Antioxidant diet and its benefits. Alkaline diets: classic, antioxidant and macrobiotic Antioxidants in food

Antioxidant nutrition, antioxidant diet

The word "antioxidant" has long been known to those who look after their appearance and strive to preserve their beauty and health for as long as possible. Therefore, antioxidant nutrition options are quite common today, because the task of this measure is not only to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, but also to keep the whole body in order.

What are antioxidants and how they work

Substances are called that suppress the processes of cell oxidation caused by a large amount in the body. Oxidation is synonymous with aging for skin, hair, internal organs, of all the tissues that make up the body, which is why it is so important to control this chemical reaction... And this can be done only by normalizing the content of antioxidants in the body.

The term "antioxidant" hides many vitamins you know. In particular, we are talking about tocopherol, a number of B vitamins, vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene. Potent, invigorating antioxidants belong to the category of polyphenols - tannins, flavins, flavonoids, anthocyanins. They are most commonly found in custards and fresh juices.

According to the principle of work, all antioxidants can be divided into two main groups: hydrophilic and lipophilic. The first ones form the protective properties of liquid substances, including blood plasma. The second ones are responsible for the stability of dense tissues, the first of which are cell membranes.

The principle of action of antioxidants, even with their low content in the blood, is to significantly slow down the activity of free radicals, which in turn cause chain reaction in the destruction of healthy cells. It is because of the lack of antioxidants that problems arise such as:

  • deterioration in skin color;
  • the occurrence of skin problems and diseases;
  • sharp aging of the skin;
  • deterioration of hair and nails;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • occurrences allergic reactions;
  • deterioration general well-being, decreased immunity and a number of other symptoms.

Antioxidant-rich foods

You can compose a complete antioxidant menu from the products you are familiar with. To do this, you do not have to go shopping in search of something exotic - it is enough to study the properties of readily available vegetables and fruits. Mainly focus on seasonal gifts farms, as well as on the fruits of their own labors, collected on the personal plot.

Among the drinks, the first place in the content of antioxidants is taken by green natural coffe... The second place, by right, is taken by his brother - the black classic. It is best to purchase grains and grind them yourself - this will help to preserve the maximum in the product. nutrients... Keeps pace with coffee and green tea... The least amount of antioxidants is found in black. However, if you add lemon juice, a decoction of thyme, chamomile, mint, rose hips to it, the value of the drink will increase significantly.

Fresh juices contain large amounts of antioxidants. Special attention must be turned to carrot, pumpkin juice, cucumber, watermelon, sea buckthorn, raspberry, cherry, black-fruited, mountain ash, viburnum, blackberry, pomegranate and other juices with bright red, purple, blue saturated color.

Among fruits, the number of antioxidants is in the lead: watermelons, mangoes, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, black and red mountain ash, viburnum, rose hips, grapes, currants. Celery, parsley, spinach, onion, garlic, radish, turnip, tomatoes will help to enrich the diet with useful substances.

Nuts can help replenish lipophilic antioxidants. Legumes and grains rich in B vitamins will make a significant contribution to your health. Fresh beans, small and large, are especially valuable in this matter.

Antioxidant diet and its benefits

The benefits of an antioxidant diet are to completely transform your body! Already within the first week, you will be able to note a significant improvement in your own condition, including you will be able to establish digestion processes and speed up metabolism. This will help you lose weight. In case of serious physical activity, an antioxidant diet will help in more short time remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body, reduce the amount of lactic acid in the tissues, and therefore reduce pain in the muscles after exercise.

Normalization of nutrition in favor of optimal use of antioxidants will help improve regeneration processes and faster form muscle relief, cope with fat deposits between fibers, using them as food for new cells.

Replenishing the lack of antioxidants helps maintain the functionality of the ligaments and joints, their elasticity, which provides ease and a wide range of motion. When these substances are normal in their content, you develop physically faster and tolerate without complications possible injuries bones, joint dislocations.

An antioxidant diet helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance not only to seasonal diseases, but also to the development of more serious, destructive ailments. Some of them are atherosclerosis, cancer, a number of nervous disorders etc. Will increase and mental activity, improve the activity of the central nervous system, that is, the brain. This will immediately affect memory, reaction, concentration, performance.

Exists special diet for people who smoke, and if you cannot quit the addiction, you must at least eat right. The main tasks of such a diet are to cleanse and protect the body, as well as to introduce into the diet useful products that will help you fight a bad habit.

An antioxidant diet contains foods that contain enough vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. For a week of this diet, you can lose weight by 1-3 kg, but it is worth remembering that the main objective diet - cleaning your body of toxins and toxins. You will feel much more energized and invigorated, and your skin will become younger and fresher.

Beauty porridge

Almost all cereals have a healing and cleansing effect, so you need to eat porridge at least once every two days. It should be cooked with low-fat milk and fresh fruit. It is best to eat porridge in the morning: firstly, it contains enough carbohydrates to provide you with energy; secondly, the body adjusts itself to work correctly for the whole day.

Cooking method

3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal need to pour 100 ml hot water and also add 1 finely chopped Walnut, ½ grated apple, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Millet porridge should be cooked in milk (1.5% fat), adding 1 teaspoon of butter.

The second option for a diet breakfast

With apples, cabbage, raisins and half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Salad "Brush"

Lettuce helps cleanse your intestines of toxins as well as toxins. The composition must necessarily include beets, carrots and White cabbage... The rest of the ingredients - depending on your taste preferences.

Cooking example: grate boiled beets and cabbage, add half a teaspoon of lemon and parsley.

There are other options:

1. Beetroot salad (boiled) with 2 tbsp. spoons of yogurt and 3 walnuts.
2. Carrot salad (grated) with 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 3 walnuts.

The first dish is vegetable borsch

Mandatory ingredients of borscht: carrots, onions, beets, celery, Bell pepper, cabbage, herbs, caraway seeds, spices.

Make yourself a rejuvenating drink for the whole day

To do this, mix 2 liters of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with 800 ml orange juice(freshly squeezed), as well as 100 ml lemon juice... The juice must be diluted with water so that a total of 3 liters is obtained and drunk, evenly distributing this mixture throughout the day.

Fruit cocktail recipe

Mix ½ banana, 1 cup berries (lingonberry, cranberry) and pour over yogurt (1 cup).

And it's better to quit smoking or at least switch to e-cigarettes... Do you know what this is? It is a harmless inhaler with full smoking effect. In general, think about your health. Isn't it time to quit a bad habit?

In order to eat right and compose a personal antioxidant menu for yourself, you do not need to look for specific recipes and go to expensive stores in search of certain ingredients, you just need to study beneficial features those foods that you are used to eating. Naturally, you should also pay attention to seasonal vegetables and fruits that are grown directly on farms.

Apply our on proper nutrition and !

The benefits of an antioxidant diet are to completely transform your body! Already within the first week, you will be able to note a significant improvement in your own condition, including you will be able to establish digestion processes and speed up metabolism. This will help you lose weight. In the case of serious physical exertion, an antioxidant diet will help in a shorter time to remove the accumulated from the body, reduce the amount of lactic acid in the tissues, and therefore reduce pain in the muscles after exercise.

Normalization of nutrition in favor of optimal use of antioxidants will help improve regeneration processes and faster form muscle relief, cope with fat deposits between fibers, using them as food for new cells.

Replenishment of the lack of antioxidants helps to maintain the functionality of the ligaments and joints, their elasticity, which provides ease and a wide range of motion. When these substances are normal in their content, you develop physically faster and without complications endure possible bone injuries, dislocations of the joints.

An antioxidant diet helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance not only to seasonal diseases, but also to the development of more serious, destructive ailments. Some of them are atherosclerosis, cancer, a number of nervous disorders, etc. Mental activity will also increase, and the activity of the central nervous system, that is, the brain, will improve. This will immediately affect memory, reaction, concentration, performance.

An adequate antioxidant diet can help manage drowsiness, increased fatigue, irritability,. It is useful to carry out such diets during the PMS period or as a preventive measures against depressive conditions.

An antioxidant diet also has specific benefits for appearance.: improves the processes of tissue regeneration, the birth of new cells and the elimination of toxins, which contribute to the improvement of the quality of the skin. This factor is the basis for, increasing skin elasticity, restoring an attractive complexion. Together with the external appearance, the internal health is also transformed, lowering biological age your body.

Antioxidant Diet Rules

1. More liquid! Thanks to special properties antioxidants, in liquid form they are absorbed faster and more efficiently. In addition, such a drink will not provoke the accumulation of excess moisture in the tissues, and, on the contrary, will help to remove it, accelerating the processes of weight loss and lymphatic flow. Of course, you shouldn't forget about water either.

2. Choose sweet fruits and whole grains for breakfast. If a serious workout is expected in the morning, the first meal can be supplemented with a baked piece. lean fish or a bowl, on the contrary, of fatty cottage cheese. Important! In case of obesity, the fat content of any product should be reduced as much as possible - cottage cheese should not be fatter than 2%.

3. For lunch, eat legumes, fresh salad, whole grain bread, apples. Use celery, beets, broccoli - negative calorie vegetables. Season the salad with olive, linseed, amaranth oil.

4. Dinner should be as light as possible - let your body work on the mistakes! You can not eat fruits at this time, food should be minimally salted. Lean protein (poultry, boiled egg) and salad with lots of greens without dressing or bread.

Remember that juices from foods high in antioxidants actively affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. For this reason raw vegetables and fruits, as well as juices from them, should not be consumed by people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to eat right and create a personal antioxidant menu for yourself, you do not need to look for specific recipes and go to expensive stores in search of certain ingredients, you just need to study the beneficial properties of those products that you are used to eating. Naturally, you should also pay attention to seasonal vegetables and fruits that are grown directly on farms.

Follow our nutritional advice and BE HEALTHY!

The benefits of an antioxidant diet are to completely transform your body! Already within the first week, you will be able to note a significant improvement in your own condition, including you will be able to establish digestion processes and speed up metabolism. This will help you lose weight. In the case of serious physical exertion, an antioxidant diet will help to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body in a shorter time, reduce the amount of lactic acid in the tissues, and therefore reduce pain in the muscles after exercise.

Normalization of nutrition in favor of optimal use of antioxidants will help improve regeneration processes and faster form muscle relief, cope with fat deposits between fibers, using them as food for new cells.

Replenishment of the lack of antioxidants helps to maintain the functionality of the ligaments and joints, their elasticity, which provides ease and a wide range of motion. When these substances are normal in their content, you develop physically faster and without complications endure possible bone injuries, dislocations of the joints.

An antioxidant diet helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance not only to seasonal diseases, but also to the development of more serious, destructive ailments. Some of them are atherosclerosis, cancer, a number of nervous disorders, etc. Mental activity will also increase, and the activity of the central nervous system, that is, the brain, will improve. This will immediately affect memory, reaction, concentration, performance.

An adequate antioxidant diet allows you to cope with drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, and improve mood and vitality. It is useful to carry out such diets during PMS or as a preventive measure against depressive conditions.

An antioxidant diet also has specific benefits for appearance.: improves the processes of tissue regeneration, the birth of new cells and the elimination of toxins, which contribute to the improvement of the quality of the skin. This factor is the basis for smoothing wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity, restoring an attractive complexion. Together with the external appearance, the internal health is also transformed, lowering the biological age of your body.

Antioxidant Diet Rules

1. More liquid! Due to the special properties of antioxidants, they are absorbed faster and more efficiently in liquid form. In addition, such a drink will not provoke the accumulation of excess moisture in the tissues, and, on the contrary, will help to remove it, accelerating the processes of losing weight and normalizing metabolism and lymphatic flow. Of course, you shouldn't forget about water either.

2. Choose sweet fruits and whole grains for breakfast. If a serious workout is expected in the morning, the first meal can be supplemented with a baked piece of lean fish or a bowl, on the contrary, of fatty cottage cheese. Important! In case of obesity, the fat content of any product should be reduced as much as possible - cottage cheese should not be fatter than 2%.

3. For lunch, eat legumes, fresh salad, whole grain bread, apples. Use celery, beets, broccoli - negative calorie vegetables. Season the salad with olive, linseed, amaranth oil.

4. Dinner should be as light as possible - let your body work on the mistakes! You can not eat fruits at this time, food should be minimally salted. Best used for dinner is lean protein (poultry, boiled egg) and salad with lots of greens without dressing or bread.

Remember that juices from foods high in antioxidants actively affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. For this reason, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as juices from them, should not be consumed by people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Antioxidants regulate the metabolism in the human body. To get energy for life, our cells oxidize lipids (fats), proteins (proteins) and nucleic acids... In the process, so-called free radicals are formed - highly reactive oxygen molecules. They perform important function- eliminate dead cells, fight bacteria and viruses.

However, an excess of free radicals can accelerate the aging process of cells, and cause some diseases, for example, stomach ulcers, ischemic disease hearts, malignant formations... Antioxidants are able to regulate the amount of free radicals, leaving their levels safe for the human body. Food is the main source of antioxidants for health.

Antioxidants: Benefits

Antioxidants are extremely beneficial not only for our health, but also for beauty.

  • Research National Institute Obesity in the United States has shown that people who consume at least 2 servings of antioxidant-rich foods per day are less likely to gain weight with age and have little to no disease associated with decreased immunity.
  • And among those who lost more than 15 kg of weight and were able to maintain the result for more than 3 years, 9 out of 10 respondents regularly ate vegetables and fruits rich in natural antioxidants.

Doctors of aesthetic medicine have long proved that antioxidants artificially introduced into the skin cell can slow down the aging process of the cell, increase skin elasticity, and prevent early wrinkles. Therefore, anti-aging creams and serums are prepared from foods rich in antioxidants. It is also known that antioxidants affect the exchange of fluid in cells, which means they are able to reduce visible manifestations, so they can be found in the corresponding creams.

Antioxidants in food

Most powerful antioxidants in foods- anthocyanins and flavonoids. They are found in brightly colored vegetables and fruits, predominantly red, orange, and reddish purple.

  • It is considered the best source of anthocyanins and flavonoids.
  • They are rich in antioxidants and, juice from it and dry red wine.
  • Blueberries, black currants, blackberries and blueberries retain their antioxidant properties even when frozen, but canned fruits and berries cannot be considered good resource- Most antioxidants are destroyed during the cooking process.
  • winter varieties, especially in combination with chokeberry- an excellent source of nutrients in the winter.
  • Citrus fruits are also helpful.
  • A product such as.

There is a diet that allows you to feel the full benefits of antioxidants on yourself, and lose a few pounds in a short time. All fruits and vegetables in this diet are eaten raw and should also be supplemented with cardiovascular exercise. fresh air- walking, running, swimming and cycling. The ideal time to stock up on antioxidants in our latitudes is mid-July - early September, when you can feast on fresh berries and fruits.

Antioxidant diet menu

Breakfast: 200 g of black currants, blueberries or blueberries, 1 dessert spoon of yogurt and 200 ml of low-fat kefir, beat with a blender, drink the cocktail immediately.
Second breakfast: grate a large red apple, add chopped bell pepper, season with a tablespoon of wine vinegar. A cup of green tea.
Lunch: beet and apple salad, a serving of chicken, fish or tofu. 150 ml of pomegranate juice or red grape juice.
Snack: a portion of red berries with yogurt, 150 ml of orange juice.
Dinner: glass of red wine, portion lean meat, salad of fresh tomatoes and bell peppers.

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