Just about complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates

The human body is very a complex system, which has its own rules of existence. One of these rules is that proteins and fats in the human body are not processed without the presence of carbohydrates.

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are of two types:

  • complex or slow, with a glycemic index below 40;
  • fast, with a glycemic index above 70 (as a rule, they are not used in weight loss diets).

Complex carbohydrates are processed much more slowly, and when they break down, a larger amount of glucose is formed. They give a person the energy that the body needs to perform daily work. That is why nutritionists strongly recommend eating foods that contain slow carbohydrates in the morning.

There are products that must be included in the daily diet so as not to feel incomprehensible fatigue and mood swings.

The fact is that when eating foods that contain slow carbohydrates, it gradually ensures the flow of sugar (glucose) into the blood, which contributes to good health, mood and performance.

This feature of complex carbohydrates must certainly be taken into account for people who suffer from diabetes. After all, a sharp rise in blood sugar levels is highly undesirable for them. That is why you need to pay attention to such products that will not cause its sharp jump.

Complex or slow carbohydrates - what is it?

Complex or slow carbohydrates are also called polysaccharides. These are molecules consisting of several chains of simple saccharides (monosaccharides). These include:

  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • glycogen.

Starch is made up of long chains of glucose. It is found in legumes, cereals, rice, potatoes, and beans. It is found in many baked goods.

Fiber refers to non-starchy polysaccharides. it alimentary fiber, which are found in nuts, legumes, vegetables, fruits and grains. They also help to remove waste and toxins from human body. It is foods that contain fiber that nutritionists advise to use in diets for weight loss.

Glycogen is the same glucose, but stored by our body “for the future”, in case, for some reason, it does not receive enough slow carbohydrates on time. Then the glycogen is transformed back and replenishes the reserves of lost energy in our body. Draw your own conclusions about how useful carbohydrates are for weight loss.

Something About No Carbs

There are products that do not contain carbohydrates in their composition at all or in very small quantities:

  • in seafood and fish (river and sea);
  • Poultry products (chicken, duck, turkey and other types of poultry meat), eggs;
  • pork, beef;
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • green and herbal teas.

These products contain proteins and fats that our body needs no less than carbohydrates, but without their help they are not digested and make our liver work with great overloads and failures.

It is necessary to balance the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (especially slow ones) in the diet.

Table of products containing slow carbohydrates

We will look at the complex carbohydrates list of products in order to know exactly what you need to eat during the day so as not to lose efficiency and be in good shape by the evening.


Fruits, berries

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. Date fruit 74.97
2. Rose hip 38.22
3. Banana 22.84
4. figs 22.18
5. Pomegranate 18.7
6. Persimmon 18.59
7. Watermelon 10
8. Melon 10
9. Pear 9.6
10. Peach 9.5
11. Apple 9.2
12. Plum 8.8
13. Orange 8.5
14. Mandarin 8.3
15. Currant 7
16. Strawberry 6.5
17. Gooseberry 6.2
18. Blueberry 5.5
19. Lemon 5

Legumes, nuts

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. chickpeas 60.65
2. Lentils 60.08
3. Cashew nuts 30.19
4. pistachios 27.51
5. Almond 21.67
6. Peanut 16.13

Greens, vegetables

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. cilantro 52.1
2. Garlic 21.2
3. Potatoes 19.7
4. Horseradish roots and leaves 16.3
5. Green pea 13.3
6. parsley root 11.2
7. Beet 10.8
8. turnip onion 9.5
9. parsley leaves 8.1
10. Swede 8.1
11. Leek 7.3
12. Carrot 7
13. red cabbage 6.1
14. Sweet red pepper 5.7
15. Sweet pepper green 4.7
16. White cabbage 5.4
17. Cauliflower 4.9
18. Green beans (pods) 4.3
19. Tomato 4.2
20. sorrel leaves 5.3
21. dill greens 4.5
22. lettuce leaves 2.2


Name Number of carbohydrates
1. Creamy ice cream 6-15
2. Milk 4.7
3. curdled milk 4.1
4. Ryazhenka 4.1
5. Kefir fat 4.1
6. Cream 4.1-3.6
7. Kefir low fat 3.8
9. Yoghurt natural 3.5
10. Sour cream 3.2-2.9
11. Sour cream 2.9
12. Low-fat cottage cheese 1.5
13. Curd is bold and fatty 1.3
14. Butter 0.9

Complex or slow carbohydrates have great importance for the human body. They are used in diets for weight loss, in complex nutrition for building up. muscle mass in powerlifting. But most importantly, without them, our body cannot absorb either fats or proteins.

For normal life a person needs a balanced diet that will enable him to fully work and rest.

Probably everyone who has ever been on a diet or thought about a healthy diet has heard the phrases “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates. Let's try to figure out what is behind them and how exactly to eat carbohydrate-containing foods.

The main source of energy for our body. They are found primarily in bakery, confectionery and pasta. There are also many carbohydrates in sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates) and starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn), cereals (rice, semolina, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal) and legumes (beans, peas, beans)

Daily rate

The use of carbohydrates in food is necessary and shown to absolutely any person. without them enough normal metabolism in the body is impossible, as well as active physical and mental activity. Another thing is that the amount of carbohydrates consumed in food daily, for different people should be different. If this a common person, who does not play sports and does not set himself the task of losing weight, then the standard norm for him is from 50 to 70% of the daily diet, the rest is shared by fats and proteins.

And here there is a very important point! For those who want to lose weight, it is contraindicated to eat carbohydrates at night. “Slow” or “simple” carbohydrates in foods eaten in the evening before bedtime are an absolute evil for the waist, hips and buttocks! They simply have nowhere to go (you don’t do sports before going to bed), and they calmly become fat folds. No wonder Christian Dior said: "Each piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach and two months on the hips." Therefore, before you eat something tasty for the night, let yourself think - is this momentary pleasure worth your future frustrations about extra pounds?

If not, then it's time to finally find out what these harmful fast carbohydrates are and why they are called that.

What is fast carbs

Everything is very simple - fast or simple carbohydrates are those that are very quickly absorbed by the body. They contain any sweet foods, and not only (sweets, cakes, cookies, chocolate, honey, jam), but also fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons, cherries, dates, raisins), drinks (soda, compotes, sweet tea, alcohol), vegetables with a sweetish aftertaste (potatoes, beets, turnips, pumpkins), ice cream, yeast bread, white polished rice. This list is quite long, but the principle of referring to it is the same - if there is sweetness in food, it contains simple carbohydrates.

In order for these products not to be deposited in fat, it is better to eat them in the morning in small portions. Another option is to provide physical activity after eating such food to burn off the calories you have acquired. With a strict diet and a focus on weight loss, fast carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet.

Of course, such an exception cannot become the norm. We need sugar as a source of energy and mental activity. Much more rational is the observance of the principles balanced nutrition and reasonable mindfulness of what and when we eat.

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates

Yes, you already understood that complex carbohydrates are broken down in the body much more slowly, and during the day they are gradually spent on active physical activity and not immediately converted to fat. The benefit of slow carbohydrates is that they do not increase blood sugar levels. They can be used by diabetics.

The intake of slow carbohydrates is especially important for athletes and all people living physically. active life. By including these foods in your pre-workout meal (40-50 minutes in advance), you will allow your body to increase endurance, strength, and activity during exercise.

We will arrange the list of slow carbohydrates (products containing them) in the order of meals (from breakfast to dinner). So, what should a person who prefers a healthy diet and an active lifestyle eat:

1. Cereals. You can eat any porridge in the morning, except semolina and rice. Especially useful are buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley.

2. Whole grain bread. In the morning, it is quite possible to afford a snack with a small piece of wholemeal bread.

3. Durum macaroni. It is also best to consume no later than lunch. For those who want to lose weight - without the addition of any sauces.

4. Unsweetened vegetables and fruits. It is quite possible to have a snack on them throughout the day without harming the figure (cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapefruits, kiwi, green apples, avocados).

6. Legumes. Contain a large number of protein, so they can be used as a side dish for dinner (beans, lentils, beans, soybeans).

Add proteins (meat, fish) to the right carbohydrates and healthy fats (olive oil), and before you - a balanced diet. At the same time, in no case do we urge you to refuse once and for all from small dessert joys. A small piece of cake in bad weather will only cheer you up, if at other times you prefer healthy foods, use gentle ways to them, move a lot and think positively.

Important components daily diet, which tone the human body, is considered to be carbohydrates. The lack of these substances entails a state of fatigue and drowsiness, dizziness, and even, with a long deficiency, develops some diseases.

Doctors are convinced that great benefit slow carbohydrates affect the body.

A list of products, a table for weight loss, breakfast recipes - all this will help to compile correct mode nutrition to keep the body in good shape and get rid of extra pounds.

Slow carbohydrates - substances necessary for daily consumption

Carbohydrates consist of "units" (saccharides), and the presence of more than three saccharides in chemical composition includes them in the group of polysaccharides.

A list of products, a table for weight loss, breakfast recipes - all this will help you create the right diet to keep your body in good shape.

The composition of slow carbohydrates contains the following monosaccharides.


In the gastrointestinal tract, it is gradually broken down by enzymes and maintains the concentration of glucose in the blood.


Without the participation of intermediate products, the substance is broken down into glucose. During a carbohydrate shortage, the monosaccharide glycogen is produced from proteins as well as fats.


She is also a natural cleaner. Removal of toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, bad cholesterol. The process occurs due to the contraction of the walls of the intestine. The breakdown of fiber stops putrefaction and blocks the development of diseases associated with the functioning of the intestines.

The breakdown of fiber stops putrefaction and blocks the development of diseases associated with the functioning of the intestines. Most of all it is in cereals.


It is considered a reserve carbohydrate of some plants and is formed from fructose. Often performs the function of a sweetener, and in the body - a stabilizer. It is found only in mature fruits.

So, complex carbohydrates - substances that improve digestive system , normalize the concentration of glucose and contain a high proportion of fiber. The regularity of the use for a long time keeps satiety and maintains energy reserves.

The experts claim best time for taking slow carbohydrates up to 12 days(breakfast-lunch), and for dinner it is advisable to make a diet with low-fat food, that is, protein.

Complex carbohydrates reduce calorie intake, which promotes weight loss.

How important are slow and complex carbohydrates when losing weight

How easier composition carbohydrates, the lower the amount of sugar content. This means that the body will digest them faster, and this will lead to an increase in the concentration of sugar.

Carbohydrate digestion plant origin going a little slower, since the speed depends on the glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index consist of more than a hundred structural elements combined with each other. This means that they are able to deliver energy to the body as quickly as possible.

Useful information about monosaccharides:

  1. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals. In plants, they are found in cellulose and starch;
  2. The complex molecular structure leads to low solubility of polysaccharides;
  3. Glycogen is the material for the functioning of muscles, systems and organs. It is deposited in the muscles, liver;
  4. In the process of physical training, muscle glycogen is consumed;
  5. In people weighing 70 kg, the amount of glycogen after eating is 327 grams;
  6. 80% of the nutritious diet and total share, consumed by us carbohydrates per day, takes starch.

Carbohydrates leading to fullness

Peeled grains (for example, rice, flour) are classified as neutral, but their overuse entails a set excess weight.

Answering the question posed, it is worth noting the importance of two types of carbohydrates: with an excess of sugars, their complete deposition into glycogen does not occur.

The carbohydrates of plants and vegetables that have undergone moderate heat treatment bring benefits. Next come cereals and cereals with an average GI.

Excess leads to the conversion of sugars into triglycerides, and they accelerate the development of adipose tissue. That is, regular use carbohydrates will cleanse the body and reduce the amount of cholesterol.

The list of products (the table for weight loss shows the most frequently consumed products) is your healthy basket and it will help you correctly distribute the consumption rate per day.

Medical research has proven under their influence, the endurance of the body increases, and fat burning is much faster and more efficient.

Experts say that daily rate food consumption should be 50% slow carbohydrates.

Sources and types of slow carbohydrates

A large amount of slow carbohydrates is found in such products:

  • berries;
  • starch;
  • cereals;
  • fruit;
  • cereals (with the exception of semolina);
  • vegetables (leeks, zucchini, tomatoes, avocados, cabbage and onions);
  • legumes;
  • wild rice;
  • greens;
  • bread, using wholemeal flour;
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta (hard wheat varieties).

Availability increased amount monosaccharides, as well as 2 or 3 molecular chains - the advantage of slow carbohydrates. We will present the list of products in the table for weight loss later, but now we will find out the types.

So, types of slow carbohydrates:

Due to excess monosaccharides, the process of splitting, energy release and assimilation is very slow.

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss (porridge diets)

The diet is based on the daily consumption of cereals, except for semolina. The benefit of morning meals lies in the beneficial effects of fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines.

The fitness industry offers you to choose one of two options for yourself: a 10-day and a 7-day diet. The effect of each will be visible only by observing certain rules.

"6 cereals"

Every day you eat porridge from any cereal. On the last day, repeat any dish you wish or cook porridge from several cereals. The amount of consumption is not limited, as cereals are rich in slow carbohydrates.

The list of products (the table for weight loss indicates their GI) is diverse, so choosing additional ingredients to sweeten cereals is not difficult.

They need to be boiled in unsalted water. A couple of days before the diet, exclude fast foods, spicy, alcohol and fried foods.

The diet is based on the daily consumption of cereals, except for semolina.

Diet "10 days"

Eliminate potatoes from the diet butter, all types of dairy products, bread, meat, fish, pastries, poultry. On diet days, we eat porridge without salt. Be sure to drink a glass of water before meals.

During each diet, it is permissible to sweeten food with honey, fruits and nuts. Frequency: once every 6 months. The exit is carried out by the gradual addition of prohibited goods.

Table: list of foods with slow carbohydrates

The ideal ratio is 2:3. So, you need to eat 300 gr. fruits, and vegetables 450 gr.

Let us consider in detail the daily consumed food products containing slow carbohydrates. The list of products (table for weight loss below) includes GI and sources.

The smooth functioning of the body is constant saturation slow carbs.

Top 5 healthy breakfast recipes

Slow carbs are not deposited in the waist and this is a weighty argument to start the day with them.

Ideal breakfast options:

Morning drinks can be anything, the main thing is not to drink breakfast with them. Before eating, a glass of water will not hurt to start the digestive system.

Glycemic diet: a path to the beauty and health of the body

For achievement best effect from following a diet, you need to study the table for weight loss, which contains a list of foods with slow carbohydrates and GI.

The diet is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Inclusion in the diet of products with GI up to 39;
  2. Phased introduction of food products with GI from 40 to 59;
  3. 2/3 of the diet consists of products with GI values ​​​​up to 39, the remaining 1/3 part is high GI.

Diet conditions:

Sample daily menu:

  1. Breakfast. Buckwheat groats or oatmeal boiled with boiling water, milk, apple.
  2. Snack. A few pears or a salad of cucumbers and stalk celery.
  3. Dinner. Cereal soup in vegetable broth, a piece of rye bread, a few plums.
  4. Snack. A glass of curdled milk or 100 gr. cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner. Chicken stew with beans, tomatoes and onions.

Daily intake of carbohydrates and its limitations

Reducing the rate of carbohydrates will lead to metabolic disorders. Deficiency lowers immunity brain activity and physical activity.

Soon there will be weakness and fatigue. Therefore, find the right approach to consuming slow carbohydrates.

Print out a weight loss chart and periodically review the list of products to remember which foods are good and which will harm the body.

Answering the question regarding the rate of carbohydrate intake is not easy, due to the existence of several theories. Some nutritionists believe that per kilogram of our body weight it is necessary to consume 4 grams. carbohydrates per day. But this diet is prescribed taking into account the daily physical activity.

Others claim that for weight loss it is enough to consume carbohydrates of 1-2 grams. for every kilogram of weight. At the same time, the diet provides for eating your favorite dish once a week, including those with a lot of sugar.

Find the right approach to consuming slow carbohydrates.

Still others are inclined to believe that losing weight with a low-calorie diet is possible without doing physical activity. In this case, the daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 2 grams. for every kilogram of body weight.

A balanced diet for weight loss: how much and when to eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The ratio for weight loss and muscle gain:

  • carbohydrates 40-60%;
  • proteins 25-35%;
  • fats 15-25%.

To keep in shape:

  • carbohydrates 30-50%;
  • proteins 25-35%;
  • fats 25-35%.

Weight loss ratio:

  • carbohydrates 10-20%;
  • proteins 40-50%;
  • fats 30-40%.

Until noon, the body should be saturated with exactly the substances that exude energy.- carbohydrates and fats. After using them later, get ready for extra centimeters in problem areas.

During breakfast, it is necessary to saturate the body with carbohydrate and protein products.

During breakfast, it is necessary to saturate the body with carbohydrate and protein products. For example, cook healthy porridge. Mango cannot be cooked. It is also allowed to add a little fat in the form of nuts, that is, slow carbohydrates from the list of foods in the weight loss table.

Snacking between morning and afternoon meals should include carbohydrate foods.

Lunch is prepared according to the following combination: most of proteins, the average proportion consists of their fats and the minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Dinner: protein product+ fiber. For example, you can cook chicken breast with vegetables.

Remember, weight loss isn't just about eating. useful products and active exercise but also in the correct daily distribution of calories and carbohydrates.

From this video you will learn how to eat right, including slow carbohydrates in your diet.

This video will introduce you to useful information about carbohydrates.

This video will tell you how to eat right to get rid of excess weight.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. Their deficiency leads to fatigue, deterioration of well-being, loss of strength. However, many people use simple carbohydrates to quickly fill up, which become main reason excess weight. An integral part of healthy eating- this is . They are absorbed for a long time, generating energy for the body for a long time. What foods contain complex carbohydrates, let's see.

What are complex carbohydrates?

The building blocks of the human body are carbohydrates. They feed nervous system, brain and vital important organs energy, supporting normal level glycogen. Without their participation, enzymes, amino and nucleic acids. In turn, carbohydrates are divided into monosaccharides (simple) and polysaccharides (complex). To the body for a long time pleased us with its performance, it is important to use them correctly to dose.

When it's hard to use digestible products? Reception fast carbohydrates useful when there is a large energy expenditure, for example, after strength training. For weight gain, it is also recommended to eat foods with a high glycemic index. In all other cases, nutritionists recommend introducing carbohydrates of a complex compound into the diet, which are better absorbed by the body, providing a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Slow carbohydrates do not accumulate in the fat layer, do not cause insulin surges and are poorly soluble in water, so the body retains them for a long time. They are broken down (hydrolyzed) into simple carbohydrates, so the time for their assimilation by the body is long. Slow carbohydrates have different glycemic index and different nutritional value. What are complex carbohydrates? Let's consider each type separately.

  1. Starch. Low-calorie substance with a high energy value. Even with abundant consumption of starch, you will not encounter the problem of extra pounds. It quickly fills the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety for a long time. Starch is great prophylactic from oncology, normalizing metabolism, regulating sugar levels, increasing immunity. The highest concentration of starch is found in following products: brown (brown) rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta, Rye bread, potatoes, lentils, soybeans, peas.
  2. Glycogen. This type of slow carbohydrate is a chain of glucose molecules. When, for any reason, its level begins to fall, glycogen helps maintain normal performance. In addition, carbohydrate glycogen restores muscle mass, which is important for athletes who are constantly exposed to heavy loads muscles. In food, glycogen is present in small quantities. You can replenish its reserves by eating: fish, liver, beef heart, red meat.
  3. Cellulose. It is a vegetable fiber of coarse origin, which is very important for the normal functioning of the intestines. Most fiber is found in whole grains that are not subjected to heat treatment or mechanical stonecrop. When using it, it is very easy to control the feeling of hunger, because coarse fibers provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Large fiber absorbs the ballast and toxic substances of the lower intestine, formed during the digestion of food. Small fibers optimize the activity of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, improving the quality of food digestion. Fiber foods: nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), whole grains (unprocessed), greens and fresh vegetables, fruit with seeds (pomegranate, kiwi, apples, grapes), legumes.
  4. Pectins. They play the role of adsorbents. Pectin fibers turn into a colloidal mass of a viscous consistency after dissolving in water. They absorb carcinogens, toxins, heavy metals. Pectins normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, free the intestines from toxins. These are adhesive substances that are formed from the residues of galacturonic acid. Being structural element, pectins are present in root crops, algae, some vegetables and fruits: black currants, carrots, cranberries, beets, cabbage, gooseberries, cherries, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, watermelons, melons and others.

Where are complex carbohydrates found - a list of products

Basics proper nutrition suggest the use of complex carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch, as they are better absorbed in the first half of the day. If you need to lose weight, eat more fiber, which is not absorbed at all, therefore does not turn into fat, but quickly saturates. To gain body weight while eating, you need to pay more attention to the level of starch and glycogen in foods. Introducing more detailed information where complex carbohydrates are synthesized.

Vegetables and fruits

This is the most important element healthy food. Almost all vegetables and fruits contain complex compounds, but in order to save maximum amount useful properties it is important to eat them raw or lightly cooked. Vegetables and fruits, past heat treatment, lose a lot of vitamins, fruit acids, pectin substances. The list of fruits and vegetables rich in complex carbohydrates in their composition: tomatoes, green bean, zucchini, Bell pepper, cabbage, raspberry, pomegranate, cherry.


Prepared with whole grain cereals, cereals should definitely become part of the daily diet. Best for good nutrition will be oats, bulgur, wheat, buckwheat. It is better to refuse white rice and semolina because of high calorie and low fiber content. Not suitable for a healthy diet and derivatives of whole grain classic cereals: oatmeal or buckwheat flakes, muesli.


Nutritionists recommend daily inclusion in the menu vegetable salads with fresh herbs. It enriches the body with essential essential oils, minerals, acids, vitamins. Greens normalize functioning excretory system, activates the secretion of the digestive glands. The most useful greens with a high content of complex carbohydrates include: leaf lettuce, spinach, lettuce.


All dairy products are almost entirely composed of simple carbohydrates, because they contain lactose. But you should not completely abandon dairy foods, because some of its types contain slow carbohydrates. These include: natural yogurt, low-fat kefir, skim cheese. Dairy products also contain many vitamins, a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, without which it is impossible normal functioning organism.


Complex carbohydrates are not only found in solid foods. Their sources are freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Most large cluster slow carbohydrates are found in tomato, carrot, orange, apple, pineapple juice. In addition to them, freshly squeezed fresh juices provide powerful immunity support, especially during cold seasons.

Legumes and grains

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and legumes. A source of long-term energy are barley and cereals, pasta made from whole grains, wholemeal bread. If you need to get a large amount of fiber, replace with whole grains. As for legumes, to maintain the desired carbohydrate balance during a diet or fast, eat more peas, lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

Table of content of complex carbohydrates in food

For supporting normal state of health a person's daily intake of carbohydrates should be 4-5 grams per kilogram of body weight. For people involved in professional sports or hard physical labor, it is advisable to consume up to 8 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight daily. We propose to find out in the table of complex carbohydrates their content in different products nutrition to calculate how much you need to consume them per day.

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Nutritionists, calculating an individual diet, always proceed from correct ratio BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Unfortunately, many people during weight loss generally refuse to consume carbohydrates, not knowing what they are for. This is wrong, as the absence of complex carbohydrates can lead to a weakening immune system and, as a rule, to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Complex connections during weight loss are useful for normal operation intestines, as fiber improves peristalsis, nourishes beneficial microflora. These are required components. sports nutrition Because they help build muscle mass. What are these products? Include hard pasta, lentils, oatmeal in weight loss recipes.

The list of products needed for energy during drying of the body also contains prunes, dried apricots, eggs, fish, and meat. The list of breakfast dishes should include hard-to-digest carbohydrates: millet porridge, raisins, nuts, honey. Instead of sweets, it is advisable to eat dried fruits, fruits and berries in small portions in the morning and evening.

Knowing what slow carbohydrates are and what foods contain them, you can stay healthy and slim longer. Correct distribution nutrients during the day will help to lose weight and gain muscle mass.

Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients for the body. The main function of these elements is to maintain the vital activity of the body, saturation with energy. Carbohydrates are simple, which are digested quickly, and complex, which are digested slowly.

It is the slow ones that are the most useful, since they have less effect on increasing the concentration of sugar in the blood. Without carbohydrates, even for a short time, the body feels weakness, loss of strength, as they regulate muscle and mental activity. Not in vain when mental work recommended to consume glucose - sugar, which is simple view. Therefore, it is important to properly consume foods containing both simple and complex carbohydrates.

What is the glycemic index?

Both simple and complex carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels. When they are consumed, the hormone insulin is produced, which regulates sugar levels. The glycemic index (GI) shows the degree of influence of each food on the increase in glucose. The higher this indicator, the more sugar is contained in the product.

Eating low GI foods reduces the risk of diabetes and overweight.

It is slow carbohydrates that have such an index (up to 40 bread units), they are digested longer and saturate with energy for a longer period, hunger will come in 3-4 hours.

High GI foods, on the other hand, are quickly absorbed, and the unspent energy received from foods is stored as fat. The index of such products exceeds 70 units. As for the average GI (from 40 to 70), such products are allowed in moderate amounts no later than 16.00. Excess sugar in the evening (this also applies to complex carbohydrates) provokes the processing of carbohydrates into fat, which is also deposited in problem areas.

Composition and properties

Slow carbohydrates include polysaccharides, the complex molecular chains of which are able to saturate the body with energy for a long time.

The composition of products with slow carbohydrates includes:

  • starch - a source of energy, a white viscous substance, with complete hydrolysis is converted into glucose;
  • glycogen - forms an energy reserve in the liver and muscles, is consumed by the body with a lack of glucose;
  • cellulose (fiber) - solid dietary fiber that is not absorbed by the body, but helps to cleanse the intestines;
  • pectin substances are polysaccharides of plant origin that can remove cholesterol and heavy metals from the body.

Daily rate

To maintain human life, 2-3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight is enough. Naturally, a pure carbohydrate, not a cooked product. See tables with BJU content per 100 g of product. It is advisable to write down the diet or keep an electronic diary. count up daily requirement simple, but not exceeding the norm is much more difficult.

Think over and calculate the diet the day before, so it will be easier for you to track your carbohydrate intake. Simple should be no more than 10-20% of the total caloric content of carbohydrates. 1 g is equal to 4 kcal. If your daily allowance is 150 g, then this will be 600 Kcal.

An important condition for maintaining normal weight is the use of foods with a carbohydrate content (preferably low GI) before lunch. All the energy received in the first half of the day will be completely spent and not deposited in the form of fat.

For weight loss in a short time, a low-carbohydrate diet is provided, in which the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Such a diet is rigid and is given simply as an example. Under such conditions, the body experiences a lack of energy, respectively, weight loss occurs due to energy from glycogen, then from subcutaneous fat. Such a diet can destroy muscle tissue.

For a set of muscle mass, consumption of 3-4 g per 1 kg of weight is provided. For those involved in strength training, it is recommended to consume carbohydrates at any time, especially within 40 minutes after training. Nutrient deficiencies hinder mass gain.

Differences between fast and slow carbohydrates

Quickly digestible sugars include glucose, fructose, lactose, which are quickly absorbed and saturate with energy for short term. The absence of solid fibers (fiber) contributes to the early onset of hunger. Eating such foods will lead to overeating and constant feeling hunger.

Complex molecules, on the contrary, take longer to digest, so they are not immediately transported to fat. For example, in the composition of brown rice there are B vitamins and trace elements that are not preserved during processing and cleaning of grain. White rice will no longer contain the beneficial properties of unpolished rice, it will lose fiber, and only starch will remain in the composition. Thus, the processing and method of preparation affect the GI of foods.

Foods containing slow carbohydrates

These products are worth a look. Special attention, because they are allowed for daily use. Their GI, daily calorie content, and fat content are extremely low. You just need to distribute them correctly throughout the day, you can eat all vegetables at any time of the day, and cereals and fruits - only in the first half.

Table of foods containing fast carbohydrates

Such products are prohibited under diabetes, persons with overweight and also for those who do not want to get better. Of course, you should not give up such products forever. Just reduce your intake to 1-2 times a week. Observe the measure in everything, the body also needs pure sugar. At complete failure sugar causes hypoglycemia.

Carbohydrates play an important role in metabolism, so it is important to distinguish which are complex and which are simple. Remember, simple carbohydrates should not be completely excluded from the diet, just reduce their consumption. Vegetables are allowed at any time of the day, besides, they go well with cereals and meat. By eating right, you can not only improve metabolism and look good, but also prevent the development of diabetes.

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