Card file (junior group) on the topic: Gymnastics for the eyes. Visual gymnastics card file in the younger group

Eye gymnastics is the most suitable method for the prevention of visual impairment in junior schoolchildren, because if you teach a child in early age doing these exercises, it will become very good habit... If your schoolchild already has any visual impairment, then visual gymnastics should be performed without fail.



Gymnastics for the eyes

(daily execution at the choice of children, parents, teachers)

1. "Funny" training

Objectives: to diversify the visual load and relax the muscular system of the eyes.

Walk up to the window with your child and see (count) which cars are on the road more - red, green or blue.

2. "Drawing" with a glance

Objectives: to diversify eye movements.

"Drawing" with a look different geometric figures- eights, circles, triangles, looking at passers-by and cars with one eye, then the other eye, through a hole on the paper, through the fingers of the palm.

3. Alternation of episodes of light and darkness.

Tasks: "Swelling" of the eye muscles.

Invite the child to remember the location of people and animals on the playground, then close his eyes with your palm for one minute. How they do it, playing hide and seek, and then try with him to find with the eyes of people, dogs or birds that have changed the location during this time.

4. Game "Find a Bunny".

Objectives: to give a load to the eyes in conditions of changing lighting.

A game of searching for an object in a group, considering it as one,

then - with the other eye, through a hole in a sheet of paper, or through fingers apart.

5. "1-2-3-look"

Attach a bright object (toy, butterfly, airplane, ball, etc.) to the stick and invite the child to go on a trip; to draw the attention of children to the observance of the following rules: eyes work, the head is not mobile. The adult moves the toy in a given direction, accompanying the movements with the words: “We looked up and down, left and right, circled,” etc. The display of the object is carried out at a slow pace so that the child can follow its movement with his eyes to the end. The visual stimulus (object) is just above eye level in front of sitting or standing children. It should not blend in color with the adult's clothing and surroundings. When performing, we encourage the efforts and results of children. The exercises can be accompanied by verses.

6. "Birdie"

Objectives: to develop the motor system of the eyes.


Birds flew

Small by itself.

How they flew (Right - left)

All the people looked.

How they sat down (Up - down)

All the people were amazed.

7. "Horse"

Objectives: to promote the strengthening of the motor system of the eyes.


We will ride a horse (Following the subject with the eyes.)

Right left. (Right left.)

Up down. (Up down.)

8. Exercise "Sun"

On the street, with your eyes closed, face the sun, turn

head in one direction or the other:“I’ll show the eyes to the sun. "Hello! - I'll tell the sun. "

9. Exercise "Blinking"

Tasks: to activate the oculomotor functions.

Show the child the butterfly and offer to blink (quickly squeeze and open the eyelids) as "a butterfly flaps its wings."

Blinking is useful after prolonged reading, as well as after each eye exercise.

10 oculomotor trainings

Tasks: to form rational ways of visual perception.

Move your gaze to objects, toys, suspended in different places rooms.

11. Exercise "Clothespins"

Objectives: Reduce eye strain.

With the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, squeeze the skin between the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

12. Exercise "Airplane"

Tasks: relieve visual fatigue.

An airplane is flying by (look up at one hand that is wiggling; the same with the other hand)

I got ready to fly with him.

I start the engine (clench a fist and drive it in a circle in front of me; drive the fist of the other hand in the opposite direction)

And I look closely (look at the fist)

I go up, I fly (hands up and look at them),

I don't want to go back (slowly lowering my hands, watch my eyes).

13. Exercise "Catching soap bubbles"

Tasks: development of visual - motor coordination

(eyes - hands)

Move: (eyes - hands), the ability to navigate in space.

14. Exercises "Balloon"

Tasks: development of visual coordination.

Stroke: tossing a balloon with the kid. Wherein

you can repeat the countdown, sing a song or listen to music.

You can decrease or increase the size of the ball.

15. The game "Running bunny"

Move: invite the child, while sitting on the highchair, to follow the

a black and white bunny drawn on a sheet of paper at a distance of 15 cm from it. Move it slowly from side to side, up, down, in a circle, zoom in, move out, etc., while singing a song or talking.

16. Game "Sit and throw"

Tasks: development of spatial perception, visual orientation.

Move: put the basket on its side, sit the child with the ball at a distance of 1 m and offer to throw the ball into the basket. Repeat several times.

17. Exercise "Zoo"

Objectives: to help increase visual acuity.

Stroke: find all the dogs in the picture

(cats, elephants, hedgehogs, bunnies, snails).

The child searches by moving his gaze

top - down, bottom - up).

18. Exercise "Sunbeam"

Objectives: to improve the blood supply to the eyes.

Stroke: the gaze is focused on a luminous object

(moon, stars, candle, lamp) or "sunbeam",

located at a short distance from the eyes.

19. Oculomotor training "New Year tree"

Tasks: to have a healing effect on the organ of vision.

Stroke: invite children to watch the flashing colors

lights, but not in complete darkness.

20. Oculomotor training "Aquarium fish"

Objectives: to stimulate the blood circulation of the organ of vision.

Course: offer to watch aquarium fish,

shiny scales.

21. Exercise "Pussy eyes"

Objectives: to strengthen the ocular muscular system.

Stroke: Eyes Bulging, Squinting, Eyes Open Wide,

look up, down, to the side.

22. Exercise "Swing"

We fly high - low (eye movements up and down);

Far (right - left);

Close (clockwise movement)

Perform the exercise as slowly as possible, repeat the movements 4-6 times

23. Exercise "Kangaroo"

Objectives: strengthening muscular system eye.

Sit in front of the wall at a distance of 2-5 m. Mark two points (pictures) on the wall, one above the other at a distance of 50 cm. Move your gaze from point (picture) to point (picture).

24. Game "Day - Night"

Objectives: to develop oculomotor skills.

Raise your right finger in front of you at arm's length. Look at him with two eyes; with the right eye, closing the left; two eyes; with the left eye, closing the right one; with two eyes. Change hand and repeat.

25. Exercise "Hide and Seek"

Objectives: to relieve physical, mental and visual stress

Close your eyes tightly for 2 - 3 s, then open them for 2-3 s. Repeat 3-4 times.

26. Massage training "Third eye"

Tasks: relieving visual fatigue.

We will start training now:

"Give yourself a massage."

27. Exercise "Colored balls"

Objective: development of visual acuity.

We throw colored balls into the basket.

28. Oculomotor training "Mark on glass".

Being 30 - 35 cm from the window glass, glue a round colored mark with a diameter of 3 - 5 mm to it at eye level, then outline some object outside the window. Look at the mark for 2 - 3 s, then move your gaze to the intended object for 1 - 2 s, then turn your gaze alternately at the mark, then at the object.


Target: prevention of visual impairment in preschoolers.


Fatigue prevention

Strengthening the eye muscles

Relief of tension.

General wellness visual apparatus.

Visual gymnastics should be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. For gymnastics, you can use small objects, various simulators. Gymnastics can be carried out according to verbal instructions, using poetry, nursery rhymes.

When planning, it is recommended to consider complication principle, having worked out at first simple movements of the eyes: right and left, up and down, circular movements, shutting eyes, blinking, protruding eyes, and then using them along the bottom of a more complex poetic text in various combinations... You also need to use a short text at first (up to 4 lines), and then move on to more complex and long ones.

Types of gymnastics

By using the artistic word gymnastics for the eyes can be divided into those that have a poetic accompaniment and those that are carried out without it.

By using additional attributes , 4 types can be distinguished:

- with items(for example, complex 4 or work with cards located on the walls. They have small silhouette images of objects, letters, syllables, numbers, geometric figures, etc. (the size of the objects depicted is from 1 to 3 cm). At the teacher's request, children stand up and perform a number of tasks: they look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to a riddle; find images of objects in the names of which there are the sound you want etc.

- no attributes(no items and posters are used);

- using special fields(complex 73,74 or any colored figures are depicted (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or fancifully crossed lines different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place (above the board, on the side wall and even on the ceiling). At the request of the teacher, children begin to "run" their eyes over given trajectory... At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey);

- using ICT. There are specialized programs aimed at relieving tension and correcting vision. As a rule, they are expensive and little used in preschool educational institutions. But multimedia eye exercises are easy to make yourself using PowerPoint program for creating presentations where any object can be set to a certain movement (animation tools). This is convenient when using direct educational activities based on a presentation, when the teacher selects drawings on the topic and inserts them at the desired stage.

The most interesting are gymnastics for the eyes, on which subjects or tasks in poetic form, movement along certain paths, tasks to search for objects and pictures in different parts groups.

"The eyes need to rest."

(Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath."

(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

"The eyes will run in a circle."

(Eyes open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

"They will blink many, many times"

(Frequent blinking of eyes)

"The eyes felt good."

(Lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)

"Everyone will see my eyes!"

(Eyes open. On the face Broad smile)


Sleeping flower

(Close your eyes, relax, massage the eyelids, lightly pressing on them clockwise and against it.)

And suddenly I woke up

(Blink your eyes.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore,

(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)

Startled, stretched,

(Hands are bent to the sides (exhale).

Soared up and flew.

(Shake with brushes, look left and right.)


We close our eyes, these are the miracles

(Close both eyes)

Our eyes are resting, exercises are being performed

(Continue to stand with closed eyes)

And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.

(They open their eyes, draw a bridge with their eyes)

Let's draw the letter "O", it turns out easily

(They draw the letter "O" with their eyes)

Lift up, look down

(Eyes up, down)

Turn right, left

(Eyes move left and right)

Let's start working again.

(Eyes look up and down)


This is what a dragonfly is - like pea eyes.

(They make glasses with their fingers.)

Left - right, back - forward -

(Eyes look to the right - to the left.)

(Circular eye movements)

We're flying high.

(They look up.)

We're flying low.

(They look down.)

We fly far away.

(They look ahead.)

We're flying close.

(They look down.)


The wind blows in our faces.

(They often blink for centuries.)

The tree swayed.

(Without turning their heads, they look to the right - to the left.)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter ...

(Slowly squat down, lowering their eyes.)

The trees are getting higher, higher!

(They get up and look up.)


The woodpecker squirrel was waiting

(They abruptly move their gaze to the right - to the left.)

She treated the guest deliciously.

Well, look at the woodpecker!

(They look up and down.)

Here are the nuts - one, two, three.

A woodpecker dined with a squirrel

(They blink their eyes.)

And he went to play with the burners.

(Close their eyes, stroke the eyelids with the index finger).


A tower - a tower - a tower!

(Move your eyes to the right - to the left.)

He is not low, not high

(Move your eyes up and down.)

A rooster sits upstairs,

He shouts to the crow.

(They blink their eyes.)


Lift the carrot up, look at it.

(They look up.)

Look only with your eyes: up and down, left and right.

(Eyes look up and down, left and right.)

Hey, hilarious, skillful! Blinking eyes.

(They blink their eyes.)

Closes his eyes.

(Eyes close.)

The bunnies took carrots, they danced merrily with them.

(We jump like bunnies).


Rain, rain, pour more.

(They look up.)

Drops, do not regret drops.

(They look down.)

Just don't get us wet.

Don't knock on the window in vain.


Here the window was thrown open, (They spread their arms to the sides.)

The cat went out onto the cornice. (Mimics the soft, graceful gait of a cat.)

The cat looked up. (They look up.)

The cat looked down.

(They look down.) She turned to the left.

(They look to the left.)

I watched the flies go.

(Look at the "fly" from the left shoulder to the right.)

Stretched, smiled

And she sat down on the cornice. (Children squat.)

She turned her eyes to the right,

She looked at the cat. (They look straight.)

And closed them in purrs.

(They cover their eyes with their hands.)

The cat is sitting in the sun

One eye is closed, the other is closed

(close both eyes in turn)

The cat plays "Zhmurki"

(close your eyes tightly)

Who are you playing with, Vassenka?

Meow, with a red sun!

(open both eyes)


There is a swing in the meadow:

Up-down, up-down

(look with eyes up, down)

I will run to swing

Up-down, up-down

(look up, down)


Ray, ray of mischief,

Come play with me.

(They blink their eyes.)

Come on ray, turn around

Show yourself to my eyes.

(They make circular movements with their eyes.)

I'll take my gaze to the left,

I will find a ray of sunshine.

(They look to the left.)

Now I'll look to the right

I'll find a ray again.

(They look to the right.)

"Resting girl"

We played, painted (the actions in question are being performed)

Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them rest

Let's close them for a little bit.

Now we open them

And blink a little.


Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open the eyes.

We count to five again

Close the eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

We open them again.

(repeat 3-4 times)

"Walk in the woods"

We went for a walk. Marching on the spot

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of various miracles.

The sun is shining above looking up

Here is a fungus growing on a tree stump, looking down

The blackbird sits on the tree looking up

The hedgehog rustles under the bush. looking down

On the left, a spruce grows - an old woman, look to the right

On the right are pines - girlfriends. look left

Where are you, berries, ay! repeat eye movements

I'll find you anyway! left - right, up - down.

Gymnastics card file for the eyes


Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.


In the century information technologies the body of children and adults is heavily influenced by factors that negatively affect health. It's no secret that phones, computers, tablets, TVs - every day put a strain on the visual apparatus of children, even the youngest preschool age... Therefore, preventive and corrective work with the organs of vision acts today as necessary component educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

It is important not only to teach children to perform special exercises in the system, but also to understand the need to take care of your eyesight and health in general.

One of the forms of work on the prevention and correction of visual impairments, overwork of the visual apparatus is visual gymnastics.

Gymnastics for the eyes is one of the methods of improving children's health, it belongs to health-preserving technologies, along with breathing exercises, self-massage, dynamic pauses.

Purpose of gymnastics for the eyes: prevention of visual impairment in preschoolers.


Fatigue prevention

Strengthening the eye muscles

Relief of tension.

General improvement of the visual apparatus.

Exercise for the eyes has a beneficial effect on performance visual analyzer and the whole organism.

Conditions: Does not require special conditions... Any gymnastics for the eyes is done while standing.

Time: It takes 2-4 minutes.

Rule: The head is motionless during exercise (unless otherwise indicated).

Exercises associated with a prolonged and sharp tilt of the head are contraindicated in children with visual impairments.

Reception of conducting - a visual demonstration of the teacher's actions.

When planning GCD using ICT 1 time a week, we recommend to learn and use 1 gymnastics for the eyes in verse per month, and 4 times to use gymnastics with or without objects, in the form of movement complexes.

If gymnastics for the eyes is used by a teacher in the health preservation system on a daily basis, then it is recommended to plan for a week for learning and performing 1 complex in poetic form, combining it 1 or 2 times with complexes of another type.

By the name of gymnastics for the eyes, it is easy to pick it up on the topic of GCD.

When planning, it is recommended to take into account the principle of complication, first working out simple eye movements: right and left, up and down, circular movements, squinting, blinking, protruding eyes, and then using them along the bottom of a more complex poetic text in various combinations. You also need to use a short text at first (up to 4 lines), and then move on to more complex and long ones.

Types of gymnastics.

According to the use of the artistic word, gymnastics for the eyes can be divided into those that have a poetic accompaniment and those that are carried out without it.

By using additional attributes, 4 types can be distinguished:

With objects or work with cards located on the walls. They have small silhouette images of objects, letters, syllables, numbers, geometric shapes, etc. (the size of the objects shown is from 1 to 3 cm). At the teacher's request, the children get up and perform a number of tasks: they look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to the riddle; find images of objects, the names of which have the desired sound, etc.

No attributes (no items and posters are used);

Using special fields, or any colored figures (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or fancifully crossed lines of different colors 1 cm thick are depicted.This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place (above the board , on the side wall and even on the ceiling). At the request of the teacher, children begin to "run" their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey);

Using ICT. There are specialized programs aimed at relieving tension and correcting vision. As a rule, they are expensive and little used in preschool educational institutions. But multimedia gymnastics for the eyes is easy to make yourself, using the PowerPoint program for creating presentations, where any object can be given a certain movement (Animation tools). This is convenient when using direct educational activities based on the presentation, when the teacher selects pictures on the topic and inserts it at the desired stage.

The most interesting are gymnastics for the eyes, on which objects or tasks in poetic form are used, movements along certain paths, tasks to search for objects and pictures in different parts of the group.

Gymnastics card file for the eyes

Complex 1.

Helps to relieve static tension of the eye muscles, improve blood circulation (ip - sitting).

    Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide at intervals of 30 seconds. (five to six times).

    Look up, down, left, right without turning your head (three to four times).

    Roll your eyes in a circle for 2 - 3 seconds. (three to four times).

    Blink quickly (1 min.).

    Look into the distance, sitting in front of the window (3-4 min.).

Complex 2.

It helps to relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, relax the muscles of the eye (etc. - while standing).

    Look straight ahead (2-3 sec.), Placing the index finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger, look at it for 2-3 sec., Lower the hand (four to five times).

    Lower your head, look at the toe of your left leg; raise your head, look at the toe of your left leg; raise your head, look to the right top corner rooms; lower your head, look at the sock right leg; raise your head, look at the upper left corner of the room (feet shoulder-width apart) (three to four times).

    Look at the tops of the trees in front of the window; shift your gaze and name any object on earth; find birds or a plane in the sky and follow it with your eyes, name the transport passing by or standing on the side of the road.

Complex 3.

Improves circulation intraocular fluid, restores blood circulation (ip - sitting).

    Easy to press with three fingers of each hand upper eyelid eye of the same name (1-2 sec.); take your fingers away (three to five times).

    Look at the ends of the fingers of an outstretched hand (by midline faces); slowly bring your index finger to your face, without taking your eyes off it (three times).

    Retract half-bent right hand with a toy to the side; slowly move the toy from right to left, follow it with two eyes; the same thing in reverse side(four to five times).

Complex 4.

It improves the coordination of eye and head movements, the development of complex movements, and the improvement of the functions of the vestibular apparatus (ip - standing).

    Raise your eyes up, lower them down; look to the right, to the left, without turning your head (three to four times).

    Raise your head up; make circular movements with your eyes hourly, counterclockwise (two to three times).

    Look at the left toe of the foot; raise your head, look at the chandelier; lower your head, look at the right toe; raise your head, look at the chandelier (two to three times).

Complex 5.

Trains the muscles of the eye, improves the elasticity of the eyelids, restores the circulation of the intraocular fluid.

    I. p. - sitting on the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, the arms are resting behind; turn your head back and see objects located behind (twice).

    I. p. - standing, hands on a stick, placed vertically. Take your hands from the stick to the sides and have time to hold the feed stick; alternately grab the stick with both hands (repeat three to four times).

    I. p. - standing. "Hide your eyes" (close your eyes). "Who has bigger eyes" (open your eyes wide).

Complex 6.

    I. p. - standing, hands with the ball below. Raise the ball to face level, wide open eyes look at him; lower the ball; raise the ball to face level, squint your eyes, look at the ball; omit it.

    I. p. - standing, the ball on outstretched arms in front of him. Move your arms left and right, follow the ball with your eyes (five to six times)

    I. p. - standing, hands with the ball below. Make slow circular rotations with your hands from bottom to top, right and left, follow the ball with your eyes (four to five times).

    I. p. - standing, ball on outstretched arms. Bend your arms, bring the ball to your nose; return to SP, follow the ball (four - five times).

Complex 7.

    Make a diagonal movement in one direction and the other, moving your eyes directly to the count of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

    Without turning your head, with your eyes closed, "look" to the right at 1-4 and directly at 1-6. Look up at 1-4, down at 1-4 and look straight at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Look at the index finger, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, and at the count of 1-4 bring it closer to the tip of the nose, then move the gaze into the distance at the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

Complex 8.

    On the count of 1-4, close your eyes, without tension of the eye muscles, open your eyes wide at 1-6, look into the distance. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Look at the tip of your nose at 1-4, and then look into the distance at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction. Then look into the distance at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Keeping your head motionless, move your gaze, fixing it, to the count of 1-4 up, to the count of 1-6 straight; then similarly down-straight, right-straight, left-straight.

Complex 9.

    Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly for 5 seconds.

    Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open them and look into the distance.

    Extend your right arm forward. Follow slow movements with your eyes index finger: left - right, up and down.

    Sitting, put your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right and look at the elbow of your left hand, and vice versa.

    With the index fingers, do light point massaging movements of the upper and lower eyelids.


It is performed while standing, each child has a toy in his hands (drawing).

1. “Look how beautiful ... she came to visit you. (2-3 sec). Look what I have ... (2-3 sec).

Now look at yours again ... (2-3 sec) ”. Repeat 4 times.

2. “… we have fun, they like to run, jump. Watch carefully with your eyes: ... I jumped up, crouched down, ran to the right, to the left. " Repeat 4 times.

3. “Matryoshka dolls love to spin in a round dance. They will go in a circle, and we will follow them with our eyes. " Repeat 4 times.

4. “My ... is very fond of playing hide and seek. You now close your eyes tightly, and she will hide. Let's try to find it with our eyes. " Repeat 4 times

Complex 11.

Rain, rain, pour more.

They look up.

Drip, do not regret the drops.

Look down.

Just don't get us wet.

Don't knock on the window in vain

Complex 12.

The wind blows in our faces.

Blink frequently for centuries.

The tree swayed.

Without turning their heads, they look left and right.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter ...

Squat slowly, lowering their eyes down.

The trees are higher and higher.

They stand up and raise their eyes up.

Complex 13.

"Drawing with the nose"

Children need to look at the plate and remember the object (on the topic of the lesson). Close eyes. Imagine that the nose has become so long that it reaches the plate. You need to write the selected element with your nose. Open your eyes, look at the plate.

Complex 14.

We close our eyes, these are the miracles.

They close both eyes

Our eyes are resting, they are doing the exercises.

Continue to stand with closed eyes.

And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.

They open their eyes, draw a bridge with their eyes.

Let's draw the letter o, it's easy.

With their eyes they draw the letter o.

Lift up, look down,

The eyes are raised up, down.

Turn right, left,

The eyes look left and right.

Let's start working again.

Complex 15.


We saw a snowflake

They played with a snowflake.

Snowflakes flew to the right

The children looked to the right.

Here the snowflakes flew

The children looked to the left.

The wind lifted the snow up

And he lowered to the ground ...

Children look up and down.

All lay down on the ground.

We close our eyes

The eyes are resting.

Complex 16.

Sun beam

Ray, ray of mischief,

Come play with me.

Blinking their eyes.

Come on, ray, turn around

Show yourself to my eyes.

Make circular movements with the eyes.

I'll take my gaze to the left,

I will find a ray of sunshine.

Look to the left.

Now I'll look to the right

I'll find a ray again.

Look away to the right.

Complex 17.

Running along the tracks.

Movements are performed along colored stripes. On the pointer, you can put any object on the topic and ask the children to follow them with their eyes. In the black circle hourly, in the red counterclockwise, along the blue line to the right and to the left, along the yellow line up and down, and along the green circles - the movement of the "eight". Each movement is performed 4-6 times.

Complex 18.

This manual is placed in a group room or computer lab. Children’s eyes relax when looking at the color spectrum.

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