List of foods that cause gas in the intestines. What foods cause gas in the intestines

Every adult can face such uncomfortable and embarrassing phenomena as flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, belching. All of these symptoms depend on many reasons, for example, the amount of gas produced by the body, the amount of fat absorbed and individual sensitivity. The question arises: why intestinal gases are formed?

Gas in the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines) can form in two cases.

First, a process characterized by a tendency to swallow air that reaches the stomach rather than the lungs. This physiological condition is called aerophagia. Occurs when eating or drinking. Plus, chewing gum, smoking, or wearing dentures can also make people swallow more air. As a result, belching occurs when air exits through the mouth.

Intermittent belching during or after meals is normal, as are gas emissions when the stomach is full. Excessive swallowing of air can lead to more frequent belching. If there is constant belching then it speaks about gastrointestinal upset, at which there can be peptic ulcer, gastritis or constipation. Belching is the most frequent way, with the help of which air, containing nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, partially leaves the stomach.

Second, the body is unable to digest certain carbohydrates found in many food products due to a lack or absence of certain enzymes that aid digestion. Undigested food passes from the small intestine to the large intestine, where the intestinal bacterial flora partially digests the food. Not a large number of moves within the intestinal lumen of the colon and is released through it.

Foods that cause bloating

Let's take a closer look at which foods cause bloating.


Beans, lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, soybeans, and other legumes can increase gas in your intestines. This effect is mainly due to three simple sugars found in these foods: raffinose, stachyose, and verbascose. The bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract are unable to digest these oligosaccharides, as a result, an increase in gas production occurs.

Presence simple sugars much higher in dried vegetables, while it decreases significantly in fresh vegetables. Therefore, people with bloating are advised to reduce their consumption of dry vegetables. You can also taper your portions and combine with foods rich in vitamin C such as lemon and onions.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, turnips, asparagus, any cabbage contain the same sugars as legumes and have the same effect. To counteract excessive intestinal gas production, they can be consumed with other fiber-containing foods to help ease bowel motility. In addition, cooked vegetables are well absorbed.

Milk and derivatives

Inability to digest lactose leads to increased production of intestinal gases and organic acids.

You can replace lactose-containing foods with alternatives. In some cases, your doctor may recommend the use of lactose enzymes, which make it easier to break down.

Sorbitol-rich fruits

Carbonated soft drinks

Carbonated drinks also cause flatulence. Since they are made by adding carbon dioxide, it is inevitable that this gas eventually builds up in the intestines. In addition, many soft drinks contain sweeteners such as fructose syrup. And this, in turn, can create an additional problem of sugar indigestion. Other drinks that can cause stomach fermentation: alcohol, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, fruit juices (especially with added sugar), and other drinks that irritate the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to exclude them.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum makes you swallow more air than usual. The air stays in digestive system causing more intestinal gas to accumulate. It is much worse if the gum contains xylitol, as it is difficult to digest in the stomach, causing gas, bloating, and dysentery.

Products, gassing, can act on the human body in completely different ways. For some, the intestines work well, while for others it is inconvenient.

Foods that can cause flatulence are especially high in carbohydrates, but this does not mean that they can be removed from the table, since they are very important for health. Correct diet should consist of about 50-65% complex carbohydrates on the total calories consumed daily. Carbohydrates play important function for the body, they provide it with energy.


The best remedy for bloating is prevention. To do this, you can simply follow a healthy and balanced diet... The defoamer for flatulence is fennel, which has remarkable anti-enzymatic and antitumor activity. This fiber-rich fruit reduces flatulence. Besides, in the menu to eliminate flatulence you need to include the following products:

  • light soups;
  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • pumpkin;
  • greenery;
  • prunes.

Beets are an excellent natural intestinal laxative..

Other precautions for eliminating fermentation in abdominal cavity- is to eat foods rich in fiber. They stimulate intestinal motility, making it easier unpleasant effects... To eliminate intestinal gases, you can resort to natural remedies, that is, activated carbon. It has absorbing properties and is capable of disinfecting the intestinal tract. In any case, the use of coal or plants with active action should always be associated with proper nutrition. Last important advice Drinking plenty of water, which can soothe intestinal irritation caused by too much gas.

Pregnancy and gas

During pregnancy in women there is a change in internal physiological processes... Among them is the problem of bloating, which can disturb pregnant women during the entire period of gestation. The phenomenon of flatulence during pregnancy can be caused by the following factors:

The most common cause of crying in newborns is intestinal colic... Specialists in the field of pediatrics still cannot name the reasons for their occurrence and treatment, and, in addition, they believe that newborns are absolutely healthy. Usually, crying in babies associated with colic begins as early as the second week of life and ends after three months. The attacks can last up to three hours.

And yet, the fact is that a child begins to eat on his own from birth. And he eats a completely different food. His digestive system is trained to flush out gas and empty his bowels. At breastfeeding child reacts to foods that mom consumes. Foods that cause gas in infants are foods consumed by a nursing mother, such as legumes, cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc. Therefore, a nursing mother must strictly monitor the foods she eats.

Flatulence, or increased gassing in the intestine, often develops as a result of not proper nutrition... Knowing which foods trigger excessive gas production can help keep your digestive tract working properly.

Below is a list of foods that cause flatulence in adults or children:

Why These Dishes Promote Flatulence

If the signs of flatulence appear infrequently and quickly disappear, then insufficient digestion of food is considered the cause of the deviation. It undergoes fermentation rather than efficient digestion and produces gases in the process.

Insufficient digestion of food is due to the specifics of its composition and the manner of nutrition of the person himself.

It is very difficult for any digestive system to process and absorb foods fortified vegetable fiber... Nutritionists include cabbage, nuts, and legumes among them.

It is especially difficult when you eat a lot of such food or it is not enough to chew it.

Flatulence appears almost constantly in those people who talk during the meal. This is how air enters the stomach when swallowed.

The habit of drinking food with water (especially cold) leads to the fact that there is always air in the gastrointestinal system.

In some people, gas in the intestinal cavity begins to form after dairy products.

This phenomenon is associated with insufficient production of lactase - a substance that breaks down milk sugar into glucose or galactose. If there is no such enzyme, intense fermentation takes place in the intestines.

People with a similar problem should not eat foods that contain at least a little milk.

The importance of controlling food intake

If the patient has a tendency to gas production, he needs to limit the dishes in the menu because of which this happens. Otherwise, gas will constantly be in the stomach.

In addition, such a person may experience the following problems:

  • constant nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • disturbances in the digestion of food in the stomach and 12-fold intestine, absorption of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in small intestine;
  • violations of educational processes feces which are manifested in persistent diarrhea and constipation;
  • anemia as a result of insufficient absorption of beneficial nutrients;
  • belching, sometimes sour and rotten contents, air.

All this can be avoided in the case of normalization of nutrition. Subject to correct diet and the use of foods allowed for flatulence, you can not only normalize digestion, but also detect hidden disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

If proper nutrition is neglected, flatulence becomes permanent. Pathogenic bacteria regularly act in the intestines, which release toxins and poison the entire body.

Drinks for flatulence

The most healthy drink for bloating, clean water is available. It is allowed to drink tea from medicinal herbs with a small amount of sugar. Coffee is allowed in limited quantities, it should be consumed mainly in the morning.

Any carbonated drinks are prohibited, even mineral water that enhances bloating. Beers and cocktails are excluded.

Kvass is also a prohibited food, because gas bubbles are formed as a result of fermentation, and it will continue in the gastrointestinal tract. Fermentation, on the other hand, provokes the formation of a large amount of gas..

Wine and vodka drinks are also excluded. They cause irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines, which is extremely harmful in case of flatulence.

Drinking alcoholic beverages provokes chronic inflammation mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines.

What foods can be consumed in a limited way

In some patients, raw and cooked cabbage can cause gas. In others, on the contrary, it contributes better digestion... Therefore, it is allowed to eat cabbage, based on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Potatoes are allowed, but with some reservations. It is pre-soaked in cold water for several hours.

The product must not be mixed with sour cream, milk, butter and especially mayonnaise. You can only eat boiled and salted potatoes as a side dish for meat.

Fermented milk products are allowed to be consumed only with a small amount of fat. Cheese can be eaten, but only separately from other dishes.

It is forbidden to eat cheese with bread... Separately from other dishes, you need to drink milk, fermented baked milk and kefir. They also drink yogurt separately.

You need to limit sausages, conservation, pork. It is best to prepare canned meat and sausages at home, because in this case, the products will not contain synthetic substances.

Allowed Products

Below is a list of foods you can eat:

  • dried bread;
  • lean meat and fish, boiled and stewed and never fried;
  • a bird without skin;
  • pureed cottage cheese and soufflĂ© from it, low-fat kefir, dietary yogurt;
  • lean meat and weak broths;
  • potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots;
  • Dill;
  • bay leaf and caraway seeds;
  • herbal infusions, green tea;
  • mashed porridge in the water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs.

All of these products are equally suitable for both adults and children. They do not cause flatulence and they can be consumed, observing, of course, the measure.

Diseases in which flatulence occurs

With a tendency to an increased formation of gases in the intestines, you should pay special attention to the state of your body. It is possible that gas does not appear from unsuitable food, but due to the occurrence of certain pathologies.

Excessive gas formation is found as a symptom of such pathologies:

  1. Diseases of chronic intestinal irritation. With this ailment, physical activity and bowel function.
  2. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas. In this disease, food is not completely digested due to a lack of essential digestive enzymes.
  3. Chronic dysbiosis. When the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed, an intensive production of gases by pathogenic organisms occurs.
  4. Intestinal obstruction.
  5. Gastritis of different etiology.
  6. Non-insulin dependent diabetes.
  7. Worm infections.
  8. Ulcers of the stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Proper nutrition for bloating

To avoid excessive bloating, you need to follow some simple fundamental principles... Without this, it is impossible to treat flatulence.

These rules are:

  1. It is necessary to regulate the amount of not only food, but also water. When consuming less than one liter pure water constipation develops per day with increased formation of intestinal gases. With a weight of 70 kg, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. If the weight is more, then you should drink accordingly more liquid.
  2. Meals should be fractional. For each meal, you need to consume no more than 250 grams of food. You should not allow the appearance of a feeling of hunger, because then, due to the greedy absorption of food, air will also enter the stomach. Each piece must be chewed carefully and slowly.
  3. While eating, you should not talk so that air does not penetrate into the stomach and does not cause bloating.
  4. There should be liquid dishes on the table every day. Moreover, with flatulence, it is most useful to eat lean soups. From broths choose veal or chicken.
  5. It is contraindicated to take raw vegetables and fruits. Sometimes a raw apple can be the cause of flatulence. On the other hand, baked fruits are very useful.
  6. With flatulence, all dishes must certainly be exposed to heat treatment... Therefore, a raw food diet will be harmful.

Sample menu for a week

Below is a sample diet for a week, which should be followed by patients with flatulence.

  1. Monday - oatmeal, some dried fruits, lean soup, rye bread, peaches baked in the oven, grilled fish.
  2. Tuesday - lean sour milk, fried peanuts without added salt, lean cauliflower soup, chicken fillet, boiled eggs, skim cheese, compote prepared on the basis of dried fruits, or tea.
  3. Wednesday - buckwheat porridge, veal, vegetable soup, scrambled eggs, tea.
  4. Thursday - a glass of skim milk, bread, cucumber, baked apples, fish fillets (boiled or baked).
  5. Friday - kefir, peanuts, vegetable soup or borscht, boiled chicken or quail eggs, compote.
  6. Saturday - ice cream, braised pink salmon or other types of fish, boiled potatoes, boiled or stewed veal meat, okroshka, scrambled eggs, tea.
  7. Sunday is honey vegetable stew, mashed soup, goulash, compote, tea.

Proper nutrition is necessary condition getting rid of flatulence. It is an alternative to the use of medications.

Disregarding the principles of good nutrition contributes to the development chronic diseases digestive tract, body poisoning and hypovitaminosis.

Many of us at least occasionally face the problem of bloating and increased gas production. This problem is very unpleasant both mentally and physically. Excess gases can simply find a way out through the mouth or completely, on the other side. Usually the gas mixture is odorless, but passing through colon, captures the result of the activity of bacteria living there and acquires disgusting smell... Most often, the formation of gas in the stomach is not caused by diseases of the digestive tract, but is associated with food. What products cause gas formation in the digestive system? Of course, every person different reactions for the same product. Nevertheless, a group of products has been identified, the processing of which most often produces a large volume of gas. pledge wellness and rest in the stomach.
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The work of the digestive system

It is designed in such a way that the enzymes involved in the digestion of food are in the stomach and small intestine, but in the large intestine there are much fewer enzymes. Here the absorption of the digested food takes place, which is a simple constituent. If the food is poorly digested, then gas is formed in the intestines under the influence of bacteria.

In addition, air is often swallowed when eating. Especially a lot of air gets in if there are conversations during lunch, as well as when quick admission food, when chewing gum, when using drinking straws. Even dry mouth or big selection saliva increases gas production in the intestines. Of course, gas formation in the body normal process... But its increased education, a violation of the removal mechanism and cause bloating. So finding out the reasons bloating belly, help find solutions to this problem.

What causes bloating?

Swallowed air is most often the main reason bloating of the stomach. Swallowing air in small volumes always occurs when eating or drinking. But an excessive amount of it is swallowed with hasty food, smoking, abuse of carbonated drinks, drawing in air through the crack of the teeth. A larger volume of air is removed by belching, but some of it enters the intestines.

Increased gas production also occurs during the digestion of carbohydrates that the body is unable to process. These carbohydrates include cellulose, pectin, lignin, chitin. They almost always go to waste. But when they enter the large intestine, these carbohydrates become food for the microorganisms living there, while hydrogen and carbon dioxide are formed, which are removed by the rectum.

What foods cause gassing?

All of these foods contain carbohydrates (sugars) that contribute to the development of intestinal microflora. By taking food in small portions, we thereby deprive these microorganisms of food. But when overeating, all food is not immediately processed and a mass of undigested carbohydrates enters the intestine for the activity of microorganisms. A similar process occurs with a lack of digestive enzymes.

Foods that increase flatulence include:

  • natural sugar causes fermentation and stomach discomfort. It contains peaches, apples, prunes, plums, grapes, pears;
  • fried fatty food poorly absorbed in the stomach, and mushrooms containing protein and chitin fibers are also difficult to digest and cause increased gas production;
  • legumes - beans, peas, beans contain an oligosaccharide that is difficult to break down, which is an excellent food for intestinal microorganisms, causing heaviness, uncomfortable stomach and bloating;
  • sweets, confectionery, carbonated drinks contain various additives of artificial origin and sweeteners, which the body simply cannot absorb, and gas from drinks provokes flatulence;
  • vegetables rich in fiber, plant fibers irritate digestive tract and cause bloating. These vegetables include: broccoli, pumpkin, radish, turnip, radish, artichoke, asparagus;
  • dairy products (milk, cheese, kefir, yogurt, ice cream) contain lactose, which is poorly absorbed by the stomach with age due to the lack of a processing enzyme, and causes increased gas production;
  • are part of cereals: this is bread, all cereals except rice. Yeast in baked goods, in alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, kvass) emit gas, increasing bloating;
  • and, of course, to this list it is necessary to add products of individual intolerance.

Interestingly, rice, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, does not cause increased gas formation and is well absorbed by the body.

Sometimes a product that hasn't previously caused a negative reaction will suddenly lead to bloating. It may be the result of an allergy to this product or is caused by a change in the lining of the digestive system. various medications... So it takes time to figure out which foods are causing stomach discomfort. Having identified foods that increase flatulence, you should reduce their consumption. In critical situations, you can use drugs that increase the value of enzymes or absorb gases.

You should be aware that non-hazardous foods can cause flatulence, but taking them in an uncomfortable combination leads to unpleasant consequences... You should not experiment and take milk and cherries at one time, sour fruit and porridge.

So, knowing, you can correctly compose your diet to avoid bloating. And also review some of your habits: hasty eating and drinking, smoking, sucking lollipops, chewing gum.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consulting a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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The problem of increased gas production in the abdomen is quite serious. The accumulation of air in the intestines causes discomfort swelling, heaviness and even pain. Foods that cause bloating and gas are often to blame. However, there are other reasons for the appearance of flatulence.

Factors provoking gas formation in the intestine

The appearance of bloating in the abdominal cavity has a direct connection with food intake. Most foods produce gases. But this is not the only reason for their accumulation in the intestines. After all, a lot of air is swallowed by a person while eating and even talking. Therefore, the usual conversation at the table during lunch can provoke flatulence. Drinking through a straw or chewing gum also contributes to this.

Some food is badly over-etched by our body, and its undigested remains are additionally processed by intestinal bacteria, which causes fermentation and increases the formation of gases. Poor food handling is due to a lack of enzymes. As adults age, there is a loss of the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the processing of dairy products. Therefore, their use negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In children, this enzyme is sufficient in the body, and their milk is absorbed well. Despite this, there are cases of absolute lactose intolerance, even in childhood... This suggests that each organism is individual and the reasons for gas formation can also be different.

However, it is not only the food you eat that can cause gas to build up. These may be some problems of the digestive system, namely, such diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis - when the microflora in the intestine is disturbed;
  • Intestinal obstruction - difficulty in the exit of feces and gases with them, caused by formations in the intestinal cavity;
  • Pancreatitis is a dysfunction of the pancreas, which is manifested by the absence of enzymes;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome - manifests itself as spasms, bloating, upset or, conversely, constipation in the intestines.

Bad habits that provoke the formation of gas in the abdominal cavity:

  • Conversation while eating. Each time we open our mouths during a conversation, we swallow air, which enters the intestines through the stomach. Therefore, it is worth eating in silence, and chewing with your mouth closed.
  • Excessive food intake at one time. Large portions make digestion difficult and cause bloating. The recommended amount of food for an adult is 300 - 400 grams.
  • Quick bites on the go provoke air gulping.
  • Cold, sugary and carbonated drinks with meals.
  • Chewing gums allow a lot of air to enter the stomach.
  • Smoking.

Foods that lead to the formation of gases

There are many foods that can help build gas in the intestines. This food contains carbon, lactose, coarse fiber, yeast, sugars, raffinose, sorbitol.

A list of foods to look out for as they lead to gas in the abdomen:

  • Different types of cabbage. White cabbage especially promotes gas formation. It contains coarse fiber and sulfur, which, when consumed, causes fermentation in the intestines. Other types of this product will be easier to digest after heat treatment. That is why people with intestinal problems are advised to eat cabbage stewed.
  • Legumes (beans, peas). They are poorly etched in the stomach, unprocessed residues get into the intestine, where they are attacked by intestinal microorganisms. Beans that provoke flatulence must be soaked in water before cooking, then they will be better absorbed.
  • Fresh dairy products. As mentioned above, lactose can cause bloating or not be tolerated at all in some people. But dairy products on the contrary, they have a positive effect on bowel function. These are kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk that promote digestion.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, cherries, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, herbs are crops that increase gas production. Although prunes are very useful berry but when consumed in large quantities may cause digestive problems.
  • Fresh bakery. Yeast itself is a fermenting fungus, which leads to even more gas in the intestines.
  • Yeast-containing products - kvass, beer.
  • Sweet sparkling water. These drinks contain carbon dioxide and sugar, which increase flatulence.
  • Meat dishes and eggs. They contain a large amount of protein, which is poorly digested in the stomach, then causing rotting in the intestines.

Some people listed products may not cause any discomfort after using them. However, they should be eaten with caution for those with digestive problems.

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People suffering from flatulence need to pay attention to the correct combination of foods in the dish. Poorly combined with each other:

  • eggs and fish;
  • bakery products with milk or kefir;
  • fresh vegetables or fruits with cooked;
  • cereals with milk;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • multicomponent dishes.

Cereals such as rice do not cause gas formation, but, on the contrary, helps to reduce it.

Highly digestible foods that do not cause bloating

For digestive problems, you should eat foods that do not cause fermentation and increased gas production. These include the following:

  • porridge - rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetable soups;
  • wheat bread (first, second grade);
  • diet meat baked or steamed;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • egg omelets;
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat;
  • olive, sunflower oil;
  • fermented milk dishes;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • baked fruits;
  • unsweetened tea - green, ginger, mint;
  • decoctions of wild rose, chamomile.

Products that reduce the formation of gases will be very useful. These are:

  • Dill;
  • fennel;
  • caraway;
  • marjoram;
  • ginger and other spices.

They are antispasmodics natural origin, relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, maintain the tone of the intestinal walls, have a choleretic and carminative effect.

Drinking plenty of fluids while consuming spiced foods will reduce their beneficial intestinal qualities.

For support normal functioning The correct approach to food selection is very important for the digestive system. Being aware of which foods cause flatulence, you should avoid them as much as possible, and also adhere to useful recommendations.

To avoid manifestations of flatulence, you should remember:

  • vegetables or fruits are recommended to be consumed only after heat treatment;
  • salads are best seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • try not to eat fried foods;
  • do not drink food with sugary drinks;
  • to use bread not freshly prepared;
  • to cook legumes so that there are no gases, you should first soak them in water until they swell;
  • do not eat long-digestible foods at night - fish, eggs, meat, mushrooms;
  • drink water half an hour before meals, and half an hour after meals;
  • food should be eaten in small portions and chewed thoroughly;
  • should get rid of chewing gum and cigarettes;
  • do not drink drinks from straws;
  • have a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • avoid situations with stress;
  • keep a food diary to identify which foods the gut reacts to with increased gas production.

Medicines can become auxiliary agents:

  • suppressive gases (espumisan, antiflar, bobotik and others);
  • absorbent ( Activated carbon, sorbex, smecta, extrasorb);
  • antispasmodics (No-shpa, spazoverin, spazmol, bioshpa, buscopan);
  • combined drugs (pancreoflat, meteospasmil).

Do not forget that self-medication can be hazardous to health, and any use drugs it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The manifestation of flatulence should not be attributed only to improper food intake. Frequent bloating abdomen with possible painful sensations may indicate incipient problems in the digestive system. Therefore, you should take a closer look at your body and it is best to seek the advice of a specialist (gastroenterologist).

Anyone has experienced bloating. Most often, this reaction is associated with nutrition. The products that cause gassing are different and depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Since the problem is delicate, many patients do not even tell their doctor about it, although the problem of excessive gas formation can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause a serious illness (stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, dysbiosis, colitis).

1 Consequences of flatulence

Flatulence is often accompanied by belching, stomach discomfort, and bloating. Foods cause flatulence in the intestines, usually due to:

  • snacks on the go, often accompanied by poor chewing food and dry water;
  • excessive food intake just before bedtime, especially if it is mushrooms, meat or eggs;
  • allergies to certain types products;
  • their expiration;
  • smoking during or immediately after meals;
  • stress;
  • talking over food, they can cause a problem;
  • eating fatty, fried and spicy foods that irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • habits of drinking drinks through a straw, leading to excessive swallowing of air;
  • excessive use of salt, retaining moisture in the body, it is able to retain water in the stomach longer than it should be, thereby causing fermentation.

Infrequent belching or gas escaping through the intestines is considered normal if it does not happen often and does not create discomfort.

Foods cause flatulence and irritation of the intestinal wall and serve as a major problem.

2 Products provocateurs

Excessive gas formation is often caused by the indigestibility of food by the body. The remnants of food enter the intestines and there, under the influence of bacteria, a strong fermentation begins. Many foods cause bloating.

More often than other foods that cause fermentation in the intestine, these are carbon-containing:

  1. White bread and baked goods. Because of high content carbohydrates are difficult to digest and, as a result, are the cause of flatulence.
  2. Milk. As a rule, other dairy products, and especially fermented milk products, are useful and help to normalize the bowel function. The older a person gets, the worse the milk is absorbed, which leads to the formation of bloating.
  3. Beans and legumes. They have non-degradable fibers that enter the intestines and cause gas.
  4. Foods that cause bloating are both raw vegetables and fruits, especially those containing sugar. As a rule, for a healthy stomach, consumption is not due to flatulence, but if there are problems with gastrointestinal tract, problems in the form of bloating will not keep you waiting.
  5. Starch and starchy foods (potatoes, corn) can be quite dangerous.
  6. A separate item is gray vegetables: radishes, cabbage, radishes and garlic.
  7. Escaping caries with chewing gum, a large amount of air is swallowed, which causes gas formation.
  8. Alcohol, especially red sweet table wines.
  9. Soda, which contains a large amount of sugar, which causes fermentation in the stomach.

What foods cause bloating? Each person must answer for himself, because often what will serve as a problem for one can become a panacea for another. Allergy sufferers or people with lactose intolerance often have problems.

3 Solving the problem

If there are foods that cause flatulence, there are foods for bloating. Such foods will not only help get rid of problems, but also improve digestion in general.

  1. An ordinary pumpkin can be an excellent remedy. It can be used to make soup, stew or add to mashed potatoes or bake as a separate dish. Along with the beautiful taste, the pumpkin will extinguish the gases in the stomach.
  2. Bulgarian Bell pepper, as well as citrus fruits and vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C.
  3. Muesli which serve as a wonderful and healthy breakfast.
  4. Yogurt with live bacteria does an excellent job with dysbiosis.
  5. Rice dishes are easy to digest and promote normal work stomach.
  6. Diet meats, turkey, young veal.

Along with products, seasonings can be excellent helpers:

  1. Fennel seeds, which can be added both as a seasoning and made an infusion by brewing a teaspoon of seeds with half a glass hot water and consume throughout the day.
  2. Coriander helps to smooth stomach cuts. It is recommended to add chopped to different dishes.
  3. Cardamom is great for variety in your diet. Its taste will improve dishes from vegetables and cereals.
  4. Dill will serve as a great addition to any dish. It is also very effective as a decoction from seeds or dill water purchased in advance.
  5. Traditional healers recommend brewing elm bark. Pour half a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Strain and consume two glasses a day.

4 Quick help with an illness

Gassing foods can ruin any evening or even a holiday, so there are simple homemade recipes that can be used in any situation.

  1. Half a teaspoon of baking soda with a little lemon juice (vinegar), diluted in water and taken after meals, helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms... It should be noted that this is not a treatment and the regular use of such a remedy is dangerous for the walls of the stomach.
  2. In case of abdominal cuts, massage will help great, especially if you have clove, ginger or other herbal oils in the house.
  3. Chamomile tea can provide first aid for bloating, and its regular use can relieve problems for a long time, even if the diet includes foods that cause fermentation in the intestines.
  4. When cooking starchy foods, you can reduce the negative factor with sage, rosemary and thyme.
  5. A great and very simple way to eat is to chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Try to set aside enough time for lunch and snacks and monitor the speed of your meals.

5 Treatment with medications

First of all, the doctor prescribes therapeutic diet, which is selected individually for each patient. Vitamins are prescribed wide range... Drinking is excluded alcoholic beverages and smoking. Also appointed physiotherapy(squats, swing legs), which is able to restore normal functions the work of the whole organism. Swimming and walking in the fresh air have a great effect on the body.

The simplest medicine is activated carbon. It is prescribed as a tablet before meals and helps to absorb gas formation.

Excellent medicines promoting quick withdrawals symptoms are:

  1. Mezim and Festal, containing enzymes that help the stomach to digest food and relieve bloating. They do an excellent job with heaviness.
  2. Medicines containing bifidobacteria (Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidobacterin) help to improve the intestinal microflora and eliminate harmful bacteria.
  3. Espumisan is a special medicine aimed specifically at reducing gas formation in the intestine, has no contraindications and effectively copes with the task.
  4. Absorbent drugs (Enzyme) that help to remove toxins and gases from the body.

Live healthy! Products against bloating. (12.10.2017)

If drug treatment does not give the desired result, and flatulence does not go away within several months, it is necessary to undergo full examination with the task of analyzes. Because this can only be the tip of the iceberg hiding a serious illness.

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