Help the cat after taking antibiotics. Features of toxic reaction. What side effects may arise

My cat sneezes and when the sun runs to the toilet after a while, the cat is liquid water, the eyes are not very high up, the morning you have to constantly clean. The cost of the cat is playful, the appetite does not disappear. What happened not to understand. Supplement: Cat I lived at the cottage for a week and somehow came home from a roultry with a red eye, which constantly highlighted the selection, and do not open it yet. I didn't have any time. After a weekly treatment of the eye of tea, I disappeared from the eye The empty of the cat did not rise.

Having been on the street, the cat could become infected with viral rhinotrachet or other virus infections of cats. Since these diseases can give serious complications ( chronic rhinitis, Polyps of the nasal cavity, keratoconjunctivitis), must be held timely treatment using antiviral drugs (Vytafel, Fosprenyl, cycloferon), antibiotics (bajtil, tilosine) and symptomatic therapy. In the nose you can bury 0.5% dioxidine, in the eye - iris or tetracycline eye ointment.

Good day. Cat 10.5 years old. Today is the day of the day after the operation to remove the tumors of the breast and at the same time sterling. The cat moved away from anesthesia for a long time and bad. 2 days it freezed. Nothing eaten. I fed with a syringe with a kefirrom, feed ROAL Canin for an ambol of operating animals. Seam is processed by an antiseptic. 5 days in the withers from the antibiotic. Now the cat moved away, he herself eats, drinks, suffer if it strokes, nurses, but almost does not walk, all the time lies. If it goes, it goes around when walking goes. We still have bifiform for children. On the 6th day she went to the toilet. But it was clear that she would hurt her. And write the same. It hurts her. It spins in the tray and growls. There were no problems before the operation. I am confused by what to walk to her and hurt in the toilet. Is it still not different from the operation? Or need to beat the alarm? The problem is that it will take it once again to the veterinarian as a shock as the operation itself. She is eternally afraid of carrying and carrying and when it is carried to the door. Thank you.

Inspect the area operational seamIf something is alarmed with something (strong swelling, strong tension or the divergence of fabrics, isolation), it is better to still show a cat to the doctor, if necessary, call a doctor to the house. In other cases, or with the impossibility of a visit to the doctor, you can apply a short course of painkillers (Bomidor, Ketophen) to 3 days. Most often, the pain after mastectomy is due to a significant tension of the tissues after removing large tumors or soreness while fixing the skin to the abdominal wall for the prevention of sulfur - such pains are gradually stopped for 7-8 days.

Help me please!!! My cat got sick is not clear for me. Breed Mixture of Persian with British, 3 years. Its two days ago, the temperature, snot, sneezes and cough. Prescribed injections, two days. But there is no improvement !!! He has a very big weakness. What to do?

Such a combination of symptoms is characteristic of viral infection (more often herpes virus). Treatment is to use antiviral drugs (specific serums and globulines, fosprenyl, cycloferon), antibiotics supporting (dropper, vitamins) and anti-inflammatory therapy. For the dynamics of infectious diseases, a certain stage is characterized - at first the state can deteriorate to climax, after which the process is resolved in one direction or another, depending on the severity of the disease. The herpes virus in most cases is not dangerous for the life of an adult animal.

Good afternoon. There is a conscience, so I decided to write. In July, my cat (12 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer, analyzes were conducted, pulmonary snapshots were made for metastasis, kidney ultrasound (reduced 0.4 cm). A decision was made about the operation - removed right dairy glands and the uterus. All this time, the doctor prescribed a prick of intramuscularly cefotaxim 0.7 ml 2 times a day and wipe the seam chlorhexidine. We did 5 days, then I asked the doctor how much more prick. He replied that until the seams were removing, after 5 days the seam came again, everything was fine, part of the seams were removed, he said to prick antibiotics again until all the seams are removed. And so it lasted 20 days. On the age of 28, all the seams were removed, except for two stitches, but at home we decided after 20 numbers not to prick more cefotaxim, it was too painful to look at the cat, he was too "Bolly". On 31 days, the cat began to growl on food, it began to tear it on 32, the broth were poured through the syringe, after 3 hours everything went back. Cook became sluggish, I took it to the vet, there I intravenously made a injection (sulfur, antibiotic, glucose and 2 more component). After 3-4 hours, the cat went to the toilet, the urine was bloody-brown, the paws are hot, then sharply cold, it was constantly rushed. After a few hours, convulsions began sharply, the cat shouted and died, there were residual convulsive phenomena. I still do not understand what happened, everything was fine, went on amendment. Do doubts in the competence of the doctor - Is it possible so much to prick an antibiotic ??? Klyano herself for what appealed to the clinic may still live. But it is also difficult to imagine, as it suffers, when all the bumps revealed and turned into non-healing ulcers. Every day in my head scroll through this situation. Cat will no longer help, and my conscience is restless. Help me figure out what happened ...

The use of the antibiotic is permissible for a long time, although in this case In the absence of complications, there would be a shorter course. Cat's death occurred not because of antibiotics. The speed and suddenness of the development of symptoms suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bpoisoning or decompensation of the inner tumor process, such as liver or kidney neoplasms. But more precisely now I'm not to say ... sorry.

Cat for almost three years, not sterilized, not vaccinated. Since childhood, she, before going to the toilet, sat near the tray and meowell - sometimes it was waiting for the tray to be cleaned, sometimes just like that. There was no problem in the toilet goal and there were no problems. Now she is sitting near the tray and scratching yells, but not always in the toilet after that. On linoleum near the tray began to notice small wet spots - some smells with urine,
Some do not smell, and some of something like oil, as if fat. Especially such "concerts" begin towards the evening. Tell me, what can it be connected with?

Such symptoms may accompany urolithiasis or hormonal deviations (follicular ovarian cyst). Under the urine on the analysis, this will eliminate urological diseases. For the diagnosis of uterus diseases informatives ultrasound.

At the cat immediately on three paws heavily blood claws, a week later, the veterinarian said that it would be for claws to amputate, otherwise the cat would die of blood loss. Cut, of course, only those that bleeded, but the bleeding does not stop, even intensified, the wounds do not heal. Help me please! What should we do? Our veterinarian only breeds with their hands ((In addition, he almost does not eat and does not cook, but it drinks a lot, more than usual. It was sick while we went on vacation, he lived at acquaintances. Why did the problems start - familiar also do not know. Or do not say ( ((Kotu is 12 years old, before that it was completely healthy and active as a year old "teenager".

Bleeding is nevertheless, most likely, not claws, but the base of claws or the skin in the interfallated intervals, therefore there is no effect after removing claws. Among possible reasons are subtitimitis, panaria of various origin, including autoimmune or paraneoplastic. For diagnostics, you need a range of analyzes (blood tests, cytology from defeat places) and inspection.

My cat is 12 years old. A large bluish bump with a tightened wound is detected on the back paw. She doesn't cause her to do it when they do not respond to it. What can it be?

It can be a tumor, an abscess or a healing wound. If education does not hurt at all unpleasant sensations When palpation, it is most likely a tumor.

Recently, my cat is almost nothing eats, constantly sleeps or simply lies, almost does not get up. Eyes will be watered. Very yelling. Although it also reacts to affection, extracts. He is still no year, I am very worried.

Very threatening but nonspecific symptoms. Cat should be examined - the reason may be a foreign body of the intestine, chronic viral disease. Treatment depends on the revealed deviations.

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Hello, Katya!

Antibiotics - powerful preparations. They help to fight infections accompanied by inflammation. But at the same time they destroy useful, required organism bacteria. To minimize harm, such drugs must necessarily assign a certified specialist. It was the veterinarian that should choose the right antibiotic - some of them destroy the glottering bacteria, others struggle with the reproduction of fungi, etc.

In addition, in the competence of the doctor - competently calculate the dosage. For this, research is carried out. These studies help reduce the load on the liver and kidney. After all, the dead bacteria are derived through these organs. If the animal suffered from chronic ailments, struck liver and kidneys, the active withdrawal of toxins through them can provoke dormant diseases. Relying on the research data, in the right cases, the professional prescribes hepatoprotectors and drugs that help the kidneys are cleaned of slags and toxins. And subsequently, the attending physician appoints funds that will support and restore the intestinal flora after the massive effects of antibiotics.

How to raise immunity cat?

Cat's body support after antibiotics

  • Yeast. These tablets can be bought in pet stores. They like cats, but let's not more pills per day (hide the packaging). Yeast increases the protective forces of the pet, strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. And help the skin and animal wool look good.
  • Some owners to enhance immunity give their pets a couple of-trip quail Yaitz in Week.
  • Immunostimulants, strengthening immune system Animals, now there is a great set, but should not be appointed to their cat independently, without consulting the veterinarian.

Regards, Galina.

The irrational use of antimicrobial agents is often using maximum doses, an unjustified increase in the treatment and multiplicity of drugs, without taking into account the species and age sensitivity of animals, as well as the features of pharmacokinetics of medicinal substances - all this leads to the development of adverse reactions in animals, often wearing a heavy character.

Unwanted reactions arising from antimicrobial therapycan be divided into three troupes depending on the mechanism of the drug on the macroorganisms.

  1. Reactions due to the increased individual or species-age sensitivity of animals to antimicrobial preparations (allergic reactions) caused by idiosyncrace or the sensitization of the body to the drug connection. This type of reaction is usually not associated with the amount of injected drug, and the severity of lesions varies widely from light skin reactions to anaphylactic shock with death.
  2. Direct toxic reactions associated with the amount of administered the drug H due to the organotroposis and the specificity of the drug substance on the macroorganism. Most often, the type of reactions are affected by the kidneys, the liver, nervous and hematopoietic system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Reactions due to biological changes in microorganism or in a microbial agent. This type of reactions include the formation of drug-resistant strains of pathogens, superinfection, dysbacteriosis, depression of immune reactions, disorders of vitamin and electrolyte exchanges, etc.

Many adverse reactions having similar clinical signs, develop as a result of the impact of various reasons. Thus, diarrhea may occur both from direct effects of the drug on the mucous membrane or neuro-muscle intestinal apparatus and in the development of supernifection or dysbacteriosis. Reversible reactions associated with the oppression of the hematopoietic system (agranulocytosis, hypoplastic anemia) are usually directly proportional to the amount of injected drug. The basis of their genesis is the reaction of sensitized blood elements and hematopoietic organs with newly emerging antigens formed when binding a drug with blood plasma proteins. Thus, the division of adverse reactions to groups is sufficiently conditionally.

Allergic reactions

The various components of blood plasma, especially albumin, have a strongly pronounced ability to fix substances temporarily circulating in the blood after their introduction to the body. In this regard, many drugs, including antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofurans, are able to initially cause sensitization, and then allergic reactions in animals regardless of the chemical nature and the method of their introduction. When connected with plasma proteins, they form artificial, but full-fledged antigens, education Specific antibodies.

In contrast to direct toxic reactions, allergic phenomena are not associated with straight pharmacological properties medicinal substance. Allergy arises as a result of liberation from the tissues of the body, especially rich in fat cells, biologically active substances; Histamine, Heparin, Serotonin ND. The release of these substances occurs under the influence of the antigen - antigen complexes formed on the obese cells in the absence of a sufficient concentration of specific antibodies in circulating blood. The released biologically active substances appropriately affect the nervous system, a smooth muscles of vessels, bronchi and other organs, on blood coagulation, vessel permeability, etc. This largely explains the fact that allergic reactions retain a certain stereotype regardless of the nature of the substance that caused this reaction. The presence in animal tissues of fixed antibodies purchased against any antigen creates conditions for the formation of a complex of antigen - antibody in the event of a new flow of full antigen or haptine in the absence of a sufficient amount of the corresponding antibody in circulating blood. The appearance in the tissues of the complex of the antigen - antibody has a harmful effect on cell elements, as a result of which an arginine-containing polypeptide is released, which causes destruction fat cells With the release of a significant amount of these biologically active substances.

According to the classification of X.X.Plansels (1960), allergic reactions caused antibacterial drugs (antibiotics), in nature, divide for three types:

  1. Reactions with prevailing lesions of the skin and mucous membranes: rash of various kinds, urticaria, angioedema swelling.
  2. The reactions of the generalized character of the type of serum disease or anaphylactic shock.
  3. Allergic reactions from blood and hematopoietic organs: eosinophilia, leukopenia, hemorrhagic syndrome.

An insignificant number of registered facts of allergic reactions, OSPP with antibacterial drugs, in animals in comparison with a person is not proof that animals are less predisposed to allergies. than man. For example, the reactions with the prevailing lesion of the skin can occur in animals, especially with dark woolly cover unnoticed or disguised as dermatitis of various etiology. Allergic reactions such as serum disease and anaphylactic shock, even if they lead to death or internally animal, are not always diagnosed correctly, since the drug caused the reaction could be applied not in pure form, but as part of a complex dosage form, vaccine, diluent for sperm etc. Allergic reactions with damage to blood and hematopoietic organs that do not lead to a fatal outcome, in agricultural (use) animals are also practically detected.

Nevertheless, there are a number of reports on the occurrence of allergic reactions in agricultural and domestic animals when using antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofurans.

Of all kinds of allergic reactions for the life of the animal, the most dangerous anaphylactic shockwhich develops very quickly: the deadly reactions of this type occur within a few seconds or minutes after the administration of the drug, and in this regard, it is often impossible to make emergency measures to save the animal. It should be borne in mind that anaphylactic shock may occur not only in parenteral use drugBut even with any method of its use, including oral and local application.

The greatest number Reactions of this type are registered when applied to large cattle streptomycin preparations, and the seasonal distinguishes (the reaction is more likely to occur in spring period) and age (often reacting calves) fluctuations in animal sensitivity of this species to the antibiotic. A few minutes after the introduction of the antibiotic, animals note the shortness of breath, anxiety, a weak rapid (before the filamental) pulse, cyanosis of mucous membranes, the loss of skin sensitivity, the expiration of the nose of the foam block fluid, the edema, the muzzle, the nipples. The body temperature remains within the normal range. With absence emergency Mer Treatment Animals may die with asphyxia phenomena and increasing cardiac weakness.

Similar reactions are marked in cattle and dogs with the introduction of drugs of the penicillin group, and in dogs, in addition to the above-described phenomena, there are muscle tremors, strong saliva and vomiting. Chinchillas and guinea pigs are often dying with the symptoms of anaphylactic shock in parenteral administration of any antibiotics.

A lighter form of allergies - reactions of type serum disease (rash, fever. Angioedema swelling, an increase in lymph nodes, etc.) - may occur in all types of animals with the introduction of many antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofuran. In dogs and cats, a characteristic sign of an allergic reaction to antimicrobial drugs serves a pharyngitis in the absence of inflammation of almonds, horses - stomatitis. Animals are white or bright suitable suitable skin rashes, blisters, urticaria. So, Tilosin in some cases in pregnant and sowing sows causes swelling and hyperemia of the skin of the abdomen, perineum and external genital organs.

Typically, allergic reactions occur during the re-administration of medicinal substances, however, there are cases of their manifestation and in one-time administration of the drug, in particular penicillin. Such congenital sensitivity can be due to intrauterine sensitization, as Penicillin penetrates through the placenta in the blood of the fetus. Since the placental barrier penetrates for many antibacterial substances, such a type of sensitization is not excluded for other antimicrobial means. Allergic reaction may also be caused by previous sensitization by other allergens. Thus, some pathogenic mushrooms form penicillin-like substances that can cause increased sensitivity to penicillin after the first introduction of the antibiotic.

In cases of allergic reactions, antihistamines are shown (Dimedrol, Supratin, Tuesegil, Pipolfen, etc.), in heavy cases - Vascular agents (ephedrine, adrenaline, norepinephrine), 10% solution of calcium chloride intravenous, corticosteroid preparations (prednisone, hydrocortisone).

Increased sensitivity to antibacterial drugs and the possibility of manifestation of an allergic reaction to them can be installed by instillation of one or two drops. weak solution Test drug B. conjunctival bag. In the case of an increased sensitivity of the animal, the conjunctivan becomes hypereminated, swelling. The drug that caused such a reaction is not prescribed to this animal in no dosage form. Cables and intracutaneous reactions to determine the increased sensitivity of animals to antimicrobial preparations were not widespread due to the complexity of their implementation and the complexity of the results of the results.

Toxic reactions

Direct toxic reactions in veterinary practice are observed more often than allergic, although there are also certain difficulties in their diagnosis. These reactions are due to the pharmacological effect of the antimicrobial agent on organs and tissues of the macroorganism; They are not associated with the antibacterial effect of the drug and have a direct dependence on the amount of the introduced substance. Toxic reactions are characteristic of each separate group antibacterial agents (penicillins, aminoglycosides, polymixinov, nitrofuran nt.). They are detected, as a rule, only in the overdose of drugs, that is, when drugs are used maximum doses for a long period of time, or with a significant overestimation of a single dose of the antimicrobial substance, as well as when using the drug to which this species Animals are especially sensitive.

Usually, toxic reactions are divided into groups due to selective tropism of each drug with certain tissues of the body (neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic reactions, etc.). However, this division is also largely conditional, since none medicinal substance It does not act strictly specifically with respect to one or two specific systems of the body, but affects the function or another of the functions of all systems and organs. For practical use, a more acceptable description of toxic reactions for each group of antimicrobial substances is more acceptable. Such a unit characterizes the effect of the drug on the body as a whole and allows you to take into account the possibility of the occurrence of a whole complex of certain symptoms when applying specific drugs.

Penicillins and cephalosporins relate to low-toxic substances and in any way clinical application animals do not cause adverse reactions, with the exception of Bicyllin, intramuscular administration Which can sometimes form inflammatory infiltrates and tissue necrosis at the place of administration, especially in small pets. Under the experimental conditions, during the introduction of doses, significantly exceeding the maximum therapeutic, the neuro- and nephrotoxic effect of the drugs of this group (meticillin, cephalotine, cephaloridine), but these phenomena were reversible and passed after the abolition of drugs.

Tetracyclines - relatively non-toxic substances: their main side effect is a strong ceiling effect on tissue in parenteral (intramuscular, subcutaneous) administration; However, the majority dosage forms Tetracyclines on an organic (polymer) basis are deprived of this shortage. For oral use Tetracycles in rare cases may cause complications from the gastrointestinal tract: the loss of appetite, vomiting, the aidship agencies at ruminants, diarrhea; But such reactions occur when using maximum doses of antibiotics and usually disappear shortly after the cancellation of the drug or the end of the course of treatment.

The hepatotoxic effect of tetracyclines (in the type of liver dystrophy) is established only under experimental conditions with long-term administration with laboratory animals of antibiotics in doses, significantly exceeding therapeutic, and these phenomena are usually reversible. Tetracyclines do not have a direct nephrotoxic effect, but in animals with renal failure can complicate the course of the disease, causing azotemia, acidosis, increasing the level of urea in the blood.

When using tetracyclines with pregnant animals, especially during the formation of the skeleton of the fetus, there is a slowdown in the growth of bones of the fetus, pigmentation of bones and teeth, damage to the dental enamel (especially in carnivorous animals). Teratogenic effect of antibiotics of this group (Syllary, lack lower jaw) It is noted only in laboratory animals (white mice and rats) with long-term administration of toxic doses of tetracycline.

Macrolids In rare cases, there are minor complications from the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea, a decrease in appetite. In the bird, while the antibiotics of this group with coccidostatics, in particular with monnzin, may occur, in particular with monnzin.

Aminoglycosides. The main side effect when applying this group of antibiotics is their neurotoxic effect, which is most pronounced with intravenous administration of aminoglycosides and manifests sharp decline blood pressure And the oppression of breathing, often leading to death. This effect of aminoglycosides is due to their inhibiting influence on vascular and respiratory centers. Antibiotics of this group in high concentrations (with rapid intravenous administration) have a strip-like and gangli-blocking effect, which can lead to a stopping of breathing due to blocking the transmission of the pulse in the nerve fibers of the respiratory muscles. With long-term use of aminoglycosides, there is a toxic effect on the vestibular apparatus and VIII a pair of brain nerves, which is manifested by hearing disorders and movement and is more often diagnosed in carnivorous animals (dogs, cats).

Antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group in parenteral administration can damage the cells of the proximal department of the convinced kidney channels, resulting in decreasing clushing filtrationAlbuminuria and microhematuria develop.

Side effect aminoglycosides can be minimized if avoiding them intravenous administration, if necessary, injection into the vein should be carried out slowly, to prescribe accurate therapeutic doses and not to delay the course of treatment, as well as not to apply the antibiotics of this group in combination with other drugs that have neuro- and nephrotoxic effects.

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) It acts toxically mainly on the blood system and blood formation, however, this effect is observed only with long-term use of the drug. Thus, the long-term administration of levomycenetin in doses exceeding therapeutic, can determine the oppression of the functions of the bone marrow of the hypoplastic nature (agranulocytosis, leukopenia, lowering the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, etc.), but these phenomena are reversible and noted only under experimental conditions. Most serious complication When using this drug, recorded in medical practice- irreversible aplastic anemia, leading to death, is not registered in veterinary medicine. Treatment of Levomycetin in veterinary practice is less long than in medicine, and therefore the manifestation of its toxic influence on blood and blood-forming organs in agricultural and domestic animals is unlikely, especially with a carefully installed dosage during the treatment of acute infectious disease. In all other cases, Levomycetin does not cause negative gastrointestinal, neurotoxic or skin reactions.

Polymixin There may be nephrome and neurotoxic, as well as (with parenteral use) a ceiling action. The nephrotoxic effect of fullminexins is due to damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and is characterized by albuminuria, hematuria, swelling and dystrophy of the tubular cells. In most cases, epithelium renal tubules Fully restored after the abolition of drugs. Neurotoxic action Polymixinov is usually associated with their overdose and manifests attacksia, nystagm, loss of sensitivity. These symptoms, as a rule, quickly pass, especially with the introduction of antihistamine drugs. Most irritant Plymixin in can be avoided by appointed it in concentrations not higher than 1-2%.

Antifungal antibiotics. Nystatin has extremely low toxicity and when applied to agricultural animals, side effects does not cause.

When using Lev Room and Griestulvin, complications are possible on the part of the liver, kidney and the gastrointestinal tract, but they, as a rule, do not have a difficult and pass after the end of the course of treatment.

Sulfanimida These include low-toxic compounds, however, with an increased sensitivity of the body, an excessive increase in the dosage or long-term course of treatment, they can also cause side effects, mainly in the system of blood formation and kidneys.

The damage to the hematopoietic system is characterized by the phenomena of anemia, cyanosis, methemoglobinemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, decreasing the amount of hemoglobin. When prescribing overpriced doses of sulphapylamides and during their long-term use, the number of leukocytes is first reduced, mainly due to segmented, then the amount of hemoglobin decreases, the resistance of the erythrocytes is reduced, methemoglobin appears. The composition of the blood under the influence of streptocide, Nisulfazole is most strongly changed.

Due to the fact that sulfonamides are derived from the body mainly by the kidneys, the concentration of them in the kidney often exceeds the limits of solubility and the preparations are crystallized. The occurrence of crystaluria and the associated renal complications contribute to a high concentration of the drug in the urine, a decrease in diurea, an acidic urine reaction, the degree of solubility of acetylated form of the drug in the urine. As a rule, acetylated compounds do not have antimicrobial effects and are much worse dissolved. In herbivore animals due to alkaline reaction urine phenomenon of crystalluria do not represent large danger. The degree of acetylation of sulfanimamides increases with long-term use, dropping diuresis, with kidney diseases, accompanied by renal failure. Kidney damage I. urinary tract More often observed in carnivore and omnivorous animals to the exposure of large doses of streptocide, sulfapyridazine.

In rare cases, hepatitis can develop hepatitis, which sometimes progress and become dangerous for animal life, can develop hepatitis and norsulphazole.

With proper assignment of sulfonamides, toxic phenomena is noted very rarely. They pass shortly after the cessation of the preparations. When the primary signs are detected side effect Sulfanimamids need to reduce the dose of the drug or to completely cancel it. If the toxic effects are expressed more strongly, abundant alkaline drinking and diuretics should be given. When changing blood (agranulocytosis, leukopenia, etc.) effectively use nucleic acid, iron preparations, fodder rich in proteins and vitamins.

Nitrofurans. Nitrofurans are highly sensitive white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cattle (especially calves). Easily endure the introduction of nitrofurans of dogs and pigs. The bird occupies an intermediate position, but the chickens up to 10-day age are nitrofurans even at a dose of 5mg per 100 kg of mass sometimes cause toxic phenomena. The toxicity of nitrofurans can be positioned in the following order: Furacilin, Furadonin, Foloralin, Furazolidon, Furagin. LD 50 with a one-time introduction inside with white mice furaticiline and furadonin is 166.7 mg / kg, Frazolin - 720, Furazolidone - 1758, Foloralilina - 1922, Furagin - 2813 mg / kg.

The toxic effect of nitrofurans is detected only when the therapeutic dose is over 5 mg per 1 kg of mass for cattle and more than 10 mg per 1 kg of mass for pigs and birds, as well as with long-term (more than 7-10d.) The introduction of therapeutic doses. At the same time, polyneurite develops, the metabolism is disturbed, the kidneys and the liver are affected, dyspeptic phenomena are observed. The natural immunological reactivity of the organism is reduced, but the formation of artificial immunity and the activity of the reticular system is not violated.

Low molecular mass nitrofuranov contributes to their penetration through the walls blood vessels, lymphatic capillaries, placental barrier, so they can have a negative effect on the fruit, reduce the number and activity of sperm in ejaculate. In this regard, they should not be prescribed to pregnant animals and manufacturers.

For relief toxic action nitrofuranov animals are administered intravenously 0.1-0.15 ml per 1 kg of mass of 1% solution of methylene blue, inside - cysteine \u200b\u200bat a dose of 5 mg per 1 kg of mass, intravenously - unitiol in a dose of 0.01 g per 1 kg of mass 5 -10% solution on an isotonic solution of sodium chloride. To restore the vitamin balance, vitamins of group B - thiamine bromide intramuscularly in the form of 2.5-3% or 6% solution at the rate of 0.06-0.5 g of dry matter horses and cattle and 0.005-0, 06 g finely horned cattle and pigs; inside - nicotinic acid horses and cattle of 0.1-0.4 g; Calcium pantothenate is subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously in the form of a 20% solution at the rate of 0.001-0.002 g of dry matter per 1 kg of mass. To reduce the proof of vessels, calcium chloride intravenously or calcium gluconate intramuscularly is administered. As an antihistamine agent, dipheredrol is used intramuscularly horses and cattle for 0.1-0.5 g.

In connection with possible complications The use of nitrofuran should be rational. Preparations should not be administered over 5-7 days. To prevent the irritant action of nitrofurans on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, they are prescribed after feeding with plenty of water. 5 minutes before the administration of nitrofurana, a 0.5% solution of novocaine can be given at the rate of 1.5-2 tablespoons per 100 kg of animal mass, as well as rectally use drugs (in the form of candles). Neurotoxic reactions (anxiety, violation of movements and vision, paresthesia limbs, weakness and pain muscle, etc.) can be prevented by a reduction in the periods of administration of drugs up to 3 days. and a reduction in dose (pigs to 5 mg, ruminant - up to 3 mg per 1 kg of mass). For control negative influence Nitrofurans on the blood (the occurrence of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and anemia) should conduct hematological analyzes at least once every three days.

Reactions associated with the biological effects of drugs

To this type of reactions caused biological effect The antimicrobial drug on macropriangne \u200b\u200bor microbial cells (including non-propogenous) includes: the occurrence of drug-resistant strains of pathogens, superinfection, dysbacteriosis, the reaction of Yarisha's bacteriolization - Hersheimer, inhibition of immune reactions, violations of vitamin exchange.

Drug resistance The pathogens and factors contributing to its occurrence are set out in the section "The resistance of microorganisms and the path of its overcoming."

Superinfection. The effect of antimicrobial drugs introduced into the body is not limited to the suppression of the vital activity of only pathogenic pathogens, and the representatives of various microflora of the organism are distributed simultaneously on other sensitive to them. The disappearance of sensitive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of antimicrobial agents does not, as a rule, to a change in the total number of microorganisms, since only the replacement of disappeared bacteria by other, sustainable deists of this drug. These stable apatogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply strongly and in certain conditions can be spread through adjacent tissues, and then throughout the body, becoming a source of a new disease. Such diseases (superinfection) may be endogenous and exogenous origin.

The source of endogenous superinfections can serve as staphylococci, intestinal chopsticks, protay, anaeroba, a blue chopstick, pathogenic mushrooms. For example, in the treatment of colibacteriosis, lamb doses of Levomycetin, inhibition of the intestinal microflora, can lead to reinforced reproduction of the virulent strain of a protest, causing, in turn, is acute gastroenteritis, as well as an interior of the internal organs. Exogenous superinfection can be due to the secondary infection of the new pathogen or a stable microflora of the same species as the initial disease pathogen. This type of superinfection includes the most common candidiasis, developing with a strengthened reproduction of yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida on mucous membranes and leather and rarely in internal organs in weakened animals, which were treated with antimicrobial drugs (more often with tetracycles or combined drugs).

Dysbacteriosis - It is a qualitative and quantitative change in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract under the action of an antimicrobial drug. Dysbacteriosis is noted in the oral use of many antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofurans, especially with their long-term administration. In most cases, the disturbed ecological equilibrium of intestinal microflora is restored after the cessation of treatment or even during its period, but in rare cases there are persistent qualitative change in microflora, including microflora of ruminants, leading to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Appointment of probiotics ( bacterial preparationsrestoring normal composition Microflora digestive tract) Provides high in such cases therapeutic effect.

Bacteriolis reaction Yarishe - Hersheimer ("aggravation reaction", "Therapeutic shock") is characterized by a rapid deterioration. clinical condition The patient of the animal or the temporal intensification of tipic lesions typical for this disease. This reaction occurs, as a rule, at the beginning of treatment and in all cases fully maintains specific pathological features of the relevant infection. The aggravation reactions usually observe with the introduction of large doses of bactericidal preparations. They are due to the rapid decay of microbes with the release of a significant amount of endotoxins. The latter form salmonella, escherichia, a sinic chopstick, protea, pastelae and some other pathogens.

It is possible to prevent the development of severe reactions of bacteriolization with the proper use of antibacterial drugs with the mandatory use of intensive pathogenetic therapy.

Action on the immune system. Antimicrobial therapy has a certain impact on the various aspects of the relationship between macro and microorganism. Antimicrobial drugs can affect antigenic structure pathogens of infections, by the amount of antigenic irritation, on the activity of phagocytes (macro- and microphages) and on the immunological reactivity of macroorganism.

Under the influence of low subbacteriostatic concentrations of some drugs (mainly bacteriostatic type of action), the immunizing ability of some causative agents of infections due to changes in their antigenic and immunogenic structure is reduced. Under the action of high bactericidal concentrations of drugs causing quickly, the death of bacteria, there are no significant changes in their antigenic composition.

The effect of antimicrobial preparations on phagocytosis is largely depends on the dose and duration of use, as well as the properties of the drug used. Most antimicrobial agents introduced in therapeutic doses over a commonly installed course of treatment, does not negatively affect the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, and sometimes increases the absorption and digestive activity of phagocytes. However, the same drugs used in maximum doses are oppressed by phagocytosis. Antibacterial agents on the functions of the reticulosendothelial system of the cells act similarly. lymphoid fabric and other immunocompetent authorities.

Thus, the influence of antimicrobial drugs on immunogenesis depends on the dose, the duration of application and the method of administration of the drug substance. When prescribing drugs in therapeutic doses, especially with oral administration, their immunosuppressant properties manifest themselves very weakly, and often there are absolutely no. At the same time, when using antimicrobial drugs in overestimated doses and for a long time, the development of a humoral immune response, the activity of phagocytes, is reduced by antigenic irritation.

Consequently, the influence of antimicrobial drugs on the formation and intensity of post-specific immunity is consisted of two factors; The actions of the drugs on the immune system of the macroorganism and their influence on the administered antigen. With the right, rational use of antibacterial agents, their adverse effects on the body's immune system can be minimized or completely liquidated. Immunogenesis impaired antibacterial therapy Due to the decrease in the antigenic incentive, it is completely excluded when immunizing killed vaccines and other non-bacterial antigens. When using live vaccines, the sensitivity of vaccine strains of pathogens to the drug used, as well as the features of the pharmacokinetics of the drugs used and the possibility of their interaction with the antigen in the body. For example, antimicrobial preparations, not suction in the gastrointestinal tract, do not affect the formation of post-specific anticillary immunity; Penicillins due to the insensitivity to them salmonelles and the earsechia do not reduce immunogenesis at vaccine prevention of salmonellosis and colibacternosis.

Violations of vitamin exchange With antimicrobial therapy are connected mainly with oppression normal microflora The gastrointestinal tract, the synthesizing vitamins of the group B. These phenomena arise with long-term use of antibacterial agents, usually do not bear pronounced and are easily eliminated when feeding feed rich in the vitamins of this group, or the conduct of vitaminotherapy.

You can rarely meet a person who has never been treated with antibiotics. Antibacterial agents are necessary in order to cope with powerful diseases, overcome which their own body is simply not capable. An overdose of antibiotics can happen.

Often this is due to the incorrect and uncontrolled use of medication, self-medication, non-compliance with the prescribed dosage, which is fraught with negative consequences.

In this situation, urgent measures must be taken to assist the affected person. Currently, there are a lot of powerful and high-quality antibacterial drugs that guarantee rapid cure from a particular illness. If you do not comply with the principles and rules of their application, there is a risk of overdose and even poisoning.

Overdose is extremely dangerous for children and faces of old age. If a person has increased sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, then prolonged and improper use may cause anaphylactic shock. As for the symptoms of intoxication, each type of antibiotics is inherent in its own characteristic clinical manifestations. If you know exactly how to prevent this condition, and what needs to be done in overdose, you can significantly facilitate the condition of the victim.

Exceeding the dose of the antibacterial drug may occur every person. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to make data from drugs without permission and the knowledge of the attending doctor. If you pass independent treatment, you need to be extremely careful, as it is dangerous for life. The main signs of overdose of antibiotics are particularly pronounced in children and the elderly. Symptoms of intoxication due to incorrect treatment Even the dogs and cats may occur, from which the animal may die.

Treatment of various antibacterial drugs may have a variety of poisoning symptoms.

Clinical picture of overdose of various antibiotics

  1. In the event of an overdose of cephalosporins (cefalexin, cefotaxim, cefipim, etc.) or penicillin (amoxicillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin), diarrhea, vomiting and painful nausea appear. Against the background of intravenous administration of an increased dose of penicillin, it is possible to develop seizures of epileptic nature, encephalopathy, psyche disorders. If a person has renal failureThe use of penicillin may appear hyperkalemia, which disrupts the work of the heart and is reflected on the ECG.
  2. Is it possible to poison tetracycline? The answer will be positive, despite the fact that this happens quite rarely. but this type Overdose is very dangerous for kids, as toxic hepatitis develops. This is manifested by pain in the epigastric area, jaundice, skin item, nausea. If an overdue or spoiled drug has been used, there is a risk of developing severe intoxication. Against the background of long-lasting tetracycline, stomatitis develops, allergic rashmay have swelling of quinque.
  3. In case of leveling, the leftomycetin appears vomiting and nausea, the insufficiency of the respiratory system is developing, there is no appetite. In rare cases, the development of acute heart failure is possible. If the victim of overdose became breast or small child, I can not do without blood transfusion to reduce the level of antibiotic concentration. After that, it takes careful control over the patient, since it has the oppression of blood formation, and sometimes recurrence of poisoning is developing.
  4. Under the overdose of sulfanimamides (Biseptol, sulfadimetoxin, sulfasalazine), nausea and allergic reactions are developing. For faces of old age, such a phenomenon is fraught with a circulatory disorder in the brain, exacerbation ischemic Disease Hearts.
  5. As for fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Opleloxacin, hemifloxacin, etc.), they have a destructive effect on the entire cardiovascular system. The risk of developing acute renal and liver failure, intoxication of the whole organism. Sometimes the tendons and joints are affected.
  6. If an aminoglycoside poisoning (amikacin, gentamicin, triamycin) occurs, then there is no danger to life, since they are most often used in the eye practice, and the dose of the drug in the eye drops is small. But sometimes the dose of these drugs can cause a respiratory stop.

An overdose response of antibacterial drugs

The body's reaction to the introduction of an excessively large dose of one or another antibiotic may be different:

  • allergic (up to anaphylactic shock);
  • neurological;
  • toxic;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • damage to the liver and kidney;
  • violation of the function of the blood formation.

In pregnant women, a teratogenic effect on the fetus prevails in such a situation, i.e. The development of the fetus is violated, ugliness appear.

Given this reaction to the overdose of antibiotics, the patient needs urgent medical care. However, it is impossible to engage in self-medication, as it can be dangerous for life and health.

Features of toxic reaction

This type of reaction of the body is quite possible as a complication arising against the background of therapy of infectious and inflammatory pathologies. In this case, the use of a large dose of the drug, which sometimes does not exceed the permissible dosage, provokes death huge number microbes. Because of this, a lot of toxic components penetrate into the blood, from which he suffers most of internal organs.

Symptomatology of body intoxication with antibacterial drugs:

  • chills, headaches;
  • weakness in muscles;
  • increase body temperature up to 39-40 degrees;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • pain in the joints;
  • rave;
  • confused;
  • apathy.

If suspicious symptoms are found, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical helpbecause to bring the patient from threatening state You can only use intensive therapy.


Specificity of the therapeutic course in overdose

First of all, the absorption of the medication in the gastrointestinal tract should be stopped. This will require the use of appropriate sorbents and laxatives. To slow down the suction process, it is necessary to drink enveloping drink: jelly, jelly, milk, a mixture of starch with water. Perform the first stage of pretty aid can only if the victim is conscious.

The next step implies the implementation of the forced diurea. This technique Based on the drip administration of a huge volume of liquid and diuretic drugs. This is necessary in order to clean the blood from toxic substances. As for solutions, it is mainly possible to use electrolytes, as well as those tools that are able to improve blood rheological functions. The latter have a beneficial effect on renal blood circulation, and this is very important for the treatment of poisoning. If symptoms of kidney failure arises, you can resort to alternative therapy methods. You can not use forced diuresis in violation of activity of cardio-vascular system.

Given the testimony, it is necessary to perform plasmapheresis, hemosorption and hemodialysis, as well as peritoneal dialysis. In the case of intoxication with antibacterial drugs subsequent symptomatic therapy carried out in accordance with the available clinical picture. It is important to carry out high-quality support for the cardiovascular system, to perform the correction of violations of functions internal systems and organs, as well as restore homeostasis.

Antibiotics overdose: consequences

With timely, the forecast of poisoning with antibacterial drugs is favorable.

However, the absence of therapy or later use can lead to development in victims of severe and life-threatening consequences:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • infectious toxic shock;
  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • headup, deafness;
  • birth of a child with developmental anomalies;
  • fatal outcome.

Summing up the said, it is worth noting that in case of overdose or poisoning with antibiotics, self-treatment is deadly: it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care.

Nowadays, antibiotics are among the most important medicines in therapeutic practice. These medicines are widely used not only for people, but also for animals when various diseases. So, as inflammatory processes And other diseases in cats use antibiotics. But what antibiotics can be given cats - usually solves the vet.

Mostly antibiotics are prescribed homemade pets in infections of bacterial origin or during recurrent diseases. However, before proceeding with treatment, an animal inspection should be entrusted to the veterinarian, after which it will be known whether one or another is necessary. All antibiotics except therapeutic effectsObtained negative influence on the internal organsFor example, everyone knows that through the kidneys the antibiotic is excreted from the body, the medicine is greatly influenced on the liver.

Antibiotics produce B. various formsThis can be pills, injections, powders or liquids. Any form of the drug can be used in cats if the medicine prescribes a veterinarian.

Antibiotics are most often used if the cat formed an abscess (this happens after bites); Skin damage to a bacterial nature as a result of scratches that appear from other animals, or applied by the same cat; infectious diseases of the eye (chlamydia); defeat respiratory tract bacteria; infectious damage to digestive organs; inflammatory processes in the uterus due to infection (pyometers); Defeat by a flop of a cough.

What are the widespread antibiotics use cats?

Antibiotics wide spectrum Impacts are used in cases where other drugs do not cope with infection. Such means are effectively fighting at once with several types of bacteria that hit the pet organism.

After surgery, the question often arises which cats can be given antibiotics to prevent infections. What a specifically the drug needs a cat, solves only a veterinarian, as well as the necessary dosage. For these purposes, a tetracyclin row, ampicillin, streptomycin and others are prescribed. But it should be remembered that the antibiotic is given by a cat 2 times, and it is impossible to exceed this norm.

Attention! Preparations are prescribed depending on the disease and status of the cat.

So, tetracycline should not be used for nursing cats, because the medicinal substance gets into milk too quickly and can harm kittens.

What drugs are used in infectious diseases

Used antibiotics for cats are separated by 2 types:

  • bactericidal - their action is directed to the destruction of bacteria;
  • bacteriostatic - they impede the further reduction of bacteria, but the course must be observed to the end, otherwise the premature abolition of the drug may cause re-resuming the growth of bacteria.

What antibiotics can be given cats infectious diseasesThe veterinarian usually determines after an animal inspection, during which the overall condition of the animal and the form of the disease will be evaluated.

It is most often used in this case amoxicillin, clindamycinelibo benzylpenicillin, as these substances have a minimal effect on the internal organs of the cat, that is, they bring more benefits than harm, but only if no more than two times apply.

Quite often, cats arises cystitis of infectious nature. Characteristic symptoms Diseases are rapid urination, an apathetic state, joining the food consuming. In this case, the specialist appoints an antibiotic exclusively in injections, because the pills will not be assisted as it should be due to vomiting.

Tip! Since the influence of antibiotics on the body is great, they advise after treatment to protect the pet from pregnancy for two to three months.

How to treat colds in cats

Like people, cats can catch a cold, while typical symptoms will arise: the cat refuses food, the oppressed state is marked, breathing becomes hard.

Specialized medicine for the treatment of colds in cats does not exist. Many owners are interested, what antibiotics can be given cats with a cold? However, we should not forget that antibiotics are effective only in bacterial infections, but they are useless in viral diseases. With a cold, interferon is usually used, as well as immunoglobulins, but they prescribe them only in the first days of the disease.

Only with complications due to viral disease The veterinarian can assign an antibiotic that is suitable individually for each pet. But if this did not happen, the cat provide sufficient number Drinking per day, it is possible from the syringe, good humidity in the room, if necessary - vitamins in injections. Usually after that the animal is recovering.

The most popular antibiotics used for the treatment of cats

Are there specialized antibiotics for cats? Yes, there are such drugs, however, their production is difficult, therefore human antibiotics use for the treatment of domestic pets, let's deal with what drugs can be given cats.

One of these antibiotics is azithromycin, which is most often used in the infections of the middle ear, chlamydia, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

If the cat has wounds with suppuration, burns, furunculae or other skin infections, apply a tetracycline ointment.

Amoxiclav (Penicillin Group) is used during infections of the digestive system and respiratory tract in cats.

Amoxicillin in injections is appointed with an animal with inflammation bladder infectious nature, inflammatory processes in the lungs, infectious bone lesions.

Gentamicin is the most budget antibacterial aneg And often used in urinary bubble diseases, eyes, ear infections, skin diseases, infectious inflammation respiratory tract.

Dosage antibiotics for pets

Alone, no owner can determine the necessary dose for the cat, it will be able to make it only a specialist with veterinary education. What antibiotics and in what doses can be given cats, will solve the veterinarian after inspecting the animal, the definition of the disease.

Most often prescribe injections up to two times a day, pills are divided into 4 pieces and feed the ΒΌ part, in capsules antibiotics are being added to the sour cream - one capsule per day.

Important! The drug is dosage depending on the complexity of infection, and the duration of the course should not exceed 14 days.

What side effects may arise?

In some cases, it is impossible to do without antibiotics, but despite the fact that they effectively cope with infections, these substances are adversely affected by the cat's body.

Regardless of which antibiotics give cats and in what form, you can definitely say that useful microorganisms in the intestines will initially be destroyed. Consequently, the veterinarian will appoint the necessary drugs to restore the normal functioning of the intestinal flora.

After the start of the impact of antibiotics, hazardous substances extend with the help of kidneys and liver, and this can provoke exacerbation of already existing chronic diseases. Therefore, before treatment, it is necessary to examine pet pet, and based on the results, the specialist will be able to properly determine the necessary dosage, which will help reduce the load on the organs. If necessary, use the means cleansing the kidneys from harmful substances (hepatoprotectors), after the end of the course of antibiotics.

Both in people and in cats, there are often complications in the form of allergic reactions, therefore, with the slightest signs, an animal should be attributed to veterinary clinic For inspection and replace the drug or full of its cancellation. Symptoms are expressed in the appearance of seats, itching, loss of wool and skin rashes.

Most heavy manifestation Allergies are anaphylactic shock. Also antibiotics can trigger the appearance of allergies to any food, detergents and so on.

If the cat has intolerance to a specific antibiotic, diarrhea or vomiting may occur, in this case the drug is replaced or reduced the assigned dosage.

What antibiotics and in what doses can be given cats Was Last Modified: September 6th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

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