How to find out when the liver signs signs. Health, medicine and longevity news. General weakness and increased fatigue

The liver is a fairly large internal organ in humans. Its weight can reach up to 1.5 kilograms. Daily numerous cells perform a variety of important functions. First of all, they are responsible for maintaining cleanliness inside the body. It can be said that this is a kind of filter that no harmful substances in the overall blood flow. That is why it is very important to notice the very first symptoms of the fact that something is wrong with it. The work is so important that other numerous problems can begin due to liver diseases and the patient's condition is generally worsened.

How to diagnose

Each person can independently determine if he has any problems if he will carefully follow the state of his health and appearance. After all, all such diseases have a number of symptoms. To notice most of them, just look closely at a person. More about such signs will be described further.

And, in addition, it is possible to pass the blood test in any clinic and to find out if there are any problems with the body discussed. In some cases, the study of the body ultrasound is also appointed. Both of these methods are familiar to us and practically painless.

What are the first signs and symptoms of liver disease

Many diseases are immediately reflected on the face and human body. This allows the patient to notice the problem in time, go to the doctor and immediately begin the appropriate treatment, protecting itself from more serious problems.

On the face

  1. Eye proteins acquire a yellowish shade, notice which is very easy.
  2. The skin condition on the face changes sharply - many acne appears, it becomes too dry or, on the contrary, too wet.
  3. The vascular "stars" and pigment spots appear.

On the skin

  1. The skin on the whole body can purchase a yellowish tint.
  2. On any skin areas, pigment stains can begin to sharply manifest. Thus, the skin is trying to take part of the liver functions.
  3. The skin looks lifeless and tired.
  4. Fighters begin to appear on all body.

In addition to such external signs, a person can also:

  • start quickly tired and lose your former performance;
  • losing appetite;
  • to acquire a sluggish discovering stomach, which may be a consequence of the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • feel that the color and structure of hair and nails have changed. They are becoming more brittle and weak;
  • suffer from insomnia and night sweatiness;
  • feel a constant sign of bitterness in the mouth and notice that the tongue is covered with a yellowish raid. But also .
  • it is not necessary to start badly to transfer too fatty food, even if it was not observed before;
  • and much more.

Each patient should always pay attention to such symptoms and try to seek help to your doctor. This will prevent more serious health problems. The earlier the treatment will begin, the faster, it will be easier and more efficient.

Alcohol disease

Such a disease can develop in a patient who for a long time abused alcoholic beverages. As a rule, this period is about 10 years. For men, it is daily use of 40-80 grams of ethanol, for women - 20 grams.

Alcohol diseases can manifest itself in the form of fatty dystrophy, cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis.
At the same time, the risk of the emergence and development of such a disease in men is three times higher than that of representatives of the beautiful floor. After all, men use alcoholic beverages much more often. But in women, such diseases develop much more actively and faster, even with the use of a smaller amount of dangerous drink. This is influenced by gender features of the removal of alcohol from the body, as well as its suction.

Most often, such diseases proceed almost asymptomatic. But sometimes patients have the following signs:

  • weakness and loss of appetite;
  • jaundice;
  • dull pain in the field of right hypochondrium;
  • depressive mood;
  • nausea, heartburn or belching;
  • men sometimes there is a decrease in the testicles and an increase in the mammary glands.

What does the unhealthy organ look like during medical diagnosis

If the patient has obvious symptoms of any liver disease, the doctor will most likely direct him to a special examination, during which the appearance of the body will explore the external appearance using a special device. It can be determined that there was a problem in the human body. For example, this is evidenced by the change in the form, color and structure of the body. For example, with alcoholic cirrhosis, the color becomes not homogeneous, but with numerous light splashes. External changes will also help the doctor to put an accurate diagnosis of the patient.

Video: Nutrition and special exercises for medical prevention

Each person independently, without the help of specialist doctors, can suspect the problems with the liver.

For the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the liver, it is simply necessary to take advantage of your well-being and appearance.

All this can be done at home.

What signs appear first for liver diseases?

Before checking the liver from a doctor, at home, pay attention to some characteristic symptoms. The most common complaints in the pathology of the liver and biliary ducts are:

  • feeling of gravity and overflow, pain in the upper stomach departments;
  • bitterness in the mouth, decline in appetite, nausea;
  • jaundice, change in urine color and feces, itching of skin;
  • vomiting blood, black chair;
  • nasal bleeding, bruises on the skin, hemorrhage in the oral mucosa;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, insomnia, irritability, depression;
  • sharp increase or decrease in body weight;
  • increase body temperature.


The pain is the most bright subjective sensation of the patient. With inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), the pains are localized to the right under the rib arc. They are new or driving, increase after the error in the diet and decrease from heat.

Bleeding and fever

Bloodstocks and hemorrhages under the skin and mucous membranes occur due to the synthesis violation in the liver of proteins involved in the cessation of bleeding.

In the absence of special treatment of diseases, bloody vomiting from venous plexuses of the esophagus and stomach, black feces may appear.

An increase in temperature is explained by the reaction of the body to inflammation and a decrease in the neutralizing liver function.

What are the characteristics of a person's lifestyle can push the idea of \u200b\u200bthe liver disease?

Violation of the liver function may occur for a number of reasons:

  • consumption of fried and oily food, alcohol;
  • medication;
  • starvation;
  • contact with infectious jaundice patients;
  • mushroom poisoning;
  • previously transferred malaria, abdominal typhoid, giardiasis;
  • professional harm.

How does the appearance of a person change in diseases of the liver?

The diseases of the hepatobiliary system are more often observed in people with increased body weight.

The most frequent signs of liver damage, manifested on the skin:

  • vascular "stars";
  • jaundice;
  • comb;
  • blooders and hemorrhagic rash.

In yellow skin, the skin is painted due to the increased content of the blood of pigments, in particular bilirubin. In this case, the eyes of the eye (true jaundice) are stained in yellow. The skin can turn yellow and with a healthy liver, with the use of yellow products (false jaundice), while the sclers remain white. The skin color during jaundice may differ depending on the features of the flow and localization of the disease.

With the lesions of the liver itself, the skin and sclera are becoming orange-red, with diseases of biliary tract, coloring varies from greenish to bronze-bronze.

In chronic lesions, vascular "stars" occur. They are located on the face, upper limbs, torso. Due to the violation of the exchange of cholesterol on the skin of the eyelids and in the corners of the eye, xanthomas are formed - yellowish stains of the rounded shape, towering over the skin. In hepatitis, cirrhosis, biliary disease (HCB), under which it is observed bile, people have an unbearable itching of the skin. As a result, rasacks appear.

With cirrhosis of the liver of young men and girls acquire signs of sexual and physical underdevelopment. Men begin to increase breast glands. Palm is covered with reddish stains, and nails with white dots.

In chronic hepatitis, the lips are often swelling and blushed, snaps appear. With the development of lack of liver function, the sweet "liver smell" is determined. The gums begin to bleed, the language becomes "raspberry", and the solid sky is jaundice.

In case of liver disease, an increase in abdomen may be observed. The reason for this can serve as a meteorism, fat deposits, ascites. When ascite in the standing position, the belly is increased, and lying - flattened and distributed to the side (like a frog). Ascites causes tension and thinning of the belly skin. Under the cirrhosis of the liver, this sign is often accompanied by weight loss, the upper half of the body.

What can be revealed when taking the liver?

In a healthy person, the lower edge of the liver is completely covered with ribs. With inflammatory diseases, cirrhosis, tumors, the size of the liver increases significantly, and it can be forgiven it is much lower.

Upon inflammation, the compaction of the organ, with cirrhosis, the accuracy, soreness is noted in both cases.

In tumors, echinococcosis and cirrhosis, contours become uneven, and bug.

How to check the liver from a doctor?

For a more detailed examination and setting the correct diagnosis, you must contact a specialist doctor. First of all, your therapist is engaged in health issues. If necessary, he will send you to the surgeon, and in the event of infectious liver damage - to the infectious background.

Functional tests

The liver is involved in the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and trace elements, neutralizes and derives various chemicals, excrete enzymes. You can check this or that function of the liver using special functional samples.

For the analysis of carbohydrate metabolism, a galactose test is used. The method is based on the fact that the patient liver is unable to normalize blood sugar levels.

In pathology, the normal protein composition of the blood may violate. Protein metabolic disorders are detected using thymol or sub-samples. More accurately protein blood fractions can be studied by electrophoresis.

With severe diseases there are hypocholesterinee (decrease in blood cholesterol). The determination of enzyme activity is carried out with the help of biochemical blood test. In case of liver diseases, the activity of AST and ALT, LDH 5, GGTP, alkaline phosphotase increases.

The most specific enzyme is ornithinecarboyltransferase, which is found only in the liver. The activity of pseudocholinesterase is reduced.

With a healthy liver watering straw-yellow, feces brown. With violations of pigment exchange, urine darkens, and the feces becomes light gray. In pathology, the amount of bilirubin in the blood is significantly increased (more than 20.52 μmol / l).

In acute inflammation of the liver in the blood, the content of iron increases, and with the HCR - copper.

Using the ultrasound, you can check the size and structure of the liver and biliary ducts, determine the presence of stones, evaluate the motor function of the ducts and the gallbladder, measure the portal vein.

In a healthy person, the liver has a homogeneous medium-trimmed structure, there are no additional inclusions in the lumen of the ducts, the vessels are not changed.

When hepatitis, the structure becomes inhomogeneous, echogenicity and vascular pattern changes.

Cirrhosis of the liver is characterized by an increase in the organ, a non-uniform structure, an increase in echogenicity, expansion of the portal vein. When the Board in the lumen of the bubble or ducts, you can detect stones of various sizes.

Inflammation of bile ducts and bubble when ultrasound looks like thickening and sealing walls, the appearance of a double circuit.

An additional find can be cysts, angioma.

Properly performed method of duodenal sensing allows sufficient accuracy to judge the state of biliary tract.

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach using a thin probe with thickening in the form of olives at the end.

An experienced doctor, thanks to the microscopic features of the cell composition of bile, can accurately determine the place of defeat.

Alternative research methods

For additional research methods, with which you can check the liver include MRI and RCT with or without contrast. They allow you to answer the same questions as ultrasound, but with greater accuracy.

These methods are expensive, the study takes longer, and from a specialist doctor need more skills to interpret the results obtained. Therefore, they are used in strict indications.

With dubious results of the above research methods, in exceptional cases, laparoscopy is used. With a laparoscope, you can explore the surface of the liver and gallbladder, and if necessary, take a piece of organ for microscopic examination.

Liver cleansing by monastic syrup

Applying the monastery syrup on 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for 1 month you can achieve the restoration of the liver and protect it from the impact of harmful factors. Cleansing the liver, in contrast to other known methods, occurs without an excess form of bile.

Syrup allows you to restore the structure of hepatic cells and the normal composition of the bile, improve the antitoxic and excretory function of hepatocytes, normalize lipid and protein exchange.

With regular use of the monastic syrup, a harmful effect on the liver of drugs and alcoholic beverages is minimized. A large set of herbs and ginseng root extract fill the lack of vitamins and trace elements. All of the above properties allow you to apply this tool for the prevention and treatment of many pathological conditions of the liver.

Check the liver and suspect the problems itself at home. However, for a more accurate examination, diagnosis, and the main purpose of appropriate treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Why does the liver increase?
  • Symptoms of enlargement of the liver
  • Compliance with diet with an increase in liver
  • Treatment of increased liver

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If a person begins to celebrate the increase in liver, symptoms and treatment can check and appoint only a specialist.

Why does the liver increase?

The increase in the liver is not a disease. This is a clear sign that there is a problem associated with the functions of the liver. The medical term is defined as hepatomegaly, meaning that the authority cannot perform its work in standard mode. If the hepatomegaly will not be cured on time, its progression is able to develop to a deadly disease in the form of hepatic insufficiency. To understand that the liver is enlarged, it is important to visit the doctor to hold a medical examination.

To determine the possible causes, the human body is checked by testing:

  1. The patient will have to pass an ultrasound or tomography. These methods are used to assess how much liver is increased, and to identify the overall condition of the patient.
  2. Be sure to conduct magnetic resonance tomography capable of providing data on the state of bile ducts.
  3. Delivery of blood for analysis. This is required for research, confirmation or refuting viruses.
  4. A biopsy that helps identify the presence of cancer cells or fatty disease.

An increase in the liver can occur during the following reasons:

  • the presence of an increased amount of fat cells in the liver - fatty hepatosis;
  • the presence of hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • inheritance diseases and disruption of metabolic processes;
  • signs of heart failure;
  • possible neoplasms in the form of cysts, benign and malignant tumors;
  • harm from strong toxins: alcohol or drug damage.

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Symptoms of enlargement of the liver

The symptoms of the liver increase can be defined independently at home in the presence of the following factors:

  • uncomfortable condition related to the feeling of gravity;
  • manifestation of ailments in the form of nausea, heartburn, belching with an unpleasant smell and taste;
  • changing the color of the skin, hepatomegaly is distinguished by jaggility;
  • behavioral disorders characterized by nervousness, weakness, drowsiness, or, on the contrary, insomnia.

The causes of liver changes are quite a lot, and the above factors may be other disorders in the body.

Therefore, to identify accurate, you need to seek help and advice from a specialist.

Proponated treatment will help to avoid complications.

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Compliance with diet with an increase in liver

Hepatomegaly must be accompanied by compliance with the correct and balanced power process. The patient must exclude food from the diet capable of annoying an enlarged liver. It is categorically not recommended to use sharp, salty and fat. Every day you need to include products containing protein, fiber, as well as a necessary set of vitamins and minerals.

In order not to load the unhealthy organism, the use of fractional nutrition with small portions will be required. The number of food meals per day should be 6-7 times. It is advisable to cook food for a couple or bake in the oven.

The coherent work of the whole organism depends on the full functioning of the liver. This body affects the endocrine and digestive system, participates in metabolic processes and in the production of bile, filters harmful substances entering the body from the air and with food.

Few people think that the gaspit, polluted water and abundant feast load the liver of the shock dose of toxins. This may lead to serious gland diseases. But to know whether the liver is healthy and at home.

How to find out about the health of the liver without visiting a doctor and surrender?

To suspect about the availability of problems in the liver state, you can:

  • According to symptoms of complaints.
  • In appearance.
  • In terms of life.
  • With the help of express strips to determine the content of hepatic enzymes.

The test strips are saturated with substance that responds to the content in the urine of the components of the liver - bilirubin and urobinogen. The presence in the urine of bilirubin can approximately testify to the development of hepatitis or autoimmune liver diseases. A positive reaction to urobilinogen means intoxication, hepatitis, oncology or banal constipation.

What, and to what extent I am amazed, this test is not able to determine cannot, but it will certainly indicate that with the authority is not all good. To clarify the severity of the liver damage will have to visit a specialist.

For reference! Test strips can define up to ten urine indicators. They can be purchased in any pharmacy.

The first signs of the disease

The liver does not declare his ailments for a long time. Often, the main symptoms become noticeable already with a significant damage to hepatic fabrics, when the disease has already entered the chronic stage and iron ceased to cope with its functions.

Liver pain

Paints are the main reason for which patients no longer postpone a visit to a specialist. But, as a rule, time is missed. The liver does not have nerve endings, and the pain signal is sent by other organs affected by destructive processes in hepatic cells.

Usually the soreness and feeling of gravity felt in the right side, in the field of hypochondrium and amplifies from physical exertion or fatty food. Maybe in the back, right-wing or hand, ride the attacks or nobally whining.


Disorders in the functions of the liver affect the composition of blood, which leads to a decrease in its coagulation and fragility of capillaries, which causes the appearance of bruises and bleeding. Abundant nasal, gastric or veins of bleeding of bleeding, the most dangerous symptom, which indicates a deep lesion of the liver and can lead to a fatal outcome.


As a result of inflammatory processes and body intoxication, the temperature rises to 39 degrees and heat starts.

You must pay attention to such symptoms:

  • Frequent seizures of nausea, accompanied by vomiting, sometimes bloody.
  • Unpleasant bitterness in the mouth.
  • Urine acquires very dark color, and the carte masses become light beige.
  • Violation of sleep, nervousness, decay of forces.
  • Failure of the female cycle and violation of sexual functions in men.

Important!The appearance of the eats of black color indicates internal bleeding. Urgently need help of physicians.

Exterior of a person with a sick and healthy liver

To detect problems with the liver, you can check for such signs:

  1. Frequent rashes and allergic reactions.
  2. A large number of bruises on the body.
  3. The appearance of red spots on the palms.
  4. Leather and mucous membranes are painted in yellow.
  5. Abundant hair loss.
  6. Swollen belly.
  7. Edema extremities, bags under the eyes.
  8. Thick white or yellow raid in the language.
  9. Sandish complexion.
  10. Dark stains armpits.
  11. Pigment stains and increased sweating.

The jaggility of eye and skin proteins, as well as red spots (hepatic spots) on the palms, reliably indicate a violation of the outflow of bile and that the liver urgently needs help. An enlarged belly can be a sign of ascite. The bruises appear due to the low blood coagulation and the fragility of capillaries, and the effects of bile on the nerve end causes allergies, itching and acne.

How does the lifestyle affect the organ?

Features of the usual lifestyle also check the liver for strength. Negatively affect the health of the glands may abuse such actions:

  1. Love for a fairy crust and dishes with a large fat content.
  2. Frequent use of sharp spices.
  3. Using mushrooms collected from roads or purchased from hand.
  4. Passion for drinks containing alcohol.
  5. Low-calorie diets or habit to overeat.
  6. Affecting pharmaceuticals.
  7. Work with chemical and toxic substances.
  8. Disorder sex life.
  9. Piercing and tattoos made in dubious establishments.

All this can lead to a significant failure in the work of the organ and even to irreversible fractures of the liver tissue.

How to do the liver?

The liver is located in the upper right side of the abdomen and in a healthy condition completely closed with ribbies. If necessary, it is necessary to determine the change in its size, prove the right, largest part of the liver and only its lower edge.

It is necessary to take a horizontal position. Large finger right hand put on the bottom edge, parallel to him. The remaining fingers of the right hand will arrange on the edges from the back. It turns out how to grab side.

During deep breath, the fingers of the left hand are under the lower right edge at the nipple level and, pressing, try to try the bottom edge of the liver.

With normal liver sizes, your fingers will feel just the most edge, it should be soft and thin, or nothing at all.

With an enlarged liver, a significantly protruding edge is easily tested, more often solid and with uneven, and a buggy boundary. The pain in the bustle bubble can be felt, which makes it difficult to palpation.

Important!The inflamed liver has a thick and tight edge. Oncology and cirrhosis lesion is identified by a painful, pointed edge with the beatings.

  • Having found the symptoms of the liver disease or factors capable of causing a failure in the work of the body, you need to visit the therapist, a hepatologist or a gastroenterologist for examination and diagnosis.
  • In preventive purposes, it is recommended to undergo a minimum survey annually. It is enough to hand over a biochemical blood test.
  • Liver health can be saved by changing the diet and abandoning bad habits. Exclude smoked, sharp, fatty dishes and alcoholic beverages.
  • Fence yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  • Use protection tools when working with toxic substances.
  • And remember that the liver is capable of self-restoration and timely detection of the illness in the early stages will allow to heal the body without serious consequences.

What analyzes still pass?

If the lifestyle does not cause concerns and disturbing symptoms were not detected, for complacency and prevention it is desirable to pass a common and biochemical blood test once a year.. Such studies will indicate possible inflammatory processes in the body, they will determine the concentration of hepatic enzymes in the blood and will help to detect disorders in the work of the liver in the early stages.

If the symptoms of the gland are detected, first of all, it is necessary, without postponing to turn to the therapist, a hepatologist or a gastroenterologist. The doctor will appoint the necessary analyzes. It may be blood biochemistry, thymol sample, ultrasound examination. If necessary, CT, MRI and laparoscopy are appointed. The final and most accurate study is the biopsy of the liver tissue.

Doctor himself

You can detect signs of trouble with the liver and without visiting the doctor and even without analyzes. But some symptoms are not specific to diseases only and may indicate the defeat of other organs or simply on the lack of full-fledged recreation or vitamins.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be independently taken for cleaning the liver or the reception of popular hepatoprotectors, finding hair loss, insomnia or nausea. For such symptoms, there may be other reasons, for example, stress, the disease of the stomach or pregnancy and the self-existent liver problems can already lead to real and more serious consequences. First of all, you need to tell a specialist about your suspicions.

To determine what pains in the right hypochondrium also hurts whether the liver hurts, only a specialist. Often patients, assuring that they suffer from, do not even know in where it is located, and during the examination they identify diseases of neighboring organs. To learn how the liver hurts it all, because in the human body the work of this body for indispensability and constancy can be compared only with the heart muscle.

Why do you need a liver and where is it?

The liver in humans is an unpaired multifunctional organ, refers to the parenchymal, which means the absence of cavity inside, full filling with tissues and cells. It is not for nothing in vain "biochemical factory".

It is here that the mass of substances necessary for maintaining the health of substances (proteins, vitamins, hormones, blood coagulation and antisolve, immune protection) is synthesized. This is an organ that supplies energy for cell life, blood depot. At the same time engaged in slag processing, eliminates the body from toxic substances, participates in digestion.

Location You can determine how the right upper corner of the abdominal cavity. Front covered with ribs. The top point is at the level of the fifth rib. The lower edge usually slightly performs from the right hypochondrium. The left fraction of the liver goes into the epigastric zone and is located above the stomach.

On the rear surface there is a hole in which the upper pole of the right kidney and the head of the pancreas are tight. The bottom edge covers the gallbubble with ducts and the bending of the duodenum.

To accurately find where the liver hurts, it is necessary to find out from which side the pain begins, where its character concomitant symptoms is propagated.

Anatomical structures located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver, with its pathology or functional failure give pain in the common area

The mechanism of pain syndrome

Inside the liver are hepatic cells (hepatocytes), vessels, bile ducts. The whole structure is divided into slices. They do not have nervous endings. And yet, in the question "Can the liver" can be sick "" doctors are confident that it may, but the pain is formed not in the parenchyma of the organ, but in the nervous receptors of the glisson capsule surrounding it.

For this, the body should increase in size (swelling, blood overflow, inflammation, neoplasm) and stretch the capsule. The intensity of pain directly depends on the strength of the tension. The pain in the liver may be associated with the external pressure on the capsule and the peritoneum from the increased "neighbors".

Another option is the transition of an inflammatory response to the adjacent leaflets of peritoneum (perightpatitis), very rich in nervous endings. The causes of the pain in the field of liver can be associated with the pathology of the organ or surrounding pathology, distinguish functional and organic.

What causes pain in the liver?

The reasons for pain in the liver of a functional nature, in contrast to organic, are removed after the termination of the irritating factor, recreation, nutritional normalization or soothing procedures. These include:

  • alcohol intoxication with a single reception of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • physical overvoltage;
  • stressful state;
  • overeating fatty, meat food;
  • uncontrolled medication.

Organic reasons include all the diseases of the hepatic parenchyma. They disrupt the hepatocyte structure, cause necrosis and replacement for non-functioning connecting tissue. Why hurts the liver from a particular person, you can only find out after a thorough examination. More Distinctive features and the course of diseases we will consider below.

Characteristics of pain

The pain in the liver area has different "color", its patients are described with an emotional tinge, which emphasizes the duration of human suffering.

Difficult and pulling pain

If the patient indicates that "whine in the opposition right" should be understood - the process has a chronic course, often running. Functional pains are not suitable. Usually simultaneously worries a feeling of gravity after eating and physical exertion or for no reason.

Pulling stupid pains spread to the top and in the back (in the neck area, blades, shoulder). Strengthened by excitement, slopes. Accompanied by nausea, bloating, belching, unstable stool. The appearance of the jaundice of the scler and the skin involves the transition of the disease to the acute stage, possibly without a fairly pronounced intensity of pain. Patients develop weakness, itching the skin.

The blood supply to the liver is completely dependent on the state of the general blood flow, the cells suffer from hypoxia, venous stagnation

Blunt pain

The pain of a stupid nature is most similar to the pathology of the hepatobiliary system. The fibrous capsule is stretched over the entire surface, so pain does not have bright localization. Differentiate the disease is possible by examining.

At the same time, other symptoms should be taken into account. For example, under neoplasms, stupid pain accompanies weight loss, signs of hepatic insufficiency, expressed already in the late stage of the disease.

Intensive pain

The definitions "strong" and "acute pain" say about the high intensity of pain syndrome. Strengthening pain after the "Blacking" period is associated with a growing tumor, a pile,. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the temperature (fast lift with chills and a sharp decline in abscessive), loss of appetite, chair disorders, moderate jaggility scler.

Hepatitis do not cause strong pain. It is associated with an attack of a biliary disease. It appears suddenly, the insertion of the right hypochondrium is localized, accompanied by vomiting. Irradiates to the inter-opacculent area, to the right clavicle, shoulder, lower abdomen. It lasts until the day, subsides gradually.

Related pain causes: the gap of the liver cyst, pancreatitis attack, renal colic on the right, appendicitis in women during pregnancy.

Pain of pulsating character

The wave-like pulsation corresponds to the heart rate. This can be understood by putting one hand on the region of the hypochondrium, and the other on the pulse. It is possible at heart defects (insufficiency of three-risk or aortic valves). With an increase in the liver, it can be seen on the oscillation of the muscles.

Rare pathology - the aneurysm of the hepatic artery is also accompanied by a pulsating pain. Stagnation with insufficiency of blood circulation is caused by adhesive pericarditis, mitral stenosis.

The overflow of the blood central veins leads to an increase in pressure in the portal system and the oxygen hunger of hepatocytes. The liver increases significantly, necrosis occurs in the center of the Palek, replacing the connective tissue (cardiac cirrhosis). Patients complain of pronounced gravity, nausea. Combines the jaundice and cyanosis of the skin.

Sharp pain

A sharp pain in the field of the liver is not a sign of the lesion of the hepatic cloth. This is inherent in acute chivest. Pain irradiates to the right and up, in the neck, lower jaw, shovel. It arises suddenly, accompanied by the chills, an increase in temperature, vomiting. The attack of the bile colic is provoked by shaking, physical exertion, disruption of the diet.

If the movement of the stone occurs through the narrowed duct, the sharp pain is caused without temperature and vomiting

Additional symptoms of pain

If the liver hurts, then the symptoms are necessarily indicating the failure of the parenchyma, digestion disorders, metabolic processes. Most often, pain is enhanced after eating fatty dishes, alcohol, running, exercise.

The sign of the pain in the liver can be:

  • irritability, weakness, apathy;
  • tump with a rotten smell;
  • skin itch;
  • nausea;
  • yellowing scler and skin;
  • dark urine;
  • gray feces;
  • head and muscular pain (in the back and legs);
  • vascular "stars" (teleangectasy) on face, abdomen, shoulders, chest;
  • tendency to bleeding gums;
  • in men, the first place comes out a complaint about sexual weakness, and women are in infertility.

The main danger of liver disease is in low-rise symptoms. Patients appeal to the doctor in the stage of irreversible changes (fatty dystrophy, cirrhosis). In the chronic course of pain in general may be absent.

It is necessary to take into account what symptoms are associated with the secondary pathology of neighboring bodies and on them to be diagnosed. These are engaged in qualified doctors. And patients should navigate when pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver requires a quick call for ambulance.

Urgent help of the doctor is necessary if:

  • remove the pain in your home facilities;
  • appeared vomiting with bile;
  • the pain in the hypochondrium on the right wears a cutting character, arose suddenly;
  • noticeably yellowing scler and skin;
  • the temperature has significantly increased.

How do the functional causes of pain appear?

Violation of the function is possible with aggravating exposure of factors, a person may not even guess what the liver hurts.

Alcoholic intoxication

Even a single reception of a significant amount of alcohol causes severe intoxication. With pain in the hypochondrium on the right of the next morning after drinking the liver performs a task for the processing of ethyl alcohol and suffers:

  • using the enzyme alcoholic dehydrogenase splits it to low-toxic substances;
  • part of the hepatocytes is subjected to toxic effects and is not able to work;
  • additional load is caused by snack with abundant fatty meat food, sharp dishes;
  • reception of medicines from headaches and pulling a hangover is harmful to the organ.

In such cases, hepatoprotectors are offered for the treatment of pain in the liver, they contribute to the recovery of cells.

Action of increased physical exertion

Often when trying to do physical exercises, run, long walking, people complain that "sick under the ribs on the right." It becomes the reason for refusing. A long lack of physical activity leads to the detraction of the body.

When running in the liver, an increased volume of venous blood is accumulated. Particularly suffer from those people who are not used to breathe correctly. They do not contribute to blood pumping from the venous bed. A sharp increase in sizes is disturbing the capsule, so a person feels pain.

To overcome the symptom and continuing classes, it is recommended:

  • short rest, then the pain will disappear independently;
  • threaten a gradual increase in load and respiratory technique;
  • not 2 hours before training.

Under the overdose of drugs

The uncontrolled medication, especially antibiotics (from the group of macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins), soothing and stimulants of the nervous system, leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the liver. Debris products are derived from the body with bile. At the same time, they manage to break the viscosity of bile in a more thick way, cause stagnation and disturbance.

In the elderly, ordinary dosages of medicines can become toxic

Toxic action can cause individual intolerance, the presence of a disease that a person does not recognize. Pains appear, bloating, jaundice, itching skin. Almost symptoms can be regarded as acute medicine hepatitis. For its formation is enough weekly.

It should be treated for such a state by the abolition of all drugs and the use of hepatoprotectors. A positive result appears quickly. Organic liver damage can be inflammatory and different. We will focus on some of them.

Pains for hepatitis (acute and chronic)

The inflammation of the liver, which is accustomed to six months, is considered to be acute hepatitis. Doctors infectious diseases are detected and the treatment of sharp viral hepatitis. Hepatitis A - begins as a respiratory disease with increasing temperature, headaches, weakness.

Looking pain in the liver occurs after 3 weeks. Instead, it is possible a feeling of gravity, bloating. Jaundice appears for 2-4 days. On her background, the patient's condition improves. All signs gradually disappear, the person recovers.

Hepatitis B - lasts up to two months. The pain syndrome is growing gradually from a suitful nature before a stupid sense of gravity. Beginning with increasing temperature, general weakness, lethargy. Characterized by the increase in the liver, signs of jaundice.

With hepatitis D - typical symptoms, it is accompanied by hepatitis B, it is easier. Hepatitis E is different, except for signs of intoxication, strong pain in the field of liver and above the navel. Sometimes the disease begins with pain syndrome. The infectious disease doctor prescribes treatment depending on the form.

Viral hepatitis B and C are known for their transition to chronic flow. What can be done to prevent undesirable transformation, does not always depends on the desire of the patient and the doctor. Pain in the right hypochondrium is constant, in some strengthening only in disruption of diet and admission of oily food.

Localization is inaccurate: patients marked pain in epigastrics, then in the field of navel. It is possible for nausea and vomiting, meteorism, a sense of discomfort, all the symptoms of hepatitis are manifested. The reason is confirmed by biochemical tests of blood, urine analyzes, identifying markers, ultrasound. If necessary, conduct computer tomography.

The most unfavorable option when the disease proceeds asymptomatic and is revealed already in the stage of the liver cirrhosis.

What to do with the pain in the liver and how to treat the disease in more detail you can learn.

Liver cirrhosis and pain

Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease that disrupts the structure and function of hepatic parenchyma. The disease is distinguished by an irreversible character: areas of hepatic tissue are replaced with scars. Progression leads to liver and renal failure.

Replacing on the scarsing tissue is gradually, instead of poles are formed dense bumps

Pain in the liver of a stupid character is constant. Distinguish several types of cirrhosis:

  • alcohol - caused by chronic alcoholism;
  • viral - the result of chronic viral hepatitis;
  • drug-based - with the toxic effects of drugs;
  • primary biliary - causes the pathology of the hereditary type;
  • stagnation - with heart failure.

Against the background of pain, other signs appear: a moderate increase in temperature, sharp weakness, weight loss, an increase in the abdomen (ascites) during the flow of fluid from the vessels in the abdominal cavity, the jaundice and itching of the skin, the expansion of the surfactant veins, the inxication of the brain with mental changes. The biopsy confirms the diagnosis, allows you to establish the loss of loss of the liver function. Treatment requires hemodialysis, organ transplantation.

Pain in steatosis

The disease is caused by metabolic disorders, as a result of which hepatocytes are filled with fat inclusions and destroy the normal structure of the tissue. Steatosis is more often observed in chronic alcoholics, fat people, with violation of metabolic processes (diabetes mellitus). Pain in the liver accompany the activation of the process, have a stupid character. A well removed when normalized nutrition, abandonment of alcohol.

Low-formation of the liver

With a benign nature of the tumor (adenoma, nodal hyperplasia, hemangioma, cysts) begin to cause pain in the event of significant growth, squeezing the parenchyma and stretching the capsule from the inside. By type pain, constant. Possible nausea and vomiting.

The liver cancer is also sufficiently accompanied by hatching pains, but at the same time the patient has elevated the temperature, there is no appetite, weakness increases, the stomach is constantly taken. The liver is increased, palpation enhances pain.

If a liver has a liver in a person who has undergone operation about different malignant tumors, then with high probability you can suspect metastases. Such pains are always caused by the terminal stage of cancer of other organs (stomach, intestines, breast, esophagus, lung, brain, pancreas).

Most often, metastases in the liver give cancer of the stomach, large intestines, lungs, esophagus. Pains are constant, aggregate the temperature, weight loss, weakness, nausea, ascites. There is no pain when metastasizing a malignant tumor of the prostate gland, larynx, ovary, uterus, kidneys and bladder.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound, computer or magnetic resonance tomography, biopsy studies.

Cancer treatment Only surgical, the volume of operation is selected individually for each patient, the complex includes chemotherapy and irradiation of the liver zone.

Pain in the area under the liver

Feelings for diseases of the tumblers are very similar to pain in the liver. These include:

  • attacking appendicitis;
  • right-sided renal colic;
  • ectopic pregnancy and adnexis in women;
  • cholecystitis;
  • intestinal diseases (Crohn, ulcerative colitis, Glice invasion).

There are many diseases and lesions that are engaged in different specialists. Start the examination should be taken to the therapist. Tightening threatens the loss of the possibility of recovery.

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