Acid-base balance. How to achieve it? Check your acid-base balance with pH test strips

Most of us will never be interested in the acid-base balance of our blood, but proper pH balance is an important aspect of overall health.

Many doctors emphasize the importance of reducing acidity and increasing alkalinity of the body with an alkaline diet because a balanced pH level helps to protect our body from the inside out. Disease and disorders in the work of organs, as doctors say, cannot take root for a long time in an organism whose acid-base balance is in equilibrium.

What does pH balance mean? How do you know when the pH level is out of order? The fact is that pH values ​​are related to the balance in the human body between acidity and alkalinity. Your body does a great job on a daily basis to maintain a balanced pH. In most cases, by eating alkaline foods or adhering to an alkaline diet completely, you can help your body protect itself from harmful microbes and organisms, prevent tissue and organ damage, prevent micronutrient depletion, and protect against immune system dysfunctions.

Why is this so? For more information, you should read this article.

In 2012, the journal Ecology and Health published a review on the health effects of an alkaline diet. The main takeaway from this article was:

“Today, modern people who eat food from the present Agriculture, in their diet receive much less magnesium and potassium, as well as significantly less fiber. Their current diet contains too much saturated fat, simple sugars, sodium (salt) and chlorides compared to the diet of their ancestors. This leads to the fact that such a diet can lead to metabolic acidosis, which does not correspond to our genetic code due to the type of diet. "

The most effective way to maintain a healthy acid-base pH balance is to eat plenty of alkalizing plant foods and severely limit your intake of processed foods.

In addition, there are many various factors that have a serious impact on the acid-base balance: intestinal health, psychological stress, taking medications, chronic diseases... All of these factors have an impact on how hard the human body must work to maintain a normal pH level.

What is acid-base pH balance? And why is this the key to good health?

What we call “ pH balance”Is an indicator of the activity of hydrogen ions in solutions. PH values ​​are a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids. The pH values ​​range from 0 to 14. The more acidic the solution is, the lower the pH value. More alkaline liquids show higher pH values. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of many liquids, such as the water of the oceans and seas, not just our blood.

What is the ideal acid-base pH balance? PH = 7 is considered neutral, which means an equally acidic and alkaline liquid. The pH of blood serum, as well as the pH of most tissues in our body should remain around 7.365, while in the stomach, the pH balance is determined by about 2 units. This strong acidity in the stomach is essential for the processing of food. Our saliva or urine is also slightly acidic and is in the pH range 6.4-6.8 in healthy people.

If a person practices alkaline diet then it helps him to restore the correct level of acid-base balance and helps to improve health.

An alkaline diet has been shown to help:

  • Protect from cardiovascular disease
  • Prevention of calcium accumulation in urine
  • Prevention urolithiasis, kidney disease or damage
  • Decrease general inflammation
  • Reducing the risk of developing diabetes
  • Maintaining good bone density
  • Reducing the likelihood of muscle cramps
  • Deficiency protection vitamin D and related consequences
  • Reducing back pain

What causes an acid-base imbalance?

Here is the definition of acidosis, a condition where your pH level shifts towards a more acidic state: “... it is an overproduction of acid in the blood or an excessive loss of bicarbonate from the blood (metabolic acidosis), or a build-up of carbon dioxide in the blood that results from poor lung function and suppressed respiration (respiratory acidosis). "

Your body almost always does excellent work and maintains your acid-base balance at an optimal level. Unfortunately, from birth you have been given the "key" of how hard your body will work to achieve optimal values pH.

Our kidneys normally maintain proper pH balance and electrolyte levels, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. But when we are exposed to acidic substances, these electrolytes are used (consumed) to combat acidity.

The kidneys begin to excrete more minerals from the body through urine. A high degree of acidity in a diet or a health condition in the body forces our body to extract minerals (electrolytes) from our bones, cells, organs and tissues. Our cells very seriously need enough minerals to generate their waste products. Therefore, first of all, with an increase in acidity, there is a loss of minerals by the bone tissue (bones), which contributes to the development of osteoporosis. With heavy work of cells in an oxidized environment, the process of accumulation of toxins and pathogens can begin, which do not have time to be excreted by the cells, and this, in turn, can suppress the immune system.

As soon as you put your body into an altered acid-base balance with a predominance of acidity, then you force your body to work overtime to keep the blood in the neutral pH zone. This strenuous work of the body disrupts the levels of various substances that are used by the body to carry out the task of maintaining pH. These disorders include a decrease in potassium content, a violation of the ratio of sodium content (in our ancestors, the ratio of potassium to sodium was 10: 1, and modern man shows a ratio of 1: 3), decreased magnesium levels, very low values ​​of fiber intake and earlier loss of kidney function, especially with aging. [AND]

You cannot independently bring yourself to an imbalance in the pH of the blood (which is fraught with death), but you can by your actions reduce the body's stamina, which will not allow you to be in a state healthy aging... Only helping your body maintain a normal acid-base balance can provide you with healthy years of life.

Types of acidosis

There are five main types of what doctors call metabolic acidosis. This condition means that the body has a poor acid-base pH balance or is working too hard to maintain a healthy pH.

Diabetic ketoacidosis - sometimes mistakenly confused with ketosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when the body of a person with diabetes cannot cope with changes in its condition and the liver produces dangerously high amounts of ketone bodies. Usually this condition is diagnosed when the blood sugar level exceeds 13 mmol / L.

Hyperchloramic (hyperchloremic) acidosis- a frequently diagnosed asset in profuse vomiting or diarrhea. With this form of acidosis, there is a decrease in sodium bicarbonate and an increase in plasma chloride concentration.

Lactic acidosis- too much a large number of lactic acid can lead to acidosis. According to scientific journals"Chronic alcohol use (alcoholism), cardiac arrest, cancer, liver failure, low oxygen levels in the air, and low blood sugar can cause this condition." In addition, prolonged exercise can lead to a build-up of lactic acid in the blood.

Renal tubular acidosis- If your kidneys cannot excrete enough acid in your urine, your blood may become acidic.

Diet acidosis is a recently recognized form of acidosis. Dietary acidosis (or "diet-induced acidosis") is a consequence of the practice of eating highly acidic (not to be confused with lemon) foods, which results in a very high stress on the body, as a result of which the risks of various diseases are increased and general functioning deteriorates. organism.

The best ways to maintain the correct acid-base pH balance

First of all, you can reduce your risk of falling out of a healthy pH by looking at how your lifestyle and habits can affect nutrient levels, bowel function, and immune system.

Below are the main factors contributing to an increase in acidity (the development of acidosis) in your body.

  • Alcohol and drug use (including acetazolamide, opioids, tranquilizers, and aspirin)
  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Kidney disease or impaired renal function
  • Poor digestion and disturbed sintestinal health
  • Eating a lot of processed and refined foods that contain salt, preservatives, etc.
  • Low dietary intake of potassium, calcium and other beneficial minerals
  • High consumption of artificial sweeteners, food colors and preservatives
  • Pesticides and Herbicides That May Remain in Plant Products
  • Chronic psychological stress
  • Sleep disorders such as apnea
  • Decreased nutrient levels in food due to industrial agriculture and poor topsoil quality
  • Low level fiber in the diet
  • Lack of exercise(sedentary lifestyle)
  • Excess animal meat in the diet
  • Excessive ingestion of cosmetics and plastics residues
  • Exposure to chemicals from household cleaning products, building materials, radiation from computers, cell phones and microwave ovens
  • Environmental pollution
  • Poor chewing and eating habits (eating fast without chewing thoroughly)
  • Lung disease or damage, including emphysema, Chronical bronchitis, severe pneumonia, pulmonary edema and asthma

How can you help your body achieve a neutral pH?

Below are steps to help you maintain the best acid-base pH balance.

1. Reduce intake of acidic foods

If you currently adhere to " standard western diet”, Then you will probably need to change your diet to a more alkaline one. Here is a list of acidic foods that you should limit in your diet, or even exclude from your diet:

  • Processed store-bought meats, cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, salami.
  • Products with high content salt
  • Sugar and sugar-laden foods
  • Processed grains such as corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, and rye (including flour from these grains)
  • Regular meat (beef, chicken and pork)
  • Fried dishes
  • Milk and dairy products
  • High glycemic index foods, including white rice, White bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, etc.
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

There are some "acidic" foods that contain many of the nutrients you need, so they may not be completely eliminated from your diet, but consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

  • Most high protein foods, such as meat and eggs
  • Lentils and other legumes
  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Walnut

2. Go on an alkaline diet

If you are planning on following an alkaline diet to balance your pH, then this diet should be rich in green plants and other alkaline foods. It is also wise to buy more organically grown produce (not in conventional farming, but from farms or private gardens). These foods are grown in a more organic environment, in soil that is high in minerals, which tend to alkalize the body more and contain more vitamins.

  • Leafy green vegetables- cabbage, Swiss chard, beet greens, dandelion fox, spinach, wheat germ, alfalfa, etc.
  • Other non-starchy vegetables- mushrooms, tomatoes, avocados, radishes, cucumber, broccoli, oregano, garlic, ginger, green beans, chicory, cabbage, celery, zucchini and asparagus
  • Raw food - raw fruits and vegetables are biogenic or "life-giving" products for our body. Cooking food, especially cooking, can reduce alkaline minerals. Increase the amount of raw foods in your diet and try lightly steamed vegetables. Ideally, try to consume most of your food raw, or only lightly cooked (like steamed).
  • Superfoods(healthy foods) - Maca root, spirulina, sea vegetables, bone broth, and dried green powder containing chlorophyll
  • Healthy fats: Coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil, animal oil from farms or private homes (these foods can be a good addition to your diet, even if they don't necessarily alkalize).
  • Starchy plants- sweet potatoes, turnips and beets.
  • Vegetable proteins- almonds, beans, beans and most other legumes
  • Most fruits- Oddly enough, sour-tasting fruits such as lemon or grapefruit do not create acidity in the body. They do just the opposite and contribute to the alkalinization of the body. Citrus fruits, dates, and raisins are highly alkalizing and may help prevent acidosis.
  • Vegetable juices(green drinks) - drinks made from green vegetables and herbs in powder form. These foods are very rich. chlorophyll... Chlorophyll is structurally similar to our own blood and alkalizes the blood.
  • Apple cider vinegarwith- sour in taste, but is able to restore the acid-base pH balance well.

Depending on your current state of health and your wellness goals, you could get better acidity if you stick to alkaline, with very low content carbohydrates, ketogenic diet. The keto diet(ketogenic) also maintains the body's pH balance by eating healthy fats, green leafy vegetables, vegetable juices, and superfoods (healthy foods). But it is worth knowing all the pros and cons of the ketogenic diet before you start practicing it.

Most high protein foods are acidic, so if you eat a lot of meat and animal products it is very important to balance the acidic effects with alkalizing plant products nutrition. If you are going to practice a low carbohydrate diet to reduce acidity, then in addition to the foods mentioned above, you can add beans, nuts and some small amounts of starchy foods (they contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugar).

3. Drink alkaline water

According to the US Center for Water Research: "... the normal pH range in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5, and for groundwater systems is from 6 to 8.5 ...". This means that there are many varieties of water with different pH.

When the water has a pH of less than or about 6.5, the water can be characterized as "acidic and corrosive." Such water is capable of leaching metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead and zinc from aquifers, plumbing taps and pipes, and can also contain toxic metals and have a sour taste. The best way to change the acid water problem(low pH) - it is to use a special neutralizer that is able to increase the pH.

Water filtered with reverse osmosis filter is slightly acidic, with a pH just below 7. Distilled water and filtered water cannot become too alkaline, but if you are not overly concerned about the acidity of such water, then such water can be considered a better option than tap water, or water in plastic bottles which is more acidic.

4. Reduce the entry of drugs, toxins and chemicals into your body

Many different drugs, chemicals and toxins can upset the acid-base pH balance and contribute to the acidity of the body. Such products include: alcohol, caffeine, acetazolamide, opioids, sedatives, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) and aspirin.

Important exclude from your life as much as possible all the impacts that are capable of lead to the constant intake of various medications... For example, lack of sleep, psychological stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and even allergies can cause problems with your health, which will push you to take different medications.

Try to determine what steps you can take to naturally reduce your need for medications. If you live or work in an environment with large air pollution then it is worth taking steps to protect yourself as best as possible from such contamination.

Testing the pH of the acid-base balance

This is how you can check your own pH level.

  • You can check your pH by purchasing test strips from your local health food store or pharmacy.
  • The pH measurement can be performed using saliva or urine. The second morning urination gives the best pH results in terms of accuracy.
  • You are comparing the colors on the test strip to the pH scale chart that came with this test strip kit.
  • During the day the best time for pH check - one hour before meals and two hours after meals.
  • If you are testing your saliva, the ideal pH range for health is between 6.8 and 7.3 (remember, optimal pH is around 7.365).

Your body has a natural acid-base balance, which can be measured using a pH scale. For example, a pH of 1.0 is pure acid, pH 14 is alkaline, and pH 7.0 is considered neutral. The PH of a substance depends on the content of hydrogen ions in it. All acids in the body release hydrogen ions by dissolving in water.

For the body to exist and remain healthy, blood must be slightly alkalized - its pH must be equal to 7.365. If the blood begins to acidify, it will burn holes in the vessels. As you might guess, one cannot feel healthy if there are holes in the veins. In fact, if the pH of the blood changes by even one tenth, the body's biomechanical function will be impaired and the person will die.

However, our body is very complex, and it has a number of the following mechanisms that maintain pH balance:

  1. The body uses alkaline stores such as alkaline minerals to keep the pH of the blood at a normal level. If you continue to acidify your body with an unhealthy diet, alkali reserves are depleted and the body goes into mechanism number two.

2. In the second mechanism, the body quickly removes excess acid from the blood and begins to store them in fat cells. Unfortunately, overweight people, whose body fat contains a lot of acid, lose weight with great difficulty. The body does its best to avoid the release of acids during weight loss. The acidified body continues to maintain excess weight, making weight loss ineffective.

3. What happens after the body uses up alkaline stores and stores them in fat cells? Mechanism number three is triggered: the body begins to extract alkaline minerals such as calcium from the bones. This is one of the reasons why people in old age suffer from osteoporosis and shrink in height. Their acidic diet threatens the pH balance, so the body begins to protect the blood by getting calcium from the bones. Unfortunately, the diet of modern humans contains too many acids.

There are two ways to find out how acidic your body is. Firstly (and this method is the most accurate), you can go to your doctor and take a blood test to determine its pH balance. This is not ordinary general analysis, so you will need to tell your doctor exactly what you want to find out. Normal indicator The pH of the blood varies within a narrow range from 7.35 to 7.454.

Second, you can check the pH of your saliva or urine with pH strips available from pharmacies. These strips are made of litmus paper, which changes color depending on the predominance of acid or alkali. Dr. Herero, a renowned American traditional Chinese medicine physician and author of The Balance of Life, recommends testing urine, not saliva, as the kidneys are one of the organs that excrete acids. Although a urine test is not as accurate as a blood test, it can still help determine if you are acidic. In addition, this test can be performed daily. This is important as alkali and acid levels change every day. If the body's pH is normal, urine pH will range from 7.0 to 7.55.

Everyone should know their blood PH. Acidification of the blood leads to the appearance of diseases and poor health. Strong alkalization - loose skin, dry and brittle hair, nails.

Every liquid, including human blood, has its own level of acid-base balance. If there is a disorder in the functioning of the body or a malfunction of a specific system or organ, a blood PH test is done.

  • The term blood PH is the level of hydrogen in the body and total acidity. If the balance of alkalis is maintained, then all systems and organs function normally.
  • The acid-base balance is in normal condition, if the liver, lungs and kidneys function well and smoothly. These are real "compensators" that remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Therefore, everyone should monitor the level of blood PH in order to prevent the development of serious diseases.

The level of the alkaline blood index is the basis for doctors to prescribe treatment if they have large deviations from the norm. Thanks to these indicators, it is possible to monitor the state of the body, and if there are malfunctions in the work of organs or systems, such an analysis should be done.

Normal blood PH level healthy person- this is not less than 7.35 and not higher than 7.45. All indicators that differ from the norm to a lesser or greater extent are deviations that are incompatible with life and require urgent medical attention.

If the acidity in the body is normal, then the PH indicators will be at the level of 7.4 units. With a significant decrease in this indicator, a diagnosis of "acidosis" is made. The pH level of the blood in acidosis is 7.0 or less.

Mild acidosis does not manifest itself in any way. But, if the indicators decrease to critical limits, which can be recorded only in laboratory conditions, then the person feels the following symptoms:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • a feeling of shock at the primary stage of many diseases - diabetes and others;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting or urge to vomit;
  • breathing problems.

The acidification of the body occurs for the following main reasons:

  • nervous tension;
  • obesity;
  • against the background of cardiovascular diseases;
  • when consuming large quantities of sweet and meat products.

If a severe form of acidosis is detected, it is necessary to establish the causes of this disease. You should definitely consult a doctor who will correctly prescribe treatment, diet and tell you about all the consequences if you do not control the level of blood PH.

Alkalosis, in contrast to acidosis, manifests itself immediately, as soon as blood pH values ​​rise above 7.45. When the body is strongly alkalized, the skin becomes loose and dry. The person takes on the ugly appearance of a “dried up wooden knot”.

The pH level of the blood in alkalosis is normalized if the causes that caused this deviation are eliminated. The treatment process can begin with breathing exercises. This will help saturate the blood with carbon dioxide and oxygen compounds in the correct proportion. Read more about acidification and alkalization of the body in.

Important: Do not self-medicate! It may be dangerous. Never give yourself and your loved ones even rough diagnoses.

A person's blood PH level fluctuates throughout life. But there are critical indicators when chronic diseases and even cancer can occur. It is bad for the human body when the body is highly acidic, that is, the PH values ​​are below 7.45 units, and when there is a sharp alkalinization. If the indicator is below 6.0 units, then the alarm should be sounded.

The PH level of blood in cancer is below 6.0. With such indicators, a person has a bad complexion, pale lips, no blush, hair and nails break. We can say that a person has a sick appearance.

Remember: Only a doctor should make a diagnosis! Don't do anything yourself. If you have doubts about your health, go through the examination and pass the necessary tests. You can only sound the alarm in a timely manner if you feel unwell or other symptoms that interfere with a normal life.

Only a doctor should compare blood pH values ​​in cancer. He will be able to correctly prescribe treatment and take emergency measures, which will be a salvation for health.

Of course, for any health problems, you should go to the clinic - to see a doctor. But it often happens that we do not have time to go to the hospital - do not be discouraged. You can measure the PH of blood at home with an instrument or test strips.

A special device is sold at a pharmacy or any medical equipment store. It is inexpensive, but very useful for measuring blood PH at home. If you do not find such a device, use test strips. They are sold in every pharmacy and cost a penny. If you did not find any strips or a tester at the pharmacy, you can order everything you need online.

How to measure blood PH at home with test strips - tips:

  • Pierce your finger right hand scarifier, which is also sold in pharmacies.
  • Squeeze some blood into a small container. It is good if you have a laboratory tube.
  • Dip a test strip into this blood, hold it for a few seconds, remove it from the tube, and evaluate the result.
  • The scale for determining the alkaline reaction in the body is on the packaging with the strips. Compare the color and see the result.

When measuring PH values ​​with the help of the device, it is faster, easier and more convenient. You do not need to pierce your finger, the device will do everything on its own: puncture, fence and give the result.

Lab tests much more accurate than indicators that are obtained at home. If you decide to take a blood PH test in a special laboratory, you can contact the polyclinic at the place of registration or any private clinic... The test will be ready on the day of blood collection. The doctor himself may offer you to take an analysis during a routine examination or preventive procedures if there are deviations in health.

If the PH level becomes too low - less than 7.35 (acidic) or too high - more than 7.45-8 (alkaline), then the cells of our body begin to poison themselves with toxic emissions and die. Wastes and toxins appear in large quantities. In this case, many people begin to remove these harmful substances from the body. But you just need to normalize the PH values ​​of blood, urine and saliva. What does blood pH depend on?

This indicator depends on the following factors:

  • Nutrition - you need to learn the basics of proper nutrition. Our body must maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Resistance to stress - constant nervous tension leads to acidification of the body. Learn to be calm and not anxious about trifles.
  • Obesity - When the body is acidic, it begins to store fat. If you make alkalization, then you will immediately begin to lose weight, which means that your well-being, the condition of your skin and hair will improve.

The acid-base balance in the body depends on maintaining the correct proportions between intercellular and intracellular waters in the tissues. If the acid-base balance of liquids is not constantly observed, it will be impossible to preserve life and the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Acid-base balance is our health indicator. The more “sour” a person is, the faster he begins to age and get sick more. For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, the PH level in the body must be alkaline at least 7.35 units. How to lower acidity and raise blood pH? A few tips:

  • Eliminate meat products from your diet. You can fish, but in small quantities.
  • It is important to get your nutrition right. Make correct ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eat boiled and steamed dishes, exclude all fried foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Stop being nervous. Reconsider your attitude to life - eliminate stressful situations.
  • Practice eating separately. This will help the body quickly reduce acidity and normalize digestion. Foods taken separately will be better digested.

You can use special drops sold at the pharmacy to alkalize the water. Alkaline water will help reduce acidity, and your kidneys, stomach and intestines will start working well. If your body is highly acidic, switch to a raw food diet.

But remember! Experimenting on your own is dangerous! Before switching to an alkaline diet or consuming alkaline water, consult your doctor.

It is bad for the body when the alkaline balance of the blood is greatly increased and has high levels. How to increase acidity and lower blood pH? Advice:

  • Eat acidic foods - grains, legumes, protein foods food (meat, eggs).
  • Eat fiber-rich foods.
  • Three times a day, you can take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with honey.
  • Vitamin C lowers PH levels.
  • Do breathing exercises with deep breaths.
  • If not medical contraindications, you can use dietary supplements - food enzymes and others.
  • Correct the vitamin status in the body by taking multivitamin complexes.

Also, to increase acidity, it is necessary to carry out prevention and adequate treatment of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Calcium is an alkaline substance. How does calcium affect blood PH? Our body is a smart "system". In order to prevent critical indicators of acid-base balance, with strong acidification, it begins to extract calcium and magnesium from our bones and teeth.

When the body becomes acidic, it will be useful to drink a course of calcium. But this substance is well absorbed when taken with magnesium and vitamin D3. The pharmacy sells special vitamin complexes with calcium. There is a lot of magnesium in fresh herbs and green vegetables.

If the acidity values ​​are normal, it is recommended to regularly take tests and check the PH level. How to maintain a consistently normal blood PH level? Advice:

  • Take it as a norm to eat right. Eat at least 5 servings (1 serving - 100 grams) of fresh vegetables and fruits. There are food products that are especially enriched with vitamins, minerals and contribute to the balance of nutrients.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol - all this strongly and quickly acidifies the body.
  • Consume mineral water without gases, freshly squeezed juices, phyto fees.
  • Eliminate fatty, high-calorie, smoked foods, coffee, tea from the diet.

The harmful compounds that accumulate during the acidification of the body do not leave the body, but are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. To get rid of the effects of acidification, it is necessary to carry out long-term cleaning activities. Therefore, it is best to always keep your blood PH as well as urine and saliva normal.

Plan your diet and lifestyle so that you are not bothered by problems with blood alkali levels. A competent diet will help maintain health and youth for life. So what foods acidify the blood? Table:

If your blood is highly acidic, change your eating habits. Proper nutrition has been in vogue for several years now, but there are still many people in the world who do not know what this term means.

Have a blood PH test if you have health problems. Acidified blood must be alkalized, otherwise failures in the work of organs and systems will lead to the most unpleasant consequences... What foods alkalize the blood? Table:

More detailed information about foods that alkalize and acidify the blood, you will see on our website. It is important to remember that in a neutral biological environment, our body possesses amazing ability to self-healing. Therefore, strive to maintain your acid-base balance in order not to get sick and stay young for a long time.

The appearance of many diseases in humans is directly dependent on acid and alkali. The increased acidity damages the systems of the most important in the body, which makes it defenseless against infection. The balanced acidity of the body contributes to normal course metabolic processes in the body, while helping it to resist disease.

The body correctly accumulates and assimilates nutrient substances, only at certain indicators of acidity. Everyone can provide the body with the necessary assistance to assimilate useful substances, and not to lose them. Throughout the life of the body, it needs both acidic and alkaline foods decay.

The body is healthy, always has alkaline reserves of substances in case of need. If proper nutrition is violated and the use of acidic products in food and from a small amount of water in the body, it is oxidized. TO sour foods includes many foods such as meat, soda, rolls, loaves, sugar, and many other foods. In an oxidized body, oxygen delivery to the organs and tissues of the body is impaired, the digestibility of minerals is impaired and the complete removal of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium occurs. From such a loss of minerals, vital organs will suffer.

In such cases, a high risk of cardiovascular disease is formed, immunity decreases, bones become fragile and many other diseases. It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of acids in the body, but not many people know how to check the acidity of the body. Subsequently, increased acidity causes problems with:

The cardiovascular system, which is accompanied by vasospasm and a decrease in the composition of oxygen in the blood;

Weight gain and diabetes;

Disease of the kidneys and urinary bladder, the formation of stones in them;

Weakened immunity;

Increased exposure to harmful free radicals that contribute to oncogenesis;

Bone fragility, possibly even a hip fracture, and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

The manifestation of pain in the joints, in the muscles that are associated with high acid dairy;

Great weakness in general.

Acidosis is promoted by an excessive enthusiasm for alcoholic beverages. Also, acidosis can appear as a result of complications in diabetes mellitus.

Over the years, studies have been conducted on women with high acidity. As a result, it was concluded that with a constantly increased acidity in women, the composition of the bones is weaker, they are more prone to fractures.

Doctors are sure that many of their health problems are directly related to excessive enthusiasm meat products and small consumption of vegetables and fruits. Such nutrition leads to oxidation of the body, and in order to obtain the necessary calcium, the body has no choice but to borrow it from the bones. How to determine the acidity of the body at home is of interest to everyone. For this, there are special litmus strips. Just a couple of hours before a meal, you need to put such a strip on your tongue for just a couple of seconds.

This procedure must be done about seven or six times a day, for several days. Then the result will be accurate. Normal acidity from 6.6 to 7.0; low acidity below 6.6; over 7.0 increased acidity. It is still recommended to check the acidity of the human body in a clinical setting, which will make it possible to establish a more accurate indicator.

There are pH tests in the form of strips that can easily and quickly determine the pH level while sitting at home. To do this, you need to fill the cup with urine and lower the test strip there. When the pH values ​​range from 6.0 to 6.4 in the morning and 6.4-7.0 in the evening, then everything is normal in the body. When the saliva pH test strip shows a result from 6.4 to 6.8 throughout the day, then the body is also healthy and in excellent condition. The more optimal pH of the urine and saliva test is slightly acidic and is 6.4-6.5. For more accurate readings, the procedure should be carried out one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal.

The obtained urine pH results show how the absorption of minerals in the body takes place. These minerals control acid levels in the body.

It is also good to know the pH level of saliva. The result will show the activity in the digestive process of enzymes, especially in the stomach and liver. Such a result is able to assess the work of the organism as a whole or of certain of its systems.

The blood pH test is the most difficult. Indicators of such a test can range from 7.6 to 7.2. An increase in indicators by only 0.1 can lead to major complications and pathologies.

The correct pH balance must be observed. If this balance is violated, any treatment of diseases will not give a positive result.

The mechanism for maintaining the required level is: blood buffer systems, respiratory regulation system, excretory renal system... To maintain the acid-base balance within the normal range, you should first of all monitor your diet. It is necessary to compose the diet so that alkaline substances prevail over acidic ones.

The human body constantly occurs great amount various chemical processes, it is neither possible nor necessary to regulate and influence them. They are not visible, but they are of great importance for life. However, certain habits, lifestyle and human behavior in one way or another affect the course of such processes and, consequently, on the general well-being and health in general. This article will talk about.

All metabolic processes in the human body are called homeostasis. Homeostasis can be defined as the ability for self-regulation, that is, the ability of the body to maintain an internal state due to certain reactions that are in balance and coordination. In simple words, this is the body's ability to regulate internal processes, purify, resist diseases and environmental factors.

Acids are substances that are capable of releasing hydrogen ions, and alkalis or bases - attaching these ions. Accordingly, the action of these two elements is exactly the opposite. The strength of this action is characterized by the RN indicator. Its value ranges from 1 to 14. So, PH 1 is the value of the strongest acid, PH 14 is the strongest alkali (base). The neutral medium (pH level) is the pH value of 7. The blood pH level in an absolutely healthy person (reference) is 7.4 - 7.45. At this level, neither an alkaline nor an acidic chemical reaction occurs.

For a stable state of the body and the creation of favorable conditions for its independent activity (cleansing, nutrition, protection, absolute health), this level should be in the range of PH = 7.35 - 7.45.

To ensure an optimal balance of this kind, it is necessary that the content of these substances in the body be regulated. If this state is not achieved, in the course of metabolic processes harmful acids (uric, lactic, carbon dioxide) will be formed. The main task of a person is to maintain balance, for which it is necessary to know in what conditions it is disturbed. After all, the foods that we eat every day also contain alkalis and acids. In some cases, the acid content is higher and the alkali content is lower. Then acidosis is observed in the body (negatively charged ions - acids accumulate in the blood and tissues). At the same time, the pH level is less than 7.35. When the body is oversaturated with alkali, alkalosis occurs. In this case, the pH level exceeds the value of 7.45. Both of these phenomena indicate the beginning of a healing process that triggers the body to bring the system into balance. PH values ​​above 7.8 and below 6.8 are impossible, that is, incompatible with life.

The internal media of the body are lymph, blood, bile, urine, feces, saliva, etc. They all have a certain level of acidity. So, blood is weakly alkaline (close to neutral), urine is weak acidity, saliva is slightly acidic. A hungry stomach has weak acidity, but when food enters it, the production process takes place gastric juice and the environment becomes more acidic.

This balance is the level of equilibrium of these environments necessary for their optimal balance and, therefore, good health. Excessive acidification of the body or changes in the level of acidity are increasingly becoming the main cause of weakening of the immune system. At the same time, there is an imbalance in body weight, skin problems, the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder and many other violations.

When do disturbances in homeostasis occur? When a person eats improperly, abuses alcohol, smokes, does not play sports. That is, all the signs of an incorrect lifestyle are on the face. As a result of this existence, serious violations occur in the activity of protective mechanisms. At the same time, immunity suffers greatly. Decomposition products are not completely removed. The development of the disease is the result of such processes.

External factors also influence the level of such a balance. So, shampoo, soap, shower gel act on the skin. The nature of this effect depends on what level of acidity they have, whether it will be neutral or harmful. V recent times more attention has begun to be paid to such an indicator as the level of acidity, and cosmetics now undergo special compliance control. The acidity level of healthy skin is 5.5 - 6.7. The vast majority of such funds are produced by the industry with a pH level of 4.6 - 7.4. Even if the pH level is not neutral, human skin is able to neutralize acid and alkali and restore its individual acidity level. Then the result of using such a product will be light flaking or dandruff. When you change your shampoo or cream, these signs will disappear.

The main signs of violations

An excess of acid in the body is a sure step towards illness. When a large amount of acid takes part in the metabolic process, the body tries with all its might to eliminate this excess. With the help of the lungs, carbon dioxide is exhaled, sweat comes out through the skin, the kidneys - urine, intestines - feces. When the body cannot cope with the elimination of these surpluses, acids begin to accumulate in the connective tissue (gaps between cells), tissue slagging occurs. In such a situation, there is high degree the dangers of the inflammatory process. The type and form of the disease depends on the organ in which the pollution is concentrated.

In general, to external manifestations such violations in the body can be attributed to:

  • Fatigue;
  • Lethargy;
  • The complexion becomes gray, pale, yellowish (unhealthy);
  • Acne, redness and dryness of the skin;
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating);
  • Body weight disorder (overweight or underweight);
  • Weakness and pain in the muscles.
For a more detailed description and description, you can classify symptoms this disease by areas of origin:

So, general state a person can be characterized by such signs:

  1. Weakness;
  2. Chronic fatigue;
  3. Reduced temperature body;
  4. Feeling cold;
  5. Chills;
  6. Lack of strength, energy.
Wherein emotional condition characterized by sadness, black thoughts, depression, irritability and excessive nervousness.

Describing his suspicions, the patient names headaches, inflammation of the eyes, pallor on the face. At the same time, disruptions in the form of secretions and inflammation of the urinary tract are observed in the reproductive system.

As for the stomach, belching with a sour taste, pain and cramps, exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers are observed here. Similar sensations are also present in the intestinal region.

When characterizing the work of the kidneys and bladder, the patient names such suspicions:

  1. Acidic urine;
  2. A burning sensation in the bladder area;
  3. Stones in the kidneys;
  4. Inflammation in the genitourinary tract.
Manifestations of irregularities in the respiratory tract:
  1. Frequent runny nose, ARVI, tonsillitis;
  2. Laryngitis;
  3. Adenoids;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Frequent cough or urge to him.
The skin is characterized by dryness, sour sweat, frequent redness and irritation. Appear acne, acne, fistulas, eczema (usually dry).

Nails become thin, brittle and flaky. Furrows and white spots appear on them. Fungal infection often joins.

Spasms and cramps in the legs are noted. Hands and feet often ache and twist (especially in the weather). Disturbed by pain in the joints, back and ligaments. Bones crunch and become prone to fracture.

The pressure is characterized low rates, there is a chilliness, rapid heart rate. The hemoglobin content in the blood decreases (anemia).

Concerning endocrine system, then the endocrine glands (pancreas, adrenal glands, sex glands) are depleted. The exception is thyroid... On the contrary, it increases sharply.

The sensations in the oral cavity are described by the following signs:

  1. Sour taste of saliva;
  2. The roots of the teeth are exposed and become more sensitive;
  3. Gums and enamel become thinner and painful;
  4. The tonsils become inflamed;
  5. The development of caries;
  6. The teeth are crumbling;
  7. A characteristic soreness after eating something sour or cold.
All named signs are visible. When a patient turns to a doctor and undergoes diagnostics, the following manifestations can be identified:
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Gallstones
  • Changes in the joints (arthrosis - as a result of an imbalance in the metabolism of magnesium and calcium).
An example of excessive deposition of toxins in connective tissues is the concept of cellulite, which is familiar to many women. This is the so-called "orange peel" on the buttocks, shoulders, thighs and other parts of the body. Even the appearance of the face may indicate such a slag: the skin looks tired, "worn out", lifeless.

Such processes have a negative effect on the mechanism of blood flow through the vessels. The structural components of blood (red blood cells), when moving through the oxygenated tissues of the body, stick together, forming blood clots, lose elasticity and mobility. As a result of such changes, blood clots are formed. From where they appear, disorders and diseases of various organs arise:

  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • Cerebral hemorrhage;
  • Circulatory disorders of the extremities (more often the legs).
The human body is a smart machine. When such an imbalance occurs, he himself tries to cope with the situation. But on their own, excess acids cannot be excreted from the body, in contrast to alkalis. To do this, the acid must first be neutralized, that is, it needs a base that will bind it (antagonist). And in the process of increased acidification, they start the process of extracting calcium and magnesium from the bones. The result is osteoporosis.

When these disorders become chronic, without the use of appropriate treatment or other fight against it, thin transverse cracks can be seen in the patient's tongue.

Excessive acidification is dangerous by a decrease in the strength of muscle contractions. So, weakening of the eye muscles leads to hyperopia, heart muscle - to heart failure, intestinal muscles - to digestive problems (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.). The general endurance of a person to physical activity decreases, weakness and rapid fatigability appear. With a decrease in the pH level, a drop in human immunity occurs, and therefore diseases develop. As a consequence of such disorders, more than 200 different diseases can develop. Among them are arthrosis and chondorosis, cataract and hyperopia, gallstone, kidney disease and oncology. When several diseases develop at once, this indicates a clear drop in the pH of the patient's blood.

In connection with the arising violations in the immune system there is a faster multiplication of viruses, fungi and bacteria. A person is more likely and more severely ill with ARVI, other infectious and viral diseases... With a problem of this kind, the body is very poorly absorbed by microelements, and vitamins - from food, biological additives and medicines. All kinds of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood and joints develop, as well as exacerbation and complication of existing chronic diseases.

Cells malignant tumor are capable of active development precisely during blood acidification (pH level less than 7.2 - 7.3). There are cases when a cancerous tumor has already developed in the body, and with the normalization of the pH level, it stopped growing and then resolved!

Chronic acidification can lead to hyperthyroidism, atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes.

When the acidity level changes internal environment headache, insomnia, decreased blood pressure, anxiety, swelling are observed. Constant weakness, muscle pain can be companions even of young people, but more often such manifestations are characteristic of the elderly. Due to the fact that the pH of saliva in the mouth has sour reaction, tooth decay occurs.

Separately, it should be said about such a concept as the acid-base balance of the vagina. He is one of critical indicators characterizing the health of women reaching puberty. The acidity level of the vaginal environment changes with the menstrual cycle. So, in a healthy woman, before the onset of menstruation, this pH level is close to neutral (approximately 7.0). When the period of maturation comes, the walls of the vagina, under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen, become thicker, and the pH level decreases (to about 4.4 - 4.6). The microflora of the genital area changes due to an increase in acidity during this period. If the vaginal environment at any time is close to alkaline, this is a sign of a disease.

For example, for the development of a very common fungal infection (candidiasis or thrush), less acidic environment... In the body of a healthy woman, there is such an environment where lactic acid bacteria develop ideally and representatives of other microflora (pathogenic fungi and bacteria) cannot exist.

Lactic acid bacteria not only deprive the food source of pathogenic microflora, but also produce useful material, which are able to further increase the acidity and disinfect it (lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide). The reason for the decrease in acidity can be hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics and other medicines, douching and soap.

The acidic environment contributes to the rapid aging of the body. And, on the contrary, when it is brought into equilibrium (neutral pH level), the development of aging processes stops, and the body gradually returns to normal, which is the most the best way affects his appearance(the skin becomes younger, weight returns to normal, lightness and youth are felt).

Reasons for violations

The main reason for the violation of the optimal level of such substances in the body is malnutrition. In the diet of a modern person, there is an imbalance of certain substances (hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions). These substances are designed to neutralize negative action excess acids. In this regard, acidosis (acidification) occurs, which is characterized by consistency, morbidity, lifespan, metabolic disorders.

According to historical data, ancient people ate 1/3 of meat (low-fat varieties, mainly game) and 2/3 of plant foods. The food in this case was exclusively alkaline. There was no question of any imbalance in the body. The person led an active lifestyle, moved a lot, ate solely in order to replenish energy, and, accordingly, did not know what an illness was.

Over time, the situation worsened as civilization arose. The man took up agricultural activities, began to grow crops, raise animals. The consumption of grain, cereals, milk and fatty meat had the most negative impact on his health. But the most serious consequences are the consumption of modern, industrially processed foods, the so-called "sour" foods.

Modern man eats dishes containing saturated fat, simple sugars, table salt... But they contain catastrophically little of the necessary fiber, potassium and magnesium. People began to eat the most dangerous foods in large quantities (thanks to them, the acidification process takes place):

  • Sugar;
  • Flour products;
  • Semi-finished products.
Chips, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, french fries, pizza, sweets are consumed by a person almost every day. The goods on the shelves of our stores, supposedly useful and giving health (live yoghurts and kefir, juices, etc.) are poison for humans. The label says that they are very useful, but have you read their composition ??? But without these products it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. All this food has an acidic valence.

Stress is the second leading cause of decreased acidity that leads to illness. Strong experiences, nervous shocks, depression often lead to a violation of the pH level.

The lack of physical activity has a significant impact on the occurrence of such disorders. A sedentary lifestyle is a sure way to a health disorder.

Drinking water has a negative effect on the general condition of the body and, especially, on the balance of acids and alkalis. The tap water is not drinkable. But many still drink it, use it for cooking.

An unfavorable environmental situation, a lack of clean air, Negative influence household appliances... It is difficult to imagine our life without a TV, computer, microwave oven, air conditioner. All this technique emits substances harmful to the human body.

Specialists in the field medical psychology argue that the internal energy potential of a person is the key to strong immunity and, therefore, various deviations - with its deficiency, including the level of acidity. Fueled with optimism and self-confidence, a person has the necessary level of energy to maintain optimal balance in all organs and systems. Strong experiences and stresses can take away such vitality. For a full-fledged work, the body lacks this very energy, and then the alkali leaves the body (for example, the kidneys remove it along with urine), as a result, the pH level decreases. For example, in the case of severe stress, this indicator drops rapidly. The result of such changes is very serious condition, in such cases, you cannot do without special therapy.

Lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium also affects this process. To maintain acid-base balance, the body extracts these elements from the bones to neutralize excess acids. Bones begin to lose magnesium first, then calcium. As a result of such processes, muscles very quickly begin to lose their tone, resulting in the development of diseases (osteoporosis, arthrosis, etc.). Magnesium is intensively excreted along with urine with an excessive intake of sugar, which is why it is so harmful to abuse sweets. In the human body, everything is interconnected. So, calcium without the presence of magnesium is not assimilated. It allows you to establish a balance in the intake of calcium (an excess of the latter is also harmful), and also stops its excretion.

Lack of magnesium, in turn, leads to a deficiency of other elements (zinc, copper, silicon, potassium, calcium). They are replaced by heavy metals (they are toxic), such as lead, aluminum, cadmium. Magnesium deficiency is caused by refined food, intensive farming (almost all soils are now acidic, alkaline products cannot grow on them), the use of fertilizers (they prevent the penetration of magnesium into plants from the soil), as well as frequent diets. Active use chemicals, various medicines and dietary supplements also have a negative impact on this process.

A kind of "devourers" useful microelements(as a result of acidification) of the human body are Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, caffeine, confectionery industrial production, as well as excessive mental and physical stress. That is, everything that accompanies us from day to day.

Having delved into such facts, it becomes scary from what we eat. But, nevertheless, instead of using as much as possible healthy food(from what we still have), we fry, boil, simmer, boil, store food for a long time in the refrigerator, freezer. As a result, it becomes simply unsuitable for our body (unless you dream of getting sick). It is extremely difficult for the body to digest and assimilate such a product. To do this, he spends a colossal amount of energy, and everything possible - in order to extract at least some benefit from the received "raw material". As a result of this, naturally, a large number of toxic substances are formed (by-products of defective processes of digestion and assimilation). If such cases are rare (junk food entered your body at a wedding, birthday), nothing terrible will happen.

The body is a smart and hardworking machine, it will fix everything and bring it back to normal. But if such a way of life is always present, undigested food gradually accumulates, and the body has to work in conditions of constant overstrain. Vital energy is lost, organ wear and tear occurs, toxemia occurs (blood poisoning with toxins). Blood constantly circulates throughout the body, carrying poisons to all cells of organs, tissues and brain.

In nature, there is a certain law of interdependence. It states that the more toxins accumulate in the body, the more body weight becomes, and the more the risk of developing various diseases increases. Since toxins have an acidic reaction, then with their increase, acidity increases, and the acid-base balance is destroyed.

Methods for dealing with violations

For any health disorder, of course, you need to see a specialist. When the described signs appear, you need to visit a general practitioner who will make your examination. But the specificity of this disorder presupposes active involvement of the patient himself in the healing process. You, and only you, can help yourself in the fight against this disorder.
The doctor will help you deal with the symptoms, identify the foci of the disease, and focus on the use of drugs. But such an ailment with the help of drugs cannot be cured. The drugs can only help in the cleaning process. It should be remembered that indiscriminate and prolonged use drug treatment v this case can, on the contrary, lead to a complication of the situation.

There are two main ways to restore acid-base balance:

  1. Stop the intake of harmful substances and stimulate their active excretion;
  2. Neutralize the action of those substances that cannot be removed.
In the patient's diet, the principle of balance between alkalis and acids should be observed, with a slight preponderance of bases. It is necessary not to forget what exactly is harmful, what cannot be eaten, especially during the period of purification:
  • Fatty meat, sausage, canned food;
  • Refined products;
  • Sugar;
  • Semolina.
Suppliers of acids to ensure a good metabolism include:
  1. Protein foods:
    • Low-fat meat;
    • A fish;
    • Cottage cheese;
  2. Legumes:
  • Peas;
  • Lentils.
Alcohol (in moderation) and natural coffe are also acid suppliers.

Alkalis are supplied from natural products (vegetables and fruits) without thermal and refined processing. To a greater extent, the following products have such properties:

  • Vegetables (especially zucchini, eggplant, cucumber, lettuce);
  • Root crops including (especially - carrots and beets);
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Cereals;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Nuts.
The following products have neutral acidity:
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil (cold pressed);
  • Water.
The most important condition for maintaining a balance is the correct combination of types of products and their quantity. For example, by eating a piece of meat (acid), the body extracts alkali from its reserves to break it down. Accordingly, alkali reserves need to be replenished. If you constantly eat meat, this process is continuous. Therefore, to regularly replenish and maintain alkaline reserves, you need to follow a simple rule.

It is called the 80/20 Rule. In accordance with it, the following proportion should be observed in the diet:

  • 80% - alkali-forming products;
  • 20% are acid-forming products.
Of course, you should not use alcohol, preservatives and sugar substitutes to replenish acids (after all, they are active carriers of acids). Natural foods such as cranberries, blueberries, etc. will help maintain balance. Enrich your diet with herbs and beans. Fruits and vegetables frozen in compliance with the necessary technology are much healthier than fresh ones sold out of season on the shelves of our supermarkets. It is very useful to drink infusions of herbs, rose hips, cranberry and currant fruit drinks, kvass (real, not carbonated - in plastic bottles).

Getting rid of the habitual "unhealthy" diet, pay attention to how many healthy and tasty foods are around. This is honey, shoots of green plants, seaweed, wheat germ, soy sauce, herbal teas.

Several times a week it is useful to arrange fasting days for yourself. At this time, you can eat only raw fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water. Or, instead, drink fresh fruit juices (by no means the ones sold in the store in bags). At the same time, this method will help you get rid of excess weight.

Protein food almost always predominates in the daily human diet. Fasting helps to improve and correct the situation. However, you need to be careful, for example, during Lent (it has a special duration), because if you have not done this before, you do not need to sharply limit yourself. This can be dangerous to the body. You can simply adjust your lifestyle, gradually bringing your diet to a certain norm.

The kidneys are the main excretory organ, through which excess acids are released, provided that a sufficient amount of urine is formed. Therefore, you need to drink a lot. Drink better clean water without gas. When puffiness and other disorders of potassium metabolism are observed, honey, apple cider vinegar can be added to the water, lemon juice... It is useful to prepare infusions of herbs, rose hips, currants, raspberry leaves.

Movement promotes more active elimination of excess acids. At physical activity breathing quickens, sweating increases - this serves complementary way discharge. For more vigorous activity, you can apply and mineral salts(in the form of an alkaline powder), this drug is made by pharmacies.

To actively remove toxins from the body, you must:

  1. Physical activity every day (sports, gymnastics) for 30 - 45 minutes;
  2. Contrast shower (sauna, steam bath, wraps);
  3. Air baths for the whole body;
  4. Normal bowel movements (1 - 2 times a day);
  5. Normal urination (1.5 - 3 liters per day);
  6. Observe the diet: never overeat; drink good quality water (2.5 - 3 liters per day); cleanse (fasting days, enemas);
  7. Eliminate tobacco, alcohol, medications, other stimulants;
  8. Maintain an optimistic attitude.
All the described methods of healing are performed exclusively by the person himself, with the obligatory condition of his desire to work on himself. This process is lengthy and persistent. Of course, there are special preparations aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. When choosing them, you need to be very careful, be sure to get a doctor's advice.

Herbal medicine and traditional medicine
Traditional medicine also strongly recommends eating fresh, raw foods.

We roll up jars for the winter, make compotes, jams, winter salads, canned cucumbers and tomatoes. And we believe that this will ensure the supply of vitamins in the cold season. As soon as we heat the product, the useful alkalinity disappears and it becomes acidic. Traditional healers insist that it is necessary to drink fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, it is they that give freshness and serve as a source of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Salads are an alternative to juices. Even in winter, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Thinking over your lunch or dinner, you must remember that, for an optimal ratio, there should be 2 to 4 times more salad than, for example, meat.

Healthy Salad Recipe to Optimize Acidity Levels:

  • 2 tbsp. l. boil the beans. Grate fresh cucumber on a grater. Grate or finely chop 1 apple. Chop 0.5 onions. Stir, add a little vegetable oil (about 1 tablespoon). If you have greens, you can also add them to your salad.
This dish serves as an excellent "medicine" for your problem. In this case, beans are an acid-forming element. Apple and cucumber contain alkali. Fresh onions form an alkali (boiled - acid). Greens also serve as a powerful alkali producer.

Cabbage is the perfect product. It can be used in different types: raw, sour, dry. Common white cabbage, and colored, and seafood are also useful.

For cleansing the body, traditional medicine has many recipes. Here is some of them:

  1. Chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort - 1 tsp each. Mix. 1 tbsp. l. the resulting collection of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Strain. Drink the infusion half an hour before meals for 7 to 10 days;
  2. Rinse 1 cup of oats (unpeeled), pour 1 tbsp. water. Put on fire, simmer for 1 hour. Strain. Drink this broth in 1/3 - ¼ glass during the day;
  3. 5 tbsp. l. needles (pine, spruce) pour 1 liter. water. It is better to take thawed water for this. Add 3 tbsp. l. rose hips and 2 - 3 tbsp. l. onion peels. Put on fire, simmer for 10 - 15 minutes. Insist in a dark place for 10 - 12 hours. Drink this broth during the day in small sips. The course of admission is 10 days. Every day you need to make a new broth.
Representatives traditional medicine often to cure the vast majority of diseases, it is recommended to use therapeutic fasting... In the fight against this problem, fasting helps in the best possible way. Only you need to approach this “wisely”. There are various contraindications and other nuances. There are people for whom fasting is categorically contraindicated. There are diseases (including their latent forms), in which the cessation of food intake can cause a dangerous exacerbation. Therefore, if you decide on such an experiment, you should consult with your doctor before doing this. For the duration of the fast, it is necessary that close people are near you, who are able to provide assistance in time (if such a need arises). There should always be a connection with your doctor who will be able to answer the questions that arise and come to help in difficult times.
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