because many medicinal herbs are themselves strong allergens. Self-medication can lead to severe manifestations of allergies.

Folk remedies withdraw skin symptoms relieve itching. Baths with a decoction of celandine, succession, chamomile or calendula help well. However, you can take such baths every 3 days so that the baby does not experience excessive dryness of the skin. You should start with one herb to determine if you are allergic to it. Time gradually increases from 5 to 15 minutes.

It is possible to carry out wiping with decoctions medicinal herbs - bay leaf, hypericum, mint, oak bark. The broth should not be too steep. Treatment of the affected areas will relieve inflammation, heal the skin, and remove peeling.

Baths with a certain set of anti-inflammatory herbs will relieve allergy symptoms

Diet as a prerequisite for treatment

With food allergies, it is very important to follow a diet. Without it, no medicines will save the baby from the symptoms of the disease. What foods can a child eat:

  • Rye bread;
  • cereals - buckwheat, corn, rice;
  • chicken, turkey, rabbit meat;
  • cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli (see also:);
  • green apples;
  • butter, low-fat dairy products;
  • olive, sunflower oil;
  • dried fruits and compote from them, rose hips.

Excluded from the menu: chicken eggs, cow's milk, honey, coffee, chocolate, fish, red fruits and other allergenic foods. This also applies to the diet of a nursing mother, if an allergy occurs in a newborn.

Allergen foods should be excluded from the baby's diet

Food must be steamed or in the oven, stewing is allowed. No need to add spices to it. Products must be fresh, conservation should be excluded from the diet. So that the baby gets everything the right vitamins and nutrients are full menu with a nutritionist.

When the baby is just starting to receive complementary foods, you need to be especially careful about the manifestations of allergic reactions to new foods. It is best for mom to start a food diary, where she will write down every day all the new foods that her child receives.

Children with allergies should not introduce complementary foods before 6 months. If the pediatrician insists on complementary foods due to insufficient weight gain, then it is better to start with hypoallergenic foods: mashed zucchini, cauliflower, buckwheat and corn porridge (more in the article:). Give a new product in the morning, so as not to miss the symptoms of allergies, and always start with half a teaspoon. For the first time, potentially allergenic food should be introduced from 7-8 months (meat, eggs, kefir).

If an allergic reaction occurs in the form of skin rashes, itching, redness, nasal discharge or lacrimation, a new product should be removed from the menu. Before trying something new, you should wait about a week until the unpleasant symptoms pass.

How long does it take for symptoms to go away?

In the question of how long the allergy in children passes, it all depends on the health of the child, the degree of damage and the allergen that caused the reaction. In some babies, the symptoms are easily treatable and disappear in 3-5 days, while others suffer for months, and their condition is difficult to treat.

Food allergies in infants are corrected by the diet of a nursing mother. In the maternity hospital, she is given a list of foods that are forbidden to be consumed in the first months (you must definitely exclude coffee, chocolate, fish, red fruits). Potentially allergenic foods should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 7-8 months. Much in the treatment depends on the parents - whether all the doctor's recommendations are followed, whether the child receives prescribed drugs, whether he does not use prohibited foods.

The body of infants is not at all adapted to certain foods, therefore, at this age, food allergies are often found in infants.

For the first time, a rash or redness appears a couple of weeks after birth. The reaction is due to the presence of hormones that the newborn receives from the mother in the womb.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, in some cases suffocation.

7 million people die each year due to allergies , and the scale of the lesion is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

Spots of this kind pass quickly. However, food allergies affect not only the condition of the skin, therefore, they require treatment with a diet or medication.

Food allergy symptoms

Food allergies can be diagnosed with characteristic symptoms. The disease affects the condition of the skin, intestines and respiratory organs, which is not in the best way affects general well-being baby.

The table shows characteristics food allergies.

Some of the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases. For example, a disturbed stool can be a companion not only of food allergies, but also of poisoning.

Only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of food allergies in babies

The main cause of food allergies is weak immunity. Protective functions in infants are not able to fully cope with harmful factors.

An allergy is an immune response to an unfamiliar substance. That is why such a response of the body manifests itself more often in the first year of life of babies.

Allergies can appear due to "bad" heredity. If parents have a tendency to allergic pathologies, it is likely that the child will also be predisposed to them.

An allergic reaction in a baby occurs not only later endogenous causes. The environment can also become an allergen. It can be caused by low-quality toys, paints, artificial building materials in the house, polluted air.

How long do food allergies last in babies?

A couple of hours after consuming the allergen, redness appears on the skin of the baby. The intestine makes itself felt for one or two days.

By identifying and eliminating the wrong product, you can prevent the development of the disease. Spots and allergic satiety will pass within the next few hours. But the intestines will need more time to recover - about 2-3 weeks.

The duration of a food allergy is influenced by the following factors:

  • How much allergen entered the body of the baby;
  • How soon he was identified and expelled;
  • What time or what day does a food allergy last;
  • Is the course of treatment prescribed correctly;
  • What is the state of the baby's immunity.

The baby's body does not perceive chicken eggs, milk and vegetables of bright colors. Intolerance to these foods often goes away on its own by the age of four.

However, an allergy, for example, to fish can remain for life. That is why they should not be included in the diet of a baby up to eight months.

How to treat food allergies?

Having discovered an allergy, the mother of a newborn or baby should not rush to switch to mixtures and introduce them during the period when the disease manifests itself. First of all, you need to adjust the menu and stick to hypoallergenic diet.

You can get rid of food allergies only if you stop using the product that caused such a reaction in the body. If it cannot be determined, all possible allergens are excluded for a couple of weeks. Then little by little, every 2-3 days, they are introduced again one by one.

Sometimes the baby can be shown drug treatment. However, some drugs have side effect. Therefore, such drugs should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

To relieve allergy symptoms, Enterosgel is prescribed, it cleanses and removes the allergen from the body of the baby. From one year you can use "Fenistal", but it is not effective for extensive inflammation of the skin.

In the presence of conjunctivitis and tearing, the pediatrician may prescribe Zyrtec. After six months, Fenistil is prescribed, but it has side effects. In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of activated charcoal is indicated.

Do not resort to the use of antihistamines. Such drugs quickly and effectively affect the skin of the baby affected by allergies, but the result is short-term.

These include Suprastin and Tavegil. Frequent use of these medicines causes dizziness and confusion.

For infants on artificial nutrition, it is necessary to carefully select the mixture.

The composition of such food should not contain cow's milk. Be sure to consult your doctor regarding the selected manufacturer. Early feeding can also cause allergies, in addition, it generally does not have the best effect on the development of the baby.

What can be an allergen?

As mentioned above, most often allergies are caused by milk and chicken eggs. However, this is not the whole list of products that the baby's body does not tolerate.

Consider the food that most often causes a negative reaction:

  • Whole milk;
  • Porridge with milk;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Chicken and chicken eggs;
  • Chocolate and other similar sweets;
  • Nuts;
  • Black tea, coffee;
  • Vegetables and fruits of bright color, citrus fruits;
  • Oily fish;
  • Pickles, marinades, hot spices;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Food and drinks containing dyes;
  • Carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • Fast foods.

Following a hypoallergenic diet, it is necessary to abandon fried and smoked foods. Avoid spicy and very fatty foods. Limit the consumption of processed foods and food containing chemical additives. It is important to drink 2-3 liters of water a day.

Consider a list of foods that you can eat:

  • Natural sour-milk low-fat products (sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • Kashi: buckwheat, oatmeal, polenta;
  • Hard low-fat cheeses;
  • Fruits and vegetables are not bright in color;
  • Low-fat meat and fish (perch, turkey hake or beef, chicken is contraindicated) and broths based on them;
  • Green tea, water.

You can not resort to conventional diets for weight loss.

The daily menu of a nursing mother should contain a complex of vitamins and useful components. You need to eat a little of everything: apples, milk, meat, cereals.

Allergy Prevention

In the first month, the mother of the baby should follow a hypoallergenic diet. Sometimes it is necessary to follow this diet for 2-3 months. When the child's body has adapted, you can introduce other foods into the diet. During this period, you need to closely monitor whether allergy symptoms have arisen.

It is better to eat new food from the third month of a baby's life.

You need to start with small portions, if there are signs of food allergies, the product is removed from the diet. You need to introduce back gradually, after 3-4 weeks. Do not eat several new foods at once. With manifestations of allergies, it will be difficult to know which of them caused irritation.

Try to stick to breastfeeding for as long as possible.

At artificial feeding carefully choose the mixture, it must be hypoallergenic. It is better to start the first complementary foods after six months. In order to avoid an allergic reaction, it is first recommended to give vegetable puree or kefir.

It is equally important to lead an active lifestyle with the baby. Do exercises, walk more in the air, swim. This will help strengthen protective functions body and improve general state child's health.

Protecting your baby is easy for a mother who knows what happens after eating forbidden foods and what a food allergy looks like. You should not get rid of breastfeeding, just because of the fear of such a disease.

