Antibiotics for colds: when should they be used? Which antibiotic should you choose? Antibiotic names for colds and flu

Respiratory diseases are treated medications, with a focus on the cause of the development of the disease. Doctors often prescribe for colds antibiotics... But is it worth taking them, because ARVI and ARI are caused by viruses, not bacteria, therefore antibacterial drugs are powerless against a viral infection.

As you know, a cold in a clean viral nature there is 3-4 days, and during this time there is a significant decrease in the body's defenses and the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. That is why the appointment of antibiotics for a cold to an adult is a completely justified measure and extremely necessary, because it allows you to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

When is antibiotic use warranted?

Any viral infection at the very beginning of the disease usually proceeds without complication and you can fight it without using strong drugs... It is enough just to observe bed rest, consume plenty of fortified liquid, rub and steam inhalation, take antiviral drugs prescribed by your doctor. When joins the common cold bacterial infection, then the following characteristic signs appear:

  • deterioration in a person's health on the fifth or sixth day from the onset of the disease, despite the active treatment of a cold;
  • an increase in body temperature above 38˚С;
  • increased attacks of dry cough;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pain in chest;
  • the color of the sputum that is secreted from the bronchi and nose changes (it becomes yellowish-green, cloudy);
  • sense of smell disappears, hoarseness occurs;
  • get inflamed The lymph nodes and increase in size;
  • the urine becomes cloudy, in feces pus, blood, or mucus appears.

A bacterial infection can result in very serious complications: bacterial sinusitis, acute otitis media, myocarditis, pneumonia, purulent sore throat, acute bronchitis... Therefore, if such symptoms appear, treatment must be carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs. What antibiotics to take for colds is determined only by a doctor who will help you choose a drug taking into account the severity of the symptoms, the type of pathogen, and possible contraindications.

List of antibiotics

The doctor, taking into account the clinical picture of the patient, can prescribe an antibacterial drug of the following drug groups:

  • Penicillins... These antibiotics are low-toxic, effective in treating various bacteria, but can cause allergic reactions... For colds complicated by a bacterial infection, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin and their analogues are prescribed.
  • Cephalosporins... These drugs are widely used to fight infection. The most effective are drugs of the 3rd and 4th generations. But they differ in numerous contraindications, so they are used only by adult patients. Representatives of cephalosporins are Zinnat, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Cefatoxim, etc.
  • Macrolides... Preparations of this group are effective in inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, and are used to combat pathogenic microflora. They do well with chlamydial and mycoplasma pneumonia. Such antibiotics are well tolerated by patients, but they are not distinguished a large number of side effects... Many drugs are approved for use by pregnant women and children. The name of this group of antibiotics: Clarithromycin, Klabaks, Macropen, Sumamed, Azithromycin.
  • Fluoroquinolones... Such drugs are prescribed if there is an intolerance to antibiotics. penicillin or there is no effect from the use of other antibacterial agents. Fluoroquinolones are not prescribed for children, as they adversely affect the formation of the musculoskeletal system. Drugs in this group include Moxifloxacin, Levofloxacin.

A good antibiotic for colds is a drug that is selected correctly, taking into account the type of pathogen and clinical picture diseases. But with an epidemic of colds, it is not always possible to conduct an expensive sputum test in order to identify the pathogen. Therefore, doctors usually prescribe modern antibacterial drugs to help cope with a large number of pathogens.

Antibiotics for colds in adults: names

To make it easier for the patient to navigate in the variety of medications, you should list popular remedies, which are most often prescribed for different age groups.

Effective antibiotics for adults:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Cefepim;
  • Suprax;
  • Augmentin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin.

The best antibiotics for children:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Macropen;
  • Zinnat;
  • Augmentin;
  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Ampicillin.

What antibiotics for colds are inexpensive and effective? Let's consider the most popular ones.

Amoxicillin... It is a semi-synthetic drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is used for bacterial infections affecting the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract. Such a remedy is released in different forms- powder for injection, tablets, capsules. His therapeutic action manifests itself thirty minutes after ingestion and can persist up to eight hours. Amoxicillin is prescribed, one tablet three times a day.

Azithromycin... This drug helps well with ARVI, accompanied by a cough. It fights well against various pathogenic bacteria. The peculiarity of this agent is that it can accumulate in the foci of infection in high concentrations and retains high therapeutic activity after taking the last dose for a week. Thanks to this, the course of treatment is reduced to 3-5 days.

Azithromycin is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Contraindications to the use of such a medication are hepatic and renal failure, hypersensitivity, lactation. The drug has a large number of side effects, so only a doctor can prescribe it.

Ofloxacin... This is a fluoroquinolone drug that effectively fights against pathogens. It is released in the form of a solution for intravenous injection and pills. It is active against bacterial strains that have developed resistance to other antibiotics. It can be taken with ARVI only by adults, but it is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, as well as individual intolerance. You cannot exceed the dosage, as there is a high likelihood of side effects.

What antibiotic is better for an adult for a cold? The list of modern drugs can be supplemented with antibiotics - three tablets. It is a powerful remedy that relieves all cold symptoms in three days.

It contains macrolides capable of eliminating any kind of bacteria. To overcome the development of infection, they are taken for three days, one tablet each. Therefore, the package contains only three tablets. Representatives of new generation antibiotics are:

  • Zitrolide;
  • Azitrox;
  • Sumamox;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Sumamed.

In addition, the use of cephalosporin antibiotics gives a good result in the fight against coughs and colds. last generation, which have a small number of side effects and are highly active against many bacterial infections.

Thus, there are a large number of antibiotics for the common cold that are inexpensive and effective. What exactly should be taken for colds and coughs is decided only by the doctor, because such drugs can have an adverse effect on the body. Moreover, to avoid such side effects as diarrhea, dysbiosis or allergies, are prescribed antihistamines, prebiotics and probiotics. Also, avoid eating citrus fruits, caffeinated drinks, and chocolate.

During viral infections, antibiotic therapy has no effect, does not help and does not change anything except the welfare of antibiotic manufacturers and sellers! This is because antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses.

Prevention of viral infections

Antibiotic therapy does not reduce the risk of bacterial complications. In any case, such complications will appear and their culprits will be all the same bacteria that survived after the wasted antibiotic. And here you will need a completely different drug, and it, as a rule, is much more expensive than the prescribed medicine in vain.

Antibiotics are categorized as strong and weak.

V recent times, many began to associate the strength of an antibiotic with its cost. People really want to believe that if antibiotic number one is ten times more expensive than antibiotic number two, then it is also ten times more effective. But this is not at all the case.

Expensive medicines are used only in very difficult and serious cases, which fortunately are extremely rare. When a disease is caused by a bacterium that is resistant to most antibiotics, when the patient has a very low immunity or the situation is so serious that urgent and effective help is needed.

Antibiotics "plant" immunity

High quality, modern drugs nor how much they do not reduce immunity. Here people do not understand properly, confuse cause and effect. the disease is to blame, which was the reason for the appointment of antibacterial agents.

Antibiotics must be taken in combination with antifungal drugs

Antibiotic therapy is sometimes the cause. Treatment for such a side effect is indeed treatable with antifungal drugs... But there is no evidence that antifungal agents have a preventive effect and reduce the risk of candidiasis.

As preventive measures drugs such as fluconazole and nystatin are usually prescribed. And, as a rule, a person takes a useless medicine, spends his hard earned money on its acquisition, and candidiasis still appears, only the causative agent is a fungus resistant to these drugs. Consequently, another, more effective remedy is now needed for treatment.


Antibiotics must be taken in conjunction with remedies to improve the intestinal flora.

A strong manifestation of the deterioration of the intestinal flora, such which requires indispensable treatment, is extremely rare. It occurs with prolonged, regular use of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action, especially together with improper diet, an abundance of fatty foods or feeding "through I do not want".

And then, after stopping the use of antibiotics, absolutely enough correct diet, since the intestinal flora returns to normal quite quickly. In addition, most drugs with "magic" remedies to restore intestinal flora have no evidence of their effectiveness.

When taking antibiotics, antiallergic medications should be taken

To make it clearer, let's explain with an example.

The beautiful Dasha is allergic to ampicillin, but so far no one knows about it. In the first case, Dasha took a pill, and after half an hour she developed a rash, which, in addition to everything else, is very itchy, as a result, ampicillin was canceled. In the second case, Dasha was given a pill of ampicillin together with suprastin to prevent allergies. An itchy rash in this case did not appear immediately, but only after the fourth ampicilin tablet. It turns out that instead of one tablet of a drug harmful to her body, Dasha received four tablets. Which is better and which is worse is a rhetorical question.

Bottom line: allergies when taking antibiotics are actually not so rare. The main rule in this case is that the drug that caused the allergic reaction should be immediately canceled and a drug of a different group should be prescribed.

If, during antibiotic therapy, a deterioration in well-being is noticed, the drug must be canceled and replaced.

Antibiotics destroy bacteria, and this process is accompanied by the release of endotoxins into the bloodstream. The human body reacts to this, and on the first day of taking antibiotics, a deterioration in well-being is possible. In medicine, this is called an "endotoxic reaction" and doctors specially learn to distinguish such a reaction from the ineffectiveness of the remedy.

It turns out that if, after a couple of pills or injections of an antibiotic, the state of health has worsened, a chill has appeared, or a rise in temperature has begun, this does not mean at all that this drug is not suitable for you, you just need to see a doctor again.

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Preparations of the antibiotic group are prescribed by the doctor only if there is no improvement in the treatment of the disease, and signals appear about the beginning of complications in the patient. These drugs are effective against bacteria, but they are useless against viral infections. Symptoms of the disease caused by pathogenic bacteria, consider the temperature above 38˚С, intense runny nose, purulent deposits on the mucous membrane of the throat, headache, general weakness... Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the course of the disease, makes additional tests to clarify the type of bacteria and their response to the drug. In addition, he determines the course of treatment, which must be completed even if the condition improves.

Antibacterial drugs for colds

Acute respiratory disease (ARI) is considered an insidious ailment that affects a person, regardless of his status, age. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, is considered contagious and is showing signs of an epidemic.

Patients believe that the common cold is only viral. This statement is not entirely correct. This is one of the causes of colds. This disease is also provoked by bacteria or even pathogenic microflora that lives in the human body and develops with weakened immune forces or provoking factors (hypothermia). In the latter case, it is appropriate to prescribe a cold. And the doctor will be able to determine what caused the disease: viruses or bacteria after examination and test results.

Antibiotics for colds or flu are not prescribed in the early stages. The cause of these ailments is considered a virus, therefore, antiviral drugs are prescribed at the beginning of treatment. And this is enough for recovery. Acute respiratory illness lasts a week. If the manifestation of the disease is delayed, then they talk about complications. During this period, the doctor, after examination, prescribes antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes are prescribed after additional examinations general condition sick. The doctor needs to make sure that the enlargement of this organ is caused by bacteria.

Have bright severe symptoms, and with timely therapy, they give in quick treatment... Timely help reduces the likelihood of complications of the disease. For the treatment of advanced acute respiratory illness, the accuracy of the diagnosis is important. This will allow you to choose effective antibiotics for colds, which have given complications. Each subgroup of such drugs is prescribed for the treatment of a specific subspecies of microorganisms. So, they show themselves well in the fight against bacteria that have settled in respiratory organs, but not prescribed for complex ailments (pneumonia, bronchitis).

Choosing a drug

V medical practice there are many cases when patients with advanced bronchitis or severe pneumonia come to see a doctor, who confess that they have taken an antibiotic, having picked it up on their own. This behavior is fundamentally wrong.

An antibiotic for a cold for an adult, and especially a child, is prescribed only by a doctor. Such drugs represent a large group, which is subdivided into subspecies. Their action is different, therefore they are prescribed for different diseases.

Pharmacology distinguishes between such subtypes of antibacterial agents.

  1. The penicillin series () is considered one of the most effective in combating complications caused by respiratory diseases, and the most commonly used. They destroy the shell of bacteria. Non-toxic and well absorbed by the body. Therefore, they serve as antibiotics for children with colds, which gave complications to the respiratory tract. The only negative is the resistance of some microorganisms to this substance. But modern drugs in this group are distinguished by more effective indicators. These drugs include Amoxicillin and its derivatives. They are effective against most microorganisms. Amoxiclav, which contains amoxicillin, should be used exactly as prescribed by a doctor, which will protect against the appearance of bacteria insensitive to this antibiotic.
  2. Cephalosporins (Suprax, Ceftriaxone, Zinacef, Cephalixin, Zinnat) are characterized by increased activity in the fight against bacteria by destroying their membrane. They are prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly. Many of them are released for this introduction only. So, Ceftriaxone is not available in tablets.
  3. Macrolides (Sumamed, Hemomycin, Azithromycin) act on bacteria on the principle of penicillin drugs. Effective in the fight against ailments of the respiratory tract, which are caused by mycoplasmas or chlamydia (in the treatment of atypical pneumonia). Used as a substitute for allergic reactions to penicillin.
  4. Fluoroquinolones (Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin) differ strong impact on intracellular microorganisms. Their action consists in the rapid penetration into the cell and the effect on the microbe. It is effective in the treatment of pneumonia caused by microorganisms resistant to penicillin.

Antibiotics for complications of a cold may be named differently from the prescription or doctor's order. This is due to different manufacturers, so the active ingredient is taken into account.

In medical practice, it is more often prescribed to take antibiotics for colds, which gave complications, macrolides. One of these drugs is called Summamed. It is often prescribed as it has a wide spectrum of action. Sumammed for children is produced in the form of syrup. Assign if the complication is caused by bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci) or microbes (ureplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma). Summamed tablets after administration quickly dissolve and are absorbed. This drug is used:

  • at inflammatory processes nasopharynx;
  • with complications in the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • with otitis media;
  • with bronchitis and pneumonia.

Summamed with angina has a quick positive effect, relieves inflammation, positive effect is reached already on the third day.

Another of the category of macrolides is Azithromycin. It is prescribed for infection of the lower and upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia). It is necessary to take azithromycin once a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the course of the disease and is 3, 5 or 7 days. Azithromycin is not prescribed for children under 14 years of age.

Consequences of taking antibacterial drugs

Any self-medication with antibiotics results in serious consequences... Drugs in this group act not only on pathogenic microflora, but also on bacteria that are considered normal for human body... Therefore, often one of the main side effects from taking these drugs is mucosal dysbiosis. It manifests itself in various organs. If dysbiosis has developed in the intestines, then the patient has stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting). If mucous membranes are affected, then dysbiosis manifests itself in candidiasis. To minimize this negative impact antibiotics, in parallel with their intake, lactobacilli and antifungal agents are prescribed.

The human body's response to antibiotics cannot be predicted. They cause allergies, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, Quincke's edema, conjunctivitis. If such reactions occur, the drug is discontinued and symptomatic treatment the reactions that have arisen. When a new antibiotic is taken, a test is carried out for sensitivity and a possible allergic reaction.

Side effects are also manifested from the side of cardio-vascular system, but this rarely happens.

Antibiotics should be taken strictly as directed by your doctor. If these drugs are drunk incorrectly or the course of treatment is shortened by oneself, then this leads to a loss of sensitivity of microorganisms to this series of drugs. If it is prescribed to drink within 5 days, then the entire course is spent on drink, even if all symptoms have passed on the 3rd day of treatment. The same applies to decreasing or increasing the dose. Today, many talk about the uncontrolled use of antibiotics and their effect on increasing the incidence of bacterial infections that are difficult to treat.

Antibiotics for colds, respiratory infections, flu on initial stages diseases are not effective. They are prescribed only when severe forms diseases when there is a risk of complications caused by bacterial flora.

Indications for the appointment of antimicrobial agents for colds

With a protracted course viral infection a person's general immunity decreases and local protective functions mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This creates favorable conditions for the attachment of various pathogenic microflora.

Once in a weakened organism, microbes begin to multiply actively, forming numerous colonies. The infection spreads quickly to the epithelium neighboring bodies, creating pathological foci.

Antibiotics are prescribed when ARI is accompanied by acute or chronic inflammation sinuses ─ sinusitis, frontitis, ethmoiditis. Active reproduction of streptococci in the sinuses requires an appointment antimicrobial drugs general and local action.

If a child develops tonsillitis on the background of a respiratory infection, this is direct indication for antibiotics.

Prolonged nasal congestion and inflammation of the Eustachian tube (the canal connecting the nasopharynx and ear) often occurs otitis media... That's why antimicrobial treatment inevitably.

Complications of the common cold that require the appointment of antibacterial drugs:


  • pneumonia;

    purulent lymphadenitis ─ inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Important! Influenza and others are extremely rare colds provoke the development of meningitis - inflammation of the meninges. This condition requires urgent hospitalization and the introduction of antibiotics. parenterally(intramuscularly, intravenously).

Weakened and malnourished patients, especially those with low social status, premature and low birth weight children, people with immunodeficiency states, are at risk. Heavy course respiratory infection is diagnosed in pregnant women, people with chronic pathologies internal organs.

What are the symptoms of antimicrobial drugs?

The main indication for the appointment antibiotic ─ is the production of mucous membranes respiratory system purulent or serous-purulent exudate. Confirmation is not always needed to assess the patient's condition. laboratory research on the bacterial microflora. An experienced therapist or pediatrician, during the history taking, determines the need for specific treatment.

Attention is paid to the color, the consistency of the mucus separated by the epithelium. Purulent sputum can be coughing up from the lower respiratory tract ( bronchial tree). Abundant rhinitis with yellow-green exudate occurs with sinusitis.

A bacterial infection is always accompanied by high intoxication of the body, which is manifested by a high body temperature of 38.5-40 ° C. This symptom is an indication for the use of antimicrobial agents.

Preparations of bactericidal or bacteriostatic action are used for inflammation of the tonsils with the formation of hard-to-separate plaque, intense dry (suffocating) cough, which does not bring relief.

The indications are severe pain in the throat, chest, head, middle ear, which are aggravated by changes in body position and physical activity.

Signs dangerous condition with flu, requiring intensive therapy:

    blood in feces, urine;

    turbidity and sediment in urine;

    pus in the urine;

    abnormal enlargement of lymph nodes.

Groups of drugs and their properties for colds

At respiratory infections patients are prescribed drugs of different pharmacological groups─ macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins. The choice of a drug depends on several factors: the localization of the infectious focus, and the patient, anamnesis data, the state of immunity, in children, on body weight.


Macrolides─ These are the least toxic antibacterial drugs. They are relatively safe and easily tolerated by patients. Therefore, they are more often prescribed to weakened and elderly people, children. Drugs in this group do not have a toxic effect on the kidneys, central nervous system... Does not cause allergic reactions. It is extremely rare that urticaria, itching of the skin, light form dermatitis. These symptoms go away on their own immediately after the end of treatment.

Macrolides have bacteriostatic properties, stop the growth and reproduction of staphylococci and streptococci. They create high concentrations of the active substance in the affected tissues, while they do not have a toxic effect. The main drug in the group is Erythromycin.


Penicillins─ antibiotics, which are divided into natural (synthesized by fungi) and chemical (semi-synthetic). Their main action is bactericidal. Upon contact with a pathogenic cell, the drug penetrates inside, disrupts the production of an enzyme that ensures the vital activity of the bacteria. This is how the destruction and death of the infectious agent occurs. Preparations: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin.


Cephalosporins─ funds, distinctive feature which consists in high resistance and resistance to enzymes that bacteria release. The drugs of this group do not decrease their activity under the influence of pathogenic microflora. Interacting with a microbial cell, they destroy its membrane. The release of biologically active substances leads to the death of the infectious agent.

Cephalosporins can cause allergic reactions varying degrees severity, so they are prescribed with caution. Preparations: Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin.

List of antimicrobial agents for adults with ARVI

For colds in adults, antibiotics are prescribed. in capsules and tablets... These are mainly cephalosporins and macrolides. Penicillin drugs (Benzylpenicillin, Penicillin) negatively affect the condition and functionality of the gastrointestinal mucosa, especially the stomach. Lead to the development of gastritis symptoms. Therefore, these drugs are administered intramuscularly.

List medicines for the treatment of ARVI in adults:

Among the inexpensive drugs that can be prescribed to an adult patient are the following: Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Azithromycin, Erythromycin.

Important! Elderly patients with serious diseases of internal organs and a weakened immune system, less toxic antibacterial agents Moxifloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Piperacillin, Cefotaxime are shown.

Antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children

To determine which better antibiotics for the treatment of young children, anamnesis is taken and sensitivity tests are performed. This is especially true for those cases when long-term therapy is required.

─ is produced in granules for self-cooking suspension. Prescribed from birth. Indications: tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, bronchitis. The therapeutic course is 7-10 days. The drug is taken in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.
Treatment regimens:

    from 1 to 12 months ─ 2.5 ml;

    from 1 to 3 years ─ 5 ml;

    from 3 to 6 years old ─ 5-7.5 ml;

    from 6 to 12 years old ─ 10 ml;

    from 12 to 18 years old ─ 10 ml 4 times a day.

cheap drug designed for pediatric use. It is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension inside. Indications: otitis media, acute and Chronical bronchitis, angina. The required dosage of the medicine is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the child's body weight. Assigned to children from 6 months. The course of treatment depends on the diagnosis, general condition and lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks.

─ powder for the preparation of oral suspension. The drug is indicated from birth. The dosage is calculated individually, depending on the weight of the child. Indications: bacterial sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia. The maximum course of treatment is 14 days. It is prescribed with caution to children with renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Amoxiclav─ powder for solution preparation. Possesses broad activity against many types of pathogenic microflora. It is taken orally (inside). Appointed from 2 months. The dose is calculated by the formula: no more than 40 mg active substance for 10 kg of the child's weight.

Macropen─ granules for suspension, in pediatrics it is prescribed for respiratory infections, whooping cough with strong cough... Take before meals. The therapeutic course is 7-14 days. Treatment regimens:

    0-12 months ─ 3-4 ml 2 in the morning and evening;

    1-2 years ─ 7 ml 2 times a day;

    3-4 years ─ 10 ml 2 times a day;

    4-6 years old ─ 15 ml morning and evening;

    from 10 years ─ 20-22 ml twice a day.

─ granules yellow color for solution preparation. Prescribed for children from 6 months. Indications ─ tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The medicine is prescribed with caution for diseases of the large intestine and renal failure... The suspension is taken once (once a day). Maximum daily doses (depending on body weight):

    up to 6 kg ─ 50 mg (2.5 ml);

    from 6 to 12 kg ─ 100 mg (5 ml);

    from 12 to 25 kg ─ 200 mg (10 ml);

    from 25 to 38 kg ─ 300 mg (15 ml);

    from 38 to 50 kg ─ 300-400 mg (15-20 ml).

Antimicrobial drugs for children under one year old

Prescribing drugs with bactericidal properties in infants should be justified. This is due to the fact that medications affect further development child, causing negative consequences.

Antibiotics for ARVI for babies under one year old are prescribed with a strong and prolonged cough, suffocating attacks with a risk of spasm of the larynx, profuse rhinitis that blocks nasal breathing (there is a threat of stopping it). The use of antimicrobial agents is justified in high temperature body that is not eliminated by analgesics.

Drug names:

Topical antibiotics for acute respiratory infections

The complex treatment includes antimicrobial solutions that are used topically (to treat the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract). They are available in the form of drops, sprays, aerosols. The solutions are used to irrigate the nasal passages, the walls of the oropharynx, and the bronchial mucosa when administered by inhalation.

Nasal preparations

Isofra(framycetin) ─ aminoglycoside for topical use. Possesses bactericidal activity. Shown from the first year of life. Treatment regimen: 1 injection into each nasal passage 4 to 6 times a day.

Polydexa(neomycin) ─ combination drug, nasal spray. Shown from the age of 15. Treatment regimen: 1 injection into each nostril 3 to 5 times a day. The therapeutic course is 5 days.

Bioparox(fusafungin) ─ solution for inhalation administration through the nasal passages or oral cavity... Prescribed from 2.5 years. Method of application: 4 inhalations through the mouth or each nasal passage, the procedure is carried out every 4 hours.

Preparations for inhalation using a nebulizer

Antibiotics for complications of influenza can be given by inhalation. The drugs are not used in their pure form, but are diluted with saline NaCl 0.9% in a 1: 1 ratio. The advantage of this method is that when inhaled, the drug is concentrated in the tissues, while it does not enter the systemic circulation and does not affect the work of internal organs and systems.

Gentamicin─ antibiotic of prolonged (long-acting) action. Restrictions on use ─ elderly patients, severe renal failure, nerve inflammation.

Fluimucil, another name for acetylcysteine, is a broad-spectrum drug. At topical application hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Therefore, the procedure with this antibiotic is prescribed with caution to weakened children. If accidentally hit digestive tract causes discomfort in the epigastric region, heartburn, nausea.

Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day. When coughing, it is not recommended to inhale medicinal solutions immediately before bedtime. The evening procedure is carried out no later than 18-00 hours. When using a nebulizer, you must follow the rules prescribed for the operation of the device.

Antibiotics are substances of natural or synthetic origin that release toxins that are harmful to bacteria and microorganisms. According to their purpose, antibiotics are divided into antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer drugs.

The indiscriminate use of drugs leads to the adaptation of pathogens and bacteria. They mutate and become resistant to antibiotic toxins. Medicines stop working.

How to take antibiotics for colds

Antibiotics are only prescribed for bacterial or fungal infections. At viral diseases resort to antiviral drugs. The use of antibiotics at the first sign of acute respiratory infections is unreasonable and harmful.

Taking antibiotics for colds in adults and children can significantly reduce the duration of the disease and make life easier.

On day 4-5, the effect of the virus passes, the patient's well-being improves, but his immunity is reduced, and the likelihood of complications remains. The body temperature rises, the lymph nodes increase, redness in the throat, wheezing in the bronchi are found.

This means that the body begins to develop a bacterial or fungal infection... In this case, antibiotics are prescribed.

How many days to drink antibiotics for a cold

Adults are prescribed an antibiotic in the form of tablets, capsules, or powder. Children, due to their age, cannot swallow the pill. They are prescribed drugs in the form of syrup.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. In general, it lasts 5-7 days. The doctor describes the regimen for taking the antibiotic: it is indicated in the description for the drug. The scheme depends on the age of the patient and the group of the drug.

The rules described by the therapist and indicated in the instructions for use of the drug cannot be changed. The effectiveness of therapy depends on this. If the doctor indicated that it is necessary to take the drug 2 times a day, then the time of admission must be calculated. 24 hours / 2 times = 12 hours.

This means that you need to drink the medicine after 12 hours. If the first intake of the medicine was made at 8 am, then next appointment will fall at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Note! The course of antibiotic therapy should not be interrupted, even if the patient's health condition improves. A decrease in temperature, the absence of a cough and a runny nose does not mean that pathogenic bacteria have stopped multiplying.

The disease receded, but did not go away. It will begin to develop again, but the action of the drug that was taken earlier will be ineffective. The therapist prescribes a different antibiotic that is more potent.

Antibiotics for colds in adults

An adult has an already formed immunity that is able to quickly recover. The therapist assesses the effectiveness of the drug in case of a certain type of complication: diseases of the ENT organs, respiratory tract, the development of mycoplasmosis.

  • Penicillin series:"Penicillin", "Benzylpenicillin". The drugs are prescribed by injection. Gastric juice reduces the effect of penicillin tablets.
  • Cephalosporins:"Ceftolosan", "Cephalexin" - capsules or suspensions. The drugs are effective for respiratory tract diseases.
  • Macrolides:"Erythromycin" - is prescribed for intracellular infections, mycoplasmosis.

  • Tetracyclines: tablets "Tetracycline", capsules "Doxycycline", "Menocycline". The drugs are prescribed for adults and children from 8 years of age.
  • Fluoroquinolones:"Levofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin" are effective in the development of inflammation of the ENT organs. The drugs are prescribed to patients over 18 years of age.
  • Lincosamides:"Lincomycin" in tablets, capsules, injection solutions. Drugs in this group are prescribed for angina, bronchitis, sinusitis.
  • Carbapenems:"Ertapenem", "Meropenem" are indicated for pneumonia.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics for colds

To determine the effectiveness of the drug for the body, the doctor needs to determine the patient's sensitivity to a certain kind antibiotics. To carry out the test, you need to take a blood test.

The result is prepared in 5-7 days. The infection will progress at this time, therefore the therapist prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  • Arlet;
  • "Cefepim";
  • "Hemomycin";
  • Azitrox.

The doctor prescribes to take antibiotics with a wide range actions, based on the symptoms of the disease, on the epidemiological situation in the region.

If the drug does not have the desired effect, the infection continues to progress, then the therapy is adjusted according to the results of the antibiotic sensitivity test.

Three tablets: a strong antibiotic for the common cold

The effectiveness and strength of a medicine is determined by several parameters: how quickly it is absorbed and distributed throughout the body.

In some cases, taking 3 tablets is enough to be successful in treating a cold. TO strong drugs relate:

  • "Azithromycin";
  • Sumamed;
  • "Aksetil".

One of the forms of release of these drugs is tablets: take 1, 3 days. Medicines are produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of suspensions, capsules. Only a doctor can determine the appropriateness of therapy.

Mild antibiotics for colds

The most toxic drugs are antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group: they lead to complications. Macrolides are less dangerous: they are prescribed to pregnant women and children. Antibiotics that do not cause complications are classified as lungs. These include:

  • Josamycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • "Spiramycin".

The preparations are gentle on the flora of the intestines and stomach. They do not kill enterobacteriaceae. Food intake does not affect the effectiveness of the antibiotic: medications are taken both before and after meals.

The active substance of the drugs is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and spreads throughout the body.

Antibiotics for flu and colds for adults over 50

Elderly patients are prescribed antibiotic drugs with great caution. The metabolic processes in the body are reduced, which inhibits the excretion of drugs from the body, their absorption and distribution in soft tissues.

Elderly patients often suffer from chronic diseases heart, kidney, gastrointestinal tract. Antibiotics for people over 50 are prescribed in small doses.

The instructions for the use of drugs are given special instructions: how to take medicine for chronic diseases. If the symptoms of a cold are observed within 2 days, then the therapist prescribes therapy with antibiotics of the 3rd and 4th generation fluoroquinolone group.

V exceptional cases cephalosporins are prescribed. Elderly people are prescribed:

  • "Sparfloxacin";
  • "Moxifloxacin";
  • "Cefotaxime";
  • "Cefodizim";
  • "Piperacillin".

These drugs are distributed in soft tissue in 20 minutes. Excreted in feces and urine. Antibiotics are taken after surgical operations to avoid the development of a secondary infection in the body.

Antibiotics for colds: "Amoxicillin", its effect, contraindications

"Amoxicillin" is an antibiotic of the penicillin group with a wide spectrum of action. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, granules for preparing a suspension, capsules.

The solution in ampoules is used in veterinary medicine. The active substance, amoxicillin, is absorbed by the body from the gastrointestinal tract without disturbing the acidic environment.

Food intake does not affect the distribution of the active substance throughout the body. Suitable for the elderly.

The drug is prescribed to the patient, in case of infection:

  • upper respiratory tract;
  • digestive organs;
  • genitourinary system;
  • with damage to soft tissues.

"Amoxicillin" is used together with "Metronidazole" in the treatment of ulcers duodenum and gastritis.

The drug has contraindications:

  • allergic diathesis;
  • the patient's sensitivity to antibiotics of the penicillin, cephalosporin group, to nitroimidazole;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by diarrhea and severe vomiting;
  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • asthma;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • mononucleosis, in which there is an increase in the spleen, liver;
  • diseases associated with impaired hematopoiesis;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the liver, jaundice.

"Amoxicillin" in the form of a suspension is prescribed for children from 2 years of age. The tablets are prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age. The antibiotic regimen is prescribed by the doctor. It depends on the form of the drug, the age of the patient and the specificity of the disease.

Analogues of "Amoxicillin" are: "Ampicillin trihydrate", "Ecobol", "Ospamox". average price drug - 70 rubles.

Antibiotics for colds for children under one year old

Prescribing antibiotics to infants under one year old should be justified. Antibiotic therapy can lead to defective development of internal organs and the brain. From 3 months, children are prescribed:

  • "A-Klav";
  • "Sulbaktam";
  • Clindamycin;
  • Lincomycin Hydrochloride;
  • Cefuroxime;
  • "Emsef".

Babies are not prescribed antibiotics:

  • with acute respiratory infections caused by a virus;
  • with rhinitis;
  • with pharyngitis;
  • before treating a cough, the pediatrician examines its origin; if lingering cough has a bacterial nature, the appointment of antibiotics will be justified;
  • with hyperthermia, high body temperature, which lasts more than a day, if the child cannot be examined, Cephalosporin is prescribed.

It's important to know! To normalize the intestinal microflora, the pediatrician recommends taking bifido- and lactobacilli. Do not neglect the advice of a doctor. Otherwise, the baby will suffer from colic, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

Antibiotics for colds for children after a year

The body of a baby and a child after a year is distinguished by a stronger immune system and harmonious work of internal organs. Children after a year with a cold are prescribed antibiotics in the form of injections and orally: tablets, suspensions, syrups.

  • "Axetin"- powder for preparation of injection solution, indicated for children from birth;
  • "Klacid"- indicated for children from 3 years of age;
  • "Amoxisar"- prescribed for children under 5 years of age in the form of a suspension;
  • "Zedex"- suspensions for children from 6 months, tablets - from 10 years;
  • "Flemoxin Solutab"- for kids younger age the antibiotic is given in the form of a syrup; older children are prescribed pills.

Hives may appear after taking antibiotics. In this case, the drug is either canceled, or antihistamines are prescribed "Suprastin", "Zodak", "Tavegil".

Antibiotics for colds in children: the names of the most effective

The pediatrician prescribes antibiotic therapy individually for each child. For some children, drugs of the penicillin group are effective, for others - macrolides.

Experts identify the following bactericidal and antimicrobial agents that are effective for children with colds:

  • "Zinnat"active substance- cefuroxime axetil; the granules are diluted with water to obtain a suspension; the medicine has a fruity taste, is indicated for children from birth;

  • "Augmentin"- active substance - amoxicillin trihydrate; powder for suspension preparation; has a sweet berry taste, is prescribed for children from 2 months;
  • "Suprax"- the active substance cefixime; water-soluble tablets; taste - sweet, strawberry, prescribed for children from 3 years old;
  • Roxithromycin- tablets, recommended for children over 12 years old.

Important to remember! Antibiotics for colds in adults and children should be taken with plenty of pure water... Do not use sugary carbonated drinks, compote or tea. Do not drink drugs with milk and fermented milk drinks.

Taking the wrong medication reduces the dissolution of the antibiotic, its absorption and spread throughout the body.

What antibiotics to take for colds and sore throats

If the throat is sore with a cold, then antibiotics are not prescribed immediately. The therapist determines the nature of the disease, viral or bactericidal. With angina caused by staphylococcus, the patient has certain signs:

  • high temperature up to 40 ° C; use antipyretic drugs that lower the temperature for a short time;
  • it hurts the patient to swallow;
  • burgundy tonsils, visible on them white bloom and manifestations of abscesses;
  • enlarged lymph nodes: on palpation, the patient feels pain.

Adults are prescribed:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • Amosin;
  • "Hikontsil".

Children are prescribed:

  • "Cefosin";
  • "Medoklav";
  • Macropen.

At staphylococcal infection in the throat, the therapist may prescribe sprays or aerosols:

  • Tantum Verde;
  • Strepsils;
  • "Angelix";
  • Miramistin;
  • "Orasept".

Attention! Sprays for angina are not prescribed as an independent antibacterial agent. Prescribe complex treatment together with antibiotics in tablets, suspensions or in the form of a syrup.

Treatment will be effective if, before using the spray, rinse the throat with a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Antibiotics for ARVI and influenza

Diseases caused by a virus entering the body are treated with antiviral medications.

If the patient's condition does not improve: temperature is above 38.5 ° C, abundant discharge of mucous membrane from the nose Green colour, there are signs of otitis media, then the doctor adjusts the treatment. He prescribes antibiotics. Effective in in this case there will be broad-spectrum drugs:

  • "Clonacom-X": combined antibiotic; its active substances are amoxicillin and cloxacillin; with caution prescribed to women during pregnancy and children under 14 years of age, the course of treatment is 10 days;
  • "Ampisid": for adults and children whose body weight has reached 30 kg; a contraindication is sensitivity to the drug; during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed with caution; effective in the treatment of ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;

  • "Fromilid": granules for suspension preparation, tablets; the active substance is clarithromycin; contraindication is kidney disease; children are prescribed the drug from the age of 12.

The physician should determine the dosage and method of taking antibiotics. The drugs are available in pharmacies with a prescription.

Antibiotics for colds and coughs

Before prescribing an antibiotic for a cough, the therapist will prescribe tests and examinations for the patient. If the cough is caused by spread bacterial infection, then resort to therapy with antibacterial agents... Antibiotics for colds in adults and children are indicated for pleurisy, pneumonia, acute tracheitis, bacterial bronchitis.

  • "Z-factor": the drug is prescribed for adults and children from 1 year old; contraindications - renal and hepatic failure;
  • "Azicide": the course of treatment is 3 days - 3 tablets; for adults, children from 3 years old, for pregnant women;
  • "Ecoclave": produced in the form of tablets and powder for suspension.

When treating cough, it is always carried out complex therapy... Antitussives or expectorants are prescribed together with antibiotics.

Natural antibiotics for colds

Synthetic antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic bacteria in the body, but also beneficial intestinal microflora. Medicines lower the patient's immunity.

After treatment, it is necessary new therapy to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Natural antibiotics are gentle on the body. Experts recommend including them in your daily diet.

The berries are known for their antiseptic, antiviral and bactericidal properties:

  • viburnum - tastes like raspberries, but is not popular due to its specific smell;
  • cranberry;
  • black currant;
  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • blueberry.

The berries are ground with sugar and kept in a glass container in a cool place. Consume 1 tsp. 3 times a day for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Some spices increase immunity, normalize metabolic processes and are natural antibiotics:

  • garlic;
  • basil;
  • cinnamon;
  • thyme.

Seasonings are used in salads and main courses. When treating sore throats, decoctions are made from them for rinsing the throat, rinsing the nose.

One of the most delicious natural antibiotics is honey. A spoonful of honey is added to tea, milk, or dissolves for sore throat.

Antiviral antibiotics for colds

Antiviral antibiotics only exist in nature. Viburnum, garlic, cranberries have not only antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effects, but also antiviral properties. There are no synthetic antibiotics that prevent viruses from multiplying.

Antibiotics and antiviral drugs act on different pathogens. When ARVI is prescribed "Arbidol", "Remantadin". After 4-5 days, the immune system develops antibodies that resist the virus.

Further complications are associated with the development of infection caused by the activity of bacteria or fungi.

In some cases, a secondary infection develops already during the defeat of the body by the virus. The person is superinfected. In this case, the doctor prescribes therapy with antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Antibiotics for colds are inexpensive and effective, their names and features

Penicillins are prescribed for streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal infection... They are not very toxic: they are suitable for children. Among them:

  • "Benzylpenicillin benzathine"- cost in tablets from 30 rubles. for 10 pcs.; injections - 60 rubles. for 1 ampoule; possible use with antifungal drugs;
  • "Ampiox"- from 60 rubles. for 20 pcs.; recommended for children from 7 years old;
  • "Oxacillin"- in tablets from 55 rubles / 20 pcs.; powder No. 50 - 450 rubles.

Cephalosporins have a wide spectrum of action: they are active against coccal and anaerobic infections... In some cases, appoint combination drugs that contain penicillin.

Least expensive and efficient the following drugs:

  • "Zinacef" for intramuscular and intravenous use; powder for solution - from 140 rubles. for 750 mg;
  • "Loprax"- the average price is 120 rubles; the drug is released in tablets and in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension;
  • "Cefoperazone"- the average price is 150 rubles; powder for injection.

Modern antibiotics have a wide spectrum of action and low toxicity. Their cost does not differ from democracy. Average price - from 500 rubles.

Over-the-counter antibiotics

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has always opposed self-medication. The Law on the Sale of Medicines was passed in 2010. In 2017, pharmacy owners were reminded of their responsibility for selling antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.

A legal entity will pay a fine of 40 thousand rubles. IP owner - from 4 thousand rubles. The activities of organizations by a court decision can be suspended for 90 days.

To get an antibiotic, you need to see a doctor who has prescription rights.

Injections: antibiotics for colds, their names, action, contraindications

Cold injections are prescribed for difficult cases when it is necessary intensive therapy... The injections are faster and more effective. Injections are prescribed only for certain indications.

  • "Sultasin"- from 40 rubles. for a bottle of powder for solution preparation; the drug is combined, has antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect, a contraindication is liver and kidney disease;
  • "Oxamp sodium"average cost 20 rubles / 1 bottle; belongs to the group of penicillins, not prescribed for children infancy if the mother has a history of sensitivity to penicillin; contraindications - bleeding, bronchial asthma, drug sensitivity;
  • "Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid": do not prescribe injections for jaundice, infectious mononucleosis, hypersensitivity.

Carefully! If from the last treatment there is a powder with an antibiotic for preparing an injection solution, then you should not prescribe injections yourself.

There is a danger that the body has developed resistance to this antibiotic. The use of drugs in this case will harm the body.

Antibiotics for pregnant women for colds

Bactericidal and antimicrobial drugs pregnant women are prescribed with great care. The woman should be under constant medical supervision. Prescribe antibiotics in extreme cases if after acute respiratory infections the development of pneumonia, purulent bronchitis occurred, the organs of the genitourinary system are affected.

For pregnant women, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Penicillin";
  • "Cefelim";
  • "Macrobid".

The dosage of drugs is reduced so as not to harm the fetus. In some cases, the therapist will prescribe medications that are appropriate for infants.

The following groups of drugs are prohibited for pregnant women:

  • tetracyclines;
  • sulfonamides;
  • chloramphenicol row;
  • nitrofuran group.

In the 1st trimester, taking antibiotics is undesirable. 2-3 trimesters are less dangerous. Along with drugs, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes for pregnant.

Treatment of colds with antibiotics: the consequences of therapy

Antibiotic therapy will not harm the body if the doctor has chosen the right drug and determined the correct drug intake regimen.

With reduced immunity of the patient, if the rules for taking antibiotics are not followed, negative manifestations are possible. First of all, they relate to the gastrointestinal tract:

  • loose stools;
  • nausea, decreased appetite;
  • stomach ache.

Antibiotics negatively affect not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial microflora. As a result of therapy, an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines occurs, which will require long-term recovery.

Antibiotics disrupt the balance of the mucous membranes in the body. This leads to the development of fungi of the genus "Candida". The patient suffers from stomatitis and thrush: it often manifests itself in women and girls.

Antibiotic toxins adversely affect liver function. The patient has signs of jaundice.

After a course of antibiotics, you must take:

  • Bifibumbacterin;
  • Acidolac;
  • "Lactusan".

The therapist will make recommendations for dietary nutrition and the treatment of dysbiosis. The patient should be treated with antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the restoration of immunity and the functions of internal organs will take a long time.

Antibiotics during acute respiratory infections are prescribed only according to indications and on the basis of tests. It is dangerous to take medications for colds on your own.

Antibiotics for colds in adults and children:

Useful video about rehabilitation after antibiotics.School of Dr. Komarovsky:

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