Biological year of man by months online. Calculation of biorhythms, biorhythms online. Tests for the definition of human biological age

We divide the year for 12 months. So, if you were born on March 8, the first biological month - from March 8 to April 7, the second - from April 8 to May 7 and, finally, the last, 12th - from February 8 to March 7.

After analyzing several biological years, you will find that each Biomeac has its own character and his emotional color is repeated from year to year.

Filling events, naturally, every year will be different, but your impression will remain amazingly similar. Some Biomeys fly as birds, easy and fun, others are drawn as rubber, tedious and hard. It all depends on the annual rhythm of our life.

The second and twelve biomea are our critical periods. Biorhythms are most diluted at this time. The body is useful to reduce physical and mental load at this time.

Of course, each person is unique, so deviations are possible in an individual curve in both directions, but not more than 15 days.

In the XIX century, when most people died, as they say, "in due time," the peaks of deaths accounted for the 2nd and 12th biological months. Now, in connection with the successes of medicine, the picture is somewhat fuzzy, but today the peak of heart attacks, for example, falls on the 2nd biological month. In these periods, our body is weak, prone to infections, nervous breakdowns, during these months he needs to help.

But as? "If you want to help - do not bother!" Do not download your 2nd and 12th biological months of unnecessary physical and mental work, and the body itself will cope with difficulty time. And as wisely everything invented nature! Before each "failure" of life is a "hill". On it, we as if we gain speed in order for inertia to slip "pits" of the 2nd and 12 months.

In fact, statistics show that for cores the safest month is the 1st after a day of birth. It means that it is important to take advantage of both "good" periods, and this is the 1st, 9th, 10th months. The intermediate slides and thousands of annual biorhythm are not so noticeable, usually the wheel of our life passes easily, and only when the axis starts trying, they make themselves felt.

Let us imagine for a moment that for some reason, illness, for example, you cut off the bumps of the first biological month. Then to the energy pit of the second month you will ride at a very low speed and you will have to get out of this pit, which is called, all four limbs. The same refers to the 9th and 10th months - before the 12th of the 12th.

So, we escape your energy slides! Astronomical (it is an astrological) year, starting from the moment of spring equinox, is superimposed on the biological year. It makes seasonal amendments associated with the rhythm of the duration of the daylight and air temperature fluctuations. In the spring, immunity in humans decrease, mental crises are developing, physical activity is activated (children grow faster). At the same time deteriorates the ability to learn, attentiveness, care. Often enhances sexual activity, sometimes leading to the recklessness.

Those who have a critical month of the biogen for spring, are experiencing these spring influences with increased sensitivity.
In the autumn, a person becomes more balanced, to the landscaping of life, is more inclined to spiritual than to physical work. And the bursts of creative activity often come to autumn (remember "Boldin Autumn" A. S. Pushkin).

Astronomical year also has two critical months - February (spring-summer restructuring of the body) and August (transition to the autumn-winter season). It is easy to figure out that people who have the second or twelfth biological months fall into February and August should be particularly attentive to their body at this time.

And before his birthday, you retired in the corner, wounded the mental eye of the past Bogan and hurt: he did not like you. The question arises: whether it is impossible to improve the coming, the next border? Astroloologist says: you can! Rudely like a man's body, the piano, at which time is playing suite of life. Of course, the piano piano mint. But it depends on the piano setting. And whether it is impossible to set up the coming border and our organism, using the law analogy? Recall that the rhythms of a shorter period of time reproduce their picture and on a longer temporary segment.

So the rhythms of the day are reproduced in the rhythms of the lunar month. During the day, the Earth makes a full turn around his axis, that is, the whole range of the zodiac passes above our head. The same result, the passage of a complete zodiac circle, the moon reaches in 27.3 days. According to the laws of arithmetic, if the right parts of two equalities are equal, then the left is equal. Consequently, rhythmically alone the world is equal to the same lunar month. We introduce degradation and replace the lunar month calendar - the error will be small. Then, if you count from the zero point, one earthly day is similar to the calendar month. And the zero point is the moment of our birth: the countdown of the rhythms of our existence begins in the external environment.

Therefore, from how we will live the first 12 days since the birth, 12 months of our biogen will depend on. So let's live these 12 days as much as possible! Pay special attention to the second and twelfth days corresponding to the Critical Biomese.

Want to check this recipe? Will you get the diary and, starting from the day of your birth, mark an emotional impression from each day: well passed or bad, boring or fun, joyfully or sad, nervously or calmly. By comparing thenis records for 12 days with Buddan starting with them, you will notice a clear analogy: a day is a month. If, suppose, on the 3rd day you walked hard with someone, so I know: the 3rd Biomeac will turn out to be nervous. Optionally, of course, you will quarrel all this month, but each of his events will be sensitive to the nerves. If on the 8th day you are unhealthy, try to unload your 8th Biomeac: you will feel then you will not matter. And if on the 5th day you are big lucky, you can safely plan an important event on the 5th Biomez and even an adventure - unwind!

Naturally, the days of the days we chose completely arbitrarily - only for illustration. Because of the simplification taken by us, the accuracy of matches of the day - a month decreases by the end of the biogen, starting from about the 8th Biomeen. Therefore, for example, it is impossible to harmonize the five-year plan at once, living harmonious two months after the birthday. Each born must be adjusted separately. We now take a look at the rhythm of the biological year from a new point of view. What days do you need to live especially carefully? The second and twelfth after birth - they simulate our critical months of the biological year. We also need to maintain the slide of the first and 9-10th days preceding critical periods so that, taking overclocking, slip these energy pits at a good speed.

What do we do on your birthday? This is where Satan is raging us. Suppose on my birthday we fought and go all the first day gloomy. After all, we committed a terrible thing - cut off the energy slide of the first biological month! Now in the second, critical, month we stretch at low speed and will painfully handle the second biological month from the pit. Who crawls, and who is not.

Analyzing the causes of death, the astrologer always asks: What did a person do on his birthday? .. So, drink, yes, I understand, especially on my birthday! The best way to harmonize your future biological year is to take 12 days after the day of birth, a ticket to the holiday home, guest house or just relax in the country ...

So, using uncomplicated comparisons and adjustment of our biological rhythms, each of us is capable of harmonizing their daily life.

An analogy of the day - the month is especially useful when careing for the newborn: its biorhythms are just customizable, and the maternal caress is most acutely required by the second and twelfth days of life.

An even more accurate tuning of the biogen is made according to the scheme "Moon Month - Sunny year". Following the emotional setting of 27-28 days after the birthday, you can visually imagine all the bog. In this case, each calendar month will cover 27.32: 12 \u003d 2.3 days. At the first month of the newborn, you can estimate the first year of his life. And the most common idea can be made according to the "first day after birth - first year", that is, on the first 12 days of life, it is possible to estimate the well-being and development of the child for the first 12 years of his life. True, and here it will not be possible to make a schedule of the whole person's life - analogy is too inaccurate.

How to count the days? If you were born in the morning, the birthday is counted as the first day. If in the evening or in the coming night behind him, the bill begins from the next day. Born in the middle of the day will have to spend a two-year research work and experimentally establish whether the birthday is the first day.

Biological age - The degree of compliance of the physiological state of the body at a specific time in counterweight is a chronological, human passport age. Recently, this term has become consumed increasingly, most likely it is caused by the fact that a man has a young one, however, such a tendency was observed on the entire path of human development.

What is a biological age

In the article we talked , What, despite the commensus on the dangers of ecology, poor-quality and improper nutrition, hypodynamines, we live not only longer than our grandparents, but also look better than our Padmas on this period of time. Such a gift presented us with nature and civilization, laying in our genes at the DNA level a gradual increase in life expectancy. Nature has a less need for such frequent renewal of generations, because of the lack of wars, the development of medicine and the population of the Earth is growing from year to year and life becomes more and longer.

Considerable merit in this health care, thanks to the latest techniques, it is possible to overcome even rare previously considered incurable disease. However, the generation of people from year to year becomes generally much less healthy their parents. Today it is almost very difficult to find an absolutely healthy person even among teenagers.

How most do we determine the age of man? According to external data: on the set, posture, the state of the skin, hair, the presence of wrinkles. But this look is not entirely accurate, because age is not only an appearance, with today's condition of plastic surgery and the arsenal of cosmetic drugs, it is possible to look excellent, but at the same time the general state of health is far from perfect, and therefore the biological age of being higher than the calendar. So BV is a state of individual bodies and health in general.

Biological age can be both higher and below the passport or coincide with it. The discrepancy does not play a special role in 2-3 years, the calculation errors affect. For large deviations, at the most side of the age, it is worthwhile and start changing your lifestyle, to move more, play sports and think about your nutrition. If BV is less than the passport - you have nothing to worry, and you can continue to live in the same vein. Otherwise, it is worth thinking ...

Tests for the definition of human biological age

How to determine the biological age

If you have made blood tests or measured the volume of their lungs, then it is possible to determine your biological age according to these results in accordance with the following table.

Do not all own similar laboratory results, for the downtime at home without difficulty, everyone can determine how young it is.


Biological age, years

20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Pulse after lifting on the 4th floor
(speed - 80 steps / min)
106 108 112 116 120 122 124 126 128
Systolic pressure ("upper") 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
Diastole Pressure ("Lower") 65 70 73 75 78 80 83 85 88
Breathing Delay Duration on Inhalation (S) 50 45 42 40 37 35 33 30 25
Duration of breathing delay in exhalation (sec) 40 38 35 30 28 25 23 21 19
Tightening on the crossbar (for men) 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1
Squats (times) 110 100 95 90 85 80 70 60 50
Lifting the body from the position lying
in the sitting position (once)
40 35 30 28 25 23 20 15 12
Stand on one leg with closed eyes
(one's heel of one knee is different) (sec)
40 30 25 20 17 15 12 10 8
(Surplug of the leg) / (waist circle) * 100 (%) 52 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43

Norms for women are 10-15% softer presented in the table.

And a completely fast test on the biological age of the skin of the body: pull out your hand palm with two fingers for 5 seconds. (I somehow did not really do it) and release. Now follow the second arrow, how soon the skin will return to its original state:

Up to 5 seconds - you are not more than 20 years old;
- 5 - 6 seconds about 30 years;
- 8 - about 40 years;
- 10 - about 50 years;
- 15 seconds - about 60 years.

There are still many diverse tests for the definition of a BV person. And you should not worry if your result is a little worse than your age. First, the situation is not critical and can be corrected. And then this parameter depends on the state of the body at a particular point in time: at the end of the day it is one, on the weekend - completely different.

In what condition is your vascular system and its conformity can be determined by the instrument of an angioskan, which is now available in many health centers.

Of course, to complete the human biological age, it is necessary to take into account not only these data, but also the presence of its own teeth, the degree of baldness, visual sharpness, smell, flexibility of the joints, the state of reactions and the sharpness of thinking. It happens that in some areas of the body, these indicators are higher, somewhere below.

In general, today more and more people come to the conclusion that the chronological age is not about. The main thing is the state of the human soul, and it is a pity that there is no such thing as "sincere age". After all, it is possible in 20 years to be an old man-grumble and not satisfied with life, and at 70 perceive life with the "Pioneer Zador".

Facts that increase biological age

Genetics is the main cause of early aging. There is a disease in which the metabolism flows so quickly and the person begins to grow old in front of her eyes.

Scientists have revealed that lack of premature aging leads to premature aging.

Deprive youth early.

Harmful habits-tobacco alcohol take years.

Heavy physical work is oldly an organism.

People are rarely smiling, nervous, depressive, as a rule, have a greater biological age rather than in a passport.

Therefore, you need to take care of your biological age, keep under control the state of your health, but even more important to keep the youth of the soul. And I think everyone will agree with me!

In conclusion, another half-time test just on the definition of "mental age" will certainly pass it, you will enjoy both questions and the result of it!

And how were you pleased for ourselves or have a little upset? Leave your comments and press the sockets buttons.

Let's be a young soul and body! 😀

Biological year

The birthday of a person is the point of the end of one biological year and the beginning of the next. All year is divided into biological periods. It's like in nature: Spring is a rebirth, summer - flourishing, autumn - maturity, winter - decline.

So here first one and a half - two monthsafter the date of birth, the revival of man comes. In such a period, a person is usually like a transcendent. He does not understand who he is and that he, he is wondering and as if new. He often smiles himself, immersed in his thoughts.

When flourishing comes (from 3 to 6 months)The person is at the point of his highest activity, trying to redo everything started, thinks many new things. He does not feel fatigue, forgets about hunger, about rest, sleep. He is always in a good mood.

Maturity time (7th - 9 months) - peculiar calmness. There is no such desire to remake everything started and conceived, careful self-analysis begins, a feeling of peace, satisfaction, awareness of reality appears. It is at this time that everything that is being done is considered and subsequently completed. Most people in this period consider themselves happy.

From the 10th to 12ththe month begins the period of decline. First, people start quickly tired, a frequent mood change is noticeable, all surrounding begins to annoy. Later, a desire to change something in your life, or in appearance. A person begins to think about the meaning of his own life and about life at all. There is a feeling of unnecessaryness, some kind of longing. I want to rest, calm, it is more often to be in nature. Every day this state is aggravated.

However, in someone, these periods are manifested very brightly, and someone practically does not notice them. And if one person declares one at the end of his biological year that he no longer have the strength to move, then the second says: "It's time for me to go on vacation."

In general, to observe the movement of the biological year in the life of the surrounding people is very interesting. It seems that this can be written a whole book. And also knowing its biological periods, you can correctly plan any important things.
It is best to get on a new job or to start a business project best in maturity. It is reliable. And in no case during the decline! But plan anything better during the heyday, when a huge number of different ideas mature in the brain.

Try the rest or during the Renaissance, or during the decline period. Just remember that in the first you are also unlikely to remember about it. All that happens will seem unreal, foggy sleep. And in the latter, try to strain you less and annoying.

Each of us gets in its own way: someone faster, someone slower. Scientists from the University of Duke, who observe the group of volunteers for many years, revealed that people differ from each other speed of aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Each of us gets in its own way: someone faster, someone slower. Scientists from the University of Duke, who observe the group of volunteers for many years, revealed that people differ from each other speed of aging process. At the same time, this process can be kept under control if you follow your lifestyle.

Scientists have proven that the actual age by date of birth does not correspond to how many years your body, that is, biodegradable age. Biological age of man - This is an assessment of the state of the body, taking into account the flow of all metabolic processes in it. In other words, the biological age of a person is calculated depending on how the metabolic processes in the body are functioning.

Indicators of human biological age can be higher or below the actual. It all depends on what lifestyle you lead. People who feed on balanced, which do not have bad habits engaged in sports may have a biological agent - 30 years, while their actual age can overlap for the mark of 55 years. The same rule works in reverse order.

Do not be upset if your biological age exceeds the actual. Remember, its indicator can be adjusted for the better, referring to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to take into account the following: the biological age parameter depends on the state of the body at a specific point in time. The indicator of any person at the end of the hard work week will differ from the indicator after the holiday.

Moreover, scientists have proven that the process of aging the body can be slowed down and even turn back! What does it depends on and how to return to your body youth?

Our body is wear out under adverse conditions: heavy work, sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, constant stress, inclippers, bad habits, lack of sports, frequent walks, and so on. Thus, by changing your diet and lifestyle as a whole, you can deceive time in the literal sense of the word.

Interesting: Over the past few years in Russia, the biological age of people increased by an average of 15 years compared with the actual date of birth.

But how to find out your biological age yourself, you ask? Easily! Specialists recommend to carry out a simple test. Below are several tasks, which can be consecrated to understand, what is your biological age:

1. Measure your pulse, fix the result, followed 30 squats in the fast pace. Measure the pulse again, write down the difference. If the pulse rose to:

  • 0-10 units - you are 20 years old;

    10-20 units - 30 years;

    20-30 units - 40 years;

    30-40 units - 50 years;

    more than 40 units - 60 years and older.

2. Pinch yourself with a big and index finger for the skin on the back of the brush, hold the plug in the course of 5 seconds, then release the skin and fix it for how many seconds your skin from the whisen (blood vessels under the skin are blocked, blood ceases to circulate in the usual mode) the initial state:

    for 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;

    for 8 - about 40 years;

    for 10 - about 50 years;

    for 15 - about 60 years.

3. Get your hands behind your back and make them up in the "lock" at the level of the blades. If you:

    made it easily - you are 20 years old;

    just touched the fingers - 30 years;

    could not touch - 40 years;

    they could not start their hands behind the back - 60 years.

4. Checking the reaction speed: Ask someone to hold the 50 centimeter school ruler vertically, zero down. At the same time, your own hand should be below 10 cm. Your assistant is unexpected for you to let go of the line, and you - try to grab it with index and thumbs. The result is measured in centimeters:

    if you detained a ruler at a set of 20 cm - 20 years;

    25 cm - 30 years;

    35 cm - 40 years;

    45 cm - 60 years.

If the test results did not pay you, but upset, we strongly advise you to pay due attention to your lifestyle:

1. Engage in sportsAfter all, even 30 minutes of physical activity per day will help the body in the tone, prevent the aging of the skin and the body as a whole.

2. Drink more clean water. About the rate of water consumption, read in our article

3. Recover your diet. Exclude fatty, fried dishes. Increase the volume of fresh vegetables and fruits. In general, go to balanced nutrition, because it is not for nothing that they say: we are what we eat! In order to contact an individual consultant who will make you a workout and nutrition plan, follow the link.

After a couple of months, you will re-pass the test. Most likely, your actual age will give way to biological in the indicators. Remember that the listed tests determine your biological age approximately, experts will help reliably.

December 8, 2016, 17:49 2016-12-08

Human life, like everything in nature, is influenced by cyclic changes. The success of one or another type of activity at each moment of time is determined by the balance of the inflow and the outflow of its internal energy. Such a balance varies in accordance with.

Physical biorhythm

It characterizes the volume of internal energy of the body, as well as indicators such as endurance, activity, reaction rate, and others. Also, the physical biorhythm determines the ability to restore the body, enterprise and ambitiousness. It depends on the performance of metabolism.

Assessment of the physical condition of a person must include the study of this biorhythmic cycle. This is especially important for athletes for which large physical exertion becomes an integral part of daily work. The definition of favorable and unfavorable periods will give the opportunity to vary the degree of intensity of training. Thus, a person can avoid injury and maximally use its internal resources.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm

This biorhythm defines your internally emotional state. The sensitivity of a person, his perception, as well as the entire spectrum of feelings and emotions, accompanying everyday life, directly depends on the flow of its cycle. Also, the soul biorhythm is responsible for creative abilities and intuitive knowledge. It is especially important to take into account the emotional cycle for women and all people employed in creative activities or those whose work is connected with communication.

Very clearly exposure to a mental biorhythm for family and love relationships. Since its cycle determines the tendency to empathy, vulnerability and syradiability, these factors can have a significant impact on the communication of two close people.

Intellectual biorhythm

This biorhythmic cycle characterizes human mental abilities. From the position of the sinusoids of the intellectual biorhythm, the ability to reflect, make logical conclusions, compare facts, find relationships. In addition, this biorhythm is responsible for prudency and caution, determining the rationality of human actions. Changes in the cycle of intellectual professions - teachers, writers, journalists, financiers, etc.

There is a version according to which there is a relationship between intelligent biorhythmic and secretion of the thyroid gland. There is also data confirming the dependence of labor productivity from changes in the cycle of this biorhythm.

Want your friends to also calculate your biorhythms? Share with them reference:

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