Infectious vapotitis in children symptoms and treatment. Chronic nonspecific parenchymal vapor. Causes of Children's Diseases

Epidemic vapotitis - so a scientifically called a pig in children. This infectious disease most often suffer from children from 1 year to 15 years. The virus enters the body of the child through the mucous membrane airborne. Contact path (for example through toys) is not excluded. Virus susceptibility is high enough. With epidemic parotitis symptoms in children are similar.

Small children endure the disease much easier than schoolchildren, and the treatment of the vapotitis is more efficient. Hidden pig period, or vapotitis, from the moment of infection until the first obvious symptoms appear - 2-2.5 weeks. The last 2 days of this period are the most dangerous to others. Virus vapotitis at this time is especially active. Pig, or epidemic vapotitis, there are 3 degrees of gravity: light, medium and heavy.

How the pig manifests

Like any viral disease, a pig (medical name - vapotitis) passes several stages. Initially there is a hidden period. From the beginning of infection to the first clinical symptoms It takes from 2 to 3 weeks. Signs of vapors in children manifest quite brightly. After the virus is penetrated through the upper respiratory tract to the child's body, it enters the blood through which it extends throughout the body.

Most often, infection affects testicular testicular and salivary glands, prostate, thyroid organ and nervous system. Having accumulated in the body, viruses multiply and at the final stage of the incubation period are again thrown into the blood, where there are more than a week. There they can be found with the help of a study for diagnosis.

Further stage - clinical signs. Symptoms of pigs in children are manifested in different ways, it depends on the affected organ. With a standard flow of viral pathology, the body temperature increases to 38 ° C, appear painfulness in the ear. The first signs of the pig - soreness and inflammation of the near salivary glandsThe function of which is broken, which is why dryness can be felt in the mouth.

The inflammatory process provokes dyspeptic disorders (abdominal pain, disruption of appetite, nausea, stool disorder). This happens because the virus falls into the saliva digestive tract. It is often amazed and the oral cavity arises bacterial infection - Stomatitis. In addition to the defeat of the ear region on the one hand, pathological process Subject and submandibular glands may be included.

The disease is often accompanied by head and muscular pain. Sometimes the nervous system is affected. The development of serous meningitis, accompanied by high temperature indicators, vomiting. This condition It is extremely dangerous, since the patient's nervous system is under threat. To clarify the diagnosis, the spinal cord should be carried out. If there are no changes in the liquid, specific treatment Not appointed. Signs of illness will disappear after 3-4 days after it began. We also recommend you to watch the video from the doctor about this disease:

Diagnosis of Ginger

Farm diagnostics - the process is simple. In most cases, the diagnosis is set without additional research. Enough the appearance of the first clinical signswhich are characteristic of the pig. The most obvious - inflammation easy glands and the growth of body temperature. Although similar manifestations can be dental diseases or injury when bacteria are recorded in the oral cavity.

The doctor is immediately able to distinguish the symptoms of vapotitis in children from other diseases. For completeness, the doctor may assign blood test for the presence of antibodies to the vapotitis virus, flushing out of the pharynx and the collection of saliva for the microscopic examination. If blood antibodies are detected, appropriate drugs are prescribed. If involving involvement in the nervous system, puncture is carried out for the analysis of spinal cerebral fluid.

Pig in boys has its own characteristics. They sick more often than girls. At the same time, in 20% of cases, orchitis occurs - the defeat of the testicles and a violation of work prostatic gland As a result of its inflammation. If the infection covered the body of a patient teenager during puberty, then such a complication as infertility is not excluded. The sign of the inflammation of the testicles is their alternate redness and swelling, pain, temperature rise.

If the prostate is inflamed, pain in groin appear, urination becomes frequent and painful. Each parent should be aware of how the pig's disease looks like, so that at the very first signs, contact medical institution. As soon as the blood tests are detected, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.

Parotitis symptoms differ in gender. Girls of adolescence is a complication as an ooforite - inflammation of the ovaries, in which abundant allocations appear yellow color. Sexual development At the same time delayed. Therefore, parents must be observed for the child. After passing the incubation period of manifestation, pigs can be quite bright.

Causes of parotitis

It is necessary to know where this disease comes from and what kind of pigs should be. Wine virus circulates in a natural environment. Only a person can get sick, which then becomes the source of infection. The transmission paths of the virus are not a few. Airborne drip method is most frequent. The causative agent of epidemic vapotitis is sometimes present on the subjects with the tears of urine of a sick child.

Epidemic parotitis in children is a common disease around the world. A separate country or region, where there is no cases of infection, does not exist. Parotitis is I. non-infectious origindoes not have with viral disease nothing in common. It provokes its long-term supercooling or injury, after which one or two varnish salivary glands are inflated.

How the pig is passed

In addition to the airfielding method of transmission and infection through objects, there is a risk of infection and vertical way, which can be subjected to newborns. Sometimes the child can infect intrauterine from the mother sick. If the woman moved to the pregnancy epidemic vapotitis, the pig for six months does not threaten the newborn, since he already has protective antibodies transmitted by the mother.

Farm newborns meets infrequently. Associated with premature and weakened children. The development of the pig occurs in acute formIn most cases - in the first week after birth. The course of pigs and symptoms in newborns are similar to signs of classical vapotitis. The causative agent penetrates the salivary glands, causing their inflammation, and then general intoxication. The pig in the child is able to provoke the occurrence of purulent foci, which are revealed by the surgeon, followed by the drainage of the wound.

Classification of disease

The classification of the disease today does not have a generally accepted option. Applicable only one, the most successful variation, which concerns the manifest forms, divided into complicated and uncomplicated. By severity of the flow of pigs in children, symptoms and forms can be divided into light, moderate and heavy. There is also an asymptomatic course of the disease, as well as non-epidemic vapotitis - inflammatory process Easy gland, developing due to violation of saliva and carrying neurogenic character.

It also occurs noncommunicable vapotitis obtained during injury or cooling the body. IN international Classification Epidparotitis is included in the list with international code MKB-10. There is such a kind as the false paramatitis of Herzenberg, manifested by inflammation of the variety of lymph nodes. It may arise as a result of the receipt of infection from the tonsils, pharynx, indigenous teeth and the root of the language. For timely treatment The forecast is favorable.

Of particular danger represents purulent parotitisarising from the penetration of infection in the saliva iron from the mouth. In this case, there is soreness and swelling in the near-volumen area, an increase in temperature, chewing disruption. There is a swelling extending to the neck and cheek, general state worsen.

Acute vapotitis accompanies other diseases, being a complication of such infectious pathologieslike scarletten, flu, raw and abdominal typhoid, pneumonia, postpartum sepsis. The pig is developing at the final stage concomitant disease. With bilateral defeat of the near-surround area, the forecast is unfavorable. Among the symptoms - elevated temperature, voltage and pain in the parole, swelling, difficulty opening the mouth.

Parenchimato vapotitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the duct of salivary gland - a parenchyma. He can take chronic flow After transferred to B. childhood infectious vapotitis. It is characterized by durability and periodic exacerbations in the form of pain, intoxication, organ sealing. Disease recurrences are possible every 2-3 months.

Bacterial pairotitis after the end of the hidden period begins acutely and is accompanied by a high temperature of up to + 38 ... + 40 ° C, edema in the near-wing area. The cheeks are strongly drowned, because of which the disease and the name is "pig". In children, signs of pathology are manifested as follows: the swollen place is painful, on the touch of hot, the skin is stretched, thinned, has an unhealthy gloss, there is a pain when swallowing, chewing, conversation.

In the absence of immunity, a person will necessarily get sick, contacting the virus. Dangers and women who are carrying a child are exposed if they did not have a pork in childhood. Typical steaming during pregnancy after incubation begins acutely. The temperature can rise to 40 ° C, muscle and headaches appear, weakness, chills, pain in the ear, swelling, which is rapidly growing for 5 days. After 2 weeks, the swelling subsides, the pain goes and comes recovery.

How to treat pigs, or steam

Parotitis treatment should be under the supervision of the doctor. An important goal is to avoid complications. Diet is developed for this and respected bed regime For at least 10 days. With a slight course of the disease, a lot of fluids should be used. Calcium gluconate is shown, anti-allergic agents, preparations with paracetamol. Classic steaming in children, symptoms and treatment of which is typical, passes almost without consequences.

Non-specific vapotitis in children has an infectious nature, spreading similarly to the air-droplet. Treatment should be appointed by a doctor. Bed regime recommended, abundant drinking (fruit juices, rosehip infusion, cranberry morse). Corrected power. Flour products are excluded from the menu. Turn on the diet rice Kishu. and vegetable dairy products.

Parenchimato parotitis most often occurs in children from 3 to 7 years. For clinical picture The duration and cyclicality of the disease is characteristic. They are amazed in most cases both sides of the parish glands. Chronic inflammation It is aggravated to 8 times a year and is accompanied by a deterioration in the state, the rise of the temperature, the appearance of pain when swallowing and opening the mouth. When massaged the parole zone highlights the jelly viscous saliva With fibrin clots or with pus.

Since the child may be contagious when the child can be contagious, quarantine is declared in kindergarten, the duration of which is 21 days. Treatment of uncomplicated vapotitis in the infant can be held at home. Used drugs that increase immunity, dry warmth The area where swelling is located. Ultraviolet ultraviolet irradiation is used. At temperatures make the injection of papaverine with analgin.

Preventive measures are needed to ensure non-proliferation of the infectious disease. Prevention of epidemic parotitis has great importance In such establishments, like schools and kindergartens. Children's disease of the pig is inference, and a pool child needs to be isolate to full recovery. Preventive measures are also in the introduction of anti-optical vaccine on epidemiological indications.

The pathogen of the pig is resistant to the conditions of the external environment, quickly adapts to room temperature. Most often, the virus is striking the body in winter and autumn. For reduced immunitete Unmucky man can long years be sensitive to infection. Depending on the severity of vapor and symptoms, treatment is selected individually.

There is still such a concept as SHEGREEN syndrome, in which the inflammatory process is striking the mucous membranes and leads to chronic vapotitis. In the SHEGREEN syndrome, the secretory activity of the salivary glands is reduced, which is due to the dryness of the oral cavity and eye. Often the disease flows without symptoms.

Consequences and complications

Parotitis complications may be different. The most frequent one is serous meningitis, which is developing mainly in male people. Among the symptoms - chills, high temperature, vomiting and severe headache. Possible loss of consciousness, parires facial nerve. Pig - a disease with symptoms for which in most cases it is easy to determine. Often the disease is characterized by damage to both salivary glands and nervous tissue.

The consequences of the pig can pursue a person all their lives. In some cases, vapotitis gives complications on the pancreas. Patient pursues sharp pain Singing character, fever, nausea, vomiting. Inflammation of the nearby area can cause defeat auditory agenciesWhat can lead to full deafness.

People are interested in what is dangerous pig for boys. The severity of complications depends on age. For adult men, such a disease is dangerous as a pig, its consequences can be deplorable. In 20% of cases, vapotitis depresses the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles, which is fraught with infertility.

The egg blushes, swells, increases in size, severe pain arises in the organ. Then the swelling passes to the second egg. This inflammation can lead to atrophy and complete loss of the function of the sexual organ. For girls, steaming is less dangerous than for boys, although in rare cases it is possible to make mastitis and inflammation of the ovaries.

Prevention of epidemic parotitis

Prevention of measles, rubella and epidemic vapotitis in our country have always paid great attention. The vaccinations positively include almost all parents who are not indifferent to the health of their child. Parotitis prophylaxis practically eliminates the possibility of infection. The infectious disease of the pig is still a considerable problem, although the mass vaccination in the first years of the life of children contributed to a decrease in the number of infected.

Such a disease, as stealing in children, and the treatment of complications require preventive MerWith which it is permissible to avoid infection. The prevention includes not only the vaccinations made on time, but also the strengthening of the protective forces of the body, proper nutrition, cavity care, general hygiene. Ignoring these rules may result in such a disease as purulent vapotitis, which often occurs in a weakened organism.

It takes steady, if other bacterial and viral infections are connected to it. Therefore, adherence to sanitary guidelines is necessary for all groups of the population. Extraction of childhood disease in chronic form, for example, a parenchymal vapor is a direct consequence of ignoring preventive eventsaimed at preventing pathology.

Reading time: 7 minutes

In the people viral infection Under the title "Parotit" is known as a hassiness or a pig. According to statistics, the child, no matter, the boy is either a girl, the disease tolerates much easier than an adult man. You can get the pig with contact or air-droplet. Epidemic vapotitis in children often falls on the spring, and the first symptoms and signs of the disease may occur only for 12 days after infection. In most, the pig flows without consequences, but in 5 cases from 1000 gives very serious complications.

What is pairing in children

Respiratory viral infection is vapotitis (Code of ICD-10 - B26) is a danger due to high risk infection. Although the threats for the life of the pig is not boring, but complications of the disease can lead to the defeat of the organs. The greatest incidence is saved from 3 to 6 years. After the suffered infection, a persistent lifelong immunity is formed. For infection, seasonality is characterized - the peak of morbidity falls on the spring, at the end of the summer the disease is almost not registered.

Parotitis causative agent

You can get a pig with a close contact with a sick person. Parotitis pathogen - Parotits Epidemica RNA virus, which has an incorrect spherical shape. In external environment It is relatively stable: at room temperature, several days remains, and with a minus - until six months. Epidemic parotitis virus has specific fabric damage mechanisms:

  • when hemagglutinating activity causes edema of the parotid glands and the formation of microtrombov in capillaries;
  • with hemolytic activity destroys blood cells;
  • neuraminidase activity makes it easier to penetrate the cells of viral particles, contributes to their reproduction.

As the infection occurs

Children's disease of the pig more often affects the nervous system and glandular organs. The virus enters the body through the mucous pharynx and the nose. At first he settles on the cell surface, destroys them, after which he penetrates into blood vessels, spreading throughout the body. If a pig disease is developing in boys, then the testicles and prostate can be affected by the nervous and glandular tissues, if girls, the disease affects the ovaries. Together with this, the overall allergyization of the body can be observed, which lasts several years after recovery.

Incubation period

The pig's pig begins sharply. From the moment of infection with the virus and before the manifestation of the disease, children run from 12 to 22 days, in adults - 11-35 days. Some children 1-2 days before the development of symptoms, there are progressive phenomena: muscle and headaches, dry mouth, easy sensations In the variety of salivary glands. Fever can last a week.

Symptoms of parotitis

The severity of the disease depends on the state of immunity in children. If the virus got into healthy organismthen he threatens asymptomatic or easy flow Diseases. The situation is greatly complicated by the lack of vaccination against a pig or shortly transferred other infection. What the main symptoms of pigs in children look like:

  • promotional period: lethargy, apathy, weakness, malicious drowsiness;
  • during the reproduction of the virus, salivary excavation glands swell;
  • there is a sharp increase in body temperature up to 38-40 degrees, symptoms of body intoxication appear, as with influenza or ARVI;
  • simultaneously with the swelling of the parotid glands, the child feels their pain;
  • sublimatic, sublard glands are inflamed, there is a swelling and redness of the tonsils;
  • when one-sided inflammation There is a pain in chewing.

In boys

Have older boys school age Other organs may be involved in the inflammatory process. Orchitis is often observed (lesions of the testicles) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). With orchitis, one egg swells more often. The skin on the scrotum becomes red and warm to the touch. With prostatitis, pathology is localized in the crotch area. With a rectal study, a small patient feels acute pain, the doctor defines a tumor-like education.

Symptoms of nonspecific parotitis

Sialadenit (chronic nonspecific vapotitis of noncommunicable nature) is a very common pathology in children. This is an independent disease that is not associated with the epidemiological component. An important feature Diseases is cyclical flow: the relative lull is replaced by the aggravation phase, in which the following symptoms are observed:

  • chewing soreness;
  • swelling in the field of salivary parotid gland;
  • an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • selection of muddy viscous saliva or pus with purulent vapotitis;
  • reducing saliva;
  • a sense of congestion in the ears;
  • increase body temperature.

First signs of pigs in children

The main danger of the vapotitis is that the first signs appear a week after infection, and the child all this time is considered healthy, infecting others. The disease develops rapidly. First signs of pigs:

  • loss of appetite, rejection of food;
  • feeling of general ailment;
  • attempts to open the mouth are accompanied by a strong soreness behind the ears.

Classification of parotitis

Parotitis current passes in various clinical forms. Since there is no common variant of the classification of the disease, the physicians apply another variation:

  • manifestic: complicated (with meningitis, arthritis, jade and other) and uncomplicated form when only salivary glands are affected;
  • residual, developing against the background of steaming: deafness, violations of the central nervous system, testicular atrophy, infertility, diabetes;
  • treatment variety (Viro).

Complications of disease

Often the consequence of epidemic vapotitis is inflammation of the pancreas, thyroid or gerbus. Other complications of pigs in children:

  • inflammation brain shells (when meningitis manifests itself);
  • inflammation of the testicles (orchit);
  • hearing damage, sometimes leading to full deafness;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • prostatitis;
  • ooforitis;
  • nephritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • myocarditis.


For typical flow Diseases The diagnosis is clear to the doctor already when examining the child. To confirm viral nature Parotitis are conducted in addition laboratory research. In the asymptomatic course of the disease, the following tests are especially important:

  • detection of antibodies;
  • blood test to the CPR to detect the pathogen;
  • a set of analyzes to assess the work of the internal organs.

Pink treatment in children

The main rule in the treatment - patients are isolated from others. Therapy is carried out at home with beddown. In the hospital, the child is put only with a severe form of a vapor. An important stage of therapy is a diet, in which the advantage is given to gentle nutrition stewed or boiled dishes. For treatment, antipyretic and painkillers are used. Antibiotics are not prescribed, but the child is prescribed a course of physiotherapy. For severe course Diseases All appointed drugs are injected through the dropper intravenously.

Drug therapy

Remove the inflammation of the salivary glands with uncomplicated vapotitis in children complex therapyAt which the following medicines are used:

  1. Nooofen suspension. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect. Prescribe children from 3 months. According to the instructions, one reception must be from 5 to 10 mg / kg of the baby's weight. The frequency and duration of treatment appoints a doctor. Average dose - 5 ml of syrup every 7 hours before the disappearance of symptoms. In case of overdose, may appear side Effects from side gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain.
  2. Groprinosin. Tablets with antiviral and immunostimulating action. Dosage - 50 mg / kg Weight per day. You should drink in 3-4 receptions within 7-10 days. In case of overdose, the concentration of uric acid can increase in serum and blood.

Diet nutrition

If the child is inflamed of salivary glands - it is difficult for him to chew, so the gentle diet is shown. With a vapotitis, it is better to give preference to liquid cashev, the rubber soup and abundant drinking (herbal infusions, simple water). After each meal, you need to rinse the mouth with a solution of furaciline or soda. From the menu it is necessary to exclude cabbage, white bread, pasta, fats, sour juice. Products that will help to recover faster:

  • liquid wipe soup on chicken broth;
  • any liquid porridge;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steam cutlets;
  • chicken meat;
  • fruits and vegetables in the form of puree or pudding;
  • steam / boiled fish;
  • milk products;
  • seeds, nuts, legumes.

Hospitalization of patients

If a pig's disease in children is undergoing severe, when other glands and nervous system are involved in the process, hospitalization is appointed. The hospital can be directed if the child lives in adverse social conditions, a family hostel or in an orphanage to eliminate the infection of other people. When pairotitis in the institution, vaccination is carried out for all unvacuated and non-bad children.

From the moment of the last sick in schools, kindergartens and children's homes, 21-day quarantine is superimposed. Vaccination is not mandatory, but it is recommended, after all, the vaccination not only protects against the disease, but also facilitates the course of infection, if the child has been vaccinated already in incubation period. Revaccination is prescribed 4 years after the first vaccination, which contributes to the production of specific antibodies by the body, which prevent the pairotitis re-infection by 100%.

Prevention of pigs in children

In addition to standard preventive measures, the patient is insulated for 9 days. A vaccine is used as the main prevention, which is administered subcutaneously into the outer part of the shoulder or under the blade once in a dose of 0.5 ml. The vaccination also includes antibodies against rubella and measles. Vaccines from parotitis:

  • monovaccines: Vaccine Parotitis Cultural Live, Imovix Oreion;
  • divaccine: Vaccine Parotitically Corrugated Cultural Live;
  • three-component: Trimovaks, Ervevaks, Priorix, MMR.


More famous parents like a pig, steaming is an acute infectious disease. Child, sick with a pig, find out easily - he swells the lower part of the face. About why this is happening, what other symptoms have this disease and, most importantly, how to treat it, we will tell in this article.

Parotitis symptoms in children

Non-specific vapors in children is mainly transmitted by air-droplet. Through the upper respiratory tract, it enters the blood, nervous system and salivary glands. The latter, under the influence of the virus, begin to increase in size. The skin in the place of lesion is stretched and gloring. The tumor can go down on the neck. The area around the salivary glands is painful.

Much less often, there are cases when the vapotitis becomes a consequence of the injury of the parotchny gland or hitting foreign bodies In her docks.

The main symptoms of the pig experts include:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • headache;
  • high temperature;
  • decline in appetite;
  • increasing the salivary glands;
  • pain in the ear;
  • dry mouth.

The disease gives to know about yourself not immediately. The appearance of symptoms is preceded by a hidden period. Its duration is about 11 - 23 days. Infects the sick child of other children within two days before the development of the main symptoms of the pig.

Most often, epidemic vapotitis happens in preschool children.

How does the children passing in children?

The flow of illness can be:

  • easy (temperature keeps 1 - 2 days, only salivary glands are amazed);
  • middle severity (prolonged fever; besides salivary glands, the seeds are affected by boys and pancreas; sleep, appetite is disturbed, there is a headache and chewing pain);
  • heavy (the temperature can rise to 40 degrees; it is possible to defeat the central nervous system).

Parotitis treatment in children

In the treatment of vapotitis, the main task is to prevent complications. Preparations appoints the attending physician.

Drinking during the vapor should be abundant. Most often it is represented by the Nasty of Rosehip, cranberry mors and juice.

Power is also adjusted for a period of illness. Furious products are excluded from the diet, a vegetable dairy diet is recommended. From Kash, preference is given to rice.

The patient's body generates resistant immunity to the pig, therefore the re-infection of the vapotitis is excluded.

In groups of kindergartens and school classes, in which quarantine was declared. Its duration is 21 days. If during this period another case of a lead disease is revealed, quarantine is extended for the same period.

Parotitis vaccination efficiency

Parotitis in graft children - the phenomenon is extremely rare, since the vaccine has proven its effectiveness in 96% of cases. Disease it occurs only when the technique of introducing a vaccine or in the non-existence of vaccination was violated.

Usually vaccination at the age of 1 year and 6 years. Children makes vaccination immediately from three diseases: measles, rubella and parotitis. It is contraindicated only to children sensitive to chicken eggs and neomycin. The reaction to the vaccine is rare. It can manifest itself in the form of an increase in temperature and minor swelling of the salivary glands. Most often redness is observed and a small hardening at the injection site of the vaccine.

If a healthy childpreviously not painful and not vaccinated from her, in contact with a patient with a vapor, can not be held specific prophylaxis. In such cases, children are introduced antiviral drugs, for example, interferon or groprinosine.

Such a disease like a pig is dangerous for children. Often it proceeds without noticeable symptoms, but can give heavy complications. Ensure the child from infection with this infection is not easy, since in the children's team it is not always possible to distinguish the sick baby from healthy. Manifestations usually arise only a few days after the disease has already begun, and the person has become contagious for others. Parents should know what serious consequences May appear as a result of the disease, and also understand the value of vaccinations from it.

The pathogen is a virus of a family of paramixovirus (the family includes measles and paragrippa viruses). The pig's pathogen is developing only in human organismin various glands. First of all, it affects salivary glands (varnish and submandibular). But it can also multiply in all other glands of the body (genital, pancreas, thyroid).

Most often, the pig is occupied between the ages of 3 and 7 years, but adolescents can be sick up to 15 years. The newborn pigs do not happen, since they have the content of antigens to this virus in the blood. At the passing person, a lifelong resistant immunity is produced, so the pig is not sick.

It is noted that the epidemic vapotitis occurs in boys more often than girls. And the defeat of the seeds in adolescents leads to subsequent infertility. However, the damage of the genital glands is found only in 20% of cases with a complicated form of pigs.

Types and forms of the disease

The severity of the flow of the pig depends on the number of viruses in the body, their activity, as well as age and physical form Child, the state of his immune system.

Distinguish 2 types of disease:

  • manifest (manifests symptoms of various severity);
  • inapparantant (pig leaking asymptomatic).

Manifest parotitis

It is subdivided into uncomplicated (one or more salivary glands are affected, other organs are not affected) and complicated (there is a dissemination of the virus to other organs). The complicated form of the pig is very dangerous, as inflammatory processes affect vital important organs: brain, kidneys, sex and mammary glands, heart, joints, nervous system. With such a form of a pig can, meningitis, jade, mastitis, arthritis, myocarditis, orchitis, pancreatitis. In extremely rare cases, the deafness comes.

The pig of this species flows into easy form, as well as with manifestations of moderate gravity and in severe form.

Easy (atypical, with erased symptoms) Form of a pig. There is a slight malace that quickly disappears, without leading to any consequences.

Middle severity The disease is manifested explicitly pronounced signs The lesions of the salivary glands and the general intoxication of the organism substances that the virus allocates.

Heavy the form. The characteristic signs of the lesion of the salivary glands are sharply expressed, complications arise.

Inapparantant parotitis

A feature of such a disease is complete absence Symptoms in a sick child. In this case, suspect the presence of in the body hazardous infection difficult. Cunning is that the baby is a spreader of dangerous infection, although he feels himself as usual.

Causes of Children's Diseases

The pig virus is distributed only by air-droplet when the patient coughs or sneezes. So the probability of getting a virus to the surrounding air increases, if the child is cut.

The incubation period ranges from 12 to 21 days. Approximately a week before the symptoms of the patient becomes infectious for others and continues to remain right up to complete recovery, which is diagnosed according to the results of the tests.

The virus along with the air falls into the mucous membrane of the nose and the upper respiratory tractWhere it applies further to salivary and other glands of the body. Most often, the disease is manifested by inflammation and increasing salivary glands.

The disease helps to reduce immunity in a child due to frequent cold illness, poor nutrition, backlog B. physical Development. Susceptibility to the virus in unmatched children is very high. In children's institutions, there may be outbreaks of epidemic vapotitis if children are visited, whose disease occurs in a hidden form. In the event of a disease, several kids at the same time, the institution closes on a 3-week quarantine. Parotitis virus at a temperature of 20 ° dies after 4-6 days. It is unstable to the action of ultraviolet rays and disinfectants (lizola, formalin, chlorine lime).

Flashing diseases are especially possible in the autumn-winter period.

Signs of silence

The disease occurs in several stages.

Incubation period (Duration 12-21 days). The following processes occur:

  • viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • fall into blood;
  • spread through the body, accumulate in iron tissue;
  • re-enter the blood. At this time, they can already be detected by methods of laboratory diagnostics.

The period of clinical manifestations. With the usual course of the disease, there are signs of intoxication of the organism and inflammation of glands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaws and ears. This period lasts 3-4 days if complications do not occur.

Recovery. At this time, the symptoms of the child's disease, the pork gradually disappear. This period lasts up to 7 days. Approximately 9 days from the beginning of the appearance of symptoms, the kid can infect others.

First signs

The first signs of malaise arise in children per day before the appearance of the appearance of the face. These include the absence of appetite, weakness, chills, temperature rise to 38 ° -39 °, lubrication in the body, headache. All these are the consequences of the body poisoning by the productivity of microorganisms.

The child wants to sleep all the time, but can not fall asleep. Small children whims. Perhaps freight in the patient pulse, lowering arterial pressure. With severe disease, the temperature can reach up to 40 °.

Main manifestations

Children appears pain in the urine of the ears, they swell Glands. It is difficult to swallow, chew, talk, pain is in the ears. There may be increased salivament.

Slying glands most often swell on both sides, although the unilateral form of the disease is possible. Not only accumulating, but also sublive and submandibular salivary glands swell. Therefore, the inflammation of the salivary glands leads to severe swelling of the cheeks, the near-dry area and neck.

The skin on top of the edema blooms near the ears, begins to glorify. The increase in swelling is observed within 3 days, after which there is a reverse process of a gradual slow decrease in the size of the tumor. In adults and adolescents, swelling may not be submitted for 2 weeks, young children decreases much faster. Than older child, the hardest it transfers the disease.

Features of the development of parotitis in boys and girls

In case of fault, the boys in the boys in 20% of cases there is a viral lesion of the epithelium of the testicles (orchitis). If this happens during puberty, the consequence of a complicated disease can be infertility.

Signs of such a state are alternately swelling and redness of the testicles, pain in them, an increase in temperature. Inflammation of the prostate gland can also occur (prostatitis), the manifestations of which are pain in the field of groin, rapid painful urination.

Girls have a complication of the pig there may be inflammation of the ovarian (ooforite). At the same time, nausea, abdominal pain, adolescent girls appear abundant yellow selectionCan there be a delay in sexual development.

Signs of damage to the nervous system

In rare cases, the virus is striking not only ferrous fabrics, but also the central nervous system. This leads to meningitis (inflammation of the shells of the head and spinal cord). This is a disease that may pose a threat to the life of children. Its manifestations are very characteristic (the tension of the muscles of the back and neck, which causes the child to take a special posture), vomiting, not bringing relief, high temperature.

A warning: The sign of the occurrence of complications is a sharp increase in temperature after a noticeable improvement in the state of the patient, when the temperature has already fallen to normal. Even if the child, a sick pig, feels quite satisfactory, he must be under the supervision of a doctor to complete recovery.

Video: signs and symptoms of pigs, consequences of the disease

Diagnostics in case of disease

As a rule, the characteristic course of the disease allows you to diagnose even without additional examination.

In addition to the vapotitis, there are other reasons for increasing the salivary glands in which similar manifestations arise. This may occur due to the penetration of bacteria (streptococci, staphylococcal), dehydration of the body, with dental diseases, HIV infection.

However, in these cases, the occurrence of flopping of the cheeks is preceded by any other characteristic manifestations (for example, teeth hurt, there is an injury, after which bacteria could be listed in the salivary glands).

In order to finally ensure in the presence of a contagious infection, you need to spend laboratory diagnostics: blood test on antibodies to epidemic vapotitis virus, microscopic examination saliva and wasches from the pharynx. In suspected damage to the nervous system, puncture of the spinal cord is carried out.

Pork disease treatment

As a rule, treatment is carried out at home. Children are hospitalized only if complications occur.

With uncomplicated disease flow, no special preparations give children. It is carried out only to facilitate their condition. It is often necessary to rinse the throat with a solution of soda (1 tsp for 1 cup warm water). If the baby does not know how to rinse the throat, he is given to drink warm chamomile tea.

The neck is winding with a warm scarf, make a warming compress (gauze napkin wet slightly heated vegetable oil And put on sick place). This will help reduce pain. Antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed.

Help inflammation helps physiotherapeutic warming using such methods such as UHF irradiation, diathermy. Sick children must comply with bed regime. It is desirable to feed them with a half-breed or soft food.

Video: signs of vapotitis in children, care for sick


Single effective measure Prevention of disease with epidemic vapotitis is vaccination. The vaccination is made 2 times, since immunity after it is preserved 5-6 years. The first vaccination is made in 1 year (along with chere and rubella), and the second - in 6 years.

Children who have been made by pigs are fully protected from this disease and its dangerous complications. Vaccine is completely safe, including for allergies.

If the house has a sick child, then antiviral drugs may be appointed to prevent other children and adults.

Video: Consequences of parotitis, Value Value

Due to the mass vaccination, such a disease, as a parotitis epide occurs quite rarely. If the first symptoms appeared, then the treatment begins immediately.

Among children under the age of 1 year, the disease is extremely rare: kids protect the immunity made by the mother together with breast milk. Children under 3 years also infected with a vapor not often. According to statistical data of illness more among boys of school and adolescence.

What is vapotitis and what does the disease in children look like?

Parotitis (pig) is an infectious disease in which salivary glands are affected. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets during communication or contact healthy man with infected. Finding B. children's organismThe virus on the bloodstream penetrates into the floor, salivary glands. Sometimes the CNS is affected.

With epidemic vapotitis, not only children can be infected, but also adults. There is a pattern: the older the patient, the hardest disease flows.

Due to the characteristic swelling of the neck and the poverty of the lower part of the person, the disease began to call a pig. The face due to inflammation of the salivary glands acquires a pear-shaped form.

Classification of parotitis

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The pig is taken to classify the type of disease and its severity. If the patient has all the characteristic symptoms, it means the vapotitis takes place in a typical form, in turn divided into:

  • isolated when the child is detected solely signs of pigs;
  • combined, in addition to the salivary glands, sex glands or brain are affected (orchitis or meningitis develops).

When a child is observed non-specific for vapotitis symptoms, there is erased symptoms, you can talk about atypical form. Sometimes nonspecific vapotitis and is asymptomatic.

Pig can flow in three forms:

  • easy when only salivary glands are affected, and the body temperature rises sharply, but it keeps long;
  • a moderate when the child is fevering, it worsens appetite, sleep is disturbed (the virus affects not only salivary glands, but also other glands);
  • severe, with rapid multiple lesions of the glands and the central nervous system.

Parotitis flowing in severe form is rare without consequences. Some children develop deafness, pancreatitis. Often the disease leads to the development of meningitis.

Ways of infection and incubation period

Infection occurs with airborne droplets when sneezing, cough and during communication with the interlocutor. The virus settles on the mucous respiratory tract, penetrates into the blood, then spread through the body. Pathogenic microorganisms Begin to multiply after entering the epithelium of glandular cells.

The incubation period can be 11-23 days. After 2 days after infection, the baby is able to infect others.

Usually, children are ill no longer than 10 days, as a rule, by the time the symptoms disappear, the child is no longer dangerous. There are exceptions, therefore a patient with a medium-wing form of a vapotitis isolate for 12-22 days.

The first signs of the disease in the child

After contact with the infection carrier, the symptoms of viral vapotitis in the patient are not manifested immediately. For several days, he does not guesses that the virus settled in his body. The first signs of the disease are a sharp increase in body temperature. The thermometer column can show 40 degrees and above. Then the pain and swelling appears near the parole. The baby becomes painful to swallow and talk. For parotitis characteristic abundant allocation saliva.

In the initial stage, the tumor spreads to one part of the person, after 1-2 days the process affects the other side. Sometimes children with non-epidemic vapotitis have a slight swelling, then the doctor determines the increase in palpatorial.

Subsequent Symptoms of Parotitis

The disease begins suddenly with an increase in temperature, which can hold over for several days. Along with this, the patient shows the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • swelling of the neck in the region of the parotid glands;
  • feeling dryness in the mouth (we recommend reading :);
  • muscular and articular pains.

The first pairotite development symptom is a very high temperature (40 degrees and above)

Characteristic sign Parotitis is the defeat of the salivary glands near the ears, but not rarely a vapor infection penetrates into approximate and submandibular glands. Lymphatic nodes can be inflated. Facial proportions are violated. Any touch to the swelling area becomes painful. In each hotel case, the vapor flows in different ways. Representatives of the male sex symptoms are pronounced brighter.

Pain in the near-wing area does not allow children well to fall out at night. Some patients complain about noise in the ears. Eating food is complicated by the inability to fully reveal the mouth. Singing hard food patients may not be due to severe pain, so they are transferred to liquid nutrition. Usually, pain sensations accompany a small patient for 5 days, then gradually weaken.

Methods for treating the disease at home

Go to the hospital usually offer children who are pairing complicated serous Meningitis, orches or pancreatitis (we recommend reading :). In other cases, to treat the pig falls at home. At elevated temperature, it is necessary to observe the bed mode. Food due to being light, not requiring long chewing in the mouth. In addition to drug therapy, the patient can be applied dry heat to inflamed areas in the neck area.

Caring for sick child

With the manifestation of the first signs of the baby's disease, it is necessary to isolate from others. Parents need to provide a patient with all the conditions for a comfortable pastime throughout the term of treatment.

This can be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The kid must comply with bed rest, staying in bed for 10 days. During this time disappeared acute manifestations infectious vapotitis, condition will improve.
  • It is necessary to limit physical and emotional loads as much as possible.
  • The room should not be too hot or cold. In no case cannot be allowed to undergo a small patient.
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. So it will be possible to reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.
  • In order to avoid the spread of a vapor infection, households when visiting a child should wear masks. Hands need to wash more often.
  • The patient must provide individual dishes and personal hygiene tools that other family members should use.

Use of medicines

To increase the salivation of the patient, a drop of 1% of the pylocarpine solution is prescribed. They must be used by 8 drops during each meal. Also, the patient must be coping the course of antibiotics penicillin row. Often children are prescribed desensitizing drugs of antiallergic and antihistamine character.

When headaches and elevated temperatures, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs with an anesthetic effect are used: ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Immunostimulating agents with antiviral activity will help to cope with the disease. Its effectiveness in the treatment of parmotitus proved the drug called Interferon. It can be introduced intramuscularly once a day or irrigate the oral cavity. Also a patient as an additional drug Groprinosin can be prescribed 50 ml per 1 kg of the body weight of the kid 3-4 times a day.

Analgesics or antispasmodic medicines are used to remove muscle, articular and other types of pain. These include: analgin, papaverine and but-shpa (recommend reading :). If against the background of the disease arose digestion disorders, then can be appointed enzyme preparations - Pancreatin, Festal, etc.

Diet nutrition

The menu should include products causing active salivation. In order to prevent pancreatitis, a small patient must adhere to a special diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of such products:

  • all kinds of cabbage;
  • bakery products;
  • fat-rich food.

During the period of the disease, it is necessary to prepare vegetables and fruit dishes. In the diet of the child must be present dairy products. From the cereals, preference is better to give rice.

If the virus is striking the pancreas, pancreatitis develops, then the patient must go to a tougher diet. The first 1-2 days you need to abandon meals completely, then products with low content of carbohydrates and fats are added to the menu. Usually after 10 days of strict abstinence of the patient are transferred to diet No. 5.

Folk remedies

As well as traditional methods Treatment is widely used folk remedies. They help reduce pain and alleviate the patient's condition. Especially popular in the treatment of pigs at home enjoy next recipes Folk Medicine:

  • Compresses are superimposed on the swollen areas. To prepare a compress from linen seeds, you must take 100 g of raw materials and pour them 100 ml hot water. Then the resulting mixture is maintained on a weak heat before the formation of a thick casher. After the mass is cooled, it is added to it 1 tbsp. l. Honey. To apply a tool on the skin on top of the swollen glands, cessisce is pre-kneaded in the hands, giving it the shape of the pellet.
  • To facilitate the patient noncommunicable parotitis You can offer to drink infusion from medicinal herbal. For cooking it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. lime inflorescence. Then the composition insists for about 25 minutes, after it is filled and give the baby 3 times a day for a third of a cup.
  • Reason for rinsing oral cavity Prepared on the basis of ragners from chamomile or sage. Dried vegetable raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Poured 1 cup of hot water. The tool must be broken within 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction is needed after each meal.

Daughter of chamomile is rendered therapeutic effects when rinse the oral cavity

When is hospital treatment required?

If purulent vapotitis develops, and those used at home therapeutic agents do not help surgery. With complicated epidemic parotitis, therapy is carried out in a hospital.

If the pancreas is affected, the patient is translated into special dietreducing the risk of development sugar diabetes. When climbing the temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed, and cold is applied to the inflamed iron organ. Strong pain Removed by spasmolitics. With the help of salt solutions introduced intravenously, disinfection is carried out.

If the virus is striking the testicles of the boy, then it can threaten infertility. Orchitus requires special treatment and control from the side of the medical staff. Cold will help reduce swelling. Prednisolone is introduced infusionally within 10 days. With the right and timely treatment of vulgar vapotitis, it is possible to avoid the atrophy of the testicles.

If the patient's meningitis is suggested, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize. Brain swelling is removed by taking diuretics, such as Lazix or Furosemide. To prevent severe consequences, patients are appointed nootropic drugs. Extract is possible only after a thorough inspection with good spin output fluid.

Complications and consequences of pigs

As a rule, the child transfers the pig without serious consequences. Pretty rarely after steaming there are complications:

  • orchit - inflammation of eggs in boys;
  • ouoforitis - inflammation of the ovaries in girls;
  • meningitis - inflammatory process affects soft shells around the brain;
  • pancreatitis - the virus is affected by the pancreas;
  • diabetes mellitus - arises due to insulin synthesis;
  • thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation of the inner ear;
  • defeat joints.

Parotitis Prevention

The disease is always easier to prevent how long to treat, fearing the consequences of the disease and its complications. Today the most secure and effective way Farotitis protection is vaccination.

If the first symptoms of the disease have already manifested themselves, the temperature rose, the swelling appeared, then the patient should be immediately isolate, so as not to exacerbate the current epidemic situation.


If the infection failed to avoid, the child had contact with patients with parotitis, then with the advent of the first signs of a small patient's disease, it is necessary to protect from communicating with other people at least 10 days. He is strictly forbidden to visit kindergarten, school and others public places About 3 weeks from the beginning of the disease (see also :). This is done in order not to catch the kids not picked up infection. If in a preschool or school institution, there were cases of infection with a vapor, then quarantine is declared.


Bringing against a pig (Single-component immovaks Oreion, a two-component fault-core and three-component Ervevaks, Trimovaks) put children in one year old. In 6 years, children are revaccination. With the help of vaccination, the child's body produces antibodies that allow the child not to get sick. Vaccine is effective in almost 100% of cases. Adults can protect itself from infection, in this case, revaccination is carried out every 4 years.

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