A sharp reduction in visual acuity. What to do if the vision falls

Through the visual sensations, the brain receives a lot of information about the world around. Having learned how to improve vision at myopia and hyperopia home exercises, gymnastics for eyes, vitamins, changing the diet, folk recipes, it is possible to restore it in a short time.

Causes of myopia

With myopia (myopia), the light rays after refraction through a lens focus before the retina.

One of the reasons for this species of impairment of vision is the eyeball compressed, because of which it is clearly visible that near, this anomaly is called axial myopia.

Another reason is an excessive refraction of the light rays of the cornea, a transparent convex part of the eyeball, which is located a lens. This anomaly is called refractive myopia.

With axial myopia, the retina is stretched. If the degree of myopia is high, the retina at some point can be detached. It is worth regularly performing domestic exercises, which will help how to improve vision at a given variety of myopia, and restore the round shape of the eyeball.

Ophthalmologists call the following possible reasons for the deterioration of the ability to clearly see the distance:

Heredity when children receive from parents physical parameters of the eyeball and refractive crust properties.

Congenital poor child ability to clearly see objects located at close and far distance. With age, the eyes change the form, stretch, after a few years, parents have to look for a way to restore vision.

Spectacular overvoltage due to non-compliance optimal conditions Labor and recreation - for example, daily long work At close range.

Causes of hyperopia

The sign of the farewell (hypermetropy) is the deterioration of the ability to clearly see objects located near.

The first glasses were made for long-hazelnia, mystores got glasses much later.

With limblessness, the lens collects light rays into the focus behind the retina. Possible reasons This deterioration of view:

  • shudding of the eyeball;
  • weakness of the optical system.

All children under the age of year are far-odd (approximately +3 diopters), therefore they do not see distinct items that are located closer than meters. Washing bright rattles in front of the crib - a common cause of deterioration childhood. Toys close a child part of the visible space, prevent clearly seeing, he tries to remove them, and the parents seem to be "playing".

As a result of the growth and natural increase in the size of the eyeballs, children's farewell passes.

Hypermetropia is diagnosed with a thorough examination, including drug expansion of the pupil.

Far-relaxing, especially at high degrees, not only close, but also remote items. The constant psyche voltage causes quick fatigue, headache, dizziness.

The child worsens the performance, it is difficult for him to focus on school subjects, he becomes capricious, sleeps badly. Falcastness can cause the development of the squint.

It is forbidden to approach young children from behind, from the head. If the child will dramatically look up and frightened, muscle spasm can cause strabismus.

Prevention of impairment of vision at home

In order not to contact various methods of restoring corrupted vision, to prevent its deterioration worth mastering and daily apply the following rules:

The disadvantage and excess lighting are equally harmful. Therefore, the beams of the desk lamp should not fall on the lens, the lampshade is obligatory. Do not read with bright sunlight - Dazzling and white paper also causes tension, spoils and worsens vision.

According to modern researchFor local lighting it is better to use LED lamps. Energy saving variety is intended for chandeliers and wall lights.

Sufficient blood supply to the visual brain department, which is located in baseline. Blood flow is worsen when the head has a long time hangs over the table.

Therefore, for the prevention of violation of vision in children for home execution of school tasks, it is worth choosing a desk-part, the surface of which is slightly inclined, and not parallel to the floor.

It is worth tracing that the bookpaste is perpendicular to the face. To do this, it is convenient to use a special stand with which to read a book or tutorial. For this method Head and back on one line, blood supply to the brain is optimal.

How to quickly improve vision palming

The main cause of a muddy, inadequate vision is the effort taken to see, it causes the stress of the eye muscles, which is why the myopia or hyperopia is enhanced.

Since quickly improve vision at home and restore its sharpness helps to eliminate the tension of muscles around lens and eyeballs, it is necessary to master and correctly perform the appropriate exercise. It returns the psyche and eye muscles in a relaxed state of readiness for action. With the constancy of this sensation, it is possible to restore the ability to restore the ability to clearly and clearly see, especially with small degrees of myopia and hyperopia.

Such a simple and effective exercise for removing mental stress has developed an American ophthalmologist Dr. Bates. It is called Palming, it is not difficult to perform it at home or in the interruptions at work. Impact on the psyche, it relaxes the eye muscles and helps improve visual sharpness.

  • Sit, elbows on the table. For convenience, you can put a small pillow or a wool blanket folded into several layers. Zatil, neck and spine - on a straight line.
  • Home Restoration of vision Start with light shakes with brushes - when the psyche is tense, the fingers are compressed in the fist, the wrists are apparent. Shaking give an opposite effect: the psyche receives a signal that since the brush is relaxed, it can also be relaxing.
  • Lost your palms about each other so that they become warm. It is advisable to imagine how brushes are poured by force and energy.
  • Fold the brushes in the handfulness, put on closed eyes opposite the grooves in the palms, so that the reasons for the maizes are closed on the nose like a handling of glasses, and the depressions near the wrists were in the cheekbones.

It is not necessary to correctly pressed so that the eyelids could blink, but through the places of contact with the palms with the face should not pass the light. Brushes support a relaxed state.

  • Close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. Memories can be the most different, but the main requirement - they have to delight.

To check, correctly or not this exercise is performed for view, during memories it is useful to periodically record attention on color. If the psyche relates completely, the color will turn out to be black. Otherwise, continue to remember pleasant.

Palming can be performed at the first sign of the offensive spectacular fatigue As much as you like long. This exercise is included in any method of improving vision, since a clear clear look is the result of not only the agreed activity of the eye muscles, but rather, the process of mental, unmanaged by the strong efforts and consciousness.

Since improving vision is guided primarily by relaxation through the psyche of the strenuous eye muscles, those who have learned to perform Palming, get the result in a short time - sometimes over one or two weeks.

What to do with visual fatigue

If during the day the eyes have to perform intense work, they get tired, the look becomes muddy.

In order for the vision did not deteriorate and did not fall, at the first signs of its deterioration, it is worth performing a set of exercises, which improves the conditions of eye use, helps both improving visual acuity in 5 minutes and get rid of visual overwork:

  • To do deep breath, hesitantly climb, strain the neck and face, delay breathing for 3-5 seconds. Exhale, widely reveal your eyes. Repeat 5-7 times. Exercise improves blood supply to the visual brain.
  • Cover eyelids and make light massage Paddle with finger pads along the surplus arcs from the nose to the temples, as well as under the bottom centuries in the same direction.
  • Splesh eyelids, make eyes a few circular rotations first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Perform a ten-minute palming.

Effective exercise improve vision

One of the reasons is not a sharp, not a distinct image on the retina - the desire of minor eyes at the same time to see the whole area they consider.

To implement this desire, the eyes are immobilized - instead of performing fast minor movements, go from one part of the image to another. For example, to consider oval faces of the interlocutor, the color of his eyes, hairstyle.

The visual efforts have become the cause of spasm of breathing, which in itself worsens vision, because the eyes cease to obtain the required amount of oxygen.

To restore the correct habits clear view, It is worth several times a day to perform a simple exercise - reading a check table.

You can use the ready-made Sivzian table, a healthy eye clearly sees the third bottom line from 5 meters. On the Internet it is not difficult to find its adapted version for printing on a sheet of A4 sheet and reading the third bottom line from a distance of 2.5 meters, which is more convenient at home.

  1. Secure the adapted table on the wall, doors, the bookshelf so that the third side of the line is located at the eye level - given how you intend to perform an exercise, sitting or standing.
  2. The entire table must be well and uniformly lit. In the morning and in the evening of the upper light may not be enough, so the local lamp will be required.
  3. Get up or sit down at a distance of 2.5 meters, cover your eyes with eyelids, breathe deeply several times and exhale to saturate blood oxygen.
  4. Open both eyes and read in glasses or lenses from left to right as many lines as read, from the top to the bottom. Do not forget gently and easily blinking in the end of each line, as well as deeply and smoothly breathe ("W b" - to frort - "mn to" - to frort - "s m b sh", etc.).

At the end of the exercise, he deeply breathe deeply and exhale, perform Palming. This exercise is useful to perform several times a day in order to prevent or upon the onset of the first signs of fatigue and impairment.

Some in the morning it is possible to clearly see less lines than in the afternoon, especially if the body does not "woke up."

If, with the next exercise, it was not possible to see the third side of the line - do not worry about impairment of vision and visiting the visit to the ophthalmologist. How you yourself will soon make sure the vision changes during the day, becomes better, then worse depending on the mood, fatigue, good or bad news, weather, etc.

This exercise is not for hourly control of visual acuity, and to restore the habit of the eyes quickly shuffle, blink, breathe correctly.

How to improve eye gymnastics vision

The glasses are immobilized by the eye muscles - so that the brain gets the most distinct image, he has to guide a look strictly through the optical centers of the molded lenses. As a result, to maintain the necessary level of sharpness, the habit of turning the head instead of engaging the glasses, which is why they weaken over time.

To train and restore their strength, improve the ability to clearly and clearly see, costs several times a day spectative gymnastics - Simple set of exercise charging for eyes:

  • smoothly translate the view with the maximum amplitude left and right;
  • smoothly translate the look up and down with the maximum amplitude;
  • slowly describe eyeballs as you can larger circle, alternate rotation of software and counterclockwise;
  • several times badly closed and widely reveal the eyes;
  • diagonal movements: move the view from the upper left corner into the lower right, as a reference point you can use the wall of the room. Look ahead, peer. View on the right top corner, translate a look into the left bottom corner, peer, look ahead;
  • try to bring eyes together, try to look at the bridge (several times). When signs of dizziness appear, reduce the intensity or skip the exercise;
  • blink for a minute, eyelids make the lightest natural movements without effort;
  • stick on the window glass at the level of the face of a small circle of dark paper (use hole punch). Stand up by the window, look first on the circle, then - to the object outside the window, which is further 6-8 meters, then again on the circle, repeat several times;
  • perform a ten-minute palming.

With a small myopia, the exercises are helped in a short time to improve vision at home and strengthen the glasses. The main rule is the regularity and correctness of the execution, at the end - mandatory palming.

Blueberry for view

With elevated visual loads, internal nutrition develops myopia. The inclusion in the diet of the blueberry berries improves blood microcirculation in the eyes, which contributes to the rapid restoration of vision.

Some researchers are convinced that the eyes and the liver are interconnected. The use of blueberries is healing both organs.

Recipe at myopia:

How to quickly improve vision vitamin drops, recipe:

  • Crush the odd number of fresh berries, the juice is diluted with two parts of distilled or melt water, strain through a sterile veatum.

In the morning to breakfast, you have several vitamin droplets in each eye, the duration of the course is individual. In some, the improvement of visual acuity comes in a week.

Products and Folk Recipes

For prevention and recovery of eye vision, vitamins A, B, C ,.

  • To improve vision at home at myopia and hyperopiasis, take a 1-2 glass of a mixture of 8 parts every day carrot juice, 6 pieces of juice, 3 pieces of juice, 3 pieces of parsley juice.

Treatment for several months normalizes the function spectator nerve, muscles of lens, returns the ability to clearly see.

  • To restore vision, as well as with chicken blindness in 1/2 cup of carrot juice Add 1C.L. juice.

Take an empty stomach every morning.

Recipe 3. in Mongolian folk medicine Apply the following way to improve vision in myopia, cataract, cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Dissolve 1h.l. Large bedside in 2s.L. unrefined vegetable oilSo that a homogeneous pasta is turned out.

Place the salt composition on the cervical vertebrae, energetically massage 20 minutes. Delete residues, apply nutritious cream.

Some manages to restore vision for 3-5 sessions.

  • raw 1l boiling water crushed leaf (20cm) in a thermos with a glass flask, insist 5-6 hours, strain, stored in a cool place, after 1-2 days to prepare fresh.

Take three times a day for 30 minutes to eating 1C.L. For 10 days. After a five-day break to continue for two more weeks. At the beginning of treatment may appear, white.

The fruits are rich in vitamin C, as well as beta-carotine, from it the body is formed. Infusions of rosehip fruits, oil is useful for preventing twilight disorder, improving its acute.

The retina contains zinc, so it is worth incorporated into the diet the following products: oysters, wheat embryos, mushrooms, oatmeal, beef, sunflower, green pea, pumpkin seeds, egg yolk, cedar nuts.

Changed: 02/10/2019

Most people who have nature have good visionWe used to perceive this, as a givenness, and in most cases little think about the value of the body of this possibility. True to appreciate the vision of a person begins only when the first collision is happening with the limitations that arise against the background of impairment.

The fact of the loss of a clear visual touch leads to a temporary disorder of a person, but most often not long. If at first the patient tries to take measures to preserve the vision and prevention of its further fall, then after correction with lenses or glasses, prevention is terminated.

As practice shows, only an expensive operation is able to force citizens to relate to prevention and events aimed at maintaining the result achieved. So what reasons lead to a fall of view, how can they be solved in a normal order and when is emergency medical care required?

Visual drop options:

    color disorders;

    pathology of fields of view;

    lack of binocular vision;

    shots in the eyes;

    reduction of visual acuity;

Reducing visual acuity

The rate of visual acuity in children after five years and in adults should be 1.0. This indicator suggests that the person's eye can clearly distinguish between two points from a distance of 1.45 meters, provided that the person looks at the point at an angle of 1/60 degrees.

The loss of clarity of view is possible with astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia. These violations of violation refer to the state of the aetropy when the image begins to proceed outside the retina.


Myopia, or myopia is a state of view when light rays project the image to the retina. In this case, further vision deteriorates. Myopia is two types: acquired and congenital (against the background of the elderly apple, in the presence of weakness of the glasses and ciliary muscles). Acquired myopia appears as a result of visual loads of an irrational nature (letters and reading in the position of lying, non-compliance with the distance of the best visibility, frequent oral overwork).

The main pathologies that lead to the emergence of myopia are the subluxation of lens, as well as its sclerosis in the elderly, traumatic dislocations, an increase in the thickness of the cornea, an accommodation spasm. In addition, myopia may have vascular origins. The low-heated myopia is considered to -3, the average degree is in the range from -3.25 to -6. Any exceeding the last indicator refers to strong myopia. Progressive myopia is myopia at which the numbers are constantly growing. Growth occurs on the background of stretching in the eye of the rear chamber. The main complication of the severe degree of myopia is considered divergent squint.


Falnarity is the absence of normal visibility at close distances. Ophthalmologists have been called hypermetropia. This means that the image is formed outside the retina of the eye.

    Congenital hyperity due to the small size of the eyeball in its longitudinal part and has natural origin. As the child grows, this pathology can or disappear, or preserved. In the case of insufficient curvature of lens or cornea, anomalously small size of the eye.

    The old form (drop view after 40 years) - against the background of a decrease in the ability of the lens to change its curvature. This process takes place in 2 stages: Presbyopia (temporary from 30 to 45 years), and then constant (after 50 years).

The deterioration of vision with age occurs due to the loss of eye ability to accommodation (the ability to adjust the curvature of the lens) and occurs after 65 years.

The reason for such a problem is both the loss of the elasticity of the lens, and the inability of the ciliary muscles normally curb the lens. On the early stages Presbyopia can be compensated by bright lighting, however late stages There is a complete violation of vision. The first manifestations of pathology is the problematic performance when reading a small font from a distance of 25-30 centimeters, a blur is also appearing when transferring a view from remote items to loved ones. Hypemetropia may be complicated by an increase in intraocular pressure.


Astigmatism simple words You can explain how different visual acuity is vertically and horizontally. In this case, the projection of the point in the eye is displayed as eight or ellipses. In addition to the blurring of objects, astigmatism differs by their two and fast fatigue eye. It can also be combined with farewell or myopia, or in general mixed type.

Twist in the eyes

This condition is called diplopia. In the case of such pathology, the object can double diagonally, vertical, horizontal, or rotated relative to each other. The glacial muscles that work inconspicuously work are guilty of such pathology, respectively, both eyes cannot simultaneously concentrate on the facility. Quite often, the defeat of the muscles or nerves against the background of systemic diseases begins with the development of diplopia.

    The classical cause of the presence of two eyes is a squint (diverging or somewhat). In this case, a person cannot send central retina on the strict course.

    The secondary picture, which is found quite often - alcohol poisoning. Ethanol can cause a disorder of coordinated eye muscles movements.

    Temporary bias quite often beating in cartoons and cinema, when after hitting the head, the hero comes with a traveling picture.

The above presents are examples of diplopia for two eyes.

    The cooler in one eye is also possible, and it develops in the presence of too convex cornea, a lens of the lens, or with the defeat of the spur furrow in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex.

Binocular vision disorder

Stereoscopic vision allows a person to evaluate the size, shape, the volume of the item, increases 40% the clarity of view and significantly expands its field. Another very important feature of stereoscopic vision is the ability to estimate the distance. If there is a difference in the eyes of a few diopters, then a weaker eye begins to turn off the brain cortex forcibly because it may cause diplopia.

First, binocular vision is lost, and after a weaker eye can completely go blind. In addition to the far-beard and myopia with a large difference between eyes, a similar situation can occur and in the absence of astigmatism correction. It is the loss of the ability to estimate the distance forcing many drivers to resort to point correction or wearing contact lenses.

Most often, binocular vision disappears with squints. It is worth noting that there is practically no ideal equilibrium between the position of the eye, but given the fact that even if there is deviations in muscle tone, binocular vision can be saved, the correction in such cases is not required. But if the vertical, divergent or converging squint leads to loss of binocular vision, then you have to perform surgical correction or use points.

Distortion of visual fields

The field of view is part of the surrounding reality that is visible by a fixed eye. If we consider this property in spatial terms, it is more like a 3D hill, with a vertex in the most clear part. The deterioration on the slope is more pronounced to the foot in the nose and less - on the temporal slope. The restriction of the field of view occurs according to the anatomical protrusions of the facial bones of the skull, and at the optical level depends on the possibilities of the retina.

For white color The norm of the field of view is: the dweller is 90 degrees, the book - 65, up - 50, KVNTRI - 55.

For one eye, the field of view is divided by two vertical and two horizontal halves.

The vision can vary by type of dark spots (livestock), in the form of local (hemianopsy) or concentric narrowings.

    Scotoma - stain, in the outlines of which visibility is completely absent, with absolute, or there is blurred visibility at relative cattle. Also, cattle can be mixed with the presence of full black inside and blur over the periphery. Positive cattle is manifested in the form of symptoms, and negative can be determined only by examining.

    Atrophy of the optic nerve - the visibility of visibility in the central part of the field of view speaks of atrophy of the optic nerve (often age-related) or dystrophy of the gall spot of the retina.

    The retinal detachment is manifested by the type of curtains along the peripheral part of the field of view from either side. In addition, during retinal detachment, you can watch images and distortion of lines and shapes of objects). The reason for the retinal detachment may be a mesh shell dystrophy, injury, or a high degree of myopia.

    Bilateral loss of external fields of fields is a fairly commonly found feature of the adenoma of the pituitary gland, which interrupts the visual tract at the intersection site.

    When glauer, half of the fields are falling out, which are located closer to the nose. The symptom of such pathology can be fog in the eyes, rainbow when looking at bright light. The same loss can be observed in pathologies of non-monitored in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crossroads of visual fibers (anneurysm of the internal carotid artery).

    Cross loss of parts of fields is more often observed in the presence of hematomas, tumors, inflammatory processes To Central nervous system. In addition, in addition to half of the fields, a quarter can fall out (quadrant hemianopsy).

    Loss in the form of a translucent curtain is a sign of the presence of changes in the transparency of the eye: a vitreous body, cornea, lens.

    Pigment degeneration of the retina - manifests itself in the form of tubular vision or concentric narrowings of fields. At the same time in the central part of the field of view, its high sharpness is maintained, and the peripherals are practically falling. With the uniform development of concentric vision, most likely, the cause of such symptoms is a violation brain circulation or glaucoma. The concentric narrowing is also characteristic and for inflammation of the rear retinal retinal (peripheral chorioretinite).

Deviations of color perception

    Temporary shifts regarding white perception - occur as a result surgical interventionaimed at removing an affected cataract lens. They can take shifts towards red, yellow, blue, respectively, the white will have a reddish, yellowish, bluish shade, by analogy with an unregulated monitor.

    Daltonism is a congenital defect of the distinguishing of green and red colors, which is not realized by the patient himself. In most cases, diagnosed in men.

    After the operation to remove the cataracts may be present a change in the brightness of colors: red and yellow pale, and blue, on the contrary, becomes more saturated.

    The shift of perception towards long waves (redness, yellowing of objects) can be a sign of dystrophy of the optic nerve or retina.

  • Blooming objects - in the later stages of macular dystrophy, which no longer progresses.

Most often, the chromaticity disorder occurs in the central part of the field of view (about 10 degrees).


Amohozoz - atrophy of the optic nerve, full retinal detachment, acquired or congenital absence.

Amberopia - Suppression of a previously seen eye of the cerebral cortex against the background of ophthalmoplegia, with a strong lowering of the century (ptosis), bechec and kauffman syndromes, eye environments, the presence of a large difference in the diopters of the eyes, strabismus.

Causes of Add View:

    deviation in the cortical department;

    lesions of the optic nerve;

    deviations in the field of retinal;

    muscle pathology;

    changes in transparency of lens, cornea, vitreous body.

In normal condition, transparent eyes are able to refract and skip the light rays on the principle of lenses. If there are pathological, dystrophic, autoimmune and infectious and inflammatory processes, the degree of transparency of the lenses is lost, respectively, an obstacle appears on the path of light rays.

Crustal pathology, cornea


Inflammation of the cornea, or keratitis. His bacterial form Quite often is the complication of the launched conjunctivitis, or the result of the enclusion during the operation in the eyes of the infection. The most dangerous is a cinema stick, which has repeatedly become the cause of mass keratitis in hospitals with insufficient antiseptic and aseptic.

    For pathology, painting in the eye, pain, ulceration of the cornea, its cloudy.

    Characteristic of the presence of lights.

    Abundant tearing and reducing the brilliance of the cornea right up to the appearance of opaque Luma.

More than 50% of keratines of viral origin falls on the tree keratitis (derived from herpes). At the same time, a damaged nervous trunk in the form of a tree branch is observed. Creeping corneal ulcers - is the final stage of herpetic damage to the cornea, or its chronic injury from exposure foreign languages. Quite often, ulcers are formed due to amoebic keratitis, which is most often developing in non-compliance with the use of contact lenses and the use of low-quality lenses.

When the eye gets a burn from welding, or the sun develops photo geracity. Besides yazin Keratitis There is also a nonsense. Pathology can be deep, or affect only surface strata of the cornea.

Lounge the cornea is the result of dystrophy, or inflammation, while Belmo is a scar. Perusting in the form of spots, or clouds reduces visual sharpness and can cause astigmatism. In the presence of Luma, vision may be limited to light accessories.


Purplus of the lens in ophthalmology is called Cataract. At the same time, the crystal loses transparency and elasticity, the destruction of structural proteins occurs, the metabolic disorder. Congenital cataract is the result of genetic pathology or intrauterine influence on the fruit of toxic, autoimmune and viral factors.

The acquired form of the disease is the result of poisoning with mercury couples, trinitrotololol, tallium, naphthalene, result of radiation impact, chemical, or mechanical injury Crustal, or its age dystrophy. Rebonapsular cataract manifest after 60 years - occurs fast loss Vision, nuclear provokes an increase in the degree of myopia, and the age cortical leads to the vagueness of the image.

Blind of vitreous body

Destruction, or clouding a vitreous body, is perceived by a patient as a point, or threads that swim in front of the eyes at the moments of moving the view. Such a manifestation is a consequence of thickening and the subsequent loss of transparency of individual fibers that make up vitreous body. Such thickens occur due to arterial hypertension, or age dystrophy, also the cause of vessels, glucocorticoid pathology, hormonal restructuring, diabetes can be caused. Lounge is perceived by the brain in the form of complex (plates, balls, web), or simple figures. In some cases, degenerated areas can be perceived by the retina, in which case flashes occur in the eyes.

Muscular pathology

Vision directly depends on the functioning of the glasses and ciliary muscles. Failures in their work can also lead to violations of vision. Six muscles provide a full range of eye movements. Stimulation of these muscles is provided by 3.4.6 pairs of cranopy brain nerves.

Cylier muscle

The ciliary muscle is responsible for the curvature of the lens, takes part in the outflow of intraocular fluid, and also stimulates the blood supply to the departments of the eye. The muscle work is disturbed due to the vascular spasm, which occurs in the vertebro-basilar brain basin, hypothalamic syndrome, spinal scoliosis and other reasons that cause violations of blood flow of the brain. The cause of the development of such pathology may be the cranial and brain injury. Initially, a spasm of accommodation appears, and then develops myopia. Some domestic ophthalmologists in their works revealed and described the dependence of acquired myopia in babies due to injuries cervical department Spine at the fetus at the time of birth.

Overall muscle and nerves

Overall nerves not only provide the stimulation of muscles that control the eyeball, but also regulate the muscles responsible for the expansion and narrowing of the pupil, as well as muscle raising upper eyelid. Most often, nerve damage occurs due to a microfarct caused by hypertension, diabetes. Damage to all nerve fibers is accompanied by the following symptoms: Restriction of eye movement down, up, inside, poor eyesight Due to the paralysis of accommodation, the expansion of the pupil is independent of the reaction to the light, the lowering of the century, the bone in the eyes, divergent squint. Often with strokes in the program pathological syndromes (Benedict, Claude, Weber) enters nerve damage.

Damage to the discharge nerve

Damage to the removal nerve interferes performing the movement of the eye to the side. Such damage may be caused by a vascular infarction against diabetes mellitus, or arterial hypertension, stroke, sclerosis, CNS tumors, complication of otitis, intracranial hypertension, head injury, pituitary tumor, nasopharynx cancer, aneurysm of a carotid artery, meningioma. The patient suffers from horizontal two in the eyes, which is enhanced at the time of the shift in the direction of the defeat. In children, the defeat of the discharge nerve, congenital character, enter the program of Duin and Mebius syndromes.

With damage to the block nerve, there is a two-way picture in oblique, or vertical planes. His gain occurs when trying to look down. The head is often quite in forced position. Most often, the cause of nerve damage is the brain injuries, myasthenia, microinfarct nerve.

Retina pathology

    The retinal detachment (traumatic, degenerative, idiopathic) is formed at the location of the shell, arising on the background of intraocular tumor, injuries, myopia, diabetic retinopathy. Quite often, the retinal detachment occurs after the turbidity of the vitreous body pulling her.

    Yellow degeneration, point degeneration, dystrophy of the gall spot - belong to the pathologies of the hereditary nature, which should be viewed when a child's vision has a child.

    Strong retinal dystrophy, which is characteristic of people over 60 years old.

    Standberg-Grenblad's syndrome is an education placed in the retina strips that resemble vessels and replace sticks and columns.

    Angioma is a tumor on retina vessels, which occurs at a young age. Such tumors cause detachment, or retinal breaks.

    Reitinit Cate (Varico Retinets) is the extension of the veins, which leads to the emergence of hemorrhages.

    The discoloration of the iris and the pink eye colors, associated with the underdevelopment of the retina shell, underdeveloped (albinism).

    Embolism of the central artery, or retinal thrombosis, can cause sudden blindness.

    Malignant retinal tumor diffuse type - retinoblastoma.

    Uveite - inflammation of the retina, which can cause not only turbidity, but also sparks, and outbreaks in sight. There may also be distorted in size, outlines and forms of objects. In some cases, "chicken blindness" is developing.

Signs of pathologies of optic nerves

    With the full break of the nerve, the eye of the defeat is blind. The pupil is narrowed, there is no reaction to light. The narrowing of the pupil may be observed, provided that they affect the light on a healthy eye.

    With the defeat of only parts of the nerve fibers, there may be a decrease in vision, or periodic fallouts in visual fields.

    Most often, the damage to the nerve occurs due to toxic lesions, tumors, vascular diseases, injuries.

    Nerva Anomalies - Double Disc of Nerva, Gamartom, Colombom.

    Disk atrophy arises most often on the background of neurosophilice, injuries, ischemia, sclerosis scarm, after transferring meningoencephalitis and leads to narrowing of visual fields and general deterioration vision, which is impossible to adjust.

Temporary decline in vision

Overteering eye

The most banal cause of the drop in view is the overwork of the eye, which in ophthalmology is called asthenopia. Overwork occurs due to the long waste of the eye (driving of the car at night, reading with weak lighting, many hours viewing the TV, or work in front of the computer monitor). In this case, the muscles of the eyes are redirected, a thread appears, tearing. A person becomes difficult to concentrate on small details, a font, a feeling of shoe, clouding can appear before his eyes. Quite often, these symptoms are complemented by a headache.

False myopia

False myopia, or accementary spasm, is most often developing in adolescents and children. Clinical picture This disease is similar to asthenopia. However, the transit violation of vision of the distance, or near the development of the ciliary muscle from overwork. As described above, this muscle performs a crystal curvature change function.

Gemeraralopia and Nictalopia - "Chicken blindness"

A significant drop in view in twilight, which develops against the background of vitamins deficiency, which relate to groups B, RR, A. The people such a disease is called "chicken blindness", and in ophthalmology - hemoralopia and nitgalopia. In this case, the twilight vision suffers. In addition to the presence of hypovitaminosis, the "chicken blindness" can develop against the background of the pathologies of the optic nerve and the retina. The disease can also be congenital. Pathology is manifested by narrowing of fields of view, violation of spatial orientation, deterioration of color perception, the fall of visual acuity.

Spasm vessels

The transit violation of visual acuity may indicate the presence of vascular spasm in the brain, or retina. Such situations are conjugaten with chronic violations of blood circulation of the brain (on the background of venaine hypertension, vasculitis, vascular anomalies, blood diseases, cerebral amyloidosis, syndrome vertebral artery, atherosclerosis), hypertensive crises (sharp blood pressure jumps). In such cases, there is a darkening in the eyes, "flies" before the eyes, a fuzziness of vision. Combined symptoms may appear, impairment and dizziness, drop in hearing and vision.


Migraine attack quite often comes in a complex with a darkening in the eyes, which develops against the background of a pronounced vascular spasm. Quite often, such headaches are accompanied by the appearance of cattle, or aura.

Intraocular pressure

Normally, the pressure inside the eye is ranging from 9 to 22 mm. RT. Art., However, when the glaucoma attacks, it can rise to 50-70, and sometimes higher. Appears sharp headachewhich spreads to the headlong and eye, provided that the pathology is present on the one hand, but if the glaucoma is bilateral, the entire head hurts. The pain is complemented by dark spots before the eyes, rainbow circles and binding vision. Quite often joined the vegetative disorders (pain in the heart, vomiting, nausea).

Medicinal products

Impact medicinal preparations may be the cause of transient myopia. Such manifestations are observed in the case of taking high doses of sulfanimamides.

Sharp deterioration vision

The most frequently blackened vintage irreparable loss of vision is eye injuries, retinal detachment, brain tumor, strokes.

Reversible loss of vision

If we talk about an acute reversible loss of vision of both eyes, then in most cases the cause of such symptoms is the oxygen insufficiency of the visual cortex (ischemic stroke of the rear brain artery, ischemic attack against the background of chronic brain circulation violation), as well as with a severe attack of migraine. In this case, in addition to the loss of vision, color perception disorder is observed and headache.

    A rather rare form of reversible loss of view is postpartum blindness, which develops against the background of the embolism of the rear brain artery.

    Ischemic neuropathy of the optic nerve is most often developing after significant losses of blood due to operations, or injuries if a sharp drop of blood pressure occurs.

    With poisoning methyl alcohol, quinine, chlorochin and derivatives of phenothiazines can develop bilateral loss of vision, which occurs in the first day after poisoning. About 85% of patients are restored, the remaining remains complete, or partial blindness.

    There are also family forms of temporary blindness up to 20 seconds, which occur with a sharp change of lighting.

Irreversible loss of vision

A sharp loss of vision in one eye is most like an occlusion of the artery of the retina, or thrombosis of the central vein, as well as the stratification of the retina.

    If the loss of vision occurred against the background of the head injury, it is necessary to exclude the fracture of the bones of the skull, which can damage the walls of the visual nerve channel. Therapy in this case is an emergency decompression with the help of surgical intervention.

    An increase in intraocular pressure can be accompanied by the density of the eyeball, pain in the abdomen, heart, head, loss of vision, redness of the eye.

    Also the cause of irreversible harsh loss of vision can be ischemic neuropathy eye nervewhich develops on the background of occlusion back wall Cilic artery and temporal arteit. Also, the symptom of such pathology can be a long-term pain in the temporal part of the head, an increase in ESP, the absence of appetite, joint pain.

    Due to ischemic stroke may be blinded.

The cause of a sharp drop in view can determine only an ophthalmologist in a pair with a neuropathologist, since vascular pathologies most often lead to a sharp loss of vision.


In order to get complete information about the condition of the eye, there is a huge set of diagnostic capabilities in the Arsenal of ophthalmologists. A huge amount of research refers to hardware methods. During the survey, usually use:

    measuring the productivity of the tear gland;

    definition of cornea profile, or computer keratotopography;

    pakhimetria (measuring the corner of the curvature and thickness of the cornea);

    determining the length of the eye (echobiometry);


    study of the eye dna in a pair with inspection of the disk of the optic nerve;

    verification of visual fields;

    measurement of intraocular pressure;

    determination of the refractory capabilities of the eye;

    measurement of visual acuity;

    Uzi eyes.

Treatment of falling vision

Most often, if there are vision problems, conservative correction is used, as well as operational treatment.

Conservative treatment

Conservative therapy implies correction with massage and gymnastics for eyes, hardware techniques, contact lenses and, most often, glasses. In the presence of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies, vitamins are introduced.

    Point correction allows you to correct complex violations (astigmatism in a pair with hypermetropy, myopia), hyperopia, myopia with retinal detachment, reduce the risk of squint. Wearing points slightly limits sights and creates certain inconvenience in sports, but, given the effectiveness of their use, these shortcomings are crossed.

    People who earn their appearance are resorted to the wearing lenses. The main complaint to the correction with the help of lenses is complex hygiene. At the same time, the risks of the development of protozoan and bacterial complications increase, and the circulation of air in the eye is violated. It is worth noting that modern ophthalmology allows you to purchase the newest breathable lenses.

    Massage and gymnastics help normalize and restore the bloodstream eye structures, relax eye muscles. Such therapy is effective in the early stages of pathologies.

    Hardware techniques - classes on special installations that work your eyes is carried out in glasses, or without them. Mandor presence of an instructor.

Operational treatment

    Cataract today is successfully treated only with a complete replacement of pathological lens.

    Vascular and tumor processes are corrected, too, only with the help of surgical intervention.

    Partial detachment and retinal rupture is treated with laser welding.

    The FRK method is the first method of laser corner correction. This method is accompanied by significant traumaticity and requires a long reducing period. In addition, the simultaneous use of the method for the treatment of both eyes is contraindicated.

    Today the laser is also used to correlate vision (astigmatism within 3 diopters, myopia in 15, hyperopia in 4). The method of laser keratsomethosis combines laser rays and mechanical keratoplasty. The kerat is performed detachment of the corneal flap and with the help of a laser rule the profile. As a result of these manipulations, the cornea becomes thinner. The flap solder in place the same laser. The Super-Lasik method is one of the operation options during which the corneal grinding is performed. Epi-Lasik allows you to correct the aberrations of vision with the help of the corneal epithelium alcohol. Femto-Lasik is the formation of a corneal flap and its subsequent processing with a laser.

    Laser correction has a lot of advantages. It is painless, has a small period of rehabilitation, requires some time, does not leave the seams. However, there are complications that can develop against the background of laser correction, this is: the growth of the cornea, excessive shutting of the corneal epithelium, inflammation of the cornea, dry eye syndrome.

    Operative laser treatment It has a number of contraindications. It is not performed for children under 18, nursing, or pregnant women. Can not use this technique In herpes, operated by the retinal detachment, the progress of myopia, immunodeficiency, when Cataract, autoimmune pathologies, insufficient thickness of the cornea, glaucoma, on the only eye.

Thus, the problems of drop in view are very diverse, quite often progress and can lead to full loss vision. Therefore, only timely diagnosis And the correction can save from the development of a significant drop in view, or its full loss.

Texts of business paper, computer screen, and in the evening there is also a "blue light" of the TV - with such a load, there are few eyesight with such a vision. Is it possible to stop this process? Experts believe: much depends on ourselves.

Why weaken vision. Cause 1.

Lack of work of the eye muscles. The image of the items that we see depends on the retina, the photosensitive part of the eye, as well as from the change in the curvature of the lens - the special lenses inside the eye, which the cereal muscles are forced to become more convex, then more flat - depending on the distance to the object. If you constantly focus on the text of the book or computer screen, the muscles controlling the lens will become sluggish and weak. Like any muscles that do not have to work, they are losing the form.

Output.In order not to lose the ability to see well alone and near, you need to train eye muscles, performing the next exercise: concentrate then on the distant, then on the close items.

Cause 2.

Retinal aging. The retinal cells of the eye contain a photosensitive pigment, with which we see. With age, this pigment is destroyed and visual acuity falls.

Output. To slow down the aging process, you need to regularly have products containing vitamin A - carrots, milk, meat, fish, eggs. Vitamin A dissolves only in fat, so in carrot salad It is better to add sour cream or sunflower oil. Fat meat and fish should not be avoided. And the milk is better to drink not only degreasing. A special substance that restores the visual pigment is in the fresh blueberries. Try to pamper yourself with these berries and stock up for the winter.

Cause 3.

Worsening blood circulation.Food and breathing of all organism cells are carried out using blood vessels. The retina is a very gentle body, she suffers when the slightest violations blood circulation. It is these violations that are trying to see ophthalmologists when they explore the eye bottom.

Output. Regularly pass the survey from the ophthalmologist. Retinal circulatory disorders lead to severe diseases. If you have a predisposition to this, the doctor will moderate the drugs that improve the state of the vessels. There are I. special dietsthat allow you to maintain blood circulation in good condition. In addition, you need to care your vessels: a long stay in a steam room or sauna, procedures in the barocamera, pressure drops are not for you.

Cause 4.

Eye-strain.Retinal cells suffer both when they hit them too bright light and from voltage with insufficient lighting.

Output. To guard your photosensitive cells, you need to protect your eyes from too bright light sunglassesAnd also do not try to consider small items and read in case of insufficient lighting. Very harmful to read in transport - uneven light and swaying badly affect vision.

Cause 5.

Dryness mucosa. For clarity of view, the purity of transparent shells is also very important through which the light beam reflected from the items. They are washed with special moisture, so we see worse when the eyes are dry.

Output. For visual acuity, it is useful to cry a little. And if you can not cry, special drops for the eyes are suitable, in composition close to tears.

Chief Enemy - Screen

Working with a computer makes your eyes especially strain, and the matter is not only in the text. The human eye is largely similar to the camera. To make a clear "snapshot" of images on the screen, which consists of shimmering points, it needs to constantly change the focus. This setting requires high energy costs and increased consumption of the main visual pigment - Rhodopsin. W. music people This enzyme is spent more than those who see ok. Therefore, the situation arises, extremely unfavorable for your eyes.

It is not surprising that as a result, myopia begins to increase. At the same time on the computer screen, a sense of the depth of the visible image is created, which is especially dangerous. Why do the artists have myopia very rarely? Because they constantly train their eyes, translating a view from a sheet of paper or canvas on remote items. Therefore, when working with a computer, you can not forget about the safety rules that are required in working with the text.

Specialists of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz believe that "computer points", equipped with special filters, which bring the color characteristics of monitors to the spectral sensitivity of the human eye to be very useful. They can be both with diopters and without. The eyes armed with such glasses are significantly less tired.

For training vision is also useful next reception. Taking the printed text in the hands, slowly bring it to the eyes until the outlines of the letters do not lose clarity. Internal eye muscles are strained. When the text gradually move to the distance of an elongated arm, without ceasing to look at it, they relax. Exercise repeat 2-3 minutes.

Candidate medical Sciences Alexander Mikhelashvili advises especially carefully to her eyes during the period when the long week of "light starvation" exhaled reserves of our auditorium, and the new forces are not yet worked out due to the spring avitaminosis. At this time and the retina, the eyes especially need nutrition, because it has to spend much more visual pigment than usual. In this case, the preparations of blueberries will come to the rescue, which, by the way (only in the form of jam), during the Second World War, was issued to the pilots of the British royal air forces to improve vision during nightly flights.

Gymnastics for eyes

1. Close tight and widely reveal your eyes. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 30 seconds.

2. View up, down, on the part, without turning your head, 3 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes. Take the same with closed eyes.

3. Rotate the eyeballs in a circle: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction. Repeat 3 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

Take the same with closed eyes.

4. Firmly clog eyes for 3-5 seconds, then open for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. Quickly blink for a minute.

6. It is also useful at a distance of 1-2 m from the desktop hang a bright calendar, a photo or picture (this place must be well lit), so that there is a look at it from time to time.

7. Pull out your hand in front of yourself and look at the fingertip at a distance of 20-30 cm for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

8. It is well affected on the eyes and such an exercise: standing up to the window, find a look on the glass any point or scratch (you can stick a small circle of a dark plaster), then transfer the view, for example, to a television antenna of a neighboring house or a growing tree of a tree.

By the way

So that the text applied the minimum "harm" to the eyes, the distance from the eyes to the paper with a straight back should be about 30 cm, and it is better if the book or notebook will be located at right angles to the look, that is, the table surface should be slightly inclined as the desk.

Working on a personal computer has long been a necessary element of vital activity, tightly logged in labor activityand in leisure.

Some with a computer are connected by their main work and, in this case, they can no longer hold hours and days behind it.

Can vision deteriorate in such conditions? Definitely answer this question is not so simple, because the health of our eyes depends on a huge set of factors.

Why can vision deteriorate?

Immediately it is worth saying that the computer itself does not lower the visual sharpness, contrary to the widespread myth.

In the image of the monitor, there is nothing obviously malicious for the eyes, and stories about some malicious electronic rays are fiction and ridiculous horror.

Evolutionary eye has already adapted to long and monotonous reading of small text, so that the small text on the monitor also cannot be a malicious factor.

But how then explain the fact that some people working at the computer deteriorates vision? The fact is that at least the radiation of this device is not harmful in itself, if there are other negative circumstances, it can aggravating a factor.

If a person is genetically predisposed to the development of myopia, or if he is already in a fairly mature age to appear the symptoms of hyperopia, or if it is experiencing problems with cardiovascular systemWhat gives complication to vision.

In all these cases, work at a computer can exacerbate and accelerate the degradation of visual organs.

The morgue mode when working at a computer differs from the usual, middle eye blinks three times less often in this case. This leads to his desire, which is the first negative factor.

Incorrect lighting, when or screen is too bright compared to the background or on the contrary, the environment is too bright compared to the screen, too unpleasant for the eyes.

In the first case, the eyes will be tired of contrast, and in the second the screen will be thrown out and the eyes will have to strain to consider the image. All this leads to excessive overvoltage of the eyes, accumulating their fatigue.

There are sensations of sand in the eyes, tension, vision is "bodied". Finally, too long work also does not have a positive effect on the eyes.

In healthy people, this takes place in a few dozen minutes after the completion of work, however, those who are predisposed to violations of violations, this is a aggravating factor for accelerated development. eye disease.

In this case, it is necessary to refer to the right organization of work at a computer with greater thoroughness and follow the recommendations below.

Yes, and healthy people their execution does not hurt, because even without the risk of impaired view permanent dryness In the eyes is not pleasant.


Preventive activities on the right organization of the workplace significantly reduce the chance of degradation of visual bodies, they are useful for the eyes and the body as a whole.

First you need to configure the monitor. Set the image update frequency of 75 Hertz. On the operating system Windows is done in the monitor settings in the control panel.

Watch out for his clean, regularly rub it from dust with a special napkin, they are sold in computer stores.

Reducing the brightness of the screen in pursuit over the long time of the laptop or tablet is a bad check.

Overvoltage of the eyes when trying to see the dull image - it is too big price for saving the battery charge.

If they are out of the field of your vision, then move the monitor or leave it on. The optimal distance is 70 centimeters.

It is advisable to work at a computer in a sitting position, do not lie. The light source should not be behind the screen, if it is the only room.

Once an hour, get up because of the monitor and make a slight charge. It is enough just to tell your hands and legs, walk around the room, to do breathing exercises.

Also try at this time to blink as often as possible so that your eyes are moistened. More moisturizing contributes to the intake of the optimal amount of fluid into the body.

Do not work for the monitor at night, try to give yourself a full dream at seven or eight hours.

Drive an active lifestyle, move more. It will increase the entire tone of the body, you will be tired when working in front of the monitor is much longer. More such measures contribute to the normalization of cerebral circulation, and the health of your eyes directly depends on it.

It will not be superfluous to carry out regular gymnastics for the eyes. Here you can attribute exercises for changing the focus of the view, as well as exercises for tracking a look for moving objects.

For an adult, the maximum work at the computer and other electronic devices (phones, tablets) is no more than eight hours. Children 15-18 years old can work for 5 hours.

Junior schoolchildren allowed a computer at no more than two hours. And preschoolers can not be allowed to use gadgets for more than 15 minutes.

This will prevent their vision from excessive voltage, which is particularly detrimental during the formation of the eyeball.

For vision from the computer did not deteriorate, you can additionally use tips from the following articles:


Do not forget about the need for full nutrition, which will satisfy the need of the body in minerals and vitamins. Vitamins A and B. are especially important for the eyes.

If your diet is scum and does not contain a sufficient number of vitamins, then replenish this lack of pharmacy consumption. Standard complexes are well suitable, such as roar or complivitis.

For moisturizing the eyes, you can dig (several times a day) an artificial tear and similar drugs. If visual acuity is reduced, then you need to use medicines that meet your diagnosis.

So, at myopia (most frequent consequence of the computer) will help you with an Emoxipin, Taufon, Quinax. But do not rush to start receiving any drugs at the very first signs of impairment.

First, be sure to consult a doctor - it is likely that you have become worse to see on the soil of avitaminosis or ordinary overvoltage, and then you will not necessarily pass through drug therapy.

If the violation of vision is too large and continue to be aggravated against compliance preventive Mer, then only surgical intervention, vision correction will help.

This picture shows the correct position of the body in which the eyes will not be tired of working at the computer monitor:


The computer cannot spoil eyesight, it does not have some kind negative effect On the eyes, the radiation of its screen is the usual light radiation, which is not different from other light sources.

However, some of the work features may lead to increased fatigue Eye and screaming them. This is due to the fact that a person rarely blinks when working, sitting too close and spends too much time at the screen.

What does vision of vision on one eye mean? Usually, the vision drops at once in two eyes, but a situation may occur when one eye begins to see worse than the other (i.e., the vision drops only on one eye). You should not leave this situation without attention, it is necessary to go to a specialist and find out the reason for this symptom. A sharp deterioration in sight of one eye can occur at any age and the reason may be a serious illness.

The vision of one eye may worsen due to of various reasons. Let's wonder them.

Retinal detachment

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If the vision has dropped sharply on one eye, you see "flyers" or appeared "paddle" in front of the eye, it is possible that the retina is disclosed. This pathology may occur against the background of dystrophy of the peripheral zones of the retina and their rupture. In these zones, an intraocular fluid is pushing, which leads to the destruction of the shell.

This disease may occur:

people with myopia; due to injury; against the background of other eye diseases; by inheritance; When working associated with weight lifting and heavy physical exertion. In this case, it is mandatory to undergo an inspection at an oculist on a special device (slit lamp) 1 time per year.

Leber syndrome

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The hereditary disease in which the cells of the retina and the optic nerve are destroyed, while literally in two - three weeks, visual impairment occurs and the "blind spot" appears on one eye, and in a few months it may appear on the second. Most often, men are suffering from active age, about twenty-thirty-year-old.

Although it is I. genetic diseaseBut it is proved that it provokes some factors:

nervous shocks; Tobacco and alcohol abuse; The effects of toxic substances; consumption of various medicines; Transferred infections.

Only recently, the University of Miami has managed to develop a method for treating Lebra's syndrome.


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If you have sharply worsened eyesight on one eye, and you also noticed the following symptoms, that is, the risk of occurrence acute form Clotted glaucoma.

With data related symptoms Be sure to consult a doctor:

sharp pain in the eye; eye blushed and peelnas appeared in front of him; Sometimes bounces are bouts of nausea and vomiting; Increase intraocular pressure.


If vision has fallen on one eye, it may talk about the presence of any lens pathology, for example: of various types Cataracts (i.e. crust clouds). As a rule, it is age changeBut its appearance is possible and due to injuries transferred to the disease, chemical poisoning or irradiation.

Cataract treatment is possible by conservative methods, only on initial stage diseases, but it is cured exclusively with surgical operation - Cataract extraction, in various ways.


This disease occurs in different ageBut the children are more susceptible to them. The squint is a violation in the work of the eye muscles on one point, because of which the vision may fall on it. Sick eye, due to weakness in the muscles, gives an excellent healthy Eyes The picture and over time ceases to work, which leads to amblyopia.

The squint may be congenital (rarely) and acquired. In the second case, it is associated with:

the consequences of prematurity; diseases and use of various monk-paramedics of mother during pregnancy; various diseases of the eyes, AMETROPI; Injuries and damage.

Correct squint is easiest in childhood. Therefore, it is so important to observe the doctors.


This disease is more often found in children, in adults in Russia only in two percent of cases. Ambulopia develops on the background:

squint; congenital lens lens or cornea; Differences in severity between eyes.

The bodies of the child are developing up to eleven years, his eyes, adapting to the perception of the surrounding world, suppress a well-seeded eye, the visual image obtained from the odont-seeing eye. So develops "lazy eye" or amblyopia.

The disease itself does not pass, but at the same time children rarely complain if their eyesight begins to deteriorate. Therefore, the parents require observation. During this period, it is possible to correct pathology, if eliminating the cause! However, in an already more adult age, it is very difficult to reconfigure the eyes to the right function, so it is so important to detect it and begin treatment.

Amberopia is possible to cure, eliminating the anteropy of the eye, conducting pleoptic methods, especially direct occlusion (turning off a healthy eye) and various physiotherapeutic actions. The diagnosis and treatment must necessarily appoint a specialist - an ophthalmologist, sometimes consulting a neuropathologist.

Eye injury

No one is insured against injury. If you have blind spots before your eye - it can be the consequences of injury. Injury can be mechanical or chemical:

hitting various kinds of particles (saidels, soap, varnish, shampoos, midges and so on); mechanical damage (knife, glass, finger, injury, correlation, and so on); various kinds of burns (thermal, frostbite, chemistry, radiation).

The main conclusion that you must bear is not to wait for vision impairment, but to constantly undergo surveys from specialists, to lead a healthy lifestyle, be careful, as far as possible to walk more and not overjug your body.

One-sided decrease in the urgency of the eye and cataractampis and squint

In old age, the visual function can break immediately in both eyes. A completely different situation arises when the vision has fallen on one eye. This ailment may develop for various reasons.

What are the reasons for a sudden impairment of vision, and how to get rid of this problem?

One-sided decrease in visual acuity

If the vision on one eye decreased, this may indicate the following pathological processes:

damage to the retina; lesion lesion or cornea; Some somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus); traumatic damage to one eye; amblyopia; squint.

In the event that a person has fallen vision, most often the reason lies in the pathology of the optical system of the eye or innervation violation. In the optical system of the eye includes a cornea, a lens, a vitreous body and a retina. Put the correct diagnosis is quite difficult. Reducing vision can be resistant or temporary. In the latter case, the eye function can be recovered without any specific treatment. Not always the fall of view is associated with some disease. The reason can be stress, overwork, breakdown of sleep and waking mode, long-term work at the computer.

If a person feels black spots or circles before his eyes (veil), then this is a sign of a break or detachment of the mesh shell of the eye. This condition requires surgical intervention. Dark spot Before your eyes can be a manifestation of other diseases, so complete ophthalmological examination. The risk of risk reduction on one eye is the presence of diabetes. There is such a thing as diabetic Retinopathy. It develops in the absence of treatment in the majority of diabetes patients. The mechanism of impairment of vision is associated with the damage to the vessels of the mesh eye shell. At the initial stages of retinopathy, patients may not have no complaints. Loss of view on one eye speaks of irreversible changes.

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