How to treat hair loss in cats. Hair loss in cats: causes and treatment. The reasons for this ailment

Some owners of "baleen-striped" are faced with the problem of baldness of their pets. If your (or your cat's) hair falls out and bald spots form, we recommend reading this article. In it we will try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, find out how you can help a four-legged pet, and get acquainted with preventive measures.

What makes a cat go bald, what happens to it

Cats go bald for a variety of reasons.

These include:

  • or stress... During gestation, lactation, or due to severe stress, hair loss may begin. But there is no need for treatment, after a while it will grow again;

  • baldness over the eyes... At the age of 14 to 20 months in cats, especially in dark shorthaired cats, the hairs above the eyes begin to decrease. This process is natural and, if there is no redness, treatment is also not required;
  • side effect of the medication... Sometimes baldness occurs after taking medications;
  • the consequences of the injection... Sometimes baldness occurs where the injection was given, after a couple of months. In addition, there may be skin tightening, hyperpigmentation. Everything also goes by itself;
  • ... There are varieties of fleas that cause hair loss.

  • shearing... Signs (in addition to hair loss): peeling of the skin, the appearance of crusts, sometimes itching;
  • allergy / contact dermatitis... It happens that from antibiotics or someone else's food component, as well as from interaction with certain materials, metals, chemicals, the cat has an allergy. In addition to hair loss, redness, bumps, itching occur;
  • solar dermatosis... Such a reaction to sunlight usually occurs in white cats. It passes on its own (however, the animal will need to avoid the sun's rays), but sometimes medicines are also needed. Symptoms: hair falls out, redness occurs, crusts and sores appear on the nose, ears;
    • heiletiellosis... The causative agent is a tick. The cat itches a lot, but if the disease is not greatly aggravated, hair loss is usually minimal;

    Important! Ticks can easily climb onto other animals and even people.

    Important! There are many reasons for baldness and medications are not always necessary. But still do not practice self-treatment, be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

    How does it manifest

    Abundant loss of hair, especially in certain places, that is, when a cat loses hair in clumps on the tail, behind the ears, on the back, belly up to the appearance of bald spots, this clear sign abnormal renewal of the coat.

    Look at the skin where the fur falls out. If you see redness, peeling, wounds, and touching these places causes aggression in the animal (probably because of pain), and besides, it constantly itches - do not hesitate with treatment.
    By the way, baldness can be symmetrical, that is, the same shape / size on several sides, or random - on one or different places(for example, a cat only goes bald on its belly or on hind legs, or both there and there at the same time).

    In general, baldness can manifest itself in different ways, depending on specific reason(this was discussed in more detail above). Also, each has its own accompanying signs.

    Veterinarian examination and diagnosis

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the exact diagnosis. As mentioned above, you should definitely contact a special clinic. Prescribing drugs yourself is very dangerous. From such "treatment" the cat can lose all hair altogether.
    In the veterinary hospital, your pet will be able to necessary examinations... One of the main analyzes is trichogramma. Thanks to her, they receive information about the condition of the coat, making the first conclusions about the causes of the disease.

    Often in such cases, a blood test, skin biopsy, ultrasound scan is prescribed. internal organs, digital radiography and etc.

    Did you know? Smuggling of cats from ancient egypt was punishable by death.

    What to do: how to help your pet

    After determining the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes treatment to restore the coat and remove the causes that caused the hair loss in the cat.

    Don't forget about preventive measures... After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to fight it.

Lichen is a disease of the skin and hair caused by microscopic fungi, dermatophytes, most often Microsporum canis. These diseases can be combated with preventive methods.

Miliary dermatitis
Numerous papules and crusts form on the cat's body, why is the skin it feels like sandpaper to the touch. Such a picture is observed, as a rule, at allergic dermatitis(AD), however, it can be with other skin diseases cats.

To be more precise in determining this clinical picture violations skin, it should be said that miliary dermatitis is not a separate skin disease, but a reaction to various abnormalities in the body that are often found in this type of animal.

Treatment for miliary dermatitis depends on identifying the cause. In this situation, methods are used nonspecific therapy(symptomatic appointment antihistamines, corticosteroids, essential fatty acids and usually megestrol acetate. All this generally gives satisfactory results.

With the syndrome of extensive alopecia (neurodermatosis, psychogenic alopecia) cats begin to overly groom their fur: animals lick and bite themselves throughout the day. Some timid cats, as well as those who "got" from the owners, do this exclusively at night or hiding away from prying eyes. A representative of any breed (including a purebred) can become an irrepressible cleanliness, but more often than others this happens with Siamese, Oriental, Burmese and abyssinian cats, which, by the way, are also on the list of individuals prone to sucking and swallowing wool.

The main symptom of a cat food allergy is severe itching. Increased sensitivity to one or several food products can appear at any age, but which ones - it can be very difficult to determine, but this is precisely what is necessary condition for treatment measures and improving the condition of the sick animal. Unavoidable skin irritations in a food-allergic cat may be accompanied by miliary dermatitis, crusts on the head and neck, and thickened and inflamed plaques.

Feline complex eosinophilic granuloma (CEGC) is a collection of several cat-specific diseases that represent a progressive focus of skin inflammation in which histological studies show a large number of so-called eosinophilic cells.

CEGC combines 3 syndromes. The first is an atonic (sluggish) ulcer, almost always affecting upper lip... The second is an eosinophilic plaque, usually located on the abdomen or inner thighs, and is an oozing wound that is often ulcerated and itchy. The third, eosinophilic granuloma, is a bulging, dense, elongated and hairless thickening that is most often found on the back of the thighs. If the cat is young, then one can hope for involuntary self-healing, but in adult animals, the prospects are usually bleak: relapses and exacerbation of the disease await them. Various medications, including corticoids, bring only some relief, but in general give positive result they are incapable.

The beautiful, soft and silky coat of our pets is a clear sign of their good health... Loss of hair, therefore, may indicate some serious pathologies in the body of animals. One of the most difficult disorders in cats is alopecia. It is divided into two types:

  • Symptomatic, when pathology is only a visible effect of another cat disease.
  • Idiopathic... It occurs "by itself", more often apparent reasons it turns out to be impossible to identify.

In addition, pathology is focal, when the hair falls out only in a limited area, and generalized (massive baldness over a large area). In addition, symmetrical alopecia occurs in cats, in which hair falls out symmetrically, from all sides (hormones, chemotherapy) and asymmetric, when hair loss is observed only in one part of the body.

The term "alopecia" in this case means hair loss, and it can be both local and massive, systemic. Simply put, this is baldness. In cats, this "disease" is quite common, and the causes of this disorder can not be identified in all cases ... However, such a pathology, which is psychogenic alopecia in cats, has already been fully studied and confirmed. It occurs in the most "finely organized" animals.

Most often, this outcome is caused by chronic or very severe stress(even if it is short-lived). Cats are very sensitive animals to changes in their environment, so many things can cause it. Hair loss often begins suddenly, and after a couple of days your pet becomes a "Sphynx" regardless of its original breed.

Read also: Stress in cats: causes and methods of dealing

Here are the main reasons for this:

  • The appearance of a new cat in the house.
  • Moving to another house or city.
  • Large-scale renovation.
  • The birth of a child, to whom all the attention of the owners of the cat is from now on.
  • Death or divorce.
  • "Chronic" mess in the apartment.
  • Boredom and depressed, apathetic state.
  • Restriction in movement (after injury, when a cast is applied).
  • "Toilet problems".

What to do with a “mentally unstable” cat?

Carefully assess the living conditions of your pet, paying attention to the slightest changes that could cause baldness. Even a new diet or litter box is a valid cause of alopecia in cats. If your work schedule has changed, as a result of which your cat spends days and nights in splendid isolation, sitting in an apartment, then you should not be surprised at the massive loss of hair.

No need to start feeding your pet right away sedatives... It may be possible to find an alternative solution. So, if the changes in the environment of the cat are not so critical and "monumental" (a new tray, for example), you just need to be patient: soon everything will return to normal, and your pet will regrow its hair.

You can endlessly guess why, for example, a cat's belly is bald, but accurate diagnosis only a doctor will put it. He will tell you how you can treat your pet in each case. But you can still think about the most common causes of hair loss in cats.

01. The first reason is not at all scary: it can be physiological reasons or seasonal coat changes in particularly fluffy individuals.

02. The second reason is adenitis. Most often male individuals of the feline tribe are ill with it. It manifests itself as follows:

  • crusts appear on the head, ears;
  • the fur can be pulled out without causing pain or harm to the cat.

Since this disease is extremely rare, it is best to visit your veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. As long as the court and the case, you can purchase special tool for washing or shampoo.

03. The third reason is food allergies. Digestion in cats and cats occurs in a special way. Allergies can occur from any product.

Therefore, remember that you cannot share your food with your cat. For her, it is better to purchase a balanced feed, with essential vitamins and additives.

If circumstances force you to change the feed, it must be checked for the degree of digestibility, giving the pet at a small rate. Read about how and what to feed your cat here.

04. The fourth reason may be injection. Wool will begin to be lost at the injection site. Gradually, everything will fall into place, to treat hair loss in this case not necessary.

05. The fifth reason is seborrhea. Because of her, the furry friend suffers from peeling of the skin, spreads bad smell... In the veterinary hospital, you will have to donate blood for analysis. Veterinarian advise shampoo and fatty acids.

06. The sixth reason is lichen. To avoid this disease, you need to keep the cat clean. Well, if this happened, the doctor will prescribe medication.

07. The seventh reason is infestation with fleas or lice. It is easy to get rid of them by applying special hygiene products, but you should monitor your cat more carefully.

08. The eighth reason is stress. When can a cat get it? Due to the nature of the character, some animals may begin to go bald from worries during the move, change of housing, participation in the exhibition. The cat's representative on the hips, in the abdomen is going bald, inner sides paws.

Alopecia, or baldness, is a term used to describe the loss of hair or fur in animals that can occur due to a variety of various reasons.

Cats tend to shed most heavily in the spring and fall, and of course longhaired cats shed noticeably more than shorthaired cats. If you think your cat is shedding too much, sometimes simple extra grooming and grooming can help.

Additional care behind the cat's fur will cleanse the old fur and stimulate the growth of new healthy fur, which will help to keep it in good condition, giving you the opportunity to check both your pet's coat and skin.

If you notice that your cat's fur is actually sparse and thin, especially in areas where dandruff is present, or you think there is skin irritation or soreness, then your cat may have problems that you need to address.

Psychogenic alopecia in cats is similar to hair loss in cats. nervous soil in people. That is, the coat begins to fall out due to experiences, stress, both long-term and short-term, but strong.

Alopecia, or baldness, is the term used to describe the loss of hair or fur in animals, which can occur due to many different reasons. Cats tend to shed most heavily in the spring and fall, and of course longhaired cats shed noticeably more than shorthaired cats.

If you think your cat is shedding too much, sometimes simple extra grooming and grooming can help. Taking extra care of your cat will cleanse old fur and stimulate the growth of healthy new fur, which will help keep it in good condition, giving you the opportunity to check both your pet's coat and skin.

If you notice that your cat's fur is actually sparse and thin, especially in areas where dandruff is present, or you think there is skin irritation or soreness, then your cat may have problems that you need to address.

Alopecia (baldness or hair loss) in cats is abnormal hair loss (pictured above) that results in thinning or complete absence hairs on certain parts of the animal's body.

And this is already a reason to get worried and take the kitty to an appointment with the veterinarian. After all, baldness in cats is not easy primary disease, this is a consequence of a failure normal work the body due to serious illness.

Causes of alopecia

In order to prescribe treatment for a cat and give its owner recommendations for maintenance, the veterinarian must determine why a bald patch appeared on the neck or paw. The reason is established by the method of exclusion, this approach requires professionalism from the doctor and care from the owner of the cat.

INTERESTING! If a problem with the coat appears, you need to take a good look at the cat, its coat and skin. If the skin of the cat, whose fur has crawled out on its hind legs, has a rash elsewhere, small or large, it is possible to diagnose allergic dermatitis.

With allergies, the owner of the animal can observe watery eyes, sneezing, and hair falls out in large tufts. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Such severe baldness is usually observed during the period acute course allergic reaction. Without eliminating the cause of the allergy, it will not be possible to cope with wool problems.

Hair loss in moderate amount- a natural process in which treatment is not always required. main reason this phenomenon is an annual molt in which the old hairline falls out, and a new one grows in its place. It is noteworthy that cats lose a lot more hair than cats.

Fungal infections are not uncommon in cats. In this case, the exposed areas of the animal's skin are hyperemic, they may have wounds, crusts and scales. The animal suffers from itching and its mood deteriorates.

Congenital baldness has an unexplained etiology, that is, its cause is not known for certain.

  • Most scientists are inclined to believe that congenital alopecia is a consequence of a lack in the diet of a pregnant cat. mineral substances, vitamins, as well as endocrine disorders in the fetus itself.
  • In addition, the birth of hairless kittens may be associated with functional pathology of the maternal organism, hereditary anomaly or incest (closely related breeding of a cat and a cat).

The pedigree characteristics of some cats, such as the sphinx, bambino, elf, can also be attributed to congenital baldness. Ukrainian Levkoy, cojon. Naturally, in this case, physiological alopecia is quite difficult to call a pathology, but such cats are still, to put it mildly, an amateur.

Acquired baldness by its origin can be:

  1. Symptomatic: ringworm , scabies, seborrhea, dermatitis of various nature, dysfunction endocrine system and etc.
  2. Idiopathic, that is, directly related to infectious disease, the toxic effect of plant or mineral toxic substances on the animal's body, radiological exposure, etc.

Among other things, alopecia areata is quite rare, characterized by the appearance of round small hairless spots that can merge into large areas of baldness. The skin in this place is absolutely smooth and has a bright pink coloration, which is clearly visible in light-colored cats.

Alopecia areata are associated with hormonal disorders, vitamin A deficiency, resulting in a deterioration in blood supply hair follicles and, as a result, hair loss. The disease may initially resemble normal shedding, but hair does not grow back on hairless areas.

Often the cause of hair loss in cats can be:

Distinguish between natural, physiological and painful (pathological) causes of the appearance of alopecia in a cat. The rational factors causing hair loss include the following:

  • Molting.
  • Scuffs.
  • Stress.
  • Age-related baldness.
  • Bathing.
  • The consequences of injections.
  • Succulence and lactation.

First of all, baldness in cats should be divided into two types: congenital and acquired baldness. Specialists do not have a single point of view regarding congenital baldness.

However, most experts are inclined to believe that this anomaly is associated with a lack of certain vitamins, nutrients or endocrine disorders at the fetus.

Also, the version of the influence of closely related crossbreeding is not discarded. Natural baldness is typical for cat breeds such as bambino, sphinx, elf, cohona. In this case, alopecia is not a pathology, but rather a sign of the breed.

If the animal has bald spots on the body and head, this may be a sign food allergies... Allergies should be sought in the pet's diet. They can be:

  • Proteins of animal and vegetable origin;
  • Various cereals;
  • Meat - particularly lamb.

Symptoms of psychogenic alopecia are bald patches that are found on the thighs, abdomen or paws.

There are over a hundred different reasons why your cat could potentially lose hair, and your veterinarian may decide to take a sample of the animal's skin for a microscope examination.

Moderate hair loss is a natural process that does not always require treatment. The main reason for this phenomenon is the annual shedding, in which the old hairline falls out, and a new one grows in its place. It is noteworthy that cats lose a lot more hair than cats.

Congenital baldness has an unexplained etiology, that is, its cause is not known for certain. Most scientists are inclined to believe that congenital alopecia is a consequence of a lack of minerals, vitamins in the diet of a pregnant cat, as well as endocrine disorders in the fetus itself.

In addition, the birth of hairless kittens may be associated with functional pathology of the maternal organism, hereditary anomaly or incest (closely related breeding of a cat and a cat). The pedigree characteristics of some cats, such as the sphinx, bambino, elf, Ukrainian levkoy, kokhona, can also be attributed to congenital baldness.

Naturally, in this case, physiological alopecia is quite difficult to call a pathology, but such cats are still, to put it mildly, an amateur. Acquired baldness by its origin can be:

  1. Symptomatic: ringworm, scabies, seborrhea, dermatitis of various nature, dysfunction of the endocrine system, etc.;
  2. Idiopathic, that is, directly related to an infectious disease, the toxic effect of plant or mineral toxic substances on the animal's body, radiological exposure, etc.

Among other things, alopecia areata is quite rare, characterized by the appearance of round small hairless spots that can merge into large areas of baldness.

The skin in this place is absolutely smooth and has a bright pink coloration, which is clearly visible in light-colored cats.

Alopecia areata is associated with hormonal disorders, vitamin A deficiency, as a result of which there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the hair follicles, and as a result, hair loss.

The disease may initially resemble normal shedding, but hair does not grow back on hairless areas. Often, the causes of hair loss in cats can be the use of poor-quality cat shampoos, frequent washing of a four-legged friend, as well as allergic reactions to certain medications.

Also, it could be allergic reaction flea bites, cigarette smoke or other odors (inhalation allergies).

The causes of baldness can lie in psychological state pet, that is, the hair can fall out due to stress. If the veterinarian diagnoses this cause, then the first thing the owner needs to do is find out what stress or experience the pet has recently, eliminate it, and only after that give sedatives, which only in this case will be effective.

Symptoms of psychogenic alopecia are bald patches that are found on the thighs, abdomen or paws.

Cat owners often face a problem when their pet loses hair in clumps behind the ear, on the neck, paw or back, and a bald spot forms. Bald spots in cats (especially shorthaired ones) are not uncommon. It is called alopecia or hair loss in cats. What is this disease, what are its causes and methods of treatment?

Alopecia, or cat hair loss: what is it?

All cats shed twice a year, and this is the norm. How to distinguish: is it shedding (the process when the coat is renewed) or pathology (baldness of the animal)? To do this, you need to know how the disease manifests itself, what are its prerequisites and in what cases the owner needs to sound the alarm.

Alopecia is called abnormal hair loss in cats, as a result - bald patches form on the animal's body - areas with absolutely no hair. Wool can fall out in clumps, forming bald areas on the head, ears, paw of the animal. Noticing such areas, the owner should immediately take the pet to an appointment with the veterinarian. Baldness can be a signal of a serious malfunction in the animal's body.

But this should not be confused with hair loss, which normally occurs in all healthy felines. Cats lose their coat during:

  • molting (twice a year there is a seasonal change of "fur coat"; usually cats shed more than cats);
  • stress (the animal may shed some of its fur due to excitement);
  • age-related changes (hair and whiskers fall out in old animals);
  • frequent bathing (which is why it is recommended to bathe the animal only if necessary; twice a year is quite enough).

At the same time, the wool does not come out in clumps, without forming bald spots. But the disease has slightly different symptoms.

Symptoms of alopecia

You can recognize alopecia in a pet by the following signs:

  • Wool falls out excessively, in clumps. Bald spots in cats appear mainly behind the ear, in the neck, back, and on the tail.
  • The skin in these places may have the usual pink color or turn red, wounds or scabs may appear there.
  • Check the pet's reaction to touching the bald head: the speck may be sore or itchy.
  • Check for symmetrical bald spots.

Having noticed these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seek professional help veterinarian. Otherwise, the disease will progress.

The reasons for this ailment

If the animal has bald patches on its body and head, it could be a sign of food allergy. Allergies should be sought in the pet's diet. They can be:

  • Proteins of animal and vegetable origin;
  • Various cereals;
  • Meat - particularly lamb.

In addition, it can be an allergic reaction to flea bites, cigarette smoke or other odors (inhalation allergy).

The causes of baldness can lie in the psychological state of the pet, that is, the hair can fall out due to stress. If the veterinarian diagnoses this cause, then the first thing the owner needs to do is find out what stress or experience the pet has recently, eliminate it, and only after that give sedatives, which only in this case will be effective. Symptoms of psychogenic alopecia are bald patches that are found on the thighs, abdomen or paws.

The reasons related to the third group are infectious. If a cat loses hair, scabies, lichen, fungus, mites may be the culprit. If the cat develops a hairline behind the ear, it may be lichen. There are several varieties of them: fungal (another name is ringworm; infectious for humans), psoriasis or eczema, viral.

Wither mites can also cause hair loss. They are very small, it is impossible to notice them with the naked eye. Vlaseoids do not live long, but at the same time they multiply very quickly.

Hair loss can be a consequence of seborrhea - a disease in which work is disrupted sebaceous glands... This is usually indicated by hair loss in the cat near the tail. That is why this ailment is sometimes called "greasy tail".

Another group of problems that cause baldness is hormonal system disruptions:

  • Problems thyroid gland, manifested by both increased and insufficient levels of hormone production;
  • diabetes;
  • disruptions in the work of the adrenal glands, in particular their hyperfunction.

Among other reasons, the presence of tumors in an animal is distinguished, genetic predisposition and drug reactions. So, a bald spot in a kitten may appear due to the fact that during pregnancy his mother did not receive various necessary minerals and vitamins.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a cat loses its hair in clumps before the formation of bald spots, it must be shown to a specialist. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the diagnosis. To determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor must:

  • Find out how and when the disease manifested itself. The owner will have to tell in great detail the animal's lifestyle, what the pet ate and drank, what it came into contact with, whether it walked on the street.
  • Examine the patient.
  • Examine hair roots under a microscope.
  • You may need blood test data for hormones, and a scraping is mandatory.
  • Sometimes an ultrasound scan is done or X-ray examination to confirm or rule out the presence of neoplasms.

Treatment for hair loss in cats

Hair loss in cats is a serious but treatable disease. Treatment needs to be tailored individually. What drugs the doctor prescribes depends on the causes of this ailment. If a bald spot on the ears or other places has appeared due to an allergy, the animal must first of all be isolated from the allergen. Also, the doctor prescribes drugs that stimulate the immune system, and antiallergic drugs. If the allergy is food, you should review the diet of the animal and transfer it to hypoallergenic foods.

If the bald spots were provoked by an abscess, the animal should be treated with antibiotics and antiseptics. If the cat is diagnosed with endocrine problems, hormones are prescribed.

Preventive measures

To prevent hair loss in cats and hair loss on other parts of the body, it is advisable to take preventive measures in advance. Namely:

  • regularly independently examine the animal, take it for professional examinations, if necessary - for treatment to a veterinarian;
  • vaccinate your pet on time;
  • do not forget about the right hygiene care behind a cat;
  • organize proper nutrition for your pet.

Bald spots in cats on the head, ears, abdomen or paws are a fairly common phenomenon. Why the cat has bald spots on the back or other parts of the body - only a doctor can say for sure, having carried out the appropriate diagnostics. Depending on this, treatment is also prescribed, which can only consist in a diet, or contain a course hormonal drugs or antibiotics. But it is highly discouraged to self-medicate a pet: you can only torment the animal with unnecessary drugs, and the cat will lose most of its fur coat in the meantime.

At first glance, bald spots seem harmless, although they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the animal. But it should be understood that they can be provoked quite serious illness developing in pet... Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

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