ICD code 10 orvi in ​​adults. Acute respiratory viral infections. Target audience of these clinical guidelines

  1. HepaLank is a natural hepatoprotector for the liver based on oligonucleotides, sea buckthorn and milk thistle extracts, a drug for the liver and gastrointestinal tract. It has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Oligonucleotides normalize metabolism, sea buckthorn relieves inflammation of tissues, promotes healing of tissue damage, milk thistle neutralizes toxins and toxins, helps restore cells of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestinal mucosa. One pack of the drug is a course of 1 month.
  2. Midivirine is a natural source of taurine. In liver cells, taurine is involved in the synthesis of bile acids. It is used as a hepatoprotector, with various types of household intoxication, has a powerful anti-radiation and anti-inflammatory effect, enhances the body's antiviral resistance. One package is a course of admission for 1 month.

The above hepaprotective drugs for the liver are taken sequentially, the first month - one drug, then a break of 7-10 days, and then the second drug. In the future, after a break of 7-10 days, you can repeat the one of the drugs that most positively affected your well-being.

In addition to the above list of hepaprotective drugs, Dienai Karma capsules can be recommended. This newest drug promotes the production of human stem cells, and therefore triggers the mechanism of self-renewal (regeneration) of liver cells. Dienai Karma contains only 10 capsules. It should be taken only after you finish taking HepaLank or Midivirin.

Only one of them - ursodeoxycholic acid - is a drug in the classical sense. All other world medicine considers dietary supplements. But this does not mean that hepatoprotectors are ineffective.

Protect and restore

In the 70s, the requirements for an “ideal hepatoprotector” were formulated: it should be completely absorbed when taken orally, have the effect of “first pass” through the liver (that is, it should be broken down in this organ before it enters the bloodstream), bind toxins or prevent their appearance, reduce inflammation and suppress fibrinogenesis (that is, inhibit fibrosis - replacement of the liver's own tissue with connective tissue), stimulate the restoration of liver cells.

“Interest in hepatoprotectors was very high at first, but after many of the promising drugs at that time showed insufficient effectiveness, it decreased,” says Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov Chandar Pavlov. “In the past few years, there has been a resurgence of interest, which is reflected in the resumption of clinical research.” It is worth adding that the exact mechanisms of action of representatives of this group have not been studied enough and in most cases are only hypothetical.

“Often, the effectiveness of hepatoprotectors is not confirmed by reliable scientific data with a high level of evidence,” says Yuri Kucheryavy, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Gastroenterology of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health. “As a result, the use of most of the drugs in this group in general clinical practice is controversial.”

The most common classification of hepatoprotectors divides them by origin. The first group - herbal preparations from milk thistle, celandine, fume, artichoke, yarrow, cassia. The second group includes preparations of animal origin: hydrolyzates of the liver of cattle and ursodeoxycholic acid (it is, however, now obtained synthetically, but it was found in the bile of a bear). Essential phospholipids make up the third, and amino acids - the fourth group.

Market favorite

Essential (that is, related to the essence of something) phospholipids are part of the wall of liver cells (hepatocytes). With the use of alcohol, certain drugs, poisoning with toxic substances (both from outside and formed in the process of metabolism), they are damaged. The main proposed mechanism of action of preparations containing EPL (they are obtained from soybeans) is to replenish the deficiency of cell wall phospholipids, stabilize hepatocyte membranes and inhibit the destruction of liver cells.

In Russia, EPL is widely used, although in the European Union and the United States they are not used in clinical practice, since a large clinical study conducted in 2003 in the United States did not reveal any positive effects of EPL on liver function compared with placebo. According to Sergey Morozov, senior researcher at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it would be too good to be true to achieve a suspension of inflammation by only strengthening the hepatocyte membranes by supplying phospholipids from outside, without eliminating the main pathogenetic cause of the damage. . In addition, there is no evidence that plant-derived phospholipids can "integrate" into the membrane. EPL when taken orally have low bioavailability, and when administered parenterally, they tend to accumulate not in the liver at all, but in other organs.

The most famous drug in this group is Essentiale N. According to DSMgroup, he again topped the top brands in terms of pharmacy sales in Russia (as of February 2014). Indications for use are alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (fatty liver), medicinal and liver damage. In addition to it, this group includes Rezalut Pro, Essliver, Eslidin (additionally contains methionine), Phosphogliv (contains glycyrrhizin obtained from licorice).

Proven Effectiveness

Preparations of milk thistle can be found in every pharmacy. Manufacturers claim their effectiveness as a means of "supporting" the liver. They cannot be reproached for outright deception, but at least they are cunning. Indeed, silymarin, a mixture of milk thistle alkaloids, the main active ingredient of which is silibinin, has a proven antifibrotic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antitoxic effect. There is evidence of a direct and indirect antiviral effect of silibinin in chronic viral hepatitis C when administered intravenously. In addition, silymarin prevents the penetration of certain hepatotoxic substances into the cell, in particular poisons of the pale toadstool.

However, not all milk thistle extracts show all these beneficial properties, but only obtained in a special, very laborious way.

“Comparison of silymarin isomers in their pharmaceutical equivalence led to the isolation of Legalon as a reference silymarin-containing drug,” says Sergey Morozov. "The bioavailability of silymarin from raw extracts appears to be very low." Legalon, in accordance with the recommendations of EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver), is the drug of choice for the treatment of drug-induced liver damage that occurs without cholestasis. Other preparations based on milk thistle are Gepabene (additionally contains fumes extract), Karsil, Silimar, Hepatofalk planta (additionally contains celandine and Javanese turmeric extract).

Bear Power

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is especially among hepatoprotectors, because it is the only drug recognized throughout the world. This is a bile acid, but unlike the fatty acids produced in the body, it is not toxic and does not damage the walls of hepatocytes. All mechanisms of action of UDCA are complex and have not been fully understood to date.

However, its very important and proven action is to reduce the saturation of bile with cholesterol by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine, suppressing synthesis in the liver and reducing secretion into bile. In primary biliary cirrhosis (that is, due to bile stasis in the intrahepatic ducts), UDCA is the main drug of choice for increasing life expectancy, as demonstrated by numerous clinical studies.

In addition, UDCA is used to prevent the formation and to dissolve cholesterol gallstones, as well as in biliary reflux gastritis. Indications, in addition, are primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic hepatitis with a cholestatic component (especially alcoholic and medicinal), intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, chronic viral hepatitis (if antiviral therapy is not possible or in combination with it), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

The reference drug for UDCA is Ursofalk, which has been produced in Germany since 1979. All other UDCA preparations for registration in the European Union must provide data on the full pharmacological and clinical equivalence of Ursofalk for registration. Other drugs, according to experts, are analogues and may have differences both in terms of effectiveness and adverse reactions. Ursofalk also has a higher stability of the active substance (5 years) compared to other UDCA preparations (4 years).

double action

Ademetionine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids methionine and adenosine (ATP). This is the most important coenzyme that takes part in the main biochemical processes. The vast majority of clinical studies on ademetionine have been conducted in alcoholic liver disease.

Experimental and clinical data indicate the antioxidant and detoxifying effects of ademetionine, as well as the acceleration of hepatic tissue regeneration under its influence and the slowing down of fibrosis development. But, in addition to hepatoprotective properties, ademetionine is an antidepressant that shows effectiveness even when classical therapy with tricyclic antidepressants does not work. It is assumed that ademetionine affects the metabolism of neurotransmitters - serotonin and dopamine, which is disturbed during depression.

However, a clinical study by J. Mato et al. (1999) showed that ademetionine is effective for treating only mild forms of cholestasis, while UDCA is effective for both mild and moderate and severe forms of the disease. Due to the insufficient evidence base, the FDA is not yet able to grant approval for registration of ademetionine as a medicinal product. Therefore, in the US, it is known as a dietary supplement under the brand name SAM-e. It is marketed worldwide under the brand names Heptral, Gumbaral, Samyr, Adomet, Admethionine, and Heptor.

As a drug, Heptral is registered in Italy and Russia and is used for alcoholic liver disease, toxic and medicinal liver damage, cholestatic conditions and depression. The bioavailability of the active substance when taking tablets is only 5% of the dose taken, while when using a parenteral solution it is close to 100%. A feature of the drug is chemical instability, which causes a short shelf life.


Glycyrrhizic acid is a substance derived from licorice. To date, experimental studies have described its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

In Russia, glycyrrhizin is represented by one dosage form - a combination of phospholipids and glycyrrhizin itself (Phosphogliv). It is available in capsules and powder for solution. The most promising, according to doctors, is the injectable dosage form of the drug, since when taking capsules, the bioavailability of glycyrrhizin is low.

Progepar has been used for several decades in Germany and Japan for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, toxic and drug-induced lesions accompanied by liver failure. It is a hydrolyzate of the liver of young bulls (tested for mad cow disease and other diseases, so it is impossible to get infected when taking it), enriched with amino acids and vitamins. Progepar was registered in Russia in 2009. Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of IvGMA Olga Gromova believes that clinical studies and practice indicate the effectiveness of Progepar in the treatment of chronic alcoholic hepatitis. It has proven its complex positive effect not only on the symptoms and functioning of the liver, but also on other body systems (immune, urinary, vitamin metabolism).

Artichoke leaf extract is mainly used as a cholagogue for biliary dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, but it is also recommended for chronic toxic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Thioctic acid (Berlition, Thiogamma), alpha-lipoic acid have a positive effect on the liver - they are used in the complex treatment of diabetes. The amino acid taurine (Dibicor) is recommended for the restoration of liver tissue when using antifungal drugs, and L‑carnitine is recommended for long-term use of the antiepileptic drug Depakine (valproic acid).

As you can see, there are a lot of drugs that claim to belong to hepatoprotectors. Despite a small number of clinical studies, they are widely used in medical practice. Professor Alexander Shaposhnikov, Head of the Department of Preventive Oncology, Laparoscopy and General Surgery, Rostov Research Institute of Oncology, member of the European Association for Liver Diseases, believes that some bias of the medical community in relation to hepatoprotectors is due to terminological confusion. “One group included substances of various chemical groups that have special indications for use,” he said. “When prescribing them, it is necessary to rely on clinical data: the presence or absence of cholestasis, fibrosis, and so on.” The more accurately the diagnosis is made and the severity of the disease is established, the more effective the treatment with hepatoprotectors will be. This is not a specific Russian fashion, but a world practice.

Hepatoprotectors- These are drugs prescribed mainly for older patients. Due to age-related characteristics and deterioration of the digestive function, people develop polyhypovitaminosis. This is reflected in the metabolism in the body and triggers an accelerated aging process. The main goal of hepatoprotectors is to prolong the youth and life of a person. There are about 200 varieties of the drug, each of which has its own indications and contraindications for taking.

Indications for taking hepatoprotectors

Drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  1. With alcohol, threatening to turn into the liver. For effective treatment, the patient also needs to stop taking alcoholic beverages. Only in this case, hepatoprotectors will help restore the destroyed cells of the organ.
  2. With fatty liver. Pathology is more often diagnosed in patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from. As with alcohol, one dose of hepatoprotectors will not be enough for a complete therapy. It is important to lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition.
  3. With prolonged use of medications that provoked damage to liver cells. Hepatoprotectors in this case will protect the cells of the organ from the effects of an unfavorable factor.
  4. With hepatitis of a viral nature that has passed into a chronic form. When infected with a pathology of type A, B, C, the patient is prescribed hepatoprotectors as a drug therapy

Due to the fact that the effectiveness of drugs in relation to the prevention and treatment of liver pathologies has been proven, drugs have been separated into a separate pharmacological group. But even the most modern hepatoprotectors will not bring positive results in therapy if they were prescribed without consulting a doctor.

Variety of drugs

Hepatoprotectors, depending on the constituent components, are divided into 6 groups:

  • medicines made from animal liver cells;
  • derivatives of amino acids;
  • herbal preparations;
  • essential phospholipids;
  • medicines based on bile acids;

Important! The type of drugs prescribed depends on the degree of damage to the cells of the organ and the general health of the patient.

Essential phospholipids

The effectiveness of the considered drugs of the group of essential phospholipids is confirmed by positive feedback from specialists and patients. These drugs, freely dispensed in pharmacies, include:

  1. Phospholip. The main active ingredient is lecithin. The product is available in the form of capsules. It is prescribed for fatty liver, toxic poisoning of the body and for acute symptoms of intoxication in pregnant women. It is recommended for taking before surgery on the biliary tract. In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the drug is taken 2 capsules 3 times a day. In the stage of remission of the pathology, 1 capsule is drunk three times a day. The recommended course of therapy is 3 months.
  2. Phosfonciale. The active substances of the drug are silamarin and phospholipids. Available in the form of capsules. It is prescribed for the complex treatment of the liver, poisoning, psoriasis, preeclampsia and problems with lipid metabolism. The dosage regimen depends on the severity of the problem. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 3 months.
  3. Essel Forte. The active ingredients of the drug include: nicotinamide, phospholipids, B vitamins, vitamin E. It is used for pathologies of the liver and bile ducts. Capsules are taken 3 times a day, 2 pieces. A side effect of taking the medication is an upset stool.
  4. Essentiale N. The active ingredient is phospholipids from soybeans. Available in the form of liquid for injection and capsules. It is prescribed for damage to liver cells of a viral or toxic nature, as well as for the prevention of biliary tract disease. The drug is taken 2 capsules three times a day. For injections, the daily dose is 2 capsules for mild and moderate forms of the disease and up to 4 ampoules for severe forms of pathology.

Important! In acute forms of hepatitis, it is better to refuse the use of hepatoprotectors with phospholipids.

Hepatoprotectors of animal origin

Among hepatoprotectors with proven clinical efficacy, 2 types of the drug are prescribed: Sirepar and Gepotosan. The funds are intended for the treatment of liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis or fatty hepatosis) and are not suitable for prophylactic use. The active ingredients of the preparations are components of the pork liver. In addition, the composition of hepatoprotectors of animal origin includes amino acids, cyanocobalamin, low molecular weight metabolites.

Among the positive aspects of hepatoprotectors of animal origin, note:

  • their ability to remove toxins from the body;
  • the possibility of complete restoration of liver tissue;
  • restoration of the organ's working capacity;

The disadvantages of hepatoprotectors of animal origin include:

  • unproven clinical safety of funds;
  • high risk of developing allergic reactions;
  • the risk of developing an immunopathological syndrome in the treatment of acute forms of hepatitis.

The price for Sirepar varies from 400 rubles, for Gepotosan - from 350 rubles.

Should know! There are other hepatoprotectors of animal origin - Progepar and Hepatamine, which improve blood flow in the liver and inhibit the formation of connective tissue in the organ. But their use is inappropriate, since there is no data confirming their effectiveness.

Amino acids

Hepatoprotectors with amino acids are divided into two groups of drugs.

  1. Means with ademetionine - Heptor and Heptral. The amino acid is involved in the production of phospholipids, and also has a detoxifying and regenerating effect. Preparations of this group are used to combat fatty hepatosis, chronic forms of hepatitis and withdrawal symptoms. Conducted clinical studies indicate the effectiveness of drugs in relation to drug and toxic liver damage, cholestatic problems and hepatitis of a viral nature.

The drug Heptral is considered a hepatoprotector with proven effectiveness only in Russia, Germany and Italy. In other countries, it is considered as a dietary supplement with a dubious clinical effect. Experts note the effectiveness of the drug only when taken intravenously. Heptral in tablet form is not prescribed for severe forms of liver damage.

  1. Means with ornith aspartate, for example, Hepa-merz. The amino acid reduces the level of ammonia in the body and is prescribed to maintain the working capacity of the liver, with fatty degeneration and hepatitis of a toxic nature. Hepa-Merz is not used for the prevention of liver diseases due to the high price. Evidence of the effectiveness of the remedy was obtained in a randomized study of patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and elevated levels of ammonia in the body.

Dietary supplements or homeopathic medicines

The list of hepatoprotective drugs with proven effectiveness includes:

  1. Galstena with active plant components - milk thistle, medicinal dandelion and celandine. The composition of the drug also includes phosphorus and sodium sulfate. It is prescribed for the treatment of liver pathologies occurring in acute and chronic form, in case of dysfunction of the gallbladder, chronic.

The medicine is taken after a meal or 1 hour before a meal. Children under one year are prescribed ½ tablet 3 times a day, children 1-12 years old - ½ tablet (or 5 drops of the drug), children over 12 years old and adults 1 tablet. In severe forms of the disease, the frequency of taking the drug is increased up to 8 times a day.

  1. Hepel. The composition of the medicine contains spotted milk thistle, components of the cinchona tree, celandine, nutmeg, phosphorus and colocynth. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic and antidiarrheal properties. It is prescribed for patients suffering from appetite disorders, eczema, acne on the body, as well as liver diseases of a toxic and inflammatory nature. Hepel is taken three times a day, one tablet. In severe forms of pathology, 1 ampoule of the drug is administered intramuscularly to patients.

Bile acid medications

Ursofalk, Ursosan- hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness, the list can also be replenished with drugs Exhol, Choludexan, Urdoksa. The active substance of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. Recommended for patients with gallstones.

The dosage of the drug depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient and the severity of the pathology and can range from 2-7 capsules per day. The course of therapy with drugs with bile acids - from 10 days to 2 years.

Herbal preparations

The list of hepatoprotectors of plant origin with proven effectiveness includes:

  1. Gepabene. The composition of the medicine includes fumes extract, milk thistle fruits. The drug has a choleretic effect, stimulates the liver in case of poisoning. Taken 1 capsule three times a day.
  2. with bearberry fruit extract. Available in tablet form and in the form of dragees. It is prescribed for the treatment of toxic damage to the organ and for the prevention of liver diseases, normalizes lipid metabolism in the body. suitable for complex treatment of liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty hepatosis.
  3. Hofitol. Accelerates the production of bile, thereby preventing its stagnation in the biliary tract. It is prescribed for renal and liver failure, chronic hepatitis and, as well as for poisoning with toxic substances. Adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day, children 6-11 years old - 1 tablet. Children under 6 years of age are prescribed the drug in drops (10 drops 2 times a day).

Should know! Contraindications to taking hepatoprotectors are: kidney disease in the acute stage, obstruction of the biliary tract, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, acute liver disease.

List of new generation hepatoprotectors.

  1. Hepatosan.
  2. Sirepar.
  3. Hepa-Merz

List of the best hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness

  1. Heptral- the average cost is 1600 rubles;
  2. Hofitol- the average price is from 400 rubles;
  3. Essentiale N- the cost of the medicine is 700 rubles;
  4. Ursosan- the price of the drug is from 200 rubles;
  5. Karsil- the average cost is 350 rubles;
  6. Silimar- cost from 100 rubles.

Important! Hepatoprotectors have different properties and composition, so they should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

Hepatoprotectors with proven efficacy are prescribed as a complex therapy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Preparations depending on the composition are divided into 6 groups. When choosing a particular remedy, it is necessary to pay attention to the pharmacological group of the remedy, the age of the patient and the country of manufacture (Russian drugs are cheaper than imported ones, but are not inferior to them in effectiveness).

On the video: Hepatoprotectors. Liver diseases. Treatment.

Literature and sources (spoiler):

  • 1. The description of Hepatoprotectors® medicinal products is based on officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.
  • 2. Klyuev M. A., Skulkova R. S., Ermakova V. Ya. - Directory of medicines 2005.
  • 3. Hepatoprotectors® - the description and instructions of the preparations are provided by the Vidal medical reference book of medicines.
  • 4. State Register of Medicines https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Default.aspx
  • 5. Smolnikov P.V. (comp.) - Handbook of Essential Medicines 2004.
  • 6. Ed. G.L. Vyshkovsky - System of reference books "Register of Medicines of Russia" (RLS "Doctor") 2013-2015.
  • 7. Pharmacy and pharmacology. Pavlova I.I. (compiler) - Medicines. Newest handbook 2012.


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Hello. I am a generalist gastroenterologist with 8 years of experience in clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Contact me, I will be happy to help.

Treatment of liver pathology is not complete without prescribing drugs that ensure the restoration of damaged hepatocytes, the protection of viable cells, and the activation of lost functions.

Hepatoprotectors for the liver do not replace drugs. The list of drugs for liver therapy includes antibacterial, antiviral agents, hormones, complex vitamins, immunomodulators, homeopathic medicines.

It is difficult to determine the best of more than 200 drugs. We will only be based on verified facts from the evidence-based medicine database. It includes only those medicines that have been tested on a sufficient number of cases, have reliable results of effectiveness in comparison with a group of patients to whom they were not prescribed.

Who is shown hepatoprotectors?

Some people think that hepatoprotectors are necessary only for various diseases that occur with cell damage, but this is not so. They are most effective as a means of prevention.

Conditions for the need to support and protect liver cells arise:

  • in case of violation of the usual regimen and quality of nutrition on holidays, when it is impossible to avoid overeating tasty, but difficult for digestion food, drinking alcohol;
  • after acute infectious diseases and their treatment (ARVI, influenza, intestinal infections, food poisoning);
  • if you moved to another area where the ecology has changed, the quality of drinking water.

People over the age of 60 are especially in need of “covering” the liver. This is due to impaired adaptability of the body and low overall immunity.

Hepatoprotective drugs are necessarily included in the treatment regimen for acute and chronic liver diseases:

  • with inflammation (hepatitis) of viral origin, toxic, alcoholic, alimentary;
  • hepatoses caused by altered metabolic processes (fatty, cholestatic, pigmentary) that occur with diabetes mellitus, alcoholic hepatitis, impaired bile separation, enzymatic hereditary pathologies of bilirubin metabolism;
  • at the stage of initial cirrhotic or fibrous changes in the liver tissue;
  • patients with liver damage caused by forced long-term use of drugs for systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, Wilson-Konovalov's disease, and tuberculosis;
  • in case of development of cardiac cirrhosis with decompensation of myocardial work.


There is no single classification of drugs from the list of hepatoprotectors. It is customary to divide them by origin and basic basis. The mechanism of action is often the same. The pharmacological group includes products made from plant materials, animal liver, artificially synthesized, combined with multivitamins.

In form, they are represented by tablets, capsules, ampoules for injection, drops

Depending on the origin, 6 groups of hepatoprotectors are distinguished:

  • essential phospholipids;
  • preparations from the liver tissue of animals;
  • derivatives of amino acids;
  • medicinal bile acid protectors;
  • herbal remedies (collections of herbs, extracts of medicinal plants);
  • biologically active food supplements (BAA) and homeopathic preparations.

As a means for treatment, hepatoprotectors are used in Russia and the CIS countries. Doctors in Europe and the USA do not consider them medicines due to insufficient evidence base for their effectiveness. The situation even develops in such a way that the country produces the drug, but sends it not to its pharmacy chain, but to Russia and the CIS (like the French company Sanofi Essentiale).

Which medicines are best used in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. It is not recommended to choose drugs on your own. They have their own characteristics and optimal options for action. It is impossible to completely exclude the negative impact. We will consider examples of the most popular means, indications for their appointment, give opposing opinions for and against.

Essential phospholipids

Among researchers there is no consensus on the mechanism of action of drugs.


In accordance with the Instructions, we are invited to believe that the essential phospholipids obtained from soybeans coincide in composition with the components of the cell wall of hepatocytes. Getting into the fatty layer of the wall of the damaged hepatocyte, they are able to restore the functions of cells, improve their functions.

It has been proven that in patients taking phospholipids: the energy costs of liver cells decrease, enzyme activity increases, the properties of produced bile improve, in the treatment of hepatitis C, the likelihood of an active response of the body to the administration of α-interferon increases. Most effective in injections.

To get the result, you need to take drugs of this type for six months or longer, they are not recognized by doctors in most countries


Studies have been published that refute the effect of phospholipids on liver function. The negative effect is the provocation of inflammation in chronic forms of hepatitis, which is associated with the absence of choleretic properties, stagnation of bile.

There is an opinion that the vitamins present in the composition cannot be taken at the same time, it is better to replace them with separate preparations. Some authors are sure that the composition of the tablets reaches the liver in a very small dosage, since it is distributed throughout the body.

These "minuses" require a careful attitude to essential phospholipids in viral hepatitis, taking into account the compatibility of vitamins.

The main drugs of the group:

  • Essentiale N, Essentiale Forte N - contains only phospholipids;
  • Essliver Forte - includes phospholipids + vitamins of group B, E, PP;
  • Phosfonciale - the active ingredient is silymarin in combination with lipoid C;
  • Gepagard - phospholipids + vitamin E;
  • Phosphogliv - phospholipids in combination with the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid;
  • Rezalut - phospholipids + triglycerides + glycerol + soybean oil + vitamin E.

The most expensive are Essentiale Forte N and Rezalut. In the Russian Federation, they are prescribed for fatty hepatosis, toxic hepatitis, toxicosis in pregnant women, before the upcoming operation on the biliary tract, cirrhosis of the liver, and metabolic disorders.

Animal Liver Remedies

By origin, two types of preparations are distinguished: Hepatosan - from porcine liver, Sirepar - from the liver tissue of cattle. Contain cyanocobalamin, growth factor, amino acids in combination with low molecular weight metabolites.

Due to the significant number of negative aspects of exposure, drugs are not used for the purpose of prevention, only for treatment. They are prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver, fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, hepatomegaly.

Cause hypersensitivity in many patients


The instruction indicates pronounced antioxidant properties, the possibility of eliminating intoxication and stimulating the healing of parenchymal liver tissue. Progepar, which is part of the group, activates blood flow in the affected organ, blocks the formation of connective tissue (cirrhosis), accelerates the excretion of toxins with diuresis, and therefore improves all liver functions.


The effect of this group of hepatoprotectors on the liver and the body as a whole is the most controversial. Moreover, the safety of the proposed drugs has not been proven. The ability of drugs to cause an allergic reaction is very high. Therefore, the use in the acute phase of hepatitis is considered dangerous.

There is an opinion that pharmaceutical production does not exclude the risk of contracting a prion infection (small protein substrates similar in effect to viruses) with the development of incurable encephalopathy. The group also includes dietary supplements Hepatomin. Means are categorically contraindicated for children.

Hepatoprotectors from amino acids

Depending on the protein composition, there are means with:

  • ademetionine (representatives of Heptor and Heptral);
  • ornithoaspartate (Hepa-merz).


We know that amino acids are necessary for the body to synthesize all active substances, enzymes, including phospholipids. Through the formed compounds, they participate in the processes of regeneration of the liver tissue, relieve intoxication.

Heptral - has the ability to break down and remove accumulated fats, cleanses the liver, has antidepressant properties. Assign in the treatment of fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, withdrawal syndrome and depression in alcoholism, drug addiction.

Derivatives of ademetionine have an antioxidant effect, stimulate the production of bile and its secretion, protect the nervous system, liver parenchyma from fibrosis. Hepa-merz is effective for removing ammonia compounds from the blood, therefore the only indication is toxic hepatitis with renal failure, hepatic coma.

The drug is effective when administered intravenously, it is believed that the use in tablets is limited by low absorption in the digestive tract


Heptral, unlike other protectors, is registered, except for Russia, in Germany and Italy. Australians use it in veterinary practice. In other countries, it is listed as a dietary supplement with dubious properties. Hepa-merz does not give results in alcohol intoxication.

Bile acid drugs

The base substance of this group of protectors is ursodeoxycholic acid. Drugs (Ursosan, Ursofalk, Urdox, Exhol, Livodex, Ursodez, Choludexan, Urosliv) are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, cholelithiasis.

They have a choleretic and hypoglycemic effect, lower the concentration of cholesterol, are effective in congestion, and have a stimulating effect on the immune system. These drugs are indicated for biliary cirrhosis of the liver, biliary reflux gastritis, acute hepatitis in pregnant women, the toxic effects of alcohol and drugs.

The drug can lower blood glucose levels

Contraindications include: large calcium stones in the bile ducts, acute inflammation of the intestines, pronounced dysfunction of the pancreas. Preparations of this group are the most harmless to the human body. They are taken in courses depending on the condition of the patient.

Herbal preparations

The group of hepatoprotectors is an improved folk treatment of liver diseases, since the drugs are synthesized from well-known medicinal plants (milk thistle, artichoke, immortelle, bearberry, oats, mint). Their action comes slowly, long courses of treatment are required.

But they remain the best choice for prophylactic use. Milk thistle preparations contain the active substance silymarin (Legalon, Karsil Forte, Karsil, Silymarin, Silibinin, Silimar). Oil, milk thistle capsules, meal are actively recommended.

A strong antioxidant effect, regeneration of cell membranes is known. Course treatment is carried out for 3 months. Negative information includes clinically unproven treatment of viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver damage, which classifies drugs in many countries as dietary supplements.

Artichoke preparations contain the active substance cymarin. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties (for joint pain), cholesterol-lowering effect, diuretic effect. Representatives of the group - Hofitol, Cynarix, artichoke extract,

"Against" the use - the lack of clinical studies showing the results of treatment, contraindications for congestion in the biliary system, calculous process.

The drug has low toxicity, is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, cholecystitis

Dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines

The well-researched drugs with proven efficacy include:

  • Galstena - contains the active ingredients of milk thistle plants, dandelion root, May celandine in combination with phosphorus and sodium sulfate. It is prescribed by homeopaths in drops according to the scheme for the treatment of liver diseases in both the acute and chronic stages, with cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Hepel - includes the healing properties of milk thistle, cinchona, nutmeg, celandine in combination with phosphorus and colocynth. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic and antidiarrheal properties. Recommended for toxic and inflammatory diseases of the liver, flatulence, loss of appetite, acne.

Means are used for prevention. Homeopathic remedies are not recognized by official medicine.

Of the dietary supplements, Liv 52 is most often used. Manufacturers promise an effect due to the total choleretic, restorative action and a moderate antioxidant effect. The drug is recommended for the treatment of children with hepatitis A, as a preventive measure.

Foreign studies have confirmed only a decrease in bilirubin in the blood and restoration of body weight. No effect was observed in alcoholic hepatitis. Some dietary supplements have been clinically tested and successfully recommended for practical use. These include Hepatotransit, Milona 10, Hepatrin, Dipana, Ovesol.

Contains extracts of seven plants

Is it possible to protect the liver from alcohol with the help of hepatoprotectors?

There are adults who are sure that after taking "liver pills" you can drink alcohol-containing drinks in any quantity and not be afraid of cirrhosis. This is absolutely not true. Despite their name, hepatoprotectors act very slowly until the negative effect is fully removed.

They are not suitable for quick sobering up, do not guarantee the prevention of liver disease in alcoholism. It has been proven that in the initial stage of cirrhosis, when only a part of hepatocytes is damaged, it is possible to fully restore liver function if alcohol is given up.

For this, in addition to suitable hepatoprotectors, use:

  • a strict diet with a restriction of fatty, fried, smoked foods, hot spices;
  • choleretic drugs;
  • pancreatic enzymes (it suffers from alcohol no less than the liver);
  • herbal teas;
  • drugs to improve kidney function.

You will have to go to the doctor and tell about the problem. The prescribed examination and the results will show the degree of dysfunction of the liver and other organs. It is impossible to choose medicines on your own, perhaps they are contraindicated in a particular case.

For those people who are engaged in "cleansing" the liver with the help of various drugs, it is advisable to take into account that the proven effectiveness of products from amino acids, ursodeoxycholic acid, based on silymarin.

For essential phospholipids in pharmacology, the mild wording "presumed effectiveness" is used. The action has been proven with intravenous administration. It is better not to spend the family budget on other hepatoprotectors.

A hepatoprotector is a medicine for the liver that can restore the structure of its cells and prevent irreversible consequences. There are many such drugs, but only a few of them have proven effectiveness, for example, ademetionine and ornithine aspartate. Some categories of drugs have not been researched at all, these include herbal and animal medicines and homeopathy.

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    Indications for admission

    The liver is constantly exposed to toxins, alcohol and various diseases that lead to the death of its cells. In this case, hepatoprotectors help.

    To date, no drug has been developed that would optimally restore the liver tissue in the required time frame to prevent the death of the organ. But there are drugs that help to a certain extent improve the regeneration process.

    In some cases, hepatoprotectors can be prescribed to people who are exposed to negative factors to maintain a healthy liver, but their main task is to resist serious diseases. Medicines are not the main means of treatment, only auxiliary.

    Diseases for which such drugs are taken:

    Disease Description
    Viral hepatitisA hepatoprotector is prescribed if antiviral drugs are ineffective or if they cannot be taken. As part of complex treatment, they are used to prevent cirrhosis.
    Alcoholic hepatitisThis disease can be complicated by cirrhosis. The situation requires the complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages, since hepatoprotectors will not work
    Fatty degeneration of the liverPathologies are susceptible to people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or obesity. It develops due to the formation of fat cells in the liver, destroying it. The hepatoprotector is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs that enhance its effectiveness. To improve the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and exercise.
    drug-induced hepatitisAlso known as toxic. Hepatoprotector acts as part of complex therapy

    Principles of use

    All drugs are prescribed by a doctor. The benefits of many dietary supplements are questionable, so the patient decides to take them at home on his own. Tell your doctor about any herbal remedies you use, as some of them can be toxic to the liver.

    Any hepatoprotectors are only an auxiliary medicine. The main thing should be aimed at eliminating the disease (antiviral therapy for hepatitis, etc.)

    There will be no effect from taking drugs if you do not eliminate bad habits that aggravate liver damage - alcohol, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle. In parallel, other organs are being treated - the pancreas and gallbladder.

    Hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness

    The only hepatoprotector that has been successfully tested is ademetionine.

    The drug is released under various trade names:

    Ademetionine is a substance that is produced in the human liver from foods containing methionine: milk, meat, or fish.

    Due to a series of chemical reactions, glutathione is formed from it. It is involved in detoxification in various types of poisoning. Ademetionine is a precursor of glutathione.

    With alcoholic liver disease

    Alcoholic liver disease develops as a result of the toxic effect of the decomposition product of ethyl alcohol - acetaldehyde. It reduces the content of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects cells from toxins. Due to its lack, the production of substances that take part in oxidative reactions and kill hepatocytes increases. Cell membranes are damaged, collagen is overproduced. Fibrous tissue grows, fibrosis is formed.

    The goal of treatment is to prevent the development of fibrosis, which eventually ceases to cirrhosis. The therapy is used to restore blood biochemical parameters, eliminate pain, and improve metabolism. The drugs are used as part of a comprehensive treatment.

    The intake of ademetionine compensates for the lack of substances involved in the life of the liver and the rest of the body. Studies support its effectiveness in the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. It has been proven that it has a positive effect on the survival of patients, especially in complex forms of the disease.

    The probability of a cure when taking ademetionine increases by 2 times during the treatment of liver cirrhosis with alcohol damage in the first and second stages.

    With chemotherapy

    Almost all cancer-fighting drugs break down in the liver, which destroys it. When damaged by drugs, a closed effect is created, when, due to the destruction of liver cells in the blood plasma, the accumulation of the drug increases, which increases the toxic effect on the organ.

    Studies have shown that ademethionine is indeed effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced hepatotoxicity.

    Among the indications for taking such drugs include:

    • hepatic encephalopathy;
    • fibrosis and cirrhosis;
    • alcoholic liver disease;
    • any type of hepatitis;
    • acute liver failure;
    • hepatocellular cholestasis.

    Ademetionine should not be used in the first two trimesters of pregnancy and in the presence of individual intolerance. It can provoke heartburn, epigastric pain, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

    Hepatoprotectors requiring additional evidence of effectiveness

    These include ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and l-ornithine-l-aspartate.

    Ursodeoxycholic acid

    Medicines are manufactured under the following trade names:

    Name of the drug Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    UrsofalkCapsules, 250 mgDr. Falk Pharma GmbH (Germany)1500 rubles (50 pieces)
    UrdoxJSC "Pharmaceutical enterprise "Obolenskoye""1300 rubles (100 pieces)
    UrsodezCJSC "Northern Star"1200 rubles (100 pieces)
    UrsosanPRO. MED. CS Praha a.s. (Czech Republic)1600 rubles (100 pieces)
    UrsolivAVVA-RUS OJSC (Russia)1400 rubles (100 pieces)
    CholudexanWorld Medicine (Egypt)500 rubles (20 pieces)
    Exhol1500 rubles (100 pieces)
    GrinterolGrindeks Rus LLC (Latvia)900 rubles (50 pieces)
    LivodexCapsules, 300 mgSun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.(India)750 rubles (100 pieces)

    UDCA is allowed to drink to children at any age. But it has contraindications for use during pregnancy. According to some reports, it has a toxic effect on the fetus.

    Ursodeoxycholic acid belongs to the group of bile acids. The mechanism of its work is not fully understood, since it is complex. It is supposed to protect the liver tissue and inhibit the absorption of bile acids in the lower segment of the small intestine. The acid does the following:

    • Reducing the level of cholesterol in bile. It inhibits its absorption in the intestine and suppresses its production in the liver.
    • Increasing the solubility of cholesterol.
    • Decreased tendency of bile to form stones.

    Ursodeoxycholic acid is indicated for men and women with the following pathologies:

    • biliary reflux gastritis;
    • small cholesterol stones in the gallbladder;
    • primary biliary cirrhosis.

    It is also known that the drug has a regulatory effect on the immune system.

    In the treatment of gallstone disease, experiments have been carried out that have proven that UDCA is effective in dissolving stones, especially when combined with chenodeoxycholic acid. However, the latter turned out to be toxic, so it was discontinued. Experiments have shown that taking ursodeoxycholic acid leads to the dissolution of stones in 40% of patients.

    Its purpose is justified in diseases accompanied by intrahepatic cholestasis: cystic fibrosis, chronic hepatitis, sclerosing cholangitis, symptoms of the disease after organ transplantation, cholestasis with intravenous nutrition. Acid is ineffective in alcoholic liver pathology.

    Primary biliary cirrhosis

    This is a rare, difficult pathology to treat. Experiments have shown that in the case of taking ursodeoxycholic acid, jaundice and the content of serum enzymes are reduced. But the drug has no effect on itching, mortality, quality of life and the immune state.

    Later it was proved that the effectiveness of the drug is observed only in the treatment of the disease at its initial stage. It has a positive effect on survival, but a negative effect on the liver in the presence of violations of its work.

    The main disadvantages of the drug are the lack of injection and diarrhea when taken.

    Globally, UDCA has shown a high level of efficacy in primary biliary cirrhosis. However, there is no evidence that it is effective in the treatment of other pathologies.

    Contraindications to taking UDCA include severe liver and kidney disease in the stage of decompensation, stones with a significant content of calcium, pregnancy and lactation. Among the side effects are disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.


    Trade names of new generation drugs:

    Namedrug Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    GepamerzGranules for oral solution (3 g), concentrate for solution for infusion (500 mg/ml)Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA (Germany)2800 rubles (10 ampoules)
    LarnaminPJSC Farmak (Russia)1000 rubles (10 ampoules)
    OrnilatexConcentrate for solution for infusion (500 mg/ml)Sotex PharmFirma (Russia)2000 rubles (10 ampoules)

    Hepa-metz is considered the most effective drug.

    Ornithine aspartate is separated into ornithine and aspartate and absorbed in the small intestine. Amino acids are involved in the management of metabolic processes. In the rest of the liver cells, aspartate serves as a medium for the production of glutamine and the neutralization of ammonia, binding it in the tissues.

    When the liver stops neutralizing toxins completely, it reduces the concentration of ammonia in the brain and other organs. The medicine is prescribed for cirrhosis, various forms of hepatitis and encephalopathy.

    Contraindications to taking l-ornithine-l-aspartate include hypersensitivity, renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, and children's age. Side effects: diarrhea, flatulence, allergic reactions to the dye, pain in the extremities, nausea and vomiting.

    Hepatoprotectors that do not have proven effectiveness

    Essential phospholipids

    The hepatocyte membrane contains 75% phospholipids. They carry out not only a building function, but also take part in the process of cell division, transport substances between them, and stimulate the activity of enzyme systems.

    Toxins destroy membranes. This leads to a failure in the metabolic processes, the cell dies. Essential phospholipids strengthen the membrane. This property is the basis of the hepatoprotective mechanism - to save the liver from being converted into connective tissue. The drugs have contraindications for viral hepatitis, as they can reduce the production of bile and contribute to the destruction of cells.

    Since 2003, essential phospholipids have not been used in the USA and the EU, they are sold as dietary supplements. As drugs, they are registered exclusively in the post-Soviet space. Few studies show that they improve well-being and some biological indicators.

    Cons of funds:

    • Only strengthening the membrane of hepatocytes with essential phospholipids obtained from the outside is not enough to relieve inflammatory processes.
    • It has not been proven that they can be incorporated into the membrane.
    • There are no published works on the effectiveness of the drug.
    • Upon entering the body, phospholipids penetrate into the lymph, seep into the adipose tissue, where metabolic processes take place. Only small parts reach the liver, so they have low bioavailability.

    Medicines do not have side effects. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

    List of modern drugs:

    Name of the drug Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    Essentiale forteCapsules 300 mgAventis Pharma International (France)670 rubles (30 pieces)
    Esslial forteAtoll OOO (Russia)450 rubles (30 pieces)
    Essliver forteNabros Pharma Pvt. Ltd (India)200 rubles (30 pieces)
    Rezalut proBerlin-Chemie/Menarini, Germany1400 rubles (100 pieces)

    Combined drugs:

    Name of the drug Active substance Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    PhosfoncialeEssential Phospholipids + Silimar200 mg + 70 mg capsulesCanonpharma production CJSC (Russia)500 rubles (30 pieces)
    PhosphoglivEssential phospholipids + glycyrrhizic acid35mg + 65mg capsulesPharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia)500 rubles (50 pieces)
    HepatrinEssential Phospholipids + Artichoke Extract + Milk Thistle + Vitamin E180 + 90 mg + 67 mg + 10 mg capsulesEvalar (Russia)300 rubles (30 pieces)

    Essential phospholipids can be obtained from foods. Most of them are found in the yolk of an egg, fish, legumes and meat.

    Milk thistle preparations

    Silymarin flavonoids are the basis of milk thistle extract. Hepatoprotectors with a similar composition:

    Name of the drug Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    KarsilDragee, 35 mgSopharma JSC (Bulgaria)700 rubles (180 pieces)
    LegalonDragee, 70/140 mgMadaus (Germany)650 rubles (60 pieces)
    SilimarDragee, 100 mgCJSC "Pharmcenter VILAR"100 rubles (30 pieces)

    The complex drug is Gepabene. As an active ingredient, it contains an extract of fumes officinalis and milk thistle. The drug, produced in Germany, is available in the form of pills of 275 + 83 mg. Its cost is 400 rubles for a pack of 30 pieces.

    The most inexpensive drug is Silimar. In fact, it is a complete analogue of the more popular Karsil. Milk thistle meal, which is a dietary supplement, is also used for treatment.

    The instructions for the products state that silymarin is a natural antioxidant, regulates the activity of liver cells, and prevents the penetration of poisons into hepatocytes. The drugs trigger the synthesis of complex fats and proteins to restore cells. Medicines improve the condition of patients with liver damage by toxins, including alcoholism.


    • Silibinin, which has not been processed, has low availability - little active drug reaches the liver.
    • The drug should be taken with caution in patients with cholestasis.

    Milk thistle preparations are safe, but ineffective. The results of the studies confirmed that silymarin has little effect on alcohol, hepatitis B and C.

    Hepatoprotectors that have not passed reliable studies

    There is not a single reliable study that would confirm the effectiveness of other drugs that claim to be hepatoprotectors.

    Dietary supplements of plant origin:

    Name of the drug Release form Active substance Manufacturer Price Image
    HofitolTablets / solutions for injectionsArtichoke Leaf Juice ExtractLaboratoires Rosa-Phytopharma (France)700 rubles (180 pieces)
    Liv 52TabletsPowder of prickly capers, chicory, black nightshade, arjun terminalia, western cassia, yarrowHimalaya Drug Co.(India)300 rubles (100 pieces)
    HolosasSolution for oral administrationRosehip fruit extractAltaivitamins (Russia)120 rubles (300 g)
    TanaceholCoated tabletsTansy flower extractPharmaceutical center VILAR (Russia)50 rubles (30 pieces)
    OvesolTabletsHerb extract of oats, turmeric, volodushka, immortelle, peppermintEvalar (Russia)250 rubles (40 pieces)

    Extracts from the liver of cattle and components of bile:

    Name of the drug Active substance Release form Manufacturer Price Image
    ProgeparLiver hydrolyzateDrageeNordmark Artsnaimittel (Germany)1000 rubles (50 pieces)
    AllocholAnimal bile, garlic and nettle extractTabletsVeropharm OJSC (Russia)100 rubles (50 pieces)
    HolenzimDry bile and pancreasTabletsBiosintez JSC (Russia)150 rubles (50 pieces)

    These drugs are not used anywhere, except for the CIS countries. Nevertheless, they occupy a significant place in the treatment of various pathologies of the liver and bile ducts.

    Medicines based on bovine liver extract are hydrolases containing vitamin B12 and other components. The instructions indicate that the drug preserves and recreates the structure of hepatocytes, inhibits the formation of fibrosis, promotes the restoration of the parenchyma, promotes blood circulation in the liver tissue, increases the volume of urine and helps to improve the functioning of the organ. Means are recommended to be taken as part of complex therapy for viral and toxic hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver.

    There have been no studies that could confirm or refute their effect. They are considered potentially dangerous, especially in active forms of hepatitis, when damage to the liver can be aggravated.

    Bovine liver extract can transmit a prion infection to humans. It provokes the development of a serious disease of the central nervous system - spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). Because of this, preparations based on this substance can be dangerous.

    The effectiveness of such products of animal origin has not been proven, therefore, they cannot be used in medical practice. There is also a drug called Sibektan. It consists of plant components, one of which is St. John's wort. This is a hepatotoxic herb, the amount of poison in the medicine is comparable to chemotherapy for colon tumors, but it is classified as a hepatoprotector.

    Homeopathic preparations

    Homeopathic remedies do not have proven efficacy because experiments have not been carried out to test their effect. The essence of homeopathy is the treatment of like with like. Therefore, a substance is selected that causes the destruction of hepatocytes, and a homeopathic remedy is prepared from it.

    As in the case of dietary supplements, it is impossible to confirm their effect. The World Health Organization does not recommend them for use. These drugs include:

    • Galstena. Herbal homeopathic medicine. Ingredients: thistle, dandelion, celandine. Available in the form of drops based on ethyl alcohol (43%). It is used without restrictions in children, pregnant women. Produced in Austria. Cost - 200 rubles (for a bottle of 20 ml).
    • Hepel. Homeopathic preparation with complex action. Ingredients: celandine, cinchona, colocynth, club moss, nutmeg. Recommended for the treatment of children from birth. Producer - Germany. The cost is 250 rubles (for a bottle of 20 ml).


    There are drugs that cannot be attributed to the above.

    These are herbal and synthetic products.


    Synthetic drug, the active substance of which is a complex of aluminum and mefenamic acid. The manufacturer claims that the drug prevents the accumulation of lipids by liver cells, binds free radicals in the blood and stimulates oxygen metabolism in cells.

    As a result of its use, the synthesis of phospholipids improves, hepatocytes are renewed. The tool was developed by Ukrainian scientists, clinical studies were carried out only by them, in other countries it is not registered as a medicine.


    This is natural pumpkin seed oil. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, coenzyme Q, selenium. Reduces lipid content and prevents diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

    It is prescribed for fatty degeneration of the liver. Producer - Israel. The cost is 25 rubles for 100 pieces.


    In the treatment of liver pathologies, such drugs support the work of the pancreas, which is very important. Such medicines include:

    • Panzinorm;
    • Mezim;
    • Creon.

    The composition of any preparations contains enzymes that promote the digestion of food. Their reception is also indicated in the presence of chronic pancreatitis.
