Treatment of hemorrhoids by fast folk remedies. Ointment from hemorrhoids - Troksevazin. Home rectal suppositories

Hemorrhoids are sometimes called melted for civilization. A sedentary lifestyle, semi-finished food, carbonated searched drinks, nervous breakdowns at work and in transport - all this leads to the weakening of the functions of all human organs, including the rectum.

There is evidence that every 7 out of 10 residents of the Earth have come across hemorrotypes.


Causes of disease development

Hemorrhoids is a common illness of modernity. She affects all humanity, regardless of gender and age. Even in the first year of life, the child may suffer from hemorrhoids.

The causes of its occurrence can be both common among different groups and have their own special features. Consider:

  1. hemorrhoids in men;
  2. hemorrhoids in women;
  3. hemorrhoids in adolescents and children.

Men's causes of the disease:

  • food, to a great extent consisting of meat and carbohydrates and ignoring fruits, vegetables and other products containing fiber and contributing to the proper intestinal operation (this can also include the abuse of acute food with the abundance of burning chairs);
  • alcohol and smoking, leading to failures in the work of the rectum walls;
  • crashing "Rocking" and unreasonable sharp lifting weights in gym;
  • work, providing for a long-term seat in one place without movement: Drivers, truckers.

Prerequisites for the appearance and development of the disease for the female organism:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • stresses (due to a more subtle mental organization of girls and women);
  • menses;
  • women's "sitting" or "standing" profession: seller, hairdresser, office worker.

The faster and not to the end of the formed children's (teenage) body will further react to the venous blinks of the anus on adult smoking habits or the adoption of alcoholic beverages, as well as from long seating for school lessons and when preparing homework.

Even harmless child crying is able to affect the rectum so that the voltage will lead to a hemorrotype disease.

For the children of the first year of life, one of the vital things becomes timely emptying of the intestines and a normal regular chair.

When the child has to be stuck (in the pellecoms, sliders or pot), the blood sticks to the authorities of the lower pelvis and can deform the rectum of swollen and falling out of the rear pass.

Varieties and symptoms

Hemorrhoids happens:

  • outdoor (subcutaneous);
  • internal (sublimated);
  • mixed or combined.

Depending on the stage of development, distinguishes:

  • initial stage;
  • chronic stage;
  • acute inflammatory.

Signs of external hemorrhoids
- It is an unpleasant feeling, the emergence of noticeable to the touch of hardened areas near the anal hole, sometimes bloody discharge from the resulting cracks during feces, then righteous protrusions - hemorrhoidal nodes.

Inner hemorrhoids At first, it does not hurt any inconvenience. There are very little external signs, except that sometimes on toilet paper will appear a few scarlet blood droplets.

But if there is a feeling that in the rectum is a foreign body, if itching and burning are increasingly frequent guests, then the veins and vessels have already begun deformation, under the mucous membrane of the rear passage there are already stagnant areas and it's time to contact the specialists and begin treatment.

In some cases, a combination of both other types of disease is possible.

To treat the disease, of course, preferably and more efficiently in its initial, not launched stages. The sign of this stage is either a complete absence of individual venous nodes, or their temporary appearance (cough, gravity, constipation) with the preventive removal of inside.

The most dangerous and difficult to treat the phase of the disease - chronic hemorrhoids, which, when moving it to the acute stage, can be dangerous for life due to the formation of impassable areas of the rectum, the formation of thrombas, loss of tombed veins and pain shock for the body.

Eli disease arose, the timeliness of treatment is a guarantee of one hundred percent success. The main thing and paramount, which should be done - to deal with the causes of the disease, to understand what has provoked hemorrhoids.

Then you should get rid of these factors by changing lifestyle (from the power to movement). Revised its diet, including fermented milk products, cooler, prunes, can be achieved regular and timely emptying of the intestine, which in turn will reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

Unconventional orientation and perverted ways to use the anal hole should be forgotten if the desire to recover the present, and not a shown. Moreover, such processes are often transfers to oncology.

It is very useful to comply with hygienic rules for content in the purity of the rear pass. Warm baths, the washed of cool water, the preference of wet, not traumatic means used after defecation - all this will help to cure.

Appeal to the proctologist and subsequent treatment, following all the advice and recommendations will be returned to normal health, but together with this (or with weak initial symptoms), you can use and tested folk ways to get rid of hemorrhoids.

How to treat at home?

In alternative medicine, herbs, beekeeping products, special diets and procedures are used.

From vegetable raw materials:

  • roots gentle sweating;
  • antihemorrhoidal fee;
  • flowers of yarrow;
  • ryabina red fruits;
  • young aspen leaves;
  • candles of raw potatoes.

Highlander kidneyOtherwise, called hemorrhoids can be bought in a pharmacy, but it is better to collect on its own, since this plant is spread quite widely in our country.

Root roots during the start of flowering. Dried, crushed. Brew 2 ppm Collection of 0.5 liters. water. After 15 minutes of water bath, they insist 2 hours. Then drink 3 times during the day half an hour before meals. Are treated 12-14 days.

It is recommended to take 50 g of nettle and crust of the crash, grind and mix evenly. Then a complete tablespoon with a slide (about 8 g) is poured with warm water, after 20 minutes of soaking is placed on a water bath and boils there a quarter of an hour.

It insists another half an hour in the bite form. Next flickering. This chandelier liter should be filled into four receptions. On a glass in case of treatment (up to 2 weeks). And for prevention, only two glasses per day (7 days).

Yarrow - generally accepted leakage of all inflammation. 15 g of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a thermos at least an hour. The decoction is fastened and used on a tablespoon before meals. Usually there is a 50 gram pack for the effect, but two such packs may also be needed. It is necessary to mention that the yarrow will strengthen the effect while using potato candles, which treat more solar cases. It is also desirable to wither the candles in the natural honey.

From ripe fresh berries of red rowan Press the juice immediately before eating and drink 100 g of such a juice. It is recommended to use three times a day for one or two weeks. The result will be totable after several techniques.

Osinovye leaves Use externally. The pure green leaves of the aspen tree are slightly used with a knife or sch, then applied to the patient places once a day for a few minutes (from 5 to 15). Treatment of treatment from 5 to 10 days.

Candles from raw potatoes You can treat inner hemorrhoids like this: cut a small cylinder from purified potatoes and insert it into the rear pass in the morning and in the evening after the natural cleansing of the intestine. Course treatment - from 6 to 10 days.

For outdoor hemorrhoids, potatoes are suitable on fine grater. The imposition of such a mask will give a very rapid relief and getting rid of pain. You can alternate potato candles with the same carrot candles, which is no less beneficial effect on the walls of the veins, curable from hemorrhoids.

Honey separately and in combination with propolis Also well established itself in many cases. Use tampons moistened in specially cooked ointments. Take 25 g of natural honey, 10 g of propolis and 50 g of sunflower oil and beeswax.

The oil with wax is stirred and adjusted to a boil, after cooling, drive into the contents of honey and propolis. Such improvised candles are inserted into the anus in the evening after the evening toilet. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days.

Treatment cool baths It gives good results, but it is necessary to avoid hypothermia and acquiring additional inflammations of the lower pelvis organs.

The water poured the water rather low temperatures, several granging gradation graders are added to disinfection, they make a soft cloth and change it to a new one, not heated.

5-7 times enough for one procedure. Similarly, the cold is treated (and carried out prophylaxis), after the feces, without wiping, and pouring the rear pass of a cold jet.

If the hemorrhoid stage is already quite running, then folk methods can be used only with medical complex treatment. But in any case, it is necessary to make the chair not dense and hard.

To do this, there is a better food with a fiber (add bran), comply with water mode, taking diluted means. And eat better in small portions, but more often.

Acute, saved, fried food must be completely excluded from your menu.

Particular attention should be paid to those materials that directly relate to the anal zone. It should be only natural fabrics. Synthetic can cause additional negative consequences. And better, if at the same time the clothes will not be cramped. Clearing veins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis will worsen the situation.

It is very desirable to prevent the legs under the hemorrhoids.

Preventive measures

The most important condition for the prevention of hemorrhoids is proper nutrition. Food should contain in sufficient tissue, not be rejuvenated with rich fats and oils.

Alcohol and soda - the best friends of hemorrhoids. Flour foods, sweets, baking - all this causes stagnation in the intestine, weakens its peristaltics, and therefore - can lead to a stagnation passing in hemorrhoids.

Do not forget to drink a lot of fluid. Drinking less liter of pure water (not taken into account, tea and broths) risks in the risk group as far as the possibility of acquiring diseases of the rectum.

Motor activity is also impossible to overestimate. So that the intestines worked on the clock are required walking, exercise, sports activities.

But harsh lifting weights, as well as ignoring assistance to bandages during pregnancy, can give a negative result. Any voltage must be prepared, gradual, justified.

Even the cough can reach the degree in which the pelvic muscles are so overvolting, which will appear the problem areas that subsequently generate hemorrhoidal nodes.

Take care of your body and do not allow overwork. Psychological injuries can also affect the appearance of hemorrhoids. Both short stresses and long depression are harmful.

Take care of your veins! To strengthen the walls of the veins and blood vessels, you can drink 30 minutes before the meal of Oreshnik's decoction (2 tbsp. Crumpled dry leaves insist in half liters of boiling water about 2 hours). Drink half a cup 4 times a day. You can use no less useful chestnut (50 g of seeds at 0.5 liters. Vodka and insist 2 weeks in a dark place). The resulting tincture is dripped into the water (35 drops on a third of a glass) and drink also before meals for half an hour.

Remember that it is not always correct to diagnose yourself. Meet the surgeon and the proctologist, after which you thoroughly follow their recommendations. It will relieve you from constant painful pain and even more serious consequences of a launched hemorrhoid.

The article discusses the treatment of hemorrhoids at home. You will learn about the symptoms and varieties of the disease, as well as the causes of the disease. We will tell you how to quickly and efficiently get rid of hemorrhoids, consider drugs, folk remedies and copyright techniques for the treatment of this ailment in women and men.

Hemorrhoids - varicose expansion of hemorrhoids, which pass through the rectum. In this case, hemorrhoidal nodes can be formed. The disease is accompanied by a sharp discomfort and painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis. Hemorrhoids - the most common disease in the modern world. According to statistics, more than 10% of the population suffer from this disease.

Distinguish 4 stages hemorrhoids:

  • 1 Stage - At the initial stage, unnormal uncomfortable sensations arise, nodes begin to form. It is amenable to treating folk remedies.
  • 2 Stage - the uncomfortable sensations are enhanced, the nodes are significantly increasing, they can fall outward, itching and bleeding appears. Treatment is carried out by medicine.
  • 3 Stage - all the symptoms are enhanced, mucous allocations appear. The loss of nodes occurs more often and with any minor load. At this stage, the doping of nodes is used, a surgical operation may be required.
  • 4 Stage - severe form of the disease. The nodes are almost all the time outside, bleed and cause sharp pain. At this stage requires operational intervention.

Causes of developing hemorrhoids:

  • pathology of vessels and a tendency to thrombosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the liver and intestines;
  • frequent constipation;
  • lifeline lifestyle or frequent weight lifting;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • increased intraperous pressure during pregnancy.

If you have a uncomfortable feeling in the field of sphincter or streak of blood in Kale, consult a doctor. The specialist will provide first aid and prescribe the necessary medicines. The earlier the treatment of hemorrhoids, the faster and easier the disease passes.

Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids happens congenital or acquired:

  • congenital - occurs at birth, due to extended veins syndrome in the field of small pelvis;
  • acquired - arises due to inflammatory diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation.

Acquired hemorrhoids shall be divided into primary and secondary:

  • primary - caused by independent diseases of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • secondary is a complication of another disease, for example, a cirrhosis of the liver or inflammation of the prostate gland.

By the nature of the course of the disease, they separate acute and chronic hemorrhoids:

  • Acute - appears as a result of infringement of hemorrhoids or vessel thrombosis. Without timely treatment, it can go into the chronic form of the disease.
  • Chronic - symptoms grow gradually, remission periods alternate with exacerbations. The initial stage can last several years. Then the disease progresses.

At the location of the hemorrhoids is divided into internal and outdoor.

Outdoor hemorrhoids

With external or outer, hemorrhoids are located on the surface of the anal sphincter already at the initial stage of the disease. Symptoms of outdoor hemorrhoids: itching, burning and sealing anal sphincter.

Summarize is less noticeable and appear less frequently than with internal hemorrhoids. The process of defecation during constipation causes painful sensations.

With external hemorrhoids, anal cracks often appear, which enhance the bleeding. The outer hemorrhoids leads to the thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes.

For the treatment of outdoor hemorrhoids use:

  • minimally invasive method;
  • conservative treatment;
  • surgical intervention.

The minimally invasive method involves the use of infrared photocoagulation in the early stages of the disease. On 3 and 4 stages are leagged by latex rings. A little later we will analyze them in more detail.

Conservative treatment - the reception of drugs in combination with proper nutrition and adjustment of motor activity. There are several forms of drugs for treating hemorrhoids:

  • tablets (Detralex);
  • mazi (Vishnevsky ointment);
  • creams (Posterizan-Forte);
  • gels (throksevazine);
  • rectal candles (relief);
  • local anesthetics (Menovazin).

Immunomodulators use ASD fraction - a solution for local applications.

Surgical intervention is resorted when the remaining methods of treatment turned out to be ineffective, as well as with the exacerbation of the disease and the development of complications, for example, during thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node. During the operation, a clot of venous blood is removed. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes and does not require a long restoration.

How to treat outdoor hemorrhoids, determines the attending physician. The disease is not amenable to self-treatment and can lead to adverse consequences.

Inner hemorrhoids

The appearance of the outer and inner hemorrhoids in the context. INTERNAL - internal, external - external. The expansion of the lower row of the vessels of the rectum leads to the formation of an internal hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoidal nodes are formed under the skin. The main reason for the inner hemorrhoids - blood stagnation in the organs of the small pelvis.

The initial stage of the disease can take place without symptoms. Influence the development of the disease can raise weights, frequent constipation, childbirth.

For internal hemorrhoids are characterized by abundant bleeding. In the later stages, hemorrhoidal nodes hidden inside are falling out.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, the same methods are used as with external: drugs, minimally invasive methods (cryodestruction and ligation of latex rings), operational intervention.

If the means of traditional medicine can be used to treat outdoor hemorrhoids, then for internal home methods are not used. The disease is often detected in the later stages when a surgical operation is needed.

Determine how to treat internal hemorrhoids is necessary with the help of a specialist. Do not self-medicate to prevent the development of complications.

Hemorrhoids treatment at home

How to cure hemorrhoids at home? We will analyze the well-known ways of treating traditional and traditional medicine.

The first 3 stages of the disease do not have direct testimony to hospitalization and surgical intervention, so it is possible to treat them at home. There are many drugs for treating hemorrhoids. At the initial stage of the disease, folk remedies can be used. Before starting treatment, consult a proctologist.

At home, local action preparations are used: ointment, creams, candles. These tools quickly remove painful symptoms. Before applying a means, learn instructions for use.

Mazi from hemorrhoids

Ointment is suitable for treating the outer shape of hemorrhoids. The tool is applied to hemorrhoidal nodes with a cotton swab. The ointment has a deep penetrating ability, so quickly removes painful symptoms.

The tool is suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women, since this dosage form acts locally and is minimally absorbed into the blood.

Name Description Efficiency
Relief Advance Exhibits anesthetic effect, relieves inflammation and accelerates cell regeneration. The tool is suitable for the treatment of outdoor and internal hemorrhoids. Quickly removes swelling and pain syndrome.
Hepatrombin The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves inflammation and has an anesthetic effect. The ointment is effective in acute form of hemorrhoid, which is accompanied by thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes.
Fleming ointment A homeopathic preparation with an anesthetic, bactericidal and vasoconductive effect. The tool removes inflammation and reduces pain syndrome. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Vishnevsky ointment The tool reduces the swelling of hemorrhoidal nodes, has an anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Suitable for the treatment of the outer shape of hemorrhoids, has no contraindications.
Burning Ointment based on natural components. The means enhances the regeneration of tissues, relieves inflammation. The ointment quickly removes the swelling and dries the inflamed areas of the skin. Thanks to the natural composition, suitable for inputting the rectum.
Troksevazin Tones the walls of the vessels and prevents swelling. Effective only with outer hemorrhoids.
Proktosan Ointment has anti-inflammatory, painkillers and drying actions. Does not contain hormones. Quickly removes pain syndrome and increases cell regeneration. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Heparinovaya ointment The tool warns the formation of thrombov. Apply to the treatment of acute hemorrhoid stage.
Aurobin Combined drug based drugs. Remove pain syndrome and inflammation. Effectively dries inflammation and relieves pain.
Levomecol Ointment has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. Quickly heals damaged areas of the skin, purifies the anal cracks from the decay products and removes pain syndrome.
Nefluan The hormonal drug removes inflammation and pain. Effective in infectious diseases of the rectum.
Ichthyol ointment The antiseptic drug has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Ointment quickly removes itching and painful syndrome, accelerates cell regeneration.
Methyluracyl ointment The tool relieves inflammation and accelerates cell regeneration. It helps to quickly cure cracks and ulcers of the anal ring, removes pain syndrome.
Posterizan It has a local immunomodulatory effect. Effective for healing anal cracks and recovery in the postoperative period.
Crocused Hormonal ointment with anti-inflammatory action. The drug removes itching and prevents the formation of thrombus. Highly efficient drug that increases vessel elasticity and is suitable for treating all types of hemorrhoids.

Proktozan, Relief, Posterizan and some other drugs produced in the form of ointments and suppositories.

Candles from hemorrhoids

Suppositories - the most popular form of preparations for treating hemorrhoids. The principle of action of rectal candles - active ingredients act directly to the focus of inflammation. They are prescribed both with external and internal hemorrhoids.

The candle gradually softened under the influence of body temperature, then the drug is distributed according to the rectum and partially derived from the body.

Name Description Efficiency
Relief The tool has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and immunomodulatory action. Quickly removes the swelling, narrows the vessels and eliminates the uncomfortable sensations.
Proton-Gillienol Active substances improve blood outflow, relieve inflammation and possess an antiseptic effect. The remedy is prescribed for the treatment of exterior cones. It relieves pain, itching and inflammation. Contrained to use at the stage of formation of thromboms.
Anuzol The antiseptic drug has an anesthetic, astringent and antispasmodic action. It effectively dry and heals damaged skin, removes pain syndrome.
Ultrafrokt Hormonal drug with an anesthetic effect. Quickly pain relieves and relieves inflammation in the hearth disease.
Olezesin Powerful analgesic, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively relieves pain and inflammation. The course of treatment is not more than 10 days.
Natalsid Hemostatic agent with anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly stops bleeding and eliminates uncomfortable sensations. The means is used during pregnancy and during lactation.
Hepazolon Hormonal drug with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool removes pain syndrome and inflammation, but does not cope with bleeding and infections.
Gemo-pro The homeopathic preparation has anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Quickly removes uncomfortable sensations in the form of itching and burning, suitable for long-term reception.
Nigepan. Remaining blood clots, and warns the formation of new blood clots. It has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool quickly relieves pain and uncomfortable sensations. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Prosopin Candles tone vessel walls and manifest a fit. It helps to heal wounds, increases immunity and eliminates uncomfortable sensations.

Ointments and candles are used for complex therapy, combined with diet and motor activity. To competently pick up the drug - contact a proctologist.

Folk remedies from hemorrhoids

Folk Medicine offers affordable and effective methods of treating hemorrhoids. Judging by the reviews, unconventional treatment methods cope with the disease much faster than official. Many of the treatments listed below are in every home. We will analyze them in more detail.

Name Description and instructions Efficiency

Raw potatoes eliminate itching and burning, and also speeds up the healing process. The grated potatoes wrap in gauze and apply to the rear aisle for 10 minutes.

Also, rectal candles are cut from raw potatoes, which insert into the rear pass in the morning, in the evening and after each defecation.

Compress is used to treat outdoor hemorrhoids. The tool eliminates the uncomfortable sensations after the first application.

Candles from potatoes are effectively absorbed by hemorrhoidal nodes. The tool is used even to treat the solar hemorrhoids.

Cabbage Cabbage removes the swelling, accelerates blood circulation and reduces inflammation. For treatment, vegetable juice uses, they use cabbage in a fresh form and make compresses from the leaves of the plant. The remedy quickly eliminates the anal cracks and removes pain syndrome.
Cucumber The use of cucumbers in food prevents the formation of constipation. The decoction of cucumber grass has a hemostatic effect. The agent is taken at half a glass 3 times a day. The cucumber effectively prevents constipation and eliminates bleeding.
Honey Honey removes swelling and inflammation, reduces pain and speeds up cell regeneration. Candles made candles, baths or take it inside. In the form of a candle, the agent is used from 2 times a day. The tool quickly heals the cracks, removes pain syndrome. Course treatment is less than a week.
Aloe Removes inflammation, speeds up the process of wound healing, has an antiseptic effect. Aloe juice is used for rings and compresses that are applied to the place of inflammation. Plant juice is taken inside 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Effective tool for healing anal cracks. Quickly removes inflammation.
Sea buckthorn oil Stops bleeding, relieves inflammation and has an anesthetic effect. The oil is taken inside 1 tablespoon and make on its basis. Watch tampon is wetted in oil and applied to the anal area for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The tool quickly removes inflammation and dissipates hemorrhoidal nodes. Oil is used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Bay leaf The plant has a bactericidal and anti-ethnic effect. The infusion of the laurel sheet removes itching and inflammation. A glass of products drink through the day with small sips. With the plant make medicinal baths. Funds based on plants quickly remove the swelling and uncomfortable sensations.
Propolis The tool has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. From propolis make candles and ointments at home. It is combined with vaseline or used as an independent drug. Propolis effectively heals the anal cracks and is dissipating hemorrhoidal nodes at any stage. It is used to prevent the disease.
Mumie The tool shows antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is used to apply to the anal area or for intro 2-3 times a day. Mumia quickly removes pain syndrome and eliminates inflammation. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Celandine The plant has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Therapeutic infants, decoctions and juice are prepared from Cellity. Celest effectively disinfects and heals anal cracks. Plant-based remedies are absorbed by hemorrhoidal nodes.
Garlic Garlic removes inflammation, absorbs nodes and has an anti-infective effect. It is eaten by an empty stomach one to one tooth or used for baths that are effectively removed by pain syndrome. The tool quickly relieves pain and inflammation. After 1-2 weeks, the symptoms of the disease are completely.
Water Cold water facilitates painful and unpleasant symptoms. Water is used for the bath or simply beam after defecation. The method is used to treat external hemorrhoids at any stage of the disease. Quickly removes uncomfortable sensations, but the action lasts not long.
Lopeh The plant removes the swelling and painful syndrome. For external treatment, baths and compresses are used for receiving inside, decoctions and infusions are used that are taken on an empty stomach. Funds from burdock quickly remove inflammation and reduce pain. After 1-2 procedures, the symptoms of the disease are significantly reduced.
Hydrogen peroxide The means disinfects cracks and struggles with pathogenic bacteria. The peroxide satures oxygen cells. Used for intake and externally. After 2-3 procedures, pain and inflammation passes. The peroxide stops small bleeding.
Ice Stops bleeding and reduces inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes. The ice is used after each defecation act for pain relief. Does not possess therapeutic action, but only facilitates the symptoms of the disease.
Calendula The plant stops inflammation, heals the cracks and reduces the edema of the nodes. For treatment use infusions and decoctions. Based on them makes baths and compresses. Funds based on plants are quickly removed pain syndrome and inflammation. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Soda Helps from constipation, normalizes acid-alkaline balance. Used in the form of a bath, compresses and in the form of a solution for intake. Soda helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the sharp shape of hemorrhoids. Baths with soda are contraindicated for diseases of the prostate gland.
Chamomile The plant relieves inflammation, stops bleeding and has an anesthetic effect. Chamomile is used for baths, lotions, enema. Based on the plant prepare infusions and decoctions. Chamomile quickly removes itching, burning and painful syndrome. Suitable for long-term use, has a soft healing effect.
Tar The tool reduces inflammation and swelling, eliminates pain and uncomfortable sensations. Delet add to the bath. Delet heals the anal cracks and eliminates bleeding. Toxic, so it should be used with caution.

The infusion of nettles and the crust of the crash helps to remove inflammation, stops bleeding and removes the swelling. Herbs insist in equal proportions for 20 minutes. Infusion take half a glass to 4 times a day.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids also use Highlanders kidney and yarrow.

The tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease and has no contraindications. Course treatment - from 7 to 10 days. Infusion can be taken to prevent.
Leeches The leeches suck the condensed blood from the focus of inflammation, remove the swelling. The leech is applied to the inflamed hemorrhoidal node until it falls off. This technique is suitable for removing the swelling, but not for the treatment of the disease. Leeches are used as an alternative to surgical intervention.
Latex rings During ligation, the doctor puts on a hemorrhoidal knot of a latex ring, which prevents the influx of blood. This procedure leads to a dying of the tank fabric. Effective method of combating hemorrotype 3 and 4 degrees. Recovery after the procedure takes no more than 3 days.

Despite the high efficiency of traditional medicine, consult an expert before applying unconventional treatment methods.


Name Description and instructions Efficiency
By Malysheva Elena Malysheva recommends to treat hemorrhoids to reduce the intensity of physical exertion, to eat correctly, perform certain exercises and apply medicinal ointments and creams. According to the Malysheva, for treatment it is necessary to use vetonic drugs (Venarus) and rectal candles (posts). The method of treating hemorrhoids on Malysheva has high proven efficacy. Complex treatment allows in a short time to get rid of the symptoms of the disease.
In Malakhov The doctor recommends using the complex therapy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which combines folk remedies and proper nutrition. The technique includes sea buckthorn oil, warming up in steam baths, source. The doctor advises to avoid hypothermia and wash the anal sphincter after defecation its own urine. Malakhov's patients appointed cream wax healthy. Some treatments for Malakhov are not recognized as traditional medicine and do not have proven effectiveness, for example, urinotherapy. The rest of the treatment techniques effectively cope with hemorrhoid symptoms.
In Popov The doctor has developed a hemorrhoid treatment technique with cucumber. According to the Popov from the purified cucumber, the rectal candle is cut and insert it into the rear pass overnight. The doctor offers an alternative method - to cut or grate the cucumber on the grater and apply to the anal sphincter. This treatment method caused numerous disputes among adherents of traditional methods of treatment and fans of traditional medicine. Cucumber helps to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms with hemorrhoids, but does not have the proven efficiency of the technique.
According to Kondakov Kondakov in its methodology focuses on strengthening vessel walls and vessel tones. Hemorrhoid treatment is reduced to 4 steps: cleansing the body, phytotherapy, external therapy, physiotherapy. The order of steps can not be broken. Along with drugs, the doctor recommends performing a complex of exercise. The weekly treatment on Kondakov reduces the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The technique is suitable for the treatment of any form of illness. Feedback talk about the effectiveness of the Kondakov method.
By imperative Professor recommends normalizing the intestinal acid-alkaline balance. For this, it advises to use soda and hydrogen peroxide. Nesimevakin recommends that the exercise "Walking on the buttocks" to train the muscles of the pelvic region and stick to the plant diet. The peroxide and soda is dissipated by hemorrhoidal nodes for 4-5 days. The method of Professor Neumyvakina contributes to rapid recovery and prevents hemorrhoids from complications.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home in women

According to statistics, women more often men turn to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appears, which helps to stop the disease at the initial stage.

The mechanism of the appearance of hemorrhoids is not divided by gender, but there are specific causes of the disease, characteristic only for women. For example, during pregnancy, the pressure on the organs of the small pelvis increases, which leads to a bloodstream in the venous vessels, their stretching and formation of nodes. On 2 and 3 trimesters, the hemorrhoids can provoke frequent constipation, which are caused by the pressure of the fetus into the rectum.

After childbirth, the woman can also begin to suffer from this disease. During the emergence of a child, the woman in labor is hundreds of times stronger than with the usual act of defecation, which can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids.

For treatment during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, local actions are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams, candles. A list of pharmaceutical preparations that are allowed for reception during pregnancy and lactation, small, so folk medicine comes to the rescue.

For treatment, calendula and chamomile, sea buckthorn oil and honey are used. When a child is on breastfeeding, it is necessary to take a very carefully to choose the choice of medicines, so before that, be sure to consult a specialist.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home in men

Representatives of the strong floor often postpone the visit to the doctor when the first signs of the disease appears, thereby exacerbating the state. According to statistics, the peak of morbidity in men accounts for age about 40 years.

Most often, men suffer from hemorrotype due to heavy work related to weight lifting, such as movers, rods. Sitting work also provokes a disease. In the risk group of the chauffery, office workers.

Not only an adult man, o and teenager can "earn" hemorrhoids. A sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition and hereditary factors can lead to the emergence of this ailment at a young age.

The treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women does not differ in principle, however, representatives of strong sex are less likely to resort to traditional medicine. This video will introduce you to the methods of treating hemorrhoids in men.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Adhere to the following advice for the prevention of hemorrhoids:

  • if you sit while working for a long time, then once an hour take breaks for 5-10 minutes, actively move at this time;
  • regularly perform special exercises to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis organs;
  • for long seats, choose a hard stool instead of soft;
  • correctly manifest - turn on more vegetables into your diet and reduce the consumption of the flour;
  • after each defecation, it is cooled with cold water;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not abuse alcohol, acute and salted food.


For the prevention of hemorrhoids, perform simple exercises:

  1. Stand straight, cross legs and strain the buttocks for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times a day.
  2. Lying on the back raise your legs up in turn for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Stand up in the dog's position, make the palm, elbows and knees. Lower the pelvis in one, then in the other way so that the buttocks touch the floor. Perform 3 approaches to 15-20 times.

Complication of hemorrhoids

If you do not treat hemorrhoids on time, you can provoke the development of complications:

  1. Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes - arises as a result of blood stagnation in venous vessels. At the same time, bleeding increases, weakness, dizziness appears, and the blood pressure decreases.
  2. Anemia - regular blood loss can lead to anemia, and as a result and to oxygen starvation of vital organs. An increasing pain appears, and swelling increases.
  3. Paraproktitis - purulent inflammation of the tissues of the anal area. The complication is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the total weakness and intoxication of the body due to the delay of urination and defecation.
  4. The infringement of the hemorrhoidal node - can occur due to the reduction of the anal sphincter during the defecation act when the node is dropped. At the same time, a sharp pain appears, the swelling and inflammation around the anal ring increases. The infringement can lead to long bleeding.
  5. Long bleeding - during the acute phase of the disease, strong bleeding can be opened. If within an hour it does not stop, then you need to call an ambulance.

What will happen if not to treat hemorrhoids

The longer you postpone the visit to the doctor, the harder will be the disease. It is not necessary to hope that hemorrhoids will resolve itself. This disease requires compulsory treatment.

Running hemorrhoids leads to a number of complications that we talked above. Often it is not possible to get rid of them without surgery. Hemorrhoids without proper treatment can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor.

What to remember

  1. The reasons for the development of hemorrhoids are a sedentary lifestyle, lifting weight, alcohol abuse and improper nutrition.
  2. At the initial stage of the disease, hemorrhoids is amenable to treating folk remedies. In the later stages, surgical intervention is necessary.
  3. There are effective methods of preventing the disease, including special exercises.
  4. Running hemorrhoids can lead to a number of complications, right up to oncology.

Hemorrough They refer to the varicose expansion of hemorrhoidal veins with the formation of external and (or) internal hemorrhoids (cones), which often cause bleeding. Outdoor hemorrhoids are visible as separate formations around the rear passage of the magnitude of the pea to the nut.

Hemorrhoids - the disease is common. It arises or from the back of the rear pass, or from sedentary life. In women, it is mainly a consequence of childbirth.

Although hemorrhoids are removed by the operational way, but after a while it is often returned.

Symptoms:at the initial stage of the disease there are no specific symptoms. Over time, there is a feeling of gravity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, sometimes itching or burning, in the presence of a crack or inflammatory process - pain, especially during defecation. The infringement of swelling hemorrhoids can also cause pain. The heavy stage of the disease is characterized by bleeding and general weakness. Abundant and frequent bleeding becomes the cause of the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.

When bleeding, you must immediately consult a doctor!

What's happening?The causes of hemorrhoids are most often chronic constipation, uterine bends, inflammatory processes of the rectum, a sedentary lifestyle, long-term work standing and excessive physical exertion associated with lifting weights, that is, all factors contributing to the increase in pressure in the veins of the rectum. With the development of the disease, that is, the expansion of the veins of the rectum and the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes and cones in the rear passage, the feeling of itching and burning appears at first. With the appearance of cracks and the enhancing infection, pain appear during defecation. The thinning of the walls of the "nodes" and the presence of cracks in the rectum leads to bleeding.

What to do?Very effectively in the treatment of hemorrhoids, to enter the anal hole of the candle of raw potatoes. When inflammation around the anal opening, lubricate the corresponding areas by apricot oil.

Eating rice, cauliflower and potatoes, honey, meat and fish;

Abandon the use of peas, beans and beans, mustard and pepper, cabbage, misappropriate fruits and black bread;

Prevent constipation and not to sleep during defecation;

To carefully observe hygiene; It is desirable to argue or wipe the rear passage area with a wet napkin if you are out of the house.

Nodal expansion of the veins of the lower part of the rectum. With hemorrhoids are harmful pepper, mustard, cabbage, black bread, podlock plants, immature fruits.

Potatoes, cauliflower, rice, meat, fish and especially honey. With therapeutic goal, it should be more used to use fresh onion or juice from it (1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day); raw grated carrots; Fresh apples and grapes (facilitates pain); It is useful to swallowing whole pieces of garlic cleaned from the husk (garlic is not digested and, moving along with the feet, burns the patient, helping healing); Drinking an empty stomach 1- 2 cup of serum, with hemorrhoidal bleeding there are more cabbage white-baked and drinking axes of sauerkraut (1 / 2-2 glasses in warm form).

Recipes of traditional medicine

Before their application, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the disease is accompanied by bleeding.

1. Steam sitting bath with the addition of bums onion in milk. In a thick clay pot, pour 1/2 l of milk, omit 4 bulbs there, all of this to slaughter on slow fire in a closed pot. Clean the intestines with ordinary enema and disappear the rear pass over the pot. It is used to treat internal hemorrhoids.

2. Cold seating bath. 1 l of cold water pour into pelvis and make a seated bath for 1-5 min. Do so 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. It is good in this water to throw a few granging bags so that the water is gentle pink.

3. The infusion of grass drugs is used for seating baths (10 min.) With outer hemorrhoids.

4. Cracks from hemorrhoids to lubricate once a day with pure ichthyol and use only liquid food at this time, not allowing constipation.

5. If the bumps are swollen and inside the login cannot, then let them break through. To do this, you need to apply compresses from hot bran or oats. When the bumps break through, then apply an exhaust mark - water with the additive of Tanin.

6. Candles made of cheese purified potatoes, candles from sugar honey, leeches on bumps, etc.

But what funds from hemorrhoid reports Russian doctor P. M. Kurennov.

The method of treating hemorrhoids aspen leaves

In the central provinces of Russia, the old women treated the hemorrhoids of the leaves of Osin. Everyone knows a tree on which, according to legend, Judas hanged himself. From this as if aspen and became bitter.

The old women took the leaves of Osina and put them on hemorrhoidal cones, leaving them for two hours. Then they gave a sick vacation and, depending on the limitation of hemorrhoids, health and age of the patient, again superimposed the fresh leaves of Osin, vyuorly watching the treatment proceeded.

If the patient comes into a restless state, the leaves remove and carefully wash the place. The patient is given to be prevailed. In a day or two, you can re-impose leaves on the cones. With a decrease in the size of the cones, it is necessary to use the leaves of the aspen, gradually moving only to water wash.

This tool, as follows, is able to prevent the return of hemorrhoids. If he, over the expectation, and returns, only many years later.

There are some more good money from hemorrhoids. With these funds, the patient can be helped for nine - fourteen days if it will accurately follow the instructions given above.

Caucasian method of treating hemorrhoids

First do it cold washafter each fear. Then - impose a cold compress on the cones. It is made from a soft cloth. First time to keep the compress one minute, three or four times a day, not counting the kneadings after each fear. So continue until the bumps disappear. It will take from three weeks to one and a half months, depending on a number of reasons. For example, it is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages, from women and from working in a standing position. Horizontal body position andpeace, i.e., a long holiday in bed or on the sofa, significantly contribute to treatment.

In general, hemorrhoids (there were cases of hemorrhoids of hemorrhteum of sixteen years ago, the so-called domestic, in the old days in the Caucasus was used ice candles.For this, paper forms of the cylindrical sample were made, first a small diameter so that they could be entered with possible painlessness in the rear pass. Forms fill with water and give them to freeze, thus obtaining ice candles.

Before entering a candle to the back pass, you need the end of the candle to omit in warm water so that the top of the vertices of the candle did not cause the appearance in the output channel, or make candles with rounded heads. It goes without saying that before the introduction of a candle in the rear pass, the paper form is removed.

First time - three - five days - you need to keep the candle half a minute, no more. Then every three - five days add more half a minute, depending on how the patient will feel. If the candle is entered unsuccessfully or the patient holds it for too long, irritation may turn out. Patient addiction to women and alcoholic beverages or long-term work in a standing position can lead to high temperature in the rear pass. In this case, it is necessary to make cold wash and even put the compress from a soft cloth. Keep the last of three to five minutes.

Simple People's Method of Treatment

INsome places of Russia, rustic lycari applies a very simple way to treat hemorrhoids. It is that the patient sits in the pelvis filled with cold water(However, not too cold and not ice), every night before bedtime for five minutes.

It can hardly believe in such a way it is possible to completely cure hemorrhoids, but it is possible that some relief of pain can still be achieved. Folk Lekari advise continue treatment for three weeks in a row, every evening.

Best tool

For the manufacture of this medicine, the following substances are needed: fuel sierain powder creortar,also in powder, white, and chamomile.

The chamomile must be skipped several times through the meat grinder and sift through the fine sieve to make the powder from it. All these substances are mixed in equal amounts. Usually the tablespoon of each is taken. Creortar and fuel sulfur often contain lumps; They need to be well confused so that it is precisely the powder. Rubbing lumps is made by an ordinary spoon. After that, the creortar and fuel sulfur is carefully mixed with the chamomile.

For the first time, they usually buy sulfur and CreortarTa-RA on 4-6 oz, and chamomile - 12-16, as it is much easier for weight than sulfur or creortar. Yes, and after sieving it, there remains the so-called "waste".

Chamomile can be taken in a slightly larger quantity. In about the preparation of the medicine, take a spoonful of chamomile, full with top, while sulfur and creortartar on a spoon, full to the edges.

The mixture is prepared at the calculation so that it is enough for ten days, for daily reception before food, threetimes a day. Take on a teaspoon by sending powder straight inroth and drinking it with a heat-hot water. The powder is pleasant to taste, does not cause disgust and absorbs quite easily.

Prerequisite when using this tool: Do not drink and refrain from women. You should stay more in bed and go less. After each chair, wipe the rear pass without paper, but a wet cloth.

Outstanding Persian

it smoky sitting bathfrom the barns, which in Persia eat camels, or garlic. Take a low iron bidon, on the bottom of it to put a brick strongly warmed on fire and pour or finely chopped garlic on this brick, or throw spines. When it starts to smoke and burn, then sit on the bidon to get a smoke bath. Continue so as needed. Persians, for centuries, successfully used this method of treating hemorrhoids.

Good Siberian and Community Means

This is juice fresh rowan.If this juice drinks a very long time, then "opens" even internal hemorrhoids. This juice acts better than the laxative. It should drink this juice three times a day for two glasses with the addition of sugar and drink a glass of water.

Few words

Speaking about various recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids, a rich Russian merchant and the Kuban Cossack B. Persistently noticed that in the hospital there is no method of treating hemorrhoids with a simple torsion of hemorrhoids ... just with cold water and that he himself cured hemorrhoids by this way. The merchant B. added that, having accustomed to the arms during treatment, he still practiced, so to speak, because of the habit.

Treating hemorrhoids with cold seating baths and is the same almost kneading. This is first. Secondly, it takes a lot of time to cure hemorrhoids with cold water. It is necessary to make from three hundred and thousands of rejunctions and take cold seating baths for two to four months. Treatment is very slow: it is not worth the heater. The easiest way and most likely to be treated hot water alumand drink decoction grass royal scepter,or mullein.Some other ways are also good and more quickly cure hemorrhoids than the isolation and cold baths.

B. American scientist Dr. N. V. Vokter in his book "Raw vegetable juices" describes the most fundamental method of treating hemorrhoids. In a large American city, one lawyer suffered hemorrotype in so heavy form that he could not pass one block. Every few dozen steps, he was forced to stop and "to edit" his hands "Lot of Fistula". After two months, a strict diet from raw vegetables and raw fruitsand large quantity raw (fresh) vegetable juicesfrom a monstrous hemorrhoids, a lawyer has no trace.

If anyone decides parallel to treat one of the funds, and adhere to Dr. Dr. Diet, it will greatly accelerate the treatment and make it fundamental. By the way, with the diet of Dr. Walnki, walnuts and almond nuts replace bread. However, it should be borne in mind that the slightest deviation from the diet cannot be allowed: it is impossible there is no bread, nor meat, nor dairy products, nothing boiled, baked or roasted. You can not drink coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, alcoholic beverages. You can use some varieties of coffee, not containing completely caffeine, as well as mint tea. Chinese, Ceylon and Indian tea contains two times more Taine - the same caffeine as in coffee, and, of course, a lot of Tanina, so the taboo them!

Faithful to all 100 percent therapeutic agent

This recipe was cured of hemorrhoids of dozens (and maybe hundreds) thousands of people.

Recipe. You need to purchase a work glove. It should be made of thick skin (horse, cow, donkey). It is necessary to cut off the middle finger of the gloves, fill ice from the refrigerator (gridden in small pieces), lace up the top end of the leather finger and tie so that the ice can not get enough sleep. Lubricate the ice-stuffed finger with plant vaseline (where there is no possibility to get vegetable vaseline, you can use simple vaseline). A lubricated vaseline finger should be inserted in the evening in front of bedtime in the rear pass, but so that the end of the finger remains outside and the end of the cord is also. In the morning, take out my finger with ice, wash it carefully. This is repeating every night.

At all, do not be afraid that the ice will cool the rear pass (and, consequently, the body) and causing a cold. Since the finger was from thick skin, then no cold is possible. Remember that ice inside the finger of thick skin gloves only cool down, and will not catch the inside of the rear pass. Four - five weeks your hemorrhoids will leave the "guests" to the demonic grandmother ...

The famous doctor O. Morozov advises from hemorrhoids to drink the infusion of Alexandrian sheet, as other laxatives enhance with hemorrhoids. And further:

1. Brew cleanliness in such a proportion: one teaspoon of dry grass on a glass of boiling water, insist of half an hour and drinking such a Navara several cups per day.

2. Helps an empty stomach of 1-2 serum glasses.

3. There is as much raw carot as possible, and to drink a glass of very hot informous sorrel at night.

Physician O. Morozova reports the sympathetic agent from hemorrhoids: to wear with him constantly wand pure Red Surguc - he not only heals from hemorrhoids, but also warns his appearance.

Vintage folk hospitals give some more tips and recipes from hemorrhoids. Here is some of them:

1. nettle (sheet) - 1 part, coarser (bark) - 1 part. 8 g of a mixture on 1 liters of boiling water. Boil 10 min. on weak

fire, insist, shutting, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 cup 4 times a day with severe pains without cones.

2. St. John's wort. Take in the form of a broth: a tablespoon of crushed grass pour a glass of boiling water, boiling for 15 minutes. On weak fire, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

3. Caline ordinary. When bleeding, they use the decoction of the bark (4 teaspoons of crushed bark pour the glass of water, boil 30 minutes, strain hot, add water to the original volume and take on a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals).

4. Cabbage. Prayer cabbage pickles drink from 1/2 cup to 2 glasses in warm form.

5. Dandelion medicinal. 2 teaspoons of crushed root pour a glass of cold boiled water, insist 8 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

6. The famous collector of folk recipes and treatment methods S. A. Alekseev recommends that hemorrhoid take seating baths from lime water. He also leads the Georgian method of treating hemorrhoids by font of the rear passage with sulfur smoke, sprinkled with gray hot corners.

7. Caucasian peoples for the treatment of hemorrhoids (so-called) use so-called ice candles. To obtain them, cylindrical cups of small diameter are made of paper, fill them with water and frozen. Before entering into the rear pass, they are lowered in warm water to remove the paper.

The first 3-5 days the candle is kept no more than 30 seconds. Then every 3-5 days are added for 30 seconds, focusing on well-being.

8. Ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids used in China and Mongolia: 10-15 g of a raw bone marrow from the Berbsovoy Pig Bone (sometimes 50, and even 100 g) mixed to the cascidular state with 2.2 g of camphores and 1.5 copper vitriol. This ointment lubricates the rear pass once a day, preferably for the night. Keep ointment in a cool place. During the treatment, refrain from alcohol, sex life, long walking and working standing.

9. Another advice from the old hospital. Cool cooked yolks crowed and put on a small fire in a skillet and heated, stirring, then squeeze the oil, which treats burns and wounds, quenches the hemorrhoidal pain, treats the cracks of the nipples, drives out of the face of freckles and stains, deprived, scars and fiery trails.

General rules of treatment

It is recommended to exclude hot drinks, tea, coffee, etc., as well as red wine from the diet. All products containing starch are prohibited - white bread, bakery, rice, potatoes, etc. The summer is recommended to use fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, etc., every hot food and drinks contribute to the emergence of constipation. If bread is used, it must be rye stale. Honey should be replaced with sugar.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the emergence of constipation. If this lifestyle cannot be changed due to the nature of the patient's work, the following exercises are assigned.

Before lifting in a sitting position, lift and lower the body without your help. These movements should be done 20-30 times every morning.

To become straight, put hands on the hips and squat, this exercise is also repeated 20-30 times.

In bed, there should be a massage of the abdomen using a towel, slightly moistened with cold water and wound up. This is done as follows: on the right side of the belly from his left part in the direction of the ribs 10 times, on the left side of the ribs in the same way 10 times. This procedure should be repeated every morning.

You can not use coarse paper. In some cases, a soft sponge and cold water bring relief without any treatment.

With hemorrhoids: follow so that there are no constipation;

do not irritate the stomach with alcohol drinks, beer, not salty, sharp, spicy;

beware of colds, especially the bottom of the body,

avoid long walking and working standing;

never sit in a cold place, especially for metal;

after each toilet, it is cold water;

Flowers plants royal scepter, or a korlar, should be fed into the kettle and drink like tea.

Boil eight liters of water in a saucepan. Dissolve 400 g of kids in this boiling water. Close the pan best with a wooden lid. In the center of the lid should be a hole. Above this hole to warm the rear passage until steam leaves. After a session, lubricate the rear pass (inside and outside) vaseline and be sure to accept the laxative. Some Lekari advise first to accept the laxative and clean the intestines, and then to warm up the rear pass over the ferry boiling water with alum.

Warming should be done no more than once a week. Two or three warming ups are usually enough to cure.

Very effectively combine the treatment of quastsi ferry with tea drink from dried colors of the royal scepter.

Take a thick clay pot or a saucepan and pour two liters of milk into it. Lower there four large onions heads. The pot (or pan) should be closed with a lid. All this is floating in the oven on slow fire. After that, close the pot with a wooden lid with a hole and warm the back passage over the ferry until steam leaves. You can repeat sessions in three days. Three or four heating is considered enough. It is notable for six hours before the session to accept the laxative, and in front of the session and especially after a session, lubricate the rear pass (inside and outside) vaseline.

Lekari Folk Medicine consider the following means indispensable in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Take the leaves of Osin and impose on hemorrhoids of the bumps, leaving them for two hours. Then give a sick holiday and, depending on the limitation of hemorrhoids, health and age of the patient, render fresh leaves of Osin carefully following how treatment proceeds.

If the patient comes into a restless state of the leaves to remove and carefully wash the place. Patient give to relax. In a day or two, you can re-impose leaves on the cones. With a decrease in the size of the cones, it is necessary to use the leaves of the aspen, gradually moving only to water wash.

First you need to do cold wash after each fear. Then impose a cold compress on the cones. It is made from a soft cloth. First time to keep the compress one minute three or four times a day, not counting the kneadings after each fear. So continue until the bumps disappear. It will take from three weeks to one and a half months depending on the number of reasons. For example, it is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages, from working in a standing position, etc. Horizontal position of the body and peace, that is, long holiday in bed or on the sofa, significantly contribute to treatment.

When the internal hemorrhoids are used, "ice candles" are used. For this, paper forms of a cylindrical sample are made, first a small diameter so that they can be painlessly enter into the rear pass. Forms are filled with cold water and give them to freeze, thus obtaining ice candles. For this purpose, you can also use rubber attacks sold in pharmacies.

Before entering a candle to the rear pass, you need the end of the candle to omit in warm water so that the tip of the vertices of the candle did not poured the output channel or make candles with rounded heads. Before entering the candle in the back pass, a paper shape or rubber attack is removed.

First time (three to five days) you need to keep a candle half a minute, no more. Then every three or five days add more half a minute depending on how the patient would feel. If the candle is introduced unsuccessfully or patient keeps it too long, irritation may occur.

Abuse of patient with alcohol drinks, long-term work in a standing position can lead to high temperatures in the rear pass. In this case, it is necessary to make cold wash and impose a cold compress from a soft cloth to a sore place. Keep compress from three to five minutes.

Some folk legari advise to try a very simple way to treat hemorrhoids. It is that the patient sits in a pelvis filled with cold water (not too cold and not ice), every evening, before bedtime, for five minutes. Treatment continues three weeks in a row every evening.

For several centuries for treating hemorrhoids, a smoky sediment bath from garlic was used. Take a low iron bidon, on the bottom of it to put a brick strongly warmed on fire and pour out fine garlic on a brick. When he starts to smoke and burn, sit on the bidon to get a smoky bath. Continue as needed.

"Tea against hemorrhoid"

It should be brewed as tea, renal grass and drink several times a day.

Infusion of Alexandrian leaves is a laxative.

Method of preparation: 1 tablespoon of dry leaves add to a glass of cold water, insist for 12 hours.

Take the tool in the morning an hour before breakfast. It is enough to take a laxative 2 times a week.

Urina treatment

The reception of urine inside and fasting is helped in case of pain, inflammation and strong bleeding. Well acts also intake from 1 to 3 glasses of urine per day. Urine, which is a good lubricant, should be rubbed into hemorrhoids.

Treatment mummy

Receive an on an empty stomach 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening before bedtime) at 0.2 g mumia for one reception. And the most obligatory at the same time is the constant lubrication of the rear-ground opening of up to 10 cm (mumens in a mixture with honey in parts 1: 5-1: 8).

Reception to repeat in 25 days after a 10-day relaxation, and the lubrication to continue 3-4 months with a monthly break. When the hemorrhoids running is running, it occurs after 6-8 months or much earlier. The best use is also achieved. inMixtures with flies of peach oil or cow fat in the same proportions for simultaneous reception inside and lubrication (there is a significant amount of mummy to the course).

1. Antichemorous collection. Neprug (sheet) - 1 part, coarser (bark) - 1 part.

8 g of a mixture on 1 liters of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes on low heat, insist, shutting, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 cup 4 times a day with severe pains without cones.

2. Highlander sweating (hemorrhoids). 2 teaspoons of dry grass with 0.5 liters of water. Boil 15 minutes on low heat, insist, shook, 2 hours, strain. Take 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a diuretic, gentle laxative, painful and hemostatic agent.

3. Yarrow, grass with tops. 15 g of herbs with flowers on a glass of boiling water. Insist, loyering, 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. You can take and without dosage, if 1 tablespoon of grass insisted in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Fresh yarrow juice in half with honey take 3 times a day on 1 teaspoon. With long-term treatment, this is a radical means. The yarrow is used as a strain, diuretic and hemostatic agent and is very effective in combating hemorrhoids in the initial stage and during bleeding. Mercenary tincture on vodka or alcohol. Take 30 drops 3 times a day.

4. Potatoes raw. Cut the candle and hemorrhoids from potatoes , insert into the rear. If he is dried heavily, then suck the potato candle in honey.

5. Honey asshed. Insert a candle from candied honey into the rear pass.

6. Cold water. 1 l of cold water pour into pelvis and make a seitant i bath from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Make 2 times a day - in the morning and evening. Good in this water throw a few granging graders, so that the water is gentle-pink. In cold water, wet the rag and apply the cones when they warm up - change. The use of cold water with hemorrhoids very well facilitates; patient status.

7. Rowan red. Mature rowan berries red squeeze juice. Take 75-100 g of juice 3 times a day, you can add honey or sugar to it. Wash with cold water. Beautiful glorifying agent. It is noted that the intake of juice is revealed by a closed hemorrhoids and relief comes.

8. Medical leeches put on hemorrhoids of cones from 3 to 10 pieces. The patient quickly gets relief.

9. Zver wortforward. Apply in the form of a beam: a tablespoon of crushed grass pour a glass of boiling water, boil 15 minutes on weak heat, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

10. Forest strawberries. The leaf decoction is used for enema and wicker (dining-spoon of leaves brew a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain).

11. Calina ordinary. When hemorrhoidal bleeding, a decoction of the bark is used (4 teaspoons of crushed bark pour a glass of water, boil 30 minutes, strain hot, add water to the original volume and take on a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals).

12. Cabbage. Prayer cabbage pickles drink from 1/2 to 2 glasses in warm form.

13. Cargana Griving. Apply inside the decoction of the above-ground part (a tablespoon of crushed drug raw materials to pour a glass of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 30 minutes, strain, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day).

14. Kostyannik stony. The leaf decoction is prepared as: a tablespoon of leaves pour the glass of hot water, boil 10 minutes on weak heat, cool, strain. Drink on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

15. Nuts dwarm.

a) a tablespoon of dry leaves of nettle to pour a glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes on a weak heat, cool, strain. Drink on a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

b) 2 tablespoons of dry leaves of nettles brew boiling water, insist for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

16. Medicinal heel. The decoction of the roots drink in hemorrhoidal bleeding: a dining room-shovel of crushed roots pour the glass of water, boil 30 minutes on a weak heat, insist 2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon 5 times a day before meals.

17. Onion onion. Apply fresh juice onions on 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

18. Dandelion medicinal. 2 teaspoons of crushed root pour with a glass of cold boiled water, insist for 8 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

19. Chamomile pharmacy. Outward infusion is used for rinsing with hemorrhoids (2-3 tablespoons brew a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour in well closed dishes, strain).

20. Barley. The infusion of barley malt is used with hemorrhoid (barley seeds in a warm, wet environment and, when they germinate, dry them. 2 tablespoons of crushed dry seedlings barley pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 4 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 4-B On the day, adding sugar).

21. Horsetail field. The infusion of grass is used in hemorrhoidal bleeding. Prepare infusion like this: 2 teaspoons of crushed grass brew a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. To drink sips during the day.

22. Menthol - 2.5 g; Novocaine - 1.5 g; Anesthesine - 1.5 g; Alcohol 96-degree - 100 ml.

The use method: cotton mixed with the above composition, smear sick place twice a day. If the patient felt a short-term burning sensation, then do not be afraid, because It will pass quickly.

The patient suffering from hemorrhoids is 15 years old, he underwent him from him for 3 days.

23. COROD. Flowers cowboy should be brewed in the kettle and drink like tea. Bleeding stops after 2-3 days, and after a few days the disease disappears completely.

24. Potatoes. Obtain raw potatoes, squeeze juice in a tablespoon and a small fringe to enter overnight. Treatment time - 10 days.

Note. With hemorrhoids:

- watch not constipation;

- Do not irritate the stomach with alcohol drinks, beer, there is no saline, sharp, spicy;

- beware of colds, especially the lower body;

- avoid long walking and working standing;

- never get into a cold place, especially for metal;

- after each toilet to be washed with cold water;

- put a daily enema of the daisy or from drying souter.


Swallow, not chewing, whole pieces of garlic, purified from husk (1-2 teeth), like a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent;

Rinse the outer hemorrhoids of the cones on the infancy of the chamomile chamomile (2-3 tablespoons of the crushed daisy pour the glass of boiling water, insist in the closed dishes for an hour, strain and use);

Insert overnight in the rear pass out of fresh raw purified potatoes candles;

Apply to the outgoing hemorrhoidal nodes with a grated carrot or beets, wrapped in the fabric (the procedure removes the pain and helps the nodes to draw back). The best prophylaxis from hemorrhoids will be a refusal to eat alcoholic beverages, taking salted, spicy, spicy and coarse food, as well as therapeutic physical culture. It is advisable to avoid long walking and long-term work standing, monitor the regularity of the chair, to be flushed after defecation with cool boiled water.

Treatment with stone oil

Stone oil has an antitumor effect, quickly relieves inflammation and pain. Very good to make microclides with a solution of stone oil (3 g on 3 liters of water).

I advise you to add a few drops of the tincture of the Jungarian fighter into the solution of the stone oil. A wrestler is an effective antitumor agent, so it turns out "two in one".

These microclides will help not only with hemorrhoids, but also with the cracks of the rear pass.

Treatment of sea salt

Hemorrhoids successfully treated with sea salt. With a calm stage, the hemorrhoids recommended rectal dying. The concentration of the saline solution is 30 grams of sea salt per liter of water, the temperature of the solution is not higher than 40 ° C. Course - 10-12 procedures every other day. Then a break for three days, then the course can be repeated.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids in the acute stage, make such a healing mixture. Take on a tablespoon of combustion sulfur in powder, daisy flowers pharmaceutical, sifted through fine sieve grounding literally in the sea salt dust. All ingredients mix in equal amounts. Take a mixture of an empty stomach on a teaspoon, drinking warm water. The course of treatment is 10 days.

It is possible to put a candle from raw potatoes, painted for an hour in a solution of sea salt (tablespoon of salt on a half-table of water). Candles are put overnight, in the morning go out naturally.


This is the simplest means with hemorrhoids. They are used to influence the wall of the rear pass in order to improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation, as well as to obtain a laxative effect.

Candles of raw potatoes

Themcut from raw purified potatoes. Make a candle thick into the finger and insert into the rear pass.

Before you insert it, you should seek the rectum using an enema of 1/2 cup of water.

Put candles best before bedtime all night. You can also put a candle afternoon.

Candles of raw carrots

It is made of carrot with a length of 2-3 cm. Enter into the rear passage it is necessary before bedtime for 30-40 minutes.

Ice candles

They are made of water. To do this, it is necessary to pour the meal of a rubber surgical glove with water or an attack, and then put in the freezer until completely freezing.

The procedure for using ice candles is called a cryoprocessure. The candle must be kept in the rear pass until it fully melts.


They usually put in the presence of bleeding. With hemorrhoids, blood is awa, since it is arterial. When bleeding, it is recommended to put an enema from a 1% solution of Tanina, after which the patient should lie to bed, and he should put ice on the stomach and cause a doctor. He all the time before the arrival of the doctor must lie on his back, while he can not give any food. If the patient will torment the thirst, he can swallow the ice in small pieces.

If simultaneously with blood secretions, the patient feels weakening, then the increasing hand pain in the bottom of the abdomen is recommended, the following enema is recommended: 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide should be divorced in 1 cup of water. The enema is placed using in 4 glasses of the prepared solution. She is left in the intestine to the next chair. The procedure is repeated within 2-3 days. At this time, the patient should have rubbed boiled vegetables, mucous soups and fermented milk products.

If bleeding does not stop, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and pass the examination.

With hemorrhoidal bleeding, the enema is also recommended from the branch of blueberries ordinary. For its preparation 2 tablespoons of blueberries poured 1 glass of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes, the field of which is filled with, berries pressed, the decoction is fused with boiling water to the original volume. The enema is placed from 4 glasses of ragger.

As a treatment that helps healing and regeneration of fabrics, sinking and kneading calendula. For its preparation, it is necessary to take 3 teaspoons of raw materials, pour 1 glass of boiled water of room temperature and insist in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Then the infusion should be strained after 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and dilute with water, bringing the volume to the initial one.

For the enema, you can use the calendula's diluted with water diluted with water. For its preparation, it is necessary to take 100 g of 70% alcohol and insist in it for 2 days 10 g of chopped raw materials. Then 1 teaspoon of the tincture of the tincture should be divorced in 1 cup of water and make the enema.

To prepare the decoction of rhizomes of pottery crawling, take 2 tablespoons of crushed roots, poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, cooled, filtered and pressed. Apply externally overnight in the form of warm microclism of 30-60 ml.

You can make an enema from infanthechnic chamomile flowers. 20 g of flowers should be pouring 1 glass of boiling water, insist 4-6 hours and strain. Clamps are made 3 times a day.

The enema from the yarrow of the millennica of an ordinary has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and bactericidal effect. For the preparation of the brave, 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are taken, poured with 1 glass of warm water and boiled 15 minutes, after which they insist for 1 hour, the volume is filtered and adjusted to the original one.

For enema, 60 ml of this decoction is used or wet the napkins and make cold rings on hemorrhoidal nodes.


Mazi are an excellent means to remove pain and inflammation, as well as healing of the cracks of the rear pass. It is necessary to carefully apply ointment on the skin or mucous thin layer, without rubbing it. Lubrication is usually produced after defecation and arms or overnight and in the morning.

For treating hemorrhoids use ointment from marigolds (calendula). 10 g of vaseline and 5 g of calendula tinctures are thoroughly mixed for its preparation (10 g of raw materials per 100 g of 70% alcohol). Apply ointment at least 3 times a day.

Another ointment can be prepared by mixing 1 part of the ash root of the root and 5 pieces of sesame oil. This ointment lubricates hemorrhoidal nodes.

Narcissal oil helps with pain. For its preparation you need to mix 1 part of crushed raw materials and 4 pieces of vegetable oil, then insist for 18 days.

As ointment, you can use mummy. To do this, it takes 0.3-0.5 g, soften with your fingers and lubricate outdoor hemorrhoids for the night and in the morning. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, the mummy must be introduced into the anal hole for the night. This procedure should be combined with the intake of 0.2-0.5 g mummier dissolved in 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Reception is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.

The rear pass lubrication rate with the help of mummy is carried out within 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 5 days. The course is repeated 2-4 times. In this case, the reception inward should continue within 25 days.

To prepare another means for lubricating the rear pass, mummy should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 5 to 1: 8. Lubrication is carried out for 3-4 months, after which they take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment.

These procedures are useful to combine with a 25-day intake of mummy at 02, -0.5 g 2 times a day. Mumia has a generalonizing, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, and also contributes to healing wounds. Recovery with the hemorrhoid running occurs 6 months after the start of treatment with mummy.

Propolis oil is prepared from 10 g of dry purified and crushed propolis, mixed with 100 g of cream-shed oil, which must be preheated in a water bath. After that, the mixture is heated for 5-10 minutes and hot-deployed through the gauze. It is used with the cracks of the rear pass, inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes and pain. Ointment applies a thin layer on a sore place without rubbing into the skin, 2-3 times a day. The drug has an anesthetic effect.

Sitting bath

Very helpful with hemorrhoids seating baths using info medicinal plants that have hemostatic and anti-inflammatory, as well as an anesthetic effect. However, it should be remembered that seating baths with hemorrhoids can only be done after discontinuation of the selection.

Steam sitting bath with the addition of beam onion in milk

Recommended for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. Before starting to carry out the procedure, the intestine should be cleaned using the enema. To prepare a decoction, pour 0.5 l of milk into ceramic dishes, add 2 bulbs and cook them on slow heat with a closed lid. Then you need to remove the dishes from the fire and cover with a wooden cover with openings of 5-6 cm. The patient should sit on top and sit so until the contents of the dishes cooled.

Cool sitting bath

For her preparation, pour 1 l of cold water in the pelvis, after which it is necessary to sit in it for 1-5 minutes. Such baths are recommended to do 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. You can add tanks of potassium mangartaged in water, collecting it in water to a gentle pink color.

Sitting Bathroom Drug Herb Drug

Used to treat outdoor hemorrhoids. For the preparation of the bath, you should take 4 tablespoons of grass hemorring medicinal and pour them 2 liters of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5-6 minutes. Ready infusion can be used for a seating bath, which is accepted for 10 minutes.

Steam bath from infanthechnic chamomile

For her preparation, you need to take 1 teaspoon of flowers and pour 1 glass of boiling water. The patient should sit on the hot infusion, from which steam rises, and hide to the lower back. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes.

Sitting Bath of Chestnut Corn

Used in hemorrhoidal bleeding. You need to take 50 g of the crust, pour 1 l of water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Bath should be done after defecation when hemorrhoidal nodes came out.

Sitting Bath of Balar Core Core Drug

It has wound-healing and painful properties. In addition, it stimulates the intestinal work. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 4 tablespoons of the root, pour 1 l of water, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, and then close and insist for 12 hours. The decoction is fastened and used as local baths and wickers or compresses and lines.

Local Banches from Bahar Flowers and Cleaning White Leaves

It has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and toning effect, and also improves the metabolism in the body.

The decoction is prepared from 30 g of dry crushed raw materials, filled with 1 liter of water. The mixture should be boiled for 15 minutes, and then insist for 3 hours and then strain.


To read three times, jumping up every time through the left shoulder: on the blue sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an ancient centenary oak there. A phoenix bird sits on Tom Oak. In order to fly, Phoenix bird, on the disruptive places of the slave of God (the slaves of God) (name), Squake them, pierce them, their kids, squeeze them for fast racial rivers, for steep high mountains, for dark long forests. There is a rotten deck. Take them and put them there, on a rotten deck. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Oshness (Leschina). Broth bark: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed bark is poured 500 ml of boiling water. Boiled 10 minutes, filter. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

The infusion of the leaf leaves: 2 tbsp. Spoons of the leaves of Maybar pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day with hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Carrot tops. Brew arbitrarily Drink instead of water and tea. It has a good therapeutic effect not only with hemorrhoids, but also with all diseases of the veins (thrombophlebitis, varicose extension, etc.).

Osin leaves. 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry leaves brew 300 ml of boiling water. Finish 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Kanchin Konsky (tincture of flowers or fruits): 50 g. Flowers (or fruits) of horse chestnut pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a warm and dark place for 14 days, sculpting daily. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day for a month.

The juice of fresh chestnut flowers take with hemorrhoids and varicose veins of 25 drops 2 times a day with milk;

Ruta fragrant (tincture of flowers): 100 g. Dry crushed grass pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Strain. Drink 10 drops on 1 tbsp. A spoonful of water 3 times a day with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Course treatment - 3 weeks.

Chamomile. Warm seats with disasts of chamomile and oak bark alternate every other day. Course of 10-12 baths treatment.

Alum. In a large saucepan, boil 5 liters of water and dissolve 200 g. To cover with a wooden lid with a hole in the center and sit on the cover for 10-15 minutes. Procedure to do before bedtime 10-15 days.

Prepare Collection: Birch Bark White -20 G. Fruit of Chestnut Konsky -20 G. Cora Oak - 20 g. The Icelandic MHA slave - 50 g. The grass of the Astragal -100 GU Burner of Blackberry -100 G. Rhubarb's root -30. Sandrightened - 30 g. The grass of the horsetail of the field - 50 g. 2 Art. Spoons of crushed collection to boil 5 minutes in 500 ml of water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day. Simultaneously with the reception of the decoction it is useful to make seating baths from the brave of the root of the male fern.

Rowan juice. Take 3 times a day with honey 2 tbsp. Spoons 3-4 times a day.

Verbena Drug (decoction of leaves): 3 tbsp. Spoons of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. A spoon in an hour with exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, with gold, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose eyelid.

Sauerkraut. Warm brine to drink 1 cup per day. Course of treatment 10-15 days.

Hanging grass decoction: 1 tbsp. Spoon of crushed leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour in a warm place, strain. Take but 1/4 cup 3 times a day 10 days.

Wrap Kalina: 5 h. Spoons of crushed bark pour the glass of water and boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and take 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day for 10-15 days.

Leeches. The well-washed bumps of the anal holes are planted on one leech, lying in bed and spreading legs wide. Leech, pumping blood, will disappear, and the bump dries off. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times.

Honey with garlic. 250 g. Grinding and grated on the grater of garlic to pour 400 g. Liquid honey, mix and insist 7 days. Take 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day from the fellow food. Take over a month with varicose veins of veins, refrusing endoarthterite, thrombophlebitis, Raino disease.

Ancient Netibetic recipe: a brain from the big Berchi bone of the pig -100 G. Copper Summer -2 G. Kamfara - 2.5 g. All thoroughly mix and be confused to the kashitz-shaped state. Lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass overnight 10-15 days.

In the pan pour 3 l of milk and lower 5 medium bulbs there. Close tightly cover and soar in the oven 30-40 minutes 4. Get a saucepan, replace the lid on a wooden with a hole in the center. Sit on the lid for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated in a day.

The bottom of the bucket is put a preliminarily heated brick and pour into it a finely chopped garlic. Appears "smoke." Cover the bucket with a wooden lid with a hole and sit on it for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily within 7-10 days.

The healing infusion of sprouts barley

Required: 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry shredded sprouts barley, 1 liter of boiling water.

Cooking method. Place the seeds barley into a wet place with a constant warm temperature and give them germination, after that collect seedlings, dry and crush. Dry ingredient pour boiling water, insist for 4-5 hours.

Treatment with fats and vegetable oils

1. Boil in a water bath for 4-6 hours. Sunflower oil, strain, introduce in the form of a tampon by 4-5 h in the rear pass.

2. Lubricate the rear pass over the night with castor oil for 2-3 weeks.

3. To large hemorrhoidal nodes, which fell from the rectum and independently not refined, you can put a gauze impregnated with cocoa butter. The duration of treatment is to facilitate the state.

Treatment with stones and minerals

Pearls, emerald, cat eye, ruby, tiger eye are used.


Mix 1 teaspoon of white clay with 1 glasses of water. Drink 1 cup 2 times a day for 3 weeks. If necessary, after 10 days, you can repeat the treatment.


1. Correct of oak ordinary, daisy flowers and plantain leaves in equal proportions pour boiling water, boil for 30 minutes and insist for 2 hours in closed utensils. Pour the mixture into the bath, fasten with warm boiled water. Take a seitant bath for 10-15 minutes. After the bath, candles with calendula, belladonnaya are prescribed. The duration of treatment for 2-3 weeks.

2. Cold seating bath. Pour 2 l of cold water into a wide pelvis, add some potassium permanganate (until the water becomes gentle pink). Take a bath for 5 minutes 2 times a day, gradually increasing the time of procedure.

Treatment of beekeeping products

Insert into the back pass the candle from candied honey, keep the candle to dissolve.

2 times a day to insert a tampon with a 10% propsole ointment into the rear pass.


625 g Honey, 375 g of 3-5-year-old aloe juice, 625 ml of red wine.

Cooking method. Mix the ingredients, put in a closed dish in a dark cool place for 5 days.

Mode of application.

Take 1 teaspoon for 1 hour before eating 1 time per day for 5 days, then 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 3-7 weeks.

Treatment with juices, vegetables and fruits

1. Insert a candle carved from purified potatoes into the rear passage, thick into the finger. Leave a candle for the whole day. Insert the day insert another candle, pre-flushing the rectum from the fringe of cool water (100 ml). You can put a new candle for the night.

2. Apply a grated red beet or carrot to the dropped hemorrhoidal nodes, wrapped in a fabric or gauze.

3. In a metal bidon with a wide throat, put the brick warmed on the fire and pour garlic, close the lid with the hole. When smoke appears, take a bidon. Sit for 3-5 min. Repeat the procedure as needed.

4. You can take the following mixtures of vegetable juices:

1) carrots and spinach in a ratio of 10: 3;

2) Carrot, spinach, watercress, turnip in a ratio of 4: 2: 1: 1.

Juices must be recently fresh, it is necessary to drink at least 250 ml of juice per day.

Compresses, Silments and Parish

These procedures have a tonic and painful properties. They are also used to reduce hemorrhoidal nodes that fell out.

For the preparation of the daisy flowers, it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of flowers and pour them 1 cup boiling water. The mixture is insteaded for 1 hour in a closed, dishes, after which they focus and cool.

A gauze napkin must be mixed in a cold nasty, then applied to the hemorrhoidal node. The compress should be changed as it warming.

To reduce the painfulness of the hemorrhoidal nodes released from the rear pass, it is recommended to make the following compress: a grateful red beet or carrot must be wrapped in a napkin and attach to a painful node.

Such a compress soothes well and stimulates the input of the nodes back to the rear pass.

As an effective means with hemorrhoids, aspen leaves can also be used. They should be applied to the released hemorrhoidal nodes for 2 hours. After that, it is necessary to give a patient a little rest and re-apply the oxine leaves for 2 hours.

If the patient behaves uneasily, then it is necessary to remove the compress and carefully rinse painful places. Then give a patient to rest 1-2 days, after which the aspen leaves again. When the nodes begin to decrease, the procedures with the aspen leaves should be carried out less often, gradually moving to simple water intakes.

With a strong increase in hemorrhoidal nodes, when they can no longer enter back inside the rear pass, you need to try to achieve their breakthrough. To obtain the desired result, it is recommended to apply to the nodes of the parcels of hot bran or oats.

When the nodes break through, it is necessary to make exhaust marks, for which it is possible to moisten a gauze napkin with water with the addition of Tanin and attach to the wounds. As an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory tool, it is recommended to apply the Half Powder Powder to hemorrhoids.

With highly swollen hemorrhoidal nodes, the following batch is recommended: a gauze napkin must be lubricated with cocoa butter and attach to nodes. With a periodic change of napkins, the tool is applied until hemorrhoidal nodes are lit.

For a collection, you can use the calendula diluted with water diluted. For its preparation, 100 g of 70% alcohol takes and insist in it for 2 days 10 g of chopped raw materials. Then take 1 teaspoon of the resulting agent and bred in 1/2 cup of water (for a row).

Cooking the infusion of the grass of the dynamist of the medicinal, taking 1 tablespoon of grass, bay 300 ml of boiling water and insisting for 2 hours, after which it is strain. From the remainder of the infusion after the filping, make a parire or compress on the cracks of the rear pass.

To prepare this stamp should be mixed in equal parts of the leaves of altea, herbs of the dynamist dynamon, the leaves of Malva, the chamomile inflorescences, flax seeds. The mixture is triggered into the powder and is placed in a linen bag, after which it should be lowered for 10 minutes in hot water. Then the row is applied to the patient. This tool weakens pain.

The following means is used externally in the form of compresses and the surcharge with hemorrhoidal pains: 2 tablespoons of dry grass of linseed ordinary should pour 0.5 liters of water or milk, boil 20-25 minutes, strain. 2 teaspoons crushed in the coffee grinder of the root of the Peppermonts should be pouring 200 ml of boiling water, cook on a water bath of 20-30 minutes, slightly cool, strain, bring the decoction to 200 ml, after which it is boiled with boiled water (1: 4). Such a decoction is used for rinsing sick places 1/2 cups every 2 hours. It has astringent, hemostatic and deodorizing effect.

The next infusion is applied to the rims together with the tampons: 6 teaspoons of crushed grass and daisy flowers should be pouring 200 ml of boiled water of room temperature, insist in a warm place 3-4 hours, strain through a dense fabric, squeeze and bring the volume to the source.

For compresses and lotions, the infusion of the pharmacy is also used. To cook it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials of the above-ground part of the plant, pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist on a water bath under the lid of 5-8 minutes, cool and strain. Compresses are made 3 times a day.

Silver from Romashek Pharmacy: 2-3 tablespoons of floral baskets are brewed with steep boiling water before the formation of a casczyce mass, which is then hot and applied to the patient.

When the hemorrhoidal nodes are dropped, a row from the tincture of the bag is used. For the preparation of tincture, all the plant is used, except the root. The grass must be finely to nourish and fall asleep into a half-liter dark bottle, filling it on 3/4 volumes. Then the bottle should be added to vodka to the top and put into the warm dark place to insist for 2 weeks.

This tincture is washed the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass 3-4 times a day.

When bleeding, compresses are used using infusion of pyzhms ordinary. For its preparation, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dry inflorescences of the Pijmas, pour 1 glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour, then strain. This remedy has hemostatic, anesthetic and cleansing effect.

The 10% propolis tincture on 80% ethyl alcohol is sold in pharmacies. It is used in the occurrence of cracks and inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass. We must moisten in the tincture of the tampon and apply it to the wounds. The procedure is carried out from 1 to 3 times a day.

At the initial stage of the disease, there is an unpleasant feeling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass (itching, burning, sensation of the foreign body), increasing when using acute food, alcohol, with diarrhea or constipation. Then there are pains, bleeding, infringement of nodes. The pain, cutting or stitching, is localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass, occurs during defecation and continues some time after it. Bleeding from the rectum occurs during the act of defecation or immediately after it. The blood is scarlet, can be isolated by a trickle, covers the calum, without stirring with the wheel masses. Hemorrhoidal bleeding is very often leading to the development of anemia. With a long existence of hemorrhoids, the loss of nodes from the rectum of varying degrees of severity is noted.

Hemorrhoids - a disease that often develops from those who spend most of the day in the sitting position. Hemorrhoids also appear as a result of chronic constipation during pregnancy. These and other reasons lead to the fact that the expanded venous plexuses of the rectum form nodes. Nodes located under the skin are called outdoor, located under the mucous membrane of the rectum - internally. By increasing in size, hemorrhoidal nodes often cause pain, begin to bleed.

Consultation of the doctor in this case is necessary. But in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can apply a point massage. Good results are achieved if massage is systematically.

When hemorrhoids, massage of the following points is carried out (Fig.):

Point 1. Asymmetric, located on the head on the rear median line by 5.5 tsun above the border of the scalp. Massion point, taking position sitting.

Point 2. Asymmetric, located in the center of the segment between the smoking and the rear pass. Position with massage - squatting.

Point 3. Symmetric, located on the sole of the foot in the recess, which is formed in the middle of the sole when flexing the fingers. Masite that with the right, then on the left side in the sitting position.

Point 4. Symmetrical, located in the middle of the foot of the foot. Massion the point on the right and left at the same time, the position of the massibrated is sitting.

Point 5. Symmetrical, located on the forearm on one and a half tsun above the middle folds of the wrist in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinder radiation bone. Massion on the right, then on the left, taking the position sitting, put the hand on the table.

Point 6. Asymmetric, located on the head on the rear median line, just above the point 1. Massion the point, taking the position sitting.

Point 7. Symmetric, located on the inner surface of the tibia on 3 tuning above the inner ankle. Massion as well as point 4.

Point 8. Symmetric, located on the foot in the recess between the heel tendon and the outer ankle on the line passing through its center. Massion as the previous point.

Point 9. Symmetric, located on the Mizinza of the foot on a 3 mm duck from the angle of the nail Misinage. Array on the right and left at the same time, taking the situation sitting.

Point 10. Symmetric, located on the back by one and a half tsuns away from the rear median line in the area between the oestic process of IV and V lumbar vertebrae. Array simultaneously on both sides, the position of the massibrated is lying on the stomach with a pillow under the stomach.

Point 11. Symmetric, located in the recess in the middle of the rear surface of the wrist. Massion on the right, then on the left, taking the position sitting, put the hand on the table with the palm down.

Point 12. Symmetrical, located on the outer surface of the leg for 4 tsun above the center of the outer ankle. Array on the right and left at the same time, taking the situation sitting.

Point 13. Symmetric, located on the II finger of the foot 3 mm from the corner of the nail hole in the direction of the III of the finger. Massion as the previous point.

Point 14. Symmetric, located in the recess on the front side of the ankle joint. Array simultaneously on both sides in the sitting position.

Point 15. Symmetric, located on the stomach on 2 tsuns aside from the navel. Masite simultaneously on both sides in the lying position on the back.

Point 16. Symmetric, located on the neck at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage. Massioning method is the same as points 14. Massion this point should be made with extreme caution: it is impossible to put pressure from the force, as well as for too long (more than 3 minutes) to affect it.

Point 17. Symmetric, located on the highest part of the foot of the foot, in the recess. Masite simultaneously on both sides, taking the position sitting.

Point 18. Symmetric, located on the stomach on 4 tsuns away from the front median line at the navel level. Array simultaneously on both sides, taking the position lying on the back.

Point 19. Symmetric, located on 4 tsuns away from the front median line at the level of the upper branch of the pubic bone. Massion as the previous point.

Point 20. Symmetric, located on the back of the foot, in the recess. Masite simultaneously on both sides, taking the position sitting.

Point 21. Symmetric, located on the border of the back and plantar sides of the foot back from the head I of the ventiome bone. Massion on the right and left in turn, taking the situation sitting.

Point 22. Asymmetric, located on the back in the lumbar region between the spiny process II and III of the lumbar vertebrae. The position of the massibrated is lying on the stomach with a pillow under the stomach.

Point 23. Asymmetric, located on the stomach on the front median line on 2 tsun below the navel. Massion, taking a position lying on the back.

Point 24. Symmetric, located on the thumb of the foot 3 mm from the inner corner of the finger's nail hole. Array simultaneously on both sides in the sitting position.

When massaged most points, a soothing method is used, while taking a slight pressure with rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes. The toning method and reception of deep pressure with rotation clockwise are used when exposed to points 14, 17, 22, and 24. The duration of exposure to each of these points is 30-60 seconds.

Since hemorrhoids are very many points for massaging, it is possible to divide them into two groups (the first group - points 1-12, the second - points 13-24) and during one session, massage the first group of points during the other - the massage of the second group.

If the hemorrhoids are formed cracks of the mucous membrane of the rear pass, you need to try to prevent constipation, wash this area with cool water, lubricate with special ointments. Dot massage can help with cracks.

Massage of the following points (Fig.) It is performed by the soothing method, use the admission of easy pressure with rotation clockwise.

The duration of exposure to each point is from 3 to 5 minutes.

Point 1. Asymmetric, located on the stomach on the front median line on 4 tuns above the navel. The array position is sitting or lying on the back.

Point 2. Asymmetric, located on the stomach on 1 tsun below the point 1. massage, as the previous point.

Point 3. Asymmetric, located on the abdomen on the front median line by half the tun below the navel. Massion just like point 1.

Hemorrhoid treatment at home is quick - is it possible? According to many patients, the treatment of hemorrhoids of the house gives up at the initial stage, hemorrhoids are almost impossible to confuse with other diseases. The presence of such a delicate problem may indicate signs manifested:

  • Feeling the presence of a foreign body directly in the intestine;
  • The appearance of unpleasant sensations during the seat, during movements, during defecates;
  • The presence of a mucus released from the rear pass;
  • Insignificant or abundant bleeding from the anus;
  • Soreness, burning, irritation, itching or chasing in the anal area;
  • The appearance of a feeling of gravity, insufficient emptying of the intestine.

However, such symptoms may be observed with other intestinal pathologies that require absolutely other methods of treatment.

The characteristic feature of hemorrhoids include the appearance of cones and nodes, which, depending on the development stage of the disease, can:

  • Burst, bleed and inflamed;
  • Merged into a single formation capable of reborn into life-threatening condition;
  • Appear temporarily or have a pronounced manifestation without the possibility of refueling;
  • Have an outdoor or inner character.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home? The success of the treatment of the disease at home directly depends on the degree of nemitting and the state of hemorrhoidal nodes. At the initial stages of the disease, it is really possible to quickly cope with the problem - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. However, it is necessary to approach the question comprehensively.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home fast

It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids, only using "magic" tablets or "miraculous" proven home recipe. Without changing the rhythm of life and habits of food from illness, not only problematic to get rid of the disease, but there is a real threat to the appearance of relapses with the transition of the ailment to a more serious stage.

And in order to finally get rid of hemorrhoids, you will have to radically reconsider your habits. After all, for the appearance of anomaly, not only factors are in the form of hereditary predisposition and age-related changes, but also provoking reasons, pronounced:

  • Problems with the emptying of the intestine;
  • Severe physical work;
  • Lifting weights;
  • A low lifestyle;
  • Psychological factors;
  • Errors in nutrition.

Therefore, treatment of hemorrhoids conducted at home will be effective only with a combination of direct impact on the source of pathology and eliminate the causes provoking disease.

The basis of therapy

How to cure hemorrhoids at home? For the successful and rapid treatment of hemorrhoids at home, it is necessary to apply drugs inwards to improve blood microcirculation near hemorrhoidal nodes. One of their effective drugs are Detralex Tablets.

After use, the very day of the patient is improved the next day. This is a drug of natural origin with a minimum of side effects.

There are other drugs that differ from each other by the spectrum of exposure to which include:

  1. Proktoglynol, Ginkor Fort, Puilex - tonic, strengthen the walls of venous vessels;
  2. Venarar and Phlebodia - Venoprotectors, improve blood microcirculation and raise the total tone of vessels;
  3. Heparin and Chemaroidin - anticoagulants, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  4. Calcium chloride, Vikasol - Hemostatics, restore damaged cells of the mucosa of the rectum.

Taking comprehensively tablets, candles and ointments, you can not only facilitate the patient's condition, but also to completely forget about this disease. It is important to comply with a number of warning actions so that there is no relapse.

Vaseline from hemorrhoid

The aggravation of hemorrhoids quickly remove the grazing of therapeutic ointment, which is prepared from Vaseline, as a rule, in each in the first-aid kit.

Masi manufacturing:

  • Prepare components: Vaseline (80 g), propolis (7 g), Lanolin (10);
  • Mix all and melt neatly in a water bath;
  • Mix thoroughly, skip through the marblee;
  • Apply on your cotton disk and lubricate outdoor hemorrhoidal nodes.

For the manufacture of lotions from hemorrhoids, Vaseline can also be mixed with streptocidal ointment (either crowded 10 pills of strepticide and mix from 30 g. Vaseline). If there were no funds at hand, then for rapid removal of pain you can use the bullion only with vaseline. Do not forget that today we consider the topic hemorrhoids at home.

Than you can cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy

An individual approach requires treatment of hemorrhoidal disease in pregnant women. Choosing the method of therapy and drugs, you need to take into account the time and course of pregnancy, the type of disease. Desire than and how the treatment of outdoor hemorrhoids is at home.

Hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy

Ointments are perfectly coped with the disease:

  • Fleming ointment;
  • The cream was restless;
  • Posterizan.

It is important to determine how to treat internal hemorrhoids at home. Candles and ointments are used here:

  • Natalsid. Well stops blood;
  • Relief Advance. Acts as an painful and wound healing agent;
  • Neo-anused. Fit when bleeding and itching;
  • Relief. He lies in the wound and turns blood.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home

How to treat hemorrhoids fast in adult? For the treatment of hemorrhoids in the home environment, we recommend to take the following measures using the appropriate means (ointment of hemorrhoids, baths). First, limit yourself in lifting heavy items. Do not greatly raise the voice and laugh evenly, as a last resort, do it sitting on the edge of a solid chair or a stool - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly.

It is better to argue with cold water (discomfort from the procedure will disappear after 7 days), it particularly helps at the peak of the disease. From hot baths should be abandoned, only warm seats will be useful, sessions for 6-8 minutes. In such a bath, you can add the healing decoctions of oak bark, a turn, strawberry foliage, fields of chewing, flax seeds, sage, chamomiles. With hemorrhoid patients prefer conservative treatment methods by discarding the operation option.

In addition to the candles from hemorrhoids, it will be appropriate to use a specialized ointment. It eliminates the manifestations of hemorrhoids directly in the hearth disease. In some cases, the quality of the validity of the candle is inferior to ointment from hemorrhoids.

Such a means can be applied both on the launched stages of the disease. The patient's well-being is improved by a couple of minutes after applying ointment, and the effect is saved for a long time - hemorrhoids how to cure fast? The ointment of hemorrhoids is anesthetia, reduces inflammation, heals, and for the first time the ointment was used by China's doctors.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home - ointment from hemorrhoids

The swelling and tumor disappears, the skin becomes less irritated, the nodes are reduced, the temperature drops, the tissues are restored, the blood circulates faster. Ozzy from hemorrhoids with musk is a good fragrance, shades are different: from gray to a slightly pinkish.

For a full-fledged recovery, the patient after illness needs to normalize the diet and take time timely. It is necessary five times a day, in small volumes. At the same time, it is necessary to choose food that does not cause meteorism, it is easily digested, softens the chair, does not prevent the healing of the affected places.

Minerals and vitamins, which normalize the work of the body should be present in the diet. How to quickly cure hemorrhoids? Having learned how to treat hemorrhoids at home, do not rush to start treating without prior consultation with your doctor. Be sure to identify the stage of the disease and the reasons that contributed to the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly.

The doctor examines the nodes, gives the direction to the necessary analyzes and will write the most optimal remedy for you from hemorrhoids - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. Below you can learn more about how to treat hemorrhoids by folk remedies and with the help of ointments from hemorrhoids. The ointment of hemorrhoids can be used as the prevention of the disease, as well as for treatment.

Mazi from hemorrhoids - efficient and inexpensive

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Choose inexpensive and effective best ointments

Mazi is an effective treatment of hemorrhoids at home. Many ask: "What ointments from hemorrhoids are the best and most effective for the treatment of cunning disease"? Treatment of hemorrhoids quickly for residents of large cities leading insufficiently mobile lifestyle, increasingly and more relevant to the problem of the disease with hemorrhoids.

The disease occurs in violations of venous blood circulation and stagnation in the field of small pelvis. Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a huge set of inexpensive candles from hemorrhoids and ointments with healing and regenerating properties.

Many effective ointments from hemorrhoids solve several problems at once: reduce itching, swelling and pain, stop bleeding, etc. The choice depends on the components of the components playing a major role in the treatment of the disease.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Levomecole

The main active substance in ointment is antibiotic Levomycetin. It eliminates causative agents of infection, bacteria provoking the development of hemorrhoids. External use eliminates the body from the toxic effect of the antibiotic to the entire body. Addictive to the drug is not observed, ointment is used for a long time.

It not only eliminates the inflammatory process, but also stimulates the protective functions of the body due to the methyluracil component. Thus, the entire body is connected to the suppression of the infection. Methyluracil helps strengthen the process of producing protein in the mucous membrane, acting at the cellular level, thereby speeds up the regeneration of tissues.

In addition, the drug has an adsorbing effect, purifies the surface of the nodes from the decay products and does not allow toxication. Such a means is used both for prevention and for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The rapid healing of the wound and cracks occurs, the bacteria do not apply, therefore the risk of complications is reduced to zero. Price from 150 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Heparin Ointment

The ointment not only effectively treats the inflammation of the nodes, but also eliminates and warns the thrombization of hemorrhoidal nodes due to diligent action. The main component of heparin helps remove pain symptoms, eliminate the inflammatory process in the anal channel - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. Side effects practically not established. Price from 77 rubles.

Wax Wax

Wax Wax is a new drug for rapid and efficient treatment of hemorrhoids. It consists of only natural natural components:

  • Horse chestnut extract;
  • Cedar Livita;
  • Olive oil;
  • Extract of bee submorm;
  • Beeswax;
  • Extract of bee firefight;
  • Bee poison;
  • Propolis extract.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home fast? Cream Wax is well referred to modern drugs. He combined the longtime experience of people's healers and technology capabilities. It is unique in that it allows you to simultaneously apply other drugs from hemorrhoids. Does not reduce their effectiveness, and does not block the effect of components. Price from 990 R.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Posterizan Forte

Ointment is a combined means connecting hydrocortisone and bacteria. The bacteria contains the cells of the bowel sticks, neutralized with phenol, which perform an immunomodulatory function. Antigens increase the stability of tissue cells to pathogenic pathogens.

In addition, the permeability of blood vessels and their tone is normalized. Hydrocortisone helps get rid of swelling and itching. Ointment improves the condition, relieves inflammation and is perfectly used in combination with other drugs. Price from 440 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Esklyus

Ointment of homeopathic ointment based on the extract from the fruits of Castana Konsky. It has a characteristic smell, represents a homogeneous mass of yellow color. It has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Tits blood vessels and veins.

Thanks to the use of ointment, the fragility and permeability of capillaries decreases, as a result, the accumulation of moisture in the tissues is reduced and the swelling is eliminated. Apply a means for treating hemorrhoids, with inflammation and fractures of the anal channel, itching and swelling. It is undesirable to use her ointment to pregnant women and people with increased sensitivity to the components of computers of ointments - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. Course treatment - 10-14 days. Price from 46 rub.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Bened

Ointment has a beige or brown color, a specific smell, produced in tubes of 10 grams in 4 tips. The basis of ointment - Lanolin, Vaseline and purified Borelli. Borneol has bactericidal properties and is active against streptococcus, staphylococcus and intestinal sticks.

The composure of ointment zinc carbonate has an antiseptic and drying effect. Apply for the treatment of hemorrhoids, cracks, eczema of the anal hole. Price from 310 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Heparoid Lechiva

White emulsion with a characteristic odor, which includes an active heparinoid substance. It has not only anti-inflammatory effect, but also counteracts thrombing and speeds up the resorption. Such an effect is achieved due to the ability to disperse blood and dissolve the hematomas.

As a result, inflammation is removed, itching and edema decreases. The drug quickly restores damaged tissues, so it is often used after sclerosing therapy and when treating hemorrhoids without bleeding from nodes. The drug is contraindicated with increased sensitivity to composites of ointments and diseases such as hemophilia and hemorrhage. Price from 145 p.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Ultrafrok

The ointment includes components - fluocortolone and cinhocaine, which mutually enhance the therapeutic effect. Fluocortolone is an active corticosteroid, which favors rapid healing, eliminates inflammation and swelling, has anesthetic effect and warns bleeding - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly.

Cynhocaine weakens pain and eliminates burning and itching. The absorption of components is small, therefore the means is used to treat children and pregnant women. Widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, proctitis, cracks. Price from 620 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Girmoprokt

Gel based on hood from horse chestnut, leech extract medical, sea buckthorn and methyluracil. The drug removes inflammation, strengthens the vessels, increases local immunity. Due to the components, antibacterial and regenerating properties are pronounced pronounced. Promotes healing, accelerates regeneration processes, removes swelling and itching. Price from 85 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Relief

The relatively inexpensive and effective ointment, which includes shark liver oil and auxiliary elements that ensure a good anti-inflammatory and restoring effect. There are several types of preparation - "Advance", "Ultra". Each of them has its own characteristics.

An anesthetizing effect inherent, antibacterial, regenerating properties of the drug provide fast recovery. The tool is recommended in the early stages of the disease, with 3-4 degrees of hemorrhoids, it is also effective (see Relief - instructions for use). Price from 360 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Proktozan

Lidocaine based ointment and buffexamac gives a good result in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because it provides pain relief and anti-inflammatory therapy. Does not apply to steroid hormonal means, so it is recommended to pregnant women.

It also includes titanium dioxide and bismuth subporates, substances enhancing the activity of the main components (see Proktozan - instructions for use). Price from 310 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Troksevazin

The tool is an analgesic, a veneoprotector and an effective antiseptic. Prevents the appearance of complications, because it acts quickly and gives a good effect. Reduces swelling, itching, burning, prevents the spread of bacteria. Price from 190 rubles.

Fleming ointment

Homeopathic remedy for calendula, Gamamemelis, horse chestnut, menthol, zinc oxide. It has an antiseptic and dry effect, prevents the growth of nodes, strengthens the veins and tones the vessels, relieves pain, itching, burning and swelling. Price from 310 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Crocused

The drug that has proven itself from the best side is the treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. It has anti-inflammatory, painkillers that restore properties. Removes swelling, itching, burning, discomfort and irritation. The drug includes hydrocortisone, ethylamobenzoate, butylamobenzoate, eculoside. The combination of active ingredients improves the state of blood vessels, increases their flexibility and elasticity. Price from 350 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Aurobin

The ointment is made of components that enhance each other's action, increasing the effectiveness of treatment - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. The components of the ingredients are triclosane with an antibacterial effect, panthenol with a regenerating effect, lidocaine with anesthetic property and prednisone with an immunomodulatory ability to resist the accumulation of pus. Price from 285 rubles.

Hemorrhoid Ointment - Hepatrombin

The composition of ointment includes active ingredients - heparin and prednisone, also auxiliary substances - paraffin, lanolin, silicon dioxide. Heparin has an action on veins and vessels, strengthening them and preventing thrombing. And prednisone increases the protective functions of the body. Price from 160 rubles. Now you know how to quickly treat hemorrhoids!

Video "Methods of rapid treatment of hemorrhoids at home"

It is not easy to live with a pulsating lump of pain in the rectum. With hemorrhoids, even the simplest actions - sit down, get up, go to the toilet - are transformed into real torment. The idea that, along with you, almost 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the population suffers from hemorrhoids, does not bring relief. What is this disease and how to get rid of it?

The causes of hemorrhoids

In most cases, hemorrhoids arises due to circulatory disorders in the field of small pelvis - when for some reason, blood outflows are disturbed along the veins of the rectum. The stress during defecation, constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy - all these states can lead to stretching and swelling the walls of the vessels, which causes the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodes. Hemorrhoidal nodes can be located both within the rectum and outside, around the anal hole (in the latter case, they can be seen with the naked eye).

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids at home

The easiest way to treat the hemorrhoids of the first stage, when the pathological changes in the tissues of the rectal wall and the anal sphincter are still small. If hemorrhoids switched to the third or fourth stage, characterized by the attachment of the nodes outside through the posteriploscient hole (if during the third it can still be installed independently, then it does not even work with the fourth), it is possible to get rid of it only in a surgical path. Or count on a miracle - but, as confirmed by the world experience of mankind, wonders occur very rarely.

Does this mean that at home is impossible to cure hemorrhoids? No, it is not. First, the treatment of hemorrhoids in the first-second stage conservative is that it consists of a greater degree in the reception of drugs, compliance with the rules of hygiene and changing the regime. Secondly, with all the stages of the development of hemorrhoids, from the first to the fourth, a symptomatic treatment is carried out, allowing to relieve pain, itching, inflammation in the field of anal hole and even slightly reduce hemorrhoid cones.

Of course, the treatment of hemorrhoids at home can be performed only from the knowledge and approval of the attending physician.

Folk remedies outdoor use in the treatment of hemorrhoids

First of all, it is used to relieve itching, burning around the posterior hole and caused by these pain. The cause of these phenomena is a mucus from the rectum flowing through anus and / or the hemorrhoid inflammation began. Help cope with itching, burning and inflammation can compresses, baths and enema of medicinal herbs.

The decoction of medicinal herbs, as a rule, is prepared as follows: crushed leaves of medicinal herbs, bark, fruits, flowers or rhizomes are poured with hot boiled water in the proportion of 1 l of water for 25-30 g of herbal raw materials. The resulting mixture is heated on a boiling water bath under the lid for 15 minutes, then cools over 45 minutes. The decoction is fastened through a fine sieve or gauze, herbal residues are pressed and the decoction is ready for use.

The compress with hemorrhoid is prepared as follows: a cotton disk, folded several times march, the pharmacy bandage is soaked with a drug and superimposed on the affected area. Most often used in the treatment of outdoor hemorrhoids.

Baths with hemorrhoids are a mixture of warm water with decoction of medicinal herbs. The pelvis is filled with a cooked solution and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, it is recommended to push the buttocks to themselves so that the medicine is in effect free. The temperature of the solution can be hot (up to 40 °), and cool (up to 30 °) or cold (10-15 °). Attention! Cold baths are not recommended for inflammatory diseases in a small pelvis!

Sometimes, when treating hemorrhoids, vapor baths can be used; Then the temperature of the solution can reach 75-80 °. It is clear that the pelvis is better not to sit down, and the patient hangs over the pelvis, exposing the crotch by the action of steam, up to the cooling of water.

Homemade candles from hemorrhoids. The decoction of medicinal herbs or a different substance is mixed with the basis (as a rule, water or chilled butter acts in this role). The water is frozen, and from the cooled oil in a mixture with a medicinal substance, a candle is prepared.

Microclizms with hemorrhoids are used only if hemorrhoidal nodes (both external and internal) and the inner surface of the rectum is not inflamed. In this case, a small volume of the solution (up to 200 ml) is poured into the enema, then the tip of the drafts is injected into the rectum (it is possible to lubricate it with petrolement to the ease of entering it) and squeeze the contents inside. It is advisable to try to keep the solution inside for 10-15 minutes.

Attention! With individual intolerance of the medicinal herbs, an allergic reaction may occur, so it is recommended to first apply a drop of an elbow bend and see what the skin reaction will be. If, after half an hour an hour, nothing, inspired by the fears, this medicinal grass can be safely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Medicinal herbs and plants

Aloe. Plant juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and allows you to quickly get rid of the exacerbation of hemorrhoids. You can use both a plant in a fresh form and a decoction of it. To do this, with a dozen leaves, plants are cut into several pieces (not too small), poured a liter of cold water and prepare decoction in a water bath. Warm compress, soaked with decoction of aloe leaves, or the cut fresh plant applied to the inflamed place. Sometimes, from the pulp aloe make candles and leave in the rear aisle at night.

Birch tar. This substance is made from birch crust and has many drugs - antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating. When hemorrhoids are used in the form of a bath: two liters of hot water are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Funty. In the bath it is recommended to sit until the water cools.

Oak bark. It has strong knitting properties that act very well in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous tissues, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. When a decoction from the bark of oak on the mucous membrane of the human body is formed a protective film that protects it from irritation. You can use both in the form of compress and suppository (in a mixture with butter).

Strawberry forestry. Infusion based on the leaf leaves forests has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and bloodstream property. It can be used both in the form of baths and compresses and enema.

Potatoes. Normal potatoes are used in folk medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids; Its fresh juice and potato starch has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties. Most often, potatoes are used to treat hemorrhoids in the form of a candle. From the central part of the raw tuber, a small column cut out (the shape of it should be as smoothed as possible, so as not to injure the surface of the rectum) and leave it in the rear pass overnight.

pharmaceutical camomile. This queen of medicinal plants, despite a modest species, a set of beneficial properties - the infusion of its flowers has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, spasmolytic and painkillers, and also increase the rate of tissue regeneration during inflammation. Chamomile with hemorrhoids can be used both in the form of a lotion, baths and enema, and more interestingwise - in the form of homemade candles. For this, 1 tbsp. l. A chamomile collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water, the resulting decoction is cooled and bottled into small molds for ice. After freezing, candles with strong painkillers (due to freezing) and anti-inflammatory effect are ready.

Yarrow. This plant has bloodstand, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect and is especially useful in exacerbation of hemorrhoids and began bleeding. Milese leaves are easy to find in a pharmacy; When cooking, the decoction should be used by the attached instructions. With the hemorrhoid of the chain of yarrow is used for a launch and bath.

Garlic. It has strong anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antibacterial and even antitumor effect. With hemorrhoids, garlic is used as fresh (the purified clove of garlic is placed in the back pass, until it becomes naturally), and in the form of a homemade candle (the clove of garlic is mounted in Cashitz mixed with butter, a candle is composed of a mixture). Another garlic and milk (in the proportion of 2 l of heated milk per 200 g of chopped garlic and the same amount of chopped onion) are made by vannels with anti-inflammatory property.

Celandine. In the grass, cleanly contains isoquinoline alkaloids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, infusion is cleanly used to facilitate skin itching. The decoction of celandine with hemorrhoid is used in the form of a mission; You can also add clean in the bath.

Beekeeping products

In traditional medicine, honey and other bee products are widely used. Candles are made from honey (either entirely, or make a honey with a thin layer on homemade candles from potatoes), use it as an outer agent (or under undiluted form, or as a component of other ointments).

Propolis is used in the preparation of vaseline based ointments in the treatment of hemorrhoids with outer nodes. For this, 80 g of vaseline is mixed with 10 g of lanoline and 7 g of propolis, the resulting mixture is melted on a water bath, stirred and filtered through fine-sieve or gauze. Ointment is applied to the compress or cotton disk and applied to outer hemorrhoidal nodes. Instead of Vaseline, it is possible to use animal fat or butter (unsolved) in the proportion of 100 g of the bases per 10 g of propoles. The mixture is cooled and applied to hemorrhoidal nodes.

Also from propolis you can make candles. For this, propolis is mixed with water and poured into small molds for ice. The mixture of propolis and water is also used in the enema.

Cold water and ice

Ice candles (boiled water poured into small molds for ice and left overnight in the refrigerator) well helps with severe pain in inner hemorrhoids. For outdoor, it is recommended to use baths with a mixture of ice water and ice. Also, the ice suspends the bleeding with hemorrhoids. Attention! With inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis, the ice is impossible to use.

Manganese (permanganate potassium)

Delivered solution of manganese - excellent antiseptic. It can be used both in the form of a bath (a solution with a concentration of 0.1-0.5%) and as an enema (0.02-0.1%). Attention! Manganese can be poisoned, so the concentration of the solution should be observed.

Folk remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids used inside

As a rule, it includes heralds of medicinal herbs with bloodstand, anti-inflammatory effect capable of normalizing the tone of vessels, improve blood circulation and help cope with blood stagnation in the organs of the small pelvis.

Highlander kidney. This medicinal grass improves the work of the cardiovascular system, narrows the vessels, and does not raise blood pressure. The soft laxative property of the sweating hide helps with hemorrhoids with constipation.

Hunther. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. A strong antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles of blood vessels helps to get rid of blood stagnation in the organs of a small pelvis. Attention! St. John's wort can increase blood pressure.

Calina ordinary. It has a strong hemostatic property, it has a calming and light laxative effect. The folk medicine is used as a decoction of the fruit of viburnum and the decoction of the bark. Attention! If the patient with hemorrhoids increased blood clotting, the blade should not be applied due to the danger of thrombosis in hemorrhoidal nodes.

Nettle. It is capable of stopping abundant bleeding, improves blood clotting, has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances metabolism and improves the activity of the cardiovascular system. Women have networked uterus tone.

Plantain. As well as Highlanders, the kidney has a weak laxative action, which is well acting during constipation. In addition, the plantain has many beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, and blood-resistant and immunostimulating.

Plant laxatives

If the patient with hemorrhoids often suffers from constipation, laxative means of plant origin can help.

Buckthorn bark. Enhances the intestinal peristalsis, reduces the absorbability of the liquid with the dysfolina mucous membrane, which contributes to the thinning of the carts. The crust is crazy - one of the most harmless laxatives. As a rule, it is used for the night, calculating that the effect of the drug will occur in 8-12 hours.

Prices for the means of traditional medicine used in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Name Act Application Price
Aloe Anti-inflammatory Local (compress) 110 rub.
Birch tar Anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial Local (bath) 150 rub.
Highlander kidney Vasoconstrictor, laxative Orally (decoction) 100 rubles.
Oak bark Anti-inflammatory, binder, protective Local (compress, candle) 60 rubles.
Hunther Anti-inflammatory, binder, antispasmodic Orally (decoction) 63 rub.
Strawberry forestry Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bloodstand Local (baths, compresses, enema) 70 rubles.
Calina ordinary Bloodstand, laxative, soothing Orally (decoction) 60 rubles.
Potatoes Anti-inflammatory, enveloping Local (candles) 20 rubles.
Buckthorn bark Laxative Orally (decoction) 70 rubles.
Nettle Anti-inflammatory, bloodstand Orally (decoction) 92 rub.
Manganese Antiseptic Local (bath) From 10 to 180 rubles.
Plantain Anti-inflammatory, bloodstand, immunostimulating Orally (decoction) 78 rub.
Beekeeping products (propolis, honey) Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory Local (ointment, candles) 76 rub.
pharmaceutical camomile Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anesthetic, regenerative Local (baths, compresses, enema, candles) 85 rub.
Yarrow Anti-inflammatory, bloodstand, wound-healing 79 rub.
Garlic Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antitumor Local (baths, candles) 125 rub. For 300 g
Celandine Anti-inflammatory Local (baths, compresses) 90 rubles.

Prevention of disease hemorrhogo

The easiest way to treat hemorrhoids at home is a change in nutrition and lifestyle.

First of all, your diet should be revised to avoid the occurrence of constipation (which are dangerous in that they increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity and thereby contribute to the development of hemorrhoids). To do this, there are products containing ballast substances (tissue). However, to enter the products rich in ballast substances in the casual diet should be with great care - excess fiber is able to lead to increased gas formation, which again will create increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. In an adult, the consumption of fiber must be somewhere 25-30 g per day. If this for some reason, problems arise, you can fill the missing ballast substances using biodox. And the more the fiber enters the body with food, the more you need to drink water.

Some types of food are able to cause blood tide to the walls of the rectum, which can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. First of all it refers to alcoholic beverages and sharp dishes. Such products should be avoided or as far as possible minimize their number.

For a good, soft chair, which will slip through the colon without tension, you need to drink a lot of fluid. On the day it is recommended to drink at least six glasses of any liquid (no, alcohol in this amount is not included).

It is recommended to regularly use fermented foods - these are well-known fermented milk products (kefir, ripples, prostrochy), sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi and so on. According to some studies, regular use of fermented food improves digestion, increases the synthesis of nutrients in the intestine, maintains the acid-alkaline balance. Also improved the intestinal peristalsis probiotics with "good" bacteria, like Bifidius and Lactobacillus. A glass of "living" yogurt will serve as a tasty and useful additive to the power mode with hemorrhoids.

It is necessary to comply with certain rules of behavior in the toilet. Firstly, do not try to squeeze out everything immediately and immediately (I remember the intra-abdominal pressure with hemorrhoids). Secondly, it is recommended to visit the toilet in a timely manner - this means as soon as I wanted. The habit of tolerate leads to increased dryness of the chair, which will create an unnecessary voltage during defecation and again increased intra-abdominal pressure. If with this problem, you can use soft laxatives. It is not necessary to get involved in them, otherwise you can get an inflammatory process in the rectum. In third, you can try to take advantage of the bench for your feet so that your knees are slightly higher than the pelvis - this position contributes to a faster release of the carts. In the fourth, it is not worth linger in the toilet - for a long time in the position on the toilet leads to a tide of the blood to the back of the body and thereby to hemorrhoidal nodes. And finally, after each defecation, it is recommended to be arranged using a soft baby soap - this will help reduce the likelihood of inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Showing with hemorrhoid physical exercises and an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity is able to improve the condition of the body's cardiovascular system and thereby reduce the pressure on the vein in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis. Even if the work is connected with a long stay in the sitting position or standing, it is recommended to devote five hours of physical exercises every hour to break the blood and avoid its stagnation in a small pelvis. Exercise should not be associated with lifting weights - this can cause hemorrhoid exacerbation; It is also recommended to reduce the number of squats. In general, it is desirable to devote to physical exercises at least 2.5 hours a week. Well help with hemorrhoid run, sport walking, swimming, long walks.

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