Who is such an embit? "Umalat" (Adyghe Cheese): Composition, Calorie, Reviews, Recipes. Unagrande Cheese - Fresh health products


Industry: Food industry

Products: Cheeses, butter

Birthday brand: 2000

Owner: ZAO "Umalat"

The company "Umalat" - the leader in the domestic market of fresh Italian cheeses.

The history of the company began with the ride of the owner of the company Alexei Martynenko in the Caucasus. This is how he tells it: "The story is simple, probably, everything went from me. Once I was in the Caucasus and my friends treated me just made Suluguni. I still remember this taste. I just fell in love with these cheeses. When I I came home to Moscow, I called this technologist and he taught me for a week to do Suluguni and cheese at home. Then I learned already to do Mozarella himself.

By the way, these cheeses practically brother and sister, the technology is very similar. Then my acquaintances offered me to buy a cheat plant in the city of Sevsk. And then I decided that I would still do the same delicious Suluguni, as in the mountains of the Caucasus, and the same delicious Mozarella, as in Italy, and everyone will be able to feel the same bright emotions from this amazing taste. So I have already implemented this mission for 11 years, and a lot more you need to do to fulfill it. For me it is still a challenge, my cross and a very motivating goal. "

So, before launching your brand Mozarella, Alexey Martynenko - the owner of the company "Umalat" - several years killed the consumer to the fact that Italian cheeses can be done in Russia. He supplied Mozarella retailers together with the cheese, Suluguni, Adygei cheese - all of them were sold under the brand "Umalat".

In 2011, Alexey Martynenko decided to give Russian Mozarella to a foreign name to compete with European suppliers. So the flagship brand of Unagrande has appeared, developed by the LMH Consulting Agency.

The corporate sign is a striped green-white-red heart: it is simultaneously the colors of the Italian flag and the "Caprese" components, the famous salad with mozzarella, basil and tomato. The launch of the Martnenko brand did not announce - simply at a certain point replaced the packaging "Umalat" on Unagrande. In the promotion of the product made a bet on the Internet.

Since then, the sales of Mozarella, which accounts for more than half of the Ullative business, increases annually by 30-50%, despite the fact that the mild cheese market in Russia is generally growing only by 15% per year.

"Umalat" actively promotes the concept of a healthy lifestyle and is one of the first companies that began to distribute the culture of fresh cheese consumption among Russians.

Milk for the production of "Umalat" is used only fresh and selected, because of milk with the addition of preservatives and antibiotics such cheese, as Mozarella simply fails.

New high-tech factory equipment allows producing cheeses with various ethnicity: from Italian mozzarella to Caucasian and Suluguni. The production cycle is carried out under the guidance and control of foreign specialists who found the opportunity to combine the traditional recipe with modern technologies.

In the company's portfolio 4 federal brands: Unagrande, Pretto, Umalat, natural creamy oil Umalatte. The company's products are sold in federal networks, as well as used in the cafe and the best restaurants of all Russia.

Adygei cheese come from the Caucasus and, like many local cheeses, refers to the category of soft, brine, as well as cheese, mozzarella and feta. It is widely used in the preparation of fresh salads, national baking and other dishes. In Russia, the production of Caucasian cheeses is engaged in the company "Umalat". Adygei cheese of the presented brand successfully competes with products from other manufacturers. An overview of this product and recipes of dishes from it are presented in our article.

Production of soft cheeses "Umalat"

The production of soft, brine Caucasian cheeses is organized in the city of Sevsk Bryansk region. The company "Umalat" Adygei Cheese, Mozarella, Ricotta and other soft species began to produce one of the first in Russia.

In production, only selected milk is used, which does not contain any preservatives or antibiotics. The product has a slightly salty taste, because in the process of preparation is added in a small amount of food salt.

The manufacture of cheese is carried out using high-tech equipment and under constant control of foreign specialists.

Adygei cheese "Umalat": product composition

The Adygei cheese of the domestic trademark has the form of a low cylinder, and the weight of the head is no more than 400 grams. The color of his cream, taste is pleasant, slightly salty. Estimate the quality of the product is fully possible by learning the composition of the presented type of products "Umalat".

The Adygei cheese of the Russian brand is made of solid milk and food salt, which is added to the minimum permissible volume. To create a protective film, the head surface is additionally wiped with a strale solution. No crust and wet surface are important criteria for choosing a quality product. The structure of the Adygei cheese "Umalat" is homogeneous, "without oars" and has mold prints. Quality product is wet, dense, but enough elastic. Such cheese can be used both in fresh form and use when cooking hot and cold dishes.

Calorie, nutritional value and benefit for the body

The calorie content of soft brine Adygei cheese is 238 kcal. The 100 g of this product contains 16 g of proteins, 18 g of fats and 2.7 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the high fatty, Adygei cheese is considered a useful product, which is recommended to include in the diet of the elderly, children and pregnant women. It has a high nutritional value and contains important biologically active substances for the body. It contains all essential amino acids, vitamins A and group B, as well as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc.

The benefits of the Adygei cheese depends primarily on the quality of the milk and compliance with the technology of its riding.

Cheese Adygei "Umalat": customer reviews

More than 90% of buyers respond about Adygei cheese of the brand "Umalat" only positively. They note that this is one of the best soft cheeses of domestic production presented in the Russian market. Compliance with traditional formulations is one of the advantages of the brand "Umalat".

Adygei brand cheese liked buyers by what he has:

  • natural composition;
  • gentle and unsolonged taste;
  • dense consistency and wet structure;
  • high nutritional value and made of selected milk.

As a lack of product, buyers noted only a fairly high price, which is explained by the value of high-quality raw materials for its manufacture.

What to cook from Adygei cheese?

When cooking salads and snacks, various types of brine cheeses are used, such as cheese or mozzarella. Surprisingly delicious dishes can be cooked with the Caucasian cheeses "Umalat". Recipes, Adygei cheese in which is one of the main components, we present below.

  1. Cooking salad with Adygei cheese, smoked milk and vegetables begins with the preparation of refueling. To do this, an apple vinegar is poured into a deep bowl (2 liters), fresh mustard is added (1 hour (2 h. L), chicken broth (2 art. L.). All ingredients are mixed, after which, without stopping Watering vegetable oil (50 ml) is poured into a bowl into a bowl. As a result of active beating, a thick and homogeneous sauce resembles mayonnaise is added. Last but it is added to the pinch of salt and pepper. Further, salad leaves are laid on a serving dish Sliced \u200b\u200btomato, avocado, Adygei cheese and smoked chicken (100 g). Last but is added marinated onions and refueling in lemon juice.
  2. In a frying pan - fast in preparation and tasty snack. To make it, it is enough to cut the cheese with small plates with a thickness of 1 cm and fry from two sides on a frying pan, greased by vegetable or fucked oil.

Adygei cheese "Umalat" has a quality composition, a pleasant taste, smell and consistency and is one of the best products in the domestic market.

salary on time 2 times a month

I work at the production of salaries above the subsistence minimum. But the most minimal in relation to the charges of the rest of the employees (with Moscow charges, fees), what are the work work - a sufficient cheap work, work hard to sit down, you can not pay the hourly every minute should be involved , Career growth will not wait raise, throw off, many years alone and the same people on ...

26.06.18 09:02 moscowIrina,

i did not notice

The following impressions, invited me to the interview, had been called twice twice and asked everything in detail that where as ... But this is okay. The office itself is located on some kind of roof, in some kind of smokers, when the girls came from the reception, they did not pay attention to their deeds, saying that I was on the interview, wait, after which the girl came out and offered to sit on the sofa ....

06.10.17 09:31 moscowAnonymous

I work in the company 10 years. During these years, the plant has changed very much (new workshops were built with modern equipment, which greatly facilitates the work of workers), the production and range of products increased, a lot of work is being done on control of products ... over these years they do not cease to be surprised by the loyal relationship of management to all Employees (always come to the rescue when there are difficulties on ...

Negative moments during the work was not

05.09.17 11:52 bryanskIrina,

I have been working for many years, I can't say anything bad about the company. Friendly team. Stable payment of s / n, the possibility of career growth. Caring for employees - free lunches daily, 1kg. Cheese to choose a monthly, special. clothes. I like my job, I hope for further cooperation.

28.08.17 21:08 moscowAlyona,

Having come for an interview to the company, I immediately understood that I want to work here. The office has a pleasant and comfortable setting, a good and friendly team. I work here for 5 months and my opinion has not changed. In the company, the timely payout of wages, and this is not very important. Convenient location, the office is located next to the subway. In a word, I want to continue to work in the company and on.

I have not noticed yet

07.06.17 01:10 bryanskAnonymous

I work in the company 10 years, I like it. Everything is officially and clearly according to the schedule. The wage indexing and the increase in the discharges will occur. Very good career growth prospects have something to strive for, which is very pleased !!! The plant is constantly improving the milk acceptance system, perfectly suitable For the preparation of cheese. High-class is carefully monitored by the whole process of cheese.

the negative sides of the company are not seen.

02.04.17 21:06 moscowEvgeny,

Stable salary payment, annual indexation, which cannot but rejoice, the company spends a lot of staff training especially in the sales department, high-quality trainings. There is an opportunity to go with an excursion to the plant, good support from HR first work and on the marketing part in terms of product features. There are opportunities for growth, first of all promote their employees ....

companies are different, with a different culture, it seems to me to people who are accustomed to working on a clear instruction here may be the first time unusual because of the employees are waiting for the initiative, willingness to bring something new. And so it's hard to allocate something because everything suits me.

27.03.17 21:41 bryanskNikolai,

Stable work. White salary. Adequate guide - require require, but in the case of which they will support and help. At work everything you needed taught, showed.

If you want to earn, you need to really work, take extra clock, - Fortunately, the part-time is always offered to go out.

But I realized that it would be limited only to the report on the technology of production will be not enough, I learned too much in one day. So I will share my impressions from the company that ranks 6th in Russia for the production of cheeses, and if we exclude transnational giants, then the 2nd among producers of all cheeses, and the first - among the manufacturers of Caucasian and Italian.

This is my subjective opinion, just what I saw and heard.

On the outskirts of Sevsk

4 hours by train from Moscow to Bryansk, and then 2 more with more than an hour by car to the city of Sevsk. That neither is the Russian province. Each sixth resident of the city, one way or another, is associated with Umalatom - the plant gives 70% of the revenue part of the city budget. City forming enterprise.

When drove up to the plant, it was greatly surprised.

I expected to see huge workshops on an immense territory - it turned out that you can be a leader when all the enclosures fit on the football field, and even the place for expansion will remain.

I expected several thousand employees - and in total in the state of the company 308 people, but these are people who are enthusiastic people.

Most of the city's inhabitants and nearby settlements dream of getting to work here. Average salary - 50 thousand rubles. It is twice as bigger than the average salary in the area, so take the best, who are ready to work, learn, grow.

How it all began

I ask the General Director of Umalat Alexei Martynenko, why was Sevsk selected the place?

It so happened, the milk from the Bryansk region was always considered refundable, so 1964 was built here, which was built by cheese, about a ton per month.

When we came to the plant, he was all in debt. I came to see the first time, it was cold, we sat in clothes, and did not even find hot tea to warm up. The plant did not have a host. Shares belonged to employees, so the collective farm was obtained: it seems to be belonging to everyone, and it seems to anyone. As honestly admitted that there is no money at all, and they would like us to buy this factory and helped them get out of debts.

Later, at some moments I even regretted that I bought the plant, I had to rebuild everything, to establish work, the logistics is very complex. He lived between Moscow and Sevsky. But with time, Donkey here seems to be for a long time.

Until recently, the plant did not produce Mozarella - there were no conditions. But as it turned out, this is a favorite cheese Alexei Marthetynco, he did him at home, sometimes night could spend in the kitchen, preparing for the arrival of guests. When it became possible, the production was launched.

What is Utlat?

To be more accurate - nothing, and who is such an emotion. The company received its name in honor of the man who introduced Alexey with cheeses.

History is simple. Once I was in the Caucasus, and my friends treated me just made Suluguni. I still remember this taste. I just fell in love with these cheeses. When I came home to Moscow, I called this technologist and he taught me for a week to make Suluguni and cheese at home. Then I learned to do Mozarel himself.

By and large, Suluguni and Mozarella close relatives, the technology is very similar, so it is not surprising that the Italian and Caucasian cheeses are doing at one plant. And you still need to dig in the story, who used to weld the first cheese.

Quality and cleanliness

I arrived at the factory a few hours before the solemn launch, so, dressed in a bathrobe, a hat and special shoes, went on a tour of the workshops. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is cosmic sterility: white walls, pipelines and tanks from stainless steel and people, like employees of cosmic production, in the overalls that closing everything except the person.

The director of the production of Evgenia Levkina leads me on the workshops and draws my attention to the quality control system:

Quality control at each stage. The records are conducted in a paper magazine and on the computer: where the Milk Party, its characteristics, who, when and how to recycle this batch in each workshop, up to packaging.

Control samples are stored in a special warehouse and, in case of any complaints, all records open, the control sample is revealed, and check what is done not so. So far, if the claims are, it is only due to the quality of milk, for production - not a single claim.

Vegetable fats and preservatives

I have shown everything without a rustle, unless they asked not to photograph individual processes - business is a business. Now I can say for sure that I could not find any chemicals or vegetable fats.

I will explain why I was looking for vegetable fats and preservatives.

Mozzarella life in water - 25 days. The rest of the cheese - from 50 to 120 days. There are two ways to achieve such, or even large, expirational terms: or with preservatives, or due to sterility.

According to Evgenia Levkina, the "Umahta" uses the detergents of the company "Eclab", which are used for oncological hospitals around the world.

Per month for it is spent more than 1 million rubles, and analogue could be purchased by 300 thousand per month, but the result will be different.

As for vegetable fats, this is the main enemy of all honest cheesecakes. The use of vegetable fats reduces the cost of a third, that is, unscrupulous manufacturers, adding oil, can offer goods with a low price.

In addition, if the same mozzarella is used for pizza, it is impossible to determine the presence of vegetable oil. Even experts will not be able to determine this without analyzes.


Milk is one of the three components for the production of cheese and what milk will be depends on how cheese will be. Alexey Martynenko says that today the plant purchases the best milk that can be bought on the market.

Today we do not buy in the territory of the Bryansk region or a liter of milk. We are located on the border with the Kursk region, and there are produced the best milk that matches our highest quality requirements. I can respond to declare that it is milk better than in Europe.


Honestly, I was in full confidence that with the introduction of sanctions, the factory only won: the main competitor was removed from the market - the Italians, but it turned out that everything is not at all.

The sanctions on us did not affect us, says Alexey Martynenko. - We have successfully competed successfully with Italian mozzarella, our and cheaper, and tastier. This is confirmed by the Italians themselves. In addition, the cheese has a very small shelf life, and in Russia it was rarely possible to meet fresh, natural mozzarella from Italy, the most recent has always been with us.

With the introduction of sanctions of the supply of Mozarella, Rickota and Muscarpone from Europe ceased, but the demand for these cheeses did not fall. At that time, the plant was already loaded by 90%, but consumers demanded more and more. For the sake of Italian cheeses had to abandon the production of cheese and feta. Urgently increased power. Thanks to this, Utlat has now become a number one manufacturer on the market of Italian and Caucasian cheeses.


- Why the name of the product is Unagrande, and not the Russian name?

Most of the cheeses that are produced from us have Italian roots, and it was logical to give them an Italian name, and now we are proud of our brand, which won the confidence of buyers to change it.

Alexey Martynenko, on the advice of marketers, gave the Russian Mozarella a foreign name to compete more successfully with European suppliers. And it played.

Plans and traditions

From the window of the office, Alexey Martneneneko shows a construction site: there will be a new workshop for the production of Caucasian cheeses: Adygei, Suluguni and Checchil. While it is produced in the old shop and the area for increasing volumes is missing. And consumers ask more and more.

In addition, production is now on traditional technologies, except for baskets, in which cheese is formed with its pattern, not branches, but from modern materials. In the new workshop will try to automate the cheese cooking process.

But to produce some other cheeses here and do not plan.

It is possible that only one production is butter, the longest will remain untouched by: they are afraid that the taste of the product will deteriorate.

Latest strokes

I started my story with the fact that the plant launched a new cheese packing line, and in conclusion, several phrases about it.

All employees arrived at the solemn launch, even those who were a day off or on vacation are a common holiday.

But, despite the celebration, the work shift continued to work - the cheese bags have fun from the conveyor belt and went to the boxes.

And at the end brought a huge cauldron with a pilaf - a treat for the whole of the huge family of workers of the Umalat.

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