What is a macroelement? List, role and value in the human body. Mineral substances examples of macroelements and microelements

Most people are little interested in chemical elements in their diet, because the main attention is paid to calorie and balance of BJ. Omission lies: some components of food are not designed to supply energy, but to improve the regulation of these supplies, strengthen muscle fibers, stimulates their growth and so on. In fact, trace elements are even more indispensable than nutrients, due to their important role in the biochemistry of the body.

Here we will look at the most famous science minerals, a shortage or excess of which can be caused by the illiterate use of additives or unbalanced diets.

Traditionally, all minerals are divided into two groups:

  • Macroelements. It is contained in the body in large quantities, from several grams to hundreds of grams. Participated in the main tissues - bones, blood, muscles. These include sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron;
  • Trace elements. In the body of their literally milligrams or micrograms. But these elements are part of the enzyme systems as coenses (activators and catalysts of biochemical processes).

The significance of mineral substances is conditionally determined by the following issues:

  1. Does this element participate directly in the work of the muscles, protein synthesis and ensuring cell integrity?
  2. Whether the need for training increases due to training?
  3. Is there enough medium person or athlete getting micro / macroelement with food?
  4. Are the micro / macroelement additives and workout results increase?

Now consider each of the macro and trace elements. We also give the main food sources for each of them.

Biological functions of the main minerals (in order of increasing their significance):

Potassium. Along with the sodium regulates the water content inside the cells. Provides maintenance of electric potential in nerves and on the surface of cell membranes, regulating muscle contraction. It turns on to the mechanism of glycogen accumulation - the main source of energy in the cell. Bad potassium-sodium balance leads to a violation of water exchange, dehydration, weakening muscles. Fortunately, potassium intake with food provides the need for this element for most people. Recommended daily arrival approximately 2 g (For athletes and people engaged in hard labor, recommend 2.5-5 g). Excess potassium in relation to the sodium can cause a violation of the work of the cardiovascular system, so that new-fashioned "potassium diets" are simply dangerous.

Copper. The biological role of this trace element is more important than previously thought. It not only participates in the process of absorption of oxygen and many enzymatic reactions, but also increases blood circulation rate with intensive physical exertion. For this reason, copper is one of the most important for the athlete of trace elements, and sometimes it may not be enough. So it makes sense to follow the flow of copper with food. Recommended daily arrival 1.5-3 mg.

Vanadium. This element recently attracted the attention of doctors due to some properties of its derivative - Vanadila sulfate. Vanadium performs the same role in the body of marine animals that the iron in the human body: it is included in the blood of blood (the marine inhabitants it is green). Although most of the studies on this element were performed on diabetes rats, published data indicate its positive effect on the accumulation of glycogen. Recommended daily arrival 10-25 μg.

Iron. This trace element is part of the hemoglobin of blood responsible for oxygen transport and the execution of oxidative reactions. How does this affect your sports? The recovery rate after a workout depends on the aerobic activity of the body. The more oxygen falls into the tissue, the faster the muscles are restored for further work. Microtrauma during sports activities and enhanced iron excavation with feces after load leads to the fact that the need for hardware in athletes can be increased almost 2 times compared to physically low-active people. The admission of sufficient iron is especially important for women. In menstruation with blood, some amount of iron is lost, which must be replenished. Otherwise, the risk of developing anemia. There is evidence that a significant number of athletes have a hidden iron deficiency. Unfortunately, almost all products are absorbed very badly (sometimes only the share of the percentage of iron contained in food) is very bad. From meat products, it is absorbed easier. Iron medical preparations are about 90 percent leave the body unchanged. Consequently, their dose is 10 times higher than the daily need. Let's say, a normal man per day loses 1 mg of iron, and 10 mg can be consumed. Women need more on the above reason. Recommended daily arrival: men 10 mg, women 15 mg. For athletes - up to 25 mg. in a day.

Phosphorus. Contained in the body in large quantities. Directly participates in the processes of metabolism, constituting part of important energy carriers - adenosine trophosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. Phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium, and their ratio must be kept equal to 1: 1 by equivalent (1: 1.5 by weight). In addition, phosphoric additives reduce the amount of lactic acid in the blood.

It helps to provide the speed and power of muscle cuts, which is important both for power and high-speed training. Recommended phosphorus consumption 1200 mg. in a day. With intense training, it can be significantly increased.

Sodium. As you probably know, sodium is an electrolyte that plays a key role in regulating liquid exchange. Sodium content in the body determines the amount of water held by tissues. (You could feel it, waking up with the "swollen" face after a very salted dinner). Although ordinary food contains sufficient (sometimes even excessive) amount of sodium, bodybuilders do not advise too much to limit its consumption before competition. Too tough restrictions launch mechanisms that prevent further loss of sodium and water. In addition, we note that sodium plays an important role in ensuring endurance, as it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. This item should not be too little or too much. Sodium is contained with cooking salts treated with food. Recommended daily consumption about 5000 mg.

Chromium. Trail element, key factor in ensuring glucose tolerance, providing binding insulin with tissues. Promotes the transfer of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids into the cells. Athletes probably need more chromium than ordinary people; However, the anabolic effect of this element is the subject of disputes. Chromium participation in lipid metabolism can lead to a decrease in fat content in the body, but this has not yet been proven. Messages about achieving excellent results with chromium additives, to put it mildly, premature. However, in the section on additives I will give modern data. And in general, the role of this element in the body should be known. Recommended consumption 50-200 μg.

Zinc. This element participates in almost all stages of cell growth. It is necessary for more than 300 different enzymes. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind bodybuilders) intensive workouts contribute to the accelerated loss of zinc. Nutrition of many athletes too poorly by this element. That is why I placed zinc in the third place in importance. The lack of it can practically stop your height. Daily consumption: men 15 mg, women 12 mg.

Calcium. Perhaps the most common element in the body. Significance is in second place in the top ten elements. There are several reasons for this: it is quite difficult to maintain the calcium ratio: phosphorus close to 1: 1. Calcium directly participates in the contraction of the muscles (there is a theory about the effect of calcium ions per contracting process). If it is not enough, the muscles cannot shrink quickly and strongly. Stress obtained by bones during training increases calcium consumption to increase their fortress. Women should be particularly attentive, as the low level of estrogen can lead to an accelerated loss of calcium. Note that Vitamin D contributes to the best absorption of calcium.

Calcium is contained in dairy products, green vegetables, legumes. Recommended daily consumption 800 mg.

Magnesium. We listed the elements in order of increasing their significance, and not in vain, this element was placed in the first place, not only because of the well-known mechanism of action, but also because the positive effect of magnesium additives on sporting performance is clearly proven.

Magnesium is one of the key components in the energy supply and protein synthesis. It is lost in large quantities along with then. Unfortunately, many athletes do not fill this loss with food, as they do not eat most of the products rich in magnesium (nuts, legumes, etc.). Recently published a study, which shows a significant increase in muscle strength under the influence of magnesium additives. Given the importance of this element in muscle biochemistry, it is not difficult to understand the enthusiasm of very many athletes and coaches against magnesium. Magnesium is contained in nuts, products from whole grain, legumes, bananas, green vegetables. Recommended daily consumption: men 350 mg, women 280 mg.

Here are some more trace elements required by the body in trace quantities:

Iodic It is part of the hormones of the thyroid gland regulating the metabolism of nutrients and heat dissipation in the body. The deficiency of the iodine causes the so-called Basnedov disease (goiter) characterized by excess fat, lethargy, abnormal growth of the thyroid gland.

Iodine is contained in marine products. For some areas of our country, they produce a special ionized salt. Recommended daily consumption about 50 μg.

Selenium. The trace element whose connections have powerful antioxidant properties.

Manganese. Travel element, which is an activator of some enzyme systems. Daily dose near 4 mg. It is part of the polyvitamin preparation "complivit" and some others.

Molybdenum. Activates some enzymes involved in protein metabolism. Promotes (makes more efficient) operation of antioxidants, including vitamin C. important component of the tissue respiratory system. Enhances the synthesis of amino acids, improves nitrogen accumulation. With a lack of molybdenum, anabolic processes suffer, there is a weakening of the immune system.

Daily need - about 0.3-0.4 mg.


Chronic overdose of even one trace element can lead to functional disorders and increased allocation of other and other undesirable consequences.

For example, an excess of zinc leads to a decrease in the level of cholesterol-containing high density lipids (HDL), and excess calcium is to a lack of phosphorus, and vice versa. Excess molybdenum reduces copper content. Some microelements (selenium, chrome, copper) are toxic in excess doses, so adhere to the recommendations specified in the article.

Recall once again that trace elements and vitamins are no less important than nutrients, since without them the latners will not be able to absorb the body correctly. Become attentive to "trifles" and be healthy!

Biologically significant elements (as opposed to biologically inert elements) are the chemical elements needed by living organisms to ensure normal vital activity. Biologically significant elements are classified on:

  • macroelements (the content of which in living organisms is more than 0.01%)
  • microelements (content less than 0.001%).


These elements are francmed by the flesh of living organisms. Macroelements include those elements, the recommended daily dose of consumption of which is more than 200 mg. Macroelements tend to enter the human body along with food.

Biogenic elements:

  • Oxygen - 65%
  • Carbon - 18%
  • Hydrogen - 10%
  • Nitrogen - 3%

These macroelements are called biogenic (organogenic) elements or macronutrients (eng. Macronutrient). Macronutrients are predominantly constructed such organic substances such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. To designate macronutrients, the CHNO acronym is sometimes used, consisting of the designations of the corresponding chemical elements in the Mendeleev table.

Other macroelements

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus


The term "microelements" received a special distribution in medical, biological and agricultural scientific literature in the middle of the 20th century. In particular, for agronomists it became apparent that even a sufficient number of "macroelements" in fertilizers (NPK's Trinity - Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) does not provide normal plant development.

Microelements are called elements whose content is not enough in the body, but they are involved in biochemical processes and needed organisms. The recommended daily dose of microelements consumption for a person is less than 200 mg. Recently, the term micronutrient is borrowed from European languages \u200b\u200b(Eng. Micronutrient).

Maintaining the constancy of the inner medium (homeostasis) of the body provides for primarily the maintenance of high-quality and quantitative content of mineral substances in organic tissues at the physiological level.

Basic trace elements

According to modern data, more than 30 trace elements are considered necessary for the vital activity of plants, animals and humans. Among them (alphabetical order):

  • Iron
  • Cobalt
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Selenium

The smaller the concentration of compounds in the body, the more difficult it to establish the biological role of the element, identify the compounds in the formation of which it takes part. Undoubtedly include boron, vanadium, silicon, etc.

Micronutrients compatibility

In the process of mastering the body of vitamins, microelements and macroelements, antagonism is possible (negative interaction) or synergism (positive interaction) between different components.

Read more about Micronutrient compatibility here:

Lack of microelements in the body

The main causes that cause a lack of mineral substances:

  • Incorrect or monotonous nutrition, poor-quality drinking water.
  • The geological features of various regions of the Earth are endemic (unfavorable) areas.
  • Large loss of minerals due to bleeding, crown disease, ulcerative colitis.
  • The use of some drugs binding or causeing trace elements.


All pathological processes caused by the deficit, excess or imbalance of trace elements were called - microelement

The main properties of minerals

Macroelements mineral substances

Food products
men women
Calcium Milk and dairy products 1000
FNB 2500 mg
Phosphorus 700
FNB 4000 mg
Magnesium 350
FNB 350 mg
Sodium Food salt550
FNB (no data)
Potassium 2000
FNB (no data)
Biological impact on the body Possible diseases with deficiency of vitamins or minerals Food products Average daily need for adults * Maximum permissible daily dose **
Calcium The formation of bone tissue, the formation of the teeth, the process of blood flowing, neuromuscular conductivity Osteoporosis, cramps (Tethania) Milk and dairy products 1000
FNB 2500 mg
Phosphorus Element of organic compounds, buffer solutions; Bone Fabric Formation, Energy Transformation Growth disorders, bone deformations, rickets, osteomalacia Milk, dairy products, meat, fish 800
FNB 4000 mg
Magnesium Bone formation, teeth formation; neuromuscular conductivity; Coenzyme (coenzyme) in carbohydrate and protein exchanges; An integral component of intracellular fluid Apathy, itching, muscle dystrophy and convulsions; Gastrointestinal Diseases, Heart Rate Disruption Coarse grinding products, nuts, legumes, green vegetables 310
FNB 350 mg
Sodium The most important component of the intercellular fluid supporting the osmotic pressure; Acid and alkaline balance; Transfer of nervous impulse Hypotension, tachycardia, muscle cramps Food salt FNB (no data)
Potassium The most important component of intracellular fluid; Acid-alkaline equilibrium, muscle activity; Synthesis of proteins and glycogen Muscular dystrophy, paralysis of the muscles, violation of the transmission of the nervous impulse, heart rhythm Dried fruits, legumes, potatoes, yeast FNB (no data)

Mineral Millegone Minerals

Biological impact on the body Possible diseases with deficiency of vitamins or minerals Food products Average daily need for adults * Maximum permissible daily dose **
men women
Iron 10
FNB 45 mg
Iodine 200
FNB 1.1 mg
Fluorine Fish, Soy, Forest Nuts 3,8
FNB 10 mg
Zinc 10,0
FNB 40 mg
Selenium 30-70
FNB 400 μg
SCF 300 μg
Copper Extremely rarely anemia 1,0-1,5
FNB 10 mg
Manganese Unknown 2,0-5,0
FNB 11 mg.
Chromium Carbohydrate exchange 30-100
FNB (no data)
Molybdenum Legumes, gravestone 50-100
FNB 2 mg.
SCF 0.6 mg
Biological impact on the body Possible diseases with deficiency of vitamins or minerals Food products Average daily need for adults * Maximum permissible daily dose **
Iron As part of hemoglobin; As part of cytochromes, participants in oxidative processes in cells Violation of erythropoese (erythrocyte education), anemia, growth disorder, exhaustion Bean, meat, mushrooms, coarse flour products 30
FNB 45 mg
Iodine The most important component of the thyroid hormones Basedova disease, slowdown in the development of the central nervous system Fish, oysters, algae, animal insides, eggs 230
FNB 1.1 mg
Fluorine Education of dental enamel, bone tissue Growth disorders; Mineralization process violations Fish, Soy, Forest Nuts 3,1
FNB 10 mg
Zinc Component (cofactor) more than one hundred enzymes; transfer of carbon dioxide; stability of biological membranes; Healing Ran. Growth violation, poor wound healing, appetite absence, violation of taste Grains of cereals, meat, animal insides, dairy products 10,0
FNB 40 mg
Selenium The essential part of the enzyme system - glutathione
peroxidase that protects biological membranes from the damaging effect of free radicals; Functions of the thyroid gland; immunity
Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, Growth Disorders and Bone Fabric Education Fish, Meat, Inside Animals, Nuts 30-70
FNB 400 μg
SCF 300 μg
Copper Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis (biocatalysis); electron transfer; Interaction with iron Extremely rarely anemia Liver, legumes, seafood, coarse flour products 1,0-1,5
FNB 10 mg
Manganese Enzyme Catalysis Mechanisms (Biocatalysis) UnknownNuts, grains of cereals, bean, leafy vegetables 2,0-5,0
FNB 11 mg.
Chromium Carbohydrate exchange Change blood glucose level Meat, Liver, Eggs, Tomatoes, Oatmeal, Coched Salad, Mushrooms 30-100
FNB (no data)
Molybdenum Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis (biocatalysis); Electron transfer Extremely rarely, violation of the sharing of sulfur-containing amino acids; Violations of the nervous system functions Legumes, gravestone 50-100
FNB 2 mg.
SCF 0.6 mg

* - Average daily need for adults: Men and women aged 25 to 51 years. The table shows the rules recommended by the German Society of Nutriciologists (Deutsche Gesselschaft Fur Ernahrung - DGE).
** - The table shows the doses recommended by the Food and Fed and Nutrition Board - FNB Institute of Medicine and the Scientific Commitee on Food - SCF of the European Union.

Micro and macroelements are biological substances that play a crucial role in the vital activity of a living organism. Many diseases and other adverse states of man in one way or another are associated with a shortage of these biological substances. It is impossible to allocate which element is primary, and what secondary, as each of them is important for our body (responsible for one function). Now I will try to tell about in detail about macroelements (list best food, consumption standards, useful properties).

You must understand that our body cannot independently synthesize macroelements. Therefore, they must necessarily come from food, clean water, etc. A strong shortage of this or that element entails physiological disorders, manifestations of one or another disease, etc.

List vital necessary macroelements which we can get from food: ca, r, k, na, s, cl, mg

Calcium (CA)

For what we need it:

  • contributes to the strengthening of bones and teeth
  • makes muscles more elastic
  • normalizes the work of the heart
  • takes important participation in nervous muscular conductivity of fabrics
  • increases the resistance of the body to various diseases

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • rickets
  • osteoporosis
  • causes
  • paints in bone and muscle tissues
  • tuskness Hair
  • nail fragility
  • inflammation of the gums

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




400 – 600

800 / 1000

1000 – 1200



1000 – 1200

Best sources of calcium: milk, cottage cheese, solid cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, almonds, almosis, pistachios, siny, beans, sunflower seeds, walnut, canned food (sardines), crabs, shrimp, basil, parsley, white cabbage, broccoli, dill, drill .

Phosphorus (P)

For what we need it:

  • plays an important role in building cells
  • participates in the process of formation of bone tissue
  • positively affects the work of the brain
  • improves the condition of bones, teeth and nails
  • participates in the process of transformation of glucose into energy
  • positively affects the work of the central nervous system and liver

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • rickets
  • perodontosis
  • violation of growth functions
  • osteomalacia
  • chronic fatigue
  • muscle tissue spasms
  • loss of concentration of attention

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




100 – 275

460 / 1000



The best sources of phosphorus: Veal, beef, beans, beef (liver, brains, heart, kidney, language), pork liver, peas, cereals (buckwheat, oat, pearl, rice), rye bread and wheat, cottage cheese, cod, flounder, solid cheese, chicken, chickens, milk, kefir.

Potassium (TO)

For what we need it:

  • participates in maintaining acid - alkaline equilibrium
  • the most important component of intracellular fluid
  • participates in the processes of protein and glycogen synthesis
  • participates in the process of getting rid of slags
  • positively affects the work of the CNS
  • takes part in metabolic processes

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • muscular dystrophy
  • muscular fabric paralysis
  • cardiac rhythm is broken
  • causes
  • nausea and vomiting

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




0.4 – 0.7

3 – 3.5 / 4.3

The best sources of potassium: Kuraga, beans, marine cabbage, peas, prunes, raisins, almonds, hazelnuts, lentils, peanuts, potatoes, walnut, halibut, tuna, trout, banana, orange, milk.

Sodium (NA)

For what we need it:

  • participates in maintaining acid - alkaline equilibrium
  • the most important component of the intercellular fluid
  • participates in the transmissions of nerve impulses
  • participates in the process of maintaining osmotic pressure
  • holds water in tissues

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • hypotension
  • tachycardia
  • causes
  • acid-alkaline Balance Disorders
  • bad assimilation of carbohydrates

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




0.5 / 1

2 – 5

2 – 5

2 – 5

2 – 5

The best sodium sources: Food salt, soy sauce, red caviar, sea cabbage, mussels, lobster, flounder, anchovies, shrimps, sardines, chicken egg, cancer, squid.

Sulfur (S)

For what we need it:

  • participates in energy development
  • takes part in blood coagulation
  • synthesizes collagen
  • improves the work of CNS.

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • joint pain
  • tachycardia
  • elevated blood pressure
  • hair loss
  • constipation
  • protein and carbohydrate exchange
  • irritability

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




500 / 700

700 – 1200



700 – 1200

The best sources of this macroelementlike sulfur: Turkey, beef, pork, lamb, liver (beef, pork), rabbit, pike, sea bass, sardines, pink salmon, peas, fluster, rim, chicken, chicken egg.

Chlorine (CL)

For what we need it:

  • takes part in water exchange
  • produces hydrochloric acid in the stomach
  • takes part in the purification of liver from fat

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • gastritis
  • low acidity
  • dry mouth

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




0.5 / 1

2 – 5

2 – 5

2 – 5

2 – 5

The best sources of chlorine: Mackerel, Anchovies, Tubat, Karas, Moja, Gorbow, Kambala, Heck, Oysters, Tuna, Chicken Egg, Pea, Rice, Buckwheat.

Magnesium (MG)

For what we need it:

  • participates in the process of formation of bone tissue
  • participates in the process of teeth formation
  • important for normal operation of muscle tissues and CNS
  • positively affects the immune system
  • participates in the restoration and updating of body tissues
  • positively affects heart rhythm and hell
  • takes part in creating estrogen
  • takes part in blood coagulation
  • an integral component of intracellular fluid
  • displays bad cholesterol

Symptoms with a deficit:

  • apathy
  • muscular dystrophy
  • causes
  • zhktic diseases
  • cardiac rhythm is broken
  • irritability
  • pressure drops
  • numbers hands
  • pain in the head, neck and back

Breast kids






2–5 / 6–11


we take.




100 / 200

400 – 500

400 – 500

Best Magnesium Sources: Cashew, buckwheat, cedar nuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts, sea cabbage, barley cereals, oatmeal, millet, walnut, peas, beans, bananas, prunes.

From this article you learned list The most important macroelements. To get a sufficient number of certain elements, you need to try as much as possible to eat. Just as you know, except for macro, there are also trace elements, but we will talk about them in the next article.

Yours faithfully,

  • Iron - causes a violation of the formation of erythrocytes (erythropois); height violation; fatigue all day and frequent night awakening; an increase in the risk of infectious diseases; anemia, unnatural skin pallor; general deterioration of well-being; hair liness and nails; frequent headaches; irritability; superficial and rapid breathing; gastrointestinal diseases; constipation and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  • Magnesium - causes apathy, itching, muscle dystrophy and convulsions; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; heart rate violation; Skin aging; fears; nervousness; impatience; insomnia; headache; constant feeling of fatigue; uncontrollable irritation. With the lack of magnesium, the body "steals" his bones. With prolonged magnesium deficiency in the body, enhanced calcium salts are observed in the walls of arterial vessels, heart muscle and kidneys.

  • Potassium - causes muscle dystrophy, paralysis of the muscles, disruption of the transmission of the nervous impulse and heart rate, as well as swelling and sclerosis.

  • Calcium - causes osteoporosis, cramps. The decrease in its blood concentration is fraught with disorders of the functions of the nervous system. With an excess of calcium in the body, it is deposited in various organs and tissues.

  • Sodium - causes hypotension, tachycardia, muscle cramps.

  • Phosphorus - causes growth disorders, bone deformations, rickets, osteomalacia. The laptop of phosphorus contributes to an excess of calcium with a deficiency of proteins and vitamin D, it is manifested by loss of appetite, apathy, a decrease in mental and physical performance, weight loss. The excess disrupts the absorption of calcium from the intestine, it slows down the formation of the active form of vitamin D, connects part of calcium in the blood, which leads to its removal of bones and deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys and blood vessels.

  • Iodine - calls the Basedov disease (diffuse toxic goiter), which is characterized by an increase in the function of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in its size, due to autoimmune processes in the body, as well as the slowdown in the development of the central nervous system.

  • Manganese - causes weight loss, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting.

  • Cobalt - causes an increase in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Cobalt, manganese and copper warn the early gray hair and improve from a state, and also participates in the overall restoration of the body after severe diseases.

  • Copper - causes anemia.

  • Fluorine - causes a violation of growth; Violation of the mineralization process. Lack of fluorine causes caries. Excess fluorine causes osteochondrosis, change in color and shape of teeth, bone growths.

  • Zinc - causes a height violation, poor wound healing, lack of appetite, violation of taste, as well as an increase in prostate sizes.

  • Selena - causes anemia, cardiomyopathy, increasing growth and formation of bone tissue. High risk of disease cancer of the rectum, breast, uterus and ovaries, prostate, bladder, lungs and skin.

  • Chrome - causes the body to work with double energy to support sugar balance. As a result, an acute need for sweet occurs. Excess chromium in dust causes asthma disease.

  • Molybdenum - causes a violation of the sharing of sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as violations of the functions of the nervous system.

What is macroelements, for sure every one is approximately. These are biologically significant substances needed by a living organism. They are useful and important. Yes, there are not very much in the human body (more than 0.01%), but their significance is even in such an amount of invaluable. So, what is this substance, how do they come from in the body and what role is played?

Origin and list

So what is macroelements? These are substances that are founding the foundation of the flesh of living organisms. The human body is not able to synthesize them independently, so they must come from pure water and food. The shortage of at least one element is fraught with physiological disorders and diseases.

Macroelements are divided into:

  • Biogenic. They are also called organogenic elements, or macronutrients. It is they who participate in the construction of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hormones, vitamins and enzymes. These include sulfur, phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon.
  • Others. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and chlorine.

The recommended daily dose of consumption is more than 200 mg. To support the balance of macroelements, you need to carefully monitor your power and plan a diet. It is very important that the body gets everything he needs.


So, what a macroelement is clear. Now it's briefly tell about each of them individually. Oxygen does not need oxygen in a special presentation, because it consists of 65% of cellular mass.

This macroelement in the composition of any organism plays a crucial role. After all, oxygen is a universal chemical oxidant. Without it, the synthesis of adenosine trifhosphate, which is the main source of energy for all biological processes is impossible.

It is due to the oxygen that the body extracts energy from fats, proteins, carbohydrates and other organic substances. Interestingly, in a calm state, about 2 grams of this macroelegen per minute consumed. That is, order tons per year.


Talking about what macroelements are, it is impossible not to pay special attention to this substance. It is 18% in the amount of cell mass.

The human body falls into the food, about 300 g, as well as with carbon dioxide, which is contained in the air (about 3.7 g).

Interestingly, this substance is even in its pure form safe for humans. Activated coal, for example, is almost 100 percent carbon. And a powerful absorbent agent, by the way.

But it is not necessary to strive to replenish your carbon balance, drinking a few coal tablets every day. The deficit of this substance is not observed at all, as it is part of all food and air.


It is 10% the cell mass of the body. It is also a very important element. Macroelegen hydrogen structures biological space and organic molecules.

It interacts with many elements, and manifests both restorative and oxidative properties. In the human body with other substances, sulfhydrylic and amino acid groups are formed, involved in the functioning of biological molecules. It is due to hydrogen bonds that the DNA molecule is copied.

And of course, it is impossible not to mention that hydrogen included in the list of macroelements forms water. This is due to its reaction with oxygen. Namely, a person consists of 60-70%.

Many forget to support liquid balance in their body. But it is very simple - enough drinking 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day.


This substance also refers to macroelements. It is 3% of cell mass. This is an organogen, which is part of amino acids forming proteins. It is also present in nucleotides - the construction material of hemoglobin, hormones, DNA, neurotransmitters, vitamins and other substances.

Due to lack of nitrogen, muscle dystrophy, immunodeficiency, metabolic disorders, physical and mental delay, depression and hypodynamine may occur.

The main source of this macroelement, the role of which is really important - protein food. Eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, legumes, nuts, whole grain bread and vegetable oil.


Macroelements include this substance that is included in the body in an amount of 2%. This is what role he plays:

  • Participates in the process of muscle contractions, acting on the heart, coordinates the heartbeat.
  • Performs functions of building material when creating bones and teeth.
  • Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system, activates the effect of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  • Adjusts blood pressure along with sodium and magnesium.
  • Enhances the effect of vitamin K, which affects blood coagulation.
  • It affects the permeability of cell membranes, participates in the transportation of nutrients.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

The lack of a substance leads to idiopathic hypercalciuria, nephrolity, disruption of intestinal absorption, hypertension, etc. To replenish the balance, we can, propive calcium course. Or just add cream, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, spinach, parsley, beans, broccoli, soy cottage cheese, apples, urydek, kuraga, fish, sweet almond.


This macroelement has its meaning. Its role is as follows:

  • It is part of phosphroteins and phosphorpides, which are in the membrane structure. It is also in the nucleic acids involved in the process of cell division, and also in the storage and application of genetic information.
  • Converts proteins, carbohydrates and fats in energy. Phosphorus is in adenosine trifhosphate molecules - its battery.
  • Participates in metabolism and in the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Activates vitamins of groups D and V.

Due to the lack of phosphorus, pains in the bones and muscles, depletion, weakness of immunity, myocardial changes, hemorrhagic rash, periodontalosis, rickets are observed. Sources of this substance are cheeses, milk, beef liver, sturgeon caviar, oatmeal, seeds, walnuts, pumpkin, carrots, garlic, spinach and cabbage.


This element to macroelements belongs too. Its in the body is only 0.35%, but it performs the following important features:

  • Supports optimal intracellular pressure by participating in the sodium-potassium balance.
  • Provides proper reduction in muscle fibers.
  • Supports inside cells liquid composition.
  • Catalyzes organic reactions.
  • It has a positive effect on the functionality of the kidneys, eliminates grain and swelling.

Due to the lack of potassium, violations in the heart rhythm, tremor, irritability, coordination disorders, muscle weakness, drowsiness and fatigue are observed.

It is contained in the following products: dried apricots, beans, marine cabbage, peas, prunes, almonds, raisins, walnuts and cedar nuts, cashews, potatoes, mustard, lentils.


This is what the benefits of this macroelement, which is part of the body in an amount of 0.25%:

  • This is a substance that plays an important role in the structure of nervous, bone and cartilage tissue, cells, nails, leather and hair.
  • She takes part in the metabolism.
  • It is a component of a number of vitamins, amino acids, hormones and enzymes.
  • Stabilizes the work of the nervous system.
  • Normalizes sugar balance.
  • It has an antiallergic property.
  • Enhances immunity.

And this is just a small list. The lack of sulfur in the body is evidenced by the brittleness of the nails, the dullness of the hair, allergies, frequent constipation, pain in the joints and muscles, tachycardia, peeling of the skin.

The sulfur is part of low-fat beef and pork, fish, birds, eggs, solid cheeses, seafood, mollusks, legumes and cereals, croup, horseradish, mustard, as well as fruits and berries of green varieties.


This macroelement is contained in an amount of 0.15%. Performs the following functions:

  • Regulation of water balance.
  • Normalization of osmotic pressure.
  • Maintain an acid alkaline balance.
  • Transportation of substances through the cell membrane.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Digestion of food (part of the gastric juice).

Sodium deficiency is rare, as it enters our body together with salt - both cook and the one that is in ordinary products. Its sources are smoked and boiled sausages, solid cheeses, vegetable soups, sauerkraut, sprats, canned tuna, mussels, crayfish, crabs.


It is contained in the same amount as sodium - 0.15%. It is indispensable in water-salt exchanging and acid-alkaline balance. In addition, chlorine is involved in osmoregulation - processes allowing unnecessary liquid and salts from the body. And he also stimulates the occurrence of gastric juice, protects against dehydration and normalizes the state of red blood cells.

The main sources of chlorine - food salt, rye and white bread, solid cheese, butter, beef tongue, pork kidneys, herring, mixtures, heck, sairo, washing, oysters, 9 percent cottage cheese, olives, rice, kefir.


This macroelement in the body is less than 0.05%. But it participates in more than 300 different enzymatic reactions. Also without it does not cost the production of protein. And Magnesium makes a more stable cell structure in the process of growth. In addition, it positively affects the growth of bones, heart rhythm, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and serves as an effective means against articular and muscle pain.

Magnesium source - cereals, cereal, white cabbage, peas, soy flour, lemons, grapefruits, apricots, bananas, figs, apples, shrimps, cod, mackerel.

As you can see, all listed macroelements play an essential role in the human body. Therefore, it makes sense to balance its diet so that they all come in full.

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