Acetone in a child causes symptoms. Typical symptoms when acetone appears in the urine. Diagnosing acetone in children

Acetone in children is not a disease, but a condition in which the amount of ketone bodies in the blood increases.... When they accumulate in the child's body, problems such as bad smell, nausea, vomiting, fatigue.

Since acetone is dangerous substance, then with its excess amount, the child's body is simply poisoned. If the content of ketone bodies exceeds the norm, and the parents do nothing with the child, then the process of dehydration of his body may soon begin.

To prevent serious and disastrous consequences, you need to know how acetone is treated in children at home.

Symptoms of an increase in acetone in the body

The presence of acetone in children's body can be determined by the following factors:

  1. Bad physical activity- the child runs or moves a little, prefers to sit and play quiet games, draw, sculpt, etc. He becomes lethargic, sleepy.
  2. Pale skin color, bruises under the eyes.
  3. Nausea and even vomiting.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Pain, abdominal cramps.
  6. The smell of acetone from the mouth and in the urine.
  7. High body temperature (39 degrees).

Parents do not always understand that abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting may be associated with an excess of acetone. Most moms think it is intestinal infection... And an increased body temperature in a child is correlated with a common cold.

How do you know if your baby has an excess of acetone? To do this, you need to use special test strips. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

It is necessary to dip the litmus strip into a jar with collected baby urine for a few seconds. After that, you can draw a conclusion.

If a child has acetone in urine, what does this mean?

It all depends on the values: if the mother sees a result from 4 to 10 mmol / l on the color scale on the package, then this means that the child's condition medium severity.

If more than 10 mmol / l, then this indicates grave condition, the child needs an urgent medical assistance... If the value on the scale does not reach 1.5 mmol / L, then this indicates normal condition health.

Why does acetone appear in children?

The human body can only receive energy from glucose. It accumulates in the form of a substance called glycogen.

When a child plays sports, runs a lot, jumps or is sick and his temperature rises, then due to glycogen he gets energy.

When this substance runs out, the body begins to take energy from fat reserves. And fat breaks down into glucose and acetone.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of a child means that the child's body has run out of glucose reserves.

If the child has the smell of acetone from the mouth, then you need to exclude this dangerous disease, how diabetes... To do this, you should donate blood for sugar.

If the blood test is normal, and acetone is present in the urine, then this indicates that the child has acetone syndrome.

The main reason for the appearance of acetone in the body is an unbalanced, unhealthy diet: the use of fast food, fatty, smoked foods; lack of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet; binge eating; starvation.

Others possible reasons the appearance of acetone in the blood can be:

  1. Disruption of the liver, adrenal glands, pancreas.
  2. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  3. Consequences of the surgical intervention using general anesthesia.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Stressful situations.

How to remove acetone? Home treatment

If the parents suspected the presence of acetone in the child, then they should certainly go to the doctor..

Not always with elevated acetone, the child needs inpatient treatment... If the concentration of this substance is insignificant, then the doctor may prescribe home therapy.

Many parents are interested in how to reduce acetone in a child at home.

If the child is sick, he is vomiting, then the mother should help him by washing the intestines. Enema with soda is the most effective method cleaning the body from harmful substances .

For 1 glass of water, you need to take 1 teaspoon of baking soda. At the same time, one should not forget that the water for the manipulation must be at room temperature.

Children under 1 year old need to enter from 30 to 150 ml of solution; from 1 to 9 years old the volume of the infused liquid is 200-400 ml, and from 10 years old - 0.5 liters.

The intestines will be completely cleansed when it starts to come out pure water from the anus.

Frequent drinking

To prevent the process of dehydration of the body, the child should be given an alkaline drink every 15 minutes.

It can be mineral water without gas ("Borjomi") or water with soda and salt (for 1 liter of water you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of salt and soda). Alkaline water cleanses the body, normalizes energy metabolic processes.

When the child stops vomiting, you can give him sweet water or dried fruit compote. A sweet drink that contains glucose will help your baby recover faster.

Medicine Regidron and Betargin

To prevent dehydration of the body, to make up for the loss essential micronutrients, as well as to prevent the appearance of complications, it is recommended to give the child the "Regidron" solution. Dissolve 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of water.

Drink the healing liquid in small sips up to 6 times an hour. Drink the entire solution throughout the day.

The price of "Regidron" powder for solution preparation is about 400 rubles for 10 sachets.

How to reduce acetone and improve the condition of the child? Often, doctors prescribe Betargin together with dietary nutrition... This medicine contains arginine and betaine - substances that normalize the amount of glucose in the blood, general state body, strengthening the immune system.

The drug can be given to children from 3 years old with acetone syndrome ( increased number acetone in the body). The contents of one sachet must be diluted in 100 ml of boiled water.

Give the child 1 teaspoon several times a day. Your doctor should tell you the exact dosage of the supplement you are taking.

You can also use ampoules with Betargin solution... Break off the tip of the glass bottle along the drawn line, pour the contents into a glass of water. Take the remedy only as directed by a doctor.

The price of the drug "Betargin" in the form of a sachet is about 350 rubles, for ampoules (10 pieces) you need to pay about 800 rubles.

Whatever the indications for use medicinal product and no matter how well other parents spoke about the drug, nevertheless drug treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

If the child has been observed at least once increased concentration acetone, then in the future, parents should monitor the nutrition of their offspring.

It is forbidden to enter into the diet of a daughter or son such products as: fatty varieties meat, fish; mushrooms; rich broths; smoked meats; marinades; sour cream, cream; offal; tomatoes; oranges.

In no case should a child be allowed to eat such harmful and dangerous food like chips, crackers, nuts, saturated with dyes, flavors. These foods increase the level of ketones in the blood, thereby only exacerbating the child's health situation.

Nutrition with acetone should be aimed at obtaining easily digestible carbohydrates. What can you eat during this period? It is recommended that children be given the following foods:

  • porridge cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn);
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • low-fat boiled, steamed, stewed, baked beef, rabbit, turkey meat;
  • fresh fruits;
  • sugar, honey - within reasonable limits;
  • biscuits.

How to quickly remove acetone from the child's body? Parents should give their son (daughter) any sweet drink: compotes, jelly, teas, homemade juices.

If the child has the smell of acetone from the mouth, then the mother's task is to give the baby glucose. Sweet tea, candy, or a small piece of chocolate contains glucose, which increases energy reserves child, does not allow the appearance of ketones.

What if the child does not drink liquid, he constantly vomits, and energy reserves are dramatically reduced? After all, even doctors cannot make small children drink water or compote.

In this case, you need to give the child a solution containing glucose. This could be:

If neither the solution, ampoules with glucose or tablets help the child or he refuses to drink the remedy, then you need to urgently seek help from the hospital.

Children who have suffered at least 1 time from high acetone in the blood are at risk of diabetes.

Elimination of the acetone state in the hospital

If the parents do not know what to do with a child whose blood acetone content exceeds allowable norms, the baby does not drink liquid, does not take glucose, he weakens before his eyes, he has uncontrolled bouts of nausea, high fever, impaired consciousness, then they must urgently go to the hospital.

Inpatient treatment is reduced to the following points:

  1. The child is prescribed droppers with glucose.
  2. Injections are given with an antispasmodic agent - if the little patient suffers from cramps and abdominal pain.
  3. Antiemetic drugs are given that improve the functioning of the intestines, liver, and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

To avoid such a problem as the smell of acetone from the mouth, its presence in urine or blood, you need to follow simple rules:

By knowing how to treat a child for excess acetone in the blood and urine, parents can prevent serious consequences in his body, ranging from poisoning to coma and even death.

We conclude: acetone in children is not a disease, but a syndrome that can be prevented by following a diet, good sleep, healthy way life.

If you suspect the presence of acetone in the body, parents should mandatory go to a consultation with a pediatrician to determine the degree of intoxication, take correct measures for quick liquidation the problem that has arisen.

Why does acetone rise in the urine of children? Acetone levels are associated with the formation of ketone bodies, which are intermediate products of energy exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Doctors call this condition an acetone crisis, and parents just call it acetone. Frequent acetone in children indicates the development of a chronic syndrome.

First of all, you need to know the causes of the disease in order to quickly lower the level of acetone. When a child is going through severe stress or does not get the right amount of carbohydrates, the body uses fat. Breaking down, fats secrete great amount ketone bodies. Therefore, normal nutrition is important for children: balanced nutrition the main causes of the disease are hidden.

The reasons for acetone can be different:

  • antibiotics;
  • colds;
  • poisoning;
  • physical exercise;
  • starvation, malnutrition;
  • negative emotions.

Sometimes young mothers begin to give newborns new products for their gastrointestinal tract, which cannot be done, as well as prescribe medicine to the child on their own. If a suspicion of acetone syndrome is found in a baby, you need to revise the menu and normalize nutrition.

In order not to provoke acetone syndrome, you need to immediately consult a doctor, take urine and blood tests, and get recommendations for removing the child from the state of intoxication.


The main symptoms of the impending crisis are, headache, fever, vomiting, diarrhea. When acetone syndrome begins, children experience drowsiness, weakness... Acetonemic syndrome has a fairly characteristic signs, they are hard not to notice: the smell of acetone from the skin, pain in the abdomen.

If acetone in urine is not reduced, the syndrome can become life-threatening for the child. A high concentration in urine, acetone odor from the mouth indicates the presence of toxins in the body that provoke poisoning, dehydration.


An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. You should not self-medicate, go to a specialist, do tests and find out if acetone is elevated in the blood. If it is not possible to go to the doctor, you can check the acetone in the child's urine at home using a test. This analysis is inexpensive, but will quickly show the result.

Acetone test

What to do when a child has a smell of acetone from the mouth? You can find out the level of acetone at home, using the pharmacy acetone test... To accurately determine the level of acetone, you need to do the test in the morning (3 days in a row). The dough strips should be dipped in urine for half a minute. The color of the indicator will tell you about the level of acetone in the body. If a high concentration is found, an additional analysis should be carried out in the hospital. For accurate diagnosis, you need to do a blood and urine test a couple of times.


How to treat acetone crisis? Treatment mainly consists of diet, drinking plenty of fluids, taking sorbents... When a child has elevated acetone, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased. It is important to drink water with added sorbents. If the level of acetone does not decrease, and the odor from the mouth is strong, it is useful in the morning (for 1 liter of water, 1 tsp of soda).

Don't worry if your child doesn't want to eat all day. You can't force-feed him.

When the body gets better and the smell from the mouth disappears, the baby will tell you that he is hungry. While the child is ill, continue to give him medications: Regidron, Smecta, Atoxil, Stimol, Citrarginine, Betargin.

Each doctor prescribes his own recipes for the treatment of acetone. One of the popular methods that will help remove acetone is:

  • enemas;
  • Citrarginine (1 ampoule per 300 ml of water) every 10 minutes, 1-1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • compote (from boiled carrots, apples, steamed raisins).

Some doctors advise alternately and often, but in small doses, give the child the following sorbents and cleansing agents: Regidron, Citrarginine, glucose, Smecta, Creon... To find out what is daily rate therapeutic fluid for your baby, you need to divide his weight by 10.

Treatment should include different means... Some doctors advise taking 0.5 capsules of Creon three times a day, which normalizes the work of the pancreas.

At home

You can treat acetone syndrome at home. Suitable for home treatment natural remedies that will help bring down acetone. But, if the treatment did not give improvement, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Use folk remedies it is possible to eliminate bad breath, bring down the temperature, stop vomiting. So, the smell from the mouth will eliminate rosehip tea, sorrel broth.

But when the child has a high fever, Strong smell from the mouth, diarrhea or vomiting, the analysis showed high concentration acetone in urine, do not experiment with treatment at home and drink medicines (except water), but immediately go to the hospital. Complications in the form of dehydration, poisoning are possible.


If elevated level acetone is accompanied by vomiting, you need to provide the child with frequent drinking ( average rate: 1 st. l. every 10 minutes)... You can drink drinks that can remove toxins from the body:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • , Smecta, Atoxil;
  • Citrarginine, Creon;
  • Cocarboxylase, Betargin, Stimol.



It adsorbs toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and removes them from the body. Also, Atoxil promotes the adsorption of harmful substances from blood, tissues, skin. As a result, vomiting, diarrhea, and temperature decrease. Using Atoxil in case of poisoning and acetone, you can improve the composition of the blood by clearing it of destructive elements.


Cocarboxylase is used to regulate metabolism, helps to assimilate glucose. Also, Cocarboxylase is effective for poisoning, toxic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug can be given to children after three months. Regidron restores acid-base balance... This powder is applied after mixing with water. Like Smecta, it is prescribed when there is vomiting, diarrhea.


Like Atoxil, it protects the child from toxins, prevents penetration harmful organisms through the intestinal wall. Smecta is an adsorbing agent. Smecta is also used if the child has vomiting. Smecta is suitable for children of all ages. Smecta powder is diluted in water and gradually given to the patient. May cause constipation after frequent or prolonged use.

Smecta, Rehydron, Atoxil are first aid drugs, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, improving blood composition. In the presence of such drugs in the vial, first aid to the patient can be provided at home.


For the second stage of treatment, when the acute period is over, you can give the patient Stimol, which will provide the body with strength and improve well-being. Stimol tones the body, helps to remove toxins from the liver. If the child has not yet been given Stimol, abdominal pain may appear. Using Stimol, the patient will be able to improve his general well-being, add energy to yourself.

Stimol is prescribed to children after graduation. acute period, when the temperature has dropped, and gastrointestinal disorders are no longer observed. Stimol can be used to treat children from five years of age. You should not use Stimol without a doctor's recommendation, because this drug is not suitable for all children.


Betargin restores the body after illness, improves liver function. Betargin has antioxidant properties.


Citrarginine is prescribed for impaired liver function. Citrarginine is available in ampoules, so it is diluted in water. Citrarginine is used to restore the body after an illness. Citrarginine has side effects, which include vomiting.


Applied with impaired pancreatic function. It helps to process food, improves digestion. Creon is taken with food and washed down with water.


Popular reasons causing acetone syndrome, provokes malnutrition... To avoid further relapses, a diet with acetone in children and control of the child's menu is needed. Do not give foods with a lot of preservatives, exclude concentrated broths, chips, carbonated drinks. When dieting, you should not give your child fried and any fatty foods.

For effective treatment acetone is important to follow the diet for 2-3 weeks. The diet for acetone in children consists of vegetable soups, rice porridge, mashed potatoes on the water. After 7 days, you can eat baked or boiled dietary meat, crackers. After two weeks from the beginning of the diet, you can eat fresh vegetables and herbs.


The diet can be adjusted when the first symptoms of the disease appear. If there is a smell from the mouth, which signals the development of the disease, it is necessary to immediately provide the child with plentiful drink in small portions.

  • First day, except for crackers, the child should not be given anything.
  • On the second day in the menu you can enter diet recipes baked apples, rice water.
  • On the third day symptoms of the disease may become less pronounced, and diarrhea will no longer bother.

But this does not mean that the diet needs to be completed. On the contrary, you need to strictly observe dietary food and add rice porridge oil-free, vegetable soup, biscuit biscuits.

The child's nutrition can be varied. If the breath does not smell, and the temperature is normal, supplement the food ration fermented milk products, lean fish, buckwheat and vegetable puree.


After recovery, prevention is needed. Otherwise, a syndrome may develop and the disease will turn into chronic stage... You can avoid this if you follow a diet in the first days, give up spicy, fatty foods. A after the end of dietary abstinence, carefully introduce low-fat foods into the menu.

It is also important to use healthy food... When the diet includes different foods, the syndrome will not threaten health. If you provide the baby with an active lifestyle, strengthen the immune system, avoid stress, maintain microflora, then the likelihood of relapse will be minimal.


The dietary food of a child who has an increase in acetone levels should consist of the following foods:

  • light soup with vegetable broth;
  • porridge;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • fresh fruits, dried fruits;
  • boiled, baked, raw vegetables;
  • honey, fruit jelly without artificial colors, hazelnuts and walnuts;
  • lemonade, green tea, compotes from berries, fresh fruits.

When you need a diet for acetone in children and a regulated diet, you cannot feed a child with such food:
  • meat offal;
  • fatty meats;
  • first courses in meat broth;
  • canned food and smoked meats;
  • fatty seafood;
  • mushrooms, radish, turnip, radish;
  • spinach, sorrel;
  • legumes;
  • cauliflower;
  • fast food, chips;
  • sour cream, mustard, sauces;
  • spicy food.

Acetone in children is not a disease, but a condition in which the amount of ketone bodies in the blood increases.... When they accumulate in the child's body, problems such as unpleasant odor, nausea, vomiting, and increased fatigue may begin.

Since acetone is a dangerous substance, if it is in excess, the child's body is simply poisoned. If the content of ketone bodies exceeds the norm, and the parents do nothing with the child, then the process of dehydration of his body may begin soon.

To prevent serious and disastrous consequences, you need to know how acetone is treated in children at home.

Symptoms of an increase in acetone in the body

The presence of acetone in a child's body can be determined by the following factors:

  1. Poor physical activity - the child runs or moves a little, prefers to sit and play quiet games, draw, sculpt, etc. He becomes lethargic, sleepy.
  2. Pale skin color, bruises under the eyes.
  3. Nausea and even vomiting.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Pain, abdominal cramps.
  6. The smell of acetone from the mouth and in the urine.
  7. High body temperature (39 degrees).

Parents do not always understand that abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting may be associated with an excess of acetone. Most moms think it's an intestinal infection. And an increased body temperature in a child is correlated with a common cold.

How do you know if your baby has an excess of acetone? To do this, you need to use special test strips. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

It is necessary to dip the litmus strip into a jar with collected baby urine for a few seconds. After that, you can draw a conclusion.

If a child has acetone in urine, what does this mean?

It all depends on the values: if the mother sees a result from 4 to 10 mmol / l on the color scale on the package, then this means that the child's condition is of moderate severity.

If more than 10 mmol / l, then this indicates a serious condition, the child needs urgent medical attention. If the value on the scale does not reach 1.5 mmol / l, then this indicates a normal state of health.

Why does acetone appear in children?

The human body can only receive energy from glucose. It accumulates in the form of a substance called glycogen.

When a child plays sports, runs a lot, jumps or is sick and his temperature rises, then due to glycogen he gets energy.

When this substance runs out, the body begins to take energy from fat reserves. And fat breaks down into glucose and acetone.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of a child means that the child's body has run out of glucose reserves.

If the child has the smell of acetone from the mouth, then such a dangerous disease as diabetes must be excluded. To do this, you should donate blood for sugar.

If the blood test is normal, and acetone is present in the urine, then this indicates that the child has acetone syndrome.

The main reason for the appearance of acetone in the body is an unbalanced, unhealthy diet: the use of fast food, fatty, smoked foods; lack of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet; binge eating; starvation.

Other possible causes of the appearance of acetone in the blood can be:

  1. Disruption of the liver, adrenal glands, pancreas.
  2. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  3. Consequences of the performed surgical intervention using general anesthesia.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Stressful situations.

How to remove acetone? Home treatment

If the parents suspected the presence of acetone in the child, then they should certainly go to the doctor..

Not always, with elevated acetone, the child needs inpatient treatment. If the concentration of this substance is insignificant, then the doctor may prescribe home therapy.

Many parents are interested in how to reduce acetone in a child at home.

If the child is sick, he is vomiting, then the mother should help him by washing the intestines. Soda enema is the most effective way to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

For 1 glass of water, you need to take 1 teaspoon of baking soda. At the same time, one should not forget that the water for the manipulation must be at room temperature.

Children under 1 year old need to enter from 30 to 150 ml of solution; from 1 to 9 years old the volume of the infused liquid is 200-400 ml, and from 10 years old - 0.5 liters.

The intestines will be completely cleansed when clean water begins to come out of the anus.

Frequent drinking

To prevent the process of dehydration of the body, the child should be given an alkaline drink every 15 minutes.

It can be mineral water without gas ("Borjomi") or water with soda and salt (for 1 liter of water you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of salt and soda). Alkaline water cleanses the body, normalizes energy metabolic processes.

When the child stops vomiting, you can give him sweet water or dried fruit compote. A sweet drink that contains glucose will help your baby recover faster.

Medicine Regidron and Betargin

In order to prevent dehydration of the body, to make up for the loss of essential microelements, as well as to prevent complications, it is recommended to give the child the "Regidron" solution. Dissolve 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of water.

Drink the healing liquid in small sips up to 6 times an hour. Drink the entire solution throughout the day.

The price of "Regidron" powder for solution preparation is about 400 rubles for 10 sachets.

How to reduce acetone and improve the condition of the child? Often, doctors prescribe Betargin along with dietary meals. This medicine contains arginine and betaine - substances that normalize the amount of glucose in the blood, the general condition of the body, and strengthen the immune system.

The drug can be given to children from 3 years old with acetonemic syndrome (increased amount of acetone in the body). The contents of one sachet must be diluted in 100 ml of boiled water.

Give the child 1 teaspoon several times a day. Your doctor should tell you the exact dosage of the supplement you are taking.

You can also use ampoules with Betargin solution... Break off the tip of the glass bottle along the drawn line, pour the contents into a glass of water. Take the remedy only as directed by a doctor.

The price of the drug "Betargin" in the form of a sachet is about 350 rubles, for ampoules (10 pieces) you need to pay about 800 rubles.

Whatever the indications for the use of the drug and no matter how well other parents spoke about the drug, the doctor should prescribe drug treatment.

If the child has at least once observed an increased concentration of acetone, then in the future, the parents should monitor the nutrition of the offspring.

It is forbidden to introduce into the diet of a daughter or son such products as: fatty meats, fish; mushrooms; rich broths; smoked meats; marinades; sour cream, cream; offal; tomatoes; oranges.

In no case should a child be allowed to eat such harmful and dangerous food as chips, crackers, nuts, saturated with dyes, flavorings. These foods increase the level of ketones in the blood, thereby only exacerbating the child's health situation.

Nutrition with acetone should be aimed at obtaining easily digestible carbohydrates. ? It is recommended that children be given the following foods:

  • porridge cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn);
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • low-fat boiled, steamed, stewed, baked beef, rabbit, turkey meat;
  • fresh fruits;
  • sugar, honey - within reasonable limits;
  • biscuits.

How to quickly remove acetone from the child's body? Parents should give their son (daughter) any sweet drink: compotes, jelly, teas, homemade juices.

If the child has the smell of acetone from the mouth, then the mother's task is to give the baby glucose. Sweet tea, candy or a small piece of chocolate contain glucose, which increases the child's energy reserves and prevents ketones from appearing.

What if the child does not drink liquid, he constantly vomits, and energy reserves are dramatically reduced? After all, even doctors cannot make small children drink water or compote.

In this case, you need to give the child a solution containing glucose. This could be:

  1. Vial with glucose solution 5 or 10%... Give 5 ml or even less, but often, up to 10 times a day.
  2. Ampoules with 40% glucose content... How to give glucose in this case? Pour the contents of the ampoule into a disposable syringe, heat the product to body temperature (put on the battery, put it in warm water or just hold it in your hands for 10 minutes). Give the baby a concentrated solution in half or one teaspoon as often as possible.
  3. Glucose tablets.

If neither the solution, ampoules with glucose or tablets help the child or he refuses to drink the remedy, then you need to urgently seek help from the hospital.

Children who have suffered at least 1 time from elevated acetone in the blood are at risk of occurrence

Elimination of the acetone state in the hospital

If parents do not know what to do with a child whose blood acetone content exceeds the permissible limits, the baby does not drink liquid, does not take glucose, he weakens before his eyes, he has uncontrolled bouts of nausea, high fever, impaired consciousness, then they are in urgently need to go to the hospital.

Inpatient treatment is reduced to the following points:

  1. The child is prescribed droppers with glucose.
  2. Injections are given with an antispasmodic agent - if the little patient suffers from cramps and abdominal pain.
  3. Antiemetic drugs are given that improve the functioning of the intestines, liver, and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

To avoid such a problem as the smell of acetone from the mouth, its presence in urine or blood, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Feed your baby healthy food. He should eat up to 6 times a day.
  2. Give him sweet compotes to drink more often, mineral water without gas or ordinary boiled.
  3. To commit with a child hiking in the fresh air.
  4. Provide the baby daytime sleep, kids school age sleep 10 hours a day.
  5. Take vitamins to prevent the appearance respiratory diseases, flu, fever. It is also useful to temper the child.

Knowing how to treat a child from excess acetone in the blood and urine, parents will be able to prevent serious consequences in his body, ranging from poisoning to coma and even death.

We conclude: acetone in children is not a disease, but a syndrome that can be prevented by following a diet, good sleep, and a healthy lifestyle.

If you suspect the presence of acetone in the body, parents must necessarily go to a pediatrician's consultation in order to determine the degree of intoxication, take the right measures to quickly eliminate the problem that has arisen.

Acetone - School of Dr. Komarovsky

In any case, the appearance of acetone indicates serious metabolic problems. Its appearance in the urine also indicates an increased level of it in the blood. There is such a thing as acetone syndrome in children (AS) - this is an increase in the number of ketone bodies in the blood, which in the process of metabolism break down to acetone.

important Have healthy child and an adult is normal in general analysis urine should not be acetone in any quantity. Most often this is the cause of a disease.

Such symptoms are most common in children under 8-10 years of age. AU is most typical for girls. The ratio between female and male sex is 12 to 8. The onset of the syndrome occurs on average at 5-5.5 years.


There are two types of this syndrome:

  1. Primary(idiopathic). Most often due to heredity and malnutrition ( overuse fatty foods or, conversely, a long hunger strike). It is a common symptom of neuro-arthritic diathesis. If during pregnancy in the urine future mother protein was periodically determined, she complained of edema and increased blood pressure, then her child is still in the womb high risk metabolic disorders and the formation of acetone syndrome.
  2. Secondary... In this case, acetone in the child's urine appears against the background of other diseases, such as urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, obesity, arterial hypertension, gout.

Causes of the appearance of acetone in urine

Acetone in children in the blood and urine appears as a result of the action of many factors, but all of them are associated with the metabolism in the child's body.

dangerous Its excess has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, even before coma develops.

All our food consists of three main components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. V different products they are contained in different amounts... Once in our body, they undergo a number of serious transformations. All this is called the Krebs cycle. After going through this cycle, they break down into smaller substances.

The main source of energy for the vital activity of both an adult and a child is carbohydrates. But fats can sometimes replace their function. This can happen in two cases:

  • A person is starving, carbohydrates are not supplied from the outside or are supplied in insufficient quantities. In this case, fats from stocks are used.
  • A person abuses fatty foods.

When fats are broken down, in addition to energy, a large number of ketone bodies (acetoacetic, beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone). They can be oxidized or excreted from the body in the same form through the kidneys, intestines and respiration.

Increased acetone in children appears as a result of the action of various stress factors ( psychological stress, SARS, gastritis).

information High levels of ketone bodies irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines and thus cause vomiting and pain in a stomach.

Main clinical manifestations

The symptoms of acetone syndrome are varied. Often clinical picture consists of the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • poor appetite;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • abdominal pain ("sharp abdomen");
  • lethargy and irritability;
  • dry skin and mucous;
  • there are no tears (all this is from dehydration);
  • sunken eyes and a bright, painful blush;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fast pulse;
  • noisy and deep breathing;
  • a decrease in the frequency of urination and the amount of urine.

All of these symptoms increase in intensity over several days.

important AS in children is characterized by alternation of periods of complete well-being in the state of health with attacks of acetonemic crises. The reason for their occurrence is accumulation high level acetone in the child's blood.


The main stages of a competent diagnosis:

  • Medical history.
  • Collection of complaints. The main diagnostic criteria are:
    • Frequent vomiting, lasting from several hours to a day or more and not associated with gastrointestinal diseases.
    • Seizures are characterized by the same duration, strength, and onset time.
    • Calm interictal period.
    • Vomiting consists of bile, blood, and mucus.
    • All this is accompanied by high temperature body, diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Lab tests:
    • The presence of acetone in the general analysis of urine from one plus to four.
    • High hematocrit and total protein due to dehydration.
    • Decreased potassium levels.
  • Instrumental research:
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
    • Echocardioscopy.

Treatment of acetone syndrome

information Acetone in children in urine requires long-term treatment, which does not end with the relief of the crisis.

Treatment of acetone syndrome in children is complex and consists of two stages - relief of the crisis and prolongation of the interictal period.

The first stage includes the following activities:

  • Diet. The kid shouldn't be hungry. You can eat cereals, soups, boiled vegetables.
  • Prescribing antiemetics (metoclopramide) and enzymes (pyridoxine, cocarboxylase).
  • Infusion therapy to eliminate dehydration and improve microcirculation.
  • Glucose 5% intravenously to compensate for its deficiency.
  • Antibiotics and antiviral drugs can be prescribed when AS occurs against the background of infection.
  • Antispasmodics (papaverine, no-shpa) for abdominal pain.
  • Enterosorbents for detoxification ( Activated carbon, smecta, polyphepan).


The diet with acetone in urine should be as follows:

  • You can't overfeed.
  • Frequent and fractional meals.
  • It is forbidden to use Fatty meats, offal, meat and fish broths, caviar, smoked meats, canned food, sour cream, mayonnaise, legumes, baked goods, chocolate, soda, chips.

  • Introduce more milk into the diet and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • You can: chicken fillet, rabbit, boiled fish, eggs, dried fruits.
  • Vitamin therapy in autumn and winter.
  • Drinking up to 2 liters of liquid per day (mineral water, dried fruit compotes, decoctions of berries).
  • Healthy lifestyle: daily frequent and prolonged exposure to the fresh air.
  • Sufficient physical activity- outdoor games and sports.
  • Hardening - water treatments everyday, cold and hot shower wiping with cool water.
  • Adequate daily sleep for 8-10 hours.
  • Limiting prolonged viewing of televisions and playing the computer.
  • You should avoid colds and infectious diseases, and, therefore, vaccinate the baby on time.


Most often, acetone syndrome passes by the age of 11-13 years. But there is always a risk of developing diseases such as gout and arterial hypertension on its basis. That's why strict observance preventive measures will be the key to the health of your baby.

Childhood illnesses always become a cause of worries for parents. If the child is lethargic, complains of nausea, refuses to eat, and a little later he starts to vomit, be sure to check the baby's urine. You should determine if it contains acetone. Why acetone can appear in children's urine, how to find out about it and what is important for parents to take? Let's figure it out.

What is it?

Acetone is a compound formed in the human body during the breakdown of fat molecules. This compound belongs to ketone bodies. First, ketones appear in the child's blood - this condition is called ketonemia or acetonemia, but can also be called ketoacidosis. When a lot of ketones accumulates in the blood, they begin to penetrate into the child's urine.

Signs that indicate the likelihood of acetone in the urine:

  • Your child always eats with appetite, but suddenly refuses even the favorite dishes.
  • The kid looks weak and lethargic.
  • He complains of headaches or pain in the navel.
  • The child says he is sick.
  • The kid gets sleepy.
  • The child has a fever, but there are no other signs of acute respiratory infections.
  • There were bouts of vomiting, which are constantly repeated.

When acetone appears in the urine, the child develops disturbing symptoms


To detect acetone in children's urine, use special test strips that change color after contact with urine.

The strip covered with the reagent must be dipped into the jar in which the child's urine has been collected (use only fresh urine, preferably morning urine). Then it is taken out and dried, after which it is compared with the color scale that the manufacturer of the strips attached to their packaging. So you will be able to quickly determine at home whether there is acetone in the baby's urine, as well as how much it is contained.

Remember that you can only use the indicator strip once and keep the test strip covered and not touching it with your fingers.

You can identify acetone in the urine of a child at home using a test


Normally, there is no acetone in children's urine. If the acetone concentration is at least 0.5 mmol / L, the test strip will show a "+" result.

The smell of acetone in urine

The urine of a child with acetonemia acquires a characteristic odor that has been compared to fruity. It resembles the aroma of overcooked apples. The smell can be from subtle to very pronounced, and this has no direct connection with the severity of the baby's condition. Parents can smell the same smell from a child (from the mouth).

Additional symptoms of acetonemia

In addition to the smell of acetone, a child with an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood will have the following signs:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting - often repeated, it is indomitable;
  • Pallor and dry skin, dry tongue, decreased urine output, and other symptoms of dehydration;
  • Abdominal pain (cramping);
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, convulsions are possible (rarely);
  • Elevated temperature body;
  • Enlargement of the liver in size;
  • Revealing acetone in the general analysis of urine;
  • Decreased glucose level in a biochemical blood test (also a reduced amount of chlorides, an increased level of fats);
  • Leukocytosis and increased ESR in clinical analysis blood.

If acetone is found in the urine of a baby, it is necessary to pass additional diagnostics for diagnosis

Acetonemic crisis

This is how doctors call a condition that occurs in children, when a child experiences bouts of vomiting and a lack of appetite, and acetone is determined in the baby's urine. It often appears in children aged 1 to 5 years, as a physiological condition, but it can also be a sign of serious illness.

Acetonemic syndrome

This is the name for frequently recurring crises. In this case, the syndrome can be primary (it develops in children with a predisposition) or secondary (appears against the background of somatic diseases, infections, operations, injuries).


Education a large number ketone bodies in the blood happens when the concentration of glucose in the body decreases, if little of it is supplied with food or a lot is spent. Also, excessive consumption of fatty or protein foods can lead to acetonemia, since some foods are called ketonogenic, since they can provoke an increase in the level of ketones in the blood.

The ingestion of acetone in the urine of children can be caused by:

  • Significant physical exertion.
  • We cry for a long time.
  • Any somatic or infectious disease especially with fever.
  • Increased excitability of the child.
  • Overwork.
  • An unbalanced diet. Problems can be caused by overeating, an abundance of fatty foods, the use of artificial food additives.
  • Helminthic invasion.
  • Dysentery.

A separate cause of acetone in urine is diabetes mellitus, in which ketone bodies in the blood, but there is an increase in sugar levels and there is not enough of this an important hormone like insulin.

Even the most harmless reasons can cause the appearance of acetone in the urine, so you should not immediately sound the alarm

Why does it most often occur in children?

The main reason for the frequent appearance of acetone in the urine of children is the small amount of glycogen in the child's body. In addition, children are more mobile and need more energy.

Since the main source of energy for the child's body is glucose, and with insufficient supply or increased consumption of glucose depot (glycogen), it is also quickly consumed, energy begins to be extracted from fat. In this case, acetone is a by-product of fat breakdown. Accumulating, it irritates the vomiting center of the child's brain, which provokes repeated vomiting and decreased appetite.

What to do if acetone in urine is elevated?

It all depends on the level of acetone, which is determined in the child, as well as the condition of the baby:

Having missed the moment when acetone is still formed in a small amount, a state occurs when there are so many ketone bodies that this leads to bouts of vomiting. In this case, the child refuses food and drink, and the only way out there will be hospitalization.

Do not neglect to consult a doctor, even with a minimal presence of acetone in the urine

Faced with acetone syndrome in a baby once, parents should be ready for a repeat and purchase for home first aid kit glucose in ampoules, vials or tablets. You should also always have raisins and rehydration medications at home. To prevent episodes of the appearance of acetone in the urine, you should give your baby sugary drinks when physical activity, stressful situations, illness and in other situations provoking acetonemia.


Since the main reason for acetone in urine lies in a lack of glucose, the first actions of parents upon detection this state there must be a filling of the lack of this simple carbohydrate... To do this, the child needs to be given glucose to drink from an ampoule (40%) or a bottle (5-10%), or to give glucose in tablets.

If there are no such funds at home, raisins steamed in a thermos will help out. Pour a tablespoon of this type of dried fruit with a glass of boiled water. After 15-20 minutes, the infusion can be given to the child.

Raisin infusion will help provide the body with glucose

To neutralize those ketone bodies that have already appeared, give your baby alkaline non-carbonated mineral water and rehydration solutions. It is also recommended to give the baby vitamin PP in ampoules, as a drink, or tablets, so that glucose is better absorbed.

Important points:

  • Let's drink warm, so it will be better and faster absorbed.
  • Drinking portions should be small - 5-10 milliliters. At the same time, they need to be given often - every 5-10 minutes.
  • The daily drinking volume is calculated based on the weight of the child - for each kilogram, the child should receive 120 ml of liquid.
  • Single dose glucose is also calculated by the weight of the baby - for each kilogram of the child's weight, 5 mg of glucose is given (1 ml of a 40% solution contains 400 mg, 1 ml of a 5% solution - 50 mg). This portion of glucose is given to the child three times a day.
  • If the child does not drink from a spoon, you can give him liquid from a syringe without a needle.

Diet and nutrition

As soon as the vomiting stops, the baby can be fed with the following foods:

  • First day: croutons, baked apples, porridge without oil.
  • Second day: add vegetable dishes, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Third-fourth day: you can add lean meat, a little vegetable oil in porridge, biscuit biscuits.
  • Fifth day: we begin to give yogurt and kefir, in which there are no additives.

Steam or boil all food. Give your child small amounts of food 5 or more times a day. Try to add vegetables to every meal.

If the urine acetone level is less than 2 mmol / L, it is usually possible to help the child with a diet and a special drinking regimen.

The appearance of acetone in the blood and urine of the baby can be prevented with the correct diet and drink. If the child has spent a lot of energy, for example, running, crying, nervous, sick with a fever, it is important to immediately give him a warm sweet drink.

What can not be eaten?

These food groups must necessarily be excluded during a crisis, and after it, give your baby such food in small quantities:

  • Foods containing vegetable fats.
  • Fish fat.
  • Broths on meat or fish.
  • Fat meat.
  • Fatty fish and caviar.
  • Dairy products.
  • Chocolates and caffeinated drinks.
  • Bread and baked goods.
  • Legumes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • By-products.
  • Sour fruit and vegetables - it is better to give up spinach, oranges, tomatoes, eggplants, kiwi.
  • Smoked products.
  • Products with flavor enhancers and other food additives.
  • Fast food.

During a crisis, many foods are recommended for consumption, and some cannot be eaten.

What can you eat?

The basis of nutrition for a child with acetone syndrome should be:

  • A variety of cereals.
  • Baked or fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Lean meat.
  • Skim cheese.
  • Milk.
  • Eggs.
  • Dried fruits.
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