What fruits can be eaten while losing weight and in what quantities? Fruits are not always health: side effects of excessive passion Is it possible to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits

How poor the diet would be without vegetables and fruits, and humanity would also be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the unsurpassed taste and aroma of fruits. Today it is already impossible to imagine that with the onset of summer it will not be possible to feast on strawberries and other berries and fruits, as well as prepare salads from a wide variety of vegetables. To answer the question why you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, today is to be.

The benefits of vegetables and fruits

It is difficult to overestimate it, because these gifts of nature are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, the lack of which immediately affects the well-being and appearance person. All of them are characterized by the ability to strengthen the immune system and contribute to the fight against various diseases. Vegetables and fruits are called useful products because they contain antioxidants - substances that slow down the aging process. A person whose diet regularly contains the gifts of nature looks much more cheerful, energetic and attractive than those who eat them only occasionally.

The effect of color on the benefits of fruits and vegetables

Fruit color defines them vitamin composition, which determines the effect on the body, as follows:

Now it is clear why you need to eat vegetables and fruits, but not only because of the reasons described. They are all rich in fiber, which improves digestion and normalizes intestinal motility. To the most healthy vegetables and fruits in this respect include grapefruits, avocados, carrots, corn, pumpkin, peas, raspberries, spinach, beets, etc.

According to the pyramid healthy eating, per day should eat 4 servings of vegetables and fruits. However, fruit should only make up one part of this dose. Experts recommend eating fruits and vegetables at the same time. various forms: boiled, fried and raw.

Too much fruit consumption can lead to various diseases. What?

Fruit bloating

Too much a large number of eaten fruit at a time can lead to bloating. All fruits contain fructose, a simple sugar. According to nutritionists, up to 40 percent of the general population may suffer from from fructose malabsorption.

Photo Source: Ruth and Dave / CC BY

This sugar, instead of being released into the bloodstream, can be stored in small intestine and there - in contact with the microflora - to cause fermentation. What is the result of such a process? It's not hard to imagine. Bloating and stabbing pains appear in the lower abdomen.

liver problems

The adult human liver is able to metabolize 2-3 tablespoons of fructose per day. Maximum dose this simple sugar- 40 grams. If we eat more of it, it will be stored in the fatty tissue that surrounds the liver. In case we eat a really large amount of fruit for a long time, we must reckon with the possibility of fatty liver.

As it turns out, a single serving of various fruits supplies the body with much more fructose than the liver can metabolize during the day. The serving size depends on the fetus. Dried dates contain 32 g of fructose per 100 grams, raisins - 30, bananas - 4.8, strawberries - 2.44.

You can't lose weight

Fruits do contain a substantial portion of fructose. Especially sweet, such as dates, grapes, bananas. Moreover, fructose is twice as sweet as sucrose (white sugar). So where is the problem?

Despite the calories it contains, fructose does not cause satiety. White sugar stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin, and when it enters the bloodstream, it sends a signal to the brain that the body is already full.

Fructose does not cause such a reaction. As a result, the body "does not feel" that it is already full. Because of this, we can eat fruit almost endlessly, flooding the liver with too much fructose, making it difficult to lose weight.

fruit diarrhea

In addition to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, fresh fruits also contain fiber. It is important for the proper functioning of the body, because it improves bowel function. Due to this, the volume of the stool increases.

Fun Fact: Fruits are high in simple carbohydrates, overuse which often causes excess weight and cellulite formation. However, it is fruits that form the basis of the diet of most weight loss diets. The fact is that, being low-calorie foods, fruits and berries are the main source of vitamins and microelements. How many fruits can you eat to quickly lose weight and maintain a perfect figure? This question is answered by professional nutritionists ...

Is it possible to get better from fruits?

For some reason, everyone is sure that the more fruits, the more benefits for the figure. However, there are a number of facts that seriously doubt this. Let's discuss them...

fruit cons

The recommendation to eat more fruits is justified by their relatively low calorie content. For example, 100 grams of apples contain 45–50 kilocalories. This is 4.5 times less than in rye bread. Even a banana falls short of bread - only 65 kcal. By the way, such a low calorie content of fruits is due to the high content of water in them. For example, dried fruits are already more nutritious than bread: 280 kcal versus bread 240 kcal.

But do we need such savings in calories? It turns out not. On the contrary, fruits stimulate the appetite and (attention!) Help to store fat! Don't believe? Let's prove it now. With an appetite, everything is simple. The fruit acids contained in fruits and berries stimulate the excretion of gastric juice and motility (mobility) of the gastric wall. So fruits are more suitable for stimulating appetite than for satisfying hunger.

And the mechanism of fat formation is associated with the peculiarities of the metabolism of fructose - a type of sugar. The fructose molecule, together with the glucose molecule, forms the sucrose molecule. Sucrose is better known to us as ordinary sugar. Made up of glucose molecules complex carbohydrate. So, as it was found, fructose, with equal calorie content with glucose, saturates much less. Why?

Because fructose can easily be rearranged into a precursor of fat molecules (acetyl-coenzyme A) and go to fat synthesis. And glucose, which is included in the starch contained in bread, cereals, pasta, cannot. Or rather, maybe, but with much more difficulty. And it turns out that, since the body has nowhere to put glucose and starch, the feeling of fullness from their use comes pretty quickly.

Potatoes and bread can be eaten quickly and for a long time. And the body rebuilds fructose into fat and stores it as fat in reserve. Therefore, satiety from fructose occurs much later. By the way, to be fair, satiety from fat is even less than from fructose. Fat does not even need to be rebuilt into anything. It can be postponed on its own.

There is evidence from experiments showing that an increase in the proportion of fructose in food leads to an increase in the total calorie content of the diet and an increase in fat mass. In comparison, an increase in the proportion of starch in the diet usually reduces the daily caloric intake and leads to a gradual decrease in fat mass or, according to at least to its stabilization. On this phenomenon, by the way, non-fat nutrition is built - more starches and proteins, less fats.

Some scientists believe that the phenomenon of the catastrophic increase in obesity in American society is due in part to the increase in fructose consumption. Indeed, over the past 30 years, Americans have been eating 1.5 times more fruit and drinking 1.5 times more fructose-containing sodas.

There is scientific evidence that an increase in the proportion of fructose in the diet increases the total calorie content, disrupts metabolism and promotes the development arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

fruit rules

And now that we have learned all this, a logical question arises, what to do with fruits and follow the principles of proper nutrition?

1. In no case should you refuse fruits and berries. They are very useful: they contain a special kind of dietary fiber- pectins necessary for normal operation intestines. Fruits, especially pears and apples, are rich in iron. It is also the main source of vitamin C. To replenish daily requirement in this vitamin it is enough to eat 100 g of strawberries.

2. You should not replace any meal with fruit. For example, don't try to have a dinner or lunch that's all fruit. They are good only as a dessert.

3. Control daily intake fruits. For convenience, use the so-called fruit units.

4. Cut fruit! In this case, naturally, you eat longer. Accordingly, food is required to eat less.

5. Use a mixture of different fruits and berries, make fruit salads. And fill them for satiety not with sour cream, but with soft low-fat (5%) cottage cheese, slightly diluted with natural yogurt or fermented baked milk.

6. Try eating fruit salads or watermelon with white bread. A new one appears interesting taste- and the brutal “fruity” appetite does not wake up.

Since the carbohydrates in fruits keep your cells active, great importance timing and type of fruit. Filling your stomach with a huge plate of fruit late at night while watching TV or the Internet (when the body does not need large energy reserves) can be more beneficial than eating cookies or eating sweets at the same time. But if you're not burning all those carbs, you're not using fuel as intended, then - you guessed it - hello kilos! So try to eat fruit before vigorous activity. And the benefits from them will be significant. If you really enjoy eating fruits in the evening, try reducing your portion to, say, one glass of grapes.

Rule 4. Nutrients equal carbohydrates

While carbohydrates should be limited, it's important to remember that fruits are loaded with other nutrients. natural substances in fruit fruits, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibers and prebiotics work miracles. Berries differ in content nutrients from apples and pears, stone fruits, melons and citrus fruits. So, instead of limiting yourself to just apples and berries, aim for variety and eat seasonal fruits.

Don't panic about the sugar content of fruits. Sugar tolerance in fruits is due to the fact that sugar in this case unrefined, much less concentrated. For example, one orange contains about 17 grams of carbohydrates, 12 of which are natural sugars. Orange also supplies the body with fluid, 12 percent dietary fiber (fiber), almost 100% daily needs in vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and hesperidin. Active substance the latter reduces blood pressure and also has anti-inflammatory properties. By comparison, one tablespoon of refined sugar contains 16 grams of carbs and zero nutrients. In other words, fruit sugar and refined sugar are completely different concepts.

So enjoy fruit as part of balanced diet. Consider the time of use and the amount of fruits and berries, and then you do not have to worry about weight gain or loss. This kind of health care is the best.
