Non-infectious vapotitis in Triko. Pig (vapotitis): infection, vaccination, signs, how to treat, complications. Features of the flow of vapotitis

A big threat to life this ailment does not represent, but here complications may entail serious.

Need to console parents - heavy flow Diseases today are rare, as virtually no mass incidence occurs.

This is the merit of mandatory vaccination, which made the vapotitis in principle rare phenomenon. We will tell about the symptoms of the pairotitis in children further.

Concept and characteristic

Parotitis in children - photo:

Otherwise, the disease is called a pork or a cauldron. it acute viral infection It applies to the category of so-called childhood diseases. It is the kids more often sick with a vapor, but they carry it conditionally easily.

Adults can also get sick if they were previously vaccinated in childhood, or the period of vaccination was already out.

For parotitis, swelling in the neck area and zone behind the ears are peculiar because the disease is in the people and called eace. The patient with something resembles a piglet - it is such an observation and gave the most famous name of felling - a pig.

Only people can transmit the disease to each other. Cases of parotitis are now single among the kids, although to mandatory vaccination the disease was fraught epidemic flashes.

Only non-unaccustomed babies and non-adults are ill with parotitis. In people who have been vaccinated, all risks are actually reduced to zero.

How is infection?

Parotitis virus belongs to RNA viruses, but in external environment He is not inherent in durability.

Infection is possible exclusively with long contacts with the ill.

Sometimes people who are infection carriers, Do not even suspect their illness.

Deals transmitted airborne and contact path. The cauldron is inherent seasonality, the peak of the disease is usually for spring. In August and September, the disease is literally not observed.

The pig epidemics today is rare, it is the merit of vaccination.

The causes of the occurrence and risk factors

Parotitis get sick anyone does not have immunity to illness, That is, it was not vaccinated or did not pain before. Since children's immunity is not so perfect, then the disease is mostly found in the kids. Boys and men sick more often, and the disease is heavier.

because risk category - These are not graft and not painful, the male floor is susceptible to more. Well, until those who vaccinated from the vapor, then 98% of all grafts can get a vapotitis, but the course of the disease will still be light and uncomplicated.

Incubation period

Infectious people will be for 7 daysbefore they inflamed salivary glands.

From the hour of infection can go from week to seventeen days.

Remain able to infect patients about 8 days From the moment when the symptoms of the pigs appeared for the first time.

Incubation period:

  • kids ranges from 12 to 22 days;
  • in adults from 11 to 25 days, but usually it is two weeks or a little more.

Enters the virus to the children's body through mucous nose and pharynx. There it is located on the cell surface, then falls into the circulatory system, from there it is distributed everywhere.

Favorite fabrics and even nervous fabric become favorite places for habitat of the virus. IN salivary glandsah, the virus multiplies as actively as possible.

Classification and form of pathology

On the clinical picture allocate vapotitis specific- This is a viral or epidemic parotitis, as well as non-epidemic (nonspecific) and purulent.

Acute parotitis - This is a classic pig, a disease that appears only once in non-nursed people.

Chronicthis is the manifestation of the famous Shegon syndrome when the mucous membranes are inflamed.

And it may be the option mikulic syndrome - The volume of the salivary glands increases and the self-secretion itself increases.

Non-infectiousparotitis has nothing to do with viral disease. It occurs in case of injury or long-term supercooling, followed by inflammation of the parole salivary glands.

Complications and consequences

Most dangerous complication for boys, and not such a rare is inflammation of the testicles with the subsequent Atrophy and infertility in future.

There was such a stable opinion in the people, that if a boy in childhood got a pork, he would definitely not be able to have in children. It is only likely to complicate, which arises not always, because no one can put such a diagnosis on the basis of the transferred guide.

Girls are possible ovarian inflammation Adults meet mastitis. Parotitis is extremely dangerous during pregnancy, he can entail the fetal death. In adults, epidemic vapotitis takes place hard - it can be complicated, as well as infertility, deafness.

With purulent vapotitis, there is a risk of purulent melting of vessels, as well as inflammation facial nerve And even some paresis of facial muscles.

Symptoms and signs

During the incubation period of the patient and it looks usually, and feels great.

But when viruses accumulate in the body, appear and the first signs of illness.

First climbs temperatures to the mark at 38-38.5 degrees, weak signs arise. It may well appear light rhinitis, the throat arms will redden, the child will have an end to the throat, because of which it will begin to shake.

Then virus amazing:

  1. Easy salivary gland (one-sided swelling), iron itself is painful.
  2. Sometimes the second gland with impaired functioning - dryness in oral cavity and bad smell, overall discomfort.

In the process of the disease, not only varnish glands can be administered, but also subgroup, as well as submandibular. The baby becomes like moon-shaped faceEven thoughtful, edema.

Not always the disease proceeds classically. If the form is complicated, sex glands and pancreas can be affected.

But just as rarely, as a complicated form arises, it is also erased, practically asymptomatic Shape of a pig. This is an atypical vapor, which quickly passes and actually does not cause discomfort.


Since the disease has specific visual signsThe difficulties in the diagnosis practically does not occur.

The doctor studies the complaints of the patient or comment of the parents, if the child himself cannot say, collects epidemiological history, examines the patient.

If the form of parotitis is atypical, then the doctor may assign a serological examination of blood and examine saliva and blood to the virus. Heals the disease pediatrician, but more often infectious disease physician. If complications arose, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, rheumatologist, ENT are connected to the treatment.

Treatment methods and drugs

I wonder what is still not effective therapywhich directly destroys the pig virus.

Because doctors use symptomatic treatment, which reduces the suffering of the patient and helps avoid complications.

The treatment itself consists of three points:

  • correct adequate care for a pleasant child;
  • medicines;
  • diet.

Bed mode Usually the child spends in bed until 10 days until it subsides acute symptomatics. During this period, hypothermia, emotional and mental overloads are dangerous for children.

The room is needed spendTo reduce the concentration of the virus. The patient should have its own dishes and a towel.

It is necessary to eat a child often, but the food does not have to be calorie.

Nothing harmful, sharp, spicy, smoked and sweet. Salted food also avoid. Drink a child on day can 1.5-2 liters of water.

Since treatment is symptomatic, it will be individual in each case. No self-medication can lead to complications. In no case towards the zone of edema does not apply warming compresses, it will only aggravate inflammation.

If vapotitis uncomplicatedIn most cases, only ibuprofen, ibufen, diclofenac, ketoprofen and pyroquam are used from drugs.


With uncomplicated march forecast favorable. The child is sick on average for two weeks, sometimes more.

Complications may even reduce the decline in fertility, in the case of consequences for the nervous system, paralysis of muscle group is possible and even a serious reduction in hearing.


Specific prophylaxis is the vaccination live WPV vaccine in planned order. We instill a child a year, and then at 6 years old trivaccini revaccination, when, together with a pair of a child, they are vaccinated from rubella and measles.

General Prevention is insulation of patients to general recovery.

In the hearth, the viral is held disinfection.

QuarantineIf it is necessary, prescribed for up to 21 days. Previously embarrassing children who have been contacted with patients should be vaccinated.

Parotitis or pig - a disease that meets rarely today. This happened thanks mandatory vaccination. A number of children's diseases actually disappeared precisely due to vaccinations.

The disease delivers the child of suffering, it is difficult to predict complications, they can seriously respond later.

Therefore, the only one true way avoid illness - scheduled safe vaccinationwhich is carried out in all standards.

About symptoms, treatment and prevention of vapotitis in children in this video:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!

More famous parents like a pig, steaming is an acute infectious disease. Child, sick with a pig, find out easily - he swells the lower part of the face. About why this is happening, what other symptoms have this disease and, most importantly, how to treat it, we will tell in this article.

Parotitis symptoms in children

Non-specific vapors in children is mainly transmitted by air-droplet. Through the upper respiratory tract, it enters the blood, nervous system and salivary glands. The latter, under the influence of the virus, begin to increase in size. The skin in the place of lesion is stretched and gloring. The tumor can go down on the neck. The area around the salivary glands is painful.

Much less often, there are cases when the vapotitis becomes a consequence of injury easy gland or hit foreign bodies In her docks.

The main symptoms of the pig experts include:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • headache;
  • high temperature;
  • decline in appetite;
  • increasing the salivary glands;
  • painfulness in the ear;
  • dry mouth.

The disease gives to know about yourself not immediately. The appearance of symptoms is preceded by a hidden period. Its duration is about 11 - 23 days. Infects the sick child of other children within two days before the development of the main symptoms of the pig.

Most often, epidemic vapotitis happens in preschool children.

How does the children passing in children?

The flow of illness can be:

  • easy (temperature keeps 1 - 2 days, only salivary glands are amazed);
  • middle severity (prolonged fever; besides salivary glands, the seeds are affected by boys and pancreas; sleep, appetite is disturbed, there is a headache and chewing pain);
  • heavy (the temperature can rise to 40 degrees; it is possible to defeat the central nervous system).

Parotitis treatment in children

In the treatment of vapotitis, the main task is to prevent complications. Preparations appoints the attending physician.

Drinking during the vapor should be abundant. Most often it is represented by the Nasty of Rosehip, cranberry mors and juice.

Power is also adjusted for a period of illness. Furious products are excluded from the diet, a vegetable dairy diet is recommended. From Kash, preference is given to rice.

The patient's body generates resistant immunity to the pig, therefore the re-infection of the vapotitis is excluded.

In groups of kindergartens and school classes, in which quarantine was declared. Its duration is 21 days. If during this period another case of a lead disease is revealed, quarantine is extended for the same period.

Parotitis vaccination efficiency

Parotitis in graft children - the phenomenon is extremely rare, since the vaccine has proven its effectiveness in 96% of cases. Disease it occurs only when the technique of introducing a vaccine or in the non-existence of vaccination was violated.

Usually vaccination at the age of 1 year and 6 years. Children makes vaccination immediately from three diseases: measles, rubella and parotitis. It is contraindicated only to children sensitive to chicken eggs and neomycin. The reaction to the vaccine is rare. It can manifest itself in the form of an increase in temperature and minor swelling of the salivary glands. Most often redness is observed and a small hardening at the injection site of the vaccine.

If a healthy childpreviously not painful and not vaccinated from her, in contact with a patient with a vapor, can not be held specific prophylaxis. In such cases, children are introduced antiviral drugs, for example, interferon or groprinosine.

What is steaming?

Parotitis (Parotitis; Anate. Parotis Equal iron + -itis) - it infection The consequence occurs inflammation of the parole. It is caused by various microorganisms falling into the gland through the near-land duct from the oral cavity, hematogenic or lymphogenic path, as well as from inflammation sites near the iron. The causes of the vapor is a decrease in the total reactivity of the body. Inflammation of the parole can occur sharply and chronically.

Spicy vapotitis:

Acute vapotitis develops with influenza, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis) enterovirus nature. The cause of the disease is often a virus of epidemic vapotitis. Acute bacterial vapotitis is most often arising against the background of activating microflora, usually present in the oral cavity and ducts of the salivary glands, which is observed mainly in weak patients, with common infectious diseases, after operational interventionsespecially on organs abdominal cavity (more often on the 3-4th day after surgery), during the injuries of the gland, introducing into the near-wing influx of the foreign body.
One of the essential factors of development acute inflammation The glands are a decrease in its secretory function.

Symptoms of acute charotitis:

Acute vapotitis can flow in serous, purulent and gangrene form. In the serous vapotitis, symptoms are observed: swelling, hyperemia and moderate leukocyte infiltration iron fabric, swelling epithelium of output ducts in which accumulates viscous secretcontaining incident epithelium and microorganisms. The symptoms of purulent vapotitis are characterized by the amplification of leukocyte infiltration, the presence of hemorrhage foci, with a cluster in the withdrawal ducts of leukocytes and the rated epithelium, the appearance of the purulent melting areas of the tissue. Gangrenous vapotitis, often caused by combined microflora, including anaerobic, is accompanied by spilled purulent inflammation and necrosis of the entire gland or its individual sections.

The beginning of the disease is characterized by swelling the gland, pain, increasing during the meal (symptom of retention), deterioration of well-being, an increase in body temperature.
In some cases, for example, in charge of the conditioned injury or implementation in the near-country duct, these symptoms may precede the delay period of saliva, accompanied by parcel pain In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gland - salivary colic. In case of serous steam, the palpation of gland is small, the skin color above it is not changed. The mucous membrane surrounding the mouth of the parole duct, hyperemic.

The number of saliva is minor or it is not at all, a thick, viscous secret is highlighted during the massing of the gland. Process progression and development purulent inflammation leads to an increase in pain, increasing symptoms of intoxication. The swelling of the gland increases, the edema applies to neighboring areas. Leather over the affected area is hyperemic, fast-tissue.
Roth opens with difficulty. When palpation is determined dense, sometimes (for example, with flu) "rocky" density of painful infiltrate, often foci of fluctuations. From the mouth of the parole duct secrets pus. Hangrenous vapotitis occurs the most difficult, which is more often observed in weak patients suffering chronic diseases. The process is accompanied by phenomena of sharply pronounced intoxication. At the opening of purulent foci, fistulas are formed through which necrotic tissues are rejected.

With acute vapotitis, distribution is possible pathological process on the opening space, neck, mediastinum, a breakthrough in the outer hearing pass, purulent melting of the walls of large vessels, thrombosis of the jugular vein and sinus solid brain shell, PARERS Mimic muscles as a result of the damage to the facial nerve.

Diagnosis and treatment of acute vapotitis:

The diagnosis is set based on the characteristic clinical picture, Anamnesis data. Treatment of acute vapotitis depends on the severity of the disease. With serous vapotitis medical events Aims to stabilize the process and prevent complications. Patients prescribe bed regime, great importance Putting care to care for the oral cavity. The area of \u200b\u200bthe gland is imposed with warming compresses, ointment bandages, use physiotherapy (Soluxux, UV irradiation, UHF therapy).

In order to increase the savory, 1% pilocarpine solution is prescribed (5-6 drops inside). With a viral fall, the oral cavity is 5-6 times a day irrigate interferon. It can be introduced intramuscularly once a day for 5-10 days. It is advisable to rinse the near-shop duct with antibiotic solutions. With purulent vapotitis, in addition, the fabrics surrounding the gland are infiltrated by novocaine or trimecain solutions in combination with antibiotics, nitrofuran drugs and proteolytic enzymes; Anti-inflammatory tools are also prescribed inside or parenterally, hyposensitizing and tensile treatment. In the abscess of purulent vapor and gangrenous vapotitis, the opening and surgical treatment of purulent and necrotic foci is shown.

Prediction and prevention of acute vapor:

The forecast depends on the severity of the process. Serous vapotitis, despite the fact that the absorption of infiltrate can last a few weeks and even months, ends, as a rule, full recovery Functions of the gland. With purulent and gangrenous vapotitis, as a result of the replacement of ventilated glands, a scar cloth is possible to reduce the function of the gland until its fullest loss. Prevention consists in caring for the oral cavity and stimulation of saliva (irrigation of the mucous membrane of 0.5-1% sodium bicarbonate solution or citric acid, the purpose of a 1% solution of the pylocarpine inside) with various infectious diseases, after surgery.

Chronic vapotitis:

Chronic parotitis more often occurs as primary disease, Etiology and the pathogenesis of which are not sufficiently studied. Less often happens the outcome of acute vapotitis. Chronic vapotitis is one of the manifestations of SEGREEN syndrome and Mikulich's syndrome. It flows with exacerbations, replacing remissions: is affected mainly in interstics, a parenchyma or a system of output ducts (sialodohit).

Symptoms of chronic vapotitis:

Chronic interstitial vapotitis, in most cases developing against the background of diseases associated with metabolic disorders, is characterized by the growth of interstitial connective tissue, replacing the stroma gland, which leads to the compression of parenchyma and often its atrophy. Signs of chronic vapotitis are swelling, eye disease soreness, reduction of salivation. The disease is characterized by slow progression, illicitness of symptoms, but leads to a resistant reduction in the function of the gland.

In chronic parenchymal vapotitis, the development of which is associated with congenital changes in salivary ducts, oppressing the factors of non-specific protection of the organism, the activation of intrarocratic infection, etc., there is an expansion, and in places the incurring of output ducts and end departments of the glands, education in the parenchyma of microabsces, with subsequent growth in their place Granulation tissue. The process can proceed asymptomatic and discovered by chance. Often the disease flows waves. The exacerbations are clinically manifested by painful sensations, dry mouth, swelling of the parotid gland, is discharged with a thick muddy saline saliva with an admixture of pus and mucus, symptoms of intoxication.

In chronic sialodochitis, morphological changes are found mainly in the near-channel protocol. The process is characterized by periodic swelling of the parotid gland, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gland when eating, thickening of the output flow, in late stage discharge large number A dense secret is often with a lump of mucus.

Complications in chronic vapotitis are the same as in acute, but are much less common.

Diagnostics of chronic vapotitis:

The diagnosis is established on the basis of a clinical picture, laboratory data and tool Research, among which the greatest importance is x-ray. With the help of survey non-contrast radiography, only an increase in the affected gland can be detected. Syalography plays a casual role in the diagnosis of chronic vapotitis. For preferential defeat Parenchima on the background of the shadow of the increased gland is determined by the modified small ducts (extended or narrowed, with fuzzy contours, sometimes resembling moss or twigs coated with in the case), the near-shop duct saves its shape. It is noted uneven contrasting of iron tissue, the appearance of contrasting defects caused by inflammatory infiltrates and border areas.

In the detailed stage of the disease, syanhangectasics are formed in the form of an irregular or rounded form of an x-ray-contrast cluster with dimensions of up to several millimeters. During the development of microabscesses, single (sometimes multiple, but few) accumulations of the X-ray-repeat substance are revealed, located outside the ducts, in some cases having a fistula channel. When prevailing the lesion of large ducts against the background of their overall expansion in places, the narrowings and halves caused by spasm or cutting changes are determined, the delay in the emptying of the ducts from the X-ray infertility. In the later stages of the disease, the expansion of the ducts acquire a spherical or spine-shaped form, which gives them a kind of rosary.

To evaluate secretory and excretory function Radionuclide study (radio audio) can be applied with 99mtc - peter actenet. Used ultrasound Methods Diagnostics, spend cytological research saliva.

Treatment of chronic vapor:

Treatment of chronic vapotitis is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the gland and prevent its relapses, improving the function of the gland, increasing the reactivity of the body. Antibiotics, a solution of furaticiline, proteolytic enzymes, a solution of furacilin, proteolytic enzymes, and trimecain blockades (for a course 10-12), longitudinal galvanization of the salivary gland, are carried out in the near-walled bombing for 5-6 days. Galanamine is used to enhance the secretion of the gland, to increase the tone of salivary ducts - diadinamic currents. In order to dissolve inflammatory infiltrates, electrophoresis is prescribed 6% of the solution of potassium iodide, lidases, ultrasound, paraffin or ozocerite appliques to the area of \u200b\u200bthe gland. In some cases (for example, with a frequent recalculation of parenchymal vapor), resection of glands or vapotidectomy, in chronic sialodochitis, is an operational expansion of the parole duct.

Complete recovery in chronic vapotitis does not occur. With a long flow of the process, salivation decreases. Prevention includes hygienic care For the oral cavity, treatment of chronic diseases.

Specific steam:

Specific vapors caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, syphilis, actinomycetes, is rare. Tuberculosis vapotitis is developing against the background of tuberculosis of light or lymph nodes. The disease proceeds slowly, manifests swelling, gland sealing, the presence of softening foci, sometimes abscess. Perhaps involvement in the process of facial nerve. The diagnosis of tuberculosis lesion of the parotid gland is difficult, based on the discovery of the mycobacterium tuberculosis in the point from the foci of softens and abscesses. Treatment specific.

Syphilic steam:

The syphilic vapotitis is more often observed in the tertiary period of syphilis. In the stroma gland, gums squeezing the parenchyma are formed. The disease flows latently, slowly, when progressing the process can resemble malignant tumor. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a burdened anamnesis and results. serological studies. Treatment specific.

Aktinomikaznaya steam:

Aktinomikazny vapotitis arises as a result of the immediate implementation of actinomycetes in the near-string duct or transition of the process from the surrounding tissues. IN different departments The glands periodically arise abscesses, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other signs of intoxication. The process may apply to neighboring areas. After spontaneous opening of the abscesses, the condition improves up to the next exacerbation. The diagnosis is set on the basis of detection in the purulent separated fungal friends. The treatment is carried out in the same way as with acute purulent non-specific vapotitis, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Parotitis is a process infectious inflammation Tissues of all salivary glands, with the simultaneous damage of some other glands. Children most often occurs in the form of epidemic vapotitis, also the pathology is called a pig, it refers to the vaccine childhood infections. If there are vapotitis, all groups of salivary glands are affected in most part with the formation of their increase and the inflammatory process, in addition to them, inflammation in the testicles in boys can also be formed, the process of inflammation of the appendages in girls is affected by pancreas, chest. In the case of impaired immune protection and health problems, the nerve brain fabric is affected with the development of encephalitis. Today, it is infrequently registered due to the massive coverage of children with preventive vaccinations.

The reasons

Epidemic parotitis in children (often say - pig) is an acute viral disease in which the inflammation of the salivary glands occurs. Children aged 5-15 years old are most often epidemic vapotitis. Parotitis provokes a special virus, unstable to action external factors. They only suffer from people, mainly children and adolescents, infection is transmitted by the air from the child to the child. Children with typical form, erased and carrier virus without manifestations are inflated. In order to infect them enough short contact with the patient. The virus during coughing and sneezing is distributed a few meters around the sick. Children in organized teams and schools are more often sick. It is possible to infect when using common toys, dishes, with dirty hands. The child is dangerous for those surrounding at the end of the incubation period, for about about a day before the manifestation of primary symptoms and until the 5th day of pathology. After 9 days of the disease, the virus is not distinguished from the body and the baby becomes not dangerous to others. Especially susceptible to the kids virus up to 6 years, illustrates up to 85% of contact, not having vaccinations. Children of the first year possess immunity, which received from the mother and almost do not suffer from vapotites, transferred infection leaves persistent immune defense, the development of the vapotitis does not arise.


The duration of the pairotitis incubation stage is up to 26 days, the minimum period of 9 days. Typical manifestations of infection are inflammatory damage to the near-dry salivary gland. The beginning of the disease is sharp, with a sharp rise in temperature to numbers more than 39 ° with a period of several days. The degree of temperature rise is directly dependent on the severity of the process. If you damage all new and new ferrous organs, the temperature will increase again. There are also signs of intoxication in the form of headaches, muscle fragments, a decrease in appetite and ailment. Caprician children, sleep well.

There are pains around the ear, in the projection of the salivary gland, which is stronger in conversations and chewing food. Gradually increase and swell the areas of the gland, originally on one side, in two days joined the second half of the face. Swelling is observed before the ear, going down to lower jaw, because of which the ear moves up and hurned. When feeling iron is similar to the dough, painful. The increase lasts up to 4 days, gradually decreasing then in size. In parallel with them, submandibular and sub-surround glands may be affected. This leads to pronounced dryness in the mouth, the inability to chew solid food. Inflammation and swelling are going throughout the week.

The boys may face testicles with the development of swelling and pain in groin, scrotum. The edema is holding up to 10 days, tissue atrophy occurs, reduced fertility. The defeat usually occurs a few days from the moment of processes inside the salivary glands. Pancreas can be affected with signs of pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting, disruption of digestion, as well as in rare situations there is a damage to the nervous tissue with the formation of meningitis and encephalitis.

Non-specific vapors in children is mainly transmitted by air-droplet. Through the upper respiratory tract, it enters the blood, nervous system and salivary glands. The latter, under the influence of the virus, begin to increase in size. The skin in the place of lesion is stretched and gloring. The tumor can go down on the neck. The area around the salivary glands is painful.

You can meet and noncommunicable vapotitis in children who has nothing to do with a viral disease. It is found in case of injury or long-term supercooling, followed by inflammation of the parole salivary glasses of one or two.

Diagnostics of feast in a child

If there are instructions for contact with a sick child and the presence of typical manifestations, the diagnosis is clinically, according to symptoms. It is more difficult to defeat the testicles of the boy and the clinic of inflammation of the pancreas without a strongly pronounced increase in the salivary glands themselves. For diagnostics, blood test is used with a decrease in leukocytes in it. You can confirm the diagnosis during immuno enzyme analysis and identifying class M antibodies to a vapotitis, especially in doubtful cases. Gradually arise in the blood of the IGG class antibodies.


The main complications of the vapotitis include atrophy of the eggs and infertility of boys, the defeat of the ovarian girls, the development of meningitis or encephalitis, the damage to the pancreas with the formation of chronic pancreatitis.


What can you do

Children should be isolated from others during the treatment of up to 9 days of the disease. Treatment is carried out at home, with the exception of the lesion of eggs, pancreatitis and nervous tissue. It is shown to ensure peace and bedding at the time of fever, it is especially important for boys. In the presence of inflammation of glands and pancreatitis, a strict diet with power in a liquid and semi-liquid form is shown. With the defeat of the salivary glands, you need a lot of child, as in the mouth heavily dried. It is important to carry out daily hygienic events For the prevention of inflammation of the oral cavity. It is necessary to rinse the mouth after each meal, cleaning the teeth.

What does the doctor do

In the treatment of vapotitis use symptomatic therapy - antipyretic, painkillers, immune preparations and vitamins. With the damage to the pancreas, the diet, antispasmodics and analgesics preparations, severe course Preparations for suppressing the activity of the gland. When disruption, food digestion helps enzyme preparations and means for normalizing microbial flora.

Orchitis shows the use of corticosteroid hormones, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs, the use of special dressings and peace. Suspicion of meningitis is a reason for hospitalization and treatment in the resuscitation board.


Prevention lies in isolation of patients for a period of 9 days, quarantine is installed in the contact group. In the departments of the child, there are events on disinfection. Reliable way Parotitis Prevention children - graftingShe put it a living weakened vaccine at the age of 1 and six years (revaccination). How children carry vaccination - easy. The vaccine reliably protects, does not give systemic reactions. Vaccination against vapors in children is made not only at a young age, but also, with the danger of this disease, make injections to adolescents. And many parents are interested in a survey: is it possible to get a vapor from the graft child? We answer: regardless of the severity of the reaction, the child is not infectious for others.

Due to the mass vaccination, such a disease, as a parotitis epide occurs quite rarely. If the first symptoms appeared, then the treatment begins immediately.

Among children under the age of 1 year, the disease is extremely rare: kids protect the immunity made by the mother together with breast milk. Children under 3 years also infected with a vapor not often. According to statistical data of illness more among boys of school and adolescence.

What is vapotitis and what does the disease in children look like?

Parotitis (pig) is an infectious disease in which salivary glands are affected. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets during communication or contact healthy man with infected. Finding into a children's body, the virus on the bloodstream penetrates into sex, salivary glands. Sometimes the CNS is affected.

With epidemic vapotitis, not only children can be infected, but also adults. There is a pattern: the older the patient, the hardest disease flows.

Due to the characteristic swelling of the neck and the poverty of the lower part of the person, the disease began to call a pig. The face due to inflammation of the salivary glands acquires a pear-shaped form.

Classification of parotitis

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The pig is taken to classify the type of disease and its severity. If the patient has all characteristic symptomsSo the vapotitis takes place in a typical form, in turn divided into:

  • isolated when the child is detected solely signs of pigs;
  • combined, in addition to the salivary glands, sex glands or brain are affected (orchitis or meningitis develops).

When a child is observed non-specific for vapotitis symptoms, there is erased symptoms, we can talk about atypical form. Sometimes non-specific parotitis And at all passes asymptomatic.

Pig can flow in three forms:

  • easy when only salivary glands are affected, and the body temperature rises sharply, but it keeps long;
  • a moderate when the child is fevering, it worsens appetite, sleep is disturbed (the virus affects not only salivary glands, but also other glands);
  • severe, with rapid multiple lesions of the glands and the central nervous system.

Parotitis flowing in severe form is rare without consequences. Some children develop deafness, pancreatitis. Often the disease leads to the development of meningitis.

Ways of infection and incubation period

Infection occurs with airborne droplets when sneezing, cough and during communication with the interlocutor. The virus settles on the mucous membranes respiratory tract, penetrates blood, then spread through the body. Pathogenic microorganisms Begin to multiply after entering the epithelium of glandular cells.

The incubation period can be 11-23 days. After 2 days after infection, the baby is able to infect others.

Usually, children are ill no longer than 10 days, as a rule, by the time the symptoms disappear, the child is no longer dangerous. There are exceptions, therefore a patient with a medium-wing form of a vapotitis isolate for 12-22 days.

The first signs of the disease in the child

After contact with the infection carrier, the symptoms of viral vapotitis in the patient are not manifested immediately. For several days, he does not guesses that the virus settled in his body. The first signs of the disease are a sharp increase in body temperature. The thermometer column can show 40 degrees and above. Then the pain and swelling appears near the parole. The baby becomes painful to swallow and talk. For parotitis characteristic abundant allocation saliva.

IN initial stage The tumor extends to one part of the face, after 1-2 days the process affects the other side. Sometimes children with non-epidemic vapotitis have a slight swelling, then the doctor determines the increase in palpatorial.

Subsequent Symptoms of Parotitis

The disease begins suddenly with an increase in temperature, which can hold over for several days. Along with this, the patient shows the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • swelling of the neck in the region of the parotid glands;
  • feeling dryness in the mouth (we recommend reading :);
  • muscular and articular pains.

The first fault development symptom is very heat (40 degrees and above)

The characteristic feature of the vapor is the defeat of the salivary glands near the ears, but not rarely a vapor infection penetrates into the sublingual and submandibular glands. May infamous the lymph nodes. Facial proportions are violated. Any touch to the swelling area becomes painful. In each hotel case, the vapor flows in different ways. Representatives of the male sex symptoms are pronounced brighter.

Pain in the near-wing area does not allow children well to fall out at night. Some patients complain about noise in the ears. Eating food is complicated by the inability to fully reveal the mouth. Singing hard food patients may not be due to severe pain, so they are transferred to liquid nutrition. Usually, pain sensations accompany a small patient for 5 days, then gradually weaken.

Methods for treating the disease at home

Go to the hospital usually offer children who are pairing complicated serous Meningitis, orches or pancreatitis (we recommend reading :). In other cases, to treat the pig falls at home. For increased temperature It is necessary to observe the bed regime. Food due to being light, not requiring long chewing in the mouth. In addition to medical therapy The patient can be applied dry warmth On inflamed areas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck.

Caring for sick child

With the manifestation of the first signs of the baby's disease, it is necessary to isolate from others. Parents need to provide a patient with all the conditions for a comfortable pastime throughout the term of treatment.

This can be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The kid must comply with bed rest, staying in bed for 10 days. During this time disappeared acute manifestations infectious vapotitis, condition will improve.
  • It is necessary to limit physical and emotional loads as much as possible.
  • The room should not be too hot or cold. In no case cannot be allowed to undergo a small patient.
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. So it will be possible to reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.
  • In order to avoid the spread of a vapor infection, households when visiting a child should wear masks. Hands need to wash more often.
  • The patient must provide individual dishes and personal hygiene tools that other family members should use.

Use of medicines

To increase the salivation of the patient, a drop of 1% of the pylocarpine solution is prescribed. They must be used by 8 drops during each meal. Also, the patient must be coping the course of antibiotics penicillin row. Often children are prescribed desensitizing drugs of antiallergic and antihistamine character.

When headaches and elevated temperatures, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs with an anesthetic effect are used: ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Immunostimulating agents with antiviral activity will help to cope with the disease. Its effectiveness in the treatment of parmotitus proved the drug called Interferon. It can be introduced intramuscularly once a day or irrigate the oral cavity. Also a patient as an additional drug Groprinosin can be prescribed 50 ml per 1 kg of the body weight of the kid 3-4 times a day.

Analgesics or antispasmodic medicines are used to remove muscle, articular and other types of pain. These include: analgin, papaverine and but-shpa (recommend reading :). If against the background of the disease, disorders of digestion appeared, then enzyme preparations can be appointed - Pancreatin, Festal, etc.

Diet nutrition

The menu should include products causing active salivation. In order to prevent pancreatitis, a small patient must adhere to a special diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of such products:

  • all kinds of cabbage;
  • bakery products;
  • fat-rich food.

During the period of the disease, it is necessary to prepare vegetables and fruit dishes. In the diet of the child must be present dairy products. From the cereals, preference is better to give rice.

If the virus is striking the pancreas, pancreatitis develops, then the patient must go to a tougher diet. The first 1-2 days need to be abandoned in full, then add products to the menu low content Carbohydrates and fats. Usually after 10 days of strict abstinence of the patient are transferred to diet number 5.

Folk remedies

As well as traditional methods Treatment is widely used folk remedies. They help reduce pain and alleviate the patient's condition. Especially popular in the treatment of pigs at home enjoy next recipes Folk Medicine:

  • Compresses are superimposed on the swollen areas. For making a compress from linen seeds It is necessary to take 100 g of raw materials and pour them 100 ml hot water. Then the resulting mixture is maintained on a weak heat before the formation of a thick casher. After the mass is cooled, it is added to it 1 tbsp. l. Honey. To apply a tool on the skin on top of the swollen glands, cessisce is pre-kneaded in the hands, giving it the shape of the pellet.
  • To facilitate the state, a patient with non-infectious vapotitis can be offered to drink with infusion from medicinal herbal. For cooking it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. lime inflorescence. Then the composition insists for about 25 minutes, after it is filled and give the baby 3 times a day for a third of a cup.
  • The rinsing means of the oral cavity is prepared on the basis of ragners from chamomile or sage. Dried vegetable raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Poured 1 cup of hot water. The tool must be broken within 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction is needed after each meal.

Daughter of chamomile is rendered therapeutic effects when rinse the oral cavity

When is hospital treatment required?

If developing purulent parotitis, and those used at home therapeutic agents Do not help, a surgical operation is required. With complicated epidemic parotitis Therapy is carried out in a hospital.

If the pancreas is affected, the patient is translated into special dietreducing the risk of development sugar diabetes. When climbing the temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed, and cold is applied to the inflamed iron organ. Strong pain Removed by spasmolitics. With help salt solutionsIntravenously entered, disintellation is carried out.

If the virus is striking the testicles of the boy, then it can threaten infertility. Orchitus requires special treatment and control from the side of the medical staff. Cold will help reduce swelling. Prednisolone is introduced infusionally within 10 days. With the right timely treatment Vulgar vapotitis can avoid testicle atrophy.

If the patient's meningitis is suggested, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize. Brain swelling is removed by taking diuretics, such as Lazix or Furosemide. To prevent heavy consequences Patients are appointed nootropic drugs. Extract is possible only after a thorough inspection with good spin output fluid.

Complications and consequences of pigs

As a rule, the child transfers the pig without serious consequences. Pretty rarely after steaming there are complications:

  • orchit - inflammation of eggs in boys;
  • ouoforitis - inflammation of the ovaries in girls;
  • meningitis - the inflammatory process affects the soft shells around the brain;
  • pancreatitis - the virus is affected by the pancreas;
  • diabetes mellitus - arises due to insulin synthesis;
  • thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation of the inner ear;
  • defeat joints.

Parotitis Prevention

The disease is always easier to prevent how long to treat, fearing the consequences of the disease and its complications. Today the most secure and effective way Farotitis protection is vaccination.

If the first symptoms of the disease have already manifested themselves, the temperature rose, the swelling appeared, then the patient should be immediately isolate, so as not to exacerbate the current epidemic situation.


If the infection failed to avoid, the child had contact with patients with parotitis, then with the advent of the first signs of a small patient's disease, it is necessary to protect from communicating with other people at least 10 days. He is strictly forbidden to visit kindergarten, school and others public places About 3 weeks from the beginning of the disease (see also :). This is done in order not to catch the kids not picked up infection. If in a preschool or school institution, there were cases of infection with a vapor, then quarantine is declared.


Bringing against a pig (Single-component immovaks Oreion, a two-component fault-core and three-component Ervevaks, Trimovaks) put children in one year old. In 6 years, children are revaccination. With the help of vaccination, the child's body produces antibodies that allow the child not to get sick. Vaccine is effective in almost 100% of cases. Adults can protect itself from infection, in this case, revaccination is carried out every 4 years.

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