What is it and how do sounds differ from letters. Do students need phonetics? How the softness of consonants is conveyed in writing

Bolycheva E. M.

Sound is the smallest, indivisible unit of speech flow perceived by the ear. The letter is a graphic designation of sound in writing, that is, a certain set of lines, a pattern.

The terms "sound" and "letter" must not be confused. The words what and who are distinguished by the sounds [w] and [k], and not by letters. Sounds are pronounced and heard, letters are written and read. Other correlations are impossible: a letter cannot be pronounced, sung, spoken, recited, it is impossible to hear it. Letters are neither hard nor soft, neither deaf, nor voiced, neither stressed nor unstressed. All of the above specifications refer to sounds. These sounds are linguistic units, while the letters belong to the alphabet and most often have nothing to do with the description of linguistic patterns. It is the quality of the sound that determines the choice of letter, and not vice versa. There are sounds in any language, regardless of whether it has a written language or not.

Unlike other language units (morphemes, words, phrases, sentences), the sound itself has no meaning. At the same time, the existence of sounds is inextricably linked with significant units. The function of sounds in the language is aimed at providing the possibility of communication between people and is reduced to the formation and distinction of morphemes and words.

When determining the distinctiveness of sounds, it is important to understand in what positions they occur. The position is called the conditions for the pronunciation of sounds, given by their position in relation to neighboring sounds, to the stressed syllable, to the beginning / end of the word. Words (morphemes) can be distinguished only by those sounds that have the ability to occur in one position. The difference in the pronunciation of such sounds is noticed by native speakers in contrast to other sound features.

The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic and has 33 letters. To designate consonants, 21 letters are used: b, c, d, d, g, z, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u. 10 letters serve to denote vowel sounds: a, y, o, s, e, i, u, e, and, e. There are 2 more letters that do not denote sounds: b, b.

There can be a mirror correspondence between the phonetic and graphic appearance of the word: [volume] vol. However, such a correspondence is not necessary: ​​there are three sounds in the word [p'at '], and it is written with four letters - five.

Letters have "ambiguity", which is removed if adjacent letters/spaces are known. So, the letter ё in the word tree means the sound [j] and the sound [o], in the word heifer - a sign of the softness of the consonant [ ’] and the vowel sound [o], and in the word silk - one vowel sound [o].

Phonetic transcription

Used to record speech special system signs - phonetic transcription. Phonetic transcription is based on the principle of a one-to-one correspondence between a sound and its graphic symbol.

The transcribed sound (word, sentence, text) is usually enclosed in square brackets: [we] we. Sounding speech is recorded without capital letters and punctuation marks, but with pauses: #.

In words consisting of more than one syllable, the place of stress should be indicated: [z'imá] winter. If two words (for example, a preposition and a noun) are characterized by a single stress and are pronounced together, then they are connected by a league: [v_dom].

In Russian phonetic transcription, letters of the Russian alphabet are mainly used. Recording of consonants is carried out using all the corresponding letters, except for u and y. Special superscript or subscript icons can be placed next to the letter. They indicate some features of the sound:

[n '] - soft consonant ([n '] yobo palate);

[n:] - long consonant (bath); may be denoted by an accent or [n:].

The letter u in most cases corresponds to the sound that is conveyed by the sign [w ':]: y [w ':] élie, [w ':] etina. A voiced parallel to [w ':] will be the sound [zh ':], which appears, for example, in the word dró [zh ':] and yeast (other pronunciation is also allowed - dró [zh:] and).

The Latin letter [j] denotes in transcription the consonant “yot”, which sounds in the words block apple, water reservoir, sparrows [b'ji´] sparrows, language language, sará [j] barn, má [j] ka shirt, chá [ j] nickname teapot, etc. Please note that the consonant "yot" is not always transmitted in writing with the letter y.

Recording of vowel sounds is carried out using various kinds of signs.

Stressed vowels are transcribed using six characters: [and] - [p'ir] feast, [s] - [ardor] ardor, [y] - [beam] ray, [e] - [l'es] forest, [o ] - [house] house, [a] - [garden] garden.

Unstressed vowels undergo various changes depending on the place in relation to stress, on the neighborhood of hard or soft consonants, on the type of syllable. To record unstressed vowels, the symbols [y], [i], [s], [a], [b], [b] are used.

Unstressed [y] occurs in any syllable. In its quality, it is similar to the corresponding stressed vowel: m[u]zykálny, r[u]ká, water[u], [u]dar.

Unstressed vowels [and], [s], [a] are pronounced in the syllable that immediately precedes the stressed syllable (such a syllable is called the first pre-stressed one): [r'i] dov rows, mod [s] lér fashion designer, d [a] ská board . The same vowels, with the exception of [s], also appear at the absolute beginning of the word: [and] excursionist excursionist, [a] to search.

Unstressed [and], [s], [a] are similar in quality to the corresponding percussive sounds, but not identical to them. So, unstressed [and] turns out to be a vowel, middle between [and] and [e], but closer to [and]: [l'i] sá fox - cf .: [l'i´] foxes themselves. The pronunciation of the other vowels is also different. The use of the symbols [i], [s], [a] to denote unstressed sounds is associated with a certain degree of conventionality.

So, the unstressed vowels listed above are typical for the positions of the 1st pre-stressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word. In other cases, the sounds [b] and [b] are pronounced.

The sign [ъ] (“ep”) conveys a very short sound, in its quality it is average between [s] and [a]. The vowel [ъ] is one of the most frequent sounds in Russian speech. It is pronounced, for example, in the 2nd pre-stressed and in stressed syllables after solid ones: p [b] rohod steamboat, in [b] water carrier, back [b] l set, city [b] city.

In similar positions, after soft consonants, a sound is recorded that resembles [and], but is shorter. This vowel is conveyed by the sign [b] (“er”): [m'b] ditch world, [m'b] catchy chalky, za [m'b] r froze, za [l'l] zhi deposits.

Here is an example of phonetic transcription.

The large square on which the church was located was completely occupied by long rows of carts (Kupr.).

[bal’shájъ plosh’: t’ # n_katórj r’splage’ls’ tse´ rk’f’# wasá completely zn’itá dl’ and´n: ’m’r’idám’t’il’e´ to #]

At the lesson, the concept of phonetics as a branch of the science of language is formed, information about the Russian alphabet is repeated; students will get acquainted with the rules for compiling phonetic transcription, learn about the features of sound writing as one of the means of expressiveness of speech.

Topic: Phonetics. Graphic arts. Spelling

Lesson: Phonetics. Sounds of speech. Alphabet

From day to day we pronounce words that are familiar to us. But very rarely do we think about how we do it. For example, how do we manage to say such a familiar word "hello"? We pronounce a certain combination of sounds, which develops in our minds into the corresponding concept. In the word "hello" we made 11 sounds. Three of them are vowels, 8 are consonants. All these sounds are pronounced by us in a certain order. We pronounce not just sounds, because we consider sounds to be the noise of a car, the creak of an opening door, and the clatter of a horse. Animals also produce a variety of sounds. We pronounce the sounds that make up words. These are speech sounds.

Phonetics. Sounds and letters. Graphic arts

Knowing the alphabetical order will help us, for example, to navigate in a spelling or some other dictionary, in alphabetical order are various lists, for example, the names of students in the class magazine.

Word transcription

We often have to memorize the spelling of unstressed vowels and doubled consonants. Why do we have to memorize the spelling of such words? Why do we have to look for test words and study a large number of spelling rules? This is because the pronunciation of a word does not always coincide with its spelling. And not always the number of sounds and letters in a word is the same. And we can write down not only the word according to the rules of spelling, but also using letters and additional signs to write down the sound of the word. This "sound" recording is called transcription.

Practical observation

The transcription of the word is written in square brackets.

The transcription of the word "milk" is [malakoʹ]. Please note that in an unstressed position, we do not pronounce the sound [o], but pronounce the sound [a]. This word has 6 letters and 6 sounds. Transcription of the word "railing" - [p'ir'ilaʹ]. In an unstressed position, the sound [and] is always pronounced. In addition, you see special characters in the form of a "comma" at the top of the letter. This is an apostrophe, it denotes the softness of the consonant.

Transcription of the word "shadow" - [t'en ']. Please note that the letter e in this word conveys the sound [e]. The soft sign does not represent a letter. Thus, in this word there are 4 letters, 3 sounds.

The transcription of the word "sun" is [sontse]. Here we pay attention to the unpronounceable consonant. We do not pronounce the sound [l] in this word, therefore, it is not displayed in the transcription either. Thus, in a word there are 6 letters, 5 sounds.

Transcription of the word "berry" -. This word has a letter I stands for two sounds, so it has 5 letters, 6 sounds.

sound recording

You may have noticed that certain sounds or their combinations evoke in us associations about this or that phenomenon. For example, the combination of sounds [g] and [r] reminds us of thunder. In his poem, Fyodor Tyutchev specifically repeats the combination of these sounds to create the image of a thunderstorm: I love gr lake at the beginning of May,

Co. G yes spring pe R out gr om,

As if R and and gr and I,

Gr hunts in the sky G olub.

Gr eat R askats are young…

Or an excerpt from a poem by Mikhail Lermontov. The poet, using the sound [l], conveys the image of flowing water, the smooth movements of a swimming mermaid:

Rusa l ka p l s l and along the river l slaughter,

Illuminated by l Noah l una;

And old l as she is additional l sleep until l una

silver foam l us.

This property of expressive speech is called sound writing.

The high musicality of poetry presupposes a subtle penetration into the peculiarities of sounding speech, into its ability to impress not only with the meaning of words, but also with their sound, their music.

At your leisure, you can try to talk about some phenomenon using sound writing. Or offer a creative competition in class for the most original use of sound writing.

It should be noted that the possibility of sound writing has long been noticed by the people and is reflected in comic songs, ditties and, of course, in tongue twisters. Tongue twisters were invented not only for fun, they help to work out good diction. At first, the tongue twister is pronounced slowly, paying special attention to combinations of sounds that are difficult to pronounce. And then the tongue twister needs to be pronounced as quickly as possible, repeating it several times.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground. And the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

Fields of millet fly in the field, and Frosya takes out the weeds.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.


Task number 1

Write down the transcription of these words and determine the number of letters and sounds.

Anchor, rumor, sad, river.

Task number 2

Write these words in alphabetical order. If the first letter in different words the same, you should look at the second letter, if the second is the same, then at the third. Remember the spelling of the highlighted letters.

Vinaigrette, neat, alphabet, travel, horizon, household, director, quantity, passenger, highway, ink, collection, caricature, aviation, eleven, violet, acrobat, valley.

1. Scientific and educational portal: Originweb.info ().

On the origin of the Russian alphabet

2. Encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. ().



1. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

2. Russian language. 5th class: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

3. Russian language. Practice. 5th class: ed. A.Yu. Kupalova. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

Sound is the smallest, indivisible unit of speech flow perceived by the ear. The letter is a graphic designation of sound in writing, that is, a certain set of lines, a pattern.

The terms "sound" and "letter" must not be confused. The words what and who are distinguished by the sounds [w] and [k], and not by letters. Sounds are pronounced and heard, letters are written and read. Other correlations are impossible: a letter cannot be pronounced, sung, spoken, recited, it is impossible to hear it.

Letters are neither hard nor soft, neither deaf, nor voiced, neither stressed nor unstressed. All of the above specifications refer to sounds. These sounds are linguistic units, while the letters belong to the alphabet and most often have nothing to do with the description of linguistic patterns. It is the quality of the sound that determines the choice of letter, and not vice versa. There are sounds in any language, regardless of whether it has a written language or not.

Unlike other language units (morphemes, words, phrases, sentences), the sound itself has no meaning. At the same time, the existence of sounds is inextricably linked with significant units. The function of sounds in the language is aimed at providing the possibility of communication between people and is reduced to the formation and distinction of morphemes and words.

When determining the distinctiveness of sounds, it is important to understand in what positions they occur. The position is called the conditions for the pronunciation of sounds, given by their position in relation to neighboring sounds, to the stressed syllable, to the beginning / end of the word. Words (morphemes) can be distinguished only by those sounds that have the ability to occur in one position. The difference in the pronunciation of such sounds is noticed by native speakers in contrast to other sound features.

The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic and has 33 letters. To designate consonants, 21 letters are used: b, c, d, d, g, z, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u. 10 letters serve to denote vowel sounds: a, y, o, s, e, i, u, e, and, e. There are 2 more letters that do not denote sounds: b, b.

There can be a mirror correspondence between the phonetic and graphic appearance of the word: [volume] vol. However, such a correspondence is not necessary: ​​there are three sounds in the word [p'at '], and it is written with four letters - five.

Letters have "ambiguity", which is removed if adjacent letters/spaces are known. So, the letter ё in the word tree means the sound [j] and the sound [o], in the word heifer - a sign of the softness of the consonant [ ’] and the vowel sound [o], and in the word silk - one vowel sound [o].

Bolycheva E. M. Fundamentals of phonetics, 2004.

Sound(phoneme) - the smallest unit of the language; subject of study in phonetics.

Letter- a sign used to convey the sound of speech in writing; subject of study in graphics.

When studying phonetics to distinguish between letters and sounds, for a more accurate transmission of sounding speech, a special notation is used - transcription. Sounds are recorded according to orthoepic norms contemporary literary language. Transcribed speech, a separate sound are indicated in square brackets. familiar [ ́] a stressed vowel is indicated above the sound. familiar [’] after a consonant, its softness is indicated. For example, the word mowing is transcribed as [kaz'baʹ].

Characteristics of sounds

All sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.

Vowel sounds can be shock and unstressed.

Consonants classified according to two main features:

  • by loudness / deafness - voiced(paired and unpaired) and deaf(paired and unpaired);
  • by hardness / softness - solid(paired and unpaired) and soft(paired and unpaired).

Consonants are composed of noise (voiceless consonants) or noise and voice (voiced consonants).

Voiced consonants: [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [d '], [g], [h], [h ' ], [d'], [l], [l'], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [p], [p'].

Deaf consonants: [k], [k '], [p], [n '], [s], [s '], [t], [t '], [f], [f '], [x ], [x'], [c], [h'], [w], [u'].

Voiced and voiceless consonants can be paired and unpaired.

Paired consonants in voicing-deafness form 11 pairs: [b] - [p], [c] - [f], [g] - [k], [d] - [t], [g] - [w], [h] - [s], [b '] - [p '], [c '] - [f '], [g '] - [k '], [d '] - [t '], [s '] - [with'].

The remaining consonants do not have a pair of voiced-deafness. Voiced unpaired consonants: [th '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p ']. Deaf unpaired consonants: [x], [x’], [c], [h’], [u’].

According to the participation of the middle part of the tongue in the pronunciation of the consonant, sounds are divided into hard and soft consonants.

Hard consonants are formed without the participation of the middle part of the tongue. These are consonants: [b], [c], [g], [d], [g], [h], [k], [l], [m], [n], [p], [p] , [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w].

Soft consonants are formed with the participation of the middle part of the tongue. These are consonants: [b '], [c '], [g '], [d '], [h '], [d '], [k '], [l '], [m '], [n '], [n'], [p'], [s'], [t'], [f'], [x'], [h'], [u'].

Paired consonants in hardness-softness form 15 pairs: [b] - [b '], [c] - [c '], [g] - [g '], [d] - [d '], [h] - [h '], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m '], [n] - [n '], [p] - [p '], [n] - [n '], [f] - [f '], [k] - [k '], [t] - [t '], [s] - [s '], [x] - [x '].

Solid unpaired consonants: [g], [w], [c].

Soft unpaired consonants: [th '], [h '], [u '].

Russian alphabet

Letters are used to designate speech sounds in writing, each of which has its own name. All the letters of the Russian language, arranged in a certain order, form an alphabet, or alphabet.

Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name
A a a K to ka x x Ha
B b bae L l ale C c ce
in in ve Mm Em h h Che
G g ge N n en W w sha
D d de Oh oh about u u shcha
Her e P p pe b solid mark
Her yo R p er s s
F zhe C with es b soft sign
W h ze T t te uh uh uh
And and and u u at yu yu Yu
th and short f f ef I am I

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet:

  • 10 vowels ("a", "e", "e", "i", "o", "y", "s", "e", "yu", "i"), the main function of which is designation vowel sounds;
  • 21 consonant letters (“b”, “c”, “g”, “d”, “g”, “z”, “d”, “k”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “p ”, “p”, “s”, “t”, “f”, “x”, “c”, “h”, “sh”, “u”), the main function of which is the designation of consonant sounds;
  • 2 letters that do not indicate a sound ("b", "b").

Letters are uppercase (uppercase, large) and lowercase (small).

Correlation of letters and sounds

The same letter can represent different sounds, For example:

  • the letter "i" can denote the sounds [aʹ], [y'aʹ] under stress (five [p'at'], pits [y'amy], zealous [r'y'any'], button accordion [bai'an] ); a sound close to [i] or [e]; [y'i] or [y'e] without stress (pyatak [p'itak], deacon [d'y'ich'ok]);
  • the letter “a” without stress after the consonants “h”, “u” denotes a sound close to [and] or [e] (to spare [pasch'id'it ']);
  • the letter “and” after “w”, “w”, “c” denotes the sound [s] (wide [shirok’y ’]);
  • the letter “d” can denote the sounds [d], [d '], [t], [t ']: give [dat '], buzz [gud'at], clan [mouth], uncle [d'at'ka ].

The quantitative ratio of sounds and letters denoting them can be different:

1. The letters "e", "e", "u", "i" denote 2 sounds: [y '] and one of the vowels - in the following cases:

  • at the beginning of a word (spruce [y'el], hedgehog [y'osh], south [y'uk], yard [y'art]),
  • after a vowel (fighter [bay'etz], sings [pay'ot], union [say'us], button accordion [bay'an]),
  • after separating "b" and "b" (ate [s'y'el], drink [p'y'ot], loach [v'y'un], zealous [r'y'any']).

In other cases, the letters “e”, “e”, “u”, “i” are used to designate one of the vowel sounds and indicate the softness of the previous soft double consonant (sat [s'el], ice [l'otʹ], hatch [ l'uk], crumpled [m'al]). The letter "e" in borrowed words may not indicate the softness of the consonant, for example: thesis [tez'is].

2. The letter “and” denotes 2 sounds after the dividing “b”: [y’i] (whose [ch’y’i]). In other cases, the letter "and" is used to denote [and] and denote the softness of the previous soft paired consonant (tir [t'ir]).

3. In some cases, several letters can denote one sound, for example, the combination “sch” means [u ’] (happiness [sh’as’t’y’e]).

4. In some combinations, a consonant letter may not indicate a sound (such a consonant is called unpronounceable), for example, the letter “v” is not pronounced in the word hello [hello '].

5. The letters "hard sign" and "soft sign" do not denote sounds. For example, the word nonsense has four letters (“h”, “y”, “sh”, “b”), but three sounds ([h ’], [y], [sh]).

Phonetics- a branch of the science of language, which studies the sounds of speech, stress, syllable.

A person can make several hundred different sounds. But in his speech (through which people communicate with each other) he uses a little more than fifty sounds. In the written speech of the Russian language, there are only 31 letters and 2 signs to designate (record) these sounds.

It is necessary to distinguish between the sounds and letters of our speech.

Sound is the smallest sound unit of a syllable.
Letters- These are signs that indicate sounds in writing.

Sound is what we hear and pronounce.
The letter is what we see and write.

When writing in a word, there may not be a quantitative relationship between sounds and letters (pit - three letters, and four sounds y-a-m-a). In some words, we do not pronounce all the sounds that are indicated by the corresponding letters when writing (the word honest does not pronounce the sound indicated by the letter T) or pronounce another sound (in the word please, pronounce the sound [ W], and write With), etc. Such inconsistencies are determined by the rules of spelling and orthoepy.
Letters arranged in a certain order are called an alphabet, or alphabet. Each letter has its own name.

Vowel sounds

vowels called sounds, in the formation of which the voice is most involved, and the exhaled air during their formation, without encountering obstacles, exits easily through the mouth.

There are six vowels - a, o, u, uh, s, and , but in writing they are indicated by ten letters - a, o, u, uh, s, i, e, yo, yu i . The last four letters are called compound vowels, as they mean two sounds at the same time: e-ye, yo-yo, yu-yu, ya-ya - go - [ j "e]hat, hedgehog- [ j "about]zhik, spinning top - [ j "y]la, pit-[ j "a]ma. In Russian, native Russian words do not begin with the letter й. The letter y is called non-syllable, or semi-vowel, in transcription it is designated as [ j"].


Consonants called sounds, which are formed with the participation of voice and noise or only one noise. The air leaving the lungs meets various obstacles in the oral cavity. There are only 20 consonants. According to the participation of the voice in their formation, they are divided into voiced and deaf. There are 10 voiced consonants in Russian and 10 deaf ones.

voiced - b, c, d, e, f, h, r, l, n, m
Deaf - p, f, k, t, w, s, x, c, h, u

The first six voiced and deaf are paired consonants, as they are formed with the same articulation. With known positions of these paired consonants in the layer, they are easily replaced by one another. For example, at the end of words, instead of a voiced one, a voiceless consonant is pronounced, paired with a voiced one.

We say: [ sat], [bread], [drizzle], but we write: garden, bread, frost. Before ringing sounds instead of a voiceless consonant, a voiced one is pronounced. We say [ goats "ba], and we write mowing.

Paired consonants are easy to remember, knowing that voiced ones are the first consonants in the alphabet - b, c, d, e, g, s.

The remaining four voiced - r, l, n, m and four deaf - x, c, h, u are unpaired consonants and are not replaced by one another. Of the consonants, 4 sibilants stand out - w, h, w, w .
All consonants except sibilant and
c can be both hard and soft.

Was, ball - consonants b, l in these words are solid.

Bili- consonants b, l this word is pronounced softly.

Usually the softness of the consonant sound is easily distinguished by ear.

The softness of the consonant is created by additional articulation - the rise of the middle part of the tongue to the hard palate. At the end of words, the softness of the consonants is heard even more clearly, since it often serves as a means of distinguishing the meaning of the word:
became - steel, was - true story, become - stan, fry - heat.

Consonant c and consonants hissing w, w in Russian are always hard, hissing" h, w- always soft. After cь (soft sign) never "is written ( finger, well, cucumber), and after hissing w, w, as well as h,_uь (soft sign) is sometimes put, but not to indicate the softness of the preceding consonant, but to indicate various grammatical forms of words - gender, number, designation of a part of speech ( night, cut, clouds, watchman).

The softness of consonants (except for hissing) in writing is indicated in two ways:
1) placing ь after a consonant at the end of a word or in the middle of it between two consonants - steel, day, true story, dictionary, dove, skates, hemp, money, rural, letter;
2) setting letters after a consonant and, e, yo, Yu, I; before these letters, all consonants (except for hissing and " c") are pronounced softly, although their softness is not heard as clearly as in front of a soft sign - beat, bureau, uncle, less often, gray.

In some words with two consonants, if the first of them is pronounced softly, it is written after it - very, request, threshing, marriage, etc.
In other words, although the softness of the first consonant is heard, b (soft sign) is not written - early, mason, tip.
In addition to softening consonants, a soft sign is also used to separate sounds when it stands between a consonant and a vowel (family, blizzard, beat)


syllable the part of the word is called, which is pronounced with one push of the exhaled air from the lungs and in which there is only one vowel, for example:
Go-lo-va, extreme, my-I, city-born, city-ska-ya.

A word can have one syllable or several. There is always only one vowel in each syllable, but there may be no consonants at all (my-ya - the second syllable does not have a consonant), there may be several. Consonants are adjacent to vowels for the convenience of their pronunciation.

My, my-me, casually, seven-me, local and local, sister and sister, stone, public.
If the consonants stand on both sides of the vowel, then such a syllable is called closed ( extreme. kao man. like, long). if only on one side, then open ( mo-i, boo-ma-ga, de la).
The division of words into syllables is necessary for mastering the rules of word hyphenation, for determining stress, for correct pronunciation of words and spelling.


stressed is called pronunciation of one of the syllables of the word with greater force. This is a sound accent. Usually there is one sound stress in a word, but in compound words there may be two cafe e-restaurant a n, bargain about in-industry s sluggish).

The stress in Russian can be on any syllable on the first, second, third, etc. Therefore, they are called free ( book and" ha, boom a" ha, before e" lka).

Stress can be both mobile and permanent.

permanent the stress is always placed on the same syllable ( longing, longing, longing).

Movable stress shifts from one syllable to another head, head, head).

Stress in Russian not only performs a pronunciation function (i.e., indicates how to pronounce the word correctly), but can simultaneously indicate a different semantic meaning of the word ( at same and already e , zas s fall and backfill a be, house a and d about ma).

Phonetic parsing

Phonetic analysis of the word is carried out according to the following plan:

1. Transcribe the word by putting the stress.
2. Determine the number of syllables, indicate stress.
3. Show what sound each letter corresponds to. Determine the number of letters and sounds.
4. Write the letters of the word in a column, sounds next to them, indicate their correspondence.
5. Specify the number of letters and sounds.
6. Characterize the sounds according to the following parameters:
vowel: stressed / unstressed;
consonant: deaf / voiced, hard / soft.

Sample phonetic parsing:
his [ j "and-vo] 2 syllables, second stressed

In phonetic analysis, they show the correspondence of letters and sounds, connecting letters with the sounds they designate (with the exception of the designation of hardness / softness of a consonant with a subsequent vowel). Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the letters denoting two sounds, and to the sounds indicated by two letters. Special attention should be given soft sign, which in some cases denotes the softness of the preceding paired consonant (and in this case it, like the consonant preceding it, is combined with a consonant sound), and in other cases does not carry a phonetic load, performing a grammatical function.

Students should be able to do not only complete (presented above), but also partial phonetic parsing, which is usually carried out as a "background", additional task to the vocabulary dictation, parsing offers, etc.

The following types of exercises may be suggested:
find words that:
- the number of letters is greater than the number of sounds;
- the number of letters is less than sounds;
- all consonant sounds are voiced (deaf, hard, soft);
- there is a sound [ b"] (or any other, the detection of which requires the use of certain skills and abilities);
- the sound side of which somehow correlates with their semantics (for example: rustle, whisper, screech, rumble, thunder, drum etc.).

At the unified state exam as tasks for the section " Phonetics» it is proposed to make a partial phonetic parsing.
