When the sexual development of boys begins. Period of puberty, teenage period. Than dangerous early puberty in boys

The appearance of a son in the family is a big holiday. Of course, this is the future breadwinner, the defender and, in the end, the successor of the family! And the last one is known is determined by the normal sexual development of the boy.

How the future man is formed

The flooring of the genital organs occurs in the embryonic period of the child's development. Already by the 12-16th week of pregnancy, the formation of the main distinguishing feature of the boy - penis and scrotum is completed. In the last weeks of pregnancy in the scrotum through the groin canal, the testicles are lowered - more than 97% of dead newborns are born with testicles "in their place."

Hero in infancy

The first inspection of the newborn gentleman occurs in the maternity hospital. And after the son brought home, parents with natural interest are beginning to look at and study their child. And here you need to make sure that the boy is correctly formed outdoor genitals: the urethra passes through the entire length of the penis and opens on the head, the testicles are located in the scrotum, the extreme flesh is movable and does not compress the head of the penis, and in the crotch area there is no Additional holes or cracks. It is very important that the child carefully examined the district doctor, preferably in the first week. And remember that any impaired anatomy is easier to fix at an early age!

The child of his chest, as a rule, has a penis with a length of about 1.5 cm. At the end it has a skin area, which has increased mobility compared to other sites. This is an extreme flesh. Normally, its hole is quite narrow and does not miss the head of the penis outward, but it is large enough to ensure that the trickle in urination is solid and undestept. When it is shifted without effort backwards, you can notice a longitudinal hole on the head - urethra. Its size must be at least 1-2 mm. The color of the skin on the tip of the member should be pink. Urination should be free, not causing difficulties at the kid. If he has a skin ball from him at this process, the baby crying and calms down, only when he presses, then he has a pathological narrowing of the extreme flesh. What to do - the doctor will tell.

A small son need not only to swing and feed and feed, but also to care for his genitals. If the child has no pathologies in this regard, then the departure is to fulfill the rules of hygiene. In particular, young parents must keep in mind that for normal boys hygiene is not enough evening bathing. The fact is that inside the extreme flesh, special glands produce a kind of lubricant (it is called Smegma), which, with an extreme flesh, the head cannot be deleted in a timely manner independently: its stagnation is formed. In this nutrient medium, bacteria are developing, which can cause inflammation of the head of the member (balanitis), as well as heads and extreme flesh (Balanopostitis).

That's why you need to wash the baby after he twitched a pelleon twice three times in a row, and when using diapers - every 3 hours. The gender body of the boy needs to be washed with soft movements, without effort to expose the head, and if it takes at least some effort, it is necessary to rinse a segment without exposing the head. Water still falls under the extreme flesh (in the prepasual space) and wakes out everything you need. Remember that the rude one-and-one member head removal can lead to paraphomem - a serious complication associated with an edema head and almost inevitable surgical intervention. When the boy is growing, you should teach it independent hygienic skills and try so that these useful habits are fixed for life.

Parents' alert should cause chronic redness of the peel at the tip of the member. This may be a consequence of not very correctly selected creams, sprinkles, diapers, insufficiently frequent change of submissive clothing and manifestation of diseases - balanopostitis or dysmetabolic (exchange) nephropathy. In this disease, an increased excavation with urine of various salts - oxalates, urates, phosphates, etc.

If you excluded hygienic reasons, and the problem did not disappear - you need to go to the doctor.

Five stages of sexual development

  1. The period from birth and before the start of puberty is considered to be first stage Development - infantile, in other words, childhood. From the point of view of physiology, at this time there are no radical changes in the reproductive system. Together with the overall growth of the child, the genitals are somewhat increasing (about 4-5 cm), the volume of testicles can vary from 0.7 to 3 cube. See, by 6-7 years, as a rule, physiological phimosis disappears and the member head appears the ability to "see the light". No secondary sexual signs are observed. This stage of boys ends to 10-13 years old. At the same time, some of them begin a period of rapid growth.
  2. Second stage As if preparing the body of the boy to the awaiting harsh change. It is called a pituitary, and it is the beginning of Pubertata, or a pubertal period (from Lat. Pubertas - sexual maturity). At this time, the pituitary is activated and the secretion of the hormones of somatotropins and follitropine, responsible for the emergence of initial signs of puberty.
    At first, the subcutaneous fat in the scrotum disappears, it increases in size, its pigmentation and a plurality of small folds appear. The testicles also increase in size and fall on the bottom of the scrotum. The growth of the penis begins, although its increase is not so noticeable. The general growth continues, the outlines of the body begin to change.
  3. Third stage - Stage of the activation of the genital glands (gonad). Gonads begin to produce male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens), the development of genital organs and secondary sexual signs continues. In 12-13 years, the pubic arms sometimes begins - the first hairs at the base of the member appear. At 13-14 years old, the hair on the pubis is darker, become rougher, spread towards the legs. Member is lengthened, the scrotum and testicles continue to grow.
  4. Fourth Stage - Stage of the greatest activity of the sex glands. For boys, it begins on average in 12-14 years old. During this period, the outlines of the body and face are becoming increasingly adults. The penis begins to grow not only long, but also in thickness, the growth of scrotum and testicles continues. "Vegetation" appears above the upper lip and in the axillary depressures, as well as around the anus.
    At the same age, under the action of testosterone, due to the development of the muscles of the larynx and the lengthening of voice connections, the boy begins to "break" the voice: it becomes gross, deeper. The thyroid cartilage of the larynx begins to grow - the so-called "Adamovo Apple". The appearance of a child in the area of \u200b\u200bnipples is also an indicator of normal sexual development. It is also possible to some increase in breasts - this is the so-called physiological gynecomastia, which is also not pathology.
    By the age of 15, many young people are already produced by mature spermatozoa, which ripen continuously. At the same age, the appearance of the first pollutions - spontaneous, as a rule, night, ejaculation.
  5. Fifth stage It is characterized by the final formation of the reproductive system. By this time, the genitals reach "adults" sizes, secondary sexual signs are also fully expressed - the lobby, the lower part of the abdomen and the face, the physique and features are finally acquired by a male look. At about the same time, mainly the body growth ends, although in some young people it continues until 20-22 years. The puberty period in the young man ends to 17-18 years, and significant fluctuations are possible in 2-3 years. Physiologically, they are ready to continue the genus, but psychological maturity will come later.

Dear Parents! Let me once again emphasize that the above data reflects only averaged norms of sexual development of young representatives of strong sex. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body of the child, rather significant deviations are possible from the "average arithmetic". For clarity, we give the table, where the average indicators of the normal development of the external genital organs of the teenager are reflected.

Dimensions of penis teenagers in calm state

The size of the erected penis in adolescents, depending on age:

The table shows the changes family members thickness:

Violations of sexual development in boys

Although doctors do not hide that between the norm and pathology sometimes it is difficult to carry out the border as a delay in sexual development, and the boy's development must attract the attention of parents.

Delay in sexual development

You can talk about the delay in sexual development in a boy if after 14 years he has no signs of puberty. Of course, this delay does not necessarily indicate any deviation: perhaps late development is characteristic of this family. In this case, we will talk about the so-called constitutional delay in sexual and physical maturation, which is found in more than half of the cases. In such teenagers, before the start of the puberty period, a completely normal growth rate is usually observed. And the height jump and puberty can begin and after 15 years.

But sexual development can also delay or violate various diseases. Some of them are accompanied by a violation of the production of hormones. For example, in the presence of a tumor, damaging hypophysis or hypothalamus (the part of the brain, which controls puberty), the content of gonadotropins - hormones that stimulate the growth of genital organs may decrease in the body of the child (or the production of these hormones is terminated). Some chronic diseases (such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease and a number of others) can also delay puberty.

Signs causing suspicion of delay in sexual development of a teenager, such: the physique "Hiloe", limbs relatively long, the waist is overestimated, often the hips are wider than shoulders. Typically also deposition of subcutaneous fat on the chest, waist, at the bottom of the abdomen. The genitals are not developed - a member less than 5 cm, there is no folding and dispersal of the scrotum, the hair does not grow on the pubic and armpits, there are no pollutions. If you celebrate at least some of these features, the guy needs to show a doctor, and at the same time it is necessary at the same time perseverance and tacty (it is very shy of its drawbacks!).

The treatment of late puberty depends on the cause caused its cause. As a rule, this is a set of procedures comprising (after examination) the use of medicines, biologically active agents, therapeutic physical culture and medical and psychological correction. Parents of the future men must necessarily keep in mind that the late diagnosis of puberty delay can lead to infertility, not to mention the violation of the psycho-emotional state of the teenager. Treatment, which begun in adolescence, gives a big chance for success, although it takes at least 2-3 months.

Early sexual development

Too early sexual development - also a reason to visit the doctor! Pubertat in boys are considered premature if it starts up to 9 years. Signs of this violation are: an increase in the size of the testicles, hair growth on the face, on the pubis and armpits, the appearance of acne, breaking and rooting the voices, the rapid growth of the body.

The causes of premature veterinates may be anomalies of the organic system, thyroid disease, brain tumors, changes caused by the head injuries, the consequences of infectious diseases (such as meningitis, encephalitis) and other structural brain disorders. After all, it is from there, from the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, the teams of peripheral sex glasses go to the emission of hormones. The cause can be a number of genetic factors. It is observed that early sexual development is more common in children with overweight.

The main complication of premature sexual development is the growth stop. The fact is that the production of sex hormones contributes to the "closure" of those parts of the bone, at the expense of which it grows in length, i.e. Growth zones. Thus, the growing, early "ripened" young man turns out to be much lower than peers. About such a joke they say "went to the root", but in fact a small growth is a reason for serious psychological experiences, and not only young men, but also adult men too.

Timely detection of signs of premature pubertata allow the doctor to choose the necessary methods of treatment. It can be the elimination of the tumor, or the treatment of the main disease, or the use of special preparations that slow down the selection of genital hormones before the end of the growth process. Therefore, it is very important not to miss the moment and turn to the children's endocrinologist in time.

Caution, childhood diseases!

When the Son is growing in the family, parents need to be remembered that some childhood diseases can also serve as a risk of violations of the Boy's sexual development. For example, the well-known "pig" (epidemic vapotitis) is an infectious disease, one of the complications of which is orchitis (inflammation of the testicles). In this case, the orchitis does not exhibit in any way. That is why the young men, the pork, at the end of the pubertal period, is very desirable to analyze sperm (make a spermogram).

Time is not stopped, his inexorable movement is especially noticeable when children begin to grow up. More recently, the son was glad to her mother's embrace and responded to her kisses with delight, and now became rude and restrained. The most important period came - puberty in boys, who appears a little later than girls, but also inevitable. The body of the teenager has to experience a colossal load, because with physical restructures there are tremendous psychological changes.

What is puberty

For a puberty period, the appearance of secondary sexual signs is characteristic. In normal development, the body reaches the phase of biological puberty. Signs of puberty show themselves from the outside as a rapid growth of the body, pubis, the armpits are covered with hair, but then boys and girls continue to grow every way, turning into men and women. Hormones make themselves felt, and therefore, in addition to the average norm, the early, late development and a significant delay in puberty occurs.

When it starts and how long is the transitional age in boys

Clear changes may confuse or even scare a teenager, because the beginning of the puberty process falls on a 10-year age or a little later. So far, the most important thing was laid at the level of the pituitary gland, preparing the boy's body to those changes that eventually turn it into a man. But with breaking voice, the strengthened work of sweat glands, an increase in the testicles, penis, muscle mass and the appearance of a number of other signs comes a period of puberty, which is delayed to 18, and sometimes 20 years.

Preumbrate period

The development of a child at this stage is not much different from the cultivation of peers. From the moment of birth and until the day, the Son goes to school, parents almost never arise with education, and health issues are often associated with colds. Muscular weight may also gradually appear for smooth growth, but by 10 years the body has already laid future changes. If there is no delay, then the next stage of development comes to replace the prepubertal period.

Publit period

In about the ten years, those changes begin to occur when the boy matures and begins to turn into a young man. The amount of hormone produced causes rapid growth with the simultaneous development of the germ. By gaining momentum, the process inevitably leads to the fact that the teenage member increases with the size of the testicles. By 15 years, when inspection, hair growth is noticeable in the armpits, on the pubis; External signs are the emergence of mustaches and acne, but the pubertal period is completed by about 20 years.

Features of the genital signs in adolescence in boys

The hormonal restructuring of the body affects the growth of not only hair, but also the genital organs. A boy member is growing up to about 16 years old, spontaneous or night pollutions appear. The increase in men's hormones affects the development of muscles, skeleton bones, especially shoulder joint. Mutation of the voice, the so-called breaking of the voices in boys, is considered one of the most visual signs of an important process of puberty. On the right development is evidenced by the appearance of acne, hair on face, chest, hips, inguinal region, under the mice.


The presence of these signs is due to genetically, and they are not anything other than the genitals. Formation of prostate, scrotum, seeding ducts, penis, testicles occur still at the stage of intrauterine development. Accelerate the process of transformation into a young man can previously puberty, but anyway, any development occurs under the control of hormones.


This group has no less important role. Another mission is assigned to the secondary sexual signs - the definition of puberty and the involvement of the partner, they do not accept direct participation in reproduction. What does their appearance characterize their appearance? Mutation of voices in boys, male type oversight, rapid growth, broad shoulders, erection and adamo apple.

Growth of boys

If the process of puberty in boys is not broken, then the right sign that the child began to grow up is a rapid growth. The characteristic feature of this period the process is not smooth, but jumps that sometimes causes health problems. With all the individual characteristics of the body, the fastest growth period comes from 12 to 16 years, when the boy can stretch out 10 cm a year and lose weight. After the occurrence of the age of adulthood, the young men almost cease to grow and can be pulled out at another 3 cm.

Premature puberty

About this phenomenon - false or true - it is customary to say if the boy has not reached a 10-year-old age. Externally, an early sexual development can be judged by the facts that the boy looks older than peers, the first acne appear, the smell of the body changes. If the right and left egg develops is the true principle of the process. If they remain unselfish, it says that early puberty is false.

Psychology teenager

Together with a serious physiological restructuring of the body, the teenager has to overcome the problems of a psychological nature. The appearance of acne on the face, the joy, the reinforced work of the sweat glands requires more carefully to the issue of hygiene, which is able to cause irritation in a teenager. External changes, angularity require time to adapt, but it is difficult for the child to cope with this, especially if it becomes the object of ridicule at school.

Shyness, shyness, closure in themselves, exaggeration of even a minor fact, for example, an unsuccessful photo - all this manifestation of psychological signs of growing up. When girls come from the boys monthly, the genital system also reaches a new level of physiological development. Since the period of puberty is associated with the desire to get more freedom in their actions, then parents need to tell the boy about the methods of contraception.

Psychologically, sexual ripening in a teenager can manifest itself as unmotivated aggression, a frequent mood change, irritability and depression, and a sharp statement or criticism can push the rapid actions. It is necessary to continue to educate the teenager, only adults need to create a favorable atmosphere, show tolerance, wisdom, be tactical, so that the period of puberty ended for a boy to form a beautiful male figure and a proper understanding of decent behavior.

Video about the period of puberty in boys teenagers

The obligatory period of development of any boy is the age of puberty. If the teenager himself may not be aware of the importance of change in its own body, then parents must clearly understand the responsibility of this period and be ready for it.

Table of contents:

Stages of the development of boys

Many parents believe that the period of puberty in boys and their sexual development are equivalent concepts. In fact, this is an erroneous understanding of two terms, because for the development of secondary sexual signs, the boy's body should prepare, and this process is not like that and fast.

Doctors believe that sexual maturation is the end of the overall sexual development of the boy. Distinguish the following stages of development that have their own characteristic features:

  1. Intrauterine. The beginning of this stage accounts for 12-16 weeks of the intrauterine stay of the fetus, when the future floor is finally laid, that is, it is already clear who will be born - a boy or a girl. Men's fetal in this period of intrauterine life is formed by scrotum and sexual member. Until the birth of the fetus eggs are located in the abdominal cavity, and they fall into the scrotum after birth.
  2. Childhood (age 9-11 years). External signs of puberty are only beginning to form a formation, but in this period, the hypophysis is already actively functioning, which regulates many physiological processes. Parents Age 9-11 years old are considered insignificant, but it is during this period that it is necessary to tell the boy what pregnancy is how children are obtained and what sex signs are distinguished by a girl from a boy.
  3. Age 13-14 years old. This is a very important period of sexual development, since it is now that sex gonads are started to be activated, the boy's growth is sharply accelerated, and this means that androgens hormones are actively produced in the body. It is these hormones that lead to the development of secondary sexual signs - the growth of the penis, an increase in the testicles.
  4. Age 17-18 years old. For most teenagers, it is during this period that all the stages of puberty are completed, but some boys can continue to grow to 20-22 years - this is considered the norm. This age implies special attention to the adolescence from the parents - it is necessary to explain the elementary rules for the social behavior of a man, to teach him to follow their appearance, smoothly instill a sense of responsibility and for their future, and for the future of the family as a whole.

Note: All stages of sexual development are very important and boys in no case should be left alone with their thoughts. Parents should take an active part in the formation of a man, instilling some important rules and social norms, explaining the changes that happens to him in physiological terms. .

Characteristic signs of puberty in boys

Active ripening in boys begins in 12-13 years old, but this is not a dogma! Some doctors believe that if earlier puberty occurs in boys, then in the future they will have a stronger sexual constitution. Naturally, we are talking about natural manifestations, and not pathological, when the physiological process in question, flowing at an early age, is due to some disease.

What will indicate sex ripening in boys:

  1. At 11 years old (age is specified approximately, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body) the boy begins to increase the penis - This is not striking, the growth of the penis smooth. The average length of the penis in the boy is equal to 4 centimeters, but by the age of 14, it will have 7 cm long, and by 18 years old - 10 cm. Parents should understand that these figures are not standard and can vary significantly, so it can be significantly varying They are not worth it.
  2. Development of testicles. They become somewhat more, look absolutely proportional to the growing sexual member. Parents must remember that men have one egg always somewhat less than the other, so the disproportion is not surprised.
  3. Hair growth in the pubic zone. For the age of 15-16 years old, the overexpose of the region has a clear form of rhombus, and by 17-18 years ends the development of hair cover on the lower extremities. In the axillary region, hair is beginning to grow at fourteen years, this process ends, as a rule, by 17 years. The sign of puberty described in this paragraph is also very individual - millions of men live with "bare" legs and at the same time absolutely healthy and happy.
  4. Voting correction. This is the so-called "breaking of the voice", which begins at 13-14 years, and the process of forming a permanent voice in 17 years is completed.
  5. Rising beard and mustache. The first powder mustache appear in the boys already in 15-16 years, but the beard begins its active growth only from eighteen years. But again, these figures are very conditional, because much depends on genetics, heredity. For example, it is well known that representatives of Caucasian nationalities and mustache, and beard can begin to manifest itself in 14 years.
  6. Screwing nipples. If girls have intensively expressed this sign, then the boys have this change in general often passes unnoticed. Note the concrete age of the boy when the loading of nipples begins, doctors can not.
  7. Ripening of genital cells. The spermatozoa in the boy is formed already in 14-15 years, but their development occurs gradually and continues almost all life. At least during the reproductive activity of men, they continue to form.
  8. Pollutions. This is the name of the process of spontaneous seeds, which most often happens at night. Parents must prepare a boy to pollutions, tell us about them and explain why this happens and what means.

Separately, it is worth noting that as the boy is puberty, its appearance changes and its shoulders become wide, and the TAZ remains narrow, the intensive growth of muscle mass and bones is observed. Parents often notice that the growth of the boy increased rapidly, immediately for several centimeters.

In the period of active puberty, quite a lot of sex hormones are highlighted, therefore, the structure of the skin and the functioning of the sebaceous glands occurs. The sebaceous glands are too actively producing skin fat, and this leads to the formation of acne and acne. Such a sign of puberty often provokes the development of complexes in boys, so parents should carefully treat their own child, to provide him with psychological support - it is precisely the success in the life of a man, the ability to believe in itself.

Possible deviations in the process of puberty

The period under review of the development of boys can flow with some deviations.

Later puberty

In general, the opinions of doctors about the age of boys when they should have sexual maturation, they diverge. But if the boy's pubic hair is missing at 15 years old, and the testicles do not increase to the age of 13, then the specialists speak of deviations in sexual maturation.

Most often, the violation of the pioneering of boys provoke:

  • congenital abnormal chromosomes;
  • endocrine diseases that may be congenital or acquired;
  • impairment of the gastrointestinal tract organs caused by severe pathologies;
  • diseases of the vascular system and heart;
  • with complications.

Questions about the late puberty of boys are worth setting an endocrinologist - he will be able to find out the reason for such a state and take the necessary measures if they are needed - for example, carrying out hormone therapy. But according to statistics, the boys still harm the missed and, in the end, their sexual maturation occurs. However, parents must be tactful in the situation of late puberty, talking to the child, arguing their installations (for example, "such happens" - provide a job article about late puberty, some competent materials), to give him maximum attention.

If we are talking about some pathological reasons for the late puberty of the boy, it will be a full-fledged examination, drugs are prescribed. In the case of the presence of genetically deviations, correct the situation is unlikely to succeed, but the hormones designated by a specialist can speed up the process of puberty.

Early puberty boys

Such a diagnosis of doctors put if the secondary sexual signs began to appear in the boy at the age of 10. Moreover, early puberty of boys most often has quite natural causes - for example, if his father had the same deviation, it is inherited by his child.

If we consider the pathological etiology of the early puberty of boys, then it will be about endocrine disorders. If the boy is formed truly male appearance, the genitals remain unchanged (that is, there is no increase in the testicles and penis), then such a state will be called false early sexual ripening. This can lead to a neoplasm of a benign character, located in the testicular or adrenal gland, and in fact it is in these organs that the male hormones of androgens are developed. In this case, the sex glands in the boy will remain at the same level of development, but its appearance will change greatly.

If the doctor suspects the pathological etiology of the early puberty of the boy, a full-fledged examination will be appointed - a study of the pelvis and adrenal glands with the help of the device, examination of the brain, which is carried out using, and collecting blood tests to determine. Treatment of early puberty of boys implies the purpose of drugs that can stop the production of sex hormones, in many cases it is enough to neutralize their influence on the body. In the case of diagnosing an adrenal tumor or eggs, it is advisable to carry out surgical treatment, after which the physiological processes of puberty are normalized.

Poland ripening boys is the natural process to which you need to be prepared, first of all, parents. Only they will be able to provide psychological support to the child in this difficult period. Of course, you should not "load the teenager" with information and constantly withdraw it on a frank conversation - it will be annoying a boy. But they will have to talk to him, as a last resort, it is to provide him with a selected material that has an affordable language explains the boy all changes taking place with its body during puberty.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, Medical Observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Teenage years.

Pubertal crisis. Psychophysiological development of a teenager.

An important task of growing teenager is a psychological consolation with its own bodily and sexual ripening. The teenager is first aware of the limited ability to control and regulate physiological changes that occur in it (body growth, an increase in body weight, the appearance of secondary sexual signs, etc.). The close relationship between biological and psychological changes largely determines the specifics of this age period. An explanation of many psychological problems and difficulties faced by teenager is impossible without the knowledge of physiological and biological changes occurring in its body.

The pubertal crisis coming in adolescence implies biological and physiological changes associated with the development of somatic and sexual functions. It is evidenced by the first menstruation (menarche) or, respectively, ejaculation. True, the border nature of these signs is relative, since changes in gender maturation begin before their appearance.

Biological changes associated with sex ripening are laid by the basis of all subsequent development processes. The most obvious shifts concern the growth and proportions of the body. Changes are governed by hormonally. Endocrine perestroika, on the one hand, prepares the transition to puberty, and on the other, it provides significant functional and morphological changes in various organ systems.

External signs of puberty are important guidelines to estimate its flow, although the influence of various factors can lead to a noticeable difference in external indicators.

Five stages of puberty.

One of the characteristics of adolescence is the stormy biological maturation, which is characterized by a rapid physical development that coincides with sex ripening.

In the process of puberty, five stages can be distinguishedcharacteristic of both boys and girls (Martsinkovskaya etc. et al., 2001; physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents, 2000).

The first stage - Childhood (infantilism). At this stage, the reproductive stage is developing slowly and virtually unnoticed. Regulation of development is carried out by hormones of the thyroid gland and the somatotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. The genitals at this time undergo slow changes, secondary signs of the floor do not develop.

The first stage ends in girls in 8-10 years, and boys in 10-13 years old.

Second stage - Actually the beginning of Pubertata is associated with an increase in the activity of the pituitary. The secretion of the secretion of pituitary hormones (somatotropin and follitropine) increases, which determine the acceleration of the growth of tissues and the emergence of initial signs of puberty.

The stage ends in girls in 9-12 years, in boys in 12-14 years old.

Third stage - step of activation of sex glands, which highlight steroid hormones (androgens and estrogens), the functioning of other inland secretion glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands) is intensified.

This is expressed in the so-called "growth racks" (accelerated increase in growth and weight), which is an essential indicator of the beginning of the adolescence.

In the adolescence, children grow 5-8 cm per year.

Girls grow more actively in 11-12 years (growth increases to 10 cm per year). Boys are added in growth in 13-14 years, and after 15 years they overtake girls in growth.

The increase in growth occurs mainly due to the tubular bones of the limbs, the bones of the chest grow slower, which causes the change in the posture of adolescents - flat, narrow, or even inquiry chest, impellent breathing.

Along with increasing the body increases. Girls add 4-8 kg per year, especially intensively at 14-15 years old, boys are 7-8 kg per year.

The growth rate of body weight is lagging behind the skeleton post, which determines the appearance of the teenager: bony, elongated figure.

The inconsistency of the skeleton size and body weight leads to insufficient coordination of movements, overall awkwardness, angularity, abundance of unnecessary movements. However, at the same time, teenage age is optimal for mastering complex motor skills. This paradoxical situation of the combination of awkwardness and sensitivity in mastering complex movements is explained by the fact that the gradual development of accurate functioning occurs consistently: first the growth of the muscles, then the increase in muscle strength and after that - coordination. The non-refined system in traffic management has the greatest plasticity, readiness for learning, so training is playing a significant role in the formation of agreed movements.

In adolescence, the lungs are growing, breathing (although its rhythm remains rapidly), the lung capacity increases. Fully formed type of breathing: the boys - the abdominal, in girls - chest.

Enhanced growth of organs and tissues makes special requirements for the activities of the heart. It grows intensively at this age, but the growth of blood vessels is lagging behind the heart growth. Therefore, adolescents often increase blood pressure, there is a violation of the heartbeat rhythm. This determines the rapid fatigue of adolescents. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can lead to oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of brain activity, and this is manifested in reducing attention, memory, perception.

At this stage, the emergence of secondary sexual signs. The boys break a voice, make their way, beard, beard, hair appears on the pubic and in the armpits, they begin.

Girls develop dairy glands. Fat fiber is formed on the female type: deposits in the field of hips, buttocks, mammary glands, hands. Body shapes are rounded.

Fourth Stage - The period of maximum activity of genital gomon: Androgen (male) and estrogen (female).

Men's sex hormones are produced by special cells of the seeds. The main men's sex hormone is Testosterone and its derivative Androsterone. They determine the development of the sex apparatus and the growth of genital organs, the formation of secondary sexual signs: voices, larynx, skeleton and muscles on male type, hair growth on face and body. Together with the follicle-wing hormone hormone, testosterone activates spermatogenesis (spermatozoa maturation).

With hyperfunction of the semennikov, there is premature ripening, the rapid growth of the body and the development of secondary sexual signs.

The defeat of the seeds or their removal (castration) at an early age leads to the termination of the growth and development of the genital organs, secondary sexual signs, while the period of growth of bones is lengthened, there is no sexual attraction, the hair on the face, body does not occur (he It remains high for life). A short torso and long arms and legs give eunuha characters.

Women's sex hormones (estrogens) are produced in ovaries. They influence the development of genital organs, the formation of eggs, their readiness for fertilization, the readiness of the uterus to pregnancy, and the mammary glands - to feeding the child.

In girls, a sharp increase in growth precedes the development of secondary sexual signs, and the boys, on the contrary, a significant increase in growth occurs only after they begin to develop genitals strongly.

The main female sex hormone is estradiol. Female sex hormones include progesterone - pregnancy hormone (yellow body hormone).

The ovarian hyperfunction causes early puberty and early menstruation. Cases of puberty of girls in 4-5 years are described.

At this stage, secondary sexual signs are actively developing, which can be completed. Girls sometimes begin menstruation.

Fifth stage - Completion of the formation of the reproductive system, which means becoming the regulation between individual links of the system: hormones of pituitary gland and peripheral glands. Secondary sexual signs are fully expressed.

In 16-17 years, the formation of a skeleton on the female type is mainly ends. In 19-20 years, girls have the final formation of the menstrual function, anatomical and physiological maturity occurs.

The boys in 15-16 years old are the process of reinforced the development of secondary sexual signs, involuntary eruptions of seed begin. However, anatomical and physiological ripening ends to 24 years.

All processes in the human body are interrelated. That is why any deviations from the norm indirectly or directly affect the development and proper functioning of each organ. Early maturation is also considered a pathology that affects not only the appearance of the child, but also on all body systems. If we are talking about the early ripening of the boy, then you need to understand that this terminology concerns only children under 10 years. This is a dangerous state that can provoke a violation of the work of internal organs, the development of bone and muscular tissue, as well as the adaptation of the child to society.

Causes of early puberty in boys

The sexual early development of boys differ on:


This process is characterized by the full development of the entire genitourinary system and external genital organs. There is a characteristic lobcas, an increase in the scrotum and testicles. The child and looks outwardly looks much older than his peers.

Reasons recognize the following:

  • excessive gonadotropin hormone production;
  • impairment of pituitary or hypothalamus;
  • the presence of a tumor in the brain area;
  • genetic predisposition to these violations.


It is characterized by a change only in the appearance of the boy. The child is growing actively, appear external signs of growing:

  • kadyk is developing;
  • hair growth on breast, face;
  • changing voice (ocher);
  • great height (above peers, but below adult).

However, the reproductive bodies remain the same as the child of this period of development. The causes of this pathology it is customary to be excessive androgen, which may also be the result of the presence of an adrenal tumor either egg.

Signs of early puberty boys

Signs of early ripening differ depending on the reasons that caused the development of this disease. If we are talking about false mature, then the baby is only externally - an adult, and in sexual signs and the development of outdoor and internal genital organs - a child. True ripening is characterized by a complete change in both appearance and many systems. Growth as in all cases may be jerks: a sharp increase can be up to 10 cm in 1-2 months. The active growth phase is conjugate with the simultaneous development of external signs.

Problems of early puberty boys

The external factor is not the main problem with a given disease. The main point for which the doctor draws attention is the condition of all the children's bodies, as well as the reasons why this pathology has become possible. Most often, the impairment of excess early hormone generation is the result of malignant education in the field of pituitary, hypothalamus or adrenal glands. There are also problems with the growth of the child. Active growth jerks are replaced by a sharp ossification of the skeleton. Upon completion of the process of ripening, the teenager looks significantly lower than its peers. It will be impossible to affect the growth phase after the ossification.

What is dangerous early puberty in boys?

Early development syndrome is dangerous for physical and emotional health. The skeleton is developing extremely actively, as a result of such a load, the bones do not have time to adapt to external changes. The process of flaws and osenation of bones is a protective factor in this phenomenon. The boy eventually becomes significantly lower than his still growing peers. The second risk factor is underdevelopment of the urogenital system.

What are the consequences of early puberty?

The consequences of violation are psychological dependence on phobias, underdevelopment of the sexual system, poor-quality sex life, often - immaturity of reproductive function. An adult man may have problems of the urinary organs of different character: from tumors to the formation of cysts. The moral aspect also should not be overlooked in such a situation: the boy with this pathology is difficult (often impossible) to adapt to the realities and society in adulthood. Resistant phobias and psychological problems are formed.

Treatment of early puberty in boys

The treatment of illness depends on the etiology of the disease and the general clinical picture:

  • violations of the hypothalamus, pituitary glands will require hormone therapy and eliminate the tumor when presented;
  • hormonal disorders, without a clear diagnosis are treated with hormone therapy (antagonist Gonadotropininositant leiprolid);
  • proper diet. During the active phase of growth, the boy feels a constant attack of hunger. It is necessary to limit the use of carbohydrate and protein food.

Hormonal therapy and its duration depends on age: if the development of premature ripening began at the age of 8, then the reception of medicines will be an average of up to 14 years. The use of the necessary drugs is carried out exclusively on the prescription of the doctor. Not only the dose is controlled, but also the duration of the course.

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