Anthelminthic drugs for humans: types and cost. Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for humans

Modern medicine proposes various pills from worms for humans. However, in order not to get confused in this variety, you should familiarize yourself with the main categories of drugs. Submitted classification medicines compiled by type and principle of appointment.

Classification of anthelmintic drugs




  1. Pirantel.
  2. Praziquantel.
  3. Mebendazole.

Thus, what kind of pills for worms are not on the market. However, their choice should be approached with particular care because of the danger they pose.

Why are antihelminthic drugs dangerous?

Any anti-worm drugs contain toxins. Therefore, before taking a pill or drinking a spoonful of syrup, make sure there are no contraindications. Remember that deworming is most effective under the guidance of a doctor and on the basis of a diagnosis made as a result of an examination. Self-medication, on the other hand, can further aggravate the patient's condition, even if one chooses good pills from worms.

The danger of all types of anthelmintic drugs is as follows.

It turns out that the remedies for worms are able to represent serious danger not only for the helminths themselves, but also for humans. Therefore, only a doctor knows how to treat a patient with the least negative consequences.

Pharmacies today offer a wide variety of medicines in pill form. Anthelmintic drugs for people differ not only in price, but also in indications for use, the presence side effects, contraindications. So before buying helminth tablets, it is better to consult your doctor for the exact prescription.

There are anthelmintic drugs wide range actions. However, not all worm pills are so versatile. Therefore, in order not to get confused by the variety of instructions, consult your doctor.

Drops from helminths

Most often, drugs against worms, which are not contraindicated in children, are also produced in the form of a suspension. The sweetened syrup will not cause any protest from the child. Also, unlike a pill, it will be much easier to swallow drops.


Thus, there are many options for an enema. But, despite the seeming harmlessness of these procedures, it is still better to get the consent of the attending physician for them.

Such means cannot be dispensed with in cases where the invasion is complex, that is, a person suffers from infection with both tape and round worms.

The mechanism of the overwhelming majority of drugs is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in worms. After the active components of antihelminthic agents enter the patient's bloodstream, the worms lose the ability to receive food, and then die. Then they leave the human intestine in a dead form.

The group of broad-spectrum drugs includes many well-known drugs.

Most often, experts prescribe:

  • Mebendazole;
  • Albendazole;
  • Nemozole;
  • Zentel;
  • Vermox;
  • Vermacar;
  • Sanoksal.

For humans, not only sexually mature worms - tapeworms or tapeworms - are dangerous. For some helminths from the cestode class, people serve as intermediate hosts, therefore, when infected, the body does not develop adult worms, but large spherical larvae. They are tumor-like formations that resemble cysts. Larvae are formed in different organs - heart, liver, lungs, brain. This is how a person becomes infected with an echinococcus or alveococcus.

Anti-trematode drugs

If lab tests confirm the presence of flukes in the liver, then the patient thinks about how to treat the worms, since traditional drugs even with complex action will not have the desired effect.

Updated: 18.06.2018 17:59:55

The best remedies for worms of a wide spectrum of action

This rating includes several products that can be used primarily against worms, round, flat and tapeworms. The spectrum of their action is such that they overlap several diagnoses that are most common, and eliminate many invasions. But all the same, it is required first to establish a diagnosis, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective.

Piperazine is perhaps the most popular, affordable and famous medicine, which is used not only in humans, but in animals. Chemically, piperazine is a derivative found in black pepper. It began to be used in medicine over 50 years ago, and the most active form is piperazine adipate. Therapeutic effect piperazine consists in paralysis of the muscles of the roundworms, they lose the ability to move, cease to resist the peristaltic wave in the intestine, detach from the intestinal wall and are removed to the outside. Piperazine can only be used with roundworm infestation, for example, if a person has roundworms or pinworms. In the fight against opisthorchiasis, this anthelmintic drug is ineffective.

One tablet contains 200 or 500 mg of piperazine, and an adult patient should not take more than 4 g, or more than 20 tablets (8 tablets) daily. You need to use the drug according to special dosages... With ascariasis, this medicine is used within 2 days, or immediately, but in the presence of pinworms, it should be used within 5 days, and then a repeated cycle is needed. It is recommended to use a cleansing enema in the treatment of pinworms. You can buy Piperazine in tablets, packaged in 10 pieces, even for 15 rubles. This remedy for worms is produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of piperazine include its low price and universal action on roundworms, although it is required to know the exact diagnosis. This medicine for worms can be used even once for ascariasis, which is quite convenient. On the downside, this can include discomfort and abdominal pain, nausea, and headaches. In the event that piperazine is prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency, they may develop muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements and the appearance of tremors. Despite this, as an exception, the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women and young children, including children under the age of one year.

The active ingredient of Vermox is mebendazole. It is a more serious anthelmintic as its action is more versatile and powerful. Mebendazole disrupts the utilization of sugar in the tissues of helminths, this leads to their depletion, and as a result, "losing all strength" and the ability to move, they are excreted from the body. By the way, do not look for dead and released worms in your feces. As soon as they die in the intestines, they are immediately digested, and finally go to the benefit of the owner. This drug is active against pinworms, ascaris, pork and bovine tapeworm, trichinella, echinococcosis and many other, more rare helminthiasis. An anthelmintic drug is produced in the form of tablets, each of which contains 100 mg of mebendazole.

The frequency and dose of this medicine for worms depends on the diagnosis. With pinworms (enterobiasis), it is taken one tablet 3 times a day, and with most severe infection With echinococcosis, Vermox can be taken in high dosages for several years. Depending on the diagnosis, it is recommended to treat all family members living together. Vermox itself can be purchased in tablets, packaged in 6 pieces for 80 rubles. The Hungarian company Gedeon Richter produces the drug Vermox.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages

The best pills for worms for children and pregnant women

Advantages and disadvantages

Pirantel is a popular and low-toxic medicine for worms, so you can start taking it for children aged six months and even younger, this is what the suspension is used for. Concerning negative sides, then it should not be used in children with myasthenia gravis, with renal failure, and it is imperative that laxatives should not be used during treatment. The doctor needs to take into account that Pirantel should not be given together with piperazine, since they beneficial action mutually destroyed. Availability and cheapness, and the existence of two dosage forms for convenient application is an advantage. That is why Pirantel takes a worthy place in the ranking of anthelmintic (anthelmintic) drugs.

Decaris (levamisole)

Decaris is produced for the treatment of diseases caused by roundworms. After a single dose, worms - nematodes are paralyzed, and are excreted from the body within 24 hours. Decaris is indicated for the treatment of ascariasis, ankylostomiasis and other similar helminthic invasions. The tool can be used in children from the age of 3 years, and the dosage is selected depending on the body weight. The medicine is used against worms once, one tablet contains 50 mg active substance which is levamisole. For a child, 2.5 mg is given per kilogram of weight - this corresponds to one 50 mg tablet for a 20-kg child. This anthelmintic of the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter is produced, there are only 2 tablets in one package, in case a repeated prophylactic reception is shown a few days later. Dekaris costs, starting from 70 rubles. There is also only one tablet, with a dosage of 150 mg for adults, which also costs from 70 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

One-time use can be considered the advantage of this medication. Dekaris, if necessary, can be prescribed for pregnant women. The disadvantage of Decaris is the prohibition of its use for lactating women, babies under 3 years old, patients with a significant decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

Finally, you need to turn your eyes to folk remedies, which, although they are not strictly acting against helminths, but contribute to their excretion from the body, and can be used in complex therapy together with other anthelmintic drugs. One of these popularly favorite drugs that hit the rating are pumpkin seeds... They are not toxic and not dangerous, therefore they can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women, and adults. Pumpkin seeds contain active substance cucurbitin. It helps to paralyze the muscles of the worms. Even if cucurbitin does not completely paralyze the worms, it will still weaken their vital activity and reduce their ability to feed and stay in the intestines.

In order for pumpkin seeds to act on worms more actively, it is advisable to use them together with the peel, it is in these films that the most active substance is contained. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten by people who have pets in their home, with preventive purpose, they can be prescribed to children along with anthelmintic drugs, they can be used simply for persons for prevention who do not have symptoms of helminthic invasions, but they just want to be healthier. It is known that pumpkin seeds can be successfully used by elderly people. The amount of seeds used is different. From them you can make an infusion, or use them in the form of tea, adult patients are recommended to take 250 grams of seeds daily, and children - starting from a 50 gram dosage, depending on age and likelihood helminthic invasion... It is advisable to use them on an empty stomach, and in addition to direct intake, you can use an enema with a decoction of these useful seeds.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this treatment are obvious. But, nevertheless, you need to be aware of the side effects. Pumpkin seeds have a choleretic and laxative effect. Therefore, if you have cholelithiasis, or a tendency to diarrhea, then only a doctor should prescribe pumpkin seeds, taking into account contraindications.

To the merits of this complex food additive includes the natural composition, the practical absence of contraindications and side effects. As noted above, shortcomings in this case, is nothing more than a continuation of the merits. In the event that you have been completely diagnosed with a helminthic invasion, and especially such a serious one as ascariasis, trichinosis, or cysticercosis, then with the help of one Evalar Troika you will have a minimum chance of getting rid of these serious diseases.

Tanaxol is considered a rather rare complex herbal preparation, which is positioned by the manufacturer not just as a "remedy for common worms", but is directed directly against lamblia. In addition to anti-lambliasis action, the agent promotes better bile secretion, reduces inflammation in the hepatobiliary zone, and exhibits a mild laxative effect. It contains elecampane, yarrow and tansy extract. This supplement is indicated for prophylaxis, and in order to enhance the effect of drugs aimed at treating giardiasis. Tanaxol can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of ascaris infestation. The medicine is used one teaspoon twice a day with meals for a month. You can buy Tanaxol in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution inside, in packs of 42 g at a price of 350 rubles. Tanaxol is produced by the domestic company Biolit LLC. This dosage is enough for 10 days of admission.

It is important to note that the destruction of worms in the human body is just as important as the procedure for removing them. Dead individuals are no less dangerous than living ones, therefore, for successful treatment helminthic invasions, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

Tablets for worms: mechanism of action

Pirantel for worms

You need to take Pirantel from 1 to 3 days. So with ascariasis, the doctor prescribes Pirantel as a single dose of 10 mg / kg. In case of non-kotorosis, 10 mg / kg is prescribed for 3 days. Pirantel belongs to low-toxic drugs for worms, the price of which is quite affordable in comparison with other drugs. The main contraindications for use are pregnancy, lactation. With a single dose of Pirantel, the second pill should be taken after 10 days, since this drug does not work on the larvae of worms, but only on adults.

Decaris from worms

Available in tablet form for oral administration... Dekaris is prescribed by a doctor once before bedtime, 0.15 g for an adult. For children, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 2.5 mg / kg of body weight. After taking the drug, you need to control the leukocytes in the blood, so the doctor should prescribe biochemical analysis blood. This drug well tolerated by patients, but in some cases there may be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Fed from worms

Mebendazole for worms

Mebendazole is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug. Mebendazole are among the most effective drugs used for infections caused by intestinal nematodes. This drug is effective in the treatment of ascariasis, trichocephalosis, enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis. Tablets for worms - Mebendazole is often prescribed for mixed worm infestations. Oral Mebendazole is used.

The pet drone is sold separately for cats and dogs. This drug is effective for round and tapeworms. Drontal can be used for prophylaxis in 1 tablet once every six months. For the treatment of worms in cats or dogs, 1 tablet is used per 4 kg of body weight. Dogs 1 tablet per 10 kg of dog's body. Drontal is not used to treat people.

Dirofen from worms for cats and dogs

Dirofen is an anthelmintic drug used in veterinary medicine. Used to treat worms in cats and dogs. Effective in relation to both cestodes and nematodes. They are used once with food. 1 tablet of the drug is designed for 5 kg of weight. In cases of severe infestation, repeated admission is carried out after 10 days.

Caniquantel from worms for animals

Caniquantel is used for helminthic infestations in cats and dogs. Effective for trematodes, nematodes, cestodoses. This drug is given to the animal with food at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. Caniquantel can be given to puppies and kittens, but after 3 weeks after birth.

Anthelmintic drugs for the treatment of worms in cats or dogs are strictly prohibited for humans.

Prevention of worms for adults and children

For the prevention of helminthic invasion, first of all, you need to observe simple rules hygiene. Also, doctors recommend once every six months to use tablets for worms once every six months, the price of which depends on the name of the drug, as well as the manufacturer's company. The basic rules of hygiene include:

  • Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating and after walking outside.
  • Process vegetables and fruits thoroughly before consuming them.
  • It is forbidden to pet street animals.
  • If there is a pet (cat, dog) in the house, prevention of helminthic infestation should be carried out every six months, while all family members, including animals, need to take medications.

Adhering to basic rules, you can protect yourself and your family from infection with worms. When treating helminthic invasion, it must be remembered that these diseases are capable of reappearing, therefore it is very important to undergo a full course of treatment, to find good pills for worms, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

To get rid of worms, drugs of a narrow and wide spectrum of action are used. Their appointment is carried out by the attending physician, depending on the degree of infection with worms. Most quality medicines demonstrate positive result and at the same time their active components do not affect the human condition in any way.

In medicine, these types are distinguished drugs broad spectrum of action:

Also, the patient can be prescribed drugs and a narrow spectrum of action, but they are used exclusively to combat helminths found outside the intestines.

What does the use of tablets and drugs for worms give?

More recently, the problem of worms was solved with the help of various folk remedies... In almost all cases, this led to the launch of helminthic invasion, which further provoked the development of serious disorders and diseases.

Full treatment of helminthiasis in humans should be accompanied by medical supervision and regular tests. This will allow you to prematurely prevent negative changes in the state of the body, which can be caused by the use of one or another type of drug.

Which of the drugs for worms are most effective?

Today pharmaceuticals offers many types of drugs for worms. Among them, various suspensions and tablets from worms of a wide spectrum of action are distinguished. But which of the drugs presented on the shelves of the pharmacy are the most effective?

According to all the rules, the drugs are selected by the doctor. But there are quite frequent cases when the infection with worms is not so great, and a person will be able to cope with them on his own. Moreover, current manufacturers apply more than detailed instructions to each name of the drug.

It is one of the most popular and effective medicines that exist today. Pirantel causes muscle paralysis in worms, which allows them to get rid of them quickly and without harm to the body. The drug is prescribed when diagnosing ascariasis or enterobiasis in a patient, as well as ankylostomosis.

You can buy pyrantel under other names - Kombatrin, Helmintox, Nemocid. V standard version the remedy is used one time before a meal. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

The product can be purchased in the form of tablets or syrup for children. If you purchased the drug in tablets, then when taking them, they should be chewed thoroughly and only after swallowing, drink with water.

The drug is well tolerated by people, in some cases minor side effects such as nausea, dizziness, indigestion and short vomiting may be detected. Pirantel is contraindicated in pregnant women.


The drug is prescribed for both adults and children. Does not affect the state immune system and does not cause intoxication even with repeated use in case of serious infestation.

The drug is prescribed individually. So, with ascariasis, enterobiasis, 1 tablet is prescribed per day. The course lasts from 3 to 5 days. With teniasis and strongyloidosis, the drug is prescribed once a day for 3 days. With giardiasis in adults and children, 1 tablet is drunk per day for 5 days.

Side effects of the patient may be disturbed by dry mouth, bowel upset, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, dizziness, nausea. In rare cases, hallucinations and disorientation in space may occur. Tablets should not be taken during pregnancy or hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.


This is a drug for helminths of a wide spectrum of action, which is distinguished by its ability to influence and destroy almost any type of worms. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for giardiasis. Nemozole is extremely effective for serious invasions - ascariasis, toxocariasis, noncatorosis, strongyloidosis and teniasis.

The tool is available in the form of a suspension. It is recommended to use it directly during meals. The most successful and effective remedy manifests itself when taken together with fatty foods... This is due to the absorption of the active component of the drug, which, if this requirement is met, increases by 5 times. With the usual use of the suspension, the agent is absorbed only by 5%.

In the standard version, in patients who have increased sensitivity to the main active ingredient- albendazole, a series of undesirable side effects is observed in the form of digestive disorders, the appearance of pain in the stomach, weakness, nausea, flatulence, and short vomiting. The drug is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding and pregnant.


Fenasal is considered one of the best means against infection bovine tapeworm, teniarinchiasis, diphyllobothriasis. Children and adults are given a different dose depending on the degree of infection, weight and age. The course of drug treatment lasts 4 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

Phenasal is usually well tolerated by the body. However, the appearance of side effects is not excluded if the instructions are not followed or due to the intolerance of the main components. Possible nausea, small allergic reaction that usually go away within a few days.


A single-use antihelminthic agent, which, after one use, paralyzes the worms, preventing them from moving and multiplying. Tablets are indicated for ascariasis, ankylostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, trichocephalosis, enterobiasis. Decaris must be used if a person has worms, which, while in the body, move. However, the drug is ineffective for getting rid of worms that are attached to the intestinal mucosa.

Among the side effects, only a slight bowel disorder, short-term nausea are noted. In rare cases, vomiting and weakness may appear.


A broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug that paralyzes worms. Praziquantel is prescribed for infection with trematodes, as well as all subspecies of flatworms.

Before prescribing praziquantel to a patient, the doctor must check possible availability oversensitivity to this drug. The dose and duration of treatment is set individually, depending on the type of pathogen and the degree of infection with worms. The interval between taking the pills should not exceed more than 4 days, otherwise the effect of the treatment will come to naught.

The manifestation of side effects is mainly manifested only in patients with high degree helminthic invasion. For a short time, nausea may bother, headache, vomit.


The agent is taken orally during meals. Together with digestive enzymes, the medicinal components of the tablets are better broken down and dispersed throughout the body. If there is no improvement within 3 weeks, the course is repeated.

Negative effects after taking the drug are practically not noted, however, the appearance of a minor bowel disorder and headache is not excluded. Nausea, dizziness, stomatitis, flatulence may also appear.


With a single use of the drug, no side effects not found. However, as the curative therapy drowsiness, headache, rare allergic reactions may occur.

How to use drugs correctly?

This is necessary to achieve a quick and sustainable effect. So, with the help of the first medicine, the initial weakening of worms occurs. For their complete destruction, the action of a second drug is required, for example, Nemozol or Vermox.

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