Why the vaccine does not give lifelong immunity. Immunity after vaccinations. And if the child has suffered a serious neurological disease

From the first second of birth, a person is exposed to the influence of a huge number of microorganisms, including pathogens. In the 18th century, in order to strengthen the immune system and protect a person from diseases, vaccinations were invented. However, the question of the benefits and harms of vaccinations still causes a lot of controversy. In this article, we will look at what the immune system is, what immunity is, and what is the role of vaccinations in the functioning of our immunity.

Consider what is the immune system and immunity

The immune system is a set of organs, tissues and cells that provide protection and control over the internal constancy of the body's environment. It includes the central organs - red bone marrow and thymus (thymus), peripheral organs - the spleen, lymph nodes and blood vessels, Peyer's patches of the intestine, appendix, tonsils and adenoids.

The immune system is scattered throughout the human body, and this allows it to control the entire body. The main function of the immune system is to maintain the genetic constancy of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis).

The immunity of the body to various infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths), as well as to tissues and substances with foreign antigenic properties (for example, poisons of plant and animal origin), is called immunity.

A malfunction of the immune system can lead to autoimmune processes, when the cells of the immune system do not recognize “us” and “them”, and damage the cells of their own body, which leads to such serious diseases as: systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis, diffuse toxic goiter, disseminated sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis.

The "cradle" of the immune system is red marrow, which is located in the body of tubular, flat and spongy bones. Stem cells are formed in the red bone marrow, which give rise to all forms of blood and lymph cells.

The mechanism of the cells of the immune system

The main cells of the immune system are B and T lymphocytes and phagocytes.

Lymphocytes White blood cells are a type of leukocyte. Lymphocytes are main cells of the immune system. B-lymphocytes provide humoral immunity(produce antibodies that attack foreign substances), T-lymphocytes provide cellular immunity(they directly attack foreign substances).

There are several types of T-lymphocytes:

  • T-killers (T-killers) - destroy infected, tumor, mutated, aging cells of the body.
  • T-helpers (T - helpers) - help other cells in the fight against "strangers". Stimulate the production of antibodies by recognizing the antigen and activating the corresponding B-lymphocyte.
  • T-suppressive (T-suppressors) - reduce the level of antibody formation. If the immune system is not suppressed after the neutralization of the antigen, then the body's own immune cells will destroy the healthy cells of the body, which will lead to the development of autoimmune disorders.

The development of B and T lymphocytes occurs in the red bone marrow. Their predecessor is the stem lymphoid cell. Some of the stem cells in the red bone marrow turn into B-lymphocytes, the other part of the cells leaves the bone marrow and enters another central organ of the immune system - thymus where maturation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes takes place. Simply put, the organs of the central immune system are the "kindergarten" where B- and T-lymocytes undergo initial training. Since in the future, through the circulatory and lymphatic system, lymphocytes migrate to the lymph nodes, spleen and other peripheral organs, where they are further trained.

The largest from leukocytes - phagocytes-macrophages.

The role of phagocyte cells in the immune system was first discovered by the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov in 1882. Cells that are able to absorb and digest foreign substances have been named phagocytes, and the phenomenon itself is called phagocytosis.

In the process of phagocytosis, phagocytes-macrophages release active substances cytokines capable of recruiting cells of the immune system - T and B lymphocytes. Thereby increasing the number of lymphocyte cells. Lymphocytes are smaller than macrophages, more mobile, able to penetrate the cell wall and into the intercellular space. T-lymphocytes are able to distinguish between individual microbes, remember and determine whether the body has met them before. They also help B-lymphocytes increase the synthesis antibodies (immunoglobulin proteins), which in turn neutralize antigens (foreign substances), bind them into harmless complexes, which are subsequently destroyed by macrophages.

It takes time to identify an antigen (previously unknown to the body) and produce enough antibodies. During this period, the person develops symptoms of the disease. With subsequent infection with the same infection, the necessary antibodies begin to be produced in the body, which determine a rapid immune response to the re-introduction of the “stranger”. Thanks to this, the disease and recovery proceed much faster.

Types of natural immunity

Natural immunity is either innate or acquired.

From the moment of birth, nature itself has laid the immunity of a person to many diseases, which is carried out thanks to innate immunity, inherited from parents already with ready-made antibodies. The body receives antibodies from the mother at the very beginning of its development through the placenta. The main transfer of antibodies occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy. In the future, the child receives ready-made antibodies along with breast milk.

Acquired immunity occurs after the transfer of diseases and persists for a long time or for life.

Artificial immunity and vaccines

artificial (passive) considered immunity obtained by the introduction of serum, and which is valid for a short time.

Serum contains ready-made antibodies to a specific pathogen and is injected into an infected person (for example, against tetanus, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis).

It has long been believed that the immune system can be prepared for a meeting with a future "enemy" through the introduction of vaccines, believing that for this it is enough to introduce "killed" or "weakened" pathogens into the human body, and the person will become immune to it for some time. . Such immunity is called artificial (active) A: It is temporary. That is why a person is prescribed repeated vaccinations (revaccinations) throughout his life.

Vaccines(from Latin vacca - cow) are preparations obtained from killed or weakened microorganisms and their metabolic products, designed to produce antibodies to pathogens.

According to all medical canons only healthy children can be vaccinated, however, this is rarely done in practice. , and even weakened children are vaccinated.

About how the idea of ​​vaccination has changed, writes the immunologist G.B. Kirillicheva: “Initially, vaccination was considered as a preventive aid in case of obvious danger, trouble. Vaccination was carried out according to epidemiological indications. Susceptible and contact persons were vaccinated. Receptive! And not all in a row. At present, the idea of ​​the purpose of vaccines has been distorted. From means of emergency prevention, vaccines have become means of mass planned use. Both susceptible and resistant categories of people are being vaccinated.”

Vaccines contain auxiliary components, the most common of which are: antibiotics, merthiolate (mercury salt), phenol, formalin, aluminum hydroxide, Tween-80. You can learn more about the components of vaccines.

Over the entire period of the existence of vaccines, no one has proven that even a small content of poisons in vaccines is completely harmless to a living organism.

It should also be taken into account that the child's body is a hundred times more sensitive to toxins and poisons, and the system of decomposition and removal of poisons from the body in a newborn has not yet been formed to the proper degree, unlike an adult. And this means that even in small quantities, this poison can cause irreparable harm to the child.

As a result, such a quantity of poisons falls upon the unformed immune system of the newborn, which leads to serious malfunctions, primarily in the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, and then manifests itself in the form of post-vaccination complications.

Here are just some of the post-vaccination complications included in the official list of August 2, 1999 N 885:

In practice, it is not easy to prove that this complication arose precisely after vaccination, because when we are vaccinated, doctors do not take any responsibility for its result - they simply provide us with medical care, which in our country is voluntary.

In parallel with the increase in the number of vaccinations in the world, the number of childhood diseases is increasing, such as: autism, cerebral palsy, leukemia, and diabetes mellitus. Scientists and doctors around the world are increasingly confirming the connection of such serious diseases with vaccinations. For example, a Russian scientist spoke at one of his meetings with readers about the connection between vaccinations and autism. You can watch this video.

How do vaccinations affect the immune system in general?

Here is what a number of experts write on the topic of immunity and vaccinations:

“Natural diseases that occur in a normal, healthy child help to “debug” and train the immune system.

The pathogens that enter the body with the vaccine bypass the mucous membranes and immediately enter the bloodstream. The organism is not evolutionarily ready for such a development of events.

In order to cope with an infection that has not been neutralized at the level of the mucous membranes and for which the body has not been prepared to fight with chemical signals received in advance, it is forced to expend many times more lymphocytes than when it occurs in a natural disease.

So, according to available estimates, if natural mumps (mumps) diverts 3-7% of the total number of lymphocytes, then the one that occurs after vaccination - the one that is called "light" - 30-70%. Ten times more!”(A. Kotok "Vaccinations in questions and answers for thinking parents")

Extract from a letter to Bioethics Committee RAS oncoimmunologist prof. V.V. Gorodilova:

“For a long time, we should have seriously thought about the growing childhood leukemia, which Academician L.A. Zilber spoke about already in the early 60s, about an unbalanced immune system as a result of an unquenchable (including) “post-vaccination state”, starting in our maternity hospitals and actively continuing in childhood, adolescence and adolescence.

It has been proven that the immune system of babies is still immature, that it begins to function within a certain "norm" after 6 months, and before that the body has not yet adapted, has not matured.

It is impossible to accumulate excessive antibodies indefinitely - their excess leads to autoimmune processes. Hence the "rejuvenated" autoimmune diseases in young people: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, disorders of the nervous, endocrine and vascular systems, numerous oncological diseases, and among them - childhood leukemia.

The immune system does not withstand the “planned onslaught”, it breaks down, its functions are perverted, it “goes off course” prescribed by nature, and a person becomes more vulnerable to colds, allergens, oncological diseases ... Allergies are growing among babies - are there now such children who would not suffer from allergic diseases?! It is well known that in the first half of the year children suffer from gastrointestinal dystrophy and skin changes caused by food allergens of various etiologies. From the second half of the year, respiratory tract syndromes join - asthmatic bronchitis (by the way, one of the complications of DPT, ADS-M, ADS). Well, by the age of 3-4, clinical symptoms of pollen sensitization, etc., etc., begin to appear. There are innumerable publications on these issues.

The immune system is a delicate balanced mechanism and, like all other systems, is subject to breakdown. As a result of constant irritation - stimulation by vaccines, instead of protecting the body, it destroys its own cells due to the accumulation of antibodies, due to autoimmune processes and functional changes in the properties of cells.

Physiological, natural aging is a process of gradual attenuation, withering of all parts of the immune system. Vaccines, on the other hand, accelerate, spur the process of "expenditure" of lymphocytes, artificially leading the human body to premature aging, hence senile diseases in youth. In oncology, the imbalance between the rate of the immune response and tumor growth is fundamental. The growth of oncological disease is ahead of the rate of reproduction of lymphoid cells that react to it, which, moreover, are aimed at combating the incessantly incoming antigens - vaccines.

I am absolutely convinced that all oncology begins with a negative restructuring of the immune system, followed by suppression of its functions as a result of "overload". It is with congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies that more frequent development of malignant neoplasms is noted ... "

Vaccinations are voluntary!

Parents should be aware that, under Russian law, they have every right to both consent and refuse vaccinations.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ: in accordance with Article 20. Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention and to the refusal of medical intervention.

And in accordance with the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" dated September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ: in accordance with Article 5. Citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis have the right to: refuse preventive vaccinations.

Our state provides a choice - whether to vaccinate a child or not, and refusal to vaccinate does not entail consequences in the form of non-admission to kindergarten, school, institute. If such violations are observed, then they contradict the Constitution of our country. Since Chapter 2 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads:

  1. Everyone has the right to education.
  2. The general availability and free of charge of pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed.

Very often, parents rely on the opinion of doctors, not wanting to study the topic of vaccinations more deeply on their own: if they say to vaccinate, then so be it. However, the responsibility for the fate of the child from the parents is not removed from this. It is important to understand that any vaccination is not just a “shot”, but a real invasion of a person’s immunity, which has its consequences, which is especially fraught with a period when immunity has not yet been fully formed. Professor virologist G.P. Chervonskaya writes the following on this subject: “If you protect your child from vaccination at least up to 5 years, I bow to you. You will give the opportunity to develop the natural defenses of the body.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, the decision is exactly the same as the right to vaccinate or not vaccinate their child should remain with the parents.

What mechanisms protect a person from infections?

While the infant's immune system has not formed independently, an important protective mechanism is maternal antibodies that are passed to the baby through the placenta and through breast milk. The longer a mother breastfeeds her baby, the longer he will be protected. Maternal antibodies protect newborns and infants from infectious diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox, poliomyelitis and many other ailments for a long time.

As evidence, we give an example of the observation of an obstetrician-gynecologist Zh.S. Sokolova: “The best“ vaccine ”for all infectious diseases is mother’s milk. It contains all the antibodies that can protect and cope with any infection, and if the baby is still hardened, his immunity will become even stronger without any vaccinations. As convincing evidence, I cannot but cite the information that 1640 children are under my supervision (as of 2002), whom their parents did not vaccinate. These children not only do not get sick, but develop differently, they are more calm and balanced, less irritable and non-aggressive.

An important defense mechanism against various infections is genetics. Not all people are equally susceptible to various diseases.

Virologist G.P. Chervonskaya in her book "Vaccinations: Myths and Reality" writes about the susceptibility of people to infectious diseases as follows:

“Most people have a built-in immunity to infectious diseases. genetically. For example, 99% of people are immune to tuberculosis, 99.5-99.9% are immune to polio, 80-85% are immune to diphtheria, and 85-90% are immune to influenza.
Thoughtless vaccination weakens the immunity inherent in nature, irrevocably changes our genetic code and leads to diseases, including those previously unknown. I remind what is known to specialists from all over the world, I emphasize - a specialist (!): Susceptible to tuberculosis among all mankind is born 1% (8), to poliomyelitis - 0.1-0.5 % (8.13) (according to Smorodintsev and WHO), to diphtheria - 15-20% (3,5,14,15), to influenza - also no more than 10-15%, etc.
In other words, someone is already born immune to tuberculosis (and there is a significant majority of them!), someone will never get diphtheria (and they are also the predominant majority!), the third category of citizens is resistant to poliomyelitis (UNITS get sick and not necessarily paralytic form (8.13), most people never get sick with the flu, rubella, etc., etc.”

Do not forget about natural protection: it is acquired when a person is ill with an illness. We have all heard about such diseases as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella. In the people, these diseases are also called "children's", and it is no coincidence, because it is in childhood that a person most often gets sick with them. Transferring these states in a rather light form, a person acquires lifelong immunity and the possibility of transmitting antibodies to future generations. Not so long ago, there was, and somewhere there is still a practice, when parents specifically bring their children to sick peers so that the child gets sick in childhood and develops natural immunity. It happens that a child does not get sick at all from such visits: this indicates that he is not genetically susceptible to this disease.

In the history of mankind, facts are known when, with the improvement of sanitary and hygienic living conditions, mankind got rid of many diseases. For example, on the territory of European countries, no vaccines were invented against diseases such as cholera, plague, typhoid fever, anthrax, dysentery, but these diseases were defeated soon as water pipes and sewers appeared, when they began to chlorinate water, pasteurize milk, when the quality improved. food. With the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions, the incidence and mortality from diphtheria, measles, whooping cough began to decline decades before the advent of vaccines against these diseases. The eradication of smallpox worldwide in 1980 was due to the observance of strict sanitary measures, and not due to universal vaccination, as is commonly believed, since during the years of smallpox vaccination, vaccinated people still got sick and died.

Look at the statistics. Children who are not vaccinated do not get sick. Only the vaccinated get sick.

"Doctor, cut off my child's hand so that he doesn't break it when he grows up."

If we just talk about vaccinations, then their goal is to kill the immune system. And the goal here is not at all the profit from vaccinations and further treatment, the ultimate goal is the creation of a sick, weak and dependent nation that is constantly sick with something and depends on the help of the government and power.

Vaccine advocates are silent about many aspects of vaccination. Firstly, when you take any medicine in a pharmacy, they always write about contraindications, the composition of the medicine, the active substance, the signs and reasons for which this medicine should be used. Side effects and methods of overcoming them are also given. This is the general formula for the use of any medicine.

And supporters of vaccinations prescribe them to everyone in a row without analysis, without taking into account contraindications, without taking into account the state of the child, how much his body is ready to respond correctly to the vaccine. Supporters of vaccinations are silent about the most important thing, about the mechanism of this vaccination, which should develop immunity, increased resistance of the child to single types of diseases, such as measles or whooping cough.

How is this achieved?

In a very banal way, pertussis or measles microbes are injected into a child, which supposedly should be somehow weakened, and should not, according to the intention of the vaccine manufacturers, cause severe harm to health (harmful bacteria owe something to someone, and who checked them there, how much they are there weakened).

How does our body work when infected through inoculation with microbes of a dangerous infection?

He detects a foreign protein through the detector cells, the detector cells are attached, and the killer cells, they see who needs to be killed by the detector cells, and begin to destroy alien microbes. This is the ideal case, as they say.

What is really happening?

But in fact, the number of detector cells and killer cells in the body is of course, for example, let's take that there are 100 detector cells and 100 killer cells, and they are evenly distributed throughout the body, and constantly carry out their work, die every day in the fight against microbes with 10 streets, and every day the body creates new cells by 10, so the number of immunity cells is constant, and the person is healthy.

What Happens During Vaccination?

And when vaccinated, 80 microbes are immediately injected into our body directly into the blood, which is extremely rare in nature. Suppose that in our ideal situation, the detector cells instantly saw all 80 microbes, marked them, there were 20 detector cells left, and the killer cells attacked the microbes and killed them, 20 killer cells remained. Subtract from these 20 another 10 microbes that daily enter the body from the street, and we will generally have 10 killer cells.

Compare this with the initial number of 100 detectors, and 100 killers, and now they have become 10 times less, that is, after vaccination, the body's ability to kill foreign bacteria has become 10 times less, which means that now other bacteria that surround a person, it became 10 times easier, and these pathogenic microbes, getting into the favorable environment of the human body, begin to multiply rapidly, which leads to a full-fledged disease.

The organism will eventually regain its values ​​of detector and killer cells, but until this comes, the organism is at risk of falling ill from an infection against which it successfully resisted before vaccination.

However, all vaccinated people still get sick, and this immunity from a single disease does not last a lifetime, but, according to the authors of the vaccines, is valid for several years. Given the data on the complete change of body cells, taking into account the data on the constant replacement of blood and body tissues, it is very doubtful that the produced protein that kills specifically one type of microbe will remain in a person for many years.

Look at the vaccination calendar, even the vaccine authors themselves admit that the effect of vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee that after vaccination a person will not get sick.

We considered the ideal case when we introduced 80 bacteria into the body, and did not take into account the constant penetration of other microbes into the body.

But the fact is that bacteria is a living organism that is extremely tenacious, It mutates very easily under the influence of negative environmental factors, adapting very easily to harmful factors, and after several mutations, these factors harmful to the ancestor of the microbe no longer have a negative impact on these microbes. This property of microbes means that, having placed those weakened by poisons or radiation, or other factors, microbes sometimes begin to multiply over time, and already the number in one dose of vaccination will not be 80, but 280, and then the immune system will have a very bad time, and due to mutation, it will already a different species, a strain, and it is to this altered strain of a microbe that a person will have immunity. As a result of the possibility of reproduction and mutation, it is very difficult to select doses, so there are occasionally tragic cases when the body cannot cope with microbes.

Vaccination advocates also argue that microbes are weakened by various poisons that remain in the vaccination dose, and along with microbes, are injected into the child.

Infection with pathogenic microbes of newborns is very controversial, immunologists say that a newborn begins to produce its own killer cells only after 9 months, and before that it has detector cells and killer cells from the mother, which he received during development, then after the birth of the child receives killer cells through breast milk. If the mother had vaccinations, and without them now they are not admitted to the maternity hospital, then what is the point of vaccinating an already vaccinated one?

Then, tell me, what is the probability that you will meet a person with tuberculosis, hepatitis in your life. And in maternity hospitals, children are given, as they say, "weakened forms" that cause strong immunity.

You can write a lot more, but to summarize, here are the main arguments of opponents of vaccinations:

1. In fact, vaccinations are given to everyone in a row without analysis and a study of how ready this particular child is for vaccination. Such a study is generally not provided for by the system of indiscriminate vaccinations.

2. The complete irresponsibility of doctors who vaccinate for the results of vaccinations.

3. The complete lack of analysis of the usefulness of vaccinations. At least once somewhere there were objective studies that vaccinated children are all 100% healthy, and not vaccinated all 100% are sick with whooping cough or measles.

4. The absence of the composition of the contents of the vaccine, it is not known what it is made of.

5. All modern vaccines are manufactured in the USA and NATO countries, which are our geopolitical opponents. Try to make some kind of vaccine in the Russian Federation, and try to offer this vaccine to the Pentagon, so that US soldiers would be pierced with this vaccine. I am 100% sure that a vaccine from the Russian Federation will not be allowed into the United States for reasons of national security, and in the Russian Federation foreign vaccines from states that impose sanctions against the Russian Federation and declare Russia from the rostrum of the UN as the main threat to humanity.

6. After all vaccines, there is a deterioration in health, many side effects that ruin health, causing harm in a few years, and it is impossible to prove that the cause of the disease, such as obesity, metabolic disorders, was vaccination.

7. Supporters of vaccination constantly say that vaccines are safe, but from time to time there are reports in the media that there are victims of the vaccine, and sometimes the number of victims is measured in the hundreds.

8. There is an interview on the Internet with a doctor from a Scandinavian country who says that he was bribed to write a positive report for the government of his country that vaccinations are very good and useful. As a result, the government of this country entered into a large contract for the supply of vaccinations , this doctor received a large sum of money and a promotion.

9. Vaccination is done without taking into account the current immunological situation in the country and the world, and against those diseases that almost no one is sick with. That is, they are trying to vaccinate us against those diseases that are already very difficult to get sick. If you look, today humanity is dying not from measles, but from weakened immunity and oncology, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and mental disorders. The diseases proposed for prevention by vaccination were relevant 100 years ago, in the era of starvation, unsanitary conditions, water pollution and wholesale epidemics.

10. In addition to what has already been said, as a result - if you look and try to objectively weigh the arguments for "vaccinations", and, frankly, for the deliberate infection of children with dangerous infections by doctors, and the arguments of opponents (who, by the way, are also certified doctors) of deliberately infecting children with dangerous infections , then during the absence of epidemics, IMHO, the arguments of the opponents of vaccination seem to me more convincing.

the materials of the article were stolen by me with gratitude from a comment on the Internet from serg1567,

The original was at http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/immune_suppression.htm

All vaccines, without exception, are immunosuppressive, that is, they weaken our immune activity. The chemicals in vaccines weaken our immune systems; viruses contained in vaccines and foreign DNA and RNA from animal tissues weaken the immune system. Toraldo et al. found that polymorphonuclear neutrophil chemotaxis and metabolism were significantly reduced after vaccination and did not return to normal for several months. Other indicators of the weakening of the immune system are: reduced viability of lymphocytes, hypersegmentation of neutrophils, low white blood cells. All vaccines weaken the immune system to some extent, and this is an unequal exchange that we decide on. Medical theory claims that we gain immunity to one disease at the cost of a slight decrease in resistance. But I I repeat what we exchange weakening of the entire immune system(which is our the only protection against all known diseases caused by millions of pathogens), for temporary immunity to one usually harmless childish disease. Thus, we go to a completely unprofitable deal. According to Mullins, "we traded mumps and measles for cancer and AIDS."

Such an exchange is not worth the risk we take. And we run the risk of getting much more diseases than we "prevent" by agreeing to be vaccinated. (We'll see later that we're not actually preventing anything.) A good example is the annual flu shot ritual. One shot can contain only two or three types of influenza virus, hence the names: Asian, Japanese, Indian or swine flu. But in reality, there are thousands, maybe millions, of viruses that cause the flu. It makes no sense to vaccinate against one or two of them - many get the flu even after vaccination. We do not know what kind of flu will strike us in this or that year and in this or that place. Therefore, the best way not to get sick with the flu is to eat rationally and get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Only with proper nutrition can create and maintain a strong immune system while vaccines undermine our immunity. A link has been found between vaccines and AIDS, as well as other immunodeficiency disorders.

Vaccination weakens the immune system of our body, which puts us at risk of spreading many other diseases. It would be very naive to think that with one flu shot, we will never get sick with other existing varieties, especially given that viruses can mutate very quickly in favorable conditions. The only thing to do to keep up with these rapidly mutating viruses is to fuel our immune systems with good nutrition and make the conditions for virus growth as bad as possible. In other words, pathogenic viruses will not grow where conditions do not allow it. To be or not to have a disease determines our health, not microbes or viruses as such. Microorganisms are pleomorphic, meaning they can change with their environment; rods become cocci, and vice versa. To think that microbes cause disease means not take responsibility for your health and pass it on to someone who can kill these microbes with toxic chemicals (drugs), even if those drugs or vaccines harm to our body. Vaccines prevent health!

Vaccines reduce immunity in various ways:

  1. Vaccines contain many chemicals and heavy metals, such as aluminum, which are immunosuppressive on their own. Mercury actually causes changes in the activity of lymphocytes and reduces their viability.
  2. Vaccines contain foreign tissues and foreign DNA and RNA, which leads to suppression of the immune system due to the rejection reaction.
  3. Vaccines change the ratio of T-helpers to T-suppressors; the same ratio can be seen in AIDS. This ratio is the main indicator of the normal functioning of the immune system.
  4. Vaccines change the metabolic activity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and reduce their ability to chemotaxis. These neutrophils protect our body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  5. Vaccines suppress the immune system simply because they overload our immune system with foreign material, heavy metals, pathogens and viruses. Heavy metals slow down our immune system while viruses make room for themselves to grow and develop. It's like chaining and handcuffing ourselves before we go swimming.
  6. Vaccines overload our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules that are not broken down properly by digestion because vaccines bypass the digestive process by injecting us into our bodies. That is why allergies are associated with the action of vaccines: they contain large protein molecules, which are circulating immune complexes that allergize our body.
  7. Vaccines reduce vital, immune-boosting nutrients, such as vitamins C and A, and zinc, which are essential for a strong immune system. It is these nutrients that strengthen our immune system, nourish white blood cells and phagocytes and make them work optimally.
  8. Vaccines are neurotoxic and reduce the rate of nerve reactions and transmission of impulses to the brain and other tissues. We now know that some lymphocytes communicate directly with the brain through a complex array of neurotransmitters. Changing these factors also weakens our immunity.

Linking Vaccines to AIDS

While doctors don't like to mention vaccines and AIDS in the same sentence, there is plenty of evidence that AIDS is linked to vaccines. Batram (Buttram) and Hoffman (Hoffman) state: "The method of indirect immunofluorescence used to evaluate T-lymphocytes showed a temporary decrease ... in the ratio of T-helpers to T-suppressors in blood samples ... taken after vaccination." This means that immediately after vaccination, our blood looks like the blood of an AIDS patient. The diagnosis of AIDS is made with a decrease in the ratio of T-helpers to T-suppressors. The same thing happens after vaccinations. Is it a coincidence that countries where AIDS is rampant have the highest number of vaccinations? And it's not a joke at all when they ask: "Are we trading mumps and measles for cancer and AIDS?"

If we look at the production of vaccines, we will see their association with simian viruses such as SV-40, which causes immunodeficiency (similar to AIDS) in monkeys. Some scientists believe that SIV and HIV are very similar viruses, or maybe the same. When it is found in monkeys, it is called SIV, when in humans it is called HIV. It is highly likely that the foreign origin of SIV makes it lethal to our immune system and it is destroyed. Vaccines and AIDS are clearly linked, and the medical literature provides us with many such examples. The first hepatitis vaccines are infamous for causing AIDS and were made from the blood of homosexuals who had high rates of hepatitis and AIDS. At the time of the first hepatitis vaccinations (in the 1970s), there were numerous references in the medical literature to the connection of these vaccinations with AIDS, and therefore people were afraid to take these vaccinations. Yes, some people were afraid of hepatitis, and although many people had hepatitis every year, we were much more afraid of AIDS, which is much more severe and has a higher mortality rate.

There are many other theories about how vaccines created the AIDS epidemic, but none of them have been proven enough. At the same time, the fact that HIV is a disease identical to that caused by the SIV found in monkeys is obvious. Are HIV and SIV the same virus? Does SV-40 lead to immune suppression or immunodeficiency? The London Times reported in 1987 that a smallpox vaccine containing HIV had been introduced to Haiti, Brazil and Africa. Some doctors had their own hunches about the origin of AIDS, but they did not share them, and the chance was missed to demonstrate that all vaccines suppress and undermine the immunity of the recipient. Whether vaccines contain real human immunodeficiency virus may still be an open question, but they undoubtedly weaken the immune system. Today, vaccines are made with greater care, methods for detecting and removing side viruses have improved, but vaccines are still dangerous by definition and create favorable conditions for many diseases that will develop later.

Real immunity: where does it come from? Out of nutrition!

Science ignores the most valuable component of health - nutrition. What supports our immune system and allows us to live energetic healthy lives? Nutrition. What helps to overcome the most devastating diseases known to mankind? Nutrition. What is the main factor for recovery? Nutrition. What does the body need to heal itself? Nutrition. What is the main factor that protects against the disease? Nutrition. What is missing from modern allopathic medicine? Nutrition. Nutrition, and nutrition alone, supports our immune system and helps the body defend itself against foreign pathogens. Herbs, food, nutrients and vitamin supplements are the "tour de force", they are invaluable for our immunity, and this fact is ignored by medical science in favor of drugs (chemicals).

There are many reasons why medical science chooses to overlook this most important aspect of our health...perhaps because broccoli and carrots aren't profitable. But there is a trend in science that disinterestedly seeks the truth, not profit. Herbalists and naturopaths have been treating devastating diseases for centuries with natural remedies and proper diet. Medicine rejected diet and nutrition (as well as herbs) because they had no place in scientific medicine. But humble plants can cure better than a similar amount of allopathic man-made (synthetic) medicines, which, although naturally occurring, are still toxic due to their dosage and must be very precisely controlled.

The divergence of the paths of allopathic and herbal naturopathic medicines can be traced in the philosophy of vaccination. Vaccines are the only way modern medicine is supposed to "prevent" disease, as it doesn't believe in or use herbs and nutrition. Therefore, toxic vaccines are its only tool for "maintaining health." Herbalists and naturopaths approach a person from a completely different point of view. They teach people to live in harmony with nature, eat naturally and not create an environment conducive to the growth of pathogens. With regular cleansing of the body, the disease will not be a problem for him. In its futile and misguided attempt to "prevent" disease, allopathy wants to promote health by forcing the body to deal with more toxins (vaccines). Also, vaccines cause disease, many ailments, numerous disorders, and also lay the foundation for the growth of cancer, suppressing the ability of our body to repel attacks by pathogens. Allopathy suppresses important functions of the body, filling it with toxins. Naturopathy helps the body to destroy toxins, supporting the body's immune activity.

Therefore, there are many discrepancies, many differences between allopathy and naturopathy. In addition, the laws of our country allow only allopathic methods of "preventing" diseases (i.e. vaccination), and not others that are more effective and less harmful, such as homeopathy and naturopathy. Many religions reject vaccinations because vaccines are contrary to their principles, being blood products grown on aborted fetuses, human and animal tissues. Vaccines grown on animal tissues, aborted fetuses, and cancerous cells defy all reasonable judgment and common sense, regardless of belief. So our common sense gives us the right to be against dirty vaccines, regardless of religious beliefs.

It is no longer a secret that good immunity is built on proper nutrition; the medical literature is replete with studies of the minute details of the connection between immunity and nutrients. Preconceived notions can no longer hide the fact that nutrition plays a big role in a person's life (and immune function). Modern mainstream science confirms that nutrition is a key factor in our health. Nutrition supports our immune system like nothing else. Field states, "It is well known that nutrition is important for the development and functioning of the immune system." Harbige (Harbige) noted that "nutrition and its character can have a profound impact on immune function, resistance to infection and autoimmunity in humans and animals." Scrimshaw and San Giovanni state that "infections ... have a detrimental effect on the nutritional state ... Conversely, almost any nutritional deficiency that is appreciable enough will weaken the resistance to infection." Chandra (Chandra; Am J Clin Nutrition 1997; 66(2):460s-463s) also noted: "Nutrition is a determining factor in immune responses, and malnutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiency worldwide." Chandra and Chandra Prog Food Nutrition Sci 1986; 10(1-2):1-65) stated that "the immune system plays a key role in the body's ability to fight infection and reduce the risk of tumor formation, autoimmune and degenerative diseases."

Also, while this information is new to us, it is not new to everyone. Many people have always supported the view that a strong immune system starts with good nutrition. Roger Williams, Linus Pauling, Evan Cameron, Adele Davis, John R. Christopher, Jethro Kloss, and other eminent nutritionists have stated for years that nutrition is important to health, but these claims have been ignored. The profits from artificially synthesized medicines were valued over the health of consumers, and many suffered unnecessarily in the name of science when they could be cured by simple herbal medicine or diet. The importance of nutrition has been downplayed for the past 80 years in favor of patentable drugs (artificially synthesized drugs). Perhaps the era of penicillin was the main reason for the decline of nutrition as part of our health. The search for the magic bullet began with Paul Ehrlich's Compound 606 and continues to this day. We think that cancer should be cured from the outside with the help of artificially synthesized drugs, ignoring the internal foundations and innate abilities of the body (for self-healing) ... due, of course, to nutrition. Let's hope the next decade sees significant advances in nutrition and health to make up for lost time. Many doctors study dietetics, herbal medicine and homeopathy in their free time. Their patients will only get better. As nutritionally oriented physicians emerge, people have a choice of where to turn when needed. Nutrition gives health and vitality! Vaccines prevent health!

Vaccines and Cancer

"I have never met cancer among unvaccinated people" - Dr. W. B. Clark, c. 1909

We don't usually link vaccines to cancer, but there are many references in the medical literature to vaccines causing cancer. Sometimes cancer occurs at the site of the injection, and sometimes the lymphatic type of cancer can occur many years later. Vaccines cause cancer. Yes, not everyone gets cancer after being vaccinated, but the body was still seeded with cancer-promoting ingredients. Imagine that cancer is behind the door. One day it will be opened and the cancer will come in. Dr. Vincent's research at the Biologic Terrain Assessment (BTA) showed that vaccination opened the door for all children with cancer. Now those children who have not developed cancer (overtly) can negate this chance through good nutrition. First of all, you need a certain environment for the growth of cancer, and vaccinations create this environment. It is difficult to deny causality when cancer appears at the injection site. Incredibly, even then, doctors explain to their patients that this is a coincidence, and cancer is not related to the vaccine!

Moreover, in the 19th century Vaccines have been known to clog our lymphatics and contain toxic substances that can lead to disease, even cancer. Even Jenner himself had problems with his vaccines, as they caused sickness and death. He was almost lynched in one city for his hypocritical inventions. Our lymphatic system is designed to transport lymphocytes throughout the body and maintain control through cellular immunity. Thus, injections of large protein molecules (foreign tissues contained in vaccines) clog our lymph nodes and create problems for the lymphatic system. Therefore, there is no mystery about the link between vaccines and lymphatic diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma.

It is interesting to note that there has been an increase in the incidence of childhood or juvenile diabetes, which we are now told is "an essentially genetic disease". Dr. Klassen's research has found that vaccinations (any vaccinations) can also cause an increase in childhood diabetes. Now one theory is that the antigenic structure of the measles and mumps viruses is similar to the antigenic structure of beta cells (which produce insulin) in the pancreas. Thus, when our body produces antibodies to the measles virus, these antibodies attack the pancreatic beta cells as well. Violadiabetes!

Vaccines create the basis for autoimmune diseases when foreign animal tissue is injected into our bloodstream. This procedure alters our genes ("jumping" genes) and destroys our lymphatic system. Autoimmune diseases are more common today than they were before the mass vaccination campaigns that began in the 1940s. Autoimmune diseases - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes - are serious illnesses and should not be taken lightly. They change people's lives forever and are worth more than money in terms of time, stress, and ultimately death. There are suggestions that autoimmune conditions may be behind diseases such as autism; the medical literature mentions the autoimmunity of brain cells. If the body does not even recognize its own cells, it means that it has been deceived into thinking that these cells are no longer its own. Why is this happening? Could AIDS be an autoimmune condition in which lymphocytes work against each other? And the myriad neurological, renal, blood disorders, and many other diseases associated with vaccinations? If we want to have excellent health, we must avoid autoimmune disorders. Everyone should remember that vaccinations prevent health!

[Note: Dr. Klassen believes that diabetes is an indicator (marker) of autoimmunity.]

Very often, a young mother may be puzzled by the innocent question of a neonatologist who observes a child in the maternity hospital about vaccinations. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that you need to make the right decision, on which the future health of the baby depends. Moreover, make this decision deliberately, based on the recommendations of the WHO, the advice of the doctor supervising the child, and not the “girl next door”, girlfriends, TV shows.

Unfortunately, it is now fashionable to refuse vaccination, citing the fact that it is useless, that vaccination does not protect 100% from infection, that it “undermines” the child’s immunity, contributes to chronic diseases, and much, much more. Let's try to figure it out together, decide and understand what it is, this "mysterious" vaccination, what it is for, what it protects against.

A child, when born, is usually immune to certain diseases. This is the merit of disease-fighting antibodies that are passed through the placenta from the mother to the unborn newborn. Subsequently, the breastfeeding infant constantly receives additional antibodies in breast milk. But such immunity is only temporary.

Vaccination (vaccination, immunization) - the creation of artificial immunity to certain diseases. For this, relatively harmless antigens (protein molecules) are used, which are part of the microorganisms that cause diseases. Microorganisms can be viruses or bacteria.

Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect children against infections that caused serious illness before vaccines were available. Unfounded criticism of vaccination in the press was caused by the desire of journalists to inflate sensationalism from individual cases of post-vaccination complications. Yes, there are side effects common to all drugs, including vaccines. But the risk of getting a complication from vaccination is much lower than the risk of the consequences of an infectious disease in children who have not been vaccinated.

Vaccines stimulate the immune system to respond in a way that would occur with a real infection. The immune system fights the infection and remembers the microorganism that caused it. If the microbe enters the body again, the developed immunity effectively fights it. Currently, there are types of vaccines: live and inactivated.

Inactivated vaccines, in turn, are divided into:


    They are bacteria or viruses that have been inactivated by chemical or physical action. Examples: pertussis (as a component of DTP and Tetracoccus), anti-rabies, leptospirosis, whole-virion influenza, vaccines against encephalitis, hepatitis A (Avaxim), inactivated polio vaccine (Imovax Polio, or as a component of the Tetracoc vaccine).


    They are created from antigenic components extracted from a microbial cell. Such vaccines include: polysaccharide vaccines (Meningo A + C, Act-HIB, Pneumo 23, Tifim Vi), acellular pertussis vaccines.


    To produce these vaccines, recombinant technology is used, incorporating the genetic material of the microorganism into yeast cells that produce the antigen. After cultivating the yeast, the desired antigen is isolated from them, purified, and a vaccine is prepared. An example of such vaccines is the hepatitis B vaccine (Euvax B).


    Live vaccines are produced on the basis of attenuated strains of the microorganism with steadfastly fixed avirulence (harmlessness). The vaccine strain, after administration, multiplies in the body of the vaccinated person and causes a vaccinal infectious process and leads to the formation, as a rule, of stable immunity. Examples of live vaccines are vaccines for the prevention of rubella (Rudivax), measles (Ruvax), polio (Polio Sabin Vero), tuberculosis, mumps (Imovax Orion).


    These preparations are bacterial toxins neutralized by exposure to formalin at elevated temperature, followed by purification and concentration.

The doctor leading your child will explain and tell you that vaccinations are given to children within the framework of the national vaccination schedule, which is as follows:

Age Name of vaccination
12 hours First vaccination - hepatitis B
3-7 day Vaccination - tuberculosis
1 month Second vaccination - hepatitis B
3 months First vaccination - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, haemophilus influenzae*
4.5 months Second vaccination - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, haemophilus influenzae
6 months Third vaccination - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection. Third vaccination - hepatitis B
12 months Vaccination - measles, mumps, rubella
18 months First revaccination - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection
20 months Second revaccination - polio
6 years Second vaccination - measles, mumps, rubella
6-7 years old (1st grade) First revaccination - tuberculosis
7-8 years old (grade 2) Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus
13 years old Vaccination against hepatitis B (previously unvaccinated). Rubella vaccination (girls)
14-15 years old (grade 9) The third revaccination - diphtheria and tetanus, poliomyelitis. The second revaccination - tuberculosis.
15-16 years old (grade 10) Revaccination against measles, mumps once vaccinated

If, for certain reasons, a child begins to be vaccinated deviating from this schedule, then an INDIVIDUAL vaccination plan is created for him by the pediatrician supervising him.

Separately, I would like to note the fact that parents should be aware that none of the currently used vaccines can guarantee the absence of adverse reactions. Therefore, measures to prevent post-vaccination complications are extremely important.

  • The main preventive measures include: strict implementation of the vaccination technique;
  • observance of contraindications;
  • precise implementation of instructions for transporting and storing vaccines;
  • observance of intervals between vaccinations.
    1. Factors that predispose to post-vaccination complications include: The presence of damage to the nervous system in a child, especially such as increased intracranial pressure, hydrocephalus and convulsive syndromes.
    2. Any form of allergic manifestations.
    3. Frequency, duration, nature of acute diseases, features of the course of chronic diseases.
    4. A history of abnormal reactions to previous vaccinations.
  • When vaccinating, the following provisions must be observed: The minimum interval between vaccination and the previous acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease must be at least 1 month. However, in case of mild acute diseases (for example, the common cold), the interval can be reduced to 1 week. Influenza vaccinations with inactivated vaccines can be done immediately after the temperature returns to normal.
  • There should be no patients with acute respiratory diseases in the close environment of the child.
  • In cases where the doctor for any reason is afraid to vaccinate the child on an outpatient basis, the vaccination can be carried out in a hospital (for example, in cases of severe allergic reactions in the past).

    Before starting vaccinations:

    • visit children's doctors, including a neurologist;
    • Additional specialist advice is needed if:

      • the child has any disease, birth trauma, diathesis;
      • o the child is taking any medications;
      • o had a severe reaction to a previous vaccine;
      • have an allergy to something;
      • the child has received gamma globulin or a blood transfusion in the past three months;
      • the child or any family member suffers from immunodeficiency, cancer, AIDS or other immune diseases;
      • the child or a family member is taking steroids, radiation and chemotherapy
    • carefully study the general contraindications for vaccination and the contraindications for a specific vaccination - make sure that they do not apply to your child.
    • stop introducing new types of food at least a week in advance (relevant for children with allergies);
    • talk to your pediatrician about ways to prevent and mitigate allergic reactions to the vaccine;
    • take blood and urine tests, get the results and make sure they allow you to get vaccinated;
    • antibiotics and sulfonamides should be avoided 1-2 days before vaccination with live vaccines;
  1. Preparation for vaccinations

    • the less time that passes between receiving the test result and the actual vaccination, the better;
    • start giving your child a prophylactic drug if prescribed by a doctor;
    • ask your doctor how long after the vaccination you can expect any adverse reactions (and what they are).
  2. Immediately before vaccination

    • assess the condition of the child;
    • measure the temperature;
    • if in doubt, contact your doctor;
    • a doctor must examine the child before vaccination;
    • you have the right to read the instructions for the vaccine and check the expiration date of the drug.
  3. After vaccination

    • spend 20-30 minutes after vaccination in the polyclinic - this will allow you to get quick qualified help in case of severe allergic reactions;
    • give the child a prophylactic drug as prescribed by the doctor;
    • if the temperature rises, then let the child drink more and do rubdowns with warm water;
    • if the child has local reactions: apply a cool washcloth made of terry cloth to the sore spot. It is unacceptable to apply compresses and ointments to the injection site on your own! If there is no improvement after 24 hours, call your doctor;
    • carefully monitor the slightest changes in the physical and mental state of the child, especially if you do not use prevention;
    • tell the doctor about anything that seems unusual, this will come in handy in preparing for the next vaccination;
    • At the slightest sign of suffocation, call an ambulance. Be sure to inform the arriving doctors that you have been vaccinated today (against which disease and which vaccine).
  4. Further:
  5. continue to give the prophylactic drug for as many days as prescribed by the doctor;
  6. observe the child's condition for as many days as the reaction can last;
  7. antibiotics and sulfonamides should be avoided for 7 weeks after vaccination with live vaccines;
  8. if all the deadlines have passed, but some residual effects remain (the child is nervous, there is inflammation at the injection site, etc.), contact your doctor;
  9. do not introduce new types of food to the child for a while.
  10. As for contraindications for vaccination, as practice shows, this is one of the most worrying questions for parents. Therefore, I would like to briefly explain what applies to them.

    Contraindications to vaccinations are divided into the following categories: permanent (absolute) and temporary (relative); as well as true and false.

    Permanent (absolute) contraindications:

    Permanent contraindications are quite rare and their frequency does not exceed 1% of the total number of children.

    1. Severe reaction or complication to a previous dose.

      • A strong reaction is the presence of a temperature above 40 degrees, at the injection site - edema, hyperemia > 8 cm in diameter. Complications include: anaphylactic shock reaction, collapse, encephalitis and encephalopathy, non-febrile convulsions.

        A vaccine that caused a severe reaction is contraindicated. In case of severe systemic allergic reactions to the measles vaccine, the mumps vaccine is also not administered. Live polio vaccine is contraindicated for subsequent administrations to children who have had vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. However, they can be given inactivated polio vaccine.

      • Immunodeficiency state (primary). Vaccines are contraindicated: BCG, OPV, measles, mumps, rubella.
      • Malignant neoplasms. Vaccines are contraindicated: BCG, OPV, DTP, measles, mumps, rubella.
      • Pregnancy. All live vaccines are contraindicated The ban on the introduction of live vaccines is associated not so much with the danger of their teratogenic effects (suggested only theoretically), but with the possibility of being associated with vaccination, for example, birth defects of a newborn. Therefore, contraindications in this part should be considered, first of all, as a means of protecting the medical worker conducting vaccination from possible charges.

    Relative (temporary) contraindications:

    Acute disease. The most common situation is where children who are scheduled to be vaccinated are suffering from an acute illness at that moment. General recommendations in this regard say that vaccines should be administered 2 weeks after recovery. In some cases, the interval can be shortened to 1 week or extended in case of severe illness up to 4-6 weeks. In some cases, a child with a mild illness (for example, a mild runny nose without fever) is not a contraindication to the use of vaccines, especially if the child often suffers from upper respiratory tract infections or allergic rhinitis. Fever in itself is not a contraindication to immunization.

    However, if fever or other symptoms indicate a moderate or severe illness, the child should not be vaccinated until fully recovered.

    In any case, the conclusion about the severity of the disease and the possibility of vaccination should be given by the doctor.

    In the presence of epidemiological indications, children are also vaccinated at the time of an acute illness. Studies have shown that with this approach, the number of reactions and complications does not increase. However, the introduction of a vaccine in such children is fraught with the fact that the complication of the underlying disease or its unfavorable outcome can be interpreted as a result of the vaccination.

  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease. After an exacerbation of a chronic disease, it is necessary to wait for a complete or partial remission (in 2-4 weeks from a specialist).
  • Introduction of immunoglobulins, transfusion of plasma, blood. Inactivated vaccines do not interact with circulating antibodies and can therefore be used simultaneously. Antibodies and the hepatitis B, rabies, and tetanus vaccine are usually used at the same time.

    • Live vaccines contain whole, live viruses that must multiply in the body in order to develop immunity. Antibodies can interfere with this process. Therefore, when using immunoglobulins (or blood products) and vaccines together, the following rules must be observed: after the introduction of the vaccine, you must wait at least 2 weeks before administering the immunoglobulin;
    • after the introduction of immunoglobulin, a break of at least 6 weeks (preferably 3 months) is necessary before the introduction of the vaccine. This is the time required for the destruction of antibodies. The exceptions are vaccines against polio and yellow fever. In the case of these vaccines, there is no need to observe any intervals between the administration of immunoglobulins or blood products.
  • immunosuppressive therapy. Vaccination with live vaccines is carried out no earlier than 6 months after the end of the course of treatment (in the absence of other contraindications).

False contraindications to preventive vaccinations:

In addition to infections for which a delay in vaccination until recovery is justified, there is a wide range of conditions (such as perinatal encephalopathy, allergies, anemia) that are the main unjustified reasons for delaying vaccination.

  • Acute disease of mild severity, without fever.
  • Prematurity. The exception is BCG vaccination if the child was born weighing less than 2000 grams. All other vaccinations are carried out according to the generally accepted schedule.
  • Malnutrition, anemia
  • Dysbacteriosis as a diagnosis is justified in a patient whose stool disorder is associated with the massive use of broad-spectrum antibiotics; it is obvious that in these cases the inoculation is delayed until recovery. In a child with a normal stool, the diagnosis of "dysbacteriosis" does not have any grounds, so the fact of quantitative or qualitative deviations of the microbial flora of the feces from the "norm" is not a reason to cancel or postpone vaccination).
  • Perinatal encephalopathy is a collective term for damage to the central nervous system of traumatic or hypoxic origin, the acute period of which ends within the first month of life. In practice, however, this term is often used as a diagnosis of non-progressive residual disorders (changes in muscle tone, delayed development of mental and motor functions, disturbances in the frequency of sleep and wakefulness), which in some regions is exhibited by 80-90% of children in the first months life. Vaccinations in these cases do not need to be postponed. Naturally, if there is no clarity in the nature of the change in the central nervous system, then it is better to postpone the vaccination until an additional consultation with a neurologist for the final diagnosis and decision on vaccination.
  • Stable neurological conditions (Down's syndrome and other chromosomal diseases, cerebral palsy, obstetric paralysis and paresis, consequences of injuries and acute diseases) do not carry the risk of adverse effects of vaccination
  • Allergies, asthma, eczema, and other atopic manifestations are rather indications for vaccination than a contraindication, since infections in these children are especially severe (for example, whooping cough in an asthmatic patient). Before vaccination, it is advisable to consult an allergist in order to choose the optimal time for vaccination and select the necessary drug protection.
  • Congenital malformations, including heart defects, in the stage of compensation are not a contraindication to vaccination.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver are not a contraindication for vaccination if the disease is in remission.
  • Topical steroid treatment in the form of ointments, eye drops, spray, or inhalation is not associated with immunosuppression and does not interfere with vaccination.
  • Maintenance therapy for chronic diseases (antibiotics, endocrine drugs, cardiac, antiallergic, homeopathic remedies) given to children with a corresponding disease is not in itself a contraindication to vaccination.
  • Enlargement of the thymus shadow on x-ray is either an anatomical variant or the result of stress hyperplasia. such children tolerate vaccinations well, give a normal immune response, and the frequency of post-vaccination reactions in them is no more than in children without a thymus shadow visible on a radiograph.
  • Conditions that occurred before vaccination, but are no longer present (in the anamnesis) are also not a contraindication for vaccination: Moderate local reactions to the previous administration of the vaccine
  • prematurity
  • Perinatal encephalopathy
  • Hemolytic disease (jaundice) of the newborn
  • Sepsis, hyaline membrane disease
  • Adverse family history (allergies in the family, epilepsy and complications after vaccination in relatives, sudden death in the family). An exception is an indication of the presence in the family of a patient with symptoms of immunodeficiency (in this case, instead of a live polio vaccine, an inactivated one is used and the newborn is additionally examined before the introduction of BCG).

I hope this article will help parents decide whether or not to vaccinate their child, because his health is in your hands.

Vaccination is a process whose purpose is to form protective forces against certain viral and. Immunization begins at birth. Some parents have a negative attitude towards vaccinations, believing that they are.

But pediatricians say that without prevention, the baby is prone to dangerous diseases. It is important to understand what kind of immunity is produced upon administration, how long it lasts.

The role of vaccination in immunology

Vaccination involves the introduction of a certain dose of antigenic material into the body in order to develop protective forces against a specific viral, infectious disease. Vaccinations play a big role in immunology.

So far, vaccines are the only effective way to protect against infection and the development of complications of certain pathologies. From the very birth of children,,.

At will, spend,. There are polyvalent drugs.

For example, DTP protects against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough at the same time. In any case, immunoprophylaxis is effective and acceptable for preventing epidemics of dangerous diseases.

In immunology, the following types of vaccines are known:

  • alive contain attenuated viruses and bacteria. This group includes rubella, mumps (ZHPV),;
  • inactivated– they contain killed pathogens, their fragments or toxoids. As an example, such drugs can be given:,.

Today, thanks to developments in the field of immunology and microbiology, they began to create biosynthetic vaccines. They are obtained by genetic engineering.

What kind of immunity is produced when a vaccine is given?

The result of vaccination is the development of protective forces. A vaccinated person develops acquired immunity to certain infections and viruses. The essence of prevention is that antigenic material is introduced into the body.

Immune cells immediately begin to react to foreign substances, producing antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria.

When these substances reach the desired concentration, the person becomes protected from subsequent infection. The creation of artificial immunity occurs in different ways. Some vaccines only need to be administered once, while others require periodic repetition.

Depending on the need for revaccination, acquired immunity can be primary (formed after a single injection) and secondary (obtained as a result of repeated introduction of antigenic material).

How many days after vaccination does an immune response occur?

The immune response begins to form immediately after the introduction of the vaccine. But it is possible to detect the presence of antibodies in the serum only after a latent period, which after the first vaccination lasts about 7-10 days.

The concentration of antibodies required for reliable protection is reached 3-4 weeks after immunization. Therefore, within a month, the child is still susceptible to infection with dangerous pathologies.

Doctors note that antibodies that belong to different classes of immunoglobulins are formed at different times. For example, IgMs are formed early and show low similarity to a live or killed pathogen, a toxoid.

As for late IgG antibodies, they provide more reliable protection. There is a category of people who do not develop specific immunity from vaccination even after repeated administration of antigenic material.

This feature of the body is called vaccine deficiency. Doctors see the reason for this condition in the absence of HLA class II molecules of the sites responsible for the recognition of antigens. The secondary immune response usually manifests itself faster - 4-5 days after vaccination.

This is due to the presence in the human blood of a certain amount of antibodies that instantly react to the penetration of the antigen into the body. After re-vaccination, the concentration of IgG increases sharply.

The timing of the immune response depends on such factors:

  • the quality of the vaccine;
  • type of vaccination;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • compliance with the rules of post-vaccination behavior.

Doctors note that not always a low concentration of antibodies indicates a susceptibility to pathology.

There are a number of infections for which the small presence of protective bodies is sufficient to resist infection. For example, to prevent tetanus disease, serum IgG should be at the level of 0.01 IU/ml.

How long does the immune response that occurs by immunization last?

Many patients are interested in how long the immune response resulting from vaccination lasts. It all depends on the type and quality of the vaccination, the dose administered, the characteristics of the organism, the presence of protective antigens, and the age of the person.

For example, antibodies are observed in the blood after 6-12 months. Such a short period of protection is explained by the fact that the virus mutates every year.

It operates for about 5-5.5 years, and, - for about 20 years.

Provides protection for children for 5-6 years, and for adults - for 10 years or more. In some men and women, the immune response persists throughout life.

After passing, a person becomes protected for 20-25 years. After an injection of DTP, the primary immune response is observed within 1.5-2 months.

After protection is maintained for 8 months. Next to support the fortress. In adults, the immune response is noted for 10 years.

Methods for assessing post-vaccination immunity in humans

To determine the strength of immunity acquired as a result of vaccination, special tests are carried out. There are many assessment methods. The choice depends on the type of vaccination used and the characteristics of the organism.

Today, an analysis is being made of the acquired defenses after the prevention of mumps, tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, influenza, poliomyelitis, etc.

To identify the tension of the protective forces, the following methods are used:

  • conducting a serological type of study of the grafted serum (for example, analysis of RPHA). A portion of blood with a volume of 0.75-1.5 ml is taken from a finger selectively from rural and urban residents. The material is studied for the presence of antibody titers. Use special equipment, chemicals. If antibodies are present in sufficient quantities, this indicates good security;
  • performing a skin immunological test. For example, to identify tubercle bacilli and antibodies to this pathogen, they carry out. The study involves the subcutaneous administration of a dose of tuberculin and. Immunological tests also include Schick's analysis, which detects the presence of a diphtheria antibody titer. A test is performed by analogy with Mantoux.

The methods used are absolutely harmless, affordable and suitable for mass examination.

Is it true that vaccines have the ability to kill a child's immune defenses?

Opponents of vaccination argue that vaccinations can kill a child's immunity. But research scientists have refuted this assumption.

Vaccination does lead to a temporary weakening of the defenses. This is due to the fact that the antigenic material provokes certain changes in the body.

During this process, the immune system is busy fighting the artificially introduced pathogen. During the period of antibody production, the child becomes vulnerable to certain diseases.

But after the immune response is formed, the state returns to normal, the body becomes stronger. Recent studies by American scientists have shown that the vaccine does not destroy the baby's protective barrier. The medical records of 944 children aged 2 to 4 years were studied.

Some babies were exposed to 193-435 antigens, others did not receive routine vaccines. As a result, it turned out that there is no difference in susceptibility to infectious and non-communicable diseases between the unvaccinated and the immunized. The only thing is that the vaccinated became protected from those diseases from which they were prevented.

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Thus, vaccinations contribute to the development of specific primary or secondary immunity. Protective forces remain for a long time and allow preventing the development of dangerous infectious and viral pathologies.
