How long does esperal stay in the blood. To drink or not to drink: facts-demotivators. Esperal's effectiveness: complex therapy


Alcoholism is a disease. She completely subjugates the will of a person, without a glass he cannot live even a day. To get him out of this state, you have to use radical measures, such as coding. It allows you to save an addicted person from addiction to alcoholic beverages. Esperal coding is one of such methods. But before using it, you should understand what Esperal is from alcoholism, what will happen after it is carried out or if a person still breaks?

What is this medicine?

Esperal is a tool that can develop negative attitude to alcohol. The main component is disulfiram. Thanks to him, the action of coding is determined: the element blocks the processing and removal of ethyl alcohol from the body. As a result, when drinking even a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks, severe poisoning occurs. A person is sick, vomits, his head is spinning, his blood pressure drops, he is thrown into heat, then into cold.

It is strictly forbidden to drink while coding with Esperal! If you drink alcohol, there will be a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system, which can lead to death.

What is Esperal's work based on?

The liver under normal conditions produces the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. It contributes to the fact that ethyl alcohol decomposes into carbon dioxide and ordinary water, which are absolutely safe and quickly excreted. When Esperal is coding for alcoholism, the enzyme stops working. In the body, the concentration of such a toxic substance as acetaldehyde increases. This, in turn, is the cause of severe intoxication.

In addition to the typical signs of poisoning, the patient experiences a panicky feeling of fear, it seems to him that he is about to die. In this state, it is, of course, not the drug itself that is to blame, but feeling unwell. All the signs together produce a negative perception of alcohol in a person. This extends not only to ingestion, but even to the sense of smell.

After Esperal coding has begun, trial testing is done, which consists in the use of a small amount of alcohol by the addict.

Thus, there is a denial of alcohol-containing drinks on an emotional level. An alcoholic develops a psychological reaction to alcoholic beverages.

When to carry out the procedure, the doctor decides.

Release types

The drug Esperal for alcoholism is of three types: tablet, injectable, capsular. When choosing what to encode, you should first find out how each one works. A short guide will help you do this.


Pills for alcoholism can be used only when the alcoholic himself has firmly decided to give up alcohol. He is ready to listen to all the advice and recommendations of doctors, to take medicine strictly. Coding in this case is successful only if the patient has willpower.

The patient should complete the entire course of treatment. If he decides to stop taking the pills, after a couple of weeks the patient will again begin to be drawn to alcohol. This can lead to binge drinking.

The Esperal tablet coding scheme depends on several factors:

  • how old is the alcoholic in need of treatment;
  • what is the state of his body and immune system;
  • at what stage of dependence on alcohol is the patient.

After evaluating the data, the doctor paints the whole process. If a person does not have any serious abnormalities, the treatment of alcoholism is as follows:

  1. Encoding starts with 1 tablet. It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. She drinks at least a glass of water. The use of the drug should be started 24 hours after the last intake of alcohol. Even better, if the time interval is at least a week.
  2. Then the patient is transferred to 0.5 Esperal tablets.
  3. Further, this dose is only a quarter of a tablet.

The decision to reduce the dose is made only by a doctor who constantly monitors the patient and his condition. This will help to identify adverse reactions in time and prevent possible complications.


Esperal in the form of ampoules is implanted under the skin.

The coding method is that a small amount of disulfiram enters the bloodstream from the capsule, which is enough to develop a harmful attitude towards alcohol. It should be used in cases where the likelihood of failure when taking pills is high.

The main advantage of stitching is the fact that a person does not need to adhere to a pill schedule.

Surgery is performed by a specialist in sterile conditions. The implantation of the capsule occurs as follows:

  1. In the selected place, the doctor makes an incision. It should be about 6 mm.
  2. Further subcutaneous tissue is moved apart and with the help of a special tool - a trocar, 8 tablets are introduced. They should be placed crosswise.
  3. After that, stitches are applied to the incision, and then a sterile dressing. After successful and complete healing, it is extremely difficult to remove the ampoules.
  4. Over the next 5 days, moisture should be avoided on the wound.
  5. The bandage is changed daily.

After healing, there is no need for further medical supervision.


Esperal, as a cure for alcoholism, is also available as an injection. It is entered into soft tissues in the region of the scapula, in a vein or liver. AT this case the drug has a gel consistency. The procedure is the safest and most gentle in comparison with the introduction of the ampoule. But it is also carried out under local anesthesia, since the injection is quite painful.

Its action is similar to a capsule: disulfiram is constantly present in the body in the amount necessary for the appearance of an aversion to alcohol.

The encoding procedure goes as follows:

  1. The patient is injected with a gel.
  2. Then within 2 days it is encapsulated. A slight jump in body temperature at this moment is a normal reaction of the body. But it should not be higher than 37.6 ° C. You can take antipyretics.

To cancel the encoding, an antidote is introduced into the body. Within a few hours, it completely removes the gel from the body, thereby stopping the effect of the drug.

Whatever drug Esperal the patient chooses, before starting the procedure, he should be familiarized with the composition of the drug, its effect and about possible complications. After that, a special document is signed, which records information about the instruction received.

Stages and features of drug coding

Alcohol coding using the Esperal method can take place in several stages:

  1. First, the patient takes pills. Dosage and duration of administration is prescribed by a doctor. It is important that the patient should not drink at least a few days before starting therapy.
  2. During this time, a complex of laboratory tests is carried out, the changes of which are clearly recorded.
  3. When optimal performance is reached, Esperal is sewn under the skin.
  4. Then a test is carried out on the body's reaction to drinking alcohol. The patient drinks a little alcohol, after which he becomes ill.

The test must be carried out in the presence of an ambulance!

How long does the effect last?

The effect of coding depends on the form of the drug:

  1. If tablets were used, then the remedy will begin to act within an hour after using the first one. After the patient stops taking Esperal, after a maximum of a couple of weeks, he will have a craving for alcohol.
  2. After coding by sewing in the capsule, the patient completely stops drinking. The effect can last from 3 months to 5 years.
  3. When encoding with gel, the period can be from 1 year to 5 years.

When choosing a method, it is necessary to think not so much about the validity period as about the safety of the remedy for the patient.

Contraindications for use

Esperal is a drug that is sold in pharmacies without presenting a prescription from the attending physician. This makes it dangerous, since for many this fact is an indicator of harmlessness. While the medicine has several rather serious contraindications. You can use Esperal on your own only after carefully studying the instructions.

Long-term use of alcohol leads to changes in all vital signs, malfunctions in the body. Therefore, before starting therapy, you should take tests and consult with specialists. The drug should be discontinued if:

  • if there is renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus of any stage;
  • when the patient has lung problems due to tuberculosis or asthma;
  • a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases, including high blood pressure;
  • if convulsions or seizures of epilepsy occur;
  • there are mental problems;
  • in the presence of oncology;
  • after a heart attack and other heart problems;
  • if the patient is over 60 years old;
  • women should not be coded if she is pregnant or breastfeeding.

People who have previously performed drug coding should be especially careful. If the action of disulfiram caused psychosis, it is better not to use Esperal.

The drug can cause allergies, so you should familiarize yourself with the composition and find out if there is an allergic reaction to the substances.

The cost of coding in different centers

The cost of coding with Esperal depends on the region, validity period and the chosen form of the drug.

You can compare prices on the table.


More information about Esperal coding in this video:

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Coding from harmful addiction - alcoholism - with the help of drugs is one of the effective ways. Sometimes a person consciously chooses a sober lifestyle, and some cannot stand this method of treatment due to the characteristics of the body (allergies, physiological intolerance) or lack of willpower. Therefore, they have to resort to the help of doctors for decoding. During the procedure, the narcologist injects the patient with a substance that neutralizes the anti-alcohol medication.

An antidote is needed to avoid health problems or possible death. There are people who are unable to resist the urge to drink alcohol, or who accidentally drink alcohol-containing liquids. In such cases, an antidote must be introduced.

Let's look at one of the popular drugs - Esperal, as well as an antidote for Esperal Gel.

Indications and action of Esperal

In medicine, there are 3 forms of coding using this drug:

  1. Hemming. The agent is introduced into the body by implanting a capsule in the area of ​​​​the scapula (a less accessible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body for the patient) in order to avoid self-excretion of disulfiram from the body. This procedure is called intramuscular implantation.
  2. Esperal tablets. This method has a big disadvantage in that the patient himself must control the use of tablets. It is clear that a person who is addicted to alcohol does not have willpower, a goal to be cured.
  3. Esperal gel. This is a more convenient way of treatment, the injection is done intramuscularly. In this case, surgical intervention is not required.

"Esperal" acts by destroying the process of removing alcohol from the body, thereby accumulating toxic acetaldehyde, causing unpleasant symptoms hangover-like.

While drinking alcohol, intoxication occurs with symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Fever, chills.
  3. Nausea, vomiting.
  4. Pain in the region of the heart, suffocation.
  5. The pressure drops.
  6. The liver is affected.
  7. Convulsions or an allergic reaction.
  8. Arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.
  9. Loss of consciousness, temporary paralysis.

Also acetaldehyde negatively affects the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Therefore, alcohol becomes a poison for human body not only physically, but also subconsciously.


It is necessary to treat alcoholism, but Esperal may be contraindicated in the presence of diseases:

  • Severe kidney and liver disease.
  • Elderly people with diseases aged 60 years or more.
  • Tuberculosis open form.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding.
  • Inflammatory process pancreas.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Epilepsy and psychoneurological disorders.
  • Allergy caused by a substance contained in the preparation.
  • Disrupted work thyroid gland .

During the period of therapy, one should refrain from taking alcohol, preparations containing ethanol, kvass, fermented milk products of not the first freshness, sweets based on rum or cognac.

The effect of the antidote to Esperal

A recurrence of “breaking loose” or “opening up” occurs in patients who came to coding under the influence of their relatives and friends. They do not have a subconscious decision to end this addiction, so the treatment has a temporary effect. Coding with Esperal implies abstinence from alcohol for a period of 1 to 5 years.

How can you remove Esperal from the body yourself at home? The withdrawal of disulfiram completely from the body is impossible, without the help of a narcologist you can not do. If you have taken alcohol and severe reactions have begun, you need to contact the doctor who performed the encoding. Antidote for disulfiram - ascorbic acid, which is administered intravenously. It prevents the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde, blocks negative symptoms. Additionally, use "Ephedrine" and H1 - blockers.

There is no tablet antidote for disulfiram, and the substance cannot be completely neutralized from the body. It continues its action for another 8-9 months after therapy.

In severe cases, on the basis of alcohol intake, the doctor conducts measures of symptomatic and detoxification therapy with the use of analeptics. For rehabilitation, I prescribe B vitamins. Severe consequences affect re-coding. Therefore, narcologists recommend refraining from interrupting coding.

Aurora copper 31-07-2018 21-01-2019

Esperal gel requires an antidote . Not all patients have enough willpower to withstand the "dry period", during which the body is affected by disulfiram. It also happens that alcohol enters the body by accident. This can lead to very dangerous consequences (up to fatal). In this case, the patient must enter antidote on an emergency basis.

Esperal gel and alcohol: possible consequences

People with alcoholism do not always realize with full responsibility how serious implantation is. under the shovel of the drug "Esperal-gel".Therefore, after filing, sometimes they ignore the instructions of a doctor who strictly forbids the use of any doses of alcohol, and at their own peril and risk they decide to “untie”. Doctors-narcologists periodically encounter situations when a “filmed” person has taken a dose alcohol . What awaits the patient in this case:

The drug blocks the receptors responsible for the pleasure of drinking, and turns alcohol into a real poison for humans. Instead of experiencing the usual euphoria after drinking, the alcoholic begins to feel completely opposite feelings. If you do not hold such a patient neutralization protective drug, the consequences can be the saddest (read more about filing in ) .

Neutralization of Esperal-gel on your own: is it possible?

Some patients wonder ifdecode at home conditions? In no case! Such actions can only aggravate the situation and cause irreparable harm to the body. If for some reason the patient wants neutralize the effect of disulfiram, then he needs to contact a narcologist for decoding . The doctor will administer an antidote and monitor the patient's condition.

Previously, the doctor studies the medical card, information about the filing, examines the patient, and only after that conductsEsperal neutralizationi'm using the antidote. Self decodingstrictly prohibited! There are cases when such “amateur activity” nearly cost patients their lives. Not only did they drink a dangerous dose of alcohol, they also tried alone at home conditions to remove the drug from the zone shoulder blades . And all these actions cause great damage to the already weakened alcohol the patient's body.

When decoding is needed

Sometimes a certain dose of alcohol accidentally enters the patient's body, which leads to the need to urgently neutralize disulfiram. Not all patients tolerate Esperal equally well, some have psychosomatic disorders. In this case, it is also necessary to decode the patient. But only a doctor after a detailed examination should determine the appropriateness of such actions.

Implant efficiency Esperal gel Today, no one has any doubts - thousands of people write positive messages online. reviews about chemical protection, sharing their successes in a new sober life. But if the need arose neutralize drug for a number of objective reasons, then we recommend that you contact only professionals. The narcological center "Aurora" offers its services both in filing and in neutralization drug with the help antidote. We work around the clock. If necessary, the specialist promptly goes to the house and conducts necessary procedures in patient-friendly conditions. Read more about the service In chapter " ".

Service cost

STANDARD DETOXIFICATION (dropper) 30 min.2100 rub.
DOUBLE DETOX 30-60 min.3200 rub.
"ESPERAL-GEL"1 year30-60 min.3200 rub.
+ 500 rub.
1 year30-60 min.5000 rub.
+ 500 rub.
PREPARATION "LAENNEK"The price for an ampoule is 1350 rubles.
"AKTOPLEX"1 year30-60 min.4200 rub.
"CHEMZASCHITA"1 year30-60 min.3000 rub.
"CHEMZASCHITA"6 months30-60 min.2800 rub.
"CAPSULE"3 months30-60 min.2000 rub.
"GAMMA ENZYME" - is introduced into the bridge of the nose1 year30-60 min.4200 rub.
HYPNOSIS CODING (Eriksson hypnosis + neurovisual programming)for any period up to 5 years30-60 min.5500 rub.
NEUTRALIZATION OF THE DRUG (n.b.! strictly according to indications or with the consent of relatives!)at home/outpatient30-60 min.2000 rub.
Plasmapheresis 30-60 min.3500 rub.
Ozone therapy 30-60 min.1000 rub.
HYPNOSIS FOR SMOKING (Eriksson hypnosis + neurovisual programming) 1 hour5500 rub.
Acupuncture - Ear (1 session) (requires 2-3 sessions) 1 hour1200 rub.
Acupuncture - Hands (1 session) (requires 2-3 sessions) 1 hour1000 rub.
Consultation of a PSYCHIATRICIST-NARCOLOGIST 1200 rub.
PSYCHOTHERAPIST's consultation 2000 rub.
PSYCHOTHERAPY (The appointment is conducted by a psychotherapist with extensive experience in the treatment of drug addicts, patients suffering from alcoholism, who want to quit smoking or already abstain from smoking).from 1 hour2000 rub.
Provocation 2000 rub.
Driver's certificate (without psychiatrist and narcologist) 800 rub.
Weapon certificate (without psychiatrist and narcologist) 800 rub.
"DOUBLE DETOXIFICATION" (for prolonged or very intense drinking, drugs such as Cytoflavin, Heptral, Reambirin, etc.) 60-90 min.5000 rub.
"ESPERAL-GEL"1 year30-60 min.4000 rub.
"ESPERAL-GEL" next year (term from 2 to 5 years)+ 500 rub.
ESPERAL TABLET FOR IMPLANTATION (with a cut!)1 year30-60 min.5500 rub.
ESPERAL TABLET FOR IMPLANTATION for each subsequent year (term from 2 to 5 years)+ 1500 rub.
"AKTOPLEX"1 year30-60 min.4500 rub.
"CHEMZASCHITA"1 year30-60 min.3500 rub.
"CHEMZASCHITA"6 months30-60 min.3200 rub.

This drug belongs to the group of enzyme inhibitors called acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This element at normal conditions decomposes ethyl alcohol into harmless carbon dioxide and water, which are easily excreted from the body.

Esperal blocks the action of this enzyme at the stage of acetaldehyde, which is a toxic substance. As a result, a person who takes alcohol and this medication at the same time develops intoxication (poisoning).

Its symptoms can be such manifestations as:

  • nausea (up to vomiting);
  • tachycardia;
  • "tides".

Also, the patient may develop panic conditions, for example, fear of death, which are not a direct consequence of exposure to the components that make up the drug, but a consequence general deterioration health status. All this is aimed at instilling in a person a reflex aversion to the smell and taste of alcohol.

That is why, after taking the drug, a disulfiram test is performed, that is, they give the patient a small dose of ethyl alcohol in order to develop an emotional rejection of alcohol in him and cause a defensive psychological reaction against taking it.

The decision on how many days after the start of the use of tablets to carry out such a procedure should only be taken by the attending physician.

Reaction to alcohol

Previously, such tests were carried out up to 9 times, but now such an effect on the body is considered too dangerous, and modern narcologists use it no more than 4 times. It must be remembered that this procedure must be carried out only in a hospital, as the reaction of the body may be too strong, and the patient will need qualified medical care.

These reactions may include:

  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • violation of cardiac activity (up to cardiac arrest);
  • development of toxic hepatitis.

It is because of the fear of possible physical torment that will inevitably come after the very first sip of alcohol that an alcoholic patient develops aversion to alcoholic beverages, which is why treatment with Esperal is so effective.

But since its action can cause serious consequences for the body, treatment should not be started without the knowledge and consent of the person (for example, mixing it into food and drinks).

It is the patient himself who must decide: how and when you can take pills, and whether he needs it. In addition, the components of this drug are poorly soluble in both water and alcohol.

Therefore, the use of the drug secretly from the patient is very difficult.

Treatment with an injection

Despite the fact that the drug is sold freely in pharmacy chains, and you can buy it without a doctor's prescription, you need to understand that Esperal - powerful remedy. You always need to understand the share of responsibility for your health and the lives of your loved ones, so as not to experience all the side effects.

Esperal has an impressive list of contraindications, so it is recommended to be examined by a general practitioner in the absence of obvious health complaints, as well as to learn about the course of chronic diseases.

If we are talking about taking Esperal on your own at home, you do not need to try it yourself, hem the capsules subcutaneously, this is extremely dangerous. Coding should only be carried out by a professional.

Even despite the fact that the action of this method is longer (up to 5 months), the game is not worth the candle, it is too risky. You can buy pills, take them strictly in accordance with the instructions, but constantly keep your finger on the pulse and, with the slightest deviations in health, seek help from professionals.

To minimize the risks of negative consequences, you must follow the rules during therapy with Esperal. Among them are the following:

  • It is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, this is not only strong alcohol, but also low-alcohol drinks, beer, including the so-called non-alcoholic beer;
  • It is not recommended to drink kvass, kefir not of the first freshness, as well as brine and marinade, as these products can give a false positive reaction;
  • Use is strictly prohibited medical drugs, which have alcohol in their composition - tinctures, balms, syrups and so on;
  • It is better to refuse products that may contain alcohol in the composition - chocolate, cakes and pastries.

The answer to this question is unambiguously negative. The patient has the right to know that this moment takes medications. Only in this way will he be able to consciously fight the craving for alcohol, understanding and realizing the risks to life. In addition, since Esperal has a number of contraindications that you need to know about before taking the first pill.

As mentioned earlier, this medicine is recommended to be taken only after consulting a doctor. This makes sense, because then such independent uncontrolled treatments would be excluded.

Based on the reviews on the use of Esperal, self-administration of the drug is about 30%, they still try not to adhere to this method.

Each method of drug administration provides for its own method and course of treatment. When contacting a doctor, he selects the best method of treatment. The introduction of an implant under the skin is one of the most popular ways to get rid of alcoholism with Esperal.

Implant insertion

Sewing-in coding is a system that involves stitching. A sterile drug capsule is sutured under the shoulder blade or in the buttock.

More than 100 grams of the drug gets under the skin at a time, which is absorbed into the blood gradually. The use of the drug can last from one to five years. It depends on the state of health of the person and the prescription of the doctor.

The note! Despite the fact that the procedure requires minimal intervention from the surgeon (2-3 cm incision), it should only be performed in a medical setting. It takes no more than 20 minutes with the use of local anesthesia. It does not cause any particular discomfort.

It should be noted that before carrying out this procedure, the addict must refrain from drinking alcohol for several days. Of course, this can be quite difficult for a person with an alcohol addiction. That is why, before performing, in some cases, detoxification of the body is carried out.

The note! Those who have undergone this procedure are forbidden to wet the seam for 5 days. This is necessary so that the concentration of the drug and its amount do not change under the influence of external factors.

At the moment, there are 3 forms of treatment with this tool:

  1. Hemming. When treating with this method, the drug is implanted under the skin of the patient in the area of ​​​​the scapula. From there, the drug constantly enters the bloodstream, causing a long-term therapeutic effect.
  2. Esperal tablets. The disadvantage of this method is that the patient must independently control the intake of the drug, and not all people are capable of this.
  3. Esperal gel. To date, this is the most convenient method of treatment. As in the first case, the drug is administered intramuscularly. The main difference between a gel and an implant is that this method does not require even minimal surgical intervention.

In any case, the mechanism of action of this drug is the same. Esperal is an enzyme inhibitor produced by the liver.

With the help of this enzyme, ethyl alcohol decomposes into harmless elements that are excreted from the body. The drug blocks this process, resulting in the development of intoxication (poisoning).

Treatment with filing is now the most popular in Russia.

Esperal implant is a sterile capsule containing up to 100 mg of the drug, which is sutured intramuscularly in the area of ​​the scapula or buttocks. After the procedure, the drug begins to be constantly absorbed into the blood, causing a long therapeutic effect.

Esperal implant is designed for a period of 1 to 5 years. In each case, the patient himself chooses the duration of treatment during a consultation with a narcologist.

Coding from alcoholism using pills should be carried out only with the consent of the patient and under the supervision of a professional narcologist. It is he who prescribes the necessary doses of the drug and the regularity of its intake. Self-medication is unacceptable in any case.

Remember that the drug in any form should not be taken before the patient's body is cleansed of the decay products of alcohol. Otherwise, the components of the drug in combination with acetaldehyde can cause a negative reaction and a serious burden on the internal organs.

Therefore, therapy should not be started earlier than 5 days after the last use of alcoholic beverages.

Esperal treatment should not be started until the patient has undergone complete detoxification of the body (all decomposition products of ethyl alcohol have not been removed from the body). Accordingly, it is not recommended to start taking pills earlier than 5 days after drinking alcohol.

This time can be reduced if the detoxification procedure is carried out in a hospital or by specialists at the patient's home. But the best option is the one in which the patient has not consumed alcohol for at least 10 days before starting the drug.

Therapy begins with taking pills for several days. The dosage of the drug is prescribed and strictly controlled by the doctor.

At the same time, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests, monitors changes in laboratory data.

Then the narcologist sews the drug into the soft tissue area under the shoulder blade or into the buttock area. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In this case, the doctor makes a small incision and injects several tablets subcutaneously. Then sutures and a sterile dressing are applied.

The doctor shows the patient the consequences of alcohol intake. To do this, the patient is given to drink a small amount of alcohol. As a result, he has a negative reaction to alcohol intake. This procedure is performed in the presence of doctors emergency care.

Sometimes drinking alcohol causes the patient:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • heart palpitations;
  • respiratory failure;
  • shortness of breath
  • redness of the skin.

In severe cases, respiratory arrest or convulsive seizures may occur.

Esperal has a number of contraindications. The drug is not recommended for patients who have the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • disruption of the cerebral vessels;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyneuritis.

Treatment of alcoholism with Esperal can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

In no case should tablets be added to the patient's food without his knowledge. Treatment can be carried out only at the request of the patient and under the supervision of a narcologist.

Special place in the treatment of alcoholism takes coding.

Esperal, like its analogues, makes it almost impossible for the patient to take alcohol, since the ingestion of ethanol into the body, even in the form of a drug containing it, immediately provokes a whole range of unpleasant and dangerous reactions that worsen the drunkard's well-being.

Therefore, after several such attempts, he develops a reaction of disgust for alcohol.

It can be used by the addiction treatment doctor to apply other therapies while the alcoholic is abstaining from alcohol in order to solve the problem of alcoholism permanently.

The effectiveness of Esperal in complex therapy

The treatment of alcoholism should be approached comprehensively. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must examine the clinical picture of the disease and conduct an examination of the patient in order to determine the state of his organs and systems.

Based on this, therapy is prescribed, the purpose of which is both to cleanse the body of toxins and to prevent relapses of the disease. There is different ways achieving a positive result.

One of the available medical treatments alcohol addiction is the encoding. Esperal is the drug that disrupts the process of disintegration of ethyl alcohol in the body.

The patient, when taking alcohol-containing liquids, feels so bad that he develops an aversion to alcohol. This is the therapeutic effect of this drug, which, in combination with other methods of treating this problem, shows excellent results, turning drinking into a disgusting occupation for the patient.

Treatment is made various methods. The very first and most milestones in healing is that a person needs to admit that he is sick, to want to be cured - this is perhaps the most difficult thing in the whole process of treatment.

A person is arranged in such a way that he will justify himself to the last, he does not recognize himself. We need outside help to open our eyes to what is happening.

The very first small step is taken by close people who push the patient to the right conclusions. Only after this step - recognition, should medical treatment using Esperal.

It can be Esperal coding, hypnosis.

Each method of treatment has positive and negative sides. Most of the positive reviews include the method of treatment with the help of the French drug - Esperal.

Treatment of alcoholism is possible by many methods, but the first step in each of these methods is the fact of recognizing oneself as an alcoholic. As a rule, this stage is the most difficult, since almost no alcohol-dependent person is able to independently come to the conclusion that he is sick.

In this, close people or psychologists can help him. And then follows drug treatment, coding, hypnosis.

Each of the treatment methods has its pros and cons. The largest number collected positive feedback from doctors and patients drug method treatment with the use of the French drug - Esperal.

Esperal's effectiveness: complex therapy

Esperal refers to drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Alcoholism is a disease of both body systems: the psyche and physics. The drug gives a temporary effect of refusing alcohol, for a complete successful treatment of alcoholism it is necessary psychological work with the patient.

For many patients, a short amount of time for the action of Esperal was enough to have time to undergo a psychotherapeutic course that allows them to realize all the causes of the disease.

Tablets: Esperal

The drug is not used in the presence of these contraindications:

  • mental disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • high sensitivity to the substances that make up the drug;
  • convulsions;
  • epileptic seizures.

The drug is used with caution when a patient develops hypothyroidism.

Therapy is carried out after the diagnosis of the patient. A briefing is mandatory, in which the patient is informed about the negative consequences that can manifest themselves during the treatment period.

The medication is taken in an amount of 500 mg during meals. It is recommended to use the product in the morning. The instructions indicate that therapy involves a gradual decrease in dose. The exact dosage and other recommendations should be found out during a consultation with a doctor.

The procedure for carrying out alcohol provocation

To study the reaction of the body to alcoholic beverages, an alcoholic provocation is carried out. The event is carried out after 7-10 days of therapy.

The patient is given to take Esperal and 20-30 ml of ethyl alcohol at a concentration of 40%. With a weak intolerance reaction, increase the amount of alcohol. The maximum dose of alcohol is 120 ml.

A few days later, the test is repeated, after which maintenance therapy is prescribed. The amount of medicine is 150-200 mg. Duration similar treatment is 1-3 years.

Esperal has the following drug interaction characteristics:

  • increased intolerance to alcohol as a result of the use of tricyclic antidepressants;
  • increased sedative effect of benzodiazepines;
  • oral anticoagulants increase the chance of bleeding;
  • Theophylline leads to inhibition of the metabolism of the active substance of the drug;
  • Phenytoin increases the risk of developing toxic effect;
  • drugs with 5-nitroimidazoles can lead to delirium and confusion;
  • taking Isoniazid causes impaired coordination and behavior.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcohol is prohibited during therapy.

Esperal tablets are prescribed to the patient only when he is completely confident in his own abilities that he can cope with alcohol addiction. It is the responsibility of the fact that you need to strictly follow the course of treatment and dosage of the drug. It depends on it final result coding. If the patient stops treatment, alcoholism will return.

The doctor determines the scheme by which the pills will be taken. The annotation contains standard information about the treatment.

The narcologist takes into account the characteristics of the patient, his health, age, gender, stage of the disease. Most often, the treatment regimen begins with taking one tablet during the day.

The dosage may be reduced based on the dynamics of treatment. Before starting the course, the patient must be in sober for several days, and ideally - within a week.

Where can I sew Esperal

Before starting treatment:

  • a patient with alcoholism must refrain from drinking alcohol for ten days;
  • then conduct a thorough medical examination;
  • in the absence of medical contraindications, a detailed interview is conducted with the patient, warning about the dangers of using ethanol and products containing it. For example, kefir, kvass and alcohol-containing drugs.

Tablets are prescribed according to an individual scheme, starting with one tablet, which should be taken in the morning half an hour before meals.

A week later, the doctor conducts an alcohol test, which determines the concentration of disulfiram in the body. To do this, the patient is given to drink 30 ml of vodka and the body's reaction to alcohol intake is monitored.

If the reaction is weak, then the dose of alcohol is increased. Maximum amount vodka - 100 ml.

Depending on the reaction to ethanol, the further intake of tablets is calculated.

Two days later, the alcohol test is repeated in the hospital, and a week later - in outpatient settings.

As a rule, ten days after the start of taking the drug, the dose is reduced to 125-250 mg (half or a quarter of a tablet).

On the one hand, the advantage of treatment with pills is that treatment can be interrupted at any time. On the other hand, this is also a minus, as it can provoke the patient to return to addiction.

The drug Esperal for alcoholism is one of the options that medicine offers to get rid of addiction. The effect of the drug on the body is to create certain factors that lead to aversion to any products containing alcohol.

The use of such liquids during the course of the drug leads to a rapid deterioration in the general condition of the body. The medicine has three main forms:

  • pills;
  • a substance sewn under the skin;
  • intramuscular injections.

The main thing active substance, enclosed in the drug - disulfiram. This substance was discovered by a scientist from Denmark O.

Larsen. As a result of his research, he found interesting fact, workers closely associated with the process of vulcanizing rubber exhibit a strange reaction to alcohol.

Any dose of the drink knocks them down, symptoms such as: headache, dizziness and diarrhea appear. In the process of studying this factor, it turned out that this reaction is caused by “tetraethylthiuram disulfide”, which is formed during the vulcanization processes.

Based on this substance, disulfiram was subsequently synthesized.

Which form of the drug should be chosen for the treatment of alcoholism depends on many factors.

This is the state of the patient's organs and systems and the degree of his desire to recover from addiction.

Before prescribing treatment with Esperal, tablets and gel are compared to decide on the advisability of using one form or another. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which the doctor should be aware of.

His task is to convey information to the patient.

To administer the drug with Esperal, an injection into a vein is not done, since it is sutured into the soft tissues of the patient, from which it freely enters body fat. From them, it is gradually released, as a result of which the required dose of the active substance in the blood is constantly maintained.

Dosing regimen:

  • Esperal tablets should be taken immediately after breakfast. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to take 1 tablet of the remedy. Over time, the dose is gradually reduced first by 2 times, and then the tablet is divided into 4 parts and taken a quarter of times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Sewing gel is comfortable shape a drug that is sewn under the shoulder blade to the patient or in another place indicated by the doctor. After this procedure, the patient does not need to worry about the need to take pills, according to the prescription issued by the doctor. The required amount of the substance will be in his blood until the period for which the patient is sutured is over. This method of introducing the drug into the body provides additional guarantees that the person will not drink. He cannot independently extract the drug in the form of an Esperal implant, an injection into a vein with this drug is not done, since there is no form that would be administered in this way. With pills, it is much easier to break loose, because under the influence of a strong craving for alcohol, the patient can simply stop taking them.

What is the risk of drug overdose

The fight against drunkenness sometimes requires the use of drastic measures. The filing of alcoholism is just one of these and applies. But one should not think that it can be done against the will of a person. Treatment in this way can not be carried out without the written consent of the patient.

In narcological practice, Esperal or its analogues are used for filing, which are taken in the form of tablets or in the form of a gel are injected under the skin of the patient. This is not a complicated procedure that does not require special preparation.

The only condition for its implementation is the preliminary removal of alcohol from the patient's blood, so as not to provoke unwanted reactions, since the drug quickly begins to act after administration.

Terms of sale in pharmacies

Esperal medicine is sold in a pharmacy only by prescription.

Storage conditions

The instructions indicate that the drug should be stored in a dark place, at room temperature, then its properties will not be changed. Of course, be sure to check that it does not fall into the hands of children, this is unacceptable.

Shelf life

When buying a medicine, be careful, as the duration of its storage does not exceed three years. Be sure to look at the release date stamped on the packaging to make sure it's right for you. You should not buy the product in places where its storage conditions could be violated.

Special instructions for coding

During therapy, the patient should be warned that the use of even a small amount of alcohol will lead to bad consequences. Before implantation, it is desirable to conduct a course of weaning the patient from taking alcohol.

Parallel use of the drug and alcohol-containing products is strictly contraindicated. There is an intolerance syndrome with symptoms of vomiting, tachycardia, "hot flashes".

  1. Combination with isniazid is not recommended, coordination may be impaired.
  2. Combination with nitro-5-imidazole can lead to confused consciousness, mental disorder.
  3. Phenytoin with Esperal provokes the accumulation of phenytonin in the blood, which leads to toxic poisoning.

The following drugs should be combined carefully:

  • Taking Theophylline, it is necessary to change its dosage, since disulfiram interferes with its absorption. Most anticoagulants increase the risk of bleeding because their properties are enhanced. It is necessary to take under strict supervision the presence of prothrombin in the body. You should also change the prescribed amount of anticoagulants within a week after the end of the course.
    The dosage of benzodiazepines should also be changed, disulfiram increases their sedative properties, preventing oxidative processes upon assimilation.
  • Antidepressants with tricyclic content increase the effect of the drug, the symptoms of alcohol intolerance become pronounced.

When a person is completely confident in himself, motivated to heal, trusts the doctor and his appointments, he is ready and willing to cooperate, then he can be prescribed Esperal tablets orally.

The patient must be clearly aware that the cure depends solely on whether he takes the drug or decides to interrupt the treatment. After stopping taking Esperal, after two weeks the patient can already take alcohol without the consequences described above.

The drug is excreted from the body 48 hours after the last dose.

The treatment regimen with Esperal tablets is determined individually. This is influenced by the age of the patient, the state of his health, the degree of alcoholism.

Usually start with taking one tablet on an empty stomach, in the morning, it should be washed down with plenty of water. The treatment of alcoholism should begin with stopping the use of alcohol.

You must be at least 5 days sober to start taking Esperal.

Gel application

One of the main indications for drug implantation is chronic alcoholism, which is almost impossible to cure by other methods. In this case, contraindications may be:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergic reactions;
  • severe liver and kidney disease;
  • epilepsy and heart disease.

Sewing or using other methods of using the drug Esperal is carried out only with the consent of the patient. Relatives or close people of an alcohol-addicted person do not have the right to force them to do this.

Before choosing this method of treating alcoholism, pay attention to Esperal coding reviews. This will help to finally decide whether it is worth using this technique.

Despite the many modern methods of treating alcoholism, one of the most popular is Esperal stitching, reviews about this are mostly positive. Before carrying out, it is necessary to consult with a specialist

Before performing the procedure, the person must undergo a complete examination and obtain the opinion of the attending physician. After that, the narcologist can give permission. If the insertion of the Esperal implant is contraindicated, the narcologist will determine another coding method.

Esperal is prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism in the event that other methods of getting rid of addiction do not help. Also, the drug is used to prevent breakdowns in alcoholics in remission.

How to use

The medicine should be taken with food, washed down with water. The daily dose is drunk once, in the morning. It is best to drink the drug in the morning, at breakfast. The tablet can be divided in half or quartered to obtain the dose prescribed by the doctor. The standard treatment regimen with Esperal looks like this:

  • The first ten days the patient takes one tablet - 500 mg. During this time, the drug accumulates in adipose tissue. From there it enters the patient's blood enough to cause severe poisoning when interacting with alcohol;
  • The next 10-20 days the patient receives 250 mg of medication per day. During this period, the doctor conducts alcohol provocations with the patient. Purpose - the patient must understand the impossibility of drinking alcohol. He receives a small amount of ethanol and experiences all the symptoms of acetaldehyde poisoning. Provocations are performed 3-4 times, with breaks of 4-5 days;
  • In the future, the patient is prescribed 125 mg of the drug per day. This dose he receives long time until you completely get rid of alcoholism. The period of taking the drug should not exceed three years.

Esperal tablets from alcohol, the instructions for which are usually attached in the package, are taken according to certain rules in order to avoid possible negative effects or reduce the likelihood of their development. In most cases, the following simple three-step scheme is recommended:

  • during the first 7 days, the alcoholic takes one tablet of the drug per day;
  • in the second week of treatment, half a tablet is recommended;
  • the third week involves taking the drug in the amount of one fourth of the entire tablet per day.

From alcoholism, Esperal is taken with food to improve its main effects and smooth out possible negative effects. It is best to start the course under the supervision of professionals, so that doctors can timely pay attention to the negative reaction of the body and stop it.

If the patient has a capsule of medicine sewn under the skin, he does not need to take pills, following the indicated course. The medicine itself will gradually enter the blood, showing its main properties.

Important! Against the background of treatment with Esperal, drops for alcoholism or other similar means are not taken so as not to provoke an overdose of the main active substance.

After the third week of treatment, the patient is advised to conduct a small test regarding the effect of the drug under the supervision of a physician. This is done with the help of an increased dose of medication and a small amount of alcohol. During the test, the reaction of the body is noted and, if necessary, the person is advised to either continue the course or increase the dose.

Gel "Esperal" is a modern development of the drug in the treatment of alcohol dependence. The method of its use can only be prescribed by a narcologist.

REFERENCE! Currently, compulsory treatment for alcoholism is prohibited, therefore, before treatment, the patient must sign an agreement.

Treatment methods:

  • Insertion of a capsular gel implant under the scapula. The procedure is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia. Its disadvantage is that a scar remains at the site of stitching. The advantage is that when poor tolerance the drug capsule can be removed.
  • Gel intramuscular injection under the shoulder blade It is carried out by a specialist narcologist in a hospital setting. Advantage of the procedure: no scars remain on the skin. Minus - with poor tolerance, you need a serious medical intervention to neutralize disulfiram and remove it from the body.
  • intravenous injection. It is used for express treatment. The dosage is calculated strictly individually for each patient.

Despite the fact that this drug is freely available and does not require a doctor's prescription when buying, its independent use is not recommended, since this drug has a number of serious contraindications.

If for some reason the patient does not want to be treated by a narcologist, the instructions and description of the esperal require especially careful study.

If a person has been abusing alcohol for a long time, then he must first pass all the necessary tests and get advice from specialist doctors, since this medicine should not be taken if the patient has the following diseases:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • work disruption endocrine system(diabetes);
  • pulmonary insufficiency due to bronchial asthma, tuberculosis;
  • cardiovascular disorders (including hypertension);
  • epilepsy and convulsive conditions of any origin;
  • any neuropsychiatric disorder.

Esperal is also contraindicated in people with oncological diseases, patients who have had myocardial infarction, who have a history of coronary insufficiency, aortic aneurysm, atherosclerosis.

Particular attention and caution in taking this remedy should be shown to people who have already undergone drug treatment for alcoholism. If a person has previously developed psychosis against the background of the action of disulfiram, then he should not take Esperal.

It must be remembered that the drug itself is not toxic if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug (allergies). But against the background of the simultaneous intake of alcohol and esperal, negative reactions can develop, up to the most severe forms.

In addition, the body of a person who is too familiar with the "green snake" is weakened and, as a rule, such people have a whole "bouquet" of chronic diseases. Read the description of the drug carefully.

As a rule, the instruction to the medicinal product contains an exact list of all diagnoses in which specific tablets are contraindicated.

Esperal treatment can be carried out in several ways: you can "sew" the capsule with the medicine under the skin, inject the gel intravenously or use tablets. But precisely last method is considered by experts to be the most effective, since such a reception scheme, which implies enough long-term treatment, can be combined with psychological correction, which will help develop the patient's ability to be responsible for his actions and actions.

It is necessary to take this medicine orally according to the scheme. That is, you need to drink esperal regularly, at the same time of the day, observing the rules of admission. You can count on success only if the treatment is carried out correctly.

In essence, the instructions for the use of tablets do not contain anything complicated and difficult to implement.

It is necessary to start treatment with the maximum doses (the intake rate should be established by the attending physician), gradually moving to lower dosages. The duration of the course of treatment, as well as the norms of admission, depend on the state of health of the patient and his susceptibility to the components of the drug.

These norms should be determined by the attending physician, based on the state of health and the reaction of the patient's body to the drug. In no case can you determine on your own how, in what dosage and when you can drink the medicine.

Treatment plan

Usually the first stage of treatment, when the remedy is taken in maximum dose, takes no more than 7 days. At this stage, it is more reasonable to place the patient in a hospital.

The second stage can be outpatient treatment (when a person spends only a day in the hospital, going home for the night, or visits a specialist daily for a consultation). Typically, this may take up to 14 days.

If the narcologist is satisfied with the course of the patient's rehabilitation, then, as a rule, daily administration of the drug is prescribed for 1 to 3 years. This can protect the patient from possible relapses and "breakdowns".

It must be remembered that the maximum therapeutic effect The components of the drug reach 12 hours after taking Esperal by the patient, and its effect continues for 2 weeks after stopping the use of the tablets.

This is subject to certain restrictions. As this remedy accumulates in the body, you need to calculate when you can drink alcohol.

Otherwise, the consequences for the patient's body can be detrimental. It is necessary to warn the patient about this so that he understands the measure of responsibility for his own health.

The medicine should not be used by women who are likely to become pregnant in the near future. It is wiser to complete the full course of treatment first, and only then plan to conceive a child.

Against the background of the reception given medicine possible development of polyneuritis (nerve damage), which manifests itself in numbness and weakness of the limbs. But these symptoms disappear when the patient is prescribed B vitamins or stops taking the pills.

Esperal tablets, the instructions for use for which contain the rules for taking, side effects and contraindications, it is necessary to use according to the following scheme:

  1. The first stage of the course, lasting about one week, is to take one tablet per day.
  2. In the second week, the dose of the medicine must be reduced to half a tablet.
  3. At the end of treatment, the drug is taken at a dosage of one quarter of a tablet per day.

For better digestibility, Esperal is taken with food. The course of treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Only a competent physician can prevent dangerous consequences, which may be caused by improper dosage or alcohol consumption.

At the end initial course, a special test is carried out, the meaning of which is to check the body for the effect of the drug. For this, the patient is prescribed an increased dose of the drug and a small amount of alcohol. Depending on the results of this test, the course of administration and dosage may be adjusted.

Esperal, whose analogues are also based on the mechanism of generating disgust (Teturam, Lidevin), can be called a means of "brute action". Since, in order to discourage a person from alcohol, it is necessary to make him feel bad.

As a result of the action of the tablets, toxic substances are formed in the tissues. Therefore, the medicine is contraindicated for people with certain pathologies and conditions, namely, Esperal should not be taken by people with:

  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the remedy;
  • diabetes the first and second types;
  • acute liver failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders.

Esperal is absolutely contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, its side effects can adversely affect health. Since the toxic effect of the products of incomplete decomposition of ethanol is extremely harmful to children.

Relative contraindications include renal failure and decreased activity of the thyroid gland. With these pathologies, the remedy should be taken with caution, preferably under the supervision of physicians.

It is better to wait a little while taking Esperal for any liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.) and the presence of inflammatory, viral processes.

Taking the tablets is carried out with food once every day (preferably in the morning), you should not save water with which you drink (about a glass of water is the best option). One side of the tablet is engraved with a division into halves and quarters - this helps to divide the tablet according to the required dosage.

The Esperal remedy, for which the instructions must be followed very precisely, requires three consecutive steps in the treatment of chronic alcoholism:

  1. From a week to 10 days (how much the doctor decides), the patient takes one whole tablet during breakfast. During this time, the active substance accumulates inside the liver, waiting for the intake of alcohol.
  2. From 7 to 21 days daily dose for the patient is half a tablet. At this time, provocative alcohol tests are carried out. Their essence is that the patient, having been taking the drug for more than a week, drinks a small amount of alcohol (30-40 grams of vodka). As a result, a deterioration in well-being and the development of a feeling of disgust for alcohol. Such tests should be carried out 3-4 times. Each time the patient is under the mandatory professional supervision of physicians to prevent poisoning.
  3. The last step involves reducing the dose to a quarter of a tablet per day. Alcohol "load" in this period is no longer needed, the patient should already feel negative to alcohol. This period is quite long. The use of the drug at a dose of 125 mg per day is allowed for a long time - up to three years. It is necessary to stop taking Esperal if the patient has completely lost his craving for alcoholic beverages.

The main therapeutic effect has an alcohol test. It is she who is the goal of taking the drug, is carried out in the treatment of any drugs with disulfiram (Teturam, Lidevin).

This helps to develop a negative reaction in a person to "laughing drinks." It is important to remember that alcohol provocation should be carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Since the severity of symptoms of intoxication is unpredictable. A severe allergic reaction may be triggered.

In the event that during the performance of an alcohol test the patient felt a severe headache, throbbing in the temples, difficulty breathing, convulsions, then he needs medical care to neutralize toxic substances and remove them from the body.

For this, an injection of 15-20 ml of a 1% solution of methylene blue is made intravenously, plus, the patient is inhaled with a high oxygen content. Further, they provide symptomatic assistance by prescribing drugs, depending on the side effects that occur.

There are more simple circuits treatment. But their use is advisable if the patient has a strong desire to get rid of addiction. So, you can avoid the most unpleasant stage - alcohol samples.

The dosage regimen remains the same: for the first 7 days, 50 mg per day, for a week the dose is halved (250 mg per day), the treatment is completed with a weekly intake of the minimum dose of 125 mg per day.

During this time, a person will experience a significant decrease in the desire to drink. A similar course, if necessary, can be repeated when the patient again feels an irresistible craving for the subject of addiction.

Besides biochemistry, positive effect gives psychological impact. Before the start of the reception, the patient should describe in colors the sensations from simultaneous reception Esperal and alcohol, an educational film or photographs will be useful.

With a strong influence, a person will not even need to taste alcohol to feel disgusted with it. The patient should know that taking 150 grams of vodka is dangerous for severe poisoning with possible serious liver damage.

The same applies to other types of alcohol (in quantities proportional to the content of ethanol). Under no circumstances should a patient be given medicine unless he has given his consent.

Alcoholism among the population is not only a problem of the individual and his family, but also an undesirable phenomenon on a nationwide scale.

Since it reduces the working capacity of the population and contributes to its disability, which is not beneficial for the state.

Therefore, the government allocates funds to finance medical institutions and programs that help dependent people cope with this problem.

There are many methods of dealing with alcoholism, which are used by doctors in their work. One of them is coding, which has worked well in the treatment of drunkenness.

Medicines that are used for this are sold in a pharmacy by prescription, since their uncontrolled use is unacceptable. Esperal is a effective tool coding for alcoholism. It has long been used in narcology and there are many reviews of patients whom he helped to cope with the problem.

Indications for use

The drug Esperal was developed by doctors for the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism to help them cope with cravings for alcohol. Tablet cream color with a special engraving is designed in such a way that it is enough for a person to simply separate it in order to take the exact dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications to filing from alcoholism

There is a whole list of diseases in which filing becomes too risky.

Before using this drug for coding for alcoholism, you need to carefully read the instructions and make sure that there are no following absolute contraindications:

  • Violation of the heart of various etiologies and vascular disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus at any stage.
  • Kidney disease, insufficiency of their function.
  • Disorders of the nervous system and seizures of epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy in women and lactation.

Relative contraindications include kidney failure and hypothyroidism. The possibility of suturing in these diseases should be discussed with the attending physician.

The patient or his relatives should not make an independent decision about the possibility of treatment with Esperal. It is better to seek advice from a competent narcologist who will develop a comprehensive treatment regimen, taking into account clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient.

Alcoholism is serious illness, which is difficult to cure by relying only on taking pills. It is necessary to take care of cleansing the body of toxins, as well as psychological assistance to the patient, because addiction does not appear overnight, and there are deep subconscious reasons for addiction to alcohol.

Side effects from drinking while coding

Side effects from taking Esperal can manifest as headache, local allergic reactions, nausea and dizziness. The patient in the mouth may appear bad taste metal.

Treatment should be started after examining the patient, his warning about side effects. The dosage should be selected after consultation with a narcologist, taking into account the stage of the disease.

The instructions for Esperal tablets are simple. They are taken orally before meals, preferably in the morning. Begin therapy at 500 mg per day, which corresponds to one tablet. Gradually, the amount of the drug used at a time is reduced, first to half, then to a quarter. If necessary, the dose is increased, depending on the reaction of the body.

After passing 10 days of the course, monitoring is prescribed. The drug is taken, 25-30 ml of alcohol 40% is taken.

With a mild reaction, alcohol consumption is increased, but not more than 120 ml. After 2 days, repeated monitoring is prescribed in the hospital, then, after 5 days, another outpatient.

After completing the full course, Esperal is taken in an amount of 150-200 mg for several years.

Ampoule with active ingredient penetrates 4 centimeters into muscle tissue. Stitching is done in the buttocks, or in the side of the abdomen.

The intended area of ​​the body is disinfected and anesthetized. A drug is injected into a 6 mm incision, the initial dosage is 0.8 g. Then the hole is sutured, a bandage is applied.

Depending on the amount of the sewn-in preparation, coding is performed for a period of six months, up to a maximum of five years.

Esperal is a drug that causes disgust from alcohol and with its help coding is carried out. As a result, the patient develops a reflex of rejection from alcohol.

The active ingredient in Esperal is disulfiram. It stops the enzymes the liver makes to break down alcohol into carbon dioxide and water.

It is impossible to take alcohol in case of filing, drinking alcohol can cause hard failure in the human life system. Tachycardia, vomiting, flushing, low blood pressure, dizziness and more. If an alcoholic weak heart even death is possible.

Encoding procedure

Hemming Esperal

Implantation of the drug Esperal is carried out under sterile conditions, in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. The doctor makes an incision with a scalpel in the buttocks, back or abdomen. It does not hurt, because before incising the skin, the doctor will definitely anesthetize this place with an anesthetic: novocaine or lidocaine.

The doctor places the drug in the incision and sews it up. Dressings should be done for about 5 days, after which the stitches will be removed.

The principle of operation of the binder is simple. The implant remains under the skin for the selected period. Disulfiram will be continuously released into the bloodstream. Whenever the patient decides to drink alcohol, even in the minimum dose, he is expected backfire.

Esperal injection

When using this method, Esperal gel is administered. The principle of its operation is the same as that of the implant. The gel remains for a long time where it was injected, constantly releasing disulfiram into the bloodstream.

Esperal is most often administered intramuscularly, into gluteal muscles or under the shoulder blade.

Unlike a binder, an Esperal injection can be done at home.


In medicine, there are 3 forms of coding using this drug:

  1. Hemming. The agent is introduced into the body by implanting a capsule in the area of ​​​​the scapula (a less accessible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body for the patient) in order to avoid self-excretion of disulfiram from the body. This procedure is called intramuscular implantation.
  2. Esperal tablets. This method has a big disadvantage in that the patient himself must control the use of tablets. It is clear that a person who is addicted to alcohol does not have willpower, a goal to be cured.
  3. Esperal gel. This is a more convenient method of treatment, the injection is done intramuscularly. In this case, surgical intervention is not required.

Esperal works by disrupting the process of removing alcohol from the body, thereby accumulating toxic acetaldehyde, causing unpleasant hangover-like symptoms.

While drinking alcohol, intoxication occurs with symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Fever, chills.
  3. Nausea, vomiting.
  4. Pain in the region of the heart, suffocation.
  5. The pressure drops.
  6. The liver is affected.
  7. Convulsions or an allergic reaction.
  8. Arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.
  9. Loss of consciousness, temporary paralysis.

Also, acetaldehyde negatively affects the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Therefore, alcohol becomes a poison for the human body, not only physically, but also subconsciously.

It is necessary to treat alcoholism, but Esperal may be contraindicated in the presence of diseases:

  • Severe form of kidney and liver disease.
  • Elderly people with diseases aged 60 years or more.
  • Tuberculosis of the open form.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Inflammatory process of the pancreas.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Epilepsy and psychoneurological disorders.
  • Allergy caused by a substance contained in the preparation.
  • Disrupted thyroid function.

During the period of therapy, one should refrain from taking alcohol, preparations containing ethanol, kvass, fermented milk products of not the first freshness, sweets based on rum or cognac.

The annotation to the drug emphasizes that it cannot be used without a full medical examination. The medicine has a number of serious contraindications. The drug should not be taken by people with the following diseases:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy and convulsive syndrome;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum during the period of exacerbation;
  • mental disorder;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • liver failure;
  • kidney disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • glaucoma;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Also, you can not use Esperal during pregnancy and lactation. With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients over 65 years of age, with peptic ulcer in remission, after a stroke.

Side effects

Esperal has a number of side effects that can occur both immediately and as a result. long-term use. Possible violations of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, skin diseases, mental disorders.


  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bad breath;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of liver diseases, including hepatitis and liver failure;
  • jaundice;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion;
  • memory impairment;
  • encephalopathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • itching, rashes.

When taking ethanol in combination with Esperal, a violation of the heart may occur - angina attacks, myocardial infarction, stroke.

If the medicine is taken for a long time, then the patient may develop polyneuritis, gastritis, hepatitis, thrombosis of cerebral vessels. If symptoms of these diseases appear, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Contraindications for coding:

  • withdrawal syndrome("delirium tremens");
  • angina pectoris, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart;
  • myocarditis;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy.

About whether it is possible for you to do an Esperal filing, a specialist narcologist will finally be able to say. Contact us for a consultation.

Such a drug for alcoholism as Esperal has a number of contraindications that must be considered before using the drug in medicinal purposes. These include:

  • cardiac pathologies of any severity;
  • various mental disorders;
  • kidney pathology chronic type;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The list only mentions the main contraindications for which Esperal as remedy won't fit. The full list of contraindications should be known to the attending physician, and only he has the right to decide whether this or that person can take such a medicine in order to cope with his addiction.

It is also important to remember that prolonged use of the drug can lead to the development of psychosis, gastritis and hepatitis.

The drug is absolutely contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • serious illnesses liver;
  • individual intolerance;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • epilepsy and other diseases with a history of convulsive syndrome.

The drug should be used very carefully when:

  • kidney disease;
  • thyroid pathology.

The main thing when taking such medications is compliance with the prescribed dose. This dosage is not recommended to independently reduce or increase. How to take Esperal tablets can only be told by a competent narcologist. With self-medication similar drugs can cause irreparable damage to internal organs.

It is also extremely dangerous to exceed the dose of the drug. Side effects Esperal as a result of an overdose can be expressed by such symptoms as: attacks of dizziness, problems with the vestibular apparatus and loss of consciousness.

In order to protect the patient from more serious consequences, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Esperal contraindications:

  • problems with the heart muscle;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic diseases kidneys;
  • pregnancy.

The active substance should not be taken if there are health problems such as:

  • Liver disease;
  • Diabetes varying degrees;
  • epilepsy, convulsions;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

You should not take the drug at the same time as:

  • Phenytoin;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Tinctures and medicines containing ethyl alcohol.

Any medicinal product has contraindications. The Esperal drug has a long list:

  • if you are over 60 years old;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • heart disease, post-infarction condition, pre-infarction condition, insufficiency, cardiosclerosis;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system in the final stage;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • cerebrovascular disease, atherosclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • ulcer bleeding stomach;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver in the stage of decompensation;
  • mental disorders;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • infectious diseases of the lining of the brain;
  • neuritis of the auditory and ophthalmic nerves, polyneuritis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • endarteritis;
  • the presence in the history of disulfiram psychosis.

There may be side effects with prolonged use of Esperal in the treatment of alcoholism:

  • loss of appetite, nausea, taste of metal in the mouth;
  • migraines, fatigue, memory impairment, neuritis, increased drowsiness, confusion;
  • allergic reactions, hepatitis.

Treatment of alcoholism with Esperal by the method of implantation may cause additional side effects:

  • suppuration of the seam and wounds from improper removal of threads or infection;
  • rejection if the capsules were not placed deep enough;
  • Individual intolerance to disulfiram, dermatitis on the background of intolerance;

Price for Esperal

*The price changes in case of a doctor's visit to the house

Esperal Gel encoding is performed in several stages:

  • Exploratory survey. The doctor collects information about the patient's health status, informs him about the features of the drug, and receives consent from the patient for coding. It is impossible to code a person without his consent. Coding using the Esperal Gel injection is allowed if the patient does not suffer from disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous system, diabetes mellitus, severe liver failure, mental illness. Also, the use of the drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • body detoxification. You can enter "Esperal Gel" provided that there is no alcohol in the patient's blood. He can go through detoxification on his own, having endured the period established by the doctor without drinking alcohol. Another option is detoxification using medications;
  • encoding. The drug is injected subcutaneously into the shoulder blade area and begins to act almost immediately. To maximize the coding effect, the doctor arranges a "provocation" - gives the patient a few drops of alcohol, which cause a strong deterioration in well-being;
  • rehabilitation period. To reduce irritability, improve well-being, develop motivation for further treatment, a complex of therapeutic measures can be used, including the use of a number of medications, sessions of individual or group psychotherapy etc.

At the end of the coding period, the patient decides whether he needs to re-administer the drug. If he is confident that he can do without alcohol on his own, re-coding is not carried out. If the patient continues to feel cravings for alcohol, it is possible to re-administer the drug.

It can be an embedded implant, injection, gel. To receive detailed information you need to consult with a specialist. Esperal coding, the price of which depends on the type of treatment, is carried out with the consent of the client. It also depends on the period for which the ampoule is sewn. It is carried out in medical conditions at the SpetsMed24 center.

In pharmacies, Esperal tablets cost from 900 to 1500 rubles. One package contains twenty tablets of 0.5 g each. The drug can only be purchased at pharmacies with a prescription. Esperal gel and implant are currently not sold in Russia.

Esperal's analogs

Medicines based on disulfiram act on the body in the same way. They differ in the method of taking the drug and the duration of action. The most popular of them:

  • Torpedo - capsule, sewn under the patient's skin. Valid from six months to five years. The drug enters the patient's blood and maintains a constant concentration for a long time. The cost of a capsule is about 3000 rubles. Installing it in a hospital costs about 6,000 rubles;
  • Teturam - tablets for oral intake. Price - from 200 rubles per package;
  • Ferronite is a medicine for intravenous administration, the coding period is one and a half years;
  • Tetlong - administered intravenously and acts for a long time;
  • Lidevin - includes, in addition to disulfiram, also a complex of vitamins B. It costs from 800 rubles;
  • Aquilong - administered intravenously, the injection is done twice. Its validity period is several years. Price - from 8000 rubles.
The cost of services provided by the narcological service
Services Cost, rub.
Chemical protection for 3 months * 4500
Chemical protection for 6 months * 5500
Chemical protection for 12 months * 7000
*intravenously or intramuscularly, with one drug prescribed by a doctor: Aquilong, Algominal, Torpedo, etc.
Double block ** 7000
**intravenously or intramuscularly, a combination of two drugs as prescribed by a doctor: Aquilong, Algominal, Torpedo, etc.
Sewing from alcohol *** from 12000
*** Implantation of Esperal blockers (Alcohol dehydrogenase blocker) and other drugs
Decoding (neutralization or removal of the drug):
Decoding (deactivation or removal of the drug) 2000
Esperal implant removal (Alcohol dehydrogenase blocker) 5000
Additional services
Plasmapheresis 9500
Hospitalization of the patient by mobile motivational team 11000

The price of Esperal varies from 1200 rubles to 2000 rubles, depending on the place of purchase.

  1. The price of the gel in Ukraine varies from 91 to 207 UAH.
  2. In Russian pharmacies from 906 to 1495 rubles.

One of the ways to treat alcoholism is the introduction of gel preparations - implants - under the skin. These drugs include Esperal gel. Pros and cons of the drug, contraindications.

Alcoholism - insidious disease that breaks families and makes a person's life hell. It is almost impossible to get rid of addiction on your own. professional treatment based on implantation medical preparations, reducing cravings for alcohol and blocking its use, under the skin. The most common modern medicine from drunkenness is Esperal-gel.

Main active substance drug - disulfiram. On its basis, almost all drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence have been developed. After taking the drug in tablet form, injection or suturing procedure, the ingress of ethanol into the body causes extremely discomfort and can even lead to death. Due to this effect, the patient abruptly stops taking alcohol, fearing negative consequences.

Disulfiram inhibits the production of an enzyme by the liver that is responsible for the breakdown of toxic acetic acetaldehyde, which is formed as a result of ethanol ingestion. Being the strongest poison, the alcoholic metabolite causes severe intoxication.

After 5-10 minutes after taking alcohol, the following symptoms appear against the background of disulfiram:

After the appearance chemical reaction on ethanol, further alcohol consumption becomes impossible. Fatal cases have been reported.

Encoding methods

There are several coding methods for Esperal. Long time it was practiced to sew tablets or ampoules under the skin in the region of the scapula or buttocks. Now this method is rarely resorted to, replacing it with a more humane type of implantation - injection.

Torpedo - coding by intravenous administration of drugs containing disulfiram. In this case, the patient is given an injection, and further treatment consists in periodically taking pills that are incompatible with alcohol.

Esperal-gel is available in a syringe package and is one of the analogues of drugs for coding. After an injection under the shoulder blade, the substance crystallizes and has a pharmaceutical effect on the body for a certain period.

With any method of encoding, the patient goes through a stage of psychological preparation. The attending physician must make sure that the patient is determined to get rid of the addiction. Immediately before injection or suturing, at least two weeks must pass in order for the body to completely get rid of ethanol residues.

Side effects

Esperal and other analogues based on disulfiram are practically harmless. However, there are a number of contraindications for some patients with certain mental disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Coding by stitching or injection is not carried out for pregnant women and with renal or pulmonary insufficiency.

Before coding, the specialist must conduct comprehensive examination patient for these or any other diseases. If they are identified, other methods of treatment are selected.

At the very initial stage, a consultation with a psychologist is mandatory. In no case should the patient agree to treatment for the sake of relatives or other people. The decision must be made by a person personally and consciously, and he must understand all the consequences that occur when the encoding is broken.

Excretion time from the body

Alcoholism is incurable chronic illness. Unfortunately, not everyone can accept this fact. But carrying out any treatment, sewing in and other coding methods give only a one-time impetus, help to start a sober life. In the future, the patient needs to continue therapy himself, take Esperal in tablet form during periods of exacerbation, and not neglect the help of a psychologist and consultations with a narcologist.

That is why the most important thing in treatment is awareness of the presence of a problem and desire get rid of it from the patient himself. If the patient underwent a course of therapy for the sake of loved ones or at the request of the employer, and not of his own free will, then relapses are almost inevitable. Despite the implantation of the drug, the desire to drink remains, and if a person is unable to cope with it, the encoding will be disrupted.

The duration of the drug:

The exact withdrawal time depends on the dosage that the narcologist calculates, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the declared validity period of the encoding. In some cases, the active substance ceases to have pharmacological effect earlier than the general time period specified by the doctor, but it is impossible to drink alcohol until it has completely expired without the use of an antidote.

Neutralization of the action of the drug

Often there are situations in which the patient is unable to hold on and is ready to drink an alcoholic beverage, despite the treatment received with the use of the drug disulfiram. How long the active substance is kept in the body after injection, it becomes unimportant to him and the desire to drink can provoke a breakdown in the encoding, and then lead to serious consequences.

With alcohol abuse, not only physical, but also the strongest psychological dependence develops, and it is with it that the person who has undergone treatment is the most difficult to cope. If willpower is not enough to overcome the desire to drink, and the only goal of the patient was to please relatives, then disulfiram can be neutralized.

The antidote for this drug is:

  • Ephedrine;
  • H1 blockers;
  • Vitamin C.

Decoding at home is strongly discouraged and can lead to serious consequences for the patient. The procedure is quite complicated and lengthy, including the phased introduction of several drugs, and it must be carried out under the supervision of a narcologist.

It is worth considering that it will not work to completely decode and remove Esperal from the body. The procedure will help reduce Negative consequences poisoning with ethanol decay products, but will not get rid of them completely, and the drugs used for decoding can provoke side diseases.

Elimination of reaction to ethanol

In some cases, patients continue to drink alcohol in small doses after the implantation of Esperal. How to neutralize the resulting reaction, you can find out by contacting a doctor on an emergency basis. However, even before the arrival of the ambulance, certain procedures should be carried out to help cope with the symptoms.

The patient must take ascorbic acid or drink fresh lemon juice in large quantities. With a sharp drop in blood pressure, you need to lie down and wait until neutralization occurs. Esperal, reacting with ethanol, causes a feeling of intense heat and burning throughout the body, especially in the chest and neck. To alleviate the manifestation of these symptoms, it is necessary to make a lotion with cold water.

In no case should you try to reduce the effect of the drug with an increased dose of alcohol. This will lead to even more serious consequences, possibly death.
