Intestinal colic: causes, symptoms and treatment. Why there are intestinal colic in adults - what to do at home

Colics is a sudden, very strong and sharp painarising from the intensive reduction in smooth muscles. Such abbreviations can occur in any organ consisting of such muscles. Intestinal colic - acute abdominal pain of different intensity. It can be accompanied by diarrhea and bloating or constipation. Often, painful symptom alternates, increases with waves, depending on the integration segment, in which pathological abbreviations are currently occur.

In the first months of the child, the child naturally occurs from time to time, intestinal spasms occur. All because the intestine has not yet started to fully function, difficulties appear, when removing the accumulated gases. In adult people, colic may arise due to various factors.

Causes of intestinal colic in adults

Under the mask of intestinal colic, very serious pathologies can hide abdominal cavityin which you may need surgical intervention. That is why a similar symptom should force a doctor to alert and be able to quickly navigate in determining the causes of the painful process. Often intestinal colic bind with such a concept as " acute belly"They may indicate as functional disorders intestines and on his deep organic lesions.

The intestinal syndrome of this type is characterized by mixed symptoms, when colic in addition to pain is accompanied by disorder of digestion (diarrhea) and manifestations of infection by respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, pain and red throat). Pain in the muscles of the abdominal wall can be strong enough and intensify when driving, which can lead to diagnostic errors. In such cases, a surgeon is needed.

  • The cause of intestinal colic can be the obstruction of the intestine, the violation of its motor skills, the stretching of the intestine loops, the accumulation of carts, or a mechanical barrier (tumor, spikes). Unpleasant condition It may arise due to lifting weights and excessive physical exertion.

The factors causing intestinal colic many, only a specialist can deal with the reasons causing an unpleasant symptom and determine the measures that can eliminate painfulness and facilitate the patient's condition. What are the main symptoms associated with intestinal colic?


What are the main signs of this phenomenon? The very first thing to be noted is sharp severe intestinal pains, as a rule, rolling with waves or spasms. They can be sharp and increasing. Most patients feel pain in the navel area, but often they are felt in the lower abdomen. Less cases when patients complain about spasms in the lumbar part. It is often begins pain in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, while male patients gives to the scope of the testicles, in the female - to the region of the childbody.

The duration of colic is different and it happens that in some cases it can be ten minutes and more, and sometimes - the last one is half a minute, and even less. However, when severe situations occur, such symptoms may also be saved all day. It should be noted here that in the interruptions between attacks in patients, other symptoms are observed.

The nature of pain in the appearance of intestinal colic is also very diverse. Pains can be barely tangible, or on the contrary, pronounced. Often there are complaints about the parietal, grabs, cutting and stitching symptoms.

Even the intestinal colic should be considered. Symptoms in adults, as a rule, manifest:

  • Bloating, meteorism. He is often done hard. The patient feels unpleasant sensations when palpation.
  • Stool disorders, patients have constipation, and diarrhea. Often there is a violation in the formation of Cala.
  • White ribbons are detected by mucous secretions.
  • The state of nausea and dizziness.

Also, colic may appear after a large nervous overvoltage or conflict. At the time of tacking the belly in the attack, the patient feels strong pain, although the muscles are usually not relaxed. The body temperature is kept normally.

When the patient has such diseases such as gastritis in acute form, then the main symptoms of this ailment, It is possible to join the symptoms of a dyspepsive nature - vomiting and refusal of food.

Clinical manifestations

Medical practice subdivides intestinal colic in adults, symptoms, they are associated, for some varieties of pathology:

  • Apandicular. Most of all serves initial sign With acute appendicitis. At the same time characterized by the appearance strong attack Pain arising unexpectedly; The patient feels acute painwhich captures the right lower side of the abdomen. This happens as a result of the inflammation in the process of the colon, the pain does not stop over time, and on the contrary they become stronger;
  • Rectal. Characterized by sharp bolt attacks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum; They are strengthened after time; Along with them, the patient suffers from painful urges to defecation;
  • Lead. Such a phenomenon is observed when the patient's body is subjected to lead poisoning, in most cases it is the result of harmful production. Characterized by sharp, painful pains, which in turn strain the abdominal wall; Periods of the lull are rare; pronounced bleeding gums, they are covered with a white rode; The patient climbs the temperature and can approach the critical mark. In such a situation, immediate health care;
  • Vascular. The main reason This type of intestinal colic should be called a weak supply of intestinal muscle tissues as a result various pathologies - tumors, veins thrombosis, polyps and adhesions. Initially, pain can be weak, slightly; But then they begin to strengthen; because of oxygen starvation In muscle tissues, bouts of a sharp pain appear, which spreads throughout the abdominal cavity.

Despite the initial reasons that contribute to the formation of painful spasm, in most cases there are pain of a sudden grabs, localized in the abdominal area and with time only amplifying. They show themselves, as a rule, after eating, but in diseases of the gastroenterological properties, their unexpected appearance is permissible, and on an empty stomach, regardless of daily time.

Muscular spasms can be supplemented below symptoms:

  • if the pains continue when attacks for a long time, then they begin to give to the lower back and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone, creating the feeling that the pain spread throughout the abdominal cavity;
  • with a long spasm, an obstacle is created for the normal output of gases and feces, a meteorism is formed as a result. strong bloating belly. In the patient against the background of diseases such as gastritis or ulcer of the stomach appears belching with nausea;
  • in some cases, arterial pressure suddenly increases, this does not concern cases when the patient suffers from intestinal obstruction, in this situation, on the contrary, the pressure drops;
  • the patient has a decline of strength, its well-being is worsening, this condition is characteristic of acute intestinal obstruction;
  • in the patient's feces (constipation, diarrhea), you can see not only mucus, but also a blood admission;
  • the body temperature of the patient in the period of spasmodic seizures is rising, but only if provoked by poisoning or viral and intestinal infections.

In the case when the patient's condition from the moment of the start of pain seizures, it becomes steadily deteriorating, it is necessary to immediately appeal for medical care, since it is necessary to determine the reasons that caused a similar state, only a doctor. We must not forget that such severe states as intestinal obstruction, the heavy stage of dysentery and poisoning require immediate treatment. Otherwise, the risk of death is increasing.

Diagnosis of illness

Since provoked the appearance of intestinal colic in adults can a wide range of predisposing factors, the diagnosis will be complex.

Before appointing laboratory and instrumental exams, specialist must perform several manipulations:

  • explore and analyze the patient's disease history and family history - to identify possible sources of appearance of such a symptom;
  • conduct a thorough survey for the presence, degree of intensity and the first occurrence of signs of a clinical picture;
  • implementation of physical inspection, with a mandatory palpation of the abdomen.

Only after that proceed to execution laboratory studieswhich include:

To instrumental diagnostic measures Believe:

  • Ultrasound - will give the opportunity to identify the disease that has become the source of the appearance of intestinal colic;
  • FEGDS - research of mucous organs gastrointestinal tractthat allows to detect foci of inflammation, ulcers, erosion and neoplasms on the shell;
  • rectorOnoscopy - a similar survey of the rectum;
  • CT - helps to identify tumors, deformities and other bowel tumors. Used only in cases where other diagnostic methods could not establish an accurate diagnosis.


In cases of intestinal colic, in combination with other symptoms, it is necessary to deliver the patient as soon as possible medical institution. Before the emergency arrival should not be made by painkillers. This is due to the fact that such events can distort clinical pictureWhy doctors incorrectly appreciate the patient's condition.

The treatment of intestinal colic depends on the etiology of their appearance, which were revealed during the diagnostic process. If such a sign was caused not heavy disorderrequiring surgical intervention, such as appendicitis, the basis of therapy will be the reception of drugs. Often, patients are recommended to accept:

  • soothing;
  • antispasmodics, in the frequency of but-ships, which remove the symptoms;
  • medicines for the normalization of the chair;
  • preparations to reduce the release of digestive juices;
  • antacids that reduce hydrochloric acid production;
  • anti-inflammatory substances.

Special meals

Very often, to eliminate such an unpleasant symptom, adherence to special nutrition. Before it is appointed, the patient needs to completely refuse food for several days. it medical starvation, While you can drink warm tea and eat crackers. After that, the rules of the diet with intestinal colic are followed. Diet therapy provides for refusal to:

  • fat, fried and sharp dishes;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • smoked and canned coats;
  • products S. high content coarse fiber;
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • spicy spices and sauces;
  • sweet bakery products;
  • legumes and other products contributing to increased gas formation.

In fact, the diet should consist of food such products:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables in boiled form;
  • low-fat varieties of meat and fish cooked for a couple or in the oven, but without adding fat;
  • disciphetic dairy and dairy products;
  • herbal teas;
  • porridge on water or with addition large number milk;
  • steam omelets;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

It is worth noting that in some diseases, the diet can differ slightly from the above list.

Often in the treatment use folk medicine, which can be used only after prior consultation with the attending physician. Often, recipes are used based on pumpkin seeds, pyzhma flowers, lavender essential oil, white wormwood, fresh cabbage juice, ginger, chasty, melissa and hunter.

People's methods for the treatment of intestinal colic

Recipes of traditional medicine used on the background traditional treatmentare able to significantly increase the effectiveness of impact. Consider how to get rid of colic, applying the most popular folk recipes:

  • Dill copes with colic. For the preparation of medicine in a glass of hot milk weave a large spoon of plant seeds;
  • Use I. herbal fees. It is recommended to mix on a large spoonful of oak bark, Aira and Dudnik. The resulting mixture is placed in liter boiling water, to insist the remedy for colic for 24 hours. The drink is taken to the main meals, each dose is two big spoons. This drink allows not only to get rid of colic, but also to remove the bloating;
  • Spastic phenomena relieves the dye juice well. Washing, grinding and pushing the plant through several layers of gauze, the juice is adopted as follows: a small spoon of liquid is bred in 200 ml of warm water;

  • Effective folk agents from colic include pumpkin seeds. Three small spoons of crushed seeds are placed in 300 ml of boiling water, two small spoons of sugar sand spoons are spooking into the tank, adopted infusion for five days;
  • Help the problems and inflorescences of the Pijmas. A large spoonful of dried raw materials poured 250 ml of boiling water, insist to cool down, filtered, drink tool throughout the day. The duration of such therapy is three days;
  • It is recommended to use lavender oil, which not only relieves pain and spasms, but also calms the nerves. In a small amount of water, five drops of products add and drink a drink;
  • From colic will help get rid of ginger tea. The root of the plant is crushed, half a small spoon of raw materials are added to a glass with boiling water and insist the tool. Every day you need to drink up to three cups of ginger hot tea;
  • From fresh cabbage to squeeze juice and take it to the main meals, spreading with a small amount of water. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the means, adding carrot or beet juice into it;
  • In the case when in addition to colic, diarrhea is present, the following is prepared herbal infusion. Mix an equal number of coys of alder, leisseous leaves, nettle, chamber and a hunter, add the root of the lapping in the same amount to the mixture. Then a large spoonful collection is placed in a cup of boiling water, insist and filtered. Take the remedy for half a cup in the morning and evening before meals;
  • The soul is taken to remove the bowel irritation. It must be placed in a cup with a boiling water of 30 grams of colors and withstand 10 minutes, after which it is profiled and drinking after the main meals. One-time portion is one cup of 200 ml.

Before applying folk methods, it is necessary to pre-consult with the attending physician.

Preventive measures

The first thing you need to do during the manifestation of colic is to establish proper nutrition. Perhaps it will help, and more with such a problem you will not come across.

  1. Try not to miss the basic meals, the breakfast is especially important, the triggering stomach.
  2. The snacks should not consist of sandwiches. The best option There will be fruits and dairy products.
  3. Once a week it is necessary to brew the seeds of flax, they not only establish digestion, but also purify the body.
  4. Do not abuse acute and salted food, try to eat more protein products.
  5. Refuse late dinner, drinking a glass of kefir, ryazhenka or natural yogurt.
  6. Try to eat more green vegetables, but not cabbage, so it causes strong gas formation.
  7. Avoid canned fish, meat products.
  8. Drink more equal milk products, Try to eat less legumes and Bakhchyev.
  9. Refuse or limit alcohol and cigarettes.
  10. Pay attention physical form and the prevention of colds.

Sharp painful calls for defecation by type muscle cramp - These are intestinal colic, the reasons for the appearance of which can be the most diverse. Colics in the abdomen lead to spasms in the walls of the colon due to development inflammatory process, other provoking factors. What is intestinal colic, what causes, symptoms and treatment in adults will look more in details in this article.

First, colic in adults begin to manifest themselves in the form of spastic abbreviations in the walls of Tolstoy or thin gut, gradually cover the entire intestinal cavity, leading to a variety of unpleasant symptoms. In adults, colic is usually caused by stretching bowel loop, irritation of nervous endings in the wifths of the intestine on the background:

  • excessive weight lifting;
  • development of intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity;
  • allergies;
  • intestinal obstruction in the collapse of mass of feces in the intestine;
  • motoric disorders in the cavity of the large intestine;
  • use of large portions of food for one reception;
  • intestinal lesions with medicines or spoiled products or glisal invasions;
  • dysentery.

Incurable colic in adults can not be called an independent disease, rather this is a sign of the development of one or another pathology in a digestive system capable of leading to:

  • spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • painful attacks at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation and stool disorder;
  • establishing feces with mucus.

Usually, colic in the intestines are manifested by attacks, sometimes quite long - more than 2-3 days. Symptoms directly depend on the cause leading to the disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to spasm, abdominal pain, chair disorders, diarrhea or diarrhea in adults, heartburn is observed, nausea, vomiting, scrawl, obstruction of the intestine due to the violation of the motility in the colon, clusters of carts, leading to a narrowing of the lumen in the small intestine and spastic attacks in the end . The condition is dangerous, can lead to paralysis of the intestine, Appendix. Sometimes the patient is required emergency help and inevitable surgical intervention.

The causes of colic in women during pregnancy can be low-way image life fails in work digestive system on the background:

  • non-compliance with the food regime;
  • passive sitting lifestyle, lack of gymnastic exercises.

As a rule, the intestinal colic in adults is manifested by sudden bindings, pain at the bottom of the abdomen after overeating. Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to eat in large portions. The fruit increases in size, begins to squeeze the uterus, the load on the digestive tract and the intestine as a whole increases. As a result, large portions of food lead to a violation of intestinal peristals, spastic attacks at the bottom of the abdomen. Diarrhea or constipation are inevitable. If there are similar symptoms of intestinal colic, then women to remove pain and spasm you can drink a tablet of but-shts or papaverine, but in any case, consult a doctor in urgent order.

Usually colic intestinal in the abdomen in adult appear suddenly as a sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen with the return to the lower back during the physical overvoltage or at the time of fast running, reception abundant number acute fatty food. The cutting embracing the entire lower part of the abdomen, the pain reaches sometimes such power that just want to shout. Gradually, it increases, irradiates to the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin and genitals due to irritation of the nervous fibers of the peritoneum, disorders of gases.

With colic in the intestine, adults appear nausea, dizziness, headache, meteorism. Also related symptoms:

  • raising arterial pressure in hypertensive;
  • impotence immediately after partial intestinal emptying;
  • painness back for a long time At the bottom of the abdomen, even after the campaign to the toilet.

Symptoms colic against the background of acute gastritis is observed in the form of gravity in the abdomen, belching, nausea and vomiting. In spasms in the stomach, the chair moves with mucous secretions. If the intestine is clogged, then with obstruction, the main symptoms:

  • breath of skin cover;
  • the destruction of cold sweat;
  • prostration;
  • strong weakness.

When such signs appear in urgency, you need to consult a doctor. As a rule, there are no intestinal colic high temperaturesAlthough when inxicating the body, infection or glisted invasions is possible to increase to 38-39 gr. Moreover, the symptoms are mainly similar to the usual cold.

In adults, the main signs of the intestinal disease are sharp on growing pain with the seizure of genital organs and with returns to genitals. Head is very spinning, the feces are departed with mucous discharge, gas formation is impaired. There is no voltage, but strongly and spasms hurt at the bottom of the abdomen, with a stomach ulcer - all signs of diarrhea.

The appearance of intestinal colic in adults requires careful examination, a number of analyzes for the establishment of a true cause that led to such pathology, clarifying pathological factors capable of provoking the disease. Perhaps the stomach or intestines proceeds infectious process. If there are signs of intestinal obstruction, then emergency surgical intervention is required. Only a complex of diagnostic measures will allow us to identify pathology, symptoms and treatment will depend directly from the results obtained. Be sure the doctor will listen to complaints, fascinates the belly, will reveal visual signs of illness.

The main diagnostic method is to analyze for sowing for intestinal glider infections and the development of dysbacteriosis. To set the final diagnosis, the patient's redirection on colonoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, cholecystography is possible. Depending on the type of colic, sometimes the patient has elevated the temperature, the bleeding gums, which requires urgent and integrated treatment.

The main principle of treatment "not harm". Often, with the appearance of intestinal colic, adults are trying to eliminate pathology on their own, drink the first pills that can only give complications, lead to complication of diagnostics and subsequent treatment.

First of all, it is important to identify the reasons provoking spasms in the intestine. It may be acute infection in the body, the development of the tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, urolithiasis disease.

An antispasmoditik can be taken as the first aid to arrive at the arrival of the doctor (Tablet Nosz-Pya, Papaverin). Other painkillers without specifying the doctor are not recommended.

If these are ordinary intestinal colic, the treatment is not required, relief must come after the gas and hike to the toilet. Attacks are completely stopped after 12 hours.

If attacks intestinal colic associated with the anatomical features of the body in adults, the presence of concomitant diseases or taking alcohol, smoking, psychotropic means what to do, first of all it is important to reconsider food, take food only in small portions, does not allow overeating (in particular salty and fried food), refuse from harmful habits.

It is non-compliance with the diet, the snacks on the run often become the causes of spasm and pain in the intestine. As a result, lead to serious complications and even irreversible processes In adults, further difficult treatment: to jaundice, hepatitis, gap of appendicitis, the suppuration and rupture of appendix, neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, necrosis of the pancreas, incorporation in the kidneys, renal failure.

In such cases, surgical intervention and conduct emergency operation Already inevitable. Fir appeared primary symptoms, how to treat the colic will tell the doctor, you need to not tighten with the appeal.

With the appearance of colic caused by overeating or by the reception of poor-quality foods, you need to try to cause vomiting to release the stomach from food residues. In order to eliminate pain, spasmalgon, but-shap, smecta, enterosgel for removing toxins will help.

With the appearance of colic, it is sometimes possible with the permission of a doctor, an enema is possible for cleansing and emptying the intestines. When a viral disease appears, activated carbon can be taken.

If the colic is caused by a strong stress, then it is necessary to take a warm bath for soothing and removing pain.

Colics can be caused by serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, infection of any of the intestinal departments, the development of cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis or colitis. Treatment is required primarily precisely the underlying disease, elimination of intestinal dyskinesia, restoration of impaired motor function.

Many problems can be adjusted by power. An indispensable diet with intestinal colic with inclusion in the fiber content of products. With excessive accumulation of gases, take to reduce the meteorpazmil gas formation, espeamizan, droching.

For the relaxation of the intestinal muscles, the normalization of abbreviations in the quality of first aid can be cooked with a decoction of immortelle, in the first hours with colic to abandon meals in except for drinking tea without sugar.

Dimedroll, Bekarbon for removing spasm and relaxation of the intestine muscles will help. It is possible to prescribe rectal suppositories (papaverine in the form of injections), as well as antibiotics when developing colic, due to the intestinal lesion by bacteria, toxins, infections. Furazolidon, gentamicin in order to relieve inflammation and disinfection of the intestine. In the infectious infection of the intestine, a dropper with glucose is prescribed. IN heavy cases - blood transfusion. In the intestinal spasms caused by the development of the tumor, the conducting courses of radiation and chemotherapy, the appointment of anti-cancer drugs was shown.

After passing the survey, passing urine and feces, ultrasound and the establishment of a true reason provoked intestinal disorders The doctor will be appointed appropriate therapy. Independent treatment Spasm can lead to complications, other irreversible consequences.

Such treatment as folk Methodsare most likely suitable for prevention from possible appearance Kulik in the intestines. Folk ways are effective only after establishing the true cause of pain and spasm in the stomach, only after the attending physician establishes the final diagnosis and prescribes the main treatment.

For elimination kidney colic You can cook a decoction from sage, chamomile, dispute, rosehip, lime color, birch cones. Prepare carrot and onions salad with honey adding.

Reception on an empty stomach during spasms in the liver will help the infusion of grass Senna, cinnamon, a decoction of an oak tree or a mushroom birch.

It eliminates diarrhea, nausea and spasms of decoction of soulshes, mother-in-law, daisies, immortelle. Popular recipes against colic with the addition of garlic for receiving inside in kind.

With colic in the pancreas efficient diet with eating daily oatmeal For beneficial effects not only on the pancreas, but also the entire gastrointestinal tract.

If the treatment with folk remedies is unsuccessful and does not become easier, then you need to contact doctors. With the colic caused by appendix, folk remedies will no longer help, the disease can go to chronic stagingWhen surgical intervention will not be avoided.

With primary symptoms, you can make a decoction of blackberries, wormwood, etragona. If the colic is caused by poisoning by chemicals and lead home methods will not help. It is necessary to urgently turn to doctors. After passing the main one therapeutic course At home, it is necessary to establish meals. To remove balances of slags, other chemical elements From the body to include eggs (protein), cereal broths from rice, buckwheat, oats.

First of all, in order to avoid such a problem, it is important to comply with the diet, adjust the proper nutrition. Never give up a light breakfast for the launch of the stomach, but the snacks on the run in the composition of sandwiches should be eliminated forever. It is better to eat fruit, drink a milk cocktail.

If the constipation suffer is constantly, then it is recommended to drink decoction from the flax seed for cleansing the body and completely abandon acute, salty foods. Include in the diet protein food, do not eat at night (it is better to drink a glass of yogurt, kefir) to give up or limit the admission of alcohol and smoking. Also not forget about timely treatment Walnut infectious diseases. It is impossible to neglect the usual coliks. If strong pain and spasms in the intestine began to bother constantly, it can symptoms of serious ailments in the body. Only timely appeal to the doctor will help to avoid serious problems Health in the future.

It is impossible to be considered as a separate disease, it's rather one of the symptoms of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Colic is manifested by the attacks of a strong grapple-like pain caused by a spasm of thick or small intestine. Such a state may be caused by a number of reasons, finding out that only an experienced specialist can. Therefore, the appearance of colic is serious reason To appeal to medical help and carrying out a full-fledged examination. Consider possible reasonsprovoking such a condition, the main symptoms and methods of treating pathology.

Under the mask of intestinal colic, very serious abdominal pathology can be hidden, in which surgery may need. That is why a similar symptom should force a doctor to alert and be able to quickly navigate in determining the causes of the painful process. Often, intestinal colic bind with such a concept as a "acute stomach", they may indicate both the intestinal functional disorders and its deep organic lesions.

The intestinal syndrome of this type is distinguished by mixed symptoms, when colic in addition to pain is accompanied by digestion disorder (diarrhea) and manifestations of infection by the respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, pain and red throat). Pain in the muscles of the abdominal wall can be strong enough and intensify when driving, which can lead to diagnostic errors. In such cases, a surgeon is needed.

  • The cause of intestinal colic can become a violation of its motor skills, stretching the intestinal loops, cluster of carts, or a mechanical barrier (tumor, spikes). An unpleasant condition may arise due to weight lifting and excessive physical exertion.

The factors causing intestinal colic many, only a specialist can deal with the reasons causing an unpleasant symptom and identify measures that can eliminate pain and facilitate the patient's condition. What are the main symptoms associated with intestinal colic?


The most bright signs of intestinal colic in adults are:

With intestinal colic can be acute intestinal obstruction. At the same time, severe grapple and painful pains around the abdomen arise, vomiting opens. In the future, there is a delay of gases and stool, the abdomen is noted, a sharp decline Pressure. The patient can go into prostration, he has a pallor, lethargy, the release of cold sweat. This condition is dangerous for life and requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

When appearance such symptoms It is important not to engage in self-medication, but in a timely manner to call ambulance. This will help get adequate and proper treatment.

How to facilitate intestinal colic at home?

Since colic can be caused by different reasons, then before the doctor's arrival, in no case should you put an enema or apply the heating to the stomach. These actions can lubricate a clinical picture, make it difficult to make a diagnosis and complicate the patient's condition in cases where there are suspicion of intestinal obstruction or the development of appendicitis.

If after the medical inspection it turns out that a patient has a simple intestinal colic, you can consult with the doctor and having received its permission to take the following actions:

  • If the attack is caused stressful situationshould be taken soothing drugs.
  • To drink no-pieces (2 tablets), drinking mint decoction or take the smell packet, dissolving it in 100 ml of water.
  • Appended K. pakhova region Highlight S. warm water. This will help relax the muscles and eliminate spasms.
  • After that, you can make a cleansing enema with decoction of mints or melissa. Usually after the exemption of the intestines from gases and roaming mass of pain feed.
  • They will help to remove intestinal colic decoction of chamomile or immortelle.
  • You can enter rectal suppositories With belladonna extract or drink one or two tablets Besalola, Bellalgin, Bacharbon.

After therapeutic procedures, the patient for 12 hours should abandon meals, you can drink a walled warm tea with a cracker. In the following days, it is necessary to refrain from the use of products causing excessive gas formation.

Diagnosis and treatment colic in adults

Intestinal colic can cause many reasons, so without qualified medical care can not do. An experienced doctor will be able to figure out true causecausing a similar condition and assign adequate treatment. To put the correct diagnosis, you must pass a full-fledged examination.

Initially, the doctor collects anamnesis data. It is important to reveal whether such diseases such as cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, were in the past or now cholelithiasis. Clarify data on the place of work, find out whether the patient works in harmful production whether contact with lead or its pairs has. The doctor should take into account the data of family history, whether someone from close relatives sishean infections, diseases of the digestive and urinary system.

The patient's complaints about the character of pain, their localization and associated symptoms are listened to the most attentively.

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Let me identify the disease provoking intestinal colic.
  • . With the help of a specially appliance - endoscope, a visual study of the direct and part of the sigmoid gut is carried out. This will help to identify the damage or ulcers of the intestinal wall, to detect hollow stones that prevent the passage of the intestinal content.
  • . It allows you to visually explore almost the entire intestine and identify any pathological changes.
  • . The study is carried out in suspected tumor or intestinal damage and internal organs.

If necessary, the patient is sent for additional consultation to the urologist, a gastroenterologist or surgeon.

Further therapy will depend on the cause of intestinal colic. If these are diseases of internal organs like cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, bile or urolithiasis, stenosis (narrowing) urinary tract, hepatitis, tumor, then in the first turn it is necessary to treat the diseases themselves.

In order to save the patient from painful pains, antispasmodics are used (DROTAVERIN, Bekarbon, Notenzil). As first aid, the doctor may appoint an atropine injection, papaverine or dipverol. After eliminating the painful syndrome, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor, because for subsequent therapy it is important to make the health of the patient after colic. If it turns out that the reason for such a state in the dietary errors, then after the chair and the death of gases, colic passes and the patient feels significant relief.

Such causes of intestinal colic, like toxicoinfection or intestinal infection need serious medical events. The course of antibiotics (gentamicin, leftomycetin) and intestinal antiseptics (Biseptol, Furozalidon) are appointed. In severe cases, apply intravenous infusion glucose, salt solutions, vitamins, blood plasma.

Intestinal colic arising with influenza and the ARZ are treated with antispasmodics, activated coal and vitamins. With vascular colic caused by the insufficient influx of blood to the vessels of the abdominal organs, treatment is to take drugs that improve arteries' patency.

Treatment colic in adult folk remedies
Diet and proper nutrition with intestinal colic

Proper nutrition in intestinal colic lies in the refusal of oily, fried dishes, sharp, salt, pickled and smoked products. It is not recommended to use seasonings, canned food, carbonated drinks, sdobu, sweets, yeast dough products. The use of meat dishes should be minimized, preferring low-fat fish, porridge, vegetable dishes. It is useful to drink an empty stomach of fresh juices from carrots and spinach, to eat fruits and vegetables.

Power must be full and balanced. Use products rich in fiber and vitamins (fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, grated carrots, apples, pumpkin). Drink dairy drinks, herbal teas. Eliminate the diet of legumes and vegetables with rough fibercausing increased gas formation in the intestines (cabbage, radish, radishes, corn, turnip).

Vedi healthy image Life, move more, give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol). When cooking, observe the necessary sanitary norms. Do not overeat, take food in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Intestinal colic - This is a symptom that may indicate the development of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and may be a consequence of improper nutrition or stress. But in order to deal with the reasons for intestinal colic, you need to consult a doctor. He will conduct a survey and reveal the cause of this symptom, as well as prescribe treatment.

Characteristic and species

Intestinal colic is sharp, sharp pain in any abdominal area. They have a grapple-shaped and fitful character. Colics arise suddenly and last for a couple of minutes, then the pain is broken, but can also suddenly and return. Such grapple-shaped pains may be equally, both in men and women, they are also subject to babies and children of any age.

It may be many reasons to provoke an intestinal colic, but in a generalized form we can say that this is due to the spasm of the intestinal walls.

Depending on which spasm appeared in which intestinal department and what is his reason, several types of colic are isolated:

Determine, because of what the intestinal spasms arose, only a narrow profile specialist is a gastroenterologist or surgeon. Therefore, to establish the type of colic, as well as a diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to differentiate an intestinal colic attack, from other species. Colic also happens:

  • renal;
  • gastric;
  • hepatic;
  • pancreas.

One of the main reasons for constipation and diarrhea - eating various drugs. To improve the intestinal work after receiving drugs, you need every day drink simple tool ...

The reasons

The causes of intestinal spasms are quite varied, from the most innocuous renewings to serious pathologies intestinal tract. If you say with general words, then colic is the result of incorrect intestinal motorcycles, or a rapid nervous reaction of its walls to stimuli.

That is, if the intestinal peristalistic is reduced, caliac masses Do not move due to the presence of obstacles on their way, or irritation of the nerves of the intestinal wall, the person will feel strong abdominal pain.

In order to answer the question "Why arise intestinal colic?", You need to consider some reasons that can contribute to this:

Depending on the reasons that caused intestinal colic, the pain may be acute, but rare, more quiet, but permanent or very frequent, spread throughout the abdomen or have a clear localization, pain can migrate, strengthen, and then merge.

If the cause of colic was physiological factors (overeating, stress), then the intestinal spasm will soon cease when an annoying factor goes, but if the reason lies in the intestinal pathology, then without medical care can not do.

Permanent spasms are usually the first sign of a developing disease, other symptoms will soon appear behind them.

Intestinal colic, not gastric, and do not depend on food intake, the exception is colic coloring gut - If a person moved, the heavy stomach presses on it from above, causing discomfort and pain. In this case, intestinal spasm will soon pass as soon as food completely frees the stomach and go into the intestines.

Colics as a symptom of the disease

Sometimes intestinal colic are the first symptom of the development of the disease, most often the digestive organs, but it happens that other systems.

These diseases include:

Any of these diseases has its own characteristic features, and colic is only one of the symptoms.

To the rest of the symptoms that may accompany the intestinal colic include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • the appearance of impurities in feces (, pus), change its color;
  • rash;
  • grinds teeth in a dream;
  • itching in anal hole;
  • bloating;
  • abdominal tensions;
  • the rapid development of signs of intoxication, in severe cases - convulsions.

If, in addition to intestinal colic, you have even more than several of the above symptoms, then you must contact the gastroenterologist, or in serious condition, call ambulance.

Only a specialist will be able to put your faithful diagnosis and tell you what to do with intestinal spasms, how to deal with them and what therapy to apply.


In order to correctly establish the causes of intestinal colic, before visiting the doctor or the arrival of emergency, it is better not to take any medicines yourself, so as not to lubricate the picture and do not mislead the doctor.

The doctor will definitely hold such events and assigns tests:

  • inspection of a patient with palpation and abdominal perkussia;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • cala on;
  • analysis of the feces on the egg;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound and x-ray of the abdominal organs;
  • CT or;
  • sowing on dysbacteriosis;

It can be appointed as all research and only some of them, everything will depend on what kind of intestinal pathology is suspected of a doctor.


Medicines from colic will be spelled out by a doctor depending on installed diagnosis. Most often these are antispasmodics, soothing, anticlineal drugs, probiotics, sorbents, antihistamines. In suspected oncology, specialized treatment is appointed, oncologist.

Be sure to tell me that you can eat with intestinal colic. Assign special meals and dietary table.

Diet with intestinal colic should include:

  • fruits and vegetables, especially grated apples and carrots;
  • rye bread and homemade crackers without seasonings;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat meat and fish;
  • porridge;
  • herbrails and teas;
  • fresh carrot juices, as well as spinach.

From the diet of the patient, it is necessary to remove everything sharp, salty, spices and seasonings, oily and fried, food, legumes, canned goods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, smoked and pickles.

If you are sure that the colic appeared from you because of innocuous reasons, then at home you can take two tablets of but-ships or spasmodesmolgon, drinking the drug containing belladonna extract, make a warm enema from the beard melissa or mint, go to healthy food, and The first six hours is better even drinking not sweet tea and there is a homemade crackers.

Food with intestinal colic should be frequent, but small portions, about six times a day of 200 grams.

But still before accepting a medicine, especially if it is not just an analgesic or spasmolytic, consult your doctor. After all, the problem may be deeper than you think.

And remember that intestinal colic, it is though weak, but still a symptom that can in advance to signal about the danger threatening your body. Therefore, do not ignore it, drinking all the time tablets, and find out the reason to begin timely etiotropic treatment.


Health 03.11.2017

Dear readers, today we will talk about colic in your stomach. If you have never come across them, you are very happy manand I am very glad for you. But I myself have suffered very much before from such a problem. Sometimes they arise now. I learned to cope with them, I hope that today's article will help you with many if there is such a problem. More professionally about everything tell us about the reasons for their appearance and possible treatment. higher category Evgeny Drodov. I give her the word.

What is colic? This is a grapple-shaped pain that arise mainly in the field of peritoneum. They can be of different intensity and talk about both a banal diet violation and development serious diseases internal organs. Colics in the belly deliver the inconvenience to a person, and if they occur periodically - then and significantly reduce the quality of life. To eliminate discomfort and intestinal spasms, it is necessary to determine the causes of possible disorders and diseases. This can make a qualified specialist. Via modern methods Diagnosis The doctor will establish the causes of colic in the abdomen in an adult and will determine further treatment.

Causes of colic in the stomach

Intestinal colic can be associated with sharp or chronic diseases Or arise due to power disorders. Most often, spasms in the stomach appear due to overeating and consuming products causing fermentation and rotting processes. So it can also occur due to the shortage of enzymes that split food, and the doctor discharges them in separate preparations. With each patient, it is necessary to work separately, be sure to carry out comprehensive diagnostics. Of course, you can drink a tablet of antispasmodics and for a while to forget about colic, but it does not solve the problem.

Common causes of colic in the abdomen in adults:

  • overeating;
  • eating low-quality food;
  • predominance in the diet of gaseous products (cabbage, legumes, corn, potatoes);
  • intestinal infections;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • glice invasions;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • irrational food, abundance in the diet of fatty, fried dishes and simple carbohydrates;
  • permanent psycho-emotional tension.

Intestinal colic can occur at any age, even in children, are detected in people of young and middle age. Experts noticed that women suffer from them somewhat more often than men. This is due to the features of the work. nervous system and hormone fluctuations during menstrual cycle. Spasms in the stomach tend to strengthen shortly before menstruation, before responsible events, which makes it possible to suspect the connection of colic with psychological factors.

How do colic stomach manifest?

Clinical manifestations colic are diverse. Additionally, the following symptoms may occur:

  • chair disorders: constipation that often alternate with diary;
  • feeling incomplete emptiness intestines;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the field of epigastria and hypochondrium;
  • headaches;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • reducing performance and sleep disorders.

As you can see, according to the complaints of the patient, it is impossible to accurately determine the causes of the appearance of colic. It is important to adequately evaluate your well-being and not try to drown symptomatic means. Medicines from Colik must appoint a doctor. Pain is the main symptom of colic. It can be no longer and stupid or acute and unbearable.

If the abdominal pain is strengthened, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance brigade. Colics can occur in urgent states, including appendicitis, acute pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction. In women, colic at the bottom of the belly often appear when problems with appendages and ectopic pregnancy.

Survection with colic in the stomach

Diagnostics for colic may include the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • Kt intestines;
  • colonoscopy;
  • rectorOnoscopy;
  • laboratory tests of blood, feces, urine.

The main goal of examination with colic - the identification of organic pathology, which can lead to spasms, violation of the chair and deterioration general well-being. Sometimes you have to spend several tool methods Studies to assess the severity of the patient's condition and prevent complications.

Irritable bowel syndrome and colic in belly

The irritable intestine syndrome refers to the functional disorders of the digestive organs and is characterized by the appearance of prolonged pain in combination with stool impairment. The disease is at the heart of the disease lies a violation of the peristaltic intestinal peristals against the background of irrational nutrition and psychological problems.

Pain in the syndrome of irritable intestines more often have a stupid character. Localize at the bottom of the abdomen. In many patients, against the background of this violation periodically appear additional symptoms: Nausea, loss of appetite, physical weakness, worsening sleep. The disease has a chronic course, requires an integrated approach to treatment. Coliki at the bottom of the abdomen during irritable bowel syndrome can be removed by changing the nature of nutrition and lifestyle. Some patients require a psychologist, psychotherapist consultation. Medical therapy It is assigned only if experts detect organic pathology (pancreatitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis).

In this video, it is clearly described about the syndrome of irritable intestines and ways to combat this disease.

Pancreatitis and colic in the stomach

Frequent colic in the stomach, especially in its upper part, are found in chronic pancreatitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas and gradually changing its structure. IN last years chronic pancreatitis It is found in young people up to 35 years, whereas before it was revealed mainly after 55 years. This trend is associated with an increase in the number of people who abuse alcoholic beverages, learn an unhealthy lifestyle and is irrational.

Other factors that lead to the development of chronic pancreatitis:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • lack of regular physical exertion on the background of obesity;
  • high content in the diet of simple carbohydrates, roasted and oily food.

Pain in the top of the abdomen, which often goes into leghemical, often she sows all the peritoneum. The pain syndrome is combined with nausea and vomiting, pronounced gas formation in the intestine. The chair has an unstable character, constipation can alternate with diary. On the background of constant nobling pain And the deterioration of general well-being can decrease the mass of the body.

What to do with the colik in the stomach in an adult?

Experts do not recommend engaging in self-treatment when colic in stomach appears. When a person remains alone with a strong pain, he can be confused. The first desire is to take effective medicine From colic that will remove pain. But analgesics and antispasmodics can erase the clinical picture, if strong spasms appear on the background urgent states (acute pancreatitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction). So when colic starts, you need to call a specialist at home or contact the nearest medical Center To the gastroenterologist, therapist or surgeon.

The colic is especially dangerous during pregnancy, for which serious disorders may be hidden, up to the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. Be carefull! If the woman appears in the stomach spasms, but at the same time the lower back (with blood discharges or without them), urgently contact the doctor!

During pregnancy, women have elevated the level of progesterone - hormone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and helps to convey the fetus until the deadline. But smooth muscle fibers are also located in the intestine, and that is why pregnant women often arise colic, constipation and other stool disorders. Proper selection of enzymatic means and diet observance help to quickly solve the problem.

Medical treatment and power rules

Of drugs with intestinal colic, the following can be assigned:

  • spasmolytics;
  • analgesics;
  • enzymatic means;
  • preparations normalizing intestinal microflora;
  • anti-inflammatory means;
  • antibiotics.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed when intestinal infections high risk Complications for pancreatitis, biliary disease. Mostly, experts are limited to spasmolitics and enzymes that improve the digestion process.

If the patient has discharge the intestine dysbacteriosis, probiotic cultures are required. Probiotics and prebiotics are responsible not only for the quality of digestion, but also for the activity of immunity. Most of immune cells It is located just in the intestinal mucosa, which forms a protective intestinal barrier.

But some probiotics are not enough to combat chronic dysbacteriosis and digestion disorders. It is important to adhere to the principles of diet food. Fresh fruits, vegetable fiber must be present in your diet. complex carbohydrates and useful proteinwhich can be obtained from low-fat meat and fish. Refuse fried foods, fast food, chips, carbonated water and any other food garbage, littering intestines and causing chronic abdominal pain.

Education is recommended at the same time, in small portions. Frequent nutrition launches metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism and helps to feel better even in conditions of strong employment. Instead of a fried patty, from which fat flows, it is better to eat a safe homemade sandwich with a cup of interruptions between the main meals. When it comes to dinner or dinner, the food must be full: complex carbohydrates with vegetables, fish, salad, soups, fruit cottage cheese.

If desired, cooked dishes can be taken with them to work or on the road, laying food into small containers. Today, you can purchase thermocrubs and thermotremos of various volumes, where the liquid and food are heated in seconds.

Diet with intestinal colic is selected taking into account the main symptoms and the diagnosis. If the patient complains about the diarrhea, then at the time of the diet it is necessary to eliminate vegetable fiber and assign binders and fixing funds. With constipation, on the contrary, cereals, vegetables and fruits, bread with bran. Every morning it is recommended to drink an empty stomach of a glass of cool water and making a massage of the abdomen with colic accompanied by flatulence and difficult gases.

When is the urgent help of the doctor?

Urgent medical care is needed with the following symptoms:

  • unbearable abdominal pain;
  • frequent vomiting, nausea;
  • yellowing mucous membranes, skin and scool (suspicion of acute pancreatitis and hepatitis);
  • diarrhea combined with strong pools and spasms;
  • leather pale;
  • loss of consciousness.

Pain in the stomach with frequent colic appears mainly after eating or before the intestinal emptying. If a pain syndrome It increases and does not pass completely after receiving classic spasmolitics and analgesics, the situation is serious and need to seek urgent medical care.

Popular medicine with colic

Popular treatment can help reduce gas formation, improve digestion. Recommended to use durce water To combat persistent meteorism. And helps to improve digestion. The same action has both fresh: it is recommended to drink it at 0.5 cup on an empty stomach every morning. It reduces signs of inflammation, contributes to the healing of the mucous digestive tract. The chamomile decoction has a positive effect not only to work the intestines, but also has a soft sedative effect on the body.

Frequently asked questions and answers

1. Muffed frequent colic in the stomach, especially after eating. During the examination, no diseases were found. Appointed pancreatin. But colic do not disappear.

Most likely, the cause of colic is psychological. Due to increased anxiety, real intestinal disorders may occur. If the diagnosis did not confirm the presence of diseases of the digestive system, it is necessary to turn to a psychotherapist, start taking sedatives (for the appointment of a doctor).

2. What study is best to pass with intestinal spasms?

First, it is better to pass an ultrasound. The method is available at a price, not dangerous and informative enough.

3. Is it possible to play sports at frequent intestinal colic?

Sports loads can even be useful, especially if there are gastrointestinal diseases. But training is contraindicated in acute states and the threat of their development.

Higher Category doctor
Evgenia Kdodova

My personal experience

I thank Evgenia for the information. And add a little from myself. With colic, I first encountered when there were attacks with bubble. It turned out that there were stones. Pains were such that they saved only ambulance. After the operation, for such a colic was not. But sometimes when there are large breaks In a meal, you dare something wrong when you recover, discomfort begins in the gastrointestinal tract and colic can occur.

I already know my condition. I learned to understand and not miss the very beginning. Of course, first of all, this is a diet. Very well helps me just the position lying. Apparently, the intestines relaxes and the pain goes away. I also brew yourself a chamomile with a seed of flax and drink everything during the day. As you need to drink everything. Spasms and pain leave, inflammation is removed. I wrote about your recipe in the article of flax seeds for intestinal cleansing

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